HomeMy WebLinkAbout3325; EL CAMINO REAL IMPROVEMENTS; GRADING AND PAVEMENT SECTION RECOMMENDATIONS; 1989-01-260 ; . SOUTHERN CALIFORN:IA. SOIL AND TESTINS, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE ST. SAN DIEGO CALIF. 92120 • TELE 2804321 • P.O. BOX 20627 SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92120 6 7 B ENTERPRISE ST. ESCONOIOO, CALIF. 92025 • T E L E 746-4544 January 26, 1989 •- 0 City f Carlsbad -SCS&T 8821211 1200 Elm Avenue - Report No. 1 Carlsbad, California 92008 - - Attention: Mr. Aiphonce Virgilio 0 SUBJECT: Grading and Pavement Section Recommendations, Proposed Monroe Street Widening, Monroe Street and Marron Road, Carlsbad, California. Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, this report has been prepared to present. geotechnical recommendations for the widening of Monroe Street. These recommendations are based upon a field investigation and the results of Resistance Value (R-Value) tests performed on the.anticipated subgrade soils.. INTRODUCTION:. This report presents. the findings and recommendations of our geotechnical investigation for the proposed widening of Monroe Street in Carlsbad, California. The widening will occur between City Station 32+80 and Station 43+68, which is south of Marron Road. Based on preliminary grading plans prepared by BSI Consultants, -Inc.,. the widening grading will consist of minor cut and. fills, with fill slopes having a maximum heights of 15 SOUTHERN. CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTINO, INC. k. SCS&T 8821211 .. .January 26, 1989 Page 2 to 20 feet and cut slopes having a maximum height of approximately 4 feet. In the area between Station 40+50 and Station 43+50, minor .f ills of approximately three feet are proposed along the western side of the roadway. This area presently consists of a 10:1; (horizontal 'to vertical) fill slope which will be increased to a 2:1 fill' slope. This may require minor grading in the existing desilting basin to attain the proposed slope ratio. Improvements will also consist of the installation of a 48 inch storm drain, pipe, which will extend from an existing storm drain that terminates at the south terminus of the widening project, to an existing storm drain located at the north end of the desilting basin. The site location is shown on the vicinity' map provided as Figure Number 1 on the following page. The alignment of the existing roadway, approximate topography and location of subsurface explorations are provided on Plate Number 1. PROJECT SCOPE The purpose of this investigation was to explore the subsoil, conditions at the site, perform laboratory tests on representative samples of the anticipated subgrade soils, and to provide preliminary pavement section recommendations based on the laboratory tests results. This investigation was performed in conjunction with an investigation of areas to the west and east of the existing roadway for possible future commercial development. The findings 'of the investigation and the recommendations' for the pavement sections are presented herein. .FIELD, INVESTIGATION Our field investigation consisted of a' field reconnaissance and the boring of 'four exploratory holes with a nine inch diameter auger at selected locations. ' Five additional holes were excavated with a backhoe to obtain "R"-Value samples. The ti GOP I /S\SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING,INC. Monroe Street Y: RSH - IDATE: 1-10-98 00 NUMBER: 8821211 I Fiqure No. 1 SCST 8821211 January26, 1,989 Page 3 approximate locations of these exploratory holes are shown on Plate Number 1. The exploratory holes were carefully logged during the field investigation and are presented on Plate Numbers 3'thrbugh 8. During the field investigation, represen- tative samples of the anticipated sub grade soils were obtained for laboratory testing. This is described, in the following paragraphs. LABORATORY TESTS Six samples of the anticipated subgrade soils were obtained for laboratory testing. Each of these samples was tested for its Plasticity Index and Sand Equivalent according to ASTM Test Methods D-4318 and D-2419, respectively. On. three of' these samples, Resistance Value (R-Value) tests were performed in accordance with California Test Method 301. The results of these tests are presented on Plate Numbers 9 •through 12. FINDINGS SITE DESCRIPTION The alignment of the existing roadway to be widened follows the approximate invert of