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08053-06-03; Rancho Carrillo Villages E, J, K & A, & S-UDC Home; Rancho Carrillo Villages E, J, K & A, & S; 1993-12-06
m pp PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT AND LIMITED SAMPLING REPORT FOR. RANCHO CARRILLO VILLAGES E, J, K, AND A PORTION OF VILLAGE S CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA C2" 1 S "PREPARED FOR UDC HOMES INCORPORATED SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. 08053-06-03 DECEMBER IU93 GEOCON D b ta p H Environmental Consultants Inc. Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 HAND DELIVERED UDC Homes Incorporated 438 Camino del Rio South, Suite 112B San Diego, California 92108 Attention: Mr. Glenn Rick Subject: RANCHO CARRILLO VILLAGES E, J, K, AND A PORTION OF VILLAGE S CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT AND LIMITED SAMPLING REPORT Gentlemen: In accordance with the request of Mr. Bob Ladwig of Ladvvig Design Group, representing UDC (i.e. the "Client"), and the executed "Work Order (No. L-7644)," dated April 5, 1993, Geocon Environmental Consultants (GEC) has performed a preliminary site assessment (PSA) including limited soil sampling and laboratory testing at the subject site. The site is located in Carlsbad, California. The accompanying report presents the details of the preliminary site assessment, limited soil sampling, and laboratory testing performed at the site. The report summarizes the findings relative to the potential existing presence, as of the dates of the latest site visit/records review, of hazardous materials/wastes at the site at levels warranting mitigation action pursuant to current regulatory guidelines. P" i. P it 6970 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121-2974 619558-6100 FAX 619 558-8437 Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 Page 2 If there are any questions concerning the contents of this "Report," or if GEC may be of further service, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Robert S. Johnston ETrian wmajord, Jr. RCE 42332 RCE 46236' BWS:RSJ:bws (4) Addressee (2) Rick Engineering Attention: Mr. Ray Martin TABLE OF CONTENTS PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT AND LIMITED SOIL SAMPLING REPORT Page INTRODUCTION 1 Site Identification 1 Purpose and Scope of Services 1 Preliminary Research and Reconnaissance 2 Limited Soil Sampling and Laboratory Testing 5 EXISTING SITE, GEOLOGIC, AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS 6 Site Location 6 Existing Conditions and Improvements 6 Geologic Conditions 7 Lusardi Formation (Kl) 9 Delmar Formation (Td) 9 Landslide Debris (Qls) 10 Coliuvium (Oc) 10 Alluvium (Oal) 10 Undocumented Fill 11 Topsoils 11 Review of Rancho Carrillo Master Plan 11 Groundwater 12 REGIONAL GROUNDWATER 12 DWR Bulletin, June 1967 13 SWRB Plan, July 1975 13 RWQCB, December 1991 14 SITE RECONNAISSANCE 14 Onsite Survey 14 Offsite Survey 15 SITE HISTORY 17 Review of Aerial Photographs 17 192S Aerial Photographs 17 1953 Aerial Photographs 18 1967 Aerial Photographs 19 1973 Aerial Photographs 19 1978 Aerial Photographs 19 19cS3 Aerial Photographs 20 1989 Aerial Photographs 20 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT AND LIMITED SOIL SAMPLING REPORT Page Review of United States Geological Survey (USGS) Topographic Maps 20 Site Topography 20 Site Development 21 Summary of Title Information 21 REVIEW OF PREVIOUS PSA REPORT FOR RANCHO CARRILLO 22 GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES - RECORDS REVIEW 23 HMMD HE48 and HE17 Listings 24 HMMD Environmental Assessment Listing 25 RWQCB Leaking Underground Storage Tank Listing 25 RWQCB SLIC Listing 25 RWQCB Regulated Waste Discharger System Listing 25 RWQCB Facilities Presently Subject to TPCA Listing 26 RWQCB Solid Waste Disposal Sites Listing 26 EPA Listings 26 California Department of Conservation DOG Regional Wildcat Map 26 CAL-EPA Listings 27 California State Water Resources Control Board AB1803 Listing 27 California Waste Management Board S\VIS Listing 27 CONTACTS - PUBLIC AGENCIES 27 County of San Diego Air Quality Management District 28 County of San Diego Department of Agriculture Weights and Measures - Pesticide Use Enforcement Division 28 San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) 29 Carlsbad Fire Department '. 30 City of Carlsbad Sewer and Water Division 30 Encina Wastewater Center 30 City of Carlsbad Building Department 31 LIMITED SOIL SAMPLING AND LABORATORY TESTING 31 Purpose 31 Sample Locations 32 Summary of Field Activities 32 Soil Conditions Encountered 33 Laboratory Testinsz Rationale 33 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT AND LIMITED SOIL SAMPLING REPORT Page Laboratory Results 33 Chlorinated Pesticides 34 Chlorinated Herbicides 34 Comparison with Title 22 and Proposition 65 Regulations 34 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS 37 REPORT LIMITATIONS 41 Figures: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Site Plan (map pocket) 3. U.S.G.S. Topographic Map Tables:i times: I. Summary of Analytical Laboratory Test Results II. Summary of Analytical Laboratory Test Results Appendices: A. Chain of Title Information B. Description of Listings C. HMMD HE48 and HE17 Listings and WDR Listing D. Laboratory Reports and Chain of Custody Documentation Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT AND LIMITED SOIL SAMPLING REPORT INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of a preliminary site assessment (PSA), limited soil sampling, and laboratory testing tor the subject site. The services were performed in accordance with the "Work Order (No. L-7644)," dated April 5, 1993, authorized by a representative of UDC (i.e. the "Client"). Site Identification Rancho Carrillo Villages E, J, K, and a portion of Village S are located just south of Palomar Airport Road approximately 1.8 miles east of El Camino Real in Carlsbad, California. The approximate location of the site is depicted on the Vicinity Map, presented as Figure 1. Purpose and Scope of Services GEC has performed preliminary research, a site reconnaissance, limited soil sampling, and laboratory testing for the subject site. These services were conducted to estimate the potential for existing impacts to the site (i.e., levels of hazardous materials/wastes warranting regulatory mitigation action) from the presence of hazardous materials/wastes on or within the vicinity of the site. For the purposes of this PSA, the "vicinity" of the site is defined as Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 properties located within an approximately 1/4 mile radius of the site. The guidelines used for the definition of hazardous materials/wastes are presented in the CCR, Title 22. Preliminary Research and Reconnaissance • Performed an onsite reconnaissance to identity indicators of the potential existing presence of hazardous materials and hazardous wastes on the site. These indicators include the presence of 55-gallon drums, chemical containers, waste disposal areas, industrial facilities, discolored surficial soils, electrical transformers that may contain polychlorinated hiphenyls (PCB's) and areas conspicuously absent of vegetation. Provisions for a survey of asbestos containing materials, radon, lead containing paint, and methane gas and a wetlands delineation are not provided in this scope of services. • Performed a survey of the adjacent properties from public thoroughfares to evaluate if these properties possess facilities or structures operated by entities that potentially use, store, generate, or dispose of hazardous materials or hazardous wastes. • Reviewed the following sources to obtain information regarding the potential presence of hazardous materials/wastes on the site or on properties located in the vicinity of the site: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT DIVISION (HMMD) "HE48 Listings," dated September 2, 1992. "HE17 Listings," dated December 4, 1992. "Environmental Assessment Listing," dated February 3, 1993. REGIONAL WATER QUALITY "CONTROL BOARD (RWQCB) "Leaking Underground Storage Tank Listing," dated March 11, 1993. "Facilities Presently Subject to TPCA (Toxic Pits Cleanup Act Listing)," dated August 1989. "Solid Waste Disposal Sites - San Diego County, Solid Waste Assessment (SWAT) Program Listing," dated April 13, 1990. "Spills, Leaks, Investigation and Cleanup (SLIC) Non-underground Tank Cases," dated July 8,^1992. "Regulated Waste Discharger System Listing," dated December 28, 1992. Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 US ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) "CERCLIS Listing or CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act) Superfund Listing," dated April 8, 1993. "RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Log (CMEL) for California," dated April 8, 1993. "RCRIS (Resource Conservation Recovery Information Systems) Listing," dated October 6, 1992. "RCRA VVASPROC Listing," dated August 7, 1991. "Proposed and Final National Priority List (NPL)-California," dated April 8, 1993. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION "Division of Oil and Gas (DOG) Field Map," dated May 23, 1992. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CAL-EPA) "Expenditure Plan for the Hazardous Substance Cleanup Bond Act," dated January 10, 1990. "Hazardous Waste and Substance Sites List (Cortese List)," dated July 1992. "Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) "CAL-SITES" Listing," dated March 13, 1992. "DTSC List of Active Annual Workplan Sites," dated October 16, 1992. CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD "AB 1803 Follow-up Program," dated March 1989. CALIFORNIA WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD "Solid Waste Information System (SWIS)," dated May 27, 1992. CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT "Underground Storage Tank Permit Records." The permit record search was conducted by the fire department personnel. The search is performed for the site and adjacent properties. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WEIGHTS AND MEASURES - PESTICIDE USE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION "Restricted Pesticide Use Permit Records." The permit record search was conducted for the site and properties adjacent to the site by Department of Agriculture personnel. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT A search of the "Violator File Register" was conducted by Air Quality Management personnel for the site and adjacent properties. - 3 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 CARLSBAD WATER AND SEWER DIVISION Contacted the water and sewer division to obtain information pertaining to the reported source of water and method of sewage disposal for the subject site, and the reported location and depth of the nearest drinking water wells and of local drinking water contamination problems. CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Contacted the Building Department to obtain information pertaining to the age of the structures, if any, present on the subject site. SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY (SDG&E) Contacted SDG&E to obtain information concerning the presence of PCB-containing electrical transformers on the site. Reviewed aerial photographs available from the County of San Diego Mapping Division and from in-house sources to obtain information concerning the history of the site. Reviewed selected references tor information pertaining to the documented occurrence and quality of groundwater in the vicinity of the site. The sources reviewed include: "Groundwater Occurrence and Quality, San Diego Region," State of California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bulletin No. 106-2, dated June 1967. "Comprehensive Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin," State Water Resources Board (SWRB), July 1975. "Resolution No. 91-79-A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 90-55 Adopting Amendments to the Comprehensive Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Region," RWQCB, December 9, 1991. Reviewed U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic maps to obtain information relative to the topography of the site and previous development and uses of the site and properties located in the vicinity of the site. The name of only one past tenant/owner of the site was supplied by Mr. Bob Ladwig. Attempts to contact the individual by telephone were unsuccessful. -4 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 Reviewed available geotechnical data and geologic reports for the site to obtain information regarding the prevailing geologic and groundwater conditions. The client or his representative did not provide geotechnical reports for our review, however, GEC has reviewed geotechnical reports prepared for the property by Geocon Incorporated. Reviewed a report entitled "Preliminary Site Assessment for Carrillo Ranch, Carlsbad, California," prepared by Geocon Environmental Consultants Incorporated, dated August 23, 1989. Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps were not available for the site or properties in the vicinity of the site. Limited Soil Sampling and Laboratory Testing • Prepared a Health and Safety Plan for the subject site. The Health and Safety Plan was provided to outline recommendations for personal protective equipment (PPE) for GEC workers in the field during the field activities. • Prepared a grid diagram of the area of the site identified (through a review of the information obtained during the preliminary research and reconnaissance outlined above) as likely potential receptors of residual organochlorine pesticides/herbicides. The site was divided into approximately ten sampling cells. Sample locations were located at the center of each cell. • Collected soil samples from each sampling location for laboratory testing. Samples were collected at the ground surface (0 to 6 inches below the existing ground surface), approximately 1 to 1.5 feet, and approximately 2 to 2.5 feet below the existing ground surface. The samples were collected utilizing a stainless steel trowel/hand-auger, transferred to laboratory-supplied glass jars, capped with teflon-lined lids, labeled, placed in a cooler with ice, and transported to a California-certified environmental laboratory for testing. • Submitted the grab soil samples collected at the ground surface (0 to 6 inches below the existing ground surface) and 1 to 1.5 feet below the ground surface at each sampling location to an analytical laboratory for testing. The soil samples (20 samples) were subjected to testing for organochlorine pesticides following Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Test Method 8080. In addition, the samples were also subjected to testing for organochlorine Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 herbicides following EPA Test Method 8150. Samples obtained from a depth of 2 to 2.5 feet were held for potential future testing. Provided quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) procedures during the field sampling activities. The.se procedures included the cleansing/rinsing of sampling equipment prior to each sampling effort, and providing chain-of- custody documentation for each sample transferred to the laboratory. Backfilled the hand angered borings with the soil cuttings generated. EXISTING SITE, GEOLOGIC, AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS Site Location The irregularly shaped, 98-acre site is located approximately 1.8 miles east of El Camino Real and immediately south of Palomar Airport Road in the City of Carlsbad, California (see Vicinity Map, Figure 1). The northern boundary of Village E fronts Palomar Airport Road for an approximate distance of 720 feet. The base map utilized for the purposes of this report (Site Plan, Figure 2) was obtained from Mr. Ray Martin at Rick Engineering Company and is entitled "Rancho Carrillo Master Plan, Modified Master Plan Villages," dated August 23, 1993. The site boundaries and the configuration of Villages E, J, K, and a portion of Village S are indicated on Figure 2 (map pocket). Existing Conditions and Improvements A representative of GEC visited the property on November 3, 1993. Observations indicate that the property is essentially undeveloped and covered with native vegetation (grasses and coastal chaparral) in undisturbed areas. Where agricultural use has been prevalent, the Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 property has either been cleared or is covered with non-native tall grasses. The site topography consists primarily of gently to moderately sloping hillside terrain with several south trending ravines which converge into a west trending canyon south of Villages J and S. Improvements to the property include a landscape irrigation piping system, a primary access road paved with pea gravel through the eastern portions of Villages E and K, and a series of interconnected dirt roads. The referenced preliminary site assessment report prepared by GEC and dated August 23, 1989, indicated the presence of wood and aluminum structures, above-ground storage tanks, and a pesticide storage shed in an area now designated as Village P on Figure 2. During the site visit, the wood and aluminum structures appeared to have been demolished, including the pesticide storage shed, and no above- ground storage tanks were observed. Several stripped automobiles were also observed in this area. Geologic Conditions Geocon Incorporated has previously been retained by the Client to perform a preliminary geotechnical investigation. The findings from the study and the conclusions and recommendations based on those findings are summarized in a report entitled "Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Rancho Carrillo, Villages E, J, and K, Carlsbad, California," dated December 30, 1992. The scope of the investigation included a geologic reconnaissance, - 7 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 drilling of 9 large-diameter borings, excavating 28 exploratory trenches, and reviewing the following: • Master Plan, Ranclio Carrillo. Master Plan, prepared by Rick Engineering Company, April 15, 1992. • Soil and Geologic Reconnaissance for Rancho Carrillo, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated May 5, 1992. . Geotechnical Feasibility Assessment for Rancho Cairillo Master Plan, prepared by Geocon Incorporated, July 12, 1991. « Geotechnical Report for the Proposed Palomar Airport Road Improvements East of El Camino Real, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Kleint'elder, Incorporated, dated September 27, 1990. . Weber, F. H., Recent Slope Failures, Ancient Landslides, and Related Geology of the North-Central Coastal Mesa, San Diego County, California, Report 82-12, 1982. . Weber, F. H., Geology and Mineral Resources of San Diego County, California, California Division of Mining and Geology, County Report 3, 1963. . Report of Preiuninaiy Geotechnical Investigation, Carrillo Ranch, Meister/Woodward Parcel, prepared by Shepardson Engineering Associates Incorporated, dated February 10, 1984. . 1953 aerial photographs, United States Department of Agriculture, AXN-8M-19 and 8M-20. . Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation for Carrillo Rancho, Major Roads, prepared by Geocon Incorporated (work in progress). Two geologic units consisting of the Lusardi Formation and the Delmar Formation and three mapped surficial units consisting of landslide debris, colluvium and alluvium were - 8 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 encountered during the field investigation. Topsoils were present to varying depths but were not mapped. Each of the formational and surficial units is discussed below. Lusardi Formation (Kl). The Lusardi Formation is a Cretaceous-aged conglomerate unit consisting of moderately to highly weathered granitic and volcanic boulders and cobbles in a matrix of sandy clay to clayey sand. This unit is exposed within the majority of Village K. Topsoils developed on the Lusardi Formation are generally 2 to 4 feet thick and are composed of expansive clays and some variably weathered boulders. Delmar Formation (Td). The Eocene-aged Delmar Formation is present beneath the surficial units over most of Villages E and J. The Delmar Formation, as encountered in the exploratory excavations and documented by previous studies, consists primarily of interbedded sandstone, claystone, and less commonly, siltstones. The sandstone beds are generally 10 to 20 feet thick, massive to thinly bedded and moderately cemented. Cementation, however, can vary from highly cemented, drill-resistant, concretionary beds of approximately 1 to 2 feet thick to slightly cemented and nearly cohesionless. The claystones are generally massive to poorly bedded, highly fractured, and commonly occur in beds up to 20 feet thick. In addition, bedding plane shear zones are relatively common within the claystones. Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 Landslide Debris (Qls). A large landslide has been mapped within Village J. This landslide has been previously studied by Shepardson Engineering Associates Incorporated (1984) and subsequently by Geocon Incorporated as a part of the geotechnical investigation for the referenced major roads study (work in progress). This landslide is approximately 50 to 60 feet thick and has a basal surface that coincides with horizontal to gently-dipping bedding within the Delmar Formation. In general, this landslide, along with the majority of landslides within the Rancho Carrillo project, have occurred within the Delmar Formation and are considered ancient landslides. Their subdued topography and degree of modification by erosion suggests that they may be many hundreds to tens of thousands of years old. These slides appear to have been dormant at least several hundred years. Colliivi'um (Qc). Colluvial soils are thick topsoil-like deposits that have accumulated near the base of slopes by gravitational processes. Some colluvium is likely to be present on the lower portions of most slopes, however, for this report only the largest areal colluvial deposits were mapped where encountered in exploratory excavations. Colluvial-type materials were also encountered at the "head" of the large landslide in Village J. Alluvium (Qal). Alluvial soils were encountered during the site reconnaissance at the bottom of the tributary canyons throughout the project site. These materials vary in consistency from silty, fine sands to sandy clays. The alluvial deposits within Village K Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 contain some boulders and cobbles which are derived from the surrounding Lusardi Formation. Undocumented Fill. Undocumented fill soils, with the exception of Trench No. TU-2, were not encountered in the exploratory excavations or observed during site reconnaissance. Based on our experience, it is not uncommon for undocumented fill to be present in areas utilized for agriculture. Topsoils. Topsoils consisting of loose, dry, clayey sands and firm, sandy clay mantle the majority of the site to depths of approximately 2 to 4 feet. Review of Rancho Carrillo Master Plan The Site Plan (Figure 2, map pocket) indicates maximum proposed excavation and fill depths on the order of 65 and 50 feet, respectively, and that cut and fill slopes are planned to maximum heights of 35 and 50 feet, respectively, at maximum slope inclinations of 2 to 1 (horizontal to vertical). The proposed grading will create cut/fill transitions throughout the property. Fill soils to be utilized for the onsite grading will reportedly be generated from excavations both within this project and from adjacent Villages. The importation of fill soil from borrow areas beyond the Rancho Carrillo boundary is not anticipated. Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 ^ The Master Plan indicates that Village E will he developed to receive 159 multi-family to residential units, Villages J and K will he developed to receive 181 single-family residential P* ^ units, and Village S is planned to receive an elementary school. Groundwater m, According to the referenced Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, the Delmar Formation which underlies the majority of site has permeability characteristics and/or bedding that *" could be susceptible to water seepage under certain conditions. A moderate to heavy ** seepage was encountered at a depth of 46 feet in Boring No. 1. Groundwater seepage was in also encountered in some of the excavations within the alluvium in the tributary canyons. P" •I However, a review of the conceptual grading plans and the excavation logs indicate that ^ seepage, perched groundwater or wet soil may be encountered, particularly if grading is ta performed during or immediately after a period of intense precipitation. to P- REGIONAL GROUNDWATER ta The following sources were reviewed by GEC for information pertaining to groundwater m , quality and occurrence in the region occupied by the site: p, • "Groundwater Occurrence and Quality, San Diego Region," prepared by the State of California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bulletin No. 106-2, ** dated June, 1967. "Comprehensive Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin," I"* prepared by the State Water Resources Board (SWRB), elated July 1975. - 12 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 "Resolution No. 91-79-A, Resolution Amending Resolution No. 90-55 Adopting Amendments to the Comprehensive Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Region," RWQCB, December 9, 1991. A review of the above-referenced reports indicates that the site is located in the San Marcos Hydrographic Subunit (4.51) of the Carlsbad Hydrographic Unit (as identified by the SWRB). DWR Bulletin. June 1967 A review of the above-referenced DWR report dated June 1967 indicates that the documented well situated in closest proximity to the site is located approximately 2 miles southwest of the subject site. SWRB Plan. July 1975 A review of the above-referenced SWRB report dated July 1975 indicates that groundwater quality in the Carlsbad Hydrographic Unit was reported as being suitable to inferior for domestic use, with the inferior rating due to relatively high levels of total dissolved solids. The groundwater quality of the unit was also listed as generally marginal to inferior for irrigation because of the high electrical conductivity and high chloride content. - 13 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 RWQCB. December 1991 A review of the above-referenced RWQCB resolution dated December 9, 1991, indicates that regional groundwater in the project vicinity (San Marcos Hydrologic Area) is rated as having potential beneficial uses for municipal, agricultural and industrial purposes. SITE RECONNAISSANCE Onsite Survey A representative of GEC conducted an onsite reconnaissance on November 3, 1993. The purpose of the reconnaissance was to survey the existing site conditions to attempt to identify indicators of hazardous materials/wastes impacts to the subject site. Rancho Carrillo Villages E, J, K, and the northern portion of Village S are bordered to the north by Palomar Airport Road and to the south, east, and west by other proposed Villages in the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan. Vegetation within the project boundary consists of either native grasses and coastal chaparral or cleared areas and non-native tall grasses. The areas that have been cleared or are covered with non-native tall grasses are generally limited to areas sloping no greater than approximately 25 to 30 percent and were likely utilized in the past for agricultural purposes. Primary access to the project from the north is by a pea gravel-covered road along the east side of Villages E, K, and S, and by a dirt road along the southern boundary of Village J. - 14 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 An earthen dam is present within the drainage at the northern corner of Village S but is not currently impounding water. Numerous sections of irrigation piping were observed throughout the property. No structures or.man-made improvements were observed on the property other than the irrigation lines, earthen dam, and access roads. Offsite Survey In addition to an onsite reconnaissance, a survey of the adjacent properties was performed, from public thoroughfares, to evaluate it these properties possess facilities or structures operated by entities that potentially use, store, generate, or dispose of hazardous materials or hazardous wastes. The properties in the vicinity of the project (within approximately ]A mile) are of similar topography with gently to moderately sloping hillsides intersected by ravines and gullies. Undisturbed areas are covered with native grasses and coastal chaparral. Disturbed areas have either been utilized for agricultural purposes, cleared of vegetation, or have been planted with tall grasses. Although no paved, public thoroughfares are in the vicinity of the site with the exception of Palomar Airport Road, numerous dirt roads traverse the adjacent properties. The project is bound to the north by Palomar Airport Road, undeveloped land, and Carlsbad Raceway. Observations of the undeveloped land and raceway were made from Palomar Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 Airport Road since no public thoroughfares access the property. The raceway has been graded for parking areas, roadways, and several structures at the west end of the asphalt concrete drag strip. The raceway property is situated primarily in a west-trending ravine with gently sloping hillside terrain. The area proposed for an open space within the main drainage and Rancho Carrillo Villages Q and R are located south of Villages J and S. Most of the area is covered with native vegetation, however, scattered portions appear to have been cleared in the past for agricultural purposes. A residential subdivision is located south of the proposed Villages Q and R. Also located south of Village S is the proposed City of Carlsbad park/historical monument site. This property, formerly known as Rancho de los Quiotes, contains approximately twelve structures of various size and use. A proposed large open space area and proposed Carrillo Ranch Villages F, G, P, and L are located east of Villages E, K, and S. The referenced preliminary site assessment report prepared by GEC dated August 23, 19cS9, indicated the presence of wood and aluminum structures, above-ground storage tanks, and a pesticide storage shed in the vicinity of the area proposed for Village P. During the offsite survey, the structures were observed to be almost completely demolished and the above-ground storage tanks were no longer present. Several stripped automobiles were observed in the vicinity of the demolished structures. A breached earthen dam is located across the main drainage east of Village S beneath a Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 proposed roadway. SDG&E high voltage electrical transmission lines supported by wood poles cross the northeast corner of the Rancho Carrillo property adjacent to proposed Village P. The property proposed for Rancho Carrillo Villages A through D, H, and I is located west of the project. Most of the area is covered with native vegetation, however, scattered portions appear to have been cleared in the past for agricultural purposes. Approximately 5 to 10 acres of land downstream of the earthen dam west of Village J is actively being farmed. An approximately 30-foot by 60-foot, enclosed structure is located just east of the farmed area. SITE HISTORY Review of Aerial Photographs Aerial photographs available at the County of San Diego, Department of Public Works for the years 1928, 1967, 1973, 1978, 1983, and 1989, and at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for the year 1953 were reviewed during the preparation of this report. Observations noted during the review are described below. 1928 Aerial Photographs. A review of the 1928 County of San Diego aerial photographs indicate that the property is undeveloped. Vegetation on the property consists primarily of a sparse growth of native grasses and chaparral. A narrow section of the site, - 17- Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 extending along Palomar Airport Road, appears to support agricultural activities (i.e., absent of vegetation, symmetrical rows, etc.). A cleared dirt road on the photos appears to coincide with the pea gravel-covered access road that currently exists within the eastern portion of Villages E, K, and S. Gently sloping hillsides dominate the higher elevations in Villages E and K and the lower elevations in Village J; moderately sloping hillside exists elsewhere. Village K is intersected by a south-trending alluvial drainage. The portion of Village S within the project is relatively flat and within the same alluvial drainage that intersects Village K. A generally east-west trending drainage is visible south of the project. Two structures are visible within the proposed City of Carlsbad park/historical monument site located just south of proposed Village S. Palomar Airport Road fronts the northern property boundary. Other properties adjacent to and in the vicinity of the site appear to be undeveloped at this time. 1953 Aerial Photographs. The 1953 aerial photographs indicate that the general topography of the property and surrounding areas remained essentially unchanged from that indicated on the 1928 aerial photographs except for an earthen dam located in the northern corner of Village S. Agricultural development is apparent within the northern approximately one-half of Village E and on properties west and south of the project site. Numerous structures are visible in the area of the future City of Carlsbad park site. Properties adjacent to and in the vicinity of the site are either undeveloped or used for agricultural purposes. - 18 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 In addition, Rancho Santa Fe Road, located east of the site, appears to be paved at this time. 1967 Aerial Photographs. The 1967 aerial photographs indicate that the general topography of the property remained essentially unchanged from that indicated on the 1953 aerial photographs. An apparent residential development is visible adjacent to the southern portion of the Rancho Carrillo property. The Carlsbad Raceway is observed north of Palomar Airport Road. 1973 Aerial Photographs. A review of the 1973 aerial photographs indicates that the earthen dam observed in earlier photographs in the northern corner of Village S is no longer retaining water. Additional agricultural development was apparent on the east side of the main access road (Village F) off of Palomar Airport Road and on adjacent properties to the north and west. No changes in topography for the site or properties in the vicinity were noted between the 1967 and 1973 aerial photographs. 1978 Aerial Photographs. According to the 1978 aerial photographs, the earthen dam at the northern corner of Village S is retaining water. Significant changes in topography, land use, or development were not noted for the property or surrounding areas from those observed in the 1973 aerial photographs. Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 1983 Aerial Photographs. The 1983 aerial photographs indicated that no significant changes in land use, development, or topography had not occurred on the property or properties in the vicinity since the 1978 aerial photographs. 1989 Aerial Photographs. Significant changes in topography, land use, or development were not noted for the property or surrounding areas from those observed in the 1983 aerial photographs with the exception of additional agricultural development apparent on the east side of the main access road off of Palomar Airport Road (Village F). Review of United States Geological Survey fUSGSl Topographic Maps The USGS topographic maps dated 1975 (Photorevised 1983), for the San Marcos and Rancho Santa Fe Quadrangles were reviewed to obtain information relative to the topography, previous development and uses of the site and properties located in the site vicinity. A summary of the information obtained from the referenced USGS topographic maps is presented below. A reproduction of portions of the above-referenced maps are presented as Figure 3. Site Topography. A review of the above-noted USGS maps indicates that onsite elevations range from approximately 180 feet above Mean Sea Level (MSL) at the southwest corner of the property to approximately 500 feet MSL near the northern edge of the property. In general, the topography consists of gently to moderately sloping hillside terrain - 20 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 intersected by south-trending alluvial drainages. Each of the south-trending alluvial drainages outlet into the larger west-trending drainage just south of the project. Based on a review of the onsite and regional topography, it is anticipated that groundwater flow beneath the site is likely towards the west-southwest and that the depth to groundwater beneath the site is greater than 10 feet below the ground surface except for the alluvial drainages where the groundwater may be within 10 feet of the ground surface at certain times of the year. Site Development. A review of the 1975 (Photorevised 1983) USGS maps indicates that the site is essentially undeveloped. The only noted improvement to the site is an access road along the eastern property boundary. An SDG&E overhead electrical transmission line system traverses the extreme northeastern corner of Rancho Carrillo (Village P). A review of Figure 3 indicates that approximately eight structures (noted by small black squares) are situated south of the site. The area encompassing the structures is referenced as Rancho de los Quiotes and is located within the proposed open space area south of Village S. Other noted adjacent improvements in the vicinity of the site include Palomar Airport Road which fronts the northern property boundary and a drag strip north of Palomar Airport Road. Summary of Title fnt'ormation A chain of title report of the subject site was provided to GEC by First American Title Insurance Company, as requested by the Client. The chain of title report included - 21 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 documentation dated between January 31, 1957 and August 24, 1987. The chain of title report was reviewed to assess if the previous owners were corporate entities whose corporate name (i.e., XYZ Chemical Company, Inc.) suggests a business entity which may have potentially stored, generated, or disposed of hazardous materials onsite. The chain-of-title report provided is presented in Appendix A. A review of the chain of title report does not suggest that the site has been owned by corporate entities whose corporation name suggests a business that typically stores, generates or disposes of hazardous materials. REVIEW OF PREVIOUS PSA REPORT FOR RANCHO CARRILLO GEC has previously performed a preliminary site assessment for Rancho Carrillo and the report is entitled "Preliminary Site Assessment for Carrillo Ranch, Carlsbad, California," prepared by GEC for Pacific Scene, San Diego, California, and dated August 23, 1989. The referenced report addresses the entire proposed Rancho Carrillo development while this report addresses only Villages E, J, K, and a portion of Village S. A review of the information presented in the above-referenced report indicates that portions of the property were historically utilized for agricultural purposes and that detectable concentrations of toxaphene, the organochlorine pesticide dichlorodiphenyl-trichloromethane (DDT), and its degradation product dichlorodiphenyl-dichloroethylene (DDE) are reported Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 for samples of the surficial soils at that property. In addition, laboratory tests were conducted on samples of surficial soils for organophosphorus pesticides and chlorinated herbicides, however, concentrations above the laboratory detection limits were not exhibited for the samples tested. The soil samples exhibited concentrations of the above-referenced organochlorine pesticides below the appropriate established toxicity threshold limit concentration (CCR, Title 22) and, therefore, classification of the soils as hazardous waste was not indicated. During the preparation of the referenced report, a review of the available documentation from government agencies indicated that Mr. Tom Lopez and Mr. Rueben Lopez maintain three 500 gallon above-ground storage tanks. The information obtained from the HMMD indicates that the one storage tank contains diesel fuel and that two contain liquid nitrogen fertilizers. However, only two above-ground storage tanks were observed during the site reconnaissance. In addition, information obtained from the Department of Agriculture indicates that the above parties have permits for the storage, handling and application of restricted pesticides/herbicides. Violations concerning the above uses were not reported by the Department of Agriculture. GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES - RECORDS REVIEW The government agency records previously specified in the Scope of Services Section of this report were reviewed for information regarding the potential existing presence of hazardous - 23 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 ^ materials/wastes at the site at levels likely to warrant current regulatory mitigation action. m Unless otherwise noted, the information was reviewed for the site, and properties located pi ll, in the site vicinity (within ]A mile of the .site boundaries). Descriptions of each of the pn information sources reviewed are presented in Appendix B. The information obtained from toi the governmental agencies is summarized below. PI Hi HMMD HE48 and HE17 Listings^Pl ttaf Establishments presented in the HE4cS listings are those reported to store, generate and/or dispose of hazardous materials. The HE 17 listing summarizes disclosure and violation Ml information regarding the handling of hazardous materials. Included within the listings are j|BI In businesses that operation above ground or underground storage tanks. The listings also 1-1 disclose establishments which are presently on the HMMD mailing list and monitored by the hi HMMD regarding the nature of their operations. P» Ml pi The HE48 listing indicates that Rueben Lopez maintains storage tanks on properties •i adjacent to the site which contain hazardous materials. Other properties adjacent to the site P> _ were not included in the HE4S listing. The HE17 listing reports that Rueben Lopez p, maintains the following on the properties adjacent to the site: three, five hundred-gallon, Ml above ground storage tanks for liquid nitrogen fertilizer; two, three hundred-gallon, above P«ground storage tanks for liquid nitrogen fertilizer; one, five hundred-gallon, above ground storage tank for diesel fuel; one fifty-five-gallon metal drum for storing motor oil; one five •i - 24 - m Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 hundred-gallon, steel, above ground storage tank for unleaded gasoline; and one, one thousand-gallon, steel, above ground storage tank for regular gasoline. Other properties adjacent to and in the vicinity of the site were not included in the HE 17 listing. The HE48 and HE17 listings reviewed are presented in Appendix C. HMMD Environmental Assessment Listing Information obtained during a review of the HMMD Environmental Assessment Listing indicates that neither the site nor properties located in the site vicinity are referenced. RWQCB Leaking Underground Storage Tank Listing Information obtained during a review of the RWQCB Leaking Underground Storage Tank Listing indicates that neither the site nor properties located in the site vicinity are referenced. RWQCB SLIC Listing A review of the RWQCB SLIC Listing indicates that neither the site nor properties located in the vicinity of the site are referenced. RWQCB Regulated Waste Discharger System Listing WDR permits are necessary for evaporation ponds, leach fields and irrigation systems. The subject property was not referenced in the Regulated Waste Discharger System Listing, - 25 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 ** however, Carlsbad Raceway, north of the site, was issued a permit (WDR I.D. No. mi 000000276) in 1986. A reproduction of the listing is presented in Appendix C. m m RWQCB Facilities Presently Subject to TPCA Listing m A review of the RWQCB Facilities Presently Subject to TPCA Listing indicates that neither the site nor properties located in the vicinity of the site are referenced. m ** RWQCB Solid Waste Disposal Sites Listing A review of the RWQCB Solid Waste Disposal Sites Listing indicates that neither the site ttn nor properties located in the vicinity of the site are referenced. Ml P" EPA Listings <•» A review of the EPA Listings referenced in the Purpose and Scope of Services section of this Mi report indicates that neither the site nor properties located in site