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Ii 001 06/04/99 FRI 11:34 FAX 949 252 1140 PETERSON-CHASE PETERSON-CHASE GENEP.AL ENGINEERING CONSTRUC70N. INC 1792 KAISER AVE, IRVINE, CA 92614 PHA (949) 252-0441 FAXIk (949) 252-0266 SPEED M EMO TO: City of Carlsbad FROM; - Dick W. Vogels Purchasing Dept. 2075 t.2S P91m2s Dr. DATE: June 4, 1999 CsrIbad CA 92009.1576 ATTN: JOHN WHISENIIUNT SUBJECT; REVISED ASPHALT MIX DESIGN JOB#: 301 CONTRACT#: 3268 - PH#: (760)602-0428 FAX#: (760)602-0427 - PH#: (949)252-0441 FAX#: (949) 252-0266 DEAR JOHN, PETERSON CHASE WILL USE CALMAT / VULCAN MATERIALS FOR THE ASPHALT PAVING MIX FOR THE PAVING OPERATION ON MONDAY, JUNE 7, 1999. ATTACHED IS THE ASPHALT MIX DESIGN FOR YOUR APPROVAL. PLEASE CALL IF QUESTIONS ARISE. SINCERELY, o.. DICK VOGELS -v 4 page ' use 100.0 00 1000 0.0 100.0 tO 100.0 15,0 100.0 1000 0.0 100.0 00 1000 00 100.0 15.0 100.0 1000 0.0 100.0 0.0 1000 0.0 100.0 15.0 100.0 -3 100,0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9110 14.3 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 00 0.0 7.0 1.1 65.0 100.0 0.0 96.0 00 0.0 00 4.0 0.6 240 100.0 0.0 72.0 00 00 0.0 CO 02 2.0 ? 100.0 00 65.0 00 00 0.0 4.0 0.6 1.0 co 100.0 0.0 52.0 0.0 0.0 to 00 0.0 0.0 90.0 0.0 32.0 0.0 00 00 00 0.0 0.0 90.0 0.0 25.0 00 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 960 0.0 14.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (0 4) 0.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 I± 5.1 0.000 IM OF COMBINED AOOREOY6-..1.1O SURFACE WA.MMACVM -t 7.77 RonQIyC*lM.na.r i.. 1an04c 18.0 1000 250 100.0 42.0 180 100.0 25.0 100.0 42.0 1 18.0 100.0 25.0 100.0 42.0 18.0 100.0 25.0 100.0 42.0 15.3 100.0 25.0 100.0 42.0 4.3 100.0 25.0 100.0 42.0 0.4 30.0 7.5 99.0 41.8 0.2 4.0 Ii) 02.0 34.4 1 0.0 1.0 0.3 66.7 280 0.0 0.0 0.0 48,0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 28.6 12.0 0.0 0.0 LU 10.7 7.0 0.0 0..0 0.0 6.3 3.5 0.000 Drall % ASPHALT o SpOr -OtrrslDE- '.000 % ASPHALT -INSIDE- PASSING 100% AGO PLUS OPERATING RANGE EPIG 1 112' (37.5) 100 105-100 4 11 a (12.5 65-80 (9.5) '-104 ! 4/5 M (2.36) x=[J /5 #3O (0.60) - (1L30) 000.50) 3-8 (.075) MALE ILAB 570-99 IAM4 I DATE frECT: City of CrIsbad Pabnar airpori di. north bound 15_ Of MI)1 ST 314 2501% L 42% Ici Aft-4000 BIPU3 BIN #2 Iaim ,i 06/04/99 FRI 11:34 FAX 949 252 1140 PETERSON-CHASE JI002 Sent By: VULCAN MATERIALS; 6192986613; Jun-4-9 1104AM; Page 313 Peterson Chase 04-Jun-99 VVads 99-2SZ. Referenee City Of Carlsbad P4onwaipoitrdto north bound 15 Gendemen, This is to certify that we will furnish asplrielt paving material for the above. referenced project to conform wnh Saiare of Oiliforrna Secuon 39 The Asphalt C4z== will conform to AR-4000 viscosty grade. F Our LAB #(s): 57O99 Is enclosed for this project Sincerely, 3I'3' VISTA PLEASE NOTE *44** When placing your order refer to LAE# oritlined above. Otherwise, Tia1ca Ma s/Idwis1 Apinit cenot he held responsible for mines ziot covered by this iertifica&s u,u ruN-i..,liA WJUU1/VU. 43O1 Wilk aroumair PETERSON-CHASE th.-ENERALENGINEMNIS COMTRUC770N, INC 1792 KAISER AVE.. IRVINE, CA 92614 PH# (949) 252-0441 FAXt (949) 252.0266 SPEED MEMO TO: City of Carlsbad FROM: Dick W. Vogeis Purchasing Dept. 2075 Las Palmas Or, DATE: June 1, 1999 Carlsbad CA 92009-1576 ATTN: JOHN WHISENHUNT SUBJECT: TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN F PILE FOUNDATION WORK JOB#: 301 CONTRACT#: 3268 PH#: (760)602-0426 FAX#: (760)602-0427 PH#: (949) 252-0441 FAX#: (949) 252-0266 DEAR JOHN, ATTACHED IS OUR TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN FOR THE WESTBOUND PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. MEDIAN LANE CLOSURES (#1 AND #2 LANES) TO INSTALL THE PILE FOUNDATION. SINCERELY, DICK VOGELS UL( [USE CLo5 (#2. LA7i5 vi/8 fr,jZAP AAD b1 TLiJIT4vo'\ - (LEP1 -Vt4 -1ANE: J} ro LF D6AIL3BA \ . '•c- \• \~4 4 -\ c 4 -z--...---. - ---- (eciw DETAIL 30A - -. -- STA 51+40 PK PALOMAR AiPOFTL_ ROAD . -. 30 -T-. ... .......... 3 . \ vJoRk! AA (P1 L.15 Fai-r1or) LA CLO Su MA pj ( 1WRiCAW (. 1?.A AY CLOSED DURINC CONSTRUCTION C ..... -4.451 .-90 11 DETAIL (SOUD 8 wI TWPORARY REMOVE EXIST 65 LF OF SCUD WHITE STRIPING STA 52+00 PA TO STA 52+30 PA AND STA 43+90 PA-1A TO STA 44+10 PA-1A - -V. — rgrgflrE,Gfl$3e I GENEAAL ENGINEEAING I coNmucrtøfi. thom It' 1 -'- IQ fill U CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 (760) 438-1161 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TO: Peterson-Chase 1792 Kaiser Ave. Irvine, CA 92614 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: May 10,1999 JOB NO: 3268 ATTENTION: Katherina von Schonfeldt RE: Palomar Airport Road / I-S Turn Lanes WE ARE SENDING YOU: 0 Attached 0 Shop Drawings 0 Prints 0 Plans 0 Specifications 0 Copy of Letter 0 Change Order X Submittal COPIES 2 DATE April 28, 1999 NO. 1 4.0 I1IlIl[Ih 1 Class II Concrete Mix Design: Palomar No. 103208M THESE ARE TRANSMITTED: For Approval 0 For Checking 0 Resubmit 6 Copies for Approval X For Your Use X Approved as Submitted 0 Design Only, Not for Construction As Requested 0 Approved as Noted 0 Return Corrected Change Order 0 For Review and Comment 0 Not Accepted 0 For Your Action REMARKS: None CC: File Signed: W-zz~ John Whisenhunt I - 3APR. E8. 19 jj: O2Ar'1AX SFOWELL / PCA PETERSON-CHASE N0.654 P.2'7 001 5u43• fiO. 40 MC/ P7!R$OMM4S1 pE April28, 1999 Cftl of Carlsbad Fax: (760)753-0730 Purchasing Dept. 1200 Carlsbad Vlllaa Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 Attn: John Whisenhunt Re: Project TURN LANES AT PALOMAR AiRPORT RD AND 1.5 Location.- PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAM-5 Contract # 3258 P/C Job Al. 301 Gentlemen: Submitted for your approval please find Mx Design Number 103208M whic$i we plan"to use as our Class 2 *ggga1eEas*orn Palomar Transit Mix. Cc.e1 If you need anything else, please call, Sincerely, Feterson-chase Constritcflon, Inc- Ka therina von Schonfeldt Ass?. Project Manager cc: 301 I I mvwa A93I*57oD J MO441 X f UM5ENA RECEIVED TIME APR.. :21fl PRINT 'rIPE APR.EB. 10124cM 9APR.28.199 1iO3AMX 9FOWLL ' PCA PETERSON-CHASE 1-10.654 P.3'7 if PAOMM TMNSff MIX P,O. M 46117 -v ndr, CA GMW 173 Mwn OITe. (13QJ 7374483 • Fx# (T8) v374312 L1 4 T43MVO3 HTiW aTq33 . D TIM8 U çMcaTq3 1 3A TOM j• \ V'\ Date: 28-Pey90 Cw'Co. 9m-Mix Paot Tin. 10:24 Veghts and Val" CD. 11-0591Q )U.JC Number; 3.03208N Product UWJ: Schedule p1axtt 92 Dignslump: 10S* 22 ?IPA e 28 Days flt,ra1. batch PereAt Speic Absolute Quantity at Aggregate Gravity volumv -------------- CE1T 235.2$ 3.15 2.0968 ?LYA 52.20 2.17 2.2240 Is Ca 80500 43.08 2.89 22785 3a'CB 194.28 10.95 2.74 2.0708 WCS 812.00 45.99 273 0.2974 ter k9.) 222.53 202.50 0.2025 14icturea: DARATARD £7 773.2$ 96 nee DAREX II 116.00 2.0000 Air percentage 3.00 2.0300 wi(eorl Ratio 0.57 L.I0090 Aggregate Gredirka. Percent Fesein 9YE S2E I 50 37.3 25 19 12.5 9.5 4.73 2.36 1.18 820 300 150 '7 ---------------- _--------------------------------- ------------0 ............. 100 1.00100 85 35 12 3 0 0 0 0 0 3/86CG 11.80 100 1.00 100 100 95 15 1 0 22 8 C UCB I LOG t00182102L00LOO 98 82 62 4221 8 I COIfBIND I 100 180 1.00 94 72 82 48 38 29 19 10 4 Aggregath Soure 1' PALA P ALA PAL.A Ca1tras Q3.as 2 1' Pump/?laoo EqCC= OcariIda RIVED TIME PRINT TIME APR.. 41-24M L1 ACCEPTED AS SUBMITTED El ACCEPTED WITH COMMENTS 0 NOT ACEPTEDhRESUBM1T. DATE RPR.28.1999D 1j:03lAX a914 L PETERSON-CHASE NO. 654 F.4/7 Ic CALIFORNIA PORTLAND CEMENT COMPANY 9380 0a.ic CREIRK ROAP, MQ.gAY. CA 93501 / TEL.. (80$) 824•3401 PM (809) a&4-4908 Manufacturer's Certification We hereby ecrtify thu Mojave Type tIN Low A1)1 nmt supplied to you baa been majufacrured in accordance with aeid meets the standard eqialrements of the eunr ASTM C 130 epaciction for TYPE It and TYPE V cement, AddinoaUy, Mojave T: UN ccmt meets the requirentente of Caltracs Sndsrd Specieaions Sec. 90 paragraph 2.01. Following are the average chemical and physiesi data for the mcmoi of44pr(1, 1998: ' TYPE II TYPE MOJAVE 1Cl, rwci&Y$S qaremence Rquimum TYPE B, V Silicon dioxide (S102), min,% ..20.0 21.50 Aiumlnum oxla. (A1203), max.% 6,0 - 3.51 Ferric oxIde (P9203), max,% 6.0 -- 3.59 % Magnesium oxide (Mpo), max, 6.0 6.0 2.02 Sulfur tlloxld. (803), max,% 3.0 2.3 2.01 04 Lose on lnVticn. max,% 3.0 30 0.93 Insoluble residue, maç% 0.76 0.75 0,23 Ak8ilos(P4a20+O654l<20), maz,% 0.60 0.60 0.58 Tricalcium silicate (C36), % - 60 Tric&cium aijiminete (C3A), max% 8 5 3 Tetracalcium aluminoferrlte (C4AF),% - 11 C4AF +2 (03A), rrax,% -y 25CM 17 Physical Data Air content of mortar, max,% 12 12 7.7 Normal conststency,% - - 25.6 Passing 45m (no. 325) Cove, % - - 11 98.5 F1nene., specific surface, min,m2/kg 260 250 364 Autoolave expansion, max,% 0.80 0.80 .0.03 Compressive Swngth, mm, Mpe, (psi) 3d*ys V(2470) 10.0 5.0 25.0 (1450) (1160) (3767) 7 days .17.0 15.0 33.4 (2180) (4639) 25 days (from previous month) . 28.0 21.0 43.0 (4080) (3050) (6237) Vicat, initial set, mln,-msx,,minutes 45-375 41475 116 C 1038.14 day max, % expansion 0.020 0.020 0.006 o 462,14 day max, % expansion P - 0.040 0.024 Fates Sat, final penetration, min,% 50 60 09 ftçpiie and msthoth ted h 06 lomtmy have bean chedadby the Cannt sad Oavele R,fer.nee U,bqetoy of the NeUmpi ineltufe of 3tan6rà end Tachnotogj. Molar Ctdav we snatyaidby X4sP Ftuomrence Sc1gty, Applicable ASTM C 150 Notes F41a6 Th4re 803( Ta t * dC5D1era icernenIi dm in.iau:flhu IIrIi1 Alp IF105WOR. In 00 wtw.__ertiiu of a twentm be rncv$ by 4X=ft 400 RNI SkAw In thb taMe, it to cxeeed the vau,, in Ii Iibuu thmanbited w TtMetMd C IMS U00 UMOMM6 the s.at6O wl noL dtvaI o'netor In WSW 11111106ft O.Q% 14 diii. Wi the MaNIMUef S cement Oft IN' pfuvktcn he elP teen teL euçly acri 1111111 to to Nets F 0ai rtoL whoa the apeI nM.l. reshla= Mu! 1pe*d PJe{eD "m Sw eke Wam=lls apedIM Ii sitithe Ittatead at ins tunit, at WA and CW2C3A Bruee 8hafer, Quality Control Superintendent EIYED TIE FR-29. 22011 PRINT TIME 1241 004 9PR.2e.1959D jj:e4F1 aPOWELL PETERSON-cMSE NO.654 5'7 Phoenix Cement Company CI.a.rkdale, Arizona U324 TLYAH CERTIFICATION dto I f'T.I CALI4&T COMPANY P 0 BOX 3098 SAN DIEGO, CA 921.03 onrce: 4 Corners Specifications: ASTM C-618-96 Sample/Testing Method: AST) C-31196A Lot ID: 5039 Date: 4-23-99 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Total: 5102 + A1.203 + Pe203 Sulfur Trioxide, $03 Loss on IT%LtLQl Available Alkalies as Na2O Moisture Content R factor 89.90 0.46 ~ 044 6 0.15 % 0.69- PHYSICAL DATA; FinenesE (+325) 2.8 a ozelenLc Activity Indeic 7 day w,th lime 28 day with cement (4 of control) 90.96 ~ Water reciuLremont 94.21 ~ Autoclave Expansion or Contraction 001-% UnLformity Requirements Specific Gravity (Var from avg) 0,54 * Ltnoness (Var from avg) 0.20 % SpecifLc Gravity 203 ------------------------ All tests have been made in strict accordance with the current standards of the AmeLcart 8ociety for Testing and Materials covering the type of I lyash specified above. Me te Gar1Iy7b%aIIty, coTFOl Xiage RECEIVED TIME APR, 28. 18: 2LAM PIN1 TIME APR. 28. 11B 24It1 qApR. 28. 