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; Laguna Riviera Unit 8 Lots 225-263; Soils Report; 1974-05-24
y7 Kwtl street - San neg.2 Cali‘omia 92*10 ,714, 224.2911 - WOODWARD - GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTlNG so,L *ND FO”NDATlON ENGlNEERS AND GEOLOGlSTS An affiliate of Woodtcord . Clyde Cm.9ultonts May 24, 1974 Project No. 72-102-4 - Kamar Construction Company P.O. Box 71 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Jerry Rombotis - -. - - - FINAL REPORT OF ENGINEERING OBSERVATION AND COMPACTION TESTING LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. 8 LOTS 225 THROUGH 263 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA In accordance with your request, and your letter of authorization dated November 6, 1972, we have provided soil engineering serivces in conjunction with the grading of the subject site. These services included: (1) Engineering observation of the grading operation. (2) Observation of the removal of loose surface soils where encountered prior to placing fill. (3) Observation of ~the removal of highly potentially expansive soil from the top 2 feet of rough lot grade and replacing it with nonexpansive soil, low to moderatelv exoansive soils or. in the case of Lot 226, with moderately expansjve soil. . (4) Taking field density tests in the fill placed (5) Performing laboratory tests on representative used for fill. and compacted. samples of the material Current site preparation, compaction and testing were done between April 1 and May 3, 1974 in accordance with the "Specifications for Controlled Fill" in our updated soil investigation report entitled "Laguna Riviera Unit No. 8, Carlsoad, California", dated April 30, 1973. , - - - - - - - Kamar Construction Company Project No. 72-102-4 May 24, 1974 Page 2 Fill placed during the current phase of grading was compacted and tested onLots 225 through 263. Prior fill was placed, compacted and tested on Lots 237, 238, 240 through 244, 248, 250, 252, 253, 256 and 257 during a previous grading period. In addition, Lots 225 through 229, 245 through 247, and Lot 263 were partially graded during the grading of Unit 7, but were regraded during the current period. All the lots in the subject subdivision are fill lots. As the site grading progressed, the compaction procedures were observed, and field density tests were made to determine the relative compaction of the fill in place. Field observations and field density test results indicate that the fill has been compacted to 90% or more of maximum laboratory density. The approximate locations of field density tests and the limits of compacted fill have been recorded on a copy of the grading plan for reference. The results of field density tests and of relative compaction, expressed as a percent of maximum laboratory density, are given on the attached forms. Laboratory tests to determine moisture-density relationships, maximum dry density, optimum moisture content, grain size distribution, plasticity characteristics, and strength and swell characteristics were performed on representative samples of the material used for fill. The results of laboratory tests are given on the attached forms. During the grading operation certain lots were specially treated to provide a specified depth of selected soil at rough grade. Laboratory tests and visual inspection indicate that nonexpansive fill was placed within 2 feet of rough grade on all fill lots noted herein, with the exception of the