16 June 2003
Project No. 319721000-1001
Ms. Sherri Howard
Project Manager
City of Carlsbad
Engineering Department
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, California 92008
Subject: Cannon Road West - City Project No. 3184
Final Biological Construction Monitoring Report
Dear Ms. Howard-.'
JUN .18 2003
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. (AMEC) submits this final biological construction
monitoring letter report for Reach 2 of the Cannon Road West City Project No. 3184,,for
the City of Carlsbad, California, for your records.
The project has permits with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS),
Biological Opinion (BO) on Cannon Road (Reaches 1 and 2); U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (ACOE) Permit Application No. 97-201 30-TCD, City of Carlsbad, California
(1-6-97-F-51); California Department Fish and Game (CDFG) Section .1601 Streambed
Alteration Agreement No. 5-044-97; CDFG California Incidental Take Permit - Permit
No. 2081-1998-05-5; and California Coastal Commission (CCC) Coastal Development
Permit No. 6-97-11. According to the project's permit condition, monthly biological
monitoring reports must be sent to the USFWS, ACOE, CDFG, and CCC.
This report documents the completion of biological construction monitoring for Cannon
Road Reach 2. This report covers ,a monitoring period of October 2002 through March
2003. During this period, the level of heavy construction activities on the site was
significantly reduced. At the beginning of 2003, roadway construction was essentially
complete, and on 31 March 2003 AMEC conducted the final construction monitoring visit
for this project. The roadway was dedicated and opened for operation on 30 April 2003.
Between October 2002 and December 2002, construction activity on Reach 2 included
the completion of underground drainage installation, fine grading activity on the
roadway, and installation of the asphalt and concrete roadways and sidewalks.
Landscaping and revegetation activities were also conducted. After the beginning of the
year, construction activities were substantially reduced. A final visit was conducted in
March 2003 to verify completion of construction and document the site conditions.
No violations were observed during this reporting period. The observations made during
this reporting period are included in the attached construction monitoring forms. Digital
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc.
5510 Morehouse Drive
San Diego, CA 92121
Tel (858) 458-9044
Fax (858) 458-0943 www.amec.com
319721000/3151 .-0603R068
Ms. Sherri Howard .
. City of Carlsbad
16 June 2003
photographs were taken of the site during this monitoring period and are available upon
request. Please call me at (858) 458-9044, extension. 252, or e-mail me at
mike.howard@amec.com if you have any questions.
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc.
Mike Howard
Senior Biologist •• .
0 •
MH/sm' • /
Attachments: Construction monitoring forms for this monitoring period
cc: Bill Ponder, California Coastal Commission -
Tamara Spear, California Department of Fish and Game
Dave Láwhead, California Department of Fish and Game
Terry Dean, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
John Martin, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
File . 0
5.510 Morehouse Drive
San'. -Diego,. CA 9121-170
(858) 458-9044 phone.
(858) 458-0943 fax
ç(gO %V9k9i)
Construction Monitoring Form
Cannon Road Project
( ) Regular Weekly. Monitoring
Additional Daily Monitoring
Day and Date: i]f\(M 0IO 3 ) O1
Arrival Time at Site: I 0. SS As
Name of Monitor: MI \&c1)L
-. Observations:
- jc . of
p- ?{)tv
e CA,5 s At - y c r4AI6r1
Ci-ec ( cYose5OkA)ti -f cAgp c&Y '
- 5 -rt o -t e,& sf i €i—i c e
Recommendations: lA.O L 3 / 4'" /Z
Time on Job Site:
RT Commute Time:
Other Time (record keeping, phone, etc.): S
Signed: •
S /•
5510 Morehouse Drive
San Diego, CA 92121-1709
(858) 458-9044 phone
(858) 458-0943 fax
Construction Monitoring Form
Cannon Road Project
( ) Regular Weekly Monitoring
) Additional'Daily',Monitoring
Day and Date: riGkf 10
Arrival Time at Site: L'.00
Name of Monitor:
Wec} 5 i de c (O&O h k
ccc 4 ce'e c- jOcJ&&
sck o roo( I.is eroso" So'iie.
