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lith NOV 17W4 SUBMITTAL DATA FOR: SEISMIC RETRO FIT PROJECT STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR CONSTRUCTION ON STATE HIGHWAY IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY IN CARLSBAD FROM 0.7 MILE SOUTH TO 0.3 MILE NORTH OF POINSETTIA LANE OVERCROSSING DISTRICT 11 - ROUTE 5 CONTRACT NO. 11-167844 PREPARED BY: SAVALA CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 16402 E. CONSTRUCTION CIRCLE IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92714 PHONE 714-651-0221 FAX 714-552-8597 JOHN LYDOFF, PROJECT MANAGER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHOP DRAWING REVIEW The approval by the Erar'r r shop or working drawing (Or of any drawing )i t,,icConc' i .uipmeni) shall not in any way be deemed to reka .. 'itoi from lull responsibility for complete and accurate oerom:::i. the Work in accordance with the Conttact Drawings and Speciuicaons; neither shall such approval release the Contractor from any liability placeld upon him by any provision in the Form of Contract. 0 ..........DRAWING REJECTED/RESUBMIT DRAWING APPROVED AS NOtED fj I4hruI3 0 ....................DRAWING APPROVED By:r_i Date S ''V. ,• - ;. .. - c,. .VV(•J $ V 'V V kel MX 1 $. •.: V v IC VVV fl C.1LY V ••\ -; $TJjT.• n . .' V . rit vi • 1 PjI pIJI.. ljI)ri I I ' j1 IFr1I [ I41ITI WIr II ,h1i i Ir1 DEPAR TMENT (OF TRANSPORTATION KELLY PIPE COMPANY GENERAL PROJECT NOTES 1)... CARBON STEEL PIPE AWWA C-200 STRAIGHT SEAM WELDED, W/ GRADE 36 COILS ASTM A53B ELECTRIC RESISTANCE WELDED 2)... CEMENT MORTAR LINING AWWA C-205, W/ ASTM C-150 CEMENT TYPE II 5/16" THICKNESS (<=12") 1/2" THICKNESS (14") 3/4" THICKNESS (20") 3)... CEMENT MORTAR COATING AWWA C-205, WI ASTM C-150 CEMENT TYPE II 1-1/4" THICKNESS 4).. .EPDXY LINING/COATING INTERIOR- 8 MILS DFT, DEVOE #236 EXTERIOR- FIRST COAT, 4 MILS DFT, DEVOE #304 - FINISH COAT, 4 MILS DFT, DEVOE #224HS . 5).. .FUSION BONDED EPDXY COATING EXTERIOR- PER AWWA C-213 6)... CARBON STEEL WELD FITTINGS ASTM A-234 WPB SEAMLESS CARBON STEEL 7)... CARBON STEEL FLANGES ANSI B16.5 150# FLAT FACED SLIP-ON ANSI B16.5 150# FLAT FACED BLIND 8)... BUTTSTRAPS AND SIMULATED WELD BELLS ASTM A-36 MILD CARBON STEEL 9)... FABRICATED STEEL FITTINGS AWWA C-208, M-11 10)... SHOP WELD TESTING ALL SHOP MITRE & GIRTH WELDS TO BE TWO-PART DYE PENETRANT CHECKED, PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF PATCHING 1)... MECHANICAL FLEX COUPLINGS AWWA C-606, VICTAULIC STYLE #77 ft Coating Type Colors Buff Medium Gray Haze Gray Off White Light Blue Oxide Rcd Packaging Component Ratio Flash Point Advanced technology cpoxy Catalog Number 236-K-1642 236-K-2534 236-K-2904 236-K-3501 236-K4129 236.K-7821 S CilIc,n and I Gallon two-component kits 4 to I by volume I 00^F(3 S°C)Sctatlash Since 1754 - Bar-RustTM 236 Multi-PurposeE Epoxy Coating Marine• Industrial -Offshore Catalog Number 236-X-XXXX FEATURES RECOMMENDED USES Low VOC 1.41 Lbs/Gal (170 Grams per liter) Outstanding Corrosion Resistance - Suitable for fresh and salt water immersion Suitable for corrosive environments Resistant to many solvents and chemicals Resistant to cathodic disbortdmcnt Lowers Cost of Surface Preparation Surface tolerant Good adhesion to tight rust Good adhesion to damp surfaces Low Temperature Cure Cures down to 0°F (-18°C) Fast dry-to-recoat Application Self priming Approvals Mil-13.23236B(SI-I) Typo 1 and IV, Type I and IV and Class 2 Grain cargo - North England hid. Health Ser. USDA approval for incidental food contact (Off white only) Bar-Rust 236 is a true universal coating. Tank Lining Ballast tanks, water tanks, bilges and any other water containment structures Cargo, chemical, fuel and solvent resistant -See Tank Lining Chemical Resistance Table Ships, Offshore and Marine Structures Above and below water hulls, decks and superstructures, internal tanks, voids and wet spaces, Ideal maintenance coating Structural Steel, Equipment and Masonry Pulp and paper mills, chemical and fertilizer plants, sewage treatment plants, tank farms, piping and bridges Fabrication and New Construction Speeds up production-,fast recoat and cure even at low temperatures I -- SPECIFICATION DATA U Induction time IS minutes at 77°F (25°C) VOC 1.41 Lbs/Gal EPA 24 (170 Grams per liter) Temp. Resistance 250°F (121°C) dry Volume Solids 80% ASTM D2697 (7 day) Theoretical Spreading Rate 1283 Sq.Ft/Gal at I mu (31.6 Sq.mil at 25 microns) Recommended Film Thickness 5.0-10.0 rnils wet to obtain 4.0-8.0 mils dry Application Airlcss spray preferred Time - Temperature Drying Curve thinner For exterior and clean up l)ev,,c T-10 Thinner For interior t)evoc T-4 Thinner • Pot Life 4 hours at 77°F (25°C) Shelf Life 2 years Density 12,9 Lbs/Gal (1,5 kg/1) 70/31 J 3 • 0 a 10 12 4 ia là 33 22 34 20 20 30 22 Dry-t040c031 - Ory hard The above curve is intended only an a general guidene. Ventilation, film thickness, humidity, thinning and other lactate can influence the rate of dry (ASTM 01640). Application Guide Surface Preparation All heavy-duty corrosion control coatings provide the maximum performance over near white blasted surfaces. Thçre are, however, structures where it is not possible to obtain this ideal surface condition. Bar-Rust Coatings were desig n e d t o p r o v i d e e x c e l l e n t service over less than ideal surface preparation. The surface preparation recommended for Bar-Rust 236 Coating is to in c l u d e r e m o v a l o f w a t e r , s a l t , d i r t , o i l , l o o s e rust and all rust scale. For maximum performance, treat all surfaces with Dcvprep 88 Cleaner, followed by high pressure wash. This can be accomplished with hydroblasting, grit sweeping and with a variety of mechanical descaling tools. The minimum standard for non-imm e r s i o n s e r v i c e is Steel Structures Painting Council Standard SSPC.SP-2 or Swedish Standard DSt2; for immersion service, the minimum standard is SSPC.SP3 or Swedish Standard DSt3. For rank lining service, see the T a n k l i n i n g C h e m i c a l R e s i s t a n c e T a b l e . F o r n o n - i m m e r s i o n surfaces, Pre-Prime 167 Sealer should he considered before application of Bar-Rust 236 Coating. Most epoxies have an aged recoat limitation. Contact your Devoe Coatings Representative for recommendations. Mixing and Thinning = Bar-Rust 236 Coating is a two component product supplied in 5 Gallon and 1 Gallon kits which contain the proper ratio of ingredients. The entire contents of each container must be mixed together. P o w e r m i x t h e b a s e p o r t i o n f i r s t t o o b t a i n a s m o o t h , h o m o g e n c o u s condition. After mixing the base portion, add the convertor slowly with continued agitation. After the conv e r t o r a d d i s c o m p l e t e . c o n t i n u e to mix slowly. Bar-Rust 236 Coating requires a 15 minute induction time at 77°F (251,C). Thinning is not normally required or desired; however, at extreme environmental conditions, small amounts (10% or less by vo l u m e ) of the solvents on the reverse page can he added depending on l o c a l V O C a n d a i r q u a l i t y r e g u l a t i o n s , A n y s o l v e n t a d d i t i o n s h o u l d h e m a d e after the two components are thoroughly mixed. The pot life of the mixed material is 4 hour s a t 7 7 ° F ( 2 5 ° C ) . H i g h e r t e m p e r a t u r e s w i l l reduce working life of the coating; lower temperatures will inc r e a s e it. - _Application Bar-Rust 236 Coating can be applied by air spray and airless spray methods, however, t h e p r e f e r r e d m e t h o d o f a p p l i c a t i o n is with . heavy-duty airless spray. For airless application, a 45:1 King pump or larger is recommended. Tip sizes from .021 t o . 0 2 7 w i l l p r o v i d e a good spray pattern. For optimum results, fluid hoses should be 3/8' ID or larger with a maximum len g t h o f S O f e e t L o n g e r h o s e l e n g t h or cold temperatures may require an increase in pump ratio a n d / o r t h i n n i n g . Bar-Rust 236 Coating may also be applied by brush or roller. C a r e s h o u l d b e t a k e n t h a t p r o p e r a n d u n i f o r m f i l m t h i c k n e s s e s are obtained. Antifouling paints should be applied over Bat-Rust 236 C o a t i n g w h e n t h e l i a r - R u s t 2 3 6 C o a t i n g b e c o m e s t a c k - f r e e b u t s t i l l s o f t to finger pressure. Epoxy coatings may change color and chalk whe n e x p o s e d t o d i r e c t s u n l i g h t . Tank Lining Systems See Bar-Rust 236 and Bar-Rust 236/Devran 241 Tank l i n i n g C h e m i c a l R e s i s t a n c e T a b l e , Ventilation It is very important for the safety of the applicator and the proper performance of the Bar-Rust 236 Coating that good ventilation be provided to all portions of the enclosed area. It is equally important to bring into the enclosed area dry, fresh air to remove all solvent vapors. Since all solvent vapors are heavier than air, ventilation ducts should reach to the lowest portions of the enclosed areas as well as into any structural pockets. Ventilation should be provided thro u g h o u t t h e cure period to insure all the solvents arc removed from the coating. Precautions See the material safety data sheet and product label for co m p l e t e s a f e t y a n d precaution requirements. 23 6/May'93 REGIONAL DEVOE COATINGS COi1'1?ANY OISCLAJMEP HEADQUARTERS Division QI GFIOW GROUP. INC. h.6 , not a 3ç.i,cifIcaIian and sit is gsv.in in GOW taiffi. Since condiuo,,s of use am beyond the man. KENTUCKY NEW JERSEY CANADA THE NETHERLANDS SINGAPORE COfltOt. information con- P.0 Ocx 7600 . 800 hrnue Fl. (*,oC Cans Canaca Oeioe Cn.tir.s 8.V. Devoe Coatrugs Company tmrRa 4&rein Louisville 402570600 R5hw3V 01055 Or,. of Crow Group C.,naaa. Ltd. Rttameriet 144A (S) PTE.LTl) pled or olieiWise. and Sinai da19m1n8. . (502) 897986 I (908) 388.51 tO 5.5 MacDOfl.3111 Avtf. 2621 AF DEI!r.Hovar4 No. I Wan Shh Road tian ot the suitaoiky of any infomlaUo,u w or materiel for the use cOntcmoiathd. Oa'trrouth. Nova 3coea ( 15) 8922 titong town vie mannsr of use aml tibth 111515 ThX&S CALIFORNIA Canada 838 1 9 Sntapce 2262 is any 'n?iingnrnesiai patents is theecle 4555 Ilorteutsad Roae 2825 Diiranart (902) 168.9888 (65) 2641772 rosponsibiiily of the user. MOnufacturor Suitt 606 Riverside 92507 ease not urns -ny uaøitty m n. Houston 77028 (909) Oc5. 5930 nectiofl with the usc oi' th4 pwduc.l r51a (713) 675-5115 lYre 10 eavee,e 1 re-9171194 If ~~l' lor .aePJca11on in apecixf ccndaun. CONSULT YOUR flVfl A'rA- 11 r Since 1754 E!Ifl Catha-Coat® Alkyl Silicate Inorganic Zinc Coating Marine lndustrial Offshore Catalog Number 304-V-X3XX RECOMMENDED FEATURES 1 Heavy Duty Permanent Primer Outstanding cathodic corrosion protection Contains high levels of zinc rneal Rapid Dry At low temperatures At high humidities Solvent based Compatible With most high performance coating systems VOC Meets proposed VOC regulations Approvals Meets SSPC-Paint 20 Specification Catha-Coat 304V Coating is a heavy duty, permanent primer for high performance coating systems designed to protect steel structures in severe service such as: Chemical industries Ships, piers and docks Refineries Structural steel, tanks and bridges Sewage and waste plants Offshore platforms and drilling rigs Pulp and paper mills Fertilizer plants Barges and work boats SPECIFICATION OATA Coating Type Solvent base ethyl silicate Colors Catalog Number Green 304-V-0250 Packaging S Gallon and 1 Gallon Three-component kits containing powdered zinc and two liquid components in the proper mixing ratios Gloss Flat _flash Point 60°F (15.6°C) Setafla.sh Thinner T-5 Thinner Pot Life 4 - 6 hours at 77°F (25°C) Shelf Life 6 months Store in dry, cool areas (409; - 90°F) W Density 26.2 Lbs/Gal (3.14 kg/I) voc 2.8 Lbs/Gal EPA 24 (336 Grams per liter) Temp. Resistance 750°F (400°C) dry Volume Solids 80% wet/dry method % Total Zinc in dry film - 85 ± 2% Theoretical Spreading Rate 1280 Sq.FtlGal at 1 mu 31.4 Sq.rn/l at 25 microns Recommended Film Thickness Per Coat 3.0 to 5.0 wet mils to obtain 2.5 to 4.0 dry mils Application Air or airless spray Dry Time at 77°F and 50% RH Tack free 2 hour Dry hard overnight 'S Application Guide — — — Surface Preparation All surfaces must be free of oil, grease and moisture before blasting to near white metal, Steel Structures Painting Council SPZO or Swedish Standard Sa 21h. The steel profile after blasting should be 1114 and 21h mils in depth and be of a jagged nature as opposed to a peen pattern. Surfaces must be free of grit dust. Catha-Coat 304V Coating is compatible with alternate surface preparations such as wet blasting, p i c k l i n g a n d c h e m i c a l treatments. There must, however, always be a surface roughness to obtain maximum adhesion. Consult your Devoe Coatings Representative if alternate surface preparations arc planned. Mixing and Thinning Catha-Coat 304V Coating is supplied in three components comprised of two liquid portions and a dry powdered metal portion. The three components, when mixed together, make up a S Gallon or 1 Gallon unit. The two liquid portions should be mixed together under slow agitation. Add zinc powder under slo w s p e e d a g i t a t i o n . A f t e r t h e p o w d e r a d d i s c o m p l e t e , mix well at higher speeds. Always filter through a wire screen 30 to 60 mesh or equivalent before spraying to insure removal of any powdered zinc agglomerates. Normally, Catha-Coat 304V Coating does not need to be thinned; h o w e v e r , u n d e r e x t r e m e t e m p e r a t u r e c o n d i t i o n s a d d T-5 thinner depending on local VOC and air quality regulations. Keep containers closed and free of m o i s t u r e . Application For conventional spray application- -Pressure pot with mechanical agitator and dual regulators for air an d fluid, Graco 220-230 (5 Gallon) or equal. -Graco P.800 gun with 04Z needle/nozzle, air cap combination equipped with leather packings. -50 ft. length fluid hose, minimum ½"ID: 50 ft. length air hose, mi n i m u m 5 / 1 6 " I D . -Air supply minimum of 80 PSI, 25 CFM at spray nozzle. -Suitable in-line moisture traps and oil separators to provide clean dry a i r t o p r e s s u r e p o t a n d s p r a y g u n . For airless spray application: -Graco 30:1 ratio airless zinc pump (#954-421). Polyethylene packings and stainless steel or severe duty wetted parts are recommended. -Airless spray gun titted with .017" diameter tip or larger, with a .030" pre-orifice disc is recommended. -50 ft. 3/8" diameter ID airless hose. Recirculating lines are recommended fo r s p r a y i n g z i n c t h r o u g h a i r l e s s e q u i p m e n t when delays in application procedures occur. Use at lowest possible fluid pressur e . -Air supply minimum of 100 PSI(6.9 bars) at pump intake. Notes -Cure and hardness of the coating is a function of the moisture co n t e n t i n t h e a i r . A t l o w h u m i d i t i e s , c u r i n g t i m e m a y be reduced by using steam or water mist on the coated surface. -A "mist coat" or tie coat may be required to minimize top coat b u b b l i n g i n c c r t a i n s y s t e m s . Precautions See the material safety data shcet and product label for complete safety a n d p r e c a u t i o n r e q u i r c r n e t n s . 304 V/MayI93 REGIONAL 0 E\IOE COATINGS COMPANY DISCLA!MEA HEADQUARTERS 0(,ihrt of G'.W GRQU.'. INC, Thisiii not a aprciflcatson an0 all r,lotrna,ion 1 rveri in Goed faith. Since KENTUCKY NEW JERSEY CANADA THE NETHERLANDS SINGAPORE C(W01Cfl t .IS9 aro bOOtICS the man. P.O. Bce 7600 800 FernIm F) tAnice Coatn.i Canada Dvne Coa&:g. A '/. (Mo' Coaengs Company uracturers control. flt0mtiOfl C0n famed hsc,n 8 without warranty. Irn. Lcuisitifle 0257-06C0 Fairway 07005 Civ ot Grow Croup Canaaa. Ltd. Rftrlarnag )44A (5) M.M. psa r ct.rrMse. and thaI determine. (SOLI 97.9p,ij) (908) 33&5100 55 Ma Ccr.Id Avi, 2E28 AP C€LFT.Hoiland No. 1 'Man SS,ih Road tint' 01 tire WrIaDilky at any ntonnatlon TEXAS CALIFORNIA DarrrOlit 4CVa Scotia (15) 569212 Jurung Town or mati:i.sl for tire use coflteanplataa, the manner of use and whether more 4556 ttornesieaa Road 2525 Citraliart Sr. Canaca 938 I 79 Singapore 2252 is anywrin9cment 0* patents i the sote suite 606 Niverside 92507 (902) .58.9886 (65) 2641772 rr$ofln.bdity of the user. MMutaOtular H0uitwti 71028 (9G9) 6866630 ones act acaurno any 118b8ty in can. nn with the ueeol "IQ ptoductrda. (713) 675 5115 tise to coverage. performance or injury. For apIic.auori in ypecial ccndit'ona. CONSULT YOUR DEVOE CATALOG FOR COMPLETE LIST OF OFFICES consult lire manufacturer tar dolalleti r9C0htrnefldatnit. Coating Type Colors Medium Gray liaz: Gray White Packaging Component Ratio Gloss Flash Point Thinner Pot Life Shelf Life Density S voc EPA 24 Pu1yanide epoxy Catalog Number 224-11-2534 224-H-2904 224-PI-3501 10 Gallon and 2 Gallon two-component kits I to I by volume Semi-gloss Over 11)0°F (38°C) Sctatlash L)cvoe T-10 Thinner 6 hours at 77°F (25°C) More than 2 years 12,5 Lb-/Gal (1.5 kg/I) 1.8 Lbs/Gal (212 Grams per liter) Since 1754 Devran® 224HS High Build Epoxy Coating Marine -Industrial -Offshore Catalog Number 224-H-XXXX FEATURES - RECOMMENDED USES High Solids - High Build Epoxy Hard tough film Low VOC Excellent Resistance Properties Fresh and salt water Alkalies and salts Spillage of solvents and acids Versatile May be used direct-to-metal in industrial environments Intermediate high-build which can be top coated with epoxy or urethane finish coats Semi-gloss high-build epoxy finish coat Cold Weather Cure Use cold weather additive for application down to 25°F (-4°C) Deck and Floor Coating Marine Environments Ships, barges, offshore structures in above water areas Industrial Environments Pulp and paper plants Chemical process plants Refineries Sewage and waste plants Fertilizer plants SPECIFICATION DATA -- Induction Time IS minutes Temp. Resistance 250°F (121°C) dry Volume Solids 750/6 ASTM D2697 (7 day) Theoretical Spreading Rate 1203 Sq.Ft'Cal at I mu 30.0 Sq.m/I at 25 microns Recommended Film Thickness 5.3-8.0 mils wet to obtain 4.0-6.0 mils dry Application Spray Time - Temperature Drying Curve Hours at 6 mils (ISO microns) D.F.T. 70/21 20/4 3 4 4 4 10 12 14 1.4 10 20 22 24 24 31 30 32 Oryto-recoat - Dry hard The above cove is intended only as a general quidefina. Ventilation, lila, thicknm hundit, thinning and othar factors can influence the rate of &y t4STM 01640). Application Guide Surface Preparation - All surfaces to be coated must be free of grease, oil, moisture and other foreign matter and be properly primed with a compatible primer such as Devran 201 Primer, Catha-Coat 302 Pri m e r , C a t h a - C o a t 3 0 3 C o a t i n g o r C a t h a - C o a t 3 0 4 C o a t i n g . For non-immersion industrial applications, Devran 22414S Coati n g c a n b e a p p l i e d d i r e c t l y t o a c o m m e r c i a l b l a s t e d surface, equvalent to Steel Structures Painting Council SP-6 or Swedish S t a n d a r d S a 2 . Mixing and Thinning Devran 2241-IS Coating is a two component product supplied in 10 Gallon o r 2 G a l l o n k i t s w h i c h c o n t a i n t h e p r o p e r r a t i o of ingredients. The entire contents of each container must be mixed together. Power mix the base portion first to obtain a smooth, homogeneous condition. After mi x i n g t h e base portion for 5 to 10 minutes, add the convertor slowly with continued agitation. After the convertor add is complete, con t i n u e t o m i x s l o w l y until homogeneous. Allow a 15 minute induction time before u s i n g . Thinning is not normally required or desired; however, at lower t e m p e r a t u r e s , s m a l l amounts (10% or less) of the solvent on the reverse page can be added depending on local VOC and a i r q u a l i t y r e g u l a t i o n s . A n y s o l v e n t a d d i t i o n s h o u l d b e m a d e after the two components are thoroughly mixed. The pot life of the mixed material is 6 hours at 77°F (25°C). Hi g h e r t e m p e r a t u r e s w i l l r e d u c e w o r k i n g l i f e o f t h e coating; lower temperatures will increase it. Devoe's cold weather additive (060A000) is used in the ratio of o n e p i n t p e r f i v e g a l l o n c o n t a i n e r . A d d w h i l e b l e n d i n g base and convertor. Application Devran 22411S Coating can be applied by both conventional air s p r a y a n d a i r l e s s s p r a y e q u i p m e n t . • For air spray applications, a fluid tip of .070, a fluid tip of .07 0 o r l a r g e r , a G r a c o 1 8 0 0 g u n , a n d a n a i r c a p w i t h g o o d break-up will give good results. The fluid pressure should be kept l o w , a b o u t 1 5 P S I ( 1 . 