Investigative Science and Engineering J U L 13 1999
3511 Camino Del Rio South, Suite 302 Phone/Fax: 619-640-9379
San Diego, CA 92108-4003 ONG
July 1, 1999
Mr. Greg Ponce
Shea Homes
10721 Treena Street, Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92131
Re: Cannon Road I El Camino Real Bridge Falsework Removal Compliance
Statement (ISE Report #99-028b)
Dear Mr. Ponce:
At the request of Shea Homes, Investigative Science and Engineering (ISE) has
performed an acoustical verification study for falsework removal operations adjacent to
riparian habitat along the proposed Cannon Road I El Camino Real bridge crossing
located in Carlsbad, California. The verificatiOn survey was performed on -July 1, 1999.
The results of that survey are presented below.
Introduction and Definitions
The Cannon Road West Project consists of two bridge crossings, which
traverses through, and adjacent to, habitat for the federally endangered/threatened
least Bell's vireo, southwestern willow flycatcher, and California gnatcatcher. The El
Camino Real Bridge crossing area is the subject of this report.
Construction and operational noise generated by this project is regulated by the
United States Fish and Wildlife Service (U.S.F.W.S.) and the California Department of
Fish and Game for its effect on federally endangered least Bell's vireo (Vireo be//li
pusilus). For the purposes of compliance, a 60 cIBA Leq noise threshold standard has
been adopted during their breeding season whichoccurs from March 1 to September 1.
The quantity Leq (or equivalent sound level) is the energy-mean A-weighted sound
level during a measured time interval (typically one-hour). It is the 'equivalent' constant
sound level that would have to be produced by a given source to equal the fluctuating
level measured.
To describe time-varying character of environmental noise, the statistical noise
descriptors L1 1 L50, and L90 are commonly used. They are the noise levels equaled
or exceeded during 10 percent, 50 percent, and 90 percent of a stated time. Sound
levels associated with the LIO typically describe transient or short-term events, while
levels associated with the L90 describe the steady state (or most prevalent) noise
conditions. In addition, it is often desirable to know the acoustic range of the noise
source being measured. This is accomplished through the maximum and minimum
Mr. Greg Ponce
Cannon Road Bridge Construction Monitoring Results
ISE Report #99-028b
July 1, 1999
measured sound level (Lmax and Lmin) indicators. The. Lmin value obtained for a
particular monitoring location is often called the acoustic floor for that location.
IM Proposed Action
The proposed action calls for the removal of the falsework (i.e., temporary
support structures) holding up the El Camino Real Bridge. This falsework was
necessary to provide structural rigidity to the bridge during the concrete pouring and
curing phases of the project. The expected duration of this ãctivityis three days.
Site Survey Results
The proposed habitat in question consists of approximately 0.25 acres residing
between the El Camino Real Bridge site and El Camino Real {road}. A Larson Davis
Model 700 ANSI Type 2 integrating sound level meter was used to collect ambient
construction noise data adjacent to the habitat frontage (refer to Figures 1 through 3,
ML 1). The meter was positioned as shown. The hourly-average measured results are
shown below in Table 1.
Table 1: Measured Construction Levels -, Falsework Removal Operations (ML 1)
I 1 -Hour Noise Level Descriptors in dBA
Time Leq Lmax Lmin
8:30 59.0 78.5 44.5 62.0 56.0 52.0
9:30 59.5 78.5 47.5 63.0 56.5 51.5
10:30 57.5 75.5 44.5 60.0 55.5 52.5
Based upon the findings, the expected approximate 14 dBA of acoustical
attenuation due to the presence of the berm was indicated. None of the noise levels
measured due to construction activities was found to be impactive to the habitat. The
predominant noise source indicated was from adjacent El Camino Real (as can be
seen from the higher peak-hour traffic noise levels during the 8:30 and 9:30 hours).
Conclusions I Recommendations
No significant impacts due to construction noise associated with falsework
removal were found. No additional recommendations for, mitigation measures were
indicated. S . .
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Falsework Area
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&gative Science and Engineering. J L 02 1999
3511 Camino Del Rio South, Suite 302 Phone/Fax: 619-640-9379 / 619-640-Qj'63INEERlN G
San Diego, CA 92108-4003 www.iseadvantage.Q5pARTMENT
June 29, 1999
Mr. Greg Ponce
Shea Homes
10721 Treena Street, Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92131
Re: Cannon Road I El Camino Real Bridge Falsework Removal Noise Issues
(ISE Report #99-028a)
Dear Mr. Ponce:
At the request of Shea Homes, Investigative Science and Engineering (ISE) has
examined potential impacts attributable to falsework removal operations adjacent to the
riparian habitat along the proposed Cannon Road I El Camino Real bridge crossing
located in Carlsbad, California. A field survey of the site was performed on June 29,
1999. The results of that survey are presented below.
Introduction and Definitions
The Cannon Road West Project consists of two bridge crossings, which
traverses through, and adjacent to, habitat for the federally endangered/threatened
least Bell's vireo, southwestern willow flycatcher, and California gnatcatcher. The El
Camino Real Bridge crossing area is the subject of this report.
