HomeMy WebLinkAbout3184; CANNON ROAD WEST; SURVEY OF VEGETATION; 1995-08-16C
Survey of Vegetation
Dunn Property
August 16, 1995
1 Overview - Scope of Study .
Background, .1
'Study Approach and Methodology . . 2.
Findings . 2
Conclusion . . 5 . .
Sensitive Species Observed '
. 6
Species List by Area 6
Vernal Pool Species List . . 9
References 9
Prepared for:
NBH Liquidating Trust
Dallas, Texas 75211-0129
(214) 331-1396
Prepared by:
Planning Systems:
Greg Evans, Landscape Architect LA#3900
2111 'Palomar Airport Road, Suite 100
Carlsbad, CA 92009 '
(619) 931-0780
The purpose of this vegetation survey is to classify vegetation on-site, to measure
habitat area, to provide a list of species, and to prepare a map-with summary data
representing findings. This survey will provide a detailed assessment of site
vegetation, but does not address other biotic elements. Botanical field work was
conducted on June 16 & 17, 1995, and instrument surveying followed during
several days thereafter. Area calculations are the product of a combination of
instrument surveying and aerial photo interpretation, as conditioned by site
limitations. .•
Project Location
The Dunn Property is an undeveloped 40.78 acre parcel located approximately 2-
1/2 miles from the coast in Carlsbad, California., (refer to the enclosed map for a
legal description). It is bordered to the north by greenhouses and agriculture, to the
east by recently dedicated open space, (a part of Carlsbad Habitat
Management,HMP, Plan Planning Area 5), to the south by agriculture, residences,
and undisturbed vegetation, and to the west by agriculture and undisturbed
vegetation. El Camino Real bisects the property into two pieces, the eastern
portion approximately 6 acres in size, and the western portion approximately 32
acres in size. The Dunn Property is located in the area proposed for the future
Poinsettia Lane extension to El Camino Real. Both alternative A and Alternative B
alignments would impact some site habitat.
Existing Conditions
Currently, the property exists in an undeveloped state, excepting the northeast
corner of the site which appears to have supported agriculture in the past. Site
topography slopes generally southwest from a mesa occupying the northeastern
portion of the property. The mesa sharply breaks off into a severely eroded ravine
system that drains the site to a low point at the southwest corner of the property.
Several bare earth roadways have been carved through the vegetation for vehicles
accessing adjoining property to the west and the south. A 200' wide SDG&E
transmission easement bisects the site from southeast to northwest, traversing
approximately 8 acres of the site.
Previous Biological Analysis
The site has been the subject of at least two vegetation studies in the past. These
studies were large in scope, and not specifically conducted for the Dunn Property.
The intensity of analysis for these studies in terms of the Dunn property is not
known, but it is probable that a small amount of field work was done on the Dunn
property. This intensity of field work would be in keeping with the overall scope of
these past projects. One of the documents referenced was the Carlsbad Habitat
Management Plan, which includes a "Vegetation Map" that locates plant
communities on-site. This map is comprised of an aggregate of previous biological
studies. Classification of the plant communities in some instances is similar, and in
Dunn Property- Surveyof Vegetation . page 1
some instances different from the findings of this study. Its is likelythat the
discrepancies between the HMP biology findings and the current findings
presented here is a matter of the intensity of review performed for this study.
Biological analysis pertaining to the site was also performed in conjunction with the
Carlsbad Zone 20 Specific Plan, December, 1991. Vegetation on-site was
classified to assess what habitat would be effected by the Future Poinsettia Road
alignment alternatives. The Biological Resources Technical Report was performed
by Brian F Mooney Associates. Again, this biological report focused on a large
area of land, and it is likely that much less field work was performed on the Dunn
property than was performed for the present study. The Zone 20 biology findings
generally conform to the findings of this report, however, this study reaches
conclusions that are in some instances are significantly different than preceding
biological analysis.
The differences in findings of the studies are due primarily to the discoveryof
Arctostaphylos glandulosa spp. crassifolia on-site, and the discovery of vernal pool
associated species. These plants could have been easily missed by an
abbreviated field review, and the vernal pool species may have been much more
pronounced during this wet spring condition than in previous years of drought.