0 b a r s ) , w i t h j u s t e n o u g h a i r p r e s s u r e to get good break up of the coating. Excessive air pressure can ca u s e o v e r s p r a y p r o b l e m s . Where airless equipment is used, a Graco 30:1 or larger Bulldog pump is recommended. A .019 to .025 tip size will provide a good spray pattern. Fluid hoses should not be less tha n 3/8" ID and with a maximum length of 50 feet, not including short 1/4 ID whip hoses. Larger diameter hoses should b e u s e d f o r l o n g f l u i d l i n e s . L o n g f l u i d l i n e s w i t h n a r r o w ID hoses will greatly reduce fluid pressure at the spray gun, caus i n g p o o r s p r a y p a t t e r n s . A n i n c r e a s e i n p u m p r a t i o m a y be required. For touch-up work, Devran 224HS Coating can be applied by bru s h o r r o l l e r . C a r e s h o u l d b e t a k e n t h a t p r o p e r a n d uniform film thicknesses are obtained. - Precautions See the material safety data sheet and product label for complete safety and precaution requirements. 224RSi1Thy/93 — \ / f —11 ,,, r". r'r"' . . REGIONAL -Nf HEADQUARTERS O)v:i cr C)W KENTUCKY NEWJERSEY CANADA THE NEThERLANOS SINGAPORE P.O Box 7500 80 Ferndale A. 0e.ce Coarthgs Canada 0evo Coatings By. Devoe CcaDnps Company Louisville 402570600 Ran-may 07()5 Div of Crow Group Canada. Ltd. Rrjnwg 144A (S) PTE.LID. (502) 897.9861 (91)8) 38851C0 55 MacDonald Ave. 2628 AP MrT-hclland No. I Wan Shift Road TEXAS CALIFORNIA 0attriouth, Nova Scotia (15) 569212 Jurotig Town 4555 4omes)xad Road 2625 Durarrart St. Canada 838 1T9 468.9888 Sntapore 2262 (55) 2641712 Suite 806 Riverside 92507 Mauston 71028 (900) 686-6930 (7131675-5115 CONSULT YOUR DEVOE CATALOG FOR COMPLETE LIST OF OFFICES DISCLAIMER This Is no! a Secf:aiIOn and all intorrnaucn is given in Socid faim. Since cenC.11ofln 3t .cra are boycrid the malto uisclurets control. fl nj0n 00(1-tainoO tterwn is W.cut warranty. an. plied or cL.ter*ae, and .inai ceafmuna- lion of the 5,itaOui?, of any Information or mste'tai for the use contemplated, me m.1(rnb, of QSQ and wflemf there My rnf'frgxmqnt otpa.'cr'43 isOle sale feapocolc.Eiy of the uSer. Manutture does not asienie any lic011ity in con-nect'cn WM liar use of me pmcvct rela-tive to coe,eça. pertormanee or Injury. For u9050350n Ln 8Øeci1 conditions, cO(rlt IN r'WflfaCIurCl for detailed re0ornma,%dutom 21 DIMENSIONAL DATA FOR REINFORCEMENT OF PIPE FITTINGS c* ************************************************************************** DM TM DB TB DELTA P FA WMAX TWMIN A WMIN TWMAX TYP 22.000 .188 22.000 .375 90.0 150.0 16.5 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 1. WMENCLATURE: DM = OD of main pipe (in) TM = Thickness of main pipe (in) DB = OD of branch pipe (in) TB = Thickness of branch pipe (in) DELTA = Branch angle (degrees) P = Pressure (psi) FA = Allowable stress (ksi) WMAX = Maximum reinf. width on each side (in)* WMIN = Thickness of reinf. when width is WMAX (in)* A = Area of reinforcement required each side (in)* WMIN = Minimum reinf. width on each side (in)* TWMAX = Thickness of reinf. when width is WMIN (in)* ryp 1 = WRAPPER TYP 2 = COLLAR * NOTE: SELECT WIDTH AND THICKNESS OF REINFORCEMENT WITHIN INDICATED LIMITS TO PROVIDE THE REQUIRED CROSS SECTION AREA, A. IF A=0., NO REINFORCEMENT IS REQUIRED. F-lit "enter" to continue. 2J DIMENSIONAL DATA FOR REINFORCEMENT OF PIPE FITTINGS ** ************************************************************************** DM TM DB TB DELTA P FA WMAX TWMIN A WMIN TWMAX TYP 22.000 .188 8.625 .322 90.0 150.0 16.5 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 2. NOMENCLATURE: DM = OD of main pipe (in) TM = Thickness of main pipe (in) DB = OD of branch pipe (in) TB = Thickness of branch pipe (in) DELTA = Branch angle (degrees) P = Pressure (psi) FA = Allowable stress (ksi) WMAX = Maximum reinf. width on each side (in)* TWMIN = Thickness of reinf. when width is WMAX (in)* A = Area of reinforcement required each side (in)* WMIN = Minimum reinf. width on each side (in)* TWMAX = Thickness of reinf. when width is WMIN (in)* TYP 1 = WRAPPER TYP 2 = COLLAR * NOTE: SELECT WIDTH AND THICKNESS OF REINFORCEMENT WITHIN INDICATED LIMITS TO PROVIDE THE REQUIRED CROSS SECTION AREA, A. IF A=0., NO REINFORCEMENT IS REQUIRED. Hit "enter" to continue. \Q 2J DIMENSIONAL DATA FOR REINFORCEMENT OF PIPE FITTINGS M TM DB TB DELTA P FA WMAX TWMIN A WMIN TWMAX TYP 22.000 .188 14.000 .375 90.0 150.0 16.5 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 2. NOMENCLATURE: DM = OD of main pipe (in) TM = Thickness of main pipe (in) DB = OD of branch pipe (in) TB = Thickness of branch pipe (in) DELTA = Branch angle (degrees) P = Pressure (psi) FA = Allowable stress (ksi) WMAX = Maximum reinf. width on each side (in)* TWMIN = Thickness of reinf. when width is WMAX (in)* A = Area of reinforcement required each side (in)* WMIN = Minimum reinf. width on each side (in)* TWMAX = Thickness of reinf. when width is WMIN (in)* TYP 1 = WRAPPER TYP 2 = COLLAR * NOTE: SELECT WIDTH AND THICKNESS OF REINFORCEMENT WITHIN INDICATED LIMITS TO PROVIDE THE REQUIRED CROSS SECTION AREA, A. IF A=0., NO REINFORCEMENT IS REQUIRED. Hit "enter" to continue. 0 DIMENSIONAL DATA FOR REINFORCEMENT OF PIPE FITTINGS TM DB TB DELTA P FA WMAX TWMIN A WMIN TWMAX TYF 22.000 .188 6.625 .280 90.0 150.0 16.5 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 2. OMENCLATURE: DM = OD of main pipe (in) TM = Thickness of main pipe (in) DB = OD of branch pipe (in) TB = Thickness of branch pipe (in) )ELTA = Branch angle (degrees) P = Pressure (psi) FA = Allowable stress (ksi) WMAX = Maximum reinf. width on each side (in)* 'WMIN = Thickness of reinf. when width is WMAX (in)* A = Area of reinforcement required each side (in)* WMIN = Minimum reinf. width on each side (in)* WMAX = Thickness of reinf. when width is WMIN (in)* 'YP 1 = WRAPPER TYP 2 = COLLAR NOTE: SELECT WIDTH AND THICKNESS OF REINFORCEMENT WITHIN INDICATED LIMITS TO PROVIDE THE REQUIRED CROSS SECTION AREA, A. IF A=0., NO REINFORCEMENT IS REQUIRED. lit "enter" to continue. 40 1 2J DIMENSIONAL DATA FOR REINFORCEMENT OF PIPE FITTINGS om TM DB TB DELTA P FA WMAX TWMIN A WMIN TWMAX TYP 22.000 .188 4.500 .237 90.0 150.0 16.5 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 2. NOMENCLATURE: DM = OD of main pipe (in) TM = Thickness of main pipe (in) DB = OD of branch pipe (in) TB = Thickness of branch pipe (in) DELTA = Branch angle (degrees) P = Pressure (psi) FA = Allowable stress (ksi) WMAX = Maximum reinf. width on each side (in)* TWMIN = Thickness of reinf. when width is WMAX (in)* A = Area of reinforcement required each side (in)* WMIN = Minimum reinf. width on each side (in)* TWMAX = Thickness of reinf. when width is WMIN (in)* TYP 1 = WRAPPER TYP 2 = COLLAR * NOTE: SELECT WIDTH AND THICKNESS OF REINFORCEMENT WITHIN INDICATED LIMITS TO PROVIDE THE REQUIRED CROSS SECTION AREA, A. IF A=0., NO REINFORCEMENT IS REQUIRED. Hit "enter" to continue. 0 . I CONTRACTOR: SAALA CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. PROJECT: CONTRACTf 11-167844, POINSETTIA LANE WATERLINE (20"/14") Fivq AGENCY: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIO : SPIGOT BELL LAY OVERALL SPECIAL(S) PC. REF. SHIPPING STATION TO STATION DESCRIPTION LENGTH LENGTH SLOPE QTY LOCATION NO. DWG. DATE\LOAO 1758+41.33 TO 1758+48.67 20" WSP CML/C, PLO I WB, 7.34 7.34 +0.0128 1 STA 1758+47 20" OUT,LT 1 PLW 1-1 WI ECC. RED. 1758+48.67 TO 1758+58.67 SPCL., PE I PLC 10.00 10.01 +0.0128 1 STA 1758+52 8" OUT,RT 2 PLW 1-2 1758+58.67 TO 1758+59.34 20" BFV 0.67 0.67 +0.0128 1 1758+59.34 TO 1758+99.14 SPCL., FLG I VB 39.80 39.83 +0.0128 1 3 PLW 1-3 1758+99.14 TO 1759+38,89 SPCL., FE I MB 0.86 0.86 +0.0128 1 STA 1759+00- PVI 4 PLW 1-4 39.89 38.97 +0.0660 1759+38.89 TO 1764+55.55 STD., FE I MB 516.66 517.79 +0.0660 13 5 PLW 1-5 1764+55.55 TO 1764+40.00 SPCL., FE I MB 4.45 4.46 +0.0660 1 6 PLW 1-6 1764+60.00 TO 1766+19.26 STD., PE I MB, DROP 11/16" 159.26 159.35 +0.0343 4 SPA 1764+60- PVI 5 PLW 1-5 ON FIRST SPIGOT 1766+19.26 TO 1766+45.87 SPCL., FE I MB, WI ECC. RED. 26.61 26.62 0.0343 1 SPA 1766+41.87 14" OUT,RT 7 PLW 1-7 45.8 TO 1766+52.20 SPCL., FE I PLO (!I') 'tL 6.33 6.33 +0.0213 1 SPA 1766+47.37- PVI 8 PLW 1-8 SPA 1766+49.87- PVI STA 1766+51.20 2" AVR 1766+52.20 TO 1766+52.87 14" BFV 4r 0.67 0.67 +0.0213 1 1766+51.87 TO 1766+81.37 SPCL., FLG I PLO, CML/EFOXY 28.50 28.50 +0.0213 1 STA 1166+53.87 END CMC 9 PLW 1-9 • ABUTMENT CASING 1766+81.37 TO 1766+87.16 EXPANSION JOINT 5.79 5.79 +0.0213 1 1166+87.16 TO 1167+15.62 SPCL., PLO I VIC 28.46 28.46 +0.0213 1 STA 1767+19.67 VICI77 10 PLW 1-10 1767+15.62 TO 1767+35.62. SPCL., VIC I VIC 20.00 20.00 +0.0187 1 STA 1761+69.92 VICI77 11 PLW 1-11 1767+35.62 TO 1167+65.62 SPCL., VIC I VIC 30.00 30.00 +0.0147 1 SPA 1761+69.62 V1C177 12 PLW 1-12 1767+65.62 TO 1767+90.62 SPCL., VIC I VIC 25.00 25.00 +0.0114 1 STA 1767+94.62 VICt?? 13 PLW 1.13 1767+90.62 TO 1768+20.62 VIC I VIC 30.00 30.00 +0.0075 1 STA 1768+24.62 VIC177 12 PLW 1-12 1768+20.62 TO 1768+50.62 SPCL., VIC I VIC 30.00 30.00 +0.0035 1 SPA 1768+54.62 VICI77 12 PLW 1-12 1768+50.62 TO 1768+77.08 SPCL., VIC I PLC 26.46 26.46 0.0000 1 14 PLW 1-14 +77.08 TO 1768+8281 EXPANSION JOINT 5.79 5.79 0.0000 1 1768+82.87 TO 1169+11.37 SPCL., PLO I PLO 28.50 28.50 0.0000 1 STA 1769+10.37 9 PLW 1-9 ABUTMENT CASING 1769+11.37 TO 1769+12.04 14" BFV 0.67 0.61 0.0000 1 694 12.04 TO 1769+17.87 SPCL., FLG I FE )O '4r" 1769+17.87 TO 1769+27.00 SPCL., WB I WB, WI ECC. RED. 1769+27.00 TO 1771+65.94 STD., FE I WB, 7/16" LIFT ON FIRST JOINT 1771+65.94 TO 1772+85.36 STD., FE I WB, 3/8" LIFT ON FIRST JOINT 1772+85.36 TO 177320.00 SPCL, FE I WB 1773+20.00 TO 1774+39.10 STD., FE I WB, 1" LIFT ON FIRST JOINT 1774+39.10 TO 1774+69.10 SPCL., FE I FLG 1774+69.10 TO 177469.77 20" BFV 1774+6977 TO 1774+80.00 SPCL., PLO I PLC END LINE 5.83 5.83 0.0000 1 STA 1769+13.04 2" AYE 15 PLW 1-15 STA 1769+14,37- FYI STA 1769+16.37- FYI 9.13 9.13 0.0000 1 STA 1769+21.87 14" OUT,RT 16 PLW 1-16 STA 1769+25 4" B.O.,LT 238.94 238.99 +0.0198 6 STA 1769+27- FYI 5 PLW 1-5 STA 1771+20 2" WS,LT 119.42 119.50 +0.0366 3 STA 1771+65.94- FYI 5 PLW 1-5 34.64 34.66 40.0366 1 17 PLW 1-17 119.10 119.53 +0.0848 3 STA 1773+20- FYI 5 PLW 1-5 30.00 30.11 +0.0848 1 1774+64 FR OUT,J 18 PLW 1-18 (STA ITA f7T46fl" AVE 0.67 0.67 +0.0848 1 10.23 10.27 +0.0848 1 STA 1774+71 4" B.O.,LT 19 PLW 1-19 STA 1774+80 BLIND FLG S ei2.S 'L'N t-Zo ? yY)OV 3BAE) FTheapp,c.\,!.,.: WATER DISTR!CTI :j '' any rcv ing drawing (0r6t way be J lnotnan compIet the Co m, accoian with ' release, e co ft any lib; shaii such approval provision in the m of Cjn&aci dcj upon him by any a .......... uwtc PEJEC;ED.CJ..,.T. DI1A WING APPRCVED AS NOTED - 14 4I, 'LO 3% 4 DRAWING APPROVED By: DateJL2 '411 4-0/1-' 3,5 /8" _11_2" St STA. I758.r7.00 ,LEFT P-MLA)TO16, II JO/NT I- 20"fr14/4 sr-t: NONE APP 110 BY: DRAWN , S .J OATC 11-iq R(VIRCO PO/'1 77M LANE \'J4 rER'.1A /'J C DOT DRAWIN G NUMCR KELLY PIPE COMPANY I -' NOTES: LIN!NCr 3/4' CML, C205 COATING— I74' CNIC, C20 ITEM 1 OLIAN. DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. REF OW& __ S'- SIo 22'OD/,' WALL WGP C200 2 lEA 2'oD83/g oo it /,'Qg(_C. R&D, C208 3 lEA 8" I5O 16 FP SO F.AJ6-6 4 I'-7" 2200 STD WALL WSP 5 lEA 20" I50 FF60 FL&(22'/6"8O) 816.5 ''I . . . . . . m-- '-in I/•, II t-2" NOTES: L!N!N&- 3M-' CM L, C205 COATING- I'fi-" CMC., 6205 ITEM I OUAAI I DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. REF DW& I 1 40 -0" 22"00 /i" WALL W.SP 6200 IEA 20" I50.FF,S0 FL6.(22'/g"8oRi 5,S JOINT 3 — 20" MAIN scA..i: NONE APPOVW WV: OAWN WV 5 ,J f o*yt: )——'' I Revism" poIN.SE-r-r/A LANE W47-E'M4/''J COOT ORAWING NUMRLR KELLY PIPE C01P4WY PLIAJ 1-3 fl R? PUflID OR OR. I W?• C-"'O c\Q 4, CARLSBAD MNCPAL WATER DISTRICT ..................G REVIEW Thp - .,rkng drawing (or of any draw! q ' -n1 r1alI i way be to .. C1 responsibility for compk: and accurah' .......... Work in accordance with the Conhct Drawings cticatc iether shall such approval release the Contracto' :.. ny liab p..tcJ upon him byany., provision in the Form ct C cnrat ..........DRAWIWC REJECftDIRESUBMIT , jl DRAWING APPROVED AS N' ....................DRAWING APPR By: I b\0 -11-~ SEND STA. lSoo.00 UP COATING- f '/4" Cr'ic NOTES: C/N/Nc,-- 3/4' C?1L (.205 Nj ITEM OUAN 40-0 22"00 c 3/" WALL WSP OESCRIPT/O,v - - ,I*, PflDONUO.Ia.ag.fl,. . . Re JO/VT + -20" t"l.Alp..J scA: NQN. .v: OAT: fl-I-4, 't3CO POIIJETTJA LANE V'-/4TER'LA,,.J DO -r QNAWNG NUM KELLY PIPE C0PAwy CwyD Ctofl S 3D 7 NOTES: LININCr 3/4" Cfr1L1 C205 COATING- I'/et" Cfr1C., C205 !TM I QUAN I DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. REF OV/& I IIO-O" 22OO 3/i&, WALL WSP C200 It * I? PU1IITW ON NO. 1a&*fltk?. kel (WCL'AlmeD *Ito joi,.i -r s(24E4).- 20MA/,.J OCALE: NONE APPNOVW OT: ONAWN WV 5 N WV TO £0 POiAJSTT/4 LAAJE L&/ATERM4/'.J oor ONAWING NUMOWV KELLY PIPE C.OPAWy p,j CPcuVD O-i . . . 4 4'-7'/2' 3., 1 V NOTES: LIN/NCr 3/#CML, C205 COATING— I'I4' 6MC., C205 ITEM I OUAN I DESCRIPTION IREF SPEC.IREF OV& 4'-7'/2" J.Z200 x 3/16 WALL WSP I C200 RO\(M) -- jo,,rr - 20" MA7'J NONE APPOVID ev: DRAWN ay •5 •/ POWSE LANE WA7'ERMA1I.J COOT oAW.Na NUML KELLY PIPE COt4PAAIY I''-' i- \..st1O \—'\ 0 I NOTES: L!NIN&- 3/4-ML, C.205 COATING- I'I4'CMC C205 2 STAG 41.87, RIG.iIT ITEM aL/AN. DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. REF OW& I 23-11 '74(," 2200 3/1 'JALL V-ISP C200 2 'IEA 2200'I400 366 CCC.. RED. C206 3 IEA 14 V6"10 vi 3"WIo x 3/1(."P-3A4D 206 4 7" 1400 1 3/8' vJ.4LL W5P 4538 - II I 17 fl7 ON IW flflRfl. %IO JQlr-JT 7- 20 "141'U sc.mE: NONE APPROV(D ey: ONAWN S J P DATE:II- NIVISID POINSETTIA LAME WATER?l4ifrJ COOT DRAWlN PIUMNER KELLY PIPE COMPANY pJ 1 -7 cc'n LA) v) 0 - BEND STA. 17+4q.57 ,45° DJ 8/+ -S TYP 3 FT BEND STA. 17*47,37 4.5° up NOTES: LININCr- Vz' CML, 6205 COATING- 1'/4 CMC, C205 ITEM QUAN. OE.SCRIP7/01V REF SPEC. REF OW& H 4 '-5 /8 ,' ,40 x /' WALL WP A53 2 2 E 14"STD, 45 0 ELo.'.j A234 3 1 E /- /SO so FL- 8I6.5 /EA 27 ON 14 THRED-0-LET RC4M!)*10 JO/NT 8- 20 M.AI*J SCALE: NONE APPROVED ST. DUAWN ST 5 J DATE: 11-1-44 RCVtSED P0U.,JSETTI,4 £AAJE C OOT DRAWINO NUMBER KELLY PIPE COMPANY Iv i-s 2'c\w r -i . . . 28'-5'/2" NOTES: LINING- '/ CML(205 COATING- EPDXY CO47p'J& 8MIL. OFT (REC.LAIMD WATER) ITEM I OLIAN. DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. REF OW& I 51-10" 14-00 )C 318"-WALL WSP lO 2 4EA 14' I50 FF.50 Fl.AAJC-,6S 816.5 JO/NT 17 '2EA.'- 20" I'-IAIN NONE APPROVCO .v: DRAWN RY p DATE: I! I 4- -] RV(D - POINSETTIA LAAIE \,'jATEM41&I 00 T DRAWING """B" KELLY PIPE COtv1P4W -' '- I ii.., VV\U.) DO Cli ('t\ S.' 11 1— 26-5 /8 ' 1.1 NOTES: LIN/N&- /z ML 205 COATING- E PDYY COATIN& B MIL o.F (R1-41MEo WATER) ITEM 01/AN DESCRIPTION REP SPEC. REF 0W6-. Alos JOINT 10-20' MA1'J NONE DUAWN ST . J P OAYCI.f4.. mcvmco P0146ETTIA L4,'JE W.4TERIVI.4/AJ C.00T I OSAWU4G MUNSST ~KELLY PIPE' COPvIP.4WY P/ 1-/0 I 28'-4'/" I4' 00 x /8 V.IA1L WSP A S3 9 2 )EA 14' ISO 'FO FL.AAI&E 3 lEA 14" Vlc..71 COUP-!MC CJoO(o • _______ .,I, c: NP LA) v) o0 \ . . . Cfr I NOTES: LIN/N&- Yz' CML, C205 COATING- EPDXY COATIt.JC 1 8 MIL D.F.T (RCLLAI?v1ED WATER) ITEM QUAN OE.SCRIPT/ON Ri*F SPEC. REF DW6 I '-ii/+ /4 "00 A /8" WALL WSP AS3 B . )'EA. /4" VI.,&7 CCUPLIP'J& JOINT II —2Q'fr4,J NONE APPROVED UT DRAWN OT 5 ) P. DATE: IPtcv'' POINSETTIA LA'iE. WATRtI%AIPJ COOT I DRAWINO NUMO KELLY PIPE C0AolPAA1Y f't\ LAi VD S S S NOTES: UN/NCr- Yz CML., C205 COATING- EPDXY CoATIrJG8MIL D.F.T (RLA1MD WATER 4 It C. V ITEM QUAN. I OESCIPTION I S '- II'Io 14 "00 x 3/5' WALL WSP L - 3EA 14 VIC.,.&fl CO.IPL.U'J& - - lix,, ifllT eu no. ,eu, USAtt REF SPEC. REF 0V6. A 3 B (3EA) JOINT 12 -:20" MAIN' sc NONE APPuOVID 0Y DuAWN .y 5 ,J P. DATE: PoINsE-rTI.. LANE WATRP/%A/s'J COOT DRAWING MUM 90 KELLY PIPE O/v1P.4WY i- a. Cs1k C%—I%% . . . ez 24'- gj 3/ cc- T NOTES: LIN1NCr - Vz' CML, C205 COATING- EPDXY COATU.JC 8 MIL D.FIT (RE.L4UI1W WA7I ITEM QUAN. DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. RE OW& I 24'-0/4' I4 "0 % /8' WALL WSP AS3 B 6108 14" VIC.,a77 COUPLJN& JOINT /3 -20"FvlAIAJ gcAII: NONE APPOVtO SY: -FEE'5 J p .E4 0AT5 POINSETTIA LANE WATRMAI?J COOT OPAWING NUUSER KELL'1 PIPE C0v1PAW 1PLW -i — $ 1. 2L-5 3/8 -I I NOTES: LINING- '/fCML 1 c205 COATING- EPoXY C.OA7IN&.,8MIL OFT ITEM 0UI4N DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. REF OW .r. 2(.'-4'/&'I4' OO /8° WALL.. WP - A538 lEA. 14 I5O FFSO FL.4A162 81(,.5 14 — 20" MA NONE "°' '. [OIIAWN U, 5 .J )i - - q_ IPtcvtsco POINSETTIA L.4Ng .'vATEfr14I?.J - COOT I ORAWWUNUMU KELLY PIPE COMPANY I ----BEND STA. I7l-I4.37 45D?J l'-7 /4 TIP 1L0 1 T ®i- 2T SEND STA. 1-1q+- I.37 1 450 UP NOTES: LININ&- '/z CIVIL, C20S COATING- I'/4 CMC, C205 [ITEM I O&A,'i DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. REF OW& 00 X 3/8 'WAL.L WP A53 5T0. 4 0 ELBOWS A23+ 1 3 . IEA 1. 14° i50 so Fi- si.s . ILA 2'/27 0N /40 TRE0-O-LET rA r~ iilos JO/NTiS - 20" MAW __ sc*j.g: NONE APP*OVID U!: AWN .v 5 J P. DATU: [I-J.-.14 Ravmm POi,.Js.-rrsA LAME WATERMAthJ - 0or - OAWUO NUMU KELLY PIPE COMP-414Y pj ç J\&t . . . NOTES: L!NlN&- 3/f" CML, C205 COATING- I'/4"C1, C205 1.87 , I(r#4T I ITEM OLIAN DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. RE DW& T1 t,'-7/," 22"00 ic *(.-"WALL WSP C200 :2 WA 22"C0I4 "OD - AN" I EC. RED. C208 3 1E4 14 Ye "ID 3"Wio x / SA"D C- 206 4 7" I4"OD 3/8"WALL WSP 5 1' 472" 00 .237" WALL VIP A53 3 Co lEA 4" STD 4s° ELBOW A234- 7 lEA 4" iSO it FFv..It..J FLAN&C 516.5 I. I I I, I? . aaa?. *110 JQlts.IT It, - 20" M4it..J I'4L'I'4t. - - - -. DAWMV POIAJSETT,A LAiJC WATERI.1A/,.J COOT .- - OAWIMU "U"801 KELLY PiPe' COMPANY PLvJ I-it, C.. I"A Ai V' C1r\ ._I . . S 3'. 1 NOTES: LIN/NCr /4'CML, C205 COATING- I'I# CMC, C205 !TM OL/AN I DESCRIPTION R9-F SPEC. REFOW& I 34-Ia 22' Oo Ni" JALL VJSP CZOO t1 *17 flinT'.'. ON Nt InNS anon.'.,. ROU'rt'L) JOiiJT 17- 20' &T4u./ ncAI1: NONE APPROVED OV: DRAWN OY si p DAM I I- I- q-_ I REVIsED F0t.J7T!A LAAJE WA7.RP"LAIPJ COOT onAWMGNUMOCR KELLY PIPE CO.4P4wy PL.i 1-17 flrt I I 01( 1D '- I 1007, 5 C-11/4" 4'AVRSTA I7748.00, LEFT ' F. H. 0L'TST STA. I77*+64.00 1 LEFT I- ca — C!) o 76 C ?T W r. _ - c: w U-I> I—> <W - ,.)C C:) c >cr < < C.3 CD Cr ci Cc- - :). Cc CD • c, - 2°21- -I DC') i tu- cc 9 cc • o : NOTES* LINJN(r /4. CML, c205 COATING- 0/4' CMC, C205 ITEM QUAN. OECRIPT/0N REF SPEC. REF 014/6-- *Ito JOIWT 18 -20" MAIt.J SCALE: NONE APPROVED DATE: - - DRAWN ET 5 ,J q4 I REV ISEO POINSETTIA LANE WATEt-1A/'sJ I DRAWING NUNRER KELLY PIPE COA4PAWY IP -18 0 14-S I 30'-04' 2200 it 31," WALL WSP C200 lEA 20' I506 FF50 FLAI'.J&E 8I6.5 3 (a" 46/8' 00 570 'A/ALL AJSP A53 8 1- lEA 6" 150tt FF0 FLA.J B.S. 5 41 4/300 STO, "JA LL WS P' 4 53 B (o lEA 4 £LR 1100 i.aovq A234 7 lEA 4" ISOlt FP'WtJ rL.Ai'J(.-E ,,•,, cJ\ JJ — I I • NOTES: LININ&- 3/4" CML1 C20S COATING- /' CM.I C20 o I I— = a.>, O.O cc t~ cr c ~~ -0, -r- '--' -- F- = 2 o > . 'I I) d - '- 's.—. o . Ufld4i ., 17M QUA,V DESCRIPTION REP SPEC. RffOw6 I Io'-2'I4" 2200 3/s'WAL WSP C200 T2 2EA 20' (sQ PFSO Fi.(22'/8"8oR Sllc.S 3 IA 20' I50 FF BL.Ii'JD FLAIJE 8 IL-5 4 4" /2'00 STO WALL V'JSP A S3 8 5 - !A 4' 45° ELBOW A234 ._-- lEA 4" S5O FI.AJ,.,J 4,JG.E Ito ,JOINT I- 20' l'.'1A/,'.J - NONE AROVW Sy. OSAWN .J F II-S-4 P0/STTiA LAME WATER.tA/fr..) COOT DRAWING NUMSER KELLY PIPE COv1PAW pj liii, PNTW ON M ,.ann,fl. C_r.kJcI c'o-u H/ H' 8END,I(,I4T T I-a •1 NOTES LlNINCr 3/q.CML,205 COATING- I'/4' CMLI C205 ITEM 01/AN. DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. REF OW& J014T20-20"MA/'..J LATERAL STAI7S8++7 SCALE: NONE APPROVED BY DRAWN ST 5 'J P DATE: j -2-4 I POI,'.1Sg771A LAAJI VVATERMAIAJ Coo-r I DRAWING NUMSEA KELLY PIPE CO.4PAVY PLW 1-20 71•01/" 2200 3/u,"-WALL \VSP C200 2 IEA 20' I50' FSO L.AN& . .3 lEA 22' CAP A234 )EA 272" ON 22" T-OLET - 1't L . . S lob- - `1 2jaq(e* No - I 11 -?A1C1* *A) CARLSBAD MuN'CAL WATER DISTRICT .N3 REVIEW The approval :r t 'er 1 ' rawing (or of any drawnior 2 ar,t or c'L:..:ifl; hal not in any way he dr, ni: ... . ntractor;om tuU responsibility for complete rar.ce of the Wri ri accordance with the Conti :cificator, shall such approval relc-uso nyl;abiU upon him by any provsi, . ,- .......-t o :CVED UTED .1AttiU'JG APP'fOVED :'-- DateI)21'' END LINE 4;o CONTRACTOR:' SAVALA CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. PROJECT: CONTRACT# 11-167844, POINSETTIA LANE WATERLINE (14 Y: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION •C - - - Pe --- z Le SPIGOT BELL STATION TO STATION DESCRIPTION 1766+41.87 TO 1766+53.29 14 WSP CML/C, BS X PLO 1766453.29 TO 1766453,95 14B BFV 1766+53,96 TO 1766+82.45 SPCL., FLG X FLG, CKL/EPDXY ABUTMENT CASING 1766+82.45 TO 1766+88.24 EXPANSION JOINT 1766+88.24 TO 1767+16.70 SPCL., PLO X VIC 1767+16.70 TO 1767+36.70 SPCL., VIC X VIC 1767+36.70 TO 1767+66.70 SPCL., VIC I VIC 1767+66.70 10 1767+91.70 SPCL., VIC I VIC 40 7+91.70 TO 1768+21.70 SPCL., VIC I VIC 1768+21.70 TO 1768+51.70 SPCL., VIC I VIC 1768+51.70 10 1768+78.16 SPCL., VIC 1 PLC 1768+78.16 TO 1768+83.95 EXPANSION JOINT 1768+83.95 TO 1769+12.45 SPCL., PLO I PLC, CML/C ABUTMENT CASING 1769+12.45 TO 1769+13.12 14 BFV 1769+13.12 TO 1769+21.87 SPCL., FLG I 85 LAY OVERALL SPECIAL(S) PC. REF. SHIPPING LENGTH LENGTH SLOPE QTY LOCATION NO. DWG. DATE\LOAD 9.08 9.56 #0.3304 1 STA 1766+41.87 90,LT 1 PLW 2-1 2.34 2.34 #0.0213 STA 1766+50.95- PYI STA 1766+52.28 2 AVR 0.67 0.67 +0.0213 1 28.50 28.50 +0.0213 1 STA 1766+54.96 END CMC 2 PLW 2-2 5.79 5.79 #0.0213 1 28.46 28.46 +0.0213 1 STA 1767+16.70 VIC177 3 PLW 2-3 20.00 20.00 #0.0187 1 STA 1767+36.70 VIC77 4 PLW 2-4 30.00 30.00 +0.0147 1 STA 1767+66.70 V1C177 5 PLW 2-5 25.00 25.00 +0.0114 1 STA 1767+91.70 VIC177 6 PLW 2-6 30.00 30.00 +0.0075 1 STA 1768+21.70 VICf77 5 PLW 2-5 30.00 30.00 #0.0035 1 STA 1768+51.70 V1Cf77 5 PLW 2-5 26.46 26.46 0.0000 1 7 PLW 2-7 5.79 5.79 0.0000 1 28.50 28.50 0.0000 1 STA 1769+11.45 ST.CMC 2 PLW 2-2 0.67 0.67 0.0000 1 2.33 2.33 0.0000 1 STA 1769+14.12 2ff AVR 8 PLW 2-8 6.42 6.83 -0.3629 STA 1769+15.45- FYI STA 1769+21.87- 90,LT -II I i PUWTfl SAND. - C% 0 -D;'LffIJ STA. 1-7(.