HomeMy WebLinkAbout3190; RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD; SUPPLEMENTAL SOIL AND GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION; 1990-01-08SUPPLEMENTAL SOIL AND GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION FOR RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD. REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR THE FIELDSTONE COMPANY SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY GEOCON INCORPORATED SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 1990 RCE 22527 GEOCON INCORPORATED Geotechnical Engineers and Engineering Geologists File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 The Fieldstone Company 5465 Morehouse Drive, Suite 250 San Diego, California 92121 - Attention: Mr. John Barone Subject: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SUPPLEMENTAL SOIL AND GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION Gentlemen: We are pleased. to submit the accompanying report which presents the results of our supplemental soil and geologic investigation for the subject project. This report presents our conclusions and recommendations pertaining to the geotechnical aspects of site development as well as a review of the field and laboratory tests upon which they are based. If you have questions as our studies on the site proceed, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, GEOCON INCORPORATED H. Tom Kuper CEG 1137 DFL:HTK:dmc (2) addressee (5) Project Design Consultants Attention: Mr. Mark Rosen (1) Fieldstone/La Costa Associates Attention: Mr. Douglas Avis 6960 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121-2974 619 558-6900 FAX 619 558-6159 C [ TABLE OF CONTENTS C SOIL AND GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION PAGE r Purpose and Scope .............................................1 Site and Project Description ......................................3 Soil and Geologic Conditions ......................................5 Stratigraphy ..............................................5 Santiago Peak Volcanics (Jsp) .................................5 Bonsall Tonalite (Kgr) ......................................7 fl Delmar Formation (Td) ......................................8 L Terrace Deposits (Qt) ......................................9 Alluvium (Qal) .............................................10 S Landslide Debris and Surficial Landslide Debris (Qis and 01sf) ........10 Slopewash (Qsw) ............................................11 Topsoil (Unmapped) ........................................12 Fill Material (Oaf) ...........................................12 Groundwater ....................................................13 Geologic Structure ...............................................14 Geologic Hazards ...............................................15 I Faulting and Seismicity ......................................15 Liquefaction Potential .......................................16 Landslides....................................................16 r L CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Potential Geologic Hazards .......................................18 N . Groundwater ..................................................18 Soil and Excavation Characteristics .................................19 L Bulking SlopeStability ..................................................20 Grading........................................................22 Subdrains....................................................25 and Shrinkage Factors .....................................25 Bridge Structure ................................................26 Pavement Sections ..............................................27 Drainage and Maintenance .........................................28 Grading Plan Review ............................................28 r LIMITATIONS AND UNIFORMITY OF CONDITIONS L Figure 1, Vicinity Map Figure 2, Site Plan (Pocket) I Figure 3, Recommended Canyon Subdrain Detail TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) APPENDIX A FIELD INVESTIGATION Figures A-i - A-15, Logs of Test Borings Figures A-16 - 107, Logs of Test Trenches Figures A-108 - A- 118, Logs of Test Air-Track Borings Table IA, Air-Track Rippability Interpretation Table IB, Seismic Traverses APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING Table I, Summary of Laboratory Compaction Test Results Table H, Summary of Laboratory Expansion Index Test Results Table HI, Summary of Direct Shear Testing Results Table IV, Summary of Residual Shear Test Results Table V, Summary of Los Angeles Abrasion Test Results. Figures B-i - B-4, Consolidation Curve APPENDIX C La Costa Dam (Stanley Mahr Reservoir) Consultant's Report APPENDIX D SLOPE STABILITY Figure D-1, Slope Design Chart Figures D-2, Surfical Slope Stability Analysis APPENDIX E RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Figure E-1, Specifications for Site Grading Figure E-2, Typical Benching Detail I [ File No. D-4367-H02 S January 8, 1990 SOIL AND GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION Purpose and Scope The purpose of this preliminary soil and geologic investigation was to provide geotechnical information for the proposed realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road, including a bridge crossing at San Marcos Creek. Aspects of particular interest included potential construction difficulties, ancient landslides, consolidation considerations, remedial grading, estimated rock rippability, slope stability, subsurface. drainage, estimated bulking and shrinkage factors, recommended grading specifications and preliminary bridge foundation considerations. In addition, subconsulting services were coordinated with the original design consultants of La Costa Dam to evaluate safety of the existing dam and spillway as related to proposed construction of the new Rancho Santa Fe Road alignment. The scope of our services consisted of field mapping by our engineering geologist to provide a more definitive geologic reconnaissance of the property and a review of geotechnical reports and information relative to the site, including the following: "Road Alignment Study of La Costa S.E. II Rancho Santa Fe Road, with Land Use Overlay", prepared by Project Design Consultants and dated May 24, 1989. "Rancho Santa Fe Road Mass Grading Program", prepared by Project Design Consultants and dated May 24, 1989. "Rancho Santa Fe Road, Mass Grading Diagram", prepared by Project Design Consultants and dated August 31, 1989. ME [ File No. January 8, 1990 "Stratigraphy and Petrography of the Santiago Peak Volcanics East of Rancho Santa Fe, California", unpublished M.S. Thesis, San Diego State University by Mark A. Adams. "Soil and Geologic Reconnaissance for Rancho Santa Fe Road Alignment, Carlsbad, California", prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated June 30, 1989. "Geotechnical Feasibility Investigation, La Costa Ranch Southeast, Carlsbad, California", prepared by San Diego Soils Engineering Incorporated and dated August 7, 1989. "Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Rancheros Subdivision, Carlsbad, California", prepared by Ninyo and Moore Geotechnical Consultants and dated February 10, 1988. "Design Memorandum Geologic Study, Geotechnical Engineering, and Design Services for Reclaimed Water Storage Reservoir No. 1, La Costa California", prepared by Woodward-Clyde Consultants and dated September, 1979. "Geology and Mineral Resources of San Diego County, California", California Division Mines and Geology, County Report 3", by F.H. Weber, 1963. M o Unpublished reports, aerial photographs and maps on file with our firm. The field work consisted of a site reconnaissance by the project engineering geologist, excavation of 92 exploratory trenches, 44 hydraulic air track borings, 7 large-diameter borings, 6 small-diameter rotary-wash, borings and 36 shallow refraction seismograph lines. Laboratory tests were performed on samples from the excavations to determine pertinent physical characteristics of subsurface soil and rock conditions encountered. Details of the field exploration and laboratory testing programs are presented in Appendixes A and B, respectively. -2- [. File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 Site and Project Description The irregular, north-south elongate site comprises approximately 684 acres of essentially undeveloped land roughly centered on Rancho Santa Fe Road in Carlsbad, California Li (Figure 1). A short section of Questhaven Road and its intersection with Rancho Santa Fe Road lie within the extreme northeast corner of the site. Other than Rancho Santa Fe Road, with the associated truck bypass, and Questhaven Road, existing site improvements include the Stanley Mahr Reservoir (La Costa Dam), the Denk Reservoir (steel water tank), a 100-foot wide San Diego Gas and Electric easement with wood pole and lattice tower supported electric lines, a 200-foot wide San Diego Gas and Li Electric easement (empty), a 150-foot wide San Diego Gas and Electric easement with Steel tower supported electric lines, and two buried water pipes associated with the reservoirs - (Geologic Map, Figure 2). At least two generations of mining activity with associated U excavations and waste-fill are present on the site. The oldest, dating to as early as the 1880's, was copper mining along faulted and hydrothermally altered volcanic rocks in the eastern- L"I central portion of the site (see CDM reference). A 50-foot deep water-filled mine shaft was discovered in that area during our reconnaissance. In addition, later undocumented stone quarry and waste-fill operations were conducted through the 1950's, 60's or 70's which generated excavations and undocumented fills within the central and northwestern portions of the site. I -3.: I [ File No. January 8, 1990 Topographically, the site is characterized by irregular steep to moderate ridge-and-canyon terrain, with trellis drainage along northward, westward and southward trending canyons. Drainage is ultimately accomplished by tributaries into San Marcos Creek along the northwestern site boundary, and by Encinitas Creek along the southern site boundary. L Elevations range from a high approximately 990 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL) along the east- central property boundary to a low of approximately 235 feet MSL along San Marcos Creek along the northwest boundary of the site. Vegetation typically consists of thick chaparral and grasses through a majority of the site. The lower drainages feeding San Marcos Creek and Encinitas Creek, however, have mature to old-age native stands of Valley Oak and Sycamore. Running water was observed in San Marcos Creek as well as from springs in the major drainage along the extreme southwest boundary of the site. L We understand that development as currently proposed will consist of the realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road generally between the intersections with Melrose Avenue and La Costa Avenue. Grading of the road will produce large sheet graded areas with cut slopes approximately 70 feet high and fill slopes approximately 50 feet high at inclinations of approximately 2:1 (horizontal to vertical). A new water crossing structure is planned at San Marcos Creek. The bridge is anticipated to have a length of approximately 300 lineal feet. L No structural design details or concepts were present at this time. -4- [T File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 [ r Soil and Geologic Conditions L.. Stratigraphy. Six surficial soil types and three geologic formations were encountered during our investigation. The surficial, deposits include undocumented fills, landslide debris, topsoils, slopewash, alluvium and terrace deposits. Geologic formations include the Jurassic- aged Santiago Peak Volcanics, the Cretaceous-aged Bonsall Tonalite and the Eocene-aged Delmar Formation. Each of the soil types and geologic units encountered are described below, and their approximate mapped extent is depicted on Figure 2, Geologic Map (Pocket). Santiago Peak Volcanics (Jsp). The Jurassic-aged Santiago Peak Volcanics, with the exception of the extreme northern approximately one-fourth of the site, comprise the majority of the underlying bedrock. These rocks were deposited as an alternating secession L of volcanic flows, tuffs and breccias and typically have an andesite or dacite composition. Subsequently this sequence of rocks was folded, faulted and weakly metamorphosed (see reference by Adams, 1979). Where observed in test excavations, especially in the central portions of the site, this unit is highly fractured and faulted along northwest-to-southeast L zones. Closely spaced parallel fractures and joints form "sheeted" zones containing colorful alteration and/or oxidation minerals such as limonite and hematite. The presence of cubic- shaped crystal-voids (pseudomorphs) and in some areas, cubic-shaped pyrite (iron sulfide) crystals, as well as other exotic minerals such as epidote, chlorite, and possible traces of copper minerals, suggests hydrothermal alteration (or, ancient hot spring activity). This feature is consistent with the historic copper mining operations in similar rock along northwest-southeast zones east of the site (see referenced CDM report). Even though the -- I File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 r' majority of the Santiago Peak Volcanics appears to be highly fractured and altered, the zones typically have steeply dipping, tight clay-filled fractures. Only one area, located along the r truck-bypass road near the center of the site (near Boring HT-26) exhibited low-angle adversely dipping fractures. Observation and monitoring of 37 "air-track" pneumatic drill holes and 34 seismic lines placed in proposed major cut areas within the Santiago Peak Volcanics generated data to aid in estimating the depth and general extent of hard rock materials requiring blasting. Drilling r flg rates and depths were monitored and logged in graphical form as illustrated in Appendix A, Figures A-108 through A-118. Our past observations of excavations and typical industry practice in the San Diego County area indicate that the results of pneumatic percussion-type drilling equipment can generally be correlated with rippability as follows: Drilling rates, using the pneumatic percussion or air-track equipment of less than W S approximately 60 seconds for 3 feet of drill penetration have generally been found to correlate to materials that are rippable. Drilling rates between 60 and 90 seconds for 3 feet of penetration are considered to be marginal in rippability. A drilling rate in excess of 90 seconds for 3 feet of penetration is usually an U indication that blasting will probably be required to excavate the materials encountered efficiently. S The seismic lines were performed along 100 foot traverses utilizing a 2-geophone Geometrics Nimbus shallow refraction seismograph. Results for the seismic lines are also included in L Appendix A. The results of a majority of these lines correlate to those of the air track drill. therefore, interpretations on rock rippability on the site are based on tabulated air-track L results on Table IA (Appendix A). S r File No. January 8, 1990 In general, the results of the air-track borings indicated the potential for nonrippable "floater r boulders", "ribs" and "knobs" below 20 feet throughout the major cuts. Some localized areas in the southeast portions (near borings HT-2, HT-4 and HT-5) and central portions (near L }{T-12 and HT-15) are underlain by nonrippable materials at less than 10 feet in-depth. [ Rippable to marginally rippable material generally occurs throughout cut areas, allowing moderately difficult rippability with a D9 Caterpillar Tractor equipped.with a single shank 0 hydraulic ripper. It is our opinion that even though much of the material is rippable or marginally rippable, some preblasting in less fractured or altered material will be required, Iii and that oversize boulders and rock will be generated that will require special rock handling and placement. A more detailed discussion of rippability characteristics relative to proposed site grading is presented under the "Conclusions and Recommendations" section of this report. I The fresher, less altered and fractured portions of the Santiago Peak Volcanics, as characterized by dense, greenish-grey andesitic rock encountered in the southern and northern proposed cut areas, or deeper 'areas of proposed cuts, may provide suitable material for use as road base, and asphalt and concrete aggregate (Appendix B, LAR-1 and LAR-2 U abrasion tests). Bonsall Tonalite (Kgr). Cretaceous-aged granitic rock correlated to the Bonsall Tonalite was encountered in the approximately northern one-quarter of the site. Test trenches and air-track borings also encountered a moderate to highly fractured and faulted -7- File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 structure similar to that described within the Santiago Peak Volcanics in the foregoing sections. Unlike the volcanic rocks, the granitic units exhibited a more random, rectilinear, fracture pattern, with a typically weathered, coarse granular texture at shallow to moderate depths. Observation and monitoring of 7 "air-track" pneumatic drill holes and 2 seismic lines in the proposed major cut areas within the Bonsall Tonalite generated data to aid in estimating the depth and general extent of hard rock materials requiring blasting. As was described in foregoing sections on volcanic rocks, interpretation on rock rippability are based on graphic and tabulated air-track results (Appendix A). In general, the results of the air-track borings indicated the potential for nonripable "floater boulders", "ribs" and "knobs" below 15 feet throughout the major cuts. Some localized areas (near borings HT-32, HT-33 and HT-37) may be underlain by marginal to nonrippable materials at less than 5 foot depths. A more detailed discussion of rippability characteristics relative to proposed site grading is presented under the "Conclusions and Recommendations" section of this report. Delmar Formation (Td). The Eocene-aged Delmar Formation, consisting of stiff to very hard, light brown to olive silty to sandy claystones and sandstones was found to occur only in the lower drainage tributary to Encinitas Creek along the extreme southwestern edge of the site. As indicated on Figure 2, this unit crops out only along the base of a westward [ File No. January 8, 1990 E facing slope of the drainage between approximate elevations 250 and 270 MSL. Subsurface [ observation of test trenches T-43 and T-70 along this slope indicated the presence of hard or dense, horizontally bedded claystones and sandstones. These beds, however, were overlain further northward by suruicial terrace deposits and landslide debris (see trench T-15). No adverse structures or slide debris was observed, however, within the Delmar Formation along the natural slope at the site boundary with an adjacent existing subdivision. Local variations of bedding inclination within the Delmar Formation is a characteristic which could affect stability in natural or excavated slopes. The claystone members of the Delmar Formation often possess low shear strength and contains randomly oriented remolded clay seams. Proposed excavations are not anticipated to encounter much of the Delmar Formation, but slope stabilization measures may be necessary if any cut slopes or fill keyways expose this unit. In addition, the more clayey portions of this formation are highly expansive and often require selective grading or specially designed structures as discussed under the "Conclusions I and Recommendations" section of this report. Terrace Deposits (Qt). Stream-deposited dense, dark reddish-brown sands and cobble- to-boulder conglomerates were observed to overlie Santiago Peak Volcanics and Delmar Formation in trenches and borings at elevations between approximately 360 and 420 feet MSL within the major south drainage along the extreme southwestern boundary of the site (Figure 2). In general, these sediments exhibit good to excellent bearing characteristics, however, where they rest upon highly weathered and/or altered Santiago Peak Volcanics, or Delmar Formation claystones, they have been found (see test excavations LB-3, LB-5, T-17, L -9- IT IT File No. January 8, 1990 IT T-18) to comprise ancient landslide debris, or may become unstable if undercut in excavations. A discussion of measures to mitigate potential slope stability problems in this unit is presented in the concluding sections of this report. Alluvium (Qal). The alluvial deposits are typically composed of loose, porous, clay- sand-gradual mixtures with boulders that have accumulated along canyon bottoms. The maximum observed thickness was approximately 13 feet (T-44) in the extreme southwest drainages, but up to 10 feet of alluvial soils were observed along San Marcos Creek at the IT. extreme northern portion of the site (Figure 2). These sediments are generally poorly consolidated and susceptible to settlement when subjected to an increase in vertical loads as might results form the placement of fill or structures. Hence, development within areas L containing alluvial deposits will require remedial grading as discussed in the "Conclusions and Recommendations" portions of this report. Landslide Debris and Surficial Landslide Debris (Ols and 01sf). Two deep-seated landslides and two areas of surficial landslides were mapped within the site. The relatively thin, or surficial, landslides were encountered in shallow exploration trenches and were interpreted from stereoscopic aerial photographs and ground reconnaissance (see Figure 2). Both the deep and shallow landslides have generally occurred near, or along, the bottom of a southwest-draining tributary of Encinitas Creek in the southwestern portion of the site. The landslides have occurred within the weathered depositional contact-zone between thin 10 - [ File No. January 8, 1990 remnants of the Eocene Delmar Formation claystones, hydrothermally altered Jurassic Santiago Peak Volcanics and overlying Terrace Deposits. (see Trenches T-16, T-17, T-18 and Borings LB-3, LB-5). [ Surficial landslide materials, averaging approximately 10 feet thick typically consisted of very clayey gravel to boulder gravels, or gravelly clays that have failed along the Delmar Formation remnant claystones, or within very weathered, altered, Santiago Peak Volcanics. Por,tions of both the surficial and deeper landslide debris are relatively loose and possess the potential for future movement. Within the relatively thin surficial debris, complete removal and recompaction will be required where settlement-sensitive structures and/or fills are planned. The deeper landslides will also necessitate remedial grading measures as discussed - in the "Conclusions and Recommendations" section of this report. Slopewash (Osw). Slopewash and colluvial soils occur along the canyon side-slopes, at the base of natural slopes and along the head scarps of landslides. These deposits are often indistinguishable from alluvium and thick topsoil deposits, therefore, only the thicker, or pQtentially thicker areas have been mapped separately on Figure 2. The maximum [ observed thickness of these materials is on the order of 6 feet as exposed