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; Laguna Riviera Unit 5 Lots 139-173; Soils Report; 1972-02-14
- . . - - - - - - - - - WOODWARD - GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATESR E CE I VE D CONS”LT,NG SOlL *ND FO”ND*T,ON ENClNEERS AND GEOLOGtSTs An affiliate of Wooduxzrd Clyde Consultants FEB161972 3467 K”ltZ street February 14, 1972 San mego California 92110 Project ri0. 72-105-l m4L) z*cz911 Kamar Construction Company P.O. Box 71 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Jerry Rombotis LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT 5 LOTS 139 THROUGH 173 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CITY OF CAR&BAD BulldIng Department In accordance with your request and your letter of authorization dated January 12, 1972, we have provided soil engineering services in conjunction the grading of the subject site. These services included: with (1) (2) (3) Engineerinq observation of the qradinq operation. Observation of the removal of loose surface soil where encountered. Observation of the removal of highly potentially expansive soil from the top 2 feet of rough lot grade and replacing it with low to moder- ately expansive soil. (41 (5) Taking field density tests in the fill as placed and compacted. Performinq laboratory tests on representative samples of the materials used as fill. Site preparation, compaction and testinq for the current grading were done between January 6 and 26, 1972 in accordance with the "Specifications for the Construction of Controlled Fills" presented in the January 6, 1966 ad2 dendum t0 the "Foundation Soils Investiqation for Rancho Aqua Hedionda Subdivision" dated July 29, 1965, prepared by Dresselhaus Engineering of Oceanside, California. During this period of qradinq, fill was placed, compacted and tested on Lots 139 through 153 and 155 throuqh 173. Prior gradinq in this area was done durinq the period of July 29, 1968 throuqh September 13, 1968 and from May 22, 1969 throuqh June 3, 1969. These period of gradinq are represented herein as tests 1 throuqh 236 taken b.y Woodward-Clyde & Associates. Tests 237 through 311 were taken by Woodward-Gizienski & Associates. - - Kamar Construction Company Project No. 72-105-l February 14, 1972 Page 2 - - - - - - - - - - - As the site qradinq proqressed, the compaction procedures were observed and field density tests were made to determine the relative compaction of the fill in place. Field observations and field density test results indicate that the fill has been compacted to 90 percent or more of maximum laboratory density. The results of field density tests and of relative compaction, expressed as a percent of maximum laboratory density, are given on the at- tached forms. Laboratory tests to determine moisture-density relationships, maximum dry density, optimum moisture content, grain size distribution, plasticity char- acteristics and strenqth and swell characteristics were performed on repre- sentative samples of the material used for fill. The results of laboratory tests are qiven on the attached forms. Laboratory tests indicate that low to moderately expansive fill was placed within 2 feet of rouqh orade on fill lots 139 throuqh 152 and 156 through 173. Special foundation recommendations on the potentially expansive soils are recommended below. Durinq gradinq of Lots 153 and 155, hiqhly potentially expansive soil was replaced with low to moderately expansive fill to a depth of 2 feet within the limits of the entire level lot pad. A visual inspection of cut Lot 154 at completion of gradinq indicates that low to moderately expansive soil is evident at the rough grade surface. A visual inspection of the subject site