HomeMy WebLinkAbout3190; Rancho Santa Fe Road-Stage 2; Rancho Santa Fe Road-Stage 2; 1999-04-30# AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS AGRA Earth & Environmental, Inc. 16760 W. Bernardo Dr. San Diego, CA 92127 Tel {619) 487-2113 Fax (619} 487-2357 m L m k [ SUPPLEMENTAL GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT DESIGN STAGE 2 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD, SOUTH OF STATION 252 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Submitted To: DOKKEN ENGINEERING 3914 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE A-153 SAN DIEGO, CAUFORNIA 92123 Submitted By: AGRA EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL 16760 WEST BERNARDO DRIVE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92127-1904 November 10,1998 (revised April 30,1999) Job No. 8-252-100500 Recycled Paper ^ AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS AGRA Earth & Environmental, Inc. 16760 W. Bernardo Dr. San Diego, CA 92127 Tel (619) 487-2113 Fax (619) 487-2357 November 10,1998 (revised April 30.1999) Job No. 8-252-100500 Dokken Engineering 3914 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite A-153 San Diego, Califomia 92123 Attention: Mr. Kirk Bradbury Re: SUPPLEMENTAL GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION DESIGN STAGE 2 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD, SOUTH OF STATION 252 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA This letter transmits AGRA Earth & Environmental's supplemental report describing the geotechnical investigation performed for Design Stage 2 for the improvements to Rancho Santa Fe Road, south of Station 252 in Carisbad, Califomia. This investigation was conducted in general confonTiance with the scope of work contained in our revised proposal dated July 30,1998. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. Should you have question conceming this report, please feel free to call on us. Yours truly, AGRA Earth & Environmental ^mes J. Stoni; RGE 808 Principal Engineer Recycled Paper Dokken Engineering Geotechnical Investigation Report Design Stage 2 Rancho Santa Fe Road South of Station 252 Carisbad, Califomia Job No. 6-252-100500 November 10,1998 (revised April 30,1999) Page (i) TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE k. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY """ 1.0 INTRODUCTION t 1.1 PROJECT I 1.2 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 1 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK 1 3.0 FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING 3 3.1 FIELD EXPLORATION 3 3.2 LABORATORY TESTING 4 4.0 SITE CONDITIONS 4 4.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS 4 4.2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 4 4.2.1 Soils and Rocks 4 4.2.2 Groundwater 5 4.3 ENGINEERING SEISMOLOGY 6 4.4 LIQUEFACTION 6 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7 5.1 GENERAL 5.2 SITE PREPARATION AND GRADING 7 5.3 EXCAVATION CONDiTIONS 8 5.4 ESTIMATING EARTHWORK QUANTITIES 9 5.5 TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SLOPES 9 5.5.1 Temporary Slopes 9 5.5.2 Permanent Slopes 9 5.6 RETAINING WALLS 10 5.6.1 Lateral Loads ''O 5.6.2 Wall Drainage 11 5.6.3 Wall Backfill 11 5.6.4 Foundation Support 11 5.7 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT STRUCTURAL SECTIONS 12 5.8 CORROSION POTENTIAL 13 5.9 CULVERT SUPPORT 13 ^ AGRA ENCilNtEfilNG GI.OBAL 50LUIIONi Recycled Paper Dokken Engineering Geotechnical Investigation Report Design Stage 2 Rancho Santa Fe Road South of Station 252 Carisbad, Caiifomia Job No. 6-252-100500 November 10,1998 (revised April 30,1999) Page (ii) mm 6.0 GEOTECHNICAL AND CONSTRUCTION REVIEW 13 7.0 CLOSURE 14 FIGURE Figure 1 - Location Map 2 TABLE Table 1 - Estimated Earthquake Effects 6 APPENDICES Appendix A - Test Borings , A-1 through A-5 Appendix B - Seismic Refraction Sun/eys B-1 through B-4 Appendix C - Previous Exploration Data C-1 through C-12 Appendix D - Laboratory Testing D-1 through D-3 Appendix E-Additional Seismic Refraction Surveys E-1 through E-28 PLATE Plate 1 - Geologic and Test Location Map In Pocket ^ AGRA tNGINFERINC. QIOBAL iOLUnOM Recycled Paper Dokken Engineering Geotechnical Investigation Report Design Stage 2 Rancho Santa Fe Road South of Station 252 Carisbad, Califomia Job No. 6-252-100500 November 10, 1998 (revised April 30,1999) Page (iii) IM im m EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report presents the results of the supplemental geotechnical investigation performed for Design Stage 2 ofthe planned widening and realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road in Carisbad, Califomia. AEE previously reviewed available geotechnical data, prepared an excavatability map, provided preliminary recommendations for excavation slopes, and developed preliminary comments on bridge foundation support conditions as part of the Design Stage 1 studies. A summary report for Stage 1 was submitted on July 9,1998. Design Stage 2 consists of preparing plans specifications and cost estimates for Phase I constaiction from the highest elevation along the alignment, about Station 252, south to La Costa Avenue. A "Supplemental Soil and Geologic Investigation" report prepared by Geocon, Incorporated, dated January, 1990 provided the basis for development of AEE's scope of work. The data developed by Geocon were considered in preparing the recommendations contained in AEE's report. Four test borings were drilled to depths of 3 to 34 feet with 8-inch diameter hollow stem auger, air percussion and rock coring equipment. Four seismic refraction surveys were performed by an AEE geologist. Boring and seismic survey lines were located to complement data avaiiabte from the previous Geocon study of the general area. Selected samples from the borings were tested to evaluate pertinent classification and engineering properties and enable development of geotechnical conclusions and recommendations. The geologic units comprising most of the materials anticipated along the alignment can be categorized in three main groups: colluvium, crystalline rock, and sedimentary rock. Minoramounts of fill soils were encountered in Boring B-3, near La Costa Avenue. No groundwater was encountered in the test borings drilled for this investigation or in Geocon' previous subsurface exploration. Rancho Santa Fe Road is located closest to the offshore portion of the Rose Canyon/Newport- lnglewood Fault Zone. Parameters of earthquakes possible affecting the new roadway are described in the main text. The upper colluvial soils and the limited amounts of fill anticipated can be excavated with medium- to heavy-duty equipment. Excavations in the Santiago Fonnation also can be made with heavy- duty equipment, although concretions may be encountered which, forthe most part, will require hydraulic rock breaking equipment or blasting for efficient removal. The Santiago Peak Volcanics can be excavated most efficiently after the rock has been loosened by blasting. The upper, weathered portion probably can be excavated by heavy-duty equipment. # AGRA ENGINEEliING CLOSAL ;OLUIIONi Recycled Paper Dokken Engineering Geotechnical Investigation Report Design Stage 2 Rancho Santa Fe Road South of Station 252 Carisbad, Califomia Job No. 6-252-100500 November 10,1998 (revised April 30. 1999) Page (iv) Relatively flat slopes will be needed in colluvial and fill soils. Relatively steep slopes can be excavated in fonnational materials and crystalline rock. Retaining walls, where necessary, can be founded on shallow foundations in formational materials or hard rock. Recommendations for site preparation and grading, temporary and pennanent slopes, wall and culvert foundation support and con-osion are contained in the body of the report. ^ AGRA ENQIMEERING GIOHAL ^OLUTlONi Recycled Paper m/Lti/7m'3 11:07 858-558-6159 GEOCON IHC PAGE 02/85 GEOCON INOOBPOBATED GEOTCCHNICAL CONSULTANTS Project No. 06535^22-02 April 18.2003 DdUxn Enginccni]^ 9665 ChBsapoaisK Mve, Suite 435 San Diego, California 92123 Attention: Mr. Kiric Bradbury Subject RANCHO SANTAFE ROAD PHASE I CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CONSULTATION Gentlenicn: In accordance with your request, we are submitting this consultation tegaiding erroi^ observed in the project soOs report entiiled Si^plememal Geotechnical Invesdgatfm, Design Stage 2, Rancho Sante Fe Road, South qf Station 252, Carbbad, California, prcpsned by AGRA Earth & Envircmniental (iated November 10, 199$, revised January 21. 1999. Plate 1 of this report references (jeOcoa Incorporated explmatouy trenches T-12, T-13. and T-14 located at Ihe northeast end of the project; hOweva- our review of the report entitled Supplemental Soil & Geologic Investigation [for] Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment, dated January 8,1990 by Geocon Incorpoiated (D4367-H02) indicates that the trenches should have been designated as T-2, T-3, and T-4, respectfoUy. Ttwches T-12. T-13, and T-14 wearc not excavated within the roadway alignment. Logs of T-2, T-3, and T-4 arc attached along with the portjon of the site plan showing their af^oximate locations. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, or if we may be of funher sei-vice, please contact tite undersigned at your ccmvenience. V«y truly yours. GBOCpN,INC(te)RATED 0}J Joseph J, Vettd GE2401 OT:dmG EnclosuFBs: Tuench Logs PtftTtial Site Plan (2) Addnssscc 6960 Ffanderi Oriw • San Diago, Coliforfiio 92121-2974 • lyophooe I858J 558^S900 • Pox (858) 64/18/2003 11:07 858-558-6159 GEOCON IhC PAGE 83/66 iS39 858-558-5159 GEOCON INC PA(^ 04/86 ^January B, 1990 " 0 2 - 4 - MPTH IN fSET SMPLE NO. SOIL CLASS <USCS) sc TRENCH T 2 ELEVATION 474 _DATE COMPLETED 9/14/99 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOK MATXJOAL DESCRIPTIGN TOPSOIL Loose, damp, dark red-brown, Clayey-Rocky fine SAND BONSALL TONALITE Very dense, dan^Hmolst, medium brown, highly sheet-fractured weathered medium crystalline intrusive GRANITTC ROCIC Joints N50E, SOW, 2-6 inch Spacing at 4 feet r TTUENCH TERMINATED AT 5 FEET a= Ul « S V m (L 2 Figure A~17, Log of Test Trench T 2 -ICSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS ^ - ^^^^l Bl ... DISTURBED OK BAG SAWLE 0... srANDARO PEM^IKATIOII TEST fl ... DRIVE SAHPLE (UTOIBrullBeB) CHUNK SAMPLE X ... MUk TABLE OR SEEPAQE KOTE: TBE LOB OF SUBSURFACE COHDITIOHS SHOUN HEREOR APPUES OHIY AT THE SPECI FK BORIKG Cft rftSMCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE IMDICATED. IT IB HOT WRRAKTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LQCATinS AND TIRES. m/Lti/zaa J ii:a/ laauajry 8, 1990 ^^"^^ D>43A7-402 tfb8-558-6159 GEOCON INC PAGE 05/06 TRENCH T 3 ELEVATION- 451 EQUIPMENT lOPKOlL BONSALL TONADTTE Very dense, (Jamp, light crystalline intmsive fractures, blocky) _0ATE COMPLETED 9/14/89 JP 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Loose, dry, dark brown. Silty-Gravelly fme SANP ish-brown medium [CROCK (few TRENCH TERMINAtfeb AT 3 FEET" (REFUSAL) =!gure A-18. Log of Test Trench T 3 1 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS ^ - «*»icCESSFUL D mSTUB^ OR BAG SAK>LE STANDARt) .PEHETRATICN TEST CHUNK SAMPLE fl... DRIVE SiWLE <UllbtSTU»EP) X —WAYCR TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOQ OF SUSSURPACE CCMDITIOtlS STOUa KEREM APPLIES OILY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TREHCB LOCATION AHD At TNE OATE IHDICATED. IT IS WT UARRiWTH. TO BE REPft£*»rfATIV« OF SUBSURFAS cSfDniSSs W S L^^^ 04/18/2003 11:07 858-558-6159 GEOCON INC PAGE 06/B6 jittBiary 8, 1990 ' PILE HO. D-4367-4fi2 DEPTH IH PEET SAMPLE UO. SOIL CLASS (USCS) TRENCH T 4 ELEVATION 446 DATE COMPLETED 9/14/89 EOtrn-MENT JD 555 TRACE BACKHOE 0 2 - 4 - MATERIAL DESCRIFnON SM ALLUVIUM Loose, dry, dark bitown, SUty-Rocky coarse $ANP BONSALL TONALTTE Very dense, damp, light grayish-brown medium crystaUine intruBive GRANITIC ROCK: random fracturing TRENCH TERMINATED AT 5 FEET (REFUSAL) Figure A-19 , Log of Test Trench T 4 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS • SATVLIMG UNSUCCESSFUL . C ... STANDARD PEKHRATION TEST fl ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED} DISTURBED DR BAG SAMPLE 0 ... CHUNK SAMPLE ^ ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE WTEl THE LOG OP SUBSURFACE COffllTIONS SHOUM HCRCON APPLIES OMLT AT THE SpECiflC BORINO OR TRENCH LOCATIflN AND AT TWE DATE INDICATED, IT IS MOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE Of SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHBR lOCATIOMS AND TIHES. im r- U. u Dokken Engineering Geotechnical Investigation Report Design Stage 2 Rancho Santa Fe Road South of Station 252 Carlsbad, (Alifornia 1.0 INTRODUCTION Job No. 6-252-100500 November 10,1998 (revised April 30,1999) Page (1) 1.1 PROJECT This report presents the results of the supplemental geotechnical investigation performed for Design Stage 2 of the planned widening and realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road in Carisbad, Califomia. AEE previously reviewed available geotechnical data, prepared an excavatability map. provided preliminary recommendations for excavation slopes, and developed preliminary comments on bridge foundation support conditions as part of the Destgn Stage 1 studies. A summary report for Stage 1 was submitted on July 9,1998. 