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; Laguna Riviera Unit 8 Lots 241-258; Soils Report; 1973-03-09
- - - - ! -* - WOODWARD - GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTINO SOlI. AND F0”NDATI.m ENGINEERS AND (iEOL00,S,S An ofiiliate of Wooduxzrd - cry& ~orwltonts 3467 ihi?. street 54” mego March 9, 1973 c*,itomi* 92110 Project No. 72-102-4 (714) *z4-2911 Kamar Construction Company P.O. Box 1155 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Jerry Rombotis PARTIAL REPORT OF ENGINEERING OBSERVATION AND COMPACTION TESTING (-- LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT - LOTS 241, 242, 244 I - 249 THROUGH 251, 253, 254, 257 AND 258 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA - In accordance with your request, and your letter of authorization dated November 6. 1972. we have orovided soil enaineerina services in coniunction - with (1) (2) the grading-of the~subject site. The;e services included: - Engineering observation of the grading operation. Observation of the removal of highly potentially expansive soil from the top 2 feet of rough lot grade and replacing it with low to moderately expansive soil. (31 (4) Site Taking field density tests in the fill placed and compacted. Performing laboratory tests on representative samples of the material used for fill. preparation, compaction, and testing were done between November 10, .- -1 1972, and February 17, 1973, in accordance with the "Specifications for the Construction of Controlled Fill" presented in the January 6, 1966 Addendum to the "Foundation Soils Investigation for Ranch0 Aqua Hedionda Subdivision," dated July 29, 1965, prepared by Dresselhaus Engineering of Oceanside, California. Fill was placed, compacted, and tested on Lots 234 through 255 and 257 through 263. Lot256 was not graded during this phase of grading and only the following lots were completed: 241, 242, 244 through 247, 249 through 251, 253, 254, 257 and 258. It is anticipated that the remaining lots will be completed at some later date. As the site grading progressed, the compaction procedures were observed, and field density tests were made to determine the relative compaction of the fill in place. Field observations and field density test results in- dicate that the fill has been compacted to 90% or more of maximum laboratory - - - - - - - - - - Kamar Construction Company Project No. 72-102-4 March 9, 1973 Page 2 density. The approximate locations of field density tests and the limits of compacted fill have been recorded on a copy of the grading plan for reference. The results of fi,eld density tests and of relative compaction, expressed as a percent of maximum laboratory density, are given on the attached forms. Laboratory tests to determine moisture-density relationships, maximum dry dry density, optimum moisture content, grain size