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I It SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL,.AND TESTING, INC '- July 12, 1990 - - - ,- :.'- City of Carlsbad 742. SCS&T 90210924 * 2075 Las Palmas Drive - Report No 1 *Carlsbad, California 92008 r W. Attention Mr Dick Cook -. Reference Alga Road InproveTrents - •- • • ' - - - - ..-.- "• - Subject Conformance Testing of Class II Base Gentlenen - * In accordance with your request, t1ie subject testing has been :performed on Class II base material labeled Wyroc, sample 41 and Soüthcoast, sample #2. sampled by -oi.ir technician ,and received by our labdratory on June 29, 1990'- - Test results are submitted on theattached Table _A.. - . -'c, .- • - ' - We appreciate the opportunity to provide our services in this matter '- -• - - '• .,' -v:, -- -. - - Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING INC / - S Michael B Wheeler, R C E 445358 1 ) S cc (4) City of Carlsbad - S (1) SCS&T Escondido - ..-' •'.,;-•_ - ---' ta 6260 RIVERDALE STREET. SAN DIEGO, CA 92120 . 619-280-4321, FAX 619-280-4717 . P.O. BOX 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160k - - ' 747 ENTERPRISE -STREET .ESCONDIDO, CA 92029. 619-746-4544, FAX 619-746-6579 ,-,-.-- -- .,-'"' ----,--. ,._' I- '• - - - - '• - .. . •- -•- •' •1 - / ,• -; - '': - L - SCS&T 9021092 July 12, 1990 Page 2 Table A CLASS II BASE, ALGi ROAD ThIPRJVEMENT 07-11-90 SIEVE ANALYSIS (ASTM D422) percent passing SOUl'!-! OPERATING CONTRACT Sieve Size WYROC COAST RANGE COMPLIANCE 100 100 100 100 3/4" 92 95 90-100' 87-100 73 3/8" , 58 64 #4 43 50 35-55 30-60 36 41 - #16 27 34 --- #30' 21 24 10-30 - 535 #50 ' ' 15 19 ' #100 11 14 --- #200 7.4 10.9 2-9 0-12 RESISTNE VALUE 83 81 --- 78 Mm. R-VALUE (CAL TEST 3O1) SAND EQUIVALENT 39 30 25 Mm. 22 Mm. (CALTEST 217) DURABILITY flw (CALTEST 229) ' Factor, Coarse " ' 75 79 Factor, Fines ' 64 70 Index ' , 64 ' 70 --- ' 35 Mm. Maximum Density, PC f , 141.5 ' - 139-.0 (ASTM D1557) c,tini.nn Moisture, % ' 0 5•5,' 6.0 (ASTh D1557) - ' 22.23 Aug V90 LO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND T E S T I August 16, 1990 S City of Carlsbad SCST 9021092 2075 Las Palmas Drive Tcport No. 5 Carlsbad, California. 92008 Attention: Mr. Dick Cook Reference: Alga Pool Subject: Conformance Testing of Asphaltic Concrete Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, conformance t.et inq Iv heen porfoncIon 1/2" AR-4000 (Class 133) asphaltic concrete sampled (1:o1l1 the referenced project site on July 30, July II, August ]., and /\uqust 2, •I990. The paviiv.i contractor was Daley Corporation, and the apha1tic coti ret'' wa supplied 1w California Commercial Asphalt Company. Please find enclosed the technician field reports. Test results are submitted on the attached Tables A and B. We appreciate the opportunity to provide our services in this matter. Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. H Michael B. Wheeler, R.C.E. #45358. cc: (4) Submitted S (1) SCS&T, Escondido 6280 RIVERDALE STREET • SAN DIEGO, CA 92120 . 619-280-4321, FAX 619-280-4717 . P.O. BOX 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160 678 ENTERPRISE STREET • ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 . 619-746-4544, FAX 619-764-6579 1 SCS&T 9021092 August 16, 1990 Page 2 TABLE A CCRJRNNE TESrIFK OF CLASS 133 ASPHALTIC CCNIIRETE, 07-30-90 SIEVE ANALYSIS OF F flPJCI'ED PXFXA1E (TS1A C136) percent passing (1) Sieve Size #1 #2 #3 Specification 1" 100 100 190 100 3/4" 100 99 100 '- 95-100 1/2 85 83 84 3/8' 73 69 70 65-80 #4 . 54 50 . 53 45-60 #8 40 39 39 30-45 #16 30 29 28 #30 ., 21 20 . 20 15-25 #50 14 13 13 #100, 8 8 8 #200 49 51 53 3-7 PERCENT BITUMEN (.S'1( D2172) By Weight of Aggregate, % 5.7 5.4 6.1(*). 4.6-6.0 By Weight of Sample, % 5.4 5.1 5.7 LABMAEtRY COMPACTED UNIT WEIGHT . HVEEM (ASTK D1561 & P2726), pcf: Sample -A: 144.8 143.1 142.5 Sample B 145.4 J42-2 147 6 Average: 145.1 142.7 '142.6 . STAB]IL*1FER VALUE (S'ffi D1560) Sample A: 44 46 43 Sample B: 44 46 41 Average 44 46 42 35 mm (1) Standard Specification for Public Works, Section 400-4, Class B3 (*) Does not net referenced specification. k .' SCS&T 9021092 August. 16, 1990 Page 3 TABLE A CONFUDWilM TESTIM OF CLASS B3 ASPHALTIC ,CCRETE, 07-31-90 SIEVE ANALYSIS OF EXTRACTED PXEXI1 (AS']M C136) percent passing (1) Sieve Size #4 #5 #6 Specification 100 100 . 100 100 3/4 100 98 100 95-100 1/2' 87 87 82 3/8"' 73 75 67 65-80 #4 ' ' 55 56 47 45-60 #8 43 43 35 30-45 #16 32 31 26 #30 .?3 23 19 15-25 #50' ' ' 15 15 13 #100 . 8 ' 8 .7 #200 ' 5.3 5.0 4.6 3-7 PERCENT BITUMEN (AS"m D2172) By Weight of Aggregate, % 5.3 5.8 5.8 4.6-6.0 By Weight ofSample, % ' 5.0 5.5 5.4 LABAIXXY X1PAC1ED urr WEIGHT . . HVEEM (AS'1?1 D1561 & D2726), pcf: Sample A: . ' ' . 144.1 143.3 143.3 Sample B: ' . . 143.6 143.8 144.6 Average: ' ' ' .143.9 143.6 , ' 144.5 . B]1LlE9ER VALUE (AS-IN DTh60) Sample A: . 46 48 ' 44 Sample B: • 42 .42 40 Average: '. ' . 44 45 42 35 mm (1) Standard Specification for' Public Works,,Section 400-4, Class B3. SCS&T 9021092 August 16, 1990 Page 4 TABLE A CCRJRMNE TESTM OF CLASS B3 ASPHALTIC ccRErrE, 08-01-90 SIEVE ANALYSIS OF MUM= P(RFXIE (S'ffi C136) percent passing (1) Sieve Size #7 #8 49 Specification 1" 100 100 100 100 3/4t 98 98 ()Q 95-1.00 1/2 81 80 78 3/8 71 67 66 65-80 #4 56 52 48 45-60 #8 40 39 35 30-45 #16 : 27 29 26 #30 19 21 19 15-25 #50 13 14 13 #100 8 9 8 #200 5.1 5.8 5.1 3-7 Pr B1'1Th (STh D2172) By Weight of Aggregate, % 57 54 55 46-60 By Weight of Sample, % 5.4. 5.2 5.2 LABXA1Y XIPN2TED UNIT MIGHT HVEEM(S'JD1561 & D2726), pcf: Sample A: 141.8 144.8 J-44.1- Sample B: 143.6 144.6 144.6 Average: 142.7 144.7 144.4 ABU1ER VN.UE (ASifi D1560) Sample A: 47 45 41 Sample B- 42 42 40 Average:' 45 44 41 35 mm (1) Standard Specification for Public Works, Section 400-4,-.Class B3. SCS&T 9021092 August 16, 1990 Page 5 ThHLE A CONFORMANCE TESTING OF CLASS B3 ASPBALTIC CONCRETE.- 08-02-90 SIEVE ANALYSIS OF EX1WC1'ED N RXa'E (1S']M C136) percent passing (1) Sieve Size #10 #11 #12 Specification 1 100 100 100 100 3/4" 97 99 99 95-100 1/2't 82 91 89 3/8" 69 82 (*) 71 65-80 #4 54 55 50 45-60 #8 42 43 39 30-45 #16 31 30 30 #30 22 22 22 15-25 #50 15 14 15 #100 9 8 8 - #200 61 46 53 3-7 PEYCERr BITUMEN (1S"I1 D2172) By Weight of Aggregate, % 5.9 5.8 5.9 4.6-6.0 By Weight of Sample, % 5.6 5.5 5.5 LABA1Y cX!IP&.'JED UNIT WEIGHT' HVEEM (ASm 1)1561 & D2726), pcf: Sample A: 146.0 142.5 145.8 Sample. B 146.1 142.2 145.6 Average 146 .1 , 142.4 145.7 S2ABU1F1ER VAUJE (ASm D1560) Sample A; 35 36 32 Sample B: 34 28 35 Average 35 32(*) 34 () 35 mlfl (*).Does not meet specification (1) Standard Specification for Public Works, Section 400-4, Class B3 S SCS&T 9021092 August 16, 1990 Page 6 ASPHALT CONCRETE FlEW REPORT: CLNS B3 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE, 07-30-90 Project Name: Alga Road - SCS&T No 9021092 Project ]\ddréss: Alga Road, Carlsbad Date: July 30, 1990 - General Contractor: Ref. Spec. Paving Contractor: Daley CorporatiOn Foreman: Jerry Material Supplier: C.C.A.C. •. Mix Type, 3/4" IR-4000 Technician: Dale R. Bartlett, SCS&T Nuclear Gauge No: 6812 Standard Counts (4 Minute): 20181 20346 20308 Average: 20278 Base Appears Dry & Firm: yes x no . Base Tested By: SCS&T Was Tack Coat Applied: .yes x no - Type of Tack: .Tonnage Placed: 3243.52 Square Footage: No. of Test Lots (1/500 Tons or 22,000 Sf): Site Sketch Made: yes no Paving Equipment: Breakdown- Roller 10-12 Ton Avg # of Passes: 4-5 Pneumatic Roller 10-12' Ton Avg # of Passes: 4-5 Finish Roller 10-12 Ton Avg # of Passes: 4-5 Weather Conditions: Sunny, warm and breezy Avg Temperature: F. A/C Temp 280 Time 0730 Thuck# 1038 Load# 6 Sampled: yes x no P.'C Temp 310 Time 0910 Tnick# 1216 Load# 30 Sampled: yes x no A/C Temp 285 Time 1020 Truck#. 