1999D jj: 84t1AX DFOWELL / PCA PERSON-CHASE DAMTARD 17 Inifiat Set Retarder ' ASIM 0494 Type B & Type D NO. 654 P.6/7 Roos D$CtP1ION; DAflATAR• 17 aft bture 18 a iady-tO-we aqueous Iftliom at homntftc organic Campo". Ingredients are factory pre-mixed In ecP proportfons to minim handh;. eqlrrjnola mLts and cNesswatk One gallon weighs approximately 10.2 ft DARATA5.17 T.tCrJ thG !n?Pld and final set Of:ancrete.At inc usual oddijion rare at 3 6, o1100 ros. cent It will eirid thC Initial so-MV firmo(porllorid cement con?. by 2 to 3 hOurs of so-MV DARATAtilD-17 Is used wherever a delay In s&Ifng time will hwre sufficient delivery. place-ment. braNcri Or oompeOlton time, wch 05 Ifli HOP Weather COitrelIrig Transit MIX Carerela Prnstrued Concrete DArATAap7 is also used In vecia appflcc;iori. as in bridge decks where It ot.rids plsticchorcetegfslics of the concrete until progressive di ection resultj,g tram In-creasing loads Is completed, WATER REDUCING PPRTIUi Along with set retardation. OARATARO-17 provides water reduction GicoIly Ito I O% In a conafele mit This watt, radu01n ccflon at DARATA 17 produces grea erplcstic' Ity arid wQlICDtry N the fresh concrete and the strength and permeabilIty of the hasdened concrete are meosur ably frnprOv.. MTAR-17 Is designed for use an jobs Where high tmnpsraluresor extended seflirig times am the prIme factors. It is recommended only when itte primary purpas&s to delay and control mesottlngtfrneafconcrete, When time and P.mperoturo are namajoorwderotlans. Grace Censtrotion Producr's water reckxIng admileMes such as WlDA' will, HYCOL5hrMd be used. coM?ATI,Lrry WiTH GPM ADMIXTURES: DRATARD17 is comah'b!e In concrte with co cammer-cjcl air IriPraInifig admfetur.s. such as DARAVAI11, Due to the sright alt entraining firopertles of DARA1AD-17, ltsef. the oddlifon 'ate of DARAV.R may be reduced by about 25%. By combining the separate effects ofir entrainment cnddiersiOn. Ipewater reenentof concrete maybe reduced up to 15%. EACH AMDVUflI SHOULD BE APDEO SEPARATELY. AoDIr1orhI RATES: Addition cafes for DAIA!At0.17 will range rrm 2 to 5 tll.rid ounces per 100 lb, at eerrenr, The om0u(t to be USed will &pend upon the degree of retardalton requited urid*fjob candiflor, Longer settIng times or higher temperatures will raqire higher addition rdl'EI. Cc.werety the addition rate will be lower for shorter exfin&Tare of thie. Dl$iMS;NG EuIlNT A complete line or aecurOfe, automatic dispensing eqr1pmeg1P Is cvailcble. DARATD1 may be Intrucuced to the mbc with the sand cmv4rn tnt wafer. PACKAG1NG DARATA110.)7 Is cyaiobIe in bulk, delivered by metered tank trucks, on 55 0110fldrurns. Itcantainsno flammable Ingredients. DARAI'ARDSlT IMU. FREEZE AT ABOUT 28F. BUT WILl. AMRN TO FPJU,. $TRENTH AFTER THAWING NO THOROUGH TAJON. AIRCHIT:M'SPECIACATION FOR CONCRETE RITARDING, AOtTUR; Concrete $11all be detgnad in cccoranae with ACt 5tandai'd Recommended prcttce ('Of Selecting Propor. lions for Concrete CACI 211.111). The sd' retordingfwater redudng adm!ture shall comply with ASIM Designation C ccd. TyC D odmjxfufe. and thofl be DARATA.17.OimanUI'arOd by G=9 Canstrudtiori Products, or eqi.ol, Certiilccion of ccrrIIance shall be made quotable on eq*si. l shot be used In strict accor' dance with the manufacture's recornmandat$arlS. Theeddt1orirota5hb, a44cd to p'aduoe thespecilled retardation of the concrete ?:,Is at all temperclurel Sç4! ma. *,LOil, .424 p4wralawan WU a%w4H IIGntidø nSa&wl.IsI.$yN 1 WII ll*ghmWcP5IbL Cisa.cs be he UM Na"fludISM" lISIfU iUrmi'i WA ica.c.,i. 50 28- GRACE Prodizek 10:21R'l PRINT TIME APR- ADDITION RATES: There Is no stam0ord addition rate for Dore II AEA. The CrnoLrlt to be used %ii1 depe'.d upon the ary4unt of air V under lab conditions. usually In the range of 4 to 7%. Ticc! factarswhicri mi riluence the amountar air entraIned ore temnpero?uie, cert. sand gracatlonl. end useodaflnemoterialssucti osflycsti. lypIcdiDar.xIIAEA addition motes generally range from ½ to 5 fluid ounces per 100 lbs. Of cement (30 - 310 mL1 100 kg). The oi'enfrdining efficiency of arax II ABA becomes evOn greater when used wirn Wa .r.'eduoh'lg and setretording agents Ti may allow orodu' n of up to % In the amount of arex it ABA required for to specified air content. FAX ADJUSTMENT. Entrained air results In increase: Yields with a consegi.ent decrease In the cement cante'r of the placed concrete. This condition cots for a mix aclustment. usually occom-pIIied by redulng trio flns c;greofe content. ThIs Is In addifoni to the reduction in wer content brought about by the Increase In piasilcity, DISPENSING EUlPMENT A complete line of accurore dli,enslng equipmenilis avail' able1 These dispensers con be located to cParge Into the water One. the mixer. or Qm the Land. PACKAGING or.x ii AEA Is vlble In oul. delivered by metered tank trucks and ln!5gal. 2i0L)drurs. Dow IIAM contains na Rornrmble Ingredients. Dares 11 ABA WILL REZE AT ABOUT 30SF (-1 BUT ris Ai1I-ENTIAINING PR0PEm1ES ARE COM- PLETELY RESTOPED EY THAWING AND THOROUGH MECl1ANICAAGtTATON. ARCHITECTS PECIPICATION FOR COjICRET! AIR-BNTRAINING ADMIXTURS. CnCrete shot be air entrginec concrete, containing 4 to 7% entrained air. The air conre'its in the concrete 5nc11 be deteirnmned by the p(essure rretMd CASTM Designation C 231)1. gravfrtetrlc mePMd (.51M Designation C 138) Or vofume mettle method (A5tt. Designation C 173) The dr.enitroining adn*ture shall be Drex ii MA as tured by Grace Corivructlon ;-oducts. or equal The o entrairngodmlxtiJre shall . a:ed of the concrete mIr or botching plant at cpproxirrelv 1A to 5 fluid OUnCeS Per 100 Ibs, (30- 81 niL) 100kg) or oe'ierit, attn such quantities Cs 10 glue the specified air cor'enits. GPR.2S. 199% 1L5Rt1AX PETERSON-cRASE NO.654 P.7'? DAREX& H AEA' Air-Entrdnirig Mmlxturc ASTMC26D DESCRIPTION: Dare' If AEM is an a1rentrathln; admbiture which ener- at63011111fratie airvod system forc eased roteetion against darnqge from freezing and thawing, severe weqtt,eflng. or eTcr ehern(cajs, 134rexIIAEAlso ample roof organic acid salts In an adjusawlsolUticri speaifl-catty I'orrnulclId mr use as an airentrcPIng odmbcture for concrete and Is manufactured under ilgid control which ravidas urfom,. preaietoble perfoimonce. It Is supplied ready to uss and does not require prommme With wafer. Dares II AEA Is a dark Drawn liquid. I gal. wtghs 27 lbs. CT 1. = 104 kg. Darex II AEA compiles to ASTM C 260 Standard Specifications for Air-EntToinirlC Admix%i,u for Concrete. USES Dcirex II AEA Is used in ready mix. black, and concrete proc.cl5 pInt, to kTpfove air entrainment stoD!Ilty. ir is particularly effective in maintaining air content during longer haul fines. Darex II AEA performs well in conventional cancrafe and is efteaiive In olastlawma rges and with $lag llh?w9ight, or manufactured aggregates which tend to proce harsh concrete. Dorex II AM entrains air effectively with micmsilico con-crete crid '#Atll fly cah ccncrote AIR'ENTRAjMIPZG ACTION: By agitatIon of concrete rr*es, DarGg ii AEA disperses and generates rnfltane of discrete liemi-mia'oscapc bubbles throughout the concrete composite. Once thoroughty mDred, the eoflcyete contains a stable network of bubbles which act much isce ball beorinas bicrcsbig mobility. or plqaflci. Of the Concrete. This aids workab11ty to the mis and permits a reduction at water wim no loss of slump. PceadiuIy Is improved. Bise .sesgation, and green shrinkage are mL1mld, Through the puO3elui entrolnme,f of air. Dorex II AEA mo'ksdiy Increases the duroblilty or concrete to all expa-sutes. COMPATiBILITY WITH OTHER ADMl1uRBS; Dares ii ABA Is fily effective and compatible in concrete with other admkturss and may be used with water-redtc. fig admixtures, occeiwators. and initial set retarders such as W00A with HYCOL WRDA' Doraset' end Daratord5. Dares II ABA aim effectively orlllatns air will, miarosfllco admisture, such as Force 10.00O and calcium nit$il adrnixrures such as CC I. Each odi'nixtwro should be added siparately to the conlare\ copyov 43 N A amp C.qCeUL warpot"IFIMIMM POW WMPOW Rorgl'IR Ia 5gb. 1lh.v,I,daqIø,ftd is bi womo biarea yu4 aiwn W SN wewer' =rflcI1uesIpII Wirn IISW4k !uij eli aapp , 4 p sasri __ GRACE aVur.igwudgr*n'.naun 51gw: Ior5Iutj vs pusswfe.s!54 SNU51:s51j4qI; AMIJIL ;41% 141R, Ismh5Ni Or 100a ONI V s'-I—, Conslrucltan Product. REcZVD 11Mg APR,?. 10'LPM PRINT TIM AF.1 23PPt -. - GSAC. GULF STATES ASPHALT.CO., INC. SECTION I - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Product Name > EVERGRIP BITUMINOUS MARKER ADHESIVE Chemical Name > PETROLEUM ASPHALT (BITUMEN) Chemical Family >, PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON .24 Hour Emergency Assistance (713) 941-4410 Health Fire Reactivity PPE 1 1 0 w D Hazard Rating = 0-least, 1-slight, 2-moderate, 3-high, 4-extreme General MSDS Assistance (7I3)941-441O SECTION II- HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS COMPONENT CAS NUMBER PERCENT Asphalt 8052-42-4 65-75 SECTION III - EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES EE CONTACT :Ftush eyes with plenty of water for 15 minutes while holding eyelids open. Get medical attention. SKIN CONTACT. If hot asphalt strikes the skin, drench or immerse the area in water to assist cooling. If available, apply iced water or ice packs to the burned area. (Do not use iced water or cold packs if the burned area covers more than 10% of the body, as this may contribute to shock.) Do not try to remove asphalt from a burn after it has cooled. Seek medical attention. If cool asphalt contacts the skin, wash the area with hot soapy water. Use of a waterless hand cleaner will help to remove the asphalt. INHALATION Remove victim to fresh air and provide oxygen if breathing is difficult. Give artificial respiration if not breathing. Get medical attention. Be aware that H2S may be present if victim is unconscious; make sure you are using breathing protection before attempting to remove victim to fresh air. INGESTION Do not induce vomiting. In general, no treatment is necessary unless large quantities of product are ingested. However, get medical advice. Pagel of4 SECTION IV - OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS OSHA ACGIH COMPONENT PEL/TWA PEL/CEILING TLVTIWA TLV!STEL OTHER Asphalt 5 Mg/Me SECTION V - HEALTH INFORMATION EYE CONTACT Based on essentially similar product testing, product is presumed to be minimally irritating to the eyes. Contact with product at elevated temperatures can result in thermal bums. SKIN CONTACT - Based on essentially similar product testing, product is presumed to be minimally irritating to the skin. Contact with product at elevated temperatures can result in thermal bums. INHALATION Vapors may cause irritation to nose, throat, and respiratory tract, high vapor concentrations may result in CNS depression. INHALATION Warning: Hydrogen Sulfide (1-13S) and other hazardous vapors may evolve and collect in the headspace of storage tanks or other enclosed vessels. Hydrogen Sulfide is an extremely flammable, toxic gas. In the absence of H2S, inhalation of vapors, mists or fumes (generated at high temperatures) may cause irritation to the nose, throat, and respiratory tract. Breathing asphalt aerosol or asphalt smoke for protracted periods of time has produced damage to the lungs of mice. Among the changes observed were bronchitis, pneumonitis and abscess formation. Asphalt fume condensates have been shown to produce a tumorogenic response when repeatedly applied to the skin of experimental animals. The relevance of this data to humans is not know at this time. 1-12S is irritating to the eyes and respiratory tract at low concentrations. 0.02 ppm-odor threshold. 10 ppm-eye irritation. 100 ppm-headache, dizziness, vomiting, coughing. 