(50.qs ) 1-7.01.0 DOW,V T _-_ i • cr BEND STA 116I.87 - O LF'T J NOTES L!N!NCr Vi' CML ,C205 COATING- IV4" CM C, C205 ITEM OUA/i DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. RE OW& I 10'- 10 /' 14" 00 1 3/8" WALL W6P 4538 • )eA I4" SLR q0 E 30w A 23 3 lEA 14' 150 ft FF60 FLAN6€ B 11.5 4 lEA V/2 "O" 14" T-0LT -5 lEA 14'/gIDxIo'WIDE 13/8"F. STRAP A36 1 E 5" C.oUPLIN&/PLLJ JOINT I- 14" 3I4JC/4 NONE APPROVUD By: DRAWN DY 5 j DAY! lI-2-q4 Pou'.JSETT/A LANE WATE-1AI,J : oo r DRAW NO KELLY PIPE COMPANY PLvJ 2-.1 0 NOTES: L!NI&- '/. CML )2O5 COA7tFsIG- EPDXY C047/P'J6 8t-iL D.F,t (Rc.AlMD WA-MR) ITEM QUAI'L DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. I REP OfrV& 1 S(-IO" I+OO Vc 318"--WALL WSP 453 T'Z 4 E 14" I50 FP.SO FLA AJC-ES 81615 ItZ 17 17 ON fl l r— c, t() JO/NT2 (2l.' - 14 5RAiic..H SCALZ NONE AP?OVW Y: DRAWN . , CATZ:IL- l-+ POi'IsETT,.q LANE TFM4IA1, COOT OAWNQ NUMR KELLY PIPE COA.iP4wy P.Af 2-2 C, rv-% Lu n O- [I . . . 4 F- NOTES: CINING- V2 CML ,C2o5 COATING- EPOrI' COATING- 8 MIL o.cr (RCL,4I,..1EO ,s1AT.Q) ITEM Qt1AN. OE5CIPT/O,V REF SPEC. , oi.v- JOINT 3 /4 BRANCH sc.t: NONE IOIIAWM .? .5,/j P014 SETTIA LAME WA TERti,/AJ. COOT I QAWINU I NUMB KELLY PIPE COMPANY' -'' i z-'/ 1+.' 00 x /8 WALL 4 2 lEA 14' I50 FSO FL4J&E 814.5 3 lEA W' VIC.T OUPLlt.J(r CO(O II lip TW - US. ie OflV. $ Vi'— 11 3/+" NOTES: L!N1N&— Vz' CML, C205 CO47NG— EPDXY COATli.JC 1 8 MIL DF (RE.LAIMD WATER) I7M I OUI4W DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. REF DW& 1-• I ti'— lW /1 "00 st 3/6" WALL WSP AS3 B I.tA 14" VI77 COUPLIN& C 16 016 It ii, ..rm a. — t IoS JOINT 4 - 4 BRANCH BCM.E NONE APPROVID BY: OBAWN BY 5 j p ;ATM: SEVIBBO POINSETTIA LANE WAIvW"J -- COOT OBAWZNO NUMBEB KELLY PIPE cO,v1P4wy 2-4.. 0 0 0 q' I! NOTES: LIN1NCr V2' CML, C205 COATING- EPDXY COATING- 1 8 MIL D.FT (RECLAIMED WATER) ITEM 01/AN. I DESCRIPTION REIF SPEC. REF Dw& I 8-I04 I'#'OO it 318"WALL WSP A53 B I 2.............A 14" VIc.,i77 OLlPL.Iiv& CO R~o.,p I mc, 0 (3EA' JOINT 5 - !. BRAN CH oS sCAic: NONE V. OAWN 5 .i F oayt: )jj q. POINSETTIA £..4AI V.IATEeMAI'.J COOT ORAWNU NUMBER KELLY PIPE CO,'4PAWY PLk1 2-5 ti II, e — ufl. asa.,. DAU)t \ô- (Ii 0 0 0 1 NOTES: LINiNcr Yz CML, C205 COATING- EPDXY COATIrJ( , 8 MIL OFT (RLAI'1D WATER) I ITEM I QIJAN. I DESCRIPTION REP SPEC. REP OW& 24'-si/4 I4OO It 3/8 WALL WP AS3 B Ii z., FA 1 14" VIe.,.&77 COC.IPL..IN& I c t. o lzecurA ~M, e,--o . Io8 JOINT é - 14 BrJM NONE APPOVW U,: DUAWN GY 5 .J F DATE:l_j POIA16ETTIA LANE WATERMAI'J C OOT DRAWING NUMUER KELLY PIPE ON1PAWY' -PLi.1 2-to- NOTES: L.IN/NC-- /2CML205 COATING- EPDXY COA7bsJCr8MIL OFT I TEM I auAN I DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. REF 0 W? I 2,'-4 7/8 14" OO' s/a" WALL. WSP A538 '2 1 lEA 14' I50 FFO FLAM-E JOIP'JT 7 — L4 SA,.JM ,c*t.g: NONE APPOVID .y: own., 5 ,J f oart: 1j-/..4. POlIJSET7IA 7ANE V1ATEifr14/'.J COOT MmHUMe KELLY PIPE COiiPAWY 2-7 ] It * I Ifl — MS. — flSt. 0 0 0 M__ SEND STA. I'!'-I5.45 i'i,qs-° DOWN 2 3/,' 1 q" -ryP —BEND STA. 1762I.87 900 LEFT N0TES LININCr— V2' Cm U,205 COATING— I 1/4' 6mc, 620S ITEM OLIAN. DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. REF DW& I 8-I/s6' 14° 00 9 3/6 WA LL WSP A533 2 1 4E 14" SLR 100 ELBOW A234 3 lEA 14" I50 FFSO FL4'JG8 4 lEA 2'h" OtJ 14" T—OLET - 5 lEA 1418' rDt 10" WIDE % 316" P_ 7-R4P A 31 lEA 5" 60UPLIN&/PL.l.16. ik Iola JOINT 8 - 14" 5AJCI-I sc*t.z: NONR +7 CD SY: OSAWN Sy S jP o*,c 2 : 11-- REVOSO POINSETTIA LANE v-.JATE.'M4ii.J COOT DRAWINO NUMBER KELLY PIPE COMPANY pi 2-8 çt O1b -I\ 0 0 0 COJlTRACTORSAVALA CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. PCU16A) 1\Ic.D t PROJECT: CONTRACTI 11-167844, POINSETTIA LANE WATERLINE (12" PM) NCY: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SPIGOT BELL LAY OVERALL SPECIAL(S) PC. ' REF. SHIPPING STATION TO STATION DESCRIPTION LENGTH LENGTH SLOPE QTY LOCATION NO. DWG. DATE\LOAD 1766+46.83 TO 1766+52.30 12" WSP CML/C, FLG 1 MB 5.00 5.00 +0.0213 1 STA 1766+50.58 A.RNG 1 PLW 3-1 0.47 0.67 +1.0213 STA 1766+51,83- PVI 1766+52.30 TO 1766+55.00 SPCL., PE I MB 2.03 2.84 +1.0213 1 STA 1766+54.33- PVI 2 PLW 3-2 0.67 0.67 +0.0213 1766+55.00 TO 1766+84.33 SPCL., PS 1 FLG, CML/EPDXY 29.33 29.33 +0.0213 1 STA 1766+55.83 2" AVR 3 PLW 3-3 ABUTMENT CASING STA 1766+56.83 END CMC 1766+84.33 TO 1766+89.37 EXPANSION JONIT 5.04 5.04 +0.0213 1 1766+89.37 TO 1767+18.58 SPCL., FLG I VIC 1767+18.58 TO 1767+38.58 SPCL., VIC I VIC 1767+38.58 TO 1767+68.58 SPCL., VIC I VIC 1767+68.58 TO 1767+93.58 SPCL., VIC 1 VIC 1767+93.58 TO 1768+23.58 SPCL., VIC I VIC 8+23.58 TO 1768+53.58 SPCL., VIC I VIC 1768+53.58 TO 1768+80.79 SPCL., VIC I FLG 1768+80.79 TO 1768+85.83 EXPANSION JOINT 1768+85.83 TO 1769+15.16 SPCL., FLG 1 PS ABUTMENT CASING 1769+15.16 10 1769+17.36 SPCL., MB I PS 1769+17.36 TO 1769+22.83 SPCL., MB I FLG END LINE 29.21 29.21 +0.0213 1 STA 1767+18.58 V1C177 4 PLW 3-4 20.00 20.00 +0.0187 1 STA 1767+68.58 V1C177 5 PLW 3-5 30.00 30.00 +0.0147 1 STA 1767+68.58 VIC177 6 PLW 3-6 25.00 25.00 +0.0114 1 STA 1767+93.58 V1C177 7 PLW 3-7 30.00 30.00 +0.0075 1 STA 1768+23.58 VIC177 6 PLW 3-6 30.00 30.00 +0.0035 1 STA 1768+53.58 VIC177 6 PLW 3-6 27.21 27.21 0.0000 1 8 PLW 3-8 5.04 5.04 0.0000 1 29.33 29.33 0.0000 1 SPA 1769+13.33 ST.CMC 3 PLW 3-3 SPA 1769+14.33 2" AVR 0.67 0.67 0.0000 1 STA 1769+15.83- PVI 9 PLW 3-9 1.53 2.16 -1.0000 0.47 0.67 -1.0000 1 SPA 1769+17.83- PVI 10 PLW 3-10 5.00 5.00 0.0000 STA 1769+19.08 A.RNG CARLSBAD MUNICPAL WATER DISTRICT rDt; REVIEW The approval t.y !hr Eriqnee ci.; :rkng drawing (or of any drawing D.hecto(s plari shall not in any way be cn' release the Cc0t k: 3i; fJI tesponsibility for complete cud 'Itt, pertorrrc. : Ncrk in accordance with the Contract pociiica •.e.rher shall such approval release thil l:cn any liab "acc'd upon him by any provision the Fc of Contract. ..........LRkG AEJEC1EUt,ESUBMIT DRAWING APPROVED AS NOTED .................... DRAWING APPROVED By: . .V\) Date fl 0 0 0 BEND .STA. I7(,454.33 450 OOVsf!sJ /— NOTES: LININ&— 5/,' CML, C205 COATING— 1'I4., CM(—, C205 ITEM I OLIAN. OE.SCIPTION REF SPEC. I REF OW& I I 2'-24' 12 3/+00 318' WALL WSP A53 [z tEA 12" STD. 450 ELBOW ,234 lEA I2V6"I7DI( 3WIDEx3/6'I8AN D C2O4 -Vo'-VAII~ 0101 _'OI,JT 2 —12'MA/,..J SCALE: NONE APPROVED BY: DRAWN BY S J P oArs: 11-2-4 1 REVISED POINSETTIA LANE WATEEr'A:i.J COOT DRAWING NUMBER KELLY PIPE COMPANY PLvJ 3-2 c.wub q.6 -t e NOTES: LIN/N6- S/ CML,C205 COATING- I'/,, CM C, C.205 EPDXY COATII'J&,8MIL P.T. (POTABLE WATER) IITEM I Q1AN. I DESCRIPTION IR(f SPEC. 1 REF I &88' II2/f'0Ox/8ALL WP I AS3B To - r, t, (s uf~ 7 *t 101 I I i...2 I 2EA I21/20 121 T-OLET I I I -- 3 2 CA OSO I I I (2 CA) JOIN T3- /2" MA/a'J BCALI: NONE DRAWN BY 5 .J /- DATE: lI24 REVIBBO POl'JSE-rT/. LANE W.4TERM,4/J r_ 00'r DRAWING NUMBER KELLY PIPE CO'vlPAWY ILJ 3-3 -"'- qc-u V L 2q~-23/8" 0-1 NOTES: CINING- - - Si,' C.ML C2O5 COATING- EPOT CQATIN(J. 8 MIL or (POTABLE WATER) ITEM QUAN DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. RE OVG I 23'-I/8 /2/4°00 x /8 WALL W6P 453 9 2 lEA /2 ° 550th FSO FL4J6.€ 3 SEA 52 Vl(...0Y7 COUPLJ r- (0 0 (a JOINT 4 - 12" NIAIIJ scc: NONE APPUOVID sy: ST 5 j Iu'' PoiJSETTIA LAAJE WATER44I,J. UMS H KELLY PIPE C.OA4PAWY I -v-' -4 C IV\ I IN V) 0 —.-t ii I'_, '' . . . ,'1'- JI 3/ NOTES: L.!N1NCr- S/g' CMLI C205 COATING- EPDXY CO.4TIr'J& 1 6 MIL O.RT (F'Or,4&.E WATER) ITEM I OVAN. DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. R97F OW& I2 /4 OO 3/6" WALL WSP AS3 B - ...EA I2 vlc.,a71 COUPL.IN& I. I I ,I x tv PROMD oa . bOSS a*AflT. VOT6U JOINT 5 - 121AI'J NONE APPSOVEO .Y: Il- I- qi• nirvmco POINSETTIA LA?J WATERAIPI COOT ORAWINØ ISUMSES KELLY PIPE CO4PAWY FPL1 3-5.. £:tALX1' QCn 2q'- 11 3/41, CC, 11 NOTES: LINING- 5/, CML, C205 COATING- EPDXY CoATIt'JG. B MIL O.F.T (POTABLE WATER' ITEM Q(1,4N. DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. REP OW& :.I 8q'-/j'/4'j/23/4"0D /8 WALL. WSP A S3 B F Z ........3 EA 1 12" VIf_,4r77 COcPLlN& t- VN ftz *101 (a JOINT G - /2 t'14frJ I SCALI NON&. O*WH.Y 5J gQ POINSETTIA L.4NE WATiRAI'J c.00r ORAWINØ NUMBER KELLY PIPE COiviPIY PLW 3-(,. . . . C Cr NOTES: LINING - CML, C205 COATING- EPDXY CoATItJ& B MIL OFT ITEM OLIAN. DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. REF OW& r) - I 24-II/4 /2 /4 'OO it 316 " WALL WSP A3 B -__Z1EA /2' VI6,4r7-7 COUPLIN& - JO/NT 7 - /2 ''1Ai'J NONE APPROVED B!: DRAWN BY 5 .j p _______ __________ _______________________________________ _____________ _____________ DATE: ,-I- * 1 REVISED POINSETTIA LAN VJAT(RMAIiI.J COOT DRAWING NUMBER KELLY PIPE c.O,4P.4WY -PLW 3-7. , v'J q b -( U . . . 0 0 0 -BEND STA. 1'74'1* 15.83 450 OOvIi'J NOTES: DNINCr- 5/1(, CML, C205 COATING- I1I4 CMC, C205 4 ITEM I QUAN. DESCRIPTION REP SPEC. I REP OWG 1'-'/8" I2./+'OD vt /8" WALL. W6P A53 :zr. tEA I2 STD. 450 EL8OW A234 :3 IA - l27/ro 3"WI0E.x3/d'. BAN 0 C2o II I IY T1D 0B IW 0Siflt• .- . *101 - - 12 M ItJ NONE APYBOVW BY: OBAWN BY 5 J F DATC:fl-2-4 - BBVBD POINSETTIA LANE WATE'i-1A1l.J COOT ORAWING NUN BR KELLY PIPE COMPANY PL'AJ clS 0 . . . NOTES: LINING-- LINING-- EPOfl' 1 8fr1SL D.F.-T. (RECLAJIVIEO WATER) COATING- I'/4- Cl-1, 205 EPDXY, 8 M IL D.F.-r. (RECLAIMED WATER) ITEM QL1AN. DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. REF OW& oq-'-o° I800x /s WALL WSP A53 B POTAae- elo 18 ABUTMENT 6A5b\J6--(+EA) NONE APPROVCDOV OflAWN BY 5 J DATE )1-2-q+ leaysco LAJE w.A-rEgp,t4,,J COOT QAWINO NUNBEJ KELLY PIPE C.OPv1PMAIY 4-I ri\Ac cc 26-O . . . NOTES LININ&- EPDXY 8MIL. D.F,T. (POTABLE V.IATE.) COATING- I'/4. C205 EPDXY8 frilL D.F.T. 1POTABLE .WATER) ITEM QUA!.I I DESCRIPTION IREF SPEC. RE OI'V& I S2'0" I8"00x 3/8" WALL WSP A538 Ioq 18' ABUTMENT CAS/J(,- (2E4) sct: NONE APPROVUD By: DRAWN BY DATE: 1I-2-+ REV PO,'Js77T.4 LAt'JE WA7t'1A/#J COO-i- KELLY PIPE CO'4P4FIY ORAWNG NUMB pJ 4 Cl\AW-0 . . I NOTES; LININ&—. 5/1 " CML-, 6205 COATiNG—. 1 /4' CM(., C205 ALL. PIPE /FITT,,J&S ARE LOOSE FOR FIELD FAS. CARLSBAD MuNc:.F,. WATER DISTRICT 'flfl N3 iEVlE'1/ The approval by thc :':cr'i; ' wrrking drawing (or of any drawing of the Co:;:: :.:.1' Lr:) shall not in any way be deemed to ;e:c•as. r:rri from fill responsibility for compete and acctr orrarie 01 U lle VVOFK in accordance with the Contract Drawi' a u cificaons neither shall such approval releais the COnui, ,.r' any liability placed upon him by any provision in the Form of Contract. o .............'c1 REJECTED/RESf3MIT DRAWING APPROVED AS NOTED 0 ....................DRAWING APPROVED By: S Date ii 'iq qt4 I i'- 4- ?irL- \\ *' II (1 i-4' - cc-I". 111k -\G — tE ITEM I QU,4N DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. I REF DW& 80'-o" 4-72'OD x 5I 40. W4L.L. WSP A53 8 ..E4 4" GLR qo° ELBOWS A234 3 GOA 4" i5c FFO FL4,JS cL4\rttEV * Th1AL — (3EA) 'l- SILOW-09F A5cY. P!PiN& c*t:. NONE APWOVEO By: OAWN By .5 'J OTE It— 2—q licvmco - POiiJSezr—rsA LA-J WA7EM.4I,J (..DOT DRPLAWING NUMBER-3 KELLY PIPE C.O/v1P.4WY v'.I 4 I, .o. hUBS a&UB?. . . . NOTES: L!NLN&- /lc. C'1L, C..205 COATING- '/4.' CJIC, C..205 ..ALL PIPE /FITTINGS ARE LOOSE FOR FIELD F8.. -- pr DISTRICT (or of any for rd ..• . 1h tin C:. •nct L . apøroval C' f. '•,;2 ••' -.. ... m bj any n 7: 0 ....................DRAWNG APPROVED By: . l-r. TFM O(i,W DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. REF OW& I 20-0 65/8 ,00 K St-4 40 WALL WSP A53 B 2....EA 6" SLR q00 ELBOW A234 3 2 E (a" ISOOPPSO B 11.5 IT WArMmUO. IMT. 'sEcU'u 6"8L0W-0F ASY PIPIPJCr NONE APPOVCO SY: DRAWN BY .5 OAtC II2-94 ncvtsco POIi'..JSTTIA Ls4.JE WARfr1A/.1 W07 ORAW*NO NUM KELLY PIPE C.o,.4P.4wy PLw 4-4 dMc 90—Ui . . . NOTES: LlN1NCr— 5/i' C4L ,205 COATING- 11/4 CMC I 620S ALL PIPE /FITTINGS ARE LOOSE FOR FIELD FAB. CARLSBAD Murnc.'\L WATER DISTRICT The . . ;. Y t.'orking drawing (or of any drawng ot :. .. .ill shall not in any way be d€eirad to rec . . . . .r c;ponsibiliIy for compice aid accurate pni.......... ..... . .i:j.t rda'ce with the Contract Drawings an :;nrI:i hall such approval release the Contractor f: :i' irrbiiiy placW upon him by any provision in the Form of C ..........DRAWING REJEC.UEUMIT DRAWING APOVED AS NOTED ....................DRAWiNG APPROVED By: P5J3&) Date (c5m 1-144.10) ITEM I OLIAN. DESCRIPTION REF SPEC. 20'-o' 1/2' 00 x 6H 40 WALL WSP A538 .EA 4" SLJ O° ELBOW 4234- 3 2EA 4" ISO 50 FL.AN(7E5 1151615 I -.-. It I I? tIt 01 . - 4 AIR VALVE k4SS. ppi'J& ICALI: NONE APlOYW NY: DIAWN BY '5,J p 0AT1 II pO/,sISETT/A LANE tA/ATERI',1AIkJ KELLY PIPE C.O,S4PAWY DIAWINO NUNSIR PLAI 4-5 cN\\jb Im NOTES: LINING- BARE COATING- FUSION BOIJOD EPDX(1 AWwA -2I3 ITEM I QUAN. OECRIPT/ON IREF SPEC. RE OPV6. I 52'-O" (.3/8" 00 Y. 6C14 40 WALL WP A r. 3 B - - ,'CqsuJGr FOR 3 ° 5(.JPPLX LitJ NONE APPROVID e'r: DRAWN sip. - DATE: f 1-2-q4 REVISED - POP'JSTTsA LANG WATR,14frJ DRAWING NUMEER - KELLY PIPE C.Oiv1PA14Y FLW +-é IL ct - I - . I DIl PreCast !'VV Construction Inc • 619/737-8590 . P.O. Box 1839 • San Marcos, CA 92079 • FAX 619/737-8593 A Subsidiary of Inland Concrete Enterprises, Inc. OCTOBER 24, 1994 SAVALA CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. 16402 E. CONSTRUCTION CIRCLE IRVINE, CA 92714 ATTN: JOHN LYDOFF RE CAL TRANS CONTRACT #11-167844 1-5 & POINSETTIA CARLSBAD, CA GENTLEMEN THIS LETTER IS TO CERTIFY THAT B&W PRECAST CONSTRUCTrON, INC. MANUFACTURES PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE MANHOLE SECTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTN SPECIFICATION C478 AND SAN DIEGO CITY AND COUNTY REGIONAL STANDARDS DRAWINGS. . THE CONCRETE USED IN THE MANUFACTURE OF PRODUCTS CONTAINS PORTLAND CEMENT THAT CONFORMS TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTN SPECIFICATIONS C150. THE NIX DESIGN USED, YIELDS A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 4000 PSI. STEEL REINFORCEMENT CONSISTS OF .250 DIAMETER ,WIRE CONFORMING TO ASTN SPECIFICATION A82. STEEL REINFORCEMENT IS. PLACED IN THE CENTER THIRD OF THE WALL AS STATED IN ASTN C-478. CAST IRON RINGS AND COVERS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTN 48-30. A DRAWING OF THE CASTING IS ENCLOSED. STRENGTHS EXCEED 30,000 PSI. SINCERELY, PRECAST CONSTRUCTION, INC. 0 R. WAREN IT 11 -- 14- 111111111 ILI IjIL I II Ilil liii II IL III ___ 1 11111 11111111 I IL — 111111 1111 -b'-- -TE I----— /I?T T I1_ III IL 1111111111 1__ - _77I_ ----- L/A)J PLJ4..Lek_ _LLL J_i_ LLLLL LLLLIL - - 40 LJLLAiki i54_I_ t1/_I_l_LL lLlu J /5ijijiflh II - i iT - jiii H IARL I LIH1LLh' ffIII1II III iIL:IL1't ___ Hi1_tLtItI IlII_iIIIi1 -Lmpieejandaccu? e approval b t —ay_e_eNQ r d_tq rt If 0t) any I,-, k4l rtsponibiIty !or'1 - - the y )16C an -1-: i__ TLL 1 ttIThFt[I DB7VV11IJ1EtJET ;riT1IIt1 i I ___? — — --- —I— - - - - - _L -_--••• — — ..m.....cm - =-• .- - -- - 1I --— :f*:H • - .•_- H±H±H . Date—-----H-H-t- -- - — — - -- -'—— — - -- — - r j B &WPRECAST CONSTRUCTION INC P.O. Box 1839 SAN MARCOS.CA92079 737-8590 Job SEE1NO. — OF_________ CALCULATED DATE I I J I I I I I I 1 I I I I I j I I I I I (619) FAX(619)737-8593 cECKEOBY_______________DATE sc ________________________________ Precast Construction Inc., P.O. Box1839 'San Marco, CA 92069 4..-... -,-.- .•----•-.-•---..--- 39:V4" 4. -----------------. 38W •. 4----.-.---.--------- 38Yo" - ----------- 24Ya"------•---' naI------------------ 24" -----• b.II 1-1 j ~~ VPP _. 36° 44" ----------.-.------.-.---------.----- 1325 (3 Pc) SET WEIGHT Frame 330Lbs Outer cover 320 Lbs Inner cover 155 Lbs Total 005 Lbs APPROVED Title: Agency: Dab: COMMENTS General Information All materials used in MFG shall conform to ASIM 4-48- 30 Frame & cover bearing surfaces machined to assure close, quiet lit ' Castings shall be dipped in black bituminous paint.." o • Frame and cover exceeds H.20 wheel loading * Castings shall meet federal spec. # RRF621 * Marking shall be marked "SEWER" or "STORM DRAIN" as required * Agency identification shall be cast on face of cover * Imported covers shall have country of origin on face of cover. 4 4i MARDEN SUSCO LIMIEROF ir = S2840 WEST FIRST STREET, SANTA ANA, CA 92703 1550W. LINDA VISTA DR., SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 11418 WOODSIDE AVE., NO. SANTEE, CA 92071 127 SO. HAMILTON, HEMET, CA 92343 11755 SANTA FE AVE., HESPERIA CA 92345 38885 15TH STREET EAST, PALMOALE, CA 93550 TO: Savala Construction Co. 16402 East Construction Circle Irvine, CA. 92714 GENTLEMEN: Date Project No. November 1, 1994 Attention: John Lydoff Re: SUBMITTALS PIPELINE MATERIALS Widen Overcrossing/ Modify Interchange- Poinsettia Dr. CAL T RAN S WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached Under separate cover via the following items: U Report 0 Drawings 0 Plans 0 Specifications 0 Copy of Letter TRANSMITTED: NO. COPIES Seven Copies TITLE c_L-\SD C-'oo ?e.. -ca- L)oVe% e- " %O 'iC- .S'Vr \c5 ' -Vi-" ?O SO / ?o\, \\ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: 'P 1i' For Approval 0 Approved as Submitted Li Resubmit_copy(ies) for Approval For Your Use 0 Approved as Noted 0 Submit..........copy(ies) for Distribution O As Requested 0 Returned for Corrections 0 Return—corrected prints O For Review and Comment 0 O FOR BIDS DUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US. - 20 cJ )c2'.;\71,c-c ESN -i-c-o-- — \-)-.- L\"te\e- 'o\\ Wc-o - T2. JQ \'-k,C C.-\ \jo3e TELEPHONE SANTA ANA (714) 541.6621 HESPERIA (619) 244-1550 SAN MARCOS (619) 744.5600 SANTEE (619) 5626560 PALM DALE (805) 273.1617 HEMET (714)6525013 ( MSI.301 7186 MARDEN SUSCO LIMIRM @F UMM. KMiM .2840 WEST FIRST STREET, SANTA ANA, CA 92703 1550W. LINDA VISTA DR., SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 11418 W000SIDE AVE., NO. SANTEE, CA 92071 127 SO. HAMILTON, HEMET, CA 92343 11755 SANTA FE AVE., HESPERTA CA 92345 38885 15TH STREET EAST, PALMOALE, CA 93550 i Savala Construction Co. 16402 East Construction Circle Irvine, CA. 92714 GENTLEMEN: Date Project No. November 1, 1994 Attention: John Lydoff Re: SUBMITTALS PIPELINE MATERIALS Widen Overcrossing/ Modify Interchange- Poinsettia Dr. CALTRANS WE ARE SENDING YOU - Attached Under separate cover via the following iterns 0 Report 0 Drawings 0 Plans 0 Specifications 0 Copy of Letter TRANSMITTED: NO. COPIES Seven Copies TITLE \\O . ovo\ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For Approval 0 For Your Use 0 As Requested For Review and Comment O Approved as Submitted O Approved as Noted O Returned for Corrections 0 • O Resubmit...........copy(ies) for Approval O Submit............copy(ies) for Distribution O Return-corrected prints 0 FORBIDS DUE 19 ____ 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US. - \ / 4t ç \\ oVc S — Vi" -i2- -? C..0 TELEPHONE ' SANTA ANA (714) 541.8621 HESPERIA (619) 244-1550 SAN MARCOS (619) 744-5600 SANTEE (619) 5626560 PALMDALE (805) 273-1617 HEMET (714) 652-5013 MSI.301 7186 MARDEN SUSCO LIEMER OF .2840 WEST FIRST STREET, SANTA ANA, CA 92703 1550 W. LINDA VISTA DR., SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 11418 W000SIDE AVE., NO. SANTEE, CA 92071 D 127 SO. HAMILTON, HEMET, CA 92343 11755 SANTA FE AVE., HESPERIA CA 92345 38865 15TH STREET EAST, PALMDALE, CA 93550 TO: Savala Construction Co. 16402 East Construction Circle Irvine, CA. 92714 GENTLEMEN: Date Project No. - November 1, 1994 Attention: John 'Lydoff Re: SUBMITTALS PIPELINE MATERIALS Widen Overcrossing/ Modify Interchange- Poinsettia Dr. CALTRANS WE ARE SENDING YOIJ JX3 Attached Under separate cover via the following items: 0 Report 0 Drawings 0 Plans 0 Specifications 0 Copy of Letter TRANSMITTED: NO. COPIES Seven Copies TITLE C\UL.CD ce- S - V2 '-\ -\ -Q- c-J. - . 1~7—- U( —20 Jc?:36l (7::,- THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For Approval 0 Approved as Submitted 0 Resubmit_copy(ies) for Approval For Your Use 0 Approved as Noted 0 Submit_copy(ies) for Distribution O As Requested 0 Returned for Corrections 0 Return-corrected prints For Review and Comment 0 _______________________ FORBIDS DUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US. \- \-,&. D\k - - -V&A . --\•' cc co c0 - ç\ TELEPHONE j.)ç•' SANTA ANA (714)5414621 HESPERIA (619) 244•1550 SAN MARCOS (819) 744.5600 SANTEE (619) 5626560 PALMOALE (805) 273.1617 HEMET 114) 6525013 MSI.301 7186 MARDEN SUSCO LIEVVIRN W _UcU = .0 2840 WEST FIRST STREET, SANTA ANA, CA 92703 0 1550W. LINDA VISTA DR., SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 11418 W000SIDE AVE., NO. SANTEE, CA 92071 127 SO. HAMILTON, HEMET, CA 92343 0 11755 SANTA FE AVE., HESPERIA CA 92345 38865 15TH STREET EAST, PALMDALE, CA 93550 TO: Savala Construction Co. 16402 East Construction Circle Irvine, CA. 92714 Date Project No. November 1, 1994 Attention: John Lydoff Re: SUBMITTALS PIPELINE MATERIALS Widen Overcrossing/ Modify Interchange- Poinsettia Dr. CALTRANS GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU I Attached Under separate cover via the following items: Report 2 Drawings EJ Plans 0 Specifications 0 Copy of Letter TRANSMITTED: NO.COPIES Seven Copies TITLE (>2 C kE . — q CO + — 1 \._:•__(,. ç\ L) THESE ARE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: . For Approval 0 Approved as Submitted 0 Resubmit_copy(ies) for Approval For Your Use 0 Approved as Noted 0 Submit_copy(ies) for Distribution O As Requested 0 Returned for Corrections 0 Return-corrected prints O For Review and Comment . 