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' f A DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND GUIDE SPECIFICATION o7 NFGS-02366 (December 1987) --------------- Superseding NFGS-02369.1 (September 1983) SECTION 02366 STEEL SHEET PILES TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 GENERAL.............................................................. 1.1 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS ............................................. 1.1.1 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Publications.... 1.1.2 American Welding Society (AWS) Publication ........................ 1.2 SUBMITTALS ........................................................... 1.2.1 Shop Drawings ..................................................... 1.2.2 (Interlock Tension Strength Test Procedure........................ 1.2.3 Certifications .................................................... 1.2.4 Equipment Description ............................................. 1.3 REQUIREMENTS........................................................ 1.3.1 (Basis of Bids .................................................... 1.3.2 [Measurement and Payment .......................................... 1.4 DELIVERY AND STORAGE................................................ * * *Preparing Activity: WESTERN DIVISION * * . * * Typed Name & Reg * Signature Date * P E *Prepared by: J. W. Monroe, 22 f77 * *Approved by: George J. Rauch, P. * Branch Manager * * * * *Approved by: R. Wolf, R.A. * - Division Dire to * * * *Approved for NAVFAC: * Cr went 1 irector C, Iva A C JBil I-i S\'1O . t:O.10 Page 1 1 1. 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 NFGS-02366 (December 1987) Page 2 PRODUCTS.............................................................3 2.1 STEEL SHEET PILING..................................................3 2.2 STEEL PLATES........................................................3 2.3 RIVETS .............................................................. .4 2.4 BOLTS, NUTS, AND WASHERS ............................................4 3 EXECUTION............................................................4 3.1 EARTHWORK ................................. . ......................... 4 3.2 INSTALLATION........................................................4 3.2.1 Pile Hammer .......................................................4 3.2.2 Pile Protection...................................................4 3.2.3 Templates .........................................................4 3.2.4 Pile Driving ......................................................4 3.2.5 Jetting of Piles ..................................................5 3.2.6 Pre-Augering or Spudding of Piles .................................5 3.2.7 Cutting and Splicing .............................................. S 3.2.8 welding ............................................................5 3.2.9 Tolerances in Driving..............................................6 3.2.10 Corrosion Protection .............................................6 3.3 INSPECTION..........................................................6 3.3.1 Inspection of Driven Piling.......................................6 3.3.2 Pulling and Redriving ................................ . .............. 6 3.4 INSTALLATION RECORDS ................................................6 GENERAL NOTES............................................................7 TECHNICAL NOTES ..........................................................8 11 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NFGS-02366 (December 1987) NAVAL FACILITIES --------------- ENGINEERING COMMAND Superseding GUIDE SPECIFICATION NFGS-02369.1 (September 1983) SECTION 02366 STEEL SHEET PILES (A) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS: The publications listed below form a part of (B) this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. 1.1.1 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Publications: A 36-84 Structural Steel A 307-86 Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs A 325-86 High Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints A 328-85 Steel Sheet Piling A 490-85 Heat-Treated Steel Structural Bolts A 502-83 Steel Structural Rivets A 514-87 High-Yield Strength, Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Plate, Suitable for Welding A 572-85 High-Strength Low-Alloy Columbium-Vanadium Steels of Structural Quality A 588-85 High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel with 50 ksi (345 MPa) Minimum Yield Point to 4 in. (100 iwn) Thick A 690-85 High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel H-Piles and. Sheet Piling for Use in Marine Environments A 857-86 Steel Sheet Piling, Cold-Formed, Light Gauge 1.1.2 American Welding Society (AWS) Publication: D1.1-86 Structural Welding Code - Steel n 1 NFGS-02366 (December 1987) 1.2 SUBMITTALS: . (C) 1.2.1 Shop Drawings: Submit detail drawingsl for approval prior to start of the work or ordering materials. Include details of top protection, special reinforcing tips, tip protection, lagging, splices, fabricated additions to plain piles and driving, cut-off method, and corrosion protection. Shop drawings for sheet piling including fabricated sections shall show complete dimensions. including minimum section properties and details of piling and the driving sequence and location of piling. Include details and dimensions of templates and other temporary guide structures for installing the piling. Provide details of the method of handling piling to prevent permanent deflection, distortion or damage to piling interlocks. 1.2.2 [Interlock Tension Strength Test Procedure: Submit the procedure I (D) for testing the tension strength of piling interlocks as required herein for approval prior to testing sheet piling.) 1.2.3 Certified Test Reports:I a. Materials Test Certificates:I Submit for each shipment certificates identified with specific lots prior to installing piling. Identification data should include piling type, dimensions, chemical composition, mechanical properties, section properties, heat number, and mill identification mark. Lb. Interlock Tension Strength Test:I Conform to the piling (D) manufacturer's standard test, include testing at least two 3-inch long couponi taken randomly from different as-produced pilings of each heat and must be approved by the Contracting officer.) 1.2.4 Equipment Description:I Submit descriptions of pile driving equipment to be employed in the work (to the Contracting Officer for approval). Descriptive information includes manufacturer's name, model numbers, capacity, rated energy, hammer details, cushion material, helmet, templates, and jetting equipment. 1.3 REQUIREMENTS: 1.3.1 (Basis of Bids: Base bids on pile sections and lengths as (E) Indicated. Should the total number of piles or the number of each length vary from that specified as the basis for bidding, an adjustment in the contract price and time for completion will be made. No additional payment will be made for withdrawn, damaged, rejected, or misplaced piles; for any portion of a pile remaining above the cut-off elevation; for backdriving; for cutting off piles, or for any cut off length of piles.) OR 99 2 NFGS-02366 (December 1987) 1.3.2 (Measurement and Payment: Payment will be at the Contract Unit Price (F) per linear foot, multipled by the total linear feet of acceptable piles actually installed. Base bids on the number of piles with pile length from tip to cutoff, as indicated, and on the total linear footage of piling from tip to cutoff as specified in the section titled "Bidding Information." Include in bid a unit price per linear foot of piling based on the quantity stated in the section titled "Bidding Information." In the event the Contracting Officer requires an increase or decrease in the linear footage of piles furnished and installed, the contract price will be adjusted in accordance with the Contract Clauses of the contract. The unit price bid will be used for upward or downward adjustment of the quantity subject to the provisions of the "Variations in Estimated Quantities" clause of the Contract Clauses.) 1.4 DELIVERY AND STORAGE: Handle piling using handling holes or lifting devices. Handle long length piles with care to prevent damage. Support on level blocks or racks spaced not more than 10 feet apart and not more than 2 feet from the ends. Supports between multiple lifts shall be in a vertical plane. Protect piling to prevent damage to coatings and to prevent corrosion prior to installation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 STEEL SHEET PILING: Meet the requirements specified herein. (Heavy (C) 6aU6C hot-rolled sheet piling shall conform to ASTM (A 328] (A 572, Grade Type _____] (A 690].] (Form heavy gauge cold-formed sheet piling from hot-rolled steel meeting the chemical and mechanical requirements of ASTM (A 3281 (A 572, Grade , Type _______] (A 690].] (Light gauge sheet piling shall conform to ASTM A 857, Grade .] The interlocks of sheet piling shall be free-sliding, allow a swing angle of at least 5 degrees when threaded and maintain continuous interlocking when installed. Sheet piling (including special fabricated sections] shall be [full-length] sections of the dimensions shown. (Fabricated sections shall conform to the requirements herein and the piling manufacturer's recommendations for fabricated sections.] (Fabricated sections connecting cofferdam cells and adjacent arcs composed of pilings from different manufacturers shall be Y-sections fabricated from the respective manufacturer's pilings.) (Fabricated tees, wyes, and cross pieces shall be fabricated of piling sections with a minimum web thickness of 1/2 inch.) (Sheet piling to be placed in a circular cell or a connecting arc shall be of the same manufacture.] Provide sheet piling with standard pulling holes. Metalwork fabrication for sheet piling sections shall conform to the requirements of Section titled "Metal Fabrications." 2.2 STEEL PLATES: Structural steel plates for splices and other fabrication appurtenances shall conform to ASTM (A 361 (A 514, Grade (A 572, Grade _____, Type ___] (A 588, Grade _____]. 3 NFCS-02366 (December 1987) 2.3 RIVETS: ASTM A 502, Grade _____ 2.4 BOLTS, NUTS, AND WASHERS: ASTM (A 307, Grade ] (A 325, Type or A 490, Type PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EARTHWORK: Perform in.accordance with Section titled Structures and Pavements." Pre-excavation (will] (will not) (permitted to a maximum depth [of feet below - indicated]). Backfill as indicated. 3.2 INSTALLATION: "Earthwork for [be permitted.] _.] (as 3.2.1 Pile Hammer: Use a pile hammer having a delivered force or energy suitable for the total weight of the pile and the character of subsurface material to be encountered. Operate hammer at the rate(s) recommended by the manufacturer throughout the driving period. Repair damage to piling caused by use of a pile hammer with excessive delivered force or energy. 3.2.2 Pile Protection: Use a protecting cap during driving to prevent damage to the top of the sheet piling. (Use cast steel shoe to prevent damage (H) to the tip of the sheet piling.] 3.2.3 Templates: Prior to driving, provide template or driving frame (I) suitable for aligning, supporting, and maintaining sheet piling in the correct position during setting and driving. Use a system of structural framing sufficiently rigid to resist lateral and driving forces and to adequately support the sheet piling until design tip elevation is achieved. Provide at least two levels of support, [at third points.] (not less than 20 feet (6 m) apart.] Templates shall not move when supporting sheet piling. Fit templates with wood blocking to bear against the web of each alternate sheet pile and hold the sheet pile at the design location alignment. Provide outer template straps or other restraints as necessary to prevent the sheets from warping or wandering from the alignment. Mark template for the location of the leading edge of each alternate sheet pile. If in view, also mark the second level to assure that the piles are vertical and in position. If two guide marks cannot be seen, other means must be used to keep the sheet pile vertical along its leading edge. 3.2.4 Pile Driving: Maintain piling vertical during driving. Drive .piles in such a manner as to prevent damage to the piles and to provide a continuous closure. Where possible, drive Z-pile with the ball end leading. If an open socket is leading, a bolt or similar object placed in the bottom of the interlock will minimize packing material into it and ease driving for the next sheet. Incrementally sequence driving of individual piles such that the tip of any sheet pile shall not be more than 4 feet (125 m) below that of any 4 NFGS-02366 (December 1987) adjacent sheet pile. When the penetration resistance exceeds five blows per inch, the tip of sheet pile shall not be more than 2 feet (0.6 m) below any adjacent sheet pile. 3.2.5 Jetting of Piles: Jetting (may be used at no additional cost to the (J Government] (will not be permitted]. (Discontinue jetting when the pile tip is approximately 5 feet above the ("calculated"] [indicated] pile tip elevation and make the final 5 feet of penetration by driving. Before commencing the driving of the final 5 feet, firmly seat the pile in place by the application of a number of reduced energy hammer blows.] 3.2.6 Pre-Augering or Spudding of Piles: Pre-augering or spudding of piles (IC (may be used at no additional cost to the Government) (will not be permitted]. (Discontinue pre-augering or spudding approximately (_] feet above the (calculated) (indicated] pile tip elevation. Drive the pile the final (_] feet of penetration]. 3.2.7 Cutting and Splicing: Piles driven to refusal or to the point where additional penetration cannot be attained and are extending above the required top elevation in excess of the specified tolerance shall be cut off to the required elevation. Piles driven below the required top elevation and piles damaged by driving and cut off to permit further driving shall be extended as required to reach the top elevation by splicing when directed by the Contracting Officer. (If directed by the Contracting Officer, splice piles as required to drive them to depths greater than shown on the drawings and extend them up to the required top elevation). Piles adjoining spliced piles shall be full length unless otherwise approved. (If splices are allowed in adjoining piles the splices must be spaced at least feet apart in elevation.] Welding of splices shall conform to the requirements of Section titled "Metal Fabrications". Ends of piles to be spliced shall be squared before splicing to eliminate dips or camber. Splice piles with concentric alignment of the interlocks so that there are no discontinuities, dips or camber at the abutting interlocks. Spliced piles shall be free sliding and able to obtain the maximum swing with contiguous piles. Trim the tops of piles excessively battered during driving, when directed at no cost to the Government. Pile cut-offs (except for Government furnished piles] shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the site. Use a straight edge in cutting by burning to avoid abrupt nicks. Bolt holes shall be drilled or may be burned and reamed by approved methods which will not damage the surrounding metal. Holes other than bolt holes shall be reasonably smooth and the proper size for rods or other items to be inserted. [Make holes in piles on the wet side of cofferdams watertight by welding steel plates over the holes after the piling installation is completed.] Do not use explosives for cutting. 3.2.8 Welding: Shop and field welding, qualification of welding procedures, welders, and welding operators shall be in accordance with AWS Dl.. 1. 5 NFGS-02366 (December 1987) 3.2.9 Tolerances in Driving: Drive all piles with a variation from vertical of not more than 1/4-inch per foot (20 nun per meter). Place the pile so the face will not be more than 6 inches (150 nun) from vertical alignment at any point. Top of pile at elevation of cut-off shall be within 1/2-inch (12 nun) horizontally and 2 inches (50 nun) vertically of the location indicated. Manipulation of piles to force them into position will not be permitted. Check all piles for heave. Redrive all heaved piles to the required tip elevation. 3.2.10 Corrosion Protection: (Coat sheet piling in accordance with Section CL) titled "Coatings of Sheet-Steel Piling and other Steel Waterfront Structures"]. (Provide cathodic protection in accordance with (Section titled "Cathodic Protection by Galvanic Anodes"] [or] [Section titled "Cathodic Protection by Impressed Current"]. 3.3 INSPECTION: Perform continuous inspection during pile driving. Inspect all piles for compliance with tolerance requirements. Bring any unusual problems which may occur to the attention of the Contracting Officer. 3.3.1 Inspection of Driven Piling: The Contractor shall inspect the interlocks of the portion of driven piles that extend above ground. Remove and replace piles found to be .out of interlock. [The Contractor shall use divers to inspect the underwater portions of cofferdam sheet piling interlocks. Government divers may also inspect the interlocks. Perform the inspection of cofferdams after driving is completed, prior to filling each cell and connecting are and within 48 hours after filling each cell and arc.] 3.3.2 Pulling and Redriving: The Contractor may be required to pull selected piles after driving to determine the condition of the underground portions of piles. The method of pulling piles must be approved by the Contracting Officer. Remove and replace at the Contractor's expense any pile pulled and found to be damaged to the extent that its usefulness in the structure is impaired. Redrive piles pulled and found to be in satisfactory condition. 3.4 INSTALLATION RECORDS: Maintain a record for each sheet pile. Indicate on the installation record installation dates and times, type and size of hammer, rate of operation, total driving time,-dimensions of driving helmet and cap used, blows required per foot for each foot of penetration, final driving resistance in blows for final 6 inches (150 mm), pile locations, tip elevations, ground elevations, cut-off elevations, and any reheading or cutting of piles. Record any unusual pile driving problems during driving. Submit complete records to the Contracting Officer. END OF SECTION (?E 6 NFGS-02366 (December 1987) GENERAL NOTES 1. Do not refer to this guide specification in the project specification. Use it as a manuscript to prepare the project specifications. Edit and modify this guide specification to meet project requirements. Where "as shown," "as indicated." "as detailed," or words of similar import are used, include all requirements so designated on the project drawings. 