200-300 ppm-eye inflammation, respiratory tract irritation after I hour exposure. 300-700 ppm-loss of consciousness or possible death in 30 mm. to an hour. 700-900 ppm-rapid loss of consciousness; death can result. >1000 ppm-unconsciousness in seconds; death in minutes unless victim Is removed from contaminated area and breathing is restored. Do not depend on sense of smell for warning. H2S causes rapid olfactory fatigue (deadens sense of smell). There is no evidence that H2S will accumulate in the body tissue after repeated exposure. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE Irritation as noted above. AGGRAVATED MEDICAL CONDITIONS Preexisting eye, skin, and respiratory disorders maybe aggravated by exposure to this product. CARCINOGEN OR POTENTIAL CARCINOGEN National Toxicology yes 0 I.A.R.C. yes 0 OSHA yes 0 Program no 0 Monographs no 9 no Z Page 2 of 4 SECTION VI EMPLOYEE PROTECTION PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Avoid contact with eyes. Wear face shield, gloves, apron and other protective clothing as required to minimize contact. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of vapors. If exposure may or does exceed occupational exposure limits use a NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator to prevent overexposure. In accord with 29 CFR 1910.134 use either an atmosphere-supplying respirator or an air-purifying respirator for organic vapors. ADDITIONAL PROTECTIVE MEASURES Use in a well ventilated area to control vapor concentration. Air-dry contaminated clothing in a well ventilated area, then launder before reusing. SECTION VII- PHYSICAL DATA Boiling Point, °F: >900 Specific Gravity: 1.50-2.00 Vapor Pressure (mm HG): Not Avail, Melting Point, °F: 100-220 - Solubility in water Negligible Vapor Density (AIR=1): Not Avail, Evaporation Rate (N-Butyl) Acetate =1): Not Avail. - pH: Neutral Appearance and Odor Black viscous semisolid. Asphalt odor. SECTION VIII- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS FLASH POINT AND METHOD: FLAMMABLE LIMITS: % VOLUME IN AIR 550 OF (TCC) Lower Not Avail. Upper Not Avail. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Dry chemical or foam preferred. Water fog may be used on flat surfaces such as roads. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES AND PRECAUTIONS Do not use water on asphalt fire in tank or other containers since it may cause violent eruption and spreading of burning asphalt. Material will not bum unless preheated. Do not enter confined fire space without full bunker gear (helmet with face shield, bunker coats, gloves and rubber boots), including a positive pressure NIOSH approved self-contained breathing apparatus. Cool fire exposed containers with water. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Do not heat above flash point. Hot asphalt may ignite flammable mixtures on contact. Sulfur Oxides and Hydrogen Sulfide, both of which are toxic, may be released upon combustion. H2S vapors are heavier than air, may accumulate in low areas and travel along the ground to a remote ignition source; if ignited will flash back to original container. SECTION IX - REACTIVITY STABILITY: Stable HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur CONDITIONS AND MATERIALS TO AVOID Do not allow molten product to contact water or liquids as this can cause violent eruptions, splatter hot material or ignite flammable materials. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Thermal decomposition products are highly dependent on the combustion conditions. A complex mixture of airborne solid, liquid, particulates and gases will evolve when this material undergoes pyrolysis or combustion. Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Sulfide and other unidentified organic compounds may be formed upon combustion. Page of SECTION X - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS When asphaltic products are heated, they often give off small amounts of Hydrogen Sulfide. Hydrogen Sulfide Is an extremely flammable, highly toxic gas. Breathing Hydrogen Sulfide must be avoided. Minimize breathing of vapors, fumes, or mist; when possible, use ventilation or work upwind of source of vapors, fumes and mist. Launder contaminated clothing before using. Discard leather goods when they cannot be decontaminated. Observe good personal hygiene. Wash thoroughly after working with asphalt and before eating or smoking. SECTION XI- ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES May bum although not readily ignitable. Use cautious judgment when cleaning up large spills. —Large Spills—, wear respirator and protective clothing as appropriate. Shut off source of leak if safe to do so. Dike and contain. Remove with vacuum trucks or pump to storage/salvage vessels. Soak up residue with an absorbent such as clay, sand or other suitable material; dispose of properly. Flush area with water to remove trace residue. —Small Spills— take up with an absorbent material and dispose of properly. SECTION MI - TRANSPORTATION REQUIREMENTS D.O.T. CLASSIFICATION: Non-Hazardous D.O.T. PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Bituminous Marker Adhesive OTHER REQUIREMENTS: None SECTION XIII - REGULATORY DATA The components of the product are listed on the EPA/TSCA Inventory of Chemical Substances. The Information contained herein Is based on the data available to us and Is believed to be correct. However, Gulf States Asphalt Co., Inc. makes no warranty, expressed or Implied regarding the accuracy of this data or the results to be obtained from the use thereof. This Information and product Is furnished on the condition that the person receiving them shall make their own determination as to the suitability of the product for their particular purpose and on the condition that they assume the risk of use thereof. Gulf States Asphalt P.O. Box 508, 300 Christy Place South Houston, Texas 77587 Phone: (713) 941-4410 Fax: (713) 947-4908 Date Prepared: 02/14/94 (Product Lia61(ity Law rquwes that thic safety information Sc ivad'an providWon rqueA Page 4 of 4 PETERSON/CHASE GENERAL ENGINEERING / CONSTRUCTION, INC. RCE!VED JUL 21 1999 -- - - CITY OF CARLS!3AD July 26, 1999 City of Carlsbad Purchasing Dept. 2075 Las Palmas Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 Attn: John Whisenhunt Re: Project: TURN LANES AT PALOMAR AIRPORT RD AND 1-5 Location: PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD/I-5 Contract #: 3268 P/C Job #: 301 Attached please find the certificates of compliance for the delineation materials for the referenced contract. Please review and give Dick Vogels a call. Sincerely, Peterson-Chase Construction, Inc. hoe nknfeldt Asst. Project Manager cc: 301 I 1792 KAISER AVENUE I IRVINE, CA 92614-5706 / 949/252-0441 FAX 949/252-0266 / LICENSE NO. 615876 3 Morton September 29, 1997 Luzaich Striping P. 0. Box 2426 El Cajon, CA 92021 Attention: Bruce CERTIFICATION This letter certifies that product numbers 2675A9 White, 2576A9 Yellow, 2677A9 Black, 2.678A9 Blue, 2679A9 Green and 2680A9 Red, manufactured by Morton International, Inc. Traffic Markings - Bauer, meets and exceeds the TTP-001952D, Type II for Water Emulsion Based Traffic and Airfield Marking Paint. Sincerely, MORTON INTERNATIONAL, INC. Traffic Markings - Bauer DIANA C. REYES Compliance Officer/Technical Service Morton Traffic Markings Bauer, 1021 Nor:!, Mission Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90033, P.O. Box 31352, Los Angeles, CA 90031 (213) 225-4154 Fax (213) 227-5170 Norris, 1675 Commercial St. IVE., Salem, OR 97303, P.O. Box 2023, Salem, OR 97308 (503) 364-2277 Fax '503 364-1029 TMT. 2490 Ewald Ave. S.E., Salem, OR 97302, P.O. Box 2023, Salem, OR 97308 t'503) 364-2909 Fax (503) 370-4389 Product Data Data Sheet TTP-1952D, Type II WATERBORNE TRAFFIC & AIRFIELD MARKING PAINT 2675A9 White, 2676A9 Yellow, 2677A9 Black 2678A9 Blue, 2679A9 Green and 2680A9 Red DESCRIPTION: This specification covers 100% acrylic waterborne, low VOC, ready-mixed and one component traffic and airfield marking paint. The paints are intended for use on such traffic-bearing surfaces as concrete, bituminous, brick, or stone surfaces of airfields, highways, bridges, tunnels, streets, or parking lots when applied at a wet film thickness of 0.33 mm (0.013 inch) by means of traffic striping equipment designed for water based paints. The white and yellow paint stripes should preferably be reflectorized for night visibility by adding glass beads. The black paint is intended for use as an obliterating paint, for painting out white or yellow markings to permit remarking in a different manner. These products do not contain mercury, lead and hexavalent chromium metals. When tested, the lead content does not exceed 0.06% by weight of the dry film and chromium content is negative. This advancement in traffic and airfield marking coatings meet the Federal Specifications 1'TP- 1952D, Type II - for use under adverse conditions, i.e. night striping, higher humidity (around 80%), low air movement and lower surface temperatures, down to 12°C (55 °F). CHARACTERISTICS White & Yellow Black Other Colors Viscosity @77° F, KU 80 -90 80-90 80-90 Fineness of Dispersion, Hegman 3.0 mm. 3 mm. 3 mm. Weight per Gallon, @77°F, lbs. 13.5 mm. 13.2 mm. 13.2 mm. Drying Time for No-Pickup, minutes 10 max. 10 max. .10 max. Dry Through (Early Washout), minutes 120 max. 120 max. 120 max. Dry Opacity @5 mils 0.92 min. 1.0 mm. 0.92 mm. Directional Reflectance, % 85 min. 54 mm. NA Color Match Fed. Std. 595 #33538 AE of 6.0 CIELAB Units Bleeding Ratio 0.95 mm. 0.95 mm. 0.95 mm. Scrub Resistance, Cycles 500 mm. 500 mm. 500 mm. Total Solids, % By Volume 60 mm. 58 min. 58 mm. Total Pigment, % By Weight 60 -62 60 -62 60-62 Volatile Organic Compound, grams/liter 150 max. 150 max. 150 max. COVERAGE 107 square feet per gallon at 15 mils wet film thickness. PACKAGING These paints are available in 345 gallon and 250 gallon portable tanks, 55 gallon steel drums and 5 gallon pails. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Rev. 06/05/97 Mr orton Morton Traffic Markings Striping products. Nationwide 1-800/835-3357 Southwestern U.S. 1-800/338-7680 California 1-800/339-7680 Striping Equipment and Parts. Nationwide 1-800/253-2909 ' MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET YELLOW NO LEAD WB TTP1952D TYPE II Page: 1 PRODUCT NAME: YELLOW NO LEAD WB TTP1952D TYPE II HMIS CODES: H F R P PRODUCT CODE: WY2676A9 1 1 0 X ================== SECTION I - MANUFACTURER IDENTIFICATION ================= MANUFACTURER'S NAME: Morton Traffic Markings ADDRESS : 1021 N. MISSION ROAD LOS ANGELES, CA 90033 EMERGENCY PHONE : 800-424-9300 DATE REVISED : SEPTEMBER, 1996 INFORMATION PHONE : 213-225-4154 NAME OF PREPARER : DIANA C. REYES DATE PRINTED : 10/06/97 SECTION II - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS/SARA III INFORMATION =-====--== VAPOR PRESSURE WEIGHT REPORTABLE COMPONENTS CAS NUMEER = BE 0 TEMP • F PERCENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHYL ALCOHOL 67-56-1 97.68 68 3 OSHA PEL 200 PPM (SKIN) (260 MG/M3), STEL 250 PPM ACGIH TLV 200 PPM (SKIN) (260 MG/M3), STEL 250 PPM NIOSH TWA 200 PPM, 800 PPM (CEILING) QUARTZ SILICA 14808-60-7 NA NA 1.76 NIOSH REL = TWA 0.05 MG/M3, 3.000,000 FIBERS/M3 OSHA PEL: TWA RESPIRABLE: 0.1 MG/M3, TOTAL DUST: 30 MG/M3 ACGIH TLV TWA RESPIRABLE: 0.1 MG/M3 DIETHYLENE GLYCOL MONOBtrrYL ETHER (DGMEE) 112-34-5 0.02 68 2 PEL/TLV NOT ESTABLISHED. SUPPLIER RECOMMENDS AN EXPOSURE LIMIT OF 35 PPM. BARIUM SULFATE 7727-43-7 1 OSHA PEL TWA:5 MG/M3 (RESPIRABLE). 