HomeMy WebLinkAbout3288; CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR STREETSCAPE; MEDIAN REVISIONS PLAN, STORM DRAIN, CUT SHEETS; 1989-11-29church E-ligilluel-Ing, Inc, CwlsWdlig rojf4lotts 225 6,Lafw*ar suils roo San tlisgo, CA i, 101 OQB NUMBER: DATE: //Z L7 A FAX TRANSMITTAL TO: COMPANY PHONE FA X # FROM: D,5AINI-5 FAX sl~~M (619) 237-0757 FOR: 0 APPROVAL D'YOUR USE 0 PER YOUR REQUEST El CHECKING VINFORI-MIrlot-I o/ V, 5 T, 74 a T.ITLE OF DOCUMENT TRANSMITTEU: 0,V 0-41e4-5aAD -elvp : kL--VI 56b ~f417' S14EET-9 NUMBER OF' PAGES TRANSMITTED: (INCLUDING FAX TRANSMITTAL) REMARKS: PLEASE E~ ~-FEC -T- I ~j c--., -To ts ~M,5 Tc) c44, SIGNCD BYr- st4z PL b-I 521~~Ol oo+700 /OZ cQ z -1 4 COT ;P-S t bb i I 5Z-tbbk G LJ ~ —t)- FA 00+- t,,z a5f %I —91P)bI -b—pq go to "FG G9 C. b 12 tIq 61. z I T)~T G:~ /L 17~ ............. wo ":a rj JP rx cq:jls L 1014 Ond ly . 1 11 1014 13311S 3iv(l HVI IN I vi 13 J31 1 V) -Jil Oo T —6t ~iz;- 5Lizoe - . -?IW 0 AFT —To 55 1.~5 6113, )IA V-VOZO CGCI-ZGI (Din) - 00010 lic- T OZ 9 N 3 H.--",'~ A H'--) 0 F_r__ r cmEr Cl IA I 1-1111\1 I UF DATE SHEET NO. LJ I - I L_L_L_~_ CHURCH ENGR INC S-A Vir.l(C-11cl S I, jI t)IEGO, CA 0211 1 JAE i Mc. SI 21LO 7-1 (., 3, ro,6, jl~ M +r;,o 400 ZI 9 9 M 5 +'z 5 211c "Z -7 -1 2_77j ~5 _~J~l I (il 4 00 19142S . 21T, 4 ~8'Ll lew 4.5,0. 2-1 -18 :2 -7 S I Ll i— V e) t-) 8 c, 20115~O ~lol-j-jr 2185 201-1po yl" 2(,/4 Lo I q 07 ~-o 0 A~ CL exi, ~0 ~ M~ ;;6a R, ('~j.s fLo -0 YZ P4. P.O.e. L,: 6 1 (9 - 2,3 7 - 0 7 5 Li u 1 0: FUNCTIQ~lt ~Fl= ID ,a 0 . RIEVISCL) LUCATION CIA R.LS P-, A 7__ T_ 10 5-1-01 5;~, gel r-73, It- S3.0cp - 53-17 53,34 53.+3 5-5-5(v S3,610 5f-. 4 S CA., gro 13 L5 - 15- r;(0. 30 5 6- 1 '1~18 15 N 0 . 0 0 9 P . f) 29 "S D "I own _P 4 -vi , A4771,~" JOU NO: tJSA4 PIPE PRZFILEm LO STA + 6LOOV. 143 Ca b OWIJ SrArl OfJ 0 ikeLS 16A(t~, IES Lm Nlts. SC — f~3 Ll K c D L L U K LLJ > Tl U 'Eib I- 0 P. VC. ME1>1AIV 15c>- I f oc~ I/ - F 6" f— A %W I — L-1 ~J f-- t-,; IA&Z T A= 4q.Zo 6-AIC A ~jE-~Afr 46- - — L:J lFt= 46-07 PEI~ STD. Z)W&. 5-7 1 Z~_ .. AFMO~(. LOCATfOO -EY-ISr. C-AS MAI E If tiT. I e) Y —4ci Io w~~z 10,fm o "llbtiveg — K ---/ 0 r iv AA 0 !~Al l6il'e J-r 1/d 6 rw C4 A. Rvcly .,4 7XOC PJA COP S6 V7) -I 4,1 A aA -Sif)C 1"A cz, -(4' LA CIS Ex/sT le ",ec/= 7- 8 MPPM 0 z FX /ST, / '79-t 75 L TCr 73,34 Nov P, 9 '15:58 llo'009 P.f'-)5 X.- 2. x CHURCH ENGR I'Nf--'. Tb 619-2371-(-"1757 .-A -11 --4 C 0 0 mv) cl rn -4 --10 jq7~ K Z- 4- TC 5' 7 TC Avi'r 0-2 I 'tz'46A4 L'?-(-q* 4~~, 7C= -~~e Tz: 7cr G" I N 0 4 TCe 53./3 153.43 Zv ow O-A . 30M > < Pv/k4l, ve OV6 lqq.;So VVA Lr- lqq4 _M S 11-1 VOL. _116450 A.-IS V11+Q2 gvz IqI A-7.5 111f,zo .. 7)G5 191 4- %,~ &L. [L L , R'l L 2q S) 157 715-3 53 (e-9_ 215~ 5:5,49 '2r,vf 41 - V0459 20,01-75 20'1-4-15 2CZ400 101115 20 t 4- 50 —111 M006 -to 1q) 292.135J 020A-AV11;KC111 'JI q GAI I t)IEOO, CA 021 11 A I I ON 21 (43 21,61 ZI 16 gi it Old— ~V15E,'P K 153.0 4 A— ~1 54,45 54,t4 ~A. o 1~ W90 r-a It, 0 5:13~.L_ 5 1. 2,5 t5:3.7 7 PLVD- f6ltr:511 ~-- I --". S VLA - ~14 63 0~ iL4- MI'v . 10 flu 7 7,00 e-Ir _FO V-Z) 0 -0 '119 0 LS 11 -OV- .f ~1.q I 0 1 01~, ALI A; i--H'.'F,,-H EIAGP~ BIC- U U4_~_i U rr _J 1 ___2 r- ur (AII U CHAINHAII DATE S11EET HO, 8027.110 FILE 2. 13 eoz SE/2614 6c\ November 16, 1989 Mr. Gary Kellison City of Carlsbad Municipal Projects 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 RE: Median curb revisions for Carlsbad Blvd. from Sta. 222+43 to Sta. 228+98 Dear Gary: Per your request we have recalced horizontal locations for portions of the median curb on Carlsbad Blvd. The enclosed 20 scale plot and computer printouts should provide adequate information for the contractor to restake the curb. The left median curb needs to be restaked between Sta. 222+69.12 and 223+78.50 south of the bridge and between Sta. 225+59.50 and 228+98.29 north of the bridge. The right median curb locations have not changed. The enclosed information provides horizontal control only. Finished top of curb grades should be determined by the surveyors so that the proposed 6" concrete curb is constructed on existing pavement. If you have any