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; El Camino Mesa; Soils Report; 1970-08-20
WOODWARD - CLYDE & ASSOCIATES i r’ I CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 3467 Ku&z Street z San Diego - California 92110 (714)224-2911 August 20, 1970 Project No. 66-230 RECEC '-J - p;arR;;n;;ruction Company . . Carlsbad, California AUG ': iI - Attention: Mr. Jack Spoor CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Department - CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA - - In accordance with your request, we have provided soil engineering services in conjunction with the grading of the subject site. These services included the following: (1) Engineering observation of the grading operation. - (2) Observing the removal of potentially highly expansive soil from the top 2 feet 'of lot rough grade and replacing it with non or low to medium expansive soils, - (3) Taking of field density tests in the fill placed and compacted on the subject site. - - Site preparation, compaction and testing were done between June 22 and August 15, 1970 in accordance with the "Specifications for Con- trolled Fill" in our report entitled, "Soil Investigation for the Proposed Subdivision, El Camino Mesa Unit No. 5, Carlsbad, California," dated January 17, 1967. - Fill was placed, compacted and tested on Lots 1 through 41 and 43 through 47. - As the site grading progressed, the compaction procedures were ob- served and field density tests were made to determine the relative compaction of the fill in place. Field observations and field den- sity test results indicate that the fill has been compacted to 90 percent or more of maximum laboratory density. The results of field density tests and of relative compaction, expressed as a percent of maximum laboratory density, are given on the attached forms. - - - .'< Kamar Construction Company Project No. 66-230 August 20, 1970 - Page 2 - Laboratory tests to determine moisture-density relationships, maximum dry density, optimum moisture content, grain size distribution, plas- ticity characteristics and strength and swell characteristics were performed on representative samples of the material used for fill. The results of laboratory tests are given on the attached forms. - - Laboratory tests indicate that nonexpansive fill was placed within 2 feet of rough grade on all fill lots noted above (except on Lots 17, 18, 19, 22, 38 and 39 where the fill within 2 feet of rough grade has been classed as low to medium in potential expansiveness). Special foundations on the potentially expansive soils are recommended below. - During grading of Lots 4 through -6, 13 through 17, 23 through 32, 41 and 43 through 47, potentially highly expansive soil was replaced with . nonexpansive or low to medium expansive fill to a depth of 2 feet - within the limits of the entire level lot pad. If structures or ap- purtenances are located beyond the limits undercut, special foundations and/or treatment of the soils should be used. - A visual inspection of cut Lot 42 at completion of grading indicates that potentially expansive soil is not evident at the rough grade