a natural drainage canyon that drains northerly into the Buena Vista Lagoon. Basin. The canyon and present roadway, slope gently to moderately towards the lagoon. The grading for the roadway consisted of the placement of a trapezoidal shaped north-south trending dike on which 'the asphalt roadway was constructed. This fill extends approxi- mately 30 feet to the west of the existing roadway between station 40+50 and 43+50 and 10 feet to the ea'st of the existing roadway, between station 41+50 and .43+50. The western portion of the basin near the base of the canyon had previously been graded and lined for use as a desilting basin. A natural 'looking, but apparently manufactured drainage channel ' exists along the western side of the existing roadway, starting at the outlet of SCS&T 8821211 • '-January 26, 1989 •, Page 4 the existing storm drain pipe and leading into 'the desilting basin. The existing storm'drain outlet consists of a' concr'ete; , headwall and arip rap energy disipator system.' The eastern portion of the original drainage remains in'a relatively natural ' state.' Vegetation,along the' west 'side of, the road where the widening will occur consists of a moderate to heavy growth of nativegrasses,,shrubs, and tees. In the area of the widening along the east side, vegetation is"practically void. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Based on the results of the subsurface exploration and field - observations, it appears thatthe existing roadway is underlain by existing. fill material between station '39+00 and 43+50 and traversed back and forth between natural ground and compacted fill between station , 33+50 and 39+00., In the area of station 39+00 to 43+50, the existing fill material was found to have a maximum depth of approximately 15' feet. The fill 'materials consist of clayey sands, slightly silty sands, and fine to medium sands which are in a medium dense condition. The fill material is 'inturn uhderlain by alluvial soils consisting of clayey sand and sandy, clays in 'loose to medium dense and' medium stiff to stiff conditions. The layer of alluvial soils ranged in depth up to approximately 40 feet with the 'depth increasing towards the north from ,a daylight condition at approximately station 41+50. ' • '' It was found' in the borings that the contact between the' fill material and the alluvial soils had a slight organic content. This may be due to the mixing of some organic materials with the native soils prior to the placement of fill or organic material's within' the upper portion of 'the native soils which were not removed 'during the' 'site preparation operation. ,The fill ' material appeared to be clean and to ,,not contain organic materials. SCS&T 8821211 January 26, 1989 Page 5 Due to the limited extent of the: field investigation, the lack of the original grading plans, and the limited access to various portions of the site, the actual limits of the existing fills were unable to be determined. However, it appears that the majority of the fill. was placed along the alignment of the roadway and only minor fills were placed in the area of the storm drain headwall. In addition, the backfill of the existing storm drain pipe and surrounding areas were not be investigated. However, based on the conditions encountered and the standard of practice during the period of the grading, original improvement plans dated November 20, 1980, it could be assumed that the existing fill was placed at a minimum of 90 percent relative compactiOn based on ASTM Test Method 1557. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS GENERAL No geotechnical conditions were encountered during the field ( investigation which may preclude the widening of the existing roadway as tentatively planned provided the recommendations presented herein are followed. Special consideratiori for the preparation of the existing soils in the area of the existing desilting basin and drainage channel may be required and are addressed in the site preparation recommendations. GRADING SITE PREPARATION: Site preparation should begin with the removal of any debris, deleterious matter or vegetation, in the areas to receive improvements and disposing of the material at a legal disposal area. In the.,areas to receive fill, grading should begin with the removal of, the existing .topsoils, loose fill material, loose subsoils and unsuitable alluvial soils to firm natural ground or firm compacted