following: Lot 226 where the fill within 2 feet of rough. grade has been classed as moderate in potential swell with a swell of approximately 8%; and on Lots 230, 233, 240 and 247 where the fill within 2 feet of rough grade has been classed as low to moderate in potential swell with swell of 3 to 6%. The percent swell is measured on samples recompacted at optimum moisture content, placed under an axial load of 160 psf and soaked in water. Special foundations on the potentially expansive soils are recommended below. On Lots 225, 229, 231, 234, 235, 238, 248, 249, 250, 254 and 257 through 262 potentially expansive soil was excavated and replaced with nonexpansive fill to a depth of 2 feet below rough lot grade and within the limits of the entire level lot. On Lots 226, 230 and 233 highly potentially expansive clay was excavated and replaced with moderately expansive or low expansive fill to a depth of 2 feet below rough lot grade and within the limits of the level lot. , WOODWARD.GlZlENSKl A ASSOCIATES co*~"LllNP IO!, AllO ~0"1(01,10* ~*w4~I"* lP.0 cIc.LocIsI~ - - - - - .- - Kamar Construction Company Project No. 72-102-4 May 24, 1974 Rough lot grade is defined as that grade set in the field by the grade checker from reference stakes established by the surveyor and represents rough grade at the time we were inspecting the removal and replacement of expansive soils. Likewise the depths of undercutting of'expansive soil and/or depths of placement of nonexpansive soil were in accordance with measurements made by and grades set by the contractor's grade checker. On those lots where potentially expansive soil is evident or where it is encountered in footing excavations, special foundation design should be observed. Special foundations for single or two-story residential structures on lots that contain such potentially expansive soil,, should be designed in accordance with the following recommendations: (1) Foundations for single or two-story residential structures placed on nonexpansive properly compacted fill may be designed for a bearing pressure of 2,000 psf (dead plus live loads) at a depth of 12 inches below compacted fill or undisturbed cut lot grade. All footings should have a minimum width of 12 inches. This pressure may be increased by one-third for loads that include wind or seismic forces. (2) Foundations for single or two-story residential structures on Lots 230, 233, 240 and 247 that contain potentially low to moderately expansive soil may be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf and should include the following reinforcing. FOOTING DETAIL n. concrete slab with 6x6 6/6 steel mesh * . > . . ~ . . * . . . . * n.Oe"!kr,$ sand cushiom wlth.6mil.plaptic mkzbrane Page 3 (3) On lot 226, footings for a single or two-story structure placed on potentially moderate to highly expansive properly compacted fill may be designed for a bearing pressure of 3,000 psf at a depth of 24 inches be!ow finish lot grade and in accordance with the following design requirements: FOOTING DETAIL bugh Grade mine concrete slab with 6x6 6/6 steel mesh . . . . - I~. . -0 . ..?'