sur- face. - A visual inspectionof the subject site at the completion of grading indicates that highly potentially expansive soil is not evident at - finish grade on either cut or fill lots. - - - - - - Foundations for structures placed on nonexpansive undisturbed soil or nonexpansive properly compacted fill may be d.esigned for a bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot at a depth of 12 inches below compacted fill or undisturbed cut lot grade. Footings should have a minimum width of 12 inches. Footings for single or two-story residential structures placed on low to medium expansive undisturbed soil or low to medium expansive properly compacted fill may be designed for a bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot at a depth of 12 inches below finish lot grade and in accordance with the following design requirements. 8" min. Rough , 12" min. below finish grade 4" min. with 6x6-10/10 steel mesh 4" min. sand cuqhinn Continuous concrete footing reinforced with #4 Reinforcing Bars I-- i WOODWARD-CLYDE & ASSOCIATES Cmomlting Soil and Foundation Engiwen and Cedogiti - Kamar Construction Company : Project No. 66-230 August 20, 1970 - Page 3 - - The elevations of compaction tests shown as finished grade (FG) tests correspond to the elevations shown on the grading plans for El Camino Mesa Unit 5 dated June 6, 1970 prepared by Roy L. Klema, Escondido, California. - - - This report covers the fill placed under our observation during the dates specified above. Additional fill placed after these dates, as well as the backfill in utility trenches located within 5 feet of a building and greater than 12 inches deep, or any trench 5 feet or more from a building and in excess of 5 feet in depth, should be com- pacted under the observation of this office and tested to assure com- pliance with the earthwork specifications of the project. This office should be contacted at least 24 hours prior to backfilling operations. Utility service trenches within 5 feet of a building that are perpen- dicular to the building footings and are less than 12 inches wide and less than 3 feet deep are not subject to this recommendation. Structures that will not tolerate differential settlements (such as foundations, swimming pools, concrete decks, walls, etc.) should not be located within 5 feet of the top of a slope. Footings located closer than 5 feet from the top of a slope should be extended in depth until the outer bottom edge of the footing is 5 feet horizontally from the outside face of the slope. The inspections and tests of compaction made during the period of our services on the subject site were in accordance with the local accep- table standards for this period. The conclusions or opinions drawn from the tests and site inspections aoply only to our work with re- spect to grading and represent conditions at the date of our final inspection. We will accept no responsibility for any subsequent changes made to the site by others or by uncontrolled action of water or by failure of others to properly repair damages caused by uncontrolled action of water. . Richard P. While: Project Engineer