vicinity are referenced. pi •i California Department of Conservation DOG Regional Wildcat Map PI ^ A review of the California Department of Conservation DOG Regional Wildcat Map pi indicates that the oil well located in closest proximity to the subject site is situated Hi approximately 2 miles southwest of the site and is identified as being owned by La Costa Oil PI Company. According to the map legend, this oil well is referenced as "idle." - 26 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 CAL-EPA Listings A review of the CAL-EPA Listings indicates that neither the site nor properties located in the site vicinity are referenced in the CAL-EPA Listings. The closest referenced facility on the CAL-EPA BEP Listing is the Chatham Brothers Landfill located approximately 9 miles east of the site. California State Water Resources Control Board ABIS03 Listing A review of the California State Water Resources Control Board AB1803 Listing indicates that neither the site nor properties located in the vicinity of the site are referenced. California Waste Management Board SVV1S Listing A review of the California Integrated Waste Management Board SWIS Listing indicates that the North Coastal Landfill (closed) is located approximately 1.5 miles west of the site. CONTACTS - PUBLIC AGENCIES Public agencies previously specified in the Scope of Services Section of this report were contacted to obtain information regarding the potential existing presence of hazardous materials/wastes at the site at levels likely to warrant current regulatory mitigation action. Unless otherwise noted, information was obtained for the subject site and adjacent properties. The information obtained from public agencies is summarized below. -27 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 County of San Diego Air Quality Management District Ms. Marta Henson, of the County of San Diego Air Quality Management District, was contacted to obtain information pertaining to permit violations for the site and adjacent properties. Ms. Henson indicated that air pollution control violations have not been issued for the site or properties adjacent to the site. County of San Diego Department of Agriculture Weights and Measures - Pesticide Use Enforcement Division During the preparation of the preliminary site assessment report dated August 23, 1989, Ms. Carolyn Nielsen, Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture, was contacted concerning agricultural practices in the vicinity of the site. Mrs. Nielson indicated that tomatoes have been grown on a portion of the Carrillo Ranch site since the 1960s. Ms. Nielsen indicated the Mr. Rueben Lopez and Mr. Tom Lopez had, at that time, a permit for the application of restricted pesticides/herbicides (Category I). The specific restricted pesticides/herbicides include: • Guthion • Lamate • Paraquat « Vydate • Pydrin Strychnine -28 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 • Methyl Bromide • Dasnit • Bayleton Ms. Nielsen also indicated that the site has been inspected regularly by the Department of Agriculture inspectors and that violation notices pertaining to the storage, handling or application of these pesticides/herbicides had not been issued. During the preparation of this report, Mr. John Blocker with the County of San Diego Department of Agriculture Weights and Measures was contacted regarding historical and present agricultural activity on the site and properties in the vicinity of the site. Mr. Block indicated that most farms in the area produced tomatoes and/or cucumbers. Mr. Blocker also indicated that widely used insecticides included Toxaphene (organochlorine), Lannate (a carbamate), and Monitor (an organophosphate). A commonly used fungicide by the name of Bravo may have also been utilized. According to Mr. Blocker, DDT residue might exist on the site as well. San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) SDG&E transformers were not observed to be located at the site. Based on past discussions with SDG&E personnel, SDG&E does not have PCB containing transformers, although approximately 8 percent of transformers installed after 1980 are inadvertently contaminated - 29 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 with PCB's at a level greater than 50 mg/kg. SDG&E will test (for a fee) onsite transformers if requested, and is responsible for mitigation of impacts related to discharges from SDG&E transformers. Carlsbad Fire Department A representative of GEC contacted the Carlsbad Fire Department concerning available underground and above ground storage tank permit records for the site and adjacent properties. A representative of the fire department indicated that underground or above ground storage tank permit records are not available for review through their computer system. City of Carlsbad Sewer and Water Division According to personnel with the City of Carlsbad Sewer and Water Division, there are no records of drinking water wells on the property or in the local area and no reported problems with drinking water contamination. Encina Wastewater Center According to Mr. Paul Bushee with the Encina Wastewater Center, the property is not currently serviced by a sewage pipe system. - 30 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 City of Carlsbad Building Department According to personnel with the City of Carlsbad Building Department, no permitted structures have been constructed on the site. LIMITED SOIL SAMPLING AND LABORATORY TESTING Purpose Various pesticides and herbicides are regulated by the California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 22 and CCR Title 26 (also known as Proposition 65). The surficial soil sampling and laboratory testing activities summarized herein were conducted to provide preliminary information pertaining to the potential presence of pesticides/herbicides in onsite soils as regulated by the above Title 22 and Proposition 65 regulations. Title 22 regulations define materials as "hazardous" for disposal purposes. Soils which contain concentrations of listed pesticides/herbicides greater than the promulgated Total Threshold Limit Concentration (TTLC) or the Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC) under these regulations may be classified as "hazardous waste" for disposal purposes. Proposition 65 prohibits a person in the course of doing business from knowingly and intentionally exposing an individual to a chemical, known to the State to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity, at a concentration which poses a significant human health risk without first giving that individual clear and reasonable warning. To waive this disclosure requirement, Proposition 65 regulations require that a preliminary human health risk -31 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 assessment be performed to assess whether potential exposures to the listed compounds exceed the promulgated "no significant risk" intake level. Where the results of the risk assessment indicate that the potential exposure to the listed compound(s) is less than the "no significant risk" intake level, disclosure of the presence of the compound(s) is not required. Sample Locations A grid diagram was prepared of the area of the site identified (through a review of the information obtained during the preliminary research and reconnaissance outlined above) as likely potential receptors of residual organochlorine pesticides/herbicides. The site was divided into approximately ten sampling cells. Sample locations were located at the center of each cell. The approximate sampling locations are depicted on Figure 2. Summary of Field Activities The field activities were performed by a representative of GEC on October 27, 1993. Ten exploratory borings (Borings RC1 through RC10) were advanced utilizing a stainless steel hand auger. The sampling methodology and quality control procedures followed are outlined in the Purpose and Scope of Service section of this report. Three soil samples were obtained from each boring at depths of approximately 0 to 6 inches below the ground surface (bgs), 1 to 1.5 feet bgs, and 2 to 2.5 feet bgs. The sample identifications and the depths at which they were obtained are indicated in Table I. Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 Soil Conditions Encountered The exploratory borings were excavated to maximum depths of approximately 2.5 feet bgs. The exploratory borings were backfilled with the soil cuttings subsequent to sample collection. Topsoil consisting primarily of loose to medium stiff, dry to moist, brown, sandy clay was encountered to the maximum depths explored. Laboratory Testing Rationale The twenty soil samples collected from 0- to 6-inches and 1-to 1.5-feet bgs were analyzed for the presence of organochlorine pesticides following EPA Test Method 8080. In addition, each of the twenty samples were analyzed for organochlorine herbicides following EPA Test Method 8150. Organochlorine pesticides/herbicides were selected for testing because these compounds may have historically been applied on agricultural crops located on and in proximity to the site, are considered to be relatively persistent, and are regulated by Title 22 and Proposition 65 regulations. Laboratory Results Reproductions of the laboratory report and chain-of-custody documentation are included in Appendix D. A summary of the analytical laboratory test results for the detected compounds is presented in Tables I and II. - 33 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 Chlorinated Pesticides. With the exception of the compounds DDT, it's natural degradation product DDE, and the pesticide Toxaphene, chlorinated pesticides were not present in the samples tested at concentrations greater than the reported laboratory detection limit. For the purpose of comparison with the Title 22 promulgated TTLC and STLC values, DDT and its natural degradation product, DDE, are typically considered as a group of compounds. Therefore, the summed concentration of the average concentrations of DDT and DDE are presented in Table I. The average DDT+DDE concentration for soil samples collected from a depth of 0- to 6- inches is 0.96 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). The average DDT+DDE concentration for soil samples collected from a depth of 1.0- to 1.5-feet is 0.37 mg/kg. The average Toxaphene concentration for soil samples collected from a depth of 0- to 6-inches is 1.9 mg/kg, and for samples collected from a depth of 1.0- to 1.5-feet is 0.85 mg/kg. Chlorinated Herbicides. Chlorinated herbicides are not reported in the samples tested at concentrations greater than the reported laboratory detection limits. Comparison with Title 22 and Proposition 65 Regulations The compounds Toxaphene, DDT and DDE, are regulated by CCR Title 22, Division 4.5, 1 Chapter 11, Article 3, Section 66261.20, for hazardous waste disposition purposes. The Total Threshold Limit Concentration (TTLC) for DDT and DDE, as promulgated by the above Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 regulation, is 1.0 milligram per kilogram or 1,000 u.g/kg. The TTLC for Toxaphene is 5 milligrams per kilogram or 5,000 [ig/kg. The reported concentrations of Toxaphene, DDT and DDE, are less than the above TTLC values.The CCR Title 22 regulations also list Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC) values (in milligrams per liter - mg/1). These regulations require that waste materials containing representative concentrations (in mg/kg) of the listed hazardous compounds in excess of the applicable STLC value also be subjected to laboratory analyses following the CCR Title 22 Waste Extraction Test (WET) method. The WET method provides a measurement of the soluble concentration of a constituent in the waste material. The soluble concentration is intended to be a measure of the potential that the compound would be leached from the material in a Municipal (Class III) landfill. The STLC value for DDT and DDE is 0.1 mg/1 and for Toxaphene is 0.5 mg/1. If the TTLC or STLC values are exceeded, materials designated as waste may be classified as hazardous. A review of the laboratory results indicates that the average Toxaphene, and DDT and DDE concentrations, are greater than their STLC values. Therefore, pursuant to Title 22 regulations, testing of these compounds following the WET method would be necessary for the classification of hazardous, if these materials were to be considered waste or exported from the site. -35 - Project No. 0805.1-06-03 December 6, 1993 The compounds Toxaphene, DDT, DDE, and ODD are also regulated by Proposition 65. As previously indicated, the disclosure requirement of Proposition 65 may be waived by conducting a health risk assessment and the health risk assessment indicates that potential exposure to the listed compounds do not exceed the proposition 65 promulgated "no significant risk" level. The Proposition 65 "no significant risk" level for DDT and DDE is 2 micrograms per day (jig/day) and the "no significant risk" level for Toxaphene is 0.6 micrograms per day (jig/day). - 36 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS 1. Rancho Carrillo Villages E, J, K, and a portion of Village S are located south of Palomar Airport Road approximately 1.8 miles east of El Camino Real in Carlsbad, California. Observations indicate that the property is undeveloped. Where agricultural use has been prevalent, the property has been cleared. The site topography consists primarily of gently to moderately sloping hillside terrain with several south trending ravines which converge into a west trending canyon south of Village S. Improvements to the property include a landscape irrigation piping system, a primary access road paved with pea gravel through the eastern portions of Villages E, K, and S, and a series of interconnected unpaved roads. 2. A review of the aerial photographs indicates that portions of the site have historically been utilized for agricultural purposes, although active cultivation was not observed during the site reconnaissance. Properties adjacent to the site and properties located in the site vicinity have also been utilized for agricultural purposes. 3. Prior contact with Ms. Carolyn Nielsen, Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture indicated that Mr. Rueben Lopez and Mr. Tom Lopez had a permit for the application of restricted pesticides/herbicides (Category I) for properties which may include the subject site. Ms. Nielsen also indicated that the site had been -37- ;- Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 inspected regularly by the Department of Agriculture inspectors and that violation notices pertaining to the storage, handling or application of these pesticides/herbicides had not been issued. 4. The RWQCB has rated groundwater in the region occupied by the site as having potential beneficial uses for municipal, agricultural, and industrial purposes. Based on the results of previous geotechnical activities conducted in proximity to the site and the topography of the site, it is anticipated that groundwater beneath the site is greater than approximately 10 feet below the ground surface except for the alluvial drainages where the groundwater may be within 10 feet of the ground surface at certain times of the year. 5. A review of information obtained from governmental agencies indicates that: (1) underground or aboveground storage tanks are not reported for the site, however, Mr. Rueben Lopez is reported as operating several above ground storage tanks on adjacent properties; (2) hazardous materials/wastes are not reported as being used, generated, stored, at the site or properties adjacent to the site with the exception of the above ground storage tanks on the adjacent properties utilized for fertilizers, diesel fuel, motor oil, and gasoline; (3) an unauthorized release (UAR) of hazardous materials/wastes has not been reported for the site or properties in the site vicinity; and (4) the site or properties located in the site vicinity are not referenced as hazardous waste sites. Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 6. Twenty soil samples were collected from ten sampling locations at depths of 0- to 6-inches, 1.0- to 1.5-feet, and 2.0- to 2.5-feet below the ground surface. Soil samples obtained from 0- to 6-inches and 1.0- to 1.5-feet were submitted to a analytical laboratory for testing of organochlorine pesticides following EPA Test Method 8080. In addition, the samples were analyzed for organochlorine herbicides following EPA Test Method 8150. 7. The compounds DDT, its natural degradation product DDE, and the pesticide Toxaphene, were present in the samples tested at concentrations greater than the reported laboratory detection limit. The average DDT+ DDE concentration for soil samples collected from a depth of 0-to 6-inches is 0.96 mg/kg. The average DDT+ DDE concentration for soil samples collected from a depth of 1.0-to 1.5-feet is 0.37 mg/kg. The average Toxaphene concentration for soil samples collected from a depth of 0- to 6-inches is 1.9 mg/kg, and for samples collected from a depth of 1.0- to 1.5-feet is 0.85 mg/kg. Chlorinated herbicides were not present in the samples tested at concentrations greater than the reported laboratory detection limits. 8. The pesticides Toxaphene, DDT, and DDE are regulated by CCR Title 22 and Proposition 65. The reported concentrations of Toxaphene, DDT, and DDE are less than the CCR, Title 22 promulgated TTLC for the classification of hazardous waste for disposal purposes. However, should the soils be considered for exportation from the site, additional laboratory tests should be performed to confirm that the Soluble Threshold Limit - 39 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 Concentration (STLC) of DDT, DDE, and Toxaphene does not exceed the values promulgated by Title 22 (0.1 mg/liter for DDT and DDE, and 0.5 mg/liter for Toxaphene). However, since Toxaphene, DDT, and DDE is present in the onsite surficial soils, disclosure under Proposition 65 may be necessary. The disclosure requirement of Proposition 65 may be waived by conducting a health risk assessment and the health risk assessment indicates that potential exposure to the above-listed compounds do not exceed the Proposition 65 promulgated "no significant risk" levels of 2 ug/day for DDT and DDE, and 0.6 ug/day for Toxaphene. It is recommended that environmental counsel be contacted to obtain additional information pertaining to current disclosure requirements under Proposition 65. - 40 - Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 REPORT LIMITATIONS This preliminary site assessment report has been prepared exclusively for the Client. Information contained herein is not to be transferred to other parties without the prior written authorization from Geocon Environmental Consultants. The information obtained is only relevant for the dates of the records reviewed or as of the date of the latest site visit. Therefore, the information contained herein is only valid as of the date of the report, and will require an update to reflect recent records/site visits. The Client should recognize that this report is not a comprehensive site characterization and should not be construed as such. The findings and conclusions presented in this report are predicated on the site reconnaissance, a review of the specified regulatory records, a review of the historical usage of the site, and the limited sampling and laboratory testing, as presented in this report. The Client should also understand that a survey of asbestos- containing materials, radon, methane gas, lead containing paint, and wetlands delineation were not included in the scope of services for this report. Therefore, the report should only be deemed conclusive with respect to the information obtained. No guarantee or warrantee of the results of the PSA is implied within the intent of this report or any subsequent reports, correspondence or consultation, either expressed or implied. GEC strived to conduct the services summarized herein in accordance with the local standard of care in the geographic region at the time the services were rendered. - 41 - / \~,Zu J~s^> _..._.«B!M»r—T CAR1SBAD f^ANARcq) SOURCE : 1993 THOMAS BROTHERS MAP SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA NO SCALE GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS INCORPORATED 6970 FLANDERS DRIVE - SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121-2974 PHONE 619 558-6100 - FAX 619 558-8437 VICINITY MAP RANCHO CARRDLLO VILLAGES E, J, K AND A PORTION OF VILLAGE S CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ADR/RSS DATE 12-6-1993 PROJ. NO. 08053-06-03 FIG. 1 SOURCE : U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE 1975 RANCHO SANTA FE, CA. - PHOTO REVISED 1983 1975 SAN MARCOS, CA. - PHOTO REVISED 1983 SCALE: 1"=2000' GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS INCORPORATED 6970 FLANDERS DRIVE - SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121-2974 PHONE 619 558-6100 - FAX 619 558-8437 U.S.G.S. TOPOGRAPHIC MAP RANCHO CARRILLO VILLAGES E, J, K AND A PORTION OF VILLAGE S CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ADR/RSS DATE 12-6-1993 PROJ. NO. 08053-06-03 FIG. 3 Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 TABLE I SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 2.4'-DDT. 4.4'-DDE & 4.4'-DDT SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION RC 1-0.5 RC1-1 RC1-2 RC2-0.5 RC2-1 RC2-2 RC3-0.5 RC3-1 RC3-2 RC4-0.5 RC4-1 RC4-2 RC5-0.5 RC5-1 RC5-2 RC6-0.5 RC6- 1 RC6-2 DEPTH BELOW GROUND SURFACE (feet) 0-0.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 0-0.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 0-0.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 0-0.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 0-0.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 0-0.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 CONCENTRATION (mg/kg) 2,4'-DDT 0.2 <0.0,S — - <0.4 <0.2 — - <0.15 <0.05 — - <0.10 <().()! — - <0.()5 <0.05 .... <().()! <().()! .... 4,4'-DDE 1.3 0.33 1.2 0.64 0.54 0.15 — 0.31 0.027 .... 0.26 0.23 .... <0.01 <0.01 — 4,4'-DDT 0.79 0.15 — 0.93 0.45 — 0.28 0.067 — 0.30 0.03 — 0.13 0.11 — <0.01 <0.01 — Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 TABLE I (continued) SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 2.4'-DDT. 4.4'-DDE & 4.4'-DDT SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION RC7-0.5 RC7-1 RC7-2 RC8-0.5 RC8-1 RC8-2 RC9-0.5 RC9-1 RC9-2 RC 10-0.5 RC10-1 RC10-2 DEPTH BELOW GROUND SURFACE (feet) 0-0.