10 MG/M3 (TOTAL DUST) ACGIH TLV TWA:3.0 MG/M3 (TOTA; DUST) ZINC SULFIDE . 1314-98-3 NA NA 0 OSHA PEL 15 MG/M3 (TOTAL DUST) ACGIH TLV 15 MG/M3 (TOTAL DUST) 2.2.4 TRIMETHYL-1,3-PENTANEDIOL MONOISOBUTYRATE 25265-77-4 1 NOT ESTABLISHED Indicates toxic chemical(s) subject to-the reporting requirements of section 313 of Title III and of 40 CFR 372. =============== SECTION III - PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS BOILING RANGE: 147 DEG F - 471 DEG F SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H20=1): 1.63 VAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER THAN AIR EVAPORATION RATE: SLOWER THAN ETHER COATING V.O.C.: 1.05 ib/gi SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Completely. APPEARANCE AND ODOR: OPAQUE LIQUID WITH AMMONIA ODOR. SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASH POINT: 106 DEG F METHOD USED: PMCC FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR BY VOLUME- LOWER: 0.62 UPPER: 38.5 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: SMALL FIRES: USE FOAM, CARBON DIOXIDE, DRY CHEMICAL, OR WATER SPRAY. LARGE FIRES: USE FOAM, WATER SPRAY, OR FOG. SPECIAL FIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET YELLOW NO LEAD WB TTP1952D TYPE II Page: 2 '4 FULL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS, IS RECOMMENDED. WATER FROM FOG NOZZLES MAY BE USED TO PREVENT PRESSURE BUILD-UP. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS VAPORS MAY BE HEAVIER THAN AIR AND MAY TRAVEL CONSIDERABLE DISTANCES FROM THE MATERIAL HANDLING POINT. VAPORS CAN BE IGNITED BY A SPARK. FLAME, CIGARETI'E, ELECTRIC MOTOR, STATIC DISCHARGE, ENGINE, PILOT LIGHT, HOT SURFACE, OR OTHER IGNITIN SOURCE. TOXIC OXIDES OF NITROGEN MAY BE FORMED IN FIRE. MAY LIBERATE IRRITATING OR TOXIC VAPORS DURING COMBUSTION OR DECOMPOSITION. SECTION V - REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: STABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID AVOID MEAT, SPARKS, AND OPEN FLAMES INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID) AVOID STRONG OXIDIZING AGENTS. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION OR BYPRODUCTS MAY LIBERATE SMOKE, SOOT.AND TOXIC FUMES (CARBON MONOXIDE AND CARBON DIOXIDE). HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: WILL NOT OCCUR ==================== SECTION VI - HEALTH HAZARD DATA INHALATION HEALTH RISKS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE AVOID PROLONGED OR REPEATED INHALATION. NO EFFECTS EXPECTED UNDER NORMAL CONDITIONS OF USE. SKIN AND EYE CONTACT HEALTH RISKS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE SKIN: REPEATED OR PROLONGED LIQUID CONTACT MAY CAUSE SKIN IRRITATION WITH DISCOMFORT AND DERMATITIS. MAY ALSO CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTIONS. CAN BE ABSORBED THROUGH THE SKIN IN HARMFUL AMOUNTS. EYE: CAUSES SEVERE EYE IRITATION. LIQUID SPLASHES IN THE EYE MAY RESULT IN CHEMICAL BURNS. MAY CAUSE EYE IRRITATION WITH DISCOMFORT, EARING OR BLURRED VISION. SKIN ABSORPTION HEALTH RISKS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE REPEATED OR PROLONGED CONTACT WITH PRODUCT MAY CAUSE SKIN IRRITATION WITH DISCOMFORT AND DERMATITIS. MAY ALSO CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTIONS INGESTION HEALTH RISKS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE CAN CAUSE GASTROINTESTINAL IRRITATION, NAUSEA, VOMITTING AND DIARRHEA. HEALTH HAZARDS (ACUTE AND CHRONIC) CHRONIC EXPOSURE: METHANOL - EXCESSIVE HUMAN EXPOSURE TO METHANOL MAY LEAD TO FATIGUE, HEADACHE, ANAESTHETIC, NEUROLOGIC EFFECTS, AND VISUAL DIFFICULTIES INCLUDING BLINDNESS OR DEATH, METABOLIC ACIDOSIS, CNS AND OPTIC EFFECTS CAN OCCUR. RECURRENT OVEREXPOSURE MAY RESULT IN LIVER AND KIDNEY DAMAGE. ACUTE: MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO SKIN, EYE. AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM DUE TO AMMONIA ODOR. CHRONIC: SWALLOWING LARGE QUANTITIES WILL CAUSE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DEPRESSION AND SEVERE KIDNEY DAMAGE. REPEATED SKIN CONTACT MAY CAUSE SENSITIZATION WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALLERGIC CONTACT DERMATITIS. ADDITIONAL HAZARD INFORMATION OVEREXPOSURE TO DGMBE OR ITS COMPONENTS HAS BEEN SUGGESTED AS A CAUSE OF THE FOLLOWING EFFECTS IN LABORATORY ANIMAL, AND MAY AGGRAVATE PRE-EXISTING DISORDERS OF THESE ORGANS IN HUMANS: KIDNEY DAMAGE. METHANOL IS A POISONOUS, NARCOTIC CHEMICAL THAT MAY EXERT ITS EFFECTS THROUGH INHALATION, SKIN ABSORPTION OR INGESITON. BODY ELIMINATION OF METHANOL IS SLOW, AND THE TOXIC EFFECTS CAN BE COMPOUNDED BY REPEATED EXCESSIVE EXPOSURES OVER SEVERAL DAYS. tOXIC EFFECTS ARE EXERTED UPON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, ESPECIALLY THE OPTIC NERVE. INGESTION CAN PRODUCE BLINDNESS, NARCOSIS. SOLVENT ACTION MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET YELLOW NO LEAD WB TTP1952D TYPE II Page: 3 A1 DRY THE SKIN AND CAUSE DERMATITIS. HRONIC EXPOSUREE: IMPAIRED VISION. :0MG TERM OVEREXPOSURE TO SILICA CAUSES SILICOSIS, A FORM OF PULMONARY FIBROSIS. CONTINUED EXPOSURE TO SILICA CAN LEAD TO ARDIOPULMONARY IMPAIRMENT. CRYSTALLINE SILICA HAS BEEN REVIEWED BY IARC. IARC FOUND LIMITED EVIDENCE FOR CARCINOGENICITY OF CRYSTALLINE SILICA IN HUMANS AND SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE IN EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS. CARCINOGENICITY: N'TP CARCINOGEN: No IARC MONOGRAPHS: No OSHA REGULATED: Yes CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 REPORTABLE: WARNING - THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS A CHEMICAL(S) KNOWN TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO CAUSE CANCER. MEDICAL CONDITIONS GENERALLY AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS MAY BE AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE TO VAPORS. SKIN EXPOSURE MAY AGGRAVATE EXISTING CONDITIONS. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES :NGESTION: DO NOT GIVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH. IF POSSIBLE, DO NOT LEAVE VICTIM UNATTENDED. CALL A PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY AND HAVE NAMES CF INGREDIENTS AVAILABLE. SK-N: IF SKIN SURFACE IS DAMAGE, APPLY A CLEAN DRESSING AND SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION. IF SKIN SURFACE IS NOT DAMAGED, CLEANSE AFFECTED AREA(S) THOROUGHLY BY WASHING WITH MILD SOAP AND WATER. IF IRRITATION OR REDNESS DEVELOPS, CONTACT A PHYSICIAN. EYE: IMMEDIATELY FLUSH AFFECTED EYE(S) WITH CLEAN WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES. IF IRRITATION OCCURS, CONTACT A PHYSICIAN. :NHALATION: MOVE VICTIM AWAY FROM SOURCE OF EXPOSURE AND INTO FRESH AIR. IF NOT BREATHING GIVE ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION SHOULD BE ADMINISTERED BY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL. IF BREATHING DIFFICULTY PERSISTS, OR OCCURS LATER, CONSULT A PHYSICIAN. SECTION VII - PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED. OR SPILLED STOP DISCHARGE, IF IT CAN BE PERFORMED SAFELY, AND CONTAIN MATERIAL. IF SUBSTANTIAL QUANTITY IS SPILLED, RECOVER WITH EXPLOSION PROOF ICU1PE1€NT IF PRODUCT IS FLAMMABLE OR COMBUSTIBLE (SEE SEC. IV). OTHERWWISE, USE A SYNTHETIC ABSORBENT. PLACE CONTAMINATED MATERIAL IN A SUITABLE CONTAINER FOR DISPOSAL. APPROPRIATE SAFETY MEASURES AND PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT SHOULD BE USED (SEE SEC.VIII). CC NOT PLUSH TO SEWER, STREAM, OR OTHER BODIES OF WATER. COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE GOVERNMENTAL REGULATIONS ON SPILL REPORTING. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD SPOSE OF WASTE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS OF THE METHODS OF DISPOSAL CURRENTLY AVAILABLE. IT IS ?.ECOt'EIENDED THAT AN ALTERNATIVE BE SELECTED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING ORDER OF PREFERENCE BASED UPON ENVIRONMENTAL ACCEPTABILITY: 1' RECYCLE OR REWORK IF AT ALL FEASIBLE, (2) INCINERATE AT AN AUTHORIZED FACILITY, OR (3) TREAT AT AN ACCEPTABLE WASTE TREATMENT F;C:LITY PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING 371-ORE CONTAINERS IN A COOL, DRY, WELL VENTILATED AREA. AVOID EXPOSURE TO HIGH TEMPERATURES , AND DO NOT ALLOW TO FREEZE. STORE IN ACCORDANCE WITH DOL STORAGE CATEGORY (REFERENCE OSHA 1910.106). OTHER PRECAUTIONS IS CONTAINER CAN BE HAZARDOUS WHEN EMPTY, BECAUSE IT CAN RETAIN PRODUCT RESIDUE. THEREFORE DO NOT REUSE CONTAINER FOR FOOD, :LcTHING, OR PRODUCTS FOR HUMAN OR ANIMAL CONSUMPTION OR WHERE SKIN CONTACT MAY OCCUR. ALWAYS OBEY HAZARD WARNINGS AND HANDLE CONTAINERS AS IF THEY WERE FULL. REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE: DO NOT CUT, GRIND, WELD, OR DRILL NEAR THIS CONTAINER. = = = = ==== === = == ======= SECTION VIII - CONTROL MEASURES = ============== = = = == = = RESPIRATORY PROTECTION WHEN ESTABLISHED AIRBORNE EXPOSURE LIMITS ARE SURPASSED (SEE AIRBORNE EXPOSURE LIMITS IN THIS SECTION), WEAR NIOSH . MSHA APPROVED EQUIPMENT. DETERMINE THE APPROPRIATE TYPE EQUIPMENT FOR THE SPECIFIC APPLICATION BY CONSULTING THE RESPIRATOR MANUFACTURER. OBSERVE RESPIRATOR USE LIMITATIONS SPECIFIED BY NIOSH/MSHA OR THE MANUFACTURER. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET YELLOW NO LEAD WB TTP1952D TYPE II Page: 4 VNTILATION LOCAL EXHAUST VENTILATION MAY BE NEEDED TO CONTROL DUST LEVELS TO BELOW RECOMMENDED EXPOSURE LIMIT. PROTECTIVE GLOVES NEOPRENE, POLYVINYL OR OTHER CHEMICALLY RESISTANT GLOVES REQUIRED. EYE PROTECTION PROTECIVE GOGGLES OR MASK REQUIRED TO PROTECT AGAINST SPLASH. OTHER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING OR EQUIPMENT EYE BATH RECOMMENDED. WORK/HYGIENIC PRACTICES REMOVE AND WASH CONTAMINATED CLOTHING BEFORE REUSE: DISCARD SHOES IF SATURATED. SECTION IX - DISCLAIMER THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS, TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, ACCURATE. HOWEVER, SINCE THE CONDITIONS OF HANDLING AND USE ARE BEYOND OUR CONTROL • WE MAKE NO GUARANTEES OF RESULTS • AND ASSUME NO LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES INCURRED BY USE OF THIS MATERIAL. ALL. CHEMICALS MAY PRESENT UNKNOWN HEALTH HAZARDS AND SHOULD BE USED WITH CAUTION. ALTHOUGH CERTAIN HAZARDS ARE DESCRIBED HEREIN, WE ZANNOT GUARANTEE THAT THESE ARE THE ONLY HAZARDS WHICH EXIST. FINAL DETERMINATION OF SUITABILITY OF THE CHEMICAL IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USER. NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FO R A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER ARE MADE WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN OR THE CHEMICAL TO WHICH THE INFORMATION REFERS. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USER TO COMPLY WITH ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. . -..__ . - _ PETERSONICHASE GENERAL ENGINEERING - CONSTRUCTION, INC. April 29, 1999 City of Carlsbad Purchasing Dept. 2075 Las Palmas Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 Attn: John Whisenhunt Fax: (760)602-0427 Re: Project: TURN LANES AT PALOMAR AIRPORT RD AND 1-5 • ••. . .........Location: PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD/I-5 . . •• .