0 FORBIDS DUE 19 ____ 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US. . 5'0'JZ' k - \Th-'-VI c-, -v k —'E SSS — \ ccn2e - Uç 'o Cosk Coc-c Cro c ç0 - tk TELEPHONE SANTA ANA (714) 541.6621 HESPERIA (619) 244-1550 SAN MARCOS (619)744-5600 SANTEE (619) 5626560 PALMOALE (505)273.1617 HEMET (714) 6525013 MSI-301 7186 J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc. 9 Peach Tree Bill Road, Livingston, New Jersey 07039 • (201) 535-1633 CERTIFICATION OF CONFORMANCE Marden Susco November 1, 1994 1440 i. Linda Vista Drive Date __________________________ San 1'facoa CA 9206 This is to certify that J-M's standard inspection procedure was used in the in- spection of the material covered by this order. The inspection that the material supplied on: J-M Order No. _1,099654 Your Order No, 119876 was manufactured in accordance with the specific recjuirement(s) of the appro- priate specification for the product(s) shipped. 4w - iS" SDR35/SDR26 Sewer Pipe ASTM D3034 I8"-27" PS46 Sewer Pipe ASTM F679 18" - P546 Ribbed Profile Sewer Pipe ASTM F794 18" - 48" AASBTO M304 Ribbed Profile Pipe 1/2"-12" IPS ASTM D2241 4" - 12" ClOD AWWA C900 14" - 24" ClOD Unibdll B-I I / AWWA C-905 1/2" - " Schedule 40/80 ASTM D1785 Drain Waste Vent ASTM D2665 4" - 12" Solvent Weld Perforated Pipe A.ASHTO M278 Certification for products or spcifiations not shown above will require sub- mission of a copy of the specification for review by J-M Manufacturing to deter- mine if certification is possible. Sincerely, Kevin Ee11n7 _,/ Title., Sales Location QA MJCW Jorcy Widen OYercrosSiflg/ Modify Interchange— Poinsettia Dr. CAL T RAN S. adtd- HIPR I & - •\ 1i'Nc iakt, 1 5Qarid 200 I/ Rig.rke AWWAc9O b - wa ter IPe/\ - - .- - IIJ1 'd - - - - ---- - - - - - - -. - - '- .•-•;4 EW" - - c- - ?in ,4_. '----. '--' -_,_2.;_ , .• . -'.3- '---a •. z- -'- .-. -- - - - - - -'--. -' -.--- - ~- - - - - -. - - - - -.- 4- 9_•, - - -. '.k_ For use in municipal water systems, firelines and other critical services. Strength Class 100, 150 and 200 Blue Brute water pipes have long-term hydrostatic strength that meet the Commonly accepted high safety requirements of municipal water systems. Blue Brute conforms to cast iron O.D.'s and is available in 4", 6", 8', 10" and 12" sizes in Class 100. 150, and 200. Meets AWWA C900 Underwriters Laboratories and NSF Listed, Factory Mutual Approved. J-M Manufacturing's Blue Brute Class 150 and 200 PVC water pipes are listed for critical use in firelines and water mains and are F/M approved Blue Brute Class 100 is intended for water mains. Light weight A 20 foot length of Class 150, 8" Blue Brute water pipe weighs approximately 181 pounds. That makes it easy to load, easy to transport and easy to handle. Installers prefer it because it goes into the ground quickly - thus saving on installation costs. Long laying lengths A standard laying length of Blue Brute PVC water pipe is 20 feet. That means you can cover a lot of ground during installation. At the same time, you eliminate the cost of unnecessary joints. Corrosion resistance Blue Brute is unaffected by electrolytic or galvanic corrosion, or any known soil or water condition. You don't have to worry about tuberculation, or the need for costly lining, wrapping, coating or cathodic protection. Quality control Without exception, each length of pipe is hydrostatically tested and subject to inspection by our quality control inspectors throughout every step of the manufacturing process. Flow capacity This PVC water pipe has a smooth interior that stays smooth over long years of service with no loss in carrying capacity. Its coefficient of flow is C = 150 (H&W) - the best available in common use in water systems. This capacity often allows savings in pumping costs as well as savings on the size of pipe required. Field cutting You can cut Blue Brute with a powersaw or an ordinary handsaw. It eliminates the need to invest in costly cutting equipment. Service life Because it is nonmetallic, the pipe does not lose strength due to either potable water corrosion or external galvanic or soil corrosion. And its design includes a surge allowance for a 2 ft/sec. stoppage of flow. Ring-Tite joints with factory installed rings Blue Brute's Ring-Tite joint can be assembled quickly. Seated in a deep groove, the flexible elastomeric ring provides a tight seal that protects the line from shock, vibration, earth move- ment and compensates for expansion and contraction of pipe lengths. And there's no field mixing or application of cement. It's a simple push-together joint that remains tight under normal operating conditions. Ring-Tite joint with factory installed ring factory installed Spigot pipe rubber sealing ends are ring provides supplied tight, flexible from factory h bevels. The bell is an integral part of the pipe length with the same strength. Installation Product should be installed in accordance with J-M Publication TR-704B, "Blue Brute PVC Class Water Pipe, Installation Guide." --- -- -. - Accessories Blue Brute is backed up by all the items it takes for smooth installation of water pipe. Direct taps can be made with proper tapping tools. (See detailed instructions on tapping in the "Blue Brute Installation Guide", TR-704B.) Cast iron O.D. Available in 4", 6", 8', 10" and 12" sizes, this pipe can be connected directly into cast and ductile iron fittings without adaptors or complicated procedures. Short form specification Scope This specification designates general requirements for unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic class water pipe with integral bell and spigot joints for the conveyance of water and other fluids. Materials Pipe shall meet the requirements of AWWA C900, "Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe". All Class 100 pipe shall meet the requirements of DR 25, Class 150 pipe shall meet the requirements of DR 18 and Class 200 the requirements of DR 14. Pipe stiffness The pipe stiffness using FlAy for PVC class water pipe is contained in the table below: Class DR Fiy (psi) 100 25 129 150 18 364 200 14 815 Quick burst test Randomly selected samples tested in accordance with ASTM D 1 599 shall withstand, without failure, pressures listed below when applied in 60-70 seconds. Pipe All pipe shall be suitable for use as pressure conduit. Provisions must be made for expansion and contraction at each joint with an elastomeric ring. The bell shall consist of an integral wall section with a factory installed, solid cross section elastomeric ring which meets the requirements of ASTM F-477. The bell section shall be designed to be at least as hydrostatically strong as the pipe wall and meet the requirements of AWWA C900. Sizes and dimensions shall be as shown in this specification. Hydro Testing Each pipe shall be tested to four times the pressure class of the pipe for a minimum of 5 seconds. The integral bell shall be tested with the pipe. Standard Laying Lengths Standard laying lengths shall be 20 feet (± 1") for all sizes. Minimum burst Class pressure at 7317 (psi) 100 535 150 755 200 985 Drop impact test Pipe shall withstand, without failure at 73F, an impact of a falling missile, Tup C, at the following levels. (Per ASTM D 2444). Pipe Impact size (in.) (ft/lbs.) 4 100 6 100 8 100 10 120 12 120 There shall be no visible evidence of shattering or splitting when the energy is imposed. t.. 5 All Flow characteristics and dimensions 1 Flowchart Class 100 (DR 25) Velocity Head loss Velocity Head loss Velocity Head loss Velocity Head loss Velocity Head loss ft./sec. psi/ i 00' ft./sec. psi/ i 00' ft./sec. psi/1 00' ft./sec. psi/1 00' ft/sec. psi/1 00' Gals./ Pipe size (in.) mm. 4 4.391.0. 6 6.301.0. 8 8.28 I.D. 10 10.161.0. 12 12.08 I.D. 100 2.12 0.16 200 4.24 0.57 2.05 0.10 300 6.35 1.21 3.07 0.21 400 8.47 2.07 4.10 0.35 2.38 0.09 500 5.12 0.53 2.98 0.14 600 6.15 0.75 3.57 0.20 2.38 0.07 700 7.17 0.99 4.17 0.27 2.77 0.10 800 8.20 1.27 4.76 0.34 3.17 0.13 2.24 0.05 900 9.22 1.58 5.36 0.42 - 3.56 0.16 2.52 0.07 1,000 5.96 0.51 3.96 0.19 2.80 0.08 1,500 8.93 1.09 5.94 0.40 4.20 0.17 2,000 7.92 0.69 5.60 0.29 2,500 9.90 1.04 7.00 0.45 3,000 8.40 0.62 3,500 9.80 0.83 Class 150 (DR 18) Gals./ Pipe size (in.) mm. 4 4.231.0. 6 6.09 1. D. 8 7.981.0. 10 9.79 1. D. i2 11.651.0. 100 2.28 0.19 200 4.57 0.69 2.20 0.12 300 6.85 1.46 3.30 0.25 400 9.13 2.48 4.41 0.42 2.57 0.11 500 5.51 0.64 3.21 0.17 2.13 0.06 600 6.61 0.89 3.85 0.24 2.56 0.09 700 7.71 1.18 4.49 0.32 2.98 0.12 2.11 0.05 800 8.81 1.52 5.13 0.41 3.41 0.15 2.41 0.06 900 9.91 1.89 5.77 0.51 3.84 0.19 2.71 0.08 1,000 6.41 0.61 4.26 0.23 3.01 0.10 1,500 9.62 1.30 6.39 0.48 4.51 0.21 2,000 8.52 0.82 6.02 0.35 2,500 7.52 0.53 3,000 9.03 0.74 .p Class 200 (DR 14) Gals./ Pipe Size (in.) Mm. 4 4.071.0. 6 5.861.0. 8 7.68 I.D. 10 9.42 I.D. 12 11.20 I.D. 100 2.47 0.23 200 4.93 0.83 2.38 0.14 300 7.40 1.76 3.57 0.30 2.08 0.08 400 9.86 2.99 4.76 0.51 2.77 0.14 500 5.95 0.77 3.46 0.21 2.30 .0.08 600 7.14 1.07 4.16 0.29 2.76 0.11 700 8.33 1.43 4.85 0.38 3.22 0.14 2.28 0.06 800 9.52 1.83 5.54 0.49 3.68 0.18 2.60 0.08 1,000 6.93 0.74 4.60 0.28 3.26 0.12 i,200 '5.53 0.39 3.91 0.17 1,400 6.45 0.52 4.56 0.22 • 1,600 7.37 0.67 5.21 0.29 2,000 9.21 1.01 6.51 0.43 2,500 ' 8.14 0.66 3,000 9.77 0.92 Coefficient of flow is C = 150 (Hazen and Williams). Velocity and head loss data are based on nominal inside diameter, which is outside diameter minus twice thickness I (nom.). 3 I Dimensions (average) Class 100 (DR 25)* Pipe Outside Nom. inside T (mm.) E Approx. Wt. size (in.) dia. (in.) dia. (in.)** thick. (in.) dim. (in.) De lbs./ft. 4 4.80 4.39 .192 4.75 6.4 1.9 6 6.90 6.30 .276 5.50 8.8 3.9 8 9.05 8.28 .362 6.25 11.4 6.7 10 11.10 10.16 .444 7.00 13.8 10.1 12 13.20 12.08 .528 7.80 15.9 14.4 Class l5O (DR 18)* 4 4.80 4.23 .267 4.75 6.5 2.6 6 6.90 6.09 .383 5.50 9.0 5.3 8 9.05 7.98 .503 6.25 11.6 9.2 10 11.10 9.79 .617 7.00 14.1 13.9 12 13.20 11.65 .733 7.80 16.7 19.7 Class 200 (DR 14)* 4 4.80 4.07 .343 4.75 6.8 3.2 6 6.90 5.86 .493 5.50 9.4 6.7 8 9.05 7.68 .646 6.25 12.1 11.6 10 11.10 9.42 .793 7.00 14.3 17.6 12 13.20 11.20 .943 7.80 16.9 25.1 DR (Dimension Ratio) is the Outside diameter divided by the minimum wall thickness T (mm.). Nominal inside diameter equals the outside diameter minus twice thickness I (nom.). 0 AWWA C-509 ULFM Approved Full Water Way C-R Coated I 1-1 !11IliiYA1I A • it is the Original, and the Definitivé Standard CLOW Claw Valve Co. 902 Sculh 2nd stroet faphcn: 51 e73-aGl1 03xllccea IA 52577 Fax: 515 73.8269 Document 07215-72 czaT:?cATE OP COMLAfC 1I25T AN— GATE V The Clow Val-re C=pazy a otra a thctile ton rQ1Lant Mat sate-, va2.v, model number 2630, in both th r±ain ;tsn 2'42" sizes ) and outside screw and yoke (2 1/V".'.29 ) coni1ratCn,. A1 valves ars rated f or 200 paig pa;ai:s a4 are hydrostatically :*itsd for seat .akas at 5S5135 up to 40 pui. Teee valves ara manuf actured in fi.i. Cp1a wit. ANSI/AWWA 0309 Standard f or ass ilia at- Rated Cats Valves for W&tar and sswie Syuta. Tta bond of tha uer wtdt CIOITa member has .be.n taitad for adhasion par the A8TM p429 Standard. The and fla.gsa of all. flanged valveseon.fo to ths aisis and d:tllLnp of the ANSIASME 318.: stand.wd as •nc,d in Section 4,5 of ANSIAWWA 0309 Standard, 13 sailing a of and flanpa also ccorn to the MSS Standard Prac tices SP-4, Standard ?it1ahei for Contact ?iss of is ?langu and Connacting-End llengsa of Valves and 7ittin, .ieohanic&l joint bell dimensions cm!orm to ANSI/AWWA Ci.li./A21 .1.1., The and flAup of tapping valves conforna to MSS Standard Pra4tics SP-401 Co acting lump Joint between Tappi:.g s1s.,s and:spying Vilvsi, Ai.1 ichir..d, interior and exterior a.trbaccs of the valve are coated with an inert, thsrmoaatting plastic rigir. to provide, a cor:os ion-re six taut coating wiah ccm$Las to A1SI/AWWA C5.O Standard. ibsc:ibed and awc'n to before me this day of I STAVIS OF IOWA as Widen Overcrossing/ Modify . COUNTY OP )IAEAVI CAL TRANS I______________________ Interchange- Poinsettia Dr. uu Netter., A Clvts0n of MoWine, Incorporated .,, •_4 — - - iO'1 6P: , P A'W In 1975 Clow recognized the increased requirements and escalating maintenance cost ( of water systems in the United States. Clow responded by introducing the first R/W (Resilient Wedge) Valve in America. This introduction revolutionized-the valve market in the U.S. Clow is the first to introduce and still leads in the Design and Technology of the Bubble- Tight Resilient Seating Valve. The Clow Valve with its unique features and benefits is the first to be manufactured with both AWWA and ULFM Approval for all water system requirements. RECOMMENDED SPE1RCAT1ONS FOR RESIUENT WEDGE GATE VALVES CLOW VALVE COMPANY Valves shall conform to the latest revision of AWWA Standard C-509 covering resilient seated gate valves and be approved by ULFM. The valves shall be either non-rising stem or rising stem, opening by turning stem left or right and provided with 2" square operating nut or handwheel with the word Open and an Arrow cast in the metal to indicate direction to open. The wedge shall be of cast iron completely encapsulated with rubber; The sealing rubber shall be permanently bonded to the cast iron wedge to meet ASTM tests for rubber metal bond ASTM D429. Stems for NRS assemblies shall be cast bronze with integral collars in full compliance with AWWA. OS & V stems shall be bronze. The NRS stem stuffing box shall be the 0-ring seal type with two rings located above thrust collar: The two rings shall be replaceable with valve fully open and subjected to full rated working pressure. There shall be two low torque thrust bearings located above and below the stem collar. The stem nut shall be independent of wedge and shall be made of solid bronze. There shall be a smooth, unobstructed waterway free of all pockets cavities and depressions in the seat area. The body and bonnet shall be coated with fusion bonded epoxy both interior and exterior. Each valve shall have maker's name, pressure rating and year in which manufactured cast on the body. Prior to shipment from factory, each valve shall be tested by hydrostatic pressure equal to requirement for both AWWA (twice the specified working pressure) and 400 PSI ULFM requirements. AVL'i ! AYLVIATAVI k' Features and Benefits DELRIN THRUST BEARINGS ABOVE AND BELOW THE THRUST COLLAR REDUCE FRICTION AND MINIMIZE OPERATING TORQUES. TWO O RING SEALS ARE REPLACEABLE WITH THE VALVE FULLY OPEN AND SUBJECTED TO FULL-RATED WORKING PRESSURE. ELECTRO-PLATED NUTS AND BOLTS PROVIDE LONG-LIFE CORROSION PROTECTION. 0-RING SEALS AT STUFFING BOX AND BONNET TO BODY FLANGES TO INSURE THE BEST POSSIBLE SEAL. 9 . LONG, TROUBLE FREE LIFE WITH ' HIGH STRENGTH, NON-CORRO- SIVE BRONZE STEM AND STEM - NUT. 100% COATED WEDGE IN- SURES BUBBLE-TIGHT SEAL EVERY TIME UP TO 200 PSI. CLOW CORROSION RESISTANT FUSION- BONDED EPDXY COATING PROTECTS BOTH INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF VALVE. SMOOTH, UNOBSTRUCTED WATERWAY IS FREE OF POCKETS, CAVITIES, AND DEPRESSIONS ALLOWING ( FOR MINIMAL FLOW LOSS AND LOWER PUMPING COSTS. ALL VALVES ACCEPT FULL SIZE TAPPING CUTTER. ALL VALVES HYDROSTATICALLY TESTED TO 400 PSI. PADS ON THE BOTTOM OF ALL VALVES KEEP VALVE IN UPRIGHT POSITION FOR EASIER STORAGE AND PROTECTION FROM THE ELEMENTS I RESILIENT SEAT GATE VALVE V N.R.S. ASSEMBLY CLOW VALVE COMPANY B-? R..3 R.1 R-9 \R15 Name or Part - Material ASTM SPEC. B-i Hex Head Bolts Zinc Plated Steel ASTh *307 Grade B A-.? Flat Washers Zinc Plated Steel ASTM *307 Grade B B-) Operating Nut Cast iron 15Th *126 Class B HanCwheel Cast Iron ASTM A126 Class B R-4 Hex. Bolt & Nut Zinc Plated Steel ASTM A307 Grade B R-5 0-Ring Following Plate 2' r.hru & Cast 'I ron ASTM A126 Class 8 10" and 12 Ductile iron ASTM *536 Cr. 65-45-10 Stem 0'Rln Buna - N fl-i Follower Plate 0'Ring Buna - N R-8 Thrust Washer Delrin R-9 Stem Bronze (Low Zinc) - NDZ-S CA NO. 995 A-lU Hex. Head Cover Bolts & Huts Zinc Plated Steel ASTM *307 Grade B B-il Cover Cast Iron ASTM A126 Class B R-12 Stem Nut Bronze (Low Zinc) NDZ CA NO. 994 R-13 Wedge C.I.-Urethane Urethane Molded Wed ;e ASTM *126 Class B R 1 Cover O'Ring Buna-K fl-IS Body (All Types) Cast Iron 15Th *126 Class B I 2"-12"R/W VALVE FLANGED ENDS GENERAL DIMENSION LAYOUT GLOW VALVE COMPANY F-6102 I 2 SQ. EE '' _CL r B _._.. DL- F NO. & - 125 lbs. ANSI size of bolts standard A drilling 316.1 Valve Size A B C 0 E F G H 2 7 3 1/2 6 5/8 10 7/8 4-5/8 7 1/4 2 2 1 /2 7 1/2 3 3/4 7 11/15 11 3/8 4-5/8 7 1/4 2 1/2 3 8 4 7 1/2 3/4 12 3/8 4-5/8 10 3 4 9 4 1/2 9 1 5/16 14 3/4 8-5/8 10 4 1/4 6 10 1/2 5 1/4 11 1 19 8-3/4 12 6 1/4 8 11 1/2 53J_4 13 1/ 1 1/8 22 1/2 8-3 /4 14 8 1/4 10 13 6 1/2 16 1 3/16 26 1/2 12-7/8 18 10 1/4 12 14 7 19 1 1/4 30 12-7/8 18 12 1/4 4"- 12"R/W VALVE PUSH-ON ENDS FOR C900 OR C.I. GENERAL DIMENSION LAYOUT CLOW VALVE COMPANY I F-6112 I 1- __ 2SQ ~_TT' E _ 4. B p A Va lv e Size A B C D S F 4 11 5 1/2 3.22 6 3/4 14 3/4 10 6 12 6 3.38 9 3/8 19 - 12 8 13 6 1/2 3.69 11 3/4 22 1/2 14 10 14 7 . 3.50 14 26 1/2 18 - 12 16 8 3.75 16 30 18 . ,. . ....,.-.... I 4"-12"R/W VALVE PUSH-ON X FLANGE GENERAL DIMENSION CLOW VALVE COMPANY I F-6113 I 2" SQ._ - E I I B H GNo. & 125 lb. ANSI A size of bolts std. driliing 915.1 Va lve Size A B C D F G H 4 10 5 1/2 3.22 9 14 3/4 10 8-5/8 15/16 6 11 1/4 5 3.38 11 19 12 8-3/4 1 8 12 114 6 1/2 3.69 13 112 22 1/2 14 8-3/4 1 1/8 10 13 1/2 7 3.50 16 26 1/2 18 .2-7/8 1 3/16 12 15 8 3.75 19 30 1& .2-7/8 1 1/4 Features Benefits Bubble Tight Closure at 200 psi No leakage - no toss of water Smooth, Unobstructed Waterway High flow characteristics 100% smooth passage without turbulent flow No sediment build-up Will not impede travel of line cleaning tools Only Three Internal Parts Virtually maintenance free No Seat Rings Nothing to be damaged by scoring Delrin* Anti-Friction Thrust Bearing Operating torque to close and open held to absolute minimum Solid, Bronze Stem Nut and High No corrosion Strength Bronze Stem Trouble-free service Stem Nut is Self Centering Eliminates possible stress on stem and wedge Two 0" Ring Seals Above Stem Can be replaced with valve in service Thrust Collar High Strenth Iron Wedge Fully Trouble free service with minimum Encapsulated with Urethane Rubber . maintenance Permanently Bonded to Metal. Wedge No leaks - no wear Design Incorporates Two Seating Surfaces. DuPont Trademark 0 Valves shall conform to the latest revision of AWWA Standard C-509 covering resilient seated gate valves. The valves shall be either, non-rising stem or rising stem, opening by turning stem left or right and provided with 2" square operating nut or handwheel with the word Open and an Arrow cast in the metal to indicate direction to open. The wedge shall be of cast iron completely encapsulated with urethane rubber. The urethane sealing rubber shall be permanently bonded to the cast iron wedge to meet ASTM tests for ruber metal bond ASTM D429. Stems for NRS assemblies shall be cast bronze with integral collars in full compliance with AWWA. OS & V stems shall be on bronze bar stock. The NRS stem stuffing box shall be the 0-ring seal type with two rings located above thrust collar, the two rings shall be replaceable with valve fully open and subjected to full rated working pressure. There shall be two low torque thrust bearings located above and below the stem collar. The stem nut shall be independant of wedge and shall be made of solid bronze. There shall be a smooth unobstructed waterway free of all pockets, cavities and depressions in the seat area. The body and bonnet shall be coated with fusion bonded epoxy both interior and exterior. Each valve shall have maker's name, pressure rating and year in which manufactured cast on the body. Prior to shipment from factory, each valve shall be tested by hydrostatic pressure equal to twice the specified working pressure. •• . .. . •• .: .11 ... i.-. .. GROUNDHOG®--:.-.,..- -4"7-727 DISTRIBUTION TRANSMISSION NALVES .•.. . ... • :.. PLUS _TRITON® HP-250 M IN VALVE SIZES 4"- 72" -:! •• • ... •. - _ - • COPYRIGHT192 Henry Pratt Company ....... 001-4 1D1A&E C0YER, 2'STD AWWA NUT BE ?n J'2 FIELD BE(EO i-----c SHAFT IN OFiOT0 BE CUT AND ASSEM- T1 r -i BLED IN FIELD BY I T1 CUSTOMER. il 5" SOIL PIPE NORMALLY FURNISHED BY OTHERS WWA ICE N ISE ELD1I.ESS SENOTED OPTIONAL Li-N EXTENSION STEM ARRANGEMENT H DRAWING NO. GROUNDHOG - FLANGED ENDS MC-5107 Rev. #0 Volvo A B C 0 E F G Oper. Size 4 5-34 3-34 9 5 V, 8-34 7-4 MOT 5 6-34 544 11 5 1 5-34 9-34 MOT 1 8 7-34 6-34 1344 6 1-V. 8-34 11-34 MDT 10 9 9-111 16 8 1, Jz 12 1044 11-34 19 8 1-I. 12-34 17 MDT2 4 11-34 12-54 21 8 1-34 12-1 18-34 MDT3 [20 13-'A J± JzL iY 15-3425 PI 8 16 17I 1. 