HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Slope Failure South of Las Olas Court; Preliminary Geotechnical Findings; 2005-02-174
Leighton andAssociates, Inc.
February 17, 2005
MM Project No. 971146-006
Concordia Homes
1903 Wright Place, Suite 120
Carlsbad, Califomia 92009
Mr. Dale Wilson
Preliminary Geotechnical Findings, Slope Failare South of Las Olas Court,
Villagio, Carlsbad Tract No. 98-02, Carlsbad, Califomia
Leighton and Associates, 2000, Geotechnical Update Report, Colina Roble,
Carlsbad Tract No. 98-02, Carlsbad, Califomia, Project No. 4971146-002, dated
March 24,2000
, 2001a, As-Graded Report of Rough and Fine Grading, Lots 6 tlirough
28, Colina Roble, Carlsbad Tract No, 98-02. Carlsbad, Califomia, Project No.
4971146-004, dated March 16,2001
-, 2001b, As-graded Geotechnical Report of Post-Grading Operations,
Colina Roble, Carlsbad Tract No. 98-02, Carlsbad, Califomia, Project No. 971146-
004, dated September 18,2001
In accordance with your request, Leighton and Associates, Inc. (Leighton) has performed a
limited preliminary evaluation of the recent slope failure on the south side of Las Olas Court
within the Villagio project (Carlsbad Tract No. 98-02), located in Carlsbad, Califomia. The
purpose of our evaluation was to geologically map the slope failure and the general vicinity;
evaluate potential future movement and impacts to adjacent residential properties (both below
the failure area and beyond the ridgeline to the south); and to provide preliminary
recommendations relative to the mitigation of the slope failure.
3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 • San Diego, CA 92123-4425
858.292.8030" Fax 858.292.0771 •www.leiglntongeo.com
Site Description and Existing Geotechnical Conditions
The Villagio project (formerly known as Colina Roble) was rough and fme graded between June
and December 2000 (Leighton, 2001a) while the post grading operations were performed in 2000
and 2001 (Leighton, 2001b). Rough grading of the site in the general vicinity of the slope failure
included the removal of potentiaUy compressible soils (including alluvium, colluvium, and
weathered formational material), placement of compacted fill, and the constmction of a stability
fill along the south side of Las Olas Court.
Based on our review of the as-graded geotechnical conditions (Leighton, 2001a), the Delmar
Formation claystone is present beneath the compacted fill along Las Olas Court and on the lower
hillside to the south below an approximate elevation of 170 feet mean sea level (msl). The upper
portion of the hillside (above an approximate elevation of 170 feet msl) consists of sandstone.
Colluvial soils are present in the drainage on the east side of the recent slope failure. The
approximate limits of the geologic units are presented on the Geologic Map (Figure 1). The
Geotechnical map from the as-graded report for the project was used as the base map for the
Geologic mapping of the slope on the south side of Las Olas Court during the rough grading
operations (Leighton, 2001a) indicated the presence of a clayseam within the bedrock material.
Due to the clayseam and blocky nature of the claystone in this area, a stability fill was
recommended and constmcted during the rough grading operations in this area. The stability fill
(consisting of compacted fill) was approximately 15 feet wide at the toe-of-slope and extended
at least 5 feet below the toe-of-slope elevation. Due to the presence of sensitive habitat (i.e.
Coastal Sage) above the top of the slope (that was off-limits and could not be entered), the
stability fill extended less than 5 feet above (or behind the top-of-slope). A subdrain system was
instaiied along the bottom of the buttress and stability fill backcut and supposedly outletted into
the storm drain inlet stmcture located on the south side of Las Olas Court at approximate Station
No. 11+25.
Also during the rough grading operations, a landslide was encountered and geologically mapped
to the west of the recent slope failure. A buttress was designed and constmcted to stabilize the
landslide to the south of Lots 24, 25, and 28 (Leighton, 2001a). The approximate location of the
stability fill and buttress key is shown on Figure 1. The eastem end of the buttt:ess was located
approximately at the west side of Lot 28.
At the beginning of February 2005, we were notified that one of the slopes at the site was moving.
On Febmary 4, 2005, a geologist from our office made a site visit to observe the reported slope
movement. Based on our site visit, it was evident that the slope east of Lot 28 was failing in a
classic rotational fashion where the toe of the slope was moving out and upwards whiie the upper
portion of the landslide was moving downwards. Geologic recoimaissance indicated the slope
failure extend from a point approximately 75 feet east of the storm drain inlet at approxunate Las
Olas Court Station No. 11+25 to approximately 30 feet west ofthe Lot 28 property line (i.e. across
from Lots 10 through 12). The slope failure was estimated to extend approximately 100 feet behind
the top of the slope along the south side of Las Olas Court. At the time of our first visit, the toe of
the failure extended up to and slightly into the street just beyond the curb and gutter. Subsequent
movement of the slope failure has resulted in a bulge ofthe toe and additionai movement into the
street (on the order of 5 feet or less) as of Febmary 11, 2005. A row of sandbags was placed in
front ofthe toe and observations as of Febmary 15, 2005 indicate the failure is still moving but
only on the order of a few inches per day. The lower portion of the failure (i.e. below the concrete
drainage ditch at the top of the slope) was covered with plastic to minimize the infiltration of water
into the landslide mass.
