HomeMy WebLinkAbout3188; COLLEGE BLVD EXTENSTION; AGGREGATE BASE; 1987-07-02.•. . AdPk
P. .A_ C 1 F I C Ad'ministr'ative Offices: 3255 Wing St. #106 • San.Diego, CA 92110 .(619) 224-3611
LABORATORIES, INC. Laboratory Facilities: 880 Gable Way • El Cajon, CA 92020 • (619)579-8353
July 2, 1987
South Coast Asphalt
Post Office Box 1008 S
Carlsbad, California 92,008
Subject: Aggregate Base
Faraday Pit . S
Gentlemen: . . •:
As per your request of June 1987, we have reviewed the test..
results submitted by San Diego Geotechnical Consultants. The
report was :dated May 28, 1987 and the..report wastitled "Preliminary
Aggregate Base Samples From Stockpile" for the College Bou1evard
extension project in Carlsbad, California.
. After reviewing the report and inspecting the stockpile, we
have the foTlow.ing comments and observations.
The gradation analysis is extremely coarse and we
have observed areas in the stockpile which are extremely-
segregated. Since the stockpile is very large
(approximately 120,000 c.y.) .we feel the materials . .
need additional mixing:and blending to ensure a
uniform .product.
The R-value reported was 83 which exceeds the 78 ••
minimum requirement.. The sand equivalent reported
was .58 which is very high for Classil aggregate . .
base which .is normally specified to be a minimum of
• . . . . . .
. . III) The durability index was reported to be 30, however •
the minimum:requirement is 35. Since the gradation. .•
of the sample tested was excessively coarse and the
sand equivalent wasquitehigh we would expect to see
a high durability i.ndex. Conversely we would expect
. • to. see a ,fine gradation and.a low sand equivalent
S.. ,•
.5. 5.
May 28, 1987 -
NBS Lowry and Associates Job No. 05-6664-001-00-10
10920 Via Frontera. Log No.: 7-1647
San Diego, California.. 92128 '. '• S
Attention: Mr.urt.Gierlich
Preliminary Aggregate Base Samples From Stockpile
College 'Boulevard7 Extension
: '
Carlsbad, California
Reference: "Standard Specifications
State of California
De'partment of Transportation" dated 'July 1984, S
issued by Department of Transportation (Caltrans).
Gentlemen: -
In accordance with •your request, we have prepared this letter
presenting the laboratory results of the preliminary. aggregate
base samples obtained from the stockpile at the subject site.
The actualsample test results as they compare to the referénced
Standard Specifications are 'as follow:
Percentage Passing " •,
Actual Sample
Sieve Sizes 3/4" Maximum Test Results
'2" • •. • ....... ......I... •' • • • ....... - S
1 1/2'1
S ---'
S " .......:. •. ...... .. .....•......, - 100 : 100
3 / 4 0 • • • ............................87-lob 90 .1
No 4 3O-60
-. No. 30 • 535 • ' 5.0
Nd. 200 .............. ......• • • • . . 0-12 • 1.9
•- • 6455 NANCY RIDGE DRIVE • SUITE 200 • SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 •(619) 587-0250' -S
- -- 880 GABLE WAY E N G I N E E R I N G EL CAJON, CA 92020
LABORATORIES, INC. (619) 579-8353
SAMPLE DATA On 6/26/87 Pacific
Engineering Laloratories sampled
the Faraday P.it for, conformance
Sample No. 1 2 . Sp•cifkohons
Sample Size ..
Sieve Size
inn ioo : 100
g7 96 ' go-lop
½" __________ 83 %
47 '
8 31 27
- 20
30 _______ 12 10-30
100 6
200 (Wash) .. . 3 2-9
F. M. .
44 47 ' * 28 MIN
INDEX 38 41 35 MIN
0 California Test 229
Office of Transportation Laboratory
P. 0. Box 19128
Sacramento, California 95819.
(916) 444-4800
The durability index test provides a measure of the
relative resistance of an aggregate to producing clay-
sized fines when subjected to prescribed methods of
interparticle abrasion in the.presence of water. Four
procedures are provided for use with materials with
various nominal sizes and specific gravities.