2. Do not include-the following parts of this NFGS in the project specification: Table of Contents. Sketches. C. General Notes. Technical Notes. Other supplemental information, if any, attached to this guide specification. As the first step in editing this guide specification for inclusion in a project specification, detach all parts listed above and, where applicable, use them in the editing process. If required in the construction contract, sketches and figures shall be placed on the project drawings. Where there are no project drawings, sketches and figures may be included as a part of the project specification, if required. 3. Each capital letter in the right-hand margin of the text indicates that there is a technical note pertaining to that portion of the guide specification. Do not include these letters in the project specifi- cation. If this is 'a regionally tailored version of this NFGS, i.e., an EFD Regional Criteria Master, some technical notes and their designating letters may have been deleted. 4. Where numbers, symbols, words, phrases, clauses, sentences, or paragraphs in this guide specification are enclosed in brackets, C), a choice or modification must be made; delete inapplicable portion(s). Where blank spaces enclosed in brackets occur, insert appropriate data. Delete inapplicable paragraphs and renumber subsequent paragraphs accordingly. 5. Project specification number, section number, and page numbers shall be centered at the bottom of each page of the.section created from this guide specification. EXAMPLE: 05-84-1984 02366-1 6. CAUTION: Coordination of this section with other sections of the project specification and with the drawings is mandatory. If materials or equipment are to be furnished under this section and installed under other 7 NFGS-02366 (December 1987) sections or are indicated on the drawings, state that fact clearly for each type of material and item of equipment. Review the entire project specification and drawings to ensure that language is included to provide complete and operational systems and equipment. 7. Specifications shall not repeat information shown on the drawings. Specifications shall establish the quality of materials and workmanship, methods of installation, equipment functions, and testing required for the project. Drawings shall indicate dimensions of construction, relationship of materials, quantities, and location and capacity of equipment. S. The following information shall be shown on the project drawings: Location of piles Soil data, where required C. Pile shape Pile size and weight Length or tip and cut-off elevations 9. Suggestions for improvement of this specification will be welcomed. Complete the attached DD Form 1426 and mail the original to: COMMANDER Western Division, Code 406C Naval Facilities Engineering command Box 727 San Bruno, CA 94066-0720 Nail a copy to: COMMANDER Naval Facilities Engineering Command Code D502 200 Stovall Street Alexandria, VA 22332-2300 TECHNICAL NOTES A. ..This guide specification covers requirements for steel sheet piling. Permanent earth retaining structures made with steel sheet piling such as .caissons, quaywalls, and retaining walls are covered by this section. Temporary structures such as shoring and sheeting are the responsibility of the Contractor and unless required by conditions of the project, are not to be covered by this section. The extent and location of the work to be accomplished should be indicated on the project drawings. 8 I NFGS-02366 (December 1987) B. Paragraph 1.1: The latest issue of applicable publications shall be used, but only after reviewing the latest issue to ensure that it will satisfy the minimum essential requirements of the project. If the latest issue of a referenced publication does not satisfy project requirements: Use the issue shown; or Select and refer to a document which does; or Incorporate the pertinent requirements from the document into the project specification. Use DD Form 1426 to inform the Preparing Activity and NAVFACENGCOM if the latest issue of a referenced publication is not compatible with this guide specification. Delete those publications not referred to in the text of the section created from this guide specification. C. Paragraph 1.2: Editing should include the following considerations: In projects using the Contractor Quality Control System, add the words, "Submit to the Contracting Officer.", at submittals deemed sufficiently critical or complex or aesthetically significant to merit approval by the Government. Do not include the vertical bars in the final manuscript of the project specification. (Project Submittals Lists may be extracted from project specifications prepared on NAVFAC-prograimned word processors. Vertical bars indicate points at which automatically extracted entries will terminate.) D. Paragraphs 1.2.2 and 1.2.3b: Use only when heavy gauge hot-rolled steel sheet piling is required. E. Paragraph 1.3.1 (First Option): Use this option for fixed-price contracts. F. Paragraph 1.3.2 (Second Option): While it is NAVFAC policy to use lump-sum contracts whenever practicable, NAVFAC P-68 paragraphs 2-202.1 and 4-202.4 provide for use of unit prices for types of work where the quantity cannot be estimated exactly prior to performance. In Section titled "Instructions to Bidders," use the "Unit Price Option," subject to -provisions of Contract Clause "Variation in Estimated Quantity." G. Paragraph 2.1: Indicate size, shape, weight of piling and end protection required on drawings. Choose type of steel appropriate for location of project. ASTM A 328 covers one grade of steel sheet piling for general use. ASTM A 572 covers three grades (yield strengths of 42, 50 and 60 ksi) of steel available for high strength steel sheet piling. ASTM A 690 covers one grade of steel available for high strength steel sheet piling • for use where greater resistance to marine splash zone conditions is required. Each of the ASTM Specifications contain 9 NFCS-02366 (December 1987) "Supplementary Requirements" for use when desired by the purchaser. Some of these are provided for and described in the individual ASTM specification; others are standardized, and are indicated only by number and title, with their description found in ASTM A 6/A 6M. For further guidance, the following notes are provided: NOTE 1: Only heavy gauge hot-rolled steel sheet piling should be used for applications of which interlock tension strength and section stability are primary design requirements. Section stability (biaxial stress) is a consideration in highly stressed applications only. NOTE 2: Heavy gauge cold-formed steel sheet piling should be used as an option to heavy gauge hot-rolled steel sheet p.iling for applications of which interlock tension strength and section stability are not primary design requirements. NOTE 3: Light gauge sheet piling should be used for piling with a required minimum thickness of 0.250 inch or less, low bending and corrosion resistances and minimal design interlock tension strength. The corrosion resistance of light gauge sheet piling can be increased by applying a protective coating. NOTE 4: For applications in salt or brackish water, use the most economical of ASTM A 690 steel sheet piling which offers greater corrosion resistance or ASTM A 328 steel sheet piling with a protective coating in the splash zone. A protective coating should be applied to ASTM A 690 sheet piling in the splash zone of waterway bulkheads located in salt or brackish water. NOTE 5: Consideration should be given in design to the use of ASTM A 572 high-strength steel sheet piling where economical. In floodwall applications the allowable working stress should not exceed 0.5 of the yield strength of the steel. In other applications the allowable working stress should not exceed 0.6 of the yield strength of the steel. Paragraph 3.2.2: When hard driving or driving through rocky soil or debris is anticipated, require addition of tip protection to prevent damage to sheet piling. Paragraph 3.2.3: When long piles are being driven, templates are of value. Long piles are very flexible and damage easily. Use templates to keep piles vertical. Paragraph 3.2.5: Jetting should generally not be permitted for: a. Piles dependent on side friction in fine-grained low permeability soils (high clay or silt content) where considerable time is required for the soil to reconsolidate around the piles. 10 NFGS-02366 (December 1987) b. Piles subject to uplift. C. Piles adjacent to existing structures. d. Piles in closely spaced clusters unless the load capacity is confirmed by tests and unless all jetting is done before final driving of any pile in the cluster. Paragraph 3.2.6: Pre-augering or spudding should generally not be permitted for piles dependent on side friction in fine-grained, low permeability soils (high clay or silt content) where considerable time is required for the soil to reconsolidate around the piles. Paragraph 3.2.10: Corrosion protection should be provided where piling is exposed to an adverse environment. Choose system(s) based on economics and potential hazards due to sheet piling system failure; more than one system may be necessary depending on conditions above and below the splash zone. While ASTM A 690 is suggested for marine environments, its use alone without protective measures may not be effective. H. Following the text, not less than two nor more than six lines below the last line of text, insert END OF SECTION centered on the page. E N D EJ 11 - STANDARDIZATION DOCUMENT IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL (Set Inurucnora — Revcr3e Sidc/ I. OOCUULNT Numalm 2. 000U,dINTTITLL NPGS-02366 STEEL SHEET PILES (December 1987) 3. NAME OF $uSMITTING ORGANIZATION 4. TYPt OF ORGANIZATION (M . - VINOOR 0 EFO/PWO DAE 0 Man 0 CONTRACT h. AOOR( (3lPv.. CJP. 394M. £ZP Ce) 0 OICC/ROICi 0 S. POSIEM AREAS P.,.,,s..i PMiFbS SAd w.,dillq: WO.euns: C. 6. REMARKS 7.. NAME OF SUBMITTER L..i. rival. MJ —Optionei . wo.c TELEPHONE NUMBER (Incas... .4. Cod.? — ODIIOIMI C. MAILING AOORESS Stv.& C.s. $1.1,. ZIP Code, — Opilon.& S. DATE OF SUBMISSION (YTMMDOJ flfl FORM 1426 - vaoi. EDITION IS OBSOLETE. 52 MAR 1IAVFAC Overprint rrjjT F3- - 31"1 WV A i3ild,k usmomw 3,-j i N I VVE 1 -1 RZ I I L-1 4498807) and I registered trademarks of PolyDrain, Inc. I-'oiyLocK'' and PolyWallTMhave patents applied for by PolyDrain, Inc. THE SIMPLE SOLUTION TO SURFACE DRAINAGE Surface drainage has traditionally been handled by catch basins, curb inlets or cast-in-place trenches. During installation, these systems require heavy machinery, forming and stripping, deep excava- tions and considerable labor costs. Once in place, they require continuous maintenance due to cumbersome underground pipe blockage, pave- ment breakage and concrete deterioration. Since 1976, architects, engineers and contractors have been specifying and installing a superior, cost- effective alternative; a system that eliminates the pro- blems associated with conventional drainage in- stallations. PolyDrain is the unique system that pro- vides a complete and simple solution for surface drainage. A solution that by design solves the in- stallation, maintenance and deterioration problems encountered with catch basins, curb inlets or cast- in-place trench systems. SIMPLE TO DESIGN PolyDrain's professional team of designers, engineers and sales representatives is available to help you plan and design the system that's right for your application. Our staff, headquartered in modern corporate and production facilities near Charlotte, NC welcomes your inquiries. Service and sales assistance is offered through our toll-free number 800-438-6057. SIMPLE TO INSTALL PolyDrain is the cost-saving answer for almost any application, interior or exterior. It can be installed for substantially less than conventional systems since all drainage is handled at the surface level. Any PolyDrain component, because of its unique polymer concrete composition, can be carried onto the site by just one man. And to make installation even simpler and more cost effective no heavy equipment is required. The PolySeat installation bracket enables quick installation, with bedding concrete placed during the floor slab or pavement pour. SIMPLE TO MAINTAIN The self-cleaning qualities of the PolyDrain System move waste and debris through the channels into catch basins equipped with trash buckets. These trash buckets are easily removed and emptied as necessary. It all adds up to the most advanced, well- engineered and economical system available today. MODULAR CONCEPT._ PolySeat%ssures a simple installation. Preformed knockout panels for insertion of channels. PolyLock. . . fool- hod for grate Iockdown. Built-In .6% slope• Stackable catch basin design enables installa- tion at any re- quired depth 4" or 6" vertical outlet Foul Air Trap LI] PolyDrain is a modular, precast drainage system with built-in slopes and removable grates. It provides maximum efficiency at a low cost. PolyDrain drainage systems are well suited for just about any interior or exterior application. The system's unique polymer con- crete composition makes PolyDrain a rugged, dependable and a long-life solution to surface drainage. 4" or 6" horizontal outlet A FEW TYPICAL INSTALLATION PROFILES channels, 021,091, 191 or 291. With an existing natural slope use non sloping C:L— Runs can be designed to provide an outlet at any Entry into catch basins is possible at different levels. Long runt are constructed by placing falls to and from each other continuously with multiple outlets. Runs can be extended with non-slope channels... Lf I I I I I[i-LL" I I I 11 4 x No. 021 ___________________________________________________ 5 xNo.091 6 x No. 191 6 x No. 291 Or by usina Polvdrain's exclusive PolvWall Sidewall Extension. 3 1llLJIII!1IIII 1 POLYDRAIN,INc. 71 cv , 'Vi44 -t Lt 1 Tk\tI; "BLYINAIN"S %N189E FORMULA THE POLYDRAIN SYSTEM- DESIGNED FOR ECONOMY, STRENGTH AND SIMPLICITY PolyDrain channels and catch basins are compos- ed of an advanced formulation of select quartz ag- gregates and inert'?nineral fillers bonded together withpolyester resins' This plastic bonding explains their superior quality in terms of physical strength and durability. We call this PolyDyn. PolyDyn offers initial and long-term cost advantages over conventional cast-in-place systems. First, it is less expensive to install; second, it costs less to maintain. PolyDyn offers superior resistance to wear and abrasion. It is 3-5 times stronger than conventional concrete and has less than 0.2% absorption. This provides resistance to freeze-thaw action. PolyDyn is ideal for applications requiring acid, alkali, salt or petro-chemical resistance. The higher compressive strength of PolyDyn per- mits channels to be constructed with lighter walls. This strength factor eliminates the need for heavy installation equipment, making it ideal for a diversity of applications. The smooth, pore-free channel means less resistance to flow and higher velocity. This produces a self-cleaning effect thus minimizing maintenance and channel blockage. For applications requiring resistance to particular- ly aggressive chemicals, PolyChampion is available with special resins to resist heavily concentrated and corrosive materials. Vinyl ester resins, recogniz- ed for their excellent corrosion resistance, are us- ed as binders in this special compound. ENGINEERED FOR PERFORMANCE PolyDrain channels are also engineered for max- imum hydraulic efficiency. Unlike cast-in-place tren- ches, PolyDrain channels have a relatively narrow section coupled with a built-in 0.6% slope and radiused bottom. The result is a lighter, less expen- sive channel Which can move fluids at up to 10 times the velocity of other drainage systems. Thus, large areas can be drained more efficiently and at a lower cost with a PolyDrain System. POLYMER CONCRETE - VS - CONVENTIONAL CONCRETE Polymer Concrete Normal Portland Cement Concrete 05 Q. Cl) U) Cl) 1(1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c,J cJ l) 9 9 9 U). o 0 .0 0 0 1 c CO') w - U) CE Z ll C3000 C6 CL Ln E1 Ell- I OIL I - I()iiil I r- I lsl COMPRESSIVE TENSILE BENDING MOISTURE FREEZE- STRENGTH STRENGTH STRENGTH ABSORPTION THAW POLYMER CONCRETE is resis- tantto salt, oil, gas, sewerage, most acids and many alkalis. This makes it excellent for chemical transport, washdown and food processing as well as many other applications. NORMAL PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE. is -subject t0 deterioration of var'ing degrees under any of these conditions GRATINGS POLYDRAIN,I PolyDrain offers a wide variety of gratings for any application. These range from light duty grates for foot and light vehicular traffic to extra-heavy duty grates for high speed, heavy aircraft and track-type vehicles. For detailed information refer to PolyDrain Grate Load Specification Chart. SLOTTED GRATES - MEDIUM DUTY PART NO. MATERIAL LENGTH WEIGHT 420 Galvanized Steel 39.19 in. (Nom. im) 6 Lbs 421 Galvanized Steel 19.60 in. (Nom. ½m) 3 Lbs 18-8 Stainless Steel 39.1.9 in. (Nom. im) . 6 Lbs 441 18-8 Stainless Steel 19.60 in. (Nom. ½m) 3 Lbs Also available in heat bonded, plastic coated steel. Use Locking Device No. 811. SLOTTED GRATES -AVYDUT PART NO. MATERIAL LENGTH WEIGHT 422 Galvanized Steel 39.19 in. (Nom. im) 11 Lbs 423_ GalvanizecLSteel 19.60Jn.(Nom.½m)_____ 6 Lbs ? 0_~Staigless 39.19 in (Nom. im) 11Lb) 443 18-8 Stainless Steel 19.60in(Nom½m)- 6Lbs— Use Locking Device No. 811. Patent No. 4553874 CAST IRON INLAY SLOTTED GRATE - HEAVY DUTY PART NO. MATERIAL LENGTH 502 Gray Iron 19.60 in. (Nom. ½m) Use Locking Device No. 811. WEIGHT 16 Lbs DUCTILE IRON SLOTTED GRATE - HEAVY DUTY PART NO. MATERIAL LENGTH WEIGHT 504 . Ductile Iron 19.60 in. (Nom. 1/2m) 13 Lbs Note: Greater percentage open area. Also available in HDC, Monocast and Anchor Frame H DCTM versions, (see below). Specify number 514, 524, or 534. Use Locking Device No. 811. CAST IRON FRAME AND GRATE - EXTRA HEAVY DUTY (HDC AND MONOCAST) PART NO. MATERIAL LENGTH WEIGHT 512 (HDC) Gray Iron 19.60 in. (Nom. 1/2m) 28 Lbs 514 (HDC) •Gray Iron Frame/ 39.19 in. (Nom. im) 23 Lbs Ductile Iron Grate 522 (Monocast) Gray Iron 19.60 in. (Nom. 1/2m) 50-120 Lbs. 524 (Monocast) Gray Iron Frame/ 19.60 in. (Nom. 1/2m) 45.110 Lbs. Ductile Iron Grate Note: Increases overall depth of channel by 1.12 inches. Locking Device No. 815 included. Monocast: Cast Iron Frame is factory bonded to channel. If FIBERGLASS SLOTTED GRATE - UGIIIT AND MEDIUM DUTY PART NO. MATERIAL LENGTH WEIGHT 720 (LD) FRP Vinyl Resin 39.19 in. (Nom. im) 4 Lbs 721 (LD) FRP Vinyl Resin 19.60 in. (Nom. 1/2m) 2 Lbs 722 FRP Vinyl Resin 39.19 in. (Nom. lm) 6 Lbs 723 FRP Vinyl Resin 19.60 in. (Nom. 1/2m) 3 Lbs Note: Includes Ultraviolet Protective Coating. Use Locking Device No. 810 with saddle clip. POLYMER CONCRETE OVERLAY SLDt1TTED GRATE - LIGHT DUTY PART NO. MATERIAL LENGTH WEIGHT 313 PolyDyn 13 in. (Nom. 1/3m.) 9 Lbs Note: Not lockable, adds 2.0 inches to overall channel depth. Also available in PolyChampion. PERFORATED HEEL-PROOF GRATE - LIGHT DUTY PART NO. MATERIAL LENGTH WEIGHT Galvanized Steel 39.19 in. (Nom., lm) 4 Lbs 411 Galvanized Steel 19.60 in. (Nom. 1/2m) 2 Lbs POLYIDRTAI N ii 3 Duty Rating Suitable Traffic Light Pedestrians and light vehicles (very low speed automobiles). Medium Automobiles, light trucks. Duty Rating Suitable Traffic Heavy Large trucks up to 60 ton GVW, light to medium aircraft, pneumatic tire forklifts. Extra Heavy High speed vehicles, heavy aircraft, track type venicies, soiia tire TorKillts. PART NO. MATERIAL LENGTH WEIGHT 532 .Gray Iron 19.60 in. (Nom. 1/2m) 30 Lbs 534 Gray Iron Frame/ 19.60 in. (Nom. 1/2m) 25 Lbs Ductile Iron Grate For details see page 13. Locking Device No. 815 included. Use Locking Device No. 810. 