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STATE OF Ca_rORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTARY BRIDGE REPORT ON.OS M19 IFIEV. 11741 Bridge No . .......................57C-214 R . Location ..........S.Q.iAQ.S1.Q1Cbd............................. Olst - Co - Rts - PM - CItY June 6 1984 Oate of investigation . ..' ......................................... Nam.LAS ENCINAS CREEK (Carlsbad Blvd. -0.6 mile southerly of Palomar Airport Road) CONDITION RATING: APPRAISAL RATING: Deck N superstructure 8 Substr. & Pipes 8 - overall 8 Channel & Channel Protection Retaining Walls N PRIORITY Widenable? Yes No Conditional A — Immediate Action B — Early Scheduling Action Required by City Yes No C — Routine Maint. 0 —For Record Only WORK DONE: The weeds in the channel westerly of the structure have been removed. WORK NOT DONE: The weeds in the channel easterly of the structure have not been removed. CONDITION CF STRUCTURE: The structure is in good condition. WORK RECOMMENDED: Clear the weeds from the channel easterly of the structure. C RECOMMENDED POSTING: None PH, FJW: pdh cc: DRHiggins (2) City of Carlsbad (2) Frank J. Walliser C-19767 (I) 121 S STATE OF Ca_rORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTARY BRIDGE REPORT ON.OS M19 IREV. 1,741 57C-214 L Bridge No................................................................................... Location ............:J~:JU....sioi-c ............................. OI.t -Ce -Rt. -PMCItY Date of Investigation ._.JU1 ....6.....l.9.8.4............................... Name ...!S (CarlsbadCREEK Blvd 6 mile southerly of Palomar Airport Rd) CONDITION RATING: APPRAISAL RATING: Deck Superstructure Substr. & Pipes Overall 3 Channel & Channel Protection Retaining Walls N PRIORITY Widenable? Yes No Conditional . A — Immediate Action B — Early Scheduling Action Required by City Yes No . C — Routine Maint. 0 .;'For Record Only REVISION: Condition Ratings - Deck - 4 Superstructure - 3 Substructure - 3 Load Ratings.- Permit XXXXX Safe Load Capacity - 5 CONDITION OF STRUCTURE: The structure is:in poor condition. The bar reinforcing steel has corroded extensively. There is delamination and spalling of concrete throi.jghout:the structure (i.e., abutments, girders, bridge railings, etc.) due to the corrosion of the bar reinforcing steel. DISCUSSION: The deterioration of the concrete and bar reinforcing steel throughout the structure is so extensive that rehabilitation of this structure is not deemed to be feasible. RECOMMENDATION: Replace this structure as soon as possible. RECOMMENDED POSTING: None FJW: Pdh cc: DRHigins (2) Frank J. Walliser City of Carlsbad (2) C-19767 . .... STATE OF CA_lORNIA Bridge DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTARY BRIDGE REPORT Location PLP....S.1-5.Q...SiO.1.Cbd............. OU.OSMI9 IAEv. 1/741 DIst - Co.RtsPM - CIty June 6, 1984- Oats of Investigation . Name .....LASENCINAS .VERCROSISNG (Palomar Airport Road .:9....4....mile . of Rote 1-5) CONDITION RATING: APPRAISAL RATING: Deck 8 Superstructure 8 Substr. & Pipes 8 - Overall A Channel & Channel Protection N Retaining Wails N PRIORITY Widenable? Yes n No Conditional G A - Immediate Action Action Required by. City Yea No . B - Early Scheduling - Routine Mairit. 0 -Por Record Only CONDITION OF STRUCTURE: The structure is in good condition. WORK RECOMMENDED: None RECOMMENDED POSTING: None FJW:pdh cc: DRHiggins (2) City of Carlsbad (2) Frank J. Walliser C-19767 (1) .4..t.. . . -- 'S. -- - • .. .-.- .5..-. - -.5." 4...: STATE OF CALIFORNIA Bridge No 7C2J -. - OEFARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 0 k. SUPPLEMENTARY BRIDGE REPORT Location _II_PIAU.S LOL=chd............_....... Olsi - Co - RI. - PM.CIty Y. Ow-0SMI9IREV.,I/741 ,. -t ............................................July . ........ Oats of investigation . - LAS ENCINAS CREEK d-0.6 mile !!L!'.Palomar Nan* APPRAISILORANG: CONDITION RATING - Dock N Superstructure 8 Substr. & Pipes 8 Overall .'. :. N .. Channel & Channel Protection Retaining Wails ;- Widenable? Yes No Conditional City . Action Required by Yes . M No 0 - ..- SEISMIC RETROFIT: Reinforced concrete boxes do not reauire seismic retrofitting. CONDITION OF STRUCTURE;- The channel at both ends of the RCB is overgrown with weeds. otherwise, the structure is in good condition. RECOMMENDATION: Clear the weeds from the channel at both ends of the RCB. RECOMMENDED POSTING: None Frank J. Walliser c-19767 FJW:pdh cc: DRHiggins (2) 'City of Carlsbad (2) 5-- - -.-- -,- :- . STATEOF CALIFORNIA Bridge No __1c: DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTARY BRIDGE REPORT • Location JiLQ1c_L...