HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Laguna Riviera Unit 1; Soils Report; 1967-05-12- - -~ - - - . WOODWARD4LYDE~SHERARD &ASSOCIATES Southern California Operation.5 CONS"L-rlNG ENGlNEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 3467 KwtZ street May 12, 1967 San mepo cawoarnia 92110 Project No. 66-237 (7141 X24-2911 Kamar Construction Company 325 Elm Avenue, P.O. Box 71 Carlsbad, California LAGUNA RIWERA ESTATES UNIT NO. 1 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA RECEIVED, MAY 1:’ 1967 CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Department In accordance with the request of Mr. Jerry L. Rombotis of your firm, we have provided soil engineering services in conjunction with the grading of the subject site. These services included observation of the removal of potentially expansive soil exist- ing within two feet of rough lot grade and the testing of fill as placed and compacted. In addition, settlement plates were installed in order to evaluate the consolidation of the underlying natural soils. Site preparation, compaction and testing were done between Feb- ruary 6 and April 27, 1967, in accordance with the Earthwork Specifications and Recommendations presented in our letter dated January 10, 1967. Fill was placed, compacted and tested on Lots 1 through 35. As the site grading progressed, the compaction procedures were observed and compaction tests were made to determine the relative compaction of the fill in place. Field observations and compaction test results indicate.that the fill has been compacted to 90 percent or more of maximum laboratory density, The results of compaction tests are given on the attached forms. Laboratory tests to determine moisture-density relationships, maximum dry density, optimum moisture content, grain size distri- bution, plasticity characteristics and strength characteristics were performed on representative samples of the material used for fill. The results of laboratory tests are given on the attached forms. Laboratory tests indicate that nonexpansive fill was placed within 2 feet of rough grade on all fill lots noted above, A visual inspection of the subject site at the completion of grading indicates that potentially expansive soil is not evident at finish grade on either cut or fill lots. - 1545 Wilshire Blvd., La Angeler. Calif. 9W17 ( 213 ) 483-523s i54 Na Bahvia. Ormge, Calif. 92888 (714) 833-8316 - Kamar Construction Company Project No. 66-237 May 12, 1967 Page 2 - - -~ - - - - - In accordance with the recommendation made in the report entitled, "Addendum to Foundation Soil Investigation", by Dresselhause Engineers, Consulting Engineers, dated January 6. 