Due to the movement ofthe slope failure, the down drain for the concrete drainage ditch at the top
of the slope was damaged causing water to enter the backfill around the damaged storm drain pipe.
Provisions were made to minimize the inflltration of the surface water by covering the area with
During our site visit on Febmary 10, 2005 that occurred during a rain storm, a significant amount
of flowing water was noted in the concrete drainage ditch on the westem side of the recent slope
failure and at the top ofthe slope behind Lot 28. Observations indicated the water was coming a
from a previously unknown drain outlet from the residential development uphill and the south of
the Villagio project. The storm drain water was flowing out of the storm drain outlet stmcture
(within the city of Encinitas) and along the ground surface and ultimately into the top-of-slope
concrete drainage ditch. Due to the damaged down drain pipe connecting the concrete drainage
ditch to the storm drain system in the street, the water in the top-of-slope concrete drainage ditch
behind Lot 28 and on the westem portion of the recent siope failure has been directed on to the
plastic on the slope and into the gutter in the street. Based on our reviews performed to date, we
understand that there is at least one more storm drain outlet located above and to the south of the
Villagio project.
On Febmary 15, 2005, the limits of the slope failure were surveyed with a GPS unit and the limits
shown on the Geologic Map (Figure 1). A definite back scarp is evident on the eastem and central
portions of the failure; however, the back scarp is less evident on the westem side of the failure.
The back scarp is on the order of 10 to 15 feet in height. On the westem side of the recent slope
failure, only some discontinuous cracks (or fractures) are present indicating the extent of the
movement in this area. It appears that the buttress on Lot 28 has partially stabilized the recent slope
failure and minimized the amoimt of down slope movement. Movement of the slope has also
caused the buckling of the metal fence along the southeastem and eastem sides of Lot 28, as well
as, a portion of the wooden fence on Lot 28 along Las Olas Court.
During our site visits we also observed the hillside on either side and above the recent slope failure.
No indications of any significant slope movement were observed outside the limits of the recent
slope failure with the exception of some minor slope creep on some of the steeper portions ofthe
hillside southeast of the recent failure. These slope creep areas appear to be less than 1 foot thick
and limited in extent.
During our GPS mapping of the recent slope failure, we also installed 6 survey monuments that
can be used to evaluate any fiiture slope movement. Five of the monuments were instaiied on the
ridgeline south (and uphill of the recent slope failure); the sixth monument was installed in the
middle of the landslide. Due to the lack of accuracy of the GPS survey unit, precise horizontal and
vertical measurements of the monuments were not made. A civil engineer/surveyor shouid be
retained to monitor the monuments on a weekly basis. The approximate locations of the survey
monuments are presented on the Geologic Map (Figure 1).
Slope Stabilitv Analysis
Based on the mapped configuration of the recent slope failure (along Cross-Section B-B' - Figure
2) and data from our prior slope stability analysis for the project (that was obtained during the
design of the buttress on Lots 24, 25, and 28), we performed a preliminary slope analysis of the
recent slope failure. Based on our assumed landslide geometry, soil strengths, and relatively high
ground water we calculated a factor of safety of I.O for the current conditions (which matches the
assumption that in order to get movement, the factor of safety has to be less than 1.0). Additional
preliminary analysis indicates that a buttt-ess with a key width of approximately 60 to 70 feet can
be designed to stabilize the landslide. However, temporary stability analysis of the backcut (which
will be within landslide deposits) indicated the temporary stability of the backcut will be less than
acceptable. As a result, our preliminary slope stability analysis has indicted that in order to stabilize
the slope failure; the entire landslide may need to be removed. It should be noted that additional
analysis (assuming that the removal of the slope failure is done in sections) might result in a
buttress design that can leave some of the landslide deposits in place.
As an altemative to the large buttress stabilization design, constmction of a smaller buttress and the
installation of shear pins may be able to be performed to stabilize the slope failure. Additional data
(such as the actual elevation and inclination of the mpture surface), preparation of additional cross-
sections, and more analysis will be needed to determine the feasibility of a shear pin design.
Conclusions Regarding Potential Impacts to Adiacent Properties
Based on our geologic mapping, slope stability analysis, and professional experience with similar
conditions, it is our professional opinion that the risk of fijrther adverse impacts to the residential
stmcture on Lot 28 and the residential properties above and below the recent slope failure is low.
Geologic observations of the hillside above the recent slope failure, indicated there is no
evidence of adverse geotechnical conditions that could impact the residential properties on the
ridgeline south of the recent slope failure. In addition, it is our professional opinion that the
negative impacts of the recent slope failure to the residential stmcture on Lot 28 or to the
residential properties on the north side of Las Olas Court are considered low.
