January 25, 1995
Project No. 51-1791-00-013
Mr. Richard E. Cook
Principal Construction Inspectoi
City of Carlsbad
Engineering Department
2075 Las Palmas Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92009-1519
JAN26 1995
Subject: Report of In-Place Density Test Results
Subgrade and Aggregate Base
Project: El Camino Real Sidewalk.
Carlsbad, California
Dear Mr. Cook:
In accordance with your authorization,w e-hdVe performed in-place density testing services
associated with the subgrade compaction and aggregate base placement for the El Camino Real
Sidewalk in Carlsbad, California The scope of our services consisted of in-place density testing
of subgrade and aggregate base, laboratory tests for moisture-density curves of the subgrade and
aggregate base material, and preparation of this summary of compaction test results.
In-place density testing was performed on a part-time, "as-called" basis at the direction of the
City's resident project inspector. Our services were performed from October 13, 1994 through
October 24, 1994., T.D. Hays was the: .contractor, for the project. ............
The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of subgrade soils and a representative
sample of aggregate base was evaluated in our laboratory in general accordance with ASTM test
procedure D-1557. The results of the tests are presented in Table 1 entitled "Maximum Density
Test Results."
In-place density tests of subgrade and aggregate base were performed-in general accordance with
ASTM test procedures D-2922 and D-3017 (nuclear method of determination of density and
moisture, respectively). The results of the tests at the specified locations tested are 'presented in
Table 2 entitled "Compaction Test Summary."
Copyright 1995 Kleinfelder, Inc. Page 1 of 2 51-1791-00-013
KLEINFELDER 9555 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 101, San Diego, CA 92123 (619) 541-1145
Testing was performed at the direction of the project inspector, and results of the in-place density
tests were reported to the project inspector either in the field at the time of testing or shortly
thereafter once the maximum density test was complete. Since our services were provided. on'. a
part-time, "as-called" basis, we did not observe placement of aggregate base and paving
operations on a near-continuous basis. Therefore, we cannot comment that all subgrade and
aggregate base have been placed and compacted in accordance with the project specifications.
Our tests have been performed in accordance with the generally accepted pavement testing
practices in the Carlsbad area at this time. No warranty, express or implied, is made.
We appreciate the opportunity to be of service. If you have any questions or need additional
information, please contact the undersigned.
Sincerely, •. S
c- -
Ronald C. Thomson • •
Operations Manager
Attachments: Table L- Maximum Density Test Results
Table 2 - Compaction Test Summary
Copyright 1995 Kleinfelder, Inc. • Page 2 of 2 51-1791-00-013
KLEINFELDER 9555 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 101, San Diego, CA 92123 (619) 541-1145
: ,TABLE 1
Project Name: . . - . Project No.:
El Camino Real Sidewalk . . 51-1791-00-013
Carlsbad, California . .
.4 Class 2 Aggregate Base 5.9
. . 138'
- . 4
..: -' - •., % -14
. .• . 11,. ... -- -
I '
- Accepted engineering and testing procedures were used for thes tests.' Tti'e above data are presented for information
purposes only. In the absence of continuous observation by our personnel at the site, we cannot express an opinion as
to the adequacy of site preparation or overall site compaction. We do not undertake the guarantee of construction, nor
- do we relieve the contractor of his responsibility to produce a completed project conforming to the project plans and
75ML9-95.WRD -• - . . -. -
Copyright 1995 Kleinfelder, Inc. - . - -
Project Name: El Camino Real Sidewalk Project #: 51-1791-00-013
Carlsbad, California
10/14/94 1 El Camino Real STA 0+75 -3.5 114.4 14.1 91 1 Pass 1
(90% req.)
10/14/94 2 El Camino Real STA 1+00 -3.0 121.8 10.2 91 2 Pass
(90% req/)
10/14/94 3 El Camino Real STA 0+90 -2.0 124.5 10.7. 93 2 Pass
(90% req.)
10/14/94 4 El Camino Real STA 1+00 -2.5: 124.5 9.1 93 2 5 Pàss
- . . . . . (95% req.)
10/12/94 5 4 El Camino Real STA 1+00 -2.5 127.8 10.9 96 2 Pass
(95% req)
10/12/94 6 El Camino Real STA 0+50 . 2.5 127.0 11.5 95 2 Pass
(95% req.)
10/19/94 7 El Camino Real STA 1+25 -2.5 110.6. 15.9 88 3 Failed*
10/20/94 8 El Camino Real STA 0+50 . -2,5 115.4 16.1 91 3 Failed'
10/20/94 9 El Camino Real -STA 1+00 -2.5 115.7 15.7 91 3 . Failed.'
10/20/94 10
El Camino Real STA 1+00 -2.5 113.4 17.6 90 3 Failed*
10/24/94 11 El Camino Real STA 1+50 F.G. 137.5. 4.1 98 4 Pass
(95% req.)
10/24/94 12 El Camino Real STA 0+60 .' E.G. 135.3 5.6 99 4 Pass
(95% req.)
* Material for failed tests NOs. 7, 8, 9, and 10 was removed and replaced with aggregate base per the direction of the City inspector'
E.G. =Finish Grade
Accepted engineering and testing procedures were used for these tests. The above data are presented for information purposes
only. In the absence of continuous observation by our personnel at the site, we cannot express an opinion as'to the adequacy of
site preparation or overall site compaction. We do not undertake the guarantee of construction, nor do we relieve the contractor of
his responsibility to produce a completed project conforming to the project plans and specifications. S
Copyright 1995 Kleinfelder, Inc. S . 51-1791-00-013