questions regarding these revisions please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, jZ URCH ENGINEERING, INC. C DENNIS OINEIL Project Manager DO/sle Enclosures 01111-ch IIIu. Collsollin" I-*I)'_'iIIf-."I-s 25,01 . Moll . Ix r1mv. JI'viric %1714 ------------------------------------------- 7 ------------------ 7 -------- CHURCH ENGINEERING INC. CARLSBAD 225 BROADWAY SUITE # 700 CURB STAKES SAN DIEGO, CA. 92101 5' F/C - CUTS TO T/C (619) 237-0722 CREW: EDGETT, VARGAS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW SET UP 03/1 5/89 Time 14:20:38 File Name: CB Instrument Used: LIETZIA Ground to Grid Factor is I Zenith Angle Correction: 0^0 '0.0" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW SET UP 03/15/89 Time 10:16:34 File Name: CB Instrument Used: LIETZIA Ground to Grid Factor is I Zenith Angle Correction: 0^0'0.0" --------------- ------------------------------------------------------ Instrument Off Point First Point Shot 166 Second Point Shot JG3 Glass Height Pt 166 is 0.46 Glass Height Pt 163 is 0.46 Rod Height 0.46 Point # Northing/HA Easting/ZA Elevation/SD De5criptor IGG 6993.893 9SIO.429 53.690 Control Pt 163 7397.776 9232.578 57.650 Control Pt' Inst Pt 9507.3G9 59.903 Control Pt I ' 7099.822 9507.369 54.723 CONTROL POINT Base Line Precision 1:13185G / Elevaton Check: 0.01 Radial Stake Out Station/OS 19 Stake Elev Oesign Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec Z00+55 53.Z7 53.41 F 0.14 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 03/IS/89-10:30:35 # 101 70S7.910 9506.444 Design Code: 101^S3.41 ------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- 70S7.92S 9SO6.444 Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/F'ill Di5t.Out/X-Sec Z@0+7S 53.46 53.81 F 0.3S Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting M 03/lS/89-10:35:35 # 102 7074.387 949S.109 Design Code: 102^53.81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7074.352 9495.093 Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Oi5t Out/X-Sec Z01+00 53.75 54.14 F 0.39 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting.(X) 03/IS/89-10:39:42 # 103 7094.984 9480.939 Design Code: 103^S4.14 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7094.966 9480.9SS Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev ' Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec Z01+Z5 S4.05 54.44 F 0.39 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 03/15/89-10:43:03 # 104 711S.580 9466.770 Design Code: 104^54.44 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 711S.575 9466.782 Staked Station/OS Stake E lev Design Elev Cut/F.ill Dist Out/X-Sec Z014SO 54.36 54.74 F 0.38 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting M 03/15/89-10:49:38 # 105 7136.177 9452.600 Design Code: IOS^S4.74 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7136.170 94S2.611 Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Eiev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 201+75 54.67 55.09 F 0.4Z Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 03 /1 5/89-10:53:32 # 106 7156.774 9438.431 Design Code: 10G^55.09 ----------------------------------------- 7156.787 ---------------------------- 9438.413 Staked Siation/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 2@Z+00 54.90 5S.29 F 0.39 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 03/15/89-.10:57:17 # 107 7177.371 9424.261 Design Code: 107"SS.29 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7177.364 9424.269 Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fi . 