HomeMy WebLinkAbout3156; JEFFERSON STREET BIKE PATH; SOIL TEST RESULTS; 1995-05-03DANIELS LANDSCAPE. 0 697 P1 3Le (619)736-3096 FAX (619)'7-36-3189 , . 561 N Twin Oaks Valley Road 0 San Marcos, .CA'92Q69 Cover Sheet ' 0 To: 0 i'iL54 I) Date: 0 0 Attn • C. # Of Sheets (Includes cover. sheet) Comments -- /t 4 t ,A (L 3 '9 ( s / , - - - o - ... Radio Dispatched Trucks State Lic. No. C27 453487 DANIELS LANDSCAPE INVOICE It 44941 C~Ml).TI? 4,1.8/95 SOIL DESCRIPTION ** Tests revealed a pH of {6Whi ch is very slightly acidic ** The oluab1e salts were d to have an Electrical Conductivity 0f(:Jo M8 This is slightly saline and some salt sensitive plants could suffer. ** Nitrate level 265 lb /ac This is adequate ** Phosphorus level 1 lb /ac This is low ** Potassium level 78 lb /ac This is in a good range ** Trace elements seemed to be low ** A special textural test is available to determine the percentages of sand silt, and clay in the soil as well as the soil type This would reveal much about the compaction and water permeability"characteristics of the' soil and what amendments, watering, and fertilization schedules are most appropriate RECOMMENDAT ION ------------------------- PLANTING LAWNS AND GROUND COVERS To compensatefor the.E.C. level, apply 100 lbs. of GYPSUM per 1000.sq.ft. Apply 40 2cu ft bags LOA4EX per 1000 s . q. ft (14 bags for ground covers) --level areas only-- Rototill into the top 6 inches of soil and level This will keep the soil from compacting, create aeration, and help hold nutrients in the root zone Apply 40 lbs MILORGANITE 6-2-0 per 1000 sq ft Seed for new lawn and top dress using 6 2cu ft bags LOANEX per 1000 sq ft Be sure to keep moist until germination is complete PLANTING TREES AND SHRUBS/BACKFILL To compensate for the E C level, apply 100 lbs of GYPSUM per 1000 sq ft Dig planting holes twice as wide and as deep as plant rootball Apply FERTI-PILLS #1 or AGRIFORM 21 gram tablets at the rate shown on label -'. _..I.. I F ,?7.mc'D_Tt.s 1"IdJ WLL J.L1 )iLi J1J.A }LL(L1L 0.1 -.0.)kJ.Ly ± i1QL1W .J.L - JJI 1 oz SARVON and one capful of SUPERTI4RIVE hormone For BACKFILL use 6 Cu ft LOAMEX, 10 lbs of GYPSUM, 10 lbs of MILORGANITE, and.1 lb. SOIL MOIST per yard of backfill. MAY 05 195 10:04 DANIELS.LANDSCAPE 697 P03 BUTLE1'S MILL, INC. SOIL ANALYSIS & RECO1ENDATION DANIELS LANDSCAPE INVOIE'# 44940 (!16)AT 4-118/95 SOIL DESCRIPTION --------------- ** Tests revealed a pJi of.'ichie slightly alkaline. ** The soluable salts were thund to have an Electrical Conductivity of0..-4!. This is slightly saline and some salt sensitive plants could suffer. ** Nitrate level ......100 lb./ac. This is low. ** Phosphorus level... 1 lb./ac. This is low. ** Potassium level.... 