Construction and operationalnoise generated by this project is regulated by the
United States Fish and Wildlife Service (U.S.F.W.S.) and the California Department of
Fish and Game for its effect on federally endangered least Bell's vireo (Vireo be//il
pusillus). For the purposes of compliance, a 60 dBA Leq noise threshold standard has
been adopted during their breeding season which occurs from March 1 to September 1.
The quantity Leq (or equivalent sound level) is the energy-mean A-weighted sound
level during a measured time interval (typically one-hour). It is the 'equivalent' constant
sound level that would have to be produced by a given source to equal the fluctuating
level measured.
- To describe time-varying character of environmental noise, the statistical noise
descriptors L10, L50, and L90 are commonly used. They are the noise levels equaled
or exceeded during 10 percent, 50 percent,' and 90 percent of a stated time. Sound
levels associated with the LIO typically describe transient or short-term events, while
levels associated with the L90 describe the steady state. (or most prevalent) noise
conditions. In addition, it is often desirable to know the acoustic range of the noise
source being measured. This is accomplished through the maximum and minimum
Mr. Greg Ponce
Cannon Road Bridge Construction Monitoring Results
ISE Report #99-028a
June 29, 1999
Page S
measured sound level (Lmax and Lmin) indicators. The Lmin value obtained for a
particular monitoring location is often called the acoustic floor for that location.
EN Proposed Action
The proposed action calls for the removal of the falsework (i.e., temporary
support structures) holding up the El Camino Real Bridge. This falsework was
necessary to provide structural rigidity, to the bridge during the concrete pouring and
curing phases of the project.
Removal of the falsework entails literally knocking down the temporary support
structures and pulling them out from underneath the bridge using a single CAT dozer
(model D8 or D9L). Sound emissions from this type of equipment have already been
cataloged by ISE as part of our mitigation monitoring effort for the City of Carlsbad.
Typical noise levels were measured as 72-dBA at 50 feet from the exhaust stack.
Site Survey Results
The proposed habitat in question consists of approximately 0.25 acres residing
between the El Camino Real Bridge site and El Camino Real {road}. A Larson Davis
Model 700 ANSI Type 2 integrating .sound level meter was used to collect ambient
peak-hour traffic noise data adjacent to the habitat .frontage (refer to Figure 1, ML 1).
The meter was positioned as shown below in Figure 1. The measured results are
shown below in Table 1.
Table 1: Measured Construction Levels - CannónRoad Bridge Monitoring (ML 1)
1:HbUr:Noise,Level Descriptors In dBA ..
Site Leq Lrnax Lmin LIO L50 L90
9:30 a.m. 68.9 88.5 52.0 72.0 66.5 58.5
As can be seen from the monitoring results, the ambient sound level adjacent to
the habitat is currently in excess of the 60-dBA Leq-h threshold. Maximum levels were
found to exceed 88 dBA and were due to non-project related traffic activity along El
Camino Real. The difference between the LIO and L90 indicators (13.5 dBA) clearly
indicates the intermittence of the noise levels (which is a common occurrence with
traffic related noise).
Topographically, the falsework construction area lies within the depression
formed by the Agua Hedionda Creek. Directly adjacent to this area is an artificial berm
that is currently diverting the creek for construction purposes (refer to Figures 2 and 3).
Based upon the size Of the berm and the relative placement of the falsework
construction and habitat area, the. Fresnel Diffraction Method predicts a maximum
attenuation (insertion loss) of 14 dBA due to the presence of the berm. Since the
Mr. Greg Ponce
Cannon Road Bridge Construction Monitoring Results
ISE Report #99-028a
June 29, 1999
Page 3
proposed vehicle emission levels are approximately 72 dBA, noise produced by the
falsework construction should not produce a significant impact on the habitat area, and
in fact should be indiscernible from existing traffic noise during most phases of the
Conclusions I Recommendations
Construction noise associated with falsework removal is not expected to
produce a significant impact within the adjacent habitat area between the project bridge
and El Camino Real due to the presence of an artificial berm which is currently diverting
the creek for construction purposes,. A maximum attenuation level of 14 dBA is
predicted between the falsework construction site and the habitat area.
To verify the above findings, ISE recommends monitoring within the habitat area
during falsework removal. Any variances in the above predicted noise levels would be
corrected on an as-needed basis.
No additional mitigation measures are recommended for this phase of
Should you have any questions regarding the above conclusion, please do not
hesitate to contact me at (619) 640-9379.
Rick Tavares, REA; INCE I No. 0677
Project Principal'
Investigative Science and Engineering
Cc: Leo Todd, Shea Homes
Doug Géttinger, Ogden Environmental
Shem Howard, City of Carlsbad
Glen Laube, ISE
Mr. Greg Ponce
Cannon Road Bridge Construction Monitoring Results
lSE Report #99-028a
June 29, 1999
Page 4
Figure 1: Noise Monitoring Location - El Camino Real (ML 1)
Mr. Greg Ponce
Cannon Road Bridge Construction Monitoring Results
ISE Report #99-028a
June 29, 1999
Page 5
Figure 2: El Camino Real Bridge Crossing - Diversion Berm/Falsework Area
Mr. Greg Ponce
Cannon Road Bridge Construction Monitoring Results
ISE Report #99-028a
June 29, 1999
Page 6
I 1
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Figure 3: Diversion Berm Blocking Habitat Area
I 1