&'-C d own, P1e)4. D keo4.. 'tt,
eAsF we-si- o-' Lek CA'CS.f/
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L 1wrick 1see
Time on Job Site:
RT Commute Time:
Other Time (iecord keeping, phone, etc.):
5510 Morehouse Drive
0• '0: " ;, San Diego, CA 92121-1709
(858)' '458-9044 phone
(858) 458-0943 fax
Construction Monitoring Form
Cannon Road Project
( •) Regular Weekly Monitoring 0
( ) Additional Daily Monitoring
' 0
Day and Date:
Arrival Time at Site:
Name of Monitor: M
Observations: / A .
C 1 4 z S ci- L.
O •': ,.: ' " •,-fO
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eLrL LI L P'%
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Mileage: 0
Time on Job Site:
RT Commute Time:
Other Time (record keeping, phone, etc.): 0
mw m`o~
5510 Morehouse Drive
San Diego, CA 92121-1709
(858) 458-9044 phone
(858) 458-0943 fax
Construction Monitoring Form
Cannon Road Project
(.k) . Regular Weekly Monitoring.
( )• AdditionalDaily Monitoring .
Day and Date: 1:L1t7!OJ7 1 (t310
Arrival Time at Site: I 1
Name of Monitor:
/c, t ear
- S L oVb4 \o
/ •
•• • •• • ••
C5 re4
A 0 j to wf
Time on Job Site:
RT Commute Time:
Other Time (record keeping, phone, etc.):
5510 Moréhouse Drive
San Diego, CA. 92121-1709
(858) 458-9044 phone
(858) 458-0943 fax
Construction Monitoring Form
Cannon Road Project
(i) Regular Weekly. Monitoring
) Additional Daily Monitoring
Day and Date: 1L5'//'? — 72/f7%2bL
Arrival Time at Site:
Name of Monitor: S,-//-
J 17Z
Mr71fl IS7 . 2
tl td I / r//
Recommendations: 7
Mileage: &&4"/
Time on Job Site:
RT Commute Time:
Other Time (record keeping, phone, etc.):
Construction Monitoring Form
Cannon Road Project
.5510 .Morehouse Drive •• ( ). Regular Weekly Monitoring
San Diego, CA 92121-1709 ( ) Additional Daily Monitoring
(858) 458-9044 phone . • • )< c-c...
(858) 458-0943 fax
Day and Date: 3f3i /ô3
Arrival Time at Site: 1 Pr-'
Name of Monitor: it4
,3 t- £-e14 0 Pv O•
P15o 4"*4
Time on Job Site:
RT Commute Time:
Other Time (record keeping, phone, etc.):
10 October2002
Project 'N6. 319721000-1001
Ms. Sherri Howard
Project Manager
City of Carlsbad
Engineering Department
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, California 92008
OCT 1-12002
Subject: Cannon Road West-City Project No. 3184, Monthly Biological
Construction Monitoring Report for August and September 2002
Dear Ms. Howard:
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. (AMEC) submits this monthly biological construction
monitoring letter report for Reach 2 of the Canon Road West - City Project No. 3184, for the
City of Carlsbad, California for your records. This report covers the months of August and
September 2002.
The project has permits with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Biological
Opinion (B. 0.) on Cannon Road (Reaches 1 and 2); U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE)
Permit Application No. 97-201 30-TCD, City of Carlsbad, California (1-6-97-F-51); California
Department Fish and Game (CDFG) Section 1601 Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 5-044-
97; CDFG 'California Incidental Take Permit - Permit No. 2081-1998-05-5; and California
Coastal Commission (CCC) Coastal Development Permit No. 6-97-11. According to the
project's permit condition, monthly biological monitoring reports must be sent to the USFWS,
Activity on Reach 2' during the months of August and September included primarily
underground water pipe and drainage installation. Trenching and Some earthmoving occurred
within the project footprint during this period. The adjacent Kelly Ranch development site is
very active. The Cannon Road construction site was less active and construction monitoring
during this period was reduced. During the end of the monitoring period, activity on the site had
increased and monitoring activities will increase in the next period.
No violations were observed during this reporting period. On September 41h and 5th, an AMEC
monitor was onsite during the removal of pampas grass and other exotics within the project
footprint on the north slope of the roadway in the east end. This exotic removal was conducted
in preparation for hydroseeding of the slope. AMEC contacted the city in early September, prior
to the first forecasted rainfall, to ensure proper erosion control measures were in place. Minor,
isolated, unseasonable rainfall events have occurred during this period. All erosion control
BMPs have been implemented at this time in preparation for the upcoming rainy season.