at the completion of grading indi- cates that low to moderately expansive soil is evident at finish qrade on both cut and fill lots. Foundati.ons for structures placed on low to moderately expansive undisturbed soil or properly compacted fill may be designed for a bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot at a depth of 12 inches below compacted fill or undisturbed cut lot'qrade; Footings should have a minimum width of 12 inches; however, since there is a consjderable variation on the lots where one local area may have moderately expansive soil and a few feet away there may be lowexpansive soil, it is recommended that all foundations be rein- forced top and bottom with #4 reinforcinq bars. Concrete slabs should con- tain 6x6-10/10 W.W. mesh and be underlain with 4 inches of crushed qravel. Structures that will not tolerate differential settlements (such as founda- tions, swimminq pools, concrete decks, walls, etc.) should not be located within 5 feet of the top of a slope. Footinqs located closer than 5 feet from the top of a slope should be extended in deoth until the outer bottom edqe of the footing is 5 feet horizontally from the outside face of the slope. The elevations of comoaction tests shown as finished qrade (FG) tests cor- respond to the elevations shown on the qradinq olans for "Laquna Riviera Unit No. 5", dated October 1967, prepared by Raymond R. Ribal, Civil Engineer, Brea, California. WOODWARD-GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES co*s"LII*o SOIL AlID Io"*DATIo* rwcsnrns **o TtOLoTlsrL - Kamar Construction Company Project No. 72-105-l - February 14, 1972 Page 3 - - - - - - This report covers the fill placed under our observation durinq the dates specified above. Additional fill placed after these dates, as well as the backfill in utility trenches located within 5 feet of a building and qreater than 12 inches deep, or any trench 5 feet or more from a buildinq and in excess of 5 feet in depth, should be compacted under the observation of this office and tested to assure compliance with the earthwork specifications of the project. This office should be contacted at least 24 hours prior to backfillinq operations. Utility service trenches within 5 feet of a buildinq that are perpendicular to the building footings and are less than 12 inches wide and less than 3 feet deep are not subject to this recommendation. The inspections and tests of compaction made durinq the period of our ser- vices on the subject site were in accordance with the local acceptable standards for this period. The conclusions or opinions drawn from the tests and site inspections apply only to our work with respect to qradinq and represent conditions at the date of our final inspection. - We will accept no responsibility for any subsequent channes made to the site by others or by uncontrolled action of water or by failure of others to properly repair damaqes caused by uncontrolled action of water. - EHP/JLH/LJL/jm Attachments (5) Kamarconstruction Company (2) Carlsbad Building Inspection Department - - - - WOODWARD - GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CON~"LTI"C *on mm ,oY*o.llo* ww*crw 1P.D oLoLocIs~o COMPACTION TEST RESU. S _ JOr4 NAME Laguna Riviera (Off Site Fill Future Unit) DATEREPORTED 2-14-72 (Unit 5) JOB NUMBER 66-237 - CI..TL~CO~~~~~ July 29, 1968 Through June 3, 1969 PAGE 1 OF 7 - .