in Trench Nos. T- 30 and T-31 (Figure 2). In general, these deposits consist of poorly consolidated sandy clays to clayey sands and are potentially compressible. Development within areas underlain by L File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 slopewash will require remedial grading as recommended in the concluding sections of this report. Topsoil (Unmapped). Topsoils of irregular thicknesses ranging from 1 to 2 feet blanket the majority of the site. The topsoils are characterized by dark brown to reddish-brown gravelly silty sands to sandy clays. These soils are both moderately to highly expansive, as well as potentially compressible. Recommendations with respect to the treatment of topsoils have been included under the "Conclusions and Recommendations" section of this report. Fill Material (Oafl. Several generations of engineered and undocumented fill materials are present on the site (Figure 2). The largest-volume of documented fill includes the materials constituting the La Costa Dam. The La Costa Dam was designed with an imperious clay core and a granular shell. The spillway and some section of the access roads were constructed from fill materials that were generated on-site (see Woodward-Clyde report, Appendix C). A review of the attached report prepared by Woodward-Clyde Consultants indicates that realignment of the Rancho Santa Fe Road could 'have a potential affect on the existing embankment. The primary concern would be the effect of the blast induced vibrations associated with the adjacent excavation. The other major concern is the impact of graded fills as currently proposed on the hydraulic characteristics of the outlet works and emergency spillway. The consultant's recommendations with respect to these concerns are presented in - 12 - [ File No. January 8, 1990 detail in the attached Appendix C, as well as discussed in the concluding section of this [ report. We anticipate that clay rich fill materials with oversize rock and deleterious debris are present to maximum depth on the order of from 20 to 30 feet in the canyons immediately downstream from the La Costa Dam and extending westward beneath the existing Rancho Santa Fe Road (Figure 2 and test excavations LB-7, T-78, T-79, T-88 and T-89, Appendix A). The old highway alignment, including the existing truck by-pass, and other old fill debris also constitute undocumented fills which will require remedial grading where roads, fills and settlement sensitive structures are planned. L Groundwater . A permanent groundwater table was observed within alluvium and alluvium/terrace deposits in the San Marcos Creek drainage and in a tributary to Encinitas Creek, respectively (Borings. No. SB-1, LB-1, and Trenches T-67, T-68, Appendix A). No seepage or groundwater table was detected within borings or test trenches in proposed cuts in the Santiago Peak Volcanics, especially along the flanks of the drainage immediately downstream of the above described La Costa Dam. L San Marcos Creek is a perennial stream and surface water flow was noted during the field investigation. Observed groundwater tables in this drainage area ranged between 3 and 5 feet - 13 - File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 deep. This surface and groundwater condition will be a significant factor for design and construction of the proposed bridge. In the extreme southwestern portion of the site, within a tributary of Encinitas Creek, the groundwater levels generally varied between 10 and 30 feet deep. Because of ancient landsliding in the southwester lower drainages, and the wide variation of water levels, it is our opinion that perched water conditions may be present. To reduce any adverse effects of groundwater upon proposed fills or structures, subdrains and/or other drainage mitigation are recommended as discussed within concluding sections of this report. Geologic Structure Ancient faults and fracturing within the Jurassic-age Santiago Peak Volcanics typically exhibit northwest-to-southeast linear trends, with associated less-intense northeast-to-southwest cross fracturing (see joints, fault symbols, Figure 2). A moderately developed "trellis" drainage pattern is imposed on many small tributary drainages by the northwest-to-southeast trends. Typically, faults and joints have steep (greater than 45 degrees) dips, but occasional low-angle dips of approximately 5 degrees have been noted (see area east of HT-26, Figure 2). - 14 - r File No. January 8, 1990 High-angle contact-zones between the Santiago Peak Volcanics, Delniar Formation, Terrace Deposits, or surficial deposits were encountered in the southwestern-most drainage, and may be anticipated within ancient valleys, embayments and river channels. Where encountered, faults and associated shear zones were not observed to offset the younger Quaternary sediments. Therefore, the observed faults can be considered inactive faults. No evidence of active faulting was observed at the time of our investigations. Geologic Hazards Faulting and Seismicity. It is our opinion, based on the site reconnaissance, evidence obtained in the exploratory excavations and a review of published geologic maps and reports, that the site is not located on any known active fault trace. The ancient faults described previously were encountered entirely within Jurassic-aged formations, so the potential for movement of these faults is considered very low to nonexistent. Recent offshore seismic activity has demonstrated that small magnitude earthquakes can be generated by the offshore faults. The offshore faults and the Elsinore Fault are the closest U active faults to the site, being located approximately 20 and 25 miles to the southwest. and [ northeast, respectively. The probability of the Carlsbad area experiencing a locally generated Magnitude 6.5 or greater earthquake would appear to be low based on present knowledge. Earthquakes less than Magnitude 4 have been common to the San Diego region. It is our opinion that proposed structures be designed in accordance with applicable building codes, - 15 - r File No. January 8, 1990 the current Uniform Building Code and the Recommended Lateral Force Requirements of r the Structural Engineer's Association of California. Liquefaction Potential. The formational units onsite, with the exception of the alluvial soils, are dense to very dense and there is no permanent groundwater level. Therefore, in our opinion, the potential for liquefaction within the formational soils is very low. The main drainage areas, however, are underlain by 10 to 35 feet of alluvial soils. With the exception of the near-surface soils, these alluvial soils were found to be medium dense to dense and the groundwater level is generally below a depth of 10 to 29 feet. Recommendations are presented later in this report under "Grading" to excavate and recompact the upper zones of alluvial material in this area. In our opinion, this recompaction of the upper soils combined with the increased relative density of the deeper alluvial soils yields a low potential for liquefaction within the areas proposed for development. Landslides The results of our field investigation indicate the presence of several landslide features within the subject project. It should be anticipated that remedial grading operations including the partial to complete removal of the landslide debris materials in fill areas and the construction of stabilization fills for cut slopes exposing landslide debris will be required. - 16 - File No. D4367-H02 January 8, 1990 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS General No soil or geologic conditions were encountered which, in our opinion, would preclude the development of the property as presently planned, provided the recommendations of this study are followed. The surficial soils consisting of landslide debris, alluvium, fill, topsoils and slopewash are not considered suitable for the support of fill or structural loads in their present condition and will require remedial grading. The presence of oversize boulders and marginally rippable to nonrippable volcanic and granitic rocks will require special consideration during site development as recommended hereinafter. Due to the expected presence of a large volume of rock, a selective grading operation with possible stockpiling of the soil material and blasting of the marginally rippable rock is recommended. Details of the recommended selective grading operation are presented under "Grading." Recommendations of .the Consultant Report (Appendix C) for Realignment of the Rancho Santa Fe Road should be incorporated into the design and construction phases of - 17 - File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 development. In general, these recommendations are concerned with the hydraulic design impact of proposed fills as well as the blast induced vibration generated during excavation. Potential Geologic Hazards It is our opinion, based on the site reconnaissance, evidence obtained in the exploratory excavations and a review of published geologic maps and reports, that the site is not located on any known active fault trace. It is our opinion that the site could be subjected to moderate to severe ground shaking in the event of a major earthquake along any of the active faults in the San Diego County area; however, the seismic risk at the site is not considered to be any greater than that of surrounding developments in the City of Carlsbad area. Old abandoned mines or prospect pits associated with the Encinitas copper mining district will require special consideration during site development as recommended hereinafter. Groundwater The geologic units encountered on the site have permeability characteristics and/or fracture systems that could be susceptible under certain conditions to water seepage. Inasmuch as no springs, seeps, or groundwater occurrences were encountered within the formational soil units, it is our opinion that the seepage potential for the geologic units is - 18 - Li [ File No. January 8, 1990 relatively low. It is recommended, however, that periodic observations be made by the soil engineer or engineering geologist during grading and/or construction for the presence of groundwater. The recommendations that follow provide for the removal of colluvial, alluvial and undocumented fill soils and the placement of a "canyon" subdrain within the bottom of the removal areas to reduce the potential for groundwater buildup within the canyon fills. U Soil and Excavation Characteristics 10. The soil conditions encountered vary from low expansive sands generated from the Oil decomposed granitic bedrock to highly expansive topsoils and alluvium developed on the volcanic bedrock. [ 11. In our opinion, the existing topsoils and alluvial/colluvial deposits can be excavated with light to moderate effort with conventional heavy-duty grading equipment. It is estimated I that the proposed grading will encounter rippable rock to depths on the order of 10 to 15 feet below existing ground surfac'e. Surface blasting will be required where highly resistant. volcanic rocks are exposed. It is likely, however, that excavations greater than 15 feet within U the major cut areas will encounter marginal to nonrippable rock conditions with a high percentage of "floater" boulders and bedrock "knobs" that will require blasting. Nonrippable [ "floaters" may also be encountered during excavation in otherwise rippable areas. Oversize rocks should be placed in accordance with the Recommended Grading Specifications presented in Appendix E. In addition, we recommend that consideration be given to placing the boulders in the open areas for landscaping purposes. - 19 - [ File No. January 8, 1990 Slope Stability [ 12. Utilizing average drained shear strength parameters based on laboratory tests and r experience with similar soil types in nearby areas, a slope stability analysis indicates that the L proposed 2.0 to 1.0 (horizontal to vertical) fill slopes constructed of granular material will [ have calculated factors of safety in excess of 1.5 under static conditions for both deep-seated and shallow sloughing failures up to the design heights of 100 feet. Fill slopes should be constructed to a minimum horizontal distance equal to the height of the slope of granular materials (typically derived from the granitic or metavolcanic bedrock) with minimum shear strength parameters of 0' = 32 degrees and c' = 200 or equivalent. Slope stability r calculations and surficial stability calculations are included within Appendix D. -j The outer 15 feet of fill slopes should be composed of properly compacted granular "soil" fill to reduce the potential for surface sloughing. All fill slopes should be compacted by back-rolling at vertical intervals not to exceed 4 feet and should be track-walked (for slopes 2:1 or flatter) at the completion of each slope such that the fill soils are uniformly compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. As an alternative, fill slopes with inclinations steeper than 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) should be overbuilt a minimum of 5 feet horizontally and cut back to design finish grade. L Cut slopes excavated in the metavolcanic and granitic rock do not lend themselves to L conventional stability analyses. However, the results of our field investigation, our experience in the general area and the examination of the existing slopes adjacent to the property. L -20- F File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 indicate that the proposed 2.0 to 1.0 (horizontal to vertical) cut slopes should be stable with respect to deep-seated failure and surficial sloughage up to the proposed maximum height of 80 feet. Tops of cut slopes should be cleared of loose boulders and should be "rounded" within the exposed topsoil horizon. Where cuts exceed the maximum depth of the weathered portion of the metavolcanic U and granitic rocks, heavy blasting will be required to break the fresh, very hard rock. Overbiasting of cut slopes should not be permitted. Loose rock and blasting debris should be removed from the faces of finish graded cut slopes. No loose rock fragments greater than r 6 inches in maximum dimension should be left on the slope surface. In our opinion, the use of terrace drains on cut or fill slopes exceeding 30 feet in height is not necessary to maintain gross stability of the slopes. However, the proper installation N and maintenance of terrace drains should measurably reduce surficial slope erosion, particularly fill slopes. if used, we recommend that terrace drains be constructed at a drainage gradient of at least 5 percent. In addition, the need to properly maintain the drains is important. Drains which are not periodically cleaned of vegetation and debris could result in significant slope distress and erosion. L It is recommended that all cut slopes be observed during grading by an engineering L geologist to verify that soil and geologic conditions do not differ significantly from those -21 - File No. D-4367-1102 January 8, 1990 anticipated. If adverse conditions are encountered, recommendations for mitigation can be presented at that time. All slopes should be planted, drained and properly maintained to reduce erosion. Grading Development of the site as proposed will generate a relatively large volume of oversize rock as well as shot rock. Earthwork considerations which need to be addressed within the development schedule are as follows: Grading and blasting operations should be designed to generate a sufficient quantity of granular material for use as low expansive capping material. Road subgrade should be capped with low expansive materials derived from the granular portions of the weathered bedrock. Topsoils/alluvium should not be utilized for capping materials. Consideration should be given to stockpiling select materials to be utilized for capping. Oversize rock should be placed in deeper fill areas in accordance with the Recommended Grading Specifications presented in Appendix E. fl o Appropriate remediation and/or backfilling of any old abandoned mines Li or prospect pits during site development. 20. All grading should be performed in accordance with the attached "Recommended Grading Specifications" (Appendix E). Where the recommendations of this section conflict L with Appendix E, the recommendations of this section take precedence. All earthwork should be observed and all fills tested for proper compaction by Geocon Incorporated. L F -22 - Ii File No. D4367-H02 January 8, 1990 Prior to commencing grading, a preconstruction conference should be held at the site with the owner or developer, grading contractor, civil engineer and geotechnical engineer in attendance. Special soil handling and/or the grading plans can be discussed at that time. Grading operations on the site should be scheduled so as to place the rock and expansive soils in the deeper fills and to "cap" the streets and fill slopes with granular soils with low expansion potential. It is anticipated that, during the excavation of the major cut areas, a moderate quantity of surface and "floater" rocks in excess of 4 feet in size will be generated. In our opinion, these rocks are suitable, for placement in the fill areas, provided the placement is accomplished in accordance with the recommendations presented in Appendix E. In addition, utilization of as many boulders as practical for landscape purposes should be considered. Excavation of the deeper bedrock units should produce a relatively lower quantity of large "floater" rocks, if an efficient blasting program is utilized. The proposed blasting program should also be planned to assist in the generation of "fines". If possible, the grading operation should attempt to reserve sufficient "soil" fill for use in capping the "rock" fills as discussed in Appendix E and to replace trench excavation material which is considered too rocky to be used as trench backfill. L 24. All potentially compressible topsoils and alluvium not removed by planned grading should be removed to firm natural ground in areas of proposed development and properly -23 - I [i File No. January 8, 1990 compacted prior to placing additional fill. Where the thickness is less than 3 feet on sloping ground, it is anticipated that normal benching procedures for sloping ground surfaces will remove the unsuitable topsoils. Thicknesses greater than 3 feet or areas of numerous surface boulders will require complete removal prior to performing normal benching procedures. Consideration should be given to undercutting and replacing with compacted "soil fill" (no rocks or particles greater than 12 inches in maximum dimension) any proposed cut road areas located on the granitic bedrock outcrops. The depth of undercutting should be at least 2 feet below finish grade or, alternatively, to sufficient depth such that underground utilities r can be constructed without the need for additional blasting or heavy ripping after the mass grading has been accomplished. Within rock cut areas where only landscaping is proposed, the project landscape architect should be consulted to determine an appropriate depth of undercut, if any. I The upper 2 feet in pavement areas should be composed of properly compacted or L undisturbed formational "very low" to "low" expansive soils. Highly expansive soils should n be placed in the deeper fill areas and properly compacted. "Very low" to "low" expansive soils are defined as those soils that have an Expansion Index of 50 or less when tested in L accordance with UBC Standard 29-2. -24 - FA In Li File No. D-4367-1102 January 8, 1990 Subdrains 27. Subdrains should be installed in the canyons to be filled. A cross-section of the subdrain configuration is presented on Figure 3. The lower 20 feet of the subdrain installation should consist of nonperforated pipe with a concrete cutoff wall constructed immediately below the junction of the perforated pipe with the nonperforated pipe. The cutoff wall should extend at least 6 inches below the sides and bottom of the subdrain trench and 6 inches above the top of the pipe. In order to maintain a drainage gradient within the canyon subdrain system, it may be necessary to extend the nonperforated outlet pipe beyond the limits of planned grading operations. As an alternative design, a properly compacted fill may be placed within the lower canyon bottom until the minimum drainage gradient is achieved. Two subdrains would then be installed along the fill/natural ground contacts. Where the natural slope gradient exceeds 5 percent, the perforated pipe may be deleted from the subdrain system. After installation of the subdrain, the project civil engineer should survey its location and prepare "as-built" plans of the subdrain location. The project civil engineer should verify the proper outlet for the canyon subdrains and the contractor shoUld ensure that the drain system outlet is free of obstructions. The recommended locations of the canyon subdrains are shown on Figure 2 and will be finalized during a review of the final site grading and improvement plans. Bulking and Shrinkage Factors 28. Estimates of embankment bulking and shrinkage factors are generally based on comparing laboratory compaction tests with the density of the material in its natural state as -25 - IT File No. January. 