..O,.. . . . . *-, 1% c.oarse.sand $us.hion wjtb ,6.mll.elast,c.membran~ I 24" mini l J.s*v Barr, tc >p and bott,nn WDDDWARD-GIZIENSKI b ASSOCIATES EoNlULTlNC Sal AlaD ro"No*llo* C"OlMCms "ND rrOLOrllll Kamar Construction Company Project Yo. 72-102-4 May 24, 1974 Page 4 - 2 wet - (6) - Structures that will not tolerate differential settlements (such .as foundations, swimming pools, concrete decks, walls, etc.) should not be located within 5 feet of the top of a slope. Footings located closer than 5 feet from the top of a slope should be extended in depth until the outer bottom edge of the footing is 5 feet horizontally from the outside face of the slope. - - - The exposed soils within footing excavations and under slabs should be allowed to dry out before construction, and should be thoroughly prior to placement of concrete. The above design recommendations are not intended to eliminate heave, are,intended to minimize its effects. - - - The elevations of compaction tests, shown as finished grade (FG) tests, correspond to the elevations shown on the grading plans for "Tract 73- 5" with the latest revision dated December 31, 1973, prepared by Raymond R. Ribal, Brea, California. Elevations and locations shown in this report are based on field surveys established by others. - - - This report covers the fill placed un~der our observation during the dates specified herein. Additional fill placed after these dates, as well as the bac~kfill in utility trenches located within 5 feet or more from a building and in excess of 5 feet in depth, should be compacted under the observation of this office and tested to assure compliance with the earthwork specifications for the project. This office should be contacted at least 24 hours prior to backfilling operations. Utility service trenches within 5 feet of a building that are perpendicular to the building footings and are less than 12 inches wide and less than 3 feet deep are not subject to this recommendation. The inspections and tests of compaction made during the period of our services on the subject site were in accordance with the local acceptable standards for this period. The conclusions or opinions drawn from the tests and site inspections apply only to our work with respect to grading and represent conditions at the date of our final inspection. I WOODWARD. GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES EO”I”LII”C *011 .ND rO”NDII,aN CNCINEE”I ,*o cEoLocIsIs - - Kamar Construction Company Project NO. 72-102-4 May 24, 1974 -. We will accept no responsibility for any subsequent changes made to the site by others or by uncontrolled action of water or by failure of others to properly repair damages caused by uncontrolled action of water. .WOODWARD-GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES -- - -. s - LJL/RPW/JLH/EHP/we - - Attachments (5) Kamar Construction Company (2) Carlsbad Building Inspection Department - - - - - - - , Page 5 WOODWARD. GIZIENSKI b ASSOCIATES COMPACTION TEST RESULTS -I Jcm tiNa* LACUNA RIVIERA UNIT #8 OATCRLPORTEO 5123174 JOm NUW~LR 72-102-4 - D~T=~COWWD April 1, 1974 through May 3, 1974 PAGE 1 0' 3 "OlM"l .Im.n LA.O"ATO"" "ILATIYI - OAT. nsr "nln LauIIo* ILIYATIOW SOYTmn OlY.lTT 0,11*,n CO",ACTIO" Id"".‘" 0, 0Fll.T c D"" WT. PCs cc, x 0. LA.. 01111. - APRIL 1 APRIL 3 APRIL 5 - APRIL 8 - APRIL 9 - APRIL 12 - APRIL 16 APRIL 17 _ APRIL 18 - - APRIL 19 - - 174 LOT 246 138' 14.9 114.6 119.5 95.8 175 227 139' 12.3 113.0 114.5 94.7 176 227 141' 11.7 113.8 119.5 95.1 177 178 179 180 181 232 174' 11.7 110.5 119.5 92.3 232 176' 12.3 109.9 119.5 91.8 247 123' 13.0 112.0 119.5 93.8 245 140' 14.3 113.8 119.5 95.1 245 144' 14.3 114.1 119.5 94.6 182 228 156' 13.6 115.5 119.5 96.5 183 228 158' 14.3 114.5 119.5 95.8 184 228 160' 14.3 115.3 122.5 94.1 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 236 211' 10.5 120.5 125.3 96.1 