-__ ._~ YO,m"R* ,lCLD D*ll 7r.l I)ETEST Loc*TIOH FLEY*rtON CDUTlHT DrNsiTI - NUYIIEI 0, OFTEST . cm"W,, PC, -July 29 - - -July 30 - -July 31 -Aug. 1' - - Aug. 2 -PJg. 3 -Aug. 5 - - -__ --- 1 LOT: 145 149 151 145 : 4 5 6 7 a 9 ;: 12 ii 15 ;; ii 20 21 z 24 25 26 ;i 3'; 31 z: 34 35 145 151 145 149 151 30.0' 35.0' 40.0' 32.0' 37.0' 42.0' 35.0' 40.0' 45.0' 8.7 1z.g 10:5 13.0 11.1 13.0 13.0 * 9.3 113.2 116.0 Y7.5 117.8 122.5 96.2 115.6 122.5 94.3 117.0 122.5 95.7 109.3 116.0 94.3 lli1.5 122.0 50.7 108.0 116.0 93.5 108.8 116.0 93.8 115.3 122.5 94.2 145 149 151 145 149 151 37.0' 42.0' 47.0' 39.0' 44.0' 49.0' 9.9 1::; 1E 9:3 117.8 122.5 96.1 116.6 122.5 95.0 107.2 116.0 93.0 117.6 122.5 96.0 115.3 122.5 94.1 116.2 122.5 94.9 163 51.0' 11.1 113.0 122.5 92.4 150 46.0' 11.7 117.2 122.5 95.8 148 150 149 166 149 166 148 166 49.0' 49.0' 49.0' 56.0' 53.0' 60.0' 57.0' 64.0' 11.1 10.5 14.9 12.3 1;:; 1;:; 110.2 122.0 90.4 112.8 122.0 92.4 107.6 116.0 92.7 110.2 120.0 91.8 113.8 120.0 94.8 109.0 120.0 90.8 114.8 116.0 94.2 111.6 122.5 91.2 ' 167 82.0' 11.1 112.7 165 61.0' 12.3 114.7 151 51.0' Il.7 113.4 165 68.0' 14.3 111.0 150 53.0' 17.6 100.3 152 53.0' 14.3 112.1 166 70.0' 148 63.0' 146 32.0' 166 73.0' 112.3 116.1 114.1 112.3 122.0 122.0 122.0 120.0 110.0 120.0 122.0 122.0 120.0 122.0 92.3 94.2 93.1 92.4 91.3 93.6 92.2 95.2 95.2 93.7 - WOODWARD-CLYDE & ASSCCIAi'S c<>,lr,rili,lC s,,;, "l,,, I ,l/ll/‘/,,/ I,,,, , ,,i"‘, ,? ,>i,,j <., ,,. - COMPACTION TEST RESUL 5 - JOB NAWE Laguna Riviera (Off Site Fill Future Unit) (Unit 5) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Z-14-72 JO8 NuMaEn 66-237 - DATESCOVERED July 29, 1968 Through June 3, 1969 PACE 2 OF 7 -. - MOISTUII ,,LLD DATE nsr $rETT_IIT. LOCATIO” ELEVATION CO*TzNT DLNBIT” - HUUBER 0, OF TEST x Cm” WT. __- -__ -2L - - Aug. 6 -Aug. 7 - - -Aug. 9 -Aug. 12 - - - - 13 Aug. - - 36 LOT: 165 75.0' 13.6 110.5 120.0 92.2 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2 4"; 48 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 LOT: 146 67 147 OFFSITE, rI OF LnT ;; FG 116.0’ 116.0 70 118.0' 116.0' 110.0' 68 69 70 71 72 147 34.0' 12.3 111.2 120.0 146 92.7 36.0' 11.7 114.3 120.0 147 95.3 40.0' 9.9 115.6 120.0 146 96.5 42.0' 18.3 107.1 110.0 97.6 147 44.0' 18.3 99.4 146 110.0 90.3 46.0' 18.3 107.0 146 110.0 97.4 48.0' 11.7 11U.l 147 12U.U 91.8 52.0' 18.3 100.1 166 110.0 91.3 79.0' 12.3 113.0 120.0 94.2 147 56.0' 166 81.0' 148 65.0' 169.: 11.:1 112.9 99.7 109.2 120.0 110.0 120.0 94.2 90.5 91.2 OFFSITE, N OF LOT 74 74 70 74 70 70 94.0' 100.0' 107.0' 102.0' 109.0' 110.0' 96.0' 110.0 98.0' 112.0' 102.0' 112.0' 114.0' 114.0' 114.0' 106.0' 109.0' 1;.: 13:o 1Z 10:5 1X 15:6 11.1 16.9 17.6 11.7 1E.Z 12:3 11.1 118.0 122.5 96.5 113.4 122.5 92.7 108.5 116.0 93.7 112.8 122.5 92.1 107.8 116.0 92.9 113.0 120.0 94.2 113.2 120.0 94.3 110.2 120.0 91.8 105.2 116.0 90.8 109.4 120.0 91.3 101.0 110.0 91.7 101.1 110.0 91.9 112.3 120.0 93.7 111.0 120.0 92.5 99.7 110.0 90.7 112.7 120.0 94.0 111.5 120.0 92.8 74 74 77 70 74 70 74 70 70 :i 60.0' 64.0' 15.6 13.6 12.3 11.7 105.3 116.0 90.9 109.0 120.0 91.0 111.5 120.0 93.0 110.4 120.0 92.1 114.2 120.0 95.2 100.0 110.0 91.1 109.8 120.0 91.5 - - WOODWARD.CLYDE & ASSK:TL C",r.wl,i,#Z \d o.r, I ,,I, udc,ti ,111 , ,/;:JJ.I /or, ,,/,,, ,.. - COMPACTION TEST RESUL J _ Jo* NAME Laguna Riviera (Off Site Fill Future Unit) DATEREPORTED 2-14-72 JOB NUMBER g:;3( ) - CME~COYER~D July 29, 1968 Through June 3, 1969 PAGE 3 OF 7 - .____- __-- MOl.,UII ?A LmJO~ITORI I?'.. ~:: DATE TIwr RETLS, Loc*IIoN CLEVATION CO*T*PIT r,m*lT" OLnnl?v Lb'.,, i. N"YBLI1 OF OF TES * DIY -7. -TcL_ PC. *,i 0, L. I,i."/i -__ - -Aug. 14 - -Aug. 15 - - -Aug. 16 - - Aug. 19 ..