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02/26/1999 06:57 9698227543 UTILITY VAULT CO. PAGE 02 CONCRETE TESII REPURT ProJect: /W/ V Product: I DQte:-/O? Tine: Cy(nders mach .by:LsDot'4-(, P\S V P\C LII Mix it: •V Slump.3. inches X 25.4 nfl/in rim - V V V -- -- Cornnents CYLDATM 02/26/1999 @8:57 9898227543 UTILITY VAULT CO. PAGE 03 J!f UTILITY VA ULT1 MCOMPANY 014cist1e Procast, Inc. www.oIdcastIernprocast.com PÔBOX 19O Fontana, CA 92314-1390 Phone (909) 428.37U0 Fax (909) 822-7543 eric.mastin©ofdcastIepracat.com February 25, 1999 Foundation Pile, Inc. P.O.:Box1167 S Fontana, CA. 92337 : Reference: 18" Octagonal Prestress Piles Aglia Hedionda Cr. Br. Attention: Russ Taylor Certificate of Compliance Utility Vault Company certifies that the 18" Octagonal Prestress Piles cast on 2/8199 were built in compliance with the approved shop drawing(s) for this project. 7T Eric W. Mastin Quality Control inspector Engineering Departnent 02/26/199 @8:57 9898227543 UTILITY VAULT CO. PGE 04 CEI NCRETE TEST REPLIRT Projec 4 /L/Jl_C,L-75&.A Product Dcite: H2 Tine: Cy(;nders madcj by: P\S P\C Mix Slump: 3 inches X 25.4 nn/in Cylinders Made -54x 8 -6x12 --Sure Cure • (100NN X 200 iii) U52mrn X 305nri) Average Cure Do -te/Tine Age - Size Load PSI Mpo. PSI Mpa Z9791.i.ZOejo. gqç1 - __2 7 • L Lf OQ5 •_..ii ___ __ __ Z..jZ fLj •_o'• W25 CYLDATM 02/26/1999 08:57 9098227-54j:'-UTILItY VAULT Co. PAGE @5 UTILITY VAULT COMPANY OOIdCIUsPrecainc. www.oIdcastleprncat.corn PG Box 1390 Fontana. CA 92334.1390 Pbori (909) 4283700 Fax (909) 822.7543 uric.mestin@oIdcustIeprecast.com February 26, 1999 Foundation Pile, Inc. P.O. Box 1167 Fontana, CA. 92337 Reference: 18" Octagonal Prestress Piles Aqua Hedionda Cr. Br. Attention: Russ Taylor S Certificate of Compliance Utility Vault Company certifies that the 18" Octagonal Prestress Piles cast on 215/99 wcrc built in compliance with the approved shop drawing(s) for this project. 02/26/1993 08 57 9898227543 UTILITY VAULT CO PAGE 06 DFTES'T REPR T Project Product- Date- Cylinders ride by P\S Ni P\C Mix # I I Sturip 3 inches X 254 rw/ifl CyLinders Made -4'x 8' _____ -6'x 12' ____ -Sure Cure (100mm X 20Op)(i5mri X 05rim) - Average Cure Date/Tame Ape - Size Load PSI M. PSI Mpo. C5OD _____ Coi'irients: - CYLDATM. e2/2611999 08:57 9098227543 UTILITY VAULT CO. PAGE 07 1!I UTILITY VAULT COMPANY a a!,d 4ct10 Precast Inc. wwwoldcastIo-prcat.com P0 Box 1390 Fontaná CA 92334-1390 Phone (909) 420-3700 Fax (909) 8227543 erlc.ma*tln©oIdctInrcst.com February 26, 1999 Foundation Pile, Inc. P.O. Box 1167 : Fontana, CA. 92337 Reference: 18" Octagonal Prestress Piles Aqua Hedionda Cr. Br. Attention: Russ Taylor Certificate of Compliance Utility Vault Company certifies that the 18" Octagonal Prestress Piles cast on 2/4/99 wcrc built in compliance with the approved shop drawing(s) for this project. Eric W. Mastiñ Quality Control Inspector. Engineering Department 02/26/1999 08:57 9898227543 UTILITY VAULT CO.. PAGE @8 IN - n@V •°: e1 rdject: /9/0 .. Product /S Date - £7 — Time 'Y'.1) Cylinders made by { Q... P\S fKi P\C FT Mix jjV- /M Stump /'( inches X 254 mm/in mm Cylinders Mide -4'x 8' /p -6'x 12' -Sure Cure (100mm X 200mm) (152iim X 305mm) - Average Cure Date/Time Age - Size Loud PSI Mpu PSI c'7. L/ OO 03 qu ___ ./ • _ / / Lf. • 95b . ___ .. Comments; CYLIJATM 02/26/1999 08:57 9898227543 UTILITY VAULT CO. PAGE 18 S • ...... j.:'.;;-; RPBRJ Project: . ___. Product: Date-l- h ____ Tin?: Cylinders made P\S P\C 1. 