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3F BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES REPORT AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT HUGHES PROPERTY APN #213-020-14 Carlsbad, California Preparedfor: LINCOLN PROPERTY COMPANY 30 Executive Park, Suite 100 Irvine, California 92713 Prepared by: I 91111m &ASSOCIATE] A California Corporation 605 Third Street Encinitas, California 92024 June 1997 MR Biological Resourcieport and Impact Assessment for tiHughes Property e 4.0 RESULTS 4.1 BOTANY - PLANT COMMUNITIES AND FLORAL DIVERSITY Based on species composition and general physiognomy, eight plant communities (or habitat types) were identified within the property: coyote brush scrub, southern maritime chaparral, southern willow scrub, mule fat scrub, ornamental, ruderal, disturbed habitat, and developed land. The existing plant communities are described below and their distribution onsite is presented in Figure 3. A few of the communities exist in disturbed as well as undisturbed conditions; these are discussed within the general headings below. The acreage of each community is indicated in the text and in Table I EXIST I OMMUlUIrY ACRIAIiESL .. an'Cummu 51 se - no Coyote Brush Scrub (CBS) ECSS subtype] 0.57 Disturbed Coyote Brush Scrub (dCBS) 0.94 Southern Maritime Chaparral (SMC) 15.03 Disturbed Southern Maritime Chaparral (dSMC) 0.42 Southern Willow Scrub (SWS) 0.99 Mute Fat Scrub (MFS) 0.06 Ornamental Plantings (ORN) 3.67 I Ruderal (RUB) 10.42 I Disturbed Habitat (DH) 0.40 Developed Land (DEV) 17.73 -' SENSITIVE PLANT SPECIES: Ac Adoiphia californica Ag Arctostaphylos glendulosa var. crassifoils Lf Lessingla flaginifolla var. filaglnlfolla NOTE: Numbers Indicate lndMdual plant counts at that location. 0 200 Scale in Feet /' VEGETATION TYPES: I SMC I Southern Maritime Chaparral jCBS j Coyote Brush Scrub I SWS Southern Willow Scrub MFS Mule Fat Scrub Ruderal I RUD BASE TOPO SOURCE: Kahr & Associates, 1997 I ORN I Ornamental Planting I DH j Disturbed hábftat DEV Developed Land NOTE: A lower case d' in front of a vegetation type Indicates that it is disturbed. Hughes Property - Biological Resources Report & Impact Analysis FIGURE Biological Resources Map _____ . S Biological Resources Report and Impact Assessment for the Hughes Property APPENDIX A VASCULAR PLANT SPECIES OBSERVED IN HUGHES PROPERTY AZOLLACEAE - MOSQUITO FERN FAMILY Azolla filiculoides - mosquito fern ANGIOSPERMAE (DICOTYLEDONES) AIZOACEAE - CARPET-WEED FAMILY * Carpobrotus edulis - Hottentot-fig * ,Mesembryanthemum crystallinum - crystalline iceplant * Mesembryanthemum nodif7orum - small-flowered iceplant ANACARDIACEAE - SUMAC FAMILY Rhus integrifolia - lemonadeberxy APIACEAE - CARROT FAMILY * Foeniculum vulgare - sweet fennel ASTERACEAE - SUNFLOWER FAMILY Ambrosia psilostachya - western ragweed Artemisia californica - coastal sagebrush Baccharis pilularis - coyote brush Baccharis salicifolia - mulefat * Centaurea melitensis - tocalote * Chrysanthemum coronarium - garland chrysanthemum * Cirsium vulgare - bell thistle * Conyza sp. - horseweed Eriophyllum con fertiflorum var. con fertiflorum - golden yarrow Gnaphalium californicum - California everlasting Gnaphaliutn bicolor - bicolor cudweed Hazardia squarrosa ssp. grinde!ioides - sawtooth goldenbush Hemizonia fasciculata - fascicled tarweed Heterotheca grandiflora - telegraph weed Isocoma menziesii var. menziesii - coast goldenbush I iiLWJiIII 1438-01 Appendix A &ASSOCIATES 4 C.Iq ... ,, c.9.... June 25, 1997 A-i and Impact Assessment for fte Hugh APPENDIX A (Continuea Layia p/at yglossa - tidy-tips Lessingia fliaginifolia var. filaginifolia - Del Mar