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; La Costa South Unit 4; Soils Report Final; 1970-02-24
- - - - - ,- ,- - BENTON ENGINEERING, IhS. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS - FO”NDAT,ONS 674, EL CAJON BOULEVARD 8A.N DIEGO CALIFO’P”4 821,s PHILIP HENKlNO BENTON .I1ESIDLNT. ClYlL LHGIHSr,ll February 24, 1970 SAN !z.,eoo; sa3.5S;r4 LA ME,.: 469.5654 Ranch0 La Costa, Inc. Route 1, Box 2550 Encinitas, California 92024 Subject: Project No. 69-l l-13D (L5.547) final Report on Compacted Filled Ground Lots 260 to 268, inclusive Lots 274, 276 and 277, Lots 279 to 284, inclusive Lots 289 to 301, inclusive Lots 303 to 309, inclusive and Lot 322 5pCosto South Unit No. 4 Son Diego County, “Coma Gentlemen: This is to report the result, of ksh and observotionr made in order to inspect the compaction of flllod ground placed on certain areas of Lots 260 to 268, i,nciusive, 274, 276 and 277, 279 to 284, inclusive, 289 to 301, inclusive, 3(x3 to 309, inclusive, and 322, of La Cost0 South Unit No. 4, San Diego County, California. The fills were placed duriw the period between December 11, I%9 and February 4, 1970. The opproximote oreos and depths of filled ground placed under our irepection in accordance with the approved specifications ore shown on the attached Drawirg No. 1, entitled “Location of Compacted Filled Ground .‘I The grading plan used for the placement of filled ground was prepared by Rick Eginearirrg Company and approved November 18, 1969. The approximate iocoticns at which the tests were taken and the fimi test resuih ore presented on pqss 4 to 10, inclusive, under the “Table of Test Results. I’ The laboratory determinations of the maximum dry denai ties and optimum moisture contents of the major fi ii materials are pnsonted on page 11, under the “Laboratory Tort Results. ” Some of the moximum dry densities shown in the “Toblo of Test Results” were combimtiom of these. The tests were taken durim the weekly periods indicated below: Tort Number Week Endig 1 ta 13, inclusive December 13, 1969 14 to 98, inclusive December 20, 1969 99 to 135, inclusive December 27, 1969 Proiect No. 69-Ii-13D Lo ‘brto South Unit No. 4 -2- February 24, 1970 Test Number Week Ending 136 ta 182, inclusive Joruary 3, 1970 183 January 10, 1970 184 to 186, inclusive Joruory 17, 1970 187 to 218, inclusive Joruory 24, 1970 219 ta 232, inclusive Joruory 3 I, 1970 233 ta 237, inclusive February 7, 1970 The final rosulh of tests OKI abservotiotn indicate thot the ccmpocted frliod ground hos been placed ot 90 percent of the moximum dry density or greater. it hos been determined that the flii materlois, campocted ta 90 percent of the maximum dry denrity, hove a safe bearing value of at leet 2000 pounds per square foot for one foot wide continuous faatirrgs founded at a minimum depth and placed five feet or more inside the top of ccmpacted filled ground slopes. If footings ore placed closer to the exposed slopes