- -Aug. 20 - :t 80 81 82 :i 85 86 iI: zz 91 92 9'; 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 LOT: 147 148 166 167 OFFSITE, II OF LOT 71 OFFSITE, LOT 168 168 179 LOT: 151 152 164 168 165 169 168 163 149 152 163 150 169 163 152 168 165 150 152 168 164 162 149 151 68.0' 13.0 107.8 116.0 92.9 67.0' 14.3 109.0 116.0 94.1 85.0' 13.6 107.0 116.0 92.4 86.0' 18.0 101.2 110.0 92.2 111.0' 17.6 101.6 110.0 92.3 88.0' 90.0' 92.0' 55.0' 55.0' 63.0' 72.0' 65.0' 74.0' 11.1 168.37 16:9 15.6 8.1 l?', 11:1 113.4 122.5 92.7 113.1 122.5 92.3 101.2 110.0 92.2 99.3 110.0 90.2 101.6 110.0 92.5 117.3 122.5 95.8 114.8 122.5 93.8 10011 110.0 91.2 111.8 122.5 91.2 76.0' 67.0' 57.0' 57.0' 94.0' 59.0' 78.0' 69.0' 61.0' 61.0' 13.0 17.3 18.3 18.3 19"*; 17:6 19.0 1;:; 109.7 120.0 91.4 98.6 110.0 90.0 99.5 110.0 90.7 107.3 110.0 97.8 109.0 120.0 91 .o 100.1 110.0 91.2 102.2 110.0 93.0 102.8 110.0 93.4 118.2 127.0 93.2 110.2 120.0 91.9 80.0' 17.6 103.3 71.0' 19.0 103.2 71.0' 19.6 103.9 63.0' 16.9 103.5 63.0' 17.6 102.8 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 122.0 110.0 120.0 110.0 93.9 93.8 94.6 94.2 93.5 82.0' 16.9 100.1 73.0' 12.3 115.9 73.0' 16.9 102.5 65.0' 11.7 110.5 65.0' 14.3 100.3 91.1 95.0 93.6 92.2 91.1 - WOODWARD. CLYDE & ASXC,::‘,7..:’ Cu,,rrr,ri,>a Sd ‘#,I<, ,‘,il.ri ,,,,,/,/, / , ,/~:,/L. 1, ,iiw: I, ,, COMPACTION TEST RESUL i me N*HE Laguna Riviera (Off Site Fill Future Unit) DHER&W~~ 2-14-72 -. (Unit 5) JOB NIJMEZR 66-237 - DATES COVERED July 29, 1968 Through June 3, 1969 PAGE 4 OF 7 - -. -- LAxaR*TOR” “C~.*ii’IE R.7 rn1LILST LOCATION ELE”*TIOH :“o’Z”u”: .z% DIHSlFv NUUBEl or OF TST * PI” *IT, PC, .,;“&y :‘,: ;, . 1 -- --z-- D*lr - - Aug. 21 - - Aug. 22 - - -Aug. 23 - Aug. 26 -Aug. 27 - 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 123 OFFS ,ITE, LOT 79 79 79 LOT: 168 168 OFFSITE, LOT 178 179 179 179 179 179 OT: 168 167 167 167 167 FFSITE, N OF LOT 65 64 180 167 65 167 65 167 180 65 LOT: 168 OFFSITE, N OF LOT 65 63 74 118.0' 16.3 74 112.0' LOT: 168 18.3 86.0' 17.3 OFFSITE, N OF LOT 74 74 ::7 64 65 120.0' 16.3 101.0 114.0' 16.9 100.2 113.0' 12.3 111.5 108.0' 16.9 103.3 108.0' 18.3 99.5 106.0' 12.3 113.9 94.0' 96.0' 98.0' 98.0' 100.0' 84.0' 87.0' 90.0' 12.3 13.6 12.3 15.6 9.3 1X 715 107.5 116.0 92.7 108.2 116.0 93.3 106.2 116.0 91.7 '~' 105.0 116.0 90.5 115.6 122.5 94.3 118.0 122.5 96.3 105.7 116.0 91.3 115.7 122.5 94.3 90.0' 92.0' 95.0' 92.0' 94.0' 102.0' 102.0' 97.0' 97.0' 112.0' 97.0' 98.0' 104.0' 114.0' 99.0' 100.0' 8.1 ;:3" 1::: 1i.Z 17:6 18.3 16.9 17.6 12.3 lZ.3" 13:o 12.3 120.2 122.5 98.3 114.6 122.5 93.7 114.2 122.5 93.3 113.7 122.5 92.9 116.5 127.0 91.8 113.7 122.5 93.2 101.7 110.0 92.6 102.2 110.0 92.9 98.0 110.0 89.0 102.1 110.0 92.8 100.1 110.0 91.T 112.9 120.0 94.2 113.1 120.0 94.3 101.2 110.0 92.2 109.3 120.0 91.3 110.2 120.0 91.8 102.0' 16.9 100.3 102.0' 16.9 101.5 104.0' 10.5 112.5 116.0' 11.1 110.0 104.0' 10.5 113.1 84.0' 18.3 100.9 106.0' 10.5 114.2 106.0' 10.5 111.9 100.9 102.3 98.8 110.0 110.0 122.0 120.0 120.0 110.0 120.0 122.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 120.0 110.0 110.0 120.0 91.3 92.3 92.3 91.8 94.3 91.8 95.3 91.8 91.9 93.2 90.0 91.9 91.3 93.0 94.0 90.4 95.2 - WOODWARD - CLYDE & KXHZ!;.':: .: C.,,.~,<l,i,iL 5 ,,,i nil,, Jllllll,l,i,iilll i //I/,, r3 lil,ll t ., - COMPACTION TEST RESU. S _ Joe NAME Laguna Riviera (Off Site Fill Future Unit) (Unit 5) JOB NUMBER 66-237 - cmEScOVERED July 29, 1968 Through June 3, 1969 ..__- mTE~EPORTED 2-14-72 PAGE 5 OF 7 *OI*T"Fz‘ ?&I LAe3II*rOR" Rlc~"""r OITI 7z.T RETEST LOC*mOH ELEY*TIo* cOHT*HI DINSIT, DzN,,n cc:*, ~, /: ,li - HUUBTR "I OPTIST l emrrr. PC, PC, $. or I,. i Lib.. -- -Aug. 28 - 29 Aug. -Sept. 3 Sept. 11 Sept. 12 - Sept. 13 - 1969 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 LOT: 166 FG 88.0' 148 69.0' 168 88.0' 148 FG 70.7' OFFSITE, N OF LOT 71 115.0' 78 110.0' 78 102.0' OFFSITE, S OF LOT 146 26.0' 13.0 111.8 120.0 93.3 10.5 110.0 120.0 91.5 16.9 100.0 110.0 90.5 10.5 111.6 120.0 93.0 11.7 110.0 120.0 91.5 18.3 99.5 110.0 90.1 11.7 114.0 120.0 95.0 147 26.0' 146 28.0' 147 28.0' 145 31.0' 147 