Procedure Designation Type of Material Section A ........................ Dc Betaiñèd No. 4 sieve 'E-1 B............................Dc "modified" Lightweight or porous, E-2 retained No. 4 sieve C ..........................DI Passing No. 4 sieve E.3 D ...........................DI "modified" No. 4 x No. 16 sieve E4 (pea gravel, chips)
The following equipment is required to perform
this test. Detailed descriptions and specifications are
included as necessary to assure standardization.
Items bearing an Office of Business Management
(OBM) catalog number are available to California
State Agencies from the Department of Transporta-
tion, Office of Business Management. Detailed plans
are available for those items bearing a Transporta-
tion Laboratory (TL) drawing number.
Agitator (Figure 1). A mechanical device de-
signed to hold the wash vessel in an upright position
while subjecting it to a lateral reciprocating motion
at a rate of 285 ± 10 complete cycles per minute. The
reciprocating motion shall be produced by means of
an eccentric located in the base of the carrier and the
length of the stroke shall be 1.75 ± .025 inches. The
clearance between the cam and follower of the ec-
centric shall be .001 to .004 inches.
The combination sieve shaker-agitator, OBM cata-
log number 66350940-6, meets these requirements
when in the agitation mode.
The Tyler portable sieve shaker meets these re-
quirements when modified according to TL drawing
number D-536.
Mechanical Sand Equivalent Shaker (Figure 2)
a A mechanical device designed to hold a gradu
ated plastic cylinder in a horizontal position
while subjecting it to a reciprocating motion
parallel to its length. The motion shall provide
a stroke length of ± 0.04 inches. The device
shall operate at a speed of 175 ± 2 complete
cycles per minute. Prior to use, the shaker shall
be fastened securely to a firm and level mount.
OBM catalog number 6635-0930-5.
TL drawing number D-256.
3. Sand Equivalent Test Apparatus (Figure 3)
A graduated plastic cylinder, rubber stopper;
irrigator tube, weighted foot assembly and si-
phon assembly, all conforming to the specifica-
tions and dimensions shown in TL drawing
number C-218 (Figure 4)
A one gallon minimum size glass or plastic
container with cover and fitted with the siphon
assembly or a discharge tube near the bottom
shall be used to disperse the working calcium
chloride solution. The container shall be placed
on a shelf or suspended. above the work area in
such a manner that the level of the solution is
maintained between 36 and 46 inches above the
work surface.
OBM catalog-number 6635-0610-7:
4. Measuring Tin. A 3 ounce tin approximately
21/4 inches in diameter having a capacity of 85 ± 5 ml.
5. Wash Vessel. A flat bottomed, straight sided
cylindrical vessel equipped with a watertight remov-
able lid and conforming to the dimensions and toler-
ances shown in Figure 4.
The "Stainless Steel Pot", OBM catalog number
7330-0130-1, meets these requirements.
6. Collection Pot. A round pan or container hav-
ing vertical or nearly vertical sides and equipped as
necessary to hold the wire mesh of an 8-inch diame-
ter sieve at least 3 inches above the bottom. An adap-
tor which will not allow loss of fines or wash water
maybe used to nest the sieve with the container, or
the sieve. may be nested with a blank sieve frame
resting in the bottom of the pan.
7. Graduated Cylinder. A graduated cylinder
having a capacity of 1000 mis.
8. Rubber Stopper. A stopper to fit the plastic
9. Funnels
California lest 229
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California Test 229
A wide mouth funnel suitable for directing wa-
ter or aggregate into the plastic cylinder.
A wide mouth funnel large enough to hold an
8-inch diameter sieve while directing water into
the plastic cylinder.
Balance. A balance or scale accurate to 0.2
percent of the weight of the sample to be tested.
Oven. A drying oven set to operate at 230 ± 9°F (110° ± 5°C).
Timer. A clock or watch reading in minutes
and seconds.
Sieves. U.S. Standard Sieves, 3/4 inch (19.0
mm), '/2 inch (12.5 mm), % inch (9.5 mm), No. 4
(4.75 mm), No. 8 (2.36 mm) and No. 200 (0.075 mm).
The No. 8 and No. 200 sieves shall be in standard
8-inch diameter frames.
Flexible Hose
1. Stock Calcium Chloride Solution
"Sand Equivalent Stock Solution", OBM catalog
number 6810-0100-6.
Solution may be prepared from the following:
454 g (1 lb) tech. anhydrous calcium chloride.
2,050 g (1,640 ml) USP glycerine.
47 g (45 ml) formaldehyde (40 percent by vol-
ume) solution.