235 202' 13.6 114.8 122.5 93.8 235 207' 13.0 112.9 122.5 92.1 232 178' 13.0 114.2 122.5 93.1 227 8.1 111.2 124.0 90.0 236 245 245 247 248 248 FG 143.5' 212' 146' 148' 125' 136' 138' 11.1 119.1 125.5 95.1 13.6 109.9 119.5 91.8 14.9 110.1 119.5 92.2 12.3 113.7 119.5 95.1 13.0 110.0 119.5 92.1 11.1 108.6 119.5 90.8 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 APRIL 22 203 204 - 205 206 207 230 161' 231 172' 240 202' 263 114' 242 182' 244 165' 245 152' 247 128' 249 152' 226 122' 251 176' 252 189' 12.3 109.0 119.5 91.2 13.6 108.7 119.5 91.1 10.5 118.5 125.5 94.6 11.1 116.7 124.0 93.7 14.3 110.1 119.5 92.3 13.6 108.6 119.5 90.8 11.1 117.0 125.5 93.1 10.5 111.2 122.5 ,90.8 10.5 111.4 122.5 e91.0 13.0 103.1 116.0 94.1 13.6 108.9 116.0 93.8 11.1 110.0 119.5 92.1 - - WOOOWARD-GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES co**“LllNL l cdL .NO roY*oAIIoI lnClnrr”l .?.D CI”LO‘IS>S _~ COMPACTION TEST RESULTS .-’ Jam NAME LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT #8 DATCREPORTED 5/23/74 JOB NVW~LR 72-102-4 - DATCS COYKRED April 1, 1974 through May 3, 1974 PAGE 2 0, 3 “OIM”~ IICLD U.O”lrn”” “‘LATIYS m&n lB.7 “IT**7 LOcAIlOY cLzY*TIO* ca”T.UI D~NSI~” Duw,rv CO”,AICTIO” I4”I.l” 0, 0FTI.I l Dllw?. PC, ?cP x er LA.. omr. - _ APRIL 23 208 209 210 211 212 APRIL 24 213 - 214 215 216 217 - 218 219 220 APRIL 25 221 222 - 223 224 225 - APRIL 26 226 227 228 - 229 230 231 232 - APRIL 29 233 234 - 235 236 -. APRIL 30 237 238 239 240 - 241 242 LOT 254 253 258 UPPER PAD 259 260 FG 197.0' FG 196.0' FG 176.0' FG 162.5' FG 150.0' 238 239 240 UPPER PAD 240 LOWER PAD 255 256 257 UPPER PAD 258 LOWER PAD 261 UPPER PAD 261 LOWER PAD 262 UPPER PAD 262 LOWER PAD 263 FG 221.5' FG 212.0' FG 203.0' FG 200.0' FG 197.0' FG 196.0' FG 188.0' FG 173.0' FG 142.0' FG 139.0' FG 134.0' FG 131.0' FG 116.0' 252 UPPER PAD FG 190.0' 252 LOWER PAD FG 185.0' 251 UPPER PAD FG 178.0' 251 LOWER PAD FG 175.0' 250 FG 164.0' 249 UPPER PAD FG 154.5' 249 LOWER PAD FG 151.5' 248 FG 140.0' 247 UPPER PAD FG 130.0' 247 LOWER PAD FG 127.0' 225 FG 116.0' 226 UPPER PAD FG 124.0' 226 LOWER PAD FG 121.0' 246 FG 140.0' 243 FG 172.0' 242 UPPER PAD FG 180.0' 242 LOWER PAD FG 183.0' 6.9 11.1 9.3 10.5 8.7 11.1 9.0 9":: 1Y it;: ;*z 8:1 10.5 1;*: 10:5 8.7 9.9 8.7 it: ii:; 7.5 10.5 11.1 10.5 5.2 11.7 111.9 121.5 92.1 116.0 124.0 93.5 119.2 124.0 97.1 119.0 124.0 95.9 116.6 124.0 93.7 112.0 124.0 90.4 117.5 125.5 93.5 112.9 124.0 91.0 112.4 122.5 91.8 115.4 125.5 92.1 115.2 125.5 91.8 118.1 125.5 94.1 122.1 125.5 97.3 123.0 125.5 98.6 116.2 124.0 93.6 119.0 125.5 94.9 119.1 125.5 94.9 111.9 124.0 90.2 114.2 125.5 91.2 118.8 125.5 94.5 125.2 125.5 99.9 121.0 125.5 96.4 115.0 124.0 92.7 119.0 125.5 94.8 121.0 125.5 96.4 115.7 24.0 93.2 114.8 24.0 92.4 117.1 22.5 95.8 115.8 25.5 92.1 127.8 119.0 118.0 116.8 119.9 127.0 24.0 100+ 20.9 98.4 24.0 95.1 24.0 94.0 25.5 95.6 25.5 1pot , WOODWAAD.GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES co*I"LrlM~ ,011 A"0 ro"*D.r1o* 1*r,*c11, ,*o ~IOLOG<III _: COMPACTION TEST RESULTS JO. NAY,! LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT #8 DATE REPORTED 5/23/74 - Jam N”M.ER 72-102-4 - DATCSCOYERED April 1, 1974 through May 3, 1974 PAGE 3 0, 3 “OISTIJ”~ .Imn LA.0”110”” “m,A.l”E O*n “mT1,1 .Ez. 0, LOcAT,** ILEYAIIOl4 co*,ma? DU*ITI omx.,n coY.*srIo* 0, IF..T l 0.1wr. cc. K, * a, LAB+ D‘la.. - MAY 1 -- - w - - _ MAY3 - 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 232 FG 180.5' 259 231 UPPER PAD FG 174.0' 260 231 LOWER PAD FG 169.0' 261 230 UPPER'PAD FG 163.5' 262 230 LOWER PAD FG 160.5' 263 229 FG 154.0' LOT 241 . 