8, 1990 encountered in the chunk samples. It should be emphasized that variations in natural soil density, as well as in compacted fill density, render shrinkage value estimates very approximate. As an example, the compaction of fill soils can vary from 90% to approximately 100% and, hence, a 10% variation in shrinkage is possible. Based on the extent of work performed to date, the following shrinkage factors are recommended for evaluating earthwork quantities. Soil Unit Alluvium and topsoils Weathered rippable bedrock Nonrippable bedrock Shrink/Bulk Factor 10 to 15 percent shrink 10 to 15 percent bulk 20 to 25 percent bulk Bridge Structure Foundations for the proposed bridge structure at San Marcos Creek should be supported within the underlying Bonsall Tonalite, granitic rock formation. Bridge details were not available of this time, however, depending on structural factors, the following type foundations should be considered: o Spread footings Li o Steel H-piles fl o Drilled and cast-in-place concrete piers Excavation within less weathered granitic bearing material will be difficult. Therefore, L where foundation penetration is required to resist lateral loading, rock excavation or coring should be anticipated, especially if drilled and cast-in-place piers are planned. -26 - I [ File No. January 8, 1990 Steel piles may be limited to areas where there is a sufficient overburden of soils above the rock to provide resistance to lateral tracking. San Marcos Creek is a perennial drainage feature and groundwater areas encountered within 1 to 3 feet from existing ground surface in the exploratory borings on either side of the creek. Therefore a dewatering or groundwater control program will be required where excavations for foundations are planned. Alluvial soils within bridge abutment and approach areas will require remediation in the form of removal and recompaction. Where grading is limited by depth to groundwater, it is recommended that consideration be given to placement of a geotextile fabric/grid to establish a firm base on which to place and compact subsequent fill. N 34. It is recommended that when further details on the bridge design, including abutment and bent locations, are available Geocon Incorporated be contacted, to provide additional geotechnical design parameters. Pavement Sections 35. It is recommended that grading of the roadway alignment be planned to "cap' the top 2 feet of the pavement area subgrade with shot rock or decomposed granite materials. This should establish a subgrade condition with an "R" Value design factor that would allow using -27 - I File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 the minimum pavement section on the order of 7 inches asphaltic concrete over 6 inches of Class 'H aggregate, assuming a Traffic Index (T.I.) of 9. Final pavement section recommendations will be provided after finish subgrade is graded and will be based on "R" Value laboratory test results. Drainage and Maintenance Good drainage is imperative to reduce the potential for differential soil movement, erosion, pavement performance and subsurface seepage. Positive measures should be taken r to properly finish grade the roadway right-of-way area including associated structures, as well L as the offsite fill areas, so that drainage water from the fill areas and paved areas is directed off these areas to drainage control features and structures. Experience has shown that even with these provisions, a shallow groundwater or subsurface water condition can and may develop in areas where no such water conditions existed prior to site development; this is particularly true where a substantial increase in surface water infiltration results from an increase in landscape irrigation. Grading Plan Review L 38.' The soil engineer and engineering geologist should review the grading plans prior to finalization to verify their compliance with the recommendations of this report and determine I the need for additional comments, recommendations and/or analysis. -28 - [ File No. January 8, 1990 LIMITATIONS AND UNIFORMITY OF CONDITIONS' The recommendations of this report pertain only to the site investigated and are based upon the assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate from those disclosed in the investigation. If any variations or, undesirable conditions are encountered during construction, or if the proposed construction will differ from that anticipated herein, Geocon, Incorporated should be notified so that supplemental recommendations can be given. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or of his representative, to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the architect and engineer for the project and incorporated into the plans, and the necessary steps are taken to see that the contractor and subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field. The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the Li conditions of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether they be due to natural fl processes or the works of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards. may occur, whether they result from legislation or the L ' broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and I should not be relied upon after a period of three years. r File No. D-4367-H02 L January 8, 1990 . I L [. I REF. MAP: U.S.G.S RANCHO SANTA FE QUADRANGLE •CALIF. 1968 (PHOTOREVISED 983) SCALE:I' • 2000 •• VICINITY MAP RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT . CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Figure 1 - Pile No. D-4367-H02 [ January 8, 1990 [ E APPROVED FILTER FABRIC C. [ 6" o:76 o.Q...q0.) r 000 L •ci•.°0 ? .9 BEDROCK . oo . b - OPEN-GRADED IMAX. AGGREGATE (FORMATIONAL SOIL)601 . '4. . -. c7. & I 0.0 0 . • I o . •1 ° Q.. / .___. e PERFORATED A B S PIPE SLOPED TO DRAIN AT I%OR GREATER USE SOR3S FOR UPTO3OFILLCOVER USE SOR 23.5 OR PVC SCHEDULE 40 FOR UP TO 100 FILL COVER IN TO 2" CLEAR FROM BOTTOM OF TRENCH NO SCALE NOTES: If Class II permeable material (per Sec. 68-1.025 Caltrans Standard Specifications) is used, the filter fabric may be deleted. Where the subdrain does not connect directly to a storm drain pipe, the subdrain should be nonperforated and should be provided with a 12-inch-thick concrete cut-off wall extending at least 6 inches beyond the subdrain trench sidewalls, bottom and the top of the pipe. The cut-off wall should be located at the connection of the perforated and non-perforated pipes. Where subdrain length is less than 500 feet, the pipe diameter may be reduced to 6 inches. Canyon subdrains outletting into open space areas should be properly protected (ie. concrete, headwalls, rip-rap) to provide free drainage. RECOMMENDED CANYON SUBDRAIN DETAIL RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Figure 3 File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 APPENDIX A [ FIELD INVESTIGATION - The field investigation was performed during the period of September 14 through October 7, 1989 and consisted of geologic mapping by our engineering geologist, excavation I of 92 exploratory trenches, 13 exploratory borings and the monitoring of 44 hydraulic "air-track" drill holes. In addition, 36 seismic survey traverses were run. The approximate locations of the trenches, borings, "air-track" drill holes, and seismic traverses are shown on *the Geologic Map, Figure 2. The exploratory trenches were excavated by means of a JD 55 tracked backhoe equipped with a 24-inch-wide bucket. An Ingersoll-Rand 500 pneumatic percussion, 4 inch-diameter, drill with hydraulic puildown was used for the air-track holes at selected locations in order to gain additional information regarding rippability characteristics of the underlying bedrock. The large-diameter exploratory borings were advanced using a 30-inch-diameter caisson-type rotary bucket drill. In addition, small-diameter rotary wash borings were advanced using a 5-inch-diameter truck-mounted drill. The seismic traverses were performed using Geometrics, Nimbbs, 2-geophone shallow refraction seismograph. U . During the investigation, the soils encountered were visually examined, classified and logged. Logs of the exploratory trenches and borings are presented on Figures A-i through A-107 in L Appendix A and depict the soil and geologic conditions encountered and the depth at which samples were obtained. A graphical representation of each of the air-track borings is I presented on Figures A-108 through A-118. The graphs depict the rate (in seconds per foot) at which the drill penetrated each foot of depth examined. The results of the surveys are L tabulated and presented in Tables IA and lB. ITT [. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367402 BORING SB 1 > DEPTH SAMPLE I- SOIL ,- u. " U. W %, F IN EET CLASS ELEVATION327 DATE COMPLETED 9/29/89 (USCS)LU z -j zEQUIPMENT ROTARY WASH DRILLRIG M EL >. z o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -. CL ALLUVIUM - Loose, damp to very moist, light brown, 2 - SB 1-1 Silty CLAY, with little sand and gravel - 2 4 — GC BONSALL TONAL1TE - Very dense, saturated, light brown, SB1-2 Gravelly Silty CLAY; slightly weathered - 32 6 • fractured, GRANITIC BEDROCK - 1 foot/4 minute drill rate SB1-3 - -8 BORING TERMINATED AT 8 FEET (REFUSAL DUE TO BEDROCK) Figure A-i Log of Test boring Sb 1, page 1 of 1 • •LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL - El ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I •.. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED)] DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE 13 ... CHUNK SAMPLE .. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE ] NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 .,, I7L7Ifl BORING SB. 2 DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL . NO x z CLASS ELEVATION329 DATE COMPLETED 9/29/89 0 W FEET (USCS) EQUIPMENT ROTARY WASH DRILLRIG I-,.3 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - ALLUVIUM - Medium dense, moist, red brown, Clayey 2 S132-1 sc SAND, with some silt - 15 119.4 7.8 • y . . - - SB2-2 . . - 20 109.1 20.1 -6- . 8 Gravel encountered at 8 feet -. 10 SB2-3 - GC BONSALL TONALITE O'6" - 1l fl17 Very dense, orange to brown, Gravelly 12 • - Clayey SAND, moderately weathered _____ GRANITIC BEDROCK BORING TERMINATED AT 12 FEET (REFUSAL DUE TO BEDROCK) Figure A-2 Log of Test Boring SB 2, page 1 of 1 . LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL II ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 1 DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 ctIC Lin h.LA7.4fl BORING SB 3 Zw^>. DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL NO. ELEVATION 331 DATE COMPLETED 9/29/89 FEET D 0 USCS) W H O EQUIPMENT ROTARY WASH DRILLRIG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - - ___ Sc ALLUVIUM - Medium dense, red-brown, damp to moist, 2 S133-1 Clayey SAND, with some silt and gravels 26 125.4 10.5 • Medium to high frequency of gravels - SB3-2 encountered at 2 feet .4. BONSALL TONAL1TE - - 6 :. SM Very dense, light brown, Gravelly, Silty :.. SAND, moderately weathered GRANITIC - BEDROCK BORING TERMINATED AT 7 FEET •. Figure A-3 Log of Test Boring SB 3, page 1 of 1 LCSE D SAMPLE SYMBOLS ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 11 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 .,.s r..1,7L7.LV2 BORING SB 4 o w . , DEPTH SAMPLE 0 I- SOIL . !iN' IN NO. CLASS ELEVATION 326 DATE COMPLETED9/29/89 FEET 0 (USCS) a WH I.3 wO _ _j M EQUIPMENT ROTARY r 0. •-' 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0- - ALLUVIUM - Loose, saturated, dark brown SAND, 2 - SB4-1 :::.:: sp with some silt - 4 119.0 16.2 .4 - SB4-2 '. - 20 105.8 24.5 6 :• Medium dense to dense, saturated, dark - SB4-3 GP gray-brown, Gravelly SAND, with some silt 8 10 S114-4 • - BONSALL TONAL1TE 50/10 129.1 12.2 . Very dense, saturated, gray-brown, - 12 - Gravelly Silty SAND, moderately .• '-' weathered GRANITIC BEDROCK - 14 . '. Drill rate=1 foot/5- minute -16 BORING TERMINATED AT 16 FEET Figure A-4 Log of Test Boring SB 4, page 1 of 1 LCSE AMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 13 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 1 Es DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE .. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE j NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT' OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367402 BORING SB 5 . z DEPTH I-0 <1 SOIL Z. 0 • - .' SAMPLE FE IN ET CLASS ELEVATION DATE COMPLETED 9/29/89 EQUIPMENT ROTARY WASH DRILLRIG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0. • • F: ML ALLUVIUM Loose, slightly moist to very moist, - 2 - SB5-1 • gray-brown, Sandy SILT, with some - 4 83.9 29.9 gravel, little recovery - - Medium gravel encountered at 4 feet - SB5-2 SC Medium dense, very moist, red-brown, - 11 110.8 19.6 6 - Clayey SAND, with medium gravel • SB5-3 - 10*SB5-4 - DELMAR FORMATION 10 100.8 26.1 - • CL Stiff, very moist, greenish brown with - - 12 orange, Silty CLAY, very plastic, highly weathered Very stiff, occasional gravel at 13 feet - 14 - - - SB5-5 Very stiff, very moist, gray-gree;, ---43 119.8 '6.3 16 - Silty CLAY, with some gravel - • CL S 18 - Hard, slightly we'athered at 18 feet 20 S135-6 50/7" 124.1 13.3 22 - - 24 - 50/4" BORING TERMINATED AT 25 FEET Figure A-5 Log of Test Boring SB 5, page 1 of 1 LCSE 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 11 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE El ... CHUNK SAMPLE Y •.. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FTIF MO fl-4A7.402 tu BORING SB 6 DEPTH SAMPLE 0 I- SOIL 0 • I- IN NO. CLAS ELEVATION265 DATE COMPLETED 9/29/89 d FEET 19 EQUIPMENT ROTARY WASH DRILLRIG M M 0 a. 0 1 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0- • ALLUVIUM Stiff, red-brown, moist to very moist, 2 SB6-1 CL Sandy CLAY, trace gravel 9 109.2 20.9 .4- SB6-2 ' 3 99.8 27.3 - 6 - Light brown, very moist to saturated, SB6-3 Silty CLAY 8 Medium gravel encountered at 8 feet 10 - SB64 - 25 17.7 16.8 DELMAR FORMATION • Very stiff, light gray-green with orange, 12 • very moist to saturated, Silty CLAY, with trace gravel, highly weathered 14 SB65 -Tan to light green-gray, moist, Silty --- - CL 50/8' 125.9 12.9 - 16 - CLAY, with fine to medium sand, - moderately weathered Large, fresh boulder encountered at 17 feet, no advance BORING TERMINATED AT 17.5 FEET Figure A-6 Log of Test Boring SB 6, page 1 of 1 • LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I •.. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ] DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE .-.; CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D•4367-402 - w BORING LB 1 DEPTH SAMPLE I SOIL O• I- w3 NO FE IN ET CLASS CLASS ELEVATION 263 DATE COMPLETED 9/28/89 Z J EQUIPMENT 30"BUCKETDRILL 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - TERRACE DEPOSIT - Loose, moist, dark reddish-brown, very 2 SC Clayey, Pebbly SAND - .4. - LB1-1 - 2 123.1 10.8 - 8- - S 10 - ( 12 - - 14 . LB1-2 - 2 112.1 19.1 3 inch thick dark brown, silty sand with 16 - carbon and ancient topsoil near horizontal - - bed at 15 feet - Becomes saturated at 17 feet - 18 - Strong seepage - Very irregular, but sharp depositional - 7 - 130.2 11.2 20 - LB1-3 contact; channel scour - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCAMCS 22 CL Hard, wet, light brown, mottled white, brown, - - altered andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK; random fracturing abundant; 24 - Hydrothermal alteration of rock to a Sandy • CLAY 26 - . -... Becomes very hard at 27 feet 28 Figure A-i Log of Test Boring LB 1, page 1 of 2 LCSE 0 SAMPLE SYMBOLS ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL El ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE • ... CHUNK SAMPLE •.. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT' OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 tic un h.L7.Lfl BORING LB 1 Ir' DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL ELEVATION _263 DATE COMPLETED 9/28/89 FEET CLAS 5) EQUIPMENT 30" BUCKET DRILL a. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 30 - ____ - - BORIN(i_lERMiNATED_AT_30_FEET Figure A-8 Log of Test Boring LB 1, page 2 of 2 0 [-;AMPLE SYMBOLS .. SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL I ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 VTIF Un fl./7Ifl a BORING LB 2 DEPTH i- SOIL o • I- U. \ H n: Z SAMPLEIN CLASS ELEVATION 274 DATE COMPLETED9/28/89 u - 3 ui FEET -' (USCS) wo EQUIPMENT 30" BUCKET DRILL Z w - CL MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ___ LANDSLIDE DEBRIS - Stiff, damp, reddish-brown, very Sandy- -2 CL-SC Gravelly CLAY - -4- - 6- 8- - 10 - - 12 - 14 - Remolded clay seam 3 inch-8 inch; NIOE, - CL - 1 114.6 16.3 - LB2-1 lOSE; wet, plastic, light green-tan at 14.5 feet - 16 - - - Soft, moist-wet, light green, mottled with red-tan, Sandy CLAY: highly fractured with 18 - remolded seams - • Remoldrd clay seam 1/8 inch-1/2 inch thick N70E, 8S; light green-tan wet, - 20 plastic, slickensided at 17 feet -- 2 117.6 16.6 LB2- 2 I Remolded clay seam; E-W, 5S; 1/8 inch- L132-3 SC 1 1/4 inch thick, wet, slickensided (Base-Of-Slide) at 20 feet _j 22 - - ALLUVIUM Dense, moist, mottled tan-red, very 24 •• Clayey-Gravelly SAND Irregular depositional contact - -26 SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Dense, wet, mottled red-brown, altered- L132-4 . weathered andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK; - 4 125.6 13.0 28 -highly fractured (random) L ____ Seepage ___ ____ BORING _TERMINATED _AT_30_FEET Figure A-9 Log of Test Boring LB 2, page 1 of 1 LCSE U ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST •.. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) I SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE •.. CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 riir MA n-467407 )- W D r rii.i i r BORING 3 Z - DEPTH SAMPLE_j 3 SOIL 00 -- iu> IN NO. CLAS ELEVATION298 DATE COMPLETED 9/29/89 FEET (USCS) EQUIPMENT 30" BUCKET DRILL 3 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 . LANDSLIDE DEBRIS - Loose, damp, dark reddish-brown Clayey- 2 Sandy COBBLE-GRAVEL - - LB3-1 SC-GC - 3 116.3 10.8 ..LB3-2 6- - 8- - 10 - - 12 - - 14 - 12 inch thick sandy clay layer; irregular- - - - indistinct bedding from 14-16 feet - -16- 18 - 20 Very irregular contact with some (1/2- - 1 inch) white wet clay at base • SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS 22 - Very dense, moist, white-tan-red - mottled, very altered, weathered andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK sheet 24 26 '. fractures 1/4 inch-i inch apart - at N45W, 60SW, with random clay seams :: Figure A-10 Log of Test Boring LB 3, page 1 of 2 LCSE 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL UI ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 C119 Ufl r.L7J.7.4fl BORING LB 3 z DEPTH FE IN SAMPLE J o 3 SOIL CAS .S ELEVATION298 DATE COMPLETED 9/29/89 ET EQUIPMENT 30" BUCKET DRILL 'Ii a. a o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 30 - - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS CON'T - - 32 BORING TERMINATED AT 32 FEET (NEAR REFUSAL) Figure A-il Log of Test Boring LB 3, page 2 of 2 , LCSE 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL IJ ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) I SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT' OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367402 )- Ui r A LB DEIrJULD'+ BORING z -. >- DEPTH SOIL 00• . IN SAMPLE NO CLASS ELEVATION279 DATE COMPLETED 9/29/89 FEET (USCS) EQUIPMENT 30" BUCKET DRILL 0 • B. 0 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION LANDSLIDE DEBRIS - Loose, dry, dark brown, Clayey-Sandy 2 - 3M-G(' cobble-boulder GRAVEL; some silt .4- - -6- -8 - 10 - -12 14 16 - L134-1 - Irregular contact, with wet 1/4 - 1/2 inch 5 123.9 13.5 - clay layer at base CL ' - 18 - . Hard, moist, light tan mottled white-red, Sandy CLAY - - Discontinuous remolded seam; nearly - - - 20 horizontal, wet at 18.5 feet _jr - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Very dense, moist, light brown, mottled with red, altered and weathered andesitic - VOLCANIC ROCK random fracturing with clay seams. BORING TERMINATED AT 20 FEET (NEAR REFUSAL) Figure A-12 Log of Test Boring LB 4, page 1 of 1 . LCSE 0 SAMPLE SYMBOLS ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I... DRIVE . SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 1 DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE J NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D4367402 -Uj BORING LB 5 z >- DEPTH SAMPLE I- SOIL 0 • I- NO. ELEVATION 297 DATE COMPLETED u W FEET EQUIPMENT 30"BUCKETDRILL MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 . - __ • LANDSLIDE DEBRIS Soft, wet, light tan-green, sandy 2 CL-CH CLAY - LB5-1 F USH 1 "111.5 17.9 4 - Remolded clay seam, green, wet, NSOW, - lONE; 1/4-1/2 inch thick at 3.5 feet ______ 8-10 inch irregular, possible - 8 - I disturbed transition from clay to - - weathered formation (base-of-slide) __j at7feet 10 - LBS-2 CL - 3 123.9 13.1 SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS - Hard, moist, light-tan, mottled with green, 12 - Sandy CLAY and highly weathered-altered andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK; abundant, random - fractures and clay seams. 14 - 16 - 18 - Transition from highly weathered to hydrothermally altered rock - (6-8 inch) at 18 feet f - -- 20 LB5-3 SC --jj. ery ense, moist, mottled brown- — 5 123.5 12.6 - - -red, hydrothermally altered and randomly - - 22 fractured (1.4-2 inch spacing) andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK - - 1 24 i_ BORING TERMINATED AT 25 FEET Figure A-13 Log of Test Boring LB 5, page 1 of 1 • LCSE [SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ....SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 11 •.. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) j DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 IIF Wfl fl.47-4fl > BORING LB 6 z >- DEPTH SAMPLE - SOIL 0 0 o Uix FE IN ET CLASS ELEVATION 282 DATE COMPLETED 10/2/89 ui d (USCS) EQUIPMENT 30" BUCKET DRILL Z J >. a u MATERIAL DESCRIPTION • LANDSLIDE DEBRIS Dense, damp, dark reddish-brown, very -2- SC-CL Clayey, Gravelly fine SAND -4- - LB6-1 5 125.9 10.8 6- 8- ________--------------------------------------- CH 10 Soft, wet, light green-white mottled Sandy CLAY slickensided fractures; - disturbed and remolded throughout at CL 12 • low (<10 degrees) random inclinations, but discontinuous 14 - - - Stilf, oi dail ----------_____ CLAY; with pebbles-mixed - LB6-2 - ----- ------------------------ - 2 Soft, wet, light green, red-white 114.6 17.2 - 16 - LB6-3 CL mottled, Silty-Sandy CLAY; slickensided fractures and clay seams are frequent but randomly oriented and very disturbed - 18 brecciated character 20 - 22 - Remolded clay seams 1/8 inch to 1/2 inch - thick. N65W, 30NE;slickenside-striations perpendicular to strike at 23 and 24 feet - 24 - LB64 2 114.0 17.0 26 - 28 Figure A-14 Log of Test Boring LB 6, page 1 of 2 • LCSE. 0 . -• •.. SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 11 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) I SAMPLE SYMBOLS • DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 II c UA n-LtA7-ifl BORING LB 6 o w DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL U. CLASS ELEVATION DATE COMPLETED 10/2/89 Z C) (flj FEET (USCS) cn9 ,.0 o EQUIPMENT 30" BUCKET DRILL z 0. Q C.) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 30 - ___ Silty-Sandy CLAY CON'T - Remolded clay seam; N lOW, lONE; 1/8 32 inch thick wet, green slickensided - - at 31.5 feet - Remolded clay seam; 1/2-2 inch thick, GC 124.6 11.7 - LB6-5 gray, wet, slickensided and nearly horizontal (base-of-slide) at 33.5 feet 1 - 36 - .- - ALLUVIUM - Dense, moist, light reddish-brown green 5'., with gray Clayey-Sandy COBBLE-GRAVEL J - Very irregular depositional contact; 38- old alluvium at 34.5 feet I ____________________________ I . SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS 40 Very dense, moist, light brown-red, - mottled, highly randomly fractured, altered and weathered andesitic VOLCANICROCK _j BORING TERMINATED AT 40 FEET (NEAR REFUSAL) Figure A-15 Log of Test Boring LB 6, page 2 of.2 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL F ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 1 DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D4367402 BORING LB 7 z >. DEPTH SOIL ZE Lii NO F IN EET CLASS SAMPLE ELEVATION 515 DATE COMPLETED10/2/89 I Z U. Cfl Z _I (USCS) EQUIPMENT 30" BUCKET u3 )-; o E a._' 0 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -0- - UNDOCUMENTED FILL Soft, damp to dry, medium grey-green, 2 CL mottled with brown, Sandy QgE some - - cobble to boulder gravel and scattered - concrete chunks .4- - 6- . -. -8 - 10 12 14- - - LB7-1 . . . I JSH 1',"111.3 19.0 16 LB7-2 18 - Irregular contact with/natural alluvial - - soils; roots, decayed vegetation, etc. - - 20 - CL - ALLUVIUM Soft, wet, dark brown, Sandy CLAY - 22 Sharp, but irregular, depositional contact into weathered formation. -24- .. SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCAMCS - Dense, moist, light brown, mottled with tan - 26 - ". red, weathered fractured andesitic VOLCANIC .. - . ROCK - - -28- - - BORING - _TERMINATED _AT_30_FEET Figure A-16 Log of Test Boring LB 7, page 1 of 1 •LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL STANDARD PENETRATION TEST ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) - DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D4367-402 TRENCH T1 I- 0 • ui I- DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL IN z CLASS ELEVATION373 DATE COMPLETED 9/14/89 d ' FEET (USCS) 0 • EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE 0. ' 0 C.) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0- - 0~e SM TOPSOIL Loose, dry, dark brown, Silty coarse 2 - - SAND, scattered rock BONSALL TONALITE 4 _ Very dense, damp, light reddish-brown - randomly fractured weathered coarse coarse crystalline intrusive GRANITIC - -6- ROCK - Fault,. N70W, 60NE; 1/2 inch-i inch thick - - " dark gray clay gouge - - 8 --- TRENCH TERMINATED AT 8 FEET Figure A-16, Log of Test Trench T1 .. LCSE 0 SAMPLE SYMBOLS ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 11 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) I DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT. THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367402 >. w TRENCH T 2 DEPTH SAMPLE ,_. SOIL 0 u. LL NO F IN EET CLASS ELEVATION 474 DATE COMPLETED 9/14/89 ci (USCS) ca EQUIPMENT JD555TRACKBACKHOE WMM 0 C) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SC TOPSOIL 0 - - _____ Loose, damp, dark red-brown, Clayey-Rocky 2 fine SAND BONSALL TONAL1TE 4 _ Very dense, damp-moist, medium brown, - highly sheet-fractured weathered medium • crystalline intrusive GRANITIC ROCK _____ ___ - Joints N50E, 80W, 2-6 inch spacing at4feet TRENCH TERMINATED AT 5 FEET Figure A-17, Log of Test Trench T 2 LCSE S AMPLE SYMBOLS 0 .. SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U •.. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE H0 b-4367-402 Figure A-18, Log of Test Trench T 3 5 • • LCSE. 0 SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) I SAMPLE SYMBOLS S DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. Jaiivary 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367402 DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL 0 UJ X NO CLASS ELEVATION446 DATE COMPLETED 9/14/89 i FEET (USCS) 0 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE 0. - 0 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 00 ALLUVIUM - SM Loose, dry, dark brown, Silty-Rocky coarse :° SAND - BONSALL TONALITE 4 _____ Very dense, damp, light grayish-brown • medium crystalline intrusive GRANITIC - • ROCK; random fracturing TRENCH TERMINATED AT 5 FEET (REFUSAL) Figure A-19, Log of Test Trench T 4 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST 0'... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE Y ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 TRENCH T 5 a H DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL H LL En 0 0 LL CLASS ELEVATION 515 DATE COMPLETED9/14/89 Z FEET NO. (USCS) u3 o )..z C9 EQUIPMENT JD555TRACKBACKHOE 0. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - SC TOPSOIL - _____ Loose, dry, dark red-brown, Clayey-Rocky - 2 fine SAND SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCAMCS 4 .. Very dense, moist, light brown-orange, - highly fractured andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK: hydrothermal (araillic) alteration - 6 - throughout; sheet-fracturing 1/4-1 inch apart; N50W, 80SW; minor cross-fractures - - N45E, 80SE - _____ _____ Fault; N40W, 40NE; 1/4-1/2 inch gouge, -- 8 normal slickensides; moist-wet TRENCH TERMINATED AT 8 FEET *T5 is located 150+ downstream from the southside of the La Costa Dam. Figure A-20, Log of Test Trench T 5 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL IJ ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U •.. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ] DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE •.. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 rnF MO n-667-402 TRENCH T 6 DEPTH MPLE SOIL SA NO FE IN ET CLAI (USCS) ELEVATION577 DATE COMPLETED 9/14/89 M1 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE IL a 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -0- CL TOPSOIL - - Soft, dry, dark brown, Sandy-Rocky CLAY 2 - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS - - Very dense, damp, dark gray mottled with 4 - brown, moderately fractured andesitic - VOLCANICROCK: fresh, unaltered, along - 'i fractures; joints 1 inch-3 inch apart, ______ - N30E, vertical, cross fractures are N50W, 60NE with 2-4 inch spacing TRENCH TERMINATED AT 5 FEET• Figure A-21, Log of Test Trench T b •. • • LCSE 0 SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 11 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I DRIVE SAMPLE- (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE . . - CHUNK SAMPLE WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January. 8, 1990 FILE NO. D4367-402 TRENCH T7 . DEPTH - SAMPLE 0 I- SOIL o • • NO. FE IN ET CL ELEVATION550 DATE COMPLETED 9/14/89 & EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE a..- a U MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - ___ ___ ______________________________ ___ ___ ___ - SLOPE WASH - SC Loose, damp, dark brown, Clayey-Silty 2 - fine SAND 4 - BONSALL TONAL1TE Very dense, moist, light brown, randomly - . fractured, slightly weathered medium - . crystalline intrusive GRANITIC ROCK . : TRENCH TERMINATED AT 9 FEET / Figure A-22, Log of Test Trench T 7 1 LCSE 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL Ii ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E3 ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 rt,IrIll, r../.21L7_Lfl1j TRENCHTB z >. DEPTH MPLE J 3 SOIl. 0C3 • z U. I— to • SA NO FE IN ET CLA S ELEVATION510 DATE COMPLETED 9/14/89 & EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -0 - SC ALLUVIUM - Loose, dry, dark reddish-brown, Clayey- 2 - Rocky fine SAND - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS 4 • Very dense, brownish gray to dark gray, - ____ moderately randomly fractured andesitic • VOLCANIC ROCK, blocky fractures - TRENCH TERMINATED AT 5 FEET (REFUSAL) Figure A-23, Log of Test Trench T 8 LCSE 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND. TIMES. January 8, 1990 F119 Mn n.LV7-LA >.W TRENCH T'9 Z >. DEPTH SOIL UIX F IN SAMPLE NO. z EET x c1 ELEVATION496 DATE COMPLETED 9/15/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -0- - SC ALLUVIUM Loose, dry, dark reddish-brown, Clayey- - 2 - Rocky fine SAND - 4- ____ SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Very dense, light brown to dark gray, moderately randomly fractured andesitic __j VOLCANICROCK, blocky. TRENCH TERMINATED AT 5 FEET (REFUSAL) Figure A-24, Log of Test Trench T 9 LCSE 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL II ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) j SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ;.. CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367402 Uj TRENCH T1O DEPTH SAMPLE 3 SOIL C D ELEVATION 496 DATE COMPLETE 9/15/89 FEET EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - Loose, damp, dark reddish-brown, Clayey-. SC Rocky fine SAND • - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANKS 4 - '' Very dense, damp, light brown-gray moderately randomly fractured andesitic • tuff-breccia VOLCANICROCK; some _____ - weathering and argillic alteration. TRENCH TERMINATED AT 5 FEET (NEAR REFUSAL) Figure A-25, Log of Test Trench T 10 LCSE 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 13 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE •.. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 un h.L7.A7Lfl Figure A-26, Log of Test Trench T 11 LCSE 0 SAMPLE SYMBOLS ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL El ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) I DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 ;TI 9 un TRENCH T12 >. DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL FE IN ET NO. ELEVATION320 DATE COMPLETED 9/15/89 C EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - SURFICIAL LANDSLIDE DEBRIS - CL-GC Soft, moist, medium to dark reddish-brown, - 2 very Rocky-Bouldery, Sandy CLAY 4 - Very irregular contact - - ____ - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Very dense, damp, brownish dark gray, andesitic breccia VOLCANICROCK; slight- moderate fractured, blocky, 10-12 inch fragments. TRENCH TERMINATED 5 FEET Figure A-27, Log of Test Trench T 12 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ;.. SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 13 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) -. DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. .11 Is NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO n.4;67.02 TRENCH T13 ow. I.. DEPTH I-0 (C SOIL Z tL . - SAMPLE NO. CLASS ELEVATION327 DATE COMPLETED 9/15/89 & FEET EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 ALLUVIUM • Loose, damp, dark reddish-brown, very Bouldery-Clayey SAND: 6-12 inch 2 - angular to subrounded boulders common --------------------------------------- - - 4 Soft, wet, medium-light brown, Sandy-Gravelly CLAY ------------------------------------- - 6 Medium dense, moist, light reddish-brown, - - Clayey-Bouldery medium SAND -8- - . SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS - Very dense, light reddish-brown, - 10 - weathered-altered, sheet fractured - (1-3 inch spacing) andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK: sheet orientation; N30E, 75SE. TRENCH TERMINATED AT 11 FEET (NEAR REFUSAL) Figure AL2B • ____ ____ ____ Log of Test Trench T 13 LCSE U •.. SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL F ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I •.. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) E PLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE • ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D4367-402 - TRENCH T14 DEPTH SAMPLE 0 _j SOIL H0- ' W FE IN ET CLASS ELEVATION 325 DATE COMPLETED 9/15/89 'ii (USCS) • EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE tr 0. 13 C) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - SURFICIAL LANDSLIDE DEBRIS - Soft, moist, medium-dark reddish-brown -' CL Sandy CLAY - -4- - \ Irregular, westward-inclined contact 6- SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCAMCS - - T14 1 _ Dense, moist, light reddish-brown, - mottled with green, aqua, andesitic 8 - breccia VOLCANIC ROCK strong sheet - - fracturing at N45W, 60SW, with pseudomorphic pyrite and secondary copper 10 - minerals (crysocolla); strong hydrothermal ______ - - alteration (argillic). TRENCH TERMINATED AT 10 FEET Figure A-29, Log of Test Trench T 14 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE Y •.. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TINES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 TRENCH T 15 Z - DEPTH SAMPLE J 0 I- 3 0 SOIL 0 • ,.- a (I H NO. FE IN ET CLASS ELEY*TION 312 DATE COMPLETED9/15/89 U) ZU. Lu C3 Z EQUIPMENT JD555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - 0- - SURFICIAL LANDSLIDE DEBRIS CL ;.Soft, moist, dark reddish-brown, Sandy- 2 - Gravelly CLAY - 4 - - ____ Soft, wet, light tan-olive, Bouldery CLAY; intense random slickensided 6 . surfaces within clay matrix; up to 4 feet in diameter subrounded volcanic • -. boulders; within a disturbed matrix - -8 - 10 12 - - Irregular, nearly horizontal surface. - - . (base of slide). - 14- CL t DELMAR.FORMATION Hard, moist, mottled red-olive, Sandy- Pebble CLAYSTONE Small clasts of volcanic rock at 15 feet t__ _.j TRENCH TERMINATED AT 15 FEET Figure A-30, . Log of Test Trench T 15 LCSE, SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 11 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E3 ... CHUNK SAMPLE Y ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO SE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FtIF N0 D-667-402 a • TRENCH T 16 DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL 1-0 • I- Ix CLASS ELEVATION 303 DATE COMPLETED 9/15/89 Ix FEET EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE 2 '- a C.) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - 0 - ____ - SURFICIAL LANDSLIDE DEBRIS - Loose, moist, light brown, Clayey BOULDER- - GC GRAVEL 2- - Soft, wet, light tan-green, Sandy CLAY - 4 - ..L-CF with low-angle discontinuous slickensided - surfaces - Irregular, nearly horizontal surface - 6 - (base of slide) ______________________________ - • -• - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS _____ _____ Very dense, reddish brown, weathered 8 tuff-breccia VOLCANICROCK random - fractures with light olive clay fillings / TRENCH TERMINATED AT 8 FEET (NEAR REFUSAL) Figure A-31, Log of Test Trench T 16 LCSE [ SAMPLE SYMBOLS []...'SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL F STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE • -. CHUNK SAMPLE •.. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TINES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D4367-402 >- TRENCH T17 DEPTH SAMPLE 0 I- SOIL o • i- LL 3 IN NO. CLASS ELEVATION 315 DATE COMPLETED 9/18/89 3 0 FEET (USCS)H ul EQUIPMENT .JD555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - 0 - ____ - SURFICIAL LANDSLIDE DEBRIS - Stiff, damp, dark brown, very Rocky - CLAY -2- CL .4- Irregular surface, generally inclined - - - southwestward V CL - Stiff, moist, light olive mottled red, - Sandy CLAY 8 Remolded clay seam; N60W, 20SW (base of CL - slide) 1/4-1/2 inch thick 1 10 DELMAR FORMATION - Hard, moist, medium-light olive, Sandy CLAYSTONE fractured, with random • slickensided surfaces, blocky TRENCH TERMINATED AT 10 FEET Figure A-32, Log of Test Trench T 17 .LCSE AMPLE SYMBOLS 0 .... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I •.. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) Fs DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E3 •.. CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 cti F NO-n-667-fl7 TRENCH T18 S DEPTH SOIL 0 • I— tU X IN SAMPLE NO. z CLASS ELEVATION 325 DATE COMPLETED9/18/89 '— to z FEET M (USCS) EQUIPMENTJD 555TRACKBACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 SUKIICIAL LANDSLIDE DEBKL • . Soft, damp, dark brown, Sandy-Rocky - CL CLAY .4. Irregular SW-inclined remolded clay seam - at base with calcium carbonate coatings CL - 6 - (base of slide) - - DELMAR FORMATION - moist, brown, mottled olive, sandy 8 - STONE - -_ --- GO PEAK VOLCANICS dense, moist, light reddish-brown I d with green, altered andesitic ANIC ROCK hydrothermally altered pseudomorphs of hematite after pyrite; le traces of secondary copper als (malachite or crysocolla); sheeted fractures: N45W, 40SW, 1/4-1 inch apart. TRENCH TERMINATED AT 9 FEET Figure A-33, Log.of Test Trench T 18 • LCSE 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL IJ ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE, DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 mr. Ufl fl.LA7-Lfl TRENCH T19 Z UJa >- DEPTH 3 SOIL 00 W X SAMPLE FE IN ET CLA S ELEVATION300 DATE COMPLETED 9/18/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - 0 - LANDSLIDE DEBRIS - - Stiff, damp, dark brown, Sandy-Gravelly - CLAY -2- CL - 4 - - ____ Medium-dense, damp, dark reddish-brown, • Clayey-Sandy cobble GRAVEL; most gravel 6 is subrounded andesitic volcanic rock up' - GC to 8 inch diameter -8 - - 10 - - -12- - 14- - TRENCH TERMINATED AT 15 FEET Figure A-34, Log of Test Trench T 19 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 .. SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL II ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D•4367-402 TRENCH T 20 z >. DEPTH SAMPLE 0 I- SOIL 0 • I- IN NO z CLASS ELEVATION 307 DATE COMPLETED9/18/89 '- uJ FEET 3 (USCS) I-3 0 EQUIPMENT JD_555 TRACK BACKHOE a. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - - LANDSLIDE DEBRL CL S Stiff, damp, dark brown, Sandy-Gravelly CLAY -2- -4- - Irregular westward-inclined contact .•_ - - - 6 SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Very dense, moist, dark reddish-brown to - orange, altered highly fractured andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK: random jointing from ° 1/4 - 2 inches apart. - . 10. - TRENCH TERMINATED AT 10 FEET Figure A-35, Log.of Test Trench T 20 LCSE 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E •.. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AITHE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8., 1990 FTIF NO n-1.67-02 TRENCH T21 z DEPTH SAMPLE I- SOIL 0 • I- IN NO. X Z CLASS ELEVATION291 DATE COMPLETED 9/18/89 • UW I-:3 00 FEET H 0 (USCS) . EQUIPMENTJD 555 TRACK BACKHOE tu o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0- - SLOPE WASH - T211 . CL Stiff, damp, dark brown, Sandy-Gravelly 2- CLAY - Soft, wet, light green-tan, Sandy CLAY: - CH 4 random oriented slickensided surfaces, gypsum U. (Irregular deposition contact inclined 6 westward) _j - • . - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Dense, moist-wet, light tan-reddish- 8 - brown, hightyfractured, altered, andesitic - VOLCANIC ROCK; randomly oriented fractures. TRENCH TERMINATED AT 9 FEET Figure A-36. Log of Test Trench T 21 .LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 11 •.. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE •.. CHUNK SAMPLE •.. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES January 8, 1990 cnF IJO fl'7.4fl TRENCH T 22 Z ). DEPTH SOIL . SAMPLE NO. CLASS ELEVATION 278 DATE COMPLETED d FEET EQUIPMENTJD 555 TRACKBACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - - ___ ___________________________ - • LANDSLIDE DEBRIS - SC Loose, damp, dark brown-gray, Silty-Clayey 2 - fine SAND, some gravel - 4 Loose, moist, light reddish-brown, CLAY - COBBLE GC GRAVEL - -6 - - 8- -------------------------------------- Loose, wet, light olive-tan, Clayey 10 - GC COBBLE GRAVEL (caving) - 12 - - Irregular contact on remolded clay seams - CL -14- SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCAMCS Hard, moist,light greenish-tan-gray, Sandy CLAY. Highly fractured with random slickensided clay seams of weathered volcanic rock. TRENCH TERMINATED AT 14 FEET Figure A-37, Log of Test Trench T 22 • • LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 >. TRENCH T 23 DEPTH SAMPLEIN o o I-. 3 o SOIL HI. I-. w• NO CLASS ELEVATION 300 DATE COMPLETED9/19/89 O FEET H -J 0 (USCS) Wu)D z EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE Q. 0 C.) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - LANDSLIDE DEBRIS - Soft, wet, light-medium reddish-brown 2- CL Sandy-Rocky CLAY - 4 - 1/4 - 1/2 inch remolded clay seam - with irregular northward inclination -. - 6 SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANKS Dense, moist, light tan-white-red • ____ mottled, highly randomly fractured, - weathered and altered andesitic 8 _ VOLCANIC ROCK. - -10 TRENCH TERMINATED AT 10 FEET Figure A-38, Log of Test Trench T 23 LCSE Es AMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL IJ ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ] DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D4367'402 TRENCH T 24 DEPTH a - SOIL 0 • . " IN SAMPLE NO. CLASS ELEVATION DATE COMPLETED 9/19/89 '- i FEET H 0 (USCS) " EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE u3 Ui 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - . LANDSLIDE DEBRIS - Soft-stiff, moist-wet, dark reddish-brown 2 CL Sandy-Rocky CLAY - .4. - Very irregular westward-inclined contact - - 8 - - LC-SC Sandy-Rocky CLAY to very Clayey -10- SAND 12- -- 14 - Highly fractured slickensided zone 12 inches plus thick; irregular, but inclined northward 16 . -. 10-20 degrees, wet to saturated, slight seepage - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS - 18 - e, moist-wet, light tan, mottled red, -' - highly weathered or altered andesitic DLgreen, CANICROCK: intense random fracturing TRENCH TERMINATED AT 18 FEET Figure A-39, Log of Test Trench T 24 . • • LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL II ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) j DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE •.. CHUNK SAMPLE .. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 F!LE NO fl.467.40 TRENCH T 25 DEPTH 0 I- SOIL 0 • IN SAMPLE SAMPLE NO x z CLASS ELEVATION 305 DATE COMPLETED 9/20/89 & '- • DC' w FEET H 0 (USCS) w'4 o • EQUIPMENTJD 555 TRACK BACKHOE IL MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 . LANDSLIDE DEBRIS - Stiff, moist, dark reddish brown, Sandy- 2 T25-1 CL Gravelly CLAY T25-3 - .4. - - 6 - / Remolded clay seam, N30E, 20NW, 1/4-1./2 - - - - T25-2 GC inch thick; base of slide - - 8 - - TERRACE DEPOSIT - Dense, moist, light reddish brown mottled orange-tan, Clayey COBBLE BOULDER 10 - GRAVEL; clasts are angular to subrounded volcanics Becomes very dense, cemented TRENCH TERMINATED AT 10.5 FEET Figure A-40, . Log of Test Trench T 25 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 11 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE •.. CHUNK SAMPLE •.. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. 9 January 8, 1990 FILE NO. 0-4367-402 TRENCH T26 DEPTH SAMPLE 0 I- SOIL o H LL '1z U. NO FE IN ET CLASS ELEVATION 335 DATE COMPLETED9/20/89 ________ C) U) _I (USCS) .. w EQUIPMENT JD555TRACKBACKHOE a. a MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -0• - ___ ___________________________ ___ ___ ___ • SURFICIAL LANDSLIDE DEBRIS - Soft, wet, dark brown to reddish-brown - 2 Boulder Gravelly CLAY; up to 3 foot - diameter subrounded volcanic-boulders- - disturbed matrix indicates debris-flow. .4- -6- - Very irregular contact against weathered - - bedrock . -8 - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Dense, moist, olive, mottled reddish-brown, ______ ______ highly sheet-fractured andesitic VOLCANIC 10 - ROCK,. 1-2 inch spaced sheeted jointing at _____ - N55W, 55SW; argillic hydrothermal alteration and weathering. TRENCH TERMINATED AT 10 FEET Figure A-41, Log of Test Trench T 26 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 .. SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 11 .. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) } DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE T .. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8,1990 FILE NO. D4367-402 - w TRENCH T27 z ju DEPTH SAMPLE 0 I- SOIL I4ZIU._ H" FE IN ET CLASS ELEVATION 337 DATE COMPLETED 9/20/89 U) Z d (USCS) EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SUIRFICIAL LANDSLIDE DEBRIS - CL Soft, damp, dark brown, Sandy-Gravelly CLAY - 4 - - Stiff, wet, light brown, mottled orange, Bouldery CLAY to Clayey BOULDER - L-G( GRAVEL; - - 6 - boulders up to 3 feet diameter. - TRENCH TERMINATED AT 7 FEET (REFUSAL-OVERSIZE BOULDERS) Fipriirp A-&2 [nor nf Tct Trench T 27 SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 11 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 1 DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 ). o w TRENCH T28 i-•LU )- DEPTH SAMPLE o 3 SOIL I4I ,. H' . w3 ix NO C3 o z CLASS ELEVATION 410 DATE COMPLETED 9/20/89 '- FEET H 0 (USCS) I-3 9 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BAC 00 KHOE >. ix M0 0. 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - CL SLOPE WASH - Stiff, moist, dark brown, very Gravelly- 2 - 2 Rocky Sandy CLAY - Very irregular depositional contact 4 . inclined southward .. - - - .—. - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS 6•- Dense, moist, medium reddish-brown very - _ fractured, weathered andesitic VOLCANIC • ROCK: random fractures 1-4 inch spacing 1 • TRENCH TERMINATED AT 7 FEET (NEAR REFUSAL) r:..1..., A A 2 I -- J -r.