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc.
5510 Morehouse Drive
San Diego, CA 92121
Tel (858) 458-9044
Fax (858) 458-0943 www.amec.com 319721000-1001/3151-1002R122
Ms. Sherri Howard
City of Carlsbad
10 October 2002 a§n(a CC
Please call me at (858) 458-9044, extension 252, or e-mail meat mike.howard@amec.com if
you have any questions
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. :
Mike Howard
Biplogical Construction Monitor
Enclosures S
cc: Bill Ponder, California Coastal Commission
Tamara Spear, California Department of Fish and Game
c Dave Lawhead, California Department of Fish and Game •
Terry Dean, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
JohnMartin, US. Fish and Wildlife Service •. S
• Contracts S
319721 000-1 001/3151-1 002R122
Page 2
Construction Monitoring Form
Cannon Road Project
5510 Morehouse Drive ('1 ) Regular Weekly Monitoring
San Diego, CA 92121-1709 ( ) Additional Daily Monitoring
(858) 458-9044 phone :
(858) 458-0943 fax
Day and Date: f" hi-z
Arrival Time at Site: (Qt'5y.\
Name of Monitor:
L i- \-UJl --
N) g. t-4kt
Sp 6L tEtvrr?nit,vL, / 0r 60
cc NO M -vc ctc-is- I,u rj
tCc1t,t'r-y (.,y Ucr.
ST L(iJE(1) -14
' A)0 I4 . i-1 D7d c E1'-' •;t
lLM r ivp i.ir
R -'-"-.
Mileage: p0
Time on Job Site:
RT Commute Time:
Other Time (record keeping, phone, etc.):
Signed: 00'IA~,.
amec Construction Monitoring Form
Cannon Road Project
5510 Morehouse Drive (<) Regular Weekiy Monitoring
San Diego, CA 92121-1709.. )) Additional., Daily Monitoring
(858) 458-9044 phone
058) 458-0943 fax
Day and Date: bs
Arrival Time at Site: \' 4D ?v\"\
Name of Monitor:
Time on Job Site:
RT Commute Time:
Other Time (record keeping,' phone, etc.):
amec* Construction Monitoring Form
Cannon Road Project
5510 Morehouse. Drive
San Diego, CA 92121-1709
o Cv1k(858) 4589044 phone
(858) 458-0943 fax
5wi4wft (oQ &o3-25(p
Dck' •'?('v (pO2-31S
—e- S o eif
4-o Rv-- c,icIk t'cAe c-F
Time on Job Site: \,-
RT Commute Time: \ \
Other Time (record keeping, phone, etc.): '
( ,) :Regular Weekly Monitoring
( ) Additional Daily Monitoring
Day and Date:' I,JD c L.
Arrival Time at Site: \O -
Name of Monitor: &uk.
. 5510 Morehouse Drive
San Diego, CA 1: 92121-1709
(858). 458-9044 phone:
(858) 458-0943 fax
Construction Monitoring Form
Cannon Road Project
( •.) Regular Weekly. Mon itoring.
( )' Additional Daily Monitoring
Day and Date: Tht s
Arrival Time at Site:. 7-00 AP-'\
Name of Monitor: YV\ LA ej'C
Observations: .
Sp€. OL
5-) - • • •
o)';4'-• --1-- ••
1k Ft-€ c F y c
Time on Job Site: . \r
RT Commute Time: \ \
Other Time (record keeping, phone, etc.):
16 August 2002
Project No 31'9721000-1001
RECEI eck*
AU 1,9 2002
Ms. Sherri Howard •
Project Manager -
City of Carlsbad
Engineering Department
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, California 92008
Subject: Cannon Road West-City Project No. 3184, Monthly Biological Construction
Monitoring Report for June and July 2002
Dear Ms. Howard:
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. (AMEC) submits this monthly biological construction
monitoring letter report for Reach 2 of the Canon Road West —City Project No. 3184, for the
City of Carlsbad, California for your records. This report covers the months of June and July
The project has permits with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Biological
Opinion (B. 0.) on Cannon Road (Reaches 1 and 2); U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE)
Permit Application No. 97-201 30-TCD, City of Carlsbad, California (1-6-97-F-51); California
Department Fish and Game (CDFG) Section 1601 Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 5-044-
97; CDFG California Incidental Take Permit.- Permit No. 2081-1998-05-5; and California
Coastal Commission (CCC) Coastal Development Permit No. 6-97-11. According to the
project's permit condition, monthly biological monitoring reports must be sent to the USFWS,
Activity on Reach 2 during the months of June and July included primarily underground water
pipe and drainage installation. Trenching and some earthmoving occurred within the project
footprint during this period. The adjacent Kelly Ranch development site is very active with
heavy equipment. During July, the Cannon Road construction site was less active and
construction monitoring during this period was reduced.