7 PART NO. MATERIAL LENGTH WEIGHT 404 Galvanized Steel 39.19 in. (Nom. lm) 6 Lbs 405 Galvanized Steel 19.60 in. (Nom. 1/2m) 3 Lbs 444 18-8 Stainless Steel 39.19 in. (Nom. lm) 7 Lbs 445 18-8 Stainless Steel 19.60 in. (Nom. 1/2m) 4 Lbs Use Locking Device No. 810 for all above Medium Duty Covers. 500 Gray Iron 19.60 in. (Nom. 1/2m) 14 Lbs Use Locking Device No. 811 for Heavy Duty Solid Cover. 021 1 021 1 021 1 021 I I I I Accessories $ fSTEM IESI The PolyDrain System consists of 30 interlocking channels, each 39.19" (Nomina. 1 meter) in length, with a built-in slope of 0.6%. PolyWall Sidewall Extensions may be mounted atop a second series of channels allowing longer continuous runs, or 106 206 - .1 -------POLYWALL - - I I I I 0' 16.4' 32.7' 49.1' I I I I I I i I. I 10 1520 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 058 Each segment represents a 1 meter length of PolyDrain I channel. Lob 020 1 1 030 040 050 060 070 080 090 i' 100 110 120 130 140 r — 170 180 — 150 E160 4" 0r6" U catch basin I T I I I 4"or6" I I I I catch I Ilbasin 1/2 meter channel 4" or 6" I catch [] basin 108[j.. 158[j (4"), (4") I I I I 4" or 6" vertical outlet 4" or 6" vertical outlet Channels Non-slope with .6% slope channels 1.1 )n-sloping channels may be inserted at the indicated locations. Catch basins may also be installed at the designated locations. Note: Always begin at an ap- propriate outlet channel and work towards shallow end. 306 Closed End Plates - Each plate adapts to the range of channels as shown for either end of I 1------ channel. ------------L... - - - - - __. PolyWailSidewall Extension— Increases flow capacity and I I I length of sloped system. Fits all I I, channels. 65.4' 81.8' 98.1 II I I I I I 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 I with 4" or 6" PVC connection 08 or 209 258 or 259(1 Horizontal outlet end plates 1 (4" or 6") - (4" or 6") L111" 308 or 309 JJ installed. (4" or 6") I I I I I I TOF each channel 39.19" (nom. 1 200 1 210 I 22O I 230 1 240 I 250 260 270 I 280 290 300 Connected sloping channels, meter) in length. +1 4" or 6" vertical outlet locations. 4" or 6" 1 4"0r6" I 4" or 6" catch r-i catch catch I ba sin L] basin basin I 1 Catch basins (either No. 600 or 900 series) can be installed at the specified locations. 191 1 191 1 191 191 t + + 4" or 6" vertical outlet Non-slope channel locations— All have 4' & 6" vertical outlet. 4' or 6' vertical outlet All runs should terminate with nos. 050, 100, 150, 200, 250,300 or any non-sloping channel (nos. 021, 091, 191 or 291) at outlet or deep end. Any channel may serve as shallow end. iuiuuru . 1ItIIflCL m POLYDRAIN,qj SPE.J"IFICATIONS CHANNEL ONLY CHANNEL WITH POLYWALL CHANNEL NUMBER - OVERALL DEFTH OF CHANNEL (IN.) HYDRAULIC DATA WEIGHT (POUNDS) OVERALL DEPTH IN. HYDRAULIC DATA FLOW CROSS SECTION (IN2) MAXIMUM RATE OF FLOW (GPM) FLOW CROSS SECTION (IN2) MAXIMUM RATE OF FLOW (GPM) - MIN - - MAT - - MIN - - MAX - 010 5.3 5.6 12.5 128 34 12.5 12.8 41.3 509 020 5.6 5.8 13.5 141 35 12.8 13.0 1 42.3 523 5.8 5.8 13.9 146 36 13.0 13.0 1 42.7 528 030 5.8 6.0 14.3 151 36 13.0 13.2 43.1 534 040 6.0 6.3 15.3 164 38 13.2 13.5 44.1 547 050 6.3 6.5 16.3 Ill 38 13.5 137 45.1 56) 060 6.5 6.7 17.1 181 40 13.1 13.9 45.9 51! 070 6.7 7.0 18.1 200 41 13.9 14.2 46.9 505 080 7.0 7.2 19.1 213 42 14.2 14.4 47.9 598 090 7.2 7.4 19.9 224 42 14.4 14.6 48.1 609 7.4 7.4 20.3 229 42 14.6 1 14.6 49.1 615 7.4 1.4 20.3 229 22 14.6 14.6 1 49.1 615 100 7.4 7.7 20.9 237 44 14.6 14.9 1 49.7 623 110 7.7 7.9 21.9 250 45 14.9 15.1 1 50.7 636 120 79 8.1 22.7 261 45 15.1 15.3 51.5 641 130 8.1 8.4 23.7 214 1 46 15.3 15.6 52.5 661 0 84 06 24.7 287 47 15.6 15.8 53.5 614 150 8.6 8.9 25.7 301 49 15.8 16.1 54.5 688 160 8.9 9.1 26.7 314 49 16.1 16.3 55.5 101 170 1 9.1 1 9.3 27.5 324 50 1 16.3 16.5 56.3 112 180 9.3 9.6 28.5 330 53 16.5 16.8 1 57.3 125 190 9.6 9.8 29.5 351 53 16.8 17.0 58.3 739 9.8 9.8 29.9 356 53 17.0 11.0 58.1 144 200 98 10.0 30.3 362 53 UO Ui 59.1 150 210 10.0 10.3 31.3 375 54 17.2 11.5 60.1 763 220 10.3 10.5 32.3 389 56 17.5 11.1 61.1 717 230 10.5 10.7 33.1 399 1 57 17.7 11.9 61.9 188 240 10.1 1 11.0 34.1 413 58 17.9 1 18.2 1 62.9 801 250 11.0 11.2 35.1 426 58 18.2 18.4 63.9 815 260 11.2 11.5 36.1 440 60 18.4 18.1 1 64.9 828 270 11.5 II.? 31.1 453 62 18.7 18.9 65.9 042 280 11.7 11.9 31.9 464 63 18.9 19.1 66.7 853 290 11.9 12.2 30.9 477 63 19.1 19.4 67.1 866 12.2 12.2 39.5 485 62 19.4 19.4 68.3 1 814 300 - 12.2 - 1 12.5 - 39.9 4911 64 19.4 - 19.6 - 68.1 1 880 Non-sloping channels Use this chart to estimate flow capacities and invert elevations. Add a minimum of 4" to overall depths to estimate necessary excavation. Actual depth of excavation is governed by slab or pavement thickness. More detailed information, if need- ed, is contained in other PolyDrain publications. If using Nos. 512, 514, 522, 524, 532 or 534 frame and grate systems, add 1.12 inches to overall depths shown here. 6.1" II 4.9" I 4.0" II I II Minimum overall depth (No. 010) Maximum overall depth (No. 300) Inside top width (all channels) Maximum cross section flow area (No. 300) Normal channel length (No. 096) Slope of system Length of slope system Channel bottom thickness PolyDrain system can be extended to greater lengths 5.3 in. by insertion of any number of non-slope channels (No. 021, 091, 096, 191, and 291) at the appropriate 12.5 in. locations, or by the addition of PolyWall Sidewall 4.0 in. Extensions. 39.9 sq. in. 39.19" slope 0.6% 39.19 in. (nom. im.) J (nom. 1 meter) 19.60 in. (nom V2m.) 0.6 % _____________________________________ __ 98.1 feet 090 98. -----1. 10 ACCESSORIES 'J•] 'd ']:fl I LOCKING DEVICES 811 . 810 T 815 11—- 816 Grate locking devices are rec- ommended fpralLappiications involving Lvéhicuiar traffic, or wherevañdàiLsm- may be )a tp-r6blem. See pages 6and 7 for grating/locking device combi- nations. No. 816 for use with PolyWall Sidewall Extensions. Available in stainless steel. OUTLETS AND END PLATES 208 058 258 108 308158 209259309 -rp L 4" Horizontal Outlet 6" Horizontal Outlet End Plates End Plates 820 821 822 306 206 106_ 006 PVC CONNECTORS Closed End Plates MISCELLANEOUS SHOVEL HEAD STRAINER 4 Inch Part .231S fPartNo. 233 Designed to conform to the PolyDrain channel sur- faces, the No. 231 Shovel Head is useful on those rare occasions when it becomes necessary to clean the channels. The No. 233 Strainer is designed to intercept leaves and similar trash to prevent its entering the sewer sys- tem. Fits all 4" vertical channel outlets. SHALLOW CHANNEL - 001 Overall Width: 6.1" Overall Depth: 3.93" Overall Length: 39.19" Weight: 28 Lbs Flow Cross-Section: 6.3 Sq. In. Specially designed for drainage collection in multistory car parks, floors and roofs. A non- slope channel which accepts all of the grate assortment. Requires end plate 006, 4" vertical outlets. POLYWALL SIDEWALL EXTENSIONS Patent Pending Minimum overall depth (No. 010) 12.5" Maximum overall depth (No. 300) 19.6" Maximum cross section flow area (No. 300) 68.7 sq. in. Weight (Each) 30 lbs. PolyWallTNSidewall Extensions were developed to provide even greater flexibility in the design of your PolyDrain System. They allow longer uninterrupted channel runs and vastly increased flow capacity. All standard grates are useable. 11 NO. 610 CATCH BASIN PLAN VIEW 19.60" -f CAST IRON GRATE IIIiii! I I POLYDRAIN CHANNEL CAST IRON GRATE FRAME NO. 900 4" or 6" outlet at middle or bottom of both sides and ends. Channels can enter from either or both ends. NO. 901 4" PVC outlet and foul air trap in-line with channels. Chan- nels enter from one end only. NO. 9024" PVC on either side of basin with foul air trap. Channels can en- ter from both ends. NO. 900 CATCH BASIN PLAN VIEW 19.60" 'I Kmmm~a a ü üa ü o 6.1 SIDE VIEW 19.60" PCH 1AaiNS POLYgRTATIi LARGE CATCH BASINS All large catch basins include cast iron frame and grate with preformed knockouts for insertion of channels and 6" outlets. POLYDRAIN'S new stackable design enables installation to any required depth, a POLYDRAIN exclusive. NO. 610 NO. 611 SMALL CATCH BASINS The small catch basin has the same width dimension as the POLYDRAI N channels. The catch basin provides economical dirt retention and afoul air trap accessory with galvanized steel trash bucket. All small catch basins use the same removable and lockable gratings as the channels. NO. 900 NO. 901 NO. 902 SIDE VIEW uk, I 6" PREFORMED I KNOCKOUT OUTLET 16.6" I LOCATION 6" PREFORMED I KNOCKOUT OUTLETS 29" 8 9.4" .5" -L 610 CATCH BASIN I I 4" PREFORMED I 22.8" 186" TOP UNIT I 19.7" I KNOCKOUT I I 61O CATCH BASIN OUTLETS - I - BOTTOM UNIT L V I '1 I - _-L - 20" '1 12 EXCLuS, zFklx"'i__ OLYIIRWIN 'II 'FEATURES Exclusive built-in lock blocks for positive grate lock down, allowing high-torque locking and providing vibration dampening features. Lij r T Lr1 il\(i PolyLock!_Builtin blocks for grate lockdown. Simply place grating & lock strap onto top of channel and tighten! Its locked! 6" vertical outlet discharges over twice the fluid of a 4" outlet. Excel- lent for drainage of larger areas. Anchoring ribs to mechanically lock Smooth, pore-free, mirror like finish the channel into the floor slab or pave- for improved flow conditions, chem- ment. ical resistance and self-cleaning. olySeat —Channel placement stàiid permits one day installation of drainage system. Extra Heavy Duty Anchor Frame H DCTM Cast Iron Frame and Grate - available to fit standard sloping system of channels with gray iron or duc- tile iron grate. Provides superior anchoring of frame into concrete. nnIic1 fnr PolyWaIlTMSidewall Extensions - Allow channel runs of up to 200' without the use of non-sloping channels. Flow capacity increased by as much as 79%. (Shown above with Anchor Frame H DCTM). 10 NSTALL91 GL'hYøR4I Nii SIMPLE TO INSTALL PolyDrain components are light enough to be handled by just one man, eliminating heavy equip- ment for installation. The entire system in most cases can be completed in less than a day. PATENTED POLYSEAT® BRACKETS ENABLE QUICK INSTALLATION OF THE ENTIRE SYSTEM Installation of the PolyDrain channels is surprisingly simple. With the trench prepared and the channels set along the side, Pol9Sëät <brackeare set into the subgrade. The installation of the PolyDrain chan- nels is done quickly and easily by set- ting them in the PolySeat brackets and locking them in place. Concrete is placed under and around the channels and brackets, then finished to the proper grade. Patent #4498807 14 CROSS SECTIONAL VIEW S"ECIFICATiONS' SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS POLYLOCK BUILT-IN LOCK BLOCK WITh LOCK STRAP K BOLT 'I CROSS SECTIONAL VIEW IN-LAY LOCK POLYORAIN BEDDING CONCRETE- )RATE DOWN BOLT. / CHANNEL _,MINIMUM 4 ALL AROUND PRODUCT: Trench drains shall be the PolyDrain System as manufactured by PolyDrain, Inc., Troutman, N.C. (800) 438-6057, in N.C. (704) 528-9806. TRENCH DRAIN CHANNELS: Shall be made of precast polymer concrete with a top width of 6.1 in- ches, radiused bottoms and nominal lengths of 1/2 or 1 meter. All channels shall interlock with tongue and groove connections with adjoining channels. Each channel shall have four horizontal anchoring ribs to mechanically lock the channel into the floor slab or pavement. - SOIL Channels shall have available vertical knockouts for CROSS SECTIONAL VIEW 4" or 6" discharge and available 4" or 6" horizon- tal outlet end caps. Channels shall have a built-in HDCISI.I2 LNE CAST IRON BEDDING CONCRETE- bottom slope of .6%, or be non-sloping, as shown ABOVE CHANNEL EDGE GRATE (CLASS 30) (CLASS 30) ALL AROUND on plans. 4 ANT CHANNEL GRATES Should be PolyDrain ANCHOR made of _________________________ Grates ....,q ••G l.•.. should be securely locked down with built-in channel POLYDRAIN CHANNEL lock blocle Locking mechanism shall be designed so as to provide an obstruction free trench for $ maintenance and cleaning as well as to prevent con 11 0111 gar", crete from entering channels during installation SOIL INSTALLATION: Trench drains shall be installed in strict accordance with manufacturer's details. A minimum of 4 inches of concrete shall be placed beneath each channel. CATCH BASINS: Shall be precast.polymer con- crete [PolyDrain #900,901,610 or 611] with galvaniz- ed steel trash buckets. Any trench drains entering catch basins shall interlock fully with tongue and groove connections. NOTE TO SPECIFIERS: tm ntsare:anticipated, (be sealedthan adhesweappopjiorthecjn (material;(py.orvinyl:ester)Tand environment. See thiëPãl9Drain Chemical Resistance Guide for additional information. 7\ 15 niflhliuli ------- "nIH' -.5 ITi . •IN - I - I i••i N MUNFIN mImImImIwImImIwlwlmIM I"STRESS WALL - -/INTERNATIONAL EARTH RETENTION SYSTEMS Ztb oc- le- MICHAEL STEVENSON REGIONAL MANAGER ftoLJ $ 5I,STe - 10050 BLACK MOUNTAIN RD PHONE (619) 536-1179 (Z FAX (619)578-8174 HTJT1 Iii rT'i vvrLL. 'r'r1 —I. mommomm ....... ne I. ? S , - I I I r.uw rll -J Stresswall is comprised of two precast concrete elements: 1-shaped tie-backs are placed perpendicular to the 5tructure's face ard extend into the backf II zone, Wall panel elements are placed between the tie-backs forming a completed wall configuration. 'flafi heights in excess of 70 feet are possible !neither tiered or vertical configurations (Stresswall #1 and #2). The vertical wal sysern is also available in a "smooth-faced" alternative (Stresswall #3) for use adjacent to traffic a es on roadways. Through the application of advanced soil mechanics. Stresswall has developed an innovative design approach to earth retention structures. This design enables the Stresswall system to exhibit cost effectiveness through all stages of procurement, installation and maintenance. This versatile product can be produced in various configurations resulting in attractive as well as practical solutions to your earth stabilization requirements. Stresswall 'as initially developed by Morrison Knudsen Engineers in response to the Colorado Department of Highways needs in the mid 1970's. Through their licence agreement with Stresswall International, MKE continues to fully support the newly developed Stresswall systems with their engineering expertise. Stresswa Il's standard section was modi- fied to provide an effective seawall product. The Seawall's modified section: is efficiently installed in difficult site conditions, provides scour protection, and prevents the development of MATERIAL NOT REQUIRED WITH STRESSWALL APPLICATION overturning forces due to soil pressure. Stresswa Irs precast concrete elements, as well as being highly resistant to corrosion and wear, are very cost effective when ccmpaed to other shore protection alerna1ves. Pavement or Other Structure 1 SW/UI Teback --*iPaneI EX. GROUND ' SCOUR PROTECTION SEAWALL SEC LION nts 2t:J- JL - -.--,------.--- --- Seawall & Earth Retention Systems By a TREZ~S:~ WA 9= R= OWNER: Palacios Seawall Commission CONTRACTOR: Ercon Inc. PRECASTER: Manco Inc. ENGINEER: Jones & Neuse UNIQUE CONDITIONS Built in adverse conditions. Saturated envi- ronment due to constant wind driven high des. Required the use of innovative geotextile drainage system and cast in drainage slots. Existing Clayey/sand embankment material used for wall backfill. OWNER: Utah Dept. of Transportation CONTRACTOR: L.A. Young & Sons, Inc. PRECASTER: Lay's Rock Products UNIQUE CONDITIONS First precast/prestressed structure used for erosion control on Great Salt Lake. Special design considerations required for high salt concentrations. Locally available "slag" from Kennecott Copper used for wall backfill. OWNER: Colorado Division of Highways CONTRACTOR: Ames Construction PRECASTER: Amcor ' —Arvada Colorado UNIQUE CONDITIONS One of first structures used on a privately funded interstate project Twenty-eight foot high three ter wall Architectural exposed aggregate surface on wall panels Stresswall International, Inc. 125 S. Howes St. Suite 880 Fort Collins, CO 80521 Tel: (303) 221-3894 Stresswall Canada Ltd. 3522 West 41st Avenue Vancouver, B.C. V6N 3E6 Tel: (604) 263-2696 No mechanical fasteners are required eliminating problems with corrosion. LIFast erection time because of the lack of fastening devices and size of components. (120sf plus per wall panel.) F] The amount of excavation required to get the wall in place is less than with most systems. LI Backfill can be placed and compacted with normal heavy equipment. Backfill compaction requirements are significantly less than with other systems. Hand-placment and compaction are minimized or eliminated. LII Precast components can be manufac- tured locally. LI Can be designed to use local cut material for backfill. LI No requirement for any cast-in-place concrete. LI Walls can be designed with various architectural configurations and surface finishes. LI Large precast components enable walls to be dismantled and re-used in similar applications. LIPrecast concrete elements in addition to being inherently durable, can be modified to enhance specific performance requirements. LIIndividual elements allow grade and alignment variations (curves, etc.), without special consideration or cost. S tresswall Canada Ltd. is exclusively licensed to provide Stresswall Systems in Canada. Complete engineering ser- vices are available on all projects by Morrison Knudsen Engineering Inc. (Ranked #1 in the USA 1986 by Engineering News Record.) Stresswall International would be pleased to provide preliminary concept drawings and cross-sections along with estimated costs for future systems or value engineering on existing projects. 