General Engineering Contractor
WM. A. CORN — RCE#15483
September 24, 1984
City of Carlsbad
1200 Elm Avenue
Carlsbad, California 92008
Attention: Pat Entezari
Dear Pat:
There have been many changes in the contract plans for the
drainage on the above mentioned project, all of which have
been approved by you. To provide details for the record,
I have prepared this summary. If you have any differences
from this summary, please notify me as soon as practical.
The changes are listed numerically for reference with
historical background and my summary of verbal agreement.
1. Realignment of 30" RCP from station 17 + 70,
Poinsettia to the junction with temporary 24" RCP.
After the layout had been completed for the 30" RCP
in Poinsettia, the representative from SDG&E contacted
CALCO and informed us that the 30" RCP as layout
would conflict with the high pressure gas main as
I contacted the resident engineer and we met at the
site. Pot holes in the field verified that the
relocated high pressure gas main did conflict with
the 30" RCP as layout on the contract plans. The
agreed solution was to extend the temporary 24" RCP
eight feet to the north and rotate the alignment
for the 30" RCP to intersect the eight foot extension,
holding the pivot point as detailed on the contract
plans station 17 + 70.
The excavation had been completed to station 17 + 70
but it was not necessary to do.any regrading.
5245 AVENIDA ENCINAS, STE. G * P. 0. BOX 1171 * CARLSBAD, CA 92008 e (619) 434-3151
0 0
General Engineering Contractor
Pat Entezari
City of Carlsbad
September 24, 1984
Page Two
There was no discussion addressing the question
of time extension for delay or additional compen-
sation for correcting the surveys or other extra
costs such as extended duration of project.
Design for cleanout structure of the junction of
temporary 24'.' RCP and 30" RCP was incorrect. The
subcontractor, Tadlock Structural Concrete, insisted
that it was physically impossible to construct the
structure as designed.
After several meetings and enthusiastic discusssions,
it was concluded that it was in fact impossible to
construct the concrete structure as designed. The
design was modified to enlarge the structure to
accommodate all three RCP's.
It was agreed to prorate the compensation based upon
the cont ract unit price times actual calculated
concrete quantity "As Built" divided by calculated
theoretical quantity for structure as shown on
contract drawings.
There was an agreement relevant to the direct
compensation for the error in plans, but no dis-
cussion relative to time extension or other costs
relating to extended project duration.
Survey layouts in the field revealed th~t the location
for the junction box for the intersection of the
24" RCP from the trailer park and the temporary
24" RCP was mislocated on the contract plans by
eleven feet. The contract plans showed the inter-
sect,ion as station 3 + 10 and the correct station
i~ station 2 + 99.
The error was corrected, approved by the resident
engineer and there were no extra direct costs
Survey layout in the field revealed that there
was an error in the match line between'sheet 14 and
sheet 15. The layout station at the end of sheet
14 is listed as station 10 + 75 and the same point
is listed as station 10 + 65 on sheet 15.- There is
P. 0. BOX 1171 * CARLSBAD, CA 92008 9 (619) 434-3151
0 0
General Engineering Contractor
Pat Entezari
City of Carlsbad
September 24, 1984
Page Th-ree
no equation listed, therefore; the stations were
corrected for field layout for ,station 10 + 75 ahead.
The resident engineer approved correction and there
were no additio'nal direct costs recorded.
Survey layouts in the field revealed that. there was
an error in the layout of stations between station
9 + 00 and stations 13 + 50. The scaled distance
between station 9 + 00 and 13 + 50 equaled app.rox-
imately 373 feet.
The field layoutladjusted to fit best with the
adjacent features using the scale distance. The
A-4 cleanout structures were set at station 10 + 75
and station 13 + 73 and the flowline elevation shown
on plans were used for layout.
The adjustments were approved by the resident
engineer and there were no extra direct costs recorded.
Survey layout in the field revealed that the end
headwall on the existing 24" RCP as measured in the
field is 83 feet closer to AT & SF Railroad than is
measured on the contract plans.