fill. The existing soils in the area of the desilting b,asin are in a saturated 'state 4 • - 4V f JV - , .iV SCS&T 8821211' I January 26, 1989 Page 6 'V V - • - •1 $ - , I 'V. I-' I V• I which willVVcause difficulty in obtaining asuitab1e base for the placement of fill This is addressed in -:the,', f ol lowing para-. I' .1 graph In areas to receive fill slopes, a keyway should be cut - 4; - J 4 .: Vf • V_f at the proposed toe of the slope into firm natura. l ground and should slop bak into the sloe at a gradient of 2% Firm .V . . . . ••$ V V - - V. natural ground is defined as soil having an in-place density of at least 85% of the maximum dry density as determined in - accordance with ASTM test 4procedures D1557-78 Methd A and C - . :. ,. • . . - V. 'IV - - flV V V .. t_ -- V V I S _• V 4 frclfiesmay ilting—basinin--obtaining--fir ----V -.-V4----VV4-- mpa- ii requ i rd dfllbs upp lied donjçtuaicondit iVôTs These rec omme nda - tions will be based on existing conditions, type of equipment to be used, and economic' feasibility As mentioned previously, the - V. 4_ •- • -. - -1 - 4_ . -V area of-the desilting -basiir- and the area along the east side of the roadway..are preSently.. being investigated for possible commercial development?. -A' Investigation report' is .1 . I V • •VV - •. .1 ' being prepared to address the - grading operations in these areas V 4 V ••' . V and the foundation alternatives. for the support of proposed V' V •V V. VI VVV I V •V V V V V . V structures., ,. . 4 :- .., ':. V•f V V V - V V - • V $ V / _ 4 . - - I. - - V v 4 Vt I V - - 4 . V ,' •fV .4 'V •_., • 4 V VV • •#V -VV 4 .V $.__VV .V _, In keyways, or areas to receive fill-..which expose natural V ground, the soils should be scarified to a 'deth of 12 inches and recompacted :t0 at least 90% of the maximum dry density at a minimum moisture content of 3 prcent/ above optimum Soils excavated for the preparation of- the fill areas -and the fill material should then be placed in compacted lifts of V approximately- ix inches in thickness--at a moisture cont e'nt V ' V ' slightly above optimum moisture content As the depth of fill-V increases, the existing natural and fill slopes should be benched into- in a stair-step method to remove any topsoils or loose surface soils ., - • V V 4 .4.4V V V V• -V.' .' VV V V. 'I F SCS&T 8821211 January 26, 1989 Page 7 SITE DRAINAGE: The site should be' graded and maintained such that surface drainage is directed away from the top of slopes and into proper' swales or other controlled drainage devices. IMPORTED SOILS: Imported , soils should consist of nondetrimentall.y expansive soils,. (El less than 50) and should have strength parameters similar to the on-site soils. A minimum R-Value of 40 is recommended. All imported soils should be approved by the soil engineer prior to their delivery to the site. SUBGRADE PREPARATION AND BASE MATERIAL PLACEMENT: The upper twelve inches of subgrade should be scarified, moisture conditioned to above optimum moisture requirements, and compacted to at least 95 percent Of the maximum dry density. All soft or spongy areas should be removed and replaced with compacted fill,. The' subbase and base materials should be compacted' to at least 95' percent of 'its maximum dry density. All materials and methods' of construction should conform with good engineering practices and the minimum standards set forth by the City of Carlsbad. EARTHWORK: ' All earthwork and grading . contemplated for site preparation should be accomplished in accordance with the attached Recommended Grading Specifications and, Special Provisions. All special site preparation recommendations presented in the sections above will', supersede those in the Standard Recommended, Grading Specifications. All embankments, structural fill and fill ,should be compacted to at least ,90% relative compaction at or slightly over optimum., moisture content. Utility trench backfill beneath asphalt pavements should be compacted to a Tminimum of' 90% of its maximum dry density. The maximum dry density of each soil type should be , determined in accordance with A.S.T.M.' Test Method D-1557-78, Method A or C. SCS&T 8821211 '' January 26, '1989 Page 8 PAVEMENT SECTIONS Preliminary pavement' section recommendations were formulated based on the results of the Resistance Value' ("R"-Value) tests performed on samples obtained adjacent' to the existing roadway and assumed traffic' indexes (TI'S)'. Theses recommendations are presented on Table No. 1. Upon completion of the grading operation, a' field observation will be required to determine if the preliminary sections are applicable or if additional tests will be required. ' '• . ' TABLE NO. 1 R-VALUE = 28 TRAFFIC INDEXES ' ' .. 