Lcicjwig Design G.rou'p,,,,1nc.,:,-
Colina Roble is a proposed 30 lot residential subdivision within LFM Zone 11 in the southeast portion
4 of the City of Carlsbad, It is a28 unit R1-10,000 square foot minimum lot size standard subdivision
located south of the southwest corner ofRanchb Santa Fe Road and Olivenhain Road., The property
onsists of 35.4 acres of which only approximately 10 acres, or about 28%,w111 be developed; the
remaining 25± acres, approximately 72% of the site, would remain as natural open space. This
- development project represents approximately on-half of the development density that is allowed
under gràwth management criteria; 55 units are allowed and 28'uñits are being requested or density
of 1.6 Dwelling Units per acre where 3.2 is allowed.
The southemportion of the property is characterized by cóást live oak woodlands and steep slopes.
The development will cause no impact to the coast live oak habitat and only about four-tenths of an
acre of impact to southern mixed chaparral as a result of coiitructing the acèess road into the
property. ...... . i..-. . . ..
Encinitas Creek, a major open space corridor under the proposed Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan
(HMP) passes through the northern portion of the property. Development is being kept away from
the existing, wetlands with only 0.28 of an acre being directly impacted: There is adequate room
onsite to mitigate this minor impact'
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Based on extensive survey results and field meetings with the prject biologists and representatives
fröm'the City of Carlsbad, the Army Corps of Engineers, the State Fish & Game Department, and the
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the manufactured slopes adjacent to the wetlands,(Lots 1:19) have been
relocated several times from our original plan to avoid habitat impacts and to facilitate additional
habitat buffer areas. The top of slope on th&se lots will have a fence or walland.be the soütherlyedge
Of the wetlands buffer To achieve the habitat buffer setbacks, the alignment of"A Stre adjacent
to Lots 3-7 was adjusted in a southerly direction and will require a cnb type wall along the south edge
.- ..• .- ,- . •• . - • . . t• - s. of A Street. . : : •• . : - . •. .
As a result Of the sensitive wetlands habitat on the northern portion of the property and the sensitive
üplandhabitat and steep slopes on the southern portion of the proprty, the access and development
options for the property are limited. The only source of access to the development is Rancho1Santa.
Fe Road, which runs along the eatern portion of the ownership. In order io prbperly service the
project while preserving the estimated 72% Open space and avoiding impact to the prdperty's
sensitive habitat areas, a variance for cul-de-sac length will be required-
, The project's cul-de-sac
street is 1,500 lineal feet as proposed; the standard maximum length is 1,200 feet. Due,to the lack
of access alternatives, the larger lots, 1,000 feet of single loaded street, and the small project size,
we believe this variance request is very reasonable and supportable, a separate justification for this
variance is attached -
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Based on the not-yet-approved Shelley Property, shown as Carlsbad Tract 90-03, this project may
necessitate an intersection spacing variance on Rancho Santa Fe Road, 500 feet versus the 600 foot
standard An intersection with full left and right turning movements is required for Colina Roble
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In light of the project's limitel frontage along Rancho Santa Fe Road and the small size-of the
t de'ielopment, wewill request that the project not be required to construct planned widening and
related improvements to Rancho Santa FeRoad Instead, we will request that our project pay the
required fee esiablished for this'area so that the entire section of RanchoSanta Fe Road can be
improved at one time in the future In addition to paying the proportionate share fee, we will offer
to set aside a portion of the property as a mitigation area for the wetlands impact that will likely occur
as a result of the widening of Rancho Santa Fe Road where it crosses Encinitas Creek /
' - - ,, _ ' construction-of Detention, Basw ...onthe_northwestern.portionoftheproperty. .As part of this
rojè'illi&fuest the dik easements and inundation 'easements
that the City acquired as paitolthedetention basin constr~uct n. Tlefnsti'ii&ifCóliiià Roble
will eliminate the need fo1ã11or portionsof theseCity easements*
The project has five panhandle lots (lots 19, 22, 23 2, and 26)whic tegate ell into the project
overall layout and larger lot design A separate justification has been prepared for this request
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Our project application includes a request to the Council Policy 57 and 58 Committee relative to
affordable - housing. ' Included .vith this transmittal is. a letter front the previous: housing and
redevelopment director in which he recommends that this project be allowed to purchase the required
affordable housing credits in the Villa Loma Project With 28 residential units proposed, the project's
affordable requirement is 4.2 units (28 x 15%- 4.2)'..
The proposed Carlsbad Trail System Segment Number 55A has not be'én shown within the boundaries
- of this project The siting criteria suggests that the trail could connect with the traffic signal at
Ohvenhain Road In addition, Trail Segment 56A is suggested to be a sidewalk/bike lane type of a
trail system Because of th significant wetlands along the north side of Encinitas Creek and its
seisitive value as a habitat corridor, it seems unlikely that this wduld be a good 1pation for a"public- '
trail system1 We would suggest that the public trail system be in the right-of-way oz the 1vesfedge
of Rancho Santa Fe Road to the City of Encinitas Boundary
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Overall, we believe the proposed developnent responds well to the City's development criteria as
well as the property's unique physical constraints while blending a high quality residential housing —
opportunity with an extraordinary, level of natural resource protection
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