27-34 1 8 1 1-4. 1 20-1-Al 25 MDT4 NOT OPERATOR TABLE Oper. , I. U Size N P 0 R V MDT 3-', 2-!., 1-34 1-34 3-14 3-34 MDT 2 4-34 2 2-34 2 444 4-V. 6-4 3-34 MDT t 5-, !. 2-', 3-I. 3-./,, 5-34 5-rI, 9 44 I 5-34 MDT I 6 2-"A, 3-34 4 7-4t. 6-4'. 11-4 6-34 NOTES: All dimensions shown in inches. 0 ± 1/16" thru 10" valves. ± 1/8" for 12" and larger valves. Paint: lnteriorf valve (except flange faces & disc): - 1k C. Exterior of val e & operator. F"NO.&SIZE OF BOLTS. ZS LB. STD. LAYOUT, STRADDLE CLINE. ALL HOES i/B" LARGER THAN BOLT DIA, EXCEPT AS NOTED. ,4 TAPPED HOLES -NC(2)RH X \ / DEEP. EACH FACE ON VALVES IB" \ \AND LARGER. NON. (,3LT' ALYE CIRCLE C —A B Groundhoa Buried Service Item No. Oty. Valve Size (in.) Oper. Size Oper. Rotation To Close CW CCW 3 2O MDT 4 X 4 14" JMDT 3 X Material Code Table Part Material Bodr. Cast Iron ASTM A-126, Class B Disc: Cast Iron ASTM A-126, Class B with Ni-Chrome Edge Shaft Stainless Steel 18-8 Typ304 ASTM A-276 Bearings: Nylon Seat: Buna-N a Customer Savala Constructicn C P.O. No. Project Widen 0vercr0ssing Poinsettia Dr. Engineer CALTRANS Pratt Order No. Proposal No. Customer Approval (Stamp in Box) Date: Pratt Approval (by): Date: Henry Pratt Co., Aurora, IL 60507 U.S.A. Significant Product De'ieiopments N_~ A HISTORY OF INNOVATION, DEVELOPMENT AND EXPERIENCE The Henry Pratt Company designs, develops, manu- factures and markets rubber seated butterfly and ball valves as well as valve actuators, control systems and venturi flow meters. These products are used for water, wastewater, power and industrial market applications. Founded in 1901 by a small group of industrialists as a metal fabricating shop, the Henry Pratt Company entered the valve industry in 1926 with design/devel- opment of the first rubber seated butterfly valve. Growth of the Company over the past years has been closely associated with the growth of the rubber seat butterfly valve being supplied to the markets identi- fied. Administrative headquarters are located in Au- rora, Illinois with manufacturing facilities at Aurora and Dixon, Illinois, and Houston. Texas. The heavy Pratt investment in Research and Devel- opment has generated the following industry firsts: I Rubber-seat butterfly valve; I Rubber-seat ball valve; I High-pressure rubber-seat butterfly valve for water distribution service; I Development of the replaceable seat concept for large butterfly valves; I Perfection of the "molded in" seat concept for smaller butterfly valves; I Rubber-seat butterfly valve for circulating water systems in power plants: 3 Condenser partition rubber-seat butterfly valve; 3 Combination expansion joint/flangeless valve; 3 150 psi service water valve; I Rectangular and obround shaped rubber-seat butterfly valve; 3 Fast-closing valve to shut off ventilating systems in nuclear power plants; ] Non-metallic power cylinder for valve operators. Leader in Research and Development At the Henry Pratt Company, research and develop- ment activity is an integral part of our engineering function. It is used in developing a new product, improving an existing product or determining when to obsolete a product in accordance with the needs of the market place. A capable engineering staff working in two laboratories totaling an area of 8,000 square feet is equipped with a variety of modern and sophisticated equipment and instruments. Facilities include 1,000 cubic foot tank for storage of air at 500 psi, which when reduced in pressure is used in test- ing scale models of valve discs for determination of flow characteristics. Another important facility is a hydrodynamic test loop which permits a wide variety of piping complexes for simulating actual working conditions of valves equal to or exceeding those found in most applications. From this data, complete computer programs have been developed for high speed evaluation of valve performance, providing extraordinary accuracy and completeness in every valve design. Nationwide Service A large staff of experienced sales engineers who are intimately familiar with water, wastewater and power plant applications and requirements is available to you. There is a Pratt office near you anywhere in the United States - and through that office you have ready access to application engineers, service engineers, and extensive backup facilities which include a complete parts inventory. General It is felt that this brief summary of background information establishes perspective for the Henry Pratt standard approach which emphasizes high quality and dependable service based on success- ful field experience, with a wide range of products, over a period of many years. Detailed coverage of Henry Pratt products along with their characteristics and applications are covered in other catalogs. ..-..-- ------------------------------------------ Feature. . . Benefit ... Bubble-tight shutoff No leakage Light Weight Easy installation Compact size Saves space Sealed and lubricated Easy operation plus corrosion mechanical actuator resistance Will accept input torque loads to Virtually impossible to damage 450 ft/lbs No exercising required Minimum maintenance cost Can be installed in various positions Flexibility at ow cost without extra attachments I Competitive- low cost Most cost-effective alternative Seat on body design pus sweeping disc Keeps seat clean of foreign matter to seat motion Throttling capability Multiple uses I. Direct burial Low-cost installation Meets and exceeds AWA Standard Exceeds minimum requirements C-504 for rubber seated butterfly valves 5 GROUNDHOG'BUTTERFLY VALVE "A MARK OF EXCELLENCE'! The trend to butterfly usage for water distribu- tion and transmission applications continues. Pratt GROUNDHOG valves have been at the forefront of this preference change, as the standard of reliability for butterfly valves over the past quarter century. Henry Pratt's tradition of heavy emphasis on research and development is reflected in the dependable and virtually service-free perfor- mance record of the GROUNDHOG valve over the years. Success has been proven under tough field service conditions-"where it counts." Essentially the Pratt butterfly valve solution to fluid control needs for water distribution and transmission systems is the most advanced "state of the art." The GROUNDHOG valve offers not only prov- en advantages when compared to alternative control approaches-but also provides the most "cost effective" choice, for just about any buried service requirement Consider the following features and benefits which the Pratt GROUNDHOG valve provides. , Specific features of the Pratt GROUNDHOG design that deliver various benefits are detailed in this brochure. These butterfly advantages are proven, not just promised. To our knowledge, there is no known alternative approach to fluid control that offers similar advantages and flexibility, for water distribution and transmission applications. ---------------- GROUNDHOGS WITH FLANGED ENDS GROUNDHOG® WITH MECHANICAL . JOINT ENDS 0 4"111111111111120" GROUNDHOG® BURIED SERVICE BUTTERFLY VALVES Underground distribution and transmission systems most often require valves of 4"-20", and GROUND- HOG models in this size range are specially engineered to be buried and forgotten until needed. Components are selected for long-term reliability, so the valves will provide service life equaling or exceeding that of the pipeline. A key design feature is the molded-in rubber seat which is bonded to the valve body by a patented Pratt process. Made of a specially compounded Buna N rubber, the seat is engineered so that no replacement or adjustment is required throughout the life of the valve, under normal operating conditions. The unique seat retention method eliminates the possibility of "ballooning" or"blow-out" of the seat and affords more precise-control of circum- ferential tolerance, which assures bubble-tight valve performance even in the harshest operating envi- ronment. The on-center disc, the only part exposed to water, is streamlined to minimize pressure drop and turbulence. At full open the valves create no more friction loss than a 450 elbow. The disc also provides built-in damage resis- tance. As the disc approaches the closed position, a high-velocity area is created which "flushes" the seat. The disc itself sweeps particles ahead to keep the seat clean. Other important design features include: self-adjusting packing whch should never need replacing; a corrosion- resistant, one-piece stainless steel shaft an extra-heavy cast iron body; large, chemically inert nylon bearings which have tested out at more than 100.000 cycles; and a tamper-proof disc centering mechanism which maintains positive disc alignment without play. GROUNDHOG valves in 4"- 20" sizes meet all require- ments of AWWA C504. A Pratt MDT buried service actuator is standard, and either flanged, mechanical joint push-on joint, water, Victaulic coupling or asbestos cement pipe end styles are available. Performance Tested Reliability To assure a thoroughly reliable valve seat, the Pratt rubber seat bond is tested by the ASTM Test D-429, Method B. This test, one of the most stringent means of measuring bond effectiveness, consists of a minimum 75-pound pull on a 1" sharp line at 90° to the sample. Repeated testing con- firms the integrity of the rubber seat bond at over 100 pounds pull. Concentrated I S;: is, Juncture Bonded SarnOue Under Test Clarno of Testing Machine TECHNICAL DATA Sizes: 4 through 20" Body Style: Cast iron with ends for flange, mechanical joint, Victaulic couplings, wafer, and asbestos cement pipe. Push on joint (4" - 16") and push on X Flange (4" - 12") for C900 PVC and ductile iron pipe. Pressure Class: Class 150B per AWWA Standard C504 Actuators: Pratt traveling nut design actuator in strict compliance with AWWA C504 latest revision. Specially designed and built for buried service. (Refer to page 12 for design details.) Service: Distribution, potable or raw water Accessories: DIVINER® ground-level position indicator, handwheel. extension stem, valve box (standard and slipjoint) *Valves can be tested for 200 psi upon request. DESIGN DETAILS 420" GROUNDHOGS BURIED SERVICE BUTTERFLY VALVES K7 :IJ pulhL Chevron V Packing Packing is self-adjusting, long lasting and should never need replacement because quarter-turn valve operation causes little or no wear. Packing bears on turned, ground and polished stainless steel.- Corrosion Resistant Shaft To prevent corrosion of a vital structural component, shaft is constructed of t ype 304, 18-8 stainless steel which affords protection against the harmful effects of corrosion. Shaft is one-piece, through-shaft construction sized to meet or exceed requirements of AWWA Standard C504 for Class 150B service. Heavy Duty Body Cast iron body is extra heavy with flanges fully faced and drilled per ANSI B16.1 Class 125 Standard for cast-iron flanges. Other ends, including integrally cast mechanical joint, push-on (for Dl and PVC 0900); asbestos-cement, asbestos cement by flange, wafer, and Victaulic coupling ends are also available. Operator mounting trunnion is machined and drilled for four-bolt connection. Self-Lubricating Bearings Chemically inert nylon bearings, liberally sized, are self-lubricating. These bearings should outlast the life of the pipeline. Streamlined Disc S Lens-shaped disc is designed to minimize pressure drop and turbulence. Full open valve creates no more friction loss than a 450 elbow. Disc is secured to the shaft by stainless steel pins sized to transmit torques required and withstand stresses imposed under severe operating conditions. Disc is cast iron ASTM A 126 Class B with 316 stainless steel disc edge. Body Seat Seat is a special rubber compounded in the F Henry Pratt materials laboratory. It is bonded to the body by a patented process requiring skilled technicians and special machinery. The result is a seat that cannot be torn from the body under normal pipeline conditions The precision molding process also insures that the disc-seat indentation cannot cause excessive wear or abrasion upon closing. Tamper-Proof Disc Centering Precision molded flats in the bonded seat at the body trunnion mate with machined flats on the disc to provid tamper-proof centering of the disc in the body. Positive disc alignment without play is maintained, assuring long seat life. BURIED SERVICE ACTUATORS BUILT EXTRA STRONG AND WATER TIGHT FOR YEARS OF TROUBLE-FREE SERVICE Rugged, Feature Packed Construction Designed and developed by Henry Pratt specifically for buried service, GROUNDHOG valve actuators exceed the rigid operating requirements of AWWA Standard C504. They are traveling nut type and are self-locking without a unidirectional sustained force from the valve. Unlike some actuators of other designs GROUNDHOG actuators can be relied upon to maintain exact valve position under conditions of fluctuating, turbulent and intermittent flow, yet one man can smoothly and easily operate the valve. Stop limiting devices are provided and are capable of withstanding 11/2 times the AWWA C504 standard input torque at full open or closed positions without damage to the valve or actuator. Moisture Resistant These rugged actuators are lubricated for the life of the valve. They can be operated without maintenance under ground-water conditions because of their grease- packed construction. As long as the cover, gasket and seals remain intact, there is no need to worry about damage resulting from water infiltration. Smooth Operation On 4" through 12" valve sizes operation is linear, with valve opening approximately in proportion to the turns of the nut. In sizes 14" and larger, a link-lever arrange- ment provides characterized closure, which minimizes the possibility of line shock by slowing down valve travel as the valve approaches the closed position. TURNS REQUIRED TO OPEN OR CLOSE 'Si ---No. Of Turns 4"- 8" 27 10-,12- 32 14-,16- 30 18"- 24" 40 30" 44 36" 44or136 42" 136or215 48" 215 NOTE: 54"-72" turns on request SLOTTED-LEVER (4-12") LINK-LEVER (14-48") ... Hous:—Provides structural support plus protec- tion for internal operating mechanism. Mounts to valve trunnion with four bolts. Gasket between hous- ing and cover prevents infiltration of dirt and moisture. Screv c:—Precision-machined, high strength steel. Stop Limiting Collars —Built-in, threaded into posi- tion and pinned. Meet or exceed AWWA C504 Standard for input torque requirements to eliminate the possibility of damage to actuator housing, mecha- nism or disc-shaft assembly. Lever—Rugged casting built to transmit torques from slider nut to valve shaft. On link-lever design, takes up higher portion of nut movement at the "closing end of the screw. (Referto actuator charac- teristic curves below.) Key—Actuator is keyed to valve shaft for positive connection of two units. Slider Nut—Precision machined to mate perfectly with screw rod and lever. Capable of withstanding 450 ft. lb. input torque against stop collar. Dual-Link Construct idn--.Onelinkabovethescrew (shown) and one below (hidden), adds strength and prevents misalignment and jamming of slider nut. 12 0- Actuator Characteristic Curves 0270 2.2 c'0200 °-I- Slotted-Lever Design 02. 2% 00% 00% 0. 70% 20% 102. CS fl WI. OOIIATOS 1I 2. 2nCflII 02 707*0 10*200 02704 'JO 0 COOUD 02ctaTOs ciloec - PUCCOI 07 707*0 7002- Cu 70e ,s app,07,male. Exact Characteristic varies -rn s,ze of valve ana ooeratO,. FUR RUTTIV ivir IAI DIVICII EBAt IRON SALES, INC FLEJ(TEND FLEXIBLE EXPANSION JOINTS pipelines crossing : unstable terrain such as faults. swamps or landfills all suffer some degree of vulnerability to damage from ground motion. This motion can be either gradual or sudden, and places damaging shear and bending forces on pipelines. In areas close to or within structures where differential movement can occur, pipelines should be restrained and supported to isolate and accommodate movement in a controllable manner at a desig- nated location. FLEX-TEND flexible expansion joints provide pipeline protection from the stresses produced by these forces with their ability to deflect up to 30 A Single-ball FLEX-TEND bridge crossing simultaneously expanding or contracting. FLEX-TEND is available in sizes from 3 inches to 36 inches and can be used on either ductile iron or PVC pipelines for: Connections to buildings, tanks and other structures Underground to aerial transi- tions such as bridges Areas of anticipated ground movement and unstable soils Areas near roadways and dams Active fault crossings and - liquifaction zones FLEX-TEND is available with both flange and mechanical joint end connections for adaptable -- protection for pipelines, pumps, bridge crossings, tank connections and many other critical installations either above or below ground. FLEX-TEND in sizes of 3-inches through 24-inches are rated for 350 psi working water pressure. Sizes of 30 inches and larger are rated for 250 psi working water pressure. For ductile iron, steel, or PVC pipelines Minimum of 15 degree deflection per ball Variable expansion capability Choice of double-ball or single-ball Sizes 3" through 24", 350 psi; 30" and 36", 250 psi Manufactured entirely of 60-42-10 ductile iron Each unit tested to rated working pressure prior to shipment For flanged or mechanical joint connections and combinations A-. Standard Unit Expanon Pius One A4onal Sleeve Pius Two AdionaI Sleeves CIA kill A fli BALL JOINT BALI. JOINT , n FLEX-TEND is manu- factured entirely of ductile iron, conforming to all applicable requirements of ANSI/AW\'VA C153/A21.53 and is totally protected from internal corrosion with a lining of fusion-bonded epoxy. : FLEX-TEND flexible expansion joints are available in double ball or single ball configu- rations. Double-Ball FLEX-TEND offers the unique ability to accom- modate a considerable degree of close-coupled vertical subsidence and will deflect at least 30 degrees in any direction. Single-ball FLEX-TEND is ideally suited for the protection of pumps and valve mom A Double-ball FLEX-TEND bridge crossing - 24" flange x flange with 16" expansion V Double-ball FLEX-TEND tank connection - 6" flange x flange with 4" expansion installations inside buildings, "in- line" pipeline protection, and will deflect at least 15 degrees in any direction. Each FLEX-TEND is provided with expansion/contrac- tion capability cast as an integral part of the ball and socket. Expansion/contraction capacity can be adjusted with additional sleeves installed at the factory prior to shipping or in the field at a later date. The use of addi- tional sleeves increases both the axial movement and the avail- able offset. zE1I .1 I o EIIAA IKO? SAI.ES. INC. DIMEN. DOUBLE BALL SINGLE BALL z 0 - I- . (3 . 0 U . z 0 3: 4 - z 22.0 27.0 15.1 4.0 113 403M20 - - - - 403M10 3 8 9.2 30.0 35.0 23.1 6.2 137 403M21 - - - - 403M 1 1 12 38.0 43.0 31.1 8.3 167 403M22 - - - - 403M12 4 29.5 34.5 21.9 5.9 187 404M20 22.5 27.5 - 99 404M10 4 8 13.0 44.0 49.0 36.1 9.7 230 404M21 36.5 41.5 3.9 142 404M11 12 58.0 63.0 50.4 13.5 273 404M22 51.0 56.01 - 186 404M12 4 32.0 37.0 22.8 6.1 271 406M20 23.5 28.51 - 138 406M 10 6 8 15.0 45.0 50.0 36.1 9.7 335 406M21 37.0 42.0 4.5 202 406M1 1 12 1 58.5 1 63.5 49.4 113.2 1 399 406M221 50.5 55.5 - 267 406M12 4 1 34.5 39.5 24.5 6.6 362 408M20 26.0 31.0 - 193 408M10 8 8 17.3 1 51.0 56.0 40.6 10.9 454 408M21 42.5 47.5 5.1 285 408M11 - 12 67.0 72.0 56.7 15.2 545 408M22 58.5 63.5 - 376 408M12 4 40.5 4.5.5 28.4 7.6 569 410M20 - -. - - 410M10 10 8 20.4 55.0 60.0 43.2 11.6 706 410M21 - - - - 410M11 12 70.0 75.0 58.0 15.5 843 410M22 - - - 410M12 4 43.5 48.5 29.1 7.8 734 412M20 30.5 35.5 - 505 412M10 12 8 22.7 58.5 63.5 44.1 1.8 884 1 1034 412M21 4.5.5 50.5 7.1 655 412M11 12 73.5 78.5 59.1 5.8 412M22 60.5 65.5 - 805 412M12 8 65.0 72.0 44.3 1.9 1287 414M1014 414M20 - - - - 16 25.0 90.5 97.5 1 123.5 70.2 8.8 1625 414M21 - - - - 414M11 24 116.5 96.1 25.7 1962 414M22 - - - - 414M12 8 65.0 72.0 44.3 11.9 1287 416M20 47.0 54.0 - 708 416M10 16 16 25.0 90.5 97.5 70.2 18.8 1625 416M21 73.0 80.0 10.3 1046 416M11 24 116.5 123.5 96.1 25.7 1962 416M22 99.0 106.0 - 1383 416M12 8 64.5 71.5 43.9 11.8 1752 418M20 - - - - 418M10 18 16 30.5 90.0 97.0 69.2 18.5 214.5 418M21 - - - 418M11 24 1 115.0 122.0 94.4 125.3 11538 418M22 - - - - 418M12 8 64.5 71.5 43.9 11.8 1811 420M20 45.5 52.5 - 979 420Mb 20 16 30.5 90.0 97.0 69.2 18.5 2232 420M21 70.5 77.5 10.4 1400 420M1 1 - 24 - 115.0 1122.0 94.4 25.3 2653 420M22 96.0 103.0 - 1821 420M12 8 78.0 85.0 50.2 13.4 3003 424M20 53.0 60.01 - 1521 424M10 24 16 36.6 103.0 110.0 75.5 20.2 3693 424M21 78.5 85.5 13.8 2211 424M1 1 24 128.0 135.5 1100.8 27.0 4383 424M22 103.51110.5, - 2901 424M12 CL- STANDARD PRESET CONDITION CI. TO HOME: CENTERLINE Of BALL TO END OF MJ SOO(ET S (OFFSET) = CL X TAN 15 D 0 U B L E B A L L N G L E B A L L n GENERAL DIMENSIONS1 DOUBLE BALL SINGLE BALL z 0 •. 