distribution, plasticity characteristics, and strengths and swell ch,aracteristics were performed on representative samples of the material used for fill. The results of lab- oratbry tests are given on the attached forms. Laboratory tests and a visual inspection indicate that nonexpansive fill was placed within 2 feet of rough grade on all finish grade fill lots noted herein, except on Lots 244, 245, 247, 249, 257 and%&; where the fill within 2 feet of rough grade has been classed as moderate in potential swell. Special foundations on the potentially expansive soils are recommended below. During grading of Lot258, potentially expansive soil was replaced with moderately expansive fill to a depth of 2 feet within the limits of the entire level lot pad. Lot 259 was undercut; however, no materials were replaced on this lot at this time. Foundations for single or two-story residential structures placed on non- expansive undisturbed soil or nonexpansive properly compacted fill may be designed for a bearing pressure of 2,000 psf at a depth of 12 inches below compacted fill or undisturbed cut lot grade. Footings should have a minimum width of 12 inches. (For Lots 244, 245, 247, 249, 257 and 25& i,t is recom- mended that foundations be reinforced top and b -.,,~_ -bus . ads _....-..-, -..7 b ottom wmi?‘? reinforcing ,,,crete s a s should coii‘tl;irn 6x6 10 10 welded wire mesh and-be under- ,,.~ ‘.,.. ..,..._._ll__l lain with 4 inches of sand, crushed rock, 0; gravel. - .- Structures that will not tolerate differential se.ttlements (such as foun- dations, swinnning pools, concrete decks, walls, etc.) should not be located within 5 feet of the top of a slope. Footings located closer than 5 feet from the top of a slope should be extended in depth until the outer bottom edge of the footing is 5 feet horizontally from the outside.face of the slope. I The elevations of compaction tests, shown as finished grade (FG) tests, correspond to the elevations shown on the grading plans for "Laguna Riviera Unit No. 8," dated August, 1972, prepared by Raymond R. Ribal, Civil Engineer, Brea, California. Elevations and locations shown in this report are based on field surveys established by others. - - This report covers the fill placed under our observation during the dates specified herein. Additional fill placed after these dates, as well as the backfill in utility trenches located within 5 feet of a building and greater than 12 inches deep, or any trench 5 feet or more from a building and in excess of 5 feet in depth, should be compacted under the observation of this office and tested to assure compliance with the earthwork specifi- cations for the project. This office should be contacted at least 24 hours prior to backfilling operations. Utility service trenches within 5 feet of WOODWARD.GlZlENSKl & ASSOCIATES colHumla SOOIL AlID