11 Dist Out/X-Sec Z@Z+Z5 55.Z@ 55.S4 F 0.34 Set Date-Tim6 Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting M 03/15/89-11:00:45 # 108 7197.967 9410.092 Design Code: 108^55.54 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7197.965 9410.091 Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec ZOZ+42 C/L Z4'DW 55.43 0.00 C 5S.43 Set Oate-Time Point Northing (Y) EastinQ M 03/15/89-11:06:45 # 117 7211.973 9400.456 Design Code: 117 ---------------------------------- 7212.023 ------------------------------------ 9400.404 Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec Z02+50 55.53 55.87 F 0.34 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 03/15/89-11:0~:11 # 109 7218.564 9395.922 Design Code: 109^55.87 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7218.550 9395.932- Staked Station/OS Stake-Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec .20Z-f75 55.86 56.19 F 0.33 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 03/15/89-11:13:08 # 110 7239.IG1 9381.7S3 Design Code: 110'S6.19 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7239.15S 9381.7S7 Staked ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW SET UP 03/IS/89 Time 11:3S:51 File Name: CB Instrument Used: LIETZIA Ground to Grid Factor is I Zenith Angle Correction: 0^0'0.0" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Instrument over Point 110 Backsight Point 101 Instrument Height S.09 Rod Height 4.93 Point # Northing/HA Ea5ting/ZA Elevation/SD Descriptor I 110 7239.161 9381.753 55.860 Control Pt 101 7057.910 9506.444 53.270 Control Pt Rod Height changed to 0.4G ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Radial Stake Out Station/OS Stake Elev Desion Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec Z03+00 56.13 - F 0. 36 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting M 03/15 /8 9-11:43:51 111 7259.758 9367.583 Design Code'. 111^56.49 ----------------------------------- 72S9.751 9367.587 L ----------------------------------- Staked ,A - "I , 54U1,A /I . Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 203+Z5 56.3G F @.Z8 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 03/IS/89-11:58:58 # 111 7280.354 9353.414 Design Code: 112'5M4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7280.363 9353.408 Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec Z03+Z9.SC/LIG'DW 56.40 0.00 C 56.40 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 03 /1 5/89-12:02:46 # 118 7284.062 9350.863 Design Code: 118 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7284.076 9350.853. Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec SEEE59 13~~ 6,!!rL_ 0 Vj Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 03/15/89-12:07:23 113 7300.951 9339.244 Design Code: 113'56.79 73OO.9G3 9339.236 Staked NEW SET UP 03/15/89 Time 12:51:3S File Name: CB Instrument Used: LIETZIA Ground to Grid Factor is I Zenith Angle Correction:' 0'0'0.0" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I Instrument over Point 110 Back5ight Point 101 Instrument Height 5.09 Rod Height 4.93 Point # Northing/HA Easting/ZA Elevation/SD Descriptor 110 7239.161 9381.7S3 S5.860 Control Pt 101 7057,910 9506.444 53.270 Contro,l Pt Ro.d Height changed to 4.68 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Radial Stake Out Rod Height changed to 0.46 ------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- Radial Stake Out Station/OS 203+50 Set Date-Time - - 03/15/89-13:00:48 Code: 113^SG.74 ------------------- .A,,- _- jz, Stake Elev —Design E ev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 56. 5Z 5 F @.ZZ Point ~or~thing (Y) Eas'ting M # 113 7300.9si 9339.244 Design 7300.972 9339.230 Staked ,A_~'- 8 4f 70 Stake Elev ,,,Q ~1~_nlev Cut/Fil.1 Dist Out/X-Sec 56.68 F 0.1Z- Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting M 03/1 5/89-13:09:52 # 114 7321.548 9325.075 Design Code: 114'56.80 7321.562 9325.065 Staked ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- Begin Calculations 13:10:12 NEW SET UP 03/1 5/89 - Time 13:13:39 File Name: CB Instrument Used: LIETZ1A Ground to Grid Factor is 1 Zenith Angle Correction: 0^0'0.0" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Instrument over Point 110 Back5ight Point 101 Instrument Height 5.09 Rod Height 4.93 Point # Northing/HA Easting/ZA Elevation/SO Descriptor 110 7239.161 9381.753 S5.860 Control Pt 101 70S7.910 9SO6.444 S3.270 Control Pt Rod Height changed to 0.46 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Radial Stake Out Station/OS Stake Elev~,~<~ /Design Elev Cut/Fill 8' F/C 204+00 56.78 F~ F O.OZ Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 03/1 5/89-13:18:46 # 115 7340.444 9308.434 Design