0 0 . z z 4 26.5 15.1 4.0 121 403F20 19.2 63 403F10 3 8 9.2 5.7 34.5 23.1 6.2 145 403F21 27.2 87 4031`1 1 12 42.5 31.1 8.3 170 1 403F22 35.2 Ill 403F12 4 35.0 21.9 5.9 193 404F20 25.5 139 404F10 4 8 13.0 6.6 49.5 36.1 9.7 236 ' 404F21 39.5 182 4041`11 12 63.5 50.4 13.5 279 404F22 54.0 226 404F12 4 36.5 22.8 6.1 273 406F20 27.0 185 406FIT 6 8 15.0 6.7 49.5 36.1 9.7 337 4061`21 40.5 249 406F1 I 12 1 1 63.0 49.4 13.2 401 406F22 53.5 314 406F12 4 39.0 24.5 6.6 374 408F20 29.5 269 408F10 8 8 17.3 7.2 55.0 40.6 10.9 466 4081`21 45.5 361 4081`11 12 71.0 56.7 1 15.2 557 408F22 61.5 452 408F12 4 4.5.0 28.4 7.6 571 410F20 32.0 487 410F10 10 8 20.4 8.4 60.0 43.2 11.6 708 410F21 46.5 624 410F1 1 12 75.0 58.0 15.5 845 410F22 1 61.5 761 410F12 4 47.5 29.1 7.8 764 4121`20 33.5 638 412F10 12 8 22.7 9.3 62.5 44.1 11.8 914 4121`21 48.5 1 788 412F11 12 77.5 59.1 15.8 1064 412F22 63.5 938 41 2F1 2 8 71.5 44.3 11.9 1267 414F20 - - 414F10 14 16 25.0 13.6 97.5 70.2 18.8 1605 414F21 - - 414F1 24 1 1 123.5 96.1 1 25.7 942 414F22 - - 4141`12 8 71.5 44.3 11.9 1267 416F20 51.5 998 416F10 16 16 25.0 13.6 97.5 70.2 18.8 1605 416F21 77.5 1336 416F1 24 123.5 96.1 25.7 1942 416F22 103.5 1673 416F12 8 71.5 43.9 11.8 1768 418F20 - - 418F10 18 16 30.5 13.9 97.0 69.2 18.5 2161 418F21 - - 418F11 24 122.0 94.4 25.3 2554 4181`22 - - 418F12 8 67.0 43.9 11.8 1805 420F20 48.0 1347 420F10 20 16 30.5 11.4 92.0 69.2 18.5 2226 420F21 73.0 1768 420F11 - 24 117.5 94.4 25.3 2647 420F22 98.5 2189 420F12 8 81.0 50.2 13.4 3057 1 424F20 55.0 2093 424F10 24 16 37.3 15.5 106.5 75.5 20.2 3747 424F21 30.5 2783 424F1 1 24 1 131.5 100.8 27.0 4437 424F22 106.0 1 3473 1 424F12 30 10 44.1 116.7 1 96.7 63.3 17.0 4864 430F20 - - - CL STANDARD PRESET CONEXTION a TO FLG: CENTERUNE Of BALI. TO FLANGE FACE S(OFFSET)=cLXTAN Is -' LAYING LENGTH CL CL.'t li-i LAYING LENGTH 'Ftc S uw.iL1.L1LLJ. IS DIMENSIONS +1. 1% WEIGHTS ARE ESTIMATES AWWA Cl 10 FLANGE BOLT PATTERN DIMENSIONS +1- 1% WEIGHTS ARE ES1IMATTS JOINT RESTRAINT PROVIDED, PLEASE SPECIFY OR ASK FOR ASSISTANCE UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, FLEX-TEND ASSEMBLIES ARE PRESET TO THE FOLLOWING EXPANSIONS/CONTRACTIONS: 4 (+3", -1") 8" (+6", -21 10" (+7.5", -2.51 12'(+9',-3*) 16"(+12',-4) 24'(+18',-6) FOR SPECIAL CONFIGURATIONS AND UNITS LARGER THAN 30 INCHES CONTACT YOUR EBAA REPRESENTATIVE OR CONTACT EBAA ENGINEERING AT 800-633-9190 NOTES Because FLEX-TEND incor- porates an expansion joint with the ball and socket flexible ends, it behaves similar to other expansion joint products under pressure. Due to their design, expansion joints such as the FLEX-TEND generate end thrust when subject to internal pressure. This end thrust must be accounted for in pipeline design. The end thrust generated by the FLEX-TEND is calculated by multiplying the internal pressure (psi) by the area listed below. SIZE AREA THRUST AT (in) (in') 150 PSI ON 3 12.3 1,845 4 18.1 2,715 6 37.4 5,610 8 643 9,645 10 96.8 14,520 12 136.9 20,535 14 237.8 35,670 16 237.8 35,670 18 366.4 54,960 20 366.4 54,960 24 522.8 78,420 30 804.3 120,645 36 1.152.1 172,815 When used in a long and relatively straight pipeline, the pipe-to- lesoil friction is generally sufficient to balance the force. The use of thrust blocks or other means of anchoring may be required when fittings are placed in close proximity to the FLEX-TEND under- ground. This protects the pipeline from the tendency of the FLEX-TEND to expand when pressurized. In an above- ground installation such as a bridge application, some means must be provided to prevent the expansion of the FLEX-TEND due to internal pressure. This can be accomplished by anchoring the piping to the structure while allowing room for the FLEX-TEND to move when motion occurs. In order for the FLEX-TEND to protect pipeline connections, any load must be transferred to the unit by restrained joints. Depending on the piping arrangement and the anticipated movement of the pipeline, adjacent piping must be restrained to adequately transfer the loads to the unit. Joint restraint is provided with each mechanical joint end connection. The table below lists some of the restraint products offered by EBAA as well as the pipe material on which each are used. SIZE PIPE RESTRAINT RANGE MATERIAL PRODUCT 3' - 48' Ductile Iron Series 1100 3" -24" PVC Series 2000PV Weld-on flanges are generally used for applications on steel piping. For other piping material please contact EBAA. For technical information call EBAA Engineering, 800-633-9190. Each FLEX-TEND unit is tested to rated pressure prior to shipment. Mechanical joint end connec- tions conform to the dimensional requirements of either ANSI/AWWA C1II/A2l.11 orANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53 depending on size. The flange outlets are dimen- sioned according to ANSI/A WWA Dl l/A21.1 I with the addition of an 0-ring groove. An 0-ring is provided to ensure a watertight seal. 13 Due to the design of the seals as well as the assembly, the FLEX- TEND requires no periodic maintenance. Assembly instructions and polyethylene wrap (for under ground applications) are provided with each FLEX-TEND, unit. FLEX-TEND is all suitable for direct burial. If installation in a vault is necessary, the design must be such that movement is not impeded. U EBAA Iron Inc. reserves the right to revise and improve its products as necessary. This brochure describes the status of these products at the time of publication and may not reflect their status in the future. - SPECIFICA11 N UFlexible expansion joints shall be installed in the locations indicated on the drawings and shall be manufac- tured of ductile iron conforming to the material properties of ANSIIAWWA C153/A21.53 DEach flexible expansion joint shall be pressure tested against its own restraint to a minimum of 350 psi (250 psi for flexible expansion joints 30 inches and larger.) S ]Each flexible expansion joint shall consist of an expansion joint designed and cast as an integral part of a ball and socket type flexible joint., having a minimum of 15 degrees deflection per ball and 4-inches minimum expansion. All pressure-containing parts shall be lined with a minimum of 15 mils of fusion-bonded epoxy conforming to the EBAA*IRON applicable requirements of ANSI/A WWA C213 and shall be holiday tested with a 1500 volt spark test conforming to said specification. All flexible expansion joints shall be FLEX-TEND as manufactured by EBAA Iron Inc., Eastland, TX. ©Copyright 1993 EBAA Iran Sales Inc. P. 0. Box 857 Eastland, Texas 76448 800.433-1716 817-629-1731 FAX 817-629-8931 00 -....... - BULLETIN 62.3 REVISED AND REPRINTED 1988 COMBINATION AIR VALVES :. STANDARD COMBINATION CUSTOM COMBINATION SINGLE BODY DUPLEX BODY @1979 Valve & Primer Corporation HP i sm 04 wt ii f1j VALVJAND PRIMER CORPORATION 1420 S. RIGHT BLVD SCHAIJMBURC, IWNO$ 60193-4599 312/59000 • TELE( NO. 72-2456 OS B 00/323-6%9 'J!)LARGE ORIFICE I fig Gives absolute protection to pipe lines Eliminates risk of collapsing line due to vacuum LEVER Exhausts air when line is being tilled FRAME —_] Allows air to re-enter immediately when line drains 09 COMBINATION Jc e.S 4- \t- BUILT FOR 300 P.S.I. SERVICE 2. A .I., R VALVES STANDARD - SINGLE BODY SPECIFY IF OPERATING PRESSURES BELOW 150 P.S.I. 'FLOAT ARM MATERIALS USED IN BOTH STYLE COMBINATION AIR VALVES dy, Cover, er Frame ........... Cast Iron bat .............Stainless Steel Seat ...................Buna-N Lever Frame (1" & 2" size).Delrin Leverage Frame (8" size) ........Stainless Steel ALL OTHER INTERNAL PARTS STAINLESS STEEL OR BRONZE TO SIZE AIR VALVES FOR PIPELINE SERVICE USE APCO AIR VALVE COMPUTE + SMALL ORIFICE Exhausts small pockets of air which collect when line is operating under pressure Insures full efficiency of line operation Conserves pump horsepower—no restricted high points S I S I PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS HEIGHT 10" WIDTH 7" LENGTH 11" WEIGHT 35 LBS. # 1 PIPE THREAD EXCEPT ORIFICE POPPET VARIANCE [USTAATED ABOVE 104 S E E PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS . 11" WIDTH 8" LENGTH 14' WEIGHT 75 LBS. INLET 2' PIPE THRE.A: OUTLET ILLUSTRATED ABOVE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS HEIGHT 15%" WIDTH 10' LENGTH 16' WEIGHT 100 LBS. INLET OUTLET 3 PIPE THREAD 125 & 250 LB.FLANGES ALSO AVAILABLE HEIGHT FLANGED 16/2 ILLUSTRATED ABOVE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS HEIGHT 17" WIDTH 11" 'LENGTH 18" WEIGHT 170 LBS. INLET 4" PIPE THREAD OUTLET 125 & 250 LB.FLANGES ALSO AVAILABLE HEIGHT FLANGED 19" ILLUSTRATED ABOVE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS HEIGHT 27" WIDTH 13" LENGTH 18" WEIGHT 205 LBS. INLET 125 OR 250 LB. FLANGE OUTLETS AVAILABLE PLAIN W HOOD THREADED FLANGED ILLUSTRATED ABOVE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS HEIGHT 25/4" 'WIDTH 171/2" LENGTH 1/4" WEIGHT 300 LBS. INLET 125 OR 250 LB. FLANGE OUTLETS AVAILABLE PLAIN W/H000 (AS SHOWN) OR FLANGED SEE ABOVE DRAWING SPECIFICATIONS BACK PAGE 0 OIFIC B .,4-143C DETAIL r 11 8PT PIPE PLUG COMBINATION AIR VALVE A -c ® TFE \_JlPhI 5Ti 1 1 1 \\h1\YN"1Tt1 /, •i ..•. .. ® // i:•• 0'• .. 24 Eqo AVAILABLE WITH 125 LB. OR 250 LB. F1.ANGE INLET SPECIFY WORKING PRESSURE-PSI DESIGN FOR 300 PSI MAX. NON-SHOCK SERVICE [sizEs I MODEL lb I A B C D I WIDTH LARGE ORIFICE SMALL IORIFICE APPROX.' IWT., L84 1 j 143C 11 10 2F I I 7 1 ' 2" 145C 14 I 12?e13 2 8 2 75 I I 147C 16 l5 I F 'a I I 149C 18 17 3 4 ii 4 ~170 CERTIFIED BY: STANOANO WAtRIAL ON SIZE NNO V IS OI.NIN ASTM 5553 DATE: NND OWOC NUNIIINO IS NO N!UOINCO ON T..N FRAME. S NEIDLI PIN IN NOt NLOUISD ON 511CC NNO 2. DATE DRWG. NO. 11-4-88 APDOVALVEANDPRIMER CORP. S-140C SCHAUMBLJRG, IL. DElI DESCRIPTION MATERIAL 1 ISODY CAST IRON ASTM A126 GR. B 2 COVER CAST IRON ASTM A126 GR. B 3 COVER GASKET LEXIDE non-asbestos'_______ 4 TcOVER_BOLTS 'STEEL ASTM A307 OR. B 5 ILEVERAGE FRAME CAST IRON ASTM At26 GR. B 6AT BI.INA-N 7 J.c2k__.. I!Y±,:N ---- 8 NEEDLE PIN2 LSTAINLESS STEEL ASTM A581 i5 NT. 10 LEVER PIN STAINLESS STEEL ASTM A581 303 ii RETAINING RING STAINLESS STEEL P1415-7Mo 13 9' AT LEVER BRASS ASTM 816 14 IFLOAT STAINLESS STEEL ASIM A240 T3Q4 IiltVERAGE FRAME SCREW STAINLESS STEEL 18-8 26 GUIDE BUSHING BRASS ASTM 916 4O1BUMPER ~C`REJTAINLESS 42 PLUG RASSASTM 8124 _______ 53 FLOAT RETAINING STEEL '8-8 THERE ARE BASICALLY TWO (2) TYPES OF AIR VALVES: TYPE LAIR & VACUUM VALVES (AVV) withQ LARGE ORIFICE to vent large volumes of air for efficient filling and draining of pipelines to protect against vacuum-water column separation or pipeline collapse. TYPE 2. AIR RELEASE VALVES (ARV) with ®SMALL ORIFICE for continuous venting of air pockets as they accumulate in the pipeline. When the above types are combined, the result is a COMBINATION AIR VALVE (CAy). The COMBINATION AIR VALVE is available in a single body, as shown here, or in a duplex arrangement, see Back Page. The single body is most popular due to its smaller overall size and resulting space saving inside a valve vault. However, it is only available to size 8 inches. HOW IT WORKS: Sizes 1" thru 6" incorporate a poppet (or plug) which rests freely inside the lever frame. The center stem of the poppet has SMALL ORIFICE thru it. When water enters the main valve body, it raises the float and float arm which puts the needle, attached to the arm, in contact with the poppet stem while lifting The poppet to the shutoff position against the LARGE ORIFICE. As air accumulates inside the main valve body, the water is displaced, the float arm falls away from the poppet stem to expose the small orifice and the pocket of air is vented. Water re-enters the main valve body, lifting the float arm back to the shutoff position and the cycle repeats, as air accumulates. As long as the main valve body is under pressure, the poppet stays closed - because the pressure differential across the large orifice is more than the poppet can overcome - hence the poppet stays closed. However, for any reason a negative pressure occurs, inside the main valve body, the poppet will drop open to allow air in and prevent vacuum from forming in the pipeline. Size 8" functions in the same manner, but instead of a poppet, afloat is used, forshutting off the large orifice and a separate internal float operated lever mechanism is incorporated with a small orifice for venting pockets of air. Every CAV is hydrostatically seat and shell tested before it leaves our factory to insure quality performance in the field. HYDRAULIC GRA TYPICAL PIPELINE SHOWING ITS HYDRAULIC GRADIENT THE POSITION OF NECESSARY AQ AIR VALVES ApCO COMBINATION AIR VALVE it tsu& WI iArp uUaitgs it tudl.tt s IS p,u,U,IAy Irj.0 upbraided W aj, I v,,rn ApC HYDRAULICALLY CONTROLLED AIR & VACUUM VALVE WA vi ,scs,duy Wages dulls rejoining SI t,,r,s,si WHERE TO AIR RELEASE VALVE 0 umdmf scratch it It Is ft ads imur.Is INSTALL I5it DATUM APDOHYDRAULICALLY CONTROLLED AIR & VACUUM VALVE wArs ssuday surged Si. I, :rt.rni,q .1 gradient out to on Ndd 9r,,,a,Iiy seUWsIll ad, Wit.. Wild ICiti APDOCOM48INATION AIR VALVE an it pisk. wl IuVt CAUI Ii an / RESURWIR mosemadIjimmommen SISC RUE on PO AIR & VACUUM VALVE I it Nil, ltd slurp change it SWIM new ltd I APM IR RELEASE VALVE tireaUWI no liVflflCIitl 1MCIII is anticipated it, long rz,nls ,n sin I tlrdCd al. II It tI, intervals I AIR & VACUUM VALVE N pump dilulIrU, bun cksdu ,l,t Ira tiWiWiR for purntu a,th ts,ill,. sudion bud) V -- IIYORAUUCAI.LY CONTROLLED AIR A VACUUM VALVE •Itii duckrts VII' talus is u,..IIy Child Sirhi mrso All-ut II dliii,, huE AIR &VACUUM VALVE AIR RELEASE VALVE COMBINATION AIR VALVE HYDRAULICALLY CONTROLLED AIR & VACUUM-VALVE a ORIFICE SIZES For 300 p.s.i. working pressure MODEL LARGE SMALL ORIFICE ORIFICE 143C 5/64" 145C 3/32" 147C 3/32" 149C 1500 6" 1/8" 151 C 8" 5/32" SPECIFICATIONS 1" THRU 6" COMBINATION AIR VALVE ON BACK PAGE 8" SPECS. AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Wlt1 Il F P' '1-" U]U1L\Rc LjAf\Ll 1 FOR COMBINATION AIR VALVE CURVES SHOWN ARE ACTUAL FLOW CAPACITIES AT 14.7 PSI BAROMETRIC PRESSURE AND AT 70' F TEMPERATURE BASE ON ACTUAL TEST. THESE FIGURES ARE NOT ONLY THE FLOW CAPACITIES ACROSS THE ORIFICE BUT FLOW ACROSS THE ENTiRE VALVE. IN THE TEST SET-UP, APPROACH VELOCITY TO THE VALVE IS NEGLIGIBLE THEREFORE ACTUAL CAPACITY EXCEEDS THE VALUES SHOWN ON CHART TEST CONDUCTED BY: PHILLIP PETROLEUM COMPANY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT - TEST DIVISION EDMOND PLANT OCT. 1, 1961 1" 2r# To 45t 6' L'I'I4'ILi I,'. ':1III5iIIiII !11111M1 VA. U!!III!!!!!!iiiII1. ___ i I AIR FLOW THRU VALVE IN STANDARD CUBIC FEET OF FREE AIR PER SECOND, SCFS 105 .ILI.. WAktT 11LI'7 J.J.Y. 1111.1 M IT. IU 1LANED FITTINGS ecornmended Specificatic )imensions and Weights pphcation Information )uctil Irtn WLTM 190 r iJu MADE IN THE 7A USA '~~~o 4 0 Ji NOTE: No flange joint material furnished. BENDS r 900 Bend (1/4) 5-700 Size Dimensions WI. R A 12 3 4.5 14 3 4 5.5 25 4 4.5 6.5 45 66 8 65 8 7 9 105 10 9 11 165 12 10 12 235 14 11.5 14 330 16 12.5 15 430 18 14 16.5 530 20 15.5 18 685 24 18.5 22 1085 Tyler Pipe DUCTILE IRON AND GRAY IRON Subsidiary of FLANGED FITTINGS Tyler Corporation V SAMPLE SPECIFICATION CAST IRON OR DUCTILE IRON FLANGED FITTINGS shall be mode in strict accordance with ANSI/AWWA C110. They shall conform to details and dimensions published therein and shall be adequate for water pressure of 250 lbs. P.S.I. Joint Dimensions in Inches Dimensions Nominal Dia. of Pip. Size Flange Bolt Flange Bolt Hal* Number Bolt Diam. Inch O.D. Circle Thickness I Diameter of Bolts and Length 12 6 4.75 .62 .75 4 %x2Y 3 7.5 6 .75 .75 4 x 2% 4 9 7.5 .94 .75 8 x 3 6 11 9.5 1.00 .875 8 3/4 x31/2 8 13.5 11.75 1.12 .875 8 Y4 x3V7 10 16 14.25 1.19 1.00 12 7/x4 12 19 17 1.25 1.00 12 1/.x4 14 21 18.75 1.38 1.125 12. 1 x4'/2 16 23.5 21.25 1.44 1.125 16 1 x 0 18 25 22.75 1.56 1.25 16 1Y5 x5 20 27.5 25 1.69 1.25 20 1Y8x5 24 32 29.5 1.88 1.375 20 1Y4x5Y2 30 38.75 36 2.12 1.375 28 1Ysx6Y2 36 46 42.75 2.38 1.625 32 1'/2x7 Note: Drilling templates are in multiples of four, so that fittings may be made to face in any quarter. Bolt holes shall straddle the center line. A -7 trA A-~ - XR 450 Bend (1/8) 22'/° Bend (1/16) IV/4° Bend (1/32) 5-705 5-709 5.711 Size Dimensions wt. Six. Dimensions WI. Size Dimensions Wi. R A R A R A 2 2.44 2.5 12 42 5.03 2.5 11 2 10.15 2.5 11 3 3.62 3 20 3 7.56 3 20 3 15.25 3 20 4 4.81 4 40 4 10.06 4 40 4 20.31 4 40 6 7.25 5 55 6 15.06 5 55 6 30.5 5 55 8 8.44 5.5 90 . 8 17.62 5.5 90 8 35.5 55 90 10 10.88 6.5 130 10 22.62 6.5 135 10 '45.69 6.5 13.5 12 13.25 7.5 195 12 27.67 7.5 205 12 55.81 7.5 205 14 12.06 7.5 245 14 25.12 7.5 250 14 50.75 7.5 255 16 13.25 8 315 16 27.62 8 325 16 55.81 8 325 18 14.5 8.5 375 18 30.19 8.5 385 18 60.94 8.5 385 20 16.88 9.5 485 20 35.19 9.5 505 20 71.06 9.5 .505 24 18.12 11 730 24 37.69 lI 75.5 24 76.12 11 760 30 21.5 25 1755 30 27.75 15 1335 30 57.81 15 1385 30 116.75 15 1395 36 24.5 28 2690 36 35 18 2155 36 72.88 18 223.5 36 147.25 18 2250 *Not Included In AWWA Cl 10. ANSI/AWWA CIIO/A21.10, ANSI/AWWA Clii /A21.11 10.03-88 Tyler Pipe/Utilities Division • P.O. Box 2027 • Tyler, Texas 75710 • (214) 882-5511 • Telex 88-0175 5.55 .:.. '. •:. . .... - ... . 'T' -\Q Tyler Pipe Subsidiary of DUCTILE IRON AND GRAY IRON oration Tyler Corp FLANGED FITTINGS TEES, CROSSES, REDUCING TEES .. pHlH H H- ___ pH __ Tt lit J Straight Tees. Reducing * Reducing *Reducing on * Bullhead on Branch Tees on Run Run and Branch Tees Straight and Reducing Crosses 5-720 5-720-a 5.720-b 5-720-c 5.731 Size Dimensions Waights Size Dimensions Weights Run Run Branch H j Tee Cross Run Run Branch H J Tee Cross '2 2 2 4.5 4.5 35 t 12 6 10 14.0 14.0 380 3 3 3 5.5 5.5 40 50 t 12 6 12 14.0 14.0 400 '4 4 2 6.5 6.5 50 60 t 12 8 6 14.0, 14.0 355 4 4 3 6.5 6.5 60 70 t 12 8 8 14.0 14.0 375 4 4 4 6.5 6.5 65 80 t 12 8 10 14.0 14.0 395 4 4 6 8.0 8.0 90 t 12 8 12 14.0 14.0 420 6 4 4 8.0 8.0 85 t 12 10 6 14.0 14.0 390 6 4 6 8.0 8.0 90 t 12 10 8 14.0 14.0 400 6 6 2 8.0 8.0 85 t 12 10 10 14.0 14.0 420 6 6 3 8.0 8.0 85 95 t 12 10 12 14.0 14.0 440 6' 6 4 8.0 8.0 90 110 12 12 4 12.0 12.0 290 310 6 6 8.0 8.0 95 120 12 12 6 12.0 12.0 295 320 ,6 6 6 8 9.0 9.0 140 12 12 8 12.0 12.0 310 345 8 6 4 9.0 9.0 130 12 12 10 12.0 12.0 360 415 8 ..6 6 9.0 9.0 135 12 12 12 12.0 12.0 385 460 8 6 8 9.0 9.0 145 . *14 14 4 14.0 14.0 400 430 '8 8 3 9.0 9.0 130 140 14 14 6 14.0 14.0 420 450 8 8 4 9.0 9.0 140 155 14 14 8 14.0 14.0 435 475 8 8 6 9.0 9.0 145 165 14 14 10 14.0 14.0 450 505 8 8 8 9.0 9.0 155 195 .14 14 12 14.0 14.0 470 555 8 8 10 .11.0 11.0 260 14 14 14 14.0 14.0 500 595 8 8 12 12.0 12.0 310 *16 16 4 15.0 15.0 525 555 tl0 6 6 13.0 13.0 275 16 16 6 15.0 15.0 540 565 tio 6 8 13.0 13.0 290 16 16 8 15.0 15.0 555 590 tl0 6 10 13.0 13.0 305 16 16 10 15.0 15.0 565 620 tl0 8 6 13.0 13.0 280 16 16 12 15.0 15.0 590 665 tl0 8 8 13.0 13.0 295 16 16 14 15.0 15.0 610 700 tio 8 10 13.0 13.0 325 16 16 16 15.0 15.0 635 755 10 10 4 11.0 11.0 205 220 18 18 6 13.0 15.5 560 585 10 ' 10 6 11.0 11.0 215 240 18 18 8 13.0 15.5 560 605 10 10 8 11.0 11.0 225 265 18 18 10 13.0 15.5 585 630 10 10 10 11.0 11.0 270 330 18 18 12 13.0 15.5 605 670 10 10 12 12.0 12.0 355 18 18 14 16.5 16.5 740 830 t12 6 6 14.0 14.0 340 18 18 16 16.5 16.5 760 880 t12 6 8 14.0 14.0 360 18 18 18 16.5 16.5 785 915 ______________________________________ 20 20 6 14.0 17.0 710 735 [iOlt:Noflangejointmaterialfurnished.] *Not I,fud.d in AWWA CI1O. tH and J dimensions are two-inches longer than Straight Taos. ANSI/AWWA Ci1O/A21.10, ANSI/AWWA Clii /A21.1I 5-56 Tyler Pipe/Utilities Division • P.O. Box 2027 • Tyler. Texas 75710 • (214) 882.5511 • Telex 88.0175 10-03-88 ... IN Tyler Pipe GRIP-TITE SSB-DUCTILE IRON Subsidiary of CLASS 350 FITTINGS Tyler Corporation Sample Specification Push-On Joint Ductile Iron Fittings shall be produced in strict accordance with all applicable terms and provisions of ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53. Joints shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA Clii /A21.11 with bell sockets designed to receive pressure pipe O.D.s as specified in ANSI/AWWA C151 /A21.51 and AWWA C900 TABLE 2. The working pressure rating shall be 350 PSI. Thicknesses and dimensions of bell sockets and gaskets shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's design. Rubber rings shall be furnished by the fitting manufacturer. Bell Dimensions in Inches for Grip Tite Fittings Pipe Size Pipe O.D. A B F G J M P R T W 3 3.96 1.62 4.41 4.07 4.73 3.18 1.87 .37 5.53 .38 7.26 4 4.80 1.75 5.25 4.91 5.75 3.18 1.34 .37 6.61 .39 8.12 6 6.90 1.75 7.35 7.01 7.85 3.44 1.34 .37 8.73 .40 10.18 8 9.05 2.12 9.58 9.17 10.18 3.94 1.66 .44 11.18 .42 12.46 10 11.10 212 11.63 11.22 12.23 3.94 1.66 .44 13.35 .45 14.55 12 13.20 2.12 13.73 13.32 14.33 3.94 1.66 .44 15.58 .47 16.69 BENDS ~1 900 Bends (1/4) 450 Bends (1/8) 22'/° Bends (1/16) W14° Bends (1/32) 5.800 5-805 5.809 5-811 Size Dimensions Weights Dimensions Weights Dimensions Weights Dimensions Weights T A R A R A R A R 3 .34 4.50 4 22 2.00 3.62 18 1.500 4.98 17 1.250 7.62 17 4 .35 5.00 4.5 28 2.49 4.81 24 1.824 6.66 23 1.550 10.70 22 6 .37 6.50 6 49 3.50 7.25 39 2.588 10.50 36 1.807 13.26 34 8 .39 7.50 7 74 4.00 8.44 55 2.847 11.80 57 2.058 15.80 54 10 .41 9.50 9 111 5.01 10.88 85 3.354 14.35 71 2.311 18.36 65 12 .43 10.50 10 145 5.98 13.25 111 3.861 16.9 84 2.56 20.90 85 10-03-88 Tyler Pipe/Utilities Division • P.O. Box 2077 0 Tyler. Texas 75710 0 (214) 882.5511 0 Telex 88.0175 5-37 Tyler Pipe GRIP-TIlE SSB-DUCTILE IRON Subsidiary of CLASS 350 FITTINGS Tyler Corporation 1• TEES 5-820 5-823 5-825 GT Tee GT x Fe Tee GT x Swivel Size - Dimensions Weights T - V H p P P 5-820 5-823 5.825* 3 .34 .34 3.5 3.5 5.5 29 30 4x3 .35 .34 3.5 4 6.5 35 36 4 .35 .35 4 4 6.5 39 40 60 .37 .35 3.5 5 8 42 44 6x4 .37 .35 4 5 8 50 55 6 .37 .37 5 5 8 10.5 58 65 78 8x4 .39 .35 4.5 6.5 9 78 78 8x6 .39 .37 5.5 6.5 9 11.5 87 89 95 8 10x4 .39 .41 .39 .35 6.5 4.5 6.5 7.5 9 11 11.5 99 88 100 93 122 10x6 .41 .37 5.5 7.5 11 13.0 98 111 117 10x8 .41 .39 6.5 7.5 11 13.0 118 119 180 10 .41 .41 7.5 7.5 11 126 134 12x4 .43 .35 4.5 8.75 12 109 119 12x6 .43 .37 5.5 8.75 12 14.25 120 124 132 12x8 .43 .39 6.5 8.75 12 14.25 130 150 153 12x10 .43 .41 7.5 8.75 12 159 178 *Includes 12 .43 .43 8.75 8.75 12 184 202 swivel gland REDUCERS TAPPED TEE Size Dimensions Weights L i I I' I 4x3 .35 .34 4. 