No violations were observed during this reporting period. Recommendations during this period
include a minor silt and environmental fence repair (approximately 20-foot). The dewatering of
the sewer line trench in the east end was completed during July, but dewatering was initiated
again in early August. AMEC was requested to investigate the location of an expansion to an
existing headwall structure north of the road in the east end. Construction of the headwall
would require clearing of riparian vegetation that had overgrown the existing headwall since its
construction. AMEC determined that the riparian vegetation immediately adjacent the proposed
headwall site is potential habitat for listed species (LBV, LFCR). Focused surveys for these
species were not conducted. AMEC recommended delaying work on the headwall until after
the breeding season (i.e., after September 15). Additionally, the Biological Oinion for the
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc.
5510 Morehouse Drive
San Diego, CA 92121
Tel (858) 458-9044 S
Fax (858) 458-0943 5 www.amec.com
Ms. Sherri Howard
City of Carlsbad
16 August 2002 amee
project requires requesting permission from the USFWS prior to clearing of any riparian
vegetation. Work on the headwall has been rescheduled for Fall 2002. As reported in previous
months, the California gnatcatçhers continue to occupy the northern coastal sage scrub slope
between the Reach 2 project area and the lagoon. .
Please call me at (858) 458-9044, extension 252, or e-mail me at mike.howard@amec.com if
you have any questions.
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. -- S
Mike Howard
Biological Construction. Monitor
cc: Bill Ponder, California Coastal Commission
Tamara Spear, California Department of Fish and Game S
Dave Lawhead, California Department of Fish and Game
Terry Dean, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
John Martin, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
S File .
Contracts S
319721000-1001/3151-0802R 101
Page 2
amec* Construction Monitoring Form
Cannon Road Project
5510 Morehouse Drive ( ) Regular Weekly Monitoring
San Diego, CA 92121-1709. (' ) Additional Daily Monitoring
(858),458-.9044. phone
(858) 4580943 tax
Day and Date:
Arrival Time at Site: 0'f59M
Name of Monitor:
AT. o. C.T'JPJb9.) 4. Lct Lt., tEP -flt,-.
Pii-t42. -
Aoyz.ei-c 4C-ss
2o' e*tc
Jew tDC.pçj 6T eK-T
A4 tS P'A:P,j-S V Y1(AJ 4JSfr.
4JA11 4ILexv Df 13v ' S
Recommendations: 144 WVT
Time on Job Site: % *
RT Commute Time:
Other Time (record keep g, phone, etc.):
5510 Morehouse Drive
San Diego,' CA 92121-1709
(858) 458-9044 ''phone
(858) 458-0943 fax
Construction Monitoring Form
Cannon Road Project
Regular Weekly Monitoring
Additional Daily' Monitoring
Day and Date:
Arrival Time at Site: _________________
Name of Monitor:
1'igj cewL tAJov. IqT, IVg-/17 bes11.17 tVt7
L-1 .
M • - LAC;,4-
U O.
.45F-% ovv der
Time on Job Site:
RT Commute Time:
Other Time ~qecord
5 '
eepiphoe, etc.):
ameeQ Construction Monitoring Form
Cannon Road Project
5510 Morehouse Drive X' Regular Weeldy Monitoring
San . Diego, CA. 92121-1709 . ( .) Additional Daily Monitoring
(858) 458-9044 phone . .. . . . . . .
(858) 458-0943 fax . . . .
Day and Date:
ArrivalArrival Time at Site:
Name of Monitor:
Observations: . . . .
cbdC4AN INc,twt, T4A
iiCpjcc,t.wc Arۍ 6W 8-zo) 'cT'l,t Fzb.
Mek T10M4 A(.cw(1 Roo cWnf-5IE
i'f cen T4e'C FMs1. .