31.0' OFFSITE, N OF LOT 78 104.0' 78 FG 106.0' 78 33.0' 78 33.0' 71 FG 116.0' 17.3 18.3 17.6 18.3 17.6 17.6 9.3 1.7 7.6 6.9 9.3 99.5 110.0 90.2 107.0 110.0 97.4 99.0 110.0 90.0 100.0 110.0 91.2 102.8 110.0 93.5 100.2 110.0 91.2 112.8 120.0 94.1 114.0 120.0 95.3 99.3 110.0 90.3 100.2 110.0 91.2 112.4 120.0 93.8 166 67 FG 107.0' 167 65 FG 110.5' 168 63 110.0' 169 64 112.0' 170 OFFSITE, LOT 179 FG 110.0' 171 168 OFFSITE, rs OF LOT 63 110.0 1 1.7 1 1 i:: 13.0 1;:: 115.2 122.0 94.8 114.6 120.0 95.4 107.2 120.0 89.3 109.4 120.0 91.0 110.2 122.0 90.2 111.2 120.0 92.6 172 173 LOT: 167 14.3 111.5 122.0 91.6 13.0 110.9 120.0 92.5 174 OFFSITE, N OF LOT 74 122.0' 175 70 120.0' 176 74 FG 123.0' 12.3 1::; 115.3 122.0 94.7 112.6 120.0 93.8 114.2 120.0 95.3 177 63 FG 112.0' 10.5 113.2 122.0 93.0 178 OFFSITE, LOT 181 FG 114.0' 12.3 111.6 122.0 91.6 179 LOT: 147 FG 70.0' 9.3 111.5 122.0 91.5 22 .Ta.y 180 LOT: 145 43.0' 181 145 45.0' - 182 145 47.0' 183 145 49.0' 184 143 52.0' 185 144 50.0' 1;:: i.93 13:o 12.3 114.8 122.5 93.7 116.2 127.0 91.5 119.0 127.0 93.7 115.0 127.0 90.5 119.0 127.0 93.8 117.1 127.0 92.2 - WOODWARD - CLYDE & ASS2CKi::; C",w,,liri~ Scri ,,,,,,, 1 l,,,,,,,,, r,,w / ~:l,,,, ,I il/// - COMPACTION TEST RESU..S - JoI) NAUE Laguna Riviera Unit 5 DATEREPORTED 2-14-72 JOBNUMBER 66-237 - DATESCCW~EDJU~~ 29, 1968 through %June 3, 1969 PAGE 6 OF 7 - “OI*I”“‘ IIELD UwaR*IOw “LL*TrYr BATE n*r IlETL,T L.acAmoY LLLYAllON COYTCHT DIH*IIr DIN.,Tv co*i’*;Tlon - NUMBE” 0, OF TEST 5 OIVWX PC, PC, * or L&U. U&MS. _ Kay 23 - - 24 May - _ Kay 26 - _ May 27 - 28 May - - - - 186 LOT: 143 54.0' 187 145 53.0' 188 144 54.0' 189 145 57.0' 190 143 58.0' 191 144 58.0' 192 145 61.0' 193 146 64.0' 194 144 61.0' 195 145 63.0' 196 146 66.0' 197 194 144 198 161 199 162 200 163 201 165 202 198 161 61.0' 70.0' 77.0' 75.0' 75.0' 70.0' 203 204 205 206 207 208 164 77.0' 161 165 163 165 161 74.0' 79.0' 79.0' 79.0' 77.0' 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 164 81.0' 165 83.0' 163 82.0' 165 85.0' 164 84.0' 165 87.0' 162 139 139 142 139 140 141 142 79.0’ 36.0' 38.0' 52.0' 40.0' 47.0' 46.0' 52.0' 139 42.0' 12.3 18.8 1;:; 11.1 9.9 4.3 E 4:9 1.1 3.6 8.7 1 1.7 12.3 1::: 11.1 11.1 11.7 12.3 10.5 6.9 9.3 9.3 12.3 11.7 12.3 11.7 12.3 11.7 11.1 10.5 120.0 127.0 94.5 106.0 116.0 91.5 105.5 116.0 91.0 119.1 119.1 93.7 107.1 107.1 92.5 113.1 113.1 92.4 114.4 116.0 98.5 119.9 128.0 93.7 103.1 116.0 88.9 122.5 127.0 96.7 114.0 120.0 95.0 107.7 116.0 93.0 101.1 122.5 82.5 111.1 122.5 90.8 110.2 122.5 90.2 122.0 124.5 97.8 113.5 122.5 92.6 116.9 124.5 93.8 114.1 122.5 91.2 112.1 122.5 91.6 110.2 122.5 90.1 113.0 122.5 92.2 114.1 122.5 93.1 112.1 122.5 113.9 122.5 111.1 122.5 115.3 122.5 110.2 122.5 111.8 122.5 111.8 122.0 117.9 125.0 115.2 125.0 118.0 125.0 115.1 125.0 11 5.8 125.0 11 5.8 122.5 11, 2.2 122.5 11' 2.8 122.5 91.6 93.0 90.7 94.1 90.0 91.2 91.2 94.2 92.3 94.3 92.1 92.6 X 92.0 - WOODWARD- CLYDE & ASSOCKXS Ca,,mllil,g soi, ,,w, ~<,,,,,‘,<,,;,,,, ,~:l,c,l,wr~ ,i//#/ <:, :, .(, - COMPACTION TEST RESU. S - JOB NAME Laguna Riviera Unit 5 DATERWORTED 2-14-72 Joe NUMBER 66-237 - DATESCOVERED July 29, 1968 through June 3, 1969 P*GE 7 or7 June 2 - June 3 LOT: 140 47.0' 139 44.0' 140 50.0' 141 142 144 145 51.0' 56.0' 49.0' 51.0' 231 141 52.0' 232 144 53.0' 233 145 55.0' 144 % 57.0' 59.0' 63.0' 10.5 111.1 El 112.0 111.4 13.6 10.5 9.3 1Z 13:o 13.6 12.3 9.9 9.3 14.7 19.0 16.1 16.8 17.0 16.2 14.9 14.1 13.5 12.9 122.5 90.7 122.5 91.3 122.5 91.0 125.0 91.7 127.0 94.0 128.0 90.7 128.0 91.2 125.0 93.6 125.0 93.1 125.0 91.9 125.0 91.4 122.5 92.7 122.5 92.0 - WOODWARD-CLYDE & XSOCliriES corin.llo,~~ S"il aw, I:ou,,c,u,;m ,1,1d(o4. ,'I> llld c:. I,:,',:, I<5 - COMPACTION TEST RESULTS JOB b.ME LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT 5 DATEREPORTEO 2-14-72 ,DB NUMBER 72-105-l - ~~~~~~~~~~~~ January 6 throuoh 26, 1972 PAGE 1 OF 2 - IlOIrr”IS ,lLW LA*ORArOR” “LL*TIVc DAIL nsr lE,FSl l.05*110* ELCVATlON COYTINT D*us,r” OIHS,rv COHPACTIOH NYMBE” or OFTEST * DIV WT. PC, PC, % or LAO. q LI1‘. ______ - JAN 6 JAN 7 - - JAN 10 - - JAN 11 - - JAN 12 - JAN 13 -. JAN 14 - JAN 17 - - 237 LOT: 165 86.0' 9.9 115.9 125.0 93.0 238 146 65.0' 10.0 113.6 124.5 91.3 239 145 64.0' 9.9 115.0 124.5 92.9 240 143 58.0' 7.5 115.0 122.5 93.6 241 142 55.0' 7.5 113.0 122.5 91.0 242 161 75.0' 11.7 118.9 124.5 95.0 243 165 F'G 88.0' 9.0 120.5 125.0 96.5 244 166 FG 88.5' 9.0 117.0 125.0 93.5 245 168 84.0' 10.5 110.0 122.5 90.0 246 167 86.0' 11.7 121.0 125.0 97.0 247 150 64.0' 9.3 114.4 124.5 92.0 248 148 69.0' 8.1 113.5 124.5 91.2 249 140 49.0' 8.1 122.2 122.5 91.6 250 160 68.0' 10.0 114.5 124.5 91.3 251 139 43.0' 7.0 115.8 122.5 94.5 252 160 70.0' 9.3 117.0 124.5 94.0 253 160 72.0' 7.5 123.5 131.0 94.0 254 159 63.0' 7.5 108.5 124.5 87.2 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 254 159 63.0' 158 59.0' 159 65.0' 158 61.0' 168 87.0' 170 84.0' 169 89.0' 171 86.0' 9.0 7.5 9.0 8.1 9.3 E 7:5 113.9 124.5 91.5 116.0 124.5 93.3 117.2 124.5 94.5 118.3 124.5 95.2 115.2 124.5 92.8 113.0 124.5 91.0 114.0 124.5 91.6 121.0 131.0 92.5 263 264 265 151 173 173 62.0' 80.0' 84.0' 9.5 6’:: 128.0 124.5 93.6 121.5 131.0 93.0 123.0 131.0 94.0 266 172 86.0' 10.5 110.5 122.5 90.3 267 173 88.0' 9.3 119.8 131.0 91.3 268 147 FG 70.0' 269 146 FG 67.5' 270 145 FG 65.0' 271 144 FG 61.5' 272 143 FG 58.6' 273 157 53.0' 274 157 55.0' 275 156 48.0' 8.7 a.7 E 9.3 9.9 9.3 9.3 111.9 122.5 91.5 119.8 125.0 95.5 112.8 124.5 91.0 118.0 124.5 95.0 113.4 124.5 91.3 118.2 127.0 93.2 118.5 127.0 93.5 117.5 127.0 92.6 WOOOWARO .GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES I^ .._ ~.,. ~.~ ~~~ ~. COMPACTION TEST RESULTS - JOB NAME LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT 5 JO8 NUMBER 72-105-l - ~TESCOYERED January 6 throuqh 26, 1972 DATEREPORTED 2-14-72 PAGE 2 OF 2 - DATL JAN 19 - - - JAN 20 _ JAN 24 - _- - JAN 25 ,- - JAN 26 - - n.r RETEST Loc*IIo* LLLVlTlON “““BER OF OF TE5-r 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 148 286 149 Upper 287 149 Lower 288 150 289 151 Upper 290 151 Lower 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 156 157 Lower 157 Upper 158 Lower 158 Upper 159 160 161 162 163 164 167 FG 60.0' FG 57.5' FG 51.5' FG 50.4' FG 54.5' FG 57.5’ FG 59.5' FG 62.5' FG 66.5' FG 74.5' FG 76.7’ FG 78.7’ FG 81.9' FG 85.2' FG 87.5’ 306 168 FG 88.2' 307 169 Upper FG 88.0' 308 169 Lower FG 85.0' 309 170 FG 81.5' 310 171 Upper FG 82.0' 311 171 Lower FG 78.0’ LOT: 142 141 140 139 163 164 169 170 171 152 153 155 FG 56.0' FG 53.0' FG 50.0' FG 46.5' 80.0’ 82.0' 84.0' 80.0' 76.0' FG 70.6' FG 70.5' FG 67.5’ FG 65.6' FG 65.5' FG 62.5' *OlsT”RI ,,rm COHTINI DrNs,,I * D”” IT. ?c. 7.5 9":: 7.5 9.3 1::5" 1;:: 10":: E 10:5 10.5 10.5 10.5 11.0 10.5 10.5 10.0 10.5 1i.z 9:9 i-i 10:5 l?:: 1K 1o:o 9.3 9.3 9.5 112.0 122.5 114.0 124.5 121.5 127.0 116.0 122.5 117.5 127.0 116.8 127.0 116.4 128.0 114.5 125.0 117.5 127.0 “LLATIYI ~oY~*CTIYn 7, CI uu. OLH*. ____ 91.7 91.5 95.5 95.5 92.6 91.9 91.2 91.5 92.5 113.4 122.5 92.6 118.0 127.0 93.2 113.5 124.5 91.2 114.8 124.5 92.0 113.3 124.5 91.5 116.8 127.0 92.0 120.3 118.8 113.5 115.0 120.8 113.8 118.6 114.5 116.5 116.0 112.8 113.0 117.5 116.5 113.2 27.0 27.0 24.5 25.0 27.0 25.0 27.0 1: 125.0 127.0 127.0 122.5 122.5 125.0 125.0 122.5 95.0 93.6 91.2 92.0 95.0 91.0 93.5 91.5 92.0 91.5 92.2 92.5 94.3 93.4 93.0 118.7 114.4 117.0 115.5 114.0 125.0 125.0 127.0 125.0 125.0 116.8 125.0 95.5 91.5 92.0 92.5 91.2 93.4 WOODWARD. GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES c,,*I,,lll*c \“1, .