1966, four settle- ment monuments were nlaced in the fill at the locations noted below: Boundary Line between Lots 19 and 20 Boundary Line between Lots 23 and 24 Boundary Line between Lots 30 and 31 At the Nly Return Lot 1 Elevation readings were made by Raymond R. Ribal, Civil and Sanitary Engineer, and the results were reported in his letter dated May 3, 1967. The results given in this letter indicate that no discernable settlement nas occurred during the period between April 19 and May 3, 1967. Footings for residential structures placed on nonexpansive un- disturbed soil or nonexpansive properly compacted fill may be designed for a bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot, (total load) at a depth of 12 inches below rough lot grade. The elevation of compaction tests shown as finished grade (F.G.) tests correspond to the elevations shown on the grading plans for Laguna Riviera Tract, Unit No. 1, City of Carlsbad, California, dated January 7, 1967, prepared by Raymond R. Ribal, Civil Engineer. This final report covers the fill placed under our observation during the dates specified above. Additional fill placed after these dates, as well as the backfill in utility trenches located within 5 feet of a building and greater than 12 inches deep, or any trench 5 feet or more from a building and in excess of 5 feet in depth, should be compacted under the observation of this office and tested to assure compliance with the earthwork specifications of the project. This office should be contacted at least 24 hours prior to backfilling operations. Utility service trenches within 5 feet of a building that are perpendicular to the building footings and are less than 12 inches wide and less than 3 feet deep are not subject to this recommendation. Structures that will not tolerate differential settlements (such as foundations, swimming pools, concrete decks, walls, etc.) should not be located within 5 feet of the top of a slope. Footings located closer than 5 feet from the top of the slope should be extended until the bottom edge of the footing is 5 feet horizontally from the outside face of the slope. The inspections and tests of compaction made during the period of our services on the subject site were in accordance with the local WOODWARD *CLYDE *SHEMAD& ASSOCIATES Soil lmnd Foun&uon Enginsainp - - - - - - - - Kamar Construction Company Project No. 66-237 May 12, 1967 Page 3 acceptable standards for this pet-Sod. The conclusions or opinions drawn from the tests and site inspections apply only to our work with respect to grading and represent conditions at the date of our final inspection. We will accept no responsibility for any subsequent changes made to the site by others or by uncontrolled action of water or by failure of others to properly repair damages caused by uncontrolled action of water. CFM/JLH/LJL/pf Attachments (5) Kamar Construction Company (2) City of Carlsbad. Building Inspection Oept, WOODWARD.CLYDE.SHERARD&ASSOClATES Soil old FowuZmia Dlgincafnp .:OMPACTION TEST RESULT .,OD NAME Laquna Riviera, Unit ii1 JOB NuMBEn @j-T?7 D,~TE May 12, 1967 DPTEC _ Feb. 10 February 10 through April 27, 1967 T.z%T ‘*U”C.L” 1 2 3 REIEII LoC*TIc.II or LOT: 18 15 16 OF 8 LA~O~.T~~" DIY.,," PC, 114.0 114.0 116.5 P/.GC 1 VIELO DLNBlT” PC, 107.3 1on.3 io4.9 YOI.TYI. COr41IWT x rn”I WT. 16.3 14.3 15.6 “lLLli”L couc*cII”* ?. 