HomeMy WebLinkAbout3184; CANNON ROAD WEST; MITIGATION MONITORING RESULTS; 2000-06-01cInvestigative Science and Engineering, Inc
3545 Camino Del Rio South, Suite E Phone/Fax: 619-640-9379 / 619-640-0763
San Diego, CA 92108-4003 .. www.investigative-science.com
June 1 2000
Ms. Sue Scattalini
Ogden Environmental & Energy Inc.
5510 Morehouse Dr.
Sàn'Diego, CA 92121
Re: Macario Canyon Bridge Mitigation Monitoring Results #2
(ISE Report #99-035b). .
Dear Ms Scattalini
Pursuant to U S F W S permit approval requirements Investigative Science and
" Engineering (ISE).has examined potential noise impacts' to the riparian habitat djacent
the Macario Canyon Bridge located in Carlsbad, California. Afield survey of the site was
performed on various dates 'between 5/4/00 to 5/31/00. The results of that survey.' are
presented in this, letter report. . ... . . "
Introduction and Definitions
Site Characterization
The Macario Canyon Bridge is..part. of the Cannon Road West Project and is
located in the City of Carlsbad in San Diego County, California (refer to Figure 1). This
project will extend Cannon Road approximately two miles east from, its terminus at 1-5 to
El Camino Real. The Macario Canyon Bridge' project is situated approximately 200 feet
north of the habitat' for the federally endangered/threatened least Bell's vireo,
southwestern willow flycatcher, and California gnatcatcher (refer to Figure 2)
The 'predominate land use of: the project area is ,.undisturbed open space
Wetlands originating from the Agua Hedionda Lagoon -and Agua Hedionda Creek are
located adjacent to the north and. commercial development's are present to the west.
Elevations for the project area have been altered due to construction activities;
however, pre-construction elevations range from approximately 100 feet above mean
sea level (MSL) along the terrace over looking' Agua Hedionda Lagoon 'down to
approximately 5 feet above ,MSL along the banks of the 'Agua Hedionda Creek (refer to
'Figure 3 below).
F gure I Project Alignment Area Map (Thomas Guide Page 1126, Grid HI)
'p •. a .5 . S 4 - 5.5
( 4
Ms Sue Scattalini
Macario Canyon Bridge Mitigation Monitoring Results #2
lSE Report #99035b
June 1 2000 -
- S
-4 5'. 5, •_••, -- 5, .5 '' -S .5 . S ,S •S S -
S '•
5._ S
S.. * ..
S •'
Figure 3 Project .Area Topography (USGS 7 5 San Luis Rey Quadrangle 112000)
Applicable Significance Criteria
Wildlife Habitat Regulations
Construction and operational noise generated by this project is regulated by the
United States Fish and Wildlife Service (U S F W S) and the California Department of
Fish and Game for its effect on federally endangered least Bell's. vireo (Vireo be/lu
pusillus) and the southwestern willow flycatcher (Empudonax trail/ii extnmus) and the
federally threatened California gnatcatcher (Poluoptula california)
S •.: . .. S . S ,4 . --
'• '5.' 5 5
Resource agencies have theorized that elevated noise levels can potentially
mask songs of the least Bell's vireo which are used to attract mates and defend
territories The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) in a 1990 study,
entitled Comprehensive Species Management Plan for the least Bells vireo'
theoretically estimated that {traffic} noise levels above 60 dBA Leq in vireo breeding
- areas may sufficiently mask the vireo s song and potentially reduce the reproductive
success of this species during their breeding season that occurs from March 1 to
September 1 Since sustained noise exposure (indicated by the L90 ,metric) produces
greater masking effects than intermittent peak levels this report will analyze both effects
,The SANDAG report conclusions were unclear as to the specific time interval of the
4 4"
• . S. • - • 51 , - - 'S ' 5 5 •
' 'S •. -, :. 5, •-
' '• ;. - '• -- . 5 .,
41 'S
.• •S •'.• S S ,5 .•,• ,5 5 5. S , S '••4• 'S 5 - 5, I ' ,. . . .,
S S ',,• S S • •, . -4 S
Ms Sue Scattalini
Macario Canyon Bridge Mitigation Monitoring Results #2
ISE 'Report #99035b
June 1 2000
measurement but it is typically' taken as one hour Although research is on going
regarding similar noise impacts to the southwestern willow flycatcher 6nd California
gnatcatcher, in the absence of species-specific data these same study, results are
applied by the Service to this bird species as well
Analysis Methodology
Existing Conditions Field Survey
A Single Larson Davis Model 700 ANSI Type 2 integrating sound level meter was
used as the data collection device The meter was deployed daily during hours of
operation '(Le., e 7 a.m. to 3 p m ) and positioned at the location shown below in Figure 2
and the accompanying matrix...)