•.,• Contract #: 3268 P/C Job #: 301 Gentlemen: Submitted for your approval please find our proposed mix design for the Asphalt Concrete which we plan to use for Item 18. I am faxing a copy of the mix design to you, and I am also mailing you 6 copies of both the asphalt concrete and the class 2 aggregate base for you to distribute as you requested. If you need anything else, please call. Sincerely, Peterson-Chase Construction, Inc. Katherina von Schonfeldt Asst. Project Manager cc: 301 I 1792 KAISER AVENUE I IRVINE, CA 92614-5706 / 949/252-0441 FAX 949/252-0266 / LICENSE NO. 615876 04/29/99 08:52 SOUTH COAST MATERIALS + 949 252 0266 NO.059 IP03 HANSON AGGREGATES CARLSBAD ASPHALT PLANT 3701 HAYMAR DR. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CONT. Peterson Chase Const. * (PE OF MIX DATE 4/28/99 .1 PROJ. City of Carlsbad > 4 a Trans 3/4" Max/Med. Turn Lanes @ Palomar Airport Rd. > 4000 Asphalt Oil Contract #3268 > '1 Iype B Aggregate BASED ON CURRENT AVERAGES % OF EACH AGGREGATI 0% IOC FILLER BIN #4 PERCEI PERC SIEVE TOTAL TOTAl SIZE PASS USED PASS 11/4" 100 0 10( 1' 100 0 101 314" 100 0 TI 112" 100 0 U 318" 100 0 #4 100 0 1 #5 100 0 C #16 100 0 C 930 100 0 C #50 95 0 C #100 90 0 C #200 90 0 C SIEVE ANALYSIS DATA TOTAL PERCENT 20% 25% 45% 100% BIN #3 BIN 92 BIN 01 ALL AGGREGATES PERCEI PERCEI PERCEI TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL COMBINED $IECIFIED SIEVE USED PASS USED PASS USED PASS USED %PASS FlJiNGE FACTOR SIZE 10 100 20 100 25 100 45 = 100 37.5mm 10 100 20 100 25 100 45 = 100 100 25mm 8 100 20 100 25 100 45 = 98 16400 19mm 2 82 16 100 25 100 45 = 88 - 12.5mm 0 12 2 81 20 100 45 = 68 1115.80 9.5mm 0 2 0 18 5 100 45 = 50 417-57 x=52 4.75mm 0 1 0 3 1 87 39 = 40 914-44 z =39 2.36mm 0 0 0 1 0 65 29 30 1.18mm 0 0 0 0 0 47 21 = 21 5-25 x=20 600um 0 0 0 0 0 29 13 = 13 - 300um 0 0 0 0 0 16 7= 7 ISOum 0 0 0 0 0 10 5 = $ 3-8 75um CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that the Asphaltic Concrete Manufactured in the City of Carlsbad. California by Hanson Aggregates, conforms with the the State of California Standard Specifications, Section 39 & 92 for 314° Maxium I Medium Asphaltic Concrete, All aggregates for bins I -Bare produced from California Mine Identification number 9147-0016. Hanson Aggregates shall not be responsible if the contractor or his representative, at the time of delivery, orders a mix other than that covered in the above certification. Respectfully, M)( DESIGN #4 3N 10% #431N 20% #II3IN 25% #1 'BIN 45% CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 (760) 438-1161 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: April 14, 1999 JOB NO: 3268 ATTENTION: Robert Ledesma RE: Palomar Airport Road/I-5 Turn Lanes TO: Caltrans Permit Section P0 Box 85406 San Diego, CA 92186-5406 WE ARE SENDING YOU: 0 Attached 0 Shop Drawings 0 Prints 0 Plans Specifications 0 Copy of Letter 0 Change Order X Submittal IsSM*I 5 'B April 12, 1999 NO. 2.0 1*SL1II[Sh Submittal 2.0- Overhead Sign Shop Drawings - Permit Number 11-98-NMC0040 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED: For Approval 0 For Checking 0 Resubmit 6 Copies for Approval For Your Use 0 Approved as Submitted 0 Design Only, Not for Construction As Requested 0 Approved as Noted 0 Return Corrected Prints X For Review and Comment 0 Returned For Your Action 0 For Your Action REMARKS: I got your name from John Lyons. Please review and comment on these shop drawings and return 3 originals by April 30, 1999. If you have any questions, please call me at (760)438-1161 x4415. Thanks for your help. Signed: — /N 4 Blame Barth - C JJIlL___J \M-1 7 -- ------ "- . '• -•• • -• - PLJ1 UJ)i1 70 S MP1JL1fI LLLLILJ( ZT' .-'. .. ,. . .. . • • . • IC ••f .. . - . .- 4 'I • • . - .. • Av JL Vat -: -•---T 14- it ... .l .rY±Y' 4 41 41 4t14442 CTO 41iL4 Ic ti. ;...•. _-.---- —; ___ _____ ___ ________ - ____ C, cr ---' L .- gem AOL - do -- -- -- -- --s - - -ob tA -s' - EUJ'T AT 3T '+io'p-A, u) H ••...$... . 10 all 7. zz lyp - i- _ _ - . -, =- - • .T44 ... I - vp do 04 Jm dep 1_esU.44i -9 ---44 -- ._4;s •.. - 01 - — • It .- - a . ,t9E aLG, - /WHX NUT(A-3GA.'V3 - - - $7 • -r"-"S. le L - ZOAD1I4D. - MLCPTEEfl-S SUbn - LJACCEPTEDWITHCOMMENTS All D NOT ACCEPTEDRESUBMIT -to - - .— -. BY DATE It2iipuir. — - ; I TI.:1:1I. V, orr a - . . ..•..... ., - — cJ .0 *.4 GENERAL NOg:, .- -•- -.•-t'.-- .- FOR ALL SIGNS REFER 'TO ST ØF CALIFORNIA DEPT. .PFOTBANSPORTATION PLANS COVERING CONT#1 PAwM ,'i1ere7F -r/1-5 STAN DAD PLANS & SPEC1FICAtION DATED 11 10 ALL MATERIAL TO. BE J qfO1' HOT, DIP GALVANIZE AFTER FABRICATION: TOUCH UP ABRADED AREASHATER,.H-. ERECTION FOR OTI-iER.DETAItS SEE SHT..U. jtL. CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 (780) 438-1161 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TO: Peterson-Chase 1792 Kaiser Ave. Irvine, CA 92614 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: May 4, 1999 JOB NO: 3268 ATTENTION: Rich Davidson RE: Palomar Airport Road / 1-5 Turn Lanes WE ARE SENDING YOU: X Attached 0 Shop Drawings 0 Prints 0 Plans Specifications 0 Copy of Letter 0 Change Order X Submittal THESE ARE TRANSMITTED: For Approval 0 For Checking 0 Resubmit 6 Copies for Approval X For Your Use X Approved as Submitted 0 Design Only, Not for Construction As Requested 0 Approved as Noted 0 Return Corrected Change Order For Review and Comment 0 Not Accepted 0 For Your Action REMARKS: None CC: File Signed: John Whisenhunt I I PETERSON/CHASE GENERAL ENINEER!N0 CONSTRUCTION, INC. April 29, 1999 City of Carlsbad Purchasing Dept. 2075 Las Palmas Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 Attn: John Whisenhunt Fax:(760)602-0427 Re: Project: TURN LANES AT PALOMAR AIRPORT RD AND 1-5 Location: PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD/i-5 Contract #: 3268 P/C Job #: 301 Gentlemen: Submitted for your approval please find our proposed mix design for the Asphalt Concrete which we plan to use for Item 18. I em faxing a copy of the mix design to you, and I am also mailing you 6 copies of both the asphalt concrete and the class 2 aggregate base for you to distribute as you requested. If you need anything else, please call. Sincerely, Peterson-Chase Construction, Inc. Katherina von Schonfeldt Asst, Project Manager cc: 301 / 1792 KAISER AVENUE IRVINE. CA 82c14-5706 I 949i252-G44t FAX 94W252-M& / LICENSE NO. % EACH SIEVE ANALYSIS DATA AGSRESATI 0% 10% 20% 250A 45% FILLER IlNI4 A1N 03 SINE Bw in PERCEI PERCE1 PERCEI PERCEI PERCEI SIE TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL SS PASS - USED - PASS - USED - PASS - USED - PASS USED PASS 1114 100 0 100 10 100 20 - 100 u 25 - 100 Id 100 0 190 10 100 20 100 25 100 39m 100 0 78 $ 100 20 100 28 100 100 0 13 2 a 16 100 25 100 3LIk 100 0 3 0 12 2 II 20 10 100 0 1 0 2 0 10 5 100 N 100 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 87 #16 100 0 0 0 0 0 f 0 05 doo 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 NO 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 5100 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 00 80 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 10 TOTAL PERCENT 1C$'A ALL. AOOREGATEB COMBINED $EC1FIED SIEVE USED % PASS FNGE FACTOR SIZE 45 100 373mm 48 100 100 23mm 45 95 5..100 Istmt 45 88 12.5mm 45 = 85 1115.80 9,1mm 45. 50 4047 * IN 52 4J5mzn 39 • 49 1444 z39 2.38mm 29 30 1.18mm 21 21 6.25 x20 60mim 13- 13 308so 7 7 1&OWR $ 5 34 75um 04/29/99 THU 13:12 FAX 949 252 1140 PETERSON-CHASE 04/29/99 08,.52 SMITH COAST rTER I ALS -' 949 252 0266 HANSON AGGREGATES CARLSBAD ASPHALT PLANT 3701 HAAR DR. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BASED ON CURRENT AVERAGES CONT. Paterson Chase Coast. DAtE 4128191 PROJ. City of Carlsbad Turn Lam @Paloni.r Airport Rd. Contract 32U * I'PEOFMIX > thi Trans 314" Max,./Med. .bL1008 Asphalt Oil 1'ppe I Aggregate CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE PU DESIGN To Wbsfl MaCoc&n TiftlaftcUft1hattimAsphalde C .tAP1IpwtactIrod IA Ilia CIy.tCsrt.bsdCsIfs11s SIN 10% bykailsofi Aggrs, castesis We the Owf%dc stCI. $tsngw'd SpedftadmB, 011111 20% Secon $8 am far SW IsIvm I MaAspI,ahIsc.ow*. f4 064 25% All .ps, for hIss 1-I are prsd,mod from Caflfsrffls Ilijie mesfgascA nuU4T.001B 011 INN 45% Haso.,, *qaIsi GhA N*bm rsopombIe if 'sconpidor or Me Wm of dPnq,or. o o .thcr om thatcsoom In m mwmaum Al IN 62% ReapePiIIy. 1.)1 ACCEPTED AS SUBMITTED O ACCEPTED WITH COMMENTS O NOT ACCEPTED-RESUBMIT Ø/A _ - BY DATE 11 ji., - -- - - - --a" - -- -- S II " . , I h I . - : ] I 11 , ~ I : ~ % _N /1 , I ~, /*- -I-, 1; - Z *I A 44m Ot _; I !~41i4 _ __ __ ______ i 'I _________ ____ _ _ . I.,- . - I - ~_-_011 19- __ — I - I ,q"wwm1'Qm , , I " -I... -- - —1-1-- ,.l~,-W, I I lw xrdr1zww_ 7;,_~ 11 . . . . =mmr=mx14! .. -.1. , I . b 11 I ~_, "_ *- -:0—• I . f I I 11 ff* -1 i , i-, -; ~" " * '' lf.~- -f i - I. ~', . - , ~4, K,*Aw ! - ~ .. L. . . L .. I I - I., . i . - ~ 1, -1 - 6 _ 1~.. - -- I ... I -, " , Ap I 11 ~ . . 1 :L!Li _ ~ * . ~ I . I I; .. " I . . I I T I 11 11 1,:: . . . -4-,vi, . '' . - 1*. I , . I I . _4 ~ I ~_ I . , li , I 11 . 4 'i * I -_ - t J3:±± . , ,~ .i; , , , J . I- . . . Cr4l . .t.,4 . 1. , -_W. .. i , : ~_ - t , ., . 2 ±i " I fft JE 4% - ., L . 11, I " 10 I V n I I I.' - . w,A, , ~~ ;,A * 11 11 I ; 0 . 11 I , . `~ . .*V E - r- I ~ PC , 6 . . . I I - I I Llo. .. .. I 1. , . I , TY I .1 e ' , , 'Ali-.4,lco, — t:'L'j -.'I' "".' , ,= I . i, 1 L i ,c " . 16 . . . . L 'T Y, F O"' `~ , .; 1 . I - *-I- I " I r X .1 - - ___1_T__ __ I Wil~wc!==W_C~~_*w -' " ~(' '., -1 .. " - t - 4 - - Ty .11 .1.11 .$, k. 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I Z, - ________ -, - - 4iL*-sii4 - - -- -..- - - Li TAL f . :- "r, I .I&_.~I~- - i I , ~N. ; ';. ~- ", !j . . . i( H . I SS, .-, - , ~!, 4' - 1v" 4( -c', 1 - h1- J,iL -. -_-_- ___i——_- _- _-_- r' i_ I 1- 4 ., '. I I ., . r Le~ .. ,, ' '! .`1. t I. - I - I I I , 1 -.1t, , ~ J I,." \ "'7' .3 'r 11 4t4C4OR C\t i,YOUT ~,, -, . 1. I , c , , ~44 * _ ". I , ' * =_~ - ~ ."~.j _ %_ , .~~ "' 1", ". ,,, ~ ~ # I , - UO ~, `#Z .. Ii. '~,", , I I , L k . , 'i - , V 4 " 12 1. 1, l A , - $ _\__ - kir-_A rJ -\.---, -: - - - r , - . -- -, -. - - .DMi j.owuwo - . !' .- ____ - ___________________________ - A k ( -1-'1 VO/ZJ/UU MUN 14:18 FAX 949 252 1140 PETERSON-CHASE 08/22/99 SUN 19:06 FAX 6192875228 SIERRA, ELECTRIC 0 Anicorn' 5H e.1hrneCA V-.-,i TBU 3101.4Øa • K4Xk5io*2& 6€4 &TOLL M9LflME 9U cATXOl1:cw ThIS XS TO CkkTXT't TRAT. LL F Z AL .$iIPPD AGAINST TOUR PURCBASE ORD ! r ?IE1S. ALL RZQU!REWS 0v_ AFFLtCA31! 'tO Z5 ODER. . CuS1R PA SZE• IccM,. ___________ PAC.I9 St!T NO______________ L _-- Qt3&rr1-r/LzNtis SPED_______ -. - • ;i,mm DESCIOII ST ib" C&' • :fo tm , _ . .. 'rw 1'41t') £,.W UL- $TTL iio. zJ AnLI1L_ & .. -•.-----4.. V.W.91 • • )II 'L4031NY. LI'91 tI)6€,OZ-!ft 14ATZR1AL DC*IrT1OK ___________ PG lii. STYLE W. -37 APPLI vbct qzT131 —. - - ••1 1O3t!T • L191 t1dA66Ot- 9I1 V,• • rWI - - 08/23/99 MON 14:18 FAX 949 252 1140 PETERSON-CHASE 08/22/99 SUN 19:06 FAX 8192875228 sthKKA i.tcnii ,LQ0_3 i1 nicom° 231 44OO FAX- 31W3Ze. S4 ATOLL PFtWb '3-4b L_ Jg1fg pfmarsNw; - - czr±c&rxaz -OF CGL4 TKIS XS IC CUMfl =AT LL MT!L AL SciiIPFD AG11Tt(ST YOUR PURCHASE ORD NO.., _________ NEETS AM R!QUIR)FIS OF S?ZDi. t!OlS APPLIC371 TO - -. r--. CUSTOM PALT im,4 I'cr 3342. tCoM, :2.J QAkLTflThS JDli' ______ Cflfli. - - 08/23/99 MON 14:19 FAX 949 252 1140 08/22/99 SUN 19:07 FAX 8192875228 PETERSON-CHASE SIERRA ELECTRIC F 004 tgruu 'a I AMuco•iir ue•1mno o TEL B1'D -'FAM31GftM IOU'sTOLL rREE IOQ?324$ DMCPIá • • . • • • L!C&TIo 0! CLa1k • !1LLS ZSTO ct 2MAT. AM ?1ATE SIPFV ACkIST "M fUPCIIS! ORDER. NO. flEETS ALL R!QUIRWIS 0E SflC i!IoHS 2E ORDEP. • • 1 • RNIcaLXNc. . -•---,-. PACKL$CSt.!PNO;_37?fL • QUAiirjriL2WCtS 5111xnti q• ! -JLUT- KkTr 4 we i_ • • I . •_•____• • UL5tYLI0. APFLIcALE____ ______ -2. RbR8ct99 Ulu • • • 1;I (1d)6.OZ-tM1' -• 08/23/99 MON 14:19 FAX 949 252 1140 PETERSON-CHASE J005 08/22/99 SUN 19:07 FAX 6192875228 SIERRA ELECTRIC uwu - r= i iuinsm ki~ ____ • L J ' • FAX 31 Oft, M-1 6" -ELL PpialL. 