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 0-0.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 0-0.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 0-0.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 CONCENTRATION (mgAg) 2,4'-DDT <0.01 <0.01 .— <0.20 <0.02 — - <O.I5 <0.10 <().!() <o.in — - 4,4'-DDE <0.01 <0.01 0.51 0.061 0.53 0.27 0.56 0.36 — 4,4'-DDT <0.01 <0.01 — 0.46 0.043 — 0.42 0.20 — 0.28 0.19 — Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 TABLE I (continued) SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 2.4'-DDT. 4.4'-DDE. and 4.4'-DDT Number of samples tested: Number of samples with detectable concentrations: Average concentration (0 to 0.5 foot sample interval):* Average concentration ( 1.0 to 1.5 foot sample interval):* Average concentration (2.0 and 2.5 foot sample interval):* CONCENTRATION (mg/kg) 2,4'-DDT 20 1 0.08 0.03** 4,4'-DDE 20 16 0.52 0.21 4,4'-DDT 20 16 0.36 0.13 TOTAL DDT+DDE N/A N/A 0.96 0.37 N/A N/A = Not Applicable = Soil Sample Not Analyzed * = Includes 1/2 of detection limit value for results reported as less than detection limit. ** = All samples at concentrations less than importable detection limit. Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 TABLE II SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Toxaphene SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION RC1-0.5 RC1-1 RC1-2 RC2-0.5 RC2-1 RC2-2 RC3-0.5 RC3-1 RC3-2 RC4-0.5 RC4-1 RC4-2 RC5-0.5 RC5-1 RC5-2 RC6-0.5 RCfi- 1 RCfi-2 RC7-0.5 DEPTH BELOW GROUND SURFACE (feet) 0-0.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 0-0.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 0-0.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 0-0.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 0-0.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 0-0.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 0-0.5 TOXAPHENE CONCENTRATION (mg/kg) 3.5 1.0 .... 4.1 2.6 — 1.8 0.72 — 1.9 0.21 — 1.1 1.0 — <0.10 <0.10 — . <0.10 Project No. 08053-06-03 December 6, 1993 TABLE II (continued) SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Toxaphene SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION RC7-1 RC7-2 RCcS-0.5 RC8-1 RC8-2 RC9-0.5 RC9-1 RC9-2 RC 10-0.5 RC10-1 RC10-2 DEPTH BELOW GROUND SURFACE (feet) 1-1.5 2-2.5 0-0.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 0-0.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 0-0.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 TOXAPHENE CONCENTRATION (mg/kg) <0.10 — 2.5 0.34 2.2 1.3 — 1.6 1.2 — E E E APPENDIX A I E E E C C SENT BY:FATCO ;n-io-93 ; i:52PM ; SUBDIVISION-* 919 298 3su;» 5 ORDER NO. 1023153-11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL 1: ALL THAT PORTION OF SECTIONS 18 AND 19, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A 2 INCH IRON PIPE WITH DISC MARKED "RCE 9416" ACCEPTED AS THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF LA COSTA MEADOWS UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO THE MAP THEREOF NO. 7076; THENCE NORTH 0«52'06n EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 19 A DISTANCE OF 1337.52 FEET AND NORTH 0°03'46" WEST A DISTANCE OF 1153.82 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVING THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 19 NORTH 54»40'00" EAST 2065.80 FEET; THENCE NORTH 8°51'23" EAST 1907.40 FEET; THENCE NORTH 21*26'31" WEST 30.00 FEET TO THE CENTER LINE OF ROAD SURVEY NO. 757, PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD; THENCE NORTH 68•33'29" EAST ALONG SAID CENTER LINE A DISTANCE OF 723.02 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID CENTER LINE SOUTH 16° 13'00" EAST A DISTANCE OF 1640.18 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE SOUTH 0*42'37* EAST ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 291.42 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 19; THENCE SOUTH 0*20'46" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 498.91 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE SOUTH 85°50'40" WEST 749.94 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 4*09'20'» EAST 688.38 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 85°50'40" WEST A DISTANCE OF 92.05 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 2000.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHERLY; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21°00'00" A DISTANCE OF 733.04 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 64°50'40" WEST A DISTANCE OF 1165.58 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 2000.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHERLY; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16°29'25" A DISTANCE OF 575.62 FEET TO THE ABOVE MENTIONED WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 19; THENCE LEAVING SAID CURVE NORTH 0°03'46" WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE OF SECTION 19, A DISTANCE OF 587.94 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2: BEING A PORTION OF FRACTIONAL SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF SAID PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PAGE 10 SENT BY'FATCO 111-10-93 ! i:53P» J SUBDIVISION-* 619 298 35Ui« 6(•-' c ORDER NO. 1023153-11 BEGINNING AT THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 24 AS SHOWN ON RECORD 07 SURVEY 6416 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 24, NORTH 00°03M6" WEST 1339.02 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1 OF SAID FRACTIONAL SECTION; THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY LINE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1, NORTH 89°23'12" WEST 256.29 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA; THENCE ALONG SAID RANCHO LINE SOUTH 02'38'00" EAST 1341.36 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID FRACTIONAL SECTION 24; THENCE LEAVING SAID RANCHO LINE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE SOUTH 89'28'04" EAST TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PAGE 11 n«6461 . IN THE SUPERIOR COUBT OF THE STATS CF CALIFORNIA IN AMD FOa TUB COUNTY OP IX No. ___ ..... ____ 5- _________ °' U>* •&•»• «oliiU4 Gear: convened. id* Honor«bU ?..C.r...'CripV*t>t f ______ Judg* Peo«Sdt»», tad tli« foUotriae vnxvx&ov. wu* had: ORDER SETTLING FINAL ACCOUNT AKD FOR DISTRIBUTION UNDER WILL ofla lh» Matter of lh* E«l«t» EDITH CAKRIJ.LO,Deceased. The final account and report and petition for distributionhoreln of California EanJc and Leo A. Csrrillo, as executors of the ostate of said deceased, by Roland Rich Voolley, their attorney, •:oming on this 31st .day of January, 1957, for hearing and settle- ( . ment by tha Court, all notices of said hearing having been given as required by law, tho Court, after hearing the evidence, and findingthat tho California Trust Coapany, a corporation of Los An^eic-5 California, appointed herein, and prior to March V, 1955 acting as co-executor, on said date uas merged with California Bank in ooapHar.ee with Section-! 2095 ar.d 3C11* of the Financial Code, and California Bank is now deemed tne sa&e corporate entity as Jnlifornin Trust Coxpany and is now ttia duly appointed, qualified .ind acting cs-exocutcr hsrsin; that ths property of said estate is partly community and partly separate property; and that the in- hurit.i'ice tax and all personal property taxes due and payable l>yjalii estate have been paid; and settles said account, approves s>iia report, and orders distribution of said estate as follows: It is Ordered, Adjudged and Decreed by the Court that due notice to the creditors of said deceased has been given; that z.tid executor* have in their possession belonging to said estate, after•Juductin,; the credits to which they are entitled, a balance of S97,7o9.'»7i of which SiV^iS.'*? is in cash, and the remainder con-sists of the property hereinafter described, at the value of the appraisement, and that said account and report is hereby approved, allowed and settled accordingly; that the sun of S3, 022.80 ij hereby allowed as statutory commissions, said sum to Lo paid to California aanH, co-esecutor. and the further sum of $500. CO ishereby allowed said California 3arJct co-executor, for extraordinary services rondsred said estate; .that the sum of £3,082.80 is hereby allowed said attorney as statutory foes, and the further sum of .'?•>;. DO for extraordinary services rendered said estate; that tho sua of S966.59 Is hereby allowed Mfttkay, McGregor. Reynolds A •pennion for services rendered said estate as special tax counsel; r.r.a that in pursuance of end according to the provisions of the inst will of said deceased,' the residue of cash, and tha property hereinafter described, and a1', other property belonging to saic estate, whether described herein or not, be and is hereby distributed .»s follows: • To Loo A. Cnrrlllo. spouse cf d.-cedent, the following: All persons! effects, articles of personal, domestic or household use, jewalry, furniture, furnishings and household affects; horses; on« 19*+0 Buick "71" four-door Sedan, i^iglne No. 50576l*37; One 191*! Vestcraft s«oi-trailer Coach, Factory N'o. MS 660. All the rest, residue and remainder of said estate to California Ba.ifc and Lao A. Carrillo. as trustees, said Leo A. Carrillo to act in said capacity during his life end competency, and In the event of his death, Marie Antoinette Carrillo to act as co-lrustae with said California Ban/,' to hold, in trv.ot, for the following uses and purposes: 7BOBAT2 (1) AKP DZCITS (Pg. 2. 1/31. #11)-3"+j+2°5 - Batata of Carrlllo, Deceased.«*313 (a) Said trustees shall distribute the entire n«t incomefrom sold trust estate Bocthly to*or for the use and benefit of Lao A. Carrillo, husband of deced«ntt. during his lifetime. In the eveot that such aet inceoe iihsll not aqxul an average, during each year fron tha data of tha Decrae of Distribution coveringthis trust, of $500.00 par month, 'said husband may, by his written request to said trustsas at any tin* or tlaes, withdraw principal ot* said trust estate, in any aaount or aaounts during a particular trust year so that- ha will receive, from both incosb and principal, nn average distribution during each said year up to said #500.30 monthly amount. Tha right to aak« such principal withdrawalsouring each year shall be cvuaulativs, Said husband of decedent nay occupy and use as a ho&« until his death, any property or properties that decedent say ovn and be using as a residence or residences at the tlae of her death* Said trustees stay sell such property, but so long as the SB-IS shall be held in ti.is trust all taxes, insurance, rapairs and other amounts necessary for thegeneral upkeep of such property shall be paid by said trustees. (b) Upon the death of said Leo A. Carrillo, husband of de- cedent, or upon the distribution of dacedant's estate, if he rsnould predecease such event, said trustees shall distribute the ontire net income from said trust estate, monthly to or for the ::f.~ ind benefit of Marie intoinette Carrillo, daughter of deceder.l, uitring hor lifutlme. .In the avant that such net Licoce shall not c. iu.il an average, during each y«ar from the date of the Uecree of Mstribution covering this trust, of 8500.00 per month, saidu.-r.irhtar of decedent may, by her written request to said truat'st-s •«t any tine or tines, withdraw principal sf said trust estate, in ••r.y ar.ount or aeounts during a particular trust' year so that she vtlll recaivo, from both income and principal, an average distribu- '.ion during each said year up to said $500.00 monthly amount, tho rif;ht to cans such principal withdrawals during oach year shall bo c:jDiulative. 'Jpon the death of said daughter, (or if she -shall be aeceasod) said trustees shall divida said trust estate (without t-jing r*r,uired to cafco a physical division thereof axcept to the •>xter.t necessary to make distribution) into equal shares for the then living children of said Maria Antoinette Carrillo, including h share for the issue of any doceasod child of said daughter of utjcedent, upon the principal of representation. If any beneficiary shall die Leaving issue surviving, the share of such beneficiaryshall thereafter be hal-i for tha issue of such beneficiary on the principle of representation. If any beneficiary shall die leaving no Issue surviving, or -if all of the issue of a deceased beneficiarysnail die prior to tensination, the share of iuch beneficiary or j ich issue shall go to augse-t the shares of tha regaining bene- ficiaries on the principle 01' representation, including any towhoa distribution of their respectl"e shares has been made. Tho net incoce froa each share shall be paid in monthly installments to or for tho use and benefit of the person or persons for whom sucn share has been set apart for life.(c) This is a trust for maintenance and the income from said •.rust estate shall ba paid to tha beneficiary by said executors,leginning froa the data of decedent's dealse and continuing until distribution of said trust estate to this trustees. (2) ea«646l (Pg. 3. 1/31.3144325 - Estate of CarrUlo, Deceased. (d) Unless sooner terminated in the Kaaatr h«reinbefor» provided, this* trust (ball ceaie and terminate upon tra death of the survivor of Leo A. Carriilo, husband, Karl* Antoinette Carriilo, daughter of decadent, aad the ls«u« of said daughter, who are living at the .tiae of decedent's daa,th. and thereupon tho entire remaining trust estate shall be distributed to the person or persons for whoa said estate is then held In trust, In the pro- portions hereinbefore set forth. (e) In the event that said husband tad taid daughter shall be deceased, and there s^ll be no issue cf *aid daughter living to take such trust estate, any undistributed principal and incone of said trust estate shall be. distributed one-half to S.J. Carriilo, brother of said Leo A. Carriilo, ahd one-half to Frank S. Denarest, '.rcther of decedent, and if either of tiiea shall be deceased, all to the survivor, and if there be no survivor, to the State of California, as a fund to be used for public perk purposes. If it be reasonably practicable, and in the event the property shall t-e of sufficient aaount. such property -ehall be used for public park purposes, or it may b* sold and tho funds acquired shall be ua«u for the acquisition of other property that is more desirable forparK purposes. Said park property shall be considered as n e.es.orlal to Leo A. Carriilo. husband cf decedent, and decedent, •who have resided in the State of California. If reasonablypracticable, the park property should be known as "The Lao A.Jarrlllo ana Edith Carriilo Keaorial Park", and located, prefernbly, In th*> Santa Monica area, said preference*,however, not to be ref.ar<ivd as Hesitations, and the final decision shall be in the han>is of the proper officials of the State of California. (f; If the corporate trustee considers at any time that the amount then being disbursed by it to a beneficiary of this tru.it,pursuant to the terns thereof, is not sufficient to provide for .-iccldent, illness, disability, hospitalisation, education or un- foreseen want or necessity of said beneficiary, taking Into con- sideration other inccee or financial resources of such banef'.claryso far as kr.o-.rn to said corporate trustee, it nay, as often H- lieeacd necessary, advance and pay to or apply for tha us* ar.il hunv- :*it of such beneficiary such additional part, up to and incluaint; th« whole thereof, of the principal of said trust estate, as tho sai.i corporate trustee desss adequate to meet the abovo sentloni.-aevents or contingencies in tha absolute discretion of said corporate trustee. (o) Tne interest cf beneficiaries in principal or Incoso .thnlinot be subject to claiss-of their creditors or others, nor to U-iMl process, and cay r.r" be voluntarily alienated or.encuKbora-.l. (h) Said trustees shall manage said trust estate and may sell, lease for terns either within or beyond the duration of the tr-.jst,loan, re-loan, invest and reinvest said trust estate or any part t-.crnof in any kind of property which men of prudence, discretionand intelligence acquire for their own account, specifically In- •:luj<ng. but not by way of limitation, corporate obligations cf every kind and preferred or ccisaon stocks. Any purchases or sales of securities or property, or as to the invtstaent of funds in this trust, shall be subject to the approval of Leo A. Carrillo,husband of decedsnt, acting as co-trustee during bis lifetiae ana competency, and thereafter shall be sujbect to the approval of X.iri* Antoinette Carrillo, daughter of decedent, acting as co- trustee during her lifetiae and competency. In the evant of any (3) . <•AT <?*. v. 3Y&325 - .Estate or C*rrillot C*c«as«4. disagreement between the oo-trnstWs u to said aatters, the decision of said husband or. daughter of decedent, as the casesay ba, shall b« controlling, always without any -lability to the corporate trustee in the premises.. The property of said estate;1 hereby distributed to said trustees, so far as the same is known, is described as follows: Residue of cash; An undivided one-half interest in and to Lo*a 7, 8 and 9, inBlock 3. Tract 921*?, ir. the City of and County of Los Angeles,of Calif crnla, as per aap recorded in Book 129, Pages 32to 37, inclusive of liaps. Kacords of said County « An undivided ona-haif interest in and to Lots 3 and V, Block 22, Tract 5978, in the City of and County of Los Angelas. State of California, as per map recorded in Book 127, Pages 12 to V2, in- clusive of Haps, Records of said County;An undivided one-hiif interest in and to the N.V. lA of 3.W.1A (Lot 3), the K.H. iA of SJf. iA, and the W. 1/2 of S.F.. -.A or Section 18, T. 12 3., B. 3 V., S.3.H., in the County ofSan Diego, State of California; An undivided one-half interest in and to Lot V, end the S.E.iA of thj S.W. lA of Section 18; Lots 1, 2 and 3, the E. 1/2 of the :;.W. lA, the N.E. lA of the S.W. lA, the W. 1/2 of thj :i.S. IA, and the N.V. lA of the S.E. lA of Section 19, T. 12 S., H. 3 W., S.3.K., in the County of San Diego, State ofCalifornia, according to 1). 3. Covernoent Survey, approved oeptsnber 17, 1839; and Those portions of Lots 3 and >* in Section 13; those portions of Lots 1 and S.E. lA of H.E. lA of Section 2;», and that portion of the S.E. lA of Section 2W, in Township 12 J., H. V W., 3.3.H.. in the County of San Diego, State ofCalifornia, lying outside of ranch line of Rancho Aqua Hedionda, as said ranch line is shown on U. S. Government Survey of Township i2 S., :-.. W W., S.S.K., approved Sapteaber 17, 19l5iAn undivided one-half interest in and to All that portion cf Lot "3" of Hancho Aqua Hodlonda, in the County of San Diego,Suite of California, according to the Hap thereof No. 823, filed In the office of *:he County Recorder of San Diego County, .Nov. 16. 1396, described as follows i Cooinencing at the J5.W. corr.or p:' said T.ot "B" as shown on Map cf Record of Survey No. 517,records of San Diego County; thence along the ft. line cf saidLot as shown on aforesaid Map, S. 89«l*5' E. 5173.0 ft. to the S.E. :orr.er of Lot "D" of said Rancho Aqua Kedionda; thence continuint •iionb- t.w.o .'!. line of said Lot "3". S. 89» 53' E. 2666.0 ft. to aoorner of said Lot; th«n- J S. 0* 32' E. along the boundary line of sail Lot, 2655.2 ft. to a' corner thereof, being the true point of bcelr_i)ng; thence S. 51*' 2*t« V. 326.H ft.; thenca S. 51° 0^' W.iVdo.2 ft.; thence S. 1« 361 W. 787.1 ft.; thence S. 10« 51*' Vf. ^n-'O.'i ft. to a point on the SW'ly. line of said Lot "B", bsincnlso the center line cf the County P.oad known us A-13. Records of San Diego County; thence along taid SW'ly; line of said Lot and said center line of said Road, S. 38« 35' E, 1215.2 ft. to its poir.t of intersection with the center line of County Road known as A-20, Records of San Diego County, said point of Intersection being also at the corner of said Lot "B" where said SW'ly. lines.>3et3 the S'ly. line of said Lot; thence along the center iine of said County Road, A-20, being also along said S'ly. line of saidLot as follows: !l, 75« 23' E. 8,71.8 ft.; H. 8»*« 38 • E. 2100.0 ft.; »cci 646i <Pe. 5. 1/31-31*325 - E«t*t» of CarrUlo, D«««afl*fc,- S. 73* 59' 2. 17H1.0 ft.j sad 9fT9* 12* Xi 1796.0 ft. toSE'ly. corner of said let "B"t th«e« S, 3* 03* *. *lsa« E.line of said Lot, 5521.2 ft. to a cerasr thereof; t&eace N.fly. 5U> v. along N. line of said Lot..H6tf»Jt ft. ta tha truepoint of beginning, containing .837f9$ acraa. ssora or lasajAn undivided on«-a*lf initrsat ia and-to the S.V. lA of the M.V. lA of tho II.5. lA of ta« H.S. lA of Section 1, 7. 11 S., R. 5 K., S.B.M., la ths County of dan Di»go, State of California,according to 5. 3. Ooverasant Surv*y approved Her. 17, lS8o,and tha S.E. lA of the 5.V. lA of th« H.B. lA ofths H.E. IA of Section 1, T. 11 3., R. 5 E., 3.B.M., in the County of SanDiego, State of California,'seeerdi&g to 0. S.. Govarnxent Surveyapproved November 17. iBoOlEaaeaents and rights of vav for ibgreaa and egress for road purposes in tho S.2. lA of daetioa 1, T. 11 3., R. 5 E.f S.3.M.according to U.S. Goverczeot Survey approved Nove&ber 17, 1880, over portions of said H.E. lA of aaid Section 1. i»: t'.vtf.'t'tt ti> •A'Wi^*!:* craTif^ATE s ATi •:?<*• Von. t»'Ji..w40 c«v:'-:T cor/ of THI«.. ^>NA!'OM f:if A-J «. 3tCC»o IN MY Cffict T/£*": i. t......-j-^*....-3,•.... .• *.25258 'i£coaoeo REauEST or (LsiiLL>*&u«>^ - i» U . _ r..i (C7 orneiAi. i-.- „ . „SAM !MCCO COUMt '. CAUF. ^.—z. *-rriU •»-s«ff i:iTnQ.?F» —~F»|,l .1 n 1 B 3 4 6 • T 8 9 10 XI 12 U 14 IS 1« IT U 1» 90 81 22 23 24 29 26 27 28 29 SO 31 32 ROLAND Rial WOOLLEY Suite 2S24201 Wllshire Boulevard Uw AnKeles 5, California ••W-3193 AnoriK-y for IVtltlooer United Vaillfurnlu lluiik i tfexocutor FIL IWUII CtfSteD i " '-..'• J.-.AVJ: KB1419GG Ovt4£K UM • »UV. CWMff CUM( g»4 « «• »• *~**f C**t » I SUPURUR UXJRT Ul? T11E STATE Ol* CALIFORNIA FOR TUIJ COUNTY Ol* LOS ANGUI.ES In the Matter of the l-jiute of LEO A. CARRILLO, No. P-447 125 HNIXNCS AND DliCKUE SliTTUNG • SKUJNI) AND I-INAI. ACCOUNT, HlirtJRT1'ictii'KiN i-OK iNsnumrnoN,AI.UIWANCI-: I-OK i;xi.ianx)HS' b'l'A l\l IX)KY CIMMIS.SH INS AND I:OKi-:xian rums' UMMLSMDNS i;cm AND ATlXIKNIiY'S STAIXI'IUKY I'KUS AND KX rilAOKIXNAUY ATIXJRNUVS l-'ULS 1-011 SUIC'ICUS RUNDUHED. The Second tad Final Account ami Report. Petition for Distribution, Allowance for Executors' Statutory Commiuaiona and for Executor'a Cotnralaalons for Extraordinary Services KenJered, and Attorney's Statutory Fees and Extraordinary Attorney's Fees for Services Rendered in the ubuve entitled matter canto on regularly for acttleniviit of UK- uccouiu and hearing of the petition no rho Ibtli tluy nf NuvemlK-r, I'KiS ut Uic Ihmr of 1:31) p. in. In IX-partineiit 9 o{ ihe above entitled court liefin-e tlw IkNHtrahlu Dimald R. Wright, Judge. Roland Rich Woulluy and Hunaeii It Dolle by Victor R. llanaen appearing for and on behalf cf the petitioner United California Hank an the co-executor under the Last Will and Testament of Leo A. Carrillo, deceased ?od Hanscn & Dolle by Victor R. llansen appearing for and on behalf of Roland Rich Woolley as the attorneys for the United California Dank, co-vr ccutor, and Vernal G. lluiuptvrya. anvurlng for and on Ix-lulf nf objector Marie AirtotiKiU- (UrrilkiOVI|iy).ii i<o-i-xw»«4ir umk'r ilk-1-ml Will .uul TfMtiittk-nl u( I MI A. irfiirlllo, a 9 10 11 12 IS 14 IB le 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 29 2« 27 28 29 SO 31 32 Thu court f!