sand-aster * Picris echioides - prickly ox-tongue * Sonchus oleraceus - common sow thistle BR.ASSICACEAE - MUSTARD FAMILY * Brassica nigra - black mustard * Raphanus sativus - wild radish CACTACEAE - CACTUS FAMILY Opuntia littoralis var. littoralis - coastal prickly pear CAPRIFOLIACAE - HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY. Lonicera subspicata var. denudata - southern honeysuckle CHENOPODIACEAE - GOOSEFOOT FAMILY * Atriplex semibaccata - Australian saitbush Chenopodium ambrosioides - Mexican-tea * Salsola tragus - Russian-thistle CISTACEAE - ROCK-ROSE FAMILY * Cistus villosus - rock-rose CUCURBITACEAE - GOURD FAMILY Marah macrocarpus - California man-root ERICACEAE - HEATH FAMILY Arctostaphyios glandulosa var. crassifolia - Del Mar manzanita Xylococcus bicolor - mission manzanita FABACEAE - PEA FAMILY Lotus scoparius - deerweed * Medicago polymorpha - bur-cloves * Melilotus indica - yellow sweet-clover FAGACEAE - BEECH FAMILY Quercus dumosa - Nuttall's scrub oak - ii1i1aI14 1438.01 Appendix A CI ATE S A C.fi.,.j. c..p...i.. June 25, 1997 A.-2 Biological ResourS Report and Impact Assessment for• Hughes Property APPENDIX A (Continued) GERANIACEAE - GERANIUM FAMILY * Erodium cicutarium - filaree LAMIACEAE - MINT FAMILY * Marrubium vulgare - horehound Salvia mellifera - black sage MALVACEAE - MALLOW FAMILY Malocothamnus fasciculatus - mesa bushmallow MYRTACEAE - MYRTLE FAMILY * Eucalyptus sp. - eucalyptus PLANTAGINACEAE - PLANTAIN F P/a niago erecta - dot-seed plantain POLYGONACEAE - BUCKWHEAT FAMILY Chorixanthe staticoides - Turkish-rugging Eriogonum fasciculatum - flat-top buckwheat Polygonum lapathifoliutn - willow weed * Rumex crispus - curly dock POLEMONIACEAE - PHLOX FAMILY Navarretia hamata - skunkweed PRIMULACEAE - PRIMROSE FAMILY * Anagallis arvensis - scarlet pimpernel RHAMNACEAE - BUCKTHORN FAMILY Adolphia californica - California adoiphia ( 111111113:1111 1438-01 Appendix A & AS SOCIAT ES A c,ii.,.i. c.,p.,..I.. June 25, 1997 VA Biological Resources Report and Impact Assessment forRe Hughes P APPENDIX A (Continued) ROSACEAE - ROSE FAMILY s Adenostoma fasciculatum - chamise Heteromeles arbutifolia - toyon RUBIACEAE - MADDER FAMILY Galium nuttalli - bedstraw / SALICACEAE - WILLOW FAMILY Populus fremontii ssp. fremontii - Fremont cottonwood Salixgooddingii - Goodding's black willow Salix lasiolepis - arroyo willow SCROPHULARIACEAE - FIGWORT FAMILY Cordylant hus rigidus - dark-tipped bird's-beak Mimulus aura ntiacus - yellow monkey-flower SOLANACEAE - NIGHTSHADE FAMILY * Nicotiana glauca - tree tobacco ANGIOSPERMAE (MONOCO1YLEDONES) CYPERACEAE - SEDGE FAMILY• * Cyperus involucratus - African umbrella-plant IRIDACEAE - IRIS FAMILY Sisyrinchium helium - blue-eyed grass LILIACEAE - LILY FAMILY Chlorogaium parvif7orum - small-flowered soap-plant Yucca schidigera - Mohave yucca POACEAE - GRASS FAMILY * Avena barbata - slender oat * Avena fatua - wild oats * Bromus diandrus - ripgut grass * Bromus hordeaceus - soft chess 11L!L!111 1438-01 Appendix A [& ASSOC TES] A Cdq ... i. c..,... June 25, 1997 . S Biological Resources Report and Impact Assessment for the Hughes Property APPENDIX A (Continued) * Bromus ,nadritensis ssp. rubens - foxtail chess * Cortaderia jubata - pampas grass * Cynodon dactylon - Bermuda grass * Gastridium ventricosum - nitgrass Nasella lepida - foothill needlegrass Nasella pulchra - purple needlegrass * Polypogon monspeliensis - rabbitfoot beardgrass Vulpia myuros - rat-tail fescue TYPHACEAE - CATTAIL FAMILY Typha latifolia - broad-leaved cattail * denotes non-native, introduced species II1UiPJE 1438-01 Appendix A & AS SOCIAl ES A C.Il$ ... i. June 25, 1997 A-5