1030 Load# 52 Sampled: yes x no 1\/C Temp 275 Time 1215 - Truck# 1039 Load# 76 Sampled: yes x no A/C Temp 310 Time 1320 Truck# D102 Load# 90 Sampled: yes x no A/C Temp 185 Time 1435 Truck#-. 1031 Lod# 112 $.mp1.cd: yes x no - A/C Temp 305 Time • 1540 Truck# D105 Load# 129 Sampled: yes x no DESQUVflCR1 OF W1K: •, Observed laydown and compaction of 3/4'PyC on Alga Road. Obtained samples and performed random nuclear gauge tests'. All testing appeared to be acceptable. - SCS&T 9021092 August 16; 1990 Page 7 ASPHALT CONCRETE FIELD REPORT: CLPSS B3 PHAIirIC CONCRETE, 07-31-90 Project Nane: Alga Road SCS&T No:' 9021092 Project Address: Alga Road, Carlsbad Date: July 31, 1990 General Contractor: . Ref. Spec. Paving Contractor: Daley Corporation Foreman: Jerry Material Supplier: C. C .A. C. Mix Type: 3/4 AR-4000 Technician: Dale R. Bartlett, SCS&T Nuclear Gauge No: 6812 Standard Counts (4 Minute): 20308 ;20123 20131 Average: 20187 Base Appears Dry & Finn: yes x no . " Base Tested By: SCS&T Was Tack Coat Applied:, yes, x no Type of Tack: Tonnage Placed: 3250.43 Square Footage: No. of Test Lots (1/500 Tons or 22,000 Sf): Site Sketch Made: yes no - Paving Equiprrent: Breakdown Roller 10712 Ton Avg # of Passes: 5 - Pneumatic Roller 10-12 Ton Avg # of Passes: 5 Finish Roller, 10-12 Ton Avg It of Passes: 5 Weather Conditions: Sunny and fair _____. Avg Temperature: 80 degrees F. A/C Temp 250 Tine 0745 Truck# S-i Load# 12 Sampled: yes x no A/C Temp 275 Time 1040 .. Thuck# 1032 Load# 59 Sampled: yes -x no A/C Temp 275 Time 1315 .' Truck# 1033 Load# 90 Sampled: yes x no A/C Temp 290 Time 1515 Truck# T-5 Load# • 120 • Sampled: yes x no DESCRIPTION OF WJRK: Observed laydown and compaction of 3/4 AC on Alga Road, Station 128 +50 to 76 + 00 east bound lane, Station 93 ± 00 to 61.-l-00 and 128 + 50 to 122 ± 50 west bound lane. Obtained can samples approximately every 1000 tons. Compaction tests reperforned, and all appeared acceptable. ., • - 0 •• • .•, ,'- . -. t • (0 I SCS&T 9021092 August 16, 1990 Pact-. 8 ASPHALT CONCRETE FIELD REPORT: CLASS B3 ASPHALTIC CCRXR1rrE, 08-01790 Project Name: Alga Road SCS&T No 9021092 Project Address: Alga Road, Carlsbad Date: August 1, 1990 General Contractor Ref Spec Paving Contractor: Daley Corporation Foreman: Jerry Material Supplier: C.C.A.C. Mix Type: 3/4" AR-4000 Technician: Michael J. Hochbrueckner Nuclear Gauge No: M36056812 Standard Counts (4 Min.): 20123 20131 20211 Average: 20155 Base Appears Dry .& Firm: yes x no Base Tested By: SCS&T Was Tack Coat Applied: yes x no Type of Tack: Tonnage Placed: 2671.43 Square Footaqe: No. of Test Lots (1/500 Tons or 22,000 sf)': Site Sketch Made: yes no Paving Equipment: Breakdown Roller 10-12 Ton Avg # of Passes: 5 Pneumatic Roller 10-12 Ton Avg # of Passes: S Finish Roller 10:12 Ton Avg # of Passes: 5 Weather Conditions: Sunny and pleasant Avg Temperature: 80 degrees F. A/C Temp 300 Time 0800 Tnkk# D-106 Load# 73 Sampled yes x no A/C Temp 285 Tine 1030 Truck# B-27 Load# 59 Sampled: yes x no - A/C Temp 250 Tine 1300 Truck# D-103 Load# 95 Sampled: yes x no LESQUFION OF K: Observed and tested laydown and compaction of 3/4" AC on Alga Road. Station 93 + 08 to 61 + 00 on both west and east bound lanes. Ailtests appeared acceptable. Can samples re taken approximately every 1000 tons SCS&T 9021092 August 16, 1990 Page 9 ASPHALT (XMRETE FIE[ D REPORT: CLASS B3 ASPHALTIC CCPET?E, 08-02-90 Project Narte: Alga Road SCS&T No: 9021092 Project Address: Alga Road, Carlsbad Date: July 30, 1990 General Contractor: Ref. Spec. Paving Contractor: 'Daley Corporation Foreman: Jerry Material Supplier: C.C.A.C. Mix Type: 3/4 AR-4000 Technician: , Michael J. Hochbrueckner Nuclear Gauge No: 6812 Standard Counts (4 Minute): 20131 20981 20898 Average: 20670 Base Appears Dry & Firm: yes x no Base Tested By: SCS&T Was Tack Coat Applied: yes x no Type of Tack: Tonnage Placed: 2315.90 , . Square Footage: 1/1000 No. of Test Lots (1/500 Tons or 22,000 Sf): Site Sketch Made: yes - no Paving Equipment: Breakdown Roller 10-12 Ton Avg it of Passes: 5 Pneumatic Roller 10-12 Ton Avg # of Passes: 5 Finish Roller 10-12 Ton ' Avg It of Passes: 5 WeatherConditions: Fair ' Avg Temperature: 83 degrees F. A/C Temp 305 Time 0800 Truck# D-103 Load# 17'. Sampled: yes x no A/C Temp 275 Time 1115 Truck#. 1214 Load# 54 Sampled: yes x, no A/C Temp 295 Time 1505 Truck# D-111 Load# 92 Sampled: yes x no DSCRIFI( OF WORK.. J Observed laydo'wn and compaction of 3/4' IC on Poinsettia Lane, Station 121 + 00 to 102 + 50. compaction tests were performed and all appeared acceptable. AC was sampled approximately every 1000 tons. . ,• SCS&T 9021092 August 20, 1990 Page 10 TABLE B CLASS C3 ASPHALT CONCRETE DENSITY SUMMARY (ASTM D2950) HVEEM IN-PLACE RELATIVE SAMPLE LOCATION SAMPLE UNIT WEIGHT, pcf COMPACTION, .% 1 (7-30-90) 142.8 99.5 2 (7-30-90) 14.6 98.0 3 (7-30-90) 144.4 100.6 4 (7-30-90) 143.9 : 100.3 5 (7-30-90) 140.1 97.6 6 (7-30-90) 139.0 96.9 7 (7-30-90) 144.0 100.0 8 (7-30-90) 141.6 98.3 9 (7-30-90) 139.8 97.1 10 (7-30-90) 143.8 99.9 11 (7-30-90) 140.9 97.8 12 (7-30-90) 142.4 98.9 13 (7-30-90) 139.9 97.2 14 (7-30-90) 142.8 99.2 15 (7-30-90) 141.4 98.2 16 (7-30-90) 142.3 98.8 17 (7-30-90) 143.3 99.5 18 (7-30-90) 141.6 98.3 19 (7-30-90) 142.1 98.7 20 (7-30-90) 146.0 101.5 21 (7-30-90) 143.2 99.5 22 (7-30-90) 145.0 100.8 23 (7-30-90) 143.5 99.7 24 (7-30-90) 141.4 98.3 25 (7-30-90) 140.4 97.6 26 (7-30-90) 142.8 99.2 27 (7-30-90) 142.1 98.7 28 (7-30-90) 138.8 96.5 29 (7-30-90) 139.5 96.9 30 (7-30-90) 143.1 99.4 31 (7-30-90) 140.0 97.3 32 (7-30-90) 144.6 100.5 33 (7-30-90) 139.9 97.2 34 (7-30-90) 140.7 97.8 35 (7-30-90) 144.6 99.9 36 (7-30-90) 141.8 98.0 37 (7-30-90) 143.3 99.0 38 (7-30-90) 143.8 99.4. 39 (7-30-90) 142.7 98.6 40 (7-30-90) 139.8 96.6 41 (7-30-90) 142.6 98.5 42 (7-30-90) 141.1. 97.5 43 (7-30-90) 146.6 101.3 44 (7-30-90) 140.6 97.2 45 (7-30-90) 144.9 100.1 46 (7-30-90) 142.8 98.7 47 (7-30-90) 142.8 98.7 48 (7-30-90) 143.6 99.2 49 (7-30-90) 145.5 100.6 50 (7-30-90) '142.7 98.6 51 (7-30-90) 144.1 99.6 52 (7-30-90) 141.4 97.7 53 ' (7-30-90) 143.9 99.4 54 ., (7-30-90) 140.7 ' 97.2 55 (7-30-90) 143.0 98.8 SCS&T 9021092 August 20, 1990 Page 11 TABLE B CLASS C3 ASPHALT CONCRETE DENSITY SUMMARY (ASTM D2950) HVEEM IN-PLACE RELATIVE SAMPLE LOCATION SAMPLE UNIT WEIGHT, pcf COMPACTION, %. 56 (7-30-90) 141.6 . ' 97.9 57 (7-30-90) 141.0 97.4 58 (7-30-90) 144.4 . 99.8 59 - (7-30-90) . 139.4. 96.3 60 . . (7-30-90) 142.2 98.3 61 (7-30-90) 141.5 '. - 97.8 62 . (7-30-90) 145.4 100.5 63 . (7-30-90) '141.6 : 97.9 64 (7-30-90) 143.2 99.0 65 S (7-30-90) 144.8 100.1 66 (7-30-90) 140.9 97.4 67 . . (7-31-90) 141.1 -. - - .97.5 68 (7-31-9.0) 143.1 . .,: 98.9 69 ,. (7-31-90)- . - 142.2 98.3 70 - (7-31-90).. .143.1. 98.9 71 (7-31-90) 140.0 96.8' 72 5 (7-31-90) 142.3 98.3 73 5 -S -. - (7-31-90) 141.5 97.8 74 1 -. (7-31-90) 143.1 98.9 75 . - . 5 (7-31-90) 139.5 - 96.4 76 . (7-31-90) 142.7 . 5 98.6 77 (7-31-90) 140.5 97 1 78 . . . - (7-31-90) 140.5 - . 97.1 79 S (7-31-90) . -- 141.7 97.9 80 . S (7-31-90) 143.0 - . 98.8 . . 81 . (7-31-90) 141.2 97.6 82 5 (7-31-90) 144.3- . 99.7 83 - 5_• .- (7731-90) - 142.9 -. - 98.8 84 (7-31-90) i43.1 98.9 85 - ' - (7-31-90) 145.1 . - 100.3 86 (7731-90) 141.1 97.5 87 (7-31-90) 143.2 99.0 88 - . . . - (7731-90) . 