%ia from proof made to thu satisfaction of thu court: 1. Notice of thu time and place fur sett lew nt of thu account and hearing of the petition haa been duly given as required by law, Including a special notice thereof to Vernal G. llumpherya, attorney for Marie Antoinette Cvrlllofpclpy). in accordance with the request filed herein. 2. The Account and Report Is full, verified, true and correct, and all allegations of thu petition for final auulement, for allowance of statutory commissions and fees are true. 3. On September 10, 1961. said decedent, Leo A. Carrlllo, died testate and at the time of Ills death thu deceased was a resident of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, and left property In the Coiuty of Los Angeles, State of California. Letters Testamentary were duly Issued to petitioner United California Hank as co-executor under the Last Will and Testament of Leo A. Carrillo, deceased, and to Mario Antoinette Carrlllo (Delpy) as co-executor and ever since said Letters Testamentary have been and now ore in full force and effect and suid United California Ifc'nk end Mario Antoinette t-irrlllo (Pulpy) are now tin- duly ipialifled ami acting i-o-exei-ulora under '.he \OM Will and Tvrtaimiil of I vo A. l-n illlo, tkveiiKed. 4. Notice to creditors .--•» first published Oaoher 17, 1V6I. and has been published for thu period and in the i:iannur required by law and expired April 17, 1962, and affidavit showing due publication of said notice waa filed with the clerk of this court within thirty days after the completion of publication, which affidavit contained a copy of thu notice and stated the date of first publication. 5. No claims have been filed or presented within thu time required by law in said estate which have nut been paid. b. KequeHt for special nutk-o under Section 1202 of thu Probate Code and affecting all accounts as mentioned In said Section 1200 of thu Probate Code of the State of California, as previously requested by me District Director of Internal Revenue m and fur thu United States Government has been witlklrawn and the original proof of withdrawal and payment was filed an September 7, 1905, In the above entitled ciurt by thu District -2- 1005 10 IX 13 U 14 10 1C 17 IS 19 20 81 23 a 24 23 M 37 28 29 30 31 33 1 IXrccuc of Infernal KCVI-IUKI. All t'l-derul. Kvlalu mkl California have built paid. 7. All personal property tuxes due and puyuhlu by Maid vsute have been paid. All current Federal and California Income tux accruing against the decedent and the estate have been paid. 8. That on the 28th day of October 1965, there was filed by the co-executor, Marie Antoinette Cufrtllo (IVJny) certain Inceptions to Second ••uid Final Account. Report, Petition fur DUtrlbutlon, Allowance for ExecutoTM1 Statutory CiHtmilsukxiii and for lixccutors' CommlsHluns for Uxtraordlnary SX.TVK-CS Reikleretl, and AtiuriK-y'u Sciitutory l-'eeu and lixtraordlnary Attcrney's l-'ees for Services Rimk-reil. 9. Tlut flletl In 1-iKim.vtlim with utild li: Declaration of Marie Antoinette t'.irrllbi (I Vl|iy) In ti|)|kmUloii to extraordinary •laorney'tt feoi fur Roland Rich Woolley. 10. That also filed in cotuuxtlon with said lixceptlonu won a Declaration of Marie Antoinette Carrillo (IVlpy) In opposition to extraordinary commissions for United California Dank, co-executor. 11. That a hearing was held on tin. laid Petition and Exception! in the above entitled court in Department 9 thereof before the Honorable Donald R. Wrifil*. Judge. 12. 'Hut in said hcurlni; it wan Htlpukiuxl by and lictwccn t!ie parties by and through tlvlr rvhpcctlvc uUnrneyu Hull all la aaid lixcei«ii»w and IXx'Uralimm of a HciindjIouM or ncurriloua nature imputing fraud, undue Influence, cuerslun,iiiUrepreHcntatlon, or attempt* to deceive the court be atricken froin the record us untrue. 13. Included, but not limited to. in wild stricken matter wero certain purdonN at iuld lixccptimut and IX-clarutionit hereinafter Hpeciflcuily enumeraced JH Itsviiqc been btrickcn. 14. l\rtlt»W fl'iNII lixiVJItltHlH UlSlX'IMld Ulld I'lliul ACCIIUIIt, Report, IVtltku fur lX»lrllHill>Hi. Allowance fur l-lxei-utora' Siutuun-y CommUMluut and fur ICxecutoi •»' Cloiiiiiilnnioiii* fur lixtruordtnury Servlcett RerOercd, and Atttrney'it Statutory l;een and lixtraorUl.ury Attorney'* LOOG 9 10 U 13 U 14 IB 10 17 la u BO 81 23 23 24 25 2a 87 2« 29 30 31 33 Pcctf fur Service* Rendered filed by Msur.y Antoinette Carrlllo (IX-lpy), co-executur, which were ipcclfk-ally atrlckcn ny tho cuurt lo »ald (waring: a. The allcgiuluw on page 2 beginning at line 9, tu page 3, line 20, Intliwive, In touMy utrickcn tram Maid UxceiXiumi; b. All i [legation* or Implications that the claim of Roland Rich Woulloy fur cxcraordinary unurncy'il ft,-c» were uafouiuksd of groundlciM or fraudulent ur any «if them an nintainvU bc^noing on page 3, line 21 to line 2tf,lncluHivu,urc ti<ully strlcU-n from >ulj Uxccptluiw; c. All ultcgutioiui or linpllcutloiiH thai tliu claim of United California Bank for extraordinary cxivutoru' conmiissioim were exorbitant because of lack tif xufautautlatlui ur fact upua which to bane said extraordinary aminiUulonx bcglnuinK <m niigc 3, lino 29, continuing tltrtiugli p;igc 4, to line 4 incluulvc, arc dually utrlc.kt.ii friHil ttald Ux(.v|<li<ix. IS. IWlUwirfllw IXvlaruUiHMrf Murk-AutoliH-tlu tJtrrlllo (IVIpy) In t>(i)kM|tliin to cxli jurdliiury fiva ftir llolaiid Rich Wmillcy are Btrlckctl ami found wilrifc- .IM clllk-r cmuliiK uikk-r UK* mnyiui Mll|ulutkm <«r CM nixx-Uk-ally eniniui-i!)i%l ut iulil Ik-tiring: a. I'lkli-r ihc Kcncrul t4l|*iluilt« all alki;ulli»M nf fruuJ on pago 2, line 3; b. Under the geuural Htl|wluihm ulleKalluM of extreme or any prciMUo, cocrvlon and/or undue Influence contained un |xige 3, line* 3 to 12 tnclunlve; c. Uy particularity ulk-gatfotm <if ctwrvlon, threat, undix Influence, falnlty, fraud. preHBure contained In Mid Declaration un page 3, beginning at line 12. to page 4. lino 11. iocluulve: d. By particularity all allegation* of negligence, core- leMocsa, lack of iwe of ordinary cure and diligence in drafting tbu Will of die dcccancd and IhcriAy uneinptliig to collect unucrnetl extraordinary (ct-a contained on page 4, iK-glnulng at line 16, tu pugo 5, Kne 11 lik-lunlw; -4- 1007 to 11 12 13 M U 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 29 2fl 27 28 29 30 31 3! «. Under thu general stipulation nil allegation* or Implication* of iiilMniaiutgutncnt or unfounded clulum by said Roland Rich Wuollcy contained tut page S, Iliw 12 to page 6, lino t) IncluHlvc: f. Uiklcr the general Hiipulutkw all allegation!! ur Implications i-4 uxn^erallon (or tlic purpt«HS of said Roland Klcli Woullcy obtalaing extraordinary attorney'j foes as alleged on page, 6, beginning at Hue 10 to line 21, Inclusive: g. Uiulcr the general »tl|<nl.iilui tluil till ulk-^Jtluw iir Implk-utlixw of iv-nll)inKv ux omitulifcil im page b, starllitg ut llnu 22 to page 7. line 8, lix-liibivj, un tlx; |vu't »f Kolmid Kk-li Wnollcy; h. All ulK-^uluiti in- linplicatiunu that Kald Ruluntl Rich Wuoltcy of Uulted lUlifoi'iilu lluuk <JU out luvu valW ri.-:uio«ia fur nuc ncllIng the CKUIC iinm-ta ut the time wlien tliey were M>M or that there wn* any privrawtliiaiUm ur liKTtla tn tlie purt of nulJ KoluiK.1 Hich Woolky ur u( nalU United (.'.ulKoniiu llunk during tlie accoiiipllslinient ofsaiJ«^*bo utrickun as being untrue undur the general utipulutlun: 1. Under tlx: general Ktipulation all allegations or Implkationa of falsehood <M the part ul -aid Rotund Rich Woulley as shown on page 2. llnu 26 to page 13, line 2. Inclusive; j. Under the general stipulation all allegations or Implications of distortion of fact on the part of said Roland Rich Woolley contained on p.ige 13. beginning at line 8 to line 2U,incluiilve: k. Under the >>cncral stipulation all alk-gatloitii or implications of fraud un the part of Roland Rich Woolley contained on page 15, beginning at line 20 to llnu 22, Inclusive; 16. That the alk-gatlons of Affidavit of Otvllle U. Mcliu-roll. vico-president of United California liank (lied herein and the Suppk-niental Affidavit of Orvtlle B. Met Uirroll fik-d un NovniilK-r 12. I96S are true. 17. Tliat the alk-gatimui of the IVvlaratlon uf jack Tolliert filed un NnveniUT IS, I'H.S .ire true. 18. flat the alk-gatkxui of tiki IXvlaraiUm of tMaries J. Illgioa aled herein are true. -5- 1008 1009 19. Under thu general stipulation, all claims of said Mariu Antoinette Carrlllo (Delpy) In said Exceptions and Declaration, alleging said Roland Rich Woollcy Is attempting to charge the estate for overlapping services performed for both the Ivdlth lUirrtllo Truut and the above entitled estate he stricken as (intuiting f>iU>choud, fraud, mlttrcprcHcntutUin. and an attempt to deceive thu ciiurt. 20. That the court specifically finds that there Is no claim for a duplication of services either by thu United California Bank or by Mid Roland Rich Vtoolley. 21. That said Roland Rich Woolley did perform services in an extraordinary nature as set forth in the Petition of United California Bank and as set forth in the Affidavit of Roland Rich Woolley filed herein. IT IS OKIWRUD AND 1MCCRUUI) an Notice to creditors herein has been duly given as required by law. a That Objections to Second and Final Account are sustained in part and [ denied in part. . •. m That Second and Final Account of United California Bank as executor of the Will of U-o A. CarrtHo. deceased, IB settled and allowed, us hereinafter,' modified and all nets and truiiHuctluui of thu executors relating to thu matters in the Account, Report and I'etltlon are ratified, confirmed and approved. IV The •nmWf shall pay to Marie Antoinette Currillo (Delpy), out of thu remaining cash on hand, after first paying tint following executors' statutory 4 S e 7 a 9 10 11 13 13 14 18 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 29 2« 27 28 Cv 30 31 33 commissions anJ executors' conmiluslims fur extraordinary services ami attorney's statutory fev» and attorney's cxtruurdliuiry fees ami tnx CUUIIHV! extraordinary fees a* herein net forth; A. United California Bank - 75% of statutory executors' . commissi ja or the aunt of $5, 038. 49. B. To Marie Antoinette Carrlllo (IX-lpy) - 25% of Btatutory executura' commissions or the sum of $1,679. SO. O. llutanvc of uRitMiiry fees to Attorney Wiwlley In tliu uum of IX Hxtraordliury attorney'it fiv» tu Mi-Kay, Mcd'egor & Ucnniou for U\ w.irk lu UK.- HUIII uf >7.M»).U). K. l:xtranrk!ln.irycuiniiiluiiiinii tu United Cullfurnlu llank fur extruiH-JJnury serviced as net forth In the IVtitloii In thu vuiu uf $15. 000. U). P. Extraordinary fees tu Attorney Wimiley for extruordjnury services as net forth in tlu Petition approved In tlv bum uf $K, (XX). 00 only, balance uf ruiuetit for extraordinary feus arc denied. Hut tlk: remaining real and |x.-r»on;il property u{ tlie estate be distributed to Mario AobriiH-tti.- iiirrllUi (IX'l|>y) un (iilUiwn: A. All articles of personal, domestic or household ut>c, ' Jewelry and stellar articles, furniture, pictures, books, plates, and all household effects which at tlie time of thu death of thu decedent were being used la connection with tlie decedent's home in Santu Monica, California and all horses, all automtiullcs and all other miscellaneous equipment includlni; uny and all immies due, owlnir and unpaid by virtue uf a ciHitnu-t hy und IKTWIVH the >kveoVnt and IVnUli'i-IUII, UK-, ndillnt; m tin- nilillrailni of tin- ilcViik IU'H Umk illtltllNl 'Ilk- >.'.lU!-.« <ll;l I I '.'»<.• •'"•' •ll''» »liy Hlhl all UHNlll-H lIlK'. iilld mi|Mld wider ftmli iiflii III vrlili li Ilk.- ikvcdoiil w.iu 11 (Hi ty with the /IvUiilted ArtUtK, IIK-. for inxtlmi pk-luiA-H ui.uk- In lln.- |Miit •7- 1010 s 4 0 e T a 9 10 11 12 13 14 10 16 17 la 19 80 ai 23 23 24 as 2fl 87 28 39 30 31 32 which contracts provided for royalty payments in the future which were not previously distributed to Marie Antoinette Currillu (IX-l)iy) 08 set forth in the Order Settling l-lrst Account Current In the above entitled estate dale*! March 21, iy«3. II. An undivided one-half interest in the 830 acres more or less of the real property in Sun l*ej;o referred to In Paragraph fourth ui I'jge 2 of the I awl Wilt and Testament of Hie deceased and described as follows: "Northwest (tuarter of Southwest Quarter, i AX 3 the Northeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter and the West Half of Southeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 12 South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in the Uiunty of San Diego, Stale of California, Unimproved: U« 4 aikl the Southeast <%Hiancr of the Southwest IJuarlcr of Section IH, U«M 1,2 aikl M, tlk1 Kant Half of tin' Not Iliwt-Mt •junrler, tlie Northeast (jairler of the Southwest <I».IIUT, tin* W--:itllu!f of UK- Noil!n.-UHt (Jiurlcr uikl Ilk- Northwest Quarter of the Sitiilicaut (Quarter of S>.vtlon W, Township 12 Smith, Kantue :i West, Sun lleniardliui Meridian, in tlie (Anility of Sun IXe^o, State of (Ullfornla, A|>|iroved Si-|itt:iiilKr 17, 1KH9, 'llkwe portloiiii of Uns :l uikl 4 lit Section 13; 'Ilkwe \xirtKms of U*s 1 niul Soutln-ust ijuartcr of Northeast <J\iarUT of Section 24 and that portion of tiki Southeast tjtiarter of Sivllon 24, In Townxhl|t 12 South, Haii^e 4 West, Sun llernordino Meridian , hi tlie County of San Diego, State of California, lying •' uutslduof Raneh linen of Raneho Agua lledloiklu, a« mid KiiiH-h line Is shown on United States liovernment 'survey of Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San • ' Bernardino Meridian, Approvc.1 St/ptemher 17, 1*»I5 Iiii|«MVc\l: H.incl»i IX) Um (,hili«i'H, Iktwirn Cirlhbud •H- 1011 and San MarctM. Sun IXcgo County, California Tbtf Southwest (}uartur of the Northweut Quarter of the Northeast Quarter o( the Northeast Quarter of Sccdoa 1. Township 11 South, Range S &ut, San Bernardino Meridian. In the County of Son Diego. Stale al California, according to United State* • • Government turvey approved Novcntbcr i 7, 1880, . . ' and the Southvaitt (Juarter o( the Nurthweat (Juurter of the Northi-ant Quarter i>< the NortlieuMt Quarter • at Section. 1, Tuwnvhip 11 South. Range 5 liast, Saa Bernardino Meridian, in tlv (imiuy of San l)iem«. Suite >n lUillf.K-ulu. aivurdlii^tuHiilteJ I Stau.il CoverniiKiK uurvey, Ajijiroveil November •• 17, 1880. liUkemeMtn and rlgltM o( way for IngreiM and ligrcsa fir ruuJ (urpoaeii In the Northeast Quarter of Scctiut I, Tuwnntiip II South. Rungu S liart. San Ucrnardlnu Meridian. accuriUng U> U. S. Government wirvey. Approved Nw 'eniber 17. 1880, over portions of «aid Nurthcunt (Juarter of uald Section 1. Unimproved." That tho court find* and to orders that there are no assets or residue la said estate properly diuributable to tho trust referred to In Paragraph Fourth of the wilt and that the interest of thu estate in said real property hcreinabove described be distributed to Marie Antoinette Carrlllo (Dolpy). Judge nTllie 5ii2)rlor -9- 012 n PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL STATE OF CALIFORNIA)I ss. County at Los Angeles ) 1 am a citizen of tin; United States and a rcsioVnc of thu county aforesaid; I am over the agn of eighteen years and nut a party to tho within entitled action; my business address is: Roland Rich Woolley, Suite 252. 4201 Wilshirc Boulevard, Los Angeles S. California. On December 29, 1965. I served thu within Findings and Decree Settling Second and Final Account. Report. Petition for Distribution. Allowance for Executors' Statutory Commission., and for Executors' Commlsal'-iJ for Extraordinary Services Rendered, and Attorney's Statutory Fees and Extraordinary Attorney's Fees for Services Rendered on the co—x<xutar Marie Antoinette Carrillo Deluy In said action, by placing a true cop, thereof enclosed in a Healed envelop.' with postage thereon fully prepaid. In the United States mail at IMS Angeles oddr used as follows: Vernal G. llumpherys, Esq. 729 South Santa I'e AvenueVista. California 92UU I oVvUre under penalty of ;vr)ury tlut the I Kxccuted ui IXwnuVr ?>, UHiS, ut Uia Ai 3S924 r«JECO»D«"StWtST Of ATTORNEY__ Ku 7 i^ssPH'GS Is true and correc saoiEcceouwnr.aur. felt** TO; c \~j&;*.',V-^;i-..•" •' •• - v •"•:«"' V,:'•'• - NO.J&U2S-STATB OF CALIFORNIA. VCounty of Lot AncelM [*" I, WEXIAHQ.SHABP, Coo^ Clerk and Qcrk of the SoperteOatirt for the county and ftate aforesaid, do hereby certify the teefoinf to b«» correct copy of the original - -••— o..^^ .„,! pinai^g^j 101-1 i fOi tad at ncord la my office, «ed thmt I have carefully compared the nine with th* arigbuL IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto «t my band and affixed the »a«l nf <h» *>mplor C^irt thif .. jjt^ **T "* M^>"»*gy i« 66• ."•."•••***J-.-.. ^i WIUJAM O. SHAKP.Connty' Clerk apd dsrk of the Superior Coort-ij the SUta of CaUfomia foe the County aMx* Angeto ? - ' By ? / &Z , IVpqty o o Recording Requested By: UNITED CALIFORNIA 3ANK EconocO s£ai;?i,r CF .ATTORN When recorded mail to: UNITED CALIFORNIA 3ANTK 600 South Spring Street Los Angeles, California Attention: P. J. Ford 1-33-286-0 90054 iw li^PJi iS-iisS SSSOKliSTOrFiCUL P.tCOSOS S*NOI£COCOUMTY,CiUF.A. S.CRAY. RECORDER $260 CONSIDERATION LESS TEAS 5100.00 - NO I.R.S. REQUIRED GRANT DEED MARI3 ANTOINETTE CARRILLO, in consideration of TEN AND "JfO/lOOTHS DOLLARS ($10.00), T;O her in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby a-i'tnowlodged, does hereby, without warranty, grant to MARIE ANTOINETTE CARRILLO and UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK, a Corporation organized under the laws of the State of California, as Trustees under the Will of EDITH CARRILLO, Deceased, an undivided one-half interest in and to the real property in the Coucty of San Diego, State of Cii.ifnriii-i, described as follows: Lots 3 and 4 in Section 13 and Lots 1, 2, and 3 in Section 19, all in Township 12 South, Range 3 '.Vest, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to official plat therecf. Also those portions of :/Dts 3 and 4, in Section 13; those portions of Lot 1 and Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24; fend that portion of the Southeast Quarter of Section 2-1, ir> Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Keridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, lyir.g outside of Ranch line of Rancho Aqua Hedionda, as said Ranch lino is shown on United States Government Survey of Tsvr.ship 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Keridian, approved September 17, 1915, NOTE: All those portions of Sections-13 and 18 herein described lying North of P.oad Survey Ho. 757 are within the City of Carlsbad. SUBJECT TO all taxes, assessments, easements, reservations, rights of way, encumbrances and/or other matters of record, and to any other existing rights and/or encumbrances. This Deed is executed pursuant to Order of Court, made and entered on the 31st day of March, 1367, in the matter of the Estate of .CDITH CAPRILLO, Deceased, Case Mo. P344.325, Superior Court of the Stats of California, in and ;or the County of Los Angeles, a certified MAIL TAX STATE-VENTS TO A3CVE RETURS ADl'RKSS VERNAL. 0. HUMPHERYS ATTONNKV AT LAW Tit *. *ANTA n AVf. VISTA. CALIFORNIA »20»» TXLCPHONC 7Z«.»4ia -1- o COPY of which Order is being recorded concurrently herewith. -7*4 s- / "/DATED this -// day of /^-^L-i,-^/, 1967. Marie Antoinette Carrillo /' . ,- - / /*•#.- t-c,/ , STATS OF CALIFORNIA ) ) S3. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) .. A On this -37 day of ^^jl- lc-/ 1967, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in arid for said County and State, personally appeared MARIE ANTOINETTE CARKIIiZO, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal om'cTiT VERNAL G. HUMPHERYS NOTARY 7U3UC—CALIfCW^ SAN WKO c0yim^M< Vernal G. Humpherys/ Notary Public/in and for said county/,^ria stat^^ My Commission Expires 10/14/67 *•o VCRNAL O. HUMPHERYS ATTORNIV AT LAW 11% •. IANTA rt AVC. VIJTA. CALIFORNIA »O» TCLCPHONK 72«.»«SJ -2- 9) CO ca Recording Requested By: VERNAL G. HUMPHERYS '.vhen recorded .-nail to: VSRNAL G. HUM?HERYS Attorney at Law 729 South Santa Fe Avenue Vista, California Kail Tax Statements to: FILE/PAGE HO. fECCROED RC2USSTC."iTTORNEY iw 5 iiuofH'57 Marie Antoinette Carrillo Delpy 'Imcw RECOJio!1 ?. 0. BOX 365 SAiJStEGO COUNTY, CiL!F.San Marcos, California A.s.CRAY.RECORDER 5280 CONSIDERATION' LESS THAN S100.00 - NO I.R.S. REQUIRED TRUSTEES' DEED MARIE ANTOINETTE CARRILLO and UNITED CALIFORNIA BAIIK, a Corporation organized under the laws of the State of California, as Trustees under the Will cf EDITH CARRILLO, Deceased, in consideration of TEN AND NO/100THS DOLLARS (S10.00), to them in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, without warranty, to KARIS ANTOINETTE CARRILLO, also known as MARIE ANTOINETTE CARRILLO DELPY, A isarrtecl ••'o.-nan, as her separate property, an undivided one- half interest in and to the real property in the County of San Diego, Stata of California, described as follows: The East Half of the 5vie>.-:s'c Quarter and the West Half of the Southeast Quarter ir. Section 13 and the East Half of the Northwest Quarter, the Northeast Qaarter of the Southwest Quarter, the West Half of the Northeast Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Qaarter of Section 19, all in Township 12 South, Range 3 West, San 2crnardino Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to official plat thereof. :-iCTE: All those portions of Section 18 herein described . lying Sorth of Road Survoy No. 757 are within the City of Carlsbad. SU3JEC7 to all taxes, assessments, easements, reservations, rights of way, encumbrances and/or other matters of record, and to any other existing rights and/or encumbrances. This Deed is executed pursuant to Order of Court mace and entered on the .31st day of March, 1967, in the matter of EDITR CARRILLO, Deceased, Case No. P344.325, Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the county of Los Angeles, a certified copy of which Order is being recorded concurrently herewith. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said MARIE ANTOINETTE CARRX'tLO has signed and said 'JZJITED CALIFORNIA BANK has caused its corporate name and seal to bo hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers this L_± day of / . 1967. VERNAL a. HUMPHfeRYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Tit «. SANTA « AVE. VICTA. CALIFORNIA »2O«J TELEPHONE 7J8.J4S2 -1- •Q O5 COOSeno 0 and UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK Vice President • •-> STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) Cn ss. day of Assistant Secretary? as Trustees under the Will of EDITH CARRILLO, Deceased 1967, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared MARIE ANTOINETTE CARRILtjS. known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the sane, as Trustee under the Will of EDITH CARRILLO, Deceased. WITNESS my hand and official seal. "o r'r i'cTA'i." s't At j VERNAL 5. HUMPHtRYS \ !,jt«R " ""-fICt I* J Vernal G. HumpK^rys, Notary Putflic in and for said County :-5y Commission expires 10/14/67 S7ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ArJGELES )ss. On this ; / day of 1967, before me, the rurnley undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personallyappeared QRVILLE W. McCARROLL known to me to be the Vice President,and R.P. »WJ. '^feyXnown to me to be the Assistant Secretary of the UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK, the Corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and known to me to be the parsons who executed the within ar.d foregoing instrument on l«*h«lf of the Corporation therein nan«d, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the sane as Trustee under the Will OE ^DJT-J CARRILLO, Deceased. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTAftr fUlLIC-CALIFORNIA: PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN LOS ANGtLES COUNI1T Notary; Public in and for said ( County a«d Stat^MAR.'O'iE c SH-O2SMITH My Commi»i«n C>p>ef April }, 1761 VERNAL Q. HUMPHERYS ATTORNIY AT LAW 72* • SANTA rt AVI. VICTA. CALIFORNIA *IO» TCLZFHCHI 72«-14J2 -.*>_ •Q CO OT pp1 1212 1 l 1 GRANT DEED TRANSKR TAX PAIO * X «AY. COUITY «CO«t>«* FOR A VALUABLE CON' SI DERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, MARIE ANTOINETTE CARRILLO, also known as MARIE ANTOINETTE CARRILLO DELPY, and UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK, a corpora- tion, as Trustees under the Kill of Edith Carrillo, deceased, and the Decree of Distribution of her estate, a certified copy thereof being recorded February 18, 1957, in Book 6461, page 312 of Offical Records, San Diego County, California, hereby GRANT to CARRILLO RAHCKO PARTNERSHIP . •-. Ssrisral rartr.cr.sai;. the following described real property in the County of San Diego, State of California: Lots 3 and 4 in Section IS and Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Section 19, all in Township 12 South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to Official Plat thereof. Also those portions of Lots 3 and •* in Section 13; those portions of Lot 1 and Southeast Quarter o the Northeast Quarter of Section 24; and that portion of the Southeast Quarter of Section 24, in Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of Sar. Diego, State of California, lying outside of ranch line of Rancho Agua Hcdionda, as said ranch line is shown on United States Government Survey of Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, approved Septeaber 17, 1915. SUBJECT TO covenants, con- ditions, easenents and restrictions of record. NOTE: All those portions of Section 13 and 18 herein described lying north of Road Survey No. 757 are within the City of Carlsbad. Dated:'~' /''*>' UNITED CALIFORNIA SANK 3y MA Kit A.NfOT.'.bTT£ iii ii •a' 5E*sst»b ~\pK I i STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss County of Los Angeles) On fL 196^, before me, the undersigr.sd, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared "• S. MeCLASAHAS _ f known to rae to be the TRUST OFFICER _ , and D. M. DAVIS known to ne to be the ASSISTANT SECRETAR"of the corporation that executed'the within instrument, and known to ne to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corpor- ation executed the sa«e, and acknowledged to oe that such corpora- tion executed the within instrument pursuant to its bylaws or a resolution of its Boarf of Directors. SSACE O. NOTARY PUSUC-CALtfOilNlAi WINCIM. OfflCt IN i LOS AUStlfS COUNTY 1 iotary Hublic in and for said County and State MI Comniuica tirm S'oO: '. 1VTC STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) ss County of San Diego) On December f <S • 1968, before ne, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Marie Antoinette Carrillo Delpy, known to me to be the person whose narae is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that she executed the sane. RLTPAGE *, RtCO«,.LO R£-xv.£? ||U{ I'V.Slit:.! 8 I» OEC 20 HO -. SERltS i i-v-K . Ofri'IM 3:! •$AN ;'-'0 (',;•".:•• A. S. if.'-:. ••--•• Notary Puoiic in ana zor saia Cqunty_3nd_State •S If./ M , .o tcto -I- REQUESTED 8Y WMCM «tcoae«o MUC TO r 1 FUL'PAGE Mo.. RECOfi-'tD SEQ'.:£St Ofnut iiscnua s ;aj[ a. DEC 20 S:CC-'ft'S3 SERIES 9 BOOK '.S6S OFFICIAL St-,'"<.'.3 SAN OlE'iO CQ'ur!lv CALIF. A. S. CIS-!. rtCC-RJES > SPACE ABOVE THIS USE FOR RECORDER'S USE J imI Grant Deed THANSTH TAX ?»">A. i. Cfuy. eouNnr fu<o»st« Arnx I.R.*. S TMIC FOB* rUHNISMCO BT TlTXC INSUKANCC AND TKUST COMPANY FOf; A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which a hereby idnawledged. MARIE ANTOINETTE CARRILLO, also known as MARIE ANTOINETTE CARRILLO DELPY, a married woman, hi-rebv GRANT!S| to , State of California the following described real property in the County of San Diego The East Half of the Southwest Quarter and the '.Vest Half of the Southeast Quarter in Section 18 and the East Half of the Northwest Quarter, the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, the West Half of the Northeast Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 19, all in Township 12 South, Range 5 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to Official Plat thereof. NOTE: All those portions of Section 18 herein described lying North of Road Survey No. 757 are within the City of Carlsbad. SUBJECT TO covenants, conditions, easeraents and restrictions of record. >T VI E OK i. \LIF<V!M \ \ ..,,,i\-n OK S_an DUgo |" „„ _l?eC_e.:r.ber_^//t_li^3___ h.'..r- rw. 'h- -";•...I. .• N"!JT« I'liKic ir. jr.l it.i -*••! —::•. J*I-M*\* ^|-Marie_Anto_inetjte_Ca_rrill.P_SelBy %*?}"-. '• VW-^*-?/ Ml1 M&S}--'.- J^ . KC080MG KCUES1ED IV ^ ncotonc uqutsia n eo»r»un«i UH one *Wt> 'AV.y i fl£CCX»C VXi I** NtD «:iO. !X£ ESS -;,. Continental Land Title Co. «••->» 4542 Ruffner St. ^ San Die?o Ca. 92111 •i»i. Bill Oberj •"t.Drder 11-688-02 - 87-520028 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR I'ECOSOIR S USE - ,,CO,0.-NO „ f scio- ex loor. NO. . Tr-t _" c^rrputed or. fuii vjM; !er>s vo».<e c-f ' QUITCLAIM DEED n , ^ U!AX«S ilwild- _ ""Ci^YTAXj;o 01 r'oserty cor..e,t-;i Of reO(.«-oW-( *T- a 1- i-.<rf) _g .ctnnces iorr>ai«^j at nmo ot s CABRiLtn SAKCHO PARTNERSHIP. rvocT.--r..Tv>» -*.:<:•«.• v-!f,a(^^-vcrJ:<<.-.i!r-!o CAL fEn ESTFRPRISES, a California Corporation . "v-?t>OA-r-3 >--x;C'C>-> fiwi fi'-T.'V^V io !^rr City of Carls&d'l C*X;—*v *j> 5^n Ciego C«!t"ic ^ C'.i'>l:'>*r'-<.t • Legally described !n FtMbit A, attxichcd Kcretc and iraJc a part hereof. SIM! !'r I MJl'^'-l^ ,t>is(Y»i . STC: DIEGO * ''aOBIKSOS ar.'J ALVIS. D. 2i£; i.iv^u.vi^.-.... -v. ••:-;;^"- :;::'^^V"-o-V -;.( r»i.->I*H> ->r M. ora-.'M>" J&CQ«UH!tsc:xt. rvucM.V.I-V. vr / >'•'(•>• *;r T'-'.i -•v,V> -j *.-»Wr-»«i:»t»'*«~:fc ."»»sy-f«*rfiw ^v^4xn **«r««ic^ ^_^ .*.r*'*rrw __^ •. r-» . a partnership C« ./' MAIL TAX SIAttMENIS AS DlMCrtD ABOVt. SCHEDULE A PAGE NO. 2 ORDER NO. 114683-02 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1: ALL THAT PORTION OF SECTIONS 18 AND 19. TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND KEKICIAN, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A 2 INCH IRON PIPE WITH DISC MARKED "RCE 9416" ACCEPTED AS THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF LA COSTA MEADOWS UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO THE MAP THEREOF NO. 7076; THENCE NORTH 0'52'06" EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 19 A DISTANCE OF 1337.52 FEET AND NORTH 0'03'46" WEST A DISTANCE OF 1153.82 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEA/ING THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 19 NORTH 54-40'00" EAST 2065.80 FEET; THENCE NORTH 3'51'23" EAST 1907.40 FEET; THENCE NORTH 21-26'31" WEST 30.00 FEET TO THE CENTER LINE OF ROAD SURVEY NO. 757, PALOKAR AIRPORT ROAO; THENCE NORTH 68'33'29" EAST ALONG SAID CENTER LINE A DISTANCE OF 723.02 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID CENTER LINE SOUTH 16'13'00" EAST A DISTANCE OF 1640.18 FEET TO THE EAST "LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE -'SOUTH 0-42'37" EAST ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 291.42 FEET TO THE llOHTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 19; THENCE SOUTH :fl'20*46" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 398.91 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE SOUTH 85'50'40" WEST 743.94 ?EET; THENCE SOUTH 4-09'20" EAST 688.38 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 85'50'40" WEST A DISTANCE OF 92.05 FEET TO '.HE BEGINNING OF A 2000.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHERLY; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21'00'00" A DISTANCE OF 733.04 FEET; THENCE SOUTH fi4'50'40" WEST A DISTANCE OF 1165.58 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A T4NC-ENT 2000.00 FOOT RAOIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHERLY; THENCE WESTERLY Ai.C.NG THE ARCOF SA7D CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANCLE OF 16'29'25" A DISTANCE OF 575.62 .'SET TO THE A30VE MENTIONED WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 19; THENCE LEAVING SAID CURVE NORTH 0'03'46" WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE OF SECTION 19, A •ISTANCE OF 587.94 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2: BEING A PORTION OF FRACTIONAL SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN 3ERMARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF SA<P PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 24 AS SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY 6416 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 24, NORTH 00'03'46" WEST 1339.02 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1 OF SAID FRACTIONAL SEC- TION; THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY LINE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID iOT 1, NORTH 89'23'12" WEST 256.29 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONOA; THENCE ALONG SAID RANCHO LINE SOUTH 02'38'QO" EAST 1341.36 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SATO FRACTIONAL SECTION 24; THENCC LEAVING SAID RANCHO LINE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE SOUTH 89'23'04" EAST TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. MAI'. !AX SIAIcMENIS AS OlPECrtO A&OU KCoeoiNG Kouf sra> rr IRSIKK MSCTSTO •» cor^wmi iMKSf «COOC*D MAft. TWS WfO AM3 OIKPWCf SHOW* KiCW VWMlr~1 ReaUy Dealcis. ltd. ' "<xf c/o DOC Hones Limited<"3 Partnership -.. 1128-433 Cawino de Rio South ™| San Diego, Ca 92108 i ' LAttn: Herbert «. Palmtag -J 87-520029 1987 SEP 15 Sf ACE ABOVf THIS LINE FOR KCOBOtrS USt v^ b/./-121- TIM* Odv NO .C/.. Cicfow ot loon No. ...1Q594.-QS CORPORATION GRANT DEED AX ,s 5 .'riTZ value ct cuc-c-Sfty conve\'oct Of xcrue t-ii va?j«» ot !ie.">s ex efxr :0-1 XX Cfyot Caclsbad ;it ?.mo oi sole. fO^AVAiUAKtCO'^oerzAI'CN. teco-ot o? '«M«LI ;s hewov adrw^oacc-d Cal Fed Enterprises, -a California Corporation, successor by '.erger with Aetna Capital Coirpany, a California Corpo--Jtion xnicn acquired title as Aetna Capital Corporation, a California Corporation vt' r.«r)cir-.-'.-.i <^,i(- ?r-*> IT-V. -j :r« STJ-S o-'i-j tUy Cealers. 170.. an -I'tinois Llnitud Partnorship °f Carlsbad AS ?£R EXnisi* •*" ATTACHED H?=;CTO ANO MADE A FART HEREOF / C.ilifornCal ?Cff Ii:rt.c-rpri_f>cs ... . ..,.„•.- "" y' .•'""] " . \ qv: /5^^;A^M^ »ichnril_C. Jack. Jr'. Earlo G. Tri/rtx Vicci'rosiiJt-nt MAJt TAX STAItMENIS AS DIRECTED ABOVE. ALL TrtAT PORTION OF SECTION* 13 ANO 19. TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN. ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF,IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A 2 INCH IRON PIPE WITH CZSC MARKED "HCE 9416" ACCEPTED AS THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF LA COSTA MEADOWS UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO THE MAP THEHEOF NO. 7076: THENCE NORTH 0"52'06" EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAIDSECTION 19 A DISTANCE OF 1337.52 FEET AND NORTM 0"03'46" WEST A DISTANCE OF1153.82 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVING THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 19 NORTH 54 40'OG" EAST 2065.80 FEET; THENCE NORTH 8-51'23" EAST 1907.40 FEET; THENCE NORTH 21'26'31" WEST 30.00 FEET TO THE CENTER LINE OF ROAO SURVEY NO. 757, PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD; THENCE NORTH 68-33'29" EAST ALONG SAID CENTER LINE A DISTANCE OF 723.02 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID CENTER LINE SOUTH 16'13'00" EAST A DISTANCE OF 1640.13 FEET TO THE EASTLINE OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE SOUTH 0'42'37" EAST ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 291.42 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 19; THENCE SOUTH 0-20'46" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 498.91 FEET; IHENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LIME SOUTH 85'50'40" WEST 749.94 FCET; THENCE SOUTH 4-09'20'~ EAST 688.33 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 85'50'4C" WEST ADISTANCE OF 92.05 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 2000.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHERLY; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21'00'QO" A DISTANCE OF 733.04 FEET; THENCE SOUTH64'50'40" WEST A DISTANCE OF 1165.53 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 2000.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHERLY; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16-29'25" A DISTANCE OF 575.62 FEET TO THE ABOVE MENTIONED WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 19; THENCE LEAVING SAID CURVE NORTH 0'03'46" WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE OF SECTION 19, A DISTANCE OF 587.94 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2: BEING A PORTION OF FRACTIONAL SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE ANO MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF CARLS3AD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF SA*0PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 24 AS SHOWN ON RECORDOF SURVEY 6416 3N FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE PECOROEn OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 2-'., NORTH 00'03'46" WEST 1339,02 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1 OF SAIT FRACTIONAL SEC- TION; THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY LINE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OK SAIDLOT 1. NORTH 89"23"12" WEST 256.29 FEET TO A POINT IN THt EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SANCHO AGUA HEOIONOA; THENCE ALONG SAID RANCHO LINE SOUTH 02'38'00" EAST1341.36 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID FRACTIONAL SECTION 24; THENCE LEAVING SAID RAHCHO LINE ALONG SAIO SOUTHERLY LTNE SOUTH 89'28'04" EAST TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. fv. 03 r.- v.»i; Tat i!A.I?MJ;;:S AS D:ScOtD ABOVE. C c E E c E E E E I APPENDIX B APPENDIX B DESCRIPTION OF LISTINGS Hazardous Materials Management Division The following HMMD information sources, were reviewed: • HE48 Listings. The HE48 Listing summarizes properties with reported underground storage tanks and facilities that utilize hazardous materials. • HE17 Listings. The HE17 Listing summarizes disclosure/violation information regarding the storage, handling, generation, and/or disposal of hazardous materials per the California Code of Regulations and California Heath and Safety Code. • Environmental Assessment Listing. This listing was reviewed to assess if unauthorized releases of hazardous materials had been reported for the site or properties in the vicinity of the site. Regional Water Quality Control Board The following RWQCB information sources were reviewed: • Leaking Underground Storage Tank Listing. This listing was reviewed to assess whether unauthorized releases of hazardous materials from underground storage tanks had been reported for the site or bordering properties. • TPCA Listing. This information source provides a listing of facilities presently subject to the Toxic Pits Cleanup Act. • SWAT Listing. This information source provides a listing of solid waste disposal sites in San Diego County. APPENDIX B (continued) DESCRIPTION OF LISTINGS Regulated Waste Discharger System Listing. This information source provides a listing of entities regulated by the RWQCB with waste discharge requirements. Spills. Leaks. Investigation and Cleanup (SLIC) Non-underground Tank Cases. This information source provides a listing of releases of hazardous materials for situations not involving underground tanks. Environmental Protection Agency The following EPA information on sources were reviewed: • CERCLTS listing or CERCLA fComprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation and Liability Act) Superfund Listing. This listing provides an EPA inventory of potential hazardous waste sites. » RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act} Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Data (CMED) for California. This document lists EPA and State inspections and enforcement actions and is generated from the national Hazardous Waste Data Management System (HWDMS). HWDMS contains information on generators, transporters and treatment, storage and/or disposal facilities identified under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. This document is a summary reference for those inspections where violations have been determined. RCRTS and RCRA WASPROC Listing. These listings contain information regarding reported RCRA generators, transporters, and/or treatment, storage, and/or disposal facilities. Proposed and Final National Priority List (NPLVCalifornia. This information source provides a listing of designated hazardous waste sites under CERCLA. APPENDIX B (continued) DESCRIPTION OF LISTINGS California Environmental Protection Agency (CAL-EPA) The following CAL-EPA information sources were reviewed: • Expenditure Plan for the Hazardous Substance Cleanup Bond Act. The CAL- EPA developed the site-specific expenditure plan as a basis for appropriating hazardous substance clean up bond act funds. The expenditure plan was developed to provide a complete and accurate outline of the CAL-EPA's plans for clean up of statewide hazardous waste sites. The plan identifies hazardous waste sites targeted for clean up by private responsible parties, the CAL-EPA and the EPA for the next 5 fiscal years. • Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List fCortese Listing). The Cortese listing was reviewed to assess if any hazardous waste facilities exist in the vicinity of the site which are subject to corrective action pursuant to Section 25187.5 of the Health and Safety Code. This information source lists property designated as hazardous waste properties pursuant to Article 11 of Chapter 6.5 of Division 20 of the Health and Safety Code. Additionally, the listing identifies underground storage tanks for which an unauthorized release report is filed pursuant to Section 25295 of the Health and Safety Code and all solid waste disposal facilities from which there is a migration of hazardous waste pursuant to Subdivision (e) of Section 13273 of the Water Code. Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSO CAL-Sites. The CAL-Sites listing was reviewed to assess if potential hazardous waste sites exist adjacent to or in the vicinity of the subject property. This listing also indicates if properties in proximity to the subject site are scheduled for further investigative activities by DTSC. APPENDIX B (continued) DESCRIPTION OF LISTINGS DTSC List of Active Annual Workplan Sites fAWPV The AWP listing was reviewed to assess if potential hazardous wastes sites exist in the vicinity of the site. This information source lists the CAL-Sites that the DTSC will focus on during the fiscal year. California Department of Conservation The following Department of Conservation information sources were reviewed: • Division of Oil and Gas (DOG^ Map. A DOG Regional Wildcat Map depicting the location of oil wells in San Diego and Riverside Counties was reviewed by GEC personnel. The search is performed for the site and properties in the region of the site. California State Water Resources Control Board/Waste Management Board • AB-1803 Follow-Up Program Listing. This listing is reviewed for information concerning identified contaminated groundwater wells. Solid Waste Information System (SWTS). The SWIS list identifies known landfills, transfer stations, sumps, and waste-to-energy plants located in San Diego County. c c c i •APPENDIX C c c r i r i 11 r i i i i i r i r i r i r i • i • i • i ii f i • i ii i i IPORT NO. HE48-4801-01 •16442 SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HE58 LISTING — ZIP CODE ORDER PAGE NO. 74 RUN DATE 09/02/92 ZIP ST NAME ST NO EST NAME EST-NO BUS INACT PHONE EXP SIC1 STAT CODE DATE 92008 KELLOGG AV 92008 LA PLACE CT 92008 LAGUNA DR _22008 LANDAU CT 92008 LANDAU CT 92008 LOKER AV 92008 LOKER AV _22Q08_LQKER_M 92008 LOKER AV 92008 LOKER AV 92008 LOKER AV _22QP8_LQKEB_AV_ 92008 LOKER AV 92008 LOKER AV 92008 LOKER AV _32Q08_MAGNQlIfi_M92008 MAGNOLIA AV 92008 MAGNOLIA AV 92008 MARRON RD _32QQ8_MONBPE_SI92008 OAK AV 92008 OAK AV 92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD _9_20 08_EALJMAR_AI RPORT_RD_ 92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 92008 PALDMAR AIRPORT RD92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD" 92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD _?2QQ8_PAL_OMAR_AIRPPRT_RD_ 92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD ~92008~PALOMAirfiIRPORT~RD~ 92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 92008 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 1958 5966 655 _5.227_5957 2714 2730 -27.34.2774 2776 2777 _2785_ 2839 2841 2875 _ 1540 1826 1850 -3557_ 405 505 665 850 2006 _?006_ 2016 2036 2046 _2056_ 21282016 2138 2138 "2148" 2148 2178 2178 '21S(T 2188 2188 2192 "2192" 21982198 TOOLTRONICS SMITH & NEPHEW DONJOY INC H S ERGIN MD INC J3EC_P_LESSEYJJAVAL_S:LSJLEMJ5 BLOCK MEDICAL INC MCMAHAN REALTY CO U.S. FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICE HOME AMERICAIR OF SAN DIEGI LANGERf WEST BRIDGE AGRICULTURAL PROD. SMITH & NEPHEW DONJOY INC INDIANA PLUMBING SUPPLY CO STARS & STRIPES WEST COAST COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER LA COSTA PRODUCTS IMT _HIROSHI_HONDA._GONZALES FLOWERS CARLSBAD ELECTRIC SERVICE INC YES CLEANERS _CARLSBAD_HIGH_SCHOQL CITY OF CARLSBAD UTILITIES CARLSBAD VILLAGE RENTALS CARLSBAD LEASING CORP. _RUEBEN_LQPEZ__ TEXACO REFINING & MARKETING PEA SOUP ANDERSENS GALLANT AIRMOTIVE INC CRITICAL AIR MEDICINE _ AIRMOD INC" PEGASUS AIRMOTIVE INC CRQ AVIATION _CINEMA_AIR JET CENTER _CARLSBAD AIR SERVICE AEROSPACE SPECIALTIES, INC. LEADING EDGE AVIATION AVIATION SERVICE CO _ ~AIRM6b~INC ALADDIN AVIATION INC BONANZA SERVICE INC AVIATION PROFESSIONALS INC~~~- H32967 K04 H23427 K04 H50153 K10 _H252!3_K04_ H31140 K04 H26613 K03 H32567 K02 _!29p93_KQ2_ H28935 K04 H23122 K02 H32048 K04 _H26_6QO_K06_ H28911 K04 H33208 K20 H28931 K02 H99p9.3_KQ2_ "H99094 K02" H20082 K03 H28504 K04 H17027 K04 "H04977 K07 H30235 K04 H99062 K02 _H?9158_KP2_ HI2879 K07 H20085 K03 H23573 K04 H23574 K02~ H21758 KOI H10585 KOI H20084 K05 ~H10587~K04" H08463 K04 H31013 K04 H32172 K04noisrncor H13982 K04 H13983 KOIH21747 K04 FLIGHT TRAILS AVIONICS AT PALOMAR CIVIC HELICOPTERS, INC_. ~AIR KESORTS~AIRLINES PALOMAR AIRPORT PALOMAR AVIATION FUELS INC H21742 K04 H21741 KOI H21740 K04 U13977~KO«T H10424 K03 H20083 K04 4317600 4389091 7297101 _?31?53Q 4311501 4311212 _4381422 4384100 4388639 4389091 1031 0131 3842 1130 8011 Q430_3728_ 0630 3841 0430 0731 p831 _ 0531 0831 0131__ _ 9311777 0731 0731 4382181 0531 7293743 0000 5511 1 7297763 0000 1 7291685 0331 7201390 0831 5812 434Q648_P430 9400 61_ 4387753 0831 9300 6l 7297191 0531 34424382191 0000 Z?67741_pp_qp 4383656 1231 5551TT 4387880 0228 7011 61 4388313 0331 8249 4387396 0228 8249 4389590~I231~4581ffT 4319103 0131 08 1 0000 4380877 0630 4581 71 4 31759 9~ U131~8 249 0 T 4382262 0731 3444 01 9318565 0731 7699 H 4380618 0131 ~I 0 0 0 0 4381817 0228 4581 1 00004315318 0228 4581 "" 438515Z~0731~z»582 OT7 4384797 0531 5599 4382505 0430 4388424 0131 5088 4383600~0228~5088—61" 1 5655251 0630 1 4389377 0131 ri ii ri ri r i ri ri r i ri ri it i i 11 11 ri ri ri ri r i REPORT NO.HE179O-O1 SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT DIVISION ( DTVW ) PAGE NO. 5241 DATE 12/04/92 ESTAB ESTABLISHMENT NAME ESTABLISHMENT ADDRESS ESTAB-CITY NUMBER OWNER NAME MAILING ADDRESS MAIL-CITY CARE OF NAME BUS-PHONE DTE-ASSUMED CENSUS CORP UNITS H99O62 INVENTORY GUTHION ST EST-2IP BUS-CD ST MAIL-ZIP EX-DTE STATUS SIC CDS OTY AT 1 TIME: 5 GALS HAZARD CAT.m: XTREMLY HAZRDS-CFR STORAGE: METAL DRUMS O-5 GALLONS HAZARD CAT.02: IMMED HEALTH HAZRD H99062 INVENTORY DIMETHOATE (3 1/2 GAL DP1) (1 GAL GB) OTY AT 1 TIME: 5 GALS HAZARD CAT./M: XTREMLY HAZRDS-CFR STORAGE: PLASTIC DRUMS O-5 GALLONS HAZARD CAT.#2: IMMED HEALTH HAZRD H99O62 INVENTORY THIObAN OTY AT 1 TIME: 25 LBS HAZARD CAT./M: XTREMLY HAZRDS-CFR STORAGE: BAGS: BRLAP.CLOTH.PAPER,PLSTIC HAZARD CAT.02: IMMED HEALTH HAZRD H99O62 INVENTORY PARAQUAT OTY AT 1 TIME: 1 GALS HAZARD CAT.01: XTREMLY HAZRDS-CFR STORAGE: PLASTIC DRUMS O-5 GALLONS HAZARD CAT.#2: IMMED HEALTH HAZRD H99O62 INVENTORY LANNATE (NUDRIN) OTY AT 1 TIME: 3 GALS HAZARD CAT.01: XTREMLY HAZRDS-CFR STORAGE: PLASTIC DRUMS O-5 GALLONS HAZARD CAT.#2: IMMED HEALTH HAZRD H99158 RUEBEN RUEBEN LOPEZ LOPEZ E 72O PALOMAR AIRPORT MARYLAND DR RD CARLSBAD VISTA CA . CA 92OO8 92083-3333 KO2oo-oo 726-7741 O H99158 INVENTORY LIQUID NITROGEN FERTILIZER QTY AT 1 TIME: 15OO GALS HAZARD CAT.01: CORROSIVE (3X5OO GALLON) STORAGE: ABVGR TNK.NOT STL 1O-1OOO G HAZARD CAT.HI: r i r i f i i i r i r i i i i i r i r i r i r i r i r i r i f i f i f i f i REPORT NO.HE179O-O1 SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT DIVISION ESTAB ESTABLISHMENT NAME ESTABLISHMENT ADDRESS NUMBER OWNER NAME MAILING ADDRESS CARE OF NAME H99158 INVENTORY H99158 INVENTORY H99158 INVENTORY H99158 INVENTORY H99158 INVENTORY ************************** H2OO85 PEA SOUP ANDERSENS ANDERSON PEASOUP A************************* H2OO85 UNDERGROUND TANK 0 BUS-PHONE DTE -ASSUMED CENSUS CORP LIQUID NITROGEN FERTILIZER ( 2X3OO GALLONS) QTY AT 1 TIME: 6OO GALS STORAGE: ABVGR HAZARD CAT. 01: CORROSIVE HAZARD CAT. #2: DIESEL OTY AT 1 TIME: 5OO GALS STORAGE: ABVGR HAZARD CAT. 01: FIRE HAZARD HAZARD CAT. 02: MOTOR OIL QTY AT 1 TIME: 55 GALS STORAGE: METAL HAZARD CAT. 01: FIRE HAZARD HAZARD CAT. 02: GASOLINE (UNLEADED GAS) QTY AT 1 TIME: 5OO GALS STORAGE: ABVGR HAZARD CAT. 01: FIRE HAZARD HAZARD CAT. 02: GASOLINE (REGULAR) QTY AT 1 TIME: 1OOO GALS STORAGE: ABVGR HAZARD CAT. 01: FIRE HAZARD HAZARD CAT. 02: ***************************************************** 85O PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 85O PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 438-788O 178O5 O2 #********##*#**********:|:**********:|^*#*#********#**** ESTAB-CITY MAIL-CITY UNITS TNK.NOT STL 1O-1OOO TNK, STEEL 10-1OOO G DRUMS. 55 GALLONS TNK. STEEL 1O-1OOO G TNK. STEEL 1O-1OOO G ******************** CARLSBAD CARLSBAD 6******************** PAGE NO. 5242 ( DTVW ) DATE 12/O4/92 ST EST-ZIP BUS-CD ST MAIL-ZIP EX-DTE STATUS SIC CDS G i******************************* CA 92008-4443 KO3 CA 92OO8-4443 O2-28 61 7O11i******************************* OO1 PREMIUM LEADED CAPACITY: 1O.OOO GALS TANK WALLS: FIBERGLASS REG ST: INTERIM PERMIT TO OPERATE TEST STATUS: TANK SYSTEM TIGHT REGULATORY STATUS DATE: O4/O5/88 TEST STATUS DATE: 09/18/91 MONITORING ALTERNATIVE: SEC. 2632 & 2634. TITLE 23.CAC SECONDARY CONTAINMENT LEAK DETECTION;PIPELINE TESTING &INVENTORY RECONCILIATION i i it f i fi ii ii f i?r i r it i •i i i i ii 11 11 till i llu:Uoar ij Km i Out i San Waste Di scharge l"«ici 1 i ties--Wt'l< Listing (For fct.-giiluLE.-iJ Facilities HI !li SI ^-il i is - At:tjvt:) (and Orilur Status = Active lite unit. Only) til 1 l<.ilatfcil (Togr'aiii ) ypi-'t I 2/2(1/91' 17 CutuUy: SAM lilfct.Q t: at: i I i I >• 11« Phone Ho. / Con taut Pt Facility lUtiuc i>: Achlr Mo. / Contact pis tit ilfr IkiiuLuir OrUerBUitiis tlrcle-r MC. lion Oriler •V ou<iuGO2UI CAiu.iiLHni* f<Ai:i:'UnY uuft ihi'y VIA UAVUAH Sr.M rlAf-:Cl')Sj , Cl\ V2i."i69 (MV) V'I«1--C/:S7V i-ifi. ,n-ri: ftRi'jineu c:«viSf- i Cii i , i i it; . "tvt.l I'UI^Flri 8UAD ar-ii-i ixi-tiu, i A •/•:'! 2:5 (61V) 2/-V- il lu !•«•«. 1:1. BIKlIlL tai t.WIHti, IIIC. t.:'.M i-iAiiint rr.iihWAY ClllltA VliilA, CA 91VIO (61V) 'l.";O- •If-ilJl MB . SjAI:;AI I t . l-IVl.l I CHtVKuii U.S.A., INC. aw D iv i son I'iOG !J. LiliAi;il DLVI). I. A IIABRA, CA V0632;?0"5i ( ) I Hi. DfJII III: LCI 1 1 UK I I'-OABi UAND COI-IPAMV IMC. I1' . 0 . LI OX i>'.":i-i Kr.nr.iHj ij/ii-iiH n-:, CA 920^7 (i, IV) XS3- uV6L'i-iiv. i LI i raiviuiiii) coi OR t>i'-o'i' tuLiAra- n-u;. 2SVS IJI IVU IHI I. IVOrtO i-'Ai.i.uiiUi'ji:, I:A v:;>i2ii (61V) "/..'IJ-61J.U i-iii. DAVID i ,i\ 1 1' i COI'iP.l!-lt.:Nl Al. W P.I). I'UJX lbO7 K AIRf-fi) liD SAN HAfiGOS, CA 92O6'? (61V) 744--9-i77 CASPIAN, INC. •195 1 RUFF I M KOAI) BAN D1F.L.O, Cii 921 Vi (619) 279-311O H3 LINDA COL LI US Vt=.t* (61V) > i-if<. JOHN U.J1O llta.SOH HAY t'SCTJMUlDO, CA 92O26 (619) 719-7 6V2 MS E8T1I. E .II TEH LHEVROH SAN OlEliO ii-RI-HNAL 2351 EAST HAFU"'OI( OrilVli tiAN rHHGO, CA 92 i 13 ' (6 19) 232--BS13 !•«'< DOW HKL.CHIOR1 COAST SAND COIir-AHV INC. FAST E-WD CALZliDA fHVI. fiO KANCIIO SANTA i-e, C;A 92067 (619) 7&3.--O/62 HK IVICMARO Cl-IRVCWY COLOK tiPOl FOLlrtGE INC. 25V b CJl IVt MILL RCIAIJ t-'AI LliRdOl-: , CA 92O::ti (619) 72tl--t,i3tJ UtiVID Ciil< 1 1 I£3I IAW COHI 1 NEU'l'Al. BKAN I I E COIVP . ;:t3U IIAliHONY IJRNVe liOAl) U'SCOWD U)lJ , CA 9202S (619) 737-05VO l-llx. ,) I Jill I WARtH 06-102 a y-106 7H-0/"I 7fj--O7'IAi 7tJ--07'iiY2 RKV 79-027 EJ6- 032 75-O65 A A A A A A IIICl'J AHU AND HEN III--I-) r.liu I\EV IICU win; NIJR WOft I'lhli HPl> HDR I-I UK HDIi l-U)« c c c c c c E •c". •:' ;•',:. .;• . • • APPENDIX D E E C c Corporate Offices: 565O Morehouse Drive San Diego. CA 92121 (619) 458-9141 09, 1993 AXX I.D.: 310348 EOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS IM970 FLANDERS DRIVE SAN DIEGO, CA 92121-2974 pi reject. Name: RANCHO CARILLO Project f : 08053 — 06-03 *»ttention: BRIAN STAFFORD Analytical Technologies, Inc. has received -the following sample (s) : Date Received Quantity Matrix 30October 27, 1993 SOIL 'he sample (s) were analyzed with EPA methodology or equivalent methods as specified in the Ntnclosed analytical schedule. The symbol for "less than" indicates a value below the reportable detection limit. Please note that the Sample Condition Upon Receipt Checklist is included at the p*nd of this report. results of these analyses and the quality control data are enclosed. hlROJECT MANAGER M. E. SHI< LABORATORY MANAGER - AAnalyticalTechnologies,lnc. SAMPLE CROSS REFERENCE yClient : GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Project # : 08053—06-03 Project Name: RANCHO CARILLO Page 1 Report Date: November 09, 1993 ATI I.D. : 310348 • ATI L ma 3 mA 5 •% 7 M) ^310 11 *\2 ^L3 14 J-5 16 •C7 18 P*,9 !0 *2i 22 *">3 1^425 p26 ;7 MS 29 •SO # Client Description RC1-0.5 RC1-1 RC2-0.5 RC2-1 RC3-0.5 RC3-1 RC4-0 . 5 RC4-1 RC5-0.5 RC5-1 RC6-0.5 RC6-1 RC7-0.5 RC7-1 RC8-0.5 RC8-1 RC9-0.5 RC9-1 RC10-0.5 RC10-1 RC1-2 RC2-2 RC3-2 RC4-2 RC5-2 RC6-2 RC7-2 RC8-2 RC9-2 RC10-2 Matrix SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL Date Collected 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 TOTALS Samples 30 ATI STANDARD DISPOSAL PRACTICE sample(s) from this project will be disposed of in twenty-one (21) days from the date of his report. If an extended storage period is required, please contact our sample control Nlepartment before the scheduled disposal date. A," /^AnalyticalTechnologies,lnc. ANALYTICAL SCHEDULE Page 2 Client : GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS IProject # : 08053—06-03 ATI I.D.: 310348 Project Name: RANCHO CARILLO Analysis Technique/Description , EPA 8080 (ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES & PCB'S) GC/ELECTRON CAPTURE DETECTOR EPA 8150 (CHLORINATED HERBICIDES) GC/ELECTRON CAPTURE DETECTOR J AndyticalTechnologies,lnc. GAS CHROMATOGRAPBY RESULTS ""lest : EPA 8080 (ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES & PCB'S) HClient : GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Project # : 08053—06-03 ..Project Name: RANCHO CARILLO Page 3 ATI I.D.310348 (•Sample Client ID t 1 RC1-0.5 "a RCI-I 3 RC2-0.5*•_ _ _____..____„____ __. parameter ALDRIN "^ILPHA-BHC MIETA-BHC GAMMA-BHC (LINDANE) pDELTA-BHC ZHLORDANE *t,4'-DDD 2,4* -DDE •^ , 4 ' -DDT 1,4* -ODD Tl , 4 ' -DDE 4, 4 '-DDT HlELDRIN ENDOSULFAN i ENDOSULFAN II ENDOSULFAN SULFATE WDRIN •rtNDRIN KETONE HEPTACHLOR (pgEPTACHLOR EPOZIDE IETHOXYCHLOR •loXAPHENE AROCLOR-1016 "JROCLOR-1221 ^fROCLOR-1232 AROCLOR-1242 AROCLOR-1248 ROCLOR-1254 HROCLOR-1260 SURROGATES BC Matrix SOIL SOIL SOIL Units MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG % Date Sampled 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 1 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <1.0 <0.20 <0.20 0.20 <0.20 1.3 0.79 <0.20 <0.10 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.10 <0.10 <1.0 3.5 ^1 • 0 <^ • 0 <1.0 <^ • 0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 N/A*K Date Extracted 03-NOV-93 03-NOV-93 03-NOV-93 2 <0.040 <0.040 <0.040 <0.040 <0.040 <0.40 <0.080 <0.080 <0.080 <0.080 0.33 0.15 <0.080 <0 . 040 <0.080 <0.080 <0.080 <0.080 <0.040 <0.040 <0.40 1.0 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 107 Date Oil. Analyzed Factor 07-NOV-93 20.00 07-NOV-93 8.00 08-NOV-93 40.00 3 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <2.0 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 1.2 0.93 <0.40 <0.20 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.20 <0.20 <2.0 4.1 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 N/A*K *K DUE TO THE NECESSARY DILUTION OF THE SAMPLE, RESULT HAS NOT ATTAINABLE. g AnalyticolTechnologies, Inc. 6AS CBROMATOGRAPBY RESULTS "Vest : EPA 8080 (ORGANOCBLORINE PESTICIDES & PCB'S) , Zlient : 6EOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Project # : 08053—06-03 Project Name: RANCHO CARILLO Page 4 ATI I.D.: 310348 ^Sample Client ID # I RC2-1 •Hfi RC3-0.5 6 RC3-1 'arameter ALDRIN mLPBA-BBC ^ETA-BBC GAMMA-BBC (LINDANE) DELTA-BBC ^BLORDANE ^ , ' -ODD 2 , ' -DDE p2 , ' -DDT ;, --ODD »•*, '-DDE 4 , ' -DDT j*)IELDRIN ' SNDOSULFAN I •"ENDOSULFAN 11 ENDOSULFAN SULFAXE '•"3TORIN ^NDRIN KETONE BEPTACBLOR BEPTACBLOR EPOZIDE IETBOXYCBLOR teOZAPBENE AROCLOR-1016 **ROCLOR-1221 iROCLOR-1232 hAROCLOR-1242 AROCLOR-1248 ^JlOCLOR-1254 U.ROCLOR-1260 SURROGATES *".BC Matrix SOIL SOIL SOIL Units MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG % Date Sampled 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 4 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <1.0 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 0.64 0.45 <0.20 <0.10 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.10 <0.10 <1.0 2.6 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 N/A*K Date Extracted 03-NOV-93 03-NOV-93 03-NOV-93 5 <0.075 <0.075 <0.075 <0.075 <0.075 <0.75 <0.15 <0 . 15 <0.15 <0.15 0.54 0.28 <0.15 <0.075 <0.15 <0.15 <0.15 <0.15 <0.075 <0.075 <0.75 1.8 <0.75 <0.75 <0.75 <0.75 <0.75 <0.75 <0.75 N/A*K Date Analyzed 07-NOV-93 07-NOV-93 07-NOV-93 6 <0.025 <0.025 <0.025 <0.025 <0.025 <0.25 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 0.15 0.067 <0.050 <0.025 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.025 <0.025 <0.25 0.72 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 87 Oil. Factor 20.00 15.00 5.00 *K DUE TO THE NECESSARY DILUTION OF TBE SAMPLE, RESULT WAS NOT ATTAINABLE. J^ AndyticalTechnologies, Inc. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY RESULTS Page 5 mutest : EPA 8080 (ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES Uient : GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS ""Project # : 08053—06-03 Project Name: RANCHO CARILLOIR.— ___ ___________________________________ Cample Client ID Matrix *^ RC4-0 . 5 SOIL ^ RC4-1 SOIL 9 RCS-0.5 SOIL & PCB'S) Date Sampled 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 ATI I.D. Date Extracted 03-NOV-93 03-NOV-93 03-NOV-93 : 310348 Date Analyzed 07-NOV-93 07-NOV-93 07-NOV-93 Oil. Factor 10.00 1.00 5.00 'arameter Units ALDRIN jMLPHA-BHC JETA-BHC "&AMMA-BHC (LINDANE) DELTA-BHC ^HLORDANE y,4'-DDD 2,4'-DDE 2,4' -DDT I, 4 '-ODD M,4'-DDE 4, 4 '-DDT IPBIELDRIN ; 3IDOSULFAN I "•ENDOsuLFAN n ENDOSULFAN SULFATE fWDRIN MNDRIN KETONE HEPTACHLOR HEPTACHLOR EPOZIDE '"bBTHOXYCHLOR te»'OZAPHENE AROCLOR-1016 p^ROCLOR-1221 JlOCLOR-1232 •RROCLOR-1242 AROCLOR-1248 P^ROCLOR-1254 JlOCLOR-1260 MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.50 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 0.31 0.30 <0.10 <0.050 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.050 <0.050 <0.50 1.9 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.0050 <0.0050 •C0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.050 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 0.027 0.030 <0.010 <0.0050 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.050 0.21 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.025 <0.025 <0.025 <0.025 <0.025 <0.25 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 0.26 0.13 <0.050 <0.025 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.025 <0.025 <0.25 1.1 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 SURROGATES *™IBC % N/A*K 81 *K DUE TO THE NECESSARY DILUTION OF THE SAMPLE, RESULT WAS NOT ATTAINABLE. 99 £j^ AnalyticalTechnologies,lnc. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY RESULTS Page 6 ^"Test : ^Client : Project # : Project Name: ^Sample Client t 10 RC5-1 »»11 RC6-0. 12 RC6-1 EPA 8080 (ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 08053 — 06-03 RANCHO CARILLO ID Matrix SOIL 5 SOIL SOIL & PCB'S) Date Sampled 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 ATI I.D. Date Extracted 03-NOV-93 03-NOV-93 03-NOV-93 : 310348 Date Analyzed 07-NOV-93 07-NOV-93 07-NOV-93 Oil. Factor 5.00 1.00 1.00 Parameter SURR'OGATES Units 10 11 12 ALDRIN ^RLPHA-BHC ^jBETA-BHC GAMMA-BBC (LINDANE) DELTA-BHC CHLORDANE W2 , 4 ' -DDD 2,4 '-DDE ^2,4' -DDT 4, 4 '-DDD *«t , 4 ' -DDE 4,4* -DDT f-DIELDRIN M SNDOSULFAN I "ENDOSULFAN n ENDOSULFAN SULFATE fsMDRIN ^NDRIN KETONE HEPTACELOR ^PEPTACHLOR EPOZIDE 4ETHOZYCHLOR NCOZAPHENE AROCLOR-1016 P^ROCLOR-1221 WOCLOR-1232 "AROCLOR-1242 AROCLOR-1248 f*\ROCLOR-1254 yJlOCLOR-1260 MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG <0.025 <0.025 <0.025 <0.025 <0.025 <0.25 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 0.23 0.11 <0.050 <0.025 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.025 <0.025 <0.25 1.0 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.2S <0.25 <0.2S <0.25 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.050 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0050 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.050 <0 . 10 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.050 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0050 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.050 <0.10 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 me 79 79 80 ^jjL^ ArdyticalTechnologies,lnc. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY RESULTS ""lest : EPA 8080 (ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES & PCB'S) ^Client : GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULXANTS Project # : 08053—06-03 ..Project Name: RANCHO CARILLO Page 7 ATI Z.D.: 310348 •Cample Client ID # 13 RC7-0.5 "•U RC7-1 15 RC8-0.5 Parameter ALDRIN HvLPHA-BHC ^ETA-BHC GAMMA-BHC (LINDANE) ,J3ELTA-BHC CHLORDANE I*C , ' -DDD 2, '-DDE mG , • -DDT i , ' -DDD *fc, '-DDE 4, '-DDT '""3IELDRIN ENDOSULFAN i ENDOSULFAN II ENDOSULFAN SULFATE HaroRiN ta^NDRIN KETONE HEPTACHLOR .•HEPTACHLOR EPOZIDE 4ETHOXYCHLOR "TOIAPHENE AROCLOR-1016 »"\ROCLOR-1221 jlROCLOR- 123 2 AROCLOR-1242 AROCLOR-1248 P"\ROCLOR-1254 ^ROCLOR-1260 ^SURROGATES )BC Matrix SOIL SOIL SOIL Units MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG % Date Sampled 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 13 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 •C0.0050 <0.0050 <0.050 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0050 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.050 <0.10 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 83 Date Extracted 03-NOV-93 03-NOV-93 03-NOV-93 14 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.050 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0050 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.050 <0.10 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 80 Date Analyzed 07-NOV-93 07-NOV-93 07-NOV-93 15 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <1.0 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 0.51 0.46 <0.20 <0.10 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.10 <0.10 <1.0 2.5 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 N/A*K Oil. Factor 1.00 1.00 20.00 *K DUE TO THE NECESSARY DILUTION OF TEE SAMPLE, RESULT WAS NOT ATTAINABLE. J AnalyticalTechnologies,lnc. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY RESULTS ^""Test : EPA 8080 (ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES & PCB'S) MClient : GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Project # : 08053—06-03 Project Name: RANCHO CARILLO Page 8 ATI I.D.: 310348 tai Sample Client ID # 16 RC8-1 *»17 RC9-0.5 18 RC9-1 .Parameter ALDRIN ^ALPHA-BHC i^BETA-BHC GAMMA-BBC (LINDANE) DELTA-BHC CHLORDANE JM2 , 4 ' -DDD 2,4' -DDE **2 , 4 ' -DDT 4, 4 '-ODD *"4,4'-DDE 4,4' -DDT P«DIELDRIN ^NDOSULFAN I TBNDOSULFAN n ENDOSULFAN SULFATE f&NDRIN ^ENDRIN KETONE HEPTACHLOR -JTFiPTACHLOR EPOZIDE . METHOJCYCHLOR ImCOZAPHENE AROCLOR-1016 I*«MIOCLOR-1221 yVROCLOR-1232 *^ROCLOR-1242 AROCLOR-1248 ^VROCLOR-1254 yU«JCLOR-1260 SURROGATES )BC Matrix SOIL SOIL SOIL Units MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG % Date Sampled 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 16 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.10 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 0.061 0.043 <0.020 <0.010 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.010 <0.010 <0.10 0.34 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 77 Date Extracted 03-NOV-93 03-NOV-93 03-NOV-93 17 <0.075 <0.075 <0.075 <0.075 <0.075 <0.75 <0.15 <0.15 <0.15 <0.15 0.53 0.42 <0.15 <0.075 <0.15 <0.15 <0.15 <0.15 <0.075 <0.075 <0.75 2.2 <0.75 <0.75 <0.75 <0.75 <0.75 <0.75 <0.75 N/A*K Date Analyzed 07-NOV-93 07-NOV-93 07-NOV-93 18 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.50 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 0.27 0.20 <0.10 <0.050 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.050 <0.050 <0.50 1.3 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 74 Oil. Factor 2.00 15.00 10.00 *K DUE TO THE NECESSARY DILUTION OF THE SAMPLE, RESULT WAS NOT ATTAINABLE. Ji^ AnalyticalTechnologies,lnc GAS CHROMAXOGRAPHY RESULTS : EPA 8080 (ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES & PCB'S) : GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Project # : 08053—06-03 Project Name: RANCHO CARILLO Page 9 AXI I.D.: 310348 Itfample Client ID # L9 RC10-0.5 «"60 RC10-1 ^aramater ""ALDRIN ALPHA-BHC *^EIA-BHC ^AMMA-BHC (LINDANE) DELTA-BHC (BfHLORDANE 1, 4 '-ODD kri , 4 ' -DDE 2,4' -DDI *>4 , 4 ' -DDD 1,4' -DDE *4 , 4 ' -DDX DIELDRIN ""SNDOSULFAN I < 2NDOSULFAN II "ENDOSULFAN SULFATE ENDRIN paJDRIN KETONE ^tEPTACHLOR HEPXACHLOR EPOZIDE jJHETHOXYCHLOR 1 COIAPHENE *AROCLOR-1016 AROCLOR-1221 (F^ROCLOR-1232 !\ROCLOR-1242 •&ROCLOR-1248 AROCLOR-1254 **\ROCLOR-1260 Matrix SOIL SOIL Units MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG Date Sampled 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 19 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.50 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 0.56 0.28 <0.10 <0.050 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.050 <0.050 <0.50 1.6 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 Date Date Oil . Extracted Analyzed Factor 03-NOV-93 07-NOV-93 10.00 03-NOV-93 07-NOV-93 10.00 20 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.50 <0.10 <0 . 