244 UPPER PAD 244 LOWER PAD 245 UPPER PAD 245 LOWER PAD 228 228 GARAGE PAD 237 236 UPPER PAD 236 LOWER PAD 235 UPPER PAD 235 LOWER PAD 234 233 UPPER PAD 233 LOWER PAD FG 191.5' FG 166.5' FG 163.5' FG 155.5' FG 150.5' FG 162.0' FG 154.0' FG 225.0' ;"G ;;;.;* FG 209:O' FG 204.0' FG 198.0' FG 192.0' FG 187.0' 9.3 ii*: 715 i-: 817 1:*: 715 5.8 I 10:5 6.9 i:: i-z 10:5 8.7 116.8 125.0 116.9 123.0 114.2 113.2 117.5 122.2 121.9 114.9 119.8 122.0 122.1 126.9 116.6 119.3 119.2 126.2 125.0 126.0 107.9 125.5 125.5 124.0 125.5 1 21.5 1 25.5 21.5 24.0 1 25.5 25.5 22.5 1 22.5 24.0 25.5 22.5 25.5 25.5 26.0 124.0 125.5 121.5 93.0 99.5 94.2 98.0 91.1 91.2 93.2 loo+ 97.0 94.4 96.5 97.2 loot loot 95.0 96.2 94.9 loot loot loo+ 92.8 WOODWARD .GlZlENSKl & ASSOCIATES .x*s"LrI*c SON "no ~0"*0.1101 tna*rt*l AND GIDLOT1SI~ _~ COMPACTION TEST RESULTS 1 JamNmr _. LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT #8 DATE RWORTED 5/23/74 Jam NUM.,% 72-102-4 (STREETS) - DATL*COVERED April 29, 1974 through May 3, 1974 PAGE s-1 0, s-1 “O1CI”” nm.m U.O”lro”” ISUIIYI oI?s l8.T “Ill., LocA*,oY ILl!“*TIO* CO”TIM, DIY.lTv DIYS,TY coY.AcIto* - *““.*I 0, OITISl . DIVW?. cs, cs. * OF LA.. DEN.. _ APRIL 29 - - - MAY 2 - MAY3 - -~ - - - .~. s-43 REFUGIO AVE. OPP LOT 252 si44 s-45 ON CENTER-LINE REFUGIO AVE, OPP LOT 250 W OF CENTER LINE 6' REFUGIO AVE, OPP LOT 247 W OF CENTER LINE 8' S-46 s-47 CORDOBA PLACE, OPP LOT 225 E OF CENTER LINE 10' CORDOBA PLACE, OPP LOT 226 ON CENTER LINE S-48 CORDOBA PLACE, OPP LOT 226 S OF CENTER LINE 10' s-49 NEBLINA DRIVE s-50 NEBLINA DRIVE 185' 9.9 122.1 167' 8.7 119.9 122' 9.3 122.8 117' 9.3 121.2 124' 9.9 121.5 130' 8.7 118.0 210' 117.0 165' z:: 123.0 125.5 97.1 122.5 97.8 122.5 lOO+ 125.5 96.7 122.5 99.1 123.5 96.5 125.5 97.1 125.5 98.0 , WOODWARD. GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES ~o*I”LII*c so11 AND ,o”*DA,Io* ~*TI*lt”l .*a CroLoGIslr _~ COMPACTION TEST RESULTS Jam NAME LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. 8 D~tr RCMRTED 3/g/ 73 Jam NUMBER 72-102-4 Revised 5124174 -. DATLSCOVERED November 13, 1972 through February 17. 1973 PAGE 1 0, 5 NOV 13 - -NOV 14 - NOV 15 - NOV 20 - ONOV 21 NOV 22 - -~ NDV 27 - 4 258 257 ; g;: 225413 7 253 252 i f Y 12 13 245 241 254 253 255 254 244 240 257 256 255 254 248 244 140' 11.7 246 242 158' 15.6 244 240 172' 16.3 242 238 192' 15.3 18 19 20 i: 243 239 180' 249 248 128' 251 250 142' 253 252 160' 255 254 184' 23 242 238 24 243 239 25 26 ;i 29 30 31 :: 34 35 36 :z 39 :: 42 REVISED LOT 243 239 242 238 246 242 242 238 243 239 243 239, 240 236 243 239 240 236 243 239 240 236 241 237 240 236 196' 184' 200' 188' 190' 192' 194' 196' 198' 200' 202' 204' 11.1 12.3 14.3 14.9 1:-z 11:1 11.1 11.1 12.3 11.7 16.3 243 239 202' 9.9 242 238 204' 10.5 243 239 206' 13.6 242 238 208' 10.5 241 237 206' 14.3 240 236 208' 11.1 241 237 210' 11.7 243 239 210' 9.9 176' 12.3 188' 15.3 154' 14.9 182' 14.3 148' 16.3 150' 14.9 156' 9.9 l$Ol 14.3 166' 14.9 180' 11.1 168' 12.3 184' 11.1 194' 6.4 ;:i 10.5 14.3 15.6 107.5 116.0 92.7 106.5 116.0 91.7 106.5 114.5 93.0 108.0 116.0 93.1 105.0 116.0 90.3 107.5 114.5 93.7 119.0 127.0 93.7 107.0 116.0 105.3 114.5 114.5 121.5 112.5 121.5 115.0. 