EHP/RPW/SFG/jm - Attachments (5) Kamar Construction Company - (1) Carlsbad City Engineer (1) Carlsbad Building Inspection Dept. - WOODWARD=CLYDE 6 ASSOCIATES Cmndthg Soil ad Famdation Engineen and CedoriM~ - ‘. COMPACTION TEST RESULTS Jo8 NAME EL CAMINO MESA UNIT NO. 5 DATE REPORTED 8-20-70 Joe NUMBER 66-230 -. DATES COVERED June 22 through Auqust 15, 1970 PAGE 1 or 7 - YOIWUIE IILLD WOUl-ORV Ra.ATIYL DATE rnT “r.Tm LOCATION LLLVATION COWTINT D~N*Ilv DrMsll-r COYCACTION W”YllLI 0, 0, TCST % DNVWT. UI UP % OF LAB. DEN*. - JUNE 22 - - -.JUNE 23 - - -JUNE 24 - -JUNE 25 - - --JUNE 26 _- .- - Lot: z 5 4 t 5 . . s d 3 i 6 7 iii 8 7 21 ii 8 9 9 6" 10 i 3 210.0' 212.0' 214.0' 216.0' 218.0' 220.0' 222.0' 224.0' 226.0' 228.0' 230.0' 251.0' 253.0' 232.0' 225.0' 215.0' 201.0' 203.0' 205.0' 217.0' 229.0' 229.0' 209.0' 183.0' 185.0' 211.0' 231.0' 187.0' 234.0' 236.0' 255.0' 1; 189.0' 191.0' 1; 193.0' 197.0' 29 199.0' 256.0' f 258.0' 260.0' 1;:: 1:*; 10:5 13.0 12.3 1::; 12.3 LE 13:6 Et; 10:5 t:; E 11:1 13.6 12.3 11.1 125.6 131.0 96.0 119.2 131.0 91.3 117.7 131.0 90.0 105.3 118.0 90.0 106.5 118.0 90.6 118.2 131.0 90.5 110.0 118.0 93.4 119.0 131.0 90.9 119.1 131.0 91.0 119.1 131.0 91.0 107.8 118.0 91.3 110.0 118.0 93.1 111.9 118.0 94.6 114.1 127.5 90.0. 121.0 131.0 92.3 ii0.5 jib.0 93.5 119.8 131.0 91.3 120.5 131.0 91.9 114.0 127.5 90.0 105.1 118.0 90.0 102.5 118.0 87.0 110.2 118.0 93.5 115.9 127.5 90.9 115.9 127.5 90.9 112.2 118.0 95.4 108.8 118.0 92.3 108.2 118.0 92.1 119.7 131.0 91.3 113.7 127.5 90.0 110.2 118.0 93.4 121.0 131.0 92.5 117.0 127.5 91.6 118.0 131.0 90.3 123.0 131.0 93.9 719.5 131.0 91.3 108.9 118.0 92.2 108.0 118.0 91.8 105.7 118.0 90.0 114.8 127.5 90.2 WDODWARD - CLYDE & ASSOCIATES Cmndti~~ Soil end Fotmdatiaa Ennimvn and Gedupiat. - COMPACTION TEST RESULTS -IB NAME EL CAMINO MESA UNIT NO. 5 DATE REPORTED 8-20-70 Jam N”ME& 66-230 &TES COVERED June 22 throughAugust 15, 1970 PAGE 2 Or 7 - YOISTURS ?lCLD LABouATonv RCLATIVC OATL n8T ncrm LOCATION LLIWATION CONTENT OSNSl,‘V 0cNS’Tv COYCACTION NUYSLI 0, OF TCST + DIV WT. UI KI $4 01 LAN. DINS. JllNE 27 .- - JUNE 29 -- - - JUNE 30 - - - -JULY 1 - - -JULY 2 40 t: 43 44 54 zz 57 z9" 60 66: 63 64 k% ii; 7": 71 72 3: 75 ;; 59" 80 Lot: 2 10 9 43 : 1: 1: 9 ; 2 1 1 : E 4 i ii il i14 i3 34 33 262.0' 201.0' 203.0' 219.0' 219.0' 221.0' 205.0' 207.0' 209.0' 211.0' 264.0' 266.0' 268.0' 270.0' 272.0' 274.0' 276.0' 270.0' 238.0' 240.0' 242.0' 244.0' 246.0' 248.0' 223.0' FG 225.0’ 227.0' 213.0' 215.0' 217.0' 229.0' FG 231.0' 233.0' 209.0' 211.0' 213.0' 215.0' 154.0' 156.0' 217.0' 219.0' 7.5 ii*; 10:5 11.1 11.1 8.7 ;*: 8:1 1::; 1::; 1;:; $33 1::; 1;:: ;:: E 10:5 1'0:: 1;*3 11:1 7.5 9.3 8.7 1;:; 13.0 10.5 11.1 13.6 118.5 131.0 119.9 131.0 118.8 131.0 112.1 127.5 117.2 127.5 116.0 127.5 115.0 122.0 118.7 130.5 113.8 122.0 111.0 122.0 112.0 122.0 90.5 91.6 90.9 88.3 91.9 90.9 94.2 91.0 93.1 90.9 92.2 117.5 127.5 92.3 114.0 127.5 90.0 107.8 118.0 91.2 114.2 127.3 90.0 116.0 127.3 91.0 115.1 127.3 90.6 117.3 127.3 92.7 112.2 122.0 92.0 117.8 131.0 90.0 111.2 122.0 91.2 109.0 118.0 92.4 119.0 127.5 93.3 115.5 127.5 90.6 116.0 127.5 90.9 118.9 127.5 93.2 117.8 