HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Plaza Camino Real Shopping Ctr; Soils Report Settlement; 1968-10-02-
OCT 4 1968
CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Department
October 2, 1968
Plaza Camino Real c/o The May Department Stores Company 10738 West Pica Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90064
Attention: Mr. Kelly Tamer
(Our Job No. B-66171)
Final Report Settlement of Surcharged Area Proposed Shopping Cater El Camino Real near the Vista Freeway Carlsbad, California
for P&Z? Camino Real
This report presents the results of our inspection of surcharge
fills and observations of settlement markers at the location of the subject
shopping center in Carlsbad, California. The building areas of the site
were surcharged to reduce future settlements of the proposed buildings and
to permit the use of spread footings for foundation support. Our report
dated August 12, 1966, presented the results of our foundation investigation
of the site, and recommendations for the surcharging.
The purpose of our present work was to (1) maintain records of set-
tlement readings on the monuments, and compare these records of settlement
with our predicted settlement; (2) recommend any changes in the amount of
L. kROY CRANDALL. c. E. RUSSELL c. WEBER, c, c, SEYMOUR s. CHIU. c. E FREDRlCK A. BARNES J. D, K,RKGARD, c. E. Pi A~ NAilIAN. c, E. 7^nr, β I,^β^, 1~~1 ^I _ ^ _ - ^ _
- October 2, 1968 (Our Job No. B-66171)
surcharge fill required at various parts of the building areas, and
(3) advise you as to when the site was adequately preconsolidated and
ready for construction.
The site is located in a valley and on the south flank of Marron
Canyon just to the east of the Buena Vista Lagoon and the adjacent marshy
ground. While the hillside area is underlain by firm to vary firm geologi-
tally older deposits, the valley or low areas are underlain by recent allu-
vial deposits ranging up to 100 feet or more in depth. The recent alluvial
deposits consist of clay, silt, silty sand, clayey sand, and sand; they are
~generally soft to moderately firm and are compressible to varying degrees.
The planned development called for cutting the hillside and filling
the lowlands; compacted fill on the order of 20 feet in thickness was planned
within the building areas. It was computed that, under the planned fill,
area1 settlements on the order of three feet would result and that the set-
- tlement would take place over a period of several years. To provide adequate
support to the proposed buildings on spread footings, the area1 settlement
would have to be complete prior to the construction of the buildings.
Alternatively, the buildings could be supported on driven friction piling,
but in view of the depth of the planned fill and the underlying soft soils,
the pile foundations would be very costly. Furthermore, the area1 settle-
ments would create problems with floor slabs, walkways, and utilities even
though the structures were supported on piling.
- Plaza Camino Real October 2, 1968 Page 3 (Our Job No. B-66171)
In order to permit the use of conventional spread footings without
waiting several years, it was decided to surcharge the site to accelerate
the settlement. The time required for surcharging would depend on the
thickness of the surcharge fill and the settlement rate. of the slowest
consolidating layer of the natural soils at a given location. Accordingly,
a surcharge requirement chart was prepared showing the required time of sur-
charging for various depths of surcharge fill. After discussing the matter
with the parties concerned, it was decided to surcharge the main building
areas by placing approximately 30 feet of temporary surcharge fill for a
period of 18 months. In order to check the actual magnitude and rate of
settlement, monuments were set throughout the major building areas and the
elevations of the monuments were periodically checked during the placing of
fill and after completion of the surcharge fill.
In addition to the major building areas, both the May Company and
the J. C. Penney building areas were surcharged with approximately 17 and
14 feet of fill, respectively.
- The grading operation at the site began in mid-July, 1966; the
- placing of about 20 feet of permanent compacted fill and about 30 feet of
surcharge fill within the main building areas was completed in late August,
1966. Sixteen settlement monuments were installed on the natural ground
surface prior to placing any fill; these monuments are designated as Type A
monuments. After the permanent fill was placed, 19 additional monuments
were placed on top of the permanent fill prior to the placing of the sur-
charge fill; these monuments are designated as Type B monuments.