'Feb. 16, 1990 N NEWS ALTERNATING PANELS FIRST TIME * TI EARTH RETENTION SYSTEMS BY STRESSWALL INTERNATIONAL The Stresswall vertical design utilizes an alternating panel system within each tier to achieve an overall vertical wall. ' : rLTERNATING PANELS' First of Its Kind Stresswall International, Inc. is cur- rently providing a unique precast- prestressed retaining wall for a project referred to as Sorrento Towers (north of San Diego, CA). The "Alternation Panel" design used by Stresswallfor this project is the first of its kind. It is unique in that it offers the owner a cost effective alter- nate to the standard poured-in-place wall or sheet pile walls. The wall is required to retain the em- bankment on the north and east side of the excavated area for the 65,000 square foot parking structure. Retaining the services of Morrison-Knudsen Engineers, Stresswall developed a unique vertical application in order to conform to the difficult site constraints. To utilize the maximum buildable area, the devel- oper, Hillman Properties/Newport Prop- erties, pushed the commercial tower and parking structure into the existing embankment. The Stresswall system, in conjunction with a drilled shaft tied back wall allowed the contractor to take full advantage of the site. Site excava- tion for wall components was not pos- sible for a major portion of the work due to possible right of way encroachment. By using the Stresswall system, Noveco, the installation contractor, was able to place the precast counterforts, manufac- tured by Associated Concrete Products, after cutting slots in to the existing em- bankment. By leaving a substantial por- tion of the existing embankment in place (between the components trenches) the adjacent property and improvements were not disturbed. "In areas where the wall alignment was within 8 feet of the property line, a tied backwall was installed along the property line. After this wall, designed by Milmoe Engineering, was installed, specially designed counterforts were placed and attached to the concrete caissons." described John Babcock, president of Stresswall, Inc. "These short counterforts are identical to the other units as seen from the face of the wall but had to be shortened and have special block outs for the attachment hardware. The design also had to accommodate a stair pocket which required numerous special pieces to conform to the offsets and 45 degree angle wall intersections." Locally available stadium conglom- erate was used for the majority of wall fill. The lower tier was filled with a concrete slurry because of the difficulty of using vibratory compaction equip- ment in the component trench at that depth. Slurry was also placed over the connection at the tied back wall. The individual tiers consist of a 6'8" precast counterfort secured into the fill joined by two 3'4" hallow core prestressed panels. The panels bear on the counter fort face flanges and are held in place by earth pressure." Adequate tolerances are built into the systems and each tier assembly acts as a geotechni- cally stable independent unit." Babcock adds. "There is no component contact between the tiers with nominal clear- ances of 1 1/2 inches both horizontally and vertically." The wall height for this project is 32 feet or 5 tiers high at the tallest section. the alignment of the wall conforms to the parking structure perimeter and is designed to be 9 inches away from the parking garage. Numerous penetrations are made through the wall for building utilities and for drainage outlets. Grade changes, where required, are accom- plished by angling the top tier compo- nents into the fill. This creates an open area for additional landscaping along the top of the wall. Valued at more than $20 million, Sorrento Towers, totaling approximately 260,000 square feet, is currently under construction by San Diego based M.H. Golden Construction Co. For more information contact: Michael Hargis (619) 536-1179 10050 Black Mountain Road, San Diego, California 92126 Article courtesy of California Cnndrnrtnn / S TRESS WALL / INTERNATIONAL March13 , 1990 Patrick Entezarri City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Dr. Carsbad, CA 92009 Dear Pat: Stresswall International Inc. is making the news again and we thought you might be interested in this recent article in California Construction News. The system shown in this article is a first of a kind for Stresswall and allowed us to supply a pre-cast vertical wall over 30 feet high. The vertical wall discussed is just one of the geometries that we currently offer. We appreciate your interest and look forward to serving your needs as you deem appropriate. Please grant us that privilege. Sincerely, Micheal Stevenson Stresswall International STRESSWALL INTERNATIONAL, INC. 10050 Black Mountain Rd. San Diego, CA 92126 619-536-.1179 Fax 619-578-8174 I STRESS WALL / INTERNATIONAL Pat Entezarri City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92009 Re: Carlsbad Blvd. Shore Protection Proj. Dear Pat: MUNICIP AV bIvi$iOt OJcrs, Enclosed is information on Stresswall International, Inc. The pamphlet describes the Stresswall product and contains photos of current retaining wall and shoreline erosion.control projects. The precast concrete system can be used for many applications and configurations. The precast/prestressed components are manufactured by local precasters or contractors in forms provided by Stresswall. Prior to initiating a project design, we verify that the job is a good application for the system and then provide the client with preliminary cost estimates. If our initial rates, when combined with specific job erection and backfill rates, yields cost savings, we then provide a bid design packaging, etc. Typical wall component costs range from $13.00 to $16.00 per facial square foot for material delivered to the job site. Total costs for our system need to include erection and fill costs. Due to the large precast components, the product is efficient to erect. Over 140 square feet of wall is placed with each panel erected. Erection costs are typically in the $2.00 to $3.00 per square foot range. Backfill costs vary with the site, so typical figures are not relevant. Since the wall is designed to accommodate locally available cut or borrow material, the fill costs are at a minimum for the site. The ability of the wall to use a wide range of materials for fill is a critical cost savings advantage. Please review the enclosed information. I hope you find this package helpful in evaluating the Stresswall System for use in your projects. If you would like us to provide preliminary costs, we would be happy to do so. Please contact me if you have any further questions. Thank you for considering Stresswall. Sincerely, Michael Stevenson Regional Manger STRESSWALL INTERNATIONAL, INC. 10050 Black Mountain Rd. San Diego, CA 92126 619-536-1179 Fax 619-578-8174 A 0 IOUWTA4N LIFGUAR . : 0 0 0 0 0 0 Aluminum Marine Systems MARINE SERVICES, INC. I 28290 Canal Road I TECHNICAL P.O. Box 87 Orange Beach, AL 36561 I (205) 981-4440 (800) 227-4475 FAX (205) 981-9910 I An aluminum wall system will provide you with a system that resists rotting like wood, rusting like steel, or cracking like concrete. It also resists deterioration from contact with sand and salt water. Designed as an integrated system it comes ready for installation unlike concrete, which requires curing time, and it requires less space for installation than wood. Our wall system provides you with the longest lasting solution for your retaining wall needs and is both attractive and virtually mainte- nance free. This system can be installed on your property at a price that is comparable to a properly designed wood system and usually less expensive than steel or concrete. Aluminum wall systems are design engineered to provide virtually maintenance free protec- tion against wind, erosion, sands, salt water and maintain their rugged bold look for years to come. Normally no protective coatings are required thus allowing the marine grade aluminum to hold its natural beauty without expensive applications of special paints which saves time and money for the owner. Easy to handle one-foot wide sheet pile sections provide quick, efficient, and econom- ical installation with a small work crew. The sheet pile sections can normally be carried and maneuvered by just one man, and, depending on jobsite conditions, one or more can be driven in at a time with normal sheet pile driving equipment. In working with aluminum, simple hand power tools are all that are needed to do the required cutting, drilling, and punching. The job normally requires less crew, less equipment and less time meaning less cost to the owner. BURIAL DEPTH ER Computer analysis available Since very few, jobs encounter precisely the same conditions, competent engineering advice should be sought in the planning stages. By utilizing the computer services our engineering staff has available, we will assist in providing the correct technical specifica- tions and design details to fit your job. This custom design provides the most cost effi- cient method of meeting your needs. r r -- - - - - ... - - --;j • - - - .--. . 1 -:- - Totally integrated, the system is designed for versatility and ease of installation. The primary component is one-foot wide sheet - pile section produced in 3 corrugation depths and in many different thicknesses. These sections are designed to meet various strength and service requirements for light to heavy-duty retaining wall applications under a variety of design conditions. Lengths up to 40 feet are produced and in stock to meet a variety of site conditions. The ball and socket sliding joints allow easy assembly yet provide virtually sand-tight integrity. Wall, caps, anchors, and additional accessories are engineered for simplicity of use and installation. Inherent in aluminum are properties that provide for an attractive, durable, low maintenance structure. Natural aluminum weathers to an even matte gray finish that can be combined with concrete caps to form a very attractive efficient wall system. NOTICE: It is recommended that a contractor who is knowledgable in retaining wall instal- lations be used to install our wall systems as the seller assumes NO responsibility for defective installation by the installer. FLOATING DOCKS - FIXED FRAME DOCKS AND ALUMINUM GANGWAYS Floating Docks - Aluminum frames with floatation devices and wood decking. Alum- inum decking is also available, as shown on photo at right. The aluminum fabrication is welded, durable and corrosion resistant. Note the aluminum gangways and sheet piling; providing a total long lasting low mainte- nance complete system. Fixed Piers and Docks - Total aluminum construction is virtually maintenance free and looks good. Aluminum decking is cool to the touch. Also available with wood decking as shown in the photo at left. These docks can be integrated with floating docks, gangways, and sheet piling for a long lasting, low maintenance, economical system. TECHNICAL MARINE SERVICES, INC. 28290 Canal Road P.O. Box 87 117 Orange Beach, AL 36561 1 (205) 981-4440 (800) 227-4475 FAX (205) 981-9910 I A UMINUM S HEET PIL.I N.G Barry Hansen Galor Dock and Marine *Note: The following technical guidelines have been reprinted courtesy of Pile Buck® Inc., P.O. Box 1056, Jupiter, FL 33468-1056. Printed with permission. EDITORS NOTE To the average person, aluminum is a metal used in the manufacture of cooking ware, cans, airplanes, architectural pioducts and similar applications. Not enough people, including some potential customers, realize that aluminum has become an important structural material also. Aluminum sheet piling rather than being a novelty, has now found a place along with steel, timber and concrete among the groupof materials which can be considered for building marine bulkhead walls. We are pleased to publish this paper on the subject of extruded aluminum sheet piling by Barry Hansen. The contents are based on the author's long experience with the product and should be very helpful in answering the interested readers questions regarding possible application to his project. We would suggest, as ''ith other materials which might be new to you, that local suppliers be contacted to confirm the suitability of application. INTRODUCTION Aluminum sheet piling has been available since 1969 in various forms and has had an excellent success rate during this period of time in both salt and fresh water environments. As many as seven different companies have produced piling sections in various sizes, shapes and thicknesses. There are now however, three major manufacturers of a "complete system" of aluminum sheet piling products. There are many questions to be considered when the choice of an aluminum sheet pile wall is being made: (1) Is it strong enough (2) will it last, (3) will it look good, (4) is it functional, (5) what are its initial costs and life long total costs, and (6) is it acceptable to the Owner? All of these items and more must be considered by the designer/and owner and are just as important when considering ANY system. One of the most significant features of aluminum sheet piling systems is the lightweight qualities of aluminum.. It has one of the most efficient strength to weight ratio of any type of piling material. The ease of handling the relatively lightweight sheets, cap and hardware that make up the system is a pleasant surprise to most contractors who are new to the use of aluminum piling. It allows the installer to get into tight spots that otherwise might be impractical from a cost standpoint with other types of piling materials. It is hard to believç, but in the history of aluminum piling, almost 90 percent of all materials have been for application in a salt water environment, and generally without protective coating. The author, in sixteen years experience with aluminum piling, has personal knowledge of only 12 projects requiring coatings and some second hand information comcemirig another 15 jobs. In other words, if care is taken in properly applying the material to the site, protective coatings will normally not be required. We should mention another advantage offered by major manufacturers of aluminum sheet piling systems. That is the ability of the contractor or owner to get a price and delivery on all structural elements of the wall system at one time from one source. This includes the sheeting, tic rods, wales, caps, anchor plates and hardware. This saves the time and concern associated with procuring individual items from a number of vendors. Most of the components supplied by the major manufacturers of aluminum piling are also supported by a "Technical Manual" which is supplied by the seller. All parts are pre-engineered to avoid potential misuse by a well meaning client. The manufacturers seem to accept the inherent liability exposure which goes with this pre-engineered system. Past history has shown that the system is successful with few claims, if any, based on faulty designs. There arc five important areas which should be thoroughly covered when considering aluminum sheet piling. The discussion of each of these areas provided in the following text should leave the reader with an excellent understanding of aluminum sheet piling systems. The knowledge thus gained, should allow that person to confidently specify an aluminum wall system. Following are the five areas to be covered: (1) Material Specification, (2) Corrosion, (3) Construction Suggestions, (4) Design Principles, and (5) Engineering Data. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS (TYPICAL) This Material Specification covers the mechanical properties of the aluminum alloys used in the sheeting, wale, cap, tie rods, anchors, corner extrusions and fasteners intended for use in the construction of an aluminum marine retaining wall. GENERAL Tolerances shall conform to the specifications listed in "Aluminum Standards and Data", Fifth Edition. Safety factors (typical), except for anchor rods and clips, as set out in the Aluminum Association's "Specifications for Aluminum Structures - Section 1" are: Tu = 1.95 (Ultimate) Ty= 1.65 (Yield) The welding filler used on all welds required on the wall system shall be alloy 5356 in conformance with the American Welding Society's Specification A5.10 and with chemical composition in accordance with "Aluminum Standards and Data". SHEETING, BRACING ASSEMBLIES, WALES, CAP, BACKING BEAMS, SHIMS, TIE RODS, ROD SHIMS, WALE CLIPS All material shall be made from aluminum alloy 6061-T6. The chemical composition shall conform to American Society for Testing Materials, ASTM, designation B 221 alloy 6061-T6, shown in Table IV at the end. The mechanical properties as given in Table I below shall be met. Minimum Elongation Thickness TenslleStrength (psi) In 2 Inches (Inches) Ultimate Yield Percent Minimum Through 0.125 38000 35000 8 0.125-1.000 38000 35000 10 The sheeting shall be furnished in standard sizes to permit assembly in uniform increments as shown on the plans. The sheeting shall have a minimum section modulus of in3/1.F of wall and shall have a minimum constant thickness of inches. TIE RODS, BOLTS AND NUTS FOR CONNECTIONS A) Tie rods and bolts for connections shall be of the diameter specified by the Engineer. Threads shall be American Standard Course Thread Series, Class 2, Free Fit. 13) Aluminum bolts and nuts nia(crial shall conform to either the chemical requirements of the ASTM designation B 221 alloy 6061-T6, as provided in Table 1, or to the ASTM designation B 211 alloy 6061-T6, as provided in Table H below. The allowable design tensile stress shall be 18,000 psi on the root area. The bolts may be sampled and tested before erection is commenced or may he accepted on the manufacturer's certification. C) Stainless steer type 18-8 (300 Series) bolts and nuts, of the same diameter as the aluminum bolts and nuts, may be substituted in lieu of aluminum bolts and nuts. This material shall meet ASTM specification A 193138. I Alloy 6061-TG Elongation in 2 in. DiametOr Minimum Tensile or 4 x dla. (inches) Strength (psi) Minimum Percent 0.125 to 8.000 42000 10 ALTERNATE SHEETING, CAP INSERT, CORNER EXTRUSIONS Alternate anchor sheeting sections and any alternate sheet piling sections specified by the engineer, cap inserts and corner joints shall be furnished in aluminum alloy 6063-T6. The chemical composition shall conform to ASTM designation B 221 alloy 6063-T6, shown in Table 1V. The mechanical properties as given in Table UI below shall be met. IN MA- Alloy $063-T6 Minimum Elongation Thickness Tensile Strength (psi) in 2 in. (Inches) Ultimate Yield Percent Minimum Through 0.125 30000 25000 8 0.125-1.000 30000 25000 10 S. ANCHOR PLATES The anchor plates shall be fabricated from sheeting and backing beams as required in the plans. For the specification on backing beams, see 2 above, and for sheeting see 2 or 4 above. FIELD INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF PARTS The field inspection shall be made