ro"IoATlcu nIOlt4~ERa Ann ~EOLGs,,Ts - - - - - - - - - - - 2.. - - Kamar Construction Company Project No. 72-102-4 March 9, 1973 P,age 3 a building that are perpendicular to the building footings and are less than 12 inches wide and less than 3 feet deep are not subject to this recom- mendation. The inspections and tests of compaction made during the period of our serv- ices on the subject site were in accordance with the local acceptable stand- ards for this period. The conclusions or opinions drawn from the tests and site inspections apply only to our work with respect to grading and represent conditions at the date of our final inspection. We will accept no responsibility for any subsequent changes made to the site by others or'by uncontrolled action of water or by failure of others to properly repair damages caused by uncontrolled action of water. WOODWARD-GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES EMP/JGK/JLH/LJL/mb 5) Kamar Construction Company I. 2) Carlsbad Building Inspection Dept. Attachments WOODWARD - GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES co*wmm s+L mm rn”lDITlDll tasmum mm OmLDcsIs - COMPACTION TEST RESULTS - Jdm NAME LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. 8 DATE RLMRTED 3/g/73 JO. N”M~ER 72-102-4 DIT~SCOVERED November 13, 1972 through February 17, 1973 PACE 1 0, 5 \ - DA-m "or-"* nm.0 U.MATo". "SU1,"Z "iTEm ."%L 0, LezATIO" ILI"ATIO* CeYnllT DsY*ln ~~**,rv coYcAcrl~* or TUT 96 0"" WT. ?cI PC. 7.0. S.&n. DEN.. LOT 243 176' 12.3 107.5 242 188' 15.3 106.5 246 154' 14.9 106.5 258 1821 14.3 108.0 116.0 116.0 E:: 92.7 91.7 93.0 93.1 247 148' 16.3 105.0 116.0 90.3 252 150' 14.9 107.5 114.5 93.7 253 1561 9.9 119.0 127.0 93.7 245 254 255 244 . . 166' 180' 168' 257 184' 255 194' 14.3 107.0 116.0 92.3 14.9 105.3 114.5 91.8 11.1 114.5 121.5 94.3 12.3 112.5 121.5 92.6 11.1 115.0 121.5 94.7 6.4 110.2 121.5 90.5 248 246 244 242 140' 158' 172' 192' 11.7 115.5 121.5 95.0 15.6 107.8 116.0 93.0 16.3 107.5 116.0 92.7 ~15.3 109.0 116.0 94.0 18 243 19 249 251 253 255 180' 128' 142' 160' 184' ;:i 10.5 14.3 15.6 117.8 127.0 92.7 118.0 127.0 92.9 115.2 126.5 91.2 108.5 116.0 93.5 108.2 116.0 93.3 242 196' 243 242 243 243 240 243 240 243 240 241 240 184' 200' 188' 190' 192' 194' 196' 198' 200' 202' 204' 11.1 109.0 119.0 91.6 12.3 108.7 119.0 91.3 14.3 105.5 114.5 92.0 14.9 108.0 116.0 93.5 - 8.5 119.5 127.0 94.0 13.6 108.5 119.0 91.1 11.1 116.0 126.0 92.2 11.1 112.5 121.0 93.0 11.1 112.3 121.0 92.8 12.3 112.0 119.0 94.0 11.7 115.5 121.5 95.0 16.3 107.5 116.0 92.7 243 242 243 242 241 240 241 243 202' 204' 206' * 208' 206' 208' 210' 210' 1X 13:6 10.5 14.3 11.1 11.7 9.9 115.5 126.0 91.7 115.5 126.0 91.7 110.2 119.0 92.7 111.8 121.0 92.3 107.5 116.0 92.7 110.5 121.0 91.3 115.0 126.0 91.3 109.5 126.0 87.0 NOV 13 --- - NOV 15 - NOV 20 - 23 24 ;: 27 WOODWARD. GIZIENSKI P ASSOCIATES CM,“L.I*O SOL 1*0 ,o”*oA,lo* 1*01*111. .