21 6x3 .37 .34 5. 28 6x4 .37 .35 4. 30 40 4 8x4 .39 .35 5. 40 5.842 8x6 .39 .37 43 GT Tapped Tee 10x4 .41 ..35 7. 50 10x6 .41 .37 50 Size Dimensions Weights 10x8 .41 .39 4. 60 T I. Max. Tap 5435 12x4 .43 .35 9. 71 3 .34 6 21/2 21 GT Reducer 12x6 .43 37 7 70 4 .35 6 3 27 12x8 .43 .39 5. 70 6 .37 6 4 38 12x10 .43 .41 A. 84 8 .39 6 4 59 10 .41 6 4 72 12 .43 6 4 92 3-17-86 Tyler Pipe/Utilities Division • P.O. Box 2027 • Tyler, Texas 75710 • (214) 882-5511 0 Telex 88-0175 7 77 5-37 Tyler Pipe 60 Subsidiary of Tyler Corporation PLUGS Push-In GT Plug Solid 5-850 *Tapt 5.852 Size Dimensions Weights 5-850 & Max. 1 5-852 Tap 3 .46 6 '3 4 .46 10 4 6 .46 18 4 8 .46 26 4 10 .56 36 4 12 .56 46 4 GRIP-TITE SSB DUCTILE IRON CLASS 350 FITTINGS ADAPTERS 5.858 5-861 GTxFe Fe x PE Size Dimensions Weights I 1 1, 5.858 5.861 3 .34 6 12 18 18 4 .35 6. 12 24 24 6 .37 6 12 35 33 8 .39 6 12 52 .. 52 10 .41 6 12 71 69 12 .43 6 12 84 88 Excavation dimensions - mechanical joint 4" through 12" Tapping Sleeves for C.l., Ductile or A/C Pipe. a C 0 0 0 0 .:lDv 0 0 0 0 I 0 1'8" I I 0 0 0 0 0 MIN 5 O 0 0 0 j 0 0 I I 0q_ 0 0 0 0 0 16% 0 to J 1__JJJIfcXLJ 0 0 0 25 I) JILIo2oII _f::4;_U_lLk...J2___.r_,L_1 0 1 180 000 0 0 MIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U . a e - /D. .. . ....................... ... .. U. I • • U ......... 0 III 0 0 0 0 U 0 a .6 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~.:l kI6If.4? 0 0 0 O .17, 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o a 0 ••'.,.•,o. .•Q. . • 5.38 Tyler Pipe/Utilities Division • P.O. Box 2027 • Tyler. Texas 75710 9 (214) 882.5511 • Telex 88-0175 3-17-86 Wo Smith-Blair, Inc. flanged coupling adapter selection guide 1-=~_ .60 Mas —1 =1 P - FIN e - Cast Iron ECA 3" thru 12" 175 PSI 212°F Compact - Cast Iron Construction 912 - Economical 1 0-Ring flange gasket 3 High-strength ductile iron follower 2 Corrosion-resistant ductile iron cross bolt 4 Heavy hex ductile iron nut Si 5 Compact cast iron .' adapter body facilitates installation in close space Corrosion-resistant ductile i,on tee bolt 7 Wedge-type gasket L FLANGED COUPLING ADAPTERS The Flanged Coupling Adapter combines a flexible coupling with a flange to create a compact, flexible fitting to connect plain end pipe to flanged fittings, meters, valves or equipment. In addition to its com- pactness, accomplished by eliminating the need for both a flanged spool and coupling. Flanged Coupling Adapters provide versatility on the job site. Special length flanged spools can now be made at the job site by utilizing standard pipe anc Smith-Blair's Flanged Coupling Adapters. Thera are cast and steel *hrsions available to meet your exact requirements. eck the many benefits and appcations that are listed. 2 FLANGED COUPLING ADAPTERS PROVIDE: Stress relieving flexibility Ease of installation and alignment Ease of equipment removal and reinstallation Quick means of cutting in valves Cost saving elimination of special fittings Dampening of pump vibration Space saving connection Neat, uncluttered installation TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Treatment Plants Lift Stations Valve Insertions Meter Settings Pump Installations Backflow Preventers Tank Connections Equipment Connections 1j 912 '-'- flanged '1t) coupling adapter cast iron Connect all types of plain end pipe to flanged equipment, meters and fittings sizes 3" thru 12" nominal. Gain flexibility and compact- ness. Each unit shipped complete with bolts, nuts, and gaskets— ready to install. 3" thru 12" Tpp RnIts Bolt Dimensions Nominal Pipe and Weight Each Flange Size Lbs. 3•'- 4" 3/4" x 31/eS' 6" 8" 3/~ /e" X 31/2 10"12" i'/a Crnss RnItc, Bolt Dimensions Nominal Pipe and Weight Each Flange Size Lbs. x 6/" x /" 3"- 4" 3/4 3/4" x 71/8" X %" 6'- 8" 1% 7/8 x 77/s" x /' 10-12' 13, MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS BODY: Ductile Iron ASTM A536. Bolt circle, bolt size and spac- ing conform to ANSI 150 lb. flange drilling. FOLLOWER: Ductile iron ASTM A536 Grade 32510 or ductile iron ASTM A536. GASKET: Grade 30—standard—specially compounded rubber of all new materials with ingredients to produce superior storage characteristics, permanence and resistance to set after in- stallation. Recommended for water, salt solutions, mild acids and bases. Temperature range —40°F to 4-150°F. Grade 60—optional--compounded to resist—oil, acids, alkalies, most (aliphatic) hydrocarbon fluids, water and many chemicals. Temperatures up to +212°F. 0-RING: Grade 60. CROSS AND TEE BOLTS: Ductile iron ASTM A536, malleable iron ASTM A47 or high strength low alloy steel to AWWA C1 11 (ANSI-A21.1 1) standards. ' FINISH: 94,JQ ANCHOR STUDS BETWEEN BOLTS rNcHOR BOSS Anchor studs will be installed at the factory on customer request only. I F_ L Material specifications subject to change. - NOM I INCHES SIZE '€ JVNCHES RANGE D4 ° ., ' T. - CATALOG ,NUMBER. .. , . WEIGHT EACH - LBS. OPTIONAL ANCHOR STUDS DIMENSIONS/iNCHES OTY. *PSI A B E L 3 3.44-3.63 912-035003-000 17 2 175 31516 3 73/4 49/ 3 3.74-3.86 912-038003-000 17 2 175 315. 3 73/4 49/u 3 3.88-4.06 912-039603-000 17 2 175 35,6 3 73/a 49A6 3 4.07-4.19 912-041303-000 17 2 175 3 73/a 4 4.44-4.56 912-045004-000 23 2 175 5' 3 9½ 49/16 4 4.74-4.90 912.048004-000 23 2 175 51/4 3 91/32 49A6 4 4.94-5.06 912-050004-000 23 2 175 5 3 9/ 4 /16 4 5.04-5.16 1 912-051004-000 23 2 175 51, 3 91/32 j 49A6 6 6.56-6.69 912-066306-000 33 2 130 7' 31/2 10/8 5 6 6.81-6.96 912-069006-000 33 2 170 1 71/4 31/2 1 10/ 5 6 6.97-7.06 912-070106-000 33 2 175 7 31/2 107 /8 5 6 7.04-7.16 912-071006-000 33 2 175 71, 31/2 10/8 5 6 7.14-7.26 912-072006-000 33 2 175 71/4 31/2 10/8 5 8 8.56-8.69 912-086308-000 1 46 J 2 85 9' 6 31/2 13/8 51/8 8 8.98-9.20 1 912-090508-000 1 46 2 140 916 31/3 13/e 51/8 8 9.24-9.46 1 912-094208-000 46 2 175 1 '16 31/3 13/ 51/e 10 10.69-10.81 912-107510-000 67 4 105 1 11% 4 15/8 5/ 10 11.04-11.16 912-111010-000 67 4 160 115,e 4 15/8 59A6 10 11.26-11.36 912-113210-000 67 4 175 11 4 15/e 59A 10 11.34-11.46 912-114010-000 67 4 175 11% 4 15/e 59Ae 10 11.44-11.56 912-115110-000 67 4 175 11% 4 57/a 59/16 12 12.69-12.81 912-127512-000 90 4 60 13 4 183A 5% 12 13.14-13.26 912-132012-000 90 4 90 13e 4 183/4 5% 12 13.31-13.43 912-133712-000 90 4 115 137'e 4 183/4 5% 12 13.44-13.56 912-135012-000 90 1 4 125 137e 83A 5% 12 13.55-13.67 912-136112-000 90 1 4 145 137y 4 18/4 55/s 12 13.67-13.77 912-137012-000 90 1 4 150 13 4 183/- 5% Suitable anchorage must be provided when excessive pipe movement could occur. For sizes not listed see 913, 914 Flanged Coupling Adapters. This is the thrust rating of the studs, not the FCA itself. 4 (Iampan'd upling MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS S PIPE OUTSIDE DIAMETER GUIDE Nominal Pipe Size (Inches) 2 2½ 4 6 .8-,[ 10 i1 Copper Tubing 2.13 14.13 [6.13 Steel Pipe-Schedule 40 2.88 Plastic Pipe-(P.V.C.)--STD. 2.88 Plastic Pipe-(P.V.C.)--C.l. Size - 4 no Polyethylene Tubing & Pipe - _________ Polyethylene Pipe-'Sclair' 990112.47 CAST IRON PIPE Class 100-250 AWWA Centnfical 4.80 6.90 HZIPIO Class A AWWA Pit Cast 480 690 9'05 io Class B AWWA Pit Cast - 500 710 9 iiLip Class C-0 AWWA Pit Cast ASBESTOS-CEMENT PIPE CLASS 100 Machined End 4.64 T' 9 Fluid-lite Rough Barrel - [5 9.32 11.46 113.7 Flintite Rough Barrel - .... 9.33 Ring-Tite RoughBarrel - fl 47 1374 [Permaul m exSlough Barrel 15 11.47 13.74 imtindard Rough Barrel 4.79 • M05 CLASS 150 Machined End 9 11.66 13.92 Fluid TiteRoughBarrel - Is 5I*t 932 11.85 14.11 Flintite Rough Barrel 5;Oa 9.33 11.88 14.14 Ring-rite Rough Barrel - I.5O1i 11.92 14.18 Perrnaflex Rough Barrel - !ooj I 11.92 14.20 Minimum Standard Rough Barrel 1 1 i 11i 1,04M11.82 14.08 CLASS 200 Machined End 3.92 Fluid-Tite Rough Barrel - ------ - 5.32 .11 37.36r1114 Flintite Rough Barrel - - 5.32 14.14 Ring-Tite Rough Barrel 5.33 7.32 19.50 111.92 14.18 Permaflex Rough Barrel 5.32 70 9.50 111.95 14.20 Minimum Standard Rough Barrel 5.22 ilgall1.77 14.03 22½4 61811012 IMPORTANT: This Pipe O.D. Guide is furnished .. -. for your convenience and is based on the latest ( pipe standards and information supplied by pipe '-... manufacturers. Due to occasional changes in outside diameters by pipe manufacturers, the pipe O.D. or circumference should always be checked and furnished when ordering fittings. 441 Bolted Straight and Transition Couplings fit the pipe O.D. sizes within specified range extremes. With an easy selection of interchangeable color coded follower flanges and gaskets all practical range variations can be accommodated. Rockwell 441 Cast Couplings are a sensible way to reduce your stocking requirements while increasing your capacity to join a wide variety of types and sizes of pipe. ROCKWELL 441 CAST COUPLINGS: More economical than mechanical joints. Corrosion resistant ... equal to ductile iron pipe. Space savers ... bolts are close to sleeve providing for easy wrapping of polyethylene or other protective materials. Versatile ... fit virtually all popular classes of cast iron, asbestos cement, and other types of pipe within specified range of each nominal size. Reduce inventory requirements ... a small inventory of color coded follower flanges and gaskets will allow . coupling of pipes with an O.D. difference up to approximately 3/4". C OD Rockwell Nom 0 Cl.,O I -- ......I. 0 .- - --.---•-'- Complete Coupling I...• .L--".i-i ShIppIng Sleeve r Follower 22.1 .. I Flange Nuts and Gasket- Pipe Size End I End 2 CaaIjNumberI 4 Wt Iigth eeve Number # Bolts Number (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) - And-000 -•t Number (2 Required) I RW. equired (2 Required) 2 2:342:2.43 63•' 411-00000250 7 5 51275-531 2O975-5 U :30526-060 I 441-00000450 20 6 645285 - 645 t4 302 4 480510 441-05100450 480-510 441-00000510 20 6 645285 t4 648939w 4 480510 20 6 645285 645283 f4 648939 .....--•:-'.--.: ..,? 6 _____ 441-00000663 26 6 645344 - t5 6&90. 441-07220663 .6.90'T22. 6:90k 441-00000722 26 6 645344 t5 848935 6 26 6 645344 .'G45 t5 t:648935 _•j_. .-........-. 8 441-00000863 :9.O59. 44109300863 35 6 645364 645364 t6 t6 8 35 6 FAA 8 441-09450863 35 6 645364 . t6 8 :r-. -9.059.30' 9.0 . - 441-00000930 35 6 645364 .,.•• 64535 t6 ';648931 8 9.30i.- 9o5- 3 441-09450930 35 6 645364 :645 t6 648931 9.30 :a30. 441-00000945 8 35 6 645364 4'645 t 6 10 i1104d 441-00001140 42 6 50372531 206-5 t7 12 13.2o135oIi 441-00001350 53 6 50373531 r 2092 t8 643 x 8" Baits t518" x 9" Bolts Same Follower Flange for Steel, Cast Iron and other applications. ROCKWELL COLOR CODE SYSTEM BLUE—for all Cast Iron and other :opular sizes. GREEN—For steel pipe O.D. sizes '50. 6.63 and 8.63'. kvlllkl*-icr AC pipe size 9.45". The Rockwell Color Code System can help you fill your Cast Coupling needs ... with a minimum inventory ., Buy either complete couplings or a selection of parts that can be interchanged to fit any of the blocks shown on the O.D. Guide, Pick the sleeves you need and then select your follower flanges and gaskets to fit the exact pipe you want to join. rWARRANTY. RockweIL its products only igainst defects in: materiaIsjand workmanship. eRockwell's liability and cuto'T'er's exclusive remedy •:% cnder this warranty or anyat extends for a period of one (1) year from the datrotRockwetI's shipment and is expressly limited to repayrne'ntof the purchase price, '11,vX 'Fepair, or replacement; at RkrelIs option, during said 'Ij. period, upon proof sat sfactó,ytoRockwell and upon 'customer's returning and preying all charges on such tiro ducts to factory or iaréhouse designated by , "Rockwell. THIS WARRANTY-IS MADE EXPRESSLY • ESIN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES. EXPRESS, IMPLIED, R O STATUTORY.WITH RESPECT TO 'OUALITY, MERCHANTABIUVOR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE (!\ The James Jones Company The James Jones Company is very proud of its 100 years of service to the water works industry. Founded in 1892 by James Jones, we manufacture high quality bronze products. Our customers range from large municipal water departments to rural water districts. We have a team of distributors and agents which are as service oriented as our own direct salespeople. Our manufacturing facilities include a modern bronze foundry, a precision machine stop, full engineering and testing facilities, a national warehousing system and fully computerized manufacturing systems. The James Jones Company has a family of employees who represent many years and generations of service. We all enjoy a shared commitment to quality and service. - The devotion to integrity, quality and service forged by our founder James Jones has been perpetuated and enhanced through our acquisition by Watts Industries in . 1986. As a member of the Watts family of companies, we have been given access I) to the latest world class valve manufacturing technologies. We have also received the necessary capital investment to modernize our foundry, improve our machine tool base and expand our product offerings. We are proud to add 100 years of service to the Watts record of 118 years of servicing the needs of its customers. We enter our second century of service with the confidence earned in the last century. In todays market as in 1892, service excellence and quality make the difference. We at the James Jones Company, take the time to know our customers. A century of service has taught us what our customers need to be successful. "Our prosperity is based upon our customers success". James E. Riley President JAMES JONES COMPANY 4127 Temple City Boulevard El Monte, CA 91734 Telephone: 818.443-6191 Fax: 818-575-1549 S-JJ-BSS NOW AVAILABLE FROM JAMES JONES COMPANY HIGHEST QUALITY BRONZE SERVICE SADDLES WITH STAINLESS STEEL STRAPS J965 J969 The New Bronze Saddle with Stainless Steel Straps are manufactured for use with C-900 plastic pipe, and ductile iron pipe. Produced from corrosion resistant 85-5-5-5 bronze Durable 14 guage 304 stainless steel straps Single strap is 2" wide Double straps are 1 5/8" wide Stainless steel bolts and washers - Teflon coated stainless steel nuts Available in sizes 4" through 12" with 3/4" through 2" CS and IP taps Saddle conforms to AWWA specifications WHEN ORDERING: Specify size and type of pipe the saddles will be used on. Give size and type of tap thread. Specify catalog number. For example: 6" AC x 2" Corporation Thread J965 or J969. JAMES JONES COMPANY • 4127 Temple City Boulevard • El Monte, Calif. 91734 TELEPHONE: Area Code 818 - 443-6191 • FAX: Area Code 818 - 575-1549 SINCE 1892 S-JJ-BSS 913 Nominal Pipe Size Pipe O.D. _T IF or CC IP or CC 4" 4.50" 3/4" —1" 1.1/4" - 112" - 6" 6.62" 314"— 1" 1-1/4" - 1-1;2' - 8" 8.62" 3/4°—i" 1-1/4" - 1-1/2" - 10" 10.75" 3/4°—i" - - F- *Must specify saddle is for steel size pipe. J969 DOUBLE Stainless Steel Strap for Steel Size Pipe 4" 1 4.50" 3/4" - 1" 1-1/4" - 1-1,2" : 6" 6.62" 3/4°—i" 1-1/4" - 1-1i2' 2 . 8" 8.62" 3/4-1" 1-1/4" - 1-1,2" 2 10" J 10.75" I 3/4" —1" 1-1/4*'- 1-1 2 2 12" j 12.75" 3/4" 1" ] 1.1/4" 1-1.24"2 *Must specify saddle is for steel size pipe. Section A 9214 Printed in U.S.A. A4 0 4 A, BRONZE JERVICE SADDLE with SS Straps J965 J965 SINGLE Stainless Steel Strap for C900 Plastic Pipe Only Nominal .Pipe Size Pipe O.D. IF or CC IF or CC 4" 4.80" 3/4"— 1' 1-1/4"— 1-1/2" 6" I 6.90" 3/4" —1" 1-1/4" - 1-1/2" 8" 9.05" 3/4"—l" 1-1/4"--1-1/2" 10" 11.10" I 3/4-1" - 12" I 13.20" 3/4"—l" - 4)J969 DOUBLE Stainless Steel Strap for C900 Plastic Pipe Only JO Nominal Pipe Size Pipe O.D. IP or CC Only 4" 4.80" 3/4-1" 1-1/4"-1-1/2" 2" 2-1,2' 6" 6.90" 3/4" - 1' 1-1/4" - 1-1/2" 2' 2-2" 8" 9.05" 3/4"— 1" 1-1/4-1-1/2" 2' 2./2' 10" I 11.10" 3/4"—l" 1-1/4"-1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2' 12" 13.20" 3/4" - 1" 1-1/4" - 1-1/2" 2' 2-1/2' *14" Cl 15.30" 3/4" —1" 1-1/4"— 1-1/2" 2" *16" Cl 17.40" 3/4' - 1" 1-1/4" - 1-1/2" 2 2-1/2" *14" and 16" are for (.905 cast iron size ivc MADE TO ORDER AND SIZED FOR STEEL OD! .lQc qlNr.1 P StinIqs Stel Stran fnr Steel Size Pioe The Unique Superstop Ball Valves Features All James Jones Company Waterworks Products conform to AWWA Specifications. All Superstop Ball Valves are tested in open and closed positions for quality assurance and versatility. Each valve is tested individually with air pressure while valve is under water. Working pressure of ball valves is rated at 400 PSI. Ground key valves are rated at 100 PSI in sizes 3/4" and 1", and 80 PSI in 1-1/2" in accordance with AWWA 0-800-89. See back cover for inlet & outlet descriptions and abbreviations used. 2" meter flanges are drilled or cast to accommodate 1-1/2" and 2" meters. All James Jones Superstop Ball Valves have a bottom loaded blow out proof stern for safe, reliable operation. D2 CORPORATION STOPS Bronze -Pull-Way B072 Ball Valve Type Jigac J—NO. IDESCRIPTION SIZES J-1929 INLET MALE IRON PIPE: OUTLET FOR FLARED COPPER 3/4' 1' 1112' 2' J-1930 INLET MALE CORPORATION STOP THREAD: OUTLET FOR FLARED COPPER. 3/4' 1 • 1-112' 2 J-I931 INLET MALE IRON PIPE. OUTLET FEMALE IRON PIPE. 3/4' 1' 1-112' 2' J-1932 INLET MALE CORPORATION STOP THREAD: OUTLET, FEMALE IRON PIPE. 3/4' 1. 1-112' 2 J1935 J—NO. DESCRIPTION SIZES J-1935 INLET MALE IRON PIPE: OUTLET, TUBE SIZE COMPRESSION. 3/4' 1. 1-1/2' 2 ,J-19355G INLET MALE IRON PIPE. OUTLET, SUPER GRIP TUBE SIZE COMPRESSION. 3/4' 1 11/2' 2 J-1936 INLET MALE IRON PIPE: OUTLET, PIPE SIZE COMPRESSION. 3/4' 1 - - J-I936SGP I INLET MALE IRON PIPE. OUTLET, SUPER GRIP PIPE SIZE. - 1' - - J-1937 INLET MALE CORPORATION STOP THREAD: OUTLET, TUBE SIZE COMPRESSION. 3/4 I • 11/2 2 J-19375G INLET MALE CORPORATION STOP THREAD: OUTLET, SUPER GRIP TUBE SIZE. 3/4' 1. 1-1/2' 2 J-1943 INLET MALE IRON PIPE. OUTLET, MALE IRON PIPE. 3/4 1' 1-1/2' 2 J-1944 INLET MALE CORPORATION STOP THREAD: OUTLET MALE IRON PIPE. 3/4 1' 11/2' 2 NOTE. COMPRESSION NUT THREAD IS STANDARD COPPER TUBE THREAD PER A.W.W.A. C-800. 4- IT CURB STOPS - Bronze Full Port Angie - Ball Valves J-NO. IDESCRIPTION SIZES - J-1962W INLET COMPRESSION PIPE SIZE; OUTLET SWIVEL METER COUPLING NUT, LOCKWING, 314 1. - .J-1962WH INLET COMPRESSION PIPE SIZE; OUTLET SWIVEL METER COUPLING NUT, LOCKWING, LEVER HANDLE. 314 1 - J-1963W INLET COMPRESSION TUBE SIZE. OUTLET SWIVEL METER COUPLING NUT. LOCKWING. 3/4 1 1X3/4 J-1963W5G INLET SUPER GRIP TUBE SIZE; OUTLET SWIVEL METERCOUPLING NUT, LOCKWING. 314 1. 1X3/4 J-1963WH INLET COMPRESSION TUBE SIZE. OUTLET SWIVEL METER COUPLING NUT, _LOCKWING. LEVER HANDLE. 3/4 1 1X3/4 J-1984W INLET COPPER FLARE. OUTLET SWIVEL METER COUPLING NUT. LOCKWING. 3/4 1 - J-1964WH INLET COPPER FLARE OUTLET SWIVEL METER COUPLING NUT. LOCKWING, LEVER HANDLE. 3l4 1 - J-1965W INLET COPPER FLARE: OUTLET FEMALE IRON PIPE. WITH LOCKWING. 3/4 1 - J-1965WH INLET COPPER FLARE: OUTLET FEMALE IRON PIPE, LOCKWING, LEVER HANDLE. 314 1. J...1968W INLET FEMALE IRON PIPE; OUTLET SWIVEL METER COUPLING NUT. WITH LOCKWING. 314 1 - .i-1968WH INLET FEMALE IRON PIPE: OUTLET SWIVEL-METER COUPLING NUT. LEVER HANDLE. LOCKWING. 3/4 1 - J-1968W INLET COMPRESSION PIPE SIZE; OUTLET FEMALE IRON PIPE WITH LOCKWING. 314 1 - J-1968WH INLET COMPRESSION PIPE SIZE. OUTLET FEMALE IRON PIPE, LOCKWING, LEVER HANDLE. J-1969W INLET COMPRESSION TUBE SIZE; OUTLET FEMALE IRON PIPE. WITH LOCKWING. 3/4 1 - ,i-1969WSG INLET SUPER GRIP TUBE SIZE. OUTLET FEMALE IRON PIPE. WITH LOCKWING. 314 1 - J-1960WH INLET COMPRESSION TUBE SIZE; OUTLET FEMALE IRON PIPE. LOCKWING. LEVER HANDLE. 3/4 1 - J-1970W INLET FEMALE IRON PIPE; OUTLET FEMALE IRON PIPE. LOCKWING. 314 1 - J-1970WH INLET FEMALE IRON PIPE; OUTLET FEMALE IRON PIPE. LOCKWING. LEVER HANDLE. 314 V - J-1971WH INLET ELL 45 COMPRESSION PIPE SIZE; OUTLET SWIVEL METER COUPtJNG_NUT (J-1966 WITH.i-2838). 314 1- 01 NOTE: MOST VALVES AVAILABLE LESS STOP. Die .: . -. .:•.: . :-:. ........- . . .- ........ . . J1973W J1 974W J1975W CURB STOPS - Bronze 'r Full Port - angle Ball Valves J-NO. DESCRIPTION SIZES J-1973W INLET COPPER FLARE; OUTLET METER FLANGE. LOCKWING. 