by the Engineer, who shall be furnished by the manufacturer of all the wall parts, an itemized statement of the number and size of the parts in each shipment. Each part included in a shipment shall meet fully the requirements of these specifications. METHODS OF TESTING Unless otherwise provided, chemical analysis, when required, shall be in accordance with Standard Method E34 of the ASTM except when suitable spectrographic analysis may be employed. - TABLE IV Chemical Composition Limits of Aluminum Chemical Alloy Alloy Content 6061-T6 6063-T6 Si .40-.80 .20-.60 Fe. 70 .35 Cu .15-.40 .10 Mn .15 .10 Mg .80 -1.2 .45 -.90 Cr .25 .10 Zn .15 .10 Ti .05 .05 ' Each 0.05 OTHERS uC L Total 0.15 Probably the most common question asked about aluminum sheet piling is "will it work in this environment"? Lots of statements have been made by people to the effect "my friend over at ------knows of an aluminum wall over at -------that is just no good as it is failing". When questioned further, this "friend" doesn't exist and the "over at" does not either. The success rate of aluminum piling to date is about 99.5% - but there still are many skeptical people. Some information about aluminum's corrosion resistance is provided in the next few pages and is very helpful in determining if your site may be acceptable for the use of aluminum piling. Tables and charts concerning aluminum corrosion are found in Appendix A. INTRODUCTION TO MARINE ALUMINUM Aluminum alloys are selected as materials of construction in many fields because of their ability to resist corrosion. Aluminum's ability to resist corrosion by atmospheric weathering has been well demonstrated by its application in agriculture, industrial and residential roofing, siding and other building materials for many years. The use of aluminum for storage tanks, tank cars, heat exchangers and other process equipment is ample evidence of its resistance to corrosion by chemicals and food products. Aluminum's resistance to corrosion both by fresh and salt waters can be shown by its many applications in ships, pleasure boats, irrigation pipe, heat exchangers, sewage disposal plants, rain carrying equipment, etc. Experience has also been gained over the years from installations of culvert sheeting and buried pipelines which indicate that aluminum will perform satisfactorily in contact with many soils. The success achieved by aluminum under the variety of conditions cited above offers sufficient evidence so that the author feels an aluminum wall will perform in a satisfactory manner when properly installed and maintained. W1TV IQ AT TTPITINTIM CfT?R(TAN UITTANJ'? In order to have knowledge of and thoroughly understand proper installation and maintenance suggestions it is first necessary to know the mechanism by which aluminum derives its resistance to corrosion and also to understand under what circumstances this resistance can be broken down. Although aluminum is an active metal, its behavior is stable because of the protective, tightly adherent, invisible oxide film on its surface. Even when disrupted, this film begins to re-form immediately in most environments when oxygen or air is present. The oxide is present on the surface of the cast ingot and continually reforms after being disrupted by rolling, forging, drawing, extruding or other fabricating processes. As long as this oxide film is intact and continuous or can reform, if damaged, the aluminum metal will maintain its high resistance to corrosion. The oxide film is tenacious, hard and relatively insoluble and is therefore able to endure under a wide variety of environmental conditions. There arc, however, some circumstances which can lead to a breakdown or dissolution of the oxide film. Many years of study by the aluminum industry have been devoted to defining these circumstances and developing means of minimizing their effect. CAUSES OF CORROSION In most environments, the corrosion of aluminum (like that of other common structural metals) is associated with the flow of electric current between various anodic and cathodic regions. The electrochemical corrosion produced depends on the potentials of these regions. In order to investigate the electrochemistry of corrosion of aluminum compared to other metals, scientists have developed a test solution which can be used to establish the potential difference between aluminum, its alloys and dissimilar metals. A chart giving the potential differences which have been developed is found in Table 1 at the end of this section. While the potential differences shown on this chart are useful in predicting the possibility of galvanic corrosion, they can only be considered as a guide. To establish the actual potential difference between aluminum and some dissimilar metals under operating conditions, the measurement in the solution actually used in the intended application must be made because the potential difference depends upon the electrolyte. furthermore, the amount of galvanic corrosion is determined, not only by the potential difference, but also by overall electrical resistance in the galvanic circuit. At the metal-liquid interfaces special resistances to flow of current, called polarization, can exist which are relatively large compared to the resistance of the solution. This phenomenon of polarization accounts for the fact that even though an aluminum-stainless steel couple has a greater potential difference than does an aluminum-copper couple, the resistance at the metal-liquid interface on stainless steel is greater than on copper, hence the stainless steel causes less galvanic current flow from anodic regions on the aluminum than does copper. In actually practice this means that aluminum is quite compatible with stainless steel but problems can and do arise when aluminum is coupled to copper or copper-bearing alloys in certain electrolytes. Corrosion of aluminum (as well as other structural metals) is electrochemical in nature and involves the flow of electric current between various anodic and cathodic regions. With several factors basic in determining this flow of current and the resulting corrosion, the major factors involved are alloy constituents, metallurgical and thermal treatments, effect of pH, galvanic corrosion (dissimilar metals), stray currents and soil resistivity. A brief discussion of each follows. ALLOY CONSTITUENTS - Virtually all of the aluminum used commercially today arc alloys in which the primary ingredient is aluminum metal but additions of other metals have hccn made, usually for the purpose 01 increasing Strength and/or workability without sacrificing Corrosion resistance. 1bcsc metallic additions form constitucnls with aluminum which can have an cffcct on corrosion resistance of the alloy. The factors which arc basic in determining the amount and distribution of corrosion are: 1) composition of the micro-constitucnts and their location, 2) quantity, 3) continuity and 4) electrical potential relative to the aluminum solid solutions. Data given in Appendix A, Table 2 show the electrode potentials of aluminum solid solutions and constituents. Note that iron (Fe), for example, forms constituents that arc cathodic to aluminum. These constituents, because they form cathodic points over which the oxide film is weak, may promote electrochemical attack of the surrounding aluminum. The same analogy may also be drawn in the case of alloys containing various amounts of copper constituents. For this reason, alloys containing these metallic additions are rarely used when resistance to corrosion is of paramount importance. From these data it would appear that silicon additions could produce alloys which would be very cathodic and cause corrosion. Conversely, when silicon and magnesium are both used as additions in the proper amounts, magnesium silicidc (Mg2Si) forms as a constituent which, in solid solution, has very little effect on the electrode potential. Alloys 6061 and 6063 which are used exclusively in the major manufacturers' wall systems are alloys of this type and are well known for their corrosion resistance in sea water. Aluminum alloys containing magnesium in amounts up to about 5% arc also known to have good corrosion resistance in marine environments. Alloys 5052, 5083, 5086, and 5154 are examples of this alloy type. METALLURGICAL AND THERMAL TRFATMENTS - Metallurgical treatments of aluminum alloys to develop desired mechanical properties also can influence resistance to corrosion. Thermal treatment and cold work determine the quantity and distribution of the constituents and the magnitude of residual stresses. Thus, they are very important influences on the type and rate of corrosion. Commercial treatments used in aluminum producing plants assure that the alloy specified will exhibit the properties attributed to that alloy when it is received by the customer. However, subsequent working or thermal treatments applied by the customer can and often do alter the properties of the alloy. One result can be a lowering of the alloy's natural corrosion resistance. If one portion of an alloy surface receives a thermal or mechanical treatment different from the remainder of the alloy, differences in potential between these regions can result and resistance to corrosion lowered (For example, the heat due to welding). Careful selection of welding filler material must be made in order to avoid or minimize corrosion problems which might result from the heat of welding. EFFECT OF p11 - As a general rule, the protective oxide film is stable in aqueous solutions in the pH range of 4.5 to 8.5. Usually the oxide film is readily soluble in strongly acid or alkaline solutions; and, as a consequence, such solutions may attack aluminum. However, as with all general rules there are exceptions. Aluminum alloys arc used for handling a wide variety of ocean, lake, river and municipal waters. No significant correlation is known between the corrosiveness of waters on aluminum and such factors as chloride content, sulphate content, total solids, total hardness, or total alkalinity. Some gcncrali7ations can be made but a sufficient number of exceptions is fOLlfl(l to ncccssilatc cautious use of them. In water with a pH of 8.5 or more, the resistance of aluminum depends primarily on the nature of the compounds causing the high pH. Service experience has demonstrated that many natural alkaline waters are compatible with aluminum. Similarly, the extent of corrosion of aluminum in acid waters depends to a large degree on the nature of the compound causing the low pH. Acid waters containing chlorides are particularly corrosive to aluminum. Sulphate waters of low pH are also corrosive, but less severely so than chloride waters of the same pH. These general statements arc not valid if the waters contain traces of heavy metals. Copper, lead, tin, nickel, mercury and cobalt compounds generally referred to as heavy-metal compounds, promote localized attack. GALVANIC CORROSION - (CONTACT WITH DISSIMILAR METALS) - Corrosion currents of substantial magnitudes may be caused by contact between different metals in the presence of an electrolyte. In general, the behavior of the various metals can be predicted from their electrode potentials as shown in Appendix A, Table 1. The less negative metal is likely to stimulate attack of the more negative. Although Table 1 in Appendix A can be used to predict which metal or alloy in a couple would suffer galvanic attack, the extent of this special attack cannot be predicted from the table. For instance, as cited before, although the difference in potential between an aluminum alloy and stainless steel is greater than that between the aluminum alloy and copper, the current with the former couple is less than the latter because of polarization of the stainless steel. The table does suggest that unless they are plated or coated in some way, contact of aluminum with mild steel, copper or copper bearing alloys should be avoided where possible. When it is not possible to avoid the use of these metals, they should be electrically separated from the aluminum by the use of nonmetallic materials. Zinc coatings are often used where steel is involved. STRAY CURRENT CORROSION - Electric.. currents (either AC or DC) caused by externally generated potentials can be responsible for severe corrosion, particularly in marine and underground structures. Such stray currents can be associated with the track-return of street railways, grounding of electric generators and welding equipment or buried pipelines having induced cathodic protection. The attack occurs at the point where the stray current leaves the aluminum retaining wall to enter the soil or electrolyte. The magnitude of such stray currents and possibilities of encountering them are subjects of speculation because few factual data are available. Such corrosion is becoming less prevalent because of improved design and installation practices. Aluminum piling has been used in many marinas. Probably, every owner of a marina who has considered the use of aluminum piling brings up the stray current corrosion possibility. On paper, it could happen, but to the author's knowledge it has never happened. Proper design of the electrical system of course is the key to prevent stray current corrosion from affecting any metals at marine installations. SOILS - The corrosion performance of unprotected, buried aluminum alloys varies considerably with the type of soil. No satisfactory classification of soils with regards to their corrosive action on aluminum has been developed. It has been assumed that the "safe" range of pH values for soil is the same as for aqucoussolutions, pH 4.5 to pH 8.5, but this has not been adequately substantiated. As in aqueous solutions, the particular compounds in the soil which is causing the high or low pH is undoubtedly a factor. Some data indicates that the soils in the "safe" p1 I range which have a resistivity greater than 5(X) ohm-cm have proven to be Compatible with aluminum. Salt water resistivity usually is in the range 0135 to 50 ohm-cm, however good results have been obtained in the past when the installation has bccn located in a well-drained, clean granular material. Testing of soil samples and resistivity determinations can be only used as guidcs. Furthcr studies arc underway by various companies to complctcly idcntify the rare exception soil. CLAY SOILS - In general, non-draining clay-muck soils are corrosive to aluminum and should be avoided. Organic materials cause corrosion and should be avoided as they also have poor structural characteristics. Protective coatings or cathodic protection should be added to the aluminum to provide a longer service life, if aluminum is to be used in these types of soils. Aluminum sheeting has shown a reasonably good service life in certain types of clay soils, but these "safe clay soils" cannot be readily identified. However, in more eases than not, aluminum has shown more random and deeper pitting where installed in clay soils or pockets of clay in the backfill than with sandy soils. Therefore, it is best to protect aluminum when installed in clay soils or organic materials. The least expensive and most commonly used method is to coat the material that is in contact with the clay soils with a coal tar epoxy coating. The decision to use aluminum or not is generally left to the user when dealing with these types of soils. TYPES OF CORROSIVE ATTACK Corrosion of aluminum alloys can be of many types. Identification of the types of corrosive attack helps in determining its cause and recommending or developing methods of control. The aluminum alloys used for all components of our system are highly corrosion resistant alloys. It is possible, however, that under extremely adverse environmental conditions some corrosion would occur. If corrosion does occur, it most probably would be either the uniform or pitting type. These types of corrosion will be discussed briefly to aid in recognition. UNIFORM ATTACK (ETChING) - During uniform attack the metal corrodes evenly. Such attack usually occurs in the presence of strongly acid or strongly alkaline electrolytes which simply dissolve the oxide film and prevent its reformation. The appearance of the metal being uniformly attacked may range from superficial etching and staining to rapid dissolution of the metal. Uniform attack is easy to evaluate by a measurement of weight loss or decrease in thickness. The rate of attack usually is expressed in mils per year (mpy). Etching may be a serious problem if it continues at a lineal rate. 1'I77l'INC ATTACK - Pits, the most common form of corrosive attack on aluminum, may form at localized discontinuities in the oxide film when aluminum is exposed to weather, fresh or salt water, or other neutral electrolytes. Depending upon the alloy composition, the quality of the oxide film and the nature of the corrodcnt, the pits may be minute and concentrated or can vary in size and be widely scattered. Pitting type corrosion often appears to be more severe than it actually is because the buildup of corrosion product occupies many times the volume of the metal from which it was formed. Removal of this corrosion product will often reveal oDrrosiuli of only minor significance. The evaluation of pitting corrosion is difficult. Weight losses are of little value and Ien.sion tests can be misleading. Measurements of depth and distribution of pits made at several time intervals provide a means of determining whether the rate of penetration changes with time. GENERAL RESISTANCE TO CORROSION So far we have discussed why aluminum is corrosion resistant and also some of the conditions which can occur to cause a lessening of this resistance. Since laboratory exposure tests, such as salt spray or immersion in electrolytes, are only useful for comparative information and do not necessarily predict actual service performance, actual long-term atmospheric exposure and weathering tests have been necessary. In the past 30 to 35 years, thousands ofspecimcns have been exposed widely throughout the U.S. and elsewhere. Test reports published in the literature demonstrate convincingly the excellent atmospheric weathering characteristics of aluminum alloy products in industrial, chemical, seacoast, tropical and many other environments. Tables 3 and 4 in Appendix A give the locations and characteristics of some of the many such sites. One very obvious phenomenon which has emerged from these long term exposure tests, is that corrosion of aluminum in these environments is "self-limiting." Whereas corrosion during the early months and years of exposure may appear to be severe, this rate of weathering decreases with time. The tendency is for the attack to proceed laterally along the surface rather than to become progressively