143.3 99.0 89 (7-31-90) 140.6 97.2 90 (7-31-90) 140.5 97.1 91 (7-31-90) 144.9 100.1 92 (7-31-90) 142.7 98.6 93 (7-31-90) 141.5 97.8 94 (7-31-90) 143.2 99.0 95 (7-31-90) 142.2 98 3 96 . . . : (7-31-90) 142.5 - - 98.5 97 - S - (7-31-90) 143.5 99.2 98 (7-31-90) 143 4 99.1 99 (7-31-90) .142.0 : . 98.1 100 (7-31-90) 142 0 98 1 101- , - : (7-31-90) 140.7 . 97.2 102 (7-31-90) 139.7 96.5 103 - S - - - (7731-90). 144.5 -. . . 99.9 104 (7-31-90) 139 .5.,, , 96.4 105. (7-31-90) . '142.8 98.7 106 (7731-90) 139.9 96.7 107 (7-31-90) 140 .6, .97..2 108 .. - (7-31-90) - 143.8 . 99.4 109 (7-31-90) 141.4 97.7 110 (731-90) 139 7 96.5 SCS&T 9021092 August 20, 1990 Page 12 TABLE B CLASS C3 ASPHALT CONCRETE DENSITY SUMMARY (ASTM D2950) HVEEM IN-PLACE RELATIVE SAMPLE LOCATION SAMPLE UNIT WEIGHT, pcf COMPACTION, % - - - 111 (7-31-90) 142.3 98.3 112 " (7-31-90) .. 139.9 96.7 113 , (7-31-90) 140.8 97.3 114 (7-31-90) 144.1 99.6 115 (7-31-90) 140.2 . 96.9 116 (7-31-90) 141.5 97.8 117 . (7-31-90) 143.6 , ' 99.2 118- (7-31-9.0) 141.0 . 97.4 119 , (7-31-90) 141.3 120 (7-31-90) 142 .3, 98.3 121 (7-31-90) 140.9 97.4 122 (7-31-90) ., 142.1, 98.2 123 ' (7-31-90) 140.3 • 97.0 124 (7-31-90) 144.4 99.8 125 . (8-01-90) 145.0 .100.2 126 . . '. (8-01-90) 140.5 97.1 127 . , . . " (8-01-90) 140.5 97.1 128 ' (8-01-90) . 141.2 P97.6 129 (8-01-90) 139.9 96.7 130 . - . (8-01-90). 141.6 . 97.9 131 . (8-01-90). 144.1 .. 99.6 132 ,' (8701-90) ... 142.7 ' 98.6 , 133. . . ., . . (8-01-90) 140.3 , 97.0 134 . (8-01-90) 142.3 98.3 135 .. (8-01-90) . 140.2 .. , 96.9 136 .. , ' " (80190) 139.7 ' . 96.5 137 , - (8-01-90) 140.6 ' . ' . 97.2 .138 . (8-01-90) ' 143.4 . 99.1 139 (8-01-90) 144.6 -99.9 140 , . , (8-01-90) ' 142.1 ' 98.2 . ' 141 (8-01-90) 139.5 -, 96.4 142 (8-01-90) 141.3 97.7 143 (8-01-90) 140.8 97.3 144 , (8-01-90), ' 139.9 ' , 96.7 145 (8-01-90) 143 .4, 99.1 146 (8-01-90) 140.7 ' . , 97.2 ' - 14,7 , . . (8-01-90) 143.1 . . ' 98.9 148 (8701-90) 142.1 98.2 149 " '. , (8-0].-90), ' 146.2 101.0 150 (8701-90) 142.7 98.6 151 (8-01-90) 145 1 100.3 152 (8-01-90) 142.5 98.5 153 (8-01-90) 144.'3 99.7 154 (8-01-90) 145.5 100.6 155. ' , , . (8-01-90) 141.9 . 98.1 156 (8-01-90) ' 140.2 .. - 96.9 157 (8-01-90) ' . 144.6 . . 99.9 158.. . (8-01-90) . 143.1 98.9 159 - - (8-01-90) ' 140.1- ' 96.8 160 . . (8-01-90) - 142.3 ' 98.3 161 (8-01-90) 140.6 97.2 162 . - - (8-01-90) , 144.71'100.0 163 (8-01-90) 143.2 99.0 164 (8-01790) 139.8 96.6 165 (8-01-90) 142 6 98.5 SCS&T 9021092 August 20, 1990 Page 13 TABLE B CLASS C3 ASPHALT CONCRETE DENSITY SUMMARY (ASTM D2950) HVEEM IN-PLACE RELATIVE SAMPLE LOCATION SAMPLE UNIT WEIGHT, pcf COMPACTION, % 166 . . (8-01-90) 144.4 99.8 167 (8-01-90) 141.7 ' 97.9 168 (8-01-90) 144.1 99.6. 169 (8-01-90) 140.8 , 97.3 170 (8-01-90) 142.8 98.7 171 (8-01-9,0) 141.7 . 97.9 172 . (8-01-90) 141.4 97.7 '173 . ('8-01-90) 139.9 96.7 174 . . , . (8-01-90) 144.5 99.9 175 , (8-01-90) . 145.5. . 100.6 (8-01-90) 145.4 . 100.5 177 (8-01-90) 140.5 97.1 178 . ' . . , (8-01-90) 139.8 96.6 179 . (8-01-90) 142.3 98.3 180 . , '(8-01-90) 146.1 . 101.0 181 (8-01-90) 139.8 96.6 182 ' . ... (8-01-90) ' 145.9 100.8 183 . (8-01-90) 139.5 . 96.4 184 . ' (8-01-90) 142.3 . 98.3 185 , . (8-01-90) . 144.1 . . . 99.6 186 ' . . . (8-01-90) . 140.4 .. . ' 97.0 187 . , . . . (8-01-90) 143.2 , 99.0 188 (8-01-90) 142.6 98.5 189 . . , . (8-01-90) 143.3 ' ' 99.0 190 . . (8-0.1-90) 146.0 100.9 191 ' (8-01-90) ' 144.1 99.6 192 , ' (8-01-90.) 144.8 . 100.1 193 ' . (8-01-90) . 144.3 .. 99.7 194 , . (8-01-90) 143.4 . . 99.1 195 . . .. (8-01-90) 142.1 , ' 98.2 196 . " (8-01-90) ' 145.0 .' 100.2 197 . . . . , . . (8-01-90) 144.5 198 ' (8-01-90) . 143.2 99.0 199 (8-01-90) 142.9 98.8 200 ' . , . . . (8-0.1-90) 145.6 100.6 201 (8-01-90) . 141..2 ' . . 97.6 202 . ' (8-01-90) 142.3. . . . 98.3 203 ' . ' . (8-01-90)' 145.4 ' 100.5 204 . . . (8-01-90)' 139.9 . ' 96.7 205 (8-01-90) 143.6 99.2 206 (8-01-90) 141.9 98.1 207 ' . . (8-01-90) ' 145.9 .. . 100.8 208 . (8-01-90) 143.9 . 99.4 209 . '. (8-01-90) 145.5 210 (8-01-90) 143.7 99.3 211 (8-01-90) 142.1 98 2 212 . ('8-01-90) ' ' 139.5 ' . 96.4 213 . . , ('8-01-90) 141.1 ' 97.5 214 (8-01-90) 142.5 98 5 215 , . , ' (8-01-90) , . 143.8 .. . . 99.4 216 . (8-01-90) '. 142.2 ' ' , . . ' 98.3 217 ... , . (8-01-90) ' 141.1 . . 97.5 218 . . . ' . (8-01-90) ' 140.2 '. . 9.6.9 219 (8-01-90) 141.8 98.0 220 (8-01-90) 144.3 99.7 SCS&T 9021092 August 20, 1990k Page 14 TABLE B CLASS C3 ASPHALT CONCRETE DENSITY SUMMARY (ASTM D2950) HVEEM IN-PLACE RELATIVE SAMPLE LOCATION SAMPLE UNIT WEIGHT, pcf COMPACTION, ,% 221 ' (8-01-90) 143.0 98.8 222 • (8-01-90) 144.2 99.7 223 (8701-90) 142.8 98.7 224 (8-01-90) . 140.4. 97.0 225 (8-01-90) 139.9 . * 96.7 226 - (8-01-90) 144.4 ' 99.8 227 ,'. (8-01-90) 145.4 ' 100.5 228 (8-01-90) 140.6 97.2 229 (8-01-90) 143.2 99.0 230 (8-01-90) 141.2 - 97.6- 231 (8-01-90) 145.6 100.6 232 (8-01-90) 143.7 99.3 233 (8-02-90) 146.0 100.9 234 (8-02-90) 140.6 97.2 235 (8-02-90) 143.7 99.3 236 ', (8-02-90) 145.8 100.8 237 (8-02-90) 145.5 100.6 238' , (8-02-90) 143.3 ' 99.0 239 (8-02-90) 144.3 99.7 240 ' (8-02-90) 144.5 ." 99.9 241 , (8-02-90) 141.2 97.6 242 , (8-02-90) 146.1 101.0 243 - (8-02-90) 139.6 96.5 244 (8-02-90) 144.5 99.9 245 - (8-02-90) 142.0 98.1 246 . - (8-02-90) 143.2 . ' , 99.0 247 ' ' (8-02-90) 140.3 97.0 248 ' . '(8-02-90) 145.6 -• 100.6 249 ' (8-02-90) 143.5 99.2 250 - (8-02-90) 142.5 ' 98.5 - 251 • , (8702-90) 143.2 •. • 99.0 252 ' ' • (8-02-90)' • -144.5 99.9 * 253 (8-02-90) 144.1 99.6 254 .•• (8-02-90) 144.1' . - , 99.6 255 ' • ' '• ' .'(8-02-90) 145.7. , - 100.7 256 (8-02-90) .- 144.7 100.0 257 • (8-02-90) -. 143.5 - 99.2 • 258 ' (8-02-90) 144.5 ' ' 99.9 259 " ' (8-02-90) 143.4 99.1 260 , ' (8-02-90) " 141.5 ' '• 97.8 261 ' ' (8-02-90) ' 141.2 ' 97.6 262 , (8-02-90) 143.0 263 .. " (8-02-90) ' ' 1432 • • - 99.0 264 ' ' • (8-02-90) 144.4 99.8 265 - ' (8-02-90) 145.6 • " - 100.6 266 - - ' - (8-02-90) - •- 139.8 96.6 267. ' • ' ' - (8-02-90) * 144.5 • 99.9 268 (8-02-90) • 144.4 . 99.8 269 • -• (8-02-90) - 140.1. - 96.8 270 . (8-02-90) * 144.6 . 99.9 271 . (8-02-90) - - .143.8 . - '• 99.4 272 : (8-02-90) . 144.1 -. • 99.6 273 ' ' . (8-02-90) - ' 144.0 - • ' 99.5 * 274 . . (8-02-90) ' 143.2 ' - - 99.0' 275 • . - " (8-02-9.0) 141.5 , ' 97.8 - ' * . SCS&T 9021092 August 20, 1990 Page 15 TABLE B CLASS C3 ASPHALT CONCRETE DENSITY SUMMARY (ASTM D2950) HVEEM IN-PLACE. RELATIVE SAMPLE LOCATION SAMPLE UNIT WEIGHT, pcf COMPACTION, % 276 (8-02-90) 144.1 99.6 277 (8-02-90) 143.2 99.0 278 (8-02-90) 142.5 - 98.5 279 - (8-02-90) 143.8 99.4 AVERAGE IN-PLACE UNIT WEIGHT 142.6 98 6 AVERAGE HVEEM UNIT WEIGHT - Sample (7-30-90): 143.5 Sample (7-31-90): - 144.0 - Sample (8-01-90) : Sample (8-02-90): 144.7 : -- - - • S • '. - - •- • • 1- • ,•_ • 5 ,_. S • - - • SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. October 10, 1990 City of Carlsbad Engineering Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive SCS&T 9021092 Carlsbad, California 92009-4859 Report No. 6 SUBJECT Report of In-Place Density Tests, Alga Road/Poinsettia Lane Improvements, City of Carlsbad Project #3305, Carlsbad, California Gentlemen - In accordance with your request, this report has been prepared to present the results of the in-place density tests performed in the base material at the subject site. These tests were performed by Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. between July 2 and August 1, 1990 Field density tests were performed in accordance with ASTM 2922-81 The tests were performed at various locations in the cur b base and roadway base materials Test locations were chosen by our field representative The results and locations of the field tests are provided on the attached plates Maximum dry density determinations were pérformedob representative samples of the soils used in the compacted base material according to ASTM Test 1557-78, Method C As directed by the on-site representative from the City of Carlsbad Engineering department, the highest resulting value of these 6280 RIVERDALE STREET. SAN DIEGO, CA 92120. 