0. L.e ne.43 54.2 95.~: 9c.: 40.0' 36.0' 40.3' 5 6 7 17 17.3 112.4 li6.5 96.': 18 14.3 108.4 114 .O 95.L 15 40.0' 14.3 l&F!. 0 114.Q !94. I - Frb. 13 - Feb. 14 - _-,.~~~ - Feb. 15 Feb. i6 Feb. 17 - Feb. 78 - Feb. 20 _.~.~ .~. - 15 17 16 17 lo : 1, 17 1: 17 17 1 8 17 16 15 1 40.0' 45.C' 17.7 15.5 1 1 12.2 CR.2 11.7 ;g,c "7.3 1 i;7.0 112," i. 115.5 !16.5 96,: 9 ? f.1 91,'i WC 85.4 96.3 91 :' 99. :I 3a, I 97 'c: 17 .'2 96.4 9 5 (3 ~?d,'i 92.1 44.0' 47.0' 4E.O' 44.9' 43.n 4fi.O' 51.3' 53.3' 12 ,.,. 6 13.6 11.7 13.0 11.1 121.5 12i.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 15 1,3.6 73.3 I?.:! 1x.: 115.4 ll".f? F.?. 53.9' F r,, 55.0' C.S. 48.0' F.G. 45.5 26.0' I? .l 12.3 14.9 14.3 13.6 '117.8 117.2 116.3 115.3 107.5 27.0' 28.0' 30.0' 30.0' 32.0' 12.1 11.7 1 :*ti 3:o 111.5 112.5 112.0 108.0 108.5 36.0' 3.6 108.8 34.0' 3.0 106.5 34.0' 15.6 33.0' 13.6 31.0' 17.6 30.0' 17.3 31 28.0' 16.3 100.5 101.0 102.1 101.2 100.8 121.5 !?1.5 121.5 121.5 22 23 24 121.5 121.5 121.5 116.5 121.5 25 ;; 28 - March 20 - 91.7 92.6 3 5 7 121.5 121.5 116.5 116.5 92.1 92.7 93.0 29 30 3": 9 11 :; - March 21 - March 22 - 114.0 114.0 95.3 93.5 33 34 3": 37 23 ;: 29 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 90.2 90.5 91.6 90.8 90.6 c WOODWARD l CLYDE. SHERARD & ASSOCIATES s”d and t”“ndn,t”n Enyinemily 2OMPACTlON TEST RESULT. JOB N*ME Laguna Riviera, Unit #l JOB NUMBER 66-237 DATES February 10 through April 27, 1967 o*n n?lr W”.lBER --...- -~ --. March 23 ,- March 24 March 27 - - March 29 - March 30 - - - April 3 -~ - April 4 - April 6 - 38 El 41 Rmrss* LOCATlOH LOT: 33 21 19 35 26.0' 16.3 36.0' 16.3 39.0' 17.0 25.0' 15.6 28.0' 14.9 30.0' 13.6 31.0' 13.6 31.0' 14.3 46 ii 49 24 26 20 22 35.0' 33.0' 39.0' 37.0' 18.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 50 28 32.0' 13.6 51 30 31.0' 16.9 52 32 29.0' 15.3 53 34 28.0' 16.3 54 55 56 57 :i 60 19 21 ;: 20 43.0' 40.0' 38.0' 37.0' 22 24 43.0' 41.0' 39.0' 16.3 13.3 15.6 16.0 15.6 17.0 16.9 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 26 27 29 31 68 Fo' 71 72 73 74 75 33 66 2 11 9 7 5 3 1: 10 37.0' 35.0' 34.0' 32.0' 30.0' 35.0' 35.0' 14.3 13.6 15.0 149:; 17.0 17.0 36.0' 14.9 34.0' 15.6 34.0' 15.3 32.0' 14.3 31.0' 13.6 30.0' 14.9 40.0' 13.0 s 38.0' 15.3 Elev. OI FILL DATE May 12, 1967 PAGE 2 OF 8 “OI.,“IS mrio UmOII*ToR* cDYR*7 Dr.Nm*v o,Ws,n * D”.W,. PC. , I1LLIT1YL coYcAc,,o* % 0, UII. DLNO. 100.5 Ill.5 105.0 115.0 102.2 111.5 104.8 115.0 102.7 111.5. 104.7 115.0 104.4 115.0 114.5 121.5 104.5 111.5 107.5 115.0 113.5 115.0 109.5 115.0 111.6 115.0 109.8 111.5 105.5 102.8 100.8 100.5 101.0 101.2 100.