Code: 115'56.80 --------------- ----------------------------------------------------- 7340.451 9308.428 Staked Station/OS Stake Elev i ~gn E~:l e v ~~QL's Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 13' F/C Z04+ZS 56.89 4 5G.74 / C 0.15 Ll Station/OS 203+75 Dist Out/X-Sec IL ~5 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Eas-ting M 03/IS/89-13:21:59 # IIG 7358.207 9290.145 Design Code:-116^S6.74 I 73S8.218 9290.137 Staked ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Station/OS Stake Elev De,i~li(~g_n ED V Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 141 F/C Z04+45.6 56.97 SG,63;~, C 0.37 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 03/1 5/89-13:26:02 # 119 7374.686 9277.594 Design Code: 119"56.60 7374.707 9277.S78 Staked -------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW SET UP 03 /1 5/89 Time 13:35:51 File Name: CB Instrument Used: LIETZIA Ground to Grid Factor is I Zenith Angle Correction: 0^0'0.0" ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Instrument over Point 119 Back5ight Point 101 Instrument Height 5.09 Rod Height 4.93 Point # Northing/HA Ea5ting/ZA Elevation/SD Descriptor 119 7374.686 9277.594 56.970 Control Pt 101 70S7.910 9506.444 53.270 Control Pt Rod Height changed to 0.46 - --------------------------------------------------------------------- Radial Stake Out Station/OS Stake Lev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 1/3 DELTA 56.57 5&,4& ~ 13 IEZ4:;~ 5e, -51 Z3 -Cop 9 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 03/15/89-13:40:4G # 120 7387.113 9282.413 Design Code: 120^56.45 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7387.146 9282.426 Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec Z/3 DELTA 56.Z7 56.? C-V-." 56 L3 'go ~_/- Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 03/15 /89-13:44:21 # 121 7394.754 9283.832 Design Code: 121'S6.20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7394.774 9283.838 I Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec PCR 56.03 Fa ~ 5(,.In r )L q ~~d 4L ~, ),- 0 ~~ Set Oate-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 03/15/89-13:48:27 # 122 7400.660 9288.884 Design Code: 122^5S.96 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7400.GG5 9288.887 Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 1/2 TANGENT 55.70' 0 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M . . . s~~ 03/15/89-13:52:12 # 123 7406. 315 9297.131 Design Code: 123^55.85 7406.322 9297.135 Staked ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Station/OS Stake Elev De5ign Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec END CURB SS.47 F-0-26- Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting (.X) 03/15/89-13:57:45 # 124 7411.970 9305.378 Design Code: 124^55.73 7411.962 930S.372 Staked -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW SET UP 03/1 5/89 Time 14:17:14 File Name: CB Instrument Used: LIETZIA Ground to Grid Factor is I Zenith Angle Correction: 0^0 ,0.0" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW SET UP 03/15/89 Time 14:20:38 File Name: CB Instrument Used: LIETZIA Ground to Grid Factor is I Zenith Angle Correction: 0^0'0.0" End of File End of Report 14:23:50 03/15/89 I - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHURCH ENGINEERING INC. CARLSBAD 225 BROADWAY, SUITE #700 LOCATIONS VARIOUS ELECTRICAL SAN DIEGO, CA. 92101 (619) 237-0722 CREW: EDGETT, HILL, COLWELL ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW SET UP 03/22/89 Time 10:37:25 File Name: CB Instrument.U5ed: LIETZIA Ground to Grid Factor is I Zenith Angle Correction: 0"0'0.0" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW SET UP 03/22/89 Time 09:20:34 File Name: CB Instrument Used: LIETZIA Ground to Grid Factor is I Zenith Angle Correction:, 0'0'0.0" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Instrument over Point I Backsi.ght Point 109 Instrument Height 5.25 Rod Height 4.68 Point # Northing/HA Ea5ting/ZA Elevation/SD Descriptor 1 7099.822 9507.369 54.723 Control Pt 109 7218.564 9395.922 55.530 Control Pt Rod Height changed to 4.68 Radial Stake'Out