—..h T ')Q SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 13 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST i ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 1 DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE .. CHUNK SAMPLE •.. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. 0-4367-402 TRENCH T 29 Z - 0ta DEPTH SAMPLE_j 0 I- 3 SOIL • IN FEET NO CLASS CLASS ELEVATION 450 DATE COMPLETED 9/20/89 i'3 • 'w H -' 0 w ,o 0 • EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - CL SLOPE WASH - Stiff, moist, dark brown, Gravelly CLAY - .4- - - Irregular depositional contact . 6 SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS .. CL Dense, moist, light brown-orange, - very weathered, randomly fractured, - 8 - andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK rock decomposed and/or hydrothermally - - . altered throughout to a sandy clay - -..-. 10- TRENCH TERMINATED AT 10 FEET Figure A-44, Log of Test Trench T 29 . LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E .. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE - OTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. 0-4367-402 TRENCH T30 )- DEPTH SAMPLE 3 SOIL LL FE IN ET CLA ELEVATION441 DATE COMPLETED 9/20/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - • SLOPE WASH S - Stiff, dry-damp, dark brown, very Clayey 2 SC-CL fine SAND to Sandy CLAY 4 Becomes moist at 4 feet - • - — ______ Irregular depositional contact .—. . - -6- _____________________ SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS dense, moist, light brown-orange, weathered randomly fractured itic VOLCANICROCK: 1-3 inch L d fractures - TRENCH TERMINATED AT 7 FEET Figure A-45, Log of Test Trench T 30 LCSE AMPLE SYMBOLS IS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I .. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) j DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE tJfl n.LU.7.Lfl TRENCH T 31 z >. DEPTH SAMPLE 0 3 o o soi • sI— IL ul D CLASS ELEVATION 475 DATE COMPLETED 9/20/89 d to FEET H 0 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE iii 4i o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - SLOPE WASH Stiff, damp, dark brown, very Clayey fine 2 - SC-CL SAND to Sandy CLAY 4 - Becomes moist at 4 feet 6 Irregular depositional contact CL SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANKS - Dense, moist, light brown-orange, very - weathered, randomly fractured, andesitic - VOLCANICROCK; decomposed and/or altered throughout to sandy clay TRENCH TERMINATED AT 9 FEET Figure A-46, Log of Test Trench T31 •• • USE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 •.. SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL •.. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I •.. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE .. CHUNK SAMPLE •.. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 fliF Wfl fl.4A7.fl TRENCH T32 DEPTH 0 SOIL Cc 0 SAMPLE F IN EET CLASS ELEVATION422 DATE COMPLETED 9/20/89 00 0 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - - ___ • CL ALLUVIUM Soft, damp, dark brown, Sandy CLAY 2 -'4 - .- SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS • Very dense, damp, dark gray-mottled- with brown, moderately randomly fractured andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK fractures spaced 2-5 inches TRENCH TERMINATED AT 5.5 FEET Figure A-47, Log of Test Trench T 32 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT' OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 r-&I • )- W TRENCH I , .•%) z -. 0 I-. 00• I- DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL . tL IN NO. CLASS ELEVATION295 DATE COMPLETED 9/2/89 FEET (USCS) 0 . EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE U. '- 0 C.) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - ___ ___________________________ ___ ___ ___ LANDSLIDE DEBRIS - Loose to medium-dense, damp medium to dense, 2 - GC medium to dark reddish brown, Clayey-Sandy - - COBBLE to BOULDER-GRAVEL; angular to - subrounded andesitic volcanic clasts -4- - - - -6- - - 8- - 10 - - - Becomes moist at 11 feet - 12 - - 14 TRENCH TERMINATED AT 14 FEET (NEAR REFUSAL ON BOULDERS). Figure A-48, Log of Test Trench T 33 LCSE - SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 . . - SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE .. CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367402 TRENCH T 34 DEPTH SAMPLE 0 0 - SOIL 0 Hh- '-4 IN NO. CLASS ELEVATION 285 DATE COMPLETED 9/2/89 _______________ _____________ ________ _______ I-°' FEET H _I (USCS) WH0 z EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE E o. 0 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - LANDSLIDE DEBRIS - Loose, damp-moist,medium to dark reddish- GC brown Clayey, Sandy, COBBLEtoBOULDER- - GRAVEL; disturbed, poorly sorted matrix indicates a debris-flow. .4 . .. - -8 - 10 Very irregular surface with 1/4-1/2 inch - wet remolded clay layer (discontinuous) - 12 - - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Dense, moist, mottled red-brown-green, - highly fractured and altered andesitic - .. 4 ____ ____ VOLCANIC ROCK • TRENCH TERMINATED AT 14 FEET .. Figure A-49,. Log of Test Trench T 34 LCSE 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 13 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE Y ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILF wn 0-6367•602 >- TRENCH T 35 DEPTH 0 _J I- SOIL 0 • . U. " IN NO. SAMPLE Z CLASS ELEVATION 323 DATE COMPLETED9/22/89 FEET (USCS) EQUIPMENT JD555TRACKBACKHOE 0 • MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - :: E SM TOPSOIL Loose, dry, dark brown, Silty fine SAND, - 2 - someday - - SURFICIAL LANDSLIDE DEBRIS Loose, damp, dark reddish-brown, very - - GC Clayey Sandy COBBLE-GRAVEL; clasts - angular to subrounded - 8- - 10 • - 12 - Soft, wet, banded red-green-tan, contorted CL - Sandy CLAY; possible flow-banding as, • S the base of a debris-flow) - - 14 Very irregular southward-inclined contact - _____ SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Dense, moist, mottled red-brown, highly fractured, altered and weathered andesitic 1 VOLCANIC ROCK: random 1/2-2 inch - spaced joints TRENCH TERMINATED AT 14 FEET Figure A-50, Log of Test Trench T 35 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 •.. SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL El ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I •.. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE •.. CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D4367-402 > TRENCH T 36 DEPTH SAMPLE I.-0 a (1 a SOIL SOIL 0 • °u. IN NO. x Z CLASS ELEVATION 333 DATE COMPLETED 9/22/89 a u iii .. z FEET (USCS) 0 UJ EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE uj E - 0. 0 C) - MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -0- - : E SM TOPSOIL -' - _____ Loose, dry, dark brown, Silty fine SAND, 2 some clay ..... - . - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS - 4 - Dense, moist, mottled red-brown, sheet- - fractured altered and weathered andesitic - - - VOLCANIC ROCK highly sheet-fractures - - 6 - at N55W, 60SW at 1/2-2 inch spacing; - '•'. argillic-pyritic hydrothermal alteration Fault, N30W, 60SW; 1/4-1/2 inch gray - - 8 clay gouge at 6 feet TRENCH TERMINATED AT 8 FEET Figure A-51, Log of Test Trench T 36 LCSE E AMPLE SYMBOLS _ ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL _...STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ATOTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 rti r IIfl n.LU.7.Lfl )- iii - ircrii.. i z -' >- -' DEPTH 0 I- SOIL Oo. . u SAMPLE NO. ELEVATION 280 DATE COMPLETED 9/22/89 FEET C CS EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE 0. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION • LANDSLIDE DEBRIS - Soft, moist, dark brown, mottled with - 2 CL gray, Sandy CLAY -4- - 6- - 8- - -. ..T Caving; Standing water table (after 2 hours) - 10- -'.. CL SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Stiff-medium-hard, wet, light orange-red - 12 mottled, highly weathered andesitic -- - CANICROCK; slickensided random ures; rock is weathered to a sandy Lclay S TRENCH TERMINATED AT 12 FEET (CAVING, WATER) Figure A-52, Log of Test Trench T 37 LCSE 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL II •.. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U •.. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE •.. CHUNK SAMPLE •• WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE E NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 TRENCH T38 o w. DEPTH MPLE ,_ SOIL IN SA NO CLASS ELEVATION 295 DATE COMPLETED 9/22/89 FEET Uj to EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION CL W SL Stiff, I damp, dark brown, Sandy CLAY SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS - 4 '! Dense, moist, light brown-red mottled, • highly weathered andesitic VOLCANIC - - CL ROCK, intense random fracturing with 6 - .. clay seams, rock is weathered to a sandy clay 8 TRENCH TERMINATED AT 9 FEET 1-igure A-53, Log ot Test Trench T 3i [SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL Ii ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ' ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE j NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 TRENCH T 39 DEPTH SAMPLE I- SOIL 0 • I- IN NO CLASS ELEVATION 287 DATE COMPLETED9/22/89 FEET (USCS) EQUIPMENTJD555TRACKBACKHOE 0 • MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -0 • - ___ ALLUVIUM Soft, moist, dark brown, Sandy, Rocky CL CLAY • .4 - - - 6 - Becomes wet at 5.5 feet Irregular depositional contact - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS 8 - CL Soft, wet, light tan mottled with red, - - highly weathered VOLCANIC ROCK, - Weathered to a sandy clay, becoming harder with depth - - 12 • .. Becomes saturated,, stiff to hard at 13 feet - -14- TRENCH TERMINATED AT 14 FEET Figure A-54, Log of Test Trench T 39 S LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL IJ ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I •.. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED)] DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 TIc Un TRENCH T40 DEPTH MPLE 3 SOIL FE IN ET SA NO. ss ELEVATION348 DATE COMPLETED 9/22/89 & EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION • ALLUVIUM - Soft, damp, dark brown, very Sandy, Rocky 2 - CL CLAY; root voids common - 4 Irregular depositional Contact - • SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS 6 Dense, damp, light reddish-brown, weathered - _____ moderately fractured andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK; random jointing 1-6 inches apart TRENCH TERMINATED AT 6 FEET I Figure A-55, Log of Test Trench T40 'LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL Ii ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 1 DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES January 8, 1990 FILE Wfl 0-6367-402 TRENCH T41 DEPTH SOIL IN SAMPLE CLASS ELEVATION 286 DATE COMPLETED 9/22/89 '- '- FEET (USCS) .. g EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE w 0 C) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - - TERRACE DEPOSIT Soft to stiff, moist, dark reddish-brown, 2 - CL Sandy-Gravelly CLAY; imbricated gravel - (depositional) .4- 10 - 12 - -. - - - Becomes very gravelly, with boulders at 14 13 feet - - - CL-GC - 16 - - TRENCH TERMINATED AT 15.5 FEET Figure A-56, Log of Test Trench T 41 . LCSE SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 13 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. I File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 L TABLE lB (continued) Seismic Traverses Velocity (ft/sec) Depth (ft) Approx. Seismic Max. Depth Traverse V V V D D Length of Explored No. 1 2 3 1 ..2... Traverse (ft) + I- 5-31 1240 10020 ---- 4 ---- 100 30 5-32 1230 4490 ---- 7 ---- 100 30 5-33 2400 4810 ---- 15 ---- 100 30 5-34 1720 6770 ---- 4 ---- 100 30 5-35 1340 6160 ---- 4 ---- 100 30 5-36 1620 6640 ---- 6 ---- 100 30 V1 = Velocity in feet per second of first layer of materials V2 = Second layer velocity V3 = Third layer velocity D1 = Depth in feet to base of first layer D2 = Depth to base of second layer. NOTE: , For mass grading, materials with velocities of less than 4500 fps are generally rippable with a D9 Caterpillar Tractor equipped with a single shank hydraulic ripper. Velocities of 4500 to 5500 fps indicate marginal ripping and blasting. Velocities greater than 5500 fps generally require pre-blasting. For trenching, materials with velocities less than 3800 fps are generally rippable depending upon the degree of fracturing and the presence or absence of boulders. Velocities between 3800 and 4300 fps generally indicate marginal ripping, and velocities - greater than 4300 fps generally indicate nonrippable conditions. The above velocities are based on a Kohring 505. The reported velocities represent average velocities over the length of each traverse, and should not generally be used for .subsurface interpretation greater than 100 feet from a L traverse. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D4367402 TRENCH T 43 ow. DEPTH SAMPLE 0 S - son. . CLASS ELEVATION 287 DATE COMPLETED9/25/89 FEET EQUIPMENT _JD555TRACKBACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - TERRACE DEPOSIT - Dense, moist, light brown, very Clayey - 2 oc PEBBLE-COBBLE GRAVEL, some sand - .4. - 6 • Irregular, westward-inclined depositional ______ contact - DELMAR FORMATION 8 CL Very hard, moist, greenish-gray mottled - - - with reddish-brown very Sandy CLAYSTONE; massive 10 - . . - 12 - 14 Very dense, moist, greenish-gray Clayey - _____ coarse SANDSTONE . TRENCH TERMINATED AT 14 FEET Figure A-58, Log.of Test Trench T 43 LCSE Es- AMPLE SYMBOLS 0 •.. SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE * DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367'402 >- 0 (U I RCIL aa I ' z DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL cc . 0o L_ • LUX t' IN NO CLASS ELEVATION265 DATE COMPLETED 9/25/89 in FEET 3 (USCS) .. 0 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE Q. 0 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -0 - - ALLUVIUM - Loose, moist, dark reddish-brown, very - 2 - SC-CL Clayey, Rocky-Bouldery SAND - '4- - 6 8- 10 . Becomes wet at 10 feet - - 12 - Irregular depositional contact - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS - - - 14 - - ______ Dense, wet, light brown-tan, fractured, ______ weathered, andesitic VOLCANICROCK 'I TRENCH TERMINATED AT 14 FEET Figure A-59, Log. of Test Trench T 44 LCSE SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL []...'STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE Y ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 TRENCH T45 DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL IN NO Z CLASS ELEVATION 328 DATE COMPLETED9/25/89 d a FEET 3 (USCS) EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE -' MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - -. - - SC ALLUVIUM Loose, damp, dark reddish-brown, Bouldery- - 2 - Gravelly Clayey SAND - Irregular to "V" shaped channel-contact - - - ____ - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Dense, moist, light reddish-brown, very weathered andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK; altered and randomly fractured _j TRENCH TERMINATED AT 5 FEET Figure A-60, Log of Test Trench T 45 LCSE F SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL i:i ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. I January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 TRENCH T46 0 >. DEPTH SAMPLE - SOIL 0 • IN NO CLASS ELEVATION508 DATE COMPLETED 9/25/89 FEET (USCS) 0 •Uj EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o0. . ALLUVIUM - • Loose, damp to moist, dark reddish-brown 2 SC very Clayey, Gravelly fine SAND - .40 -6- Becomes wet at 6.5 feet Irregular, but nearly horizontal, — SC-CL depositional contact - 8 - ______ — ______ SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Dense, moist-wet, light brown, very weathered andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK altered and randomly fractured TRENCH TERMINATED AT 8 FEET Figure A-61, Log of Test Trench T 46 LCSE 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL II ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E2 ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO •BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. /1 / / / / TRENCH T 47 DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL IN CLASS ELEVATION 494 DATE COMPLETED9/25/89 o9 FEET _j (USCS) W 2 M EQUIPMENTJD555TRACKBACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 • UNDOCUMENTED FILL - Loose, dry-damp, dark brown, sandy boulder 2 - GP GRAVEL; 1/2-3 foot diameter angular rock fill with voids, plant debris, . - -4- :.: - - - - 6 - 8 - - 10. TRENCH TERMINATED AT 10 FEET (REFUSAL-OVERSIZE BOULDERS) [ [I I HE. HE 1r__ January 8,'1990 tvic Lin fl.4A7.Lfl7 Figure A-62, Log of Test Trench T 47 LCSE 0 SAMPLE SYMBOLS •'.. SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 13 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I •.. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 1 I DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE •.. CHUNK SAMPLE •.. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE J NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 mr. Wfl n-1.A74.fl TRENCH T 48 ow. >. DEPTH 0 I- SOIL i_ IN SAMPLE CLASS ELEVATION 480 DATE COMPLETED 9/25/89 & o ui FEET (USCS) ... EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE .- z a. o 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -0- - - UNDOCUMENTED FILL - Loose, dry-damp, dark brown, Sandy 2 - GP BOULDER GRAVEL; 1/2-3 foot diameter - angular rock fill with voids, plant - - debris, . -4- :.: - - ___ -- ___ TRENCH TERMINATED AT 6 FEET (REFUSAL-OVERSIZE BOULDERS) Figure A-63, Log. of Test Trench T . . LCSE 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E •.. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U •.. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) F MPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE •.. CHUNK SAMPLE •.. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D4367-402 TRENCH T49 z >. DEPTH 00 _j -M SOIL 0 • F IN SAMPLE NO. xCLASS ELEVATION 448 DATE COMPLETED9/25/89 EET EQUIPMENT JD555TRACKBACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -0- - ALLUVIUM S - Loose, dry, dark reddish-brown Clayey- 2 - sc Gravelly SAND - .4- - • \ Very irregular depositional contact - CL SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCAMCS Dense, damp, light reddish-brown, highly fractured, weathered andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK, random oriented fractures TRENCH TERMINATED AT 6 FEET Figure A-64, Log. of Test Trench T 49 . LCSE 0 SAMPLE SYMBOLS ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 11 •.. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U •.. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE •.. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. * tu TRENCH T 50 tu DEPTH SAMPLE 3 SOIL 0 • Uj F IN NO. zEET x CLASS ELEVATION445 DATE COMPLETED 9/26/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE 0. •-' 0 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 . ALLUVIUM - Loose, dry, dark reddish-brown, Clayey- 2 SC Rocky fine SAND - .4. - Very irregular depositional contact - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS 6 -? CL Dense, damp, light orange-tan, highly • - • fractured and altered andesitic VOLCANICROCK 8 Fault; N1OW, 70SW, 1/2 inch clay gouge. TRENCH TERMINATED AT 9 FEET L E [. January 8, 1990 TLF M0 0-467-402 Figure A-65, Log of Test Trench T 50 •LCSE 0 SAMPLE SYMBOLS ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL IJ ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I •.. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. 0-4367-402 TRENCH T 51 DEPTH SAMPLE 0 _j - I- SOIL 0 • IN NO. CLASS ELEVATION 435 DATE COMPLETED 9/26/89 o9 FEET D 0 (USCS) Wê•1 i-3 Iii 0 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE a. '- U MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 . - Sc • ALLUVIUM - Loose, dry, dark brown, Rocky Clayey fine — -2 SAND -. • - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANIcS - 4 - Very dense, damp, brownish-gray, moderately ______ - random fractured andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK- excavates to large blocky boulders. TRENCH TERMINATED AT 4 FEET Figure A-66 Log of Test Trench T 51 LCSE [ SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE T ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D4367402 )- W r , TRENCH I Z) - z .- _ DEPTH SAMPLE 0 SOIL <1 0o . U. IN NO CLASS ELEVATION353 DATE COMPLETED 9/26/89 FEET 3 (USCS) 0 HUI EQUIPMENTJD 555 TRACK BACKHOE 0. 0 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - - ___ ___________________________ ___ ___ ___ - SC FILL Medium dense, damp, light brown, Clayey, 2 - Rocky, coarse SAND - - CL ALLUVIUM - Loose, damp, dark brown Sandy CLAY - • Irregular "V" shaped canyon contact - 8 . - BONSALL TONAL1TE • Very dense, moist, light brown, highly - randomly fractured, tonalite granite 10 ROCK; moderately weathered - TRENCH TERMINATED AT 10 FEET Figure A-67, Log of Test Trench T 52 • • LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 .. SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL IJ ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN .HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 - TRENCH T 53 Z . -• 0 I- o • i- DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL 4z U. a IN CLASS ELEVATION 358 DATE COMPLETED 9/26/89 FEET (USCS) I.430 . EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -0- -. -• GC FILL Loose, dry, dark brown, Clayey, Sandy - 2 BOULDER-GRAVEL; 12-16 inch diameter - - boulders with voids, organic debris - 4 -S - - !Z..... "V"-shaped canyon-contact - - ___ 6 ___ ___________________________I - BONSALL TONALITE Very dense, damp, light brown, randomly fractured tonalite GRANITIC ROCK moderately fractured, less weathered. TRENCH TERMINATED AT 6 FEET Faiirp A_fIR I iw nf Tact Trnrh T ril [_ SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL _... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 1 DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE . .. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED-TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D4367-402 >. lu TRENCH T54 DEPTH SAMPLE 3 SOIL 0 • I.. '•Ir \ IN NO. D ELEVATION 508 DATE COMPLETED9/26/89 a d FEET H 0 (USCS) UJHO • EQUIPMENTJD555TRACKBACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION II CL ALLUVIUM Soft, damp, dark brown Sandy CLAY SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANIcS Very dense, damp, brownish-gray, moderately randomly fractured andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK TRENCH TERMINATED AT 3 FEET Figure A-69, Log of Test Trench T 54 LCSE [ SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST E'... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D4367402 tr TRENCH T 55 z >- DEPTH 3 SOIL 0 • I- in M SAMPLE NO. F IN EET 00 CLASS ELEVATION 472 DATE COMPLETED 9/26/89 z i4 0 Ii in 0 EQUIPMENTJD555TRACKBACKHOE 0. _•.' 