40=425-6M CELI-10—c TillS IS 10 CiKIIST ThAT ALL MWE UAL !KxPPD AGAINST YOUR PMRASE 0=30t ItO.. rivrs *u purjti'is or scn AP?LZCBTE llu TMIS 0DE DATE di CAL., Afo-31 08/23/99 MON 14:19 FAX 949 252 1140 PETERSON-CHASE I0O6 08/22/99 SUN 19:07 FAX 6192875228 SIERRA ELECTRIC 'eTuuu 'Gag MaMW Avg" • icO .: ..., TL319V329ICO • FAXz 31CM1,4454 .lOt.t. FREE 800a25-2245 VP* SOME iCAnH. occt • TM!S XS IQ CERWIT •IXLT A= MATE L'J. 1iIPPZD AGAINST YDUR mCliItSE ORDER NO. - PIKETS ALL 1QDI!KEYTS OF SPEC. F 5T - £?PLICP.3L! !D. tIIS 13"X DATE: S- CUSTCPVIM PART NO. !' ks ANXCOM, X$cd..CAL1'4I'Z • ?*CNCSI xj N_____________ s5P__5c 'V - - - - - H $ATER!AL DEScRjFrIQW. M J L OJOUCD J 4L5 pcvz 4 —irmq4s -r---- UL,SZ)lO..1&PPUCAL1E____ - j L'!'JrL • .1' S88 $SE 9Z9 t:hi3L • • • • -SHOO I NY 1:91 (I)661Ot-' pd, -. • r - r ..J - !)fl 08/23/99 MON 14:20 FAX 949 252 1140 PETERSON-CHASE I?I007 08/22/99 SUN 19:08 FAX 6192875228 SIERRA ELECTRIC F 1 Arilcom' A'eiwo Nk go= 1tL 3S414o0 - FAX, amn e-es s-iou. FREE eoas.azis iLáCIOIi 0; cc !JICE • • ThIS IS TO CERIth fIAT ALL ?II P.1*1. !IPPED £CD5T YOUR. PITP,C$ASE O1D 4O - __________ I1Et ALL R1QL1IR!flFJrrS C! S?ECXJ LCATIONS £L!C3! t3 r#ISQIDfl • ATF_9-zP . CU5l PAST NO __ MIC0t, INC.___C14- I2-rg • - .-_J__•___ _•-;- ?AIWSL1pK 37't ••. QUATT,L14 1' - HAAL _________ ' $" •/ T.IL..STILE Plo.. v APMU Xcbr INC,, •• 'KO31Y 1191 (lid) 66.DT- MON 14:20 08/22/99 SUN 19:08 a CAL1I ANS CABLE•. MuI1-cc 4usv s1gud vd ...J bJs Berw siiii copper coiduitu' '.'di PYC/nyhin (nsdndorIb iiaoj?e v,I31aht C. We comm no, km 40i2'p pa emqd jkdaw 660 volts. - 1m. up -. 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ArAnwl ii swo 930 1I3 26 19 14• . t.." 3S .14 AN016482 17 *OJJD .630 S • 2$ 25 12 7 • 'a • iouo . .010 .•• 35 10 *N01417 __8 Type TH . • AppikaUsm Far iseeti alpl,,g for l$kUnand 750 CWtorDry,600V01t5 I - Cm"mLqwa øare.. loft am akid iuDDEw conductors pe IJL 83. L_- UI prevd r. nfl and.,v,'h ikt ps*3ioL CorIorm mJ-C-0B - Spec. Un5UIatB with PVC • TpqW,5PC,fl0VOLT _•: • - - NOM.IPLSUtAT1OPd APPROX,A.PplIIM'4tE *)4tCO SIZE WIC*NISS ___IN INCUIS __GMCM C.Q. AMPS WLICkI' N INCH[S -. _98' C0P4D.•j/.q py PART N.- SOLID I3 • øUD • .613 .I 2! 2$ 30 .17 ,01c.111 aWOIC.112 12 . 10 SOLID .ims .20 311- AL . .00.113• 6 soup AM • 20 • 4_; .73 .17 30 23 M01C.114 • 14 12 1, .19 32. . .. a981C-1I5 woc- is 10 7 .04 . Jim 211..3' so • N4*IV.1I17 8.. 6 7 . .39 63 • 29 .05* ANMMMC- • 4. . 7 . -.• 65 100 .3 .. 2 •0 .• 7 M 19 2$ Aolcrlg'' . *N!C.$2Z 13 . 090 • ASIC IW 13(1 - 15 .s, . • . $23 116. 3M. 19 .. . is •so • t75 Ago .jl .Sm ANOIC- I.i • • is •• 2do IS 230_ 239. 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D2S .._..V4...........__2 Sots' • 14DO-u9-473 Z9 3N1 ci ..1I'•_ •- I'PJI 'O31NV. 61:91 (1&)66.Ot-fl1 a / LAW/CRANDALL AN 9177 Sky Park Ct.,Ste A San Diego,CA 92123 JUN 30 1999 61-Z178 -3600 REPORT OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS CLIENT: City of Carlsbad JOBNO.: 41.50396.26 PROJECT: New Palomar Airport Rd. Project! *3268 Palomar Airport Rd., Carlsbad TEST NUMBER MOISTURE CONTENT (%) DRY DENSITY (PCF) PROCTOR NUMBER COMPACTION (%) SPECIFIED COMPACTION (%) TEST METHOD ELEVATION OR DEPTH Tests Performed on 05/20/)9 1 8.1 123.6 1 97 95 3 74' 2 6.5 125.5 1 98 95 3 71' 3 5.9 126.7 1 99 95 3 69' Tests Performed on 05/21/)9 4 3.8 133.0 2 96 95 3 72' 5 3.8 131.1 2 95 95 3 73' 6 3.8 131.1 2 95 95 3 73' 7 2.8 133.0 2 96 95 3 73' .TEST..LOCATIONS: 1 .................... W sideN bound on ramp 2 W sideN bound oi ramp 3 W side -N bound on ramp 4 sta:5355 5 sta:53.f40 6 sta:52+85 7 sta:54 10 TEST COMPARED TO: REMARKS PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY OPTIMUM Performed In General Accordance With: NUMBER DENSITY MOISTURE 3 - ASTM D2922 1 128.0 8.5 2 138.5 7.0 DISTRIBUTION:. (1C,1D,1ALL) RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: 54-4 David C. Wilson, RCE #54734 a LAW/CRANDALL 9177 Sky Park Ct.,Ste A San Diego,CA 92123 619-278-3600 REPORT OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Page 2 CLIENT: City of Carlsbad JOBNO.: 41.50396.26 PROJECT: New Palomar Airport Rd. Project! #3268 Palomar Airport Rd., Carlsbad TEST NUMBER MOISTURE CONTENT (%) DRY DENSITY (PCF) PROCTOR NUMBER COMPACTION (%) SPECIFIED COMPACTION (%) TEST METHOD ELEVATION OR DEPTH Tests Performed on 05/24/39 8 7.6 138.6 2 100 95 3 75' 9 7.6 139.9 2 100+ 95 3 73' 10 8.1 131.1 2 95 95 3 70' 11 9.0 131.7 2 95 95 3 68' 12 3.7 136.7 2 99 95 3 74' TEST LOCATIONS: 8 Wside-I bound on ramp 9 Wside-IJ bound on ramp 10 Wside-b bound on ramp 11 Wside-I bound on ramp 12 sta:54+30 TEST COMPARED TO: PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY NUMBER DENSTY PCF) 2 138.5 REMARKS OPTIMUM Performed In General Accordance With: MOISTURE 3 - ASTM D2922 (%) 7.0 DISTRIBUTION: City of Carlsbad (1C,1D,1ALL) RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: David C. Wilson, RCE #54734 AM LAW/CRANDALL 9177 Sky Park Ct.,Ste A San Diego,CA 92123 619-278-3600 REPORT OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS CLIENT: City of Carlsbad JOBNO.: 41.50396.26 PROJECT: New Palomar Airport Rd. Project! #3268 Palomar Airport Rd., Carlsbad TEST NUMBER MOISTURE CONTENT (%) DRY DENSITY (PCF) PROCTOR NUMBER COMPACTION I (%) SPECIFIED COMPACTION (%) TEST METHOD ELEVATION OR DEPTH Tests Performed on 06,101/319 17 11.8 111.1 1 87 << 90 3 -911 FS 18 2.1 117.4 1 92 90 3 -911 FS Tests Performed on 06/04/)9 19 15.5 116.7 1 91 90 3 76' 20 8.9 125.5 1 98 90 3 76' 21 9.2 122.4 1 96 90 3 76' TEST LOCATIONS: 17 W bound sidewalk from PaseD del Nort 18 W bound sidewalk from Paseo del Norte 19 sidewa]Ik:N sg @ corner of 11-5 on N r .mp 20 N sidewalk sg @ beginning jDf 1-5-N O L ramp 21 N sidewalk ada thmp @ N 1-5 on ramp 3n bridge overpass s TEST COMPARED TO: PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY NUMBER DENSITY (PCF) 1 128.0 REMARKS OPTIMUM REMARKS In General Accordance With: MOISTURE 3 - ASTM D2922 8.5 << Denotes Less than Specified Compaction DISTRIBUTION: City of Carlsbad (1C,1D,1ALL) RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: David C. Wilson, RCE #54734 LAW/CRANDALL 9177 Sky Park Ct.,Ste A San Diego,CA 92123 L........... 619-278-3600 REPORT OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS CLIENT: City of Carlsbad JOB NO.: 41.50396.26 PROJECT: New Palomar Airport Rd. Project! #3268 Palomar Airport Rd., Carlsbad TEST NUMBER MOISTURE CONTENT (%) DRY DENSITY (PCF) PROCTOR NUMBER COMPACTION (%) SPECIFIED COMPACTION (%) TEST I METHOD ELEVATION OR DEPTH Tests Performed on 05/24/)9 8 7.6 138.6 2 100 95 3 75' 9 7.6 139.9 2 100+ 95 3 73' 10 8.1 131.1 2 95 95 3 70' 11 9.0 131.7 2 95 95 3 68' 12 3.7 136.7 2 99 95 3 74' 13 4.5 138.6 2 100 95 3 74.0' 14 4.0 138.6 2 100 95 3 74.0' 15 6.1 133.6 2 96 95 3 74.0' 16 5.0 137.3 2 99 95 3 73.5' TEST L(CATIONS: 8 Wside-1 bound on ramp 9 Wside-14 bound on ramp 10 Wside-b bound on ramp 11 Wside-I" bound on ramp 12 sta:5430 13 Aggregate base @ sta. 53+9p 14 Aggregate base @ sta. 53+20 15 Aggregate base @ sta. 16 Aggregate base @ e. side n)rth bound on ramp TEST COMPARED TO: REMARKS PROCTOR MAXIMUMORY OPTIMUM Performed In General Accordance With: NUMBER DENSITY MOISTURE 3 - ASTM D2922 (POF) (%) 2 138.5 7.0 DISTRIBUTION: City of Carlsbad (1C,1D,1ALL) RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: David C. Wilson, RCE 454734 155 145 140 CL 61 135 >1 125 120 0 COMPACTION CURVES DATE: 5-26-1999 PROJECT NO.: 70341 .50396.23 - PROJECT: Palomar Airport Test specification: ASTM D 1557-91 Procedure C. Modified - - 100% SATURATION CURVES FOR SPEC. GRAy. EQUAL TO: 2.7 2.6 -AAA X RIX - - - 1) -\ = ===== -I 10 15 Moisture content, % --- - - - - - - 150--- - - - - - - - - - 130 10 == ==== 5 - NO. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION REMARKS Agg. Base gray Lab #9650 NO. LL P1 NAT.. MOIST %< No.200 MAX. DRY DEN. OPT. MOIST. • - 144.0 pcf 5.5% - - LAW/CRANDALL Fiqure No. Lab #9650 MOISTURE-DENSITY TEST DATA DATA FILE: 305 PROJECT DATA Date: Project no.: Project: Location 1: 2: -_ Remarks 1: Material 1: description 2: Elevation or depth: Fig no: 5-26-1999 70341.50396.23 Palomar Airport Palomar Airport Lab #9650 Agg. Base gray Lab #9650 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIMEN DATA USCS classification: AASHTO classification: Natural moisture: Specific gravity: Percent retained on 3/4 in sieve: Percent passing No. 200 sieve: Liquid limit: Plastic limit: Plasticity index: TEST DATA AND RESULTS Type of test: Modified, ASTM D 1557-91 Procedure C 6 8 150 145 140 135 130 125 2 4 POINT NO. 1 2 3 4 WM + WS 7434 7624 7925 7821 WN 2711 2711 2711 2711 WW+T #1 2465.20 2443.20 2484.60 2307.60 WD+T #1 2411.10 2350.90 2345.60 2155.80 TARE #1 189.30 189.20 184.50 189.10 MOIST #12.4 4.3 6.4 7.7 MOISTURE 2.4 4.3 6.4 7.7 DRY DEN 135.5 138.5 144.0 139.4 Max dry den= 144.0 pcf, Opt moisture= 6.5 % Oversize Correction Not Applied LAW/ CRANDALL STIMSONITE Corporation Material Safety Data Sheets HIvIIS RATING Health 1* Fire 4 Reactivity 0 I SECTION I - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION 1 Product: Sealcrete I-L Synonyms: None Formula: N/A Chemical Family: Solvent Based Thermoplastic Resin Solution CAS No: None SECTION II- CHEMICAL & PHYSICAL CHAR,1 CTERIS TICS I II Boiling Point: Melting Point: Vapor Pressure: Specific Gravity: Vapor Density (Air--1): Solubility in Water: Appearance: Softening Point: Odor: VOC: 133.0 0 F/56.11 0C N/A 180.0 MlvIHG @ 680 F/ (200C) 1.1056 2.0 Slight .Water White/Amber N/A Sharp 250g/1 1 of6 SECTION HI - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS & EXPOSURE LIMITS I -I p Composition Nominal % PEL/TLV CAS RN: Acetone * OSHA/750 PPM 67-64-1 ACGZHJ750 PPM Toluene * OSHA 200 PPM 108-88-3 ACGZH/100 PPM MEK * . OSHA/200 PPM 78-93-3 ACGZHJ200 PPM 1.1. 1-lrichloroethane * OSHA/3 50 PPM 71-55-6 * The precise composition of this product is proprietary information. A more detailed disclosure will be provided by Stimsonite to qualified Medical or Industrial Hygiene personnel as privileged information upon request in case of need for specific treatment. SECTION IV - HEALTH INFORMATION I Effects of Overexposure: Inhalation: Excessive inhalation of vapors can cause nasal and respiratory irritation, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, unconsciousness, asphyxiation. Ingestion: Can cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Eyes: Can cause irritation. Skin: Can cause irritation. * Overexposure to acetone (or its components) has apparently been found to cause the following effects in laboratory animals: kidney damage, eye damage. 