6.0 7.0 8.0, ' ALTERNATIVE I Thickness of Asphalt 4.0." ' 4.0. 4.5 Pavement, Inches Thickness of Class II 7.0 10.0 12.5 Aggregate. Base,. Inches ALTERNATIVE II. Thickness of Asphalt ' - 4.0 4.5 Pavement, Inches Thickness of Class II. ,. , - . . 6.0 7.5 Aggregate Base, "Inches Thickness of Sub-base ' 4.5 5.0 Material, Inches (Minimum'R-Value - 50) ' ' SCS&T 8821211',January 26, 1989 Page 9 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS It is required by the city of Carlsbad that the subbase and base materials required for the asphalt pavement section be continued below the proposed concrete curbs and gutters It is also required in areas were clayey soils exist below the proposed concrete sidewalks that the sidewalks be underlain by a minimum of four inches of Class II Aggregate Base Material Clayey soils are described as soils havinga Plasticity Index greater than 12 or a Sand Equivalent less than 20 It has been found that the weight of the concrete sidewalk is insufficient to counteract the expansive potential of clayey soils. It is therefore recommended that the subbase and sections of the asphalt pavement section recommendations be continued to a distance' of one foot beyond the limits of the proposed concrete improvements where clayey soils exist. Based on the plasticity index and sand equivalent tests performed on the 'R"-Value, samples, base material will be required beneath the sidewalk between station 37+00 and station 43+50. Additional field observations and laboratory testing may be required to determine the actual 'limits of these recommenda- tions. - LIMITATIONS REVIEW, OBSERVATION AND TESTING The recommendations, presented in this report are contingent upon our review' of final grading plans and specifications. 'Such plans and specifications should be made available to the soil engineer and engineering geologist so that they may review and verify their compliance with this report and Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code SCS&T 8821211 January26, 1989 Page 10 It is recommended that Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. be retained to provide continuous soil engineering services during the earthwork operations.. This is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications or recommendations and to allow design changes in the event that subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to start of grading. If you should have any questions after reviewing this report, please do not hesitate to contact our office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully submitted, - SOUTHER CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. jESSI Cr. NO.042204 Ronald S. Halbert, R.C.E. #4 4 Exp. Mar. 31, 1992 Reviewed b./1g2 • Charles H. Christian, R.G.E. #00215 CHC:RSH:dn (o.GEOOO215 cc: (6) Submitted p9O-89 . PROPOSED MONROE STREET WIDENING STREET, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS .- GENERAL PROVISIONS / GENERAL INTENT The intent of these -specifications., is to establish procedures. for clearing, compacting natural ground, preparing areas to be filled, Iand placing and compacting fill 'soils to the lines and grades shown on the . accepted plans. The recommendations contained in.,the preliminary geotechnicál investigation report and/or the attached Special Provisions are: a 'part of the Recommended Grading Specifications and shall supersede'' the provisions contained hereinafter inthe case of conflict. These specifications shall only be "'used in conjunction with the' geotechnical' report for which they are a part. No deviation from these specifications will be allowed, except where specified in the géotechnical' soil 'report or in other written communication signed., by the Soil Engineer.. OBSERVATION AND TESTING Southern California'Soil and Testing, Inc., shall be retained as the Soil Engineer to observe . and test the earthwork, in accordance with these specifications. It will be necessary that the Soil Engineer or his , representative 'provide adequate observation so. that he may provide an'opinion that the work was or' was-not. accomplished as specified. ' It . shall be the responsibility, of the contractor'to