1-1/2 2 J-1974W INLET FEMALE IRON PIPE: OUTLET METER FLANGE, LOCKWING. 1-1F2 2 J-1975W INLET COMPRESSION TUBE SIZE; OUTLET METER FLANGE. LOCKWING. 1112 2 J-1975W5G I INLET SUPER GRIP TUBE SIZE, OUTLET METER FLANGE, LOCKWING. 1-1/2 2 J-1979W INLET PVC COMPRESSION: OUTLET METER FLANGE. 11/2 2 to . Dii (.,()I,trol Co. GALVANiC ANODE BACKFILL Tr ::c:Iiy fnt.jij(r. fl.)Iii! 10. fr)v:Cr jflI fU, reI,r lri:u 3CKFILL M3gne5iur: - Ci G;:C W1 v3Ii li ii 1. CONTROL CCMPAN' The preferred zinc: anode for underground use or for any application where the anode will be siubjeced to temperatures i a;roxmateLy 14C"F or higher is Federated's HI-PURE zinc anc<. Made from 99.99% pure Special Kgh Grade e(ectrc(y zinc, tflesa anodes ccnfotrn In ccmpcsiUcn to ASTM B-41873, ---Typell. -- In those cases where the metallic structure to to placed under cathodic protection is butted in salk'a mud at exposed to sea c brac<Ish water. and whrø the anode temperature will be lower than about 14 0F Federated's HI-AMPO zinc anodes should be cnsidered. The Iii-AMP zinc alloy was developed by Asara! C3rttal Research Department and is produced from 99.9 p attic slab. HI.AMF nc anodes meet the compositional requirements of ASIM 3-418.73 1re I Look to Federated Metals for quality and experience Federated Metals Corper;ucn, a subsidiar, at ASARCO Iiccrpcatad. is a te ading producer of galvanic ances in aluminum, zinc and magnesium. It has near' three decades of axpenenas ri the rnanjfacture ci galvanic arodeS. Fedaratad Mlezls has plants in San Francisc:, California; Houston, Texas; and Newark, New Jersey, and each plant has achi3tiCated analytical equipment crated by highly quaiifled tecnica1 personnel to help assure the quality and rsiiability Qi its anodes. Zinc anodes: ternratue affects your selection Federated standard zinc anodes Federated zinc ar4de4 for underground use are produced in a variety of 4i-.Pe2 and weights .ith 10 feeot #12 AWG solid poer wire, '1W Insulated, silver Soldered to -he anode care. The lotlowing table shows the siz, and weight of Federated's staridaro zinc anodes. All of these anodes are 3u0pl1e with a ¼ diameter electrogalvnnizsd (E.G.) mild steel re, BASE ZINC ANODES Federated Ncminzf . . Anode Wt Numb4p (b. H t. S5 14 9.. 5-12 .12 . 1.4" 1.4- S-18 18 14 1.4 26'• .30 1.4' 1,4" S4OA 30 2- S-46 45 •. 2" 46 S-60 60 2" . 2 60" , Rome Cable C C) fl P () b T s J S.EC 23 CiCCOt:f 1. 4 A'i)•.:LAL I: COLCiR ..i.e Print William lIylcn Jac'-et PVC frt C,,rr-..A lir0CiaL ckanon J.C.O.a.. COMIlel w.1 0511.4 '4n ifl1lir.i aM ; t c::ri3 w.Ir. .NEC. cNSTLCN. MJ.1d untzated aQQer :rj:c. PVC . .tion. fllCn IzDat, turlc.a ;r.ntoil. S?agei C( N. 01 flr.uL- I Ncn 0*rn. 7C I Th?-N a 9CC 5..: V I .4CM 5t,.irs lion lrrie TrtWN j Het Lanç: to t i ROME THWN or THHN PVC - Nylon, 600 VUs .i". CA0Il Ccn.rcal pue wnthvj ul.ra n S:eccal Ca. majmum iiac teerairJ- ci sc n 3(n.3 7S' n w 6cr.) vJ • fix nr.taii .n cul or cref rec;ur.C. ra.eway. ufCd rn.rJr.e iasu1i1). aoo.aricø. ni co(tt(Ct QZCjiIS not G vr.t. Si ea 20 MC.4 3L..1 largo r:.3y Un iglaIl1 in l:y pdr Aer 3:5 oi 1te NEC. ANOAR0S: I. Ustu'1 Jfldawn(ec7 Latniratonm as iQII)w (at 1pa TtNN-9C1Cu c locauorr. i'i Tyce 7-7'C in -CI 10=20n-, (7 --11 (4 fli1nI It ct Tyue MI-0C M.ct.n'r Teci Wire t:aneo en t!yt l.; IOSC Amo Wirieç OC (le( epo.or. tU (I) Clo: i,im LxACX Inibon arc UL Ustea ae, 5,rmt'rtI Pnes.clar4 Sizes 20 1.4CM and cailier om Ut. anti tEEE.33 n0ow Dumer [lame iv-.; and are Ut. ieswd lot CI U. I Apraa. I In NEC A-ce L.ItO X140 I PVC Nominal I 5oii (THri zr TrtHH 25r 16 _7 'i. 0Cc51 1 per Ctn. S'S S S 1 S 1 S S S s S 17 50. ss. 2500. 4 per c. NA re S S S S S S S S 5 S S S S S S S S 30t 2' Z5 500. coos 1 p*x c?t. S S S S S S S S S S S 25 500 spt. 4 per c. S s S S S s S S S S 2 2500. NRie4 SSSSSSSSSSS 40t 38 V : SW =:,a l Poe 1. S S S S 29 SOW -Cis. 2 per c. $ $ S S S S S S 3 25W NRreei SSSSSSSS Stranded (MT.Y or TMWN arThMM 14 1 Scic I 15 I 4 I .11 I 2" 12 1 ScUd I 15 I 4 I I 2571 10 I Solid I 20 1 ' I .16 I 25, 14 12 19 19 IS 154 4 - .12 .14 201 25t I 25 30' 16 2 17 is 17 500.z SOT Ct.4 25W 1 per Cut. Nre-61 1 oer. S S [ S per I.S5SSSSSSS55 S S 55SSSSSSS5SI -- S S - S S - S S r 25 5W lots. 4P or CLI. 1 27 2500. NRC(SSSSSSSSSSSH IC 19 20 4 .17 55 . 35 Al 5O0. is. 2per. 5 $ 5 S S S S $ S At 25W MR rat' $ S S S S S S S S 6 19 30 5 .23 50 55 66 71 500s. 1 per =PL $$SSSSSS 6 19 30 5 .26 6575 98 39 500' NR fee' SSSSSSSS 4 13 40 6 .33 35 95 155 168 500.1000' HAted $ $ 3 19 40 6 .36 100. 110 190 204 500 MR red S . 2 19 40 6 .39 115 130 235 2-44 500.1000' NR s s $ I 19 - 7 -. .45 130 V 150 219 IOW' NA id s 1/0 19 50 7 .50 150 170 37 95 1000' NA rod s 2/0 19 50 7 .54 175 195 460 4.65 1000' NR rod S 3/0 19 50 7 • 200 225 570 500 1000' NA rid S 410 19 50 7 .66 230 260 710 745 1000' NA rs s 250 37 50 8 .72 255 290 845 905 1' NA red s 300 37 50 a . 77 28S 320 lCm i= .iS NA reel S 350 37 50 8 .83 310 350 1166 InS 1000, NA reel 400 37 GO 8 .87 335 350 1325 1:80 ?$ NA red s 500 31 60 8 .9G 380 40 1640 ¶725 1000. NA ree' 750 61 70 9 1.17 47! 535 2.80 2 -CZ a IC00 1 Si []0 1 9 1.32 5±5 615 1 3300 1 j AmO41y i.i a d1 NC icr not itoi. Man t?I* 0XWWCr3jnvaca.. As TWIN: 3C' ccrto t.nQsrvwe AM 3C'C sm.ent In Cry Ixtrn. ..4 ThWN: 75C ccindict tSd1CSiOIUre W4 30C linc..na 4 we or dry CCaLIn. tTha over "'4 QC$C' J rI CiCeed 15 irro.',s Car 14 W43. 20 in.,e for 12 AW3 end O for i AwG ec OColor Coco: I blwk. 2 3 CI4. 4 blv.. 15 grcen. S yet*,-. 7 o(anqL 3 9 9'e. 10 11• ii gray. 12 tan. Ml sizeit 1'P6040 an 250011. MR fuelS. SiZeS 4 and IM'91f avaiLAWO in OM MS t3' IrUflt On MR rae. Rome Gablel c.i nAN r 1 c SPEC :C:o 10-11-5.1 ROME THWN or THHN PVC - Nylon. 600 Vo 1. SCOPE 1 This specification dsz:ts sir,;ie ccncc:cr orne THWN c Tr--N. a general purcse builcing wire inzularec w:t polyvinyl ciloride (PVC)ar cveed with a icugn protective sr.eath Of riylc n(cnde for lighting and power crcui: ai 600 Volts or less. in residential. comrnercaJ and industrial ifl9. The wire may e operated at 904C ma;cirnum continuous ConduCtCr tcrnerature in drj locations ana 7C in wet locations and is listed by Underri Laboratories for use in accdance with A,-,ice 310 of Ue Naiicr,al E!ec:.cz!Code. Ses 250 MCM and iarger may used in cab Lra./ in aczxdance with Artic 8 of trie NEC. Z. APPLICABLE SPCIF1CT1CNS, 2.1 The following spccfzticnz Form a part ci ttis weciiicatiori :c tr.e extent soecilied herein: 2.1.1 Uncetwciters Laoratories S(andard 83 icr TherrnopLas:c Insulate- Wires. 2.1.2 Underwriters Laccratorics Standard 1063 for Maciri-'cl Wires and Cables (Stranded items only). 2.1 .3 Underwritors, Lbcraiortez Standard 75Z for c50C Ac:!iancc Wirir.c Materials. 2.1.4 Federal Sqeficaion J-C-:CA. CtQUCTOC 3.1 Conductors shall ;o c!d. Class B or Vas C c::zcJd. anneaic unceaec c:pper c€t UL Shandaru 32 or iC2. 4. INSULATION - 4.1 Each conductor zafl te insulated with PVC and sheatec with nyicri mplyinc with me requireems Ct Standard 83 icr Types THN or TWN and UL Siandad 1053 far Type MTW. In additn. Types THWN or THHN sa;L comply with the optcnal Gasoline and Oil esistantlf rating a ie For CT Use (sizes 250 MCM and larger) rating c! UL Standard 83. The insufaticri shalt also comply with UT.. reuiraments (Cr 1Q5C Alianca Wiring Material. h.2 The average thicic-necs of PVC insulation. for a given conducr size. shall be as ai1in 1Jt Standard Si for iyie. THWN or T1-(HN. The minimum thickness at any point. at the PVC insulation, shall be not less than 90% of :e specified average Uickriess. The minimum thicriess at any paint, of the n'jtcn sheath, shall be as specified in UL Standard 83 for Types THWN cc THI-IN. The PVC insulation shalt be ap1ied tLgrtzy to uie =nductcr and shall '--e free-stipping. tOENTIFICXt1OM 5.1 The wire shaU be identified tty surface marking indicating r.artufac1urer's.identifiicn,=nducar size and metaL voltage rating, UL Symbol, type desigriaxicns arid optional rating. TESTS- 6.1 Wire shad be tested in acc3rdance with the requirements ci UI.. Standard 22 for Types TH'WN or TH1-(N wire and icr Me optional Gasoiine and Oil Resistant hi approvals: as type V 7 to UL Standard I CS3 and as AWM to Ut.. Stariarc 758. LABELS 7.1 The wire shall bear the Underwriters Laboralor es labels for Types THWN or THHN (sc4id ccnducl.ars) and Type MTW - -.-. (Slranded ..................... - .......- - . ............ ... - ...........- . - ~00 I / I WK INC. _ p U A p p CALPICO PIPE LINX Model CSL Linx *Calpico Pipe Linx form a mechanical rubber seal between pipes going through walls, floors, vaults, tanks and pipeline casings. Calpico Pipe Linx make a watertight seal between a pipe and a wall hole. They can also seal the gap between an inner pipe and an outer pipe sleeve or pipeline casing. They seal the gap between electrical conduit and the outer conduit, or between electrical conduit and the wall hole it passes through. (For information on Pipe Linx used to seal a pipeline inside a casing please see the section on Model CPL Pipe Linx). These Pipe Linx are designed to make a hydrostatic seal of up to 20 pisg and up to 40 feet of head. The Pipe Linx, in addition to their sealing properties, help absorb virbrations, shocks, and sound waves. They also insulate the inner pipe from all other outer structures, including outer pipe sleeves, pipeline casings, walls and tanks. r Drawing A Model CSL Linx Calpico Pipe Linx are made from synthetic rubber with heavy-duty plastic pressure plates, which are resistant to sunlight and ozone. All bolts and nuts are plated with an anti-corrosive coating. Stainless steel bolts and nuts are also available. Calpico offers a fireproof sealing system conforming to UL recommendations. See page 3 for details under Firestops. ( Eight different sizes of CSL Linx are available, which make up most pipe sizes from ½" up to 100". Special Linx for unusual sizes can also be made. Drawing B Drawing C Linx prior to tightening. Tighten bolt heads to compress pressure plates S and form a continuous, airtight, watertight seal. Each carton of CSL Linx contains an instruction sheet, which lists the easy assembly instructions in a step-by-step manner. And to install CSL Linx, only regular shop tools are needed. iJo Types of Linx CSL Standard Pipe Linx with insulating type pressure plate CSL-SS Pipe Linx with stainless steel pressure plate (Special) CPL Pipeline Pipe Linx with centering block feature CPL-PLAIN Pipeline Pipe Linx without centelngbióck All Linx are "plain" style For Fireproof Linx, add —F to the end (i.é,CSL-F, CSL-SS-F, CPL-F, CPL-PLAIN-F). Recommended WaIl.Thickness for Sealing Wall Thickness CSL Model 2¼" r 20 30 : 4" ....32 5" 5' 42 41/2"4M. 47 50 Drawing Wall Sleeve CHART NO. 101 CHART NO. 102 The standard Calpico Pipe Linx come with insulating pressure plates. If steel pressure plates are wanted, they must be specified. All common sizes of pipe-to-hole or pipe-to-sleeve combinations are shown in Chart #103. However, many other combinations of pipe with thinner or thicker wall thicknesses will also work. To calculate these, or other types of pipe not listed in CSL sizing specifications on page 4 (such as Cast Iron soil pipe, Asbestos Cement pipe, or concrete coated pipe), refer to CSL Non-Standard Linx Sizes on Chart No. 104, page 6. WATER STOPS AND WALL SLEEVES Calpico offers two types of wall sleeves - a steel one, Model SPS, and a plastic one, Model PPS. The Model SPS wall sleeves are made from standard-wall steel pipe, and are provided with a welded steel water stop. Model PPS wall sleeves are made from plastic pipe and are provided with a welded plastic water stop. FIRESTOPS Calpico firestop material comes in handy dispenser tubes for easy application! No damming is required. Firestop material carries a fire rating of up to 3 hours. Contains no corrosive halogens, asbestos or glass fibers, which make it intrinsically safe under fire conditions. Drawing E Sample firestop application. Water Stop PRESSURE TESTING All styles of Calpico Pipe Linx are constantly being pressure tested to maintain quality control. Calpico Pipe Linx are tested at 35 PSIG continuously. CALPICO PIPE SEPARATORS Model CPPS Separator Calpico Pipe Separators (Model CPPS) are ideal for double containment applications. The Model CPPS is made from durable polyethylene and comes ready for installation. Each unit consists of two halves. Holes are provided to accommodate two plated screws. Widths range from ½" up, depending on inner pipe size. Available in all sizes listed in CSL Linx Sizing Specifications on Chart 103. Drawing F CPS Pipe Separator. 08-02-1994 05:32FM CALPICO ,INC. SO. SF, CA. 1 415 873 6952 P.02 .CALPICO INC. 1a5HA?.sop.WAY S. SAN FPANCISCO;CALj 940S04161 PHONE NO. (415) 5-2241 FAX. NO. (Al TOLL !Z .—EOC...72..7323 CALPICO INC, 185 HARBOR WAY SO. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 94080 1Teeohone (415) 588-2241 FAMOUS FOR: CORROSION CONTROL PRODUCTS PIPE WRAPPING TAPES Is ELECTRICAL TAPES CATHODIC PROTECTION PIPE COATING APPLICATIONS GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR CALPICO PIPE LINX. EPDM SEALING ELEMENT SPECIFIC GRAVITY 1_15 UNAGED PHYSICAL PROPERTIES TENSILE per ASTM-D412-87 ELONGATION per ASTM-D412-87 HARDNESS per ASTM-2240-86 ASTM-D2000 2BA515,813,F17,C12 1828ps1 784 % 46 DtIRO. 70 hrs. @ 212°F -15.9% -29.0% +09% AGED PROPERTIES ASTM D573-88 TENSILE STRENGTH CHANGE per ASTM D412-87 ELONGATION CHANGE per ASTM D4127-8.7. HARDNESS CHANGE per ASTM D2240-86 COMPRESSION SET PROPERTIES ASTM-D395-89 TIME 22 hrs. TEMP. 158°F COMPRESSED @25%. REQUIRED 50% OBTAINED 9.1% PASSED OZONE RESISTANCE ASTM-D 1171 PERFORMED @ 72 h.rs. @ 100 PPEM @ 104°F REQUIRED PASS OBTAINED PASSED [1 TOTAL P.02 Corrosion Control and Piping Hardware 185 HARBOR WAY, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94080 TELEPHONE (415) 588-2241 These heavy duty insulators are ideal to keep carrier pipe isolated from casing. Steel bands are 14 gauge (other gauges are available) Skids are bolted to the band 3 Bolting flanges are provided with gussets for extra strength ) An extra heavy duty vinyl liner assures double insulation. ) Skids are available in polyethylene, phenolic. / THE MODEL M INSULATOR IS A VAILABLE IN THREE SIZES: *MODEL M-12—band 12" wide 'MODEL M-8— 8" wide 'MODEL M-6-6" wide Standard Specifications * STEEL BAND: 14" gauge (.074" thickness) with a rust-resisting coating. FLANGE BOLTS: 5/16" cadmium plated - 5 on M-12; 3 on M-8; 2 on M-6. INSIULATING LINER: Heavy-duty PVC with extra-heavy retaining edge. SKIDS: Heavy-duty skids are standard. For pipe sizes up to 14 inches, there are 4 skids on each insulator. From 16 through 36", 6 skids are standard. Pipe sizes of 38" and larger have 7 skids. Additional skids can. be specified. Standard skids are 11/2" wide and 11/4" high. Skids 2" high and higher can also be supplied on request. For dui crete :? the ski 3,takès" ..throuI asbestos ceri pe, we make ëOD of the oupIing'àib *Other materials and dimensions other than those shown above are available. Calpico Model C Custom Pull-On Casing End Seals are made from 1/8" thick especially compounded synthetic rubber and come provided with stainless steel bands and clamps which require only a screwdiver or wrench to install. Our Model C End •-'t Seals are designed for easy installation and can fit any Car- rier Casing combina 4 tion where unusual . lateral movement can be expected, or will fit all possible .-... Carrier-Casing com- binations. Permanent adhesive bonds the two exposed edges into one permanent seal. Adhesive sealing strips can be provided for watertight joining of seal to carrier-casing. . Calpico seals are made of flexible coal tar rein- forced with fiberglas providing an extra-tough waterproof membrane. Stainless steel bands—two 1/2" bands are fur- nished with each end seal—can be tightened easily (with a screwdriver or wrench) to insure a tight seal. This wrap-around model is preferred because the seal can be applied after the pipe is pulled through the casing, and insures a better fit (seal to carrier/casing) because it can be adjusted to variables in coating thickness. r - - V. -.--.-- - - ....... OSEN ERG _ ASTENERS / 4021 West Chandler Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 556-0870 Bolts Hex and Heavy Hex ASTM A307 Grade A and Grade B - (Mechanical Properties) Hex and Heavy Hex Bolts are listed in Section C4 of Bethlehem's Fastener Catalog. Hex bolts are available from Bethlehem in two dimensional standards: hex and heavy hex. The heavy hex bolt has a head dimension averaging approxi- mately ¼ in. wider across the flats than the standard hex bolt. It is generally used for applications where maximum bearing area is required. Dimensional data for both types is shown on page 19. Hex bolts are offered with UNRC-2A threads in diameters ranging from 1/4 in. through 2 in. Heavy hex bolts with UNRC-2A threads are offered in diameters of 1/2 in. to 11/2 in., inclusive. Hex bolts of heat treated carbon or alloy steel are available from cap-screw stock; Special note: Hex bolts in a size range from ¼ in. thru -1/4 in. diameter and in lengths 8 inches and shorter are often shipped from Cap-screw stock at the Hex bolt price. However when ordered as hex bolts there is no guarantee that they will meet all Cap-screw requirements. Hex and Heavy Hex Bolts are listed in Section C4 our Fastener Catalog. 22 R LT L SEE NOTE 3O+ I- I- Hex Bolt H .1 I NOUN - 1R_LT EE NOTE Heavy Hex Bolt :..2 ... . ....-. - -.... . Nuts-Hex and Heavy Hex ASTM A307 (Mechanical Properties) Nuts are listed in Section C5 of Bethlehem's Fastener Catalog It a C F H H _ HHPPROX1fl Heavy Hex Nuts, washer-faced and double-chamfered These are double-chamfered through the 1-in, size, and washer-faced in sizes over 1 in. Heavy hex nuts with UNC-28 threads are available in diameters rang- ing from ¼ in. to4 in., washer-faced in the full range of sizes, as well as double-chamfered in sizes through 1 in. Drawings and dimensional data for both types are shown below. ANSI dimensional standards for hex nuts apply only for diameters of 11/2 in. and under. Hex nut dimensions (in.) ANSI 818.2.2 90tJflZ Size a Uric Malec Giant ol Thread Width Across Flats F - 0wc Ma. Mm Width Across Corners C Max Mm Thictheo Has 'toss H Basic Mu Mix '1. 0.2500 54. 0.433 0.423 0.505 0.488 'A. 3.225 0.212 '14 0.3125 34 0.580 0.489 0.577 0.557 "A. 3.213 0.253 34 0.3750 54. 0.562 0.551 0.650 8.623 1/.. 1337 0.320 54. 0.4375 54. 0.680 0.675 0.794 0.760 Y. 3.285 0.365 .4 0.5008 34 0.750 0.736 0.866 0.040 51. 3.440 0.427 54. 0.5625 34 0.375 0.861 1.010 0.982 134. 0.436 0.473 Y. 0.6250 "A. 0.938 0.922 1.083 1.051 1.4. 0.559 8.535 34 0.7500 1/. 1.125 1.000 1.299 1.240 '34. 3.565 0.617 4 0.0750 154. 1.312 1.269 1.516 1.447 Y. 3.776 0.724 I 1.0000 134 1.500 1.450 1.732 1.653 "4.. 3.887 0.031 134 1.1250 1"!,. 1.600 1.631 1.949 1.059 "A, 3.999 0.939 154 1.2500 1.075 1.812 2.165 2.066 1'!,. 1.934 1.030 334 1.3750 2.062 1.994 2.382 2.273 l'%. 1.206 1.130 1 .5000 1.5000 254 2.250 2.175 2.598 2.400 154. 1.317 1.245 134 1.7500 234 2.625 2.530 3.031 2.393 334 1.548 1.460 2 2.0000 3 3.000 2.900 3.464 3.306 1'14, 1.703 1.675 Heavy hex nut dimensions (in.) ANSI B18.2.2 • ttoosusal Site m BASIC Mzm Qiaa of New Width Across F - - •- Carriers -- Width Across Thioon Heavy 0u Huts H - Basic Max Mitt Mu Min Bone Mu I Mm 'I. 0.2900 34 0.500 0.488 0.511 0.556 4. 0.250 0.218 M. 0.3125 M. 0.562 0.546 0.650 0.622 54. 0.314 0.280 34 0.3290 ".4. 0.688 0.669 0.794 0.763 '54. 3.371 0.341 '4. 0.4375 34 3.750 0.728 0.066 3.830 '54. 0.441 0.403 34 3.5000 34 0.075 0.850 1.010 0.969 '34. 0.504 0.464 '.1. 0.5625 '54. 0.938 0.909 1.083 1.037 '54. 0.508 0.526 34 0.6250 154. 1.062 1.031 1.221 1.175 a.,4, 3.631 0.507 34 0.7500 13'. 1.250 1.212 1.443 1'.322 41.4. 3.758 0.710 34 0.8750 151. 1.438 1.334 1.660 1.589 '4. 3.885 0.833 1 1.0000 1% 1.625 1.515 1.876 1.736 '34.. 1.012 0.956 1% 1.1250 1136. 1.812 1.756 2.093 2.002 1%. 1.133 1.079 13'. 11500 2 2.600 1.938 2.309 2.209 154, 1151 1.187 134 1.3750 211. 2.183 2.119 2.526 2.416 11546 1.378 1.310 134 1.5000 2% 3.375 2.300 2242 2.622 194, 1.505 1.433 1% 1.6250 214. 2.562 2.481 2.953 2.323 194. 1532 1.556 134 1.1500 2% 2.150 2.662 3.115 3.035 1'%, 1253 1.679 1% 1.0750 254. 2.333 2.344 3.332 3142 1'54. 1.335 1.802 2 2.0000 3% 1125 3.025 3.503 3.449 1'14, 2.813 1.925 2% 2.2500 334 1500 3.388 4.041 3.262 2'%. 2151 2.155 234 2.5000 334 3.875 3.150 4.474 4.275 2'%. 2.505 2.401 231 2.7500 4% 4.250 4.112 4.901 4.683 294. 2259 2.647 3 10000 4% 4.625 4.475 5.340 5.102 2'%. 3.013 2.093 334 12500 5 5.000 4.038 5.774 5.515 314. 1252 1124 334 3.5000 5% 5.315 5.200 6.201 5.328 3%. 3.568 3.310 3% 3.7580 5% 5.750 5.562 6.640 6.341 3'54. 1760 3.616 4 4.0000 8% 6.125 5.925 7.073 0.255 3c• 4.014 3.802 23 Bethlehem makes hex nuts in two dimensional stan- dards. The smaller standard (designated as "hex") is of adequate size to furnish proper bearing and torqu- ing strength for use with untreated bolts. The larger standard (designated as "heavy hex") has greater width and thickness for use where maximum bearing area is required. Hex nuts with either UNC-213 or UNF-