than 5 feot ireide the top of ccmpocted filled ground slopes, those should be deepened one foot below a 1 l/2 harizontol ta I vertical line projected wtword oml downword from a point 5 feet horizontally inride the top of compacted filled ground slopes. Tosh indicate thot the compacted filled ground is odequote ta sotisfoc- torily support one or twa story woad frame dmiligs designed far the recammonded beorirg value, without dotrimontoi settlemenh. In our report of the original investigation conducted at this subdivision, (Project NO. 69-3-24BC doted May 22, 1969), we stated that scme “expansive” soils existed on the site ord’if they were allowed ta remain in the upper 3 feet below finished grade same of the lots would require , specially designed footings and slobs. We further stated that these lots would be listed upon the canpletion of grodirg . The ioh whore expansive soils were observed to remain within he upper 3 feet, ore tabulated as follows: Type A: Lot 287 Jti Type B: Lots 268, 273 ond 274, 280 to 285, inclusive, 289 ta 301, inclusive, ond 303 ta 307, inclusive It is recommended that the foilowl~ special design precautions be token for the hwses to be constructed on the above-listed lob in order to minimise the effect of the exponsive soils: Typo A Lob 1. Isolated interior piers should not bo used. Conttruws footlqs shwld be used throughwt, ond those shwld be placed at a minimum depth of two feet below the lomst odjocent exterior fiml grwnd wrfoce. 2. Reinforce otrl interconnect continuously with steel bars all interior and exferior footlgs with two r4 bon ot 3 inches above the bottom of oil footirlgs and two f4 bon placed 1 l/2 inches below the top of the stems of the footlws. BENTON ENOINEERING. INC. - - - - - - - - - Proiect No. 69-11-130 La Costo Swth Unit No. 4 -3- Pebruory 24, 1970 Tyre A Loh (Cont.) 3. Uso raised wood floors that span between continuws footirqs, or roinforco all concrete slabs with 6 x 6 - IO/IO woven wire fabric and provide a minimum of 4 inches of clean sand beneath ail concrete slabs, Rovide a moisture barrier 2 inches below slobs under living areas. 4. Separate gorqe slobs frcm perimeter footiqs by I/‘2 inch thickness of construc- tion felt or equivalent, to allow itdependent movement of gorqe slobs relative to perimeter faotlrgs. 5. Provide positive drainage owcly fran all porimeter footigs to a horizontal distance of ot least 6 feet w kido the house walls. Type B Lok Those loh listed on page 2 OS Type B lots should follow all tho above-listed recommendations with the two following exception: _ 1. The continuws footigs may be placed at a minimum depth of 18 inches bolow the lowest adjacent exterior final ground surface rather than the two feet recommended for Type A loh. 2. Sigie ‘f4 bon placed OS directed (above) near taps and bottoms of all interior and exterior footings moy be substituted for the two #4 bars recommended for Type A lok. Recommendations 3 to 5, inclusive, OS