HomeMy WebLinkAbout; La Costa Meadows #1 Lots 194-195; Soils Report; 1984-08-25-
RCE32720 527 N.HwylOl [We Ej
sol8fw Elssdl, CA 92075
August 25, 1984
Dan Goodman
4634 Ranch0 Reposo
Del Mar, Ca
City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad CA92009-4859
Re: 84-Goodman (Plaza Serena de La Costa)
Limited Soils investigation
Proposed Residential Building Sites
Lots 194 6 195, La Costa Meadows Yl, Map No.
6820 Luc ernaga Court
Carlsbad, Ca
- . .
,Dear Mr. Goodman: .
- 1. In accordance with your request, a Limited Soils Investigation has been
performed on the subject site. This report has been prepared to record
our analysis of the site and our engineering recommendations relative to
the proposed single family residential structures presently contemplated,
In order to accomplish this purpose, the site was inspected, topography
and site conditions reviewed, the surface and near, surface soj!s were
visually and texturally classified.
From the field inspection, it was determined that the subject site has an
existing slope on the easterly portion sloping down from east to west at
approximately 3 to 1. The westerly portion is relatively.flat fill material placed
in conjunction with the aubdivision grading.
The exist B,_“g
brown sil 1.
slope is fractured and decomposed rock mixed with reddish
y sand with low clay content. .This material is considered &o be
expansicre with respect to change in volume with change in moisture content.
If these expansive soils are allowed to remain within the final three feet
below finish grade,special design of slabs and footings to resist expansive soils.
will be required in order to prevent possible damage to the proposed structures
from the errects of the expansive soils.
- attached Appendixes. :,
These provisions are set forth in the
Dan Goodman
August 25, 1984
Page Two
The lower flat portlon of the site consists of light brown silty sand with no
topsoil. vk
A safe allowable soil bearing value of at least 1500 pounds per square foot
as set forth in the Uniform Building Code. Table No. 29-B. for silty sand
clay mixtures, may be usad in designing the proposed structures.
In the event that future grading is proposed for the site, any fill areas
more than one foot in depth must be tested to insure that the fill soils
have been compacted to a minimuln of 90 percent relative compaction.
We recommend that cut or fill slopes be created at a slobe no greeter than
two horizontal to one vertical for optimum soil stabiliration. Adequate
drainage:facilities must be provided to insure that no run-off drains over
the face of creatad slopes.
If you have any questions please contact me.
Respectfully submitted,