1.2 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Design Stage 2 consists of preparing plans specificattons and cost estimates for Phase I construction, which will extend from about Station 252 south to La Costa Avenue. The relationship of the entire proposed alignment with respect to nearby topographic features is illustrated on Figure 1. Excavation will be required to establish final roadway grades along most of the portion ofthe road alignment south of Station 252. It is understood that the deepest cut planned is about 35 feet. Minor fills may be needed locally. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK This investigatton consisted of a revtew of available geologic data, a site reconnaissance, a field exploration program, laboratorytesting, engineering analysis and development of conclusions and recommendations regarding: Site stratigraphy, structural geology and natural slope stability. Subsurface soil and rock conditions. Surface drainage and ground water levels. Liquefaction potential and the potential for earthquake-induced settlements. Excavatability, temporary cut slope stability, and shrinkage and swell factors for estimating earthwork quantities. # AGRA [NC.INEEfING GLOBAL ^OLUTIONi Recycled Paper Rancho Santa Fe Road JobNo. 8-252-100500 November 5,1998 Page (2) N Approximate Scale: 1 inch = 2000 feet Reference; U.S.G.S. 7.5-minute Series (Topographic), Rancho Santa Fe Quadrangles, dated 1968, photo-revised 1975 and 1983, respectively. Rancho Santa Fe Road Widening and Realignment Carisbad, Carrfornia Figure! LOCATION MAP AGRA Earth & Environmental Dokken Engineering Geotechnical Investigation Report Design Stage 2 Rancho Santa Fe Road South of Station 252 Carisbad, Califomia Job No. 6-252-100500 November 10,1998 (revised /Vpril 30,1999) Page (3) Embankment construction and foundation preparation beneath embankments. Earth retaining systems. Flexible pavement structural sections. Culvert foundations. Potential sources of bon-ow material. Potential location for disposal of excess materials derived from earthwork operations. • Construction considerations, including construction monitoring and instrumentation. A "Supplemental Soil and Geologic Investigation" report prepared by Geocon, Incorporated, dated January, 1990 provided the basis for development of AEE's scope of woric. The data presented by Geocon were considered in preparing the recommendations contained in this report. 3.0 FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING 3.1 FIELD EXPLORATION Four test borings were drilled to depths of 3 to 34 feet with 8-inch diameter hollow stem auger, air percussion and rock coring equipment. Test boring locations are shown on Plate 1. Drilling was performed underthe supervision of an AEE geologist who also logged the borings and obtained samples for visual examination and laboratory testing. Disturbed samples were obtained from drill cuttings and during Standard Penetration Testing. In this test, a 1.4-inch inside diameter sampler was driven with a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. Blow counts for the last 12 inches of an 18-inch drive (or less) were recorded and are noted on the boring logs as "blows per foot." Relatively undisturbed samples were obtained by driving a 2.5-inch diameter sampler with a 140- pound hammer falling 30 inches. Blows for the final 12 inches (or less) of driving are recorded on the boring logs. Samples of rock were obtained from 1 boring (boring B-1) using NX-size rock coring equipment. The logs of the test borings are contained in Appendix A. Soils are classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System which is explained in Appendix A. Rock and fonnational materials are described according to their physical characteristics. Dokken Engineering Geotechnical Investigation Report Design Stage 2 Rancho Santa Fe Road South of Station 252 Carisbad, Califomia Job No, 6-252-100500 November 10,1998 (revised /Vpril 30,1999) Page (4) Four seismic refraction surveys were performed by an AEE geologist. Each survey line was 100 feet long. Fon/vard and reversed profiles were perfonmed to check for dipping interfaces. The locations of the lines are shown on Plate 1. Results of the surveys are shown graphically in Appendix B. Boring and seismic survey lines were located to complement data available from the previous Geocon study of the general area. Locations of the test borings and test pits completed by Geocon are shown on Plates 1 and 2. The logs of the test borings and test pits are contained in Appendix C. 3.2 LABORATORY TESTING Selected samples were tested to evaluate pertinent classification and engineering properties. The program included in-situ dry density and moisture content determinations, direct sheartests, grain- size analyses, pH, resistivity, soluble sulfate and chloride content, and R-value. Dry density and moisture content test results are shown on the boring logs in Appendix A. Descriptions of test procedures and the results ofthe tests are contained in Appendix D. 4.0 SITE CONDITIONS 4.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS The proposed road alignment south of Station 252 traverses gently to steeply sloping terrain. Natural slopes range from about 1 -Yz: 1 (horizontahvertical) to as flat as about 3:1, except near La Costa Avenue, where the ground surface is nearly levei. Vegetation consists of native grass, weeds and scrub brush. 4.2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 4.2.1 Soils and Rocks The geologic units comprising most of the materials anticipated along the alignment can be discussed in three main groups: colluvium, crystalline rock, and sedimentary rock. Minoramounts of fill soils were encountered in Boring B-3, near La Costa Avenue. The influence of any fill soils on overall grading is expected to be very small, because of their limited thickness and extent along this portion of the alignment. Dokken Engineering Geotechnical Investigation Report Design Stage 2 Rancho Santa Fe Road South of Station 252 Carisbad, Califomia Job No. 6-252-100500 November 10, 1998 (revised April 30,1999) Page (5) Colluvial Deposits Colluvium, material deposited by erosion atthe bases of slopes, was encountered overiying the rock in borings B-1, B-2 and B-4. The colluvium consists of silty and clayey sand which ranges from about one to about four feet thick. Crystalline Rock Rocks of the Jurassic-aged Santiago Peak Volcanics comprise the crystalline rock, as well as the majority of materials in general, anticipated to be encountered along the southem portion of the alignment. The Santiago Peak Volcanics are composed largely of metamorphosed andosite or dacite, with subordinate volumes of otherflow rocks and inter-flow sedimentary rocks. These rocks are variably weathered in the near surface. Where fresh, they are generally hard and strong, and typically exhibit multiple joint sets. In the vicinity of the alignment, the rock is reportedly highly fractured and faulted, with a northwest-trending dominant structural grain. Commonly, the Santiago Peak Volcanics present difficult excavation conditions. Portions of the northern part of the Rancho Santa Fe Road Improvement alignment, north of Station 252, reportedly are underiain by coarsely crystalline, intrusive igneous rock. The intrusive igneous rocks do not extend into the southem portion of the alignment that comprises the Design Stage 2 area. Sedimentary Rocks Sedimentary rocks of the Tertiary-aged Santiago Fonnation are exposed mainly at the southem end of the alignment and just east of the roadway. These deposits consist of clayey sandstone and silty or sandy claystone. This material is not anticipated to be as resistant as the granitic rock or the Santiago Peak Volcanics. The borings for this supplemental investigation were located in the areas where difficult excavation conditions might be anticipated, and thus the Santiago Fonnation was not penetrated in AEE borings. 4.2.2 Groundwater No groundwater was encountered in the test borings drilled for this investigation or in the test pits previously excavated by others. The permanent groundwater level is expected to be deep and will not have a signtficant impact on planned excavations. Seepage may occur along joints or seams in the rock, and excavation procedures and final surface grades should provide be designed to allow for seepage water fiow to suitable discharge points. Dokken Engineering Geotechnical Investigation Report Design Stage 2 Rancho Santa Fe Road South of Station 252 Carisbad, California Job No. 6-252-100500 November 10,1998 (revised /\prii 30,1999) Page (6) Groundwater levels may rise temporarily during and for a period after heavy rain. Seepage volumes likely also will increase significantly. During the rainy season, appropriate provisions for temporary slopes, drainage channels, sumps and pumps should be available on-site to reduce the potential for delays due to water accumulation. 4.3 ENGINEERING SEISMOLOGY Rancho Santa Fe Road is located between two majorfaults, the Rose Canyon/Newport-lnglewood Fault Zone and the Elsinore Fault Zone. It is located closest to the offshore portion of the Rose Canyon/Newport-lnglewood Fault Zone. Table 1 lists the maximum credible and maximum probable accelerations for these and other major faults in the region. TABLE 1 ESTIMATED EARTHQUAKE EFFECTS Fault Name Distance from Rancho Santa Fe (miles) Maximum credible acceleration (g) Maximum probable acceleration (9) Rose Canyon /Newport- Inglewood Fault 11 0.39 0.22 Elsinore Fault 23 0.19 0.11 Coronado Bank Fault 25 0.17 0.11 San Diego Trough Fault 35 0.12 0.06 Casa Loma Fault 43 0.06 0.06 4.4 LIQUEFACTION No groundwater was encountered in the test borings. Only limited amounts of soils were encountered and most of this section of the proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road alignment is underiain by rock. The potential for liquefaction is considered negligible. Dokken Engineering Geotechnical Investigation Report Design Stage 2 Rancho Santa Fe Road South of Station 252 Carisbad, Califomia Job No. 6-252-100500 November 10, 1998 (revised April 30,1999) Page (7) 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 GENERAL The upper colluvial soils and the limited amounts of fill anticipated can be excavated with medium- to heavy-duty equipment. Excavations in the Santiago Formation also can be made with heavy- duty equipment, although concretions may be encountered which, forthe most part, will require hydraulic rock breaking equipment or blasting for efficient removal. The Santiago Peak Volcanics can be excavated most efficiently after the rock has been loosened by blasting. The upper, weathered portion probably can be excavated by heavy-duty equipment. Relatively flat slopes will be needed in colluvial and fill soils. Relatively steep slopes can be excavated in fonnational materials and crystalline rock. Retaining walls, where necessary, can be founded on shallow foundations in fonnational materials or hard rock. Areas where new fill will be placed are expected to be limited. New fills can be placed on existing colluvial soils, formational materials, orhard rock following preparation as described in subsequent sections ofthis report. Moderately steep fill slopes are considered appropriate, to minimize the potential for erosion and sloughing in the predominately granular soils expected to comprise fill soils derived from on-site sources. 