Dissolve the calcium chloride in /2 gal of distilled
or demineralized water. Cool the solution to room
temperature, then filter it through Whatman No. 12
or equivalent filter paper. Add the glycerine and
formaldehyde to the filtered solution, mix well, and
dilute to 1 gal with distilled or demineralized water.
* A
2. Working Calcium* Chloride Solution. Prepare, the working calcium chloride solution by diluting 85
± 5 ml of the stock ëalcjum chloride solution with
water to obtain 1 gal of working solution.
3. Water. Use distilled or dernineralized water
for the ndrmal performance of this test, including the
preparation of the working calcium chloride solu-
tion. If it is determined, however, that the local tap
water is of such quality that it does not affect the test
results, it is permissible to use it in lieu of distilled or
deminerà.lized water.
The temperature of.all solutions and water should
be maintained at 722 ± 52F during the performance
of this test. Individual tést.results which meet the
minimum durability index value when the tempera-
ture is below the recommended range are accepta-
ble. '
1. Obtain a representative sample of the material
to be tested.
2: Process the sample and separate on the No. 4
sieve according to the procedures. in California Test
201. The material passing the No. 4 sieve is tested
independently from the material retained on the No.
4 sieve. If either of these primary size portions
amounts to less than 15% of the total sample, that
portion should not be tested. The durability index of
the tested portion will represent the entire sample.
3. Separate the retained No. 4 material on the 3/4
inch, 1/2 inch and % inch sieves.
4. Calculate the size distribution of the 3/4 inch x No. 4 portion of the matérial. Do not include the
material retained on the 3/4 inch sieve or the material
passing the No. 4 sieve in this calculation.
5. Materials with a minimum nominal size larger
- than % inch, shall be crushed to pass the 3/4 inch sieve and then processed as described below. The portion
of the crushed material which passes the No. 4 sieve
shall not be tested for durability-index.
1. Procedure A, Coarse Durability (Do) for materi-
al retained on -a No. 4 sieve.
Process the material to be tested as described in
Section D "Sample Processing".
Prepare a test specimen having an air-dry
weight of 2550 ± 25 grams by combining the
graded fractions as specified below.
(1) For materials which have a minimum of 10
percent in each of the specified fractions,
prepare the test specimen according to the
weights listed in Table No. 1.
California Test 229
Table No. 1
Basic Test Specimen Grading -
Aggregate Sieve Size Air.Dry .We,ht Passing Retained in grams
Y. inch V2 inch 1070 = 10 1/2 inch % inch 570 ± 10 %inch No.4 910±5
Total Test Specimen Weight 2550: 23
(2) For materials with less than 10 percent in
any of the fractions specified in Table No.
1, prepare the test specimen using the actu-
al calculated percentage for the deficient
fraction and proportionally increase the
weights of the remaining fractions to obtain
the 2550 gram test specimen.
Example 1—Less than 10% of 3/4 in. x '/ in. aggre-gate..
Aggregate - Percent Air-Dr- Weight Sieve Size Each Size Calculations Grams in.x%in. 6 .06x2350 153±10 4in. x%in. 26. 570(2550-155) 923±10
570+910- % in: xNo. 4 68 910 (2550— 153) 1474 ± S
Totals -100 M 25
Example 2—Less than 10% of 3/4 in.. X in. and '/2 in. x 3/ in, aggregate.
Aggregate Percent --Air.Diy Weight Sieve Size Each Size Calculations Grams . in. xV2 in. - 4 .04x2350 - 102±10 % in. x V. in. - 7 .(77x 2350 179 = 10 % in. x No. 4 - 89 2330—(102+179). 2269±5
Totals - •. '. 100 2550±2.5.
c. Wash the test'specirnen using the following pro-
cedure. -
Place the test specimen in the--wash vessel.
Add 1000 ± 5 ml water, clamp the lid in
place and secure the vessel in the agitator.
- (3) At 1 minute ± 10 seconds after adding the
water to the specimen; start the agitator
and shake -the vessel for 2 minutes ± 5 sec-
(4) Pour the contents of the vessel into a No. 4
sieve and rinse with fresh .Water until the
- water passing through the sieve is clear.
d. Transfer the material, to-a pan, dry to constant -
. weight at 2302 ± 9°F, and cool to room tempera-
ture. -.
e. Abrade the test specimen using the following
(1) Place the washed and dried' test specimen
in the wash vessel.