10 <0.10 <0.10 0.36 0.19 <0.10 <0.050 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.050 <0.050 <0.50 1.2 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 SURROGATES 104 104 ^JJ!^ AnalyticalTechnologies, Inc. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY - QUALITY CONTROL REAGENT BLANK tatTest : EPA 8080 (ORGANOCHLORINE Blank I.D. : 27426 Zlient : GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL COKS (•Project # : 08053 — 06-03 Project Name: RANCHO CARILLO ("Parameters fMJJRIN • ILPHA-BHC %ETA-BHC GAMMA-BHC (LINDANE) "*>ELTA-BHC ^HLORDANE 2,4' -DDD ^,4 '-DDE 5,4* -DDT iwt,4'-DDD 4, 4 '-DDE «P£ , 4 ' -DDT 1 >IELDRIN IfeNDOSULFAN I ENDOSULFAN II rtNDOSULFAN SULFATE yaiDRIN TENDRIN KETONE HEPTACHLOR HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE ^ETHOZYCELOR TOZAPHENE pAROCLOR-1016 i iROCLOR-1221 *HROCLOR-1232 AROCLOR-1242 •nROCLOR-1248 . kROCLOR-1254 vlROCLOR-1260 PESTICIDES & PCB'S) SULTANTS Units MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG , MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG Page 10 ATI I.D. : 310348 Date Extracted: 03-NOV-93 Date Analyzed : 06-NOV-93 Dil. Factor : 1.00 Results <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.050 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0050 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.050 <0.10 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 ""SURROGATES 86 £K± AnalyticalTechnplogies,lnc. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY - QUALITY CONTROL MSMSD w Page 11 Test JpSMSD # :iient •• Project # : EPA 8080 (ORGANOCHLORINE : 55925 : GEOCON PESTICIDES & PCB'S) ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS : 08053—06-03 pProject Name: RANCHO •Parameters ^LDRIN 15AMMA-BHC 4, 4 '-DDT *"*»IELDRIN i^SIDRIN HEPTACHLOR (LINDANE) CARILLO Units MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG Sample Result <0.050 <0.050 0.30 <0.10 <0.10 <0.050 Cone Spike 0.027 0.027 0.067 0.067 0.067 0.027 ATI 1.0. : Date Extracted: Date Analyzed : Sample Matrix : REF I.D. : Spiked % Dup Sample Rec Spike N/A N/A 0.32 N/A N/A N/A N/A*K N/A N/A*K N/A N/A*V 0.36 N/A*K N/A N/A*K N/A N/A*K N/A 310348 03-NOV-93 07-NOV-93 SOIL 310348-07 Dup % Rec N/A*K N/A*K N/A*V N/A*K N/A*K N/A*K RPD N/A*K N/A*K 12 N/A*K N/A*K N/A*K •» Recovery = (Spike Sample Result - Sample Result)*100/Spike Concentration RPD (Relative % Difference) = (Spiked Sample Result - Duplicate Spike Result)*100/Average Result mm K .DUE TO THE NECESSARY DILUTION OF THE SAMPLE, RESULT WAS NOT ATTAINABLE. **V SAMPLE RESULT IS >4Z SPIKED CONCENTRATION, THEREFORE SPIKE IS NOT DETECTABLE. gj^ AnalyticalTechnologies,lnc. GAS CBROMAXO6RAPHY - QUALITY CONTROL • BLANK SPIKE tmTest : EPA 8080 (ORGANOCBLORINE PESTICIDES & PCB'S) ^Blank Spike #: 41320 Client : GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS MProject # : 08053—06-03 Project Name : RANCHO CARILLO ATI I.O. : Date Extracted: Date Analyzed : Sample Matrix : Page 310348 03-NOV-93 06-NOV-93 SOIL 12 "•Parameters ALDRIN GAMMA-BBC (LINDANE) 4, 4 '-DDT •"DIELDRIN fcjENDRIN HEPTACHLOR Units MG/KO MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG Blank Result <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0050 Spiked Sample 0.019 0.022 0.061 0.063 0.072 0.021 Spike Cone. 0.027 0.027 0.067 0.067 0.067 0.027 % Rec 70 81 91 94 107 78 % Recovery = (Spike Sample Result - Sample Result)*100/Spike Concentration IMRPD (Relative % Difference) = (Spiked Sample - Blank Result)*100/Average Result j& AnalyticalTechnologies,lnc. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY RESULTS Page 13 ""Test : EPA 8150 (CHLORINATED HERBICIDES) ^Client : GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Project # : 08053 — 06-03 ^Project Name: RANCHO CARILLO (^Sample Client ID Matrix # 1 RC1-0 .5 SOIL »"2 RC1-1 SOIL 3 RC2-0.5 SOIL Date Sampled 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 ATI I.D. Date Extracted 28-OCT-93 2S-OCT-93 28-OCT-93 : 310348 Date Analyzed 30-OCT-93 30-OCT-93 30-OCT-93 Oil. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parameter H 2,4-D Units (DICHLORFROP) 1 1 P (SILVEX) MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0020 <0.0020 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 •C0.0020 <0.0020 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0020 <0.0020 2,4,5-T y^SURROGATES >ENTACHLOROPEENOL 40 41 44 AnalyticalTechnologies,lnc. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY RESULTS Page 14 : EPA 815O (CHLORINATED HERBICIDES) ^ Client : 6EOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Project # : 08053—06-03 pnProject Name: RANCHO CARILLO ATI I.D.310348 Sample # 4 5 6 Client ID RC2-1 RC3-0.5 RC3-1 Matrix SOIL SOIL SOIL Date Sampled 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 Date Extracted 28-OCT-93 28-OCT-93 28-OCT-93 Date Analyzed 30-OCT-93 30-OCT-93 30-OCT-93 Oil. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 .Parameter Units -2'4-0*"2,4-DB hlDICAMBA 2,4-DP (DICHLORPROP) pnDINOSEB 2,4,5-T t*2,4,5-TP (SILVEX) P» SURROGATES , PENTACHLOROPHENOL MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0020 <0.0020 47 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 •C0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0020 <0.0020 71 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0020 <0.0020 61 C AP pJb^ AnalyticalTechnologies, Inc. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY RESULTS P^Eest : EPA 8150 (CHLORINATED HERBICIDES) (Iplient : GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Project # : 08053—06-03 Project Name: RANCHO CARILLO Page 15 ATI I.D.310348 •Sample #c•% 9 Client ID RC4-0 . 5 RC4-1 RC5-0.5 Matrix SOIL SOIL SOIL Date Sampled 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 Date Extracted 28-OCT-93 28-OCT-93 28-OCT-93 Date Analyzed 30-OCT-93 30-OCT-93 30-OCT-93 Oil. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 arameter Units 8 2,4-D t*. , 4-DB |y) I CAMS A 2,4-DP (DICHLORPROP) PINOSEB P,4,5-T •fe,4,5-TP (SILVEZ) -URROGATES MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG ENTACHLOROPHENOL <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0020 <0.0020 63 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0020 <0.0020 62 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0020 <0.0020 43 c c ££± ArdyticalTechnologies,lnc. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY RESULTS p-Test : EPA 8150 (CHLORINATED HERBICIDES) Client : 6EOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS ""Project # : 08053—06-03 Project Name: RANCHO CARILLO Page 1" ATI I.D.: 310348 ^Sample Client ID '"iS RC7-0.5 ta!4 RC7-1 15 RC8-0.5 Pi Parameterta.___-______________________ 2,4-D *2,4-DP (DICHLORPROP) DINOSEB ^2,4,5-T ^,4,5-TP (SILVEX) Matrix SOIL SOIL SOIL Units MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG Date Sampled 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 13 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0020 <0.0020 Date Extracted 28-OCT-93 28-OCT-93 28-OCT-93 14 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0020 <0.0020 Date Oil. Analyzed Factor 30-OCT-93 1.00 31-OCT-93 1.00 31-OCT-93 1.00 15 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0020 <0.0020 SURROGATES >ENTACHLOROPHENOL 79 82 66 £u^ AnalyticalTechnologies,lnc. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY RESULTS •""test : EPA 8150 (CHLORINATED HERBICIDES) Client : 6EOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Project # : 08053—06-03 Project Name: RANCHO CARILLO Page 18 ATI I.D.: 310348 IW ample # 16 **7 18 Client ID RC8-1 RC9-0.5 RC9-1 Matrix SOIL SOIL SOIL Date Sampled 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 Date Extracted 28-OCT-93 28-OCT-93 28-OCT-93 Date Analyzed 31-OCT-93 31-OCT-93 31-OCT-93 Oil. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 'arameterto 2,4-D yiCAMBA 2,4-DP (DICHLORPROP) JINOSEB t,4,5-T W,4,5-TP (SILVEX) ^SURROGATES 'ENTACELOROPHENOL Units 16 17 18 MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0020 <0.0020 63 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0020 <0.0020 78 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0020 <0.0020 76 ^jj AnalyticalTechnologies,lnc. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY RESULTS Test : EPA 8150 (CHLORINATED HERBICIDES) IwClient : 6EOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Project # : 08053—06-03 ^•Project Name: RANCHO CARILLO Page 19 ATI I.D.: 310348 'Sample Client # 19 RC10-0 '20 RC10-1 ID .5 Matrix SOIL SOIL Date Sampled 27-OCT-93 27-OCT-93 Date Extracted 28-OCT-93 28-OCT-93 Date Analyzed 31-OCT-93 31-OCT-93 Oil. Factor 1.00 1.00 ^Parameter Units 19 20 2,4-D P.2,4-DB DICAMBA IM2,4-DP (DICHLORPROP) DINOSEB p»2,4,5-T 2,4,5-TP (SILVEX) SURROGATES ^ENTACHLOROPHENOL MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0020 <0.0020 75 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0020 <0.0020 73 A AnalyticalTechnologies,lnc. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY - QUALITY CONTROL REAGENT BLANK : EPA 8150 (CHLORINATED HERBICIDES) : 27378 : 6EOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS : 08053—06-03 Test pBlank I.D. Client **>roject # Project Name: RANCHO CARILLO ATI I.D. : Date Extracted: Date Analyzed : Oil. Factor : Page 310348 28-OCT-93 30-OCT-93 1.00 20 ""Parameters Units Results ,J,4-DB DICAMBA J,4-DP (DICHLORPROP) >INOSEB ^,4,5-T 2,4,5-TP (SILVEZ) SURROGATES **ENTACHLOROPHENOL MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0020 <0.0020 62 Jfli AnolyticolTechnologies, Inc. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY - QUALITY CONTROL MSMSD Page 21 Test : EPA 8150 (CHLORINATED HERBICIDES) -JiSMSD # : 55833 Client : GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Project # : 08053—06-03 •—reject Name: RANCHO CARILLO parameters -» |J,4-D DINOSEB ^,4,5-T !,4,5-TP (SILVEX) Units MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG Sample Result <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0020 <0.0020 Cone Spike 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.033 ATI I.D. : 310348 Date Extracted: 28-OCT-93 Date Analyzed : 30-OCT-93 Sample Matrix : SOIL REF I.D. : 310348-01 Spiked Sample 0.022 0.017 0.019 0.017 % Rec 67 52 58 52 Dup Spike 0.024 0.016 0.018 0.018 Dup RPD % Rec 73 48 55 55 9 6 5 6 £ Recovery = (Spike Sample Result - Sample Result)*100/Spike Concentration LPD (Relative % Difference) = (Spiked Sample Result - Duplicate Spike Result)*100/Average Result • /^AnalyticalTechnologies,lnc. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY - QUALITY CONTROL BLANK SPIKE Test : EPA 8150 (CHLORINATED HERBICIDES) -Blank Spike #: 41234 Client : GEOCON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS ••Project # : 08053—06-03 Project Name : RANCHO CARILLO ATI I.D. : Date Extracted: Date Analyzed : Sample Matrix : Page 310348 28-OCT-93 30-OCT-93 SOIL 22 Parameters %INOSEB 2,4,5-T ^2,4,5-TP (SILVEX) Units MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG Blank Result <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0020 <0.0020 Spiked Sample 0.027 0.021 0.025 0.024 Spike Cone. 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.033 Rec 82 64 76 73 % Recovery = (Spike Sample Result - Sample Result)*100/Spike Concentration 0JIPD (Relative % Difference) = (Spiked Sample - Blank Result)*100/Average Result ACCESSION INITIALS: _in 1 2 3 4 5 6 It 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 f:=*?~ *# ->;~ 3£/!iFJ^C0NiU£fftftf^^V .s v s VX> •• -. f ^- v^.%s , f fff ,_ ^ x%^ **^ ,v ^'•rtsw*. ffftf. , ^-.'-^fff A5w*WfrKv\'»^(«w»M^«v<.\^X>-vfcv(tf*'5*Sp ^Sfic-T*'*^ 1%%«^ * - ,»^ v i ncwr» T>g"X /^~*gc?OTj^xtg<"j^/^*»ija i/i'i^<-jfr'T''<i<-iJtj'ri8i&tf<i't..^ <f?'<?fr A*?**? .*;%-^ , - -, v A VCVK HJSrAtA-.taolxirta, x»vi«lrlJ&iJc. ^r/^JLJtlK.U-^r;'/\>,^'*^ ,-*..',.? *; Does this project require special handling according to NEESA Levels C, D, AFOEHL or CLP protocols? If yes, complete a) thru c) a) Cooler temperature b) pH sample aliquoted: yes / • no / n/a (" d LOT#'s: Are custody seals present on cooler? If yes, are seals intact? x^U^J Are custody seals present on sample containers? If yes, are seals intact? ^ x^J^, Is there a Chain-Of-Custody (CCC)"? 1 Is the COC" complete? ^.^ relinquished: H^es/no Requested analysis: @s)Sno Is the COG* in ags^ement with the samples recajved? •? Samples: C^§5/no Sample ID's: ^^*s/no Matrix: (^_yes/no # containers: f^_yes/no Are the samples preserved correctly? Is there enough sample for all the requested analyses? Are all samples within holding times for the requested analyses? Were the samples received cold? Were all sample containers received intact (ie. not broken. Jgaking, etc.)? Are samples requiring no headspace, headspace free? (N^ft\ Are there special comments on the Chain of Custody which require client contact? If yes. was ATI Project Manager notified? YES YES YES YES YES <£§!> n"""™~*"^ j»i >. <Ss v y L&O (^ © ^YES YES YES m (Jo) CN§ 1 NO (^) NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO XD NO Describe "no" items: * Was cl If yes, Descrit ent contacted? yes / no Date: Name of Person contacted: se actions taken or client instructions: I *0r other representative documents, letters, and/or shipping memos || i i i i i ii ii f i f i f i 11 § i ii r i i i i i i i A 5550 MOREHOUSE DRIVE A»I. • f ' S\ A -1 '^ c=?AnolyticdTeehnologies/lnc. • £}£ SMM" 92121-1709 CuBIH Ol CUSlOQy' DA PROJECT MANAGER: flft/j/j COMPANY: fa r>^ ^f, 5TA tfc&T) 2tAj/lf£dTA t- ADDRESS: fa^ff) £ L-Af^Dt-fiS T>£H/£ BILL TO: COMPANY: ADDRESS: f ~, &\ -?/W**<<J' ' SAMPLERS: (Signature) ' SAMPLE ID t>el- 06 KC 1 - / (tfl.\-7 R0.7- O.t K<*2- ? tfX-n.4 uc~* - 1 Kt-*,-Z (£(*} )ff*X-6/PO PHONE NUMBER SAMPLE DATE ^. 27.95) /fl-Z7-93 Jfi.rt-tt (fc.-7.7-f.? to.TJ-l- fr-27-fl fc-2-7-93 PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT NUMBER: ptfcZI -fifc-rj'Z PROJECT NAME: ^Alf/tD Ofif>£lL.L-0 PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER: VIA: TAT: O24HR D48HRS D72HRS OMK &?WK TIME $m f>X4t> $**>£> ct/o t\& t /fiff W 0<ll\nwo wiz MATRIX 1f»L InfL *olL <OIL ^^f\fl 50IL- •$>/£. <ML LAB ID Of $z- 2J 7* ^~¥f' ff^ fc 06 23 f 1 TF/e-z7-1 f i f i r ?PAGE / OF T . Recommended Quantity and Preservative (Provide triple volume on QC Samples) d Petroleum Hydrocarbons 418.1I Oil and Grease 41334oz(HCI)/50g -Gasoline (MOD 8015/DOHS)4oz(HCI)/50gDiesel (MOD 8015/DOHS) \1 1 Gasoline/BTXE (MOD 8015/8020)Maximum Contamination Level ofGasoline:2ppm (water), SOppm(Soll)SAMPLE RECEIPT TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTAINERS CHAIN OF CUSTODY SEALS Y/N/NA SEALS INTACT? Y/N/NA RECEIVED GOOD CONDJCOLD LAB NUMBER &) AJ A<4 yV ^/(l:¥$? ' ' SAMPLE DISPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS &ATI Disposal @ $5.00 each O Return Comments: O Pickup 4 oz (HCI)/50gMOD 8015 (Unknown)2X40ml (HCI)/50gBTXE(8020)BOS/<IOH) iwtxzChlorinated Hydrocarbons (8010)2X40ml (HCI)/SOgAromatic Hydrocarbons (8020)2X40ml (HCIj/SOgChlorinated/AromaticHydrocarbons (8010/8020)i 1 f i 1 f § oI / / t / RELINQUISHED BY: 1. $] ~flffitwJr f^ffi 'Printed Name: ' 'Date: Company: RECEIVED BY: 1. Signature: Time: Printed Name: Date: Company: } 1 1 / / / / / / f Base/NEU/Acid CmpdsGC/MS (8270)600U(IOH) IwOtXZVolatile Cmpds GC/MS (8240)|Polynuclear Aromatic (8310)I 1 5 § f Priority Pollutant MetalsRELINQUISHED BY: 2. Signature: Time: Printed Name: Date: Company: RECEIVED BY: 2. Signature: Time: Printed Name: Date: / Company: * — - V XI 8? / / / / / / • -C / f /Number ol Containers( I RELINQUISHED BY: 3. Signature: Time: Printed Name: Date: Company: RECEIVED BY: (LAB) 3. Signature: ftrn§:. Pointed Name: Date: ( -Jifiu tfifb /&-•/--? "Analytical Technologies, Inc. , DISTRIBUTION: While. Canary • ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGIES. INC. • Pink • ORIGINATOR 1 *' r i i ii ii r i r if 1 f 1 £J!^ AnalyticdlTechnologieSjInc 5550 UOREHOUSE DRIVE SAN DIEGO. CA 92121-1709 (619) 458-9141 f i r i fill t i f i Chain of Custody r i r i t i t i r i i OFT i.i' PROJECT MANAGER: fig/jfj 5rAf£t>£ T> f\f\nnA fcjy* j» ADDRESS: £q70 fi.A.fVD£.fZ6 l>(2l\)£ BILL TO: COMPANY: ADDRESS: ^1 X» _^^^ 1 *^^/7'/ f*df / S * SAMPLERS: (Signaturfo PHONE NUMBER SAMPLE ID ^oAT? Pf>%- p.f\ frj.-il.ift tffi4-~Z. lr>-77.<)-< dflt-n^ fr7-?'<?? i>?4- / p.? 7-n pt*- 7- lp-7-I.K ?('£, -n,Z /«.?7-f3 fWb - 1 /fl-7.7-9* t>fil~-? ln.71.^ PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT NUMBER: ()<?/)% ^ -f)6-f>3 PROJECT NAME: #Ari*((o ('A It*. Itf^f) PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER: VIA: TAT: D24HR U48HRS O72HRS U1WK p$WK TIME ttft^ loo 6 /f}/7 /t>zj lt)Z* low MATRIX ^/)JL ^c/L <DfL- <OiL <CIL J?P/^- lO/L <rt// LAB ID "& '& Z^ O1) /o ^" /i ros % Recommended Quantity and Preservative (Provide triple volume on QC Samples) 5.o<n Petroleum Hydrocarbons 418.11 Oil and Grease 4132| 5? 1 Q> .C C3 \4oz(HCI)/50gDiesel (MOD 8015/DOHS)11 Gasoline/BTXE (MOD 8015/8020)Maximum Contamination Level ofGasoline:2ppm(water),50ppm(Soil)SAMPLE RECEIPT TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTAINERS CHAIN OF CUSTODY SEALS Y/N/NA SEALS INTACT? Y/N/NA RECEIVED GOOD CONDJCOLD ^) <U ///f/y LAB NUMBER ^/() -;?*£^7 SAMPLE DISPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS t^ATI Disposal ® $5.00 each D Return Comments: D Pickup 4oz(HCI)/50gMOD 8015 (Unknown)t 1 BTXE(8020)1 Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (8010)1 Aromatic Hydrocarbons (8020)2X40ml (HCI)/50gChlorinated/AromaticHydrocarbons (8010/8020)* 1 .y .-' RELINQUISHED BY: 1. Signature: /J Time: Printed Name: Date: Company: RECEIVED BY: 1. Signature: Time: Printed Name: Date: Company: f Pesticides/PCB (8080)/ / / / / / |Base/NEU/Acid CmpdsGC/MS (8270)1 Volatile Cmpds GC/MS (8240)|Polynuclear Aromatic (8310)J CCR MetalsS Priority Pollutant MetalsRELINQUISHED BY: 2. Signature: Time: Printed Name: - Date: Company: RECEIVED BY: 2. Signature: Time: Printed Name: Date: Company: s~*c,VV* Vf v* C<••.o / / / / / / P a: / / /Number of Containers\ I I I I I \ RELINQUISHED BY: 3. Signature: Time: Printed Name: Date: Company: RECEIVED BY: (LAB) 3. Signature: Time: f>r/n]ed Name: Date: Analytical Technologies, Inc. DISTRIBUTION: While, Canny - ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC • Pink • ORIGINATOR ii ii ri i i ii ii ii r i A S550 UORBHOUSE DRIVE aAnalyticalTechnologies,lnc JJJ S, _- . - Chain Of I 1 f 1 f I PAGE 3 OF ^ PROJECT MANAGER: ftPtA*! Z$lA £ fo&- t) f+f\ JLMDA A/ y« j *'*"""»«•• Gi£QCflN ffi\]t^flfJfl1f.A^^L ADDRESS: C-f\~ii) f £.df^Tj£,li5 J?A?/^£.t BILL TO: COMPANY: ADDRESS: X^l -fl'fV^M/ ( £tf ) <fc* • £//M SAMPLERS: (Signature) PHONE NUMBER SAMPLE, D »*0 ^f ac-i-f}.^ & M.7_7-9^ P/--7- / A/ /i>.Z7-?3 /?A??-^.^ <T /p.Z7.9? pr*- 1 # /«-??.^ ^A<-7 ! ^/p-77-^ fC-l-f).* (7 ((t-71-tl *\ /iQ — • l& t/\ ~% ""j 95f* / » f 'V fti~ £r /" / J tc.q-z. ??/f>.n-fi PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT NUMBER: r^Qf^ - p(,^r>'*> PROJECT NAME: f^f tip ^^/// / o PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER: VIA: TAT: D24HR O48HRS D72HRS O1WK (%WK TIME in5cl f'O^///o » * J«rt i i i Q Il7(r /1 30 X/^6 //40 //4^ MATRIX <*//. SOIL So/L <otL <PfL ^DfL <,ML LAB ID! <on O£1 09 CM-4j v4 op -fc / Recommended Quantity and Preservative (Provide triple volume on QC Samples) §.o CO Petroleum Hydrocarbons 418.1I Oil and Grease 41324oz(HCI)/50gGasoline (MOD 8015/DOHS)4oz(HCI)/50gDiesel (MOD 8015/DOHS) \1 Gasoline/BTXE (MOD 8015/8020)Maximum Contamination Level ofGasoline:2ppm(water),50ppm(Soil)SAMPLE RECEIPT TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTAINERS CHAIN OF CUSTODY SEALS Y/N/NA SEALS INTACT? Y/N/NA RECEIVED GOOD CONDJCOLD 9 AJ /V*/y/y LAB NUMBER &f& -^^ ' ' SAMPLE DISPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS fi( ATI Disposal @ $5.00 each D Return D Pickup Comments: G MOD 8015 (Unknown)ii BTXE(8020)G5. 1 Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (8010)G 5. 1 Aromatic Hydrocarbons (8020)2X40ml (HCiySOgChlorinated/AromaticHydrocarbons (8010/8020)f .y RELINQUISHED BY: 1. &"$,«,/ Iy% Printed Name: Date: Company: RECEIVED BY: 1. Signature: Time: Printed Name: Date: Company: ,Pesticides/PCB (8080)/ / /y // |Base/NEU/Acid CmpdsGC/MS (8270)f Volatile Cmpds GC/MS (8240)|Polynuclear Aromatic (8310)I CCR Metals500ml/100gPriority Pollutant MetalsRELINQUISHED BY: 2. Signature: Time: Printed Name: Date: Company: RECEIVED BY: 2. Signature: Time: Printed Name: Date: Company: ^ C V / / / / / / 1C.•*4 / / /Number of Containers1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RELINQUISHED BY! 3. Signature: Time: Printed Name: Date: Company: RECEIVED BY: (LAB) 3. Signature: Time; Printed Name: Date: Analytical Technologies, Inc. DISTRIBUTION: Whilt, Canary • ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGIES. INC. • Pink • ORIGINATOR i it i i i i i ;VT:'.I r i i i i i t i ^JLL^ AnolyticalTechnologies/lnc. 5550 UOREHOUSE DRIVE SAN DIEGO. CA 92121-1709 (619) 458-9141 Chain of Custody E 4 OF -4 '<,'ll PROJECT MANAGER: fi£/Afl StAfCoZ^ COMPANY: £i£Qpof\ ( fWitfOfd Hf£fl}TA t~ ADDRESS: fc^'fl) fL-AA\T)£fl'£ ~r)/£llt£ BILL TO: COMPANY: ADDRESS: _. X^/ f/fitf^(,fl ( 6(1 ) tttf-faoo SAMPLERS: (Signature) PHONE NUMBER ^ SAMPLE ID fff./n-ff.^ VC.JO- I Kt/a-2, SAMPLE DATE /fl.j.j.CJI ">-Tf'19- to.j^^ PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT NUMBER: ^jSW/T^ - f>f-r. * PROJECT NAME: f^^ (rAf>ftfl(> PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER: VIA: TAT: D24HR D4BHRS O72HRS O1WK #2WK TIME II55 I7.r0 /Z62- MATRIX 5oi£- $o/L Soti- LAB ID /? SO 3o Recommended Quantity and Preservative (Provide triple volume on QC Samples) I Petroleum Hydrocarbons 418.1|Oil and Grease 4133f Gasoline (MOD 8015/DOHS)1 Diesel (MOD 8015/DOHS)2X40ml (HCI)/50gGasoline/BTXE (MOD 8015/8020)Maximum Contamination Level ofGasoline:2ppm(water),50ppm(Soil)SAMPLE RECEIPT TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTAINERS CHAIN OF CUSTODY SEALS Y/N/NA SEALS INTACT? Y/N/NA RECEIVED GOOD COND./COLD . * A* x// X/V LAB NUMBER * ' W^tfT '" I MOD 8015 (Unknown)1 I 1 Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (8010)1 I Aromatic Hydrocarbons (8020)f Chlorinated/AromaticHydrocarbons (8010/8020)f uI RELINQUISHED BY: 1. Sidhature: fl Time: Printed Name: Date: Company: RECEIVED BY: 1. t Pesticides/PCB (8080)/ '/ f Base/NEU/Acid CmpdsGC/MS (8270)2X40ml (HCIf/IOOgVolatile Cmpds GC/MS (8240)1 Polynuclear Aromatic (8310)f O) i f Priority Pollutant MetalsRELINQUISHED BY: 2. Signature: Time: Printed Name: Date: Company: RECEIVED BY: 2. *^. V) £. 1 / / r c. 3: /Number of Containers\ \ \ RELINQUISHED BY: 3. Signature: Time: Printed Name: Date: Company: RECEIVED BY: (LAB) 3.