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 102.0 111.5 104.0 111.5 105.5 114.0 106.0 114.0 105.5 114.0 115.0 125.5 106.5 114.0 99.5 111.5 102.3 111.5 00.8 111.5 01.0 111.5 01.5 111.5 06.5 114.0 08.0 116.0 01.8 111.5 107.2 114.0 102.3 111.5 90.2 91.3 91.1 91.7 92.0 91.0 90.7 94.0 93.7 93.5 98.7 95.3 96.9 98.5 94.5 92.3 90.3 90.2 90.6 90.8 90.2 91.8 93.3 92.5 93.0 92.4 91.7 93.3 89.5 92.1 90.7 91.0 91.4 93.3 93.2 91.3 94.0 91.7 WOODWARD l CLYDE. SHERARD & ASSOCIATES SC4 ond Foundation Enginerrinf ZOMPACTION TEST RESULT .I& NAME Laguna Riviera, Unit #l DATE May 12, 1967 JOB NUMBER 66-237 DATES OAR February 10 through April 27, 1967 PAGE 3 OF 8 :; 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 Elev. 0, FlLL “Ol*T”II CO”Tm4I c D”. WT. LOT: 8 6 ;: 9 35.0' 13.0 108.5 116.5 93.0 34.0' 13.6 107.4 116.5 92.2 42.0' 14.5 106.5 116.5 92.2 39.0' 13.6 107.0 116.5 91.8 37.0' 13.6 108.5 116.5 93.8 2 FG 4 FG 6 FG 1 Lower Level FG 3 FG 5 FG 32.5' 34.0' 35.5' 29.0' 33.0' 35.0' 13.6 1Z 12:5 12.3 12.0 106.8 116.5 90.6 105.8 116.5 90.8 130.5 121.5 91.0 111.0 121.5 91.3 112.0 121.5 92.2 112.5 121.5 92.6 20 19 ;: 45.0' 13.3 47.0' 13.6 43.0' 14.3 42.0' 13.0 108.5 107.5 07.0 08.0 116.5 93.0 116.5 92.3 116.5 91.8 116.5 92.6 25 23 21 26 24 22 27 Lower 20 Lower FG FG FG FG 11.1 FG FG Level FG Level FG 40.9' 43.0' 45.0' 39.8' 41.9' 44.0' 37.6' 45.3' 1 12.0 11 06.5 i, 10.5 1 11.5 112.5 121.5 92.2 116.5 91.3 121.5 91.0 121.5 91.7 121.5 92.6 121.5 93.3 116.5 92.8 116.5 92.2 28 30 32 34 29 31 33 FG FG FG FG 113.3 108.3 107.3 1 FG 27 Umer Level FG 36.8' 34.5' 32.5' 30.5' 35.6' 33.5' 31.5' 40.2' 48.0' 48.0' 1 1 1 1 1 12.3 ;:tI 1.7 1.5 1.7 2.5 2.3 110.0 107.2 111.2 111.5 112.2 111.3 107.8 20 Ubber Level FG 19 FG 7 FG 8 FG 1: FG FG 11.7 12.0 108.5 111.8 111.5 121.5 90.5 116.5 91.8 121.5 91.5 121.5 91.7 121.5 92.3 121.5 91.5 116.5 92.5 116.5 93.1 121.5 91.9 121.5 91.7 37.0’ 13.0 38.0' 12.3 34.0' 12.7 40.0' 11.7 109.0 111.8 111.5 112.8 116.5 93.5 121.5 92.0 121.5 91.7 121.5 92.8 11 41.0' 12.2 111.0 121.5 91.3 12 FZ 43.0' 11.7 112.5 121.5 92.5 April 7 - April 10 -April 14 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 April 17 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 18 April pril 21 -. c WOODWARD l CLYDE l SHERARD & ASSOCIATES Sdl md F”und”fiun Enli!rerri,,g ZOMPACTION TEST RESULTL JOB NI\ME Laguna Riviera, Unit #1 JOBNUMBER 66-237 DATFS February 10 through April 27, 1967 .~ -. ~~~~~~.-.-_~~~.-.---~ -.- ~-~~~ 115 - - FG 43.5' 12.0 ;;; April 24 14 Lower Level FG 43.0' 12.5 14 Upper Level FG 46.5' 12.0 27 April 118 35 119 35 27.0' 11.1 FG 29.0' 11.7 CLWE May 12, 1967 P*GE 4 OF 8 112.8 121.5 92.8 112.2 121.5 92.5 113.5 121.5 93.2 115.0 121.5 94.6 117.2 121.5 96.5 WOODWARD. CLYDE l SHERARD & ASSOCIATES Sdl od foundoti”” Eneineennl ZOMPACTION TEST RESULTL .,cm NI\ME Laguna Riviera, Unit #l - STREET TESTS JOB NUMBER 66-237 DATES February 10 through April 27, 1967 oATE May 12, 1967 PAGE 5 OF 8 ,ILLD DIN*ll” CS. Future El Camino Real-Opp. Lot 18 