This study began with collecting existing information including: reviewing maps,
(including orthophotos), reviewing past biological studies, and reviewing site
survey information. The biological team, which included a botanist, two biologists,
and a landscape architect, conducted a field survey using a 100 scale orthophoto
map with easement information overlaid. Staking the plant communities for
instrument survey was then accomplished by two of the biological team members.
Surveying was then performed to measure the size of plant communities. Fine
tuning of plant community location and size was performed by comparing
orthophoto and field survey information with the instrument survey data. Final plant
community areas were computed using Autocad. Biological mapping was
compiled by Planning Systems using survey information supplied by the Baak
Consulting Group. Plant lists, habitat classifications, and a field report provided by
Ecometrics Environmental Services are incorporated into this report.
Chaparral exists on approximately 22 acres, or half of the site. Previous biological
analysis has termed this vegetation, Mixed Chaparral, with Comarstaphylos
diversifolia noted as a community component. Field observations for this study
located numerous Arctostaphylos glandulosa spp. crassifolla specimens, a primary
indicator species of Southern Maritime Chaparral. Soil supporting the Chaparral is
classified as LvF3, (Loamy alluvial land-Huerhuero complex, 9-50% slopes,
severely eroded). "This complex occurs on old coastal ridges. Sparse coastal
chaparral grows on these soils and in soft spots in the sandstone and shale."1 This
1 'Soil Survey, San Diego Area California, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Dunn Property- Survey of Vegetation page 2
soil complex extends westward into part of the Aviara development where
Southern Maritime Chaparral has been identified. This Aviara vegetation is
currently proposed as a preserved open space area. The California Department of
Fish and Game is requiring Southern Maritime Chaparral mitigation for damage
that will occur due to proposed development. In light of this information, a
classification of Southern Maritime Chaparral is warranted. The Dunn Chaparral is
apparently part of a contiguous mass of Southern Maritime Chaparral coursing
through several local properties, its full extent unknown at present.
Area 1 -This area is a severely eroded small valley or large ravine which occupies
the southwestern portion of the plot. It is bounded to the north by steep bluffs, to the
east by the mesa at the head of the ravines, and El Camino Real, and to the south
and west by the plot boundaries. Dominate vegetation is Adenostoma
fasciculaturn, and with a strong admixture of Salvia mellifera and Mimulus
puniceus. Arctostapyhlos glandulosa spp. crassifolia, Comarostaphylis diversifolia,
Malosma laurina, Rhus integrifolia, and Xylococcus bicolor are common. Opuntia
literalis and Yucca schidigera are also present.
Area 3 - This north-facing slope is located in the northwest corner of the plot. It is
bounded to the south by the flat ridge top, and to the north by the unpaved access.
road at the bottom of the ridge. The vegetation is dominated by Adenostoma
fasciculatum. There are scattered individuals of Rhus integrifolia, Xylococcus
bicolor, Cornarostaphylis diversifolia and Arctostaphylos glandulosa var.
crassifolia. Mimulus puneceus is common and there are occasional individuals of
Salvia mellifera and Eriogonurn fascisula turn.
Area 8 - This area is a southwest trending broad ravine of triangular shape,
bordered by -a mesa to the north, bottom of slope to the west , and the property line
to the east. This Southern Maritime Chaparral is dominated by Adenostoma
fasciculatum, with Mimulus puneceus, Xylococcus bicolor, Rhus integrifolia,
Comarostaphylis diversifolia and Quercus durnosa present.
The "mesa portion of the site, occurring in the northeastern portion of the property
supports over 2.5 acres of watershed area that feeds at least eight vernal pools,.
(See species list page ?). Soil supporting the vernal pools is classified as
Huerhuero loam, 5 to 9% slopes. "This soil is gently sloping and undulating. Low
broad-based hummocks, locally called minimounds, occur in undisturbed areas.