121.5 110.2 121.5 115.5 121.5 07.8 116.0 07.5 116.0 09.0 116.0 1 17.8 127.0 1 18.0 127.0 15.2 126.5 08.5 116.0 108.2 116.0 109.0 119.0 108.7 119.0 105.5 114.5 108.0 116.0 119.5 127.0 108.5 119.0 116.0 126.0 112.5 112.3 112.0 115.5 107.5 115.5 115.5 110.2 111.8 1 21.0 21.0 19.0 21.5 16.0 26.0 26.0 19.0 21.0 107.5 116.0 110.5 121.0 115.0 126.0 109.5 126.0 92.3 91.8 94.3 92.6 94.7 90.5 95.0 93.0 92.7 94.0 92.7 92.9 91.2 93.5 93.3 91.6 91.3 92.0 93.5 94.0 91.1 92.2 93.0 92.8 94.0 95.0 92.7 ,91.7 91.7 .- 92.7 92.3 92.7 91.3 91.3 87.0 WOODWARD .GlZlENSKl b ASSOCIATES cMI"LII*C 1011 ."O ro"*o.IIo* I*cI"cc", II0 .xOL(I~IS11 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS - JO. N&m LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. 8 JO. NUW~ER 72-102-4 D~rrRcroarro 3/g/73 Revised 5124174 -. DATL,COYLRED November 13, 1972 through February 17. 1973 PAGE 2 0, 5 rolmru nll.0 U.0”Aro”. “lUIl”l aarE .““.::” ““SW LOCATIO” Iu”A7IO* CO”,~“. Dud.lr” OeW*,l-f CO”CACTm* or orrl.1 . 0”. WT. cc, cc, * 0. LA.. Dw4.. REVISED NOV 27 -CONT. ii 45 46 -NOV 28 ii LOT 243 240 242 241 239 210' 236 212' 238 212' 237 214' 9.9 ;:; 8.5 118.5 126.0 93.3 114.0 121.5 93.7 111.5 121.5 91.8 119.5 127.0 94.0 -NOV 29 49 :: DEC 6 52 53 -. zt 56 _~ zz 6": -. 61 i: - 64 DEC 1T 2 67 68 69 :Y’ 72 -DEC 12 77 - :i 80 81 82 242 238 216' 11.7 115.5 121.5 95.0 241 237 218' 11.1 114.5 121.5 94.3 241 241 242 235 ,246 253 235 245 236 246 253 235 236 245 254 253 246 245 246 244 254 253 245 258 257 73 257 237 239 238 237 239 238 237 239 ;33: 238 220' 16.3 105.0 116;O 90.3 222' 14.3 108.0 116.0 93.1 217' 11.1 112.3 121.0 92.8 231 160' 10.5 114.5 125.0 91.5 242 162' 14.9 106.3 116.0 91.6 252 164' 17.5 112.5 121.0 93.0 231 164' 15.3 107.0 114.5 93.3 241 164' 10.0 118.5 125.0 94.7 232 166' 14.3 107.5 116.0 92.7 242 166' 14.9 106.0 116.0 91.5 252 168' 14.9 106.0 114.5 92.5 231 1681 12.3 111.3 121.0 92.0 232 170' 15.6 104.8 114.5 91.4 241 168' 14.3 106.0 114.5 92.5 253 170' 14.3 106.5 116.0 91.7 252 172' 10.0 116.3 125.0 93.7 242 170' 241 172' 242 174' 240 174' 253 174' 252 176' 241 176' 257 185' 256 186' 256 186' 14.9 15.3 15.6 16.9 17.3 15.6 1x 15:3 15.5 106.5 116.0 91.7 107.0 116.0 92.3 105.5 114.5 92.3 103.5 114.5 90 .3 105.0 113.5 91.7 106.0 116.0 91.4 116.2 125.0 92.9 116.5 125.0 93.3 103.0 116.0 88.7 106.0 116.0 91.3 233 176' 235 188' 234 184' 233 180' 235 192' 234 188' 233 184' 235 196' 16.3 195.: 16:3 1:*'3 12:6 16.5 108.0 116.0 93.2 118.0 125.0 94.3 104.5 114.5 ,91.3 104.8 116.0 - 90.3 116.5 126.0 92.5 108.8 119.0 91.4 109.5 119.0 92.0 106.5 114.5 91.3 WOODWARD. GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES Lo*I”LTI*c ,O,L .*o roY*o.llO* c*LI*c~“, .lto OC(llOT1l~% COMPACTION TEST RESULTS _- Jam NAYI LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. 8 DATE Rrro~re~ 3/g/73 72-102-4 Revised 5124174 JOB NUMBLR DATE*CO~~~~~ November 13, 1972 through February 17, 1973 PAGE 3 or 5 - DAIS n.r 111s*, "Omrumx .,ELo LocAIIo* *"Y.tT" 0, ‘LSYITIO" CO*Tz** DIY,,," -:xggy *=U71v= co",AcTIo* OFTI.? c D"Vwr. PC, KS x 0. LA.. 0111*. REVISED -DEC 13 - DEC 14 - - -DEC 15 -. - - - JAN 23 JAN 24 JAN 25 -. JAN 26 83 84 ii 87 LOT ;;"4 '2;; 254 253 253 252 245 241 178' 178' 178' 180' 180' 13.0 i-z 14:9 15.3 107.0 116.0 92.3 115.0 125.0 92.0 118.0 127.0 92.7 106.0 114.5 92.7 106.0 116.0 91.3 i9” ii! 92 93 246 242 244 240 245 24i 254 253 253 252 254 253 180' 16.3 104.5 114.5 91.3 182' 15.6 106.0 114.5 92.7 184' 15.6 103.5 114.5 90.3 182' 14.3 105.5 114.5 92.0 183' 14.9 105.3 114.5 91.8 184' 15.3 108.0 116.0 93.0 94 E z; 1:: 101 102 103 104 105 106 244 240 254 253 245 241 255 254 237 233 238 234 239 235 244 240 254 253 244 240 245 241 254 253 255 254 186' 15.3 107.2 114.5 93.5 186' 14.3 105.5 114.5 92.0 188' 