__.._.._....._. OH.OS MIS tRcV. • Dist - Co. Pt. - PM. City - .- July 08,'982 Oat. of Investigation _J.........._ Ham. L2 !?±Blvd -0.6 !!r - Airport Rd) CONDITION RATING: APPRAISAL RATING: 6 5 5 3 Ji Deck Superstructure Substr. & Pipes Overall _____________ • . Channel & Channel Protection 5 Retaining Walls N - Widenable? Yes No Conditional - •1 • City Action Required by IMENK Yes No • SEISMIC RETROFIT: - This is a simple span structure and does not rerruire seismic retrofitting. • CONDITION OF STRUCTURE: There is delamination and spalling of concrete throughout the structure (i.e. abutments, girders,bridge railings, etc) .due. to the corrosion of the bar reinforcing steel. RECOMMENDATION: This structure should be rehabilitated or replaced. Initiate a cost study. RECOMMENDED POSTING: - • None Frank J. Walliser : C-19767 . 4 FJW:pdh cc: DRHiggins (2) City of Carlsbad (2) • .•; -t .- - - STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPATMENT OF TRANSPOF ON 57C-214 L BRIDGE REPORT Bridge No. .................................................................................. 0S-M58 REV. 1175) OtherNo. ............................................................................................. P.U.C. No. .......................................................................................... ].l-SD-FAU-S 101-Cbd Location................................................................... REVISED Dist - Co - Rte - PM - City October 9 1980 Date of Investigation .............................................. Name LAS ENCINAS CREEK (Caribbad Boulevard-.6 mile southerly of Palomar am................................................A 5ort....gaay fl T711 Lat. .J'? ....Y....Y.l .. Long.....'.'±'..° 19.41 .... STRUCTURAL DATA AND HISTORY. Year 1913 By ...San ...D iego County 2Y.----- .... ---- .--- ...........— Contract No 1924-Widen Date of Revisions ......1928—W .dGfl .. pa .i. rtia Designed by: B.D. m.......... Safl .D3.O ç°''Y Plans Avail. @ ...... .B.D.. Description: Single RC "T" beam (12) on RC wall abutments with RC wingwalls on spread footings. orig. - I © 2lS) / Spans Widen 2 ..cc Length ....... ..................Skew 140 Rt Design LL ...! Ratings: Inventory .. LA.gned_operating Permit ...... RPM /Ask1ned DESCRIPTION - ON STRUCTURE Bridge Width ... J.W..8'b ..7'CU.5]...&4...5'AC .. ........................................................................... Total Width ............... .... ................................................................................ Lanes .........2 _ Tracks ... NT! Median ..............................................................................................Rail Type ?9ncrete ------------- Balluster Vert. Clearance over deck Appr. Rdwy. Width ............................................. A' Wearing Surface .........(5...-±) ...........................................Deck Seal ........... None ....................................................... Alignment...........Tangent ................................................................................................................................................................... DESCRIPTION — UNDER STRUCTURE None RoadwaySection ................................................................................................................................................................. Clearances: Vert . ............................................ Horiz.; .................................... Lt . ........................................................ Rt. Lanes......................- Tracks............................Pumpplant: None See Br. No. .......................................................... Facilities Crossed ................. .LS3J1S ..... cc: (1) CON 'T. ST A TE )f CALIFORNIA c)rAprMLNTc,F TRANSPOR BRIDGE REPORT DS-M58A REV t 75 Bridge No. ............-2l4 Ir 10-09-80 Date DESCRIPTION -.HYDRAULICS Channel West .f structure-Beach'. East •f structure-fairly well defined unimproved, weed fi lled. Navigable: Yes D No CK Clearances: Vert. .............. .N Horlz. MAINTENANCE Custodian ...........of Carlsbad .Owner ...........Same . ORIGINAL - ORIGINAL CONDITION RATING APPRAISAL Deck (6) - Superstructure Substructure & Pipes S Channel & Channel Protection () Retaining Walls Approach Rdwy. Alignment Estimated Remaining Life' 20 Overall Deck Geometry - (8) Underclearances Horix. (N) Safe Load Capacity Waterway Adequacy (5) Approach Rdwy. Alignment City Widenable? Yes E . No J Conditional Action Required by 1ciV Yes No E AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC — 10,000 (Estimated 1980) BYPASS DETOUR