619-280-4321, FAX 619-280-4717 • P.O. BOX 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160 678 ENTERPRISE STREET. ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 . 619-746-4544, FAX 619-764-6579 SCS&T 9021092 October 10, 1990 Page 2 tests was used in conjunction with the field density tests to determine the percent of relative compaction of the compacted base material. If you should -have any questions after reviewing this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be , of professional service.is sincerely. appreciated. Respectfully submitted,- SOUTHERN CAL FORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. flm D g 5 Hicks, SCS&T Project Supervisor 0 0 AZ CO CD LU 0. E00021"5 Charles H. 1 stian, R G E. #00215 C.hr CHC/DH/M:/rr cc: (4) Submitted 0 - (1) SCS&T, Escondido 0 : H H JOB NAME: Alga Road ,& Poinsettia Lane Improvements JOB NO: 9021092 PLATE NO: 1 TEST DATE LOCATION, ELEVATION MOISTURE tRY DEN. SOIL REL.COMP. NO. ' (percent) (p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) CURB BASE , Cl 7-6-90 Alga Road . 295.0 '3.7 136.9 1 96.7 Station 97+50 West Bound Shoulder C2 7-6-90 Alga Road 234.0 4.2 134.5 1 95.1 Station 107+50 West Bound Island C3 7-6-90 Alga Road 139.0 3.5. 137.3 1 97.0 Station 117+00 - East Bound Island C4 7-6-90 Alga Road:. .. 117.0 4.5 135.4 1 95.7 Station 125+50 . East Bound Island . Alga Road C5 7-9-90 .' 297.5 3.3 13.7.1 1 96.9 Station 94+50 .. West Bound Island C6 7.-9-90 Alga Road Station 83+00 . 234.0 3.2 135.1 1 95.5 West Bound Alga Road . C7 7-9-90 218.0 2.7 128.5 1 90.8 Station 73+50 . West Bound Island . CR 7-9-90 1 Alga Road 220.5 . 3.4 134.6 1 95.1 Station 75+50 East Bound Island . 3.4 ' C9 7-9-90 Alga Road 26.6.0 ,. 129.7 1 91.7 Station 62+25 , West Bound Shoulder . Poinsettia Lane dO 7-9-90 266.5 . 4.1 . 130.5 1 92.2 Station 117+00 West Bound Shoulder , 2.8 . Cli 7-10-90 Poinsettia Lane 2,37.5 ' .. 135.5 1 95.8 Station 109+00 . East Bound Shoulder C12 7-10-90 "Poinsettia 'Lane 21.8.5 , 4•3 . 136.2 . 1 96.3 Station 103+00 East Bound Island C13 7-10-90 Poinsettia Lane Station 102+25 • • 205.0 . 2.4 ' 135.2 1 95.5 • West Bound Island , ' • • •• , . ,C14 7-10-90 Poinsettia Lane 241.0 Station 110+00 3.9 135.2 1 95.5 C15 • West Bound Shoulder . Poinsettia Lane - 7-10-90. 261.5 2.2 128.7 1 91.0 Station 115+00 - . • West Bound Shoulder C16 7-10-90 . • Alga. Road •. Station 65+75 ' • 250.0 3.1 134.7 ' 1 95.2 East Bound Shoulder , JOB. NAME: Alga Road & Poinsettia Lane Improvements JOB NO: 9021092 PLATE NO: 2 TEST DATE LOCATIQN:. ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DEN. SOIL REL.COMP.' -------------------- NO. (percent) (p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) C17 7-10-90 Alga Road 231 5 3.7 136.4 1 96.4 Station 82+50' . East. Bound Shoulder C18 7-10-90 Alga Road . . 131.5 3.2 . 135.1 1 95.5 Station 128+50 " West Bound Isl'and C19 7-10-90 . Poinsettia Lane 269.0 3.3 136.1 1 96.2 Station 121+00 : . West. Bound Shoulder . . .. ... - C20 7-10-90 Alga Road 218.0 4.7 .138.6. .1 98.0 - Station 73+50 . I . West Bound Island .. . C21 7-10-90 1 Retest: of C9 266.0 6.6 136.0 1, 96.1 C22 7-10-90 Retest of C10 266.5 3.8 136.2 1 96.3 C23 7-10-90 Retest of C15 261.5 .., 3.2 136.0 1 96.1 C24 7-10-90 '.' Alga Road1. 262.5 3.6 ..:• , 134.4 1 95.0 Station 64+00 . . . - • . ,East Bound Shoulder C25 7-10-90 . ' Alga Road '231.0 ' 3.4 ' 134.6 1 95.1 Station 118+00 . . .. . , . EastBound' Island' . ., . C26 7-12-90 'Alga Road 247.0 35 . 136.2 1 96.3 Station 66+25 .. . West'. Bound Shoulder'.. 0 C27 .7-13-90 - A'IJ'ga Road. . • 289-'.O' . 3.6. 134.6 1 95.1 Station 91+50 " . . • . West-Bound. Sho ulder . . . . . C28 7-i3-90 .. . Alga Road ,. 232.0 ' 4.3 135.6 . 1 95.8 Station 82+25 . . . . West Bound Shoulder C29 7-16--90 , .Poinsettia 'Lane 254.0 .4.2 ,• 135.0 1 95.4 • . Station 112+75 . . EastBound Shoulder.. C30 7-1690 . Poinsettia Lane -,-, 264.0 . 4.6 135.8 . 1 9,6.0 - Station 116+25 . ' . . . . - East Bound. Shoulder . . -• -. ". C31 7-16-90 .. Alga Road . 244.0 4.5 136.1: 1 96.2 'Station 66+50 .. . ' • '.: ' East Bound Island • . . . C32 7-16-90 Alga Road , • 223.0 ' 5.2' • 134.1 1, 94.8 Station .71+50 ,• . . 0 •. East Bound Island - .'• , ' ,: C33 7-l6--90 Alga ROad -225.0 :' ..9. 135.2' 1 95.5 - ., Station 78+25 '. , . 0 . •• S East Bound.Island' • 0 0 , 0 • , ' C34 . 7-17-90 - • Poinsettia La'ne ' 219.0. '•'. 3.5 131.2. 1 • ' 92.7 • , Station 105+25 East Bound Shoulder JOB NAME: Alga Road & Poinsettia. Lane Improvements JOB NO: 9021092 PLATE NO: 3 TEST DATE LOCATION' . ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DEN. SOIL REL.COMP. NO. '• '(percent) (p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) C35 7-17-90 Poinsettia Lane , 222.5 '5.7 136.6 1 96.5 Station 106,+00. . . West Bound Shoulder 0 C36 7-17-90 Poinsettia Lane' ' 242.0 4.2 . 136.7 1 96.6 Station 110+00 West 'Bound Island C37 7-17-90 Poinsettia Lane 219.0. 5.1. '135.4 1. 95.7 Station 105+25 ,East Bound Shoulder ,C38 7-17-90 ' Poinsettia Lane 268.0 ' 4.1 , 134.9 ' 1 95.3 Station 118+50 West Bound Shoulder. C39 7-18-90 . Alga Road ' 298.0 ' 2.5 135.1 1 95.5 Station 96+00' East Bound' Island ' C40 7-18-90 . ' Alga Road , , 276.0 3.5 136.8 1 96.7 Station 89+00 West Bound Island . . C41 7-18-90 Alga Road •. 225.:0 3.3 136.3 ' 1 96.3 Station 78+50 West Bound Island '' . 0 • ' ' ROADWAY BASE " . - '' 0 , • ' ,,', ' . .. ' 0 B1 7-2-90, ' Alga Road • .126.0 4.2 135.5. 1, 95.8 Station 127+50.. '' West Bound .. , " 0 • B2 7-2-90 Alga. Road .' ' 113.0 3.7 136.5 '. 1 96.5 Station-124+50''• ' . West Bound' , .;: . . B3 7-2-90 . Alga Road . . ' 112.0 " 3.1 . '134.5 1 ' 95.1' Station 121+50 West Bound B4 7-2-90 Alga Road ' ' 127.0 3.5 ' 134.8 1, 953 Station 118+50' East Bound B5 7-2-90 ' Alga Road,' ' . 154.5 4.6 ' ', 140.3 ' 1 ' 99.2 Station 115+50 •' '. , ' • .. West Bound '., '' ''' ' 0 • 0 B6 7-2-90 'Alga Road '. ' ,. 1.84.5 • 4.5 ' 136.1 1 96.2 • ''' 'Station 112+50' East Bound .•' ' ' . . . . ' ' B77-2-90 'Alga Road . . , 216.0 ' ' 3.0 • 138.0 1 97.5 ', 0 0 , ,,Station 109+50' JOB NAME: Alga Road &. Poinsettia Lane Improvements JOB NO: 9021092 PLATE NO: 4 TEST DATE LOCATION ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DEN. SOIL REL.COMP. NO. .(percent).(p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) B9 7-3-90 Alga Road 205.0 3.5 134.5 .1 95.1 Station 110+50 East. Bound 810 7-3-90 Alga Road 141.0 4.0 135.1 1 95.5 Station 1.17+00 East Bound Bli 7-3-90 Alga' Road .279.5 3.1 134.9 1 95.3 Station 101+50 East Bound B12 7-3-90 Alga Road . 193.5 2.5 '134.6 1. . 95.1 Station 92+50 East Bound B13 7-3-90 Alga Road 279.0 4.4 . 132.7 1 93.8 Station 89+50. East Bound . B14 7-3-90 Alga Road 256.5 5.2 135.1 1 95.5 Station 86+50. . East Bound . . . B15 7-3-90 Alga Road . :154.5 4.3 135.7 '1 95.9 Station 83+50 East Bound . . B16 7-3-90 Alga Road .228-.0 3.3 135.5 1 95.8 Station 80+50 . East Bound B17 7-3-90 Alga Road 224.0 4.2 . 