“D G<OLOC1SII ,- COMPACTION TEST RESULTS - JO. NIU* LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. 8 DArrREroRTrD 3/g/73 Jam Nuumzn 72-102-4 - DITEsCOVIRID N0vembe.r 13, 1972 through February 17, 1973 PAIX 2 or 5 "OlMU .IILD U.OU?o"" "n.ATIW - D*rz "rm.l ."zL 0, Lou~,o* ILIVAIIO" MYTlYl Drw*m ~#Y,ITI 50",.5110" 0ITr.l * 0.rw-r. PC, PC. * 0. &Am. Dua. NOV 27 ^ONT. --u EC 6 -. - - - uEC 1T - - - -EC 12 - - - 49 z: :: 54 5"; :i 6": 61 62 ia :: 67 ii :: :: 74 :: 77 :: Et 82 42 LOT 243 240 242 241 242 216' 11.7 115.5 121.5 95.0 241 218' 11.1 114.5 121.5 94.3 241 241 242 235 246 253 235 245 236 246 253 235 236 245 254 253 246 245 246 244 254 iii3 245 258 257 73 257 237 239 238 237 239 238 237 239 210' 212' 212' 214' 220' 16.3 105.0 116.0 90.3 222' 14.3 108.0 116.0 93.1 217' 11.1 112.3 121.0 92.8 160' 162' 164' 164' 10.5 114.5 125.0 91.5 14.9 106.3 116.0 91.6 17.5 112.5 121.0 93.0 15.3 107.0 114.5 93.3 10.0 118.5 125.0 94.7 14.3 107.5 116.0 92.7 14.9 106.0 116.0 91.5 14.9 106.0 114.5 92.5 '12.3 111.3 121.0 92.0 15.6 104.8 114.5 91.4 14.3 106.0 114.5 92.5 14.3 106.5 116.0 91.7 10.0 116.3 125.0 93.7 164' 166' 166' 168' 1681 170' 168' 170' 172' 170; 172' 174' 174' 174' 176' 176' 185' 186' 186' 176' 188' 184' ~~~ i' 188' 184' 196' 14.9 15.3 15.6 16.9 17.3 -15.6 1Z 15:3 15.5 16.3 1i.i 16:3 1Z 12:6 16.5 118.5 126.0 93.3 114.0 121.5 93.7 111.5 121.5 91.8 119.5 127.0 94.0 106.5 116.0 91.7 107.0 116.0 92.3 105.5 114.5 92.3 103.5 114.5 90 .3 105.0 113.5 91.7 106.0 116.0 91.4 116.2 125.0 92.9 116.5 125.0 93.3 103.0 116.0 88.7 106.0 116.0 91.3 108.0 116.0 93.2 118.0 125.0 94.3 104.5 114.5 91.3 104.8 116.0 90.3 116.5 126.0 92.5 108.8 119.0 91.4 109.5 119.0 92.0 106.5 114.5 91.3 WOOOWARO -GIZIENSKI S ASSOCIfiTES (O*WLII"O MU a-0 rO"*D.llO" I"PIMl"l ,*o ~IoLonII3 - COMPACTION TEST RESULTS - Jbm NAML LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. 8 DATE REPORTED 3/g/73 JOB NUMBER 72-102-4 D*TL~COVERED November 13, 1972 through February 17, 1973 PAGE 3 or 5 DAIS nsr "CTI., "01M"l ,,ILo LouIIo* U.OUro"" "‘LAII"~ - q Y*mr.” 0, =LI”*mOY COWIm4T Den.,” Dmm,TI co**Acno* OrTIc. !A DIYWI. K, KI % 0. LA.. DWL DEC 13 DEC 14 - DEC 15 - - - ,-lAN 23 -@ I JAN 25 -JAN 26 - _- LOT 246 178' 244 1781 254 178' 253 1801 245 1~801 13.0 i-z 14:9 !5.3 107.0 116.0 92.3 115.0 125.0 92.0 118.0 127.0 92.7 106.0 114.5 92.7 106.0 116.0 91.3 88 ii 99: 93 246 244 245 254 253 254 180' 16.3 104.5 114.5 91.3 1821 15.6 106.0 114.5 92.7 1841 15.6 103.5 114.5 90.3 182' 14.3 105.5 114.5 92.0 183' 14.9 105.3 114.5 91.8 184' 15.3 108.0 116.0 93.0 94 ;2 ;i 1:: 101 102 103 104 105 106 244 254 245 255 237 238 239 244 254 244 245 254 255 186' 186' 188' 188' 186' 195' 204' 190' 1901 192' 190' 192' 190' 15.3 107.2 114.5 93.5 14.3 105.5 114.5 92.0 15.6 106.3 116.0 91.6 14.3 107.3 116.0 92.5 15.6 108.0 116.0 93.1 15.0 