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Sent By: Christian Wheeler Engineering; 619 4969758; Jun-30-99 8:44AM; Page 2/6 w 31V-} CI IlUSIIAN WHEELER. F. N C I N F F. R I N C C(.)MPRlSSIVt STRENGTH TEST RlSUl.lS Job Name: Cannon Road 1iridgc Job Address: 5056 ELCiiuiii L,,l, Cr1haL1 Contractor Shea homes Subcontractor: 's Inc. Test Location: Approximately 180 cubic yrd into the pour Req. Strength; 4000 psi Date Sampled: S-27-99 (Date Received: 5-28-99 Sampled by: JWB Tested by: AC/D(7 Sample Type: Concicic, 6" x 12" Job #: 199.226 Permit -0: 3184 Plan FiIe# Architect: Ty Lid/Mci )anid Engineer: Simon Wong Rnginccring Supplier: Palcwnar Transit Mix MIX #: 1011OOI Admixture(s); Dara-17 L)vir, Nya1i Truck #: 552 Ticket #: 92113 Mix Temp: o AirTenip: 640 Slump: 4" % Air: 1.50/16 Min in Mixer; 40 Unit Wt 130 pcf Sample # Date Tested Age (days) Area (sq. inches) 211.27 Maximum Load (Ibs) Comp. Strength (psi) Failure Type 1271 6.199 7 78,790 7790 3,380 1272 6-7-99 11 28.27 . 95,580 1273 6-7-99 11 28.27 105,120 3,720 1274 6-24-99 28 29.27 129,040 4,560 1275 6-24-99 28 28.27 132,350 4,680 1276 r)iacdeu curina and comoressive strenath testinc were øerfcrrned The samolina.handtina. by C FIHtien Wheeler Enalneerina in accordance with the enalicable ASTM standards. No - oth& warranties express or implied. Distribution: (2) Shm homes San Diego Reviewed by: 00, 01P00100 Michael B. Wheeler, RCF 44535a 4025 Mercury Srcer + San l)icgcb, CA 92111 4 619-496 9760 + FAX 619 .496-1)758 06/30/99 WED 07:42 [TX/RX NO 67441 Sent By: Christian Wheeler Engineering; 619 4969758; Jun-30-99 8:44AM; Page 3/6 w CHRISTIAN WI IftLLR. I N (-.IN F. E Ii. ING C()M11 RPSS1V1 STRENCJIH 11.S1 R1S1JLTS Job Name: (zutoik Road Bndgc Job #; 199.226 Job Addre55: 5056 El C,u'siu.i R,-al, Cadbad Permit ' 3181 Plan Pilo Contractor. Shea I fumcs Architect Ty Lin/McF)anicl Subcontractor. Treca'H i. Engineer. Simon Wong Tngiticcring Test Location: ApproximaLely 460 cubic yirdr, into the pout Supplier: l'aloiar l'ransit Mix Req. Slrangth: '1001) psi Mix #: 104001 Date Sampled: 5-27-99 Admixture(s): D',u,4-11, F)m,avair. flynh Date Received 5-28-99 Truck #: 920 Ticket #: 921644 Sampled by: lW8 Mix Temp: 780 Air Temp: 650 Tested by: AC/DC Slump: 41/2" %Air: 1.40/'o Sample Type: (:oucrctc, 6" x 12" Min in Mixer: 40 Unit %M: 150.11 pci Sample # Date Tested Age (days) 7 - Area ('.q. inches) Maximum Load (Ibs) Comp. Strength (psi) Failure Type 1277 6-3-99 28.27 93,850 3,320 1278 6-7.9') 11 28.27 109,430 3,870 1279 67-99 11 28.27 106,510 3,770 1280 6.24-99 28 8.27 . 136,290 4.820 1281 6-24-99 28 :.27 -. 137,240 - 4,850 1282 Dicdcd I ne sampling. nanaiing, curing silo conipresaru sungui siaung VVUFW peuiuiui Py nnsusrt vvnclI IIlY"."lj II aWfmaitVV wnle "c °iv' - v, othei warranties express or implied. Distribution: (2) Shea Llamcs Sim £)ic5o Reviewed by: Mlc ler, ROE #45358 4925 Mercury SLrcF -4 San Diego, CA 92111 4 619 496-9760 + FAX 619.496-9758 06/30/99 WED 07:42 [TX/RX NO 67441 Sent By: Christian Wheeler Engineering; 619 4969758; Jun-30-99 8:44AM; Page 4/6 W CI IIUSTIAN WI IITI.LR FN ( IN i: I R ING COM I-'RTSS1VE srRrNGTr! TEST KiStJLTS Job Name: Cannon Road 13jidge Job Address: 5056 P.1 Carniuo Real, Carlsbad Contractor: Shca Hnme Subcontractor: Erxec's 1ii. Test Location: .Appioximat-ely 75() cubic yards inro the pour Req. Strength: 4000 psi Date Sampled: 5-27-99 Date Received: 5.28-99 Sampled by: JWB Tested by: Sample Type: Concrete, 6" x 12" Jot) 9: 199.226 Permit 0, 3184 Plan File# Architect: 'I 'y T,inJMcDaniel Engineer: Simon Wong I ngineering Suppler: Palomar 'frujit Mix Mix M. 104001 Admixture(s): 0-17, L'aravir, F1yl. Truck 0: 57 Ticket #: 921774 Mix Ternp: 801, Air Temp: 700 Slump: 4" %Air: 1.9% Min in Mixer: 55 Unit Wt 148.4 pcf Sample # Date 'rested Age (days) Area (r.cl. Inches) Maximum Load (Ibs) Comp. Strength (psi) Failure Type 1283 63-9') 7 :8.27 86,60 3,060 1284 6.7.90 II 28.27 100,180 3.540 1285 — (-7-99 11 - 2.27 102,800 3,640 1286 6-24-99 28 28.27 131,950 4,670 1287 6.24-99 —. 