1'37-.3 1 97.0 Station 77+50 East Bound BI8 7-3-90 Alga Road 219.0 3.6 135.0 11 95.4 Station 74+50 East Bound .' . . B19 7-5-90 . Alga Road 2.66.5. . 3.5 134.8 1 . 95.3 Station 103+50 East Bound B20 7-5-90 Alga Road . . ' 292.5 : 3.3 138.6 1 98.0 Station98+50 . - East Bound . . . B21 7-5-90 Alga Road 298.0 3.4 136.9 1 96.7 Station 95+50 .. ' East Bound . . . . . 822 7-5-90 . •Retest of .B13 279.0 3.3. 138.9 1. 98..2 Station 89+50 B23' 7-5-90 -. Alga Road . 222.5 3.3 . 134.8 1 95.3 Station 71+50 0 East Bound . 0 B24 7-5-90 Alga Road 236.0 .39 134.4 1 95.0. Station 68+50 . East Bound . .•• 0 • 0 B25 7-5-90 Alga Road • • .252.0 2.1 134.2 • 1 94.8 Station 65+50 ' • 0 0 • East Bound •' JOB NAME Alga Road & Poinsettia Lane Improvements JOB NO 9021092 PLATE NO 5 TEST DATE LOCATION ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DEN SOIL REL COMP NO. . (percent)'(p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) B26 7-5-90 Alga Road 266.0 2.9 .136.0. 1 96.1 Station 62+50 B27 7-5-90 Poinsettia Lane .207.5 : 4.3 134.7 1 95.2 Station 103+00 West Bound: B28 7-5-90 PoinsettiaLane 268.5 3.2. 134.5 1 95.1 Station 118+75 West Bound . B29 7-5-90 Poinsettia Lane 255.5 3.4 130.9 1 92.5 Station 112+75 West Bound .. B30 7-5-90 Poinsettia Lane 242.0 2.7 133.3 1 94.2 Station 109+75 . . West Bound B31 7-5-90 Poinsettia Lane 227.0 3.2 135.3 1 95.6 Station 106+75 West Bound B32 7-5-90 ,. Poinsettia Lane 212.0 3.1 138.3 1 97.7 Station 103+75 - West bound B33 7-6-90 Poinsettia Lane 263.5 4.3 134.7 1 95.2 Station 115+75 West Bound B34 7-6-90 Alga Road 295.0 3.7 134.7 1 95.2 . Station 93+50 . West Bound . B35 7-6-90 Alga Road 285 0 3.7 135.2 1 95.5 Station 90+50 .: . West Bound B36 7-6-90 Alga Road 265.5- 4.3 136.2 1 96.3 • Station 87+50 . . . West Bound B37 7-6-90 . Alga.Road .241.5 .4.2 137.5 • 1 97.2 Station 84+50 . . • West Bound • : .. • B38 7-6-90 Alga Road 230.0 5A 136.6 1 96.5 Station 81+50 West bound • B39 7-6790 Alga Road 225.0 5 1 138 4 1 97.8 Station 78+50 West Bound .. . . B40 7-6-90 Alga Road 220A 4.7 137.7 11 97.3 Station 75+50 West Bound B41 7-6-90 Alga Road 219.5 3.7 135.0 1 95.4 Station 72+50 West Bound B42 7-6-90 Alga Road 231.0' 3.6 134.4 1 95 .0, Station 69+50 West Bound JOB NAME: Alga Road & Poinsettia Lane Improvements JOB NO: 9021092 : PLATE NO: 6 TEST DATE LOCATION ELEVATION MOISTEJRE DRY DEN. SOIL REL.COMP. NO. - V V V (percent) (p.c..f.) TYPE (percent) B43 7-6-90' Alga Road 246.0 .4.7 138.6 1 98.0 Station.66'+50 . West Bound B44 7-6-90 ' - Alga Road 261.5 4.1 . 135.9. 1 96.0 Station 63+50 West Bound - .. . B4.5 7-6-90 Poinsettia Lane 268.5 4.5 135.9 '1 96.0 Station 119+00 East Bound V B46 7-6-90 V Poinsettia Lane V 262.0 4.0 134.9 1' 95.3 Station 115+00 . V East Bound's B47 7-6-90 V Poinsettia Lane 2480 - 4.4 136.7 1 96.6 Station 110+00 V V V East Bound B48 7-6-90 Poinsettia Lane 218.0 •- 3.8 V 136.4 V 1 96.4 Station 105+00; V V East Bound B49 7-6-90 Poinsettia Lane 204.0 4.0 139.2 1 98.4 V V Station 102+50 V V V V . East'. Bound •., . . . V B50 7-6-90 . Retest of. VB25 V 252.0 V3.3 134.8 1 95.3 B51 7-6-90 Retest of B29' . . 255.5 . 4.2 . 135.5 . 1 95.8 B52 7-6-90 Retest of B30 V V 242.0 3.5 ' 134.5 1 ' 95.1 B531 7-9-90 Alga Road.. , ,270.5 V 4.6.. . 137.4 1. . 97.1 '.Station 103+00 B54 7-9-90 . Alga Road 287.0 3.3.. 135.9 1 96.0 ' Stat ion' 100+00 V V West 'Bound,. B55 7-9-90 Alga Road 296.5 V V 2.9 135.2 1 95.5 V Station '97+00 West bound B56 7-9-90' . Alga Road - ' 297.5 , 3.3 1-37.1 1 96.9 Station 94+00 . West bound . . ; B57 7-9-90 . ' Alga -Road' , - . (Base) 53, .. 140.2 .1 99.1 Station 97+00 - V West Bound. , B58 7-9-90 Alga Road ' - (BaVs'e). 5.3 140.6 - 1 994 "Station 94+00 West Bound B59 7-23-90 Alga Road '.265.0 - 4V9 , * 140.2 1- ' 99'l V ' V Station 104+00 - West Bound B60 7-23-90. Alga Road . 241.0 V 2..9 139.0 1 98.2 - Station 107+00 V , West. Bound JOB NAME: Alga Road ',& Poinsettia Lane. Improvements . JOB NO: 9021092 PLATE NO: 7. TEST DATE LOCATION . ELEVATION. MOISTURE DRY DEN. SOIL REL.COMP. NO. . (percent)(p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) B61 7-23-90 -------------------------------------------- Alga Road 210.0. 4.8 140.8 1 1 99.5 Station 110+00 West Bound -. B62 7-24-90 . Alga Road 180.0 4.4 .137.4 1 97.1 Station 113+00 West Bound B63 7-24-90 Alga Road 149.0 4.0 137.4 1 97.1 Station 116+00 . West Bound . ,. . B64 7-24-90 Alga Road 121.5 5.5 138.5 1 97.9 Station 119+00 West Bound B65 7-24-90 Alga Road 111.5 , ' 4•3 ' . 138.9 1 98.2 • ' Station 122+00 . . • . West Bound B66 7-24-90 . Alga-Road ' 114.5 . 3.4 135.2 1 95.5 Station 125+00 • . . West Bound .B67 7-24-90 Alga Road ' 129.0 .. 3.9 137.2 1 97.0 Station 128+00 West Bound B68 7-24-90 Alga Road 253.0 4.4 138.0 . 1 97.5 Station 105+50 East Bound • • B69 7-24-90 Alga Road ' • 224.5 , 5.6 .. 137.6 .1 97.2 Station 108+50 . East Bound . . B70 , 7-24-90 • Alga Road 19.5.0 5.5 139.6 .1 . 98.7 'Station 111+50 • East Bound • B71 7-24-90 Alga Road. 160.5 3.3. 137.4 1 '97.1 Station 114+50 • • . East Bound . B72 7-25-90 -Alga Road • .137.0 4.5 138.5 1 97.9 Station 117+50• , • East Bound " - B73 .7-25-90 Alga Road • 114.0 4.3 138.2' 1 97.7 Station 121+50 • : , East Bound • • B74 7-25-90 Alga Road 113.0 3.7 134.7 .1 • 95.2 Station' 124+50 • . East Bound B75 7-25-90 Alga Road •.. 130.-ø 3.3 , 134.7 1 95.2 • Station 127+50 , • East Bound . . B76 7-25-90' • Alga Road. • - (Base) 3.3 138.9 1 98.2 Station 96+00 • - East, Bound • '. •• • JOB NAME: Alga Road& Poinsettia Lane.Improvemènts' JOB NO: 9021092 PLATE NO: 8' TEST DATE LOCATION ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DEN. SOIL REL.COMP. NO. (percent)'(p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) B77 7-25-90 Alga Road 294.5 3.5 140.1 1 99.0. Station 93+50 . East Bound B78 7-25-90 Alga Road 284.5 3.1 .138.0 .1 97.5 Station 90+50 . . East Bound B79 7-25-90 Alga Road ..(Base) 5.2. . 138.2 1 '97.7 Station 87+5.0 . East Bound . B80 7-25-90 . Alga Road 117.0' 3.3 135.9 1 ' 96.0 Station 120+44 East Bound . B81. 7-26-90 Alga Road 118.0 4.2 135.5 1 95.8 Station 120+44 East Bound B82 7-26-90 Alga Road . 24.0.0 . 4.2 138.8 1 98.1 Station 84+50 East Bound B83 7-26-90 Alga Road 227.0 . 5.2 , 136.7 1 96.6 Station 80+50 East.Bound . . . . B84 7-26-90 Alga Road 223.0 50 140.1 ' 1 99.0 Station 77+50 East Bound B85. '7-26-90 . Alga Road 220.0 . 4.3 135.5 1 . 95.8 Station 74+50 East Bound B86 7-26-90 Alga: Road . , 223.0 . . 5.8 135.4 1 95.7 Station 71+50 East Bound B87 7-26-90 Alga Road . 297.5 . 3.7 " 135.3 1 95.6 Station 95+00 West Bound B88 7-2.6-90 Alga Road 291.0 5.1 139.2 1 98.4 . . Station 92+00.'.' . . West :Bound B89 7-26-90 ' 'Alga Road ' 252.0 . . 5.4 ' .137.6 Station 89+00 West Bound B90 7-26-90 Alga Road . 252.0 ' ' . '4.8 ' .1.36.0 1 96.1 Station 86+00 'WestBound B91 . 7-27-90 ,. Alga Road ' 236.0 3.6 ' ' 134.9 .1 95...3 Station' 68+50 East Bound' B92 7-27-90 Alga Road ', . , , (Base)' 5.1 139.0 .1 98.2 Station 65+50 I- East Bound JOB NAME: Alga Road & Poinsettia Lane Improvements JOB NO: 9021092 PLATE NO: 9 TEST DATE LOCATION ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DEN. SOIL REL.COMP. NO. (percent) (p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) B93 7-27-90 Alga Road ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 265.0 3.5 136.9 1 96.7, Station 62+50 East Bound B94 7-27-90 Alga Road 234.0 3.2 138.8 1 98.1 Station 83+00 West Bound B95 7-27-90 Alga Road (Base) 2.9 138.6 1 98.0 Station 80+00 West Bound B96 7-27-90 Alga Road 222.0 4.5 139.6 , 1 - 98.7 • Station 77+00 - West Bound B97 7-27-90 Alga Road 218.5 4.8 134.8 1 95.3 Station 74+00 West. Bound B98 7-27-90 Alga Road 224.0 4.8 • 135.5 1 95.8 Station 71+00 West Bound - B99 7-27-90 Alga Road (Base) 4.5 136.5 1 96.5 Station 68+00 West Bound B100 7-27-90 Alga Road • • (Base) 4.2 -. 