5.2 SITE PREPARATION AND GRADING Initially, the surface of the area to be graded should be cleared of obstructions, debris and the upper few inches of soil containing roots and other organic material. All soil containing organic material should bedisposed of off-site orstockpiled for later use in landscaping. Existing irrigation, drainage and utility lines, or other existing subsurface structures which are notto be utilized, if any, should be removed, destroyed or abandoned in compliance with applicable regulations. The exposed ground surface in areas where new fill will be placed should be scarified to a depth of 8 inches, brought to approximately optimum moisture content, and compacted to at least 90% relative compaction based on ASTM D-1557-91 laboratory testing method. All references to optimum moisture content and relative compaction in this report are based on this test method. On-site or imported materials generally can be used as fill. The upper, weathered portions of the Santiago Peak Volcanics and the Santiago Formatton likely witl be usable as fill without further processing. Below the more weathered zone, excavated rock and formational materials will contain large blocks and will be unsuitable for use as fill without additionat processing. Rock Dokken Engineering Geotechnical Investigation Report Design Stage 2 Rancho Santa Fe Road South of Station 252 C^arisbad, (Dalifomia Job No. 6-252-100500 November 10,1998 (revised /Vpril 30,1999) Page (8) excavated following blasting typically will consist of cobble and boulder sizes. Processing including crushing and sieving to achieve a uniform gradation may be an economical means of making the material suitable for fill on this project and elsewhere. Cnjshed volcanic rock may be able to be used for base course and pipe bedding in utility trenches, and appropriate testing can be done during construction to check suitability forthis purpose. Fill and backfill derived from on-site sources should not contain rocks greater than 6 inches in maximum dimension. Imported materials, if used, should consist of ctean, predominately granular soil containing no vegetation, debris or rocks greater than 6 inches in the maximum dimension, imported materials should have an Expansion Index of 20 or less and should be non-con'osive. Fill and backfill should be spread in 6 to 8 inch loose lifts, moisture conditioned to within 2 percentage points of optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90% relative compaction. The upper 12 inches of fill and backfilt beneath pavements should be compacted to at least 95% relative compaction. Fills constructed on existing slopes that are steeper than 5:1 should be keyed and benched into the existing hillside. A substantial amount of residential and commercial development is planned in Carisbad and San Marcos both east and west of Rancho Santa Fe Road. It is considered very likely that suitable fill materials can be obtained from these properties, depending on project scheduling. Several commercial quarries operate in San Marcos which will be able to provide good quality fiil materials. Excess material from earthwork for the roadway probably can be hauled to nearby areas requiring new fill when construction of the planned developments is undenway. Processing of the rock derived from excavations in the Santiago Peak Volcanics will be needed before sizes suitable for fill can be obtained. 5.3 EXCAVATION CONDITIONS Anticipated excavation conditions along the new alignment are shown on Plate 1. The upper colluvial and fill soils can be excavated with medium- to heavy-duty equipment. Areas where excavations more than a few feet below existing grade probably will require blasting for efficient removal of the rock are noted on Plate 1. Conditions are somewhat generalized, and local fill or colluvium up to about four or five feet thick may overiie the hard rock at some locations within the hard rock zones indicated. However, these materials are not expected to be extensive and would not have a significant impact on excavation planning or excavation costs. Local cemented zones and boulder-size unweathered corestones could be encountered in areas where blasting has not been indicated as necessary on Plate 1. In some cases, local blasting may be the more efficient method for removal, particularly if a blasting program already is in progress Dokken Engineering Geotechnical Investigation Report Design Stage 2 Rancho Santa Fe Road South of Station 252 Caristiad, Califomia Job No. 6-252-100500 November 10,1998 (revised /Vpril 30,1999) Page (9) on the alignment. Because the zones of hard materials in areas expected predominately to be excavatable should be relatively limited, hydraulic rock breakers or jackhammers will be appropriate at many locations. 5.4 ESTIMATING EARTHWORK QUANTITIES A shrinkage of 5% is estimated for fills constructed using existing fill or colluvium. No shrink or swell is anticipated for fills constructed using formational materials. Volcanic rock used in fill construction is estimated to increase in volume by 5% to 10%, depending on the degree of processing. 5.5 TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SLOPES 5.5.1 Temporary Slopes Temporary cut slopes in colluvium or fill should not be steeper than 1:1 (trorizontal to vertical). Construction excavations in the crystalline rock generally can made at a 72.1 gradient from the standpoint of overall slope stability. Temporary excavations in the Santiago Fonnation at the southem end ofthe alignment are expected to be grossly stable at %:1. Variations in moisture, texture or strength, as well as local geologic stmcture, may require flatter slopes in some areas. Temporary excavations should be obsen/ed by the project engineering geologist to check for adversely-oriented joints or planes of weakness that may necessitate flatter slopes or stnjctural support locally. 5.5.2 Permanent Slopes The following permanent cut slope inclinations can be used for preliminary design of the Rancho Santa Fe Road realignment. Formation Colluvium and Fill Santiago Peak Volcanics Santiago Formation Cut Slope Inclination 2:1 1:1 2:1 There is a potential that the volcanic rock could have joints or weak layers that would adversely affect the stability of excavated slopes at the inclinations noted above. Cut slopes should be examined by the engineering geologist to check for the presence of adverse bedding planes, Dokken Engineering Geotechnical Investigation Report Design Stage 2 Rancho Santa Fe Road South of Station 252 Carist)ad, Califomia Job No. 6-252-100500 November 10, 1998 (revised April 30,1999) Page (10) MM fractures, joints or other indications of potential instability. Slopes flatter than those indicated above, or structural support, may be needed if planes of weakness or adverse bedding are observed. m Slope faces should be planted to reduce the potential for erosion. Planting will be difficult to establish and maintain on rock slopes. If topsoil is used to promote growth, significant erosion and resultant maintenance should be anticipated, especially on the relatively steep slopes above, until plants are well-established. Jute mesh or similar erosion control products can reduce the amount of initial erosion. In general, susceptibility to erosion increases significantly on slopes steeper than about 172:1. The City of Carisbad Supplemental Standard No. GS-14 dated 4-20-93, "Grading of Slopes and Required Setbacks," requires one minimum 20-foot wide bench at mid-height for cut slopes over 100 feet high. No bench is required for cut slopes less than 40 feet high. Cut slopes between 40 and 100 feet high apparently require drainage benches at 25-foot height intervals. From a geotechnical standpoint, benching typically is not necessary for the stability of cut slopes in the rocks anticipated along the Rancho Santa Fe Road realignment. However, benching will assist vegetation growth, reduce erosion and may enhance the final appearance of high slopes. As noted above, the potential presence of adversely-oriented bedding planes, fractures or joints may necessitate benches or other methods of reducing the overall slope inclination. Fill slopes should not be steeper than 2:1 in accordance with current geotechnical practice. The City of Carisbad standards apparently require drainage benches at 25-foot height intervals on fill slopes. Fill slopes over 100 feet high require 1,20-foot wide bench at mid-height, while slopes less than 30 feet high do not require a bench. For this project, drainage benches approximately as shown In the standards, or an equipment-width bench midway on slopes 100 feet high, if any, would be appropriate to minimize erosion and promote vegetation growth. 5.6 RETAINING WALLS 5.6.1 Lateral Loads Retaining walls capable of rotating 0.001 radian can be designed using active earth pressures. Walls supporting level granular backflll should be designed for an active equivalent fluid pressure of 35 pounds per cubic foot (pcf). Walls supporting backfill with a 2:1 slope should be designed for an active equivalent fluid pressure of 55 pcf. Earth pressures for walls supporting backfill with intermediate slopes can be interpolated between these values. Slopes steeper than 2:1 should not be used behind retaining walls Traffic loads, where appropriate, can be modeled using a surcharge equal to an additional 2 feet of soil. Dokken Engineering Geotechnical Investigation Report Design Stage 2 Rancho Santa Fe Road South of Station 252 Caristiad, Califomia Job No. 6-252-100500 November 10,1998 (revised /Vpril 30,1999) Page (11) I'M Lateral loads will be resisted by friction between supporting soils and the bottoms of footings by passive earth pressures acting on the sides of footings and other structural elements below grade. A static horizontal friction factor of 0.45 can be used. Passive earth pressure against rock or formational material can be taken as 400 pounds per square foot (psf) per foot of depth of embedment below the lowest adjacent surface. Ifthe ground adjacent to the footing is not covered with asphalt or concrete, the top 12 inches of soil should not be relied upon for passive support. 5.6.2 Wall Drainage Retaining walls should be provided with adequate drainage systems incorporating backdrains or weepholes. Backdrains should consist of a layer of free draining gravel or cnjshed rock at least 12 inches wide extending neariy the full height of the wall. A perforated pipe connected to an appropriate outlet should be placed atthe bottom ofthe gravel or cnjshed rock. Weepholes should not be spaced further than 8 feet apart. At least 1 cubic foot of gravel or cmshed rock should be placed at the intake end of each weephole to reduce the potential for the migration of fines from the backfill. 5.6.3 Wall Backfill Backfill behind retaining walls should consist of imported fill or on-site materials conforming to the recommendations in Section 5.2, Site Preparation and Grading. Backfill should be placed in lifts 6 to 8 inches in loose thickness, moisture conditioned to within 2 percentage points of optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90% relative compaction. The upper 12 inches of backfill immediately behind the wall should consist of predominately clayey soil to reduce the rate of surface water infiltration into the backdrain, if this type of drainage system is used. Where moisture vapor penetration oreffloresence is considered a problem, commercial waterproofing or a waterproofing membrane should be placed against the back wall in accordance with the installatton procedures recommended by the manufacturer. 