28 28.27 129,030 4,560 1288 Discai'dcd The Sampling fl8r'011ng, cunng ano oQrnpress,ve atrengin teaiing were perturmea uy unrisuan vvrievier r-rigintmunU III uwjmamu WWi (liC e'UU #'. IlYl r.,., other warranties express or Implied. Distribution: (2) Shea l-iomcs San t)iego Reviewed by: Michael B. Wheeler, RCE #45358 192.5 Mercury Srrcet 4 Sai' Diego, C\ 92111 + 610-496-9760 + FAX 619 496-9758 06/30/99 WED 07:42 [TX/RX NO 67441 Sent By: Christian Wheeler Engineering; 619 4969758; Jun-30-99 8:44AM; Page 5/6 w LI IRIST1A\1 WI l,i.R F. N C. 1 N F. F. R I N c; ('OM P StV1Z SlRENGTH TEST RESULTS Job Name (Tannon Rud Bridge Job Address: 5056 El Camiru Rcal, (.wlhad Contractor: Shea I1oins Subcontractor: Em's Inc Test Location: Approximately 900 cubic yardii into the pour Req. Strength: 4000 pi Date Sampled: 5-27-99 Date Received: 5-28-99 Sampled by: JWB Tested by. Sample Type: Concrctc, iS" x 12" Job #: 199226 Permit # 3184 Plan File #: Architect: Tv Lin/McDunid Engineer: Sinu,u Woug Engineering Supplier: 1alomar Icaniiit Mix Mix : 104001 Admixture(s): L)ati-17, l)vavtuz, 14yih Truck 0; 759 Ticket #: 921851 Mix Temp: 800 Air Temp: 720 Slump: - 4%" %Aic 1.5% Min in Mixer: 45 Unit Vol.. 1508 pci Sample * Date Tested 6-3-99 Age (days) 7 Area (sq. inches) 28,27 Maximum Load (Ibs) Comp. Strength (psi) Failure Type 1289 87,320 3,090 1290 6-7-99 . 11 28.27 102,880 3,610 1291 6-7-99 11 8.27 102,980 3,640 1292 6-24-99 28 28.27 141,130 4,990 1293 0-24-99 28 28.77 - 136,710 4,840 1294 Diiuidcd ne sampling, nanaung, curing anu compressive suengin wsung were perurrneo oy '.nnssan vvneeier trigineenno In aiuenca won me appiicsuie kvzbi WI atanodrus. No other wsrranDes express Of ilflptleø. Distribution: (2) She-'i Hoincs San Diego - Reviewed by: or e42_ Mihael B. Wheeler, RCE #45358 4925 Meicuy Street + San Dico, LA 9 21 11 + 619-496970 + IAX 6 19-496 9758 06/30/99 WED 07:42 ETX/RX NO 67441 Sent By: Christian Wheeler Engineering; 619 4969758; Jun-30-99 8:44AM; Page 6/6 CI IRISTIAN WI-IEFIER F.NGiEEI&lNC CoM1RESsl.vr STRENGTH TES'V I(FSULTS Job Name: Cannon Road Bridgc Job #: 199.226 Job Address: 3056 ft Canthio ltca!,.Carlsbad Permit #; 3184 Plan File # Contractor: Rhea Homes Architect: City of Codsh2d Subcontractor frcca'a 1u. Engineer: City of Carlhad Test Location: Pipe suppost, cdge of deck Supplier: Palomar iransit Mix Req. Strength: 4000 psi - Mix 0: 104001 Date Sampled: 6-15-99 Admixhim( 0ara-17, Daravaii, Flyash Date Received: 6-17-99 Truck 0: 355 Tlcket#: 927561 Sampled by: JWI3 Mix Tamp: 800 Air Temp: 700 Tested by: lx) Slump: 2 /" % Air: Sample Type: Concrete, 6 12" Min in Mixer 100 Unit M; Sample # Date Tested Age (days) Area (sq. inches) Maximum Load (Ibs) Comp. Strength (psi) Failure Type 1735 6-28-99 13 28.27 111,940 109,370. 3.960 1736 6-28-99 13 28.27 3,870 1737 7.13.99 28 28.27 1738 7-13-99 28 28.27 ne sampling, nanaling, curing ana compressive sirengv lesung were per-wrmea oy I...rlrlauari wriuvier rrigmucimw With Ui1 other w5rrBntie5 express or implied. Distribution: - (2) Shea T-tnrnci San Ditgo Reviewed by: 000r— ~zo e* - Michael Wheeler, RCE 1t45358 4925 Mercury Strecr + San Diego, CA 92111 + 619-49c-')7,u + FAX 619-496-9758 06/30/99 WED 07:42 [TX/RX NO 67441