assist the soil engineer and • to keep him appraised of work schedules, changes and new information and: data, conditions not covered ' by the special provisions or preliminary soil report are encountered during the grading operatIons, the Soil Engineer shall be contacted for further recommendations. • ,' ' . SCS&T 8821211 January18, 1989 Appendix;A, Page 2 If, in the opinion of the Soil Engineer, substandard conditions are encountered, such as; questionable or unsuitable soil, unacceptable moisture content, inadequate compaction, adverse weather, etc., construction should be stopped until the conditions are remedied or corrected or he shall recommend rejection of this work.' Test methods used to determine the degree of compaction should be performed in accordance with the following American Society for Testing and Materials test methods: Maximum Density & Optimum Moisture Content -.A.S.T.M. D-1557-78. Density of Soil In-Place - A.S.T.M. D-1556-64 or A.S.T.M. D- 2922. All densities shall be expressed in terms of Relative Compaction as determined by the foregoing A.S.T.M. testing procedures. PREPARATION OF AREAS TO RECEIVE FILL All vegetation, brush -and debris derived from clearing operations shall be removed,and legally disposed of. All areas disturbed by site grading should be left in a neat and finished appearance, free from unsightly debris. After clearing or benching, the natural ground in areas to be filled shall be scarified to .a depth of 6 inches, brought to the proper moisture content, compacted and tested for the minimum degree of compaction in I the Special Provisions or the recommendation contained in the preliminary geotechnical investigation report. All loose soils in excess of 6 inches thick should be removed to firm natural ground which is defined as natural soils which possesses an In-situ density of at least 90% of its maximum dry density. • / • •• SCS&T 8821211 . January 18, 1989 Appendix A, Page 3 When the slope of the. natural ground receiving fill exceeds 20% (5 horizontal units to 1 vertical unit), the original ground shall be stepped or benched. Benches shall be cut to a firm competent soil condition. The lower bench shall be at least 10 feet wide or 1 1/2 times the equipment width, . which ever is greater, and shall be sloped back into the hillside at a gradient of. not less than two (2) percent. All other benches. shall be compacted prior to receiving fill as specified herein for compacted natural ground. Ground slopes flatter than 20% shall be benched when considered necessary by the Soil Engineer. Any abandoned buried structures encountered . during grading operations must be totally removed. All underground utilities to be abandoned beneath any proposed structure should be removed from within .10 feet of the structure and properly capped off. The resulting depressions from the above described procedures should be backfilled with acceptable soil that is compacted to the requirements of the Soil Engineer. This includes, but is not limited to, septic tanks, fuel tanks, sewer lines or leach lines, storm drains and water lines. Any buried structures or utilities not to be abandoned should be brought to the attention of the Soil. Engineer so that he may determine if any special recommendation will be necessary. All water wells which, will be abandoned should be backfilled and capped in ,accordance to the requirements set forth by the Soil Engineer. The top of the cap should be at least 4 feet below finish grade or 3 feet below the bottom of footing whichever is greater. . The type of cap will depend on. the diameter of the well and should be' determined by the Soil Engineer and/or a qualified Structural Engineer. FILL MATERIAL Materials to be placed in the fill shall be approved by the Soil Engineer and shall 'be 'free of vegetable matter and other SCS&T 8821211 January 18, 1989 Appendix A, Page 4 deleterious substances Granular soil shall contain sufficient fine material to fill the voids The definition and disposition of oversized rocks, expansive and/or detrimental soils are covered in the geotechnical report of Special Provisions. Expansive soils, soils of poor. gradation, or soils with low strength characteristics may be thoroughly mixed with other soils to provide satisfactory fill material, but only with the explicit • consent of the soil engineer.. Any import material, shall be approved by the Soil Engineer before being brought to the site. PLACING