LENGTH — 8 miles . . . CONDITION OF STRUCTURE — There are concrete spalls with bar rein f o r c i n g steel exposed in the concrete bridge ra i l i n g s ( p a r t i c u l a r l y t h e w e s t e r l y bridge rail). Several of the T-beam girders have been g u n i t e d . O t h e r - wj.se the structure is in fair condition. .. LAD CAPACITY — The ratings shown were assigned based on t h e k n o w n f a c t o r s (i.e. volume and type of traffic, year. b u i l t , e t c . ) a n d t h e c o n d i t i o n of the structure. RECOMMENDATIONS — Replace the bridge railings. RECOMMENDED POSTING — None. Original signed by FRANK, J. WALLISER ** C 019767 FJW:ll cc:DRHiggifls Dist. 11 Local Assistance City of Carlsbad (2) (2) STATE OF CALIFORNIA OEPATMENTOFTRANSPOI ON BRIDGE REPORT Bridge No. 14 OS.M58 REV. I/iS) OtherNo.............................................................................................. P.U.C. No........................................................................................... 11 Location -SD-FAU-S 101-SD REVISED .............. ......_. ........................ 1, October 9 1980 Date of Investigation .......................................... Name .. . .. ...........EK .(1ba.. !ou le va.4-.6miles southerly of Airport Road) Lat. .P ....2.Q . _ Long. ..1!17....9! .... STRUCTURAL DATA AND HISTORY Year 51 By .. Contract No Up Dateof Revisions ...................................................................................................................................................................... Designed by: 8.D. M ......................................................................................... _.Plans Avail. @ ........B,D.. .. Description: Double 10'x 6'x 113' RCB with wingwalls (with 15'+ of concrete and dirt cover). Spans................ .......10 ..(Cl0r J.ma ).............................................................................................................. Length...... .22 ................ Skew.......................................................Design LL ........................... Ratings: Inventory ..HS ....9LAfl4 Operating .HS.3/A.s.i.gned Permit ........ DESCRIPTION — ON STRUCTURE Bridge Width .......5d..37..5....5.' Total Width ..................106 ..Lanes........2 _Tracks ..... None Median ......................NOflO Rail Type ...J!.k° p ....ç009. Vert. Clearance over deck ........ ......ed ................................Appr Rdwy. Width .... ... ...........' Wearing Surface ent .±)Deck Seal ........!9.' ............................................................. Alignment.................................................................................................................................................................... DESCRIPTION - UNDER STRUCTURE RoadwaySection ................................................................................................................................................................ Clearances: Vert . ............................................ Horiz.; .............. . ..................... Lt. ........................................................ Rt. Lanes......................- Tracks ............................. Pumpplant: None Q See Br. No. Ab Facilities Crossed cc: (1) CON'T. —48)_-- Veil. (N) Horiz. (N) STATE '.)I CALIFORNIA CARTMLNTOF TRAHSPO )N 57C-214 R BRIDGE REPORT Bridge No. 05.M58A REV 1 75 Date ........................QQ8O DESCRIPTION - HYDRAULICS Channel East Of ........ o. .... structure-Fairly well defined9 unimproved, weed filled Navigable: Yes D No Clearances: Vert ....................... ................................. Horlz. ........................... MAINTENANCE Custodian ...... City ... .of...car.1.sbad ........................................ owner ............Same . ORIGINAL ORIGINAL CONDITION RATING APPRAISAL Deck N Overall Superstructure 8 Deck Geometry Substructure & Pipes 8 Underclearancei Channel & Channel Protection (4) Retaining Walls - N - Safe Load Capacity Approach Rdwy. Alignment _.9 Waterway Adequacy Estimated Remaining Life 50 - Approach Rdwy. Alignment Widenable? Yes ER No M Conditional City Action Required by D)Iict Yes r. No rX AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC - 10,000 (Estimated 1980) BYPASS DETOUR LENGTH - 8 miles CONDITION OF STRUCTURE - The structure is in good condition. LOAD CAPACITY - The ratings shown were assigned based on t h e known factors (i.e. vlume and type of traffic, y e a r b u i l t , d e s i g n l i v e load, etc.) and the condition of the str u c t u r e . RECOMMENDATIONS - None. RECOMMENDED POSTING - None. FJW:11 cc:DRHiggins Diet. 11 Local Assistance City of Carlsbad (2) Original signed by FRANK J. WALLISER ** C 019767 (2) V STATE OF CLIFORNIA.. BRIDGE REPORT Sheet......... .1.............. of .........2............... Bridge No. 57C-214R Date of Investigation ........