105.9 116.0 91.2 15.0 105.8 116.0 91.2 15.0 105.5 -16.0 90.9 16.3 105.1 116.0 90.6 16.3 110.0 116.0 94.8 15.6 104.9 116.0 90.4 15.6 107.2 116.0 92.4 16.3 105.8 116.0 91.2 107 108 109 244 194' 245 192' 244 196' E 16:3 104.9 116.0 90.4 113.1 119.5 94.6 104.8 116.0 90.3 110 254 194' * 9.9 108.8 119.5 91.0 111, 244 198' 16.3 106.3 116.0 91.6 112 244 200' 11.7 111.0 121.5 91.3 113 255 196' 15.6 105.1 116.0 90.6 114 255 198' 16.3 105.9 116.0 91.2 115 211 130' 13.6 112.9 121.5 92.9 116 255 200' 13.6 110.0 121.5 90.5 117 118 1 1.9 120 121 122 212 132' 249 134' 112 249 ~ 136' 138' 250 136' 2‘12 140' 13.6 110:9 121.5 91.2 11.7 111.9 121.5 92.0 13.6 111.7 121.5 91.9 12.3 113.2 121.5 93.1 13.6 110.9 121.5 91.2 14.3 112.6 121.5 92.6 WOODWARD. GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CMs"Ln*O 1011 l"D ,o"*o.IIo* L*o,*~~"I AP.0 ~roLcc,*1s - COMPACTION TEST RESULTS J?m NABA. LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. a -~ DATE RCPORTED 3/g/73 JOB NUMBER 72-102-4 - D~;~E!?.C.,~E~ED November 13, 1972 through February 17, 1973 PAGZ 4 0' 5 “Olnlml ,,110 U.0”ATo”” “m.AIIW ILIVAnOW S**I*WT OIY,,rY omw,,ri COYClCTlO” o.rr.*7 l D”.wr. cc, ?c. % 0. &.A.. Dmm. JAN 27 - crAN 29 - - JAN 30 - fi - -EB 1 -EB 2 - - u - - 123 124 ,125 126 127 LOT 250 142' 251 144' 251 144' 248 144' 250 146' 128 ;:i 131 132 133 248 251 250 247 252 247 FG 148' 11.7 113.0 121.5 93.0 148' 12.3 112.1 121.5 92.2 150.0' 10.5 112.4 121.5 92.5 150' 11.7 111.4 121.5 91.6 152' 10.5 112.2 121.5 92.3 154' 12.3 110.1 121.5 90.6 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 248 251 248 252 247 251 234 234 152' 154' ,156' 156' 1581 158' 157' 159' 142 143 lR4 145 146 248 252 234 247 251 FG 160' 160' 161' 162' 162.0' 147 148 149 150 151 152 247 252 247 252 253 254 164' 164' 166' 166' 185.0' 196.0' 153 247 168' 154 ~252 168' 155 247 170' 156 252 170' 157 257 188' 158 257 190' 1 59 247 160 252 161 213 162 213 FG 172.0' 11.1 107.9 119.5 90.2 - 272' 12.3 116.4 121.5 95.8 134' 11.7 109.4 121.5 90.0 138' 12.3 111.0 121.5 91.3 9.9 8.1 1Z 15:o 114.9 121.5 94.5 108.5 121.5 89.3 110.2 121.5 90.6 106.4 116.0 91.7 104.8 116.0 90.3 K 11:7 11.7 l?Z 11:7 10.5 E! 111:o 110.2 110.9 111.8 112.1 111.4 10.5 1::: 11.7 9.9 109.9 121.5 90.4 109.7 121.5 90.2 111.0 121.5 91.3 110.0 121.5 90.5 111.5 121.5 91.7 10.5 110.9 ;;:i ,11:7 w 111:5 10.5 111.8 11.1 112.2 :*i 10:5 9.9 it: 110.0 121.5 90.5 109.9 121.5 90.4 110.4 121.5 90.8 111.0 121.5 91.3 112.0 121.5 92.1 111.5, 121.5 91.7 121.5 91.1 121.5 92.4 121.5 91.3 121.5 90.6 121.5 91.2 121.5 92.0 121.5 92.2 121.5 91.6 121.5 91.2 121.5 90.8 121.5 91.3 121.5 91.7 121.5 92.0 121.5 92.3 WOODWARD.GlZlENSKl & ASSOCIATES CO*S"LII"~ SW& .*o ro""oAIlo" c*cI*‘rl* **D ~mLmlll% - Jon N”NWm - DATES Cbvmm COMPACTION TEST RESULTS LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. 