15.6 106.3 116.0 91.6 188' 14.3 107.3 116.0 92.5 186' 15.6 108.0 116.0 93.1 195' 15.0 105.9 116.0 91.2 204' 15.0 105.8 116.0 91.2 190' 15.0 105.5 -16.0 90.9 190' 16.3 105.1 116.0 90.6 192' 16.3 110.0 116.0 94.8 190' 15.6 104.9 116.0 90.4 192' 15.6 107.2 116.0 92.4 190' 16.3 105.8 116.0 91.2 107 244 240 194' 15.0 104.9 116.0 90.4 108 245 241 192' 12.3 113.1 119.5 94.6 109 244 240 196' 16.3 104.8 116.0 90.3 110 111 112 254 253 194' 244 240 198' 244 240 200' 196.93 11:7 108.8 119.5 91.0 106.3 116.0 91.6 111.0 121.5 91.3 113 255 254 196' 15.6 105.1 116.0 90.6 114 255 254 198' 16.3 105.9 116.0 91.2 115 211 247 130' 13.6 112.9 121.5 92.9 116 255 254 200' 13.6 110.0 121.5 90.5 117 118 119 120 121 122 212 246 249 248 g;; % 250 249 212 246 132' 13.6 110.9 121.5 ' 91.2 134' 11.7 111.9 121.5 92.0 136' 13.6 111.7 121.5 91.9 138' 12.3 113.2 121.5 93.1 136' 13.6 110.9 121.5 91.2 140' 14.3 112.6 121.5 92.6 WOODWARD. GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES cm4ltl”LII*c 1011 ,*o ‘o”*m,Io* 1*c,*‘c1, .*o CI~LO~IS,I COMPACTION JOB NIYL LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. 8 Jam NVYBLR 72-102-4 TEST RESULTS Drrr Rrronrm -j/g,73 Revised 5/24/74 - ~~~~~~~~~~~~ November 13, 1972 through February 17, 1973 PA*aE 4 0' 5 BAT= 7m.T "rms? rolnlmm .IIln t.ocAno" Um0".10"" "ILL1111 l4YI.T" 0, k!u!"A1IOW CO"I~NI D.Y.," omu,n c~"c*cTIoY -~ OITIW , D", WT. cc, PC, x 0, IA.. ~CNS. REVISED JAN 27 - - JAN 29 - .- JAN 30 - --JAN 31 - - FEB 1 -'FEB 2 - FEB 8 - 123 124. 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 124 LOT 250 249 142' 251 250 144' 251 250 144' 248 244 144' 250 249 146' 248 244 148' 251 250 148' 250 249 FGl50.0' 247 243 150' 252 251 152' 247 243 154' 9.9 i*: 16:3 15.0 114.9 121.5 94.5 108.5 121.5 89.3 110.2 121.5 90.6 106.4 116.0 91.7 104.8 116.0 90.3 11.7 113.0 121.5 93.0 12.3 112.1 121.5 92.2 10.5 112.4 121.5 92.5 11.7 111.4 121.5 91.6 10.5 112.2 121.5 92.3 12.3 110.1 121.5 90.6 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 152' 154' 248 244 156' 252 iii 156' 247 243 158' ;:: % 158' 157' 234 230 159' K 11:7 11.7 1z 11:7 10.5 fK 111:o 110.2 110.9 111.8 112.1 111.4 121.5 91.1 121.5 92.4 121.5 91.3 121.5 90.6 121.5 91.2 121.5 92.0 121.5 92.2 121.5 91.6 142 248 244 160' 143 252 251 160' 144 234 230 161' 145 247 243 162' 146 251 250 FGl62.0' 10.5 1;.: 1117 9.9 109.9 121.5 90.4 109.7 121.5 90.2 111.0 121.5 91.3 110.0 121.5 90.5 111.5 121.5 91.7 147 247 243 164' 10.5 110.9 121.5 91.2 148 252 251 164' 11.1 110.4 121.5 90.8 149 247 243 166' 11.1 111.0 121.5 91.3 150 252 251 166' 11.7 111.5 121.5 91.7 151 253 252 FGl85.0' 10.5 111.8 121.5 92.0 152 254 253 FGl96.0' 11.1 112.2 121.5 92.3 153 247 243 154 252 251 155 247 243 156 252 251 157 257 256 158 257 256 168' 168' 170' 170' 188' 190' i:; 10.5 9.9 8.7 9.3 110.0 121.5 109.9 121.5 110.4 121.5 111.0 121.5 112.0 121.5 111.5 121.5 159 160 161 162 247 243 FG172.0' 252 251 272' 213 245 134' 213 245 138' 11.1 107.9 119.5 12.3 116.4 121.5 11.7 109.4 121.5 12.3 111.0 121.5 90.5 90.4 90.8 91.3 92.1 ,91.7 , 90.2 95.8 90.0 91.3 WOODWARD.GlZlENSKl h ASSOCIATES <o*~"L~l*o roll 1-0 ro"*o.llo* c*.xl‘Eml 0.0 C~c,,OCI~I~ COMPACTION TEST RESULTS ’ - JQm NAYI LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. 8 DATLRIP0.T.D 319173 Revised 5124174 JOB NUHBLR 72-102-4 - DATL~C~ERED November 13, 1972 through February 17, 1973 P*(ic 5 0. 5 “0,mll~ n.LD U.O”Aro”” “*U.I”I mAI* ns. “cm,, LouIoo* ILEVATIOW co”TIY7 Dc*mm o.u.,n coY,AcTIo” - *“I.*” 0, O.ll*T I 0”. 117. cs, PC, * 0. La.. DIN.. REV?