The. meter was mounted on a tripod roughly;5 feet above the ground and was
calibrated before and after each field deployment Monitoring location ML 1 was
programmed to record and log the following noise metrics each hour Leq-h, Lmax,
Lmin, L10, L50, and L90
Monitor Sta. Eng. Sta. No GPS Lat GPS Lon Description
ML #1 n/a 330 08.194 N 1170 18401 W Macario Canyon Bridge
EPE = Estimated Position Error= 49
Field Monitoring Results
Daily field surveys were performed at the bridge site to ascertain construction
noise levels within the habitat area due to final false-work cleanup and limited sand
blasting activities (refer to Figure 4) The habitat of concern for the least Bell s vireo is
located approximately 100 feet south of the bridge area During the monitoring period,
construction activities and equipment observed at the Macario Canyon bridge consisted
of hydraulic Jifts, cranes forklifts flatbed haulers and several construction workers
utilizing a variety of hand held tools
______a-' 1
Figure 4 Test Setup Location and Habitat Area
Testing conditions during the entire monitoring period (intermittently from 5/4/00
to 5/31/00) were overcast during the morning and clear throughout the afternoon with an
average barometric pressure reading of 29.90 in-Hg, a predominant westerly wind speed
averaging 0 to 3 miles per hour (MPH) and an approximate mean temperature of 75
degrees Fahrenheit The values for the energy equivalent sound level (Leq), the
maximum and minimum measured sound levels (Lmax and Lmin), and the statistical
indicators LI 0,150, and L90 are given for each monitoring location
Measurements collected at monitoring location ML 1 are shown graphically on
attached Figure 5 These measurements reflect typical sound levels associated with the
community setting observed and the topography of the surrounding terrain Due to the
location of the subject habitat relative to the placement of the noise meter, a five decibel
reduction (measured) from the values recorded is observed within the habitat Given
this the highest hourly noise level experienced during hours of operation was 62.2 dBA
Values exceeding the identified noise threshold at monitoring location ML 1 (i.e.,. greater
than 60 dBA) were due entirely to the close proximity of cleanup operations relative to
the placement of the noise meter and unrelated construction activity along Faraday
Finally the background noise level (1_90) for monitoring Iocation ML .1 never
exceeded 54 dBA during the approximate three-week monitoring period, thus enabling
vireo communication over 90 percent of any stated time interval
Ms Sue Scattalini
Macario Canyon Bridge Mitigation Monitoring Results #2
lSE Report #99-035b
June l,2000 ,. .
Page 6
Given the five-dedbel noise reduction from monitoring location ML 1 to the
habitat, negligible exceedances were recorded. These exceedances relate to -an
approximate seven percent exceedance over the approximate three-week monitoring
period. These excèedances were attributed to the close proximity of-cleanup operations
to the noise meter.
Should you have any questions regarding the above conclusion, please do not
hesitate to contact me at (619) 640-9379
Sincerely; • -
Rick Tavares, REA,. INCE -- • ..
President / Principal OF CAL%V:
Investigative Science and Engineering Inc
Cc Sherri Howard City of Carlsbad
Sergio Carnalla ISE
• ,
- 5/4/00 7:32
- .5/4/0011:32
'S. 5/4/0015:32
- CI) '. 5/8/00 11:46
S ' - •' 5/9/0,0 9:28
'-5/9/00 13:28
CD 5/11/009:51
' 5/1.1/0013:51
5/25/00 7:3'0
5/25/00 11:30
-. 5/26/00 1349
5/31/90 8:00
.'5)31/00 12:00
.5'' 5 - . , -,- -S. --S •S,, ,' - • '5' . ..-' .•', .