8 DATTREPORTED 3/g/73 72-102-4 November 13, 1972 through February 17, 1973 PAGE 5 OF 5 “OWNU ,IILD LA.0111011 “SU,IYI D*v= “ET=” LOCAIlDll ~Ls”*IIO* co”IIYI Dsn.IT. DfY.,?l CO”.IcTIO” - .“2==. 01 ell”, l 0”. rr. PC, ?c, XOVLU.DM FEB 9 *EB 16 IE8 17 - - .- - 1 - - - 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171, 172 173 LoT ;:: 174' 192' 257 194' 249 FG 140.0' 258 FG 187.0' 241 FG 224.0' 242 FG 219.0' 244 FG 202.0' 245 FG 192.0' 257 FG 196.0' 246 FG 182.0' I 11.1 107.9 11.7 111.0 11.1 111.9 14.3 109.0 15.0 110.9 12.3 111.1 11.7 113.3 14.3 109.1 13.6 112.0 14.3 110.3 12.3 112.3 119.5 90.2 121.5 91.3 121.5 92.0 119.5 91.2 119.5 92.8 121.5 91.4 121.5 93.2 119.5 91.2 119.5 93.7 119.5 92.3 121.5 92.4 WOODWARD.GlZlENSKl 6 ASSOCIATES col4l”LIIl.a so,, .“O ,o”*clAIIo* lllPl”‘C”l A”0 ‘i~oLocIsIs - COMPACTION TEST RESULTS -JO; NIYL LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. 8 (STREETS) D~reRrro~~~o 3/g/73 Jo. NUUI)LR 72-102-4 - DITLsCOYIRLD November 14, 1972 through February 1, 1973 P*,,.Syl or 'S-2 - Dm n*r “nrn LOUTlO” \ “OIM~ nlLD LUOUIDII” “‘LA,,“. rLr”AIlOY 60”RNT DI?uIT” DeN.rm CD”CAC?IO” *“*.l” 0, Or,“, * a.. II. VC, CS, x 0, LA.. DcrlS. NOV 14 N-1 20 - N I 21 -- - N-/ 27 -- NV 29 -- WC 6 -- 0-z 12 - 0-z 14 -- 6: 15 -- DEC 18 i II : 19 -- i-1 23 -- &--I 24 -- JP’I 25 -- S-l REFUGIO AVE.ORP.LOT 253 174' 14.3 105.5 114.5 92.0 5-2 257 182' 14.9 108.0 116.0 93.5 s-3 255 1841 8.5 119.5 127.0 94.0 s-4 s-5 ;:; S-8 NEBLINA DR.OPP. LOT-243 194' 13.6 108.5 119.0 91.1 242 206' 11.1 116.0 126.0 92.2 240 198: 11.1 112.5 121.0 93.0 240 200' 11.1 112.3 121.0 92.8 .242 212' 12.3 112.0 119.0 94.0 240 202' 14.3 107.5 116.0 92.7 242 210' 11.1 116.0 127.0 91.5 s-11 240 214' 12.3 120.0 119.0 94.0 s-12 242 218' 9.9 117.8 127.0 92.7 s-13 236 164' 14.9 106.0 114.5 92.5 s-14 237 174' 10.5 114.5 125.0 91.5 s-15 REFUGIO AVE.OPP.LOT 253 178' 14.3 106.0 114.5 92.5 S-16 254 186' 10.0 116.3 125.0 92.2 s-17 S-18 Ei‘ s:21 NEBLINA DR.OPP. LOT 236 244 246 238 245 168' 14.9 105.3 114.5 91.8 184' 15.6 107.8 116.0 93.0 172' 11.1 116.0 126.0 92.2 188' 11.7 115.5 121.5 95.0 178' 8.5 119.5 127.0 94.0 s-22 237 180' 15.6 106.0 114.5 92.7 S-23 238 184' 14.9 105.3 114.5 91.8 S-24 245 109.9 116.0 94.7 S-25 239 104.4 116.0 90.0 S-26 S-27 REFUGIO AVE.OPP.LOT 258 254 105.9 116.0 91.2 105.2 116.0 90.6 S-28 s-29 257 256 107.2 116.0 92..4 105.8 116.0 91.2 s-30 s-31 253 264 190' c 14.9 206' 16.3 1801 15.6 182' 14.3 1841 17.0 186' 15.6 188' 13.6 190' 16.3 112.1 119.5 93.8 105.1 116.0 90.6 S-32 s-33 / 256 192' 16.3 257 194' 15.0 106.0 116.0 91.3 107.8 116.0 92.9 WOODWARD. GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES eo**"LII*o ,011 .*o rO"IO.IIO* Llmllllna .*o ~IOLoa1S11 - COMPACTION TEST RESULTS _ J& NAME LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. a (STREETS) JOB N”*IIIER 72-102-4 DAIL RLPORTLD 3/g/73 - DATU COVERED November 14, 1972 through February 1,.1973 PMcS-2 or s-2 roianmm .IILn IADMIIOI” “SLAIIY~ SAn “KTllT “Et:. 