&)o V.o rw,ve, &9eit4) . . .. . . ..
Mileage: 1)0
Time on Job Site:
RT Commute Time:
Other Time (record keeping, phone, etc.):
21 June 2002
Project No. 319721000-1001
Ms. Sherri Howard
Project Manager
City of Carlsbad
Engineering Department
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, California 92008
JUN 26 2002
Subject: cannon Road West-City Project No. 3184, Monthly Biological Construction
Monitoring Report for May 2002
Dear Ms. Howard:
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. (AMEC) submits this monthly biological construction
monitoring letter report for Reach 2 of the Canon Road West - City Project No. 3184, for the
City of Carlsbad, California for your records. This report covers the month of May 2002.
The project has permits with the United States 'Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Biological
Opinion (B. 0.) on Cannon Road (Reaches 1 and 2); U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE)
Permit Application No. 97-20130-TCD, City of Carlsbad, California (1-6-97-F-51); California
Department Fish and Game (CDFG) Section 1601 Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 5-044-
97; CDFG California Incidental Take Permit - Permit No. 2081-1998-05-5; and California
Coastal Commission (CCC) Coastal Development Permit No. 6-97-11. According to .the
project's permit condition, monthly biological monitoring reports must be sent to the USFWS,
Activity on Reach 2 during the month of Mayl included primarily underground storm drain, sewer
pipe, and drainage installation. Trenching and some earthmoving occurred within the project
footprint during this period. The adjacent Kelly Ranch development site is very active with
heavy equipment,
No violations were observed during this reporting period. Recommendations during this period
included a minor silt fence repair (approximately 20-foot) in a non-sensitive area. During this
. reporting period, the sewer line trench that runs the length of the Reach 2 was being
dewatered. Water is being-pumped from the trench through fire hoses into a 'Dirtbag' that
empties through silt fences into the adjacent lagoon. A generator, is running continuously at this
dewatering location at the east end, and the water is pumped out at two locations near the
generator. AMEC contacted the City Inspector immediately upon observing. this process to
question him on methods and appropriate implementation of BMPs. The City Inspector
indicated that this dewatering process was approved and all appropriate BMPs were being
applied. Some minor erosion has been observed . in the location where the water exits the
dirtbags. A two-striped garter snake was observed where the water exits the dirtbag. As
reported last month, the California gnatcatchers continue to occupy the northern coastal sage
scrub slope between the Reach 2 project area and the lagoon.
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc.
5510 Morehouse Drive
San Diego, CA 92121
Tel (858) 458-9044
Fax (858) 458-0943 www.amec.com
Ms Sherri Howard
City of Carlsbad
24 June 2002 amee
Please call me at (858) 458-9044, extension 252, ore-mail, me at mike.howard@amec.com if
you have any questions.
- Sincerely,
AMEC Earth .& Environmental, Inc.
Mike Howard
Biological Construction Monitor .'
MH/css S S S
cc: Bill Ponder, California Coastal Commission'
Tamara Spear, California Department of Fish and Game
- Dave Lawhead, California Department of Fish and Game
Terry Dean, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
John Martin, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service S
File S ,
319721000-1001/3151-O6O2RÔ5O S
S Pàge.2
amecwO Construction Monitoring Form
Cannon Road Project
5510 Morehouse Drive (1) Regular Weekiy Monitoring
San Diego, CA 92121-1709 ( ) Additional Daily Monitoring
(858) 458-9044 phone
(858) 458-0943 fax
Day and Date: Jtt c/ J-._
Arrival Time at Site: 4%'f 5:
Name of Monitor:
CVrrnk/vtNt1 U 'i O1-4oi -o S1tTA 1Wt?
'*0 /55415 A0 RMN
I Ks Wet K
A%pJ LJriW
V- tDWP. IN N0N .CT\,c\..