47.0' Future El Camino Real-Opp. Lot 18 49.0' 3.2 6.5 116.5 97.2 11 121.5 96.0 Kelly Drive Between Lots 16 and 18 42.0' 1 11' 4.7 121.5 94.5 F;l;;ry8El Camino Real-Opp. F.G. 51.0' 15.6 114.8 121.5 94.5 Kelly Drive-Opp. Lot 20 39.0’ 11.7 110.0 121.5 90.6 Drive Between Lots 16 and 18 F,G. Kelly Drive-Opp. Lot 13 Kelly Drive-Opp. Lot 11 Kelly Drive-Opp. Lot 9 Kelly Drive-Opp. Lot 7 Kelly Drive-Opp. Lot 5 50.0' 12.3 116.2 121.5 95.7 36.0' 12.3 111.0 34.0' 11.7 112.5 32.0' 14.0 107.5 31.0' 12.3 104.5 30.0' 12.0 105.2 121.5 91.3 121.5 92.6 114.0 94.3 114.0 91.6 114.0 92.2 Kelly Drive-Opp. Lot 18 43.0' 17.6 104.2 111.5 93.0 Kelly Drive-Opp. Lot 15 40.0' 16.4 105.0 111.5 94.2 Kelly Drive-Opp. Lot 12 36.0' 16.9 103.5 111.5 92.7 Kelly Drive-Opp. Lot 10 35.0' 17.6 102.3 111.5 91.7 Hillside Drive-Opp. Lot 1 24.0' 14.0 107.2 116.5 91.8 Hillside Drive-Opp. Lot 1 26.0' 14.3 106.0 116.5 91.0 Kelly Drive-Opp. Lot 23 F.G. Kelly Drive-Opp. Lot 27 F.G. Kelly Drive-Opp. Lot 21 F.G. Future El Camino Real F.G. Future El Camino Real Future El Camino Real F.G. 29.5’ 13.0 117.2 121.5 96.7 36.2' 14.9 115.0 121.5 94.7 41.6' 14.3 114.0 121.5 93.7 50.0' 12.3 110.0 121.5 90.6 44.0' 12.3 111.2 121.5 91.7 47.0' 12.3 111.0 121.5 91.5 DA= r&m NUYBER Feb. 13 S-l s-2 Feb. 14 s-3 Feb. 16 S-4 Feb. 18 s-5 .- Feb. 20 S-6 - March 21 s-7 S-8 s-9 s-10 s-11 - March 27 s-12 s-13 s-14 - s-15 April 13 S-16 s-17 - April 27 S-18 s-19 - s-20 s-21 s-22 - S-23 -. - WOODWARD. CLYDE. SHERARD & ASSOCIATES soi, “Ml F”“ndn*i”” E,,&!i,we.il,* ~. -- __-~~_.~~___i~__;.~i.~ ,_- _~ ~._. ., I 8: DIRECT WEAR TEST i 0 ..___--.-~ .-- -.-.. Opt ?rlum fv?cis+ure - ---_- IO 20 30 40 LABORGTP?? CCIMPACriCN 7~EST ; ; 4: ,^ _,i MECH4NiCAL ANALYSIS r ~003WAP~ CLYDE SHFRPRI! & 4CS021AiES I.~.~ .~~~~~.._. - I -’ ,.~.~.~~~...L_.. m~~:-.:I,---~. 2: ____ I ‘p~I>i. 5,): T&@!i’T\: TE’jTi, - _1_1-_ -.--,- ..-.-- ~___~~.. ..-;- r-~. _- (_,.,. “. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / Paae 7 of a DIRECT SHEAR TEST MECHANICAL ANALYSIS 140 I00 3/4’, 4 lo 40 200 7 80 60 loo0 loo IO LO oi 3.01 0001 Groin Size I” M~ll~meteis I-1 5 -___I- Air Voids Curves 1 I b” j #q?t 100 L .’ ‘I’. $‘~-j ; i I J’: Maximum 90 Dry 4 Density, pcf 111.5 11 *NP = Non plastic WOODWARD. CLYDE, SHERARD & ASSOCIATES Optimum Moisture content, % 16.5 15.0 I 1 1 / / I I I ’ 8@ I I I I I Moisture Content. 0 IO 20 I FILL SUlTA8lLlTY TESTS I I i I ! -.~---__l_-l__ , % LAGUNA RIVIERA #l 30 40 LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , Paae 8 of 8 DIRECT SHEAR TEST MECHANICAL ANALYSIS Apporen t Cohesion, psf I00 3” 76’ 4 10 40 xx, 80 60 40 20 n loo0 loo IO 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grmn Size in Millimeters Zero Air Vo!ds Curves 100’ ’ ’ ’ i I \ _I hY\ ZElflc Grav* -- 0 IO 20 30 40 LAEORATORY COMPACTION TEST ,;~;;f”;f;--j--ijj *NP = don plastic WOODWARD. CLYDE, SHERARD & ASSOCIATES FILL SUITABILITY TESTS Lkrriuin KlYltHH 81 66-237 ~--