0, LouIIo* =LIYAmOY CDYRNl DnYslTv mw**m coYclcrlo” - Or TEST ‘I D”” II. PC. es, 7.01 LAD. DWS. JAN 29 =7N 30 .- :iN 31 .- FEB 1 - s-34 s-35 S-36 s-37 s-3s s-39 s-40 s-41 S-42 NEBLINA DR.OPP. LOT 248 150' 9.9 111.0 121.5 91.3 248 152' 11;7 110.3 121.5 90.7 248 154' 10.5 112.1 121.5 92.2 235 156' 12.3 111.4 121.5 91.6 2'47 '1581 11.7 110.0 121.5 90.5 248 160' 11.7 112.9 121.5 92.9 235 162' 11.1 110.7 121.5 91.1 239 202' 13.6 108.0 119.5 90.3 236 182' 12.3 109.1 119.5 91.2 I WOODWARD. GIZIENSKI 6 ASSOCIATES CMs"Ln*O SOOIL *ND ~o"*ollto* I"PI"lC"S .lO ocoLmllls - COMPACTION TEST RESULTS _ JOD NAM; LAGUNA RIVIERA UNITS NO. 8 & 9 DATE RLFORTLD 3/g/73 JOB NUMBER 72-102-4 "OFF SITE FILL" (WEST OF LOTS 238 THROUGH 279) - DATCSCOVERED December 11, 1972 PAGE&~ or OF-1 **mnm* nun l.A.O”Aro”” “ILATIYE DATE “ETSST LOCATIO” ILIVATION co”Tmn omusm DI”.lTv co”cAcIIo” - .“Z. 0, O,Tlrf c DI,w?. cc, ec, x 0, LA.. DW.. -DEC 11 - - - 6 7 WEST OF LOT 241 202' 239 216' 238 194' 240 210' -239 297' 241 220' 278 224' I 16.3 1:*; 14:9 9,.9 10.0 10.5 105.0 116.0 90.3 114.0 121.5 93.7 105.5 114.5 92.0 105.3 114.5 91.8 11.6..2 125.0 92.9 118.5 125.0 94.7 114.5 125.0 91.5 WOODWARD -GIZIENSKI 0 ASSOCIATES CoNI"LllltO SO,‘ .*o ,O"*cM1,0* c*m*nc1* AND CCOLOEIIII - -- - - - - - - - - - - L - _- - I :: 1_:*:_1 I 2 2 60 5w 2 :: 20 60 0 IW I GRAIN SIZE IN MILL;HETERS I ERO AIR VOIDS CURVES ~c,ann~Gs G!!"$ 1 SAND c , ,c, m , f SILT & CLAY PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS Liquid Limit, % - - Plasticity Index. 'I - - Classification by Unified Soil Classification System SM-SW SC-SM SWELL TEST DATA Initial Dry Density; pcf - - Initial Water Content. - - Percent Swell - - OPTIMJH MOISTURE FILL SUITABILITY TESTS LABORATORY COMPACTION I TES ~T,,",,,,,,:ASTM D1557-70T I LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT 9 WOOC&JARD - GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA DR. BY: MRR [SCALE: -- IPROJ. NO: 72-102-4 CK'D BY: &P IDATE: 4-5-72 IPAGE 1 of 1 - - - - - - - - - - - _- z - -_ .- - I .3 U’IO 110 2w [DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA 1 1 3 ': Dry Density. pcf 94.2 go Initial Water Content. X Final Water Content. % Apparent Cohesion. psf Apparent Friction Angle. ' 17.4 po 26.2< p L 315 _ ~ 12.k 20 0 ID0 IO 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN HILLIMETERS MBSLES GRAVEL i SAND r , + 1-I _ , c SILT A CLAY 30 t-&-/Z&K;;:;o’l:;. PLASTIC~IlY CHARACTERISTICS ! 3 I) cn c * 1 Liquid Limit. % I I Icn I I I zi Clarolfication by Unified Soil 120 Load. psf I hso Percent Swel I I d11.7 SAMPLE LOCATION I - I 274, UNIT # 9 90 MAXIMUM DRY I 1 DENSITY. pcf I LABDRATDRY KWACTION TEST . FILL SUITABILITY TESTS lABORATORY C&lPACTIDtl TEST METNOD: AZTM ~uizax-A LAGUNA RIVIERA UNITS 8 & 9 WOOCbJARD - GIZlEJdSKI h ASSOCIATES 'XllSULTItl6 SOIL AND FDUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGD.. CALIFORNIA DR. 3V: AS jSCALE: --- IPROJ. RO: 72-102-t CK'D BY: & IDATE: 3/9/73 IPAGE 1 Of 4 ,- - - - - - - - - .