After consulting with the resident engineer, the
layout line was adjusted to cross the railroad at
a line parallel to the layout as detailed on the
contract plans, joining the existing drainage at
a point on a line parallel to the railroad the same
distance from the railroad as the existing headwall
(17 feet), and ten feet along the parallel line in
a northwest direction from the existing headwall.
The adjusted layout line was appfoved by represent-
atives from AT & SF Railroad and the City of Carlsbad.
There were no additional direct costs recorded.
In the process of excavating for the temporary 24"
RCP, there was encountered on September 7, 1984, a
four inch high pressure gas main at station 17 + 65.
The vent line above the gas main was damaged but the
gas main was not damaged.
P. 0. BOX 1171 * CARLSBAD, CA 92008 0 (619) 434-3151
9 0
General Engineering Contractor
Pat Entezari
City of Carlsbad
September 24, 1984
Page Four
The utility alert crew had cleared the area as
having no additional lines other than those shown
on contract plans. This line was not shown on
the contract plans.
S.D.G.&E. was notified and the crew examined the
line to verify that it was not damaged and the
excavation crew returned to work. The location
of the line conflicted with location of the temporary
24" RCP and it was necessary to relocate (raise)
the line where it crossed the 24" RCP to allow
the drainage line to be installed.
CALCO made arrangements to relocate the gas main
and the problem was made known to the resident
engineer. After several enthusiastic discussions,
the resident engineer agreed to pay the relocation
cost, but stated that he would not pay contractor's
losses due to delays attributable to interferences,
relocation or alterations, or losses for direct
cost for a utility not shown on the contract plans
or revealed by the utility alert procedure.
The line was discovered 9/7/84 and relocation was
completed 9/19/84. CALCO suffered a crew time loss
during the discovery period for the excavation
and the ten foot closure section will require a
concrete lug.
CALCO shall submit. under a separate cover the
sum sought for compensation for direct cost, inter-
to ference from utility crew, cost for right of way
delay, the indirect cost for extension of work A/-
period into the wet period of winter, cost for 10:1 extended duration of project, plus the required
time extension. oe-
In the processing of excavating for the temporary
24" RCP on September 10, 1984, it was revealed that
the two telephone conduits crossing the 24" RCP
were not as located on the contract plans. it
appears as if the elevations as shown on the plans
were the elevations "pot holed" in the field and
surveyed as the top of the encasement but was
P. 0. BOX 1171 e CARLSBAD, CA 92008 0 (619) 434-3151
0 0
General Engineering Contractor
Pat Entezari
City of Carlsbad
September 24, 1984
Page Five
8. incorrectly recorded or drafted as the elevation
for the bottom of encasement. The fie-ld measure-
ments indicated that telephone lines are much
lower than detailed on the plans and conflict with
the 24" RCP passing in a approximate 45.0 transverse
direction below the telephone encasement.
As the conditons exist in the field, the 24" RCP
drainage pipe will pass below the southerly conduit
but there is interference between the northerly
conduit'and 24" RCP drainage pipe. There is a
conflict in location of approximately five inches
between the telephone encasement and the 24" RCP
drainage pipe.
After several enthusiastic discusssions, the res-
ident engineer agreed that if there is a conflict
between the utility and the contract work it is A/0 the city's responsibility to relocate the utility
or.provide an alternate solution.
In a meeting at the resident engineer's office,
it was my conclusion that CALCO would place
contract 24" RCP to each side of problem area
and resident engineer would provide plans for a
conduit to connect the two. The plans for conduit
passing under utility being considered are to
design a reinforced concrete box culvert, or do
modification to the telephone encasement.
It has been agreed between CALCO and the resident
engineer to evaluate the costs for the conduit
passing under the utility lines and negotiate to
arrive at a mutually agreeable price before perform-
ing work, or proceed in accordance with the contract
specifications and pay for new and unforeseen
work as "Extra Work". The error in plans was
discovered 9/10/84 and+of 9/24/84 the resident
engineer has not proposed a solution for correction
of error.