2 of 6 SECTION V- EMERGENCY FIRSTAID PROCEDURES I For Overexposure by: Inhalation: Remove individual to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, administer oxygen. If breathing has stopped, give artificial respiration. Keep person warm, quiet and get medical attention. Do not give stimulants. Epinephrine or ephedrine may adversely affect the heart with fatal results. Ingestion: If individual is conscious, give two glasses of water and induce vomiting. Get medical attention. . Eye Contact: Flush with large amounts of water, lifting upper and lower lids occasionally. Get medical attention. Skin Contact: Thoroughly wash exposed area with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing. Launder contaminated clothing before reuse. SECTION VI - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS . I Flash Point: Auto Ignition Temperature: HMIS: -4°F/-20°C N/D Health 1* Fire 3 Reactivity 0 Personal Protection * * * Chronic Exposure (See Section IV) ** Depends on Type of Exposure: See Sections III, IV, V, VI & VIII. Fire Fighting Procedures: Use alcohol foam, carbon dioxide or dry chemicals. Hazardous Decomposition Products: May form toxic materials, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, various hydrocarbons, etc. Special Fire & Explosion Hazards: Material is highly volatile and readily gives off vapors which may travel along the ground or be moved by ventilation and ignited by pilot lights, other flames, sparks, heaters, smoking, electric motors, static discharge, or other ignition sources at locations distant from material handling point. 3 of 6 SECTION VII - REACTIVITY I Stability: Stable Hazardous Polymerization: None SECTION VIII - EMPLOYEE PROTECTION I Conditions & Materials to Avoid: Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents, strong alkalis, strong mineral acids. Respiratory Protection: If TLV of the product or any component is exceeded, a NIOS1-I/OSHA jointly approved air supplied respirator is advised in absence of proper environmental control. OSHA regulations also permit other NIOSHJOSHA respirators under specified conditions. Engineering or administrative controls should be implemented to reduce exposure: Ventilation: Provide sufficient mechanical (general and/or local exhaust) ventilation to maintain exposure below TLV(s). Protective Gloves: Wear resistant gloves, such as: Natural rubber, neoprene, nitrile rubber. Eye Protection: Chemical splash goggles in compliance with OSHA regulations are advised, however, OSHA regulations also permit other type safety glasses. Other Protective Equipment: To prevent repeated or prolonged skin contact, wear impervious clothing and boots. SECTION IX - ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION I Environmental Precautions: Containers of material may be hazardous when emptied. Since emptied containers retain product residues (vapor, liquid, and/or solid), all hazard precautions given in this data sheet must be observed. Small Spill: Absorb liquid on paper, vermiculite, floor absorbent, or other absorbent material and transfer to hood. (Field use - see Large Spill) 4 of 6 Large Spill: Eliminate all ignition sources (flares, flames including pilot lights, electrical sparks). Persons not wearing protective equipment should be excluded from area of spill until clean-up has been completed. Stop spill at source, dike area of spill to prevent spreading, pump liquid to salvage tank. Remaining liquid may be taken up on sand, clay, earth, floor absorbent or other absorbent material and shoveled into containers. Waste Disposal: Small Spill: Allow volatile portion to evaporate in hood. Allow sufficient time for vapors to completely clear hood duct work. Dispose of remaining material in accordance with applicable regulations. Large Spill: Destroy by liquid incineration with off-gas scrubber. Contaminated absorbent may be deposited in a landfill in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. SECTION - REGULA TORY CONTROLS Department of Transportation: D.O.T. Classification: Flammable liquid D.O.T. Proper Shipping Name: Acetone Other D.O.T. Information: UN1090 SECTION I- PRECAUTIONS, HANDLING, STOR.4 GE AND USA GE I Use and store this product with adequate ventilation. (See Section VIII). Keep product containers closed when not in use. Personnel should avoid inhalation of vapors. (See Section IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX). Personal contact with the product should be avoided. Should contact be made, remove saturated clothing and flush affected areas with water (See above sections). Avoid sources of ignition in storage and work areas. Never use welding or cutting torch on or near drum (even empty) because product (even just residue) can ignite explosively. All five gallon pails and larger metal containers should be grounded and/or bonded when material is transferred. 'a 5 of 6 SECTION H - OTHER INFORMATION I LIST OF ACRONYMS: ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists AICS: Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances AIHA WEEL: American Industrial Hygienists Association - Workplace Environmental Exposure Level ANSI: American National Standards Institute C: Ceiling CASRN: Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number CERCLA: Comprehensive Emergency Response, Compensation and Liability Act DSL: Domestic Substances List (Canadian) EINECS: European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances Hl'1IS: Hazardous Materials Identification System IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer MITI: Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Japanese) N/A: Not Applicable NDSL: Non-domestic Substances List (Canadian) NOR: Not Otherwise Regulated NTP: National Toxicology Program OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration PEL: OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit RCRA: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RQ: Reportable Quantity SARA: Superfund Amendment Reauthorization Act STEL: Short-Term Exposure Limit TLV: Threshold Limit Values (registered trademark of ACGIH) TPQ: Threshold Planning Quantity TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act TWA: Time Weighted Average The information presented herein is believed to be factual as of the date hereof and has been derived from the works and opinions of persons believed to be qualified experts; however, nothing contained in this information is to be taken as a warranty or representation for which Stimsonite Corporation bears legal responsibility. The user should review any recommendations in the specific context of the intended use to determine whether they are appropriate. Stimsonite Corporation - . 1855 Plymouth Road, NW Atlanta, Georgia 30318-2862 (404)351 -9780 (404) 350-9673 (fax) Emergency Phone: Chemirec 1-800-262-8200 November 2, 1995 D. Klotzbier/SEALCRET 6 of 6 I STIMSONITE®] STIMSONITE CORPORATION 7542 N. Natchez Avenue Niles, Illinois 60714 U.S.A. LUZAICH STRIPING P.O BOX 2426 EL CAJON, CA 90221 TEL: 800-327-5917 TEL: 847-647-7717 lFAX: 847-647-1205 (Primary) iFAX: 847-647-1827 (Secondary) Stimsonite No.: 38857 Your P.O #052199 MATERIAL FOR VARIOUS CITY JOBS AND STOCK Bitumen Adhesive —72 EA - CAFG To Whom It May Concern: We certify that the Bituminous Adhesive supplied on the subject order has been inspected and found to be in complete compliance with our specifications, (copy attached). Very truly yours, iZQ &&'— Ray eIoin Stimsonite Corporation Subscribed & sworn to before me this 25 day of May, 1999. WFML - CAREY BENOYF Bitumin SM2202031 SPECIFICATION FOR BITUMINOUS ADHESIVE FOR PAVEMENT MARKERS SCOPE This specification establishes the requirements for hot melt bituminous installation adhesive which is used to bond non-plowable raised reflective pavement markers to the surface of portland cement concrete, asphaltic concrete, and asphalt chip sealed road surfaces and applicable when road surface and marker temperatures are in the range from 400 to 160°F. GENERAL PROPERTIES Bituminous Adhesive for Pavement Markers is an asphalt based material with a homogeneously mixed mineral filler. It shall be capable of being melted and applied at temperatures up to 425°F. Adhesive properties shall be such that the material does not deteriorate when heated in either an air or oil jacketed melter. Note: The adhesive shall not contain rubber polymers since necessary application temperatures can cause decomposition, resulting in unsatisfactory performance. General Properties of Adhesive: Property Min Max Methods Softening Point, OF 200 230 ASTM D36 Penetration 77°F 10 18 ASTM D5 140°F --- 65 Flow, inch --- 0.2 ASTM D3407, as modified in Test Method 111.1 Heat Stability Flow, inch --- 0.2 As in Test Method 111.2 Viscosity, 400°F, Poises --- 75 ASTM D2669, as modified in Test Method 111.3 Flash Point, C.O.C., OF 550 --- ASTM D92 Recommended Pouring Temp, OF 400 425 Shelf Life, years 2 General Properties of Filler Free Adhesive and of Filler Alone: Asphalt properties determined on the filler-free material derived from the extraction and Abson recovery process as explained in Test Methods III. 4. Property Min Max Methods Penetration, 100 g. 5 sec. 770F 25 --- ASTM D5 Viscosity, 2750F, Poises 12 100 ASTM D2171 Viscosity Ratio, 2750F -- 2.2 As explained in Test Method 111.5 Filler properties determined using the filler separation technique described in Test Method 111.6: Property Min Max Filler Content, % by weight 65 75 Filler Fineness, % Passing Sieve No. 100 100 Sieve No. 200 95 Sieve No. 325 75 Methods As in Test Method 111.6 ASTM C430, as modified in Test Methods 111.7 Filler material shall be Type PC, Grade Ill, calcium carbonate conforming to requirements of ASTM D 1199. Ill. TEST METHODS Flow shall be determined according to Section 6, Flow, of ASTM D 3407 with the exception that the oven temperature shall be 158 ± 2°F and sample preparation shall be according to Section 7.1 of ASTM D 5. Heat stability flow shall be determined according to Section 6, Flow, of ASTM 3407 with the exception that 1000 grams of adhesive shall be placed in a covered quart can, heated to 425°F and maintained at this temperature for four hours prior to preparing the sample panel (section 6.1). Viscosity is to be determined according to ASTM D 2669 using a spindle speed of 10 rpm. The adhesive shall be heated to approximately 410°F and allowed to cool. Viscosity shall be determined at 400 ± 1°F. Properties of the base asphalt are to be determined on the material obtained from the following extraction and Abson recovery methods. The asphalt shall be extracted by heating the adhesive just to the point where it will easily flow and then transferring 125 to 150 grams into 400 ml of tricholoroethylene with a temperature of 125 to 150°F. This mixture shall be thoroughly stirred to dissolve the asphalt The trichloroethylene-asphalt mixture shall be decanted and the asphalt shall be recovered using the Abson recovery methods, ASTM D 1856 as modified by the following. The extraction methods of ASTM D 2712 shall not apply and there shall be no filtration of the solvent-asphalt mixture. The extraction solution of trichloroethylene and asphalt shall be centrifuged for a least 30 minutes at 770 times gravity in a batch centrifuge. Decant this solution into the distillation flask, taking care not to include any filler sediment. Apply heat and bubble carbon dioxide slowly to bring the solution temperature to 300°F. At this point, the carbon dioxide flow is increased to 800 to 900 ml per minute. The solution temperature is maintained at 320 to 335°F with this carbon dioxide flow rate for at least 20 minutes and until the trichloroethylene