deeper. The decreased rate of attack, as evaluated by losses in tensile strchgth as well as depth of attack measurements, indicates that corrosion diminishes with time over the entire surface to a very low rate. The curves in Table Sin Appendix A show test data from many exposure sites which demonstrate this effect. Test data from the result of salt water immersion tests taken in North America are shown in Table 6 and 7 in Appendix A. A plot of this data, if plotted similar to Table 5, would indicate a similar pitting versus time slope as shown in the top chart of Table S. SUGGESTIONS - There is no absolute "safe" method for testing soils. On a "normal" homeowner lot one can easily miss an "unsafe" area of bad soil. The best suggestion is to take soil samples at the left, center and right sides along the intended bulkhead installation line. One sample in the center back from the wall line should also be taken. Two water samples should be taken also at the one-third points. These suggestions assume the natural ground to be homogeneous throughout the property. If the natural soils are not homogeneous, the same procedures should be followed for each type of soil found. Heavy metals should be tested for if you suspect their presence. If the test results show EITHER the soil or water to be outside the "safe" ranges, as discussed previously in this paper, the decision is then left to the user to either use protected aluminum, nonprotectcd aluminum or no aluminum. - If time permits while applying for a Corps of Engineers permit, install a section of sheeting in the ground along the intended bulkhead line and remove the sample in 2 to 3 months time. This should provide sufficient evidence of corrosion for one to make a reasonable conclusion as to the suitability of aluminum for that site. Aluminum, if unsuitable for a site, will normally react adversely in that 2 to 3 month period of time. It is unnerving to some potential users but there is really no safe method of testing for soils. Potentially corrosive areas can be missed during the normal testing procedures. Nothing is I CX) percent sure in any walk of life but when pH and resistivity arc checked and arc found within the suggested general safe guidelines, the user will find the odds in favor ala successful application to he very good. (An example of a real down-to-earth rule of thumb corrosion check is, if grass is not growing where you want to place the wall, there probably is a problem with pH. Grass will normally grow in the 4.5 to 8.5 range.) CONSTRUCTION Numerous questions about suggested construction techniques are usually asked by new, first-time users of aluminum. Most installation techniques used on steel, concrete and wood walls will generally apply to aluminum walls. Some helpful hints arc provided in the next few pages and if followed may provide the contractor with enough information to produce an excellent installation. They also can be used in formulating Specifications. Driving pairs of piles is usually more economical and offers less resistance than to drive piles individually. Pairs are easier to guide and present the most desirable impact area to the hammer. As a good rule of thumb, no pile should be driven more than one-third its length before adjacent sheet piling is driven; however, when using vibro drivers, the general rule is to drive each pair to grade. Driving heads arc recommended under hard driving conditions and some manufacturers can provide suggested driving head designs. Diesel hammers, jetting, air hammers, vibro hammers, jack hammers, drop hammers and hydraulic hammers mounted on backhocs have all been used at various times on aluminum sheeting with very good success. If borings or other information show obstructions, drive the sheeting'in pairs. When an obstacle is hit, stop driving and move the hammer to the next single pile that can be driven. With piles on both sides of the obstacle acting as guides, it is often possible to drive through the obstacle. Increasing the number of blows of the hammer helps. You may have to dig out the obstruction if the piling cannot be driven without being damaged. Sheeting should not be cut off unless approved by the Engineer. Straight alignment adds to driving ease, good looks and faster assembly of the cap and is best achieved by use of a template. This template can be a light beam, jigs or other methods commonly used by contractors. Most manufacturers are capable of providing some suggested template designs and can fabricate templates for customer usage. A wall of sheet piling will tend to lean in the direction of driving, due somewhat to slack in the interlocks, but mostly to improper hammering and guiding. Leaning should be corrected immediately, as it will only get worse. Usually it can be corrected by sloping the line of action of the hammer toward the driven section of wall. The use of a "come-a-long" may help also. A good method is to set a panel of piles, then drive the first and last pairs of piles about halfway to serve as master piles. Intermediate piles then are driven to the same depth, master piles are driven to final grade, then intermediates follow. The use of a double sided template best accomplishes this method. Sometimes an already driven pile may be drawn down by the next one being driven if the ground is very soft, or where high frictional forces develop in the interlocks. These can be prevented by bolting or wedging driven piles to the template. One can also drill a hole in the interlocks and place a nail in the hole, removing it when you drive future sheeting. DO NOT over-drive a pile as it is almost impossible to extract. A rapid succession of hammer blows is usually most effective in sand and gravel, whereas slower, heavier blows arc best in clays. The interlocking joints of arch shaped aluminum sheet piling should be located on the backfill side of the wall. The interlocking joint is best asscnthled, and gives the least amount of driving resistance by driving the "fcnialc" joint over the "male" joint. Driving the sheeting with the "male" into the "female" may cause frictional driving problems and should be avoided wherever possible. Just as with steel piling, the "zcc" type piling drives best in pairs rather than as a single. Most of the manufacturers now recommend the use of a vibro driver and the driving of pairs of "zcc" piles. Cuts and holes should not be made with an acetylene torch. Using a saw, such as with a Black & Decker #73-167 metal cutting blade, or a drill, is recommended. The cap should be mitered by cutting with a saw, where breaks in alignment occur (welded cap inserts are used) and these cuts should have the edges filed smooth to avoid injuries. The best method of installing the cap is to bolt the cap on in the middle and the ends with the supplied 3/8" bolts. All bolts should be located on the bottom "V" groove of the cap's lip. The tic rod holes should be drilled through the top "V" groove on the water side and through the bottom "V" groove on the soil side of the cap lip for proper alignment. The drawings showing anchor rod locations in Appendix C show suggested rod/bolt locations. The page that shows different anchor rod locations when tangent lengths less than "standard" are designed into the job is a MUST to follow. The tie rods and bolts MUST BE LOCATED as close to the suggested locations as possible to insure proper stress transfer. Rods, bracing assemblies, rod shims and bolts MUST BE installed properly in the cap or failures MAY occur. A splice insert is included with each section of cap which when installed will assist in aligning the cap at the joints. Always place the "next" piece of cap to be installed on the sheeting making sure the insert is installed before installing the bolts in the first piece of cap. Be sure to allow an appropriate gap in the cap sections for thermal expansion. Welded splice inserts are provided for breaks in alignment. Remember to order them and give the proper angle. Horizontal alignment usually cannot be corrected by tightening on the anchor rod nuts and should not be attempted. Relieve the tension on the rods by any number of methods and then tighten or loosen the rod to correct the horizontal alignment. Anchor rods are usually tied into the cap and are close to the final ground level. Care should be taken during backfilling operations to avoid damaging the anchor rods. Heavy equipment should not be used close to the wall in order to avoid damaging the tie rods and connections. Concrete can and has been used with aluminum sheeting as a cap. There are some precautions that should be taken to isolate the aluminum from the concrete as some types of cements and additives can cause corrosion of the aluminum. For best results all aluminum in contact with the concrete should be coated with a coal tar epoxy. Anchor plates should be placed in natural soils rather than fill, if possible. The material removed to place the anchor plates should be compacted carefully during refilling to ensure that full passive pressure is developed. Replacing removed clay material with sand is desirable. Weep holes MUST be installed where the possibility of excessive hydrostatic water build-up may exist. Weep holes can also help prevent corrosion problems. It is a good practice to install weep holes in all aluminum sheet piling walls as a "safe" procedure. In the opinion of the author, this is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Backfllling with sands, when possible, is highly recommended. Backfill, to proper compaction, around the anchor plates first and then tension the tic rods properly. Next, k)lk)wing proper procedures commonly specified by federal and state agencies, place the backfill against the wall first. Lastly, place the remaining backfill from the wall toward the anchors. NEVER push the backfill against the wall. If dredging is to be accomplished, it should be done prior to installing the wall if at all 1xssihlc. Damage could occur due to water seepage from a retention pond (might cause excessive hydrostatic loads), heavy equipment loads, or the dredging equipment hitting the wall. Material damage may occur if handling is excessively rough or storage is careless and not planned. Store material on level ground and place blocking correctly to prevent excessive sag. Care should be exercised in protecting the threads of the anchor rod and nuts from getting foreign material in them prior to use. DESIGN The "Free Earth Support Method" of wall design to be described by this author, is the method usually followed by the major manufacturers of aluminum piling systems when they provide designs to owners, engineers and contractors. Following are some basic tips to be aware of when designing a wall (either aluminum, steel, concrete or wood). Charts, drawings, computer studies, etc. for the following discussion of design procedures are found in Appendix B. Clay soils will not be discussed as it is difficult to determine the exact properties of clay soils. When an aluminum bulkhead is being considered for use in clay soils, one should check for suitability and have the clay properties determined by a competent soils Engineer. Stability as well as anchorage problems may arise in clay soil. Long term conditions, as suggested by some, may show the properties of the clay to fall somewhere in the range of a cohesionless soil with a + angle between 20 and 30 degrees. Of the numerous considerations to be taken into account when designing a bulkhead, soil characteristics, berm and bank angles, tidal fluctuations, surcharges, wall anchorages and safety factors will be briefly discussed. Others such as ice thrust, backfilling, drainage,stability, driving into hard material, seismic loads, impact loads and corrosion resistance must also be accounted for to assure a safe, proper design. Probably the single most important item to consider is the characteristics of the soil. Soil tests should be taken when questionable conditionsexist. Basically two types of soil exist, cohesive soils (clays) and cohesionless soils (sands) with, of course, many combinations and variations of these two basic types. Possibly the worst case would be a pocket of clay along the location of a bulkhead where the loads could double if the wall were designed purely for sand conditions. The next most important physical item is the slope of the berm material. With a berm slope of 20 degrees and an exposed height of 6 feet in a sandy soil with $ angle 30 degrees, the difference between that design and one with a flat berm is about 5 additional feet of sheet length, an increase of about 65 percent in the anchor pull and an increased moment in the sheeting of about 220 percent. As one can see, these conditions should be carefully checked and should not be overlooked. Rapid tidal fluctuation causes considerable hydrostatic loads on a wall. Using a low low tide condition in the design should help set this design perimeter. Weep holes along the wall can reduce the differential water levels as can a sand backfill wedge, if correctly installed, when used with a clayey general backfill. Surcharges can be of many types, such as fixed structure close to the wall (like pools), backfill piled higher than the cap, buildings, slabs,livc loads from parking lots or roadways and other structures. Usually the most critical surcharges on a wall are those found during construction of the wall. The results of adding surcharges on walls are normally larger tic rods and anchor plates, increased section modulus in the sheeting and closer spacing of the tie rods. Wall anchor failures are the most common type. When anchor plate locations cause problems, it is usually because a building is too close to the wall. At corners, another common design problem occurs where the "normal" plate location is in the active zone of the "other" wall. Also, the placement of anchor plates in clay soils should be avoided, if possible. Remove the clay soil in the passive area of the plate and replace it with granular, well-compacted soil. Typical safety factors against toe failure arc between 1.5 and 2.0 for most bulkheads The CONSEOIJENCE of a failure should determine the appropriate safety factor used. An increase of 33 percent is recommended in the anchor pull to account for corrosion, increased load due to unforeseen surcharge loads and the potential slope of the anchor rod when tied to the cap. Good engineering practice recommends using the root area of the anchor rod and bolts for their design stress areas. A safety factor of 1.2 is recommended for tic rod connections. When failures occur in sheet pile walls, they can generally be traced to anchor and toe-out failures. About 98 percent of engineered or non-engineered bulkhead failures is the anchor failure. Few moment or toe-out failures have been recorded in engineered bulkheads; however, numerous anchor failures have been recorded. it is the opinion of this author that one can not be too conservative on anchorage designs. Typical design manuals, papers or books to read for good technical assistance in the design of bulkheads are: NAVFAC DM-7 - The Naval Engineering Facility Command's Design Manual has a section on design of bulkheads and also information on soils. Check also through NAVFAC DM-26 for wave pressure calculations. PILE BUCK DESIGN STEEL SHEET PILING DESIGN MANUAL - The "standard" in the industry has many good charts and examples and is rather easy to read and understand. "ANCHORED BULKHEADS" - by Karl Terzaghi for the ASCE. This paper presented in 1953, is a thorough explanation of how to design and what to watch for in the design of a bulkhead. A PRACTICAL DESIGN METIIOD FOR FLEXIBLE MARINE RETAINING WALLS- A Kaiser Aluminum Manual. A fine example of years of successful use in the industry. Easy to read and follow. S. FOUNDATIONS, RETAINING AND EARTH STRUCTURES - by Gregory Tschebotarioff is a good source for explanations and solutions to problems that have arisen with walls in the past. Aluminum "ZEE" piling sections arc strong enough to support a cantilevcrcd wall to about 9 feet of cxposcd height in sand. Cantilevcrcd walls are usually the easiest to install, and are sometimes necessary. However, avoid them when possible for the following reasons: aluminum deflects three Limes more than steel using the same sections; cantilevercd walls have inherently large deflections; toe failure is difficult to predict due to scour; tied-hack walls usually cost less; aluminum cantilevcrcd walls can have horizontal alignment problems. Most of the aluminum manufacturers recommend tic rods be joined to the cap where at all possible for the following reasons: the sheeting sections have sufficient strength to resist bending moment failure in most designs through about 20 feel of sheet length saving on both labor and material costs by not using a wale anchorage; cap sections have the necessary strength to act as a structural wale; and straight horizontal alignment is made easier by anchoring the wall at the cap, resulting in a better looking wall. MOMENT, TIE ROD PULL AND EMBEDMEN'I' CALCULATIONS The basis for the author's cbrnputcr designs, the Free Earth Support method is the oldest and most conservative of all procedures. The author does not usc the Equivalent Bcam method of design for the simple reason that the anchor pull is always less than the FES method and the author recommends being as conservative as possible on the anchor design. The author does advocate the use of Rowe's "Moment Reduction Curves" which can be found in either NAVFAC DM-7 or PILE BUCK's Design Manual. The above mentioned papers, books, and manuals explain the virtues of using Rowe's curves when designing with the Free Earth Support method. Fig. B-4 in Appendix B of this paper describes the curves in their most usable range. A fact not well known about Rowe's moment reduction curves is they were developed from test data using ONLY flat berms, therefore, sloping berms should be treated differently when using Rowe's curves. Also, they should only be used with homogeneous soils. A good method of solving sloping berm conditions is to compute a "temporary anchor pull", TAP, to help compute maximum moment in the sheeting. Then you use this maximum moment with the moment reduction curves. This method is explained more in fig. B-7 in Appendix B. The following brief steps in the design of a bulkhead are used by the author's computer design program. Design forces, charts, diagrams and examples are located in Appendix B: Set the geometry for the design, making certain to account for all the potential scour when selecting the exposed height. Set the value for the angle of the soil (the chart on B-i may be helpful). A review of the computer run on fig. B-li may help show what items are set prior