Station/OS Stake Elev Design ilev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 202+40 PB F/C LT 55.74 0.00 C 55.74 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) E85ting M 03/22/89-09:28:55 # 126 7170.084 9343.095 Design Code: 126 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7170.088 9343.086 Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 202+51.25 C/L ST 56.31 0.00 C 56.31 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 03/22/89-09:36:38 # 127 7200.890 9368.026 Design Code: 127 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7200.900 9368.009 Staked Begin Calculations 09:36:54 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Finish Calculations 09:39:18 Radial Stake Out Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 202+61 S'F/C PB 51.47 0.00 C S1.47 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting'(X) 03/22/89-09:46:24 # 128 7227.643 9389.676 Design Code: 128 7227.654 9389.66S Staked ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Begin Calculations 09:46:57 Finish Calculations 09:50:04 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Radial Stake Out Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 10'C/L TRAF SIG 53.74 53.14 C 0.60 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting M 03/22/89-10:00:12 # 159 7062.031 9526.664 Design Code: IS9 7062.031 9526.664 Staked ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Begin Calculations 10:06:21 Finish Calculations 10:11:28 Radial Stake Out Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 19+02 F/C PB LT 4Z.79 53.69 F 10.90 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting M 03/22/89-10:16:39 # 161 7206.SIS 9766.S7S Design Code: 161 7206.SIS 97G6.S81 Staked ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill ~15t Out/X-Sec, 19+07.75 C/L 43.41' 53.69 F 10.Z8 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting M 03/22/89-10:19:55 # 162 7185.057 9788.316 Design Code: 162 718S.053 9788.304 ~taked ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 19+13.50F/C PBRT 51.30 53.69 : F 2.39 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Lasting M 03/22/89-10:33:18 # 164 7193.600 9810.0S6 Design Code: 164 7163.582 9809.959 Staked ------------------------------------------ 7 --------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW SET UP 03/22/89 Time 10:35:37 File Name: CB Instrument Used: LIETZIA Ground to Grid Factor is I Zenith Angle Correction: 0'0'0.0" ----------------------------------------------------------------- NEW SET UP 03/22/89 Time 10:37:25 File Name: CB Instrument Used: LIETZIA Ground to Grid.Factor is I Zenith Angle Correction: 0'0'0.0" End of File End of Report 10:38:25 03/22/89 CHURCH ENGINEERING INC. ------------- 7 --------------------------------------------------------- CARLSBAD 22S BROADWAY, SUITE #700 - RETAINING WALLS @ INTERSECTION ELM I CLSBD. BLVD'. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92101 5' B/W - 28' RAD. CUTS TO T/F & T/W (619) 237-0722 CREW: EDGETT, HILL, LUCAS -------------- --------------------------------- NEW SET UP 03/27/89 Time 12:04:2S --------------------- 7 File Name: CB Instrument Used: LIETZ1A Ground,,to Grid Factor is I Zenith Angle Correction: 0^0'0.0"- ------------------------------ NEW SET UP 03/27/89 Time 11:1-4:33 7 --------------------------------------- File Name: CB Instrument Used: LIETZIA Ground -to Grid Factor is I Zenith Angle Correction: 0^.0'0.0" ---------------------- Instrument over Point 1 Back5ight Point 7 -------------------------------------------- 109 I ---- Instrument Height 5.23 Rod Height 0.46 Point # Northing/HA Easting/ZA Elevation/SO Descriptor 1 7099.822 9S07.3G9 54.723 Control Pt 109 7218.564 9396.922 55.530 Control Pt Rod Height changed to 0.46 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Radial Stake Out 14- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Begin Calculations 11:19:20 Finish Calculations 11:23:06 ----------------------------------------- ---------- --------- ------- Radial Stake Out tation/OS Stake Elev. Design-Elev Cut/Fill Di -Sec 19 75 C/L 53.95 55.50 F 1.55 Set