135.0 1 95.4 Station 65+00 West Bound ' B101 7-31-90 Alga Road 268.0 2.4 137.5' 1 97.2 : Station 62+00 • West Bound B102 8-1-90 • Poinsettia Lane 216.0 4.6 139.3 1 98.4 Station 104+50 • West Bound • • B103 8-1-90 Poinsettia Lane (BaseY 2.6 135.1 1' • 95.5 Station 108+00 East Bound •• • ' • B104 8-1-90 Poinsettia Lane ' 253.0 4.1 135.6 1 95.8 Station 112+50 • West Bound • ' B105 8-1-90 Poinsettia Lane • (Base) 4.5 136.1 1 96.2 • Station 118+50 - • East Bound • ' • * No grade stakes -were located immediately adjacent to the test • ' locations where the elevation has been recorded as (Base) 1• i JOB NAME:. Alga Road & Poinsettia Lane Improvements JOB NO: 9021092 PLATE NO: 10 * - MAXIMUM DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE DETERMINATIONS, ASTM 1557-78 ------------ SOIL METHOD DESCRIPTION' --,OPTIMUM. MAXIMUM TYPE -, '. .MOISTURE . •- DENSITY (percent) (pcf) 1 C •Imported Class II Base -5.5 141.5 • 2 C . Imported Class II Base '6. 0' '. '139.0 13 'C -Imported Class II Base . 6.4 138.3 4 C Imported Class II Base 6.0 138.5 5 C Imported Cla'ss II Base 5.3-' • 137.1 • - .• . I4t• - ( t • • . • •• : '• - '- • - :- • ' • ' •• :'- ' " .:J - • 0 . 0 • • ,- • 0 0 • '.- - • - '• 1 • . • • -' 0 0 •'••' --•. '• . - 0 •' • - - 1_ 0 • ••0 ' ••- r • • '. 0 -. _-0 - -• • 0 .'.• - 0 -. - - . .-• 4 - - •.- ' - C. r,000. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. December 4, 1990 City of Carlsbad SCS&T 9021092 2075 Las Palmas Drive Report No; 7 Carlsbad, California 92009-4859 Reference: Alga Road I Poinsettia Lane Subject: Testing of Asphaltic Concrete Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, conformance testing has been performed on 1/2" Class C3 AR-4000 asphaltic concrete sampled from the referenced project site on November 15, 1990. The paving contractor was The Daley Corporation and the asphaltic concrete was supplied by California Commercial Asphalt Company. Please find enclosed the laboratory test results, and the in-place density summary. Test results are. submitted on Tables A and B. A review of Table A indicates that the percent bitumen in sample #2 does not meet standard Specifications for Public Works Construction limits for a Class C3 asphaltic concrete. We appreciate the opportunity to provide our Materials Engineering services. Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. Michael .B. Wheeler, R.C.E. #45358 cc:(3) Submitted 6280 RIVERDALE STREET. SAN DIEGO, CA 92120 • 619-280-4321, FAX 619-280-4717 . P.O. BOX 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160 747 ENTERPRISE.STREET. ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 . 619-746-4544; FAX 619-746-6579 SCS&T 9021092 December 4, 1990 Page 2 TABLE A CONFORMANCE TESTING OF CLASS C3 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SIEVE ANALYSIS OF EXTRACTED AGGREGATE (ASTM C136) percent passing C.C.A.C. 1/2" AR-4000 Sieve Size Sample #1 Sample #2 Sample #3 Specification 3/4" .100 100. 100 100 1/2" . 98 99 100 89-100 87 90 86 74-100 #4 59 66 62 50-78 #8 46 51 47 . 32-60 #16 . . 34 38 34 #30 24 27 24 14-38 #50 16 17 16 #100 10 10 10 #200 6.2 6.3 6.2 2-10 PERCENT BITUMEN (ASTM D2172) By Weight of Dry Aggregate, % . 6.7 7.2 * 6.8 4.8-7.0 By Weight of Sample, % 6.3 6.7 6.4 LABORATORY COMPACTED 'UNIT WEIGHT HVEEM (ASTM D1561, D2726), pcf . Sample, A: . . 143.9 142.3 144.4 Sample B: . . . 144.2 142.3 143.6 Average: . . . 144.1 142.3 144.0 STABILOMETER VALUE (ASTM D1560) . Sample A:. . 42 45 43 Sample B. . .. . . 42 43 . 43 Average: .. . . . - 42 44 43. 35, mm. (1) Standard Specification for Public Works, Section 400-4, Class C3 Individual Test Result (*) Does not meet referenced specification (1) SCS&T 9021092 December 4, 1990 . Page 3 TABLE D ASPHALT CONCRETE IN-PLACE DENSITY SUMMARY (ASTM D2950) MAXIMUM IN-PLACE RELATIVE TEST NO. LOCATION STATION UNIT WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT. pcf COMPACTION, I West Bound 119+35 Sample #1 137.7 95.6 2 Poinsettia Lane 119+00 Sample #1 146.4 101.6 3 117+90 Sample #1 140.3 97.4 4 . 116+00 Sample #1 140.3 97.4 5 116+85 Sample #1 139.3 96.7 6 114+70 Sample #1 138.9 96.4 7 113+20 Sample #1 140.5 97.5 8 110+60 Sample #1 142.2 98.7 9 . 108+90 Sample #1 142.9 99.2 10 107+80 Sample #1 138.9 96.4 - 11 106+10 Sample11 143.2 99.4 12 . 105+00 Sample #1 143.5. 99.6 13 103+80 Sample #1 141.2 98.0 14 102+90 Sample #1 138.5 96.1 15 102+10 Sample #1 140.8 97.7- 16 East Bound 101+50 Sample #1 139.8 97.0 17 Poinsettia Lane • 104+00 Sample #1 139.7 96.9 18 105+75 Sample #1 139.9 97.1 19 107+25 Sample #1 140.3 . 97.4 20 .• 108+50 . Sample #1 142.7 99.0 21 109+75 Sample #1 141.6 . 98.3 22 . 111+00 Sample #1 141.3 98.1 23 112+50 Sample #1 143.2 . 994 24 113+50: - Sample #1 141.5 98.2 25 114+75 Sample #1 143.7 . 99.7 26 . 116+00 Sample #1 . 141.3 98.1 27 . .117+25 1 Sample #2 142.2 99.9 .28 . 118+25 Sample #2 139.7 98.2 29 .119+75 Sample #2 . 13.9 . 98.3 30 . 120+50 Sample #2 141.6 99.5 31 West Bound 101+50 Sample #2 144.5 101.5 32 - Poinsettia Lane 103+75 Sample #2 143.7 101.0 B 105+75 Sample #2 141.5 99.4 34 157+60 Sample #2 144.3 101.4 35 108+75 Sample #2 139.8 98.2 36. . • 110+30 • Sample #2 140.3 98.6 37 - 111+30 . Sample #2 •-' 142.7 100.3 38 112+25 Sample #2 142.2 • 99.9 39 113+80 . Sample #2 139.9 98.3 40 115+00 Sample #2 144.3 101.4 41 . 116+25 Sample #2 - 141.3 99.3 42 • 117+50 . Sample #2. 140.3 98.6 43 • • 118+50 Sample #2 141.2 99.2 44 Sample #2 139.8 98.2 45 . 120+30 Sample #2 143.6 100.9 SCS&T 9021092 - December 4, 1990 - Pagç4 TABLE D ASPHALT CONCRETE IN-PLACE DENSITY SUMMARY (ASTM D2950) MAXIMUM IN-PLACE RELATIVE TEST NO. LOCATION STATION UNIT WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT, Pc f COMPACTION. 46 West Bound ., 61+00 Sample #2 141.3, 99.3- 47 Alga Road 63+00 Sample #2 " 144.5 101.5' 48 : 64+60 Sample #2 140.3 98.6 49 . ' 65+75 , Sample #2 139.9 98.3 50 67+00 ' Sample #2 142.2 . 99.9 51 68+10. Sample #2 141.6 99.5 '52. . , 69+10 Sample #2 139.7 98.2 53 . 70+25 Sample #3 139.9 ' 97.2 54 72+25 Sample #3 142-.2. ' 98.8 55 . ' 73+80 .' Sample #3 ' 140.3 , ' 97.4 56 . ' 75+10 ' Sample #3 , ' 142.2 98.8 57 76+80 Sample #3 , 144.3 100.2 58 78+75 ' Sample #3 140.5 - 97.6 59 . . 79+00 . Sample #3 143.2 99.4 60 . 80+00 Sample #3 ' 139.7 , 97.0 61 East Bound ' 61+50 . Sample #3. . 139.8 97.1 62 . 'Alga Road ' 63+00 Sample #3 143.7 . . 99.8 63 , ;'. 64+50 Sample #3 141.3 . 98.1 63 . ' 65+75 -, Sample #3- . 142.2 98.8 65 . 67+10 Sample #3 139.9 . , 97.2 66 - ., 68+25 - Sample #3 140.3 - 97.4 67 . - 69+60 . Sample #3 144.5 , 100.3 68 , - 70+50 Sample #3 140.5 ' 97.6 69 - 72+50 Sample #3 142.7 99.1 70 -. 73+75 .- Sample #3 141.6 . 98.3 , 71 - 74+80 Sample #3 141.5 - - - 98.3 72 -. - - 76+ 10 - Sample #3 144.3 100.2 73 " - - 77+10 -- Sample #3 139.9 - 97.2 74 - . - - 78+00 Sample #3 - - - 140.3 97.4 78+90 -- 'Sample #3 - 142.2 . 