Culifornia lesl 229
Add 1000 ± 5 thl water, clamp the lid in
place and secure the vessel in the agitator.
At 1 minute ± 10 seconds after adding the
water to the specimen, start the agitator
and shake the vessel for 10 minutes ± 15
f. Separate the aggregate and water on the No. 200
Remove the lid from the wash vessel and
bring the fines into suspension by holding
the vessel in an upright position and moving
it vigorously in a horizontal circular motion
5 or 6 times causing the contents to swirl
Immediately pour the contents of the vessel
into the No.8 and No. 200 sieves nested over
the collection pot.
Tilt the No. 8 sieve to promote drainage,
then discard the- material retained on the
No. 8 sieve.
Collect all of the wash water and minus No.
200 sieve material in the collection pot. To
assure that all material finer than the No.
200 sieve is washed through the sieve, use
the following procedure:
As the wash water is draining through
the No. 200 sieve, apply a jarring action
to the sieve by lightly bumping the side
of the sieve frame with the heel of the
When a concentration of material is re-
tained on the No. 200 sieve, rerinse this
fine material by pouring the wash wa-
ter through the sieve again, using the
following procedure:
(1) Allow the wash water to stand undis-
turbed in the collection pot for a few
. moments to permit the heavier parti-
cles to settle to the bottom..
Set the No. 200 sieve aside and pour the
upper portion of the wash water into a
separate container.
Place the No. 200 sieve back on the ccl-
lection pot and pour the water back
through the material on the No. 200
sieve. (If two collection pots are avail-
able the specimen may be rinsed by al-
ternately placing the sieve on one and
then the other while pouring the wash
water through the material on the sieve: Before each rinsing allow the
heavier particles to settle to the bottom
and pour only the upper portion of the
water through the material.)
(4) Repeat this procedure as necessary un-
til all of the minus No.200 material has
been washed through the sieve. When
the material has been rinsed sufficient-
ly the material on the sieve will be free
of visible streaks of day and the wash
water will flow freely through the sieve
and accumulated material.
Pour all of the wash water and passing No. 200
sieve material into a graduated cylinder. Use
fresh water as necessary to flush all the fines
from the collection pot and adjust the volume to
Return the wash water to the collection pot tak-
ing care to include all water and fines.
L Fill the graduated plastic cylinder to the 0.3 inch
mark with stock calcium chloride solution and
place the funnel on the cylinder.
Stir the wash water vigorously with one hand to
bring all the fines into suspension. Use a circular
motion allowing the fingers to rub the sides and
bottom of' the collection pot.
Immediately fill the graduated plastic cylinder
to the 15-inch mark with the turbulent wash
1. Stopper the cylindei. and thoroughly mix the
wash water and calcium chloride solution by in-
verting the cylinder 20 times in approximately
35 seconds. Allow the air bubble to completely
transverse the length of the cylinder each time.
Immediately place the cylinder on a work
bench or table free of vibrations, remove the
stopper, and allow the cylinder to stand undis-
turbed for 20 minutes ± 15 seconds.
Immediately read the top of the sediment cot-
Orrin to the nearest 0.1 inch.
0; Determine the coarse durability index (do)
from Table No. 2.. . •
California Test 229
C . .
height Durability
(inches) index
Sediment Sediment . height Durability height Sediment
Durabi/itr height Durability
height 'Durability (inches) index (inc?7es) - index (inches) index (inches) index
• 0
0.0 .................................100 ................................96 3.1. 3.0...............................53 6.0 ..............................39 9.0 ................... ...........-29 12.0 ............................
.2 ................................93 3.2...............................52
6.2 ..............................38
6.1 ..............................29
12.1.............................18 12.2............................18 .3 0.4 ................................90 ....................... ......
51 6.3 ..............................38
6.4 ...............................37 9.3............................28
. 9.4............................28'
12.3............................17 12.4.............................17
........... .................--- 82
3.5 36.................................49
.............................. '50 ..............................
6.6 ................................37 27 125.............................16
0.7 .8 ................................ 49 6.7 ..............................36 9.6..........-:..................27
9.7............................27 12.6.............................16 12.7 ............................
0.9 ................................78 .................................76
3.9..............................48 6.8 ..............................
36 9.8 ........................ 12.8.............................15 ................................36 9.9............................26 12.9..............................14
1.0 ...............................74
................................73 4.0
4.1 ...............................