2 c-d (-Pc(itJ 1(5 'YLTh
o rO. (jJ L C a7'11 o M cm-z
Mileage: 2cç
Time on Job Site:
.' (
RT Commute Time:
Other Time (record keeping, phone, etc.):
5510 Morehouse Drive
San Diego, CA 92121-1709
(858) 458-9044 phone
(858) 458-0943 fax
Construction Monitoring Form
Cannon Road Project
Regular Weekly Monitoring
( ) Additional Daily Monitoring
Joe AA '°2_-S5-
Day and Date: tO 5/ - 2 i /b_
Arrival Time at Site: -ktA
Name of Monitor:
(iu P.ii&
& '\J" V1# I
-r1+-.6h9r, ft ii r...i (,jtcrr_
L'Ntit&D r1txJ\ jc /V/7?? L ? b ooi.i. CPc1i.9 fr'SP EVr j b Miw.v,i j Recommendations: V'JkMIS itro swe-Am IM kwe- f
'4i WATM,0 v. Tr ss 1M - : -et ho Tptu c;kt St-c -ewc fr/rb Eme A_
t4tt 1 13cwvt. TV 'u.i c-
Cuy To S(cc FEwc
hu Jo'c cQ"° MS
1J Jj 14
- 1M Mileage: ~55-
Time on Job Site: Ift
RT Commute Time:
Other Time (record kein phone, etc.):
5510 Morebouse Drive
San Diego, CA 92121-1709
(858) 458-9044 phone
(858) 458-0943 fax
%01- 11't9
Construction Monitoring Form
Cannon Road Project
Regular Weekly. Monitoring
( ) Additional Dal1i Monitoring
Day and Date: 5f2Bfo2 _-
Arrival Time at Site: 4 \5p
Name of Monitor:
NO Wot OS(T &Tt itttvkL,.
cit Vtej grgJç
cTlLL wr'rAJ kIlZ)\J ck QM91 US wL—??
'c kt )fy e
fri J Cc, 5 ic
:. L.4Pfl) -IJ S b 4ZAA9
To CkrJ
Mileage: '-
Time on Job Site: k6 V~Ouqkcl~
RT Commute Time:
Other Time (record keeping, phone, etc4
MAY 17 2002
" 4W Wilm,
Project No. 3-1972-1000-1001-3151
May 13, 2002
Ms. Sherri Howard
Project Manager
City of Carlsbad
Engineering Department.
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, California 92008
Subject: Cannon Road West-City PrOject No. 3184, Monthly Biological
.Construction Monitoring Report for April .2002
bear Ms. Howard:
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. (AMEC) submits this monthly biological construction
monitoring letter report for Reach 2 of the Canon Road West - City Project No. 3184,
for the City of Carlsbad, California for your records. This report covers the month of
April 2002.
The project has permits with the United States Fish-and Wildlife Service (USFWS),
Biological Opinion (B. 0.) on Cannon Road (Reaches 1 and?); U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (ACOE) Permit Application No. 97-20130-TCD, City of Carlsbad, California
(1-6-97-F-51); California DepartmentFish and Game (CDFG) Section 1601 Streambed
Alteration Agreement No. 5044-97; CDFG, California Incidental TakePërmit— Permit
No. 2081-1998-05-5'; and California Coastal Commission (CCC) Coastal.Development
Permit No. 6-97-11. and to the project's permit condition, monthly biological
monitoring reports must be sent to the USFWS, ACOE, CDFG, and CCC.
Activity on Reach 2 during the month of April included primarily underground storm
drain, sewer pipe, and drainage installatiän. Trenching and some earthmoving occurred
Within the project footprint during this period. The adjacent Kelly Ranch development
site is very active with heavy equipment.. -
Recommendations during this-period included minor environmental and silt fence repair.
At one location (Sta. 86+39), a storm drain outfall was being installed that empties into
the lagoon north of Cannon Road. Environmental and silt fencing was not properly
installed according the plans in this location (limiting the area of work)and had to be'
reinstalled. This 'northside notch' was reinstalled properly and according to the
approved plans. During riprap installation at thenorthside notch', fencing was damaged
but impacts did not occuroutside the project boundaries. Subsequent visits tothe site
verified that the fencing repair was conducted promptly.
AMEC Earth &.Environmental, Inc.