AND COMPACTION OF FILL Approved fill 'material shall be placed in areas prepared to receive fill in layers not to exceed 6' inches in compacted thickness. Each layer shall have a uniform moisture content in the range that will allow the compaction effort, to be efficiently applied to achieve the specified degree of compaction. Each layer shall be uniformly compacted to a minimum specified degree -of . of compaction with equipment of adequate size. to economically compact the layer. Compaction equipment should either be' specifically designed for soil compaction or of proven reliability. The minimum degree of' compaction to be achieved is specified in either the Special Provisions or the recommendations contained in the preliminary geotechnical investigation report. When the structural fill material, includes rocks, no rocks will be allowed to nest and all voids must be carefully filled with soil such that the minimum degree of compaction recommended in the Special Provisions is achieved. The maximum size and spacing of rock permitted in structural fills and in non- structural fills is discussed in the geotechnical report, when applicable. SCS&T 8821211 . Jánuáry 18, 1989 Appendix A, Page 5 Field observations and compaction test to estimate the degree of compaction of, the fill will be taken by the Soil Engineer or his representative; , The loation and frequency of the tests shall be at the Soil. Engineer's discretion. When the compaction test indicates that a particular, layer, is less than the required degree of compaction, the layer' 'shall be reworked to the satisfaction.of 'the Soil Engineer and until the desired relative ' compaction has been obtained. Fill slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoOt rollers or other suitable equipment. Compaction by sheepsfoot rollers shall be used at vertical intervals of not 'greater than four feet. In addition, fill slopes at ratios of two horizontal to on vertical or flatter, 'should be 'trackrolled. Steeper fill' slopes shall be over-built and cut-back to-finish contours after the slope has been constructed. Slope 'compaction -'operations shall result in all fill material six or more inches inward from ' the finished face of the slope having a relative compaction of at least 90% of the maximum dry density or' that specified in the, Special Provisions section of this ' specification. The compaction operation on the slopes shall be continued until the Soil Engineer is of the opinion that the. slopes will be stable in regards 'to surficial stability. Slope test will be, made by' the Soils Engineer during construction of the slopes to determine if the required compaction is be achieved. Where .failing tests occur or other field problems arise,,,the Contractor will be notified that day of such conditions by written communication from the , Soil' Engineer or his representative in the form of, a daily field report. If ,the method of achieving the required slope compaction selected by the 'Contractor fails to produce 'the necessary results, the Contractor shall rework or rebuild such slopes SCS&T 8821211 January18, 1989 Appendix A, Page 6 I - until the required degree of compaction is obtained, at no cost to the Owner or Soils Engineer. CUT SLOPES The Engineering Geologist shall inspect cut slopes excavated in rock or lithified formational material during the grading operations at intervals determined at his discretion. If any a conditions not anticipated in the preliminary report such as perched water, seepage, lenticular or. confined strata of a potentially adverse nature, unfavorably inclined bedding, joints or fault planes are encountered during grading, these conditions shall be analyzed by the Engineering Geologist and Soil Engineer to determine if mitigating, measures are necessary. Unless otherwise specified 'in the geotechnical report, no cut slopes shall be excavated higher or steeper that the allowed by the ordinances of the controlling governmental agency. ENGINEERING OBSERVATION . • • - Field observation by the Soil Engineer or,*his representative shall be made. during the filling and compaction operations -so that he can express his opinion regarding the conformance of the grading with acceptable standards of practice. The presence of the soil Engineer or his representative or the observation and testing shall not release the Grading Contractor from his duty to compact all fill material to the specified degree