The slope is dominantly 2 to 5 percent."2 A portion of the pool and watershed area
shows past farm equipment disturbance, but vernal pool plants grow unimpeded by
this past disturbance. Not all of the indicator species listed, (see Appendix A), were
found in all of the eight pools, but accumulated data suggests that all eight
depression are vernal pools. The Vernal Pools and their watershed are located in
vegetation classified as Disturbed Coastal Sage Scrub.
Area 2 - The northeastern portion of area 2 is a depression which appears to
collect and retain water during the rainy season. Dried algal mats were evident
2 "Soil Survey, San Diego Area California, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Dunn Property - Survey of Vegetation . . page 3
around the. edges of the depression. Tire tracks and broken asphalt were also
present suggesting periodic disturbance. However, this seasonal wetland supports
several species (e.g., Brodiaea orcuttii, Juncus dubius, Juncus bufonius, Elatine
brachysperma) which are generally associated with wetlands or vernal pools. As
well as being a wetland and vernal pool associate, Brodiaea orcuttii is designated
as a sensitive species (CNPS, 1994).
Area 6 - The northern portion of area 6 is a gently undulating area that appears to
have been disced some time in the past; the ground is broken by east-west
furrows. The area supports disturbed coastal sage scrub with low density of
Artemisia californica and Baccharis pilularis. Hemizonia fasciculata was abundant.
The dominant species are non-native grasses, non-native thistles, and wild
mustard. Within this disturbed matrix there are several depressions which not only
contained species often found in temporary wetlands in San Diego County (e.g.,
Ana galls minimus, Hemizonia fasciculata, Pilularia americana, Plantago erecta,
and Psiocarphus tennella), but also characteristic vernal pools species (e.g,
Deschampsia danthonoides, Myosurus minimus, and Psiocarpus brevissimus).
There are at least seven vernal pools ranging from about 4 or 5 square meters in
area to perhaps 30 square meters. For pool size information see Vernal Pool
Summary chart on the Vegetation Inventory map.
Approximately three acres of Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub, and approximately 11
acres of Disturbed Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub exist on-site.. This analysis is
similar to past biological studies. Designating Three acres as "not disturbed" and
11 acres as "disturbed" is based upon a visual assessment of how "degraded" the
community appeared, primarily in terms of invasive species.
Areas 4 and 5 - Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub - These areas share edges with
Disturbed Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub, and are located on the mesa rim just west
of El Camino Real. The terrain is flat or gently sloping. The vegetation is coastal
sage scrub that integrates with the chaparral to the west. It is dominated by
Artemisia californica and Salvia mellifera. To the north it grades into disturbed
coastal sage scrub (Area 3) characterized by low density of bushes and relatively
high density of exotics. -
Area 7 - Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub - Along the eastern property line and on the
mesa top is a small area of Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub. This dense Diegan
coastal sage scrub is comprised of Artemisia californica, Eriogonum fasciculatum,
Salvia mellifera, and Encelia californica. Several Sambucus mexicana are also
present. A portion of the watershed that serves Vernal Pools #5, 6, and 7 is
located in this area. '
Area 9 - Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub - Near the southern property border, on a
southwest facing mesa top is a small grouping of sage scrub. This stand is
dominated by Artemesia californica, with Salvia mellifera, and Eriogonum
fasciculatum as components. Lessingia filaginifolia, a sensitive species (CNPS,
1994), is common in the area.
Dunn Property - Survey of Vegetation page 4
Area 6 - Disturbed Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub - This area occupies a mesa top
and a finger of disturbed vegetation bordering El Camino Real. It is bounded to
the north by a fence and overgrown track south of a greenhouse, to the east by an
unpaved access road and the SDG&E easement, and to the west by El Camino
Real, and to the south by the mesa rim. The northern flat area appears to have
been disced some time in-the past and the ground is broken by east-west furrows.
The northern two-thirds of the flat area is disturbed coastal sage scrub with low
density of Artemisia californica and Baccharis pilularis. Hemizonia fasciculata was
abundant. The dominant species are non-native grasses, non-native thistles, and
wild mustard.