130.5 90.3 118.0 127.5 92.6 117.0 127.5 91.9 119.5 131.0 91.3 106.0 118.0 90.0 116.0 127.5 91.0 7.14.5 127.5 90.0 110.2 123.0 90.0 113.0 123.0 91.8 112.2 122.0 92.1 111.0 123.0 90.2 112.2 123.0 91.5 112.0 123.0 91.2 107.0 118.0 90.7 107.8 118.0 91.4 WODDWARD-CLYDE 6 ASSOCIATES Cauultfng SdJ ad Foundafbn Enginerrr and Cedouirtr - COMPACTION TEST RESULTS _ Joe idarae EL CAMINO MESA UNIT NO. 5 DATE RvoftTe~ g-20-70 Jam NUME~ER 66-230 - DATES COVERED June 22 through August 15, 1970 PACE 3 olr 7 YOISTORR CILLD umOR*ToRv “*LATIYL DAn RST RCTLST LOCATION CLLVATION COWTLWT DLNSITV DCMSITV COWrACTtOW - UUYSER OF OF Tl!ST S DRV WT. KF ccc * or UI. D&MS. -JULY 3 81 Lot: 34 82 33 83 34 84 - 85 zi 86 87 z: - JULY 6 - - - - JULY 7 - - - JULY 8 - - - -1ULY 9 - 88 34 89 35 ii: 35 34 92 34 93 1 94 2 Iii :; 97 37 98 1:: 3"; 37 101 36 102 103 :: 104 35 105 106 z; 107 37 108 109 3": 110 37 111 35 112 113 3"; 114 115 3: 116 117 iFi 118 119 :; 120 3 121 122 37' 221.0' 223.0' 225.0' 227.0' 229.0' 231.0' 233.0' 235.0' 9.9 1K 11:1 12.3 10.5 9.9 12.3 118.0 127.5 92.6 110.5 122.0 90.5 112.9 123.0 91.6 114.5 123.0 93.2 109.0 118.0 92.3 118.0 130.5 90.5 109.5 118.0 92.9 120.1 127.5 94.3 237.0' 239.0' 241.0' 243.0' FG 278.0' FG 269.0' 230.0' 232.0' 234.0' 236.0' 245.0' 242.0' 247.0' E-i 8:7 5.2 i-T 913 13.0 8.7 i0.5 11.7 1::: 124.0 127.5 96.5 124.1 127.5 97.5 123.0 127.5 96.4 114.0 127.5 90.0 123.0 127.5 96.4 120.6 127.5 94.5 113.2 123.0 92.1 111.9 123.0 90.9 119.0 131.0 90.9 li2.2 123.0 91.3 117.5 130.5 90.0 114.0 123.0 92.7 116.0 127.5 91.2 249.0' 251.0' 253.0' 255.0' 244.0' 246.0' 248.0' 250.0' 252.0' 7.5 9.9 9.3 10.5 11.7 11.1 8.7 1;:; 112.8 123.0 91.7 115.0 123.0 93.4 118.0 130.5 90.7 119.1 131.0 97.3 115.5 127.5 90.6 121.6 131.0 92.7 119.2 131.0 91.2 119.5 131.0 91.3 111.0 123.0 90.4 257.0' 254.0' 256.0' FG 272.2' 259.0' 192.0' 194.0' 196.0' 258.0' FG 265.0' 10.5 13.0 10.5 8.7 9.9 11.1 12.3 1;*; 8:1 109.3 178.0 92.7 109.1 118.0 92.6 113.3 123.0 91.6 122.0 127.5 96.1 121.2 130.5 93.2 110.0 122.0 90.4 111.0 122.0 90.8 111.0 118.0 94.2 108.0 118.0 91.6 120.9 127.5 94.8 260.0' 11.1 119.8 131.0 91.3 262.0' 9.3 118.0 131.0 90.2 WOODWARD - CLYDE & ASSOCIATES Ccmndthrg Soil md Foundation Engineers and Cedoyirtr - COMPACTION TEST RESULTS _ JOr NAMe EL CAMINO MESA UNIT NO. 5 DATE RCP~RTED 8-20- 70 JOB NUMBER 66-230 - DA-COVERED June 22 through August 15, 1970 PAGE 4 or 7 USUTIVC t mot- nrw UDORATORV DATE mT luTLsv LOCATlON LLLVATION COWTUW DENSIT* DLNSIYV coYMcrloN - NUYSLR OF oc TIXT * DUTW. UC KC Y or LAB. DrnB. JUl% 9 _ CONTD. 123 124 125 126 - JULY 10 127 128 - 129 130 131 132 - 133 JULY 13 .l 34 - 135 136 137 - 138 i39 140 Lot: 37 ii 37 37 :: 37 :i 38 ;i 23 23 21 -JULY 14 141 22 142 143 z - 144 145 z: -JULY 15 146 147 148 149 - 150 151 152 - 153 154 -JULY 16 155 156 157 158 - 159 160 161 - 162 . 