Date-Time Point- 16 03 /27/89-11:26:Sl 162 r Code: 162^SS.5,52.17 : --------------------- Station/OS Stake El Desig lev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec , 5j,wr' 19+07.75 C/L 53. SZ.17 C 1.78 Set Date-Tima-'l— t (Y t j Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting 2 9 1 0 03/27/ 1:27:06 # 162 7082.374 9510.248 n ~2^55.5,52.17 7082.201 9510.276 Stake e: 16~5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Di5t Out/X-Sec 5'81W T/W 53.99 55.50 F 1.51 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting (X) 03/27/89-11:29:16 # 162 7082.374 9SIO.248 Design Code: 162^SS.S,S2.17 7082.374 9510.248 Staked ---------------------------------------------------- 7 ----------------- Northing (Y) Ea5ti t l 7082.374 .42148 Design 7082.201 9510.276 Staked . .......... ---------- --- ------------------------ Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X'Sec CID/H T/C r-7 QQ r_7 17 r i c? Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting M 03/27/89-11:29:40 # 162 7082.374 9510.248 Design Code: 162^55.5,52.17 7082.374 9510.248 Staked ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 5'B/W T/WM29!WRT=- G4.53 55.50 F 0.97 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting M 03/27/89-11:32:Sl # 164 7087.116 9520.614 Design Code: 164'SS.5,52.17 7087.110 9520.620 Staked ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec S'B/W T/F 54.53 52.17 C Z.36 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 03/27/89-11:33:18 # 164 7087.116 9S20.614 Design Code: 164^55.5,52.17 7087.110 9520.620 Staked ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev S'B/W T/W 54.65 55.50 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) 03/27/89-11:36:16 165 7088.048 Code: 165^55.5,52.17 7088.037 ------------------------------------------------ Cut/Fill Dist Out/)(-Sec F 0.85 Ea5ting M 9531.976 Design 9531.998 Staked -------------------- Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill S'B/W T/F 54.65 52.17 C 2.48 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 03/27/89-11:36:48 # 16S 7088.048 9S31.976 Code: IGS^SS.S,S2.17 7088.037 9531.998 ------------------------------------------------------------- Dist Out/X-Sec Design Staked st Out/X-Sec /Desiqn_ Staked 2---- Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev CutlFill ist Out/X-~ec - S'B/W T/F 54.66 52'.17 C 2.49 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting M 03/27/89-11:41:24 # 166 7086.957 9537.876 Design Code: 166^55.5,52.17 7086.957 9537.877 Staked -------------------------------- ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7- Radial Stake Out Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill S'B/W T/W 54.66 55.50 F 0.84 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting M 03/27/89-11:41:05 # 166 7086.9S7 9S37.876 Code: 166^55.S,52.17 708G.957 9537.877 --------------------------------------------------------------- S'B/W T/W 54.53 55.50 F 0.97 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 03/27/89-11:46:47 # 167 7082.025 9548.153 Design Code: 167^SS.5,S2.17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7082.022 9548.159 Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 5'B/W T/F 54.53 5Z.17 C 2,36 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting M 03/27/89-11:47:06 # 167 7082.025 9548.153 Design Code: 167^55.5,52.17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7082.022 9548.159 Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill S'B/W-T/W S4.97 55.50 F 0.53 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting M 03/27/89-11:SI:37 # 168 7073.891 9S56.139 Code: 168^55.5,52.17 7073.886 95SG.148 ------------------------------------------------------------- Dist Out/X-Sec Design Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec SIR/U-T/P r-A Q7 r-7 17 r ? arA Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Ea5fing M 03/27/89-11:52:06 # 168 7073.891 95S6.139 Design Code: 168^55.5,S2.17 7073.886 95S6.148 Staked -------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Radial Stake Out Rod Height changed to 4.68 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Radial