October 2, 1968 (Our Job No. B-66171)
The placing of the permanent fill throughout the proposed shopping
center was completed in October, 1966. The location of the proposed TEA
buildings were finalized at a later date and these areas were surcharged in
May of 1967. Four Type B monuments were installed at each of the TBA build-
ing areas. The extent of the surcharging of the s'ite was defined on the
Grading and Drainage Plan dated 6-13-66 (Revised 7-l-66) by Shuirman, Rogoway
and Associates. The locations of all the settlement monuments are shown on
Plate 1, Plot Plan, Settlement Monument Locations.
Because of the large area within the main building areas, the dis-
tance between the Type A and Type B monuments ranged up to about 170 feet.
To provide information on the settlement occurring at intermediate locations,
some 150 supplementary monuments (Type C) were placed at the top of the SW-
charge fill on a 50-foot grid over the main building areas in May, 1967.
The anticipated settlement was computed at the locations of 15 of
the Type A monuments to compare our predictions with the observed field set-
tlements. The elevations of the settlement monuments were determined at
frequent intervals by Psomas & Young, Surveyors, and a plot of the readings
for each monument was maintained by US. Plots of the settlement of the Type
A and Type B monuments were submitted periodically to all parties concerned
during the course of the project. The results of all of the settlement data
for these monuments are presented on Plates 2-A through 2-Z, Rate of Settle-
ment. Although not presented herein, the rate of settlement of the monuments
within the TBA building areas and of Type C monuments within the main building
Plaza Camino Real October 2, 1968
Page 5 (Our Job No. B-66171)
areas were observed and the data analyzed. The detailed records of these
monuments will be retained in our files.
As previously discussed, it was initially estimated that the sur-
charge fill within the main building areas would be maintained for a period
of 18 months; the scheduled date for the removal of the surcharge fill was
March of 1968. In October of 1967, we were asked to review the settlement
data and determine if it would be possible to remove the surcharge in
January, 1968, instead of March. On the basis of the settlement observa-
tions and from comparison with our previous calculations, we concluded that
the surcharge fill could be removed in January, 1968. HOWaVer, the measured
settlement at Monument A-l within the Penney's store area was less than pre-
dicated. To assure that the settlement in that area was complete, we re-
quested that selected monuments within the Penney's area be maintained for
further readings after the removal of the surcharge. This was considered
- reasonable as construction of the Penney's store was not scheduled to start
until several months after the remainder of the shopping canter.
The surcharge over the entire site (including the TBA building
areas) was removed in January of 1968, and construction of the May Company
store and adjacent shop buildings is currently under way. During the removal
of the surcharge fill, the monuments within the Penney's store area which
were to be preserved, were destroyed. A few of these monuments, namely A-l,
A-2, B-l, and B-3, were restored and settlement readings of these monuments
were continued.
- Plaza Camino Real
Page 6
October 2, 1968 (Our Job No. B-66171)
The total settlement under the permanent fill and the surcharge
fill, as indicated by the Type A monuments, ranged from 24 inches to 40
inches. In almost all cases, the curves of the measured settlements com-
pare vary well with the curves of the predicted settlements. In all cases,
the rate of settlement decreased to a vary nominal amount at the time the
surcharge was removed. Only negligible amounts of rebound were observed
after the removal of the surcharge.
The results of the settlement observations indicate that the soils
have been adequately preconsolidated to permit construction of the proposed
buildings on conventional spread footings. As stated earlier, most of the
buildings are currently under construction. The future settlement of the
structures should be nominal and as predicted in our foundation report.
Yours very truly,
Attachmnts (27)
(3 copies submitted)
cc: (1) Krumm & Sorenson (1) Welton Becket and Associates
(1) Brandow & Johnston Associates
(1) Stacy & Meadville, Inc. (1) Shuirman, Rogoway & Associates (1) Carlsbad Building Department