264.0' 266.0' 261.0' 268.0' 270.0' 272.0' 274.0' 276.0' 278.0' 280.0' 282.0' 28.0' 30.0' 32.0' 34.0' 36.0' 38.0' 40.0' 42.0' 44.0' 46.0' 48.0' 50.0' 52.0' 54.0' 46.0' 56.0' 56.0' 54.0' 56.0' 60.0' 62.0' 164.0' 166.0' 168.0' 170.0' 172.0' FG 260.0' FG 254.8' 174.0' 10.5 1;:: 9.9 8.7 1;*: 12:3 9.3 1;:; 8.7 1;:: 1:*; i0:5 11.7 11.7 1::; 1;:: 10.5 11.7 13.6 13.0 11.7 10.5 8.7 1;:; 10.5 13.6 13.0 11.1 14.3 7.5 13 120.0 118.0 110.2 118.3 114.0 118.0 108.8 115.2 117.9 121.0 112.4 114.8 111.0 111.6 111.3 107.0 109.0 113.0 111.0 109.6 112.2 108.3 112.3 109.2 107.3 108.3 113.0 111.0 109.7 109.6 110.0 109.0 111.0 111.2 108.9 111.0 109.9 121.0 118.1 109.0 130.5 131.0 118.0 130.5 92.1 90.2 93.3 91.1 123.0 92.6 129.5 91.2 118.0 91.3 129.5 90.0 129.5 91.2 130.5 92.6 122.0 92.3 123.0 93.1 123.0 90.1 123.0 90.8 123.0 90.6 118.0 90.5 118.0 92.5 123.0 91.8 118.0 94.1 118.0 92.7 123.0 91.5 118.0 92.0 123.0 91.6 118.0 92.7 118.0 91.0 118.0 92.0 123.0 91.9 123.0 90.6 118.0 92.8 118.0 92.8 118.0 93.1 118.0 92.3 123.0 90.5 123.0 90.6 118.0 92.2 123.0 90.3 118.0 92.9 127.5 94.9 127.5 92.7 118.0 92.5 WOUDWARD - CLYDE Q ASSDClAlES cau~tittl S&l and Famdatim Enaftwen and Ccdopi~ - ‘, COMPACTION TEST RESULTS - Jom NAME EL CAMINO MESA UNIT NO. 5 Jam NUMBER 66-230 - DATESCOVERED June 22 through August ‘15, 1970 DATE REPORTED g-2()-,70 PAGE 5 OF 7 ‘L YOISWU new UMRAVOUV RKLAIIVC - MIT. VEST RerLsr LOUTION LL+VATION CONTLNT DKN*Il7 DCNOITI coYcAfflow “UMBER 0. OF TEST ,b DU1 WT. Uf KC ‘h 0, LAB. DWS. -JULY 17 163 Lot: 18 164 18 165 18 - 166 167 168 169 -. JULY.20 170 171 - 172 173 174 175 - 176 JULY 21 177 - 178 17 4 175 17 1: 12 6 1; 179 12 180 12 JULY 22 181 182 1: 183 10 - 184 185 1: -JULY 23 186 187 188 - 189 190 191 192 - 193 194 195 - 196 JULY 24 197 - 198 199 200 iii 201 - 202 iii 203 15 176.0' 178.0' 180.0' 182.0' FG 251.6' FG 244.0' 184.0' 12.3 11.1 JZ 811 1;:; 186.0' 188.0' 160.0' 162.0' FG 238.0' FG 234.2' 164.0' 12.3 10.5 1;*: 817 1::: 190.0' 192.0' 166.0' 168.0' 12.3 11.1 11.1 13.6 FG 219.0' 196.0' 198.0' FG 228.2' 200.0' 170.0' 11.7 172.0' 12.3 175.0' 14.3 202.0' 14.3 177.0' 11.1 179.0' 10.5 181.0' 12.3 183.0' 11.7 185.0' 13.6 204.0' 11.7 206.0' 11.1 164.0' 158.0' 157.0' 159.0' 162.0' 154.0' 156.0' 12.3 13.0 14.3 14.3 15.6 139:; 109.2 118.0 92.6 108.1 118.0 91.9 113.0 123.0 91.8 109.4 118.0 92.7 121.2 127.5 95.1 120.3 127.5 94.4 109.5 118.0 92.8 110.5 123.0 90.0 107.0 118.0 90.6 108.2 118.0 91.8 107.1 118.0 91.0 119.0 127.5 93.4 120.1 127.5 94.1 110.2 118.0 93.4 112.2 123.0 91.5 110.5 123.0 90.0 111.5 123.0 90.6 109.0 118.0 92.4 120.0 127.5 94.2 108.8 118.0 92.3 111.2 J23.0 90.6 117.2 127.5 92.2 109.1 118.0 92.6 112.0 123.0 91.3 106.2 118.0 90.2 109.1 118.0 92.6 100.8 111.0 90.8 105.5 118.0 90.0 108.0 118.0 91.4 107.1 118.0 91.0 107.0 118.0 90.7 107.2 178.0 91.1 109.5 118.0 92.8 107.8 118.0 91.3 108.7 118.0 92.0 104.5 111.0 94.3 102.5 111.0 92.4 102.9 111.0 92.5 102.0 111.0 91.8 115.2 123.0 93.8 107.2 118.0 91.0 WODDWARD - CLYDE & ASSOCIATES Couulfin~ Soil and Founddon Engineen and Gsdo&t~ - COMPACTION TEST RESULTS _ Jon NAME EL CAMINO MESA UNIT NO. 5 DATE REPORTED 8-20-70 509 NUMBER 66-230 - DATES COVERED June 22 throughAuqust 15, 1970 DAn mr Rclllrr LOUTIOI( - ““YSER 0, . PAGC 6 or 7 Y0’mu& CIEU) UWUATOUV RuA,IVL ELEVATION cot4TcNv DCNSITV DCND1l-V coYPAcrlow OF TUT lb DRV WT. nr ut Y OI -. OWS. JULY 27 - -JULY 28 - AUG 7 - - - AUG 10 - - - AUG 11 - -. AUG 12 - -AUG 13 - - 204 Lot: 16 ;: 16 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 