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FRASER ENGINEERING, INC. November 7, 1994 s9l 11 2-05 Mr. Richard Cook 4, City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmar Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 (4 OD Project: Avenida Encinas Widening Segments'A and B Subject: Calculation of Earthwork Pay Quantities Dear Mr. Cook: At the direction of the City of Carlsbad through Joe Federico, City of Carlsbad construction inspector, Fraser Engineering performed topographic surveys and earthwork volume calculations for the above referenced project. We performed topographic field surveys both prior to the project construction (original ground condition), and prior to the import of offsite borrow material (ground before import borrow condition). Computer generated digital terrain surfaces were created for the project site to model the original ground condition, the ground before import borrow condition, and the design subgrade condition. Earthwork volume calculations were performed using these terrain models with the results for segments A and B presented as follows: Unclassified Ex. Eli Import Borrow Segment A: 140 cy cut 4,335 cy fill (4,195 cy) Segment B: 2,470 cy cut 2,505 cy fill ( 35 cy) Project Total: 2,610 cy cut 6,840 cy fill (4,230 cy) Project Pay Quantities: Unclassified Excavation 2,610 cy Import Borrow 4,230 cy The above mentioned cut and fill volumes include an allowance of 385 cy for existing pavement removal from Segment "B" which is classified as clear and grub material. Additionally, as shown above, the Project Pay Quantities include an adjustment of 2,610 cy for cut material (unclassified excavation) which was present at the time of the topographic survey for imported borrow. If you have any questions regarding the field survey and/or our earthwork volume calculations please do not hesitate to contact me or David Tayari of our office. Sincerely, FRASER ENGINEERING, INC. Michael K. Pasko, P.E. Vice President 2191 El Camino Real, Oceanside, California 92054 • (619) 722-3495 • fax (619) 722-3490 100 W. Broadway, Suite 390, Long Beach, California 90802 • (310) 590-7959 • fax (310) 495-0889 4111 82nd Street, Sacramento, California 95826 • (916) 489-1390 • fax (916) 457-1817 CADD Services Civil Engineering Construction Management Development Planning Flood Control and Drainage Plan Check Services Project Mapping Services Public Works Planning Right of Way Services Sanitary Engineering Street and Highways Structural Engineering Surveying Traffic Planning Transportation Engineering Water Reclametioni Reuse FRASER 4 ENGINEERING, INC. / 2191 EL CAMINO REAL OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054 (619)722-3495 NOV cq EVioaft %j 1994 AVENIDA ENCINAS WIDENING SEGMENT A & SEGMENT B TYPICAL SECTION VOLUME = © —® = REMAINING FILL (GROSS) -OG AT START 7 OF PROJECT® f (MEASURED IN I DESIG (REQ'I FIELD) I SUBGRADE®) BY BID DOCS VOLUME =0-0 =AVAILABLE UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATIOI [AT TIME OF SURVEY] VOLUME - =IMPORT BORROW (BID ITEM QUANTITY) VOLUME = ® —® = UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION (BID ITEM QUANTITY) PAVEMENT] SECTION PER PLANS GROUND BEFORE IMPORT BORROW 2J (MEASURED IN FIELD) ftft —0-000 ~ 000 ALL EARTHWORK QUANTITIES ARE BULK VOLUMES. ADJUSTMENTS FOR SHRINKAGE OR EXPANSION HAVE NOT BEEN MADE. Nov 09, 1994 - 0857:59 -- - rRAsER1pRoJEcTs\Ie0\12\nwGs\voLuMEoI.Dva 120-12-05 ,P67 89 Noy 1994 RECEIVED Engr/ AVENIDA ENCINAS EARTHWORK VOLUME CALCULATION SUMMARY BY FRASER INC. PROJECT NO: 120-12-05 N GROSS VOLUMES NET VOLUMES - - ten CUT FILL CUT FILL FROM STA TO STA AREA (CY) (CY) (CV) (CY) QUANTITY DESCRIPTION - - 58+50 61+00 N + S 2420 2420 A = 6 - 3 UNCLASSIFIED FILL [ remove & recompact] x (Required by bid documents) 55+19 57+50 NI +S1 210 210 B = 3 - 4 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION (City directed x work) 55+19 57+50 N2 + S2 450 450 C = 3 - CONTRACTOR'S OVERCUT (not required by x bid documents) 40+20 72+65 PROJECT AREA 6840 4230 D = I - 2 BORROW EXCAVATION X PROJECT Available LOCAL BORROW volume used to 40+20 72+65 AREA 2610 - E = 2 - I adjust volume D for final pay volume for X BORROW EXCAVATION 40+20 72+65 PROJECT 2430 - F = 6 - i UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION (required by x AREA bid documents) * PROJECT UNCLASSIFIED FILL - net volume adjusted to 40+20 72+65 AREA 6420 3990 G = I - 6 develop net BORROW EXCAVATION volume X * VOLUMES REFLECT AN ADJUSTMENT OF 385 CY FOR THE REMOVAL OF EXISTING PAVEMENT (CLEAR & GRUB). ALL EARTHWORK QUANTITIES ARE BULK VOLUMES. ADJUSTMENTS FOR SHRINKAGE OR EXPANSION HAVE NOT BEEN MADE. * CALCULATIONS PERFORMED TO VERIFY FIELD NET BORROW EXCAVATION VOLUME. (VOLUME D) 05:59 PM 11/07/94 h:120I2ssht\AE-VOLS.WK4 89 1O 4 NOV 1994 RECEIVED EngrlGoflt —OG AT START 7 OF PROJECT® f (MEASURED IN FIELD) DESIGN SUBGRADEO (REQ'D BY BID DOCS) SCARIFY AND RECOMPACT LIMITS© (REQ'D BY BID DOCS) VOLUME <S>= ® —® = UNCLASSIFIED FILL (KEYWAY/BENCHING) MOVE & RECOMPACT] MQUIREDBY BID DOCUMENTS) 0'\ 4p1 VOLUME B =® —®=CLEAR AND GRUB (CITY DIRECTED WORK) I VOLUME =®—®=UNCLASSIFIED FILL BENCHING (REQUIRED BY BID DOCUMENTS) VOLUME = cD —® = REMAINING FILL (GROSS) VOLUME = ® —O = AVAILABLE UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION [AT TIME OF SURVEY] VOLUME — =IMPORT BORROW (BID ITEM QUANTITY) VOLUME = ® —O = UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION (BID ITEM QUANTITY) VOLUME =0 —® =UNCLASSIFIED FILL I PAVEMENT SECTION R PLANS ENCHING /KEYWAY WHERE REQUIRED BY BID DOC(JMENTS®(MEASURED IN FIELD) BACK OF KEY NOTE: ALL EARTHWORK QUANTITIES ARE BULK VOLUMES. ADJUSTMENTS FOR SHRINKAGE OR EXPANSION HAVE NOT BEEN MADE. Nov 09, 1994 - 085759 rRASERIPROJECTS\120\12\DJGS\VOLUMEQ1.DVG %FR ELD) ND BEFORE IMPORT OW ® (MEASURED IN FIELD) RECOMPACT LIMITS 0 SCARIFY AND soft (REQ'D BY BID DOCS) .-f- INCOMPETENT FI MATERIAL CUT® (MEASURED IN FIELD) EMBANKMENT KEY 120-12-05