listed for Type A lots, ore applicoblo to the Type B lok also. The safe beorillg value for footiqs on natural ground is 1795 pounds per squoro foot. Respectfully submitted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. _~-~~~~- . BY (-/&L&p& - Philip H. Benton, Civil Egineor Distr: (4) Addrouoo (1) Rick Engineering Company (2) Son Diego County Buiidig Inspection Vista Office (2) Ranch0 La Costa, inc. Attention: Mr. Burton L. Kramer BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. .- .- - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 69-II-13D Roncho Lo Costa South Unit No.4 -4- Test No Approx- imote Location Lot No. DePh of Fill at Test in Feet Field Moisture %drywt Donsity Ib/cu ft Moximum Dry Deraity Ib/cu ft Percent Compaction 1 261 2 10.4 102.8 113.9 90.3 2 261 4 15.9 106.7 115.0 92.8 3 260 2 15.6 102.0 112.0 91.1 4 261 6 16.4 106.2 113.9 93.4 5 260 4 16.4 105.2 ill.5 94.4 6 266 2 14.5 103.5 III.5 92.8 7 267 2 15.0 108.1 112.3 96.2 8 265 4 12.9 109.2 113.9 96.0 9 267 4 14.1 108.5 113.9 95.3 10 266 6 14.4 108.0 113.1 95.5 11 265 8 17.5 103.6 111.5 93.0 12 267 6 17.6 102.7 110.6 92.9 13 266 10 18.5 103.2 110.6 93.5 I4 267 8 15.6 106.6 113.0 94.4 15 265 12 15.6 105.3 112.0 94.0 16 266 14 17.9 103.0 110.6 93.1 17 265 16 16.4 106.0 112.0 94.6 18 267 12 16.6 104.3 110.6 94.4 19 260 6 14.4 108.6 113.0 96.1 20 261 8 15.0 107.2 114.7 93.6 21 266 18 17.0 107.7 111.0 97.0 22 260 8 15,l 109.1 113.1 96.6 23 260 10 11.3 107.0 116.0 92.2 24 261 12 12.5 109.7 115.5 95.0 25 262 2 8.9 107.9 117.1 92.1 26 264 2 11.2 108.6 117.1 92.7 27 265 20 17.5 106.8 115.0 92.9 28 266 22 12.2 105.8 114.0 92.8 29 267 16 15.1 107.2 115.0 93.2 30 264 6 11.5 108.2 113.1 95.8 31 260 12 13.3 104.6 112.3 93.1 32 262 6 12.6 107.1 113.1 94.7 33 263 4 12.3 108.1 113.0 95.7 34 260 14 13.0 106.9 113.1 94.6 35 267 20 10.4 104.0 114.7 90.7 36 265 24 13.4 109.0 114.7 95.2 37 268 4 11.8 105.8 114.0 92.8 38 266 26 11.6 107.2 113.1 94.9 39 260 16 11.4 108.1 114.7 94.4 40 260 18 14.2 107.2 114.0 94.1 TABLE OFTEST RESULTS Dry kbruary24, 1970 BENTON ENOINEERING. INC Pro/ectNo.69-II-13D RonchoLoCostoSwth Unit No.4 -5- Test No. Approx- imate Location Lot No. Depth of Fill at Test InFeet Field Moisture %drywt Dry Denity Ib/cu ft Maximum Dry Density Ib/cu ft Percent Compaction 41 261 20 11.0 104.9 112.3 93.4 42 262 10 13.6 109.1 115.0 94.9 43 263 8 12.3 107.9 114.0 94.6 44 264 10 9.9 105.7 113.9 92.9 45 265 28 11.8 109.4 116.0 94.3 46 267 24 10.1 106.6 114.0 93.0 47 268 8 10.0 109.3 115.0 95.1 48 266 30 10.2 105.4 114.0 92.5 49 265 32 11.0 106.9 114.0 93.8 50 260 18 10.4 108.1 114.0 94.9 51 261 24 11.5 107.1 114.0 94.0 52 260 20 15.9 106.8 112.3 95.1 53 260 22 12.3 108.1 112.3 96.3 54 260 24 15.0 110.0 112.3 98.0 55 262 14 13.6 110.3 112.3 98.3 56 263 12 10.8 107.9 116.0 93.0 57 264 14 13.2 109.0 114.0 95.6 58 266 34 11.9 104.5 113.9 91.8 59 267 28 12.7 106.7 115.0 92.7 60 268 12 12.0 109.5 115.0 95.2 61 260 26 11.8 104.9 114.0 