5.6.4 Foundation Support Retaining walls, if any, likely will be supported in rock or formational materials. If existing fill, colluvium or other unsuitable materials are encountered at planned footing grades, they should be removed to competent formational material, as determined by the geotechnical engineer. The resulting excavatton should be backfilled with approved granular fill compacted to at least 90% relative compaction or lean concrete. Spread footings can be designed to impose an average allowable bearing pressure of 4500 psf. This values is for dead plus long-term live loads and may be increased by Vs when considering the total of alt loads, including seismic forces. Dokken Engineering Geotechnical Investigation Report Design Stage 2 Rancho Santa Fe Road South of Station 252 Caristiad, California Job No. 6-252-100500 November 10,1998 (revised /Vpril 30,1999) Page (12) m Retaining wall foundations area expected to bear in relatively hard rock or formational materials. Foundation settlements are anticipated to be less than % inch. 5.7 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT STRUCTURAL SECTIONS An R-value test was performed on a sample considered representative of subgrade conditions iin the upper, weathered portions ofthe volcanic rock. An R-vatue of 23 was obtained. Rock exposed in deep cuts could have substantially better pavement support characteristics. Pavement structural sections developed using a conservative R-value are suggested for design and cost estimating purposes. If better materials are exposed during constmction, allowing the use of a reduced pavement section, the destgn can be modified. Using the laboratory R-Value test resutt of 23 and the Caltrans method of pavement design, component thicknesses for various values of Traffic Index (Tl) were calculated and are shown below. It is understood that Rancho Santa Fe Road is to be designed for a Tl of 9 and the Connector Road for a Tl of 5. Pavement component thicknesses are given for the range of Tl values likely to encompass traffic loads on the main roads and smaller streets, to enable selection of the appropriate section if design Tis change. ALTERNATIVE PAVEMENT STRUCTURAL SECTIONS 1 Asphalt Concrete Aggregate Assumed Tl Surface Course Base Course (feet) (feet) 5 .33 .40 6 .33 .70 7 .33 1.00 8 .40 1.05 9 .50 1.15 10 .50 1.40 11 .55 1.60 Dokken Engineering Geotechnical Investigation Report Design Stage 2 Rancho Santa Fe Road South of Station 252 Carisbad, California Job No. 6-252-100500 November 10, 1998 (revised April 30, 1999) Page (13) MB The upper 12 inches of subgrade soil below the pavement section in the fill areas should be compacted to at least 95% relative compaction at a moisture content wtthin 2 percent of the optimum moisture content. Paved areas should be property sloped and surface drainage facilities established to reduce water infiltration into the pavement subgrade. Curbs adjacent to paved areas should have bases in the subgrade materials, not the aggregate base course, to provide a cut-off to reduce water migration into the subgrade soils. 5.8 CORROSION POTENTIAL Materials atong the southern section of the new Rancho Santa Fe Road alignment are highly corrosive with respect to both steel and moderately corrosive with respect to concrete, based on laboratory test results (Appendix D). Type II portiand cement should be used for concrete in contact with the ground, but no special mix designs to resist sulfate or chloride attack are considered necessary. Metallic conduit should be avoided, if possible. Epoxy coatings are not considered necessary for reinforcing steet, but special attention should be paid to providing adequate concrete cover over the steel reinforcement. 5.9 CULVERT SUPPORT It is anticipated that culverts will be founded In embankment fill, colluvium, sedimentary rock or crystalline rock. Culvert sizes and depths are not yet known. No special foundation considerations are required. If saturated surficial soils are encountered, the excavation may need to be deepened by 0.3 meters and a layer of gravel placed to provide a finm base and working platform. Where culverts wilt be founded in volcanic rock, difficult excavation conditions may be encountered. The volcanic rock is fractured and some overbreak may occur. Overbreak should be backfilled wKh bedding material to final grades priorto placement ofthe culvert. Corrosion considerations are discussed in Section 5.8. 6.0 GEOTECHNICAL AND CONSTRUCTION REVIEW AEE should review project plans and specifications prior to foundation construction to evaluate whether the intent ofthe geotechnical recommendations in this report have been incorporated. It should be anticipated that the materials exposed during constmctton will differ from those encountered in the borings. AEE's presence on-site during constmction will enable modifications ofthe geotechnical recommendations in this report or development of additional recommendations on a timely basis. I'M Dokken Engineering Geotechnical Investigation Report Design Stage 2 Rancho Santa Fe Road South of Station 252 Caristiad, Califomia Job No. 6-252-100500 November 10,1998 (revised April 30,1999) Page (14) 7.0 CLOSURE This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical practices in San Diego, Califomia and makes no other warranties, either expressed or implied, as to the professional advice or data included in it. The report is based in the project described and the data obtained in the field or from reference documents. AEE should be notified ofany changes in the plans or any site conditions that differ from those described in this report, since these conditions may necessitate a reevaluation of the recommendations. This report has not been prepared for use by parties or projects other than those named or described above, and may not contain sufficient information for other parties or other purposes. AGRA Earth & Environmental y^ames J.-^ne, RGE 808 Principal Engineer Brian H. Reck, CEG 1792 Senior Geologist JS/jjs Distribution: (5) Addressee 8-252-100500/npti8$e 2 report APPENDIX A UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION m M Pt OH CH MH OL CL ML SC SM SP SW GC GM GP GW Highly Organic soils Silts and clays Liquid Umit >50% Silts and days Uquid Limit <50% Sands with fines > 12% fines Clean sarKls <5% fines Gravels wfth fines >12% fines Clean gravels <5% fines Sands - more than 50% of coarse fraction is smaller than No. 4 sieve Gravels - more than 50% of coarse fracfion is larger than t^lo. 4 sieve Fine grained soils (More than 50% is smaller than No. 200 sieve) Coarse grained sdls (More ttian 50% is larger than No. 200 sieve) 60 2 40 Q z p20 ( / / CL •/ / ' V / KW 1L& CL \ \ y 1L& CL L/VBORATORY CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA GW and SW - Cu = D«, /D.o greater than 4 for GW and 6 for SW Cc = G /(Q xQ ) between 1 and 3 GP and SP - Clean Gravel or sand not meeting requirements for GW and SW Gl^ and SM - Atterberg Limit t>elow 'A-LINE' or P.l. tess than 4 GC AND sc - Atterberg Umit above "A-LINE" or P.l. greater than 4 SILT OR OAY FINE MEDIUM COARSE FINE COARSE SAND SAND GRAVEL GRAVEL SIEVE SIZE 200 10 10" 0 20 40 60 SO 100 LIQUID UMIT Classification of earth materials is based on field inspection and should not be construed to imply laboratory analysis unless so stated. MATERIAL SYMBOLS Extrusive Igneous Rock Asphalt Claystone Interbedded Limestone and Shale Limestone E|-| Clayey Sandstone Sandy Claystone Sandstone Clayey Siltstone Metamorphic Rock Concrete Conglomerate Intrusive Igneous Rock Sandy Siltstone Siltstone Silty Claystone Silty Sandstone LEGEND OF PENETRATION TEST £ Q. e Q represental on of driving rate Blows per foot =25 75 Blows per foot (using 140 Ib. hammer with 30' drop - 350 ft-lb blow) Consistency Classification for Soils According to the Standard Penetration Test Blows/Ft* Granular Blows/Ft.* Cohesive Very loose 0-5 Very soft 0-5 Very loose 0-5 Very soft 6-10 Soft 6-10 Loose 6-10 Medium Dense 11-20 Medium Stiff 11-30 Medium Dense 11-20 Dense 21-35 stiff 31-50 Dense 21-35 Very dense 36-70 Very Stiff >50 Very dense 36-70 Very Stiff >70 Hard LEGEND OF BORING G.W.S. — Confomiable material change Approximate material change Unconfonnable material change Bottom of boring "NSR" Indicates "no sample recovery" Job No. 8-252-100500 A-1 AGRA EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. TEST BORING LOG TYPE 2.4" air percussion/ core J; mod. dip J; steep dip 100 65 J; 55 deg. dip J; mod. dip J; sti. dip J; steep dip 01 O H Ui HTIIULJ'-' !aQ-- 68 100 >- a: LJ 60 45 20 100 a /-\ a.v a: 2.4 2.4 R.un 1 R.un2 2.4 iun 3 2.4 ilun4 O o u. \ 0) ZI o CD UJ H' CO 1^ QJ Q-.r CO HI -J Q. <r (0 ELEVATION 10- -555.0 feet BORING B-1 C I' C-J' C C (• I' C !'• r'! r if. r .("! r C •C- .r; r .C i' r C I' •C- (J if i' jf r .if r }'. I' if r SM o3 HO LiJ COLLUVIUM: Brown to red-brown fine to medium SILTY SAND with gravel and cobbles. SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS: Greenish gray ANDESFTE and FLOW BRECCIA; hard to very hard, very slightly weathered, moderately to slightly fractured. (Begin diamond core.) Joints, oxidized. Undulatory joints, oxidized. to ato LJo: H_l U.U H 3H O (O THIS BORING LOG SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE TIMEAND LOCATION INDICATED. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS ANDTIMES. ^ LOGGED BY AR DATE 10-1-98 Job No. 8-252-100500 - October 26,1998 A-2 AGRA EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL. INC. TEST BORING LOG TYPE J; steep dip J; sh. dip J; vert. J; sh. dtp J; mod. dip J; steep dip J; horiz. J; mod. dip J; steep dip J; mod. dip J; mod. dip J; mod. dip J; mod. dip J; steep dip J; steep dip H a \: H CO u a! Q.' CO 2.4" air percussion/ core ELEVATION 82 64 50 25 2.4 iun5 2.4 ^un 6 >• OH OO a UJ a o.v O O U-\ CO CD Bag Bagl UJ N H CO UJ si- CO 15 20 r: I- UJ _J a. z: <r CO -555.0 feet BORING B-1 CC-J rte Ul ccco Joints, oxidized. Joint, undulatory, oxidized. Joint, undulatory. Joints, undulatory, oxidized. Joints, oxidized. Joint, undulatory, oxidized. (Begin air percussion.) CO OCO UJOC H_J U.U H Z_l :3H O to THIS BORING LOG SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE TIME AND LOCATION INDICATED. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. ^ - LOGGED BY AR DATE 10-1-98 Job No. 8-252-100500 - October 26,1998 A-3 AGRA EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL. INC. TEST BORING LOG TYPE 2.4" air percussion/ core CL o HTILULIJ^ Bag Bag 2 >- OO UJ on a.v a: o o u. \ CO 3 o CO Ul N H' to 1^ in (U CO LU -I Q-ZZ <c to 25 30 ELEVATION -555.0 feet I.. I .if r' O' Cf if r C-' if I' if i' if i" Cf C if I' if l' Cf if l" if !' if r if if r ifJ' {'. I'' C( if r if I' if .if r .if r .if r ifV if r if r if r C I' .if r .if r if r C' }'". ]' C^' CJ if f if I if I if r .r' I' BORING B-1 <L-1 HO z: CO oto H_J U.U H Z_l OH O CO THIS BORING LOG SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE TIMEAND LOCATION INDICATED. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. LOGGED BY AR DATE 10-1-98 Job No. 8-252-100500 - October 26,1998 A-4 AGRA EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL. INC. TEST BORING LOG TYPE 2.4" air percussion/ core ELEVATION -555.0 feet BORING B-1 Q Si 1 H \ UJ H-Q: I-co ,«UJUJ' Ott." to > 0£. UJ oo o UJ on a.v O o LL \ to O -J Ul ••g c UJ- CO UJ _1 0- <c CO UJ a 01 HC <ECO^ Notes: 1. Total depth of boring = 34 feet. 2. No groundwater was encountered. 3. No caving was observed. 4. BackfiUed with cuttings and bentonite chips on 10/02/98. 5. Elevation obtained from preliminary grading plans prepared by Dokken Engneering, undated. 6. J = joint sh. dip = 0 to 30 degree dip mod. dip = 30 to 60 degree dip steep dip = 60 to 90 degree dip horiz. = horizontal vert. = vertical to Oto UC H_J Ij-U H Z_J OH O CO THIS BORING LOG SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE TIME AND LOCATION INDICATED. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. ^ LOGGED BY AR DATE 10-1-98 Job No. 8-252-100500 - October 26,1998 A-5 AGRA EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. TEST BORING LOG TYPE 2.4" air percussion 50/1" Bag Bag 10 ELEVATION ^430.0 feet BORING B-2 I. I LL SM ML COLLUVIUM: Brown to red-brown, fine to medium SILTY SAND/SANDY SILT with some gravel and cobbles. SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS: Gray ANDESITE and FLOW BRECCIA; hard to very hard, very slightly weathered, moderately to slightly fractured. 0. f T3 ,UJUJ! ion.' CO ra CO H CO^ ZH-UJ u O fl. >-Of a O o u. \ CO 3 o _l CD UJ to o LU _J Q. z: <i: to o3 C-J HO OHO: <L(/i to Oto UJC H_ U.U H H_l OH O to Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total depth of boring = 12.0 feet. No groundwater encountered. No caving was observed. Backfilled with cuttings on 10/07/98. Elevation obtained from preliminary grading plans prepared by Dokken Engineering, undated. Samplers driven by 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches. THIS BORING LOG SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT TIME AND LOCATION INDICATED. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. . LOGGED BY AR DATE 10-E-98 Job No. 8-252-100500 - October 26, 1998 A-6 AGRA EARTH &. ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. TEST BORING LOG TYPE 8" hollou stem auger ELEVATION "337.0 fe«t BORING B-3 Driven 16« Driven 35 59 60 100+ 100* Beg 2.5 1.4 2.5 1.4 Z.S 10 15 t: '•i •: 20 SN FILL; Mottled grey-white, fine SILTY SAND. SANTIAGO FORMATION : Cray-uhite, slightly to noderately Indurated, ffne SILTY SANDSTONE with intertwdded orange-tan to gray-green CLAYEY SILTSTONE. 