0 C) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION : CL AL IUM - Soft,dark brown, Sandy CLAY 4 - .. SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Very dense, moist, light brownish-gray, - moderate random fractured andesitic 6 - VOLCANIC ROCK ____ - ____ TRENCH TERMINATED AT 6 FEET Figure AL70, Log of Test Trench T 55 •LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 11 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) I DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE •.. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January.8, 1990 FILE N0 0-4367-402 c, TRENCH T56 DEPTH SAMPLE I- SOIL . • Uj IN NO. CLASS ELEVATION 454 DATE COMPLETED 9/26/89 FEET =1 (USCS) .. EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE _ L 0 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 . . CL ALLUVIUM - - . Soft, damp, dark brown Sandy CLAY - -4- - Irregular depositional contact - 6 - . SC SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS • Dense, damp-moist, grayish-brown, _____ -. - weathered andesitic VOLCANICROCK TRENCH TERMINATED AT 7 FEET Figure A-71, Log.of Test Trench T 56 . . LCSE D SAMPLE SYMBOLS ... - -. • . - SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL Li STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE - CHUNK SAMPLE WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE - DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. [ January 8, 1990 TIF Wfl fl-467.602 >-W TRENCH T57 z DEPTH 0 SOIL 0 • SAMPLE NO. CLASS ELEVATION452 DATE COMPLETED 9/26/89 FEET 3 (USCS) EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE I_1 M Q W CL MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - - ___ ___________________________ - UNDOCUMENTED FILL - Loose, damp, light reddish-brown, Clayey 2 - BOULDERGRAVEL; oversize angular volcanic - rock from 6-24 inch diameter with some - clayey sand; voids, debris -4. - -6- - -8- - 10 - 12 - Very irregular contact - • : : - SC ALLUVIUM - 14 ::: Loose, damp, dark brown, very Rocky Silty - to Clayey SAND PEAK VOLCANICS tSANTIAGO dense, damp, brownish-gray, rately fractured andesitic ANICROCK TRENCH TERMINATED AT 15 FEET Figure A.72, Log. of Test Trench T 57 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL II ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) } DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 TRENCH T58 DEPTH SAMPLE 0 3 a t- a SOIL o. HZ' z - U. F- IN z CLASS ELEVATION445 DATE COMPLETED 9/27/89 ° a. W FEET (USCS) ul EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE EL •-' 0 C) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - UNDOCUMENTED FILL - Loose, damp, medium brown, BOULDER 2- GP GRAVEL, - some sand, clay, voids and oversize angular - rock up to 3 feet diameter _ - • Very irregular contact — 6 CL - ALLUVIUM • Soft, wet, dark brown, Sandy CLAY -. . CL SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS - Very dense, moist, light brown-orange, - 10 - highly weathered, randomly fractured _____ - - andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK, rock has weathered to a sandy clay __j TRENCH TERMINATED AT 10 FEET Figure A-73, Log of Test Trench T 58 LCSE. SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO 'BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. [ L January 8, 1990 FILE NO. 0-4367-402 TRENCH T59 I OZ W DEPTH SAMPLE - SOIL NO F IN EET CLASS ELEVATION 434 DATE COMPLETED 9/27/89 Z -J (USCS) ________ 0 ________ >- o a EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE w z CL 0 Li MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o. SM-SC ALLUVIUM - Loose, dry, dark brown, Silty-Clayey fine SAND - - - Soft, stiff, moist, dark reddish-brown -- 4 CL Sandy CLAY, some angular rock fragments -8- 10 - - Very irregular depositional contact _ - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Very dense, moist, brownish-gray, moderately random fractured, altered andesitic VOLCANIC I ROCK strong pyritic alteration, trace secondary 1 copper stains along fractures TRENCH TERMINATED AT 11 FEET Figure A-74, Log, of Test Trench T 59 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL IJ ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE • WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 rTI Un T.47&7.4fl es TRENCH T60 DEPTH SOIL SAMPLE a LL to LL 3 FE IN ET C ELEVATION 415 DATE COMPLETED9/27/89 & EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE _ a. 0 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -0- • • ALLUVIUM - - CL Stiff, moist, dark brown, Gravelly-Sandy -2 CLAY • Irregular depositional contact - ______ - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANIC ____ - Very dense, brownish-gray, moderately randomly fractured, altered andesitic __j VOLCANIC ROCK TRENCH TERMINATED AT 4 FEET Figure A-75, Log of Test Trench T 60 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL El ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U •.. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 1 DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE •.. CHUNK SAMPLE T ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES; January 8, 1990 FILE NO. 0-4367-402 TRENCH T 61 DEPTH SAMPLE I- SOIL .IL 0 • I- 0 X IN NO. z CLASS ELEVATION396 DATE COMPLETED 9/27/89 w d to 0 z FEET (USCS) .. . EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION • UNDOCUMENTED FILL SC Medium dense, damp, tan, Clayey-Gravelly - 2 - fine SAND - SC ALLUVIUM. - Loose, dry, dark brown, Clayey fine SAND - 6 SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS • SC-CL Dense, damp, light brown, highly - fractured, altered andesitic VOLCANIC 8 ROCK: sheeted fractures are N55E,60NW 1/2-1 inch apart TRENCH TERMINATED AT 9 FEET Figure A-76, Log of Test Trench T61 .. LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS ... 0 SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL II... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U .. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. L L January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 ). w TRENCH T 62 I- , DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL W. o. H I- '-' i-_S H ui3 IN NO CLASS ELEVATION 380 DATE COMPLETED9/27/89 ________ _______ 0 (1) FEET (USCS) W 0 z 0 C EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE Uj -j 0 C) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - UNDOCUMENTED FILL SC Medium dense, tan, Clayey Gravelly fine - 2 - SAND, toe of road fill for Rancho Santa - - Fe Road - -4- ALLUVIUM - SC-CL Loose, damp, dark brown, Clayey fine SAND 6 - to Sandy CLAY - 8 - - Very irregular depositional contact - 10 - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS • - SC-CL Dense, moist, light brown, highly 12 • weathered andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK _____ TRENCH TERMINATED AT 12 FEET Figure A-fl, Log of Test Trench T b2 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 .. SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 13... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E3 ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. [T I January 8, 1990 FILE NO. 0-4367402 - >. w TRENCH T63 0 00 DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL Z NO FE IN ET ' CLASS ELEVATION 476 DATE' COMPLETED Id (USCS) )- CS EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE Z J 0. - 0 U MATERIAL DESCRIPTION CL TOPSOIL - Soft, moist, dark brown, Sandy-Rocky - 2 - CLAY with gypsum - _____ - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCAMCS 4 _ Dense, moist, light brown, mottled with - ____ orange/red/green; highly fractured, . altered andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK; sheeted - fractures 1-6 inches apart are N70W, 60SW; 6 - t tite pseudomorphic pyrite, trace of ______ ______ - ______ Lsecondarycopper minerals __j TRENCH TERMINATED AT 6 FEET (REFUSAL) Figure A-78, Log of Test Trench T 63 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL [ ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U - . - DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) -. DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE - - - CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO 'BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D4367'402 TRENCH T 64 DEPTH a i— 'SOIL 0 • z Ix IN SAMPLE CLASS ELEVATION 454 DATE COMPLETED9/27/89 FEET (USCS) ,, -3 to 0 0W • EQUIPMENTJD555TRACKBACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - - ALLUVIUM ' CL Soft, moist, dark brown, Sandy-Cobbly -2- CLAY - SC SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS dense, moist, brownish-gray, In fractured altered, andesitic CANIC ROCK, random-oriented fractures, L-2-6 nches apart. TRENCH TERMINATED AT 3.5 FEET Figure A-79, Log of Test Trench T 64 ' LCSE E MPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL II •.. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) j DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ' ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. 0-4367-402 )- a W TRENCH T65 Iu_ DEPTH SAMPLE 0 42 SOIL H01- fk ' W IN NO CLASS ELEVATION 508 DATE COMPLETED 9/27/89 _______ & FEET (USCS) WcnD z o o EQUIPMENT JD555TRACKBACKHOE a. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION :. SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS - Very dense, reddish brown mottled with 2 .,. tan, blue, high altered fractured, - andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK; sheeted -_ fractures 1/2-1 inch apart N20W, vertical; abundant pyrite, sulfides, hydrothermal alteration. 'S TRENCH TERMINATED AT 3 FEET Figure A-80, Log. of Test Trench T 65 LCSE 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 rltF wn 0-667.602 >ul TRENCH T 66 DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL 0 • — NO. CLASS ELEVATION DATE COMPLETED 9/28/89 '— o9 ui FEET co (USCS) .. EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE I-3 iii 0. __- 0 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -0- . LANDSLIDE DEBRIS Loose to medium-dense, damp, dark reddish- 2 - sc brown, Clayey fine SAND; some angular - weathered volcanic pebbles-gravel .4- 10 - - Becomes moist, with 6-10 inch boulder 14 - gravel at 13 feet - T66-1 Irregular transitional contact - 16 T66-2 CH - - - - - - • - _____ Sandy CLAY, slickensided surfaces ______ TRENCH TERMINATED AT 17 FEET Figure A-81, Log, of Test Trench T 66 . . . LCSI SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 1 DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE T ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO •BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. JanUarY 8, 1990 rTIF NO. 0-4367-402 • TRENCH T67 DEPTH SOIL 00 zt t W ' IN SAMPLE CLASS ELEVATION 271 DATE COMPLETED 9/28/89 I-3 9 o W FEET (USCS) EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TERRACE DEPOSIT - Loose to medium-dense, damp to moist, dark 2 SC-CL reddish-brown very Clayey fine SAND - 4 ,• 6 8 - 10 - 12 14 Becomes more clayey, wet at 15 feet - 16 - Seepage, caving - - 18 C L SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS - Hard, wet, light grey-green mottled with red Sandy CLAY; very weathered and fractured andesitic VOLCANICROCK TRENCH TERMINATED AT 19 FEET L. Figure A-82, Log, of Test Trench T 67 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL F ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E3 ... CHUNK SAMPLE .. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367'-402 TRENCH T 68 DEPTH SAMPLE 0 I- SOIL . IN D CLASS ELEVATION258 DATE COMPLETED 9/28/89 & _U)3 0U U FEET H 0 (LJSCS) wo EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE -, Q. 0• U MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - ALLUVIUM o.- - Loose, damp, dark grayish-brown, Silty- 2 SM-SC Clayey fine SAND, root voids, roots. - .4- - - 6 - - Very irregular contact - - TERRACE DEPOSIT Medium dense, moist-wet, dark reddish-brown, 8 very Clayey-Sandy COBBLE-BOULDER - • GRAVEL 10 SC-GC - 12 - - - 14 Seepage, caving - CL SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Stiff-hard, wet, light green, mottled with red, Sandy-Rocky CLAY; slickensided fractures; very weathered volcanic rock - TRENCH TERMINATED AT 15 FEET Figure A-83, Log of Test Trench T 68 LCSE. SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL Ii ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D4367402 TRENCH T 69 I— tu >. DEPTH SAMPLE 0 <1 SOIL 0 • I— IN NO CLASS ELEVATION 295 DATE COMPLETED9/28/89 FEET 3 (USCS) EQUIPMENTJD 555TRACKBACKHOE i—, MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 • - = . ALLUVIUM - Loose, damp, dark brown, Clayey-Sandy 2 M-G COBBLE-BOULDER GRAVEL, some silt - .4. - - 6 - Irregular, sharp depositional contact GC inclined westward TERRACE DEPOSIT 8 Medium dense to dense, moist, light reddish- brown-orange, very Clayey COBBLE-BOULDER GRAVEL, some sand - 10 - 12 - C- CI Becomes light tan, mottled white sandy clay matrix at 12 feet with more boulders 14 • _____ - _____ _____ _____ _____ TRENCH TERMINATED AT 14 FEET (REFUSAL-OVERSIZE BOULDERS) Figure A-84, Log, of Test Trench T bY .. LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE •.. CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367402 TRENCH T 70 DEPTH SAMPLE 9 SOIL C FE IN NO. x z CLASS ELEVATION276 DATE COMPLETED 9/28/89 U. ET EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION • SC TOPSOIL Loose, damp, dark brown, Clayey fine - -2 SAND • CL DELMAR FORMATION - 4 - Hard, damp, light brown with white bands, -. Silty CLAYSTONE - - - - - 6 - - - - Hard, moist, light green-olive, Silty CLAYSTONE; fractures random, but - - with some slickensided and/or thin -- - randomly oriented discontinuous remolded - clay seams - - 10 - 12 • Becomes very hard, blocky at 12 feet - 14- - - TRENCH TERMINATED AT 14 FEET Figure A-85, Log, of Test Trench T 70 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 11 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 1 DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D4367-402 Ix ILI TRENCH T 71 DEPTH SAMPLE 0 I- SOIL o. uj IN NO CLASS ELEVATION 270 DATE COMPLETED9/28/89 09 w FEET 0 (USCS) N • i-3 EQUIPMENTJD555TRACKBACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 . - - - :;C-GIV ALLUVIUM - Loose, dry, dark brown, Clayey-Sandy 2 . BOULDER GRAVEL .4. - - Irregular, "V" shaped contact (ancient canyon outline) ii 6 SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Very dense, moist, light reddish-brown, randomly fractured and weathered andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK TRENCH TERMINATED AT 6 FEET Figure A-86, Log of Test Trench T 71 LCSE 0;.. SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL L ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U •.. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 TRENCH T 72 DEPTH SAMPLE I.- SOIL 0 • I- IN NO CLASS ELEVATION 465 DATE COMPLETED 9/29/89 & FEET (USCS) )- 0 W EQUIPMENT __JD555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM Soft, moist, dark brown, Sandy CLAY CL - .4. - 6 Irregular "V" shaped depositional contact - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS 8 CL-SC Dense, moist, light brown mottled with - ' tan/red, very weathered altered andesitic - VOLCANIC ROCK; highly randomly fractured; 10 becoming more dense with depth - 12 TRENCH TERMINATED AT 12 FEET Figure A-87, Log of Test Trench T 72 • LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 . SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL IJ •.. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I •.. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ] DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT 'THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT' OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367402 Figure A-88, Log of Test Trench T 73 SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 1 DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D4367-402 >. w TRENCH T 74 DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL o w 1..Z c,,. M IN o z CLASS ELEVATION 482 DATE COMPLETED FEET H -I (USCS) 0 ). 0 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE M E EL 0 a MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SLOPE WASH - CL Soft, moist, dark brown, Sandy CLAY - 2 4 6 I, Irregular depositional contact SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Dense, moist, brownish-grey, moderately randomly fractured andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK: fractures spaced 6-10 inches TRENCH TERMINATED AT 7 FEET (NEAR REFUSAL) 11 Figure A-89, Log of Test Trench T 74 .LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL E ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 1 DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. 04367402 TRENCH T75 >. DEPTH SAMPLE 0 3 SOIL o • — IN NO CLASS ELEVATION 471 DATE COMPLETED9/29/89 & FEET 3 co (USCS) EQUIPMENT JD555TRACKBACKHOE 3Uj • LU MATERIAL DESCRIPTION • SLOPE WASH - CL Soft, moist, dark brown, Sandy CLAY 2- 4 • Very irregular contact - - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS 6 - Very dense, damp, brownish-grey, moderately ______ randomly fractured andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK, fractures spaced 2-6 inches TRENCH TERMINATED AT 6 FEET (NEAR REFUSAL) Figure A-90, Log of Test Trench T 75 LCSE ES AMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 13 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I •.. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE •.. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 TIF ,an 04367-402 TRENCH T 76 DEPTH SOIL FE IN ET SAMPLE CLAS ELEVATION455 DATE COMPLETED 9/29/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - W CL SL Soft, damp, dark reddish-brown Sandy -2 CLAY - 4 - Very irregular contact - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS 6 - Dense, damp, light brown-grey, moderately _____ - _____ weathered andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK TRENCH TERMINATED AT 6 FEET Figure A-91, Log of Test Trench T 16 LCSE 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL El ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ] SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE •. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 'FIIF NO 0-4367-402 TRENCH T 77 DEPTH C9 SOIL ow MPLE SA NO FIN EET CLA ELEVATION 485 DATE COMPLETED9/29/89 EQUIPMENTJD555TRACKBACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - SLOPEWASH CL Stiff, damp dark reddish-brown Sandy 2 70;, CLAY - - Very irregular contact - .4. _____ SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS • Dense, damp, light reddish-brown, - - 6 - moderately weathered andesitic VOLCANIC _____ _____ ROCK TRENCH TERMINATED AT 6 FEET Figure A-92, Log of Test Trench T 77 LCSE IS AMPLE SYMBOLS 0.... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL II ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ] DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS HOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FTIE Nfl. fl•467-402 >. TRENCH T78 Z Uj 0, -. DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL IN NO CLASS ELEVATION510 DATE COMPLETED 10/2/89 FEET 3 (USCS) 0. EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE z MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0- UNDOCUMENTED FILL - Soft, damp to dry, medium grey-green 2 CL mottled with brown, Sandy CLAY; - cobbles, gravel and scattered concrete - chunks. .4. S - - -8- - 10- - 12 -, 14 16 -18- 0 - 20 - - CL ALLUVIUM ____ ____ Soft, moist, dark brown, Sandy CLAY . TRENCH TERMINATED AT 20 FEET Figure A-93, Log of Test Trench T 7H . LOSE. 0 SAMPLE SYMBOLS ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL L ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 1 DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. 0-4367-402 TRENCH T 79 z >' DEPTH SOIL • F- IN SAMPLE NO. CLASS ELEVATION513 DATE COMPLETED 10/2/89 & Oc_ UJ FEET (USCS) EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE iii Ex IL MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -0- - UNDOCUMENTED FILL - Soft, damp to dry, medium grey-green, 2 mottled brown, Sandy CLAY; some - - oversize rock, concrete, etc . . . - .4- - - -8- 10 - 12 14- - S -16- CL ALLUVIUM - Soft, wet, dark brown, Sandy CLAY - 18 TRENCH TERMINATED AT 18 FEET Figure A-94, Log of Test Trench T 79 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL II - - - STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U .. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) - DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE . ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 r,,.e un n.1L7.Lfl >- TRENCH T 80 oW. DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL NO. CLASS ELEVATION 443 DATE COMPLETED 10/2/89 d FEET EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - : - SM TOPSOIL - Loose, dry, dark brown, Silty coarse - I SAND 2- SM BONSALL TONAL1TE Dense, damp,light brown-tan, highly 4 weathered coarse crystalline GRANITIC - ROCK: sheeted jointing N25E, 85SE 1-2 inches apart TRENCH TERMINATED AT 4 FEET Figure A-95, Log of Test Trench T 80 •LCSE El ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C ... 'STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE a... CHUNK SAMPLE Y ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 > TRENCH T81 DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL IN NO. ELEVATION 451 DATE COMPLETED 10/2/89 FEET EQUIPMENT JD555TRACKBACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - 0 - :: - SM TOPSOIL Loose, dry, dark brown, Silty coarse - SAND - ' BONSALL TONALITE Very dense, light brown-tan, moderately - 4 - weathered coarse crystalline GRANITIC ROCK ______ ____ - blocky jointing; 2 systems: N65E, SOSE and N30E, 70SE; spaced 2-12 inches apart TRENCH TERMINATED AT 4 FEET Figure A-96, Log of Test Trench T 81 - LCSE r SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 11 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ;.. CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF 'SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT' OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 TI r 'in n.17..fl2 TRENCH T82 DEPTH I.- SOIL 0 • H- I- . SAMPLE NO. F IN EET 00 CLASS ELEVATION 550 DATE COMPLETED10/2/89 U. C3 H 0 - Ui 0 EQUIPMENT JD555TRACKBACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 TOFOIL Loose, dry, dark brown, Clayey SAND - 2 - . • SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCAMCS Dense, damp, light reddish-brown-orange, - 4 very fractured weathered and altered - andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK • Sheet fracturing at N80E 40-50SE - - 6 .. at5feet -8 TRENCH TERMINATED AT 8 FEET Figure A-97, Log of Test Trench T 82 LCSE 0 AMPLE SYMBOLS ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL II ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 1 IS I DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE Y ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE J NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-40 )- w TRENCH T83 DEPTH SAMPLE o I.- SOIL I-, Z NO CLASS ELEVATION 548 DATE COMPLETED 10 /2/89 & €3 FEET (USCS) )- 9z EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE -o a.0 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0• Sc TOPSOIL - Loose, dry, dark reddish-brown very - 2 - y fine SAND Clayey 0 - -. SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANKS 4 - Very dense, damp, dark brown-grey, _____ ___ - fractured andesitic VOLCANIC L moderately ROCK: blocky 6-10 inch spaced fractures at N40W, 75SW and N30E, vertical TRENCH TERMINATED AT 4 FEET (REFUSAL) r Figure A-98, Log of Test Trench T Ui LCSE . O AMPLE SYMBOLS ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE ] IS NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. 