92.0 62 261 28 12.1 105.7 114.0 92.7 63 260 28 10.5 103.0 112.3 91.7 64 263 16 10.3 105.5 113.9 92 7 65 262 18 10.8 104.6 113.9 92.0 66 264 18 11.0 105.8 113.9 93.0 67 265 36 12.4 106.9 114.0 93.8 68 266 38 10.9 105.5 115.0 91.9 69 267 32 12.3 106.3 114.0 93.3 70 268 16 12.6 108.3 114.7 94.5 71 265 40 12.8 107.2 113.9 94.3 72 260 30 11.9 104.5 114.0 91.7 73 261 32 12.3 107.1 114.0 94.0 74 263 20 11.2 104.3 114.0 91.6 75 262 22 12.0 106.9 114.0 93.8 76 264 22 12.5 105.5 114.7 92.1 77 266 42 11.4 106.8 114.0 93.7 78 268 20 12.6 108.3 117.1 92.6 79 260 32 12.4 107.i 115.5 92.7 80 267 36 12.8 107.2 113.9 94.3 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS(CONT.) Febtuary24, 1970 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. - - - - - - - - - - - - Proiect No.69-ll-13D Roncho Lo Cato South Unit No.4 -6 Test No. 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 lo4 IO5 106 1w 108 109 110 111 112 Ii3 114 115 Ii6 Approx- DePh imoto of Fill Location at Test Lot No. in Feet 265 266 ii 267 40 265 48 260 34 261 34 266 50 265 52 268 24 267 44 266 54 265 56 263 24 268 28 266 58 267 48 265 60 268 30 267 50 266 60 265 62 264 26 262 24 301 2 301 4 301 6 Lo Gron 4 Vi0 Street opp. 290 290 2 260 36 261 36 292 2 309 2 Modrileno 3 Way 307 2 305 2 308 4 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS(CONT.) Field Moisture %dtywt Dry Maximum Dry Deruity Dofuity Percent Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction 13.4 105.7 114.7 92.2 13.3 104.6 112.3 93.2 13.0 105.8 113.9 93.0 11.2 104.0 113.9 91.4 15.3 110.0 114.0 96.5 15.3 107.4 115.0 93.5 15.0 104.6 113.1 92.6 16.9 106.7 116.0 92.0 13.2 107.1 114.7 93.5 14.7 104.6 114.7 91.2 14.9 107.0 116.0 92.2 14.6 114.9 117.3 98.0 13.3 102.7 114.0 90.1 15.3 107.0 114.0 93.9 17.0 104.3 112.3 92.9 13.9 106.9 114.7 93.3 16.2 105.1 112.3 93.6 15.6 104.5 114.0 91.7 15.4 108.9 112.3 97.0 11.3 107.7 117.1 92.0 12.7 107.2 114.0 94.0 13.6 102.1 112.3 90.9 12.1 106.5 112.3 94.8 12.6 116.8 117.1 99.7 13.1 113.6 117.1 97.0 12.3 110.1 117.1 94.0 12.5 109.3 117.1 93.4 12.4 110.8 117.1 94.6 15.1 104.4 112.3 93.0 10.3 106.2 112.3 94.6 15.4 105.4 114.0 92.5 12.1 105.0 116.0 90.5 12.7 106.2 116.0 91.7 11.1 108.7 117.1 92.8 12.3 104.9 112.3 93.4 13.2 108.0 112.3 96.1 Februoty24, 1970 BENTON ENGINEERING. IN.2 - - - - - - - - - - - - Proiect No. 69-II-13D Roncho Lo Costa Swth Unit NO. 4 -7- Test No. 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 Locotlon Lot No. 306 309 293 292 309 292 308 309 292 309 308 307 309 292 294 293 292 295 296 298 300 300 299 300 282 294 296 282 282 283 LaGron Via Street opp.284 283 LaGran Via Street Opp. 282 Lo Gron Via Stroet Opp.283 Depth of Fill ot Test in Feet 4 6 4 t 8 8 10 10 12 10 6 14 12 2 8 14 4 2 2 2 4 4 6 2 4 4 4 6 2 2 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS(CONT.) Field DV Moisture Demlty %drywt Ib/cu ft Moximum Dry Demily Ib/cu ft Percent Compaction 13.3 105.1 112.3 93.6 12.4 106.1 112.3 94.4 15.2 104.1 