5510 Morehouse Drive
San Diego, CA 92121
Tel (858) 458-9044
Fax (858) 458-0943 www.amec.com
Ms. Sherri Howard
City of Carlsbad
May 13, 2002
During monitoring in the 'northside notch' area of the site, a gnàtcatcher pair and a
solitary male gnatcatcher were Observd foraging on the coastal.,sage scrub slope
between the project area and the lagoon: The pair was first observed on April 5 at 4:30
pm and was immediately reported to the City of Carlsbad project manager. Nesting was
not observed and construction activities on, site were limited, therefore no
recommendations to stop or limit work were made. AMEC biologists met with the City
on April 8 at 8 am to monitor the birds. One pair was observed on the same slope in a'
different location. No nesting was observed. On.April 23 during a regular construction
monitoring visit, the pair was observed on the same slope north of. the project area and
the single male gnatcatcher..was observed for the first time on the same slope. To date,
no nesting activities have been observed. No restrictions on construction activities in
relation to gnatcatchers are included in either-the Biological Opinion or' the 4d Permit for
the project. The project area is located at the top of a steep slope that descends to the
lagoon approximately 50 feet below. This embankment shields some the construction
noise from the habitat on the slope. AMEC biologists recommended continued
monitoring of the birds and avoidance of heavy construction in the area during the
breeding season. Should nesting be observed, the City will be notified immediately and
actions may need to be implemented to avoid disturbing, the birds.
No violations were observed during this reporting period. No substantial rain event
occurred during this period, 'and no erosion or sedimentation issues have been observed.
Please call me at (858) 458-9044, extension 252, or e-mail me at
mike.howard@amec.com if you have any questions.
- Sincerely,
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc.
?Le Howard
Biological Construction Monitor '
cc: Bill Ponder, California Coastal 'Commission
Tamára Spear, California Department of Fish and Game
Dave Lawhead, California Department of Fish and Game
Terry Dean, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
John Martin, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc.
5510 Morehouse Drive
San Diego, CA 92121
Tel (858) 458-9044
Fax (858) 458-0943 www.amec.com
Page 2
APR 24 2062
Project No. 3-1972-1000-1001
April 22, 2002
Ms. Sherri Howard
Project Manager
City of Carlsbad
Ehgineering Department
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, California 92008
Subject: Cannon Road West-City Project No. 3184, Monthly Biological
Construction Monitoring Report for March 2002
Dear Ms. Howard:
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. (AMEC) submits this monthly biological construction
monitoring letter report for Reach 2 of the Canon Road West
- City Project No. 3184, for the City of Carlsbad, California for your records. This report covers the end of
February and the month of March 2002.
The project has permits with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS),
Biological Opinion (B. 0.) on Cannon Road (Reaches 1 and 2); U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (ACOE) Permit Application No. 97-20130-TCD, City of Carlsbad, California
(1-6-97-F-51); California Department Fish and Game (CDFG) Section 1601 Streambed
Alteration Agreement No. 5-044-97; CDFG California Incidental Take Permit
- Permit No. 2081-1998-05-5; and California Coastal. Commission (CCC) Coastal Development
Permit No. 6-97-11. According to the project's permit condition, monthly biological
monitoring reports must be sent to the USFWS, ACOE, CDFG, and CCC.
The last monthly monitoring report for this project was submitted for October 2000 and
covered the completion of construction activities on Reach 1. Monthly construction
monitoring was not reinitiated until work began on Reach 2 of the project, which began
in late February 2002. Activity on Reach 2 during this reporting period included primarily
underground sewer pipe and drainage installation. Trenching and some earthmoving
occurred within the project footprint during this period. The adjacent Kelly Ranch
development has also begun construction and that site is very active with heavy
Recommendations during this period included minor environmental and silt fence repair.
At one location (Sta. 87+46), the environmental fence had previously been installed
improperly, which reduced the project foOtprint at the location of a storm drain. The
approved plans indicated a 'notch' in the project corridor at this location. AMEC
monitored the placement of the reinstalled environmental fencing to ensure compliance.
subsequent visits to the site verified the reinstalled fencing and minor repair work to
existing fencing. .
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc.
5510 Morehouse Drive
San Diego, CA 92121
Tel 858-458-9044
Fax 858458-0943
Ms. Sherri Howard
Project No.
AprI 22 2002
1000 1001 ameO
Page 2
No violations were observed during this reporting, period.
No substantial rain event occurred during this period, and no erosion or sedimentation
issues have been observed onsite.
Pleasecall me at (858) 458-9044, extension 252, or e-mail me at
mike.howard@amec.com if you have any questions.
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. •
Biological Construction Monitor -
cc:. Bill Ponder, California Coastal Commission
Tamara Spear, California Department of Fish. and Game
'Dave täwhead, California Department of Fish and.- Game
• Terry Dean, U.S. Army Corps of Engineer ..'•
John Martin, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
File '
Contracts '