Area 2- Disturbed Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub - This relatively flat area occupies
the ridge top at the north end of the property, and extends southward along El
Camino Real. It is cut by several unpaved access roads and tracks and contains a
good deal of debris that has been dumped in several piles. The native vegetation
Was probably Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub similar to areas 4 and 5. The dominant
bush is sparse Artemisa californica. The area is now dominated by non-native
grasses and thistles. However, several important natives are present. Lessingia
filaginifolia, a sensitive species (CNPS, 1994), is common in the area. Since it was
not in bloom the variety could not be determined, but it is likely to be the variety
incana. Brodiaea orcuttii was also present in vernal pool area #1 and
approximately 400' west in a small triangle of vegetation bounded by access roads
near the easternmost part of area 3. This triangle of vegetation could be connected
to the vernal pool #1.
This community occurs in two drainage corridors on-site. Quercus agrifolia,
Quercus dumosa, and Quercus engelmanii are present. Crossing of species is
Areas 1 a & 1 b - Two oak woodland areas are distinct on-site, the larger of the two
occupying the bottom of the small valley in the southwest corner of the property.
The smaller one occurs in the severely eroded ravine in the south-central portion of
the property. Quercus agrifolia dominates both areas with Quercus dumosa
present. Quercus engelmanni, a sensitive species, is present, as is 0. engelmanni
/ x 0. dumosa. -
The Dunn Property is singled out by the City of Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan
as a "Wildlife Corridor", (WC 4-5), acting as a bridge between Preserve Planning
Areas 4 and 5 in the southern part of the city. For this reason alone, it is desirable
that this property be left in an undisturbed condition. The discovery that this
property, also contains two very sensitive plant communities makes it a somewhat
rare and significant biological resource. Southern Maritime Chaparral and Coastal
Sage Scrub are plant communities currently "protected" by resource agencies, and
are therefore desirable as mitigation land. Usually a "Disturbed" community such
as Disturbed Coastal Sage Scrub would not be a candidate for mitigation because
of its degraded condition. But due to the significance of this location, it is worth
pursuing the possibility that this land may also be salable.
Dunn Property - Survey of Vegetation S page 5
status on-site
Occurs in Southern Maritime Arctostaphylos glandulosa USFWS Category 2
ssp. crassifolia . Chaparral in areas 1, 3 & 8
and in Coastal Sage Scrub area 9.
Brodiaea orcuttii USFWS Category 2 Occurs at Vernal Pool edges and
CNPS List 1 B within ephemeral streams in area 2.
Comarostaphylis diversifolia USFWS Category 2 Occurs in Southern Maritime ssp. diversifolia : CNPS List 1 B Chaparral in areas 1, 3 & 8.
Lessingia filaginifolia USFWS Category 2 Occurs in Sage Scrub and Southern
CNPSList lB Maritime Chaparral in areas 1,2, & 9.
Quercus dumosa USFWS Category 2 Occurs in Oak Woodland and
• Southern Maritime Chaparral in
Areas 1, & lb.
