licFP 2. 19q9 5510 Moreuse Drive
San Diego CA 92121
99-437-3151 619 458 9tGEi
September 20, 1999 Fax 619 454RTMENT
Ms. Sherri Howard
Project Manager
City of Carlsbad
Engineering Department
2075 Las Palmas Drive
Carlsbad, California 92009-4859
Subject: Cannon Road West-City Project No. 3184, Monthly Biological
Construction Monitoring Report for June 1999
Dear Ms. Howard:
Ogden Environmental and Energy Services Company, Inc. (Ogden) submits this monthly
biological construction monitoring letter report for the Canon Road West - City Project
No. 3184, for the City of Carlsbad, California. This report covers the month of June
The project has permits with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS),
Biological Opinion on the Cannon Road (Reaches 1 and 2); U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (ACOE) Permit Application No. 97-20130-TCD, City of Carlsbad, California
(1-6-97-F-51); California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) Section 1601
Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 5-044-97; CDFG California Incidental Take Permit
- Permit No. 2081-1998-05-5, and California Coastal Commission (CCC) Coastal
Development Permit No. 6-97-11. According to the project's permit condition, monthly
biological monitoring reports must be sent to the USFWS, ACOE, CDFG and CCC.
Ogden did not perform any biological construction monitoring between May 21 and June
11. Construction continued during the period when Ogden was not performing any
biological construction monitoring. Construction during June consisted primarily of
continuing work on the new El Camino Real bridge. The bridge deck for the new
Cannon Road bridge was poured during the period when Ogden was not working at the
site. Other work during June included installation of wet utilities in the Cannon Road
right-of-way, and removal of falsework for the newly poured bridge. There was no work
performed in Macario Canyon during the month because noise levels cannot be
adequately mitigated to below the permitted 60 dB Leq threshold limit in the project's
biological opinion (BO).
Ms. Sherri Howard
September 20, 1999
Page 2
For most of June, Ogden's bird monitor only heard least Bell's vireo ( Vireo bellii
pusillus) around Station 108+50. Towards the end of June, least Bell's vireo moved into
the remnant patch of willows near El Camino Real located between the new bridge and
Shea's construction trailer. Because of this, a noise wall was installed at the end of the
month around the southern portion of the habitat. An additional noise fence was placed
around a generator used to supply electricity to the construction trailers and run the sump
pumps under the new Cannon Road bridge. Dirt piled up on the north side of the habitat
provides adequate noise protection on that side provided it remains in place. The western
clapper rail (Rallus Ion girostris) was not observed, nor was southwestern willow
flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus).
Noise monitoring during June showed all work to be below the 60-dBA Leq impact
threshold. Shea Homes and Erreca's worked with the noise monitor to ensure that
falsework removal would not create a noise violation and none was recorded when the
work took place.
Approximately 0.02 inch of rain fell in one storm for the month of June. Erosion control
devises performed as intended and no erosion off the permitted work area was observed.
Ogden will continue to make periodic biological construction monitoring visits and
submit monthly progress reports in accordance with the project's permits. Please call me
at (858) 458-9044, ext 252, or e-mail me at dagettinger@oees.com, if you have any
questions or would like to discuss this project further.
Doug Gettinger,
Biological Construction Monitor
cc: File
Contracts No. 3-1972-1000-1001-3151
Bill Ponder, California Coastal Commission
Terri Dickerson, California Department of Fish and Game
Dave Lawhead, California Department of Fish and Game
Terry Dean, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Julie Vanderwier, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
..... o ?U lTiU
5510 Morehouse Drive
San D4G 6194
FaX 6 ?ENT
September 17, 1999
Ms. Sherri Howard
Project Manager
City of Carlsbad
Engineering Department
2075 Las Palmas Drive
Carlsbad, California 92009-4859
Subject: Cannon Road West-City Project No. 3184, Monthly Biological
Construction Monitoring Report for May 1999
Dear Ms. Howard:
Ogden Environmental and Energy Services Company, Inc. (Ogden) submits this
monthly biological construction monitoring letter report for the Canon Road West - City
Project No. 3184, for the City of Carlsbad, California. This report covers the month of
May 1999.