The resident engineer has at this point not recognized
the merit of request for payment to contractor for
additional costs directly related to,.rerror in the
P. 0. BOX 1171 9 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 0 (619) 434-3151
0 ~ 0
General Engineering Contractor
Pat Entezari
City of Carlsbad
September 24, 1984
Page Six
location of a utility shown on the contract plans.
The contractor will submit under a separate cover
a claim for costs relating to direct costs for
interference, direct cost for remedial work, cost
for right of way delay, indirect cost for-extension
of project into the wet period of winter, indirect
cost for extended project duration and required time
Review of the detail for the steel casing and
24" RCP to be jacked under the AT & SF revealed
several conflicts or errors. These differences are:
The representative from AT & SF insisted
that the jacking installation comply with
AT & SF drawing No. BECL 50-14 #106-6-141.
This drawing conflicted with contract plans,
in as much as the layout detailed only ten
foot clearnace on the west side of railroad
and the AT & SF drawings detailed 15' clearance.
The AT & SF drawing detailed a RCP with a
minimum strenth of 3000 D. and contract plans
calls for 1350 D.
The profile for the jacked pipe (sheet 15)
detailed that the minimum clear distance from
centerline of railroad should be 15 feet and'
noted that the required distance to fulfill
the required clearance is fifty feet. Ex-
amination of the layout for the same jacked
pipe on the profile revealed that a jacked
length of fifty-eight (58) feet is required
to provide the necessary clearance.
The work in the field was accomplished by the
following modifications:
3.1 The jacking pits were set at fifteen
foot clearance and the required length
of jacking was fifty-eight feet.
3.2 The requirement for increased strenth
was covered by increasing the RCP from
1350 D to 2000 D and increasing the
thickness of the steel casing.
P. 0. BOX 1171 * CARLSBAD, CA 92008 0 (619) 434-3151
0 0
General Engineering Contractor
Pat Entezari
City of Carlsbad
September 24, 1984
Page Seven
3. CALCO is requesting that they be compensated
for the increased length as actually placed
by the contract unit price and the contract
unit price be adjusted to provide equitable
compensation for the required increased cost
for 2000 D RCP and thicker steel casing. HaT f~eexa
A P PVI~ co
We reserve the right to submit a claim for
indirect costs directly relating to the
extension of project duration.
In the process of excavating for 24" RCP lateral
that provides drainage for the trailer park, it
was discovered that the location for the 24" RCP
lateral conflicted with the 12" high pressure gas
main. At the point where the lateral crosses the
gas main, the flowline elevation is 45.53 and the
bottom of the gas main is 45.94. It is impossible
to construct as designed without lowering the gas
At this point in time the resident engineer has
not offered a solution. All work has been stopped
on'this feature of work.
The resident engineer notified CALCO at 5:00 PM
on 9/13/84 that the angle point at station 11 + 80
had ~V-error of ten feet. Subsequential investigation
on 9/14/84 revealed that there had indeed been a
error of ten feet in the excavation for 24" RCP
at station 11 + 80. A detail check revealed that
the survey points were correct, but the contractor
had made an error in the communications for setting
of offset lines for the excavation crew.
After communicating with the railroad, the resident
engineer informed CALCO that the error must be
Recognizing the urgency of the completion of the
drainage to avoid problems with the upcoming wet
season, the contractor (with resident engineer's-
approval) worked a crew Saturday 9/15/84 to avoid
extension of the duration of the schedule because
of the error.
P. 0. BOX 1171 e CARLSBAD, CA 92008 a (619) 434-3151
General Engineering Contractor
Pat Entezari
City of Carlsbad
September 24, 1984
Page Eight
The compensation of the first ten changes, all the results
of errors in the plans, thus not only resulted in additional
direct cost, but has extended the duration of-the project
and may have push&dthe construction into the wet period
of winter.
I On complete evaluation of the effect of these changes can
only be made after all the facts are in.
W ~~m A.
P. 0. BOX 1171 e CA R LS BA D, CA 92008 0 (619) 434-3151