Stake Out Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec S'F/C-PCR SI.62 S3.Z7 F 1.6S Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 03/27/89-11:59:43 # 170 70SO.197 9548.164 Design Code: 170 7050.200 9S48.161 Staked ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW SET UP 03/27/89 Time 12:04:25 File Name: CB Instrument Used: LIETZIA Ground to Grid Factor is 1 Zenith Angle Correction: 0^0'0.0" End of File End of Report 12:06:01 03/27/89 I., AO ------------------- --------------------------------------------------- CHURCH ENGINEERING INC. CARLSBAD 225 BROADWAY SUITE #700 CURB STAKES - ELM STREET SAN DIEGO, CA. 92101 S' F/C - CUTS TO T/C (619) 237-0722 CREW: EOGETT, HILL, LUCAS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW SET UP 04/26/81 Time 11:11:12 File Name: CB , Instrument Used: LIETZIA Ground to Grid Factor is I Zenith Angle Correction: 0"0'0.0" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW SET UP 04/26/89 Time 08:44:00 File Name: CB Instrument Used: LIETZIA Ground to Grid Factor is I Zenith Angle Correction: 0^0'0.0" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW SET UP 04/26/89 Time 09:47:30 File Name: CB Instrument Used: LIETZIA Ground to Grid Factor is I Zeni'th Angle Correction: 0^0'0.0" ------------------------------------------ -------------------------- Begin Calculations'09:47:35 Finish Calculations 09:SO:01 ------------------------------------- 7 ------------------- 7 -------- NEW SET UP 04/2G/89 Time 09:51:34 File Name: C8 Instrument Used: LIETZIA Ground to Grid Factor is I Zenith Angle Correction: 0'0'0.0" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Begin Calculations 09:Sl:.39 Finish Calculation's 09:51:55 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW SET UP 04/26/89 Time 09:S3:37. File Name: C8 Instrument Used: LIETZIA Ground to Grid Factor is I Zenith Angle Correction: 0^0'0.0" ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Instrument over Point SG Back5ight Point 109 Instrument Height 5.30 Rod Height 4.G8 Point # Northing/HA Easting/ZA Elevation/SD Descriptor 5G 7048.495 9545.G93 51.G60 Control Pt 1.09 7218.564 9395.922 55.530 Control Pt Rod Height changed to .4G ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Instrument over Point 56 Back5ight Point 109 Instrument Height 5.30 Rod Height 0.46 Point 4 Northing/HA Easting/ZA' Elevation/SD Descriptor 56 7048.495 9545.693 51.660 Control Pt 109 7218.564 9395.922 55.530 Control Pt Rod Height changed to 0.4G Radial Stake Out Radial Stake Out ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Station/OS Sta ke Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-*Sec 16+50 51.15 51.Z4 F 0. 09 - Set Date-Time Point NortH.ng (Y) Ea5ting M 04/26 /8 9-09:59:36 # 319 7059.570 9561.792 Design Code: 319 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7059.589 9561.818 Staked Siation/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 16+75 - 50.40 50.58 F O.IB -------------- Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Eastinb M 04/26/89-10:04:29 # 320 7073.740 9S82.389 Design Code: 320 ------------------------ 7 --------------------------------------------- 7073.749 9582.400 Staked. Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Ou-t/X-Sec 17+00 49.75 49.79 F 0.04 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 04/26/89-10:OG:52 # 321 9602.986 Design Code: 321 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7087.918 9602.99S - Staked Staffon/.05 Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/FIll Dist Out/X-Sec 17+Z5 48.85 48.95 F 0.10 — ----------- — Set Date-;Til7me Po Northing (Y) Easting 04/26/89-10:09:09 # 322 7102 * 07q_____--96-2:y.-9§2 Design Code: 322 -------- -------------------------------- 9623.GO8 .. 