The project has permits with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS),
Biological Opinion on Cannon Road (Reaches 1 and 2); U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(ACOE) Permit Application No. 97-20130-TCD, City of Carlsbad, California (1-6-97-F-51); California Department Fish and Game (CDFG) Section 1601 Streambed Alteration
Agreement No. 5-044-97; CDFG California Incidental Take Permit -Permit No. 2081-
1998-05-5, and California Coastal Commission (CCC) Coastal Development Permit No.
6-97-11. According to the project's permit condition, monthly biological monitoring
reports must be sent to the USFWS, ACOE, CDFG, and CCC.
Construction during May consisted primarily of work on and around the new bridge near
El Camino Real, and work on a sewer line. There was no work performed in Macario
Canyon during the month because noise levels cannot be adequately mitigated to below
the permitted 60 dB Leq threshold limit in the project's biological opinion (BO). Noise
monitoring indicated that sound levels in Reach 2 were exceeding 60 dB Leq, so the
acoustic consultant, Rick Tavares of Investigative Science and Engineering (ISE)
recommended construction of a noise wall to mitigate noise levels below the maximum
permitted level. The noise wall was built in accordance with specifications provided by
Ms. Sherri Howard
September 17, 1999
Page 2
ISE. Noise wall was built from about Station 96+00 to 108+00 and near the new bridge
by El Camino Real. Noise levels exceeded the 60 dB Leq limit on May 13 when the
noise wall was built, and again on May 27, the day the new bridge deck was poured.
On May 7, Ogden discovered that the contractor working for Shea Homes, Erreca's Inc.,
had pulled down the environmental fence and removed wetland vegetation at about
Station 99-i-00. This violated CDFG 1601 Streambed Alteration Agreement Conditions
9, 12, and 13, BO Condition 1. 1, and Nationwide 404 Permit Condition 1. According to
the permits and agreements, vegetation may not be removed between March 1 and
September 15. Ogden's bird monitor, Rick Bailey, had documented least Bell's vireo
(Vireo bellii pusillus) at this location on April 25. Ogden notified the City inspector and
a Stop Work Order for this area was delivered to Shea Homes. Ogden then notified
CDFG, ACOE, and USFWS of the violations by phone.
An onsite meeting was held between the City, CDFG, USFWS, and Ogden on May 11.
The violation was discussed and the agencies determined that daily monitoring would be
required instead of the scheduled weekly monitoring during the summer bird breeding
season if work was to continue. They also determined they would require additional
mitigation measures to compensate for the habitat take during breeding season and the
potential harassment of an endangered species.
After meeting in the City's construction trailer, those present went and looked at the site
of the violation. While there, we observed an endangered western clapper rail (Rallus
longirostris) in the cleared area. This species is not covered in the project's BO, as it was
not known to be in the project area. Because of this, CDFG and USFWS asked that no
construction work occur at this location until the matter of a new endangered species
could be addressed.
Ogden began daily biological construction monitoring on Friday, May 14, but
temporarily ceased all work on the project on Friday, May 21. Ogden began work began
again on June 11. Work continued on the project without any biological construction
monitoring by Ogden during this period.
Least Bell's vireo were heard or observed at about Stations 103+00 and 108+00. In
addition, the western clapper rail was observed at Station 99+00 on several occasions.
No southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) were detected in Reach
2. There was no rain during the month of May, so erosion control was not an issue.
Ms. Sherri Howard
September 17, 1999
Ogden will continue to make periodic biological construction monitoring visits and
submit monthly progress reports in accordance with the project's permits. Please call me
at (858) 458-9044, extension 252, or e-mail me at dagettinger@oees.com, if you have
any questions or would like to discuss this project further.
Sincerely, -
Doug Gettinger
Biological Construction Monitor
cc: Bill Ponder, California Coastal Commission
Terri Dickerson, California Department of Fish and Game
Dave Lawhead, California Department of Fish and Game
Terry Dean, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Julie Vanderwier, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service