HomeMy WebLinkAbout3190; Rancho Santa Fe North; Rancho Santa Fe North; 2004-06-024 TE-USL U.S. LABS Mr. Grant Eklund june 02,2004 C/o City ofCarlsbad Public Works - Engineering Contiact No.: 46703 1645 Soutii Rancho Santa Fe Road #202 ^ San Marcos, CA 92069-5188 n Subject: Supplemental Geotechnical Testing Project: Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Carlsbad, Califomia Gentlemen: In accordance with a request from Mr. Plotnikiewicz, Testing Engineers-U.S. Laboratories, Inc. (TE- USL) has perfbrmed supplemental geotechnical testing at the referenced project. The supplemental testing consisted of non-destmctive pavement deflection testing and the augering of 10 exploratory borings, including tiie placement of 7 piezometers, at selected locations on the recentiy constmcted Rancho Santa Fe Road in Carlsbad, Califomia. The Supplemental geotechnical testing was prompted by tiie discovery of 2 new pavement areas distressed to failure located on the southbound lane near stations 189 +50 and 190+00. This report presents the results of our non-destmctive pavement deflection testing, exploratory borings, and laboratory testing, and provides our conclusions and recommendations. Non-Destructive Deflection Testing The non-destmctive deflection testing of the new pavement was completed from stations 176+50 tiirough 217+50. There were four test lines established along tiie lengtii ofthe test area. Line 1 was in the northbound lane, close to the outer edge ofthe pavement; Line 2 was also in the northbound lane, but close to the median; Line 3 was in tiie southbound lane, close to the median; and Line 4 was in the southbound lane, close to the outer edge of tiie pavement. Most of tiie pavement had four inches of asphalt concrete pavement over either 16 or 18 inches of process miscellaneous base. This stmctural section was supported on at least eight feet of compacted fill. The fill appeared similar to the base material and consisted of gravel with a clayey sand or sandy clay matrix. Non-destmctive deflection tests were perfonned in 50-foot increments in the test lines closest to the outer pavement edge. The lines closest to the median area were tested at 100-foot increments. Tests were performed with a falling-weight deflectometer provided by the County of San Diego. Our geotechnical engineer monitored the testing and analyzed the test data. A preliminary report has been issued. This report supersedes the preliminary report. A total of 225 locations were tested. The test at each location consisted of applying three different loads and measuring the resulting pavement deflection with seven sensors spaced outwardly from the load center. Twenty-one test points were obtained Testing Engineers - U.S. Laboratories '3/^0 7895 Convoy Court. Suite 18 • San Diego. California 92111 • (858)715-5800 • Fax: (858) 7I5-5810 y Offices Nationwide ^ . ' for each test location. The data converted to a Dynamic Stiffiiess Modulus (kips per inch) that relates varying loads with corresponding deflections. This data was statically analyzed with the results illustrated on the attached Plate 1. The right side ofthe distribution curve shows an approximate normal distribution. The left side appears tmncated, typically due to minimum constmction specification requirements. For this project, the average minus one standard deviation is used for the borderline of weaker pavement stmctural section areas. Plate 2 shows the distribution of test data along the pavement length. Two areas stand out with