*” .,,,, rnr.,nr .I~.l.‘~_ ._^ r .I., . ._.. .- COMPACTION TEST RESULTS - Joe NAHE LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT 5 (Street Tests) DATEREPORTED 2-14-72 JOQ NuueEn 66-237 - ~~~~~~~~~~~~ July 30, throuqh 1968 June 11, 1969 PA&E or 1 2 YOI*IY”~ .IILD u~ollro”* “CLATIYI D.&II nmr lllTlOI Lc.CATlOH m&YATlON COWTlUT DINSITI cdH*lTw coY~AcIIow - NUYBE” 0, O,TI,I * 011’17. P.2 K, 1c o,Lh!x. DIHS. -__ 1968 _ JULY 30 - JULY 31 - AUG 3 - AUG.5 AUG 15 - - AUG 16 - AUG 19 - AUG 20 - '-' 1969 MAY 23 ,-MAY 26 ,-MAY 29 '-JUNE 1 s-30 S-l s-2 s-3 s-4 s-5 S-6 S-J S-8 s-9 s-10 s-11 s-12 s-13 s-14 s-15 S-16 s-17 S-18 s-19 s-20 s-19 s-21 s-22 S-23 S-24 S-25 S-26 S-25 S-27 S-28 s-29 SEVILLA WAY OPPOSITE LOT 64 37.0' OFFSITE, OPPOSITE LOT 61 40.0' OPPOSITE LOT 145 42.0' OPPOSITE LOT 145 44.0' OPPOSITE LOT 166 46.0' OFFSITE, OPPOSITE LOT 55 46.0' OFFSITE, OPPOSITE LOT 62 48.0' OPPOSITE LOT 144 51.0' OPPOSITE LOT 146 66.0' OPPOSITE LOT 150 55.0' HILLSIDE DRIVE OPPOSITE LOT 164 OPPOSITE LOT 168 72.0’ 74.0’ OPPOSITE LOT 165 78.0’ SEVILLA WAY OPPOSITE LOT 165 61.0' OPPOSITE LOT 144 63.0' HILLSIDE DRIVE OPPOSITE LOT 165 64.0' OPPOSITE LOT 164 80.0' SEVILLA WAY OPPOSITE LOT 146 65.0' REFUGIO AVENUE OFFSITE, OPPOSITE LOT 17997.0’ OFFSITE, OPPOSITE LOT 179 97.0’ OFFSITE OPPOSITE LOT 179 99.0' OFFISTE OPPOSITE LOT 120103.0 OFFSITE OPPOSITE LOT 180135.0' SEVILLA WAY OPPOSITE LOT 147 69.0’ 59.0’ 59.0’ 78.0’ 74.0’ 70.0’ 45.0' OPPOSITE LOT 145 OPPOSITE LOT 145 HILLSIDE DRIVE OPPOSITE LOT 161 OPPOSITE LOT 162 OPPOSITE LOT 163 VALENCIA OPPOSITE LOT 156 12.3 1% 8:J 108.6 116.0 93.5 116.9 122.5 95.3 107.7 116.0 93.0 116.2 122.5 94.8 8.7 112.0 120.0 93.5 9.3 110.3 120.0 92.0 14.3 102.8 110.0 93.5 11.7 114.0 120.0 95.2 11.1 114.0 120.0 93.0 11.7 115.1 122.5 93.9 12.3 115.2 122.5 94.0 11.7 113.7 122.5 92.8 a.3 116.3 122.5 95.0 14.3 107.3 116.0 92.6 19.0 107.9 110.0 98.3 16.9 100.3 110.0 91.5 17.6 103.0 110.0 93.9 19.0 101 .a 110.0 92.4 7.5 a.7 ;*; 16:3 107.7 122.5 88.0 113.2 122.5 92.4 112.2 122.5 91.7 115.5 122.5 94.4 101.2 110.0 92.3 5.9 117.3 127.0 92.5 12.3 109.9 128.0 12.3 115.1 128.0 86.0 90.3 11.7 118.0 128.0 92.3 11.1 116.3 128.0 90.8 11.7 116.8 128.0 91.2 a.7 121.5 128.0 95.0 - WOODWARD - CLYDE & ASSOCIATES C”,,,d,iau Soil a,Mi FOW< 10, i ,011 E,Wi,wT# “WI ~I<,diwr,r - COMPACTION TEST RESULTS _ JOB NAME LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT 5 (Street Tests) o*TEREPORTEO 2-14-72 JOB NUMBER 66-237 - DA~E~C~WWI July 30, 1968 through June 11, 1969 PAGE 2 O? 2 Y~ISTUII ,l‘LD U.O”ATO”~ “SUIIYI DITL n.7 IWLST LOCIllON ELLVITIOW CO”,IHI Dm4‘ITI D*H,l?Y coY,AcTto” - W”llEs” 0, c.F1SS1 1L DIY WT. P.3 PC, * 0, LAD. DKMS. -__ -- JUNE 11 s-31 INTERSECTION OF - VALENCIA & SEVILLA 42.0' 11.7 112.2 125.0 90.0 S-32 VALENCIA OPPOSITE LOT-156 48.0' 11.1 114.0 125.0 91.2 - s-33 OPPOSITE LOT 158 50.0' 12.3 113.3 125.0 90.7 s-34 OPPOSITE LOT 157 52.0' 13.6 114.3 125.0 91.6 - WOODWARD - CLYDE & ASSOCIATES Co,,n,,ti,q! ssi, "d F"w,‘l‘~rin,r ~;u!dil~c~rrr md Cd.ww~r - COMPACTION TEST RESULTS - JOB bm LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT 5 (Street Tests) DATEREPORTED 2-14-72 JOB NUMBER 72-105-l - ~~~~~~~~~~~~ January 6 throuqh 24, 1972 PAGE 1 OF 1 U~Ow*TOR” “LUTlYL nsr RETE*T LOCATION ELCVATION E%:~~ rzl;“,” DIH.ITv COYPA*CTIOH HUMBER OF DFTLST 5 D”“IT. PC, PC, 7. 