• Location 6004-16.85 )I5T-CO.-RTE. - CITY - P.M. Name CREEK ...................................................... Location...... Carlsbad .Ave ...between - La Costa Ave. & Palomar .rport .Rd. near Carlsbad. Latitude ... 'Longitude ..!ZLP..4.DOD Rd .........................Br......................... SECTION LETTER Custodlan .................Owner ....çrlsbad CLASSIFICATION Federal Aid System ....................34 Administrative ..................................Functional ..............3.......... STRUCTURAL DATA AND HISTORY Year Built ------ l9SlBy ........ state ........................Cont. No. Y13. FAP No............................... Designed by .....State - .........................Plans Avail . ........... at .... (P).......................... Spans .Qe.5.. ............................................................................... Length......22.'........... Skew ... 3Q0...Rt oescriptiorC....BOXCulvert .(2..ceiss .. Qx6'i..Mith....RC...wingwa11s.1...................... On Structure Roadway Section ......4.b1....2l2...,..8...........................................Total Width ...... .LQ9.......................... Rail Type Lt. ..NQ .....Rt...........Tfle.............. . ............... .Median .....Non.e.. Lanes .....2. Tracks ....O..;... Clearances: Vert. ..JflitPaire. ........ Horiz. ..Unipi.d...........PUC No. ............................................. ..- Design LL ........ $2.Q4 ------------------------ Capacity Rating ........P13............................... Under Structure Roadway Section ......................................................................................................Lanes_ . NO ... NO .....Tracks ......... ...... . Clearances: Vert...........................................Horiz.........................................PUC No.................................... HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE Report? Yes £1 No. [Ti . Nay. Control Yes J No. Clear. Diag. Yes [] N r1 ReliefStructures ............................................................................................................................................................. APPRAISAL OF NON-STRUCTURAL FACTORS DeckGeometry .................................... 9. ........................ Apprbach AIigient ................................9.......................... Waterway Adequacy ............................7. ........................ Clearances: Vert . ............ 9............Horiz.........9........... WRS/dn HBO-M70 (11/7 1) cc: County (2) STATE OF CALIFORNIA BRIDGE REPORT ShL ..... .2of ....... Bridge. No. 7 ..2•14R Date of Investigation .1:73. ADT ......7.'.9P.. .E•• Year .....192 RATING OF CONDITION: Deck NA Substructure 8 Superstructure 8 Overall 8 PREVIOUS REPORTS Bridge Report of-February 18, 19530 by J. P. Arroyo, and sup- plements thru 1966. Supplementary Bridge Report of March 27, 1967 states that the Bridge was relinquished to the City of Carlsbad. .It was formerly numbered 57-12R. CONDITION OF STRUCTURE This is a typical box culvert, and it is in good condition. There is approximately 18 feet of fill over the structure. CHANNEL Las Encinas Creek has a natural dirt channel. There is about 2 feet of silt in the cells. - CAPACITY This structure is considered safe for legal loads and a P-13 overload vehicle by design and inspection. W. R. Schott CE 13592 FORM HBO-M70A V STATE OF CALIFORNIA. BRIDGE REPORT Shee ..........1 .of .........4............... Bridge No. ...5.72i4.L...................... Date of Investigation ..4.-.1.1.-7.3.... Location ...11SD-FAU...6.O.04-16.83 IST-CO.-RTE. - CITY - P.M. Name SCREEK ................................................. LocationCar lsbad .1rd......between ..4..CQ.$.t..Ave..and...Pa1omar.. Rd near Carlsbad Latitude 0 .Longitude ...19,.4.DOD Rd ..........................Br......................... SECTION LETTER Custodian i.t.........CyOwner Carlsbad CLASSIFICATION Federal Aid System ...... ..... 14 ...........................Administrative ..............4......................Functional ............3............ $CTUA' DATA AND HISTORY 1924 and 1928. Year Built ..P.....By Cont. No . ............ . .................. FAP No:........................... State Designed by ....... coY.......................... .. Plans Avail at Spans ........!.1.... Length..i4.............Skew..149...Rt Description ...12.0"....Q!