98.8 AVERAGE 141.5 - - 98.6 LABORATORY COMPACTED UNIT WEIGHT'-i{VEEM,pcf -- , (used to calculate the relative compaction) Sample #1 . - - 144.1 - - Sample #2 142.3 Sample #3 ' . . . . - 144.0 SOUTHERN CALE FOR NIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. December 4, 1990 City of Carlsbad SCS&T 9021092 2075 Las Palmas Drive Report No 8 Carlsbad, California 920094859 Reference Alga Road / Poinsettia Lane Subject: Testing of Asphaltic Concrete Gentlemen In accordance with your request, conformance testing has been performed on 1/2" Class C3 AR-4000 asphaltic concrete sampled from the referenced project site on November 15, 1990. The paving contractor was The Daley Corporation and the asphaltic concrete was supplied, by California Commercial Asphalt Company Please find enclosed the laboratory test results, and the in-place density summary. Test results are submitted on Tables A and B We appreciate the opportunity to provide our Materials Engineering services. Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. Michael B Wheeler, R.C.E. #45358 cc (3) Submitted 6280 RIVERDALE STREET. SAN DIEGO, CA 92120. 619-280-4321, FAX 619-280-4717 . P.O. BOX 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160 678 ENTERPRISE STREET. ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 . 619-746-4544, FAX 619-764-6579 SCS&T 9021092 December 4, 1990 Page 2 TABLE A CONFORMANCE TESTING OF CLASS C3 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SIEVE ANALYSIS OF EXTRACTED AGGREGATE (ASTM C136) percent passing - - C.C.A.C. 1/2" AR-4000 Sieve Size Sample #4 Sample #5 Sample #6 Sample #7 Specification 3/4" 100 100 100 100 100 1/2" 98 100 97 99 89-100 3/8" 86 88 82 84 74-100 #4 62 63 53 58 50-78 #8 43 44 40 45 32-60 #16 31 33 30 33 #30 22 23 22 24 14-38 #50 14 15 14 16 #100 8 9 8 10 #200 5.2 5.9 4.8 6.4 2-10 PERCENT BITUMEN (ASTM D2172) By Weight of Dry Aggregate,.% 6.5 6.2 6:1 6.0 4.8-7.0 By Weight of Sample, % 6.1. 5.8 5 8 5.7 LABORATORY COMPACTED UNIT WEIGHT HVEEM (ASTM D1561, D2726), pcf Sample A: 142.1 142.7 144.0 - 145.0 Sample B: 142.5 142.8 143.0 144.1 Average: 142.3 142.8 143.5 144.6 STABILOMETER VALUE (ASTM D1560) Sample A 40 52 48 48 Sample B 42 50 44 47 Average: - 41 51 46 48 35, mm. (1) Standard Specification for Public Works, Section 400-4, Class C3 Individual Test Result (*) Does not meet referenced specification (1) 'Z1 SCS&T 9021092 December 4, 1990 Page 3' TABLE D ASPHALT CONCRETE IN-PLACE DENSITY SUMMARY (ASTM D2950) MAXIMUM IN-PLACE TEST NO. LOCATION STATION UNIT WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT, pcf 76 East Bound 61+20 Sample #4 143.0 77 Alga Road 62+60 Sample #4 141.2 78 64+25 Sample #4 140.1 79 65+70 Sample #4 140.6 80 1 67+40 Sample #4 138.7 81 Sample #4 141.6 82 69+80 Sample #4 140.3 83 70+25 Sample #4 143.6 . 84 71+25 Sample #4 139.9 85 72+65 .. Sample #4 142.2 86 73+80 Sample #4 141.S 87 74+80 Simple #4 143.7 88 76+00 Sample #4 142.7 89 . 77+30. Sample #4 141.6 90 ' 78+75 Sample #4 140.5 91 West Bound 61+75 Sample #4 142.7 92 Alga Road 63+80 Sample #4 139.3 93 65+30 Sample #4 138.9 94 Sample #4 143.5 95 . 69+25 Sample #5 139.2 96 . 75+50 Sample #5 : 138.5 97 72+65 Sample #5 142.5 98 74+70 Sample #5 138.6 99 . 76+25 Sample #5 141.3 100 78+25 Sample #5 '0 139.7 101 79+60 Sample #5 . 143.2 102 East Bound 129+30 Sample #5 140.0 103 Alga Road 131+50 Sample #5 138.9 104 133+50 Sample #5 141.5 105 136+25 Sample #5 142.2 106 , 137+50 Sample #5 143.6 107 139+30 Sample #5 140.3 108 , 141+75 Sample #5 139.3 109 144+25 Sample #5 140.8. 110 146+60' Sample #5 143.2 111 .148+80 Sample #5 139.9 112 Sample #6 1402 113 . 153+50 Sample #6 145.0 114 155+30 Sample #6 1422 115. 157+80 'Sample #6 139.7 116 West Bound 157+70 '. ' Sample #6 142.7 117 Alga Road 1561+00,'Sample #6 143.6 118 154+25 Sample #6 143.5 119 ' .152~70 Sample #6 . 139.9 120 151+30 Sample #6 141.3 RELATIVE COMPACTION, 100.5 99.2 98.5 98;8 975 995 98.6 100.9 98.3 99.9 99.4 101.0 100.3 99.5 98.7 100.3 97.9 97.6 100.8 97.5 97.0 99.8 97.1 98.9 97.8 100.3 98.0 97.3 99.1 99.6 100.6 98.2 97.5 98.6 100.3 98.0 97.7. 101.0. 99.1 97.4 99.4 100.1 100.0 97.5 98.5 SCS&T 9021092 December 4, 1990 Page 4 TABLE D ASPHALT CONCRETE IN-PLACE DENSITY SUMMARY (ASTM D2950) MAXIMUM IN-PLACE RELATIVE TEST NO LOCATION STATION UNIT WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT, Pc f COMPACTION, 121 West Bound 149+20 Sample #6 141.6 . 98.7 122.. Alga Road 147+25 Sample #6 143.7 100.1 123 - - 145+75 #6 Sample 140.5 97.9 124 143+30 Sample #6 141.6 98.7 125 . 141+25 Sample #6 140.8 P 98.1 126 . . 138+25 '. '' Sample #6 . 141.3 98.5 127 . 136+20 Sample #6 143.2 99.8 128 . . 134+60 Sample #7 140.3 . 97.0 129 . 133+10 Sample #7 - 141.3 97.7 130 .. 131+75 . Sample #7 143.7 99.4 131 • 129+50 Sample #7 139.7 •. 96.6 132 . 157+00 Sample #7 142.7 98.7 133 . 155+25 Sample #7 , 141.2 • 97.6 134 153+00 Sample #7. . 140.5 97.2 135 151+75 . Sample #7 140.8 . 97.4 - 136 •. 150+25 . Sample #7 . 141.5 97.9 137 ' . . 148+50 Sample #7 140.2 .. 97.0 138 . . . 146+75 Sample #7. . 143.3 99.1 139 • 145+50 Sample #7 140.5 . 97.2 140 . ' 144+00 Sample #7 141.6 • . 979 . 141 - 142+60 Sample #7 - . 139.3 . 96.3 142 145+60 Sample #7 140.8 . 97.4 143 - ....139+70 Sample #7- 141.3 •. -97.7 144 - . - 137+25' . Sample 97 1432 99.0 145 . - 135+75 . Sample #7 . 141.5 ' . . 97.9 -- AVERAGE . -: . :.: . 141.3 . . 98.6 • . . . • . .' .- ' - LABORATORY COMPACTED UNIT WEIGHT - HVEEM,pcf -. . (used to calculate the relative compaction) Sample #4 ' . ' ;0 .. • 142.3 Sample #5 142.8 Sample #6 • ' • . 143.5 Sample /(7 . . -. ..' ;'• . •- .,' 144.6 - - . • 0 • - 0'-•• ••.• 0 0 - : ._..• • -. .1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA S.O'IL AND TESTING, INC. December 4, 1990 . . . . City of Carlsbad . . SCS&T 9021092 2075 Las Palmas Drive Report No. 9 Carlsbad, California 920094859 Reference: . Alga Road I. Poinsettia Lane * Subject: Testing of Asphaltic Concrete Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, conformance testing has been performed on 1/2" Class 63 AR-4000 asphaltic concrete sampled from the referenced project site on November 19, 1990. The paving contractor was The Daley Corporation and the asphaltic concrete was supplied by California Commercial Asphalt Company. Please find enclosed the laboratory test results, and the in-'Place density summary. Test results are submitted on Tables A and B. . We appreciate the opportunity to provide our Materials Engineering services. . . Respectfully submitted, . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. •• •• •.• . •. Michael B. Wheeler, R.C.E. #45358 cc: (3) Submitted . . 6280 RIVERDALE STREET • SAN DIEGO, CA 92120 . 619-280-4321, FAX 619-280-4717 . P.O. BOX 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160 747 ENTERPRISE-STREET . ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 . 619-746-4544, FAX 619-746-6579 SCS&T 9021092 December 4, 1990 Page 2 TABLE A CONFORMANCE TESTING OF CLASS C3 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SIEVE ANALYSIS OF EXTRACTED AGGREGATE (ASTM C136) percent passing C.C.A.C. 1/2" AR-4000 Sieve Size Sample #8 Sample #9 Sample #10 Sample #11 Specification 3/4" 100 100 100 100 100 1/2" 97 97 97 100 89-100 3/8" 87 86 79 86 74-100 #4 63 61 54 62 50-78 #8 48 48 40 46 32-60 #16 36 36 30 34 #30 25 25 22 : 24 14-38 #50 16 16 14 15 #100 9 9 8 8 #200 5.5 5.7 50 4.6 2-10 PERCENT BITUMEN (ASTM D2172) By Weight of Dry Aggregate, % 6.8 6.4 6.0 6.4 4.8-7.0 By Weight of Sample,-,% 6.3 6.0 5.7 6.0 LABORATORY COMPACTED UNIT WEIGHT HVEEM (ASTM D1561, D2726), pcf Sample A: 144.7 143.9 143.1 142.3 Sample B 144.0 144.1 142.3 142.2' Average 144 .4,. 