* '
c9V' Investigative Science and Engineering
3545 Camino Del Rio South, Suite E Phone/Fax: 619-640-9379 / 619-640-0763
San Diego, CA 92108-4003 - www.investiga(ive-science.com
April 21 2000
Ms Sue Scattalini
Ogden Environrhental & Energy Inc.
5510 Morehouse Dr.
San ,Diego, CA 92121
Re: Macario Canyon Bridge Mitigation Monitoring Results'
(ISE Report#99-035a)
Dear Ms Scattalini
Pursuant to U.S.F.W.S. permit approval requirements, Investigative Science and
Engineering (ISE) has examined potential noise, impacts to the riparian habitat adjacent
the Macario Canyon Bridge located in Carlsbad, California. A field survey of the site was
performed from 3/30/00 to 4/17/00 The results of that survey are presented in this letter
Introduction and Definitions
Site Characterization
The Macario Canyon Bridge is part of the Cannon Road West Project and is
located in the City of Carlsbad, in San Diego County, California (refer to Figure 1). This
project will extend Cannon Road approximately 2 miles east from its terminus at 1-5 to El
Camino Real The Macario Canyon Bridge project is situated approximately 200 feet
north of the habitat for the federally endangered/threatened least Bell's vireo, V
southwestern willow flycatcher, and California gnatcatcher (refer to Figure 2)
The predominate land use of the project area is undisturbed open space
-Wetlands originating frojn the Agua Hedionda Lagoon and Agua Hedionda Creek are
V located adjacent to the north and commercial developments are present to the west.
Elevations for the project area have been altered due to construction activities,
V V however, pre-constructio.n elevations range from approximately 100 feet above, mean
V sea -level (MSL) along the terrace over looking Agua Hedionda Lagoon down to
V V V approximately 5 feet above MSL along the banks of the Agua Hedionda Creek (refer to
V Figure 3 below). V
V :
- Ms Sue Scattalini
Macar;o Canyon Bridge Mitigation Monitoring Results
ISE Report #99-035a
April 21, 2000
Page-2 • /
- • ___________________ -Project Site
NNON 100 D •
PARK 1c:t' •
- ' 9
Figure 1 Project Alignment Area Map (Thomas Guide Page 1126, Grid HI)
Figure 2 Habitat Area Relative to Falsework Removal
•. •.•
Ms. Sue Scattalini
Macario Canyon Bridge Mitigation Monitoring Results
ISE Report #99-035a ' . ..
April 21, 2000
Page 3.
Figure 3 Project Area Topography (USGS 7.5 San Luis Rey Quadrangle 112000)
Applicable Significance Criteria
Wildlife Habitat Regulations
Construction and operational noise generated by this project is regulated by the,
United States Fish and Wildlife Service (U.S.F.W.S.) and the California Depàrtrnet of
Fish and Game for its effect on, federally endangered' leat Bell's vireo:'(Vireo bellii
pusil/us) and the southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax trail/ii extrirnus) and the
federally threatened California dnatcatcher (Polioptila california).
Resource agencies have theorized that elevated noise levels can potentially
mask songs of the, least Bell's vireo, which are used to 'attract mates and defend
territories. The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) in a 1990 study
entitled "Comprehensive Species' Management Plan for the least Bell's vireo"
'thebretically estimated that {traffic} noise levels above 60 dBA' Leq in vireo breeding
. 'areas may sufficiently mask the vireo's song and potentially reduce the reproductive
success of this species during 'their breeding season that occurs from March 1 to
September 1. Since sustained' noise exposure (indicated by the L90 metric) produces
greater masking effects than intermittent peak levels, this report will analyze both effects. •' *
The SANDAG report conclusions were, unclear as to the specific time interval of the
' measurement, but it is typically taken as one hour. Although research is on going
regarding similar noise impacts to the southwestern willow flycatcher and California '•,
Ms. Sue Scattalini
'Macario Canyon Bridge Mitigation Monitoring 'Results
ISE Report #99-035a
April 21, 2000 '
Page 4
gnatcatcher, in the absence of species-specific data these same study results are
applied by the Service to this bird species as well
Analysis Methodology
Existinq,Conditions Field Survey'
A Single Larson Davis Model 700 ANSI Type 2 integrating sound level meter was
used as the data collection device The meter was deployed daily during hours of
operation (i.e., 7 'a .m. to 3 p.m.) and positioned at the location shown below in Figure 2
and the accompanying matrix.