47 7.0 ............................... 10.0............................26 13.0............................14
.2 .3 ................................71 ................................70
4.3...............................46 .........................46 7.1 .................................35
7.2 .............................35 101 ............................25 10.2............................25 13.1 ............................13 13.2............................13
1.4 ...............• ............... 68. 4.4 7.3 ..............................25 13.3............................12 34 10.4.............................24 13.4............................12
1.5 .............................. .................................66 7.5 ..............................3.4 10.5...............................24 13.5 ............................ .ii
.7 ..................................
1 4.6..............................44 7.6 ..............................33
7.7 .............................33
10.7 ................. - 23 13.6............................11 13.7.............................10
................................ 48........................ 43 7.8; ..............................33 10.8............................23 13.8............................9 ............... ... 62 4.9...............................43 . 7.9 ..............................a 10.9............................23 13.9............................9
( •...
2.0 2.1 ................ 61 .................................42
5.0..............................43 8.0 ................................32 8.1 ..............................32 11.0............................22 11.1 ...........................22 14.0............................8 14.1............................7 2.2 ................................59 2.3.................... 5. ...............................42 . 8.2 ..............................31 .
11.2............................22 14.2............................7
2.4 ........................
59 58 5.3........................... 5.4..............................'
41 8.3 ...............................31 11.3............................21 : 14.3 ..........................6 . 41 8.4 ................................3 ..... .......................... - 21 14.4............................
56............................. 40
8.5 ..............................30
11.5............................2O 14.5............................4
.7 .................................55 5.7...............................40 8.7 ..............................30 30 11.6..........................20 11.7.............................20 14.6............................4 14.7............................3
• 2
................54 ................................54 5.8...............................39 5.9.................................39 8.8. ............................29 8.9 11.8............................19 14.8.............................2 ...............................29 11.9.............................19 14.9............................1 15.0 ............................. 0
- California Test 229
2. Procedure B, Coarse Durability (Dr) "Modi-fied" (for lightweight or porous aggregates)
Because' of the low specific gravity and/or high
absorption rate of some aggregates, the proportions
of aggregate to wash water are too great to permit
the intended interparticle abrasion; Testing of these
materials will require adjustment of the test speci-
men weight and volume of test water. All materials
which are not completely inundated, when 1000 mls
of water are added to a 2500. gram test specimen,
shall be tested according to Method A with the fol-
lowing modifications.
Determine the bulk, oven-dry specific gravity
and the percentage of absorption of the aggre-
gate in accordance with California Test 206.
Adjust the total weight of the test specimen
specified in E-1-b using the formula:
Adjusted Specimen Vt. (grams) = ((Specific Gravity of Aggregate) /2.65) x 2500
Adjust the weight of material in each size frac-
tion proportionally to the weights specified in
Adjust the volume of test water specified in E-1-
c and E-1-e using the. formula .except that the
volume of water shall always be at least 1000
Adjust Water = 1000 + (Ax W) - 50 Where: A Absorption of Aggregate (%)
W Weight of Test Specimen
3. Procedure C, Fine Durability (D1) for material passiOg a No. 4 sieve.
a. Process the material to be tested as described in
Section D "Sample Processing".
b. Split or quarter 500 ± 25 grams of material from
the passing No. 4 portion of the sample.
(1) See step 3-f for optional preparation proce-
dure. -
c. Dry to constant weight at 230°± 9°F and cool to
room temperature.
d. Wash the dried material by the following proce-
Place the material in the wash vessel.
Add 1000 ± 5 MIS of water, clamp the lid in
place and secure the vessel in the agitator.
At 10 minute ± 30 seconds after adding
water to the material start the agitator and
shake the vessel for.2 minutes ±'.5 seconds.
(4)' Pour the contents Of the vessel into a No.
200 sieve and rinse with fresh water until.
the water passing through the sieve is clear.
Use a flexible hose attached to a faucet to
direct water onto the material.
Transfer the material to a pan, dry to constant
weight at 230°, ± 9°F, and cool to room tempera-
(1) Use water from the flexible hose as neces-
sary to rinse the material from the sieve
into the pan..
(2). Free, water can be removed by tilting the
pan and then, after the fines have settled,
carefully pouring off the clear.water.