112.3 92.7 13.9 105.1 112.3 93.6 13.9 102.0 112.3 90.8 13.1 103.5 112.3 92.2 14.0 106.8 114.0 93.7 13.2 106.3 114.0 93.4 12.2 104.7 114.0 92.0 10.4 102.6 112.3 91.3 14.1 105.8 114.0 92.8 14.1 109.8 114.0 96.3 11.0 102.6 112.3 91.3 13.5 106.1 114.0 93.1 17.3 105.4 112.3 93.9 14.4 105.9 112.3 94.3 13.6 103.1 112.3 91.8 13.9 103.6 112.3 92.3 10.5 105.2 114.7 91.8 11.7 104.1 112.3 92.7 12.4 104.4 112.3 93.0 11.4 103.0 114.0 90.3 12.2 105.6 114.0 92.6 12.1 106.6 114.0 93.5 13.1 101.8 112.3 90.7 15.1 107.9 112.3 96.1 13.5 108.2 117.4 92.2 13.6 108.1 114.0 94.9 12.5 101.6 112.3 90.5 13.9 105.6 114.0 92.7 13.7 104.1 114.0 91.4 10.9 101.9 12.5 105.2 11.3 109.2 112.3 113.0 114.7 90.7 93.2 95.3 Februory24, 1970 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC - - - - - - - - - - - - Project No. 69-II-13D Ranch0 Lo Costa South Unit No.4 4% Tort No. 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 Approx- DePh imoh of Fill Location at Test Lot No. inFeat 301 8 291 4 301 10 La Gron 8 Vi0 Street Opp.289 301 12 290 6 301 14 Lo Gron I2 Vi0 Street Opp. 290 301 16 291 8 301 18 Lo Gron 16 Via Street Opp. 289 303 2 290 10 301 20 284 2 Lo Gron 4 vi0 street opP.285 Lo Gron 6 Via Street opp.284 Lo Gron 8 Vlo Street Opp. 283 283 6 282 8 300 10 284 6 283 8 299 6 297 2 284 8 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS(CONT.) Field Molsture %drywt Dry Demity ib/cu ft Maximum Dry Demlty Ib/cu ft Percent Compaction 12.9 109.2 117.1 93.2 13.4 109.0 114.0 95.7 10.9 110.6 115.0 96.1 12.7 109.9 115.0 95.6 14.2 109.1 117.3 93.0 12.6 107.8 117.1 92.0 18.7 106.4 117.1 90.9 15.2 108.0 117.3 92.0 11.9 103.2 112.3 92.0 11.2 106.6 112.3 94.9 11.3 103.0 112.3 91.7 10.3 106.6 114.7 93.0 9.2 102.8 114.0 90.2 10.5 107.0 117.3 91.2 13.3 103.6 112.3 92.2 15.0 103.2 114.0 90.5 13.3 105.3 112.3 93.8 13.9 105.4 114.7 92.0 13.8 103.5 112.3 92.1 13.7 106.7 114.9 93.0 12.4 108.5 112.3 96.6 13.3 109.8 114.9 95.5 12.2 109.2 114.0 95.8 8.8 103.8 114.7 90.6 12.2 106.5 112.3 94.8 14.7 107.0 115.0 93.1 17.2 106.6 114.9 92.8 Fobruary24, 1970 BENiON ENGINEERING. INC. Proiect No.69-11-13D Ranch0 LaCosta South Unit No.4 -9- Test No. 178 179 - 180 181 - 182 - 183 - 184 185 186 - 187 188 - 189 190 191 192 193 194 - 195 196 197 - 198 199 200 - 201 202 203 - 204 205 206 - 207 208 - -. APP=- Depth imate of Flll Location at Test Lot No. in Feet LaGran 8 Via Street Opp. 285 La Gran 10 Vla Street opp.284 283 IO La Gran 12 Via Street opp.284 La Gran 14 Via Street opp.284 322 2 301 22 291 12 282 10 281 281 : 301 24 281 6 281 8 291 290 ;;: 289 2. 284 11' 283 12 * 300 12 * 299 8* 298 4' 297 4' 296 5* 295 5' 294 6' 293 10' 292 15 * 309 15 * 308 12 * 307 7* * Finished Grade TABLE OF TESTRESULTS (CONT.) Field Dry bY Moisture Density Density %dryti Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Percent Compoction 15.0 105.6 114.0 92.7 13.3 103.2 112.3 92.0 12.1 106.9 117.3 91.1 14.4 106.1 112.3 94.4 13.1 106.6 117.3 90.9 12.1 101.2 112.3 90.1 13.4 102.8 112.3 91.6 12.8 105.8 114.7 92.2 16.5 108.3 114.7 94.5 14.8 104.3 114.0 91.6 17.0 102.9 114.0 90.3 13.4 103.8 114.0 91.1 15.2 105.2 113.2 93.0 16.3 111.0 115.0 96.5 13.9 110.1 114.0. 