Quercus engelmanni CNPS List Occurs in Oak Woodland areas 1 a &
Dunn Property
Areas 1. 1 a & 1 b - Southern Mixed Chaparral and Oak Woodland
Adenostoma faciculatum
Agrostis diegoensis
Antirrhinum nuttallianum
Arctostaphylos glandu losa sp. crassifolia
Calochortus weedii
Comarostaphylos diversifolia
Dudleya lanceolata
Eriophyllum confertiflorum
Hazardia squarrosus
Gnaphalium bicolor
Gnaphalium californicum
Gasoul nodiflorum
Mimulus puneceus
Lotus scoparius
Malosoma laurina
Opuntia littoralis
Opuntia prolifera
Pterostegia drymariodes
Quercus agrifolia
Quercus dumosa
Quercus dumosa x Quercus
Quercus engelmannii
Salsola australis
Rhus integrifolia
Area 2 - Disturbed Coastal Sage Scrub with Wetlands and Vernal Pool
Amaranthus sp. Euphorbia maculatum
Anagalus arvensis . . Geranium carolina
Artemisia californica Gnaphalium bicolor
Atriplex semibaccata Gnaphalium plaustre
Baccharis salicifolius Helianthemum scoparium
Brodiaea orcuttii . Hemizonia fasciculata
Bromus hordeaceus spp. molliformis Hirshfeldia incana
Bromus madritensis spp. rubens S Isocomaveneta
Calochortus weedii . Juncus bufonius
Carnissonia bistorta Juncus dubius
Centunculus minimus Lactuca seriola
Centurea melitensis Lotus scoparius
Chenopodium ambrosiodes Lythrum hyssopifoliurn
Chiorogalum parviflorum . Malva parviflora
Cirsium sp. Melilotus indicus
Cirsium occidentalis Navarretia attractyloides
Conium maculatumP enesetum setaceum
Corethrogyne filaginifolia (incana? Pentagramma viscosa
- assumed from previous study Plantago erecta
before flowering) Portulaca oleracea
Daucus. pusillus . . Quercus agrifolia
Dichelostemma pulchellum Rumex crispus
Dudleya lanceolata Solanum xantii
Elatine brachysperma Sonchus asper
Eleocharis montevidensis . Spergularia arvensis
Eriogonum fasciculatum Vicia sativa
Erodium botrys\ . Vulpia myuros
Eucrypta chrysanthemifolia Yucca gloriosa
Area 3 - Southern Maritime Chaparral
Adenostoma facicu latum
Raphanus sativa
Arctostaphylos glandulosa sp. crassifolia Salvia mellifera
Cardionema ramosissimum Selaginella bigelovii
Hypochoeris glabra Stylocline gnaphli.odes
Lobelia aeronus Xyloccocus bicolor
Quercus dumosa . Yucca schidigera
Areas 4 & 5 - Coastal Sage Scrub.
Amsinkia intermedia S Hemizonia fasciculata
Artemisia catifornica . Isocoma veneta
Baccharis pilularus S Marah macrocarpa
Bromus madritensis spp. rubens . Melica imperfecta
Centarium venustum 0 Nasella lepida
Cryptantha intermedia S Nicotiana glauca
Eriogonum fasciculatum Salvia mellifera
Gnaphalium californicum S Yucca schidigera
Dunn Property - Survey of Vegetation page 7
Area 6 - Disturbed Coastal Sage Scrub and
Alopecurus sp.
Vernal Pool
Hirshfeldia incana
Anagolis minimum Lobelia aernus
Artemisia californica Lupinus bicolor
Avena barbata Myosurus .minimus
Baccharis pilularis var. consanguinea Pilularia amer
Centarium venustum Plantago erecta
Centurea melitensis Polypogon monspeliensis
Deschampsia danthoniodes. Psilocarpus brevissimus.
Eriogonum fasciculatum Psilocarpus tenellus
Hemizonia fasciculata Sambucus mexicana
Area 7 - Coastal Sage Scrub
Artemisia californica
Chamaesyce sp.
Chrysanthemum coranarium
Cordylanthus filifolius
Ehrhardta calycina
Encelia californica
Area 8 - Southern Maritime Chaparral
Adenostoma faciculatum
Arctostaphylos glandulosa sp. crassifolia
Comarostaphylos diversifOlia
Mimulus puneceus
Eriastrum sapppharinum
Eriogonum fasciculatum
Galium angustifolium
Muhlenbergia microsperma
Salvia mellifera
Sambucus mexicana
Rhus integrifolia
Salvia mellifera
Quercus dumosa
Xyloccus bicolor
Artemisia californica
Bromus madritensis spp. rubens
Centarium venustum
Dudleya lanceclata
Eriogonum fasciculatum
Gnaphalium californicum
Hemizonia fasciculata
Isocoma veneta
Corethrogyne filaginifolia (incäna?)
Lotus scoparius
Nicotiana glauca
Rhus integrifolia
Salvia mellifera
Vulpia myuros
Yucca schidigera
Dunn Property - Survey of Vegetation page 8
IPool Number I
Species 1 2 3 4 5a 5b 6 7 8
Algal mats - x x
Alopecurus sp.