0-4367402 TRENCH T 84 Z UJ DEPTH SAMPLE SAMPLE 0 SOIL 0 • NO. IN ION562 ELEVATCLAS DATE COMPLETED 10/2/89 & FEET SCS) EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE w 0. 0 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 • . SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS - - Very dense, damp, dark brownish-grey, 2 -... moderately randomly fractured, andesitic - VOLCANIC ROCK blocky joints are at - N60W. 45NE and N70E, 85 NW spaced from 8-12 inches apart. TRENCH TERMINATED AT 3.5 FEET Figure .A-99, Log of Test Trench T 84 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 13 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 cti n: n-467.1fl2 >- tx TRENCH T 85 ow. DEPTH ,- SOIL i FE IN SAMPLE CLASS ELEVATION548 DATE COMPLETED 10/2/89 ET EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o ____ - TOPSOIL SC Loose, dry, dark reddish-brown, Clayey- - Rocky SAND - _ - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS .—. SC Very dense, moist, light reddish-brown to - 4 - grey, moderate to highly fractured and - weathered andesitic VOLCANICROCK - fractures are N15E, 70SE and N80W, 80SW - - 6 - with sheet to blocky spacing from 1/2 - 6 - inches 8 TRENCH TERMINATED AT 8 FEET Figure A-100, Log of Test Trench T 85 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL Ii ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I •.. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 iic un n-474.02 TRENCH T86 Z Uj )_ DEPTH I- SOIL 0 • .. IN SAMPLE NO. x z CLASS ELEVATION 545 DATE COMPLETED10/2/89 a FEET n (USCS) iIi" EQUIPMENTJD555 TRACKBACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - ____ - SC TOPSOIL - Loose, dry, dark reddish-brown, - - Clayey fine SAND 2 - - lp. - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANKS Very dense, damp, dark brownish-grey, 4 - highly fractured andesitic VOLCANIC _____ -- - ROCK; sheet-fractures are N-S, 60E and N85W, 60SW at 1/4-2 inch spacing; brittle. TRENCH TERMINATED AT 4 FEET (NEAR REFUSAL) Figure A-101, Log of Test Trench T 86 LCSE 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE * NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 ctic Un flL7-4fl2 Figure A-102, Log of Test Trenc,h T 87 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 11 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) I DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D4367402 >-W TRENCH T88 z DEPTH SAMPLE 0 3 o I- o SOIL 0 • HZI . 4 IN NO. z CLASS ELEVATION 506 DATE COMPLETED 10/2/89 '- 0 '- U)LU FEET H o (USCS) ui,o EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE 0. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - UNDOCUMENTED HLL - Soft, damp, dark brown-olive, Sandy - CLAY 2- CL - 4. - 6 ALLUVIUM - CL Soft, damp-moist, dark reddish-brown - SandyCLAY 8 - - - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS - SC Dense, moist, light brown, mottled with 10 - red, green, highly altered, weathered - randomly fractured, andesitic VOLCANIC - \' ROCK TRENCH TERMINATED AT 11 FEET Figure A-M, Log 01 Test Trench T UU LCSE e 0 SAMPLE SYMBOLS ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL Ii •.. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I •.. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE E3 •.. CHUNK SAMPLE • •.. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 - TRENCH T 89 z >. DEPTH SAMPLE a o o SOIL Ow HI- H ' IL. IN Z CLASS ELEVATION 514 DATE COMPLETED 10 m d FEET 3 (USCS) i-,, EQUIPMENT JD555TRACKBACKHOE _•- a. 0 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - UNDOCUMENTED FILL - Soft, damp, dark gray-olive-mottled with - 2 - CL brown, Sandy CLAY - 6- - 8- SM-SC TOPSOIL - Loose, damp, dark brown, Silty-Clayey - 10 I fine SAND - • ____ - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCAMCS Very dense, moist, medium brown-grey, • slightly-moderately weathered andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK TRENCH TERMINATED AT 11 FEET Figure A-104, Log of Test Trench T 89 LCSE 0 SAMPLE SYMBOLS •.. SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 11 •.. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I .. DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 1 DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO fl-467.60 TRENCH T 90 Z >. DEPTH C9a <1 SOIL 0 • I- • IN SAMPLE NO CLASS ELEVATION491 DATE COMPLETED 10/2/89 FEET (USCS) H 3 a . EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE 0. •- 0 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -0• - - - SLOPE WASH - Soft, moist, dark brown, Sandy -2- CL CLAY - -4- - Very irregular contact - - - 6 - SC - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCAMCS ''' Dense, moist, light brown, moderately - weathered and randomly fractured andesitic ______ -• - VOLCANICROCK TRENCH TERMINATED AT 7 FEET Figure A-105. Log of Test Trench T 90 : LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 •.. SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL IJ ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U • . - DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) . - DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE •.. CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8., 1990 FILE NO. D4367402 TRENCH T 91 DEPTH 3 I- SOIL LL 0 • U. 3 SAMPLE a CLASS ELEVATION332 DATE COMPLETED 9/22/89 FEET USCS) B EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE IL 0 C3 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION P0.- - . SLOPE WASH - ci Soft, moist, dark brown, Sandy CLAY 2- Very _irregular _contact 4 SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANKS • . Dense, damp, light reddish-brown, - 6 weathered moderately random fractured - ______ VOLCANICROCK TRENCH TERMINATED AT 6 FEET Figure A-106, Log of Test Trench T 91 . LCS ESAMPLESYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 11 •.. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE 13 ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D4367-402 TRENCH T 92 DEPTH SAMPLE 0 0 SOIL 4T ow. UIX NO. ELEVATION 453 DATE COMPLETED 10/2/89 d FEET EQUIPMENT -JD555TRACKBACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION : SLOPEWASH CL Soft, moist, dark brown Sandy CLAY . - Very irregular contact - - SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS - • ' SC Dense, moist, light brown, moderately - 6 weathered and randomly fractured andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK - --- TRENCH TERMINATED AT 7 FEET Figure A-107, Log of Test Trench T 92 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0 ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 11 ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 1 DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE T ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. 0 20 40 I I I 0 20 0—u r-... Eel --4 LEG END ITJ------ RIPPABLE MARGINALLY RIPPABLE NON —RIPPABLE LOGS OF AIR TRACK BORINGS RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT ('ADTCt&' ATT$1MTA '. 1.Ju , '.". J_ File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 F L SECON Os / FOOT 0 20 40 0 20 20'— aH T 2 w 4d— U. a. [3 40- 1-7 Figure A-108 File No. D-4367H02 january 8, 1,990 SECONDS / FOOT .20 40 0 20 0—u c-... 20'— w 'a II. 40 z 2d 0 20 40 [ . %H T - 8 LEGEND EL-----RIPPABLE MARGINALLY RIPPABLE NON-RIPPABLE RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Figure A-109 0 20' 2: 40. 0 20' I I 40' T-II File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 SE CON Os / FOOT 0 20' 40' 0 20' 40' :: :: LEGEND E1 RIPPASLE _......__MARGINALLY RIPPABLE EJ—__N0N—RlPPA8LE LOGS OF AIR TRACK BORINGS RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Figure k-hO LEGEND RIPPABLE MARGINALLY RIPPABLE NON-RIPPABLE File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 SECONDS 0 20 40 2d— HT-13 W 40'- U IA. FOOT 0 20 20 40 I' z 0 I I- 0 U 20 40' 60 6O'11 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 I • I I I I I I LOGS OF AIR TRACK BORINGS RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT * CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Figure A-ill - File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 L. L Li L Figure A-liZ 2O L r File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 [ I SECONDS / FOOT F- 20. 40 0 20 I I I I PJ Z 60- 0 20 40 I. °2d- 4O- LEGEND El-------RIPPABLE 60' -------MARGINALLY RIPPABLE RIPPABLE LOGS OF AIR TRACK BORINGS RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Figure A-113 a3 Im 4 4 0 20 40 O r File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 [ SECON Os / FOOT 0 20 0 20 40 20 2d— LL :r 2 '' IT 0 20 40 z 0- 20 40 HT-27 L 2 8 N 6 0-' 40'- LEGEND - =______RIPPABLE L--MARGINALLY RIPPABLE - .L__0N-RIPPA8LE LOGS OF AIR TRACK BORINGS RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Figure A-114 Ii File No. D-4367-1102 ;January 8, 1990 Figure A-115 0 20 40 20' Im 40' File No. D4367-H02 January 8, 1990 SECOND S / FOOT 20 40 0 20 40 iN.. 0 20 IL 2:II3 , :: 4d— LEGEND ..RIPPABLE 60'- MARGINALLY RIPPABLE - RIPPABLE LOGS OF AIR TRACK BORINGS RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Figure A-116 File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 r Figure A-117 S File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 Figure A-118 File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 TABLE IA Air-Track Rippability Interpretation Air-Track Boring No. Depth (feet) Interpretation HT-1 0-30 Riooable HT-2 HT-3 HT-4 HT-5 HT-6 HT-7 HT-8 HT-9 HT-10 HT-11 HT-12 HT-13 HT-14 3048 Nonrippable 0-8 Rippable 8-30 Marginal 0-15 Rippable 15-45 Marginal 45-60 Nonrippable 0-5 Rippable 5-36 Marginal 0-8 Rippable 8-20 Marginal 20-36 Nonrippable 0-30 Rippable 30-36 Marginal 0-11 Rippable 11-45 Nonrippable 0-15 Rippable 15-36 Marginal to Nonrippable 0-15 Rippable 15-36 Nonrippable 0-15 Rippable 15-36 Marginal to Nonrippable 0-45 Rippable 0-5 Rippable 5-36 Marginal 0-25 Rippable' 25-36 Marginal to Nonrippable 0-45 Rippable 45-55 Marginal. File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 TABLE IA (continued) Air-Track Rinnabilitv Interoretation Air-Track Boring No. Depth (feet) Interpretation HT-15 0-5 Rippable 5-50 Nonrippable HT-16 0-15 Rippable to Marginal 15-80 Nonrippable HT-17 0-35 Rippable 35-40 Marginal HT-18 0-30 Rippable 30-45 Marginal HT-19 0-60 Rippable HT-20 0-50 Rippable HT-21 0-10 Nonrippable 10-60 Nonrippable HT-22 0-25 Rippable 25-35 Marginal HT-23 0-10 Rippable 10-50 Marginal to Nonrippable HT-24 0-10 Rippable 10-65 Marginal to Nonrippable HT-25 0-25 Rippable HT-26 0-10 Rippable 10-60 Nonrippable HT-27 0-10 Rippable 10-70 Marginal to Nonrippable HT-28 0-20 Rippable 20-55 Marginal to Nonrippable HT-29 0-50 Rippable File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 TABLE IA (continued) Air-Track Rippabiitv Interpretation Air-Track Boring No. Depth (feet) Interpretation HT-30 0-50 Rippable HT-31 0-55 Rippable to Marginal HT-32 0-5 Rippable 5-40 HT-33 0-3 3-60 60-70 HT-34 0-15 15-45 HT-35 0-30 30-36 HT-36 0-25 25-65 HT-37 0-5 5-10 HT-38 0-10 10-60 HT-39 0-10 10-20 HT-40 0-30 HT-41 0-10 10-25 HT-42 0-30 HT-43 0-40 40-50 HT-44 0-15 15-20 Marginal to Nonrippable Rippable Marginal to Nonrippable Nonrippable Rippable Marginal to Nonrippable Rippable Marginal Rippable to Marginal Marginal to Nonrippable Rippable Rippable to Marginal Rippable Rippable to Marginal Rippable Marginal Rippable Rippable Marginal to Nonrippable Rippable Rippable Rippable to Marginal Rippable Marginal File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 TABLE lB Seismic Traverses Velocity (ft/see) Depth (ft) Approx. Seismic Max. Depth Traverse V V V D D Length of Explored No. 1 2 3 1 2 Traverse (ft) + /- 5-1 2790 8980 ---- 14 ---- 100 30 5-2 1640 6720 ---- 6 ---- 100 30 5-3 1570 6810 ---- 9 ---- 100 30 5-4 2150 4740 ---- 4 ---- 100 30 5-5 2420 4760 ---- 4 ---- 100 30 5-6 1560 5390 ---- 8 ---- 100 30 5-7 1550 6120 ---- 4 ---- 100 30 5-8 1150 5250 ---- 5 ---- 100 30 5-9 1500 5820 ---- 8 ---- 100 30 5-10 1990 8560 ---- 4 ---- 100 30 5-11 1640 6920 ---- 5 ---- 100 30 5-12 2240 8270 ---- 4 ---- 100 30 5-13 1230 5240 ---- 3 ---- 100 30 5-14 1570 5470 ---- 5 ---- 100 30 5-15 1770 7330 ---- 3 ---- 100 30 5-16 1640 7090 ---- 4 ---- 100 30 5-17 1102 5330 ---- 4 ---- 100 30 5-18 1090 6650 ---- 4 ---- 100 30 5-19 1120 5850 ---- 5 ---- 100 30 5-20 1150 5830 ---- 5 ---- 100 30 5-21 1340 6280 ---- 5 ---- 100 30 5-22 2200 6160 ---- 2 ---- 100 30 5-23 1920 4570 ---- 4 ---- 100 30 5-24 1280 5840 ---- 5 ---- 100 30 5-25 2930 8170 ---- 7 ---- 100 30 5-26 1800 7620 ---- 3 ---- 100 30 5-27 2000 6380 --- 5 ---- 100 30 5-28 1190 5140. 12120 4 29 100 30 5-29 1360 8640 ---- 5 ---- . 100 30 5-30 1150 9900 ---- 8 --- 100 30 r File No. January 8, 1990 r - TABLE lB (continued) Seismic Traverses Velocity (ft/sec) Depth (ft) Seismic Traverse V V V D D 5-32 1230 4490 ---- 7 5-33 2400 4810 ---- 15 5-34 1720 6770 ---- 4 5-35 1340 6160 ---- 4 5-36 1620 6640 ---- 6 V1 = Velocity in feet per second of first layer of materials V2 = Second layer velocity V3 = Third layer velocity D1 = Depth in feet to base of first layer = Depth to base of second layer. Approx. Max. Depth Length of Explored Traverse (ft) +/. 100 30 100 30 100 30 100 30 100 30 100 30 NOTE: For mass grading, materials with velocities of less than 4500 fps are generally rippable with a D9 Caterpillar Tractor equipped with a single shank hydraulic ripper. Velocities of 4500 to 5500 fps indicate marginal ripping and blasting. Velocities greater than 5500 fps generally require pre-blasting. For trenching, materials with velocities less than 3800 fps are generally rippable depending upon the degree of fracturing and the presence or absence of boulders. Velocities between 3800 and 4300 fps generally indicate marginal ripping, and velocities greater than 4300 fps generally indicate nonrippable conditions. The above velocities are based on a Kohring 505. The reported velocities represent average velocities over the length of each traverse, and should not generally be used fOr subsurface interpretation greater than 100 feet from a traverse. File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory tests were performed in accordance with general test methods of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) or other suggested procedures. Selected relatively undisturbed drive and chunk samples were tested for their in-place dry density, moisture content, drained shear strength and residual shear strength, and consolidation characteristics. The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of selected bulk samples were determined in accordance with ASTM Test Procedure D1557-78. Portions of the bulk samples were then remolded to selected densities and subjected to direct shear and expansion tests. Abrasion resistance of bulk samples of potential quarry stone on the site were also determined in accordance with California Test Procedure 211. The results of our laboratory tests are presented in tabular and graphical forms hereinafter. The in-place density and moisture characteristics are presented on the logs of the exploratory borings and trenches. / File No. D4367-H02 January 8, 1990 TABLE I Summary of Laboratory Compaction Test Results ASTM D1557-78 Maximum Dry Optimum Sample Density Moisture No. Description pcf % Dry Wt. LB2-3 Orange-Brown-Olive mottled 119.6 13.7 very Clayey SAND (Alluvium) LB-2 Brown, Clayey GRAVEL 123.6 11.4 (Landslide Debris) LB7-2 Olive-gray, Sandy CLAY 119.0 (Undocumented Fill) T11-1 Reddish-Brown Clayey SAND 125.2 11.3 (Topsoil) T21-1 Dark Brown Sandy Clay 116.4 16.1 (Slopewash) T25-2 Brown, Clayey GRAVEL 125.4 11.6 (Terrace Deposit) SB4-5 Dark Brown Silty SAND 122.8 11.0 (Alluvium) File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 TABLE II Summary of Laboratory Expansion Index Test Results Moisture Content Before After Dry Sample Test Test Density Expansion No. % Ref Index LB2-2 16.6 18.9 117.9 18 LB2-3 11.6 •• 28.9 102.9 57 LB3-2 9.9 22.9 109.2 22 LB6-3 11.9 29.9 102.7 94 LB7-2 12.1 26.8 102.2 77 T11-1 9.9 20.4 110.8 29 T21-1 11.4 31.8 104.6 132 12 [ r File No. January 8, 1990 TABLE ifi r Summary of Direct Shear Testing Results Moisture Unit Angle of Shear r Dry Density Content Cohesion Resistance Sample No. pcf psf Degrees r LB2-1 115.7 16.2 880 20 L *LB2..3 . 108.2 13.1 250 24 LB5-1 111.5 17.9 570 24 LB6-2 114.6 17.2 530 34 *LB72 107.1 12.8 230 24 SB2-2 109.1 20.1 520 34 L SB6-4 118.3 16.1 1000 29 * Sample remolded to approximately 90% of maximum laboratory density at nea: optimum moisture content. File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 TABLE IV Summary of Residual Shear Testing Results Moisture Unit Angle of Shear Dry Density Content Cohesion Resistance Sample No. pcf psf Degrees SB-4 100.8 26.1 440 5 TABLE Summary of Los Angeles Abrasion Test Results California 211 % Wear % Wear After 100 After 500 Sample No. Revolutions Revolutions LAR-1 19.0 53.2 LAR-2 5.2 18.4 File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 SAMPLE NO. S B 6 - 2 z 0 I- 2 -J 0 co z 0 0 I- z w 0 cc 0 5 1111111111 IIIIuhI1--LIIIIIII 1111111111 111111111__1111111 I EsIbRilb'Ellm lUlI 1111111oll llIll 111111111 Nil __1111111 1111111__1111111 uillllllll•uillllllii__1111111 1111111111_iLIIIIIIII__1111111 N111111Am IIIIII1I__1111111 I1IIIIIIIIiIIiIII11__111110 1111111111 iiiiII11__111110 uluullIlIl 11111111__1111111 IlUlIllIll____ 11111011__1111111 ulululnhl - 111111111 llllllii 0.1 0.5 1.0 5.0 10.0 60.0 100.0 APPLIED PRESSURE (ksf) INITIAL DRY DENSITY 99.8 (pet) INITIAL WATER CONTENT 27.3 (16) INITIAL SATURATION 96.0 (16) SAMPLE SATURATED AT . 0.5 (kef) 01 0 Figure B-i CONSOLIDATION CURVE RANCHO SANTA FE REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 SAMPLE NO. SB 5-2 z 0 'I- -J 0 Cl) 2 0 0 I— z Ui C., Ui CL N1111111IN1111111IM11111111 1111111111 111111111__1111111 1111111111 11111111__1111111 1111111111 11111011__1111111 ::'1iiiioii__1111111 I1III!ilfl 1111111111111111 '41 1111111 IllIllihl IIIII011IIlHIll 1111111111 1111011__1111111 1111111111 11111011__1111111 111111110 11111011__1111111 IlIllIllU 1IlIIllh1 1111111 0.1 0.5 1.0 5.0 10.0 50.0 100.0 APPLIED PRESSURE (ksf) INITIAL DRY DENSITY '110.8 (pcf) INITIAL WATER CONTENT 19.6 (%) INITIAL SATURATION . 94.6 (%) SAMPLE SATURATED AT 0.5 (kaf) CONSOLIDATION CURVE I ' RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT 9 9 .1 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 0 ---- Figure B-2 File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 AMPLE NO. SB2-I E11111111ME111111IM11111111__ 111111111 I1 1 111111111111 N11111111--w-I 'iuuimi __11uuuiii 1111111111__- "U111111111__111011 I1IIIi!!I 111111111__1111111 iillllllli• 111111111__1111111 .1111111__"1111111111 1111111 .1111111111 illililU__iiuio iuull'un ___ IHillill__111011 IIIIIIIIIIiEiIIII1__1111111 U.1 0.5 1.0 5.0 10.0 5U.0 1.00.0 APPLIED PRESSURE (ksf) z 0 I- -J 0 Cl) z '0 C.) I. - z w 0 Ui a. INITIAL DRY DENSITY 106.9 (pcI) INITIAL WATER CONTENT 1 8.7 (%) INITIAL SATURATION • 45.6 1 (%) SAMPLE SATURATED AT 0.5 (kaf) CONSOLIDATION CURVE RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Figure B-3 File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 SAMPLE NO. LB 2-2 1111111111 111111111__1111111 1111111111 111111111__1111111 -4 1111111111 iuiiiim__uiun IIIIIIlIiiiIIIIIIIII__1111111 IIIIIi!L iillllllii__1111111 IIIIIIIIHUiiiAhIIRI 1111111 IiiIIIIIIIIHhI WATER wADDED! 1111111111 111111111 1111111 1111111111 —IIIIIIIRI__1111111 1111111111 uiiuiiim__1111111 1111111111 111111111__1111111 lillIllIll 11111111 1111111 0.1 0.5 1.0 5.0 10.0 50.0 100.0 APPLIED PRESSURE (ksf) TINITIAL DRY DENSITY 117.9 (pcf) [ INITIAL WATER CONTENT 16.6 (%) INITIAL SATURATION 92.6 1 (%) SAMPLE SATURATED AT 0.5 (kaf) CONSOLIDATION CURVE I RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA - -- --------- ------ Figure B-4 APPENDIX C L 1550 Hotel Circle North San Diego. California 92108 (619) 294-9400 Fax: (619) 293-7920 Woodward-Clyde Consultants November 10, 1989 Project No. 895 136 1S-ECO1 r Geocon Incorporated - 6960 Flanders Drive San Diego, California 92121-2974 Li Attention: Mr. David Leake GEOTECI-[NICAL EVALUATION RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT AFFECT ON STANLEY MAHR RESERVOIR LA COSTA, CALIFORNIA Gentlemen: Woodward-Clyde Consultants (WCC) is pleased to provide the following evaluation relative to the effects of the proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road realignment upon the existing La Costa Darn and Reservoir (Stanley Mahr Reservoir). This evaluation was performed in accordance with our proposal dated September 13, 1989 and your authorization- of September 18, 1989. INTRODUCTION L For our evaluation we were provided with a draft geologic map and subsurface data, prepared by Geocon Inc. The subsurface data consisted of nine test trench logs, seven hydraulic air-track drill rate logs, and seven shallow refraction seismograph traverses along fl the proposed realignment near the darn and reservoir. Additionally, we reviewed our report for construction of the dam entitled "Design Memorandum Geologic Study, Geotechnical Engineering and Design Services for Reclaimed Water Storage Reservoir No 1, La Costa, California, San Marcos County Water District Reclamation Project," dated September 1979 I and our "La Costa Storage Reservoir No. 1, As Built Drawings," dated 1980 and 1981. We understand that the proposed project will include construction of a new Rancho Santa Fe Road between the existing road and the Stanley Mahr Reservoir. The proposed roadway alignment in the vicinity of the Stanley Mahr Reservoir, will be approximately 125 feet wide and will consist of cuts up to 40 to 50 feet in depth and fills up to 10 to 15 feet in height. Additionally, roadway work is proposed along the small access road immediately, north of the reservoir. This work consists of fills up to 10 to 15 feet in height and an elliptical shaped cut up to 20 to 25 feet in depth northwest of the reservoir. Consulting Engineers. Geologists and Environmental Scientists [ Geocon Incorporated Project No. 8951361S-ECO1 November 10, 1989 r. Pa-e2 Woodwzrd•Cc!2 Consultants nts The subsurface conditions encountered in Geocon's test trenches indicate that the site is primarily underlain by shallow soil (less than 3 feet), overlying strong, moderately to highly fractured, volcanic rock with steeply dipping fractures generally oriented to the T northwest and northeast. Slightly deeper alluvial soils were encountered in the canyon I bottoms. Undocumented fill soils were also encountered. DAM AND RESERVOIR DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Structures within the Stanley Mahr Reservoir which would be affected by the proposed construction are; (1) the dam, (2) the spillway, (3) the intake structure at the upstream toe of the dam, (4) the control house, outlet works, and sump at the downstream toe of the dam, and (5) the seepage return piping along the left abutment of the dam. Additionally, there is a pipeline which runs from the treatment plant to the control house at the toe of the dam. However, this was not designed by WCC and we have no information about it in our files. The dam is a zoned earth dam with a low permeability core, downstream chimney drain, ' random fill shells, and upstream riprap. The dam axis foundation has a vertical drainage curtain. As the reservoir is to contain secondary effluent from the nearby sewage treatment plant, the dam has been designed to collect seepage and return it into the reservoir. The - intake structure and outlet works are designed to carry water from the reservoir beneath the dam to the outlet works for transmission to the treatment plant. The outlet works design flow rate is 49 cubic feet per second. The emergency spillway located along the north side of the reservoir consists of two corrugated metal arch pipe culverts beneath the access road -' and is designed to discharge 310 cubic feet per second of flow, to the north, into a discharge channel and away from the reservoir drainage basin. Additionally, the spillway and roadway over the spillway have been designed so that if the corrugated metal pipes become clogged, and the culvert headwall were to impound flood waters, the entire design flood could pass above the headwall and over a depressed section of the access roadway. EFFECTS OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION '.1 Based on our review of the available information, it is our opinion that the proposed construction will affect the reservoir in two ways. The primary effect will be blast induced vibrations on the structures. Additionally, the proposed fills may affect the hydraulic characteristics of the outlet works and emergency spillway. Filling The plans provided to us indicate that it is proposed to raise the grade of the access road over the arch culvert spillway and to fill portions of the drainage basin downstream of the dam. As discussed above, if the spillway arch culverts become blocked, it is designed to overtop the road instead of the dam. It appears from the plans that it is proposed to raise the grade of the road over the spillway to approximately elevation 605 feet, or approximately five feet above the dam crest. This could result in overtopping the dam if the ulverts become inoperative. In this regard, we recommend that no fill be placed over the spillway to maintain the hydraulic characteristics of the design. For fills downstream of the am, we recommend that provisions be included in the design to adequately carry the a/jec8 Geocon Incorporated Project No. 8951361S-EC01 November 10, 1989 Page 4 Woodward. Cyd a Consultants r It has been a pleasure to provide you with this information. Our engineer assigned to this project is Greg Raines. if you have any questions or if we can be of further service, please give us a call. Very truly yours, WOOD WARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS Exp. .