grouping of the lower strength data. Area 1 is from about 198+00 to 202+00. Area 2 is from 208+50 to 214+00. Relatively low deflections spanned across the width ofthe road in each of these areas. These areas should be monitored for early signs of pavement distress. Subsurface Testing The subsurface investigation was performed on March 19, 2004 and consisted of 10 exploratory borings, identified as C-1 through C-10. The borings were placed at pre-selected locations on both north and southbound lanes of the newly constmcted Rancho Santa Fe Road from stations 176+00 to 208+20. A MobUe C-61 drill rig was utiUzed to auger tiie borings to depths ranging from 6 to 11 feet below the existing asphalt surface. Our staff geologist logged the borings and collected samples that were sealed in moisture resistant containers and transported to the laboratory for subsequent testing. Detailed descriptions of the encountered subsurface materials are provided in the exploration logs in Appendix A following the text of this report. At the boring locations, the pavement ranged from 3.5 to 5.0-inches in thickness, with the majority averaging 4.5 inches. The asphalt was supported by about 18 inches of on-site processed misceUaneous base followed by 3 to 9 feet of engineered fill, ofwhich consisted of clayey gravel (cmshed metavolcanic rock) and gravelly clay materials. The fill was generally damp to moist and dense in consistency, however, moist to very moist soil conditions were observed at the lower portions of fill above the formational contact at borings C-6, C-8, C-9, and C-10. In addition to the borings, piezometers were constmcted in 7 of the 10 borings to monitor potential water infiltration. The piezometers were placed at depths ranging from 5 to 10 feet below the existing asphaltic surface. No measurable water was observed in the borings from the time of constmction through April 25, 2004. Laboratory Testing A laboratory-testing program was conducted to evaluate pertinent geotechnical engineering characteristics. Laboratory testing included visual classification, Atteberg Limits, moisture content determination, and sieve analyses. All phases ofthe laboratory testing program were conducted in general accordance with applicable ASTM specifications or other accepted test method(s). The test results are presented in Appendix B foUowing the text of this report. 46703 Rancho Santa Fe Roadway Realignment and Widening - Supplemental Geotechmcal Testing Conclusions Based on the investigative works discussed herein, it is our opinion that the two major factors contributing to the addressed problems are as follows: • The utiUzation of on-site materials with highly plastic fines (processed 3-inch minus and cmshed miscellaneous base derived from metavolcanic rock and soil). • The introduction of irrigation drainage water and lack of subdrain placement vrithin the roadway alignment at potential seepage zones. Recommendations For ftiture consideration of proposed roadways, the following recommendations are provided for your consideration: 1. Utilization of CMB (greenbook) in lieu of on-site processed materials would provide a capillary break and significantly reduce the localized excessive deformation resulting in an extended life of the pavement. 2. Installation of seepage pits, consisting of clean %-inch rock extends down to the bedrock interface, with a volume sufficient to infiltrate irrigation water in conjunction with planters. In addition, subdrainage elements should be installed where seepage zones occur. 3. Utilizing mbberized asphalt to minimize manifestation ofany excessive deflections and thereby extend the design life ofthe pavement. TESD appreciates the opportunity to be of assistance to you on this project. Should you have any questions regarding the content ofthis letter, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully submitted. Testing Engineers - US Labs, Inc. Charles B. McDuffie Staff Engineering Geologist Distribution: (6) addressees VanOlin, GE 2578 Geotechnical Division CBNWO/cl t •J 'IMA I IS m BTC/US Laboratories, Inc Rancho Santa Fe Road, Carlsbad, California m DYNAMIC STIFFNESS MODULUS (kips per inch) Station Una! Line; 1 Line 3 Lina 4 Station Ramarks | 176*50 565 176*50 i jne 1. Northbound, Ouler t Une 2: Northtxjund, Inner i Jne 3: Southtiound Outer I Line 4; Sout!it)ound Inner i 177*00 660 177+00 ; jne 1. Northbound, Ouler t Une 2: Northtxjund, Inner i Jne 3: Southtiound Outer I Line 4; Sout!it)ound Inner i 177*30 516 177*50 I jne 1. Northbound, Ouler t Une 2: Northtxjund, Inner i Jne 3: Southtiound Outer I Line 4; Sout!it)ound Inner i 173*00 582 535 178+00 j jne 1. Northbound, Ouler t Une 2: Northtxjund, Inner i Jne 3: Southtiound Outer I Line 4; Sout!it)ound Inner i 178*50 509 486 178*50 1 jne 1. Northbound, Ouler t Une 2: Northtxjund, Inner i Jne 3: Southtiound Outer I Line 4; Sout!it)ound Inner i 179*00 505 505 179*00 ! jne 1. Northbound, Ouler t Une 2: Northtxjund, Inner i Jne 3: Southtiound Outer I Line 4; Sout!it)ound Inner i 179*50 568 565 179*50 ! jne 1. Northbound, Ouler t Une 2: Northtxjund, Inner i Jne 3: Southtiound Outer I Line 4; Sout!it)ound Inner i 180*00 592 585 180*00 • jne 1. Northbound, Ouler t Une 2: Northtxjund, Inner i Jne 3: Southtiound Outer I Line 4; Sout!it)ound Inner i 180*50 763 465 180+50 jne 1. Northbound, Ouler t Une 2: Northtxjund, Inner i Jne 3: Southtiound Outer I Line 4; Sout!it)ound Inner i 181+00 640 626 ! 352 181+00 jne 1. Northbound, Ouler t Une 2: Northtxjund, Inner i Jne 3: Southtiound Outer I Line 4; Sout!it)ound Inner i 181*50 439 798 181*50 182*00 540 747 1 941 182*00 182*60 698 872 182+50 183*00 883 806 ! 981 183*00 183+50 1045 943 183*50 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : 184*00 986 1062 j 794 609 184*00 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : . 184*50 875 758 184*50 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : j 185+00 798 758 ; 1002 1195 185*00 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : 1 185+50 848 729 185*50 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : ! 186+00 939 1000 j 935 863 186*00 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : i 186*50 1116 477 186*50 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : J 187*00 920 628 1 715 723 187+00 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : ! 187*50 894 627 187+50 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : 1 1B6+00 746 737 j 754 801 188+00 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : ! 188+50 794 714 188*50^ Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : j 189+00 813 669 1 669 963 189+00 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : i 189*50 589 792 189+50 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : i 190+00 815 861 • 629 690 190+00 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : 1 190+50 836 691 190*50 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : I 191+00 675 1221 1 776 963 191*00 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : j 191*50 805 698 191+50 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : 1 192+00 790 1320 . 626 735 192+00 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : i 192*50 699 744 192+50 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : : 193+00 717 744 1 711 714 193+00 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : 1 193+50 822 724 193*50 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : 194+00 707 1041 ! 699 765 194+00 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : 1 194+50 973 671 194+50 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : ! 195+00 630 1094 j 584 •474 195*00 Line 4: near constnjction trailers 1 Neer Paseo Lupino intersection 1 i j Une 3 & 4: near south tfig-oul Line 3 & 4: near north dig-txjl : ! 195+50 923 627 195*50 : j 196+00 863 972 ! 573 712 196*00 j ' 196+50 1142 519 196+50 • i 197+00 1021 713 j 544 523 197+00 1 i 197*50 796 465 197+50 1 I 198+00 549 641 T . 480 .. 691 198*00 j 198+50 470 611 198*50 ! 199+00 599 377 • 702 542 199*00 [Line 1,198+50 to 199*50: newer pavemefv i 199*50 569 • "451--199*50 iline 2.199*00 to 201*00: twwerpavemen 1 200*00 646 492 t 490 422 200*00 ! 1 200+50 460 •465 • <• 200*50 1 201+00 386 442 • 682 681 201+00 1 201*50 320 201*50 1 i 202+00 451 530 1 721 683 202*00 ! ! 202+50 613 761 202*50 1 1 203+00 519 661 . 873 741 203*00 1 203+50 539 849 203*50 1 1 204*00 602 607 1 828 852 204*00 iSlnjclural sectioo change 6718" lo 6716" i 204+50 551 716 204*50 ! ! 205+00 597 665 ! 669 777 205+00 : 205+50 561 761 205*50 206*00 582 589 j 795 683 206*00 206+50 648 632 206*50 207*00 722 679 ! 593 811 207*00 1 207*50 654 517 207+50 Line 4, 207*50: newer pavement 208+00 678 712 • 476 : 572 208+00 208*50 714 669 206*50 Near Caminito Juniper intersection 209*00 619 544 501 495 209+00 ! 209*50 •446 537 209*50 ! 210*00 559 599 '462 371 210+00 ! 210*50 437 334 . 210+50 j 211+00 660 445. 1 525 455 211+00 1 211*50 670 232 211+50 1 212+00 543 378 • 580 328 212+00 ! 212+50 515 • -429 \ 212*50 ! 213+00 .365 509 J 452 589 213+00 Line 3,213+00: thinner pavemenl (2") 213+50 551 423 213+50 1 [ 214+00 4S3 724 . 599 627 214+00 1 ! 214+50 605 638 214+50 j ! 215*00 516 658 1 585 215+00 I 215+50 626 215+50 1 i 216+00 554 34S ! 216+00 i ! 216*50 591 216+50 i i 217*00 619 217*00 i 1 217+50 476 217*50 PLATE 2 c 0 9 t3 W Xi w o m O 0 •0 n n nl 0 -1 oc <n O h-c CO m CO CO o x: o c a: Q ro Q ID lf> CD g CO < l5 c o ra i Q -2 to "a ffl + 0) > /^T' 'fi|"TiIiiTi(.uMI..M.f%yr«.'i'--jf•• • LU a: =) H CO o O > H W z LII D >-CC o o DATE DRILLED 4/19/04 BORING NO. C-1 GROUND ELEVATION METHOD DRILLING Mobile C-61 LOGGED BY SHEET OF CBM DRIVE WEIGHT N/A DROP N/A DESCRIPTION Ii" :i 10 15 1.5 3.0 4.6 20 6.1 5.6 GC ASPHALT: \ 3.5 inches thick FILL: Clayey GRAVEL Light brown, damp to moist, dense. Total Depth = 8.0 feet Groundwater not encountered Backfilled on 4/19/04 Refusal at -8 feet. Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \Wj 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 •mm San Diego, CA 92111 BORING LOG Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \Wj 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 •mm San Diego, CA 92111 Rancho Santa Fe North ReaUgnment & Widening Rancho Santa Fe, CaUfomia Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \Wj 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 •mm San Diego, CA 92111 CONTRACT NO. 46703 REPORT DATE May 2004 FIGURE A-l LD OC I- o o to z LU Q Z o to^ DATE DRILLED 4/19/04 BORING NO. C-2 GROUND ELEVATION METHOD DRILLING Mobile C-61 LOGGED BY CBM DRIVE WEIGHT N/A SHEET OF DROP N/A DESCRIPTION :i 1.5 7.6 6.3 GC ASPHALT: \_ 4.5 inches thick HLL: Clayey GRAVEL Light brown, moist, dense. 10 3.0 :i 4.3 SANTIAGO FORMATION: Metavolcanic ROCK with clay Light brown, damp, dense to very dense. 15 4.6 20 6.1 Total Depth =11.0 feel Groundwater not encountered Backfilled on 4/19/04 Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 •MiHM San Diego, CA 92111 BORING LOG Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 •MiHM San Diego, CA 92111 Rancho Santa Fe Nortii ReaUgnment & Widening Rancho Santa Fe, California Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 •MiHM San Diego, CA 92111 CONTRACT NO. 46703 REPORT DATE May 2004 FIGURE A-2 LU CC o Li- O CO z LU Q >- Q z o si =5 CO o DATE DRILLED 4/19/04 BORING NO. C-3 GROUND ELEVATION METHOD DRILLING Mobile C-61 LOGGED BY CBM DRIVE WEIGHT SHEET OF N/A DROP N/A DESCRIPTION :i :i 10 3.9 1.5 11.0 3.0 GC ASPHALT: \ 4.5 inches thick FILL: Clayey GRAVEL Light brown, damp to moist, dense. SANTIAGO FORMATION: CLAYSTONE, contains some gravel size metavolcanic rock. Light orange brown, damp to moist, stiff. Total Depth =10.0 feet Groundwater not encountered Backfilled on 4/19/04 15 4.6 20 6.1 Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \W/ 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 •emn San Diego, CA 92111 BORING LOG Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \W/ 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 •emn San Diego, CA 92111 Rancho Sanla Fe North ReaUgnment & Widening Rancho Santa Fe, Califomia Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \W/ 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 •emn San Diego, CA 92111 CONTRACT NO. 46703 REPORT DATE May 2004 FiGURE A-3 OF RE ITY r) CO H z CO LU o a 2 DRY g s^ ^^co o DATE DRILLED 4/19/04 BORING NO. C-4 GROUND ELEVATION METHOD DRILLING Mobile C-61 LOGGED BY SHEET OF CBM DRIVE WEIGHT N/A DROP N/A DESCRIPTION 1.5 :i 10 3.0 5.6 17.3 8.2 CISC GC ASPHALT: \ 4.5 inches thick FILL: Clayey GRAVEL Light brown, damp to moist, dense. Gravelly CLAY Tan, very moist, firm to stiff. Contains some 1 -2 inch diameter unbrocken clay clods. Clayey GRAVEL Light brown, damp to moist, dense. SANTIAGO FORMATION: Metavolcanic ROCK with clay, trace fine sands Light orange-brown, damp, dense to very dense. Total Depth = IO.O feet Groundwater not encountered Backfilled on 4/19/04 15 4.6 20 6.1 Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \Wl 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 matmm San Dieeo, CA 92111 BORING LOG Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \Wl 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 matmm San Dieeo, CA 92111 Rancho Santa Fe North Realignment & Widening Rancho Santa Fe. California Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \Wl 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 matmm San Dieeo, CA 92111 CONTRACT NO. 46703 REPORT DATE May 2004 FIGURE A-4 tu cc I- co o o Q. CO z UJ Q >-CC D O si s^ ^co o DATE DRILLED 4/19/04 BORING NO. C-5 GROUND ELEVATION METHOD DRILLING Mobile C-61 LOGGED BY CBM DRIVE WEIGHT SHEET OF N/A DROP N/A DESCRIPTION :i :i 1.5 6.6 10.8 15.7 GC CL ASPHALT: \_ 4.5 inches thick FILL: Clayey GRAVEL Light brown, moist, dense. Gravelly CLAY Light brown, moist to very moist, firm to stiff. Silty CLAY with rock Tan, moist, stiff. High plasticity. 10 3.0 :i: 6.7 SANTIAGO FORMATION: CLAYSTONE Tan, damp to moist, stiff. Some trace fine sand and gravel. 15 4.6 20 16.1 Total Depth =11.0 feet Groundwater not encountered Backfilled on 4/19/04 Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \W/ 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 mmmm San Dieeo. CA 92111 BORING LOG Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \W/ 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 mmmm San Dieeo. CA 92111 Rancho Santa Fe North ReaUgnment & Widening Rancho Santa Fe. Califomia Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \W/ 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 mmmm San Dieeo. CA 92111 CX>NTFiACT NO. 46703 REPORT DATE May 2004 FIGURE A-5 UJ cc o a, CO z LU Q >-CC Q Z g si s^ =3 CO 3 O DATE DRILLED 4/19/04 BORING NO. C-6 GROUND ELEVATION METHOD DRILLING Mobile C-61 LOGGED BY CBM ORIVEWEIGHT DESCRiPTION SHEET OF N/A DROP N/A WELL CONSTRUCTION 10 15 20 1.5 3.0 4.6 6.1 7.1 9.0 10.0 9.7 GC ASPHALT: \^ 5 inches thick FILL: Clayey GRAVEL Light brown, damp to moist, dense. At -8 ft, becomes moist to very moist. Total Depth =11.0 feet Groundwater not encountered Backfilled on 4/19/04 2 inch diameter Piezometer pipe 10.5 ISSli Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \W/ 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 •ima San Dieeo, CA 92111 BORING LOG ISSli Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \W/ 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 •ima San Dieeo, CA 92111 Rancho Santa Fe North ReaUgnment & Widening Rancho Santa Fe, CaUfomia ISSli Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \W/ 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 •ima San Dieeo, CA 92111 CXlNTRACn" NO. 46703 REPORT DATE May20O4 FiGURE A-6 LU (t =3 H CO O u. o CL CO z LU Q >-tr Q si s^ =3 CO 5 o DATE DRILLED 4/19/04 BORING NO. C-8 GROUND ELEVATiON METHOD DRILLING Mobile C-61 LOGGED BY CBM DRIVE WEIGHT SHEET OF N/A DROP N/A DESCRIPTION 3.8 17.7 18.3 ASPHALT: \ 4.5 inches thick FILL: Clayey GRAVEL Light brown, damp to moist, dense. Gravelly CLAY Li^t brown, moist to very moist, stiff. SANTIAGO FORMATION: CLAYSTONE / SANDSTONE Tan, moist, stiff. Total Depth = 6.0 feet Groundwater not encountered Backfilled on 4/19/04 10 3.0 15 4.6 20 6.1 Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \^/ 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 MiMHM San Dieeo, CA 92111 BORING LOG Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \^/ 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 MiMHM San Dieeo, CA 92111 Rancho Santa Fe North ReaUgnment & Widening Rancho Santa Fe, Califomia Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \^/ 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 MiMHM San Dieeo, CA 92111 CX3NTRACT NO. 46703 REPORT DATE May 2004 FIGURE A-7 LU CC D H (0 U- o CO z LU Q z g si s^ o DATE DRILLED 4/19/04 BORING NO. C-9 GROUND ELEVATION METHOD DRILLING Mobile C-61 LOGGED BY SHEET OF CBM DRIVE WEIGHT N/A DROP N/A DESCRIPTION a: 1.5 10 15 20 i: I 3.0 4.6 6.1 4.3 11.4 19.1 ASPHALT: \_ 4.5 inches thick FILL: Clayey GRAVEL Light brown, moist, dense. Gravelly CLAY Light brown to brown, very moist, firm to stiff. SANTIAGO FORMATION: CLAYSTONE Tan to light brown, damp to moist. High plasticity. Total Depth = 6.0 feet Groundwater not encountered Backfilled on 4/19/04 Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \W/ 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 m^mmm San Diego, CA 92111 BORING LOG Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \W/ 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 m^mmm San Diego, CA 92111 Rancho Santa Fe North Realignment & Widening Rancho Santa Fe, Califomia Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \W/ 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 m^mmm San Diego, CA 92111 CONTRACT NO. 46703 REPORT DATE May 2004 FIGURE A-8 LU CC ZD \~ CO o o CO z UJ Q D Z g si s^ ^co 5 o DATE DRILLED 4/19/04 BORING NO. C-10 GROUND ELEVATION METHOD DRILLING Mobile C-61 LOGGED BY CBM DRIVE WEIGHT N/A SHEET OF DROP N/A DESCRIPTION 7.1 13.7 14.4 ASPHALT: \ 4.5 inches thick FILL: Clayey GRAVEL Light brown, moist, dense. Gravelly CLAY Light brown to brown, very moist, firm to stiff SANTIAGO FORMATION: CLAYSTONE Tan to light brown, damp to moist, stiff. High plasticity. Total Depth = 6.0 feet Groundwater not encountered Backfilled on 4/19/04 10 3.0 15 4.6 20 6.1 Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \W/ 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 waaamm San Diego, CA 92111 BORING LOG Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \W/ 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 waaamm San Diego, CA 92111 Rancho Santa Fe North ReaUgnment & Widening Rancho Santa Fe, CaUfomia Testing Engineers - U.S. Labs \W/ 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 waaamm San Diego, CA 92111 CONTFIACT NO. 46703 FiEPORT DATE May 2004 FIGURE A-9 LIQUID AND PLASTIC LIMITS TEST REPORT 60 X LU Q Z Dashed iine indicates tlie approximate upper limit boundary for natural soiis 50 LIQUID LIMIT 70 90 110 SOIL DATA SYMBOL SOURCE SAMPLE NO. DEPTH (ft.) NATURAL WATER CONTENT (%) PLASTIC LIMIT (%) LIQUID LIMIT (%) PLASTICITY INDEX (%) USCS • C-4 11873 2.5' 17 47 30 SC LIQUID AND PLASTIC LIMITS TEST REPORT TESTING ENGINEERS Client: CityofCarlsbad Project: Rancho Santa Fe North Realignment and Widening ProjectNo.: 46703 Plate LIQUID AND PLASTIC LIMITS TEST REPORT 60 Dashed line indicates the approximate upper limit boundary for natural soiis 50 LIQUID LIMIT 110 SOIL DATA SYMBOL SOURCE SAMPLE NO. DEPTH (ft.) NATURAL WATER CONTENT (%) PLASTIC LIMIT (%) LIQUID LIMIT (%) PLASTICITY INDEX (%) USCS • C-5 11877 6' 16 49 33 CL LIQUID AND PLASTIC LIMITS TEST REPORT TESTING ENGINEERS Client: CityofCarlsbad Project: Rancho Santa Fe North Realignment and Widening ProjectNo.: 46703 Plate Particle Size Distribution Report 100 90 80 70 a: LU 60 Ll_ Z 50 tu o oc UJ 40 Q. 30 20 10 500 100 10 1 0.1 GRAIN SIZE-mm 0.01 0.001 % COBBLES % GRAVEL %SAND % SILT % CLAY 0 9 44 47 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.' PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) 1.5 in. 100 1 in. 99 3/4 in. 97 1/2 in. 96 3/8 in. 95 #4 91 #10 86 #20 82 #40 80 #60 78 #100 69 #200 47 Soil DescriDtion Atterberq Limits PL= 17 LL= 47 Pl= 30 Coefficients D85= 1-65 D60= O.I 10 D5o= 0.0817 530= D15= Dia= Cu= Cc- Dia= Classification USCS= AASHTO^ Remarks (no specification provided) Sample No.: 11873 Location: C-4 @ 2.5' Source of Sample: Date: Elev./Depth: 2.5' TESTING ENGINEERS Client: CityofCarlsbad Project: Rancho Santa Fe North Realignment and Widening ProjectNo: 46703 Plate Particle Size Distribution Report 100 90 80 70 cr LJJ 60 z Ll. Z 50 UJ O cr LU 40 CL 30 20 10 500 100 10 1 0.1 GRAIN SIZE-mm 0.01 0.001 % COBBLES % GRAVEL % SAND % SILT % CLAY 0 27 27 46 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC' PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) 1.5 in. 100 1 in. 93 3/4 in. 89 1/2 in. 81 3/8 in. 79 #4 73 #10 69 #20 66 #40 63 #60 61 #100 57 #200 46 Soil Description PL= Atterbera Limits LL= Pi= D85= 15.7 •30= ^u- Coefficients DQO= 0.210 de- D5o=^ 0.0939 Dio- USCS= classification AASHTO= Remarks (no specification provided) Sample No.: 11884 Location: C-8 @ 3' Source of Sample: Date: Elev./Depth: 3' TESTING ENGINEERS Client: CityofCarlsbad Project: Rancho Santa Fe North Realignment and Widening ProjectNo: 46703 Plate 100 90 80 70 cr LU 60 Ll. 50 UJ o cn LU 40 CL 30 20 10 Particle Size Distribution Report "I -™ p -fl o o 500 100 10 1 0.1 GRAIN SIZE-mm 0.01 0,001 % COBBLES % GRAVEL % SAND % SILT % CLAY 0 9 51 40 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC' PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) 3/4 in. 100 1/2 in. 97 3/8 in. 96 #4 91 #10 83 #20 71 #40 60 #60 52 #100 45 #200 40 Soil DescriDtion PL= Atterberq Limits LL= D85= 2.41 D30= Cu= Coefficients D60= 0.425 de- D5o= 0,219 D10= USCS= classification AASHTO= Remarks (no specification provided) Sample No.: 11871 Location: C-3 @ 8' Source of Sample: Date: Elev./Depth: TESTING ENGINEERS Client: CityofCarlsbad Project: Rancho Santa Fe North Realignment and Widening ProjectNo: 46703 Plate Particle Size Distribution Report - 4 f -i 500 100 10 1 0.1 GRAIN SIZE - mm 0,01 0,001 % COBBLES % GRAVEL % SAND % SILT % CLAY 0 30 34 36 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) 1.5 in. 100 1 in. 99 3/4 in. 88 1/2 in. 81 3/8 in. 76 #4 70 #10 67 #20 63 #40 60 #60 57 #100 47 #200 36 Soil DescriDtion Atterbera Limits PL= LL= Coefficients Pl= D85= 16.7 D60= 0.425 D50- 0.173 D30= Dl5-DIG- Cu= Co- Classification DIG- USCS= AASHTO= Remarks (no specification provided) Sample No.: 11891 Location: C-10 @ 4.5' Source of Sample: Date: Elev./Depth: 4.5' TESTING ENGINEERS Client: CityofCarlsbad Project: Rancho Santa Fe North Realignment and Widening ProjectNo: 46703 Plate Particle Size Distribution Report it V 5—^ 500 100 10 1 0.1 GRAIN SIZE - mm 0.01 0,001 % COBBLES % GRAVEL % SAND % SILT % CLAY 0 2 23 75 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC' PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) 3/4 in. 100 1/2 in. 100 3/8 in. 99 #4 98 #10 97 #20 96 #40 95 #60 93 #100 90 #200 75 Soil Description Atterberq Limits PL=: LL= Coefficients Pl= D85= 0.112 D60= D50= D30= Di5= DlO= Cu-Cc- Classification USCS= AASHTO= Remarks (no specification provided) Sample No.: 11885 Location: C-8 @ 4.5' Source of Sample: Date: EleviDepth: 4.5' TESTING ENGINEERS Client: CityofCarlsbad Project: Rancho Santa Fe North Realignment and Widening ProjectNo: 46703 Plate TE-USL U.S. LABS Natural Moisture (Ring Samples) Date: April 28, 2004 Job No: 46703 Client: CITY OF CARLSBAD Address: 5950 El Camino Real Carlsbad Ca 92008 Report No: 6857 ENGINEER: VAN OLIN, CIVIL ENGINEER REVIEWED: CARLOS ACERO, STAFF ENGINEER Project: Rancho Santa Fe North Realignment and Widening m Date Sampled: 04/19/04 Lab Number 11865 11867 11868 11869 11870 11871 11872 •m Sample Identification C-I @ T C-2 @ r C-2 @ r C-2 @ 10' C-3 @ 2" C-3 @ 8' C-4 @ r Moisture Content, % 5.6 7.6 6.3 4.3 3.9 11.0 5,6 fli Lab Number 11873 11874 11875 11876 11877 11878 11879 Sample Identification C-4 @ 2.5' C-4 @ T C-5 @ r C-5 @ 2' C-5 @ 6' C-5 @ 10' C-6 @ 1' •« Moisture Content, % 17.3 8.2 6.6 10.8 15.7 6.7 7,1 m Lab Number 11880 11881 11882 11883 11884 11885 11886 Ml Sample Identification C-6 @ 2' C-6 @ 8' C-6 @ 9' C-8@ r C-8 @ 3' C-8 @ 4.5' C-9 @ V m Moisture Content, % 9.0 10.0 9.7 3.8 17.7 18.3 4.3 im m Lab Number 11887 11888 11889 11890 11891 Sample Identification C-9 @ 3' C-9 @ 5' c-io@ r C-I0@2.5' C-10 @ 4.5' Moisture Content, % II.4 19.1 7.1 13.7 14.4 Testing Engineers - U.S. I-aboratories 7S95 Convov Coun, Suite IK • San Diew. 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