The meter was mounted' on a' tripod roughly 5 feet above the ground and was
Calibrated before and after each field deployment. Monitonng location ML 1 was
programmed to record and log' the following noise metrics each hour: Leq-h,, Lmax,
Lmin, L10, L50, and L90.
('Monitor Sta. Eng. Sta. No. GPS Lat , GPS Lon Description 1
ML #1 n/a 33-,68..194 30 08 194 N 1170 18.401 W Macario Canyon Bridge
EPE = Estimated Position Error -49'.
Field MonitorinQ Results
Daily field surveys were performed at the bridge site to ascertain construction
'noise levels within the- habitat area due to false-work removal' and demobilization. '0
cleanup (refer to Figure 4). The habitat 'of concern for the least Bell's vireo is lbcated ,
approximately 100 feet south of the bridge area During the monitoring period,
construction activities and equipment observed at the Mcario Canyon bridge consisted:
of hydraulic lifts cranes forklifts flatbed haulers and several construction workers
utilizing a variety of hand held tools
Ms. SueScattalini,
Macario Canyon Bridge Mitigation Monitoring Results
ISE Report #99-035a '
April 21,, 2000
kill I 4XJ
__ -__
- S
I .4 • .5 - •i --
-S. -
- ----- -
Figure 4: Test Setup Location and Habitat Area
Testing conditions during the entire monitoring period (from 3/30/00 through
, • 4/14/00) were overcast durihg' the morning and clear throughout the afternoon with an
average barometric pressure reading of 29.85 in-Hg, a predominant westerly wind speed
averaging 0 to 3 miles per hour (MPH), and an approximate mean temperature of 73
degrees Fahrenheit. The values for the energy equivalent sound level. (Leq), the
maximum and minimum measured sound, levels, (Lmax and Lmin), and the statistical
indicators L10, L50, and L90, are given for each monitoring location. .
Measurements collected at monitoring location ML I are shown graphically on
attached Figure 5. These measurerrents reflect typical sound levels associated with 'the
community setting' observed 'and the topography of the surrounding terrain. Due to the
location of the subject habitat relative to the placement of the noise meter, a 5 dB
reduction (measured) from the values recdrded is observed within the 'habitat. Given
this, the highest hourly noise level experienced during hours of operationwas 63.5 dBA.
Values exceeding the identified noise threshold at rrIonitoring location ML 1 (i.e., greater
• than 60 dBA) were due entirely to the close proximity of cleanup operations relative to
the placement of the noise meter and unrelated construction activity' along Faraday
- Avenue.
. •
' . • • '
- - '
Finally the background noise level'(L90)for monitoring location ML. 1 never
exceeded 52.5 dBA during' the entire two-week monitoring period, thus enabling vireo
communication over 90 percent of any stated time interval
Ms. Sue Scattalini
* Macario Canyon Bridge Mitigation Monitoring Results
ISE Report #99-035a
April 21,2000 .
. Conclusions S
Given the 5 dB noise reduction from monitoring location ML 1 to the habitat,
negligible exceedances were recorded. These exceedances relate to an approximate
four, percent exceedance over the entire two-week monitoring period These
exceedances were attributed to in-field noise meter calibration and setup and the close
proximity of cleanup Operations to the noise meter.
Should you have any questions regarding the above conclusion, please do not
hesitate tocontact me at (619)640-9379.
Rick Tavares, REA, INCE
Project Principal • CANUF '
S lnvestigativeScience and Engineering • • •
Cc: Glen Laube, ISE S. • •
S S - S S
'2 Measured SPL in dBA
- - 01 -• . - 0 0 '. 0
• 3/30/00 11:04
. .
3/31/00 7:17
3/31/00 15:17
. 4/3/00 15:02
•• 4/4/00 8:10
4/4/0012:10 .:
•- . .
4/6/00 10:51
4/6/00 14:51.
.,.. •--• . 4/7/00 TO
- -
- . -4/10/00 9:00
-S .. • , 4/10/0013:00
: • 4/11/00-6:38
: . 4/11/0014:38
.4/12/00 15:3
.. . . .•
- •
. • . 4/13/00.10:52.
- 4/13/00 14:52
• . 4/14/006:49
.• 4/14/0010:49
• . • 4/14/00 14:49