of compaction. . . . . • SEASON LIMITS . . . Fill shall not be placed during unfavorable weather conditions. When work is. interrupted by1heavy rain, filling operations shall not be resumed until the proper moisture content and density of SCS&T 8821211 January 18, 1989 Appendix A, Page 7 the fill-.materials can be achieved. Damaged site conditions resulting from weather or acts of God shall be repaired before acceptance of work. / RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS -SPECIAL PROVISIONS The minimum degree of compaction to be obtained in compacting natural ground, in the compacted fill, and in the compacted backfill, shall be at least 90 percent'. Detrimentally expansive soil is defined as soil which will swell more than 3 percent against a pressure of 150 pounds per square foot from a condition of 90 percent of maximum dry density and air dried moisturecontent to saturation, or by a soil 1-iavingan expansion index greater than 30. Oversized fill material is defined as rocks or lumps over 6 inches in diameter. At least 40 percent of the fill soils shall pass through a No. 4 U.S. Standard Sieve. / TRANSITION LOTS:. Where transition between cut and fill occur within the proposed building pad, the cut portion should be undercut a minimum of one foot below the base of the proposed footings and recompacted as structural backfill. ' In certain cases that would be addressed in the geotechnical report, special footing reinforcement or a combination of special footing reinforcement and undercutting may be required. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LEGEND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART SOIL DESCRIPTION ' GROUP SYMBOL TYPICAL NAMES 1., COARSE GRAINED, more than half of material is larger than , - No. 200 sieve size. ' GRAVELS , CLEAN GRAVELS , GW Wellgraded gravels, gravel- More than half of •• , sand mixtures, little or no coarse fraction is fines. larger than No. 4 GP Poorly graded gravels, gravel sieve size but - sand mixtures, little or no smaller'than 3U * - fines. GRAVELS WITH FINES GM Silty gravels, poorly graded (Appreciable amount gravel-sand-silt mixtures. of fines) : GC Clayey gravels, poorly : graded gravel-sand, clay. - . mixtures. SANDS CLEAN SANDS SW Well graded sand, gravelly More than, half of ' sands, little or, no fines. coarse -fraction is * 'SP Poorly graded sands, gravelly smaller than No: 4 , sands, little or no fines. sieve size. , SANDS WITH FINES ' SM Silty sands, poorly graded (Appreciable amount sand and silty.mixtures. of. fines) .' SC Clayey sands, poorly graded sand and clay mixtures. 11:-FINE GRAINED, more than* half of material is smaller than No.--200 sieve size. SILTS AND CLAYS ., •- ML Inorganic silts and very - . - fine sands, rock flour, sandy silt or clayey-silt-sand mixtures with slight plas- ticity. Liquid Limit -, CL Inorganic 'clays of low to less than 50. ' medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty - , clays, lean clays. OL Organic silts and organic silty clays or low plasticity. SILTS AND CLAYS . MH. Inorganic silts, micaceous - or diatornaceous fine sandy -. or silty soils, elastic silts. Liquid Limit CH Inorganic clays of high - .. greater-than 50 - • plasticity, fat clays. OH Organic clays of medium - to high plasticity. HIGHLY ORGANIC.SOILS PT Peat and other'highly 'I - •. organic soils. - - Water level at time of excavation , CK Undisturbed chunk sample or as indicated - . BG - Bulk sample US - Undisturbed, driven ring sample SP - Standard penetration sample ortubesample. .- SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL &TESTING,'INCO BY: CRB DATE: 011989 / JOB NUMBER: 21211 Plate No. 2 F • • I- -• • - - CL z 0 BORING NUMBER 1 ,- — z. LU 2Z >- — —, 'I.- ,.. — • ELEVATION uj : Z_ IU1_Cl) Cl) Z -Z 4<0 .. Z Ui — I- Z >0 — — Q. Ui- • O _________________ 4 (1) Q. — U) -c 0.9)0 w- 0 u Cl) us — I- <C) - 4 0 4 9) CI) 4 o. 0 4 0•Z <0 z rh .. w & Z 0 z 0 Ui 0. cc • - DESCRIPTION C) A. — 0 C) C) 0.— BAG Fill to 15.5 Feet, Grey Moist Medium Brown, CLAYEY SAND Dense 2 ..•. • - 4 - - 6-. 8 - Satur- - - - ated - - 12 - 14 - - - 16 US ML! ALLUVIUM, Dark Grey, 'Moist/ Stiff! - - CL& CLAYEY SILT, Interbedded Wet. Medium SM With-MEDIUM-to COARSE Satur- Dense - 18 - SILTY SAND ated - 20 -- - ___ — ___ -- . ___ -•- ____ US CL Dark Grey, SILTY CLAY Satur- Stiff ated - 22 •• - 24 - -, - - US sc Grey, CLAYEY SAND - Satur- Loose! • - - 26 - ated Medium - - - - - • Dense - Continued - — 30 J\ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: CRB - DATE LOGGED: 01-10-89 JOB NUMBER: 8821211 Plate No. . - - CL BORING NUMBER 1 - w 2 MI ., w - - - ELEVATION 1 Con't Z X i- Z - wU) z 4 . ,_ • - Z z I- ,- z ,- >0 - - ., MI . 