15 1: 34 3"; iz 44 tz 46 45 11 ;; 13 ;o" 29 27 :: 31 32 164.0' 13.6 100.4 111.0 90.4 166.0' 14.9 99.5 111.0 90.0 168.0' 12.3 110.5 123.0 90.0 170.0' 11.7 108.3 118.0 92.0 158.0' 11.7 108.5 118.0 91.9 FG 212.0' 8.7 121.0 127.5 95.2 FG 207.0' 7.5 120.4 127.5 94.4 FG 249.0' FG 252.2' FG 258.5' FG 235.0' FG 235.8' FG 236.0' FG 232.0' FG 252.3' FG 255.5' FG 249.0' 5.2 i:; 2: i*; 7:5 6.4 8.7 116.8 127.5 91.3 117.0 127.5 91.7 116.2 127.5 91.2 119.1 127.5 93.6 115.0 127.5 90.2 115.7 127.5 90.8 118.0 127.5 92.6 120.3 127.5 94.4 117.8 127.5 92.4 118.0 127.5 92.6 FG 187.0' FG 170.0' FG 174.0' FG 188.8' FG 169.8' FG 166.0' FG 160.0' FG 259.0' 6.4 8.1 E ::5 E! 110.0 120.5 91.2 112.0 120.5 93.0 109.8 120.5 91.2 111.8 120.5 92.7 109.7 120.5 91.1 117.0 127.5 91.8 112.0 120.5 93.0 108.0 120.5 90.0 181.0' 183.0' 185.0' 209.0' 187.0' 189.0' JV 11:1 192.: 10:5 112.2 123.0 91.3 113.0 123.0 91.8 107.0 118.0 90.7 112.0 123.0 91.1 113.9 123.0 92.6 111.5 123.0 90.7 211.0' 13.0 112.1 123.0 91.3 191.0' 11.7 108.4 118.0 91.9 193.0' 11.7 111.5 123.0 90.5 213.0' 11.1 112.0 123.0 90.8 FG 156.8' FG 152.8' FG 153.0' FG 153.8' FG 150.0' 115.1 120.5 95.7 111.5 120.5 92.4 111.8 120.5 92.6 111.0 120.5 92.3 113.0 120.5 93.8 WOODWARD - CLYDE L ASSOCIATES CommItimp Sdl md Foundation Engimm and Ccdogitts COMPACTION TEST RESULTS - JOB NAME EL CAMINO MESA UNIT NO. 5 DATE RCPDRTED 8-20-70 JOB NUMBER 66-230 DATESCOVERED June 22 through August 15, 1970 PAGE 7 or 7 YolsTuu CILLO UBOlAlVRT RSLATIYB - QAn n8T RRLST LOCATION ~LCVATIOFI CONRNT 0KNWl-V OCNSIl’V CONCA~ION NUMOER or OF TEST lb ORTWT. UC PC? 1c ov LAB. OWL AUG 13 -CONTD. .- -AUG 14 - - - - AUG 15 - - - - - - - 244 Lot: 21 245 27 246 20 247 248 :i 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 38 1; 28 i67 14 ;z :: ;; %i 38 3"; 31 32 FG 158.5' FG 155.0' FG 160.8' FG 166.0' fG 170.0' FG 284.0' FG 264.8' FG 268.1' FG 157.5' FG 172.0' FG 194.0' FG 155.8' FG 148.0' FG 155.0' FG 178.0' FG 182.0' FG 159.0' FG 160.0' FG 269.0' FG 264.0' FG 287.2' FG 280.0' FG 276.0' FG 195.0' FG 215.0' 8.7 ::; ::ii 5.2 6.9 76-z 8:7 9.9 8.1 6.9 ii: 8:1 7.5 8.7 8.1 7.5 6.9 ;*: 8:l 6.9 119.0 127.5 93.6 113.1 113.0 94.0 119.9 113.0 94.1 109.0 120.5 90.4 113.0 120.5 93.8 117.0 127.5 91.8 118.2 127.5 92.8 116.3 127.5 91.4 112.2 120.5 93.3 113.2 120.5 94.2 109.2 119.5 91.4 111.4 120.5 92,7 111.8 120.5 92.6 110.0 119.5 92.1 111.5 120.5 92.6 110.4 120.5 91.7 111.8 120.5 92.7 110.5 120.5 91.7 119.0 127.5 93.5 119.0 130.5 91.3 117.3 130.5 90.0 117.0 127.5 91.8 116.2 127.5 91.3 111.8 120.5 92.6 110.8 120.5 91.9 WOODWARD - CLYDE 81 ASSOCIATES Cannrlti,tg Soil and Foundatim Enginrcrs and &da* ‘. COMPACTION TEST RESULTS - JOB NAME EL CAMINO MESA UNIT NO. 5 (Street Tests) DATE REP~RTED~-~~-~~ JOB NUMBER 66-230 - DATES COVERED July 1 throu@'Auqust 7, 1970 PAGE 1 OF 1 YOlnvU VIKLD UBORATORY RCUTIVC - MIX nsr RRLST LOUTtON ELEVATION C0NnNY ocNm1TV OLN.III CONPACTION N”NBC” 0, 0, ner C DRY Wt. UC Kf % ov IAa. DENS. -JULY 1 S-l SIERRA MORENA AVENUE 220.0' s-2 222.0' s-3 224.0' s-4 200.0' - JULY 2 S-5 202.0' 10.5 106.0 118.0 90.0 S-6 226.0' 11.1 110.2 122.0 90.4 - s-7 204.0' 9.3 107.5 118.0 90.9 JULY 3 S-8 228.0' - s-9 SG 206.0' s-10 SG 266.4' S-l? SG 230.1' s-12 CHESTNUT AVENUE SG 182.0' - JULY 15 s-13 SIERRA MORENA AVENUE 160.0' s-14 162.0' - s-15 SG 164.8' JULY 17 S-16 - s-17 CHESTNUT AVENUE 184.0' 186.0' S-18 188.0' s-19 SG 190.8' -AUG 7 s-20 267.