Our professional experience has indicated that slope failures similar to the one that occurred at
the Villagio project tend to reach equilibrium over time as the outward and downward movement
of the slope failure reduces the driving force that caused the movement. Our experience has also
indicated that the movement of these types of slope failures is relatively slow (i.e. similar to what
has already occurred) and that catastrophic movement is highly unlikely. As long as nothing is
added to the upper portion of the landslide and nothing is removed from the toe, the equilibrium
of the landslide will not likely change and no significant additional movement should occur.
However, the only significant additional factor that may change the equilibrium is adding water
(in the form of precipitation) to the landslide mass. The addition of water will increase the
weight of the landslide (effectively increasing the driving force) while at the same time the
subsurface would impart additional destabilization forces. Since the entire slope failure area
cannot be covered with plastic, future precipitation events may result in addhional movement of
the slope failure. However, we do not anticipate that any future movement will be significant.
We recommend that the material at the toe of the slope failure not be removed unless it impacts
the movement of vehicular traffic on Las Olas Court. Should the toe impact vehicular traffic, the
material should be removed and placed back on the toe of the slope failure. If it is not acceptable
for soil to be left on the street and placement of the material on the slope south of the street is not
feasible or is not effective in decreasing the outward movement of the toe, the material may be
hauled off-site. It should be noted that as indicated above, removing the material from the toe
will change the equilibrium and may cause the continued movement of the toe; however, the
movement should be relatively slow (i.e. inches to a few feet per day).
Although we anticipate that the fiorther impacts to the residential properties above and below the
slope failure are considered low, the oversteepened back scarp may be susceptible to minor
slumps and other instability conditions. While these instability conditions are not anticipated to
be significant, there is a possibility of additional failures above the existing slope failure. As a
result, we recommend that the measures to stabilize the slope failure (i.e. the constmction of the
buttress) be performed as soon as practical in order to minimize additional failures.
Conclusions and Recommendations Concerning the Mitigation ofthe Slope Failure
Additional slope stability analysis will be required to determine the most practical and cost-
effective design to stabilize the slope failure. However, the most likely design will be essentially
the complete removal of the slope failure and the constmction of a relatively large buttress (that
is constmcted in sections). The main purpose of the additional analysis will be to determine the
lateral extent of the buttress and what size the sections should be limited too. For planning
purposes, we anticipate that the first thing that should be done during the constmction of the
buttress is the removal of the upper portion of the slope failure mass to an elevation of 130 to
140 feet msl. The material removed from the upper portion of the slope failure can either be
stockpiled in the street or hauled off-site. Then the lower portion of the slope failure can be
removed in 3 or more sections and the material stockpiled and/or flip-flopped and placed as fill
in the adjacent section.
In addition, the following recommendations should be implemented:
• Slope Survev Monuments - The six survey monuments recentiy placed on the hillside should
be surveyed by a civil engineer/surveyor on a weekly basis to monitor any potential
movement. In order to establish a baseline, we recommend that two readings be performed
within 1 to 2 days. Subsequent reading can be performed on a weekly basis. The results
should be provided to us so that we can evaluate the movement (if any). If no appreciable
movement is measured, the frequency of the readings can be spaced out to every two weeks
or greater. If movement is measured, recommendations to increase the frequency of the
readings may be made.
• Existing Buttress/Stabilitv Subdrain - The only outiet location for the buttress/stability fill
subdrain is into the storm drain inlet stmcture on the south side of Las Olas Court at
approximate Station No. 11+25. We recommend that the outlet location be observed to
detennine if the subdrain is properiy outietted. If it does not appear to be outietted, we will
need to evaluate the impact of the potential build-up of ground water in the subdrain. The
subdrain at either end of the recent slope failure may need to be dug up and temporary
outletted until the storm drain system is repaired. It should be noted that the subdrain system
would likely be removed during the constmction of the recommended buttress.
• Minimizing Surface Water Percolation into the Slope Failure - We recommend that
provisions be made to ensure that the water in the concrete drainage ditch at the top of the
slope is outletted into the storm drain system or street curb and gutter and not allowed to
percolate into the slope failure.
Off-Site Storm Drain Outlet Flow - The surface flow from the off-site storm drain outlet
located southwest of the recent slope failure (and within the City of Encinitas) should be
picked up and placed in some type of drainage device (i.e. pipe or open concrete drainage
swale). The water should not be allowed to percolate into the ground especially since it will
increase the amount of water in the mapped landslide south of Lots 24, 25, and 28. As a
temporary fix, the erosional channel that currently exists should be lined with plastic to
minimize infiltration of the water flow.
In addition, other storm drain outiets that are present above (and to the south of the Villagio
development) should be evaluated to determine if those outlets need to be picked -up and
extended by hard drainage facilities (i.e. pipe or open concrete drainage swale).
Ifyou have any questions regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
We appreciate this opportunity to be of continued service.
Respectfully submitted,
Randall K. Wagner, CEG 1612
Senior Associate
Michael R. Stewart, CEG 1349
Principal GeologistA^ice President
Attachments: Figure 1 - Geologic Map
Figure 2 - Geologic Cross-Section B-B'