0u_. (l) - 4 u ,a. - 4—MI o.U)0 ,.. 0 u 0. U) MI - - .4 C.) ..J 4 -, 0 4 U) U) 0 4 - z o Z w ILl >. 0 z ul 0 - CL DESCRIPTION . - - 0 0 CL - c.. . 0 30 C.) — US CL Dark Grey, SILTY CLAY Satur- Medium ated Stiff - 32- - 34- - US ML! Satur- Medium - Grey; SANDY SILT to SILTY 36 CL CLAY ated Dense! - - Stiff - 38 - 40 __ 7 - __ - - US SC! Grey, CLAYEY SAND to Satur- Loose! CL SILTY CLAY ated Medium - 42 - Dense - 44 - - 46.- 48 '- 50 Grey, CLAYEY SAND to Satur- - US SC! Medium CL SILTY CLAY - ated, Dense! - - Stiff 52 - - 54 ----- - SC TERRACE DEPOSITS, Red Satur- Medium Brown, CLAYEY SAND ated Dense - 56 -- Bottom at 56. Feet J\ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &TESTING, INC. > LOGGED BY CRB DATE LOGGED 01-10-89 JOB NUMBER 8821211 Plate No 4 * .. - Ui BORINGNUMEER2. .1 z • uj w ' UJ U I-z cc Ui Z UJfl I-Z 44 Z I- >0 - CL .. 0 ELEVATION Ix -cc 4 Z 4 - W. U) Ui Z 0 I- Z Cl) Ui I— C) Cl) a. - CL 0 IL 0) 0 IL UA a - - 0 -1 Cl) 4 - DESCRIPTION 4 2 oc 0 w"cc a. 2 o. 0 0 U U C) SM! FILL 10 8 FEET, Red Brown Moist Medium SC to Grey Brown, SILTY SAND Dense - 2 - to CLAYEY SAND +SS - - Grey Brown to. Red Brown, Medium Moist 6 SILTY SAND toCLAYEY SAND Dense - 8-- - SM/ ALLUVIUM, Dark Grey, Satur-. Loose - SC SILTY SAND to SANDY CLAY ated - 10 1 US 12 - . . • 14- SM/ Satur- Loose 1 Dark Grey, SILTY SAND to 16 US SC CLAYEY SAND . ated 18 - - - - SC TERRACE DEPOSITS, Red Satur- Medium .. 20 1 US Brown, CLAYEY SAND: ated Dense - Moist! Medium - 22 - Wet Dense - 24- . . Medium US I . SC Red Brown,-CLAYEY SAND Moist Dense 26 - : Bottom at 26 Feet 28 - .30 Jb\ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY CRB DATE LOGGED 01-10-89 JOB NUMBER:8821211 Plate No. 5 I - . - - UI BORINGNUMBER3'-. >. '-' z )- w I" I- CL 'w - - ELEVATION Z cc W .. Z - wfcl) T Z I-Z 44 ..W Z Z >0 - - - I- W a.o. o"- ) _________________ Cl) a. - 4-UI a.u0 00co CL UI - I... 40 - 0 4 () 4 " a. 0 4 a.z zø W W > cr 0 Wa. - DESCRIPTION IL Z — 0 0 - 0 0 - SM! FILL TO 10 FEET, Red Moist Medium - SC Brown to Grey Brown, Dense 2 - SILTY SAND to CLAYEY SAND 4- 6 - - 8- 10--- SM! ALLUVIUM, Dark Grey,' Wet! - Loose! SC SILTY SAND to CLAYEY SAND Satur- Medium . -. 12 - . ated Dense 14 - SC TERRACE DEPOSITS, Grey, Moist! Medium CLAYEY SAND . Wet Dense us . l6 16 ... . . 18 - . Medium I US SC .. Grey,, CLAYEY SAND Moist Dense 20 . - ____ _______________________ - ' Bottom at 20 Feet 22 - 24 26 - 28 - 30-- ,S4 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &TESTING, -INC. LOGGED BY CRB DATE LOGGED: 01-10-89 JOB NUMBER 8821211 Plate No. 6 MMMMMMMMMMa - Ui ;BORING NUMBER 4'..-w -. ,.. z • 2 0 ! >. w - ELEVATION z. cc -cc Z- - 2 W zM —Z Mi Z I - 2 >0 - - I- a. 0M. U) to _________________ '..Cl)' W 0.U)0 CO ui --- Ou a U) Mi - .. 0 ..a .U) 0 0.2 'c0 z"- >. 0 z 0 I ui a. - DESCRIPTION - 0 . . 0 0 - Sc FILL TO 12 FEET, Light . Moist. Medium - Grey to Brown, CLAYEY Dense 2 - ' SAND 4 6 8- . . -•; . .' 10 Grey, SILTY SAND ' Moist Medium - SM US Dense 12-- ALLUVIUM, Grey, SILTY Wet Medium - SC SAND to 'CLAYEY SAND . . Dense 0 14 - Dark Grey, CLAYEY SAND to Medium SC! Wet ,I US 16 CL SANDY CLAY . Dense!. . . Stiff 18- 20— SM! US Grey, SILTY SAND to CLAY- Satur- Medium • SC EY SAND.;.' • ated . Dense . 22-: 24- U5 SM! Grey, SILTY SAND to CLAY- ' Satur- Medium 26 -. SC, EY SAND . ated ., Dense 28 - - _30 - \ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG', SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: CRB DATE LOGGED: 01-10-89 JOB NUMBER 8821211 Plate No. 7 W CL BORING NUMBER 4 i. -w '— 2 w w I-. z w Z_ LU U) -Z ( 4 o Z >0 — - ELEVATION I— I— • LU Zs - Z - I— • Q. 0 Q) ( Q. - U.U)Q w—- 4-.W Q.UA _________________ • U) 4 Q. 0 4 CL Z 4 0 z' >. 0 Z 0 LU Q. -i DESCRIPTION 0 . 0 30 0 - 0 US SM/ Grey Brown, SILTY SAND to Satur- Medium — SC CLAYEY SAND ated Dense 32- - 1 34 - - SM Brown, SILTY SANDt Medium Satur- 36 US ated. Dense 38- 40- SM Brown, SILTY SAND Satur- Medium - ated Dense — 42- '• - 44 - • - 46 - - 48- - 50- — 52- — SC J TERRACE DEPOSITS, Red Wet! Medium I I I 54 Brown, CLAYEYSAND Satur- Dense — I I • I• •.•I.• I I• I I SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &TESTING, iNc. LOGGED BY: CRB JDATE LOGGED 01_10_89 JOB NUMBER: 8821211 • Plate No. 8