6" a. I:* 1 ^ w *-c4.Pci) > t5 to^ s Ul o 8 i 01 bJ CO Notes: 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. o z Ul to Totel depth of boring - 20.5 feet. No grcxjnduater encountered. No caving ues observed. BackfUled Kith cuttings on 10/07/9S. Elevation obtained fron prelininary gredlng plans pr^red by Dokken Engineering, undated. sanpters driven by 140 pound hainier falling 30 Inches. THIS BORING LOG SUMMARY APPLJES ONLY AT TTME AND LOCATTON INOICATED. SU8SURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS ANO TIMES. LOGGED BY TMP Job No. 8-252-100500 - October 26, 1998 Recycled Paper DATE 10-7-98 ^AGRA A-7 ENulNEERJNG OlOfiiL SOLUTIONS AGRA EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. TEST BORING LOG TYPE 8" hollou stem auger ELEVATION '394.0 feet BORING B-4 DRVN 2" 100+ 1.4 SC COLLUVIUM: Mottled gray-brown fine CLAYEY SAND. SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS: Yellow brown ANDESITE; slightly weathered arxJ moderately fractured. Mt Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Refusal at 3.0 feet. No groundwater encountered. No caving was observed. Backfilled with cuttings on 10/07/98. Elevation obtained from preliminary grading plans prepared by Dokken Engineering, undated. Samplers driven by 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches. H-nlUUJ^ tr^OtL"^ to tfi rd H tO^ 24-UJ U O CL >-Oi. o UJ O 2= O O u. V to o CO LU to UJ _J CL C to ui^ C_J HO OJZ Ct/: to 0(0 UJC H_I U-U H 2_J OH O to THIS BORING LOG SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT TIME AND LDCATION INDICATED. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. LOGGED BY TMP DATE 10-7-98 Job No. 8-252-100500 - October 26, 1998 A-8 APPENDIX B t 1 t ! I 1 t fifl fllllffllltlii 50 " 40 T3 C o o a> (A 0 30 1 20 CO Survey Line Orientation: N 49** W !V2,pp = 5,263 fl/s: :V2,pp = 5,263 ft/s: 50 40 30 20 30 40 50 60 70 Distance from Energy Source to Transducer (feet) Seismic Refraction Survey Line: S-1 APPROXIMATE DEPTH TO SECOND LAYER 4.1 FEET. ASSUMING V, IS 3.774 FT/S, THEN V^T^UE 'S 5.263 FT/S. Rancho Santa Fe Road Carlsbad, California Shallow Seismic Refraction Data AGRA Earth & Envlronmoital FIELD DRAFT APPROVED DATE JOB NO. TMP CEN JJS B-I52-100$00 I! II tl il ftl 11 II li 11 J I I i i I I I « 1 I £ i 50 •S 40 c o CJ 0) I 30 i 20 10 0 Survey Line Orientation: N 49" W fV,= 7,232 ft/s V^app^ 7,477 ft/s 30 40 50 60 70 Distance from Energy Source to Transducer (feet) Seismic Refraction Survey Line: S-2 APPROXIMATE DEPTH TO SECOND LAYER 6.5 FEET. ASSUMING Vi IS 3,077 FT/S. THEN V^R^E 'S 7,350 FT/S. 50 40 30 20 10 100 Rancho Santa Fe Road Cartsbad. California Shallow Seismic Refraction Data AGRA Earth & Environmental FIELD DRAFT APPRWED DATE JOB NO. TUP CEN JJS 11/1(VM S.253-1DOS0O Iiill II ii il Kl fti Bi il II 11 li ii ii Survey Line Orientation: N 10" E 30 40 50 60 70 Distance from Energy Source to Transducer (feet) Seismic Refraction Survey Line: S-3 APPROXIMATE DEPTH TO SECOND LAYER 6.3 FEET. ASSUMING V, IS 2,400 FT/S, THEN V2TOue IS 7.086 FT/S. Rancho Santa Fe Road Carlsbad. California Shallow Seismic Refraction Data # AGRA Earth & Bivtronmental FIELD I DRAFT I APPROVED | DATE I JOB NO. TMP I CEN I JJS iinona s-isi-toosoo i r f ! I IIIIIIII Survey Line Orientation: N 10° E 30 40 50 60 70 Distance from Energy Source to Transducer (feet) Seismic Refraction Survey Line: S-4 APPROXIMATE DEPTH TO SECOND LAYER 6.2 FEET. ASSUMING Vi IS 2.125 FT/S. THEN W2-mue 'S 5,806 FT/S. 100 Rancho Santa Fe Road Carlsbad, California Shallow Seismic Refraction Data AGRA Eartfi & Environmental FIELD I DRAFT APPROVED I DATE I JOB NO. TMP I CEN I JJS |ll/10/Sa a.2»-1(H)90a APPENDIX C i H M m m File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 O-H 20- 1- UJ 40'- UJ 0^ a. o 20- 40- 60—" 20 SECONDS / FOOT 40 0 HT-13 20 40 ' J ! ' LEGEND i 1 RIPPABLE ^2 MARGINALLY RIPPABLE NON-RIPPABLE 0-1 20'-J 40'- 60- 60 0 J 1 L 20- •• 40— SO- SO'-' 20 HT-14 20 40 LOGS OF AIR TRACK BORINGS RANCHO SA^lTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSEiVD, CALIFORNIA Fisttr sure A-111 File No. D-4367-H02 January 8. 1.990 i- o o L. Q. LJ o I L 0-1 20- 40-" 0-1 20- 40- 60--1 SECONDS / FOOT 20 0 J . I O-T HT-17 20 J I HT-19 20- 40- 0-1 20- 40- 20 _! I HT-18 0 I L 20 HT-20 LEGEND RIPPABLE —.MARGINALLY RIPPABLE LOGS OF AIR TRACK BORINGS RANCHO S.ANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA iM File No. D-4367-H02 " ^ ianuary 8, 1990 0-1 20- X Ui 40- z 60-" O-I 20- 40- SECONDS / FOOT 20. 40 20 40 HT-23 LEGEND I ! RIPPABLE MARGINALLY RIPPABLE IM NON-RiPPABLE O-I 20- 40-" 20- 40- 60-1 20 > I t HT-22 20 40 HT-24 LOGS OF AIR TRACK BORINGS RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD RS^LIG^:^^E^;T CARLSBAD, CALIFORIILA Figure A-113 4 January 8. 1990 FILE NO. 0-4367-402 4 4 mm 4 I I DEPTH FEET SAHPLE NO. >-a o _i o I I- H SOIL CLASS (USCS) TRENCH T84 ELEVATION 562 DATE COMPLETED lQ/2/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE ET O - 0 - 2 - m ^1 I nil ii =1 -i MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Very dense, damp, dark brownish-grey, moderately randomly fractured, andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK: blocky joints are at N60W, 45NE and N70E, 85 NW spaced from 8-12 inches apart. TRENCH TERMINATED AT 3.5 FEET Figure A-99, Log of Test Trench T 84 LOSE • SAHPLING UNSUCCESSFUL C... STANDARD PENETRATIOH TEST B... DRIVE SAHPLE (UNDISTURBED) S.AMPLE SYMBOLS ^ 3,, • S ,.. c«us. SAMPLE • ... UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NQTP- THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUN HEREOH APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TREHCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICAT^^^^^^^^^ TO BE REPRESEHTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIHcS. 4 4 » I 4 •i 41 41 -I -i January 8. 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE NO. > O o -J o z I-H -J SOIL CLASS (USCS) TRENCH T83 ELEVATION 548 DATE COMPLETED 10/2/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE S Ui 0. ^ o uj$5 O CJ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 2 ~\ - A SC TOPSOIL Loose, dry, dark reddish-brown very Clayey fine SAND SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Very dense, damp, dark brown-grey, moderately fractured andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK: blocky 6-10 inch spaced fractures at N40W, 75SW and N30E, vertical TRENCH TERMINATED AT 4 FEET (REFUSAL) -8 Figure A-98, Log of Test Trench T 83 • ... SAHPLING UNSUCCESSFUL B ... STAHDARO PEHETRATION TEST 3 ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 •mm 4 DEPTH IH FEET SAHPLE HO. SOIL CLASS (USCS) TRENCH T82 ELEVATION 550 DATE COMPLETED 10/2/39 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE <t E \ a w IU Q O tt Q - 0 4 II Dl Jl - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - 3| 31 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION lUjPiiOlL Loose, dry, dark brown. Clayey SAND SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Dense, damp, light reddish-brown-orange, very fractured weathered and altered andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK Sheet fracturing at N80E, 40-50SE at 5 feet TRENCH TERMINATED AT 8 FEET SAMPLE SY.MBOLS Figure A-97, Log of i est Trench i 82 ji Jl LCSE • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL II ... STANDARD PENETRATIOH TEST 3 ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UHOISTURBED) ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE S ... CHUHK SAMPLE I... WATE.1 TABLE OR SEEPAGE HOTE: THE LOG Or SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES CHLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING ORTRENCH LOCATICM AHD AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS HOT WARRANTED TO 33 RE.^RESEMTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CCNCITICNS AT OTHER LOCATICNS AHD TIMES. 4 I ^ 11-^ 4 4 •4 fmr 4 4 4 4 4 -3 4 4 January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE NO. O o o X l-H SOIL CLASS (USCS) TRENCH T63 ELEVATION 476 DATE COMPLETED 9/27/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE Ul m >-UJ tt H UJ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 2 - 4 - - 6 Si CL -I Hi Hi TOPSOIL Soft, moist, dark brown, Sandy-Rocky CLAY with gypsum SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Dense, moist, light brown, mottled with orange/red/green; highly fractured, altered andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK: sheeted fractures 1-6 inches apart are N70W, 60SW; hematite pseudomorphic pyrite, trace of secondary copper minerals J TRENCH TERMINATED AT 6 (REFUSAL) FEET Figure A-78, Log-of Test Trench T 63 LCS SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL ... DISTURSEC CR SAG SAMPLE C... STAHDA-i^O PENETRATION TEST S ... CHUHK SAMPLE H... DRIVE SAHPLE (UHDISTURBED) I UATER TASLE OR SEEPAGE THE LCG Cr SUBSURFACE COHO TICN3 SnCWM i\oKz^it n. ..it -rtw.nv. . ' „V .»r. Ttucc DATE IHOIC.UED. IT IS HOT UARRANTEO TO SE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE COHOITIGHS AT OTHER LCCATICNS AHD TIMES. 4 4 mm 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 J January 8, 1990 FILE HO. D-4367-402 DEPTH IH FEET SAMPLE HO. > a o -1 o X H SOIL CLASS (USCS) TRENCH TSI ELEVATION 435 DATE COMPLETED 9/26/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE K S m UJ o z <£ I- UJ M o 2 ffi -1 LJ ^ m Q. >- go • H UJ E2 - 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - 2 - - 4 ALLUVIUM Loose, dry, dark brown, Rocky Clayey fine SAND SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Very dense, damp, brownish-gray, moderately random fractured andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK: excavates to large blocky boulders. TRENCH TERMINATED AT 4 FEET iH Figure A-66, Log of Test Trench T 51 LOSE •4 SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL I] ... STAHDARO PENETRATICN TEST 9 ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNOISTURSEO) ... DISTURBED CR BAG SAHPLE S ... CHUNK SAMPLE X ... UATER TABLE CR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG Or SUBSURFACE CONOITICUS SKOUH HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TREHCH LOCATIOH AHO AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS HOT UARRANTED TO "BE RE.o.RESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACH CCHOITICHS AT OTHER LCCAT ICNS AMD TIMES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. 0-4367-402 DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE NO. SOIL CLASS (USCS) TRENCH T 50 ELEVATION 445 DATE COMPLETED 9/26/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE UJ IN H UJ Q O UjJ$ tt *- o a - 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - 2 - - 4 - " - 6 -I 1 - sc ALLLTVTUM Loose, dry, dark reddish-brown, Clayey- Rocky fine SAND Very irregular depositional contact CL SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Dense, damp, light orange-tan, highly fractured and altered andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK Fault; NlOW, 70SW, 1/2 inch clay gouge. TRENCH TERMINATED AT 9 FEET Figure A-55, Log of Test Trench T 50 -LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS • SAMPLING UHSUCCESSFUL DISTURBED CR SAG SXMPLE E ... STAHDARO PEHETRATIOH TEST 1 . 0 ... CHUHJ: SAMPLE 2 . . DRIVE SAMPLE CUHDISTURBED) 1 . UATER TABLE CR SEEPAGE j TKE LCG Or SUSSURrACE CCNDITICNS SHCa HEI^ECN APPLISS CNLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING CR TRENCH LCCATICH AKD AT THt OATE INOICATED. IT IS NOT HARR.ANTED TO BE REPRESEHTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AHD TIHES ll January 8, 1990 ^ FILE NO, D-4367-402 DEPTH IN FEET SAHPLE NO. O o -J o X H -1 SOIL CLASS (USCS) TRENCH T49 ELEVATION 448 DATE COMPLETED 9/25/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE UJ IN H g UJ tt > go >-e; tt Q - 0 2 - - 4 - - 6 SC CL MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM Loose, dry, dark reddish-brown Clayey- Gravelly SAND Very irregular depositional contact SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Dense, damp, light reddish-brown, highly fractured, weathered andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK, random oriented fractures TRENCH TERMINATED AT 6 FEET J Figure A-64, Log. of Test Trench T 49 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UHSUCCESSFUL B ... STAHDARD PENETRATION THST 5 ... DRIVE SAHPLE (UNDISTURBED) ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE & ... CHUHK SAMPLE 2... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG Of SUBSURFACE COHDITIONS SHOWN HEREOH APPLIES OHLY AT'THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATIOH AHD AT THE DATE IHDICATED. IT IS HOT UARRANTEO TO "SE REPRESEHTATIVE CF SUBSURFACE CCNDITICNS AT OTHER LCCATICNS AND TIMES, January FILE HO. D 8, 1990 -4367-402 tt >• UJ o 1-o <r -J o Q X Z }-D H O -1 tt ta SOIL CLASS (USCS) TRflNCH T15 ELE3^TI0N 312 DATE COMPLETED 9/15/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE uJ^m tt D 1: ^ o - 0 - 2 - - 4 - - 10 - - 12 - - 14 - mi CL CL-GC CL MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SURJFICL\L LANDSLIDE DEBRIS .\'Soft, moist, dark reddish-brown, Sandy- ' Gravelly £LAY Soft, wet, light tan-olive, Bouldery CLAY; intense random slickensided surfaces within clay matrix; up to 4 feet in diameter subrounded volcanic boulders; within a disturbed matrix • Irregular, nearly horizontal surface (base of slide) DELMAR FORMATION Hard, moist, mottled red-olive, Sandy- Pebble CLAYSTONE Small clasts of volcanic rock at 15 feet TRENCH TERMINATED AT 15 FEET l^igure A-30, Log of Test Trench T 15 LCSE ^SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLIHG UHSUCCESSFUL 2] ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST 1 ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UHOISTURBED) S ... DISTURBED CR BAG SAMPLE 0 ... CHUHK SAHPLE X ... UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE ' THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIOHS SHCWH HEREOH APPLIES CHLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORIHG OR TREHCH LOCATIOH ANO AT THE DATE IXOICATED. IT IS NOT UARRANTED TO SS REPRESEHTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CCNDITICNS AT OTHER LOCATlOHS A.'JD TIHES. January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 DEPTH IN FEET SAHPLE NO. tt >• UJ a 1-o <c -1 3 o C X z H H O J tt C3 SOIL CLASS (USCS) TRENCH T 2 ELEVATION 474 DATE COMPLETED 9/14/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE tt s > UJ o tt • gz - 0 - 2 - - 4 - SC MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL Loose, damp, dark red-brown, Clayey-Rocky fine SAND BONSALL TONALTTE Very dense, damp-moist, medium brown, highly sheet-fractured weathered medium crystalline intrusive GRANITIC ROCK Joints N50E, SOW, 2-6 inch spacing at 4 feet TRENCH TERMINATED AT 5 FEET Figure A-17, Log of Test Trench T 2 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS UNSUCCESSFUL JQ ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) ... DISTURBED OR SAG SAMPLE 0 .".. CHUH!C SAMPLE 2 ... UATSR TABLE CR SEEPAGS 4 NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIOHS SIIOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORIHG ORTRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS HOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATlOHS ANO TIHES. rar.ucry 8, 1990 yiLE NO. D-4567-402 DEPTH IN FEET SA.HPLE hO. SOIL CLASS (USCS) TRENCH T46 ELEVATION 508 DATE COMPLETED 9/25/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE UJ in §u. go tt • 1: is - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - S 1^ SC MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM Loose, damp to moist, dark reddish-brown very (Clayey, Gravelly fine SAND Becomes wet at 6.5 feet Irregular, but nearly horizontal, depositional contact SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Dense, moist-wet, light brown, very weathered andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK: altered and randomly fractured TRENCH TERMINATED AT 8 FEET Figure A-61, Log of Test Trench T 46 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UHSUCCESSFUL iC ... STAHDARD PEHETRATIOH TEST 3 ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE @ ... CHUNK SAMPLE X ... UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE S.:T£: THE LCG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIOHS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES OHLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING ORTRENCH LOCATIOH ANO AT THE OATE INDICATED. IT IS KOT WARRANTED TO 'Be REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATICNS ANO TIMES. TRENCH T 5 FT .F.VATION 515 DATE COMPLETED 9/14/89 JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION "^^Loos^ dry, dark red-brown, Clayey-Rocky fine SAND SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Very dense, moist. Ught brown-orange, highly fractured andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK- hydrothermal (araillic) alteration throughout; sheet-fracturing 1/4-1 mch apart; N50W, 80SW; minor cross-fractures N45E, 80SE , . ^ Fault; N40W, 40NE; 1/4-1/2 mch gouge, normal slickensides; moist-wet TRENCH TERMINATED AT 8 Fiib i *T-5 is located 150+ downstream from the southside of the La Costa Dam. Figure A-20, Log of Test Trench T 5 S UJ "ilk UJ K o u. >- Ul go >-b tt o UJ>$ tt 1-1 ^~ O LC ^—^ B... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST B-.P^IVH SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED SAMPLE SYMBOLS ^.^ s^j^p... - S... CHUNK SA-MPLE • ... UATER TASLE OR SEEPAGE :l I -g mm -I -f tmm -i -g I il File No. D-4367-H02 January. 8, 1.990 O-I 20- I- LJ 40'-I X t~ CL UJ Q 0-, 20- 40- SECONDS / FOOT 20 40 HT-5 20 40 I O-I 20- 40-" 20- 40-" LEGEND 0 20 ! . ! I HT-6 20 I HT-8 — RIPPABLE ^2 MARGINALLY RIPPABLE NON-RIPPABLE 40 _l LOGS OF AIR TRACK BQT^TNnq RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGN>-1ENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Figure A-109 File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 I- u UJ li. a. UJ o O-I 20- 0-1 S E C O N D S O I L 20 HT-25 20 I 40 _I LEGEND —RIPPABLE ..MARGINALLY RIPPABLE ._NON-RIPPABLE 0-1 20- 40- 60"-l 20 40 LOGS OF AIR TR.\CK BORINGS R.i^'CHO SANTA FE RO.^ REALIGNi-lENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA .-isure A-llA J 3 1 3 January FILE NO. D 8. 1990 -4367-402 DEPTH IN FEET SAHPLE NO. >• a o g X }- H -I SOIL CLASS (USCS) TRENCH T 86 ELEVATION 545 DATE COMPLETED 10/2/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE z u So^: z«3 c S go >i • UJ^ tt is - 0 - 4 1 •mi 1 -I il If -i - 2 - MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL Loose, dry, dark reddish-brown. Clayey fine SAND SANTTAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Very dense, damp, dark brownish-grey, highly fractured andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK: sheet-fractures are N-S, 60E and N85W, 60SW at 1/4-2 inch spacing; brittle. TRENCH TERMINATED AT 4 FEET (NEAR REFUSAL) Figure A-101, Log of Test Trench T 86 SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAHPLE H... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST 3... DRIVE SAHPLE (UHOlSTUR5ED) S ... CHUHK SAHPLE X ... WATER TABLE OR SEEP.AGE KQTF- THP iflR OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES OHLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING ORTRENCH LOCATIOH AHD AT THE DATE TNOTCAT^^^^^^^^ TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE COHDITIOHS AT'OTHER LOCATlOHS AHO TIMES. m- 4 '4 '4 1 January FILE HO. D 8, 1990 -4367-402 - 0 - 2 - - 4 - - 6 - DEPTH IH FEET SAHPLE HO. SOIL CLASS (USCS) SC SC TRENCH T 85 ELEVATION 548 DATE COMPLETED 10/2/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 'I'OPsoiL : Loose, dry, dark reddish-brown, Clayey- Rocky SAND SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Very dense, moist, light reddish-brown to grey, moderate to highly fractured and weathered andesitic VOLCANIC ROCK fractures are N15E. 70SE and N80W, 80SW with sheet to blocky spacing from 1/2 - 6 inches TRENCH TERMINATED AT 8 FEET Figure A-100, Log of Test Trench T 85 UJ >- z"-UJ " • o UJ^ tt iz u LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SA.MPLING UHSUCCESSFUL ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAHPLE B... STANDARD PEHETRATION TEST 9... DRIVE SAHPLE (UHDISTURBED) S i.. CHUNK SAHPLE X ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE HOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIOHS SHOUN HEREOH APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING ORTRENCH LOCATIOH AHD AT THE OATE IHDICATED. IT IS HOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESEHTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIHES. 1 File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 0-1 20-1 40- 0—1 20- 40- 60-1 SECONDS / FOOT 20 0 -J L 0-, HT-29 20 t I HT-31 40- 0-1 20'- 40-1 20 HT-30 20 I •40 HT-32 LEG END I 1 RIPPABLE .^MARGINALLY RIP.OABLE LOGS OF AIR TRACK BORINGS RANCHO SANTA FE RO.AD RE-\LIGNMENT C.yiLSBAD, CALIFORJJIA Figure A-115 4 January 8. 1990 IlE NO. 0-4367-402 TRENCH T12 ELEVATION 320 DATE COMPLETED 9/15/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SURHCLSLL LANDSLIDE DEBRIS Soft, moist, medium to dark reddish-brown, very Rocky-Bouldery, Sandy CLAY Very irregular contact UJ': S3 >- go tt • SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Verv dense, damp, brownish dark gray, ^ andesitic breccia VOTCANIC ROCK: slight- moderate fractured, blocky. 10-12 inch fragments. "TRENCH TERMINAlED 5 FEEI r z o ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE B ... CHUHK SAMPLE January 8. 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 EQUIPMENT TRENCH T13 FT .FVATION 327 DATE COMPLETED. 9/15/89 UJ JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM' Loose, damp, dark reddish-brown, very Bouldery-Clayey SAND: 6-12 inch angular to subrounded boulders common Soft, wet. medium-light brown. Sandy-Gravelly CLAY Medium dense, moist, light reddish-brown, Clayey-Bouldery medium SAND SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Very dense, light reddish-brown, weathered-altered, sheet fractured (1-3 inch spacing) andesitic ^ vnT .CANTC ROCK: sheet orientation; N30E, 75SE. TRENCH TERMINATED AT 11 FEET (NEAR REFUSAL) Figure A-28, Log of i est 1 rench T 13 UJ (rt H (0 UJ UJ g ID CL ^ tn „* UJ A Q >' tt • o b... SAMPLING ~SS™: I]...=U».«0 PE..mT,0« TEST B... DR.V. S*KPU CU«0,STU,3. SAMPLE SYMBOLS ••• ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ 0 ... cmmsAHPU I ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE January 8, 1990 FILE HO. D-4367-402 Dfl 31 DEPTH IH FEET SAMPLE NO. SOIL CLASS (USCS) TRENCH T14 ELEVATION 325 DATE COMPLETED 9/15/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE UJ , K3 Kg >- UJ Q tt^ g^ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 T14-1 3 -fl CL SLTRFICIAL LANDSLIDE DEBRIS Soft, moist, medium-dark reddish-brown Sandy CLAY Irregular, westward-inclined contact SANTIAGO PEAK VOLCANICS Dense, moist, light reddish-brown, mottled with green, aqua, andesitic breccia VOLCANIC ROCK: strong sheet fracturing at N45W. 60SW, with pseudomorphic pyrite and secondary copper minerals (crysocolla); strong hydrothermal alteration (argillic). TRENCH TERMINATED AT 10 FEET Figure A-29, Log of Test Trench T 14 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL S ... STAHDARD PENETRATIOH TEST 9 ... DRIVE SAHPLE (UNDISTURBED) ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE CHUHK SAMPLE X ... UATER TABLE OR SEE.OAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE COHDITIOHS SHOUN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING ORTRENCH LOCATION ANO AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS HOT WARRANTED TO Sc REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE COHDITIOHS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AHO TIMES. I File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 O-I 20- 40- H UJ LJ 60- X £L UJ O O-I 20- 20 SECONDS 40 / FOOT 20 HT-35 LEGEND .-RIPPABLE I NON - RIPPABLE 0-1 20- 40- 20- 40- 60- 20 40 HT-34 20 40 HT-36 LOGS OF AIR TRACK BORINGS RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA J January 8, 1990 _ FILE HO. D-4367-402 OEPTH IN FEET SAHPLE HO. K > UJ • o <t J 3 o D D D H O J K a SOIL CLASS (USCS) TRENCH T80 ELEVATION 443 DATE COMPLETED 10/2/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE z .1, - H <r S ^ z"3 > I- „ H gu: UJ ' Q - 0 _ n - - 4 SM MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL Loose, dry, dark brown, Silty coarse SAND BONSALL TONALIIX Dense, damp,light brown-tan, highly weathered coarse crystalline GRANITIC ROCK: sheeted jointing N25E, 85SE 1-2 inches apart " TRENCH TERMINATED AT 4 FEET Figure A-95, Log of Test Trench T 80 LCSE SAMPLE SYMBOLS • SAHPLIHG UHSUCCESSFUL ^ ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE . STAHDARD PENETRATION TEST 3... ORIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) . CHUHK SAHPLE X ... UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE ^ HOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOUH HEREOH APPLIES OHLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORIHG OR TREHCH LOCATION AHD AT THE DATE INDICATEO. IT IS HOT WAS.^ANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE COHDITiCHS AT"OTHER LOCATIONS AUD TIHES. 1 i I nil January FILE NO. D 8, 1990 -4367-402 mm DEPTH IH FEET SAMPLE HO. O o X l-H - 2 - - 4 iiil SOIL CLASS (USCS) TRENCH T81 ELEVATION_451_ EQUIPMENT DATE COMPLETED lQ/2/89 JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE ft UJ >-H -H . s5u: UJ ZOJ UJ S m a ^ ^ Q > tt o TOPSUIL" Loose, dry, dark brown, Silty coarse SAND BONSALL TONALTTE Very dense, light browii-tan, moderately weathered coarse crystaUine <]P ANTTC ROCK blocky jointing; 2 systems:^ N65E, 50SE and N30E, 70SE; spaced 2-12 inches apart UJS tt i^ o TRENCH TERMINATED Ai 4 FEET Figure A-96, Log of Test Trench T 81 SAMPLE SYMBOLS ^ ^ ^^^^..^^^^ SAMPLE S ... CHUNK SAMPLE J Ji J J Di Di January 8. 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE NO. SOIL CLASS (USCS) TRENCH T 1 ELEVATION 373 DATE COMPLETED 9/14/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE Z ,,. '^ U. UJ ^ m D. °=« >• gu: UJ o > tt • - 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - 2 - _ 4 - H 6 H mm SM TOPSOIL Loose, dry, dark brown, Silty coarse SAND, scattered rock BONSALL TONALTTE Very dense, damp, light reddish-brown randomly fractured weathered coarse coarse crystalline intrusive GRANITIC ROCK Fault, N70W. 60NE; 1/2 inch-1 inch thick dark gray clay gouge TRENCH TERMINATED AT 8 FEET Figure A-16, Lcg of Test Trench T 1 mm SAMPLE SYMBOLS • SAMPLING UHSUCCESSFUL 2] ... STAHDARD PENETRATION TEST S... DRIVE SAHPLE (UNDISTURBED) ... DISTURBED OR BAG SAHPLE 0 ... CHUNK SAMPLE X ... UATER TABLE CR SEEPAGE f;C7E: THc LCG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES OHLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING ORTRENCH LOCATION AHD AT THE DATE IHDICATED. IT IS HOT WARRANTED TO 3E REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CCNDITICNS AT OTHER LOCATICNS AND TIMES. •mm •m mm 41 January 8, 1990 FILE HO. D-4367'402 DEPTH IH FEET SAHPLE NO. SOIL CLASS (USCS) TRENCH T52 ELEVATION 353 DATE COMPLETED 9/26/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE og . H 9 I-I- i u. <r 2 \ a S tn UJ >• gu^ go >-S: tt Q MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - 0 h 2 ~ 4 - 6 - 8 - - 10 i f f SC FILL Medium dense, damp, light brown. Clayey, Rocky, coarse SAND CL ALLUVTUM Loose, damp, dark brown Sandy CLAY Irregular "V shaped canyon contact BONSALL TONALITE Very dense, moist, light brown, highly randomly fractured, tonalite granite ROCK: moderately weathered TRENCH TERMINATED AT 10 FEET Figure A-67, Log of lest i rench T 52 SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UHSUCCESSFUL S] ... STANDARD PENETRATIOH TEST 9 ... DRIVE SAHPLE (UHDISTURBED DISTURBED CR SAG SAMPLE S... CHUNK SAMPLE X ... UATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE- THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONOITlONS SnCUH HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORIHG ORTRENCH LOCATIOH AHD AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS HOT UAR.RANTED TO'BE REPRESENT-^TIVE OF SUBSURFACE CCNDITICNS AT OTHER LCCATICNS AHD TIMES. 1 January 8, 1990 FILE NO. D-4367-402 DEPTH IN FEET SAMPLE HO. o o X H H -J SOIL CLASS (USCS) TRENCH T53 ELEVATION 358 DATE COMPLETED 9/26/89 EQUIPMENT JD 555 TRACK BACKHOE UJ , 23 m > H go tt O - 0 - 2 - - 4 - - 6 GC MATERIAL DESCRIPTION FILL Loose, dry, dark brown. Clayey, Sandy BOULDER-GRAVEL: 12-16 inch diameter boulders with voids, organic debris "V"-shaped canyon-contact BONSALL TONALTIX Very dense, damp, light brown, randomly fractured tonalite GRANITIC ROCK: moderately fractured, less weathered. TRENCH TERMINATED AT 6 FEET Figure A-63, Log of Test Trench T 53 LCSE „ • ... SAHPLIHG UHSUCCESSFUL iJ... STAHDARD PEHETRATION TEST 9... DRIVE SAMPLE (UHDISTURBED) ... DISTURBED CR SAG SAMPLE 3... CHUHK SAHPLE X... UATER TABLE CR SEEPAGE :';CTc: THE LOG CF SUSSuRFACE CCHDITICHS SHOWH HEREON APPLIES CHLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORIHG ORTRENCH LCCATICH AND AT THE OATH IHDIC.UEO. IT IS HOT WARRAHTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE COHDITIOHS AT'OTHER LOCAT!CHS ANO TIMES. File No. D-4367-H02 January 8, 1990 m . I 2- TABLE IB Seismic Traverses Seismic Traverse No. Velocity (ft/sec) V V V 1 2 3 Depth D 1 (ft) D 2 Length of Traverse Approx. Max. Depth Explored rft^ +/• 5-1 2790 8980 14 100 30 5-2 1640 .6720 6 100 30 5-3 1570 6810 9 100 30 5-4 2150 4740 4 100 30 5-5 •2420 4760 4 100 30 5-6 1560 5390 8 100 30 5-7 1550 6120 4 100 30 5-8 1150 5250 5 100 30 5-9 1500 5820 8 100 30 5-10 1990 8560 4 100 30 5-11 1640 6920 5 100 30 5-12 2240 8270 4 100 30 5-13 1230. 5240 3 100 30 as ^14 ' 1570 5470 5 100 30 5-15 1770 7330 3 100 30 5-16 1640 7090 4 100 30 5-17 1102 5330 4 100 30 5-18 1090 6650 4 100 30 1120 5850 5" 100 30 1150 5830 5. 100 30 5-21 1340 6280 5 • 100 30 5-22 2200 6160 2 100 30 5-23 1920 4570 4 100 30 5-24 1280 5840 5 100 30 5-25 . 2930 8170 7 100 30 5-26 1800 7620 — 3 100 30 5-27 2000 6380 5 • 100 30 5-28 1190 5140 12120 4 29 100 30 5-29 1360 8640 5 — 100 30 5-30 1150 9900 S — 100 30 @ Recycled Paper #AGRA APPENDIX D m Dokken Engineenng Geotechnical Investigation Report Design Stage 2 Rancho Santa Fe Road South of Station 252 Carlsbad, Califomia Job No. 6-252-100500 November 10.1998 (revised April 30,1999) Page (D-1) LABORATORY TESTING The laboratory test program was designed to fit the specific needs of this project and was limited to testing on-site materials. A brief description of each type of test is presented below. Test results are included in Appendix A and in this appendix. The in-situ dry densities and moisture contents were determined for numerous relatively undisturbed samples. Results are listed in the boring logs in Appendix A adjacent to the sampie tested. Strength characteristics of the weathered rock were determined in the laboratory by direct shear tests performed on one relatively undisturtied sampie. The sample was tested under 3 different noimal loads in a 2.5-inch I.D. circular shear box, using a controlled displacement rate in general accordance with ASTM D 3080. Results are summarized in Table D-1. Resistance (R-value) testing was performed on one sample considered representative of potential subgrade material. The test was performed in accordance with Califomia Test 301 procedures. Results are in Table D-2. The concentration of soluble sulfate was determined for one soil sample in accordance with Califomia Test 417. The concentration of chloride ions was detemiined for the same sample in accordance with Califomia Test 422. Con-osivity tests aiso were performed on this soil sample to determine pH and minimum electrical resistance. The tests were conducted in accordance with Califomia Test 643. Results of these tests are shown in Table D-3. Sieve analyses were perfomied on 2 samples to evaluate the distribution of particle sizes in accordance with ASTM D 422. Results are shown on Page D-3. ^ AGRA EMCINEEPING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS Recycled Paper Dokken Engineering Geotechnical Investigation Report Design Stage 2 Rancho Santa Fe Road South of Station 252 Carlsbad, Califomia Job No. 6-252-100500 November 10,1998 (revised April 30,1999) Page (D-2) TABLE D-1 SUMMARY OF DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS (ASTM D 3080) Boring No./ Shear Stress as Sample No. Normal Stress Peak Shear Stress 0.25 Inch DiSDiacement (psf) (psf) (psf) 3/2 1125 1924 934 2160 3080 1655 3195 3933 1803 1 TABLE D-2 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY RESISTANCE VALUE TEST RESULTS (Califomia Test 301) Borina No./Sample No. R-Value 3/1 7?. TABLE D-3 SUMMARY OF CORROSIVITY TEST RESULTS (Califomia Tests 417,422 and 643) IM Boring No./ Chloride Soluble 1 Sample No. fiH Resistivitv lon Sulphate (ohm-cm) (ppm) (ppm) 3/3 6.2 330 828 1140 ^ AGRA ENCINCEBING (ilOBAl iOLUTiQN^ Recycled Paper llllllllllll} I I I I i r i 1 I o ro Ol ro o o Ol o o U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE Ho* No 8 No 16 NoW r4d50 N0IOO Na200 1000 500 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMH'ERS BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL (^rse Fine SAND MMlhim 0.005 FINES (smandOiv) O I SmnH*Na.orlocmaan 2/1 3/1 11/06/98 SM-ML 11/06/98 UnKMl soiOMa. Description SILTY SAND-SANDY SILT SILTY SANDSTONE Niim wmm LL PL PI MBC. CKy Dmiy Opttnun VMar GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION AGRA Earth & Environmental Project Rancho Santa Fe Road By: W.C. Date: 11/06/98 APPENDIX E ^ AGRA Earth & Environmental AGRA Earth & FNCiiNttRiNCj GLOBAL soiuTioN^ EnvlTonmcntal, Inc. 16760 Wesl Bernardo Drive San Diego, CA 92127 Tel (619) 487-2113 April 6, 1999 Fax (619) 487-2357 Job No. 8-252-100500 Mr. Kirk Bradbury Dokken Engineering 3914 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite A-153 San Oiego.CA 92123 RE: ADDITIONAL SEISMIC REFRACTION SURVEYS RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Bradbury: This letter presents the results of AGRA Earth & Environmental's (AGRA's) additional seismic refraction surveys performed for the Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment project in Carlsbad, California. Four seismic refraction surveys were performed originally as descnbed in AGRA s supplemental geotechnical report dated November 10,1998 (revised January 2M 999). Results of seismic refraction surveys previously performed by Geocon, Inc. also are included in that report. Locations of the additional survey lines, numbered S-1 a, S-2a, S-3a, S^a and S-5 through S-27 are indicated on Plate-1, attached. Lines S-1 through S-4 were performed as part of the previous supplemental geotechnical investigation. Charts showing interpreted seismic velocity data and approximate velocity depth changes for each of the 27 additional seismic refraction survey hnes also are attached. If you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely yours, ^ AGRA Earth & Environmental ^ames jf Stone, RGE 808 Principal Engineer JS/jjs Distribution: (1) Addressee Attachment: Plate 1 Seismic Refraction Line S-1 a through S-27 8-252-100500/O\fldditional seismic surveys m» itf Itf Ma Itf Recycled Paper tj li ll li ii & I ftl fti ii ii ii II i E 1 ! SW 400 — CO (D c" o CO > LU 380 — 360 — 340 1730 ft/s 6280 ft/s 14390 ft/s ^—I—y NE N70°E — 400 1480 ft/s ^ 1730 ft/s 5590 ft/s 6280 ft/s 14390 ft/s ^—^—I—\—I—y Horizontal Distance, feet 380 m CD < o 3 CD CD C/5 — 360 340 EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface ••?••• Interpreted Velocity Boundary 0 20 40 ft 3780 ft/s Seisnnic Velocity Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE S-1a AGRA Earth & Environmental I AiT I "JS* I *S« ^assioosoe I 1 i I llli iiil] J I I I 1 [ I t i i 3 I J f CO 0) c o > UJ SE 400 380 — 360 — 340 N05°W 1670 ft/s 3l3P.(t/§ 6880 ft/s 6500 ft/s fh 12000 ft/s ^—\—I—I—I—I—I—y Horizontal Distance, feet EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface ?-••••?••• Interpreted Velocity Boundary 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity 6880 ft/s 10990 ft/s 0 20 40 ft Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V NW — 400 — 380 — 360 340 m CD < CD I-*- o" 3 CD CD CO RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE S-2a AGRA Earth & Environmental 4-2-09 MS2-10OSOO t i lliftiftillillilii i I Iiiiiiiiii CO 0) a c o '.4m* CO > 0) LU SE 400 380 360 340 1270 ft/s 8060 ft/s N35'*W 6590 ft/s Horizontal Distance, feet EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface NW 8060 ft/s •1—\—y 0 20 40 ft .?•...?••• Interpreted Velocity Boundary 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V — 400 — 380 m (D < 0) O 3 CD CD CO — 360 - 340 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE S-3a AGRA Earth & Environmental -aem—firmSm AIF JJS 4.2«9 ft-252-100500 tlilllliiiii.iit.iiiJii iiiiiiiiiii SW 400 — CO c o CD > LU 380 360 340 1600 ft/s 8520 ft/s ^—^—I—y NIO'^E 1710 ft/s 7700 ft/s Horizontal Distance, feet NE 2300 ft/s 8520 ft/s ^—^—y EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface 0 20 40 ft .?..•••?