144.0 142 .7, 142.3. STABILOMETER VALUE (ASTM D1560) Sample A: 43 41 46 43 Sample B: 43 47 44 43 --- Average 43 44 45 43 35, mm (1) Standard Specification for Public Works, Section 400-4, Class C3 Individual Test Result (*) Does not meet referenced specification (1) 'SCS&T 9021092 December 4, 1990 Page 3 TABLE D ASPHALT CONCRETE IN-PLACE DENSITY SUMMARY (ASTM D2950) - MAXIMUM IN-PLACE RELATIVE TEST NO. LOCATION STATION UNIT WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT, Pc f COMPACTION, 146 West Bound 134+80 Sample #8 139.5 96.6 147 Alga Road 134+00 Sample #8 139.9. 96.9 148 133+30 Sample #8 143.0 99.0 149' 132+25 Sample #8 139.4 96.5 150 131+25 Sample #8 ' 141.9 ' 98.3 151 129+50. Sample #8 140.2. 97.1 152 East Bound Sample #8 143.1 99.1 153 Alga Road 131+15 Sample #8 139.8 96.8 154 ' 133+50 Sample #8 142.6 98.8 155 ' 135+90 Sample #8 140.8 97.5 156 ' ' ' 137+25 Sample #8 , ' 1390 96.3 157 138+75 Sample #8 140.2 97.1 158 , 139+90 Sample #8 144.0 ' 99.7 159 ,' ' 141+90 Sample #8 143.5 99.4 160 ' '., 144-i-00 , Sample #8 140.4 97.2 161 ' ' 146+90 ' Sample#8 143.2 99.2 162 , , 148+50 Sample #8 139.9 96.9 163 ', , 151+30 , , Sample #8 141.6 98.1 164 ' 152+30 Sample #8 , 142.2 ' 98.5 1,65 154+40 ' Sample #8 '' 140.5' 97.3 166 , 157+00 ' Sample #8 140.8 97.5 167 , West Bound ' 128+40 Sample #9 144.7 100.5 168 Alga Road 126+60 ' , Sample #9 143.0 : 99.3 169 , ' 124+30 Sample #9 139.3 96.7 170 ' 121+15 Sample #9 142.8 99.2 171: , 118+40 Sample #9 ' 142.7 : , ' 99.1 172 ' 117+10 Sample #9 142.7 99.1 173 , 114+50 Sample #9 141.0 97.9 174 112+40 Sample #9 140.2 97.4 175 109+80 Sample #9 142.2 98.8 176 , ' 108+25' ' Sample #9 139.3 ' 96.7' 177 106+30 Sample #9 143.1 ' ' 99.4 178 , 104+00 Sample #9 , 140.8 ' ', 97.8 179 ,' '. ' ' 101+00 Sample #9 139.8 , ' 97.1 180 ' 98.15• Sample #9 , 139.0 96.5 181 ' , 95+50 , Sample #9 , 143.0 99.3 182 - ' ', 93+40 Sample #10 141.6 99.2 183 '' ' '90.15 Sample #10 , 142.1 99.6 184 , ' 87+30 1. Sample #10 , 142.2 99.6 185 , ' 84+00 Sample #10 ' 142.3 ' 99.7 2186 81+10 Sample #10 ' 140.5 98.5 187 East Bound 80+00 Sample #10 q 141.3 , 99.0 188 Alga Road , 81+60 'Sample #10 ' 138.2 , 96.8 189 , 84+15 Sample #10 142.2 99.6 190 , 86+60 ' Sample #10 143.8 100.8 SCS&T 9021092 December 4, 1990 Page 4 '-S TABLE D ASPHALT CONCRETE IN-PLACE DENSITY SUMMARY (ASTM D2950) C S . MAXIMUM IN-PLACE RELATIVE TEST NO LOCATION STATION UNIT WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT. pc f COMPACTION,. 191 89+90. . Sample #10. 142.9 . 100.1 192 92+50 Sample #10 139.9 97.3 193 95+10 Sample #10 143.5 100.6 194 96+75 Sample #10 141.3 99.0 195, 98+60 Sample #10 138.2 96.8 196 . . . 99+75 •.,• Sample #10 142.2 99.6- 197 - . 102+25 - Sample #10 139.9 ,. 98.0 198 East Bound 104+60 Sample #11 139.5 98.0 199 Alga Road 107~50 Sample #11 140.6 . 98.8 200 - 110+40 Sample #11 143.5 . 100.8 201 . 112+80 ' Sample #11 143.2 100.6 202 . 115+15 Sample #11 . 143.6 100.9 203 . 117+50. Sample #11 139.8 98.2 204 . 119+15 Sample #11 140.3 98.6 205 - 122+75 Sample #11 143.6 100.9. 206 126+15 Sample #11 141.5 99.4 207 , , West Bound Alga 128+50 Sample #11 .. 141.9 . 99.7 208 . 127+30 Sample #11 '140.4 98.7 209 :. 125+90 Sample #11 139.3 97.9 210 . 124+60 Sample #11 139.9 98.3 211 123+10 Sample #11 1.42 .8 100.4 AVERAGE 141.4 985 S - LABORATORY COMPACTED UNIT WEIGHT - HVEEM,pcf (used to calculate the relative compaction) Sample #8 1444 Sample #9 144.0 Sample #10 Sample #11 1423 -C $ C 55 5- 5 - 4 5 5 4 - 5 4 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. December 4, 1990 City of Carlsbad SCS&T 9021092 2075 Las Palmas Drive Report No 10 Carlsbad, California 920094859 Reference Alga Road / Poinsettia Lane Subject Testing of Asphaltic Concrete Gentlemen In accordance with your request, conformance testing has been performed on 1/2 Class C3 AR-4000 asphaltic concrete sampled from the referenced project site on November 21, 1990. The paving contractor was The Daley Corporation and thei. asphaltic concrete was supplied by California Commercial Asphalt Company. Please. find enclosed the laboratory test results, and the in-place density summary. Test results are submitted on Tables A and B We appreciate the opportunity to provide our Materials Engineering services. Respectfully submitted, #2l3l477e SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. . . W1L Michael B. Wheeler, R.C.E. #45358 . . . . cc (3) Submitted 6280 RI VERDALE STREET. SAN DIEGO, CA 92120. 619-80-4321, FAX 619-280-4717 • P.O. BOX 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160 678 ENTERPRISE STREET. ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 . 619-746-4544, FAX 619-764-6579 SCS&T 9021092 December 4, 1990 Page 2 TABLE A CONFORMANCE TESTING OF CLASS C3 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SIEVE ANALYSIS OF EXTRACTED AGGREGATE (ASTM C136) percent passing C.C.A.C. 1/2" AR-4000 Sieve Size Sample #12 Sample #13 Sample #14 Sample #15 Specification 3/4" 100 100 100 100 100 1/2" 98 99 97 98 89-100 3/8" 87 89 84 82 74-100 #4 65 61 57 57 50-78 #8 52 49 43 45 32-60 #16 39 36 33 34 #30 28 26 24 25 14-38 #50 18 17 16 17 #100 10 10 9 10 #200 6.7 6.5 6.0 6.3 2-10 PERCENT BITUMEN (ASTM D2172) By Weight of Dry Aggregate, % 6.5 6.6 6.3 6.3 4.8-7.0 By Weight of Sample, % 6.1 6.2 5.9 5.9 LABORATORY COMPACTED UNIT WEIGHT HVEEM (ASTM D1561, D2726), pcf Sample A: 143.5 144.2 144.7 144.7 Sample B: 143.6 144.5 145.0 144.6 Average: 143.6 1444 144.9 144.7 _ STABILOMETER VALUE (ASTM D1560) Sample A: 44 45 38 39 Sample B: 43 45 40 40 Average: 44 45 39 40 35, mm. (1) Standard Specification for Public Works, Section 400-4, Class C3 Individual Test Result (*) Does not meet referenced specification (1) SCS&T 9021092 December 4, 1990 Page 3 TABLE D ASPHALT CONCRETE IN-PLACE DENSITY SUMMARY (ASTM D2950) MAXIMUM IN-PLACE RELATIVE TEST NO. LOCATION STATION UNIT WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT, pc f COMPACTION, 212 West Bound 121+00 Sample #12 142.4 99.2 213 Alga Road 119+30 Sample #12 142.4 99.2 214 1174-30 • Sample #12 139.2 • 96.9 215 115+50 Sample #12 • 138.7 • 96.6 216 113+30. Sample #12 142.3 99.1 217 111+75 Sample #12 139.4 97.1 218 109+20 Sample #12 144.3 • 100.5 219 107+80 Sample #12 144.1 100.3 220 10560 Sample #12 141.3 98.4 221 103+00 Sample #12 140.5 97.8 222 • 100+30 Sample #13 141.8 98.2 223 • 98+25 Sample #13 138.2 95.7 224 96+30 Sample #13 142.0 98.3 225 94+30 Sample #13 139.6 96.7 226 • 91+75 Sample #13 143.0 99.0 227 89+60 • Sample #13 • 138.7 96.1 228 • • 88+00 Sample #13 140.5 97.3 229 85+15 Sample #13 140.0 • 97.0 230 83+25 Sample #13 • 139.9 96.9 231 East Bound 80+75 Sample #13 141.3 97.9 232 Alga Road . 79+75 Sample #14 142.4 98.3 233 • • 82+50 Sample #14 • .141.9 97.9 234 . • • 85+25 Sample #14 • 143.4 • 99.0 235 88+25 Sample #14 • 144.9 • 100.0 236 • 91+15 Sample #14 • 140.2 • 96.8 237 93+40 • • Sample114 138.5 95.6 238 •• 95+75 • Sample #14 139.5 • 96.3 239 • • • • 98+10 Sample #14 • 143.2 98.8 240 • • • 100+75 Sample #14 140.4 96.9 241 • 103+30 Sample #14 • 138.5 • 95.6 242 107+25. Sample #15 • 142.2 • 98.3 243 109+30 Sample #15 139.2 • 96.2 244 111+80 Sample #15 139.0 • 96.1 245 • • 114+10 . Sample #15 141.3 97.7 246 • 117+00 Sample #15 140.4 97.0 247 • • • 118+80 Sample #15 143.0 : 98.8 248 .' . . ' 121+10 . Sample #15 142.4 98.4 249 • • • 123+75 , Sample #15 • 139.9 96.7 250 • 126+15 Sample #15 143.4 99.1 251 128+30 Sample #15 140.0. 96.8 AVERAGE . . . 141.1 . 97.7 LABORATORY COMPACTED UNIT WEIGHT - HVEEM,pcf • (used to calculate the relative compaction) • . • • • Sample #12 • • • • 143.6 Sample #13 .' ' • • • • 144.4 Sample #14 • . . . • 144.9 Sample #15 • •. . . • •• 144.7