5 1 a 11, e cO Cut /Fil~l ~D Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev 5 u-t/X-Sec 17+Z5 48.85 48.95 F 0.10 ----------- Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 04/26/89-10:09:29 4 322 7102, 078 9623.582 Design Code: 322 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7102.095 9623.608 Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 17+50 47.9Z 48.04 F 0.1Z Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting M 04/26/89-10:11:31 4 323~ 7116.247 9G44.179 Design Code: 323 7116.2GO 9644.198 Staked -------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Sta-tion/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill 17+75 47.03 47.14 F 0.11 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 04/2G/89-10:13:48 # 324 7130.41G 9GG4.7'7G 7,74 71-WAII 9GG4.7G8 Dist Out/X-Sec Design Staked ..i~ ~ __i Sf at i on/ OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 18+00 4G.IZ 4G.Z4 F O.IZ Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 04/26/89-10:IS:41 325 7144.585 9685.373 Design Code: 325 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7144.587 9685.375 Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 18++z5 45.20 45.33 F 0.13 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 04 /216/89-10:17:56 # 32G 7158.75S 970S.970 Design Code: 326 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 71S8.755 9705.972 Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 18+50 44.Z7 44.43 F 0.16 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) * Easting M 04/2G/89-iO:29:16 # 327 7172.924 9726.567 Design Code: 327 -------------------------- 7172.923 ------------------------------------------ 972G.567 Staked Station/0S Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 18+70-GRO BRK 43.58 43.71 F 0.13 Set bate-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 04/2G/89-10:32:17 # 328 7184.259 9743.04S Design Code: 328 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7184.2S3 9743.039 Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 19+00 4Z.68 .4Z.73 F 0.05 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting M 04 /26/89-10:34:22 # 330 7201.2G2 9767.7GI Design Code: 330 ----------------------------------------- 7201.264 : ----------------------------- 9767.767 Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 19+Z5 4Z.18 42.53 F 0.35 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting M 04/26/89-10:37:10 # 331 7215.431 9788.358 Design Code: 331 7215.436 9788.369 Staked Begin Calculations 10:38:20 Finish Calculations 10:42:18 -7 -------------------------- Radial Stake Out Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 19450 41.78 4Z.53 F 0.75 -------------- Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) E85ting M ~ . , _5to 04/26/89-10:45:03 # 332 711-29.600 9808.955 Design Code: 332 7229.599 9808.9S7 Staked ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec 19+75 41.5Z 4Z.Z8 F 0.7G Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 04/26/89-10:54:40 # 333 7243.789 9829.5S2 Design Code: 333 7243.783 9829.S72 Staked ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec z0+00 41.17 4Z.15 F 0.98 Set Date-Time Pckint Northing (Y) Easting M 04/26/89-10:57:12 # 334 7257.939 9850.149 Design Code: 334 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7257.940 9850.ISI Staked Station/OS Stake Elev Design Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec ZO+30.04-PCR 40.94 4Z.00 F 1.06 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 04/26/89-11:00:43 # 33G 7274.964 9874.899 Design Code: 33G ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 72.74.968 9874.904 Staked ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Radial Stake Out Station/OS Stake Elev Design-Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec ZI+00.SZ-PCR 41.97 4Z.1S F 6.113 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Ea5ting M 04/26/89-11:05:01 # 398 7314.898 9932.948 Design Code: 398 7314.909 9932.960 Staked ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Station/OS Stake Elev De5ign Elev Cut/Fill Dist Out/X-Sec Z1+07.5 4Z.06 42.Z5 F 0.19 Set Date-Time Point Northing (Y) Easting M 04/26/89-11:07:16 # 442 7318.865 9938.715 Design Code: 442 7318.9G9 9938.865 Staked ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW SET UP 04/26/89 Time 11:11:12 File Name: CB Instrument Used: LIETZIA Ground to Grid Factor is I Zenith Angle Correction: 0"0'0.0" End of File End of Report 11:13:29 04/26/89