1 Mix it UV-11'3 Stump ?. inches X 2i 4 rim/in: i i I.JTI-: I I llT - -1 IIIJw " Average - iii Jb___ I. 5.-- Conrients-: . - CYLflATh.:. 02/26/1999 @8:57 9898227543 UTILITY VAULT CO. PAGE 11 UTILITY VA LILT 'COMPANY . OkIcUo Precast. Inc. www.oIdcstIe-precast.com P0 Box 1390 Fontana. CA 92334-1390 Phone (909) 428-3700 Fax (909) 822-7543 orlc.mastln@oldca&tlnprocast.com February 26, 1999 Foundation Pile, Inc. P.O. Box 1167. Fontana, CA. 92337 Reference: 18" Octagonal Prestress Piles Aqua }Iedionda Cr. Br. Attention: Russ Taylor Certificate of Compliance Utility Vault Company certifies that the 18" Octagonal Prestress Piles cast on 211/99 wcrc built in compliance with the approved shop drawing(s) for this project. Eric W. Mastin Quality Control Inspector Engineering Department 02/26/199 08:57 9098227543 UTILITY VAULT CO. PAGE 12 . :. . . . ET E S'T tLR E'P E R Project: /4'/c93• :. Product: Date 2/- Time Cylinders made by P EJ P\C •LIi Mb< : Stump 2t. inches X 254 mm/in = mm CyLinders Made -4'x 8 /0 -6x 12' O -Sure Cure (100mm X 200mm) (1mm X 305mm --) Average Cure Date/Time Age Size Loud PSI Mpo. PSI Mpa 2 -.•IT.__ig.: Comments.: CYLIJATM: . ... 02/26/1999 @8:57 9098227543 : UTILITY VAULT CO. PAGE 13 IIUTILITY VAULTTMCOMPANY - gdwtonol IOkkaut1e Precast. Inc. www.oldcastle-precast.com P0 Box 1390 • Fontána, CA 92334-1390 Phone (909) 428-3700 Fax (909) 822-7543 eric.mastinoIdcastIeprecast.com February 26, 1999 Foundation Pile, Inc. P.O. Box 1167 -• Fóntana, CA. 92337 Reference: 18" Octagonal Prestress Piles Aqua Hedionda Cr. Br. Attention: Russ Taylor - Certificate of Compliance Utility Vault Company certifies that the 18" Octagonal Prestress Piles cast on 1/28/99 were - built in compliance with the approved shop drawing(s) for this project. - - Eric W. Mastin Quality Control Inspector, Engineering Department 02/1igq flR57 908227543 , . UTILITY VAULT CO. PAGE 14 .. ..:.. :. • i: O. •.. .. .. :.• .'.; :... EI N ETT E STJ R UJ R T /L/ // Project - Product Date Time Cytindrs mue by: . . P\S EKI . .. P\C 'fl. Mix #:1,111--.4 ( Slump inches X 254 mm/en = I;,J "de 40Iemmw: I, w - -- I1.__ ir -._ -I - Comments- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE REQUIRED CYLDATM 02/26/1999 @8:57 9098227543 UTILITY VAULT CO.. PAGE 15 I UTILITY VA ULT'COMPA V adlvwonaf 001ftside Precast Inc. www.oldcastlo-précast.com P0 Box 1390 • Fontana, CA 92334-1390 Phone (909) 429-3700 Fax (909) 822-7543 erIc.mastin@oIdcastIeprecest.com February 26, 1999 Foundation Pile, Inc. P.O. Box 1167 Fontana, CA. 92337 Reference: 12" Square PrestressPiles S Aqua Hedjonda Cr. Br Attention; Russ Taylor Certificate of Compliance Utility Vault Company certifies that the 12" Square Prestress Piles cast on 1122/99 were built in compliance with the, approved shop drawing(s) for this project. Eric W. Mastin • Quality Control Ifispector. Engineering Department 02/2611999 08:57 908227543 UTILITY VAULT CO. . PAGE 16 ET.tEJ R 1 Project- /9/18. - AbJ Product: 2 Date.- _ Tine CyLinders rde by: :c.ôifL P 4* t5v-iiq - - P\C •fl. Mix Stump- .2 inches* X 25.4 rm/, mn CyLinders Made _4a< 8-... -6'x 12' (lOOnim X 200mm) (152mm X Omm) _ O -Sure Cure ____ Average cut-e. 1"t Date/T.me I-2J_eL Age f1 Size I7L Load 41?eoo PSI Mpo. PSI 4085 Mpa .S J"i.'1t. i _ii&io :.. ~'v Comments: CERTIFICATE OF, COMPLIANCE REQUIRED CYLDAIM:'