36 lb./ac, This is in a good range. ** Trace elements seemed to be low. *. A special textural test is available to determine the percentages of sand silt, and clay in the soil as well as the boil type. This would reveal much about the compaction and water, permeability characteristics of the soil and what amendments, watering, and fertilization schedules are most appropriate. RECOMMENDATION ---------------------------------- PLANTING LAWNS AND GROUND COVERS To compensate for the E.C. level, apply 100 lbs. of GYPSUM per 1000 sq.ft. Apply 40 2cu.ft, bags LOANEX per 1000 sq. ft. (14 bags for ground covers) --level areas only-- Rototill into the top 6 inches of soil and level. This will keep the soil from compacting, create aeration, and.help hold nutrients in the root zone. Apply 20 lbs. of BEST 6-20-20XB per 1000 sq. ft. Seed for new lawn and .top dress using 6 2cu.ft. bags LOA4EX per 1000 sq. ft. Be sure to keep moist until. germination is complete. MAY 05 1 95 10 .04 DANIELS LANDSCAPE 697 PO4 BUTLER'S' MILL, INC SOIL ANALYSIS .& RECOMMENDATION === DANIELS LANDSCAPE INVOICE # 44939 (pArE4t.a/95 so x L. .D ESCR t.P.TI ON ** ------------- Tests.-revealed:pH of which :s slightly alkaline ** The soluable salts were ound to have an Electrical Conductivity o"\72 This is high saline and remedial action should be taken ** Nitrate level 180 lb /ac This is marginal ** Phosphorus level 2 2 lb lao This is low ** Potassium level 68 lb /ac This is in a good range ** Trace elements seemed to be low ** A special textural test is available to determine the percentages of sand -silt' and clay in the soil as well as the soil type This would reveal mucl about the compaction and water permeability characteristics of the soil and what amendments, watering, and fertilization 'schedules are most 'appropriate, RECoM'M;'E'DATIoN ' ---------------------------------- To .1bier salt r concentation, spread l6O-.200'lbs. GYPSUM over' 1000 sq.ft. if possible, scratch amendments into top inch of soil for quicker action Use as label directs and. water 5 'times over 15 days to move the amendment (s)'andwater into the soil. ' Retest this sell- to be certain the B.C. (salts) are not above .2.0. p , SOIL ANALYSIS rio tf 'I'4 P.0..ØOX740069 SANDIEGO, C..92174 . r .' 5180 NARANJA ST SAN DIEGO CA 92114 PHONE234181 D CASH ("eHARGE F DESCRIPTION OF TEST AMOUNT PIL FUHT 1, p tASEP 7 pHOE go HLV JOB DORESS ______________ øPECIAL C. TEXT TEST g - 8UTLER'S RECEIVING AGENT olp (TV RUSH ONE DATEq TOTAL ?tYc2 r-M ?. ________ lATE - jpy TYPE FOR (Check One) 0 TEXT(,JRA(. CLASSIFICATION AMPLE LION L7I) T2' Amhttect/ MaintenanceJ -SD-CLY CLV SL-dY _________________________________ Ctclor ' 0 Gardenè 0 Nue 0 SD-CLY-LM SL LY-LM SAMPLE IC*feN-CONDfl1Q#... . . C •CLY-LM, LM (Please check appropflate boxes) LM SO SD LM SL LM SD 0 EW$t 0 •EXiSTINGSOi : , p.ec4/c • •• Si 4 ORGANIC MATTER CONTENT RAINAGE: GOOD FAIRD POOR. .. . /1 •' .. rn -' 2 NONE. TRACE. .LI1TLE.. SOME.. MUCH UNNY Partial gun 0 Shady 0 pH UU REA IS Planted El To be planted V. I co PH cl 0 . . .jl1H. Lawn Trees Shrubs . . . . -. . . NI ATE LLJ - PHObRU . ..."---:;:. . . .- -. •, - -. . . POTASSIUM gs, . . . . .• . * MANGANESE \•_.. \ CALCIUM In •-..' . . .• . . .UJ ALL 4EIEUENT&L DATA IS GWEN 114 LB PER ACRE - . . EQ.MEASuRESSOwBLEsALrHESCALEBEClNSCTO.F1Ot1 O-2tOST PLANTS DOW, THE HIGHERABCd?.THE MORE. PLANT GR1WBECOWES RETARDED 1A D . D . •, 'SPECIAL TE)(fURA:L TES T . cc - . . . •.. .SIIT_ OSAND ._. . LL THIS SERVICE D1SCLA(MS.ANV WARRANTY EXPRESSED CLAY - - — OF IMPL1,60 FOR THE RECOMMENDATION - -- DATE - — — -- - , ,-.. • . -.• .•-.- - .,-