-O' s-21 SG 269.4' s-22 SIERRA MORENA AVENUE 173.3' - ?K 12:3 11.1 110.8 123.0 90.0 111.5 123.0 90.7 109.9 118.0 92.9 107.9 118.0 91.6 8.7 8.1 9.9 ;:; 112.9 118.2 107.8 109.8 108.0 1v 11:7 106.8 110.0 107.1 12.3 107.0 11.1 111.5 11.1 109.0 11.7 110.2 12.3 1;:; 107.0 118.0 90.8 109.8 118.0 93.0 108.3 118.0 91.9 123.0 127.5 118.0 118.0 1 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 1 18.0 1 23.0 118.0 118.0 91.7 92.6 91.3 93.0 91.6 90.3 93.1 90.8 90.8 90.6 92.3 93.5 - WOODWARD - CLYDE t ASSOCIATES Cauuliina Sdl and Fmmdatimc Enyiwerr and Gdoairl* - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - . DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA 112 3 Dry Density, pcf lG6.2 117.4 114.8. Initial Water Content. % 14.0 8.2. 9.9, Final Water Content. $ 21.6 11.8 13.9. Apparent Cohesion. psf 400 250 340 Apparent Friction Angle. * 24 32 33 . MECHANICAL ANALYSIS 80 z z 60 a l- 3w Y 2 20 I I\Rl loo IO 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS I112l?l NP = Non Plastic IO LABORATORY &ACTMEST 30 FILL S&LL TEST DATA 1 1 2 3 Initial Dry Density. pcf 105.8 117.7 115.0 Initial Water Content, $ 14.7 8.3 9.9 Load. psf 160 ,160 160 Percent Swell 7.1 0.3 1.2 VOIDS CURVES SUITABILIlY TES1 LABORATORY COMPACTIOH TESTMET~~OD~M f'17557-fi4T. EL CAMINO MESA UNIT NO. 5 I WOOOWARD -ClYDE & ASSOCIATES COltSULTlNG SOIL ENGINEERS MD GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA DR. BY: Al ‘7 SCALE: __ r PROJ. NO: ~6-?--jo CK'D BY: KY& DATE: 8-20-70 Paqe 1 of 5 - - - - - I - loo t i i 1 SIVELL TEST DATA 4 5 6 Initial Dry Density. pcf 109.5 - Initial Water Content, $ 11.1 - Load. psf 160 - Percent Swell 10.8 - I I I 1 I I I SPECIFIC GRAVITY 80 I I I I L I I I I I II I I I I I MAXIMUM DRY [415 16 DENSITY, pcf OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT. % I 80 I I I I I UDISTIJRI .A IU tABoRATORY DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA 4 5 6, Dry Density, pcf 117.0 109.8 98.1 Initial Water Content. $ 8.0 11.5 11.2. Final Water Content. % 12.4 20.5 20.9, Apparent Cohesion. psf 200 240 420 Apparent Friction Angle. o 30 24 16 loo CD 8o z 5 60 p. I- ,zw 2 p" 20 MECHANICAL ANALYSIS 3 t u10w 2Do -1DoD loo IO 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIWETERS BBLESIG,RI;E: Ic, :'I) f /SILT & CLAY PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS 4 5 6 Liquid Limit, % 38 46 Plasticity Index. $ NP 19 33 Classification by Unified Soil Classification System SM CL CL . IP = Non Plastic AIR VOIDS CURVES WAcTlo)( TEST FILL SUITA6ILlTy TESTS IMORATORY COMPACTION TEST METHoD:ASTM nl !W-64T EL CAtlINO MESA UNIT NO. 5 , WOOOWARD l CLYDE & ASSOCIATES CDNSULTlNG SOIL ENGINEERS AND GEDLDGISTS SAN DIEGO, CALIFOMIA DR. 8Y: ALS ISCALE: -- /PROJ. wO:66-230 CK*D BY: ,&fld [DATE: 8-20-70 IPaqe 2 of 5 - - - .- -. - - - - .- _-- ~- -- _- _- _- ..