to the start of computations. The charts on fig. B-3 may be helpful when dealing with surcharge loads. Compute Ka and Kp by the log-spiral method (the chart on fig. B-2 will be helpful). The log-spiral method more closely resembles the passive soil failure surface when high angles of wall friction are involved. For certain site conditions, the Rankine or Coulomb methods may be desirable, therefore use the appropriate formula found in any number of textbooks or the PILE BUCK Steel Sheet Piling Design Manual. After choosing the appropriate factor of safety for the toe failure for the site, pick a sheet length, compute the active and passive forces (the diagram on fig. B-S may be helpful in understanding what forces arc found on a wall) and sum moments about the anchor. By trial and error, find a sheet length that will just satisfy the safety factor (slightly on the high side) which is the sum of passive moments divided by the sum of active moments. Find the anchor pull by taking moments about the resultant passive force, (a different method from the traditional "anchor pull equals sum of active forces minus sum of passive forces divided by safety factor"). This method allows the engineer to compute an anchor pull for water levels at any height on the wall, resulting in a positive answer, for use in checking anchor pullout or finding the maximum anchor pull. For "low water" conditions, the result of this method are the same as the "traditional" method. For sloping berm conditions, two anchor pulls should be computed. One as described above is used to compute anchor rod loads, wale types, rod spacing, anchor plate types, etc. The second, TAP, is used onIX to compute the maximum moment for usc with the moment reduction curves. This is done as shown on fig. B-7 of Appendix B. S. Find the maximum moment (point of zero shear) and compute the reduced moment, if desired, by using Rowe's moment reduction charts if applicable, (NAVFAC DM-7, PILE BUCK's Steel Sheet Piling Design Manual or fig. B-4 in Appendix B). Find the cap/wale type, anchor rod spacing, appropriate anchor rod and plate type from the ENGINEERING section of this paper (Appendix C). The anchor plates, rod loads and locations of anchor rods have been pre-engineered for your convenience. See the example on fig. B-8 for cap, rod and plate sizing. Compute the correct burial depth for the anchor plate chosen in the above step. The drawing on page B-6 may help you locate the ideal anchor location, and from your scaled drawing, you will be able to scale the correct anchor rod length and burial depth. Again, the use of either NAVFAC DM-7 or PILE BUCK's Design Manual will give good results. Most failures occur in the anchor system, as stated before, therefore this step should be thoroughly understood and carefully calculated. A computer run is provided in Appendix B, fig. B-il, to show what information is required and calculations produced by the author's computer design program. This computer program is used by ALL the major manufacturers of aluminum piling systems and is usually provided free of charge for you to analyze numerous design parameters. To summarize the design considerations: carefully check the soil conditions, the berm slope, make certain of all surcharge loads, make certain the scour potential is included in your exposed height requirements, be conservative on your anchorage system and use an appropriate safety factor for toe failure for the site conditions. The berm slope has the greatest effect on the design of a wall which very few people including contractors and engineers understand. The sheeting length can increase by about 50 percent when the berm slope varies from being flat to about a 3 to 1 slope. Soil parameters and surcharges have lesser effect on the design but still are very important and should not be slighted when reviewing a design. Following are some observations and thoughts of the author's concerning some usages, beliefs and items in general - all based on his 16 years of experience with the product. Because of the availability of the extrusion process, many shapes can be made which are structurally sound and practical for use as wall hardware. The general opinion is a cap is necessary to cover the potential damage done to the sheeting when driving (dress-up the top). Since a cap is required, the aluminum cap is used as a wale to tie back the wall when ever possible thus eliminating the need for a separate wale which is both costly and labor intensive to install. One can sec from the enclosed section properties (Appendix C) as provided by a manufacturer of aluminum piling, there arc three common corrugation depths provided. The general usage of the light (AWL) series is for homeowner usage and is almost always tied hack from the cap. The medium series (AWM) is used for homeowner and light commercial usages - again most commonly tied back from the cap. The heavy series (PZH) is usually tied back from a wale, as the exposed height of most of the heavy walls requires the anchor location to be well below the cap. The idea of tying the anchor wall to the cap is to trade moment capacity off in favor of saving on labor and materials, and to provide a smooth faced wall which helps the marina. Concrete caps have been used when wider spacing of anchor rods are required. These Concrete caps have worked well but ONLY when the user fully understands the need for expansion joints to be installed at the proper hOrizontal spacing. Problems have arisen when proper spacing of the expansion joints arc not followed. Most aluminum wall designs are limited to a maximum of less than 20 feet of exposed height even under the best of conditions. At that point in design, large moment reductions must be taken to show the design to be structurally sound. (A chief of a US Government design section has told the author, that very large moment reductions arc in fact VERY conservative from his view point and he endorses them insomc of his designs.) It is the author's own opinion that the most technically advantageous usage of aluminum piling is in the range of 7 to 17 feet of exposed height walls in a salt water environment. This is based on the cost factors of equally sound systems designed in concrete, wood or steel. This opinion may be disputed by some engineers or other material suppliers but it is thc.bel ief of the author that the facts will prove this statement to be correct. Certain light should be cast on the types of aluminum piling available to the construction industry. There basically are two types: extruded and rolled shapes. Rolled shapes are the oldest and have their merit. They usually are only one corrugation depth and therefore are limited in their structural ability. Usually rolled products should be limited to small exposed heights. Extruded shapes have larger section nuxiuli and therefore have a wider range of design applications that they can handle. Many public agencies have used aluminum sheet piling products. Some of these include: Texas Parks and Wildlife Service Louisiana Department of Highways US Soil Conservation Service US Corps of Engineers Florida Department of Transportation NY State Environmental Conservation Department NJ State Environmental Department Maryland Shore Erosion Control Department US Fish & Wildlife Service Thousand Island State Park Commission Pennsylvania Fish Commission Numerouscounty and municipal agencies in many States For additional information on the manufacturers of aluminum sheet piling, consult Sweets or Thomas Register for the names of quality aluminum piling manufacturers. Some of the aluminum manufacturers also are capable of using their technical skills to provide quality aluminum bridges, gangways, floating and fixed aluminum dock systems to the marine industry. APPENDIX A Potential, v, Potential, v, Metal or alloy(a) 0.IN calomel scale(b) Metal or alloy(a) O.IN calomel .cale(b) Magnesium............................... -1.73 Zinc...................................... -1.10 B605....................................-1.06 A612....................................-0.99 7072, Alclad 3003, Alclad 6061, Alclad 7075 —0.96 X7005-T6,-T63; 7039-'I'6,-T63 ...............-0.93 to —0.96 220-T4....................................-0.92 5056, 7079-T6, 5456, 5083, 214, 218 ..........-0.87 5154, 5454 ................................-0.86 5052, 5086................................-0.85 3004, 1060, 5050, 7075-T73 ..................-0.84 1100, 3003, 6151, 6053, 6061-T6, 6063, Alclad 2014, Alclad 2024 .........................-0.83 13, 43, cadmium ............................ —0.82 7075-'l'G, 7178-'l'G ........................... —0.81 to —0.85(c) 3561-6,360 ................................ 2024-1-81, 6061-T4 .........................-0.80 :155-'l'G .................................... —0.79 2219-T6. -'I'S ............................... —0.79 to —0.82 2014-'i'6, 750-T4 ...........................-0.78 108-F ...................................... —0.77 380-F, 319-F, 333-F ........................ —0.15 I95-T6 .................................... —0.73 B195-T6 ................................... —0.72 2014-T4, 2017-T4, 2024-T3, -T4 ...............-0.68 to —0.70(c) 2919-T3, -T4...............................-0.63 to —0.65(c) Mild steel.................................-0.58 Lead...................................... —0.55 Tin.......................................-0.49 Copper................................... —0.20- Bismuth ........ ........................... —0.18 Stainless steel (series 300, type 430) ........... —o.oa Silver ..................................... —0.08 Nickel....................................-0.07 Chromium ................................-0.40 to +0.18 (a) The potential of all tempers is the same unless temper is desig- nated. (b) Measured in an aqueous solution of 53 g per liter NaCL + 3 g per liter 11,0, at 25 C. (c) The potential varies with quenching rate. Solid solution Potential, Solid solution Potential. or Constituent via) or constituent v(a) Mg5Al2 ................. —1.24 99.95 Al.............. -0.85 Al + 4 MgZn1(b) ........-1.07 Al + 1 Mg,Si(b).......-0.83 Al + 4 Zn(b)...........-1.05 Al + 1 Si(b)..........-0.81 MgZn2 ................. —1.05 Al + 2 Cu(b)..........-0:75 CuMgAl1 .............. —1.00 CuAl, ................ —0.73 Al + 1 Zn(b)...........-0.96 Al + 4 Cu(b) .........-0.69 Al + 7 Mg(b) .......... —0.89 FeAl,.................. —0.56 Al + 5 Mg(b) ..........-0.88 NiAl .................. —0.52 Al + 3 Mg(b)..........-0.87 Si.................... -0.26 MnAl,.................-0.85 (a) 0.1W calomel scale, measured in an aqueous solution of 53 g per liter NaCl + 3g per liter 11102 at 25 C. (b) Solid solution. CondItions at Various Seacoast Exposure Stations Distance Direction of Station from ocean Type of Location Climatic zone or bay shore prevailing winds Remarks operated by Kure Beach, N.0 ............... Temperate 80 (I: Sandy From ocean Sea rough, considerable Inco -salt mist Pitcairn Island, British Oceania ............... .ubtropieal 150 f Rocky From ocean Sea rough, considerable Alcoa salt mist La Jolla, Calif ................... Temperate "Severn" Rocky From ocean Sea rough, frequent ASTM huiitrcd logs, little rain to feL" wash specimens Point Judith; R.I ............... Temperate 300 ft Stony From ocean Sea rough, considerable Alcoa salt mist and fogs Key West, Fla..................Subtropical "Close Lu Sandy Across Station on leeward side ASTM ocean" island of island Miami Beach, Fla...............Subtropical 300 It Sandy From ocean Warm, humid without South Florida fogs Test Service Sandy hook, N.J.................Cinperitte :ioo ft Sandy l"roni bay Station at tip of hook ASTM jutting into bay Oakland, Calif ................... .emperate 1 mile . . . From bay On roof of warehouse, Alcoa seasonal logs Georgetown, British Guiana ....... ..ropical 1.5 miles ... From ocean On low building by Alcoa Demerara River: hot, humid TABL4/A:3 I Conditions at Various Jndustrial an InJand L Atmospheric Exposure Statons Predominant Station Type 01 fuel used operated Location environment during eapoaure Remark., by New Kensington, Industrial Bituminous Located on roof of Alcoa Alcoa Pa. coal Research Laboratories. Exhaust from analytical 'laboratory hoods adds to the severity of the atmosphere. Pittsburgh. Pa. Industrial Bituminous Racks were on Brunot's ASTM coal Island, 3 miles below Golden Triangle. Expo- sures made before smoke control, When specimens were subjected to at- mosphere highly con- taminated by heavy industries. Altoona, Pa. Industrial Bituminous Racks on roof of building .ASTM coal in the Pennsylvania Railroad yards. The at- mosphere contained un- usually large amounts of smoke and gases from the busy yards and shops. St. Louis, Mo. Industrial Bituminous Racks on two-tory build- Alcoa coal ing in heart of city. Ex- .posures made before smoke control, when at- mosphere contained ap- preciable amounts of sulfur dioxide. New York, N.Y. Industrial Oil and Racks on roof of Bell Tele- ASTM anthra- phone Laboratories on cite coal West Street. Atmos- phere contains much smoke and gases. Edgewater, N.J. Industrial Oil and Racks on roof of Alcoa Alcoa anthra- plant on Hudson River, cite coal across from New York City. Specimens sub- jected to fumes from plant and other waste gases; highly industrial Rochester, N.Y. Industrial Bituminous area. Racks in gorge of Genesee ASTM coal River, below a waterfall. High humidity and waste gases from -nearby 'factories. State College, Pa. Rural . .. Clean, rural district; ho ASTM industrial contahination Phoenix, Aria. Rural ... Hot and dry; semiarid • ASTM 16 II 12 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 Duration of exposure. yr ® ® ®f@e © - 3 Industrial 13 Nonindustrial / New Kensington, Pa. / Ondusiriol) fov 14812 16 20 24 28. 32 . 48 52 Duration 01 exposure. yr I. 1100. 3003— Golwelon, Texas 9. 1100. 3003 - St. Louis. Missouri 2. Al coble, steel reinlorced - Welch's 10. 1100.3003 - New York City. N.Y. Cousewoy, Florida It. 3004 siding - Cleveland. Ohio 3.1100. 3003 - Key West. Florida 12. 3004 lence - New Kensington, Pa. 1100. 3003— La Jolla, California 13., Al Cable. steel reinforced - Pomona. Kan. 3003 rooting - Moengo, Dutch Guiana 14. 3003 rooting -New Kensington Pa. S. 3003 roofing - Panama Canal Zone IS. Al cable - Toriliville. Connecticut 7. 3003 siding - Panama Canal Zone 16. Al Cable - Colorado S. Al Cable - Son FranciscoBoy Area I?. 98.41. Al root - Rome. Italy Curves for Point Judith and New Kensington are based on data obtained on aluminum alloys 1100_3003 and 3004, extrapolated to 52 years. Data obtained on test specimens at other exposure stations and on related alumi- num alloys from a variety of service conditions are shown as vertical bars on the charts. Comparison shows that performance of aluminum alloys at Point Judith and New Kensington can be used with confidence to predict performance in most seacoast and industrial regions. Itsi Harbor Island. N.C. Halifas, NS. Eaquimalt. B.C. series Alloy (AA) I yr 2 yr 5 yr 10 yr I yr 2 yr .5 yr 10 yr I yr 3 yr 3 y lOyr 6031 14 . 0 0 27 20 27 27 14 32 33 23 63 72 6051 1-6 70 40 46 67 32 68 Iii • 70 • 160 . 6061 1-4 23 23 21 Ii 23 20 12 32 33 43 56 70 6061T.6 13 13 10 Ii 15 9 14 27 20 30 46 45 2 60311-4 37 3 20 is 34 65 30 74 66 63 90 lii 6051T.6 58 >100 34 43 100 — 84 64 85 107 >200 60331-6 13 25 93 46 0 0 7 34 80 110 173 210 5036 13 7 35 32 60 0 16 41 30 Ii 99 30 3 6063 T-5 42 35 43 - 27 23 30 - 70 66 136 - .60331-6 28 I 20 - 183 90 - 178 - 3036 28 68 17 - 0 3 Ii - 37 72 63 - Plate was per(outed. In thick wcb of anlc. 16 14 . 12 10 U 06 0 2 0 Test Harbor island. N.C. Halifax, H.S. EquimaII, B.C. 3cr1cs AUoy(AA) lyr 2yr 5 y 10 y lyr 2yr 3 y 10 y lyr 2yr 5 y 10 y 60$1.T4 2.9 0.0 8.0 8.2 7.8 1.5 4.3 6.3 LI 0.0 - - 6051-T6 6.2 0.0 - 14.6 9.0 10.3 12.8 23.4 13.4 40.7 29.7 83.0 6061.T4 4.7 10.9 - 7.4 0.0 0.4 4.3 7.4 0.2 10.0 29.8 38.3 6061.T6 3.0 6.9 1.1 16.4 3.8 5.0 7.1 15.3 13.3 14.1 23.2 59.2 2 6051.T4 3.0 3.4 6.3 8.0 13.1 9.2 7.8 12.0 16.0. 16.7 18.0 35.4 6051.T6 4.9 11.1 5.7 9.4 19.9 - 23.0 78.9 23.0 30.2 41.3 122.8 6033-16 3.3 4.9 6.9 10.6 2.6 3.0 4.5 8.9 4.3 43.5 33.3 99.9 5036 3.2 2.7 6.3 9.9 6.3 2.8 4.2 6.2 5.0 1.9 3.6 4.8 3 6063.15 2.6 3.3 6.5 - 2.4 3.3 4.9 - 6.6 13.4 13.1 -. 6033.16 2.1 3.0 5.3 - 25.7 12.0 30.6 - 43.3 29.9 77.1 - 3056 2.0 5.2 5.1 - 1.3 1.3 2.1 - 3.5 9.4 2.4 - APPENDIX 'B 9G URE 8-1 Angle of nternaI frcUon vs dry unit weIght 45 - ANGLE or INTERNAL FRICT ION VS DRY UNIT WEIGHT - -. - IFOR COARSE GRAINED SOILSI - - RELATIVE DENSITY MATERIAL TYPE Gp SW - - - ML 50 -(;; SM AND 0 / OBTAINED FROM 75 EFFECTIVE STRESS FAILURE ENVELOPES - - - - APPROXIMATE CORRELATION 0- Z IS FOR COHESIONLESS -- MATERIALS WITHOUT PLASTIC FINES. POROSITY nIFOR G • 7681 .11 5 4 .351 .3 I .2 .15 L..___....1. .J....._.....I I I I I VOID RATIO ,IFORG •7681 I 17 11 to 9 .8 .75-7 [65 6 .55 I .s .45 4 .35 .3 I •S .1 is 70LIiI I I I liii I iii I ii I ii I II 75 80 90 TOO 110 170 DRY UNIT WEIGHT. Id PCF Granular soils 130 *40 *50 REDUCTION FACTOR (R) OF Kp FOR VARIOUS RATIOS OF -6/0 -0.7 .978 -0.6 .962 -0.5 .946 -0.4 .929 -0.3 .912 -0.2 .898 -0.1 -0.0 .864 tO .881 15 .961 .934 .907 .881 .854 .830 .803 .775 20 .939 .901 .862 .824 .787 752L716 .678 25 .912 .860 .808 .759 .711 .666 [.620 .574 30 .878 .811 .746 .686 .627 .514 .520 .467 752 .674 .603 .417 .362 40 j .783 .682 .592 .512 .439 .375 316 .262 IE!.60o [500 -4i4 339 .6 .2I 174 J/$-.I fA/fl 13kb=+.6 8 t-/VY4-- 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 CIL 1 1 I YAILURE -, SURFACE cc 10.0 W 9.0 1 Pcr- - ,1 . - - ,LOGARITHMIC SPIRAL - 1113 ____ cj, 6 0 PASSIVE PRESSUREcn I < 5.0 !o K9II'l2:Pit P Cos 6; p.. Pp - NOTE CURVESSNOWNARE U. 13/0 = -.2 0/0 = -.6 1.0 EEiEEEEIIJ0 LU .4 FAILURE -620 0/0 .3 SURF ACE 6-0 - I',. _-' '. LOGARITHMIC - - - ______ 1110 • 6 2 .2 /SPI-6 1RAL I E- 0 K, 7H .._ -t :- } a/0 -0 o . so - -ACTIVE PRESSURE --------- - -. .- --------- ''t 0•.4 Lu P.• I', co 6 L A-0 } 010 -1 0 .1 P,• -- 0 10 20 30 40 45 ANGLE OF INTERNAL FRICTION 0. DEGREES .2 .4 .6 .8 VALUE Of ir, LINE LOAD L M IS UN O.2Q'7 P. - o 55Q / r08 /7? > .0.4: 1.28 ,771/7 0.64 Q JRESTrp. N (n,#i) PRESSURES FROM LINE LOAD °L (BOUSSINEsQ EQUATION MODIFIED BY EXPERIMENT) 0 a2 -6 "Wo. M WE NEM M mi OMENS 0 momirmusumommall MEMO ammommummom mom mm mamommummomma aussus moms MENMROF-21mmmum Em momommoffismrnisusuu 0 .5 1.0 1.5 #1 VALUE OF C1 () P0/MT LOAD 0 U11 FOR M L_ThP# H i:v .0 0.4: I 0.28/7k .Imo/r in .> 0.4: /.77m117t -co'(i.,e) -pK SECTION a - a. PRESSURES FROM POWT LOAD Op (BoUSsINESQ EQUATION hfQOFIED BY EXPERIAENT) -: I- -r------ 1.0 __________ O 9 : 0.8 DENS E'-SILTY-LCUY SOILS 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 - '-- _-_..L0OSE_SADL.SO1I EI1 ii: L - :: 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 150 200 VALUE OF 9 LEGEND Rd The ratio of the maximum positive moment for the design of the sheeting to the maximum positive moment in the sheeting computed by the Free Earth Support method. 