••• Interpreted Velocity Boundary 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V — 380 400 m CD < <-*• o" p CD CO — 360 340 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE S-4a AGRA Earth & Environmental AIF JJ3 «-9B ».252.1Q0500 I i I i 11 i I I , t J I 3 I i I j { i I j iiiii SE 400 — CO CD a c .Q "cS I LU 380 — 360 — 340 2100 ft/s 5860 ft/s >16000 ft/s N45°W ^—y ]—\—I—\—I- Horizontal Distance, feet EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface NW 1700 ft/s — 400 5600 ft/s — 380 >16000 ft/s m CD < 03 o 3 CD CD CO — 360 340 0 20 40 ft .?....?... Interpreted Velocity Boundary 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity Approximate Scale 1" = 20* H&V RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE S-5 AGRA Earth & Environmental AJF OJS 4.2^9 I S.252.10050Q II li ll ftl fti tl IJ I i I t J i ] I • I i i I SW 400 — CO 0 a o CO > 0) LU 380 — 360 — 340 1270 ft/s 3000 ft/s 10020 ft/s N60°E 4640 ft/s 7300 ft/s ^—y Horizontal Distance, feet EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface ?....?... Interpreted Velocity Boundary 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity NE 1270 ft/s 3550 ft/s 9000 ft/s ^—y 0 20 40 ft Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V — 400 — 380 m CD < 03 l—f o' p CD CO 360 340 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE S-6 AGRA Earth & Environmental AIF I JJS 4-2-89 ».2S2-1D0S00 I I i J i I I I i I t i i tl 11 II II CO CD a c o CO > 0) LU SW 420 — 400 380 — 360 6500 ft/s N60°E 5550 ft/s 7000 ft/s •1—I—1—y 4—y Horizontal Distance, feet EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface ••?••• Interpreted Velocity Boundary 0 20 40 ft 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V NE — 420 — 400 380 360 m CD < 03 o' p "cT CD CO RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE S-7 AGRA Earth & Environmental AIF JJS 4-Z-M MS2rM)OBO0 II I J II I i i j I ' i i I i I t J sw 440 — CO CD a c CO I LU 420 — 400 — 380 7600 ft/s ^—\—y N75°E 1180 ft/s 5360 ft/s Horizontal Distance, feet .•JL . . . .? EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface Interpreted Velocity Boundary NE 7240 ft/s 4 1 1- 0 20 40 ft 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V — 440 — 420 m CD < 03 c' 3 CD CD CO — 400 380 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE S-8 AGRA Earth & Environmental I AiT I "jja" I 4^<a frasz-iocBoo 1 J t I I i I I I i I i t l iiiiiii i iiiiiiii NE N70°E 420 CO 0 a c '•«-' CO > 0) UJ 400 — 380 — 360 ? .1.220 ft/s 7 U3P.ft/5 6100 ft/s 8860 ft/s 14000 ft/s SW — 420 — 400 12490 ft/s 4 ^ 1 1- Horizontal Distance, feet m CD < 03 o' P "cf o CO — 380 360 EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface •?•••••?••• Interpreted Velocity Boundary 0 20 40 ft 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE S-9 AGRA Earth & Environmental AIF JJS ft.252-1DO60a |j ii ftl fti fti ftl fti fti ftl fti li li ii ii ti li li ii ti SW NE 440 CO 03 a c .Q CO > 0) LU 420 — 400 380 N45°E 1500 ft/s 5130 ft/s •I—y 4—\—\—y Horizontal Distance, feet EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface Interpreted Velocity Boundary 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity .?i....?, 0 20 40 ft Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V 440 420 m CD < 03 o* 3 CD CD CO — 400 380 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE S-10 AGRA Earth & Environmental -mtm—I «Mi AIF JJS 4-2-BB MS2.100500 IJ II fti fti fti fti li fti li fti ii li tj ii tJ ii IJ ti ti NE 440 — CO 0) a c o « CO > 03 LU 420 — 400 380 3940 ft/s 7740 ft/s N45°E 3800 ft/s 7090 ft/s 4—I—\—y sw 1500 ft/s 3740 ft/s 6540 ft/s 4—y Horizontal Distance, feet EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface Interpreted Velocity Boundary 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity 0 20 40 ft .Tl ?, Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V — 440 — 420 m CD < 03 o' p CD CO — 400 380 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION UNE S-11 AGRA Earth & Environmental AIF JJS 4-2-09 S.2S2.100500 i I t I 11 la i i I \ > t iiiiil] lili laiiEiii SW 440 CO 0) a c o '•*ml CO > 0) UJ 420 400 380 4960 ft/s N45°E 3610 ft/s 4 \ 1 1 \ 1 1- Horizontal Distance, feet EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface Interpreted Velocity Boundary 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity NE 3860 ft/s 5670 ft/s 4—y 0 20 40 ft .*>.... .7. Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V — 440 — 420 — 400 m CD < 03 o' 3 CD CD CO 380 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION UNE S-12 AGRA Earth & Environmental I—msm—I MM I AIF I JJS ft-2S2-1DOSaO tl li li fti fti ti ll ll if li li ti ii ii li I iilll SW 440 CO 0 a c o CO > 0 UJ 420 400 — 380 4—I—y Horizontal Distance, feet EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface NE N35°E > ™ f "2150 ft/s P.ft/s " ? 2150 ft/s .?• 9 3600 ft/s 4050 ft/s 5350 ft/s ? 8730 ft/s ? 8180 ft/s 4—y — 440 420 m CD < 03 o" p "cT 0 CO 400 380 0 20 40 ft .•X....?... Interpreted Velocity Boundary 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION UNE 8-13 AGRA Earth & Environmental AIF JJS s-asa-ioosoo li ii li ti fti ti li ii ii ii ii li li li li l> • SW 460 CO 0 a c o CO > 0 LU 440 420 400 1760 ft/s 4190 ft/s 9290 ft/s N05°E 4450 ft/s ...•I Horizontal Distance, feet .Tl ? EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface Interpreted Velocity Boundary NE 1760 ft/s — 4190 ft/s 9290 ft/s ^—\—\—1—\—\—\—y 0 20 40 ft 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V — 460 — 440 — 420 m 0 < 0 o" p "cf 0 CO 400 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE S-14 AGRA Earth & Environmental -mm 1 mmim—I mi [ mtm AIF JJ3 M52.100SOO lilillftiiiiiliit J I tl 11 ii ii tl ll il CO 0 .0 UJ NE 540 E 520 — CO > 0 500 480 N55°E 4400 Ws 4390 ft/s 10000 ft/s •\—\—y Horizontal Distance, feet EXPLANATION .a... .1, Existing Ground Surface Interpreted Velocity Boundary SW 4400 ft/s I—\—\—y 0 20 40 ft 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V — 540 — 520 m CD < 03 O' 3 0 0 CO — 500 480 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION UNE S-15 AGRA Earth & Environmental AlF JJS *.2-aa usMoosoo Jllli fti liti liti ilil i ] I I i I i II i I CO 0 a c" o 0 > 0 LU NE 540 520 — 500 — 480 N20°E 1450 ft/s 13620 ft/s 4—\—\—I—y sw 6140 ft/s 7 12000 ft/s ^—\—I—\—y Horizontal Distance, feet .1 t EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface Interpreted Velocity Boundary 0 20 40 ft 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V 540 — 520 m 0 < 0 £3" o" p "cT 0 CO — 500 480 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION UNE S-16 AGRA Earth & Environmental mm 1 mmm AIF JJS 4.^99 ft-2S2-10D600 J till fti tiliiji i i I % i i 1 i i i i I i k i i i . NE 540 — CO 0 a c" o 0 > 0 UJ 520 500 — 480 3230 ft/s 16000 ft/s ^—y N37°E 3310 ft/s 10670 ft/s •I—\—y 3230 ft/s 16000 ft/s 4—I—y Horizontal Distance, feet .•^ 1 3780 ft/s EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface Interpreted Velocity Boundary Seismic Velocity 0 20 40 ft Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V SW — 520 540 m 0 < 0 o" p "cf 0 CO — 500 480 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE S-17 AGRA Earth & Environmental AIF JJS 4-2-09 9.2G2.1D05H1 tl Iiiiil fti llli tjiJt)litiiiliiitiiii' NE 540 — CO 0 a c o 0 > 0 UJ 520 500 — 480 3880 ft/s ? ' 10920 ft/s N07°E 1220 ft/s 2170 ft/s 8320 ft/s SW 3970 ft/s * 9 10920 ft/s 4 h 4 1 1- Horizontal Distance, feet .•X 1 3780 ft/s EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface Interpreted Velocity Boundary Seismic Velocity 0 20 40 ft Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V — 540 520 m 0 < 0 o' 3 0 0 CO — 500 480 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION UNE S-18 AGRA Earth & Environmental AIF JJS 4-249 »5M00500 liilllllftiliij iiiliii I till tl liti Eli CO 0 a c" o TO > 0 m NW 550 530 510 — 490 1420 ft/s 10790 ft/s S 10°E 10910 ft/s Horizontal Distance, feet .1 ? 3780 ft/s EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface Interpreted Velocity Boundary Seismic Velocity SE 10790 ft/s 4—\—\—I—\—\—\—1—\—y 0 20 40 ft Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V — 530 550 m 0 < 0 o* 3 0 0 CO — 510 490 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE S-19 AGRA Earth & Environmental n AIF JJS 4-2-99 K92-100SOO 1 I i I 1 I i I I I I i |] 11 II 11 il II NE 580 CO 0 a c o 0 > 0 UJ 560 — 540 520 N20°E SW 1380 ft/s 2800 ft/s 11450 ft/s 1270 ft/s " ^ a. 3460 ft/s •••?.. 1380 ft/s 7 2250 ft/s ... • ? 12350 ft/s 11450 ft/s 4—I—^ 4—I—^—I—y Horizontal Distance, feet 3780 ft/s EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface •? • • • Interpreted Velocity Boundary Seismic Velocity 0 20 40 ft Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V — 580 — 560 m 0 < 0 o' 3 0 0 CO — 540 520 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE S-20 AGRA Earth & Environmental ~mm 1 mmm AIF JJS 4-24B B.3S2-100S00 i i it ll li fti Iiii if 11 ij ii ii li li lltl 560 — CO 0 a c O V-» 0 > 0 UJ 540 — 520 500 1450 ft/s 9570 ft/s N 1330 ft/s 10000 ft/s ]—I—y Horizontal Distance, feet EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface Interpreted Velocity Boundary 1350 ft/s 9570 ft/s ^—y 0 20 40 ft 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V N — 560 — 540 m 0 < 0 o' 3 0 0 CO — 520 500 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE S-21 AGRA Earth & Environmental AF" j 'jJS* 9-252-100500 iiiiiiiiii li ii ii ii II li llll NE 1220 ft/s 570 CO 0 a c o 'mmt 0 > 0 UJ 550 — 530 510 4790 ft/s 12430 ft/s N17°E 1230 ft/s 2890 ft/s 11620 ft/s ^ 1- Horizontal Distance, feet EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface ••?••• Interpreted Velocity Boundary SW 1220 ft/s 5210 ft/s 12430 ft/s 0 20 40 ft 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V — 570 — 550 • 0 < 0 o' 3 0 0 CO — 530 510 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSB/UD, CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION UNE S-22 AGRA Earth & Environmental AIF JJS 9-252-100500 tJiilillliftiiiiii i i t i I I i II II II II NE N 10°E 560 — CO 0 a c o 'm-t 0 > 0 LU 540 520 500 1480 ft/s 8390 ft/s 9890 ft/s 4 1-•I—y 4—y Horizontal Distance, feet EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface Interpreted Velocity Boundary 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity SW — 560 5640 ft/s — 540 9890 ft/s m 0 < 0 o* 3 0 0 CO — 520 500 0 20 40 ft .•>!.... .1 Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE S-23 AGRA Earth & Environmental 4-2-99 9.S52-10O5OO I i I J i I I E I j I ) t I ft 1 t I I 1 CO 0 a c o 0 > 0 LU NE 560 540 — 520 500 5400 ft/s N10°E 4930 ft/s 4 1-•I—\—y Horizontal Distance, feet EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface >.....?... Interpreted Velocity Boundary 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity SW 5400 ft/s 0 20 40 ft Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V — 560 540 — 520 500 • 0 < 0 o* 3 0 0 CO RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION UNE 8-24 AGRA Earth & Environmental —mm— — MR " mm. AIF JJS 4-2.M 9-2G2-100500 t i t I I I I i I I 1 I i i I i i i i CO 0 a cf o *-* 0 > 0 UJ sw 560 — 540 — 520 — 500 Horizontal Distance, feet EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface ••?••• Interpreted Velocity Boundary 560 — 540 — 520 500 m 0 < 0 o" 3 0 0 CO 0 20 40 ft 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD, C/y-IFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE S-25 AGRA Earth & Environmental AIF 4-2-91 »'2SM0O5OO Iltlliftiftiftitil}|illlitii Iillllllii CO 0 a c o 0 > 0 UJ sw 560 — 540 520 500 1610 ft/s N15°E 1250 ft/s 4 \ 1 1 1- Horizontal Distance, feet EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface ^....?... Interpreted Velocity Boundary 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity NE 1610 ft/s •» 0 20 40 ft Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V — 560 — 540 m 0 < 0 o" 3 0 0 CO — 520 500 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSB/kD, CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE S-26 AGRA Earth & Environmental —mm— — mm AIF JJS 4^-89 MSM00500 liillllilllll I i I 1 I I I J I J t i I i I I I i CO 0 a c o 0 > 0 UJ 560 540 — 520 500 EXPLANATION Existing Ground Surface ^....?.., Interpreted Velocity Boundary 3780 ft/s Seismic Velocity — 560 540 520 500 m 0 < 0 o' 3 0 0 CO 0 20 40 ft Approximate Scale 1" = 20' H&V RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA SEISMIC REFRACTION UNE S-27 AGRA Earth & Environmental AIF JJS 4.2-99 9-252-100500