A 500 gram fine sieve analysis test specimen
which has been tested in accordance with Cäli-
fornia Test 202, may be utilized in lieu Of the
material prepared according to steps b. through
e. above. If the fine, sieve analysis test specimen
is used, all of the material separated during siev-
ing including that portion retained in the sieve
pan shall be thoroughly recombined before pro-
ceeding to step g. below.
g. Split or quarter the washed and dried material
to provide a test specimen of sufficient size to
fill the measuring tin to level full.
When filling the measuring tin, consolidate
the material in the tin by tapping the bot-
tom edge on a hard object such as the work
Fill the measuring tin to slightly rounded
above the brim and then strike off to level
full using a straightedge.
h. Fill the 'graduated plastic cylinder to 4 ± 0.1.
inches with working calcium chloride solution.
i. Pour the prepared test spècimén into the plastic
Use the funnel to avoid spillage.
Release air bubbles and promote thorough
wetting by bumping the base of the cylinder
against a firm Object while the test specimen
is being poured into the cylinder or by tap-
ping the cylinder sharply on the heel of the hand several times after the test specimen
has been poured in.
j. Allow the wetted material to stand undisturbed
for 10 ± 1 minutes.
k. Abrade the test'specimen by the following pro-
(1) At the end of the 10 minute soaking period,
stopper the cylinder,' then loosen the
material from the bottom 'by shaking, the,
cylinder while holding it in a partially in-
verted position.
(2), Secure the cylinder in the mechanical sand
equivalent shaker.
(3) Start the shaker and allow it to operate for
10 minutes ± 15 seconds.
8. L
California Test 229
C .
1. Irrigate the test specimen to flush the abraded
fines from the sand using the following proce-
At the end of the shaking period remove the
cylinder from the shaker and set it upright
on the work bench. Insert the irrigator tube
in the cylinder, start the flow of working
calcium chloride solution, and rinse the
material from the sides of the cylinder as the
irrigator is lowered.
With the cylinder remaining in an upright
position and the'solution flowing from the
tip, apply a twisting action to the irrigator
and force it to the bottom of the cylinder.
The flow of solution will flush the clay size
particles upward and into suspension. With-
draw the irrigator from the sand as neces-
sary to change position and again force it to
the bottom. The most effective technique
for penetrating the test sample with the ir-
rigator is to hold the 'irrigato,r between the
palms of both hands and rotate it by rubbing
the hands back and forth while' applying a
downward pressure.
Continue twisting and forcing the irrigator
to the bottom of the cylinder until the fines
have been flushed from all areas of the sam-
ple. Rotate the cylinder with each penetra-
tion of the irrigatoi- and visually inspect the
test specimen for pockets of fine material.
When the splution reaches the 15-inch mark
in the cylinder, slowly withdraw the irriga-
tor without shutting off the flow so that the
liquid level is maintained at about 15 inches.
Regulate the flow just before the irrigator is
entirely withdrawn and adjust the find level
to 15 inches.
Immediately place the cylinder on a work
bench or table free of vibrations and allow the
cylinder and contents to stand undisturbed for
20 minutes ± 15 seconds from the'time the irri-
gation is completed.
Determine the "clay reading".
At. the end of the 20-minute period read
and record the level of the top of the sedi-
ment column. This is the clay read.
When the clay reading falls between 0.1-
inch graduations, record the level of the
higher graduation.
If a clearly defined line of demarcation
does not form between the sediment and
the liquid above it in the specified 20-
minute period, allow the cylinder to stand
undisturbed until the clear demarcation
line does form. Then immediately read and
.record the time and the height of the col-
umn. If tap water was used retest an untest-
ed portion of the sample using distilled or
deminéralized water.
If the liquid immediately above the line of
demarcation' is still darkly clouded at the
.end of 20 minutes, and the demarcation
line, although distinct, appears to be in the
sediment column itself, read and record
the level of this line at the end of the speci-
fied 20-minute period. If tap water was
used, retest an untested portion of the sam-
ple using distilled or dernineralized water.
o Determine the "sand reading".
After the clay reading has been taken gent-
ly lower the weighted foot assembly into
the cylinder until it comes to rest on the
sand. Do not allow the indicator to hit the
mouth of the' cylinder as the assembly is
being lowered.
As the weighted foot comes to rest on the
'sand, 'tip the assembly toward the gradua-
tion on the cylinder so that the position of
the indicator is visible.. Take care not to
press down on the assembly.
Read the level of the top edge of the indica-
Subtract 10 inches from the observed read-
ing. This is the sand reading.
When the sand reading falls bet
'graduations, record inch gradtions, record the level of the
higher graduation.
p. Calculate the fine durability index (D1) using. the formula:
D1 .= (Sand Reading/Clay Reading) x 100
(1) If the calculated durability index is not a
whole number, report it as the next higher
whole number.
4. Procedure D, Fine Durability (D1) "Modified", for pea gravel or chips having a nominal minimum
size no smaller than a No.' 16 sieve.
Process the material to be tested as described in
Section D "Sample Processing".
Split or quarter out 500 ± 25 grams of material
from the passing No. 4 portion of the sample.
Wash the test specimen by the following proce-
Place the material in 'the wash vessel.
Add 1000 ± 5 mls of water, clamp the lid in
place 'and secure the vessel in the agitator.
At 10 minutes ± 30 seconds after adding
water to the material, start the agitator and
shake the vessel for 2 minutes ± 5.seconds.
Pour the contents of the vessel into a No.,,
California Test 229
200 sieve and rinse with fresh water until
the water passing through the sieve is clear.
Use a flexible h 8se' attached to a faucet to
direct water onto the material.
d. 'Transfer the material to a 'pan, dry to constant
weight at 2300 ± 9°F,, and cool to room tempera- ture. '
Use water from the flexible hose' as neces-
sary to rinse the material from the sieve
into the pan.
Free water can be removed by tilting the
pan and then, after the fines have settled,
carefully pouring off the clear water.
e. Split or quarter the washed and dried material
to provide a test specimen of sufficient size to
fill the measuring tin to level full.
(1) When filling the measuring tin, consolidate
the material in the tin by tapping the bot-.
torn edge on .a hard object such as the work
(2) Fill the measuring tin to slightly rounded
above the brim and then strike off to level
full 'using a straightedge.
f. Fill the graduated plastic cylinder to 4 ± 0.1
inches with water.
'g. Pour the-prepared test specimen into the plas-
tic cylinder.
Use the funnel to avoid spillage.
Release air bubbles and promote thorough
wetting by bumping the base ofthe cylin-
der against a firm object while the test
specimen is being poured into the cylinder
or by tapping the cylinder sharply on the
heel of the hand several times after the test
specimen has been poured.
h. Allow the wetted material to stand undisturbed
for 10 .± 1 minutes.
' L Abrade the test specimen by the following pro-
(1) At the end Of the 10-minute soaking period,
, stopper the cylinder, then loosen the
material from the bottom by shaking the,
cylinder while holding it in 'a partially in-
verted position.'
Secure the cylinder in the mechanical sand
equivalent shaker.
Start the shaker and allow it to,operate for
30 ± 1 minutes.
J. Transfer the water and passing No. 200 sieve size
material to a second graduated plastic cylinder.
Fill an empty graduated plastic cylinder td
the 0.3 inch mark with stock calcium chlo-
ride solution.
Place a No.200 sieve into a funnel that emp-
ties into the cylinder containing the calcium
chloride solution.
Tip the stoppered cylinder containing the
test specimen upside down and shake to
loosen the material from the bottom.
Hold the mouth of the inverted cylinder
over the sieve and remove the stopper, al-
lowing the test specimen and water to pour
onto the sieve. ,
"(5) Collect the water and passing No. 200
material in the second cylinder.
Rinse the remaining fines from the first cyl-
inder onto the sieve with a small amount of
fresh water.
Rinse the material retained on the sieve
with additional fresh water to assure that
the minus No. 200 portion-passes 'through
the, sieve. Take care not to fill the cylinder
above the 15-inch mark.
'(c) Adjust the level of the liquid to the 15-inch
mark with fresh water.
k. Stopper the cylinder and thoroughly mix the
wash water and calcium chloride solution by
inverting the cylinder 20 times in approximate-
ly 35 seconds. Allow the air bubble,to complete-
ly traverse the length of the cylinder each time.
1. Place the cylinder on a work bench or table free
of vibrations, remove the stopper and allow to
stand undisturbed for 20 minutes ± 15 seconds.
Immediately read the top of the sediment col-
umn to the* nearest 0.1 inch.
Determine the Fine Durability. index (Di)
"modified" from 'Table No. 2.
End of Text (10 pg.) on Calif. 229