%? - FE8 9 163 164 165 -FEB 16 166 167 -FE6 17 168 169 ::: 172 173 LOT 252 251 174' '11.1 257 256 192’ 11.7 257 256 194' 11.1 249 248 FG 140,.0’ 14.3 258 257 FG 187.0' 15.0 241 237 FG 224.0’ 12.3 242 238 FG 219.0' 11.7 244 240 FG 202.0’ 14.3 245 241 FG 192.0' 13.6 257 256 FG 196.0' 14.3 246 242 FG 182.0' 12.3 107.9 111.0 111.9 109.0 110.9 111.1 113.3 109.1 112.0 110.3 112.3 119.5 90.2 121.5 91.3 121.5 92.0 119.5 91.2 119.5 92.8 121.5 91.4 121.5 93.2 119.5 91.2 119.5 93.7 119.5 92.3 121.5 92.4 - - , WOODWARD. GIZIENSKI b ASSOCIATES CO"I"LII"~ SO,& A*0 ,o"*o,~lo* 1t.n*cr"s .*o cloLocllll - -. - - -, - .- - - - - - - - I PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS 1.13 ,I 14 I 15 I Liquid Limit, % -, 1~25 1 - 1 Plasticity Index. I. - 41 - Classification by Unified Soil Classification System X-94 1 - loo IO 1.0 0.I 0.01 O.WL ERO AIR VOIDS CURVES GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIUETERS Load. psf 1160 (160 1160 percent Swell 1 5.11 2.51 2.0 t i i i i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 6o 0 MOISTURE CONTENT, ". IO LABORATORY C&CTIo)( TEST 30 40 FILL SUITABILITY TESTS 1 LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST HOOD: ASTM-0 1557-70 A LAGUNA RIVIERA #8 ' .WM3DWARD - GIZIENSKI b ASSOCIATES C4MSULTlNG SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO.,CALIFOQNlA ^ DR. 6Y: Lb , ISCALE: - - - IPROJ. NO:72-102-4- CK'D BY: I.‘# IDATE: 5/23/ 74 IPAGE 1 "f 7 i - - -~ - ..- - - ,- Dry Density. pcf ! - ! 1 Initial Water Content. % I _ I I I E,, Final Water Content. $ I-l I li Ir. Darent Cohesion. risf 1 - I ~~7 kW . ~~ ~~~.~. -. I - I I z -. Y CECHJWCAL AWYSIS 3 8 YIO w ZOO DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA 1 16 1 1 la, ~BBLEStGfA;E: ICI $ f ISILT A CLAY PIASTICIM CHARACTERISTICS 16. Liqund Limit, 1. -~ Plasticity Inaex, !. - Classification by Unified Soil Classification System FILL SdJlTABlLllY TESTS , LAGUNA RIVIERA #8 I ,!I .WOOOWARD - GIZIENSKI h ASSOC!ATES _ -..-..._- .~~ .~ ii GIJMULIING SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA ;i DR. BT: LS ISCALE: - - - CK'D By: /:,.:-.$/ 1 DATE: IPROJ. NO:72-102-4 .~/ 5133174 I “’ PAGE 2 of” >-- i Apparent Friction Angle. a _ I I I II III II II I , ,I III II loa IOQ IO I.0 0.1’ 0.01 0.001 ERD AIR VOIDS CURVES GRAIN SIZE IN UILLIMETERS SWELL TEST DATA 16 Initial Dry Density: pcf 1~03.6 Initial Water Content. :, 16.4 Load. psf 160 Percent Swell 6.9 - DENSITY. pcf OPTIMJM MOISTURE COIITENT. % 115.0 16.0 tiiiii”“““‘iina 8o 0 MOISTME CONTENT, h IO 20 30 w LABORATORY CM'ACTIMI TEST LABORATORY COMPACTlOW TEST NN,,D: ASTM-D 1557-70 A I - - - .I - - ,- ,- - - - DIRECT WAR TEST DATA 1 ! ! I Dry Denrity. pcf I I I Initial Water Content. % -1 60 :: 2 60 ;: gw E m 0 1.0 0.1' 0.01 0.001 ERO AIR VOIDS CURVES GRAIN SIZE IN UILLIWETERS COBBLES~G~A;'~ ICI ?'I f (SILT 6 CLAY PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS Liquid Limit. % Plasticity Index. $ classification by Unified Soil Classification Systm SWELL TEST DATA Initial Dry Density. pcf Initial Water Contmt. Percent Swell I I I I 6o 0 I I WISTURE COHTENT, IO ~BDRAT~RY &ACTION TEST 30 w FILL SUlTABlLllY TESTS 1 LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST METHOD: AST%D 1557-m LAGUNA RIVIERA #8 ’ .WOODWARD - GIZIENSKI b ASSOCIATES CONSULTIHG SOIL ANo FOUHDATIOH ENGINEERS AN0 GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO. CALIF04NIA DR BY: LS ISeALE: - - - JPROJ. no:72-102-J CK'D 6Y: ./i rl IDATE: 5/23f 74 IPAGE 1 Oi 1 '~ :,