0. LAB. YLNS. - JAN 6 s-35 VALENCIA AVE. OPP L 158 60.0' S-36 - JAN 19 JAN 20 _ JAN 21 -- JAN 24 - s-37 S-38 s-39 SEVILLA WAY, s-40 s-41 S-42 HILLSIDE DRIVE s-43 ;:g VALENCIA AVE, S-46 - - - - - - - -, - s-47 S-48 SEVILLA WAY, s-49 178 63.0' 156 49.0' 139 42.0' 151 59.0' 147 66.0' 164 81.0' 168 84.0' 170 FG 82.0' 165 FG 86.0' 139 FG 47.0' 157 FG 50.5' 159 FG 67.0' 151 FG 62.0' 149 FG 67.5' 10.5 10.5 11.0 9.9 10.0 10.5 9.9 9.3 9.9 10.5 9.3 10.0 1::: 7.5 113.0 122.5 92.0 112.3 122.5 91.8 98.0 106.5 92.0 128.0 127.0 91.6 115.2 127.0 117.5 127.0 113.0 122.5 114.4 122.5 115.5 125.0 110.0 122.5 114.0 124.5 113.5 124.5 113.5 122.5 118.5 127.0 112.8 122.5 90.9 92.5 92.0 93.5 92.5 90.0 91.7 91.2 93.0 93.3 92.0 WOODWAAD -GlZlENSKl & ASSOCIATES - - - - - - ,- - - - ,- - ,- - - 130 120 110 loo 90 80 IECliA~ICAL MALYSIS loo BO :: - z 2 60 I- 340 z f 20 0 1000 100 IO 1.0 0. I 0.01 0.0301 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIHETERS ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVES COBBLESIG;A;E: Ic, :"I f {SK, & CLAY PLASTlCllY CHARACTERISTICS 12 3 Liquid Lemit. % - - W#P;i CiaSSlflCatlon by Un,f,ed %,,I NP = Non Plastic SWELL TEST DATA 1 2 3 I Percent Shell I- I- I- I I(AXIMUM DRY DENSITY, pcf 3 Cut, N End of Lot LABORATORY CM'"rT'm TES7 ““I 1-1 lL”l I FILL SUITABILITY TESTS LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST "fl"OD: ASTM D1557-70T LAGIJNA RIVIERA UNIT 5 WOODWARD - GIZIG'MI h ASSOCIAiE.5 CCMULTING SOIL ANO FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO. CALIFODNIA ,/ I:?'! ISCALE: __ I DR. BY: PPW. !'?:7?-jfl'~:- 1 rrl" nv.LN IOITC. yyj ;:f '2 ._j I~ I_,. .- ---kL _( - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - .- .- DlRECT SWEAR TEST DATA 4 5 6 Dry Density. pcf - - 110.4 -____ Initial Water Content. % _ _ 11.1 Final Water Content. 7. - - 18.6 Apparent Cchhesion. psf _ _ 360 Apparent Friction Angle. ' _ _ 25 100 IO 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.031 GRAIN SIZE IN MlLLlHETtRS COBELES G;WL, 1 SAN D f SILT b CLAY PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS I 4 I 5 I 6 I Liauld l.+m,t. % I - I - I 171 ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVES ‘:,::::.::::,h, i-it,;i:1i Classification by Unified Soil SWELL TEST DATA 4 5 6 Incttal Dry Density. pcf - - 109.4i lnitlal Water Content. : _ - 11.7, Load. psf - - 160 Percent Swell 4AXIMUM DRY LABORATORY CCM'ACTION TEST FILL YJITABILIM TESTS LABORATORY CCHPACTION TEST c(m(o~:AsTM D1557-70T LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT 5 WOODWARD - GIZIE;Ml & ASSilCIATES 4 j, / CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATlON ENGINKRS AND GEOLOGISTS l! SAN DIELO. CALIFORNIA c:. By: IlRP SC?LE: -- Ir:y,, i:>:iZ-j:~ .' _.^,~.~ “,,C’D BY: AL/f iP:TE: ?-id-72 I:,: ,’ nr ‘, __I_-. ..-A..k me,.., * ,- - - - - - ,- - - - - - .- - - - .~.~ ix ,,,, .,-. F____C_rX_ ..., ~. .._.ll.~_.” ” ,I _~“~ ..,, /..___,_l_ ,_,_., __ .---__ nl ,-/-.-. _,__“...~..~,,., ~.~.._._,./1..,^, .,I,-.. ., .,..~ --..a,.,, F:‘w.Y I CAL A? :LYS 1 s loo 3 d 410 W ZOO i: DIRECT SHEhR TEST DATA 7 -__- i! Dry Density. pcf 114.4 80 - . :: Initial Water Content. % 9.8 2 60 i, ; 1: Final Water Contrv,t. : 15.1 2 ,I Apparent Co'lesim. p5f 360 kw 2 --- Apparent Frictc,x Angle. c 25 2 20 80 ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVES PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS Ltquid Ldmit. 1: Piast1city ,noex. ? - Classification by Unified Soil Classification System, SWELL TEST DATA lnjtial Dry Density. pcf Initial water cootwt. : Percent Swell MAXIM4 DRY LABORATORY CXWACTICM TEST FILL SUITABILITY TESTS LABOR, ATORY CCMPACTION TFST I METI,Do:ASTI1 31557-70T LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT 5 II <: .__. WOODWAAD - GIZIUL%I & ASSKIATES i: CDNSULTING SOIL AND FOUN?ATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS ii SAN DlibO. CALlFCsNlA C?. FY: GS c:-?L[: __ r. ., . ,i: 7T-j;>:~-‘ Cf'D TV: AL // J;.LT': Z-IQ-/Z : ,; ,:, T--" .~-l.--i.l- - .---,w ~.. ~.,~,_. -,___, -,__ _.-.-- - _..-__-__-...