-- Howard M. M. McMaster R.E. 11994 OF CA ki HMM/GLRJkah a/jec8 r r L LT APPENDIX D E .. !. . .iJ T1'' SLOPE DESIGN Statistical analysis of 255 trial circles reveals that use of a factor of safety of 1.89 and Taylor's charts is not significantly differnt from the use of a factor of safty of 1.5 and a seismic load of 0.1G .The chart below,is based on factors of safety of 1.5 and 1.89 and Taylor's chart. Enter the chart from the bottom left with the given slope ratio. Go up slopeHeight with Seismic. to the appropriate'"curve ' ' ' .,. •v (dashed for seismic) proceed i1ftL1 !HRead right to the"c"curve. allowable heights? top(with T.li1T..HTI' seismic) and bottom(without .:Vfi1iI •:•: ..lf:(i/. ff' FILL SLOPES seismic). '..1::kt L i 1 2.1 (horizontal.vertical, W 4 0 Fv,-: C 0 Slope AngU :, f/1 psf 0. i ' i L1"I4i1 -•• .. I •'! L 11LJJfP a4 :/' T / i?/XIV'/!//V171A/W'1/Y. -F X. 10 :1" '" , /.. . .....: Ji 9 :'::.1 . . ".4 4: • I.. • I •:• Jj. -Slope Ratio b . . Slopeheight without Seismic Bj, to. ii.o File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 r C Figure D-2 r F File No. January 8, 1990 r RECOMMENDED SPECIFICATIONS FOR SITE GRADING 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 These specifications present general procedures and requirements for grading and earthwork as shown on the approved grading plans including preparation of areas to be filled, placement of fill, installation of subdrains and excavations. The recommendations contained in the geotechnical report are a part of the earthwork and r grading specifications and shall supersede the provisions contained hereinafter in the L. case of conflict. 1.2 Prior to the commencement of grading, a qualified geotechnical consultant (soils engineer and engineering geologist, and their representatives) shall be employed for the purpose of observing earthwork procedures and testing the fills for substantial conformance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report and these specifications. It will be necessary that the consultant provide adequate testing and observation so that he may determine that, in his opinion, the work was accomplished in general conformance with these specifications. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to assist the consultant and keep him apprised of work schedules and L changes so that he may schedule his personnel accordingly. 1.3 It shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor to provide adequate equipment and methods to accomplish the work in accordance with applicable grading codes or agency ordinances, these specifications and the approved grading plans. If, in the opinion of the consultant, unsatisfactory conditions, such as questionable soil, poor moisture condition, inadequate compaction, adverse weather, etc., are resulting in a quality of work less than required in these specifications, the consultant will be empowered to reject the work and recommend to the owner that construction be stopped until the conditions are rectified. 2.0 DEFINITIONS 2.1 Owner shall mean the owner of the property or the person on whose behalf the grading work is being performed and who has contracted with the Contractor to have grading performed. 2.2 Contractor shall mean the Contractor performing the site grading work. -- 2.3 Civil Engineer or Engineer of work shall mean the duly licensed civil engineer who has been hired by the Owner to set basic surveying data at the site to aid Contractor in conforming with the grading and improvement plans. 2.4 Soil Engineer shall mean a duly licensed Civil Engineer qualified in soil engineering. hired by the owner who is responsible for having qualified representatives on-site to observe and test the Contractor's work for conformance with these Specifications. 2.5 Engineering Geologist shall mean a duly licensed Engineering Geologist hired by the Owner to provide geologic opinions and recommendations during the site grading. F 3.0 MATERIALS 3.1 Materials for compacted fill shall consist of any soil excavated from the cut areas or imported to the site that, in the opinion of the Soil Engineer, is suitable for use in construction of fills. In general, fill materials can be classified as "soil" fills, "soil-rock" fills or "rock" fills. 3.1.1. "Soil" fills are defined as fills containing no rocks or hard lumps up to 12 inches in maximum dimension and containing at least 40 percent by weight of material smaller than 3/4 inch in size and placed as indicated on Figure E-1. No rocks or hard lumps greater than 1 foot in maximum dimension shall be placed in a zone between finish grade surface and 5 feet below finish grade. 3.1.2 "Soil-rock" fills are defined as fills containing no rocks or hard lumps larger than 4 feet in maximum dimension and containing a sufficient matrix of "soil" fill to allow for proper compaction of "soil" fill around the rock fragments or hard lumps as specified in Paragraph 6.2. 3.1.3 "Rock" fills are defined as fills containing no rocks or hard lumps larger than 3 feet in maximum dimension and containing little or no fines. Fines are defined as material smaller than 1 inch in maximum dimension. The volume of fines shall be less than approximately 40 percent of the rock fill volume. 3.2 Material of a perishable, spongy, or otherwise unsuitable nature as determined by the Soil Engineer shall not be used in fills. N 3.3 "Soil" fill placed within at least the upper 5 feet of building pad grade shall be select finish grade material that contains no rocks or hard lumps greater than 1 foot in maximum dimension and that has an Expansion Index of 50 or less when tested in accordance with UBC Standard 29-2. 3.4 The outer portion of fill slopes equal to at least the height of the slope (measured horizontal to the slope face) or 15 feet, whichever is less, should be composed of properly compacted "soil" fill materials approved by the Soil Engineer. 3.5 Representative samples of soil materials to be used for fill shall be tested in the laboratory by the Soil Engineer in order to determine the maximum density, optimum moisture content, and, where appropriate, shear strength and expansion characteristics of the soil. 3.6 During grading, soil types other than those analyzed in the Soil Investigation may be encountered by the Contractor. The Soil Engineer shall be consulted to determine the suitability of these soils for use as fill and for use as finish grade soils conforming to specifications in the Soil Investigation report. 4.0 CLEARING AND PREPARING AREAS TO BE FILLED 4.1 Areas to be excavated and filled shall be cleared and grubbed. Clearing shall consist of complete removal above the ground surface of all trees, stumps, brush, I vegetation, man-made structures and all similar debris. Grubbing shall consist of removal of all stumps, roots, buried logs and other unsuitable material and shall be performed in all areas to be filled. All roots and other projections over 1-1/2 inches in diameter shall be removed to a depth of 3 feet below the natural surface of the ground and to a depth of 3 feet below the subgrade of areas to be filled. Borrow areas shall be grubbed to the extent necessary to provide materials free r from unsuitable matter. - 4.2 After clearing and grubbing of vegetable matter and objectionable material, loose or porous soils shall be removed to the depth recommended in the Soil Investigation. The depth of removal and compaction shall be observed and approved by a representative of the Soil Engineer. The exposed surface shall then be plowed or scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches and until the surface is free from uneven features that would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equip- ment to be used. 4.3 Where fills are constructed on hillsides or slopes, topsoil, slopewash, colluvium or other loose or porous soils shall be removed and the slope of the original ground on which the fill is to be placed shall be stepped or "keyed" by the Contractor as indicated on Figure E-2 in these Specifications. The steps shall extend completely through the soil mantle and into the underlying competent formational material or, where competent formational soil is not present, into compacted ground. - -- 4.4 After the foundation for the fill has been cleared, plowed or scarified, it shall be disced or bladed by the Contractor until it is uniform, free from large clods, brought to the proper moisture content, then compacted as specified for fill. 5.0 COMPACTION EQUIPMENT 5.1 Compaction shall be accomplished by sheepsfoot rollers, vibratory rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other types of acceptable compaction equipment. Equipment, shall be of such a design that it will be capable of compacting the "soil" or "soil-rock" fill to the specified density at the specified moisture content. 5.2 Compaction of "rock" fills shall be performed in accordance with Paragraph 6.3. 6.0 PLACING, SPREADING AND COMPACTION OF FILL MATERIAL 6.1 "Soil" fill, as defined in Paragraph 3.1.1, shall be placed by the Contractor in accordance with the following recommendations: 6.1.1 "Soil" fill shall be placed by the Contractor in layers that, when compacted, shall not exceed 8 inches. Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly mixed during spreading to obtain uniformity of material in each layer. The entire fill shall be constructed as a unit in nearly level lifts. Rock materials greater than 1 foot in maximum dimension shall be placed in accordance with either Paragraph 6.2 or 6.3. 6.1.2 ' In general, the "soil" fill shall be compacted at a moisture content at or above the optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D 1557-78. [ 6.2.5 All windrows must be parallel to each other and may be placed either' parallel to or perpendicular to the face of the slope depending on the site geometry. The minimum horizontal spacing for windrows shall be 20 feet center-to-center with a 5-foot stagger or offset from lower courses to next overlying course. The minimum vertical spacing between windrow courses shall be 5 feet from the top of a lower windrow to the bottom of the next higher windrow. Windrows shall be 100 feet in maximum length with a minimum spacing of 15 feet between ends. 6.2.6 All rock placement, fill placement and flooding of approved granular soil in the windrows must be continuously observed by the Soil Engineer or his representative. 6.3 "Rock" fills shall be placed by the Contractor in accordance with the following recommendations: 6.3.1 The base of the "rock" fill shall be placed on a sloping surface (minimum slope of 2 percent, maximum slope of 5 percent). The surface shall slope toward suitable drainage outlet facilities. The "rock" fills shall be drained during construction so that a hydrostatic pressure buildup does not develop. The drains shall be permanently connected to controlled drainage facilities to control postconstruction infiltration of water. 6.3.2 "Rock" fills shall be placed in lifts not exceeding 3 feet. Placement shall be by rock trucks traversing previously placed lifts and dumping at the edge of the currently placed lift. Spreading of the "rock" fill shall be by dozer to facilitate "seating" of the rock. The "rock" fill shall be watered IT heavily during placement. Watering shall consist of water trucks traversing in front of the current rock lift face and spraying water continuously during rock placement. Compaction equipment such as a 20-ton steel vibratory roller or other compaction equipment providing suitable energy to achieve the required compaction or deflection as recommended in Paragraph 6.3.3 shall be utilized. The number of passes to be made will be determined as described in Paragraph 6.3.3. 6.3.3 Plate bearing tests, in accordance with ASTM D1196-64, may be performed in both the compacted "soil" fill and in the "rock" fill to aid in determining the number of passes' of the compaction equipment to be performed. If performed, a minimum of three plate bearing tests shall be performed in the properly compacted "soil" fill (minimum relative compaction of 90 percent). Plate bearing tests may then' be performed on areas of "rock" fill having two passes, four passes and six passes of the compaction equipment, respectively. The number of passes required for the "rock" fill shall be determined by comparing the results of the plate bearing tests for the "soil" fill and the "rock" fill and by evaluating the deflection variation with number of passes. The required number of - ' passes of the compaction equipment will be performed as necessary until • the plate bearing deflections are equal to or less than required. - ' 6.3.4 A representative of the Soil Engineer shall be present during rock fill • operations to verify that the minimum number of "passes" have been obtained, that water is being properly applied and that specified' L procedures are being followed. The actual number of plate bearing tests 6.1.3 When the moisture content of "soil" fill is below that specified by the Soil Engineer, water shall be added by the Contractor until the moisture content is in the range specified. 6.1.4 When the moisture content of the "soil" fill is above the range specified by the Soil Engineer or too wet to achieve proper áompaction, the "soil" fill shall be aerated by the Contractor by blading/mixing, or other satisfactory methods until the moisture content is within the range specified. 6.1.5 After each layer has been placed, mixed, and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly compacted by the Contractor to a relative compaction that is not less than 90 percent. Relative compaction is defined as the ratio (expressed in percent) of the in-place dry density of the compacted fill to the maximum laboratory dry density as determined in accordance with ASTM D1557-78. Compaction shall be continuous over the entire area, and compaction equipment shall make sufficient passes so that the desired density has been achieved throughout the entire fill. 6.1.6 Potentially "medium" to "high" expansive soil (soils having an Expansion Index of greater than 50) may be used in fills below a depth of 5 feet below finish grade and shall be compacted at a moisture content of 2 to 4 percent greater than the optimum moisture content for the material. 6.1.7 Properly compacted "soil" fill shall extend to the design surface of fill slopes. The surface of fill slopes shall be back-rolled with a heavy-duty loaded sheepsfoot or vibratory roller at maximum 4400t fill height intervals and upon completion they shall be track-walked with a dozer so. that a dozer track covers all slope surfaces at least twice. 6.1.8 As an alternative to track-walking, upon completion, the slopes may be overbuilt by at least 5 feet and then trimmed back to the design grade. 6.2 "Soil-rock" fill, as defined in Paragraph 3.1.2, shall be placed by the Contractor in accordance with the following recommendations: 6.2.1 Rocks larger than 12 inches but less than 4 feet in maximum dimension. may be incorporated into the compacted "soil" fill, but shall be limited to the area measured 15 feet minimum horizontally from the slope face and 5 feet below finish grade or 3 feet below the deepest utility, whichever is deeper. . 6.2.2 . Rocks or rock fragments up to 4 feet in maximum dimension may either be individually placed or placed in windrows. 6.2.3 For individual placement, sufficient space shall be provided between rocks to allow for passage of compaction equipment. 6.2.4 For windrow placement, the rocks must be placed in trenches excavated• in well compacted "soil" fill. Trenches shall be 5 feet wide and 4 feet deep in maximum dimension. The voids around and beneath rocks must be filled with approved granular soil having a Sand Equivalent of 30 or greater and must be compacted by flooding. L [ will be determined by the Soil Engineer during grading with at least one test being performed for each approximately 5,000 cubic yards of r "rock" fill placed. 6.3.5 Test pits shall be excavated by the Contractor so that the Soil Engineer can state that, in his opinion, sufficient water is present and that voids between large rocks are properly filled with smaller rock material. In-place density testing will not be required in the "rock" fills. 6.3.6 To reduce the potential for "piping" of fines into the "rock" fill from overlying "soil" fill material, a 2-foot layer of graded filter material shall be placed above and below the "rock" fill. The gradation of the graded filter material will be determined at the time the "rock" fill is being excavated. Materials typical of the "rock" fill should be submitted to [ the Soil Engineer in a timely manner to design the graded filter. 6.3.7 All "rock" fill placement shall be continuously observed during placement by representatives of the Soil Engineer. 7.0 OBSERVATION AND TESTING 7.1 The Soil Engineer shall be the Owners representative to observe and make tests during fill foundation preparation and filling and compaction operations. In general, no more than 2 feet of "soil" or "soil-rock" fill in vertical elevation shall be placed without at least one field density test being performed within that interval. In addition, approximately one field density test shall be performed for every 2,000 cubic yards of "soil" or "soil-rock" fill placed and compacted. 7.2 The Soil Engineer shall make random field density tests of the compacted "soil" or "soil-rock" fill to provide a basis for expressing an opinion as to whether the fill material is compacted as specified. The basis for his opinion that the fill material has been compacted to at least the minimum relative compaction specified shall be that no tests in compacted or recompacted fill areas indicate a relative compaction ot less than that specified. Density tests shall be performed in the compacted materials below any disturbed surface. When these tests indicate that the density of any layer of fill or portion thereof is below that specified, the particular layer or areas represented by the test shall be reworked until the specified density has been achieved. 7.3 The Soil Engineer may verify that the minimum number of "passes" have been obtained per the criteria discussed in Section 6.3.3. The Soil Engineer shall make random observation pits and may make plate bearing tests of the placed "rock" fills. The observation pits will be excavated to provide a basis for expressing an opinion as to whether the "rock" fill is properly seated and sufficient moisture has been applied to the material. If performed, plate bearing tests will also be performed randomly on the surface of the previously placed lift. Plate bearing tests will be performed to provide a basis for expressing an opinion as to whether the "rock" fill is adequately seated. The maximum deflection in the "rock" fill determined in Section 6.3.3 shall be less than the maximum deflection of the properly compacted "soil" fill. When any of the above criteria indicate that a layer of,"rock" fill or any portions thereof is below that specified, the particular layer or area represented by the criteria shall be reworked until the "rock" fill has been adequately seated and sufficient moisture applied. File No. D-43b/-HUZ January 8, 1990. TYPICAL GRADING WITHIN PROPOSED CUT AREAS EXISTING GROUND SURFACE FINISH GRADE BLDG. PAD -.14TREET EASEMENT 17 Z' MIN. UNDERCUT IN. ZONE A UNDERCUT . .. /1/ TO3MAX. UNDERCUT FOR TRANSITION LOTS AND/OR EXPANSIVE SOILS (EXPANSION INDEX GREATER THAN 50) NO SCALE .1 TYPICAL GRADING WITHIN PROPOSED FILL AREAS FINISH GRADE STREET EASEMENT --------- - I .1 I I 5' ZONE 5 MIN. I I ZONE B LEGEND ZONE A...----.FILL )dATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH PARAGRAPH 3.1.1 OF THE REFERENCED GRADING SPECIFICATION ZONE B...........FIU. MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH PARAGRAPH 3.1.2 OR 3.1.3 OF THE REFERENCED GRADING SPECIFICATION *5 OR 3 BELOW DEEPEST UTILITY, WHICH EVER IS GREATER NO SCALE SPECIFICATIONS FOR SITE GRADING . .1 RANCHO. SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Figure E-1 File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 -STRIP AS SPECIFIED -- --.... ORIGINAL GROUND N NNN. SLOPE RATIO: PROPERLY COMPACTED SLOPE TO BE SUCH THAT - SLOUCHING OR SLIDING N FILL SOIL DOES NOT OCCUR REMOVE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL VARIES SEE NOTE SEE NOTE- NO SCALE NOTES The minimum width "B" of key shall be 2 feet wider .... than the compaction equipment, and not less than 10 feet. The outside edge of bottom key shall be below top- soil or loose surface material. Keys are required where the natural slopes are steeper than 6 horizontal to 1 vertical, or where specified by Soil Engineer. TYPICAL BENCHING DETAIL RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Figure E-2