vapors have been completely removed from the distillation flask. The above extraction-recovery method shall be repeated as necessary to obtain the desired quantity of asphalt The asphalt recovered shall be used to determine the penetration, 275°F viscosity, and 275°F viscosity ratio. The 275°F viscosity ratio shall be determined by comparing the 275°F viscosity on the base asphalt before and after the Thin-Film Oven Test. The Thin-Film Oven Test shall be performed as in ASTM 01754. The specific gravity shall be determined by pycnometer as in ASTM D 70 for use in the Thin-Film Oven Test. The 275°F shall be calculated by dividing the viscosity after the Thin Film Oven Test by the original 275°F viscosity. The filler material shall be separated from the asphalt to determine Filler Content and Filler Fineness. The portion by weight of the adhesive insoluble in 1,1,1-trichloroethylene shall be considered the filler content Filler content shall be determined by weighing 10.00-±0.01 grams of solid adhesive to centrifuge flask with approximately 100 ml volume such as that specified in ASTM 0 1796. Add 50 ml of 1,1,1-trichloroethylene to the adhesive, which should be broken up into small pieces in order to speed the dissolution process. Swirl or stir with a fine rod, taking care not to lose any solids. Place the sample flask in a balanced centrifuge and spin using a minimum relative centrifugal force of 150 (as determined in section 6 of ASTM D 1796) for ten minutes. Remove the sample flask and decant the solvent, taking care not to lose any solids. Repeat the application of solvent and centrifuging until the solvent becomes clear and the filler is visually free of asphalt. Dry the filler at 160 ±5°F to remove solvent and weigh the resulting filler. Filtration of the decanted solution may be performed to verify there is no loss of filler. Percent filler content is calculated as follows: Filler Content, % by weight = (Filler wt. g) (100) Original Adhesive wt, g Filler Fineness shall be determined according to ASTM C 430 using Numbers 325, 200, and 100 sieves. This method is to be modified by the use of water-soluble non-ionic wetting agent, such as Triton X-100, to aid the wetting action. Concentration of the surfactant solution shall be approximately one percent by weight. The one- gram dry sample shall be thoroughly wetted in the surfactant solution and allowed to soak for 30 minutes. The filler shall be transferred completely into the sieve cup and water spray applied for two minutes. Surfactant solution may be added and physical means used to disperse any clumped particles. The sample shall be dried and handled as directed in ASTM C 430. IV. PACKAGING AND LABELING The adhesive shall be packaged in self-releasing cardboard containers which will stack properly. The containers shall be divided into compartments so that four equal individual parts are obtained from each container. The containers shall have a net weight of approximately 55 pounds. The container shall clearly show the manufacturer, quantity, and lot or batch number. "Bituminous Adhesive For Pavement Markers "shall be printed in bold lettering on the label. April 1998 (supersedes January 1994) Printed in the USA ISTIKSON ITE STIMSONITE CORPORATION 9925 YUCCA-ROAD ADELANTO CA 92301 760-246-8508 FAX: 760-246-3055 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PRE-TEST DATA SHEET The material covered by this Certification has been tested according to the standard procedures by the STIMSONITE Quality Control Department and complies with California Standard Specifications. SEC. 85-1.055. LOT NUMBER: 5316 TYPE OF MATERIAL: Bituminous Raised Marker Adhesive BATCH NUMBER(S): 5316 QUANTITY: 3960 LB. (72 BOXES) CUSTOM ERIDISTRIBUTER: LUZAICH STRIPING ADDRESS: 10183 HAWLEY RD. EL CAJON, CA 92021 Quality Control Data to substantiate this Certificate of Compliance is on file in STIMSONITE La tory. DOT LOT #: 9980554 RETPESEN 11 TATIVE DATE STIMSONITE STIMSONITE CORPORATION 7542 N. Natchez Avenue Niles, Illinois 60714 U.S.A. LUZAICH STRIPING P.O BOX 2426 EL CAJON, CA 90221 TEL: 800-327-5917 TEL: 847-647-7717 DM FAX: 847-647-1205 (Primary) lFAX: 847-647-1827 (Secondary) Stimsonite No.: 38857 Your P.O # 052199 MATERIAL FOR VARIOUS CITY JOBS AND STOCK 88AY - 2,400 EA - L-5756 88AY - 100 EA - L-5019 88AY - 1,500 EA - L-7082 88BW - 800 EA - L-7087 88BW - 100 EA - L-5761 88BW - 100 EA - L-5020 Whom it May Concern: We certify that the pavement markers furnished against the subject order conform to State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Highway Specifications Sections 85-1.02 and 85-1.05 dated July 1995. We certify that the pavement markers meet test results called for in the specification when performed in accordance with California Test Method Number 669. Very truly yours, ' Ray 'Beloin Stimsonite Corporation Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25" day of May, 1999. Ry California 88/911 ISTIMSONITE I 9925rcà Road Adelanto, CA .92301 (760)246-8508 FAX (760)246-3055 117 State of _____________ Bureau of Materials and Tests. RE: Certification, Thermoplastic Primer-Sealer, SEALCRETE l-L Representative Sample of the following lot number: ONE This is to certify that: Sealcrete is the recommended primerseaIer for Asphalt & Concrete surfaces. Sealcrete contains not less than 10 percent solids. Sealcrete is unreactive with salts & alkalis. Sealcrete is composed of resins with historically excellent adhesion to , and forming on Portland Cement & Asphalt. Sealcretes' film former is equal to that used in the best grades of outdoor paints. CUSTOMER: ADDRESS: AzP.LoY Lop EL3A49? 5L PACKING LIST # I 9/ MFG. ORD. # DATE Jul-31-97 07:47A Traffic Control Scar. 619 4.00 4734 I.UL t tj Potters fndu&tries tnc. 50 Apollo Elrooc 313Jhlid The PQCpor.tion Dr0r, Ciallfornla 02621 ToIphono (714) 258-7730 IC12X (714) $71 :0294 MATERIAL CfTIFICATlON The material covered * b'. thia Carfication has been teed according to standard proccIures by our cu!J.ty Control Depar1. inenc nd complies wIth all applicable specificaoii:. Quality Control Data to staitjate this Certifica- tion is on file in our Laboratory and is available upon request. cr)STOI.IER 77(f , . CUSTOMER P.O. our ENTRY NO. /57/9c MATERY A!, a' 7JJ7c_i/. QU on rT LOT NO. wReflective SpheresnSign Sphee3Baliotjnj impact Beacis*spheriglass Solid Class S:her* - M)$53 - - b wrs industries inc. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET HIGHWAY SAFETY SPHERES WITH MOISTURE RESISTANT COATING (INDEX #11101-4) SECTION 6. 1 HEALTH HAZARD DATA HEALTH HAZARDS .................................................Oust in excess of recommended exposure limits may result in irritation to the respiratory Iract. ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY...............................................Inhalation CARCINOGENICITY...............................................Not listed under NTP, IARC Monographs, or OSHA. MEDICAL CONDITIONS........................................Chronic lung conditions may be aggravated by exposure to high concentrations of dust. EMERGENCY AND FIRST.....................................Remove to fresh air. AID PROCEDURES OTHER CHARACTERISTICS ................................. Contains no free silica; 311 components &rnorphous/non-crystalline. I - SECTION 7. I SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION I RESPIRATORY PROTECTION ..............................Use NIOSH approved dust mask or respirator where airborne dust is generated. Observe OSHA regulations for respirator use (29 CFR 19 10.134) GLOVES...................................................................None requin.d EYE PROTECTION..................................................NIOSH approved safety glasses or goggles OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT .....................None required PERSONAL HYGIENE............................................Avoid breaching dust. Avoid contact with eyes. Upon contact, wash eyes out with water ENGINEERING CONTROL.....................................Local exhaust is recommended for operacions that generate nuisance dust in excess of OSHA exposure limits SECTION 8 J SUBSTANCES FOR WHICH STANDARDS HAVE BEEN SET I COMPONENTS ........................................................GIt.ss Oxide; Coating PERCENTAGE .........................................................>99%; <1% OSHA EXPOSURE LIMIT.......................................Nuisance Dust: OSHA PEL 15 mg/rn', ACGIH TLV 10 mg/m'. Respirable Fraction: OSHA PEL S mg/m', ACGIH TLV 5 mg/mt. EXPOSURE ANALYSIS METHOD ........................ NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, 3rd., Method 7501 (1984). I SECTION 9. SOURCE OF INFORMATION Walter E. Kozlowski DATE: 1,2/96 N.A. Not applicable Pate 2 of 2 1 J.L1) 1JL JILLI CERTij'iiD COPY OF b= TEST REPORTS • MILL SIZE OF MATERIAL QUANTITY OF SIZE HEAT NUMBER YIELD POINT ULTIMATE STRENGTH ELONGATION BEND CHEMICAL ANALYSIS C. MN P. S • CE : : : 71 me, b lz 9/ 75•7 7: c /14ii' i --Ogg . .g, D2Z t2 • 71 ME/) ' /7;2 /97/ Olea7 ON ,7 • • S S • . . . . . . . S . •• . . S • S S S . . . S THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT REINFORCING STEEL BARS FUNISHED AND DELIVERED MAY -5 = WERE MANUFACTURED BY MILL ABOVE SHOWN. ALSO THAT EST FIGURES SHOWN ABOVE ARE TRUE COPIES OF MILL TEST REPORTS ON FILE IN OUR WAREHOUSE. R & D STEEL, INC. CONTRACT NO. RELEASE NO • LOCATION 1' ,4,,par- iy ,q19 L ANN Q CERTIFIJD COPY OF NML TEST REPORTS MILL SIZE OF MATERIAL QUANTITY OF SIZE HEAT NUMBER YIELD POINT CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ULTIMATE ELONGATION STRENGTH BEND C. MN P. S. CE / ;ell /3 7z ç /14, • • 37 & •D2Z . ________ 71 M/'t i /32 /97/ ,04-00 1eb /l5& • • 27 .9/ 37 • • S . . . . S • . . . . S . S .. S . . S S S • S THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT REINFORCING STEEL BARS FUNISHED AND DELIVERED MAY -5 09 WERE MANUFACTURED BY MILL ABOVE SHOWN. ALSO THAT EST FIGURES SHOWN ABOVE ARE TRUE COPIES OF MILL TEST REPORTS ON FILE IN OUR WAREHOUSE. R & D STEEL, INC. CONTRACT NO. RELEASE NO. LOCATION 52O , 1' /?irni poar ,q1- __LJN(. v CERTLLqJD COPY OF MTTJTJ TEST REPORTS • MILL SIZE OF MATERIAL QUANTITY OF SIZE HEAT NUMBER YIELD POINT ULTIMATE STRENGTH CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ELONGATION BEND C. MN P. S. CE / lz 5/ic, 7z5 /14, It:; 37 •& D2Z 4 .5? 'TA h1â /I / /97/ 9o4o 1E " ' 27 9/ 07 fL - S • . . • . S S S . S • . . S .. . . . . S • . . S. S S THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT REINFORCING STEEL BARS FUNISHED AND DELIVERED WY -5 = WERE MANUFACTURED BY MILL ABOVE SHOWN. ALSO THAT EST FIGURES SHOWN ABOVE ARE TRUE COPIES OF MILL TEST REPORTS ON FILE IN OUR WAREHOUSE. R & D STEEL, INC.t9l q1' 1/J CONTRACT NO. RELEASE NO. LOCATION 52C0 , j . ,4i,Prir y ,'?/e 6'-9" 311 o 42:I I 1Ai? 12 #10 X 12-9 EQ. SF. (N I RI,1 #4 SPIRAL TOP 1O-O@3 1/4" p BAL. #4 SPIRAL ©. 6" 2-0 N13X4T213©6". 1 .1 5 1 0 11 NE 12 #iOX 6-4 AS SHOWN TYP. 1 2@65.42 SIGN FILE -4.. 2 C L VVV _ 12 #10 X12-9 EQ. SF. #4 SPIRAL AS SHOWN (' 2-2 13X4T213@6" 0 ) C 12 #10 X .6-4 AS SHOWN ) 2-10 DRAWN BY DATE CONTRACT # JIM 4-28-99 5260 REVISIONS BLOCK # TESTING 12AT6542 1 -2 DESCRIPTION: TYP. 12@65.42 SIGN PILE JOB NAME: PALOMAR AIR RORT - CONTRACTOR: PETERSON CHASE R & D11200 INC. STEEUCOMPTON S. SANTA FE CA. 1310 631-6183 1 DWG #1 PT. II E-1