96.5 17.1 108.1 115.6 93.6 16.7 103.3 114.0 90.7 15.2 108.4 117.4 92.4 14.2 103.6 115.0 90.1 17.2 106.2 114.0 93.2 14.5 108.2 113.2 95.6 12.7 112.1 117.3 95.5 15.2 113.9 117.4 97.0 17.0 112.2 114.0 98.5 16.9 106.1 113.0 94.0 16.7 108.5 114.0 95.2 14.3 111.7 114.0 98.0 15.8 101.7 113.0 90.0 17.8 105.9 115.0 92.1 15.7 lop.1 113.2 96.3 15.1 107.0 113.2 94.5 BENTON ENOINEERING. INC February 24, 1970 ProjwtNo.69-ll-13D Ranch0 La Cc&a South Unit No.4 -lC- Test No. 209 210 211 - 212 - 213 - 214 - 215 - 216 - 217 218 219 - 220 221 222 223 224 225 - 226 227 228 - 229 i: - 232 233 234 - 235 236 237 Approx- @Pth hate of Fill Location at Test Lot No. in Fwt 306 6* 263 26 * Madrilwa 5 * Way Opp.291 La Gran 2 * Via Street opp.297 La Gran 6 * Via Street Opp. 282 La Gmn 15 * Via Strwt opp.299 La Gran 4* Via Street Opp. 288 LaGran 20* Via Strwt Opp. 290 La Gran 5 * Via Strwt Opp.291 277 2* 267 51* 264 28 l 268 32 l 322 4' 276 2* 260 37 l 261 37 l 262 25 l 265 64 * 266 62 * 274 2* 281 lo* 280 2' 303 4. 305 4' 304 1“ 301 25* 282 12. 279 2* TABLE OF TEST RESULTS(CONT.) Field Moisture %dtywt Dry Density Ib/cu ft Maximum b DOlri3, Ib/cu ft Percont Compoctlon 14.5 111.5 115.0 97.0 19.0 105.3 113.2 93.0 15.4 108.5 115.0 94.4 13.9 107.5 114.0 94.4 17.1 105.3 113.2 93.0 14.0 105.6 113.2 93.3 11.8 109.4 115.0 95.2 12.6 111.4 115.0 97.0 11.6 105.8 112.3 94.1 16.5 107.4 114.0 94.2 13.3 107.6 114.0 94.4 16.3 110.3 114.0 96.9 15.4 110.7 114.0 97.1 14.4 109.2 112.3 97.2 20.0 105.0 113.2 92.7 12.1 109.1 113.0 96.6 13.6 101.0 112.3 90.0 13.1 109.9 114.0 96.5 14.4 104.9 113.0 92.9 13.9 107.9 114.0 94.6 13.3 113.1 115.0 98.4 13.0 111.5 113.2 98.5 12.0 110.5 114.0 96.9 14.0 110.8 115.0 96.3 10.6 102.5 113.2 90.5 12.2 105.7 113.2 93.4 11.0 109.6 114.0 96.2 14.2 108.7 114.0 95.4 13.1 110.4 114.0 97.0 Februory24, 1970 l Finishod Grade BENTON ENGINEERING. INC Project No. 69-ll-13D La Costa South Unit No. 4 -ll- February 24, 1970 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS The maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the major fill materials as deter- mined by the A.S.T.M. D 1557-58Tmethod, that uses 25 blows of a 10 pound hammer falliw from a height of 18 inches on each of 5 layers in o 4 inch dianeter i/30 cubic foot compaction cylinder, are presented as follow: Soil Type Yellow-brown silty very fine to fine sord - Red-brown silty fine to medium sand (topsoil Olive-green silty clay Light groy-brown silty clay with yellow streaks - and claystone chunks Gray-brown slightly silty fine sand Gray-brown fine sondy clay - Light gray very fine to fine sand Maximum Dry Density Ib/cu ft Optimum Mois- ture Content % dry wt 112.3 13.8 117.1 12.6 110.6 15.7 109.2 17.0 113.9 13.3 117.4 13.1 114.0 14.2 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC.