HomeMy WebLinkAbout3190; RANCHO SANTA FE RD; FINAL REPORT OF TESTING & OBSERVATIONS DURING SITE GRADING; 2003-03-11FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES PERFORMED DURING SITE GRADING RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD STATIONS 174+50 THROUGH 217+90 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA• PREPARED FOR REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY C1 MORROW DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED • CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA MARCH 11, 2003 I GEOCON INCORPORATED GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS (410) Project No. 06105-12-07 March 11, 2003 Real Estate Collateral Management Company C/0 Morrow Development Incorporated 1903 Wright Place, Suite 108 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Tim O'Grady Subject: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD STATIONS 174+50 THROUGH 217+90 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES PERFORMED DURING SITE GRADING Gentlemen: In accordance with your request and our proposal dated May 16, 2002,, we have provided compaction testing and observation services during the grading of the subject roadway. Our services were performed during the period of May 20, 2002 through March 7, 2003. The scope of our services included the following: Observing the grading operation, including the removal and/or processing of loose topsoils, alluvium, and undocumented fill. Performing in-place, dry density and moisture content tests within fill materials placed and compacted at the site. Performing laboratory tests to aid in evaluating the dry density and moisture content and shear strength characteristics of various soils encountered and/or used for fill. Performing field and laboratory grain-size analysis of the fill placed in the upper 8 feet of the street right-of-way. Preparing an "As-Graded' Geologic Map. . Preparing this final report of grading. The purpose of this report is to document that the grading for the realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road Stations 174+50 through 217+90 has been performed in substantial conformance with the 6960 Flanders Drive in San Diego, California 92121-2974 El Telephone (858)558.6900 N Fax (858) 558.6159 I recommendations of the project geotecimical report and that fill materials have been properly placed and compacted. It should be noted that the grading for the easterly slope zone at station 200+00 through. 2014-00 was postponed to maintain access for the surrounding residential development, I therefore the grading for the slope zone is excluded from this report. Additional testing and observation for this area will be reported in an addendum when the grading is complete. I . . . GENERAL The grading contractor for the project was Erreca' s Incorporated of Lakeside, California. Grading plans for the project were prepared by Hunsaker and Associates and are entitled Grading and .I ImprOvement Plans For Rancho Santa Fe Road, Sheet Nos.] through 30, dated June 3, 2002. The grading plans were used as the base map for the "As-Graded" Geologic Map (Figures 1 through 3, map pocket). The project soils report is entitled Supplemental Geotechnical investigation Report Design Stage 2 I prepared by Agra Earth & Environmental, Inc. dated November 10, 1998. The following reports were Also prepared for the project: I I I I. I Update Geotechnical investigation Villages of La Costa—The Oaks, Carlsbad, California, 'prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated August 3, 2001 (Project No. 06105-1204). Supplemental Soil and Geologic Investigation for Rancho Santa Fe Road Alignment, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated January 8, 1990 (Project No. D-4367-H02). .. Soil and Geologic Reconnaissance for Rancho Santa Fe Road Alignment, prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated June 30, 1989 (Project No. D-4367-H01). References to elevations and locations herein were based on surveyor's or grade checker's stakes in the field and/or interpolation from the refereed- grading plans. Geocon Incorporated does not provide surveying services and, therefore, has no opinion regarding the accuracy of the as-graded elevations or surface geometry with respect to the approved grading plans or proper surface drainage. GRADING The realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road stations 174+50 through 217+90 bisects the Villages of La Costa - The Oaks residential development and lies west of the proposed "MAG" Property development and north of La Costa Avenue in Carlsbad, California. Originally, Rancho Santa Fe. Road stations 174+50 through 217+90 was designed as a stand-aloneroadway to be constructed by the City of Carlsbad. Subsequently, site development for the Villages of La Costa - The Oaks residential development was designed to incorporate the grading for Rancho Santa Fe Road Project No. 06105-12-07 -2- . . March 11, 2003 I I stations 174+50 through 217+90. Prior to grading, the site consisted of a dominant north-south- trending canyon fed by several smaller northeast-southwest trending canyons. Grading for the site consisted of daylight cuts and fills on-the order of 40 and 95 feet, respectively, to achieve the finis I grade elevations. : '1 Grading began with the removal of brush and vegetation from the area to be graded. The brush was then exported. Topsoil and alluvial soils were removed to expose formational material. Within, these I areas, and prior to placing fill, the exposed (overexcavated) ground surface was scarified, moisture conditioned as necessary, and compacted. Excavations, exposing metavolcanic rock were not scarified. Fill soils derived from on-site excavations were then placed and compacted in layers until the design elevations were attained. Portions of the roadway that exposed metavolcanic rock at finished grade were undercut to a depth of approximately 1 foot below the deepest utility and 1' replaced with properly compacted fill soil. Fill Materials and Placement Procedures The on-site fill materials generally varied between angular gravels and boulders produced by onsite blasting of h ard metavolcanic rock to clayey fine sands, sandy to silty clay and sandy to clayey gravels. Structuralfillplaced and compacted to construct the roadway embankment can be classified into three zones: (l) Select Fill - Material placed in the upper 8 feet of the, roadway consisting of soil fill with a maximum particle dimension of 3-inches; (2) Upper Fill - Material 'placed within the upper 16 feet of the roadway embankment and below 8 feet from the roadway subgrade consisting of "soil-rock" fill with ,a maximum particle dimension of 12-inches; (3) Lower Fill - Material placed below 16 feet from roadway subgrade consisting of "soil-rock" fill and "rock" fill with a maximum particle dimension of 36-inches. Placement procedures for "rock" and "soil-rock" fills consisted of spreading and compacting the I materials with a D9 Caterpillar bulldozer or equivalent with a maximum lift size of 3 feet. Materials placed as "rock" and "soil-rock" fills were watered heavily during spreading to place finer grained I material between the rock. During the placement of each lift, compactive effort was applied to the fill by wheel-rolling with loaded rock trucks such that the entire lift was compacted. Soil fills were placed in lifts no thicker than would allow for adequate bonding and compaction. The soil fill was, moisture conditioned, as necessary, and mixed during placement and then compacted 1 utilizing conventional heavy-duty compaction equipment. I During the grading operations, compaction procedures were observed and in-place density tests were performed to evaluate the dry density and moisture content of the "soil" and "soil-rock" fill material. Project No. 06105-12-07 ' . , -3 - ' . March 11, 2003 I I I I I I I I I I The in-place density tests were performed in general conformance with ASTM Test Method D 2922-91, Standard Test Method for Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods. Test excavations in "soil-rock" and "rock" fills containing larger rock particles typically resulted in significant soil disturbance yielding unreliable in-place density test results. When this occurred, test pits were excavated and observed for the condition of the rock and soil matrix with respect to "seating" and void content. "Soil-rock" and "rock" fill placement procedures were observed and documented, and in-place density testing was performed when practical. In-place moisture tests were performed on "soil-rock" and "rock" fill materials where conventional in-place density testing was not practical. These in-place moisture tests have been summarized with a prefix "M" in Table I to designate an in-place moisture test only. The results presented in Table I are for the Rancho Santa Fe Road stations 174+50 through 217+90 fill prism as originally designed; as such, some tests fall within lots associated with the surrounding residential development. Using methods suggested by AASHTO T224-86, corrections were made to the laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content on fill soils being tested containing rocks larger than 3/4 inch. The values of maximum dry density and optimum moisture content presented on Table I reflect these corrections. In general, the in-place densiiy test results indicate that the fill soil has a dry density of least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content at the locations tested. Moisture test results obtained from test excavations in "soil-rock" or "rock" fills where conventional density testing was not practical indicate that, in general, the "soil matrix" possesses moisture contents near or above the optimum moisture content. In addition, in-place density tests results indicate that the upper approximately 3 feet of fill placed in the roadway has a dry density of at least 95 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content. The approximate locations of the in-place density and moisture content tests are shown on the As-Graded Geologic Map (Figures 1 through 3).— Laboratory tests were performed on samples of material used for. fill to evaluate moisture density relationships, optimum moisture content and maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557-00), shear strength (ASTM D 3080-98), expansion potential (ASTM D 4829-95) and particle size analysis of soils (ASTM D 422-63). The results of the laboratory tests are summarized in Tables II through V. Slopes The project slopes consisted of cut and fill slopes constructed at inclinations of 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) or flatter, with maximum heights of approximately 40 and 55 feet, respectively. Fill slopes were constructed such that the outer 15 feet consisted of "Upper Fill" material (12-inch Project No. 06105-12-07 -4- March 11, 2003 I I is 1 I I maximum particle dimension). In general, fill slopes for Rancho Santa Fe Road stations 174+50 through 217+90 were overbuilt and cut back to finish grade. Fill slopes were then "track walked" with a D9 Caterpillar bulldozer or equivalent. In our opinion, the fill slopes possess adequate factor of safety against deep-seated or surficial instability. Cut slopes were observed and mapped by an engineering geologist for fractures and jointing systems that could affect slope stability. Cut slopes I should be stable with respect to deep-seated failure and surficial sloughage up to the poposed maximum height of 40 feet. All slopes should be planted, drained and maintained to reduce erosion... I Slope irrigation should be kept to a minimum to just support the vegetative cover. Surface drainage should not be allowed to flow over the top of the slope. Subdrai•ns Subdrains were installed at the general locations shown on the as-graded geologic map (Figures 1 I through 3). In addition, the subdrains were "as-built" for location and elevation by the project civil engineer. The subdrains generally consisted of a 6 to 8-inch diameter PVC perforated pipe placed in crushed aggregate gravel surrounded by Mirafi 140N (or equivalent) filter fabric. The drains were typically placed at least 15 feet below grade and constructed at a gradient of at least 1 percent. The I subdrain system that services Rancho Santa Fe Road stations 174+50 through 217+90 ties into subdrains for the Villages of La Costa The Oaks Development which ultimately outlets near La Costa Avenue at an energy dissipation hedwall. lie SOIL AND GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS The soil and geologic conditions encountered during grading were found to be similar to those described in the project geotechnical report. Stiff to very hard, silty claystones and sandstones of the. I Santiago Formation (Ts), were exposed in canyon cleanouts at the south end of the road realignment. It should be noted that the Santiago Formation was previously mapped as Delmar Formation .I (Geologic Maps of the Northwestern Part of San Diego County, Cal fornia, DMG-Open File Report 96-02). Completely weathered to fresh, highly fractured and in areas highly altered, moderately strong to very strong andesitic volcanic rock of the Santiago Peak Volcanics (Jsp) was exposed at I grade and in canyon cleanouts for a majority of the roadway; Compacted fill soil was placed in areas of proposed fill and is designated as Qcf on Figures 1 through 3. Stockpiled "Upper Fill" material ...I was placed north of station 217+90 at the north end of the realignment and is mapped as undocumented fill (Qudf). In addition, the roadway was overexcavated a minimum of 8 feet where metavolcanic rock was exposed at finished grade and replaced with compacted "soil" fill. It should also be noted that the Santiago Formation at Rancho Santa Fe Road stations 174+50 through 178+00. was mined (overexcavated) extensively. The bottom elevations shown on the "As-graded" geologic I map (Figures 1 through 3) reflect this mining. Project No. 06105-12-07 • -5- • March 11, 2003 I I.. Approximately 20,000 cubic yards of stockpiled "Upper Fill" material was placed at the north end of Rancho Santa Fe Road stations 218+50 through 225+00. This material was placed for the future grading of Rancho Santa Fe Road north of station 217+90. This grading will be performed by the City of Carlsbad. No remedial grading or testing was performed for any stockpiled material. City of Carlsbad specifications for the upper 3 feet of fill placed within the roadway require that the material used have a "low" expansion potential (Expansion Index of 50 or less) as defined by the. I Uniform Building Code (UBC) Table 18-I-B. Where "low" expansive material was not available, the use of medium expansive soil was necessary. Based on field observations and laboratory tests, the upper approximately 3 feet of fill placed within the roadway possesses a "low" to "medium" I expansion potential (Expansion Index of 90 or less) as defined by the Uniform Building Code (UBC) Table 18-I-B. Where "low" expansive material was not available, material of the least expansion 1 index available was used. I The enclosed "As-Graded' Geologic Map (Figures 1 through 3) depicts the general geologic conditions observed. No soil or geologic conditions were observed during grading which would I preclude the continued development of the property as planned. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1.0 General 1.1 Based on observations and test results, it is the opinion of Geocon Incorporated that the grading, which is the subject of this report, has been performed in substantial conformance with the recommendations of the previously referenced project soil report. Soil and I geologic conditions encountered during grading which differ from those anticipated by the project soil report are not uncommon. Where such conditions required a significant modification to the recommendations of the project soil report, they have been deribed I . herein. 2.0 Future Grading 2.1 Any additional grading performed at the site should be accomplished in conjunction with I our observation and compaction testing services. Grading plans for any future grading should be reviewed by Geocon Incorporated prior to finalizing. All trench and wall I back-fill should be compacted to a dry density of at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density at near to slightly above optimum moisture content. This office should be notified at least 48 hours prior to commencing additional grading or backfill I operations. Project No. 06105-12-07 -6- . March 11, 2003 I 3.0 Slope Maintenance 3.1 Slopes that are steeper than 3:1 (horizontal: vertical) may, under conditions which are both difficult to prevent and predict, be susceptible to near surface (surficial) slope instability. The instability is typically limited to the outer three feet of a portion of the slope and usually does not directly impact the improvements on the pad areas above or below the slope. The occurrence of surficial instability is more prevalent on fill slopes and is generally preceded by a period of heavy rainfall; excessive irrigation, or the migration of subsurface seepage. The disturbance and/or loosening of the surficial soils, as might result from root growth, soil expansion, or excavation for irrigation lines and slope planting, may also be a significant contributing factor to surficial instability. It is, therefore, recommended that, to the maximum extent practical: (a) disturbed/loosened surficial soils be either removed or 'properly recompacted, (b) irrigation systems be periodically inspected and maintained to eliminate leaks and excessive irrigation, and (c) surface drains on and adjacent to slopes be periodically maintained to preclude ponding or erosion. It should be noted that although the incorporation of the above recommendations should reduce the potential for surficial slope instability, it will not eliminate the possibility, and, therefore, it may be necessary to rebuild or repair a portion of the project's slopes in the future. S 4.0 Drainage 4.1 Adequate drainage provisions are critical to the future performance of the project. Under no circumstances should water be allowed to pond. The building pads and sheet-graded areas should be properly finish graded so that drainage water is directed away from foundations, pavements, concrete slabs, and slope tops to controlled drainage devices. 4.2 All underground utilities should be leak free. Utility and irrigation lines should be checked -" periodically for leaks for early detection of water infiltration and detected leaks should be repaired promptly. Detrimental soil movement could occur if water is allowed to infiltrate the soil over a prolonged period of time. 4.3 Landscaping planters adjacent to paved areas are not recommended due to the potential for surface or irrigation water to infiltrate the pavement's subgrade and base course. We recommend that subdrains to collect excess irrigation water and transmit it to drainage structures; or impervious above-grade planter boxes be used. In addition, where landscaping is planned adjacent to the pavement, we recommended construction of a cutoff Project No. 06105-12-07 -7 - March 11, 2003 I [1 I Shane Rodacker RCE 63291 Very truly yours, GEOCON INCORPORATED Aamite-nt sm-an 4i Sadr Staff Ge # gist CEG 1778 I wall along the edge of the pavement that extends at least 6 inches below the bottom of the. base material. LIMITATIONS The conclusions and recommendations contained herein apply only to our work with respect to grading, and represent conditions at the date of our final observation March 7, 2003. Any subsequent grading should be done in conjunction with our observation and testing services. As used herein, the term "observation" implies only that we Observed the progress of the work with which we agreed to be involved. Our services did not include the evaluation or identification of the potential presence of hazardous or corrosive materials. Our conclusions and opinions as to whether the work essentially complies with the job specifications are based on our observations, experience, and test results. Subsurface conditions, and the accuracy of tests used to measure such conditions, can vary greatly at any time. We make no warranty, expressed or implied, except that our services were performed in accordance with engineering principles generally accepted at this time and location. We will accept no responsibility for any subsequent changes made to the site by others, by the uncontrolled action of water, or by the failure of others to properly repair damages caused by the uncontrolled action of water. The findings and recommendations of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of three years. If you have any questions regarding this report, or if we may be of further service, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. DG:AS : SR: dmc (6/del) Addressee Project No. 06105-12-07 ED AU "If SAD #1775 -4 F1 CERT1FtED * DO NO0 GE * °CAU -8- NO. 601 Exp. 3O/O6 March 11, 2003 I I I i I I I. I I I . ' I 0 TABL . .. Project No., 06105-12-07 (G) FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS . . Elev. . 'Plus Max. ' Opt. Field Field Field 'Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test ' ' ' Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont.' Dens. Cont. Comp. 'Comp. No. Date Test Location ' (ft) No. ' (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 1 ' 05/20/02 NRSF 205+35' 367 4 '20 . .130.3 9.3 118.9 10.9 91 ' 90 2 05/20/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 20.4+90 3,61 4 10 127.8 10.3 . . 117.3 13.6 , 92 90 3 . 05/23/02 3.11 L43 NRSF,204+50 358 4 10 . 127.8 10.3 , 104.2 '.14.1 ' 82 90 3A 05/23/02 3.11 L43 NRSF 204+50 , 358 4 10 127.8 10.3 115.8 13.2 91 , 90 4 05/24/02 NRSF 205+15 ' 366 4 30 132.9 8.2 122.8 13.5 92 90 5 05/28/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 206+50 ' 382 4 , 60 140.6 5.8 128.0 7.1 91 90 6 05/29/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 207+50 388 4 30 132.9 8.4 117.3 8.2 , 88 , 90 6A 05/29/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 207+50 388 4 30 132.9 8.4 123.1 11..6 93 90 7 05/31/02 JUNIPERO NRSF 209+20 412 4 50 138.0 6.7 . 123.9 9.4 90 90 8 06/03/02 JUNIPERO NRSF 208+00 ' 395 4 30 . 132.9 8.4.' 119.6 10.9 90 90 N 9 06/04/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 207+00 390 4. 50 .0.0 6.7 0.0 4.0 0' 0 N 9A 06/04/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 207+00 390 , 4 50 , 0.0 .6.7 ' 0.0 1,1.6 0 0 10 06/04/02 JUNIPERO NRSF 208+50 409 4 60 140.6 5.8 130.2 8.6 93 90 N .11 06/05/02 3.11 L86 NRSF'206+00 . 381 4 30 0.0 8.4 . 0.0 10.3 0 0 12 06/05/02 NRSF -208+75' 415 ' 4 , 30 132.9' 8.4 121.8 11.5 92 90 13 06/05/02 3.10 L43 NRSF 204+45 .362 4 20 130.3 9.3 117..7 13.2 ' 90 '90 14 ' 06/05/02 NRSF 205+10 . 372 4 60 140.6 5.8 130.4 , 9.8 93 90 15 06/05/02 NRSF 205+15 377 4 60 140.6 5.8 134.0 '7.5 '95 90 N 16 06/05/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 205+00 368 4 0 0.0 11.3 0.0 13.4 0 0 N 17 06/05/02 NRSF 205+20 380 4 30 , 0.0 8.4 , 0.0 6.2 0 0 N ' 17A 06/07/02 NRSF 205+20 380 ' 4 30 0.0 , 8.4 0.0 9.4 0 0 18 06/06/02 3.11 L86 NRSF -207+00 395 4 50 138.0 6.7 125.5 10.9 91 90 '19 06/06/02 JUNIPERO NRSF 208+00 410 4 40 135.5 7.5 119.2 6.0 ' 88 90 19A 06/06/02 JUNIPERO NRSF 208+00 410 4 40 135.5 7.5 115.9' 5.0 86 90' Note: See last page of table f or explanation of coded terms -- Project No. 06105-12-07 (G) . S TABL I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS . Elev. Plus Max. ' Opt. Field Field Field Req'd. or 3/411 Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test . . Depth Curve :'Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. ' (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) 19B 06/07/02 JUNIPERO NRSF-208+00 410 4 40 135.5 7.5 123.3 11.5 91 90 20 06/07/02 3.11 L8,6 NRSF 204+80 373 4 60 140.6 .5.8 130.2 8.4 93 90 M 21 06/07/02 NRSF 205+25 385 4 30 0.0 8.4 0.0 '9.8 0 ' .0 22 06/07/02 NRSF 205+40 383 4 30 132.9 .8.4' 120.8. 10.2 91 90 23 06/07/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 204+80 372 4 30 132.9 ' 8.4 126.3 12.2 95 90 M 24 06/10/02 3.11 L86 NRSF-205+20 385 4 0 0.0 113 . 0.01 15.3 0 0 M 25 06/16/02 NRSF 209+25 427 4 0 0.0 11.3 0.0 14.0 0 0 M 26 06/10/02 3.9 L167 NRSF 205+00 390 4 0 0.0 11.3 '' 0.0 10.4 0 0 27 06/10/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 205+50 383 4 60 140.6 ' 5.8 126.9 9.6 90 .90 28 06/10/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 207+80 404 4 30 132..9 8.4 120.4 ' ' 9.0 ' 91 . 90 M 29 06/10/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 204+50 380 4 0 0.0 11.3 ' 0.0 8.6 0' 0 M 29A 06/11/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 204+50 380 4 0 0.0 11.3 ' . 0.0 ' 13.1 0 0 M 30 06/11/02 NRSF 205+75 390 4 . 0 0.0 11.3 . 0.0 14:9 0 0 M 31 '06/11/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 204+50 388 4 0 0.0 11.3 0.0 14.2 ' 0 ' 0 N 32 06/11/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 204+05 383 4 0 0.0 . 11.3 0.0 16.0 0 0 N ' 33 ' 06/11/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 207+0.0 407 ' 4 ' 50 0.0 6.7. 0.0 8.4 , 0 " 0 M 34 06/11/02 JUNIPERO NRSF 208+50 417 4 50 0.0 6.7 0.0 8.7 0 0 M ' 35 06/12/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 206+10 393 4 50 ' 0.0 6.7 , 0.0 .6.0 0 0 M . 35A 06/13/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 206+10 . 393 4 50 0.0 ' 6.7 ', , 0.0 8.9 0 . ' 0 N 36 06/12/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 207+30 4,16 4 50 0.0 6.7 . 0.0 6.1 0 0 M 36A 06/13/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 207+30 416 4 50 0.00 6.7 0.0 ' .7.7 0 0 37 06/13/02 3.11 L44 NRSF 203+70 377 4 30 ' 132.9 . 8.4 121.0 8.2 91 90 N 38 06/14/02 JUNIPERO NRSF 208+40 423 4 60 0.0 5.8 0.0 6.9 0 0 39 06/14/02 JUNIPERO NRSF 209+00 432 4 60-' .140.6 5.8 128.6 , . 8.7 91 ' 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - .-.-- - -- - - ---...-.-.-- -,- Project No. 06105-12-07 (G) ' TABL FIELD DENSITY TEST' RESULTS Elev. ' Plus Max. Opt. Field Field 'Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. . Rel. Test ' . Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. ' Comp. No. Date , ' Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) ' (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) M , 40 06/19/02 NRSF 205+40 ' 389 9 , .0 0.0 10.7 . ' 0.0. 11.6 0 0 M 41 06/19/02 NRSF 204+60 ' 387 9 0 .0.0 10.7 , 0.0 12.9 . 0 0 M 42 06/19/02 NRSF 205+20 389. ' 9 ' 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 13.1 0 , 0 M ' . 43 ' 06/20/02 3.11 L41 NRSF 205+70 391 9 . 0 0.0" 10.7 0.0 14.9 0 0 M 44 06/20/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 204+00 385 ' 9 . 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 17.6 0 . 0 M 45 06/20/02 NRSF 205+00 392 9T , 0 ' 0.0 10.7 0.0 15.3 .0 . 0 M 46 06/21/02 .3.11 L86 NRSF 203+80 388 9 0 0.0 10.7, 0.0' 15.6 0 0 M 47 .06/21/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 205+80 - 395 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 17.6 ' 0 ' 0 M 48 06/21/02 NRSF 204+85 391 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 13.3 0, .0 M 49 ' 06/21/02 3.11.L86 NRSF 205+30 396 ' 9 0 ' 0.0 10.7 '0.0' 16.3 0 0 M 50 06/24/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 203+50 388 9 0 0.0 10.7' 0.0 17.6 0 0 M 51 06/24/02 3.11 L86 NRSF '204+85 393 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 17.6' 0 0 M 52 06/24/02 NRSF 204+85 , 393 . 9 0 ' 0.0 10.7 0.0 13.6 0 0 M , 53 06/24/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 205+50 399 . 9 ' 0 0.0 10.7 , 0.0' 16.3 0 0 M 54 06/25/02 NRSF 204+10. . 393 . 9 0 . ' 0.0 10.7 0.0 16.2 0 , 0 M 55 06/25/02 NRSF 205+80 . 400 , 9 0 0.0 10.7 ' 0.0 17.0 0 ' 0 M 56 06/25/02 NRSF 204+45 397 9 0 0.0 10.7 0..0 15.3 ' 0 0 M 57 . 06/25/02 3.11 L86 NRSF205+10 400 9 . 0 0.0 . 10.7 0.0 13.3 , 0 0 M ' 58 06/25/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 203+90 395 9 0 0.0 10.7 ' .0.0 12.3 0 0 M 59 06/25/02 NRSF 206+30 405 9 0 ' 0.0 , 10.7 ' '0.0 17.2 . 0 0 , N ' 60 06/26/02 NRSF 204+35 400 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 14.3' ' ' 0 0 N 61 06/26/02 3.11 L86 NRSF '205+15 402 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 14.3 '0 0 M 62 06/26/02 NRSF 206+15 407 9 0 0.0 10.7 . 0.0 14.6 . 0 . ' , 0 M 63 ' 06/26/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 204+85 406 9 0 0.0 10.7 ' 0.0 13.3 . , 0 . .0 Note; See last page of table for explanation of codedterms .. . . - ' ""' - " • Project No. 06105-12-07 (G) - TABL0 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. 'Rel. : Test . Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens.. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. , Date . Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) N :64 06/26/02 NRSF 204+20 402 9 0 0.0 ' 10.7 0.0 18.3 0 0 M 65 . 06/27/02 3.11'L86 NRSF 207+00 409 8 0 0.0 11.9 0.0 16.3 0 . 0 M 66 06/27/02 NRSF 204+80 408 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 14.9 0 0 M 67 06/27/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 206+00 408 9 . 0 0.0. 10.7 0.0 16.3 0 . . 0 N 68 06/27.702 3.11 L86 NRSF 206+45 412. 9' 0 0'.0. 10.7 . 0.0 15.3 0 . 0 M 69 06/28/02 NRSF 207+00 . 417 9 . 0.0 10.7 0.0 15.6 0 . 0 M 70 06/28/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 204+50. 409 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 16.6 0, 0 M. 71 06/28/02 NRSF 205+25 ' 406 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 . 14.9' 0 0 M , . 72. 06/28/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 205+70 413 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 13.0.' 0 0 N ' 73 07/01/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 207+50 . .423 9 0 ' 0.0 10.7 ' b.o 12.3 0 0 M 74 07/01/02 NRSF 206+30 '418 - 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 . 16.9 0 0 M , 75 07/01/02 NRSF 206+75 420 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 . 12.9 ,0 0 M 76 07/01/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 205+85 418 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 16.8 0 0 M 77 07/01/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 206+80 419 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 15.4 , 0 , 0 M 78 07/02/02 NRSF 206+60 421 9 0 ' . 0.0. '10.7' 0.0 13.6 0 0 M 79 07/02/02 NRSF 207+00 - 423 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 17.1 , , 0 0 M 80 07/02/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 207+00 421 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 16.2 0 0 M 81 07/03/02 - NRSF 208+50 427 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 15.6 0 0 N 82 07/03/02 3.10 L13 NRSF 209+00 433 9 0 0.0 10.7 , 0.0 16.4 . 0 0' N 83 07/09/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 207+10 425 9 0 0.0 , 10.7 . 0.0 14.9 0 0 N 84 07/09/02 NRSF 206+60 424 9' 0 0.0 10.7 , 0.0 18.3 0 0 M 85 07/09/02 NRSF 207+70 426 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 15.6 ' 0 0 N 86 07/09/02 ,J1JNIPERO NRSF 207+85 427 9. 0 0.0 10.7 ' 0.0 17.6 0 0 M . 87 077.09/02 JUNIPERO NRSF 208+05 430 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 16.9 ' .0 0 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded. terms Proj0 No. 06105-12-07 (G) . TAB•I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Test Location M 88 .07/10/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 207+30 M 88A 07/10/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 207+30 89 07/22/02 3.9 L157 NRSF 205+95 90 07/22/02 3.9 L157 NRSF 205+90 91 07/22/02 3.9 L157 NRSF 206+00 92 07/23/02 3.9 L167 NRSF 206+00 93 07/23/02 .3.9 L157 NRSF 206+05 M 94 07/24/02 39 L156 NRSF 205+60 M 95 07/24/02, 3.9 L157 NRSF 206+00 M 96 01/24/02 3.9 L156 NRSF 205+60 M 97 , 07/24/02 3.9 L158 NRSF 206+40 N , , 98 '07/24/02 3.91167 NRSF 205+50 N 99 07/25/02 3.9 L157 NRSF 206+10 N 100 07/25/02 3.9 L16.7 NRSF 206+20 M 101 07/25/02 3.9.L167 NRSF 205+85 M . 102 07/30/02 3.9 L157 NRSF 206+45 - M .103 07/30/02 3.9 L167 NRSF 205+90 N 104 07/30/02 3.9 L167 NRSF 206+10 M . 105 07/31/02 NRSF 205+80 M 106 07/31/02 3.9 L167 NRSF 206+45 M '107 08/01/02 NRSF 206+10 N 108 08/01/02 NRSF 205+75 M 109 '08/01/02 NRSF 205+20 N 110 08/01/02 NRSF 205+65 Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or ' 3/4" . Dry Moist. Dry . Moist. , Rel. .Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens Cont. . Comp. Comp. (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) ' . (pcf) (%) 426 9 ' 0' 0.0 10.7 0.0 10.0 ' 0 0 426 9 0 . 0.0 10.7' 0.0 14.4 0 ' , 0 372 9 60 141.3 5.7 130.1 5.0 92 90 374 , 9 SO 138.9 6.4 125.1 8.1 90 90: 376 . 9 40 136.5 7.2 , 125.9 , 9.1 92 ' 90 377 9 40 136.5 7.2 122.4 ' 10.8 90 90 381 , 9 30, 134.1 8.1 122.4 12.2. '91' ' ' 90 384 9 0 ' 0.0 10.7 ' 0.0 13.3 .0 0 387 9 .0 ' 0.0 . 10.7 0.0 16.2 . 0 ' 0 390 9 0 . 0.0 10.7 0.0 11.7 ,.. 0' 0. 393 9 ' 0 0.0 '10.7 0.0 16.9 ' 0 0. 398 . 9 0 0.0 ' 10.7 0.0 17.4 0' , 0 407 , 9 0 . 0.0 10.7 0.0 16.6 ' 0 0' 404 , 9 ' 0 ' 0.0 10.7 ' . 0.0 14.9' '. 0 0 '406 9 '0 0.0 10.7 0.0 ' 13.3 ' .0 0 412 9 0 ' ., 0.0 , 10.7 0.0. 17.6 0 ' 0 402 9 0 0.0 . 10.7 0.0 15.3 0 0 407 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 '16.3 0 , 0 407 9 .0 ' 0.0 10.7 .0.0' 15.9 0 0 414 9 0 0.0 10.7 ' 0.0 14.3 0 0 415 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 13.6 , 0 0 410 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 14.3 0 0 413 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 16.6 . .0 0 417 .9 0 0.0" 10.7 .0.0 14.9 ' 0 ' 0 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms Proj t No. 06105-12-07 (G) . TAB I FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS. Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field ' Field Field Req'd or' 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry - Moist. Rel. Rel.. Test . . Depth Curve Rock Dens., Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. , Date, Test Location (ft) No. . (%) (pcf) (%) - (pcf) (%) M 111 08/02/02 NRSF 205+40 ' 417 9 0 . 0.0 10.7 0:0 .15.6 0 ' 0 .M 112 08/02/,02 NRSF 206+00 . 423 .9 0 , 0.0 10.7 0.0 16.6 0 . 0 113 . 08/02/02 NRSF 205+70 426 9 0 0.0 10.7 ' 0.0 17.6 ' 0 0 M 114 08/02/02 39 L167 NRSF 206+70 '429 9 0 0.0 10.7 ' 0.0 . 14.9 ' 0 0 M .115 . 08/05/02 NRSF 205+10 418 9 . 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 21.2 0 ' 0 M ' 116 08/05/02 NRSF 206+00 , 428 9 ' 0 , 0.0 '10.7 0.0 17.6' 0 ' 0 M 117 08/05/02 NRSF 206+35 , 428 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 14.9 0 0 M 118 08/06/02 NRSF 205+50 435 . 9 ' 0 0.0 '10.7 0.0 15.7 0 - 0 119 08/19/02 3.9 L167 NRSF 2054-10 391 ' 8 0 123.0 11.9 112.3 13.2 91 90 120 08/26/02 3.9 L156 NRSF 205+10 395 9 .20 131.7 8.9 118.4 9.2 90 90' 121 08/26/02 3.9 L167. NRSF 204+90 398 9 20 131.7 ' 8.9 121.2 10.7 92 90 122 08/26/02 3.9 L167 NRSF 204+50 401 9 . 20 131.7 8.9 122.9 . 9.8 93 , 90 123 ' 08/26/02 3.9 L167 NRSF 204+85 . 404 9 20 131.7 8.9 118.1 11.4 90 90 124 08/27/02 3.9 L167 NRSF 205+15 407 9 ' 30 134.1 8.1 120.7 12.7 90 ' 90 125 ' 08/27/02 3.9 L167 NRSF 204+60 406 9 ' 30 134.1 8.1 121.4 ' 11.8 91 90 126 08/27/02 NRSF 204+40 408 9 40 ' 136.5. 7.2 . 125.9 9.5 92 90 127 08/27/02 NRSF 204+90 . , 419 9 30 134.1 8.1 121.8 11.4 , 91 90 128 08/27/02 3.9 L167 NRSF 204+70 411 9 40 136.5 7.2 123.5 8.8 . 91 90 129 08/27/02 NRSF 204+00 ' 412 9 30 134.1 8.1 120.5 10.4 90 90 130 08/27/02 3.9 L167 NRSF 204+40, '414 9 .40 136.5 7.2 126.9 10.7 ' 93 90 131 08/27/02 3.9 L167 NRSF 204+00 416 9 40 ' 136.5 7.2 122.7 11.5 90 90 132 08/29/02 NRSF 203+50 421 9 60 141.3 5.7 132.2 5.5 - 94 90, 133 08/29/02 3.9L167 NRSF 203+90 422 8 0 123.0 11.9 111.9 10.0 91 90. N 134 ' 08/29/02 3.9 L167 NRSF 203+50 424 9 0 0.0 , 10.7 ' 0.0 13.1 . 0 0 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms Proji No. 06105-12-07 (G) TABSI . . : . . . FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt.. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. . Rël. Test . Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) N 135 08/29/02 3.9 L167 NRSF 204+40 425 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 12.7 0 0 136 08/30/02 3.9 L167 NRSF 204+20 427 9 40 136.4 7.2 127.0 11.4 93 90 137 . 08/30/02 NRSF 203+85 430 9 30 134.1 8.1 . 120.1 10.6 . 90 . 90 M 138 09/16/02. NRSF 206+00 429 9 0 0.0 1.0.7 0.0. 16.3 0 0 M . 139 09/16/02 NRSF 206+25 431 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 17.3 0 0 140 09/17/02 NRSF 206+50 . 434 8 30 131.3 8.7 120.5 . 9.1 92 90 141 09/17/02 NRSF 207+50 435 8 20 128.5 9.7 119.5. 8.9 93 90 M 142 09/17/02 NRSF 204+00 439 9 .'0 0.0 10.7 0.0 13.1 0 0 143 09/17/02 NRSF 206+95 436 9 44 137.5 9.9 130.6 6.9 95 90 .144 09/17/02 NRSF 204+85 435 9 30 134.1 . 8.1 125.8 8.2 94 90 145 09/17/02 NRSF 205+25 436 9 38 136.0 7.4 .127.8 8.8 94 90 M 146 09/18/02 NRSF 205+00 439 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 14.9 0 . 0 M 147 09/18/02 .NRSF 205+50 . 440 9 . 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 15.3 0 . 0 N 148 09/19/02 NRSF 208+00 441 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 16.8 0 . 0 N 149 09/19/02 NRSF 208+20 442 .9 0 0.0 10.7 . 0.0 17.0 0 0 150 09/19/02 NRSF 208+25 . 443 9 40 . 136.5 7.2 125.7 8.9 92 90 151 09/19/02 NRSF 209+00 . 444 9 60 141.3 5.7 130.9 8.2 93 90 M 152 09/19/02 NRSF 209+10 443 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 18.9 0 0 M 153 09/19/02 NRSF 209+45 445 . 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 8.2. 0 0 M 154 09/20/02 NRSF 209+55 447 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 16.3 0 0 N 155 09/20/02 NRSF 210+00 449 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 15.9 0 . 0 156 09/23/02 NRSF 208+50 446 8 20 128.5 9.7 117.3 9.9 91 90 157 09/23/02 NRSF 209+75 450 9 30 134.1 8.1 120.2 8.6 90 90 158 09/24/02 NRSF 210+00 451 9 30 134.1. 8.1 121.3 9.9 90 90 . . Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms . . . . proj•tNo. 06105-12-07 (G) TAB•I' . FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist.. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont.: Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date 0 Test Location '• (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 159 09/24/02 NRSF 204+00 415 8 50 . 13,6.8 6.8 124.3 8.9 91 ' 90 160 .09/25/02 NRSF 209+00 ' 453. .9 40 136.5 7.2 122.5 8.6 . 90 90' 161 09/25/02 NRSF 208+75 . 452 9 40 136.5 7.2 127.5 9.8 93 90 M 162 09/25/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 203+00 407 8 60 0.0 59 0.0 11.6 0' 0 N 163. 09/26/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 203+25 410 8 60 0.0 5.9 0.0 .12.7 0 0' 164 09/26/02 NRSF 209+50 ' 255 9 30 134.1 8.1 130.5 8.1 97 . 90 165 09/26/02 NRSF 210+00 257 9 60 141.3 5.7 133.8 6.1 . 95 90 166 09/26/02 NRSF 204+25 420 8 60 139.6 5.9 0 129.5 8.9 93 90 167 . 09/26/02 '..NRSF 203+75 422 8 60 . 139.6 5.9 . 128.7 10.0 92 ' 90. 168. 69/27/02 NRSF 210+75. ' ' 459 8 20 128.5 9.7 113.1 6.7 88 90 168A 09/27/02 0 NRSF210+75 , . 459 8 20 128.5' 9.7 117.0 1,2.9 91 0 90 '169 09/30/02 NRSF 212+00 468 . 14 0 140.0 6.1 125.5 8.9 ' 90. 90' 170 09/30/02 NRSF 208+25 447 8 60 139.6 5.9 ' 126.6 .6.2 91 . ' 90 '171 09/30/02 NRSF 204+50 428 8 , 40 134.1 7.7 0 123.2 9.1 92 , 90 172 09/30/02 NRSF 203+65 426 8 40 134.1 7.7 0 '120.8 9.3 90 0 90 173 09/30/02 NRSF 209+50 458 14 0 140.0 6:1 128.5.' 7.9 92 90 174 09/30/02 NRSF 210+00 ' 463 14 0 140.0 6.1 125.7 7.4 1 0 90 90 175 09/30/02 NRSF 212+30 469 14 0 . 140.0 6.1 126.4 8.1 90 90 176 0 09/30/02 NRSF 204+35 0 430 8 .60 139.6 ' 5.9 129.1 .8.8 92 90 177 09/30/02 NRSF 205+00 433 8 60 139.6 5.9 126.6 0 91 .90 178 09/30/02 NRSF 214+00 470 14 0 140.0 6.1 125.9 7.9 90 .90 179 09/30/02' NRSF 211+00 468 14 0 140.0 6.1 126.2 8.7 90 90 180 09/30/02 NRSF 210+50 465 14' 0 ' 140.0 6.1 127.4' '10.2 ' 91 90 181 . ' 09/30/02 NRSF 212+00 470 14 0 140.0 6.1 . 117.4 ' 5.4 ' 84 90 •. Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms ProjNo. 06105-12-07 (G) TAB* 0 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS . Test No. Date Test Location 181A 10/01/02 NRSF 212+00 182 09/30/02 NRSF 204+75 183 09/30/02 NRSF 203+75 184 10/01/02 NRSF 209+50 185 10/01/02 NRSF 214+00 186 10/01/02 NRFS 210+00 187 10/01/02 NRFS 212+00 188 '• .10/01/02 NRSF 213+00 188A 12/27/02 'NRSF 213+00 189 10/03/02 NRSF 204+00 190 10/03/02 NRSF 205+00 191 10/03/02 NRSF 205+50 '192 10/07/02 NRSF 206+25 193 10/07/02 NRSF 207+20 194 10/07/02 NRSF 206+30 195 10/07/02 NRSF 207+35 196. 10/07/02 NRSF 207+65 197' 10/08/02 NRSF 205+10 198 . 10/08/02 NRSF 204+50 199 10/08/02 NRFS 206+10 200 10/08/02 NRFS 206+20 201 10/16/02 NRSF 175+75 202 10/16/02 NRSF 176+50 203 10/16/02 NRSF 175+55. Elev. Plus Max. 'Opt.. Field Field, Field .Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist.- Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. . Comp. (ft) No. ' (%) ' (pcf) (%) (pcf)' (%) . . (%) (%) 470 14 0 140.0 6.1 128.9 7.0 92 90 434 8 40 134.1 7.7 , 123.0 9.3 , 92 ' 90 429 8 40 134.1 , 7.7 122.3 8.9 91 ' 901 463' 14 " 0 140.0 6.1 132.2 8.4 94 •' 90 473 14 .0,. 140.0 '6.1 129.6 7.8 93 96 468 14 . 0 140.0 6.1 125.8 8.6 90 . 90 473 . 14 0 , 140.0 6.1 127.1 10.6 91 ' , 90 473 14 0 140.0 6.1 124.0 5.0 • . 89 • 90 473 14 ' 0 140:0 6.1 129.4' 7.3 92' 90 434 8 60 139.6 5.9 • 128.7 6.7 92 ' 90 437 8 30 131.3 8.7 , 119.7 9.2 ' 91 . 90 438 S. • , 50. 136.8 6.8 124.6 • 9.7 91 .90 441 8 50 136.8 6.8 , 124.2 9.3 91 90 441 8 60 139.6 5.9 127.0 8.0 91 90''. 444 8 40 . 134.1 7.7 123.5 8.7 . 92 .90 445 18 50 136.8 6.8 125.6 6.7 '92 90 448 8 60 139.6 5.9 129.2 7.3 93 90 431 . 8 60 139.6 . 5.9 .130.1 6.9. . ' 93 90 436 8 60. 139.6 • 5.9 125.9 10.1 90 90 436 8 60 139.6 5.9 - 126.9 11.3 91, 90 438 8 . 60 139.6 5.9 126.9 11.3 91 90 288 8' ,' 50 136.8 6.8 123.8 12.4 90 90 289 8 50 136.8 6.8 125.9 8.3 • 92 90 292 8 • 40 134.1 7.7 121.2 9.1 90 '90 Note: See last page Of table for explanation of coded terms - -.-..- - - ----.-.- - -f-..- - - .- - Projec No. 06105-12-07 (G) TABL FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS • Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens... Cont. Dens. Cont. .Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) • 204 10/16/02 . NRSF 176+60 . 295 8 60 139.6 5.9 133.4 6.1 .96 90 • 205 10/17/02 NRSF 177+00 298 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.6 8.5 91 90 • 206 10/17/02 NRSF 176+50 299 8 60 139.6 5.9 126.4 . 7.3 91 90 207 10/18/02 NRSF 204+00 440 14 0 .. 140.0 6.1 126.7 .8.3 91 90 208 10/18/02 NRSF 207+00 443 14 0 140.0 6.1 125.9 8.4 90 90 • 209 10/18/02 NRSF 208+00 445 . 14 0 140.0 6.1 128.7 7.6 92 90 210 10/18/02 NRSF 206+35 441 14 0 140.0 6.1 127.7 8.0 91 • 90 211 10/18/02 NRSF 204+00 442 14 0 140.0 6.1 • 126.2 9.1 90 90, 212 10/18/02 NRSF 207+50 445 . 14 0 •' 140.0 6.1 130.1 7.9 • 93 90 213 10/18/02 NRSF 206+00 • • .443 14 0 140.0 6.1 128.0 8.9 91 90 214 10/21/02 NRSF 205+00 444 14 0 140.0 6.1 • 122.1 6.1 87. 90 214A 10/21/02 NRSF 205+00 • 444 14 0 140.0 6.1 127.1 8.5 91 • 90 215 10/21/02 NRSF 207+00 • 447 14 0 140.0 . 6.1. 121.0 7.5 86 • 90 215A 10/21/02 NRSF 207+00 • 447 14 0 140.0 6.1 130.0 6.9 93 90 216 10/21/02 NRSF 191+00 • • 389 14 0 140.0 6.1 126.0 8.9 90 90 217 10/21/02 NRSF 192+75 390 14 0 • 140.0 6.1 126.6 .8.1 90 90 M 218 11/19/02 NRSF 175+50 300 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 14.8 0 0 M 219 11/19/02 NRSF 176+40 303 9 • 0 0.0 10.7 . • 0.0 13.9 0 0 M 220 11/19/02 NRSF 177+05 307 9 0 0.0 10.7. 0.0 15.0 0 0 N 221 11/19/02 NRSF 177+10 309 9 0 • 0.0 10.7 0.0 11.9 0 0 222 11/20/02 NRSF 177+75 310 S 60 139.6 5.9 130.9 5.1 94 90 223 11/20/02 NRSF 175+40 303 • 8 60 139.6 5.9 132.6 5.9 95 90 N 224 11/20/02 NRSF 177+78 304 9 0 0.0 .10.7 . 0.0 11.9 • 0 • 0 225 11/21/02 NRSF 178+10 312 8 • . 60 139.6 5.9 128.9 6.8 • 92 • 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms ProjOet No. 06105-12-07 (G)' TAB•I S . FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS 1L • Elev.' Plus Max. Opt. Field Field 'Field .Req'd or 3/4" Dry ' Moist. Dry , Moist. ' Rel. Rel. Test . . Depth Curve Rock Dens..- Cont.' 'Dens. Cont.-...'Comp. ' Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. M. (pcf) (%) . (pcf) (.%) (%) (%) 226 11/21/02 NRSF 178+80 315 ' 8 50 . 136.8 . 6.8 130.6 5.9 95 90 227 11/21/02 NRSF 176+00 304 '8 60 139.6 5.9 128.6 .6.1 92 90 M. 228 ' 11/22/02 NRSF 176+10 315 9 .0 0.0 10.7 0.0, 14.4 0 0 M 229 11/22/02 NRSF 176+50 318 9 0 , 0.0 10.7 , 0.0 15.8 . 0' 0 230 11/22/02 NRSF 177+25 317 8 60 139.6 5.9 125.8 10.6 '. 90 . . 90 M 231 11/23/02. NRSF 176+95 319 , 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0' 15.4 0 - 0 M 232 11/23/02 NRSF 177+12 318 9- 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 16.8 '0 .0 233 11/23/02 NRSF 175+95 320 8 50 136.8 6.8 123.8 11.6 90 90 M . 234 11/25/02 NRSF 175+40 317 9 0 : 0.0' 10.7 0.0 • 13.5 ' o ' 0 235 11/25/02 'NRSF 178+30 320 9 50 138.9 6.4 128.7 8.4 93 90 M 236 11/25/02 NRSF 178+60 321 9 . 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 14.2 • 0 0 237 11/25/02 NRSF 176+90 320 .' - 8 60 139.6 5.9 128.9 6.8 92 90 238 11/26/02 NRSF 175+40 , 321' 9 ' 40 136.5 7.2 125.1 121 92 '90 M 239 11/26/02 NRSF 175+90 321 9 0 0.0 10.7 ' 0.0 11.3 ' 0 0 240 '11/26/02 NRSF 178+80 , 323 9 60 141.3 5.7 138.6 5.9 • 98 .90 241 11/26/02. NRSF 177+20 - 322 9 60 141.3 5.7 138.6 5.9 98 90 - M :242 11/26/02 NRSF 175+60 323. 9 0 0:0 10.7 0.0 12.8 • 0 . 0 M 243 11/27/02 NRSF 177+25. 322 9 0 0.0 "10.7 0.0 14.1 0 0 - • 244 11/27/02 NRSF 177+25 325 8. • 60 139.6 5.9 131.2 7.3 -, 94 90 ' - • 245 11/27/02 NRSF 176+55 , 324 8 50 , 136.8 • 6.8 130.5 . 6.9 . 95 90 N 246 11/27/02 NRSF 175+85 , 325 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 13.9 0 0 M • 247 12/02/02 NRSF 176+45 327 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 14.3 '0 . 0 248. 12/02/02 NRSF 177+90 327 ' 8 60 139.6 5.9 131.2' 10..6 . '94 ' 90 ' • . 249 12/02/02 NRSF 176+10 328 8 60 139.6 5.9 132.0 9.6 .95 '90 Notè See last page of table for explanation of coded terms -'-.- - -'--- - - -.- -.'-'.-'-'- -.- ProjeNo. 06105-12-07 (G) TABL• S S FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. ' Plus Max. Opt.' Field Field' Field Req'd or ' 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. , Rel. Test . . Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. ' Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. ( (pcf) (%) (pcf) '(%) (%) (%) N 250 12/02/02 NRSF 175+10 328 9 0 0.0 10.7 . 0.0 12.4 0 0 251 12/03/02. NRSF 178+55 328 9 50 138.9 6A . 121.8 5.1 88 90 251A 12/03/02 NRSF.178+55 328 9 50 138.9 6.4 128.6 8.1 93 90 252 . 12/03/02 NRSF 179+10 327 9 60 141.3 5.7 127.9 9.3 91 90 M '253 ' 12/03/02 NRSF 177+10' ' 330 8 0 . 00 11.9 0.0 14.8 0 0 254 12/03/02' NRSF 178+70 332 8 60 139.6 5.9 130.1 7.0 93 90 255 . 12/03/02 NRSF 178+20 . " 328 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0' 11.3 . 0 0 256 12/03/02 NRSF-186+80' 368 14 0 140.0 6.1 128.5 9.8 92, 90 257 12/03/02 NRSF 188+00 374 14 0 140.0 ' 6.1 128.0 10.1 91 90 258 12/04/02 NRSF 187+50 . 370' 14 0 ' 140.0 6.1 12.8.7, 9.8 92 . 90 259 12/04/02. NRSF 189+30 , 372 14 0 .140.0 . 6.1 129.9 6.7 93 90 M 260 12/04/02 NRSF 178+10 \ 335 9 0 0.0 10.7 ' 0.0 14.1 0 0 261 12/04/02 NRSF 175+50 , 332 9 60 141.3 5.9 130.8 ' 6.3 93 90 262 12/04/02 NRSF 186+50 ' , 365 '14, 0 140.0 6.1 131.5 7.6 . 94 .90' 263 12/04/02 NRSF 188+50 '' . 375 14 ' 0 140.0 6.1 125.7' 6.7 90 .90 M ' 264 12/05/02 NRSF 176+00 331 9 ,0 0.0 10.7 0.0 13.6 ' 0 0 M ' 265 . 12/05/03 NRSF 177+00 ' 333 9 0 ' 0.0 10.7 0.0 12.9 ' 0 0 266 12/05/02' NRSF 178+00 .332 8 60 139.6 5.9 130.6 6.9 '.94 90 267 12/05/02 NRSF 178+50 331 8 60 ' 139.6 5.9 135.1 5.9 . 97 90 ' 268 12/05/02 NRSF 215+40 480 8 10 125.8 10.8 ' 117.3 12.0 ' 93 ' 90 269 '12/05/02 NRSF 215+00 ' 485 . 14 ' 0 140.0 6.1 ' 131.3' 6.8 94 90 270 ' 12/05/02 NRSF 217+00 ' , 485 14 0 140.0 6.1 133.1' 8.1' 95 .90 271 12/05/02 NRSF 216+50 483 14 0 140.0 6.1 ' 129.0 7.6 92 , 90 272 12/05/02 NRSF 216+50 .' 483 14 0 140.0 6.1 ' 129.0 7.6 92 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation 'of coded terms - - - - - - -- -- - ProjeNo. 06105-12-07 (G) . TABL• . . . •. FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. .Test . . . Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date. Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) .(%) . (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 273 12/06/02 NRSF 193+00 . 395 14 0 140.0 6.1 131.3 7.3 94 90 274 12/06/02 NRSF 190+50 394 14 0 140.0 .6.1 130.8 7.6 93 90 • 275 12/06/02 NRSF 205+00 444 14 OL . 140.0 6.1 133.8 6.1 96 90 M 276 12/09/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 201+90 405 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 13.8 0 0 M 277 12/09/02 .NRSF 201+95 404 9 0 0.0 10.7 .0.0 15.7. 0 0 M 278 12/09/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 202+00 412 9 0 . 0.0 .10.7 .0.0 10.8 0 .0 M 279 12/09/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 202+70 415. 9 0 0.0 10.7 . 0.0 10.9 0 . 0 M 280 12/10/02 NRSF 202+20 416 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 14.3, 0 0 M 281 12/10/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 201+60 417 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 12.8 0 • 0 282 • 12/11/02 NRSF 202+25 • 418 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 12.9 0 0 M. 283 12/11/02 NRSF 201+75 419 9 S 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 14.3 . . 0 0 284 12/12/02 NRSF 202+90 421 8 60 139.8 5.9 130.5 8.5 93 90 M 285 12/12/02 NRSF 202+25 . 424 9 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 13.2 0 . 0 286 12/12/02 NRSF 201+20 423 8. 50 136.8 • 6.8 128.4 . 9.2 • 94• 90 287 12/12/02 NRSF 183+75 361 14 . 0 140.0 • 6.1 129.7 . 9.3 93 90 288 12/12/02 NRSF 184+75 1 363 14 0 140.0 6.1 128.0 8.5 91 90 289 12/13/02 NRSF 182+00 354 14 0 140.0 6..1 128.9 8.9 92 90 290 12/13/02 NRSF 184+75 365 14 0 140.0 6.1 130.3 11.2 • 93 90 291 12/13/02 NRSF 193+25 359 14 0 140.0 6.1 128.4 9.9 92 90 292 12/13/02 NRSF 181+35 . 355 14 20 142.4 • 5.4 128.5 9.0 90 90 293 12/13/02 NRSF .184+80 366 14 20 142.4 5.4 133.6 7.9 94 90 294 12/13/02 NRSF 182+85 • 358 14 0 140.0 6.1 131.3 7.3 94 90 295 12/13/02 NRSF 182+75 . . • . 357 14 0 140.0 6.1 133.4 8.5 95 90 296 12/14/02 NRSF 179+80 351 14 0 . 140.0 6.1 131.6 7.3 94 90 Note; See last page of table for explanation of coded terms ProjOe No 06105-12-07 (G) TAE•I • FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. , Plus Max. Opt.'. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry' Moist. Dry 'Moist. Rel. Rel. Test ' Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens.' Cont. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 297 12/14/02 3.11 L86 NRSF 179+25 353 14 0 140.0 6.1 135.7 8.1 97 ' 90 298 12/14/02 NRSF 180+20 355 , ' 14 0 140.0 6.1 130.9 ' 6.4 94 90 299 12/16/02 NRSF 179+35 ' 340 14 ' 0 140.0, 6.1 128.3 8.4 92 90 300 12/16/02 NRSF 179+90 343 14 0 140.0 ' ,6.1 , 127.1 9.3 91 90 301 12/16/02 NRSF 179+50 , ' . 345 14 , 0 140.0 6.1 131.6 7.3 ' 94 '. 90 302 12/16/02 NRSF 179+55 358 14 ''?°'- 142.4 5.4 131.3 6.1 92 , 90 303 12/16/02 NRSF 180+00 350 14 20 142.4 5.4 124.8 3.9 88 ' 90 303A 12/16/02 NRSF 180+00 350 14 20 142.4 5.4 , 128.0 6.8 90 ' 90 304 12/19/02 NRSF 177+90 ' '346 9 50 138.9 , 6.4 130.6 6.9 94 90 305 12/23/02 NRSF 177+55 334 9 50 138.9 ' 6.4 127.5 8.4 92 90 .306 12/24/02 NRSF 178+70 , 336 9 ' 30 134.1 ' 8.1 127.2 10.0 , 95 90 307 12/24/02 NRSF-.176+1.0 337 9 60 . 141.3 5.7 132.9 6.8 94 . .90 308 12/24/02 NRSF 178+10 , 338 , '8 , 20 . 128.5 ' 9.7 116.8 12.4 , 91 90 M 309 12/26/02 NRSF 202+85 ' ' 427 9 • 0 0.0 10.7 0.0 ' 14.3 ' 0 01, M 310 .12/26/02 NRSF 202+80 , • 429 9 0 0.0 10.7 '0.0 12.5 0 ' '0 311 12/26/02 NRSF 201+80 426 9 60 , 141.3 5.7, 130.1 7.3 ' 92 • 90 312 , 12/26/02 NRSF 202+95 432 9 , , 0 126.9 10.7 '118.4 12.0 93 '• 90 313 ' 12/26/02 NRSF 176+60 \ 339 9 ' 50 ' 138.9 6.4 125.2 9.1 .90 , 90 314 12/27/02 NRSF 214+00 480 14 0 ' 140.0 6;1 126.5 6.0, 90 90 315 12/27/02 NRSF 213+90 ' 480 14 0 140.0 ' 6.1 ' ' 128.5 8.1 ' 92 90 316 12/28/02 NRSF 178+95 340 9 40 136.5 , 7.2 .124.5 10.3 '91 90 317 12/28/02 NRSF 175+90 , 338 9 . 50 138.9 64 131.8 7.7 95 '90 , 318 12/28/02 NRSF 202+20 430 ' 14' 0 140.0 6.1' 132.8 6.8 , 95 , 90 319 12/28/02 NRSF 202+05 ' 431 ' 14' '0 140:0 6.1 130.6 6.0' 93 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms Project No. 06105-12-07 (G) S TAB* . S FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test . Depth Curve Rock Dens Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) M , 320 .12/30/02 NRSF 213+20 479 14 0 140.0 6.1 127.6 8.7 91 90 321 .12/30/02 NRSF 203+40 440 14 . 0 140.0 6.1 128.8 6.6 . 92 90 322 12/30/02 NRSF 176+55 340 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.6 9..8 90 90 323 12/30/02 NRSF 179+00 342 8 0 123.0 11.9 114.0 11.7 93 90 324 12/30/02 NRSF 177+00 . 343 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.9 10.3 91 90 325 12/30/02 NRSF 178+2.0 345 8 40 134.1 7.7 125.6 7.8 94 90 326 12/31/02 NRSF 175+45 341 8 20 128.5 9.7 1175 11.6 91 90 327 12/31/02 NRSF 178+05 345 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.4 9.0 91 90 328 12/31/02 NRSF 176+15 344 8 69 139.6 5.9 128.9 9.2 92 90 329 01/03/03 NRSF 177+75 328. . 8 0 128.5 9.9 ., 120.1 . 9.5 5 90 330 01/03/03 NRSF 178+35 331 8 20 128.5 9.9 115.9 12.8 90 90 331 01/03/03 NRSF 176+75 . 330 8 0 123.0 11.9 111.4 13.6 91 90 332 01/03/03 NRSF 178+90 347 8 30 131.3 8.7 121.6 10.1 . 93 90 333 01/03/03 NRSF 177+80 333 8 40 134.1 7.7 . 120.9 7.7 90 90 .334 01/04/03 NRSF 176+10 334 8 40 . 134.1 7.7 124.8 9.3 93 90 335. 01/04/03 NRSF 1.78+75 335 8 60 . 139.6 5.9 132.4 6.0 95 90 336 01/04/03 NRSF 177+20 334 8 40 . 134.1 7.7 121.2 7.9 90 90 337 01/06/03 NRSF 208+00 450 . 8 0 123.0 11.9 111.8 13.6 91 90 338 01/06/03 NRSF 175+85 . 335 8 30 131.3 8.7 122.0 9.0 93 90 339 01/07/03 NRSF 208+15 455 14 0 140.0 . 6.1 131.2 6.0 94 . 90 340 01/08/03 NRSF 178+80 338 14 0 . 140.0 6.1 128.9 6.9 92 90 341 01/09/03 NRSF 194+00 402 14 . 0 140.0 6.1 133.4 6.0 95 . 90 342 01/09/03 NRSF 191+40 I 342 14 0 140.0 6.1 130.6 5.8 93 90 .343 01/11/03 NRSF-179+70 353 14 0 1406 6.1 130.1 6.3 93 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms - - --"-"- - '-' - - - - ' TABLS Project No. 06105-12-07 (G) FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test ' Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. ' Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) , (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) 344 01/11/03 NRSF 176+65 347 14 0 140.0 ' 6.1 132.7 5.4 95 90 345 01/11/03 NRSF 188+10 .. 383 14 0 140.0 6.1 126.6 6.5 90 90 346 01/11/03' NRSF 178+00 " 349 14 0 140.0 6.1 ' 129.2 7.0 92 90 347 01/11/03 NRSF 179+20 ' 354. 14 0 140.0 . 6.1 ' 127.8 6.0 91 . 90 348 01/11/03 NRSF 176+85 348 14 0 140.0 6.1 131.0 5.5 94 90 349 01/13/03 NRSF 177+55 349 14 0 140.0 6.1 128.9 7.3 92 90 350 01/13/03 NRSF 178+00 ' 340 8 30 131.3 8.7 121.1 8.6 92 90 351 01/14/03 NRSF 176+25 342 . 8 30 131.3 8.7 118.5 10.1 90 90 352 01/14/03 NRSF 178+75 . 344 . 8 20 128.5 9.7 ' . 120.3. 10.0 94 90 353 ' 01/14/03 NRSF 177+25 , 346 8 50 136.8 , 6.8 123.0 7.3. ' 90 ' .90 .354 01/14/03 . NRSF 179+00 ' 348 8 . 50 136.8 6.8 126.9 6.7 . 93 90 355 01/15/03 NRSF 177+85 349 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.2 9.0 90 90 356 01/18/03 NRSF 181+80 361 ' 13 0 ' 122.8 11.2 111.4 14.3 ' 91 . 90 357 01/18/03 NRSF 184+50 , 369 13 0 122.8 11.2 113.7 12.1 93 90. 358 01/18/03 NRSF 182+50 ' 365 13 0 122.8 11.2 , 110.7 12.7 90 90 359 01/20/03 . NRSF 195+50 , 406 13 . 0 122.8 11.2 112.8, 14.1 92 90 360 01/20/03 NRSF 176+95 ( 350 ' 13 0 122.8 11.2 '110.4 11.0 90 ' 90 ) 361 01/20/03 ,NRSF 179+10 356 13 0 , 122.8 11.2 114.3 12.1 , 93 90 362 01/20/03 NRSF '177+SQ 353 , 13 0 122.8,' 11.2 113.5 12.4 , 92 90 J 363 01/22/03 NRSF 181+20 359 13 ' 0 " 122.8 11.2 116.3 12.8 .95 95 364 01/22/03 NRSF 185+05 ' . , ' 368 . 14 0 ' 140.0 , 6.4 134.3 7.4 96 95 365 01/22/03 NRSF 187+45 378 14 0 140.0 6.4 ' 1331 ' 7.0 95 95 366 01/22/03 NRSF 191+55 394 14 0 140.0 6.1 135.2 7.7 97 '95 . . . 367 ' , 01/22/03 NRSF 204+00 441 14 0 140.0 6.4 134.5 7.8 96 , 95 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms Proj•No. 06105-12-07 (G) TAB• 0, FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max Opt. Field Field Field. Req'd or 3/4" Dry . Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. ' Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) - ' (pcf) (%) (%) 368 01/22/03 NRSF 207+45 455 14 0 140.0 6:4 133.6 8.7 95 95 .369 01/22/03 NRSF 210+80 468 14 0 140.0 6.4 134.7 7.1 96 . ' 95 370 01/22/03 NRSF 214+75 486 14 0 140.0 6.4 132.9 8.0 95 . 95 371 01/22/03 NRSF 213+80 480 14 0 140.0 6.4 . 132.5 9.1 95 95 372 01/22/03 NRSF 210+55 467 14 '0 140.0 ' 6.4 132.6 8.3 95 95 373 01/22/03 NRSF 207+00 . 453 14 0 • 140.0 6.4 132.4 6.1 95 95 374 01/22/03 NRSF 203+45 439 14 0 140.0 , 6.4 133.8 7.0 96 • 95 375 01/22/03 NRSF 194+15 ' 404 • 14 0 140.0 6.4 133.6 5.8 95 95 376 01/22/03 NRSF 190-75 391 • 14 0 140.0 6.4 137.2 6.3 98 ' • 95 377 01/22/03 NRSF 187+90 380 14 0' 140.0 6.4 132.9 8.8 950 • 95 378 01/22/03 NRSF 184+00 365 14 0 140.0 6.4 136.4 .6.4 97 95 379 02/06/03 NRSF 197+80 409 8. 0 ' 123.0 11.9 • 112.6 13.7 92 • 90 "380 02/06/03 .NRSF 197+90 412 8 30 131.3 .8.7 118.8 ' 10.1 90 90 381 02/06/03 NRSF 197+70 414 8 10 125.8 ' 10.8 118.6 • ' 11.4 94 ' 90 382 02/06/03 NRSF 197+90 • 414 11 0 108.0 18.3 100.8 17.6 93 90' 383 02/06/03 NRSF 200+00 422 13 0 122.8 11.2 110.3 15.1 90 90 f'L 384 02/07/03 NRSF 197+30 415 ' 13 • 0 122.8 11.2 • 114.6 13.6 93 90 385 02/07/03 NRSF 200+10 421 13 . 0 122.8 11.2 1.11.7 12.0 91 90 386 02/07/03 NRSF 198+10 418 13 . 0 122.8 11.2 112.4 • 13.9 92 96 • 387 02/07/03 NRSF 200+50 ' ' 429 13 0 122.8 11.2 111.0 13.6 90 ' 90 • • 388 02/08/03 NRSF 197+70 418 13 0 122.8 11.2 111.4 12.7 91 90 389 02/08/03 NRSF 198+10 • 419 ' 13 0 122.8 11.2 113.3 • 11.8 ' 92 90 390 02/08/03 NRSF 199+10 421 13 0 122.8 11.2 110.5 13.0 90 90 391 02/08/03 NRSF 201+15 429 13 0 122.8 11.2, 111.1 12.5 • '90 , 90 Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms UN - - - - - f. - ,•. - - Proje•No. 06105-12-07 (G) TABL• • FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp- No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) 392 02/08/03 NRSF 198+75 . 420 13 0 122.8 11.2 112.7 11.6 92 90 393 02/08/03 NRSF 199+90 426 13 0 122.8 11.2 110.9 12.8 90 , 90 394 02/08/03 NRSF 199+20 ' 422 13 0 ' 122.8 . 11.2 111.2 12.7 91 90 SZ 395 02/10/03 3.11 L86 NRSF.202+30 384 8 30 131.3 8.7 123.6 8.8 9,4 90 SZ 396 02/10/03 3.11 L44 NRSF 203+70 386 8 0 123.0 11.9 117.0 11.8 95 90 SZ 397. 02/10/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 202+10 388 8 20 128.5 9'..7 118.6 11.1. 92. 90 SZ 398 02/10/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 205+10 , 391 8 20 128.5 9.7 120.3 10.6. 94 90 SZ 399 02/14/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 205+00 397 8 10 125.8 10.8 114.3 12.8 91 . 90 SZ 400 02/14/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 202+10 401 8 40. 134.1 7.7 125.3 8.0 93 90 SZ 401 02/14/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 203+10 394 8 40 134.1 7.7 121.3 9..6 90 90 SZ 402 02/14/03 NRSF -205+00 402 8 60 139.6 5.9 131.2 6.7 94 90 403 02/14/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 202+10 396 8 40 134.1 7.7 122.9 7.4 92 90 404 02/14/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 205+50 406 . '8 0 123.0 11.9 113.4 14.1 92 90.. 405 02/18/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 202+35 406 8 60 139.6 5.9 125.9 ' 8.4 90 90 406 02/18/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 206+05 409 8 50 ' 136.8 6.8 131.3 5.7 . . 96 ' 90 407 02/18/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 204+00 411 8 50 136.8 .6.8 128.6 7.6 94 90 408 02/18/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 205+55 414 8 50 136.8 6.8 126.3. 6.2 92 90 409 02/19/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 202+10 412 . 9 60 141.3 5.7 131.6 6.0 93, 90 410 02/19/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 204+10 416 8 40 134.1 7.7 120.5 9.1 90 90 • . 411 .02/19/03 .3.11 L86 NRSF 205+90 418 9 5,. 138.9 6.4 126.6 6.5 91 90 412 02/19/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 203+90 421 9 50 138.9 6.4 • 131.2 7.7 94 90 413 02/19/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 205+05 423 8 60 139.6 5.9 128.0 6.8 92 90 414 02/19/03' 3.11 L86 NRSF 203+50 .426 8 40 134.1 7.7 ' 124.7 8.4 . 93 90 415 02/19/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 206+10 428 8 60 .139.6 5.9 126.9 '7.2 91 90. Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms Proje•No. 06105-12-07 (G) TABL• FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Max. Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. No. Date Test Location (ft) No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) SZ 416 02/20/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 200+80 406 10 40 136.2 . 6.5 122.7 6.2 , 90 90 SZ 417 02/20/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 202+30 415 10 40 136.2 6.5 129.4 7.8 95 90. SZ 418 ' 02/20/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 204+25 429 10 40 . 136.2 6.5 124.5 5.8 91 90 SZ 419 02/20/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 203+00 422 ' 10 20 131.3 8.3 118.4 9.0 90 90 SZ 420 02/20/03 3.11 L86 NIRSF 204+90 430 . 10 30 133.9 7.4 ' 120.1 5.7 90 90 SZ 420A 02/20/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 204+90 420 10 30 133.8 7.4 121.6 7.2 91 90 SZ 421 02/20/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 206+50 429 10 30 '133.8 7.4 122.8 8.0 92 90 SZ 422 02/21/03 3.11 L86'NRSF 202+40 420 10 . 30 133.8 7.4 121.3 8.7 91 90 SZ 423 02/21/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 203+85 ' ' 432 . 10 30 133..8 7.4 125.9 7.6 94' 90 SZ 424 03/21/03 3.11L86 NRSF 205+25 433 10 30 133.8 7.4 119.6 5.5 , 89 .90 SZ 424A ' 03/21/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 205+25 433 10 30 133.8, 7.4 121.0 7.6 90 90 SZ 425 03/21/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 206+20 431 10 ' 40 136.2 6.5 125.6 . 7.1 92 90 SZ 426 03/21/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 204+55 436 10 40 136.2 6.5 121.0 4.9 .89, - 90 SZ 426A 02/21/03 ' 3.11 'L86 NRSF 204+55 436 10 40 136.2 ' 6.5 124.4 6.1 91 '90 SZ 427 ' 02/21/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 203+20 430 10 '40 136.2 , 6.5 118.6 4.2 87 90 SZ 427A 02/24/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 203+20 430 10 40 136.2 6.5 . 119.9 , 5.1 ' 88 , 90, SZ 427B 02/24/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 203+20 430 10 40 136.2 ' 6.5 122.5 7.3 . 90 90 SZ 428 02/21/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 205+95 437 10 40 136.2 6.5 122.2 , .5..8 , ' 90 90 SZ 428A 02/24/03 3.11 L86 NRSF 205+95 437 10 40 136.2 6.5 124.3 8.6 91 90 SZ 429 02/24/03 NRSF 207+10 426 ' 10 40 136.2 6.5 ' 124.3 , 8.6 91 90 SZ 430 02/24/03 NRSF 203+20 ' 428 10 40 136.2 ' 6.5 128.0 , 5.9 94 90 SZ 431 02/24/03 NRSF 207+55 435 ' , 10 40 136.2 6.5 124.7 7.7 92, 90 SZ 432 02/24/03 NRSF 206+75 441 10 40 136.2 6.5' ' 122.3 9.1 90 90. SZ '.433 - 02/24/03 NRSF 207+50 443 10 4'O"- 136.2 6.5 124.5 , 8.0 91 - 90 Note: Sçe last page of table for explanation of coded terms ' , Proj•NO. 06105-12-07 (G) TABS . V . • FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS . Elev. Plus Max. 'Opt. Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Dry Moist. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Test Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. . Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. I No. Date Test Location (ft) . No. (%) (pcf) ('%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) SZ 434 02/24/03 NRSF 207+20 447. 10 40 136.2 6.5 127.1 6.6 93 90 SZ 435 02/24/03 NRSF 202+45 436 10 40 136.2 6.5 125.6 7.3 92 90 ST 436 03/05/03 NRSF. 202+00 415 . 8 30. 131.3 8.7 117.7 12.8 90 90 ST '437 03/06/03 NRSF 179+00 V 335. 8 20 128.5 9.7 117.0 10.3 91 90 ST 438 03/06/03 NRSF 177+35 • 342 8 40 134.1 7.7 . 120.5 9.9 90 90 ST 439 03/07/03 NRSF 205+80 432 8 30 131.3 87 121.4 8.7 92 • 90 ST 440. 03/07/03 NRSF 204+10 419 8 20 128.5 9.7 •. 121.8 11.5 95 90, Note: See last page of table for explanation of coded terms V . ., Project No. 06105-12-07 S EXPLANATION OF CODED TERMS - PREFIX CODE DESIGNATION FOR TEST NUMBERS AC - Asphalt Concrete FG - Finish Grade RW - Retaining Wall SM - Sewer Main UT -. Utility Trench B - Base IT - Irrigation Trench SD - Storm Drain ST - Slope Test WB - Wall Backfill CG - Curb & Gutter J'I' - Joint Trench SG - Subgrade SW - Sidewalk WL - Water Lateral CW - Crib Wall M - Moisture Test SL - Sewer Lateral SZ - Slope Zone WM -: Water Main - SUFFIX CODE DESIGNATION FOR TEST NUMBERS A, B, C,... : Retest of previous density test failure, following moisture conditioning and/or recompaction. R : Fill in area of density test failure was removed and replaced with properly compacted ifil soil. - TEST LOCATION ABBREVIATIONSt . NRSF - Rancho Santa Fe Road N - North Side of Street 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 - Villages of La Costa - The Oaks, neighborhood designation S - South Side of Street M - Adjacent to, or in, Median Strip E - East. Side of Street V - Joint or Electrical Trench Vault W . - West Side of Street X - Joint or Electrical Trench Crossing For Example: "M-E" would describe a density test taken on the East Side of the Median Strip at the specified street and station number (i.e., MILLER RD 10+00 M-E) . - CURVE NO. . . . . Corresponds to curve numbers listed in Table II, representing the laboratory maximum dry density/optimum moisture content data for selected fill soil samples encountered during testing and observations. S • . S • .• - ROCK CORRECTION • S • • • S For density tests with rock percentage greater than zero, laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content were adjusted for rock content. For tests with rock content equal to zero, laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content values are then unadjusted values. S • - ELEVATION/DEPTH S S • • S S S Test elevations/depths have been rounded to the nearest whole foot. S -TYPE OF TEST S S SC: Sand Cone Test S • S • S S NU: Nuclear Density Test S • S • 5 S S DC: . Drive Cylinder Test • S S S • f\wpJob\tgeoconoflicc\yp-word\docunentDNSLGEND.doC (6/96) TABLE II SUMMARY OF LABORATORY MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT TEST RESULTS ASTM D 1557-00 Maximum Optimum Sample Description Dry Density Moisture Content No. 0 (pci) (% dry weight) 4 Reddish-brown, Clayey SAND 125.2 1.1.3 8 Reddish-brown, fine to coarse, gravelly SAND 123.0 11.9 with _little _silt 9 Reddish-brown, Clayey SAND . 125.2 11.3 10 Yellowish-brown, Clayey, fine to coarse 4 10 • SAND 11 Light olive-brown, fine to medium, Sandy 108.0 18.3 CLAY . 13 Light yellow-brown, fine, Sandy CLAY with 122.8 11.2 trace gravel Dark reddish-brown, fine to coarse, Sandy14 140.0 6.1 GRAVEL with little clay TABLE III SUMMARY OF LABORATORY DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS ASTMD3O8O-98 Sample No. Dry Density (pci) Moisture Content (%) Unit Cohesion (psi) • Angle of Shear Resistance (degrees) 8 110:9 11.9 • 100 • 40 Samples were remolded to a dry density of approximately 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density at near optimum moisture content. 0 Project No. 06105-12-07 • 0 0 0 • 0 0 March 11, 2003 I. I. I 1 I. I I' 1 I I 1 I I I., I TABLE IV SUMMARY OF LABORATORY EXPANSION INDEX TEST RESULTS ASTM D 4829-95 Sample No. Sample Location Moisture Content Dry Density (pci) Expansion Index Before-Test (%) After Test (°/) El -1 Rancho Santa Fe sta. 184+50 11.7 25.7 105.9 65 El -2 Rancho Santa Fe sta. 195+00 11.0 228 108.2 42 El -3 Rancho Santa Fe sta. 204+00 9.4 18.6 113.0 16 El -4 Rancho Santa Fe sta. 212+00 9.2 24.5 114.9 50 TABLE SUMMARY OF FIELD AND LABORATORY PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOILS ASTM D 42-63 Sample No. 3-Inch (% passing) 3/4-Inch (% passing) No. 4 (% passing) No. 200 (% passing) C-17 100 61: 35 * C-17A 100 . 60 38 * C-17B 100 67 47 * C18 100 62 40 * C-19 100 66 42 * C-20 100 66 46 18 C-21 100 56 38 * C-21A 100 68 38 * C-21B 100 65 44 * C-22 100 64 35 C-22A 100 61 38 * C22B 100 68 46 * C23 100 70 46 * C-24 100 76 58 * C-25 100 75 58 * C-26 100 72 S 37 11 C-26A 100 73 43 13 Project No. 06105-12-07 March 11, 2003 TABLE V (continued) SUMMARY OF FIELD AND LABORATORY PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOILS ASTM D 422-63 Sample No. . . 3-Inch (% passing) 3/4-Inch (% passing) Na. 4 . (% passing) No. 200 (% passing) C-27 100 54 . 29 . * C-27A 100 66 . 50 * C-28 100 . 72 43 * C-29 100 67 37 . . C-29A 100 60 . . 41 . * C-30 100 63 42 S * C-3.1 100 64 41 . C-32 100. 57 36 * C-32A . 100 61 .. 41 C-33 100 : 68 . . 33 C-33A 100 86 60 * C-34 100 71 41 * C-35 100. 63 37 * C-35A .100 .. 64 48,.. * C-36 '100 51 32 * C-36A 100 47 41 5* C-41 100 43 38 * C-41A 100 53 42 * C-42 100 99 98 .31 * It should be noted that the No. 200 screen sieve analysis was not performed during field testing. Additional testing was performed on stockpiled material; test results from stockpiled material have been —cluded from this report. ' S S • • Project No. 06105-12707 March 11, 2003