- - - L - - IW ERO AIR VOIDS CURVES GRAIN SIZE IN WILLIMETERS I30 120 ' PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS 4 5 6 Liquid Limit, Z 47 46 29 Plasticity Index. % 28 25 7 Classification by hitied Soil Classification System CL CL SM-SC SWELL TEST DATA 4 5 6< II0 Initial Dry Density, pcf 106.6 107.6 111.8 Initial Water Contmt. $ 14.6 15.2 11.6. Percent Swell 10.8 6.0 0.2 loo SAMPLE LOCATION 4 LOT 270, UNIT #9 90 5 LOT 287, UNIT #9 “&“a, I I, per 6 LOT 223, UNIT #9 LABORATORY CWACTlffl TEST FILL SUITABILITY TESTS LABORATORY WhIPACTION TEST METHOD: A=.TM w-7nT -A LAGUNA RIVIERA UNITS 8 & 9 WOOBJARD - GIZIENSKI h ASSOCIATES CDIlSJJLTlNG SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGD,. CALIFORNIA DR. 0~: AS ISCALE: ___ IPROJ. NO:72-102-t CK'D BY: & IDATE: 3f9173 IPAGE 2 Of 4 - - - - - - - -. - - - - - L - - - .- Iv0 I ERO AIR VOIDS CURVES GRAIN SIZE IN MILL;HETERS OGGLES~G;A;E; Ic I zNy f (SILT & CLAY PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS 7 a 9 Liquid Limit, % Plasticity Index. 5 Classification by Unified Soil Classification System SM SC CH IABDRATORY CWACTlC44 TEST . FILL SUITABILITY TESTS LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST METHoD:BSTM D1557 - - 70T 4 LAGUNA RIVIERA UNITS 8 & 9 WWdARD - GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CMSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AN0 GEoLM~ISTS SAN DIEGO.. CALIFORNIA - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - I MEalANlcAL MALYSIS “lnCl.l CnlcAK Ical “AlA 110 . *. . .L Dry Density, pcf QL7 hu.3 1107. I I II F.. I I I 11 Initial W Final Water Content. 7 117.5 117.4)' 7' Ii I lpparent Cohesion. psf 35 70 ' 1780 1 g 1 ! ! j! I Apparent Friction Angle. ‘ 19 122.51 12 1 0201 I I II I I I ILLI !’ IW,-, D ' III II II I I II II I II -1 IO00 loo IO 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 IRS I I I \ I\ \ __-_ .- .._.__ -..-..-_ GRAIN SIZE IN hllLLlYET[ AIR VOIDS CURVES 7 PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS 1o 11 12 Liquid Limit, % 34 38 38 I Plasticitv lnner~ 1. I,, 171 118 1 ~... _~., .~ ._.... ,. I, Classification by Unified Soil Classification System SC CL 1 , SWELL TEST DATA '10 11 12 Initial Dry Density? pcf 111.4 112.6 107. 84. UNIT # 9 LOTS 289-292 & -I LOTS 269-271 Percent Swell I 1 3.41 6.21 4.41 SAMPLE LOCATION UNIT # 9 LABORATORY UM'ACTIOW TEST FILL SUITABILITY TESTS LA BORATORV COMPACTION lx ST K!HoD:ASTM D1557-70T-A I LAGUNA RIVIERA UNITS 8 & 9 II I WOO&JAR0 - r.l'lmqK' fi 'XSSOCIATES II .‘*LIY11I\I Y r ~~~~_~ CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO,.CALIFDRNIA' DR. BY: AS ISCALE: --- IPROJ. ND:72-102-4 CK'D BY: & (DATE: 3/g/73 IPAGE A nf 4 1.