9 Flexibility number TO El E Sheeting modulus of elasticity, PSI I Sheeting moment of Inertia, inches4 TL - Total length of the sheeting, Inches EXAMPLE: Total length of the sheeting - 20' Modulus of elasticity, aluminum 1 X 10 Trial section of sheet pile, A'fl1-15Q, I 6.93 (20x12) 0.68 - loose silty-clay soil p ________ 0.58 - dense silty-clay soil 6.93 io - 48 R 0.45 - loose sandy soil 0.39 - dense sandy soil INrces Q l'l is passive force Qi Q2 are surcharge forces Si 52 S3 are saturated forces 81 82 are buoyant forces WI W2 W3 are differential water forces AP Is the anchorpull —7 Q2 53 — P1 — - _-• L1 B c 0-7 zone EH Slope at friction -x 4-19-902 angle Rupture surface of active wedge rEstimated point of zero moment .in wail. Anchor plate in between AC and AB provides partial Anchor plate loft of AB provides no resistance. resistance and transfers a load to the wall. Anchor plate right of AC providos full resistance. For anchor design location procedures. rofor.to NAVFAC DM-7 or the Pilo. Buck Stool Shoot Piling Design Manual. - FIGURE B7 Equivalent flat berm f or moment reduction I) 11= 1+ TAN (450 + 0/2) TAN (900 - 13 The value D has been computed to satisfy the required safety factor against toe failure. The normal' anchor pull has been computed for use in future computations where required. A Temporary Anchor Pull (TAP) Is now calculated by taking moments about a point, 2/3H up from the toe of the wall (Resultant Passivô Force for the equivalent flat berm condition). I Once TAP has been calculated, use it to compute the maximum I moment in the wall (point of zero shear) by normal procedures. DO NOT use TAP to calculate anything else. The normal anchor pull is used-for all other calculation. From previous computations - DESIGN ANCHOR PULL = 439 #/LF 439 w 1.2 = 527 #/LF The value of 439 is the design anchor pull and the value of 1.2 is the recommended safety factor from NAVFAC DM-7 for connections. To compute the rod spacing and the number of rods percap section, check the value of 527 against the information on Page C-9 for MAXIMUM w, #/LF -allowable value for the AWL sense. You find 527 is greater than 356 but less than 763 . You will need to use 3 rods per 25 foot cap sections. 439 1.33 ' 9.47 = 5542 pounds The value of 439 is the anchor 'pull; the value of 1.33 is the recommended safety factor to account for over-stress and corrosion; and the value of 9.45 is the constant found on Page C-9 (MAXIMUM ANCHOR PULL, LBS). Nov check the value of 5542 pounds against the information provided on Page C-14 to find the anchor loadof 5518 pounds requires the use of 'a 3/4" diameter rod (maximum pull of 6340 pounds). To find which anchor plate to use, check for the 5542 pound pull against the, information on Page C-15 and you find either a TYPE 422 or a TYPE 522 can be used as they both have a 6300 pound allowable loading. EXAMPLE OF CSM-2 CAP ANCHORAGE From previous computations - DESIGN ANCHOR PULL = 2135 •/LF 2035 " 1.2 = 2442 #/LF Again checking the value of 2442 for the allowable loads on Page C-9, we find 2562 to be more than 4 rode per 25' (1851) cap but less than 4 rods per 20' cap (2345), therefore you need to use 4 rods per 20 cap section. 2035 v 1.33 5.18 = 14020 pounds Checking for which size anchor.rod to use, page C-14, you find a diameter rod is necessary and o Type 833 anchor plate is required, Pnge C15. FIGURE B-9 Example of ananalyss of an anchored bulkhead Q- zoo P5F - ELEV 419.0-f ELE\I. I. 14.0 -f ELEV.+1.0-f LEV. 0.0 -ç Pt ELEV.-fl.04 Ap 0=36° (SATI30 PSF BUOY=6G PS I• K-O.23l 0-300 Y8uor56PSF K 0.2.96 K=5.307 ACTIVE EARTH FORCES Q.Z3lX ZOO Xt9= 8_i8 Q=.Z98x2oox1j.= 6S6 S1=.Z31)c 130X1.OtX '/z=15O2 S2 =.Z31x130XlOx9 Z703 S =.298X 130X10X11=42i P,i =.231XE,6XSZ Xa€7 82 = .258x(xc,6 X 1 + 5 ro K I 2XY)=257 W = ZXQXaX'/Z °1a8 W?= ZXG4x7=8c,4 W= 2XCo4%ttX/Z=704 # PASSIVE EARTH FORCES P1=5.3o1x56X1t2 X'1198o* SAFETY F/\C1OR AGAINST TOE F'JIJJRE (TAKE MOME4TS ABOUT A%4Cl4QR MOMEIJ150F PASSIVE FORCE F5 PASSIVE MOM £tT 17,980 XZL33= 383,5_i 3 FT. I ACTIVE MOMENTS = BIB X4.50+656Xl9. #1502. X 1.61 + 2.103 X9.50+4261) 19.50 +_i X 11 +2551 x 20.195-i- 1Z8X 6.33 *B%X 10.5+104 x1l.661 17,174 FT. F5 = 363.5-73 = t > 1.15 0. K. 21-7,174 ANCHOR PULL (mKE MOMEIJTS AbOUT r) A=(6_i8 x1c0.63+656x 1.833+1502 X 19467 +2.703 Yt1.833-+-426 1. )( '1.833+617 XI0.333 +2957 X 1.136 t128 K 'I.S.O -i- ese X 10.333 +104 K 3.GG1)/21.333= 1O8,819/Zl.3 Ap51OZ 4'/LF MPIMUM t'lOtlEt'JT (POINT OF ZERO SuEIR) 5102-1502-12.8-462.- 46.2. ) -300.3 V.. -_i423X2+256-128Y. 0 3266- 414.S)(-1.623X2 =0 X= 6.255 FT. MA,XIMUM MOMENT= 11.2.55X5102- 1502X3.565-46.2 Kl6.Z552/2-300X6255 /2 -126X 4.921- 128 V. 4.255-7k23X(o155/6 MAXIMUM MOMENT ZB946EW - MOMENTS 0FpcTVE FORCES MOMEIJT REDUCTION (f\ ¶SUME LO0. SAO 4P7-H-)38 SEC.TlOJ) (30 fl2)4 - 3 E = I 1.. 10' PROM c-4 ; R4 =0.313 REDUCED MOMEj'IT= O.39)(2894G = 11269 FT./LF OF WALL SCTC•N Pk-186 0. K. (vRot-t c-a M208Q) AHCOR ROD (AutE:. G'5PkCANG FOP, RODS) PULL= GXI.25X5102 = 382r65 FROM .IF G.C-14 (Z"o = 4750 USE 2"DIP%. ROD WALE 5ZE ASSUME t1OMEt'.T = Yc = SIOZ XG2 20108 FT.* FROM çtE. C- 1O TR"( 'IE-8 O.K. USE ',JE-8VJALE ANCHOR PLA1E. ANCH('R LO A D- 362.5G* (FROM ROD PULL ABOVE) FROM C-i5 USE T'(PE 2045 PLTE FI XING BOLTS (t BOLT PER 54E.T) 5102 X I x 2.0= 1o.04"/EoLT FROM ctG. C-i USE 1" yi BOtJS (wc,4 F) ANCHOR LOC /'J C.fl4 M'JD POD LE.%.I(Y H (REF.- EEL r"E5C4J tt..%tUl..t pt. 47-4) ASSUlIr. TIIAT THE Allf."J MV IS LO'Ai 1.0 UI THE UO"(t\T SOIL t'RFJ (F ROM ç .c-ic .od R= 4.Od L=G' H=?.5' 0.600 STARTI1G OW Pt'GE 41; Kto(4 °- 'S 0 ):O.26O ... t., = 0.645 FROM CHART OH PGE46; K-1.ao R0=K..-ç = 1.20 - 0.2rn = G.94 FROM FOPMUI lONPt/E 69 R/R0 =t.B0I .'. R=12.51 GGX (1.5- '/X 5.00)=330P5F A.u = (330)(5.00)( 4.00)('12.5 ) = 825 66 = = 02 2.69 >2 O. K. R1( LINES CONTROL BURIAL DEPTH ROD LEt.Ic,TH 2.5' IIURIt..L DEPTH =75' CHECK ROD P'ILL FOR SLOPE. (7.5-z.5-E)/zs =0 NO SLOPE ()N ANO•IOR ROD .. NO It4CRf7\SE IN PULL 2" ROD IS 0. K. a p a a * 0 aa aaa a a a a a a a "1"", 0,0 0", a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I a a a a a a a p a a a a a P a a a a a a a a N a a a a a a a a aaa a.. REQUESTED BY --BARRY V. HANSEN - MARTECH WALL aaa 'aa aaa 09:51:03 JOB NUMBER 1-626-80 DATE 12/13/89 aN. PROJECT DESIGN PARAMETERS -ARE aa a N •N ai a a a. a a a a pa. a a a aa* ala aa EXPOSED MINIMUM MAXIMUM DIFFERENTIAL ANCHOR LOCATION aaa HEIGHT WATER DEPTH WATER DEPTH WATER LEVELS BELOW THE CAP aaa (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) aaa two 19.00 7.00 13.00 2.00 5.00 'at aaa ala 'a. BANK BERN INTERNAL SAFETY WALL FRICTION a'' SLOPE SLOPE FRICTION ANGLES FACTOR FOR ANGLE IN are DEGREES DEGREES BERM (DEG) BANK TOE FAILURE DEGREES 'a. aaa .00 .00 30.0 36.0 1.769 —24.00 a.. aaa BUOYANT DENSITY SATURATED DENSITY SURCHARGE LOADS ON BANK saa 'a' BERM (PCF) BANK BERM (PCF) BANK CONC. —LBS UNIFORM—PGF a' 'a. 56.0 66.0 120.0 130.0 .0 200.0 l.a Na.. COMPUTER DESIGN FOR ABOVE PARAMETERS IS ''aaaaaaa'.aa.a. a.a KP OF BERM MATERIAL (HORIZONTAL) = 5.307 aaa KA OF BANK MATERIAL (HORIZONTAL) = .231 "a aaa KA OF BERM MATERIAL (HORIZONTAL) .298 "a aaa REQUIRED SHEET LENGTH = 3000 FEET LOW WATER ANCHOR PULL 5137. LBS/LF OF WALL aaa HIGH WATER ANCHOR PULL = 5017. LL35/LF OF WALL "a CRITICAL WATER ANCHOR PULL 5136. LBS/LF OF WALL aa 'a' DESIGN ANCHOR PULL = 6422. LBS/LF OF WALL aa. aaa MAXIMUM MOMENT (NON—REDUCED) 28985. FT.LI3S/LF OF WALL aaa MAXIMUM MOMENT (REDUCED) = 11580. FT.LDS/LF OF WALL w 11 aaa LOCATION OF MAXIMUM MOMENT 16.303 FEET FROM TOP OF WALL aaa "a CRITICAL WATER DEPTH = 7.73 FEET UP FROM BERM IN w aaa TYPE OF SHEET PILE (NON—REDUCED) = PZH-375 llww aaa TYPE OF SHEET PILE (REDUCED) = PZH-188 'a , a.. TYPE OF CAP OR WALE SECTION = WB-8 tow aaa ANCHOR SPACING = 6.00 FEET (NOMINAL) 'a. .aa ANCHOR ROD DIAMETER 2 INCHES a" a.' ANCHOR PLATE TYPE 2045 aaa ANCHOR PLATE BURIAL DEPTH 7.50 FEET pa. aa ANCHOR ROD LENGTH 25.04 FEET a.. No a. a.aaaaaaaaaa.aa.,a.aaaaaa., NOTES ON THE DESIGN aaaaiaa•.aaa.a,aa Now" ,aa....a IN.. ''a KA AND 1W ARE DEFINED BY THE LOG—SPIRAL METHOD a'. THE DESIGN PROCEDURES FOLLOW THE FREE EARTH SUPPORT METHOD aa 'a' THE DESIGN ANCHOR PULL IS GOVERNED BY THE LOW WATER ANCHOR a" ala PULL INCREASED BY A SAFETY FACTOR OF 1.25 sap a ,. ANCHOR PLATE LOCATION IS GOVERNED BY HIGH WATER ANCHOR PULL a. MOMENT IS GOVERNED BY LOW WATER It a..* one a a a *0 we k1 l, *p op a a a a a a a a a a. a a p a W* *wave p aa a a a a a a a a a a a a p a a a a a a a a a a a a. p a p a a a a a a a a a APPENDIX C Piling normally provided in I toot increments, however lengths such as 8.5 or 13.33 can be provided upon request. All the above listed sections interlock with each other and use the MCL-1 corner section. No handling holes are provided as standard. AWL sections have their own cap and hardware. Be sure to specify the CSL and BAL sections. AWM sections have their own cap and hardware. Be sure to specify the CSM and BAM sections. SECTION PROPERTIES PER LINEAL FOOT OF WALL MOMENT SECTION H W THICKNESS INERTIA MODULUS CAPACITY DESIGNATION INCHES INCHES INCHES INCHES' INCHES' FOOT-LBS AWL-100 2.500 12.000 0.100 1.600 1.258 1992 AWL-125 2.500 12.000 0.125 1.950 1.542 2441 AWL-135 2.500 12.000 0.135 2.180 1.714 2714 AWN-100 4.000 12.000 0.100 4.440 2.200 3483 AWN-125 4.000 12.000 0.125 5.990 2.967 4694 AWK-135 I 4.000 12.000 0.135 6.450 3.200 5067 AWN-150 4.000 l2000 1 0.150 6.990 3.350 5304 SECTION PROPERTIES PER LINEAL FOOT OF WALL 1 MOMENT ] SECTION H W ITHICKNESSIINERTIA MODULUS CAPACITY DESIGNATION INCHES INCHES INCHES INCHES' INCHES' I FOOT-LBS PZH-135 6.000 12.000 0.135 17.900 5.258 8990 PZH-150 6.000 12.000 0.150 18.930 6.309 9990 PZH-188 6.000 12.000 0.188 22.900 7.633 12086 PZH-250 6.000 12.000 0.250 29.350 9.783 15490 Piling normally provided in 1 foot incromonts however lengths the MCH-1 corner section. such as 18.5 or 22.5 can be provided upon request. 3. No handling holes are provided as standard. All the above listed sections interlock with each other and use 4. PZH sections are boat driven in pairs and with a vibro driver. Corner Extrusions & Typical Joints 1 Ii) TYPICAL MULTIPURPOSE CORNERS HCL-1 MCH-i MCL-i used with AWL-100, AWL-125, AWL-135, AWL-150 AWN-lOO, AWM-125, AWN-135, •AWM-150 MCH-i used with PZH-135, PZH-150, .PZH-188, PZH-250 Angular adjustment in sheet piling joints is ±120 TYPICAL MALE & FEMALE JOINT -•N; FIGURE C-4 ' ca Sction and,Insert, Light I 7.000 H — 0.125 'ryr 3.00 —2.7±----J AS AVfACllEI) TO WALL. 3.00 "-' 0100(2) •" ______________ CAP SECTION LIGHT CSL-2 0.500 MOMENT OF INERTIA 16.96 inchesll SECTION. OF MODULUS Aj.85 inches) ALLOWABLE MOMENT CAPACITY 7600 foot-lbs - 6;66 f 0.125 0.100 TYP 2. F -2-50! AS ATTACHED 2.000 TO WALL . SECTION LIGHT CSL-2 Note: Sections CSL.-2 and CIL-2 are used with the AWL series of sheet piles. 8.50 0.135 3.00 - 1I.7 )fL 0.150(2) - AS AVI'ACIIKI) TO .135 (2) — WALl. 3.250 0.100(2) J L - 0.312 0.312 CAI' SECTION t4P0I(JM C.I4-2 I4nl-II:Nr UI-' IN KiI- IA 31 - fl, I iic lI'::I ll tN (il' l4OlflJl.Ii! -( . 11031-0 Al.l'WAlII,I-: l4OI-IKNT CAPACITY I • ...-. IiuI,- I I-c 0.11 > r°•'2 1 ___ ]31 AS AIACIIED 2.000 0.100 TYI' TO WALL CAI' INSERT MEDIUM C114-2 NOTE: sot: 1.1w,:; CM-! liwl Cl M-2 nrc i,:;c,I vi I; Liic AWM ,;ric:; or ;I,c,:L 'I Ic;; 0.150(2) -1 0.625 0.10: 3.065 0.100 1.250 BRACING Ain:Mlu.y MEDIUM HAM-i. 1.250 0.108 0.625 D:188 2.365 CUT ROD OFF AFTER FINAL AUSTMENT ROD SHI M BRACING ASSEMBLY SHEETING SECTION CAP SECTION CAP SECTION ANCHOR ROD flOURE C-6 AWL & AWM Series Cap Hardware 1tItcina tSsF:t.InLy i.icirr MI.-1 IOLE DRILLED PERPENDICULAR FACE OF THE SHIM I -2.50 ROD SHIM LIGHT - RSL-1 Typical Cap Anchorage DetiX.0AWL & AWM $erie Pding Cap Corner Detail Sheeting SS bolt, nut and washer Cap field mitered and filed smooth . Multipurpose - ...-.-).....------- - ...?.J... Corner Cap Section Welded insert \ The angle A is fabricated in any increment. Specify the required angle. Both horizontal and vortical angles can be fabricated. -F TYPE 1i22 thru 733 ROD DIAMETER _1us i/8' J . 1-I TYPE (133 thru PLATE WASHER Corrugations in sheeting run parallel to the height. Backing beams are welded to the sheeting. Holes in plate washers and/or backing beams are provided during fabrication. Capacities of the plates are controlled by the rod size, backing beam(s) or the sheeting properties. Smaller rods may be used with larger plates by giving notice before fabrication. Sheeting alloys are as follows: 1=6061 -T6 3=6063.T6. Alloy 6061-T6 may be substituted for alloy 6063-T6.- Sheeting section AWM-100 may be substituted for section AWL-1 25. TYPE I HEIGHT IN I WIDTH IN ROD SIZE CAPACITY POUNDS f 1 I SHEETING j TYPE & ALLOY CHANNELS NO. TYPE 422 24 24 3/4 6300 AWL-100 3 1 BR-I 522 30 24 3/4 6300 AWL-100 3 1 SB-i 632 24 36 7/8 8830 AWL-iOO a i BB-21 733 30 36 1 11490 AWL-100 1 1 BB-31 833 33 36 1-1/8 14490 AVL-100 1 ,2 933 36 36 1-1/4 18400 AWN-100 1 2 BB-51 1234 48 36 1-1/2 26300 . AWN-125 1 2 BB-6 1644 48 48 1-3/4 36100 AWN-125 1 2 WB-8 2045 60 48 I 2 . 47500 PZH-135 1 2 WB-81 i:i 72 48 1 2 47500 PZH-188 1 2 yB-a1 PIGUREC-16 Wxlyrli >1 fl'1CWi' CONCRETE CAP 3 • STUB Rob ANCIIOII RM) Height and width of the concrete cap are left to the designer. Caps 12 high by 18' wide with 5 each #6 bars and #3 stirrups At 6' on centers have worked well. Aluminum in contact with concrete may be conated with coal tar epoxy for additional protection. A 3 cover over the reinforcing steel is recommended as good design and construction practices. Expansion joints 30' and less on centers have worked well. Greater distances have caused problems in the past. The aluminum sheeting works best when installed not more than 6' into the concrete cap. Reinforcing rods should not be in contact with the aluminum. Under high anchor loads, one might consider forming the stirrups into a dosed box. The above figure is a suggestion but does NOT replace competent professional engineering design. I'I.A'I'I WAiIIEH ;ii:pii Nt; TUI1NIIUCKLI Double Chahlrlel5 Sheeting 1 II Anchor Rod Lj Use RTVlO9or fl J I equivalent L sealant to caulk the holes where tic rods come through nhecting 6 inch rod clips 12" clips both front and back Chan nels al/2inchwidecls! determined cated bolts diameter t0 Use WCH-1 with WB-6 and W6-8 wales, wale. One inch diameter bolts are recommended. The design of, a wale is assumed to be somewhere between a 6: Doubles plates, bolts and pipe spacers can be used as splice continuous beam and a simply supported beam. plates at the joints of the wales. For properties of the double channels, see figure C-b; Wale and 7. Diameter of the splice bolts to be determined by the Engineer. Anchor Backing Beams. 8. The 1-112 clips MUST BE located as close to each side of the A shim may be required if the tie rod slope is severe, anchor rod as possible. Tie bolts may be used with tapped wale clips to provide an inside FIGURE 0.14 Anøhor Rod Deta LENGTH AS REQUIRED uIJ1ItI1I11l1I1I1III I'I'I'I'I'1'i'J!1E1I 6" 6" DIAMETER & THREAD SIZE MAXIMUM STANDARD LENGTH ROOT AREA (INCHES') MAXIMUM PULL POUNDS 3/4 - 10 20 FEET 0.334 6340 7/8 - 9 30 FEET 0.462 8770 I - 8 30 FEET 0.606 11510 1-1/0 - 7 30 FEET 0.763 14490 1-1/4 - 7 40 FEET 0.969 18410 1-1/2 - 6 40 FEET 1.405 26690 1-3/4 - 5 40 FEET 1.900 36100 2 - 4'"s 40 FEET 2.50 47500 Threads are UNC Series 2A. Nuts are Aluminum Association Standard Class 28 free fit. Stainless steel nuts of the dimension may be substituted. Rod lengths vary in 2 foot increments. Special lengths of reds are subject to inquiry. Shorter or longer threading of the ends of the rods can be accomplished by requesting it prior to fabrication. Threaded ends should be protected. NOTICE It is necessary to follow all installation instructions for the plocomont of all tie rods, cap bolts, nuts and washors othorwiso damago may occur to the anchorage system. Anchor Rod Locations For Short Tangents CAP LENGTH SECT 2 PER CAP RODS NORMAL 25' SECTION 3 RODS PER NORMAL 25 CAP SECTION 4 RODS PER NORMAL 25' CAP SECTION 8.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 9.0 1.5 6.0 1.5 1.5 6.0 1.5 1.5 6.0 1.5 10.0 2.5 5.0 2.5 2.5 5.0 2.5 2.5 5.0 2.5 11.0 2.5 6.0 2.5 2.5 6.0 2.5 2.5 6.0 2.5 12.0 2.5 7.0 2.5 2.5 7.0 2.5 2.5 7.0 2.5 13.0 2.5 8.0 2.5 2.5 0.0 2.5 1.5 5.0 5.0 1.5 14.0 2.5 9.0 2.5 2.5 9.0 2.5 1.5 5.0 6.0 1.5 15.0 3.5 8.0 3.5 3.5 0.0 3.5 2.5 5.0 5.0 2.5 16.0 3.5 9.0 3.5 3.5 9.0 3.5 2.5 6.0 5.0 2.5 17.0 3.5 10.0 3.5 3.5 10.0 3.5 2.5 6.0 6.0 2.5 18.0 3.5 11.0 3.5 2.5 7.0 6.0 2.5 1.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 1.5 19.0 4.5 10.0 4.5 2.5 7.0 7.0 2.5 1.5 5.0 6.0 5.0 1.5 20.0 4.5 11.0 4.5 2.5 7.0 8.0 2.5 1.5 6.0 5.0 6.0 1.5 21.0 4.5 12.0 4.5 2.5 8.0 8.0 2.5 1.5 6.0 6.0 6.0 1.5 22.0 4.5 13.0 4.5 3.5 8.0 7.0 3.5 2.5 6..0 5.0 6.0 2.5 23.0 4.5 14.0 4.5 3.5 8.0 8.0 3.5 2.5 6.0 6.0 6.0 2.5 24.0 1 5.5 13.0 5.5 3.5 9.0 8.0 3.5 2.5 6.0 7.0 6.0 2.5 The above chart explains where to locate your anchor rods when you have a tangent length less than the 'normal' 25 foot cap section. Use the correct column above that corresponds to the number of rods per 25' cap section found in your design. Less than seven feet of tangent length should be set up similar in nature to the eight and nine foot tangent lengths. Two intermediate bolts, nuts and washers should be installed in-between each anchor rod as close to the center of the span as possible. BIBLIOGRAPHY The Corrosion of Light Metals, Godard, Jepson, Bothwell and Kane, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1967. ALUMINUM - Volume 1 Properties, Physical, Metallurgy and Phase Diagrams, prepared by Alcoa, American Society for Metals 1967. "Anchored Bulkheads", K. Tcrzaghi, Transactions, ASCE, Volume 119 1954. Design Manual DM-7, US Naval Engineering Facility Command, Government Printing Office 1962. S. Theoretical Soil Mechanics, Karl Tcrzaghi, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1943. "Tables for the Calculation of Passive Prcssurc, Active Pressure and Bearing Capacity of Foundation", A. Caquot andi. Kerisci, Gouthicr-Villars, Pajis 1948. "Anchored Sheet Pile Walls" P. W. Rowc, Proceedings, Institution of Civil Engineers, Part 1, Volume 'l London, England 1952. Shore Protection Manual, Department of Lhe Army, Corps of Engineers. PIIC 13uck Siccl Sheet Piling Design Manual, Jupiter, FL 1987. Two sets of bolts, nuts and washers should be installed when a span of more than ten feet between anchor rods is encountered. Two bolts, nuts and washers should be placed at each end of the cap section at the splice insert. When one rod per cap length is considered adequate, it should be spaced as close to the center of the tangent as possible. Please refer to figure C-9-for additional notes on how to use this page.