- - MECHANICAL ANALYSIS 100 3 fj 1)lO w 200 I I III I ..1 Dry Density, pcf 116.61105.3 108.5 s '" L \ I 1 Initial Water Content. $ QtTl Qf I Y I 11Q !?,a Final Water Content. % a.” d.” II._ 13.9 16.8 15.9 400 1500 240 31 0 32 , 2 ou P b- 340 22 kt 20 0 I ooo 100 IO I.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS ISILT L CLAY PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS 7 8 9 I Liquid Limit, $ 30 33 I 1 I Plasticity Index. % 15 20 NP F19csification by Unified Soil iification System SM-SC SC-CL SM I YlY.J.3 Class 1 I I I NP = Non Plastic SWELL TEST DATA 17i819 r I I Initial Dry Density, pcf 116.3 114.8 108.7, Initial Water Content, $ 9.8 10.3 11.8 , bad. psf 1160 1160 1160 I I I Percent Swell 1 2.41 5.61 0.41 SPECIFIC GRAVITY -rtz-YL ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVES 90 MAXIMUM DRY I DEN! t OPT 80 l,ABoRAToRY ciclmcrIoI( TE?T FILL SUITABILI-TY TESTS UBOIUTORY COMPACTION TEST WETHOD:&&U~&~~-~~T EL CAMINO MESA UNIT NO. 5 WOOBJARD l CLYDE & ASSOCIATES CDNSULTING SOIL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA DR. BY: Al s SCALE: CK'D BY: fi/& DATE: 8:;0-70 PROJ. NO: 66-730 Paqe 3 of 5 - - - - - - 0 loo0 loo IO 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS OBBLESI ‘,‘;I’; 1 c , F”p f (SILT & CLAY PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS 10 11 17 Liquid Limit, % 24 49 33 Plasticity Index. % 10 27 14 Classification by Unified Soil Classification System SC-SM CH CL SWELL TEST DATA IO 11 12 initial Dry Density. pcf 118.9 98.7 108.7 Initial Water Content, $ 8.7 19.3 13.7d Load. psf 160 160 160 1 Percent Swell 1.3 12.9 6.3, SPECIFIC GRAVlTY MAXIMUM DRY L 10 11 12 DENStTY, pcf 111.0 132.0 ZERO AIR OPTIMUM MOISTURE DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA 10 11 1 12 Dry Density, pcf 118.8 92.2 107.8 Initial Water Content, % 8.4 18.7 13.6 Final Water Content. % 12.3 20.2 21.0 Apparent Cdhesion. psf 520 460 640 Apparent Friction Angle. o 30 11 20 100 w 0o z z 2 60 Q MECHANICAL ANALYSIS VOlDS CURVES LAEQRATORYcoIsACTIoN TEST FILL SUITABILITY TESTS LABORATORY COMPACTION TESTMETHoD: ASTM D1557-64T EL CAMINO MESA UNIT NO. 5 WODDWARD l CLYDE c ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOlL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DtEGD, CALIFORNIA DR. By: ALS SCALE: -- PROJ. NO: 65-230 CK’O BY: ,@?& DATE: 8-20-70 Pacle 4 cf 5 - - - * - - - - - - - - .- - - - - MECHANICAL ANALYSIS a 8o 35 5 60 a G W40 Y ii! 20 0 I GRAIN SlZE IN MILLIHETERS 8BLES[GFA;E: Ic, yN; f {SILT (1 CLAY , PLASTIClTY CHARACTERISTICS 13 14 Liquid Limit, % 27 36 Plasticity Index. % 3 18 Classification by Unified Soil Classification System SM CL I SKLL TEST DATA I 13 i 14 I I Initial Dry Density. pcf initial Water Content, $ Load. psf Percent Swell 115.0 109.8 10.8 14.1 160 160 7.9 4.6 4 go MAXIMUM DRY I DENSITY, pcf tiiiii”’ 8o 0 MoJS,“4., ““I IO 20 30 40 LABORATORY CWACTION TEST FILL SUITABILIIY ESTS SPECIFIC GRAVITY hi&ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVES LABORATORY COMPACTION TESTW~OD: ASTM D1557-64T EL CAMINO MESA UNIT NO. 5 WOOblARD- CLYDE c ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA DR. BY: ALS SCALE: -- PROJ. NO: 66-230 DATE: 8-20-70 Page 5 of 5