Brodiaea orcuttii x
Callitnche longipedunculata x x x x
Centunculus minimus x x x x x I x x
Deschampsia danthoniodes. x x x x x x
Elatine. brachysperma x x
Eleocharis montevidensis x
Hemizonia fasciculata x x x x x x x x
Juncus dubius x
Juncus bufonius x x x x. x x x x
.Lythrum hyssopifolium S
- - - Myosurus minimus x I I x x
Pilularia americana x x x
Plantago erecta x x x x x
Polypogon monspeliensis x x x x x x x
.Psilocarpus brevissimus -
x x
- -
x x x
Psilocarpus tenellus x x I x x x x x x x
Selaginella bigelovii - . -
"Biological Resources and Habitat Analysis in support of the City of Carlsbad
Habitat Management Plan",
Michael Brandman Associates, August 1992.
"Biological Technical Report for Green. Valley"
Sweetwater Environmental Biologists, Inc., August 1993
"Habitat Survey of Dunn Property"
Ecometrics Environmental Services, June 1995.
"Sensitive Species List for the Western San Diego Region", July 15, 1995
San Diego Association of Governments.
"Soil Survey", San Diego Area, California",
United States Department of Agriculture, December 1973
"Technical Appendices for the Zone 20 Specific Plan Project, Carlsbad, California",
Brian F. Mooney Associates, December, 1991.
Dunn Property . Survey of Vegetation S page 9
acreage' _ TOTAL
' . . . 1.34:
-': 735 '
35 '. -.
VERNAL"POOL'#1 ...... ..........
5 COASTAL: 'SAGE: SCRUB :' : ::'. : ,, 1.27 :',.: : 1.27',
:::VERNAL POOLS #a3,456,,7.8
, 3.67. '
' 3.67.
'8 'SOUTHERN: MARITIME, CHAPARRAL:: :' , 1.5 ,::: :::': , : .1.45:
9 COASTAL_SAGESCRUB _:':,,,,: j,, [1,45-1 - :0.45..
TOTAL 2215 f 295 1 1102 159 ___3771
- .;•:•. •:. •.': I= . .
\ \ I NOTE' EL Camino Real roadway area = 255 acres
- ----------------------\- : '•: - BrOr Brodiaea orcuttil
- •H ' \:'. "_
- \ \ \' :_ - LeFI Lessingia fltaginif'otla (Incana?)
:-:-:-:sc:-i--:-:-:-:-:-\ç ' '.. '4 4• \ \ QD Quercus dumosa
P \ \ \ --i- QE Quercus engetmannhi -\-:..---- ----:-:-:-:-:-:---:-:---:-:-:-:---i-i-i-i-i\-i-i-i-i-i-i-i- ( V-I NOTE' Numerous Del Mar Manzanhta and
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " •:: •.. .:: ':':--_ Summer Holly were observed in
7. Southern Maritime Chaparral on-site
:i'::? 1111ii-
+ _'"., 10265 KESA I4ADERA DRIVE
SAN D1E CA 92131
(619) 579-6331 NDR1H 0 100' 0' 400'
OF SECTION 2 :TUVN11P le s .mt RANSE 4 VESt' PLA4LNG ' . ,
NOTE' Vegetation area size is approximate conditioned by survey methods and field conditions si BRDINI BASE AND KER1DIA IN Tht SYSTEMS
'& ,. osago ... ' ••• ' '
POOL WATERSHED 42A87 :0,97 c
W-P2-8 POOL WATERSHED 71454 sf, 165 ac
pool 'description , acreage",,"
-' P1 ' :VERNAL. PEIIJL 2871 sf,'O.07 ac
VERNAL PODL::: :1505sF _0.03ac::
P3: : VERNAL POOL 926 sF, 002 ac
P4 VERNAL POOL' ' 1172 sf,' 003 ac,
P5 VERNAL POOL 438 sF 0 ac
p6: VERNAL PODL''798 sF 0.02 ac:
P7 ' -VERNAL POOL ",1028sf, 0.02'ac'
PB 'VERNAL TOOL 155sf. D..ac
TOTAL __I_':..,., '8892's,020_70Lc