- Y.th..RC...Wix9a1l$...on........... spread footings. ... .. .......................... On Structure Roadway Section 1..7'cu..sh.2@131 , sli, .1.7CUTotal Width ......69'-4" RC Rail Type Lt. Window. Rt. C W1fldOW Median.Oe......Lanes .2 ......Tracks Clearances: Vert. Unimpaired .67 .PUC No......................................... Design LL.t .Qje ...Capacity Rating ••Legal Q1 Under Structure RoadwaySection .....................................................................................................Lanes .... NO ........Tracks .... NO ........... Clearances: Vert . .......................................... Horiz . ........................................ PUC No....................................... HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE Report? Yes No. [Ti Nay. Control Yes [D No. P9 Clear. Diag. Yes N 1!1 ReliefStructures ............................................................................................................................................................. APPRAISAL OF NON-STRUCTURAL FACTORS Deck Geometry .......................Approach Alig,1,ent .........................9 Waterway Adequacy ............................. . ......................... Clearances: Vert . ................. 9. ...... / Horiz . .......... 9 WRS/dn cc: County County (2) . . . UBO.M70(II7t) Sheet ........2 of ....... STATE OF CALIFORNIA Bridge No...... BRIDGE REPORT Date of Investigation .7 ,000 ........000E...Year 1972 RATING OF CONDITION: Deck Substructure 6 Superstructure Overall 5 PLANS The plans for the original structure and those for the 1924 widening are not available. The plans for the 1928 widening were prepared by the State Division of Highways, and are entitled "Widening of Bridge Across Las Encinas Creek." . Plans for repairs made to thistructhe in 1959 are entitled "Repair 3 Bridges Across Los Penasquitos Creek, .San Marcos Creek and Los Encinas Creek." The structural details of. the original structure and the initial widening are not shown on thewidening or repair plans. The 1913 and 1924 structure has. concrete T-beams normal to the abutments. The 1928 widening added 3 concrete T-beams on the left and 4 on the •right side parallel to the roadway. The 1928 widening also added 1 girder on the right side normal to the abutments adjacent to the original structure. Bays 3 and 8 vary in width due to the skew. PREVIOUS REPORTS Bridge Report of July 28, 1937 by R. A. Wagner, and supple- ments thru 1966. Supplementary Bridge Report of March 27, 1967 states that the Bridge was relinquished to .the City of Carlsbad. It was formerly numbered 57-l2L. HISTORY This structure formerly carried two directions of highway traffic. In 1951 the State constructed a box culvert FORM HBD.M70A , Bmi'€ No. .1cL214Z. S: ( structure upstream to carry the northbound traffic. Route FAX 5 now carries the highway traffic, and this structure receives local and beach traffic. I The Bridge has had a history of reinforcement corrosion and resultant concrete cracking and spalling. The concrete girders and deck soffit have been repaired with gunite in 1938, 1956, and 1959. In 1964 both rails were replaced. CONDITION OF STRUCTURE The concrete railing end posts are cracked and spalled with reinforcement exposed. There is approximately 5 inches of AC surfacing on the deck. It is uncracked. The construction joint at the base of the rail on the ex- terior sides is open. Much of the deck soffit of the original structure has a gunite coating. This repair appears effective. Many of the girders have been repaired with gunite. Girder 1 (from the left — ocean side) has shrinkage cracks in the gunite. It is cracked horizontally 6 inches from the bottom with vertical cracks in the middle:third. The soffit of the girder is also cracked longitudinally. Girder 3 has a horizontal crack 3 inches from the bottom. Girder 7 is cracked horizontally at the bottom reinforcement layer 1/4 inch in width. The cover has spalled off the bottom over a large area. The exposed reinforcement.is badly corroded. There were no visible problems in the other girders. CHANNEL The channel on the upstream side is unlined. On the down- stream (left) side of the structure is the ocean beach. CAPACITY This structure is considered safe for legal loads at this time. The bridge will require continued inspection, as the corro- sion will progress at an accelerating rate. Calculations indicate that the structure can carry no over- loads. FORM H-BD M 18 ST. 4717. 32401.500 5.63 2M COP PENO.:2214L__ DATE47 ._ POSTING RECOMMENDATION • Legal Loads • Only W. R. Schott • CE 13592 FORM H-BD M 18 • EST. 4767. 3246-5OO -69 2M OSP