HomeMy WebLinkAbout3551; POINSETTIA LANE OVERHEAD WIDENING; STRUCTURAL REVIEW; 2001-05-07Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening
Prepared by
Daniel, Mann, Johnson, & Mendenhall
3250 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90010
May 7, 2001
Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening
Structural Review
The structural review and check report contained herein have been prepared
by or under the direction of the following Registered Civil Engineers:
Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening
The Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening project is located in the City of Carlsbad and
consists of widening the existing 44'-8" wide structure to 76'-0" wide. There is a 5'-0"
wide sidewalk on the south side of the existing structure. There is no sidewalk on the
north side of the existing structure. The final widened structure will however have a 6'-0"
wide sidewalk on the north side of the structure.
The bridge is a three span, 142'-2V4" long, structure crossing over two SDNR railroad
tracks. The entire bridge in located within the railroad right-of-way. The existing bridge
superstructure consists of precast prestressed slab units supported on two pier walls and
seat type abutments. The widened portion of the structure will also consist of precast
prestressed slab units. Both the existing and widened portion of the pier walls and
abutments are supported on driven steel H piles. A copy of the General Plan for the
bridge structure in shown on Appendix A.
The overall scope of the project also included rehabilitation of roadway approaches at
either end of the bridge and construction of expansion vaults behind the abutments to
accommodate two water lines that run under the median of the bridge structures. DMJM's
scope of work however, was limited to checking of the bridge plans, calculations,
estimate, and supplemental provisions pertaining to the structural items. DMJM also
checked the consistency of the bridge plans with the roadway plans and connectivity of
the water lines to the bridge structure.
Review Process
DMJM performed the review of the bridge structure during three stages of the design
process. Our review was made at 65%, 90%, and 100% completed stages of the bridge
Daniel, Mann, Johnson, & Mendenhall
plans. Our review of the plans identified any obvious omissions, conflicts, or
incompatible structural framing or details.
Geometric Layout - DMJM performed a complete check of the geometric layout of the
bridge structure. As a part of the geometric layout check, we reviewed the magnitude of
the minimum vertical clearance and its location together with the space required for
construction operation and structure construction access plans. Any inconsistency or
errors were brought to the designer's attention and corrected in the final plans.
Superstructure - We reviewed the calculations made by the designer and the
independent checker of the bridge structure. We also reviewed the plans and checked to
ensure that the calculations and plans are consistent with one another. We checked the
adequacy of prestressing force (Pf) and the number of strands. Submitted calculations
were also reviewed for the required ultimate moment reinforcement and shear stirrups.
Any inconsistency or errors were brought to the designer's attention and corrected in the
final plans.
Substructure - Design of the abutments were reviewed. Adequacy of the abutment
reinforcement, seat width, and piles at the abutments were checked. We also checked the
dowels connecting the superstructure to the substructure and their capacity to resist the
transverse shear force due to seismic forces. The detailing of the abutment components
on the plans were reviewed.
The submitted computer runs for the design of the pier walls were also reviewed.
Adequacy of the main reinforcement at the bent caps and pier walls was checked. The
number of piles at the pier walls was also checked. The detailing of the pier wall
components on the plans were reviewed.
The calculations for the thickness of the bearing pads at the abutments and the bent caps
were also checked.
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Any inconsistency or errors in the calculation of the substructure forces and any
deviations from the Caltrans Bridge Details guidelines were brought to the designer's
attention and corrected in the final plans.
Seismic Design Criteria - The design guidelines and modeling techniques used by the
designer and independent checker were reviewed. Both the designer and independent
checker had followed the Caltrans Seismic Design Criteria dated July 1999 which is
consistent with the present bridge design practices. Any inconsistency or errors in the
seismic modeling were brought to the designer's attention and corrected in the final plans.
Structure Foundation Report - We have reviewed the Structure Foundation Report
prepared by Agra Earth & Environmental, Inc. and have compared it with the required
items listed in the Caltrans Bridge Aids Section 15-3 that should be addressed. We found
that all the required items have been adequately addressed in the Foundation Report.
Supplemental Provisions - We have reviewed all the pertaining structural items and
ensured that all required items of work have been adequately addressed. This includes
special standard for construction workmanship, calculations of pay items, and method of
payment for each of the structural components of the bridge. Any inconsistency or errors
were brought to the designer's attention and corrected in the final document.
DMJIM reviewed all plan details with an overview perspective to verify that the details
are complete, reasonable, structurally sound, and constructible. All moment connections
were checked to verify that details are adequate to resist moments resulting from various
loading conditions. We have confirmed that there are sufficient details shown for
modifying the existing structure and joining the new structure to existing structure
components. We have also checked the construction sequence, all the notes and details
and ensured that these notes are consistent with the details shown and these details meet
the Caltrans guidelines. We have reviewed all the revisions to the plans, calculations and
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supplemental provisions to ensure that they are in compliance with the review comments.
We have clearly identified any design deficiencies and have closely coordinated with the
designer to convey our concerns and communicate these review findings in order to
facilitate an expedite response to our review comments.
It is our professional opinion that the final set of PS&E package dated January 29, 2001,
adequately addresses all our review comments and that this set contains details that are
constructible. It is also our professional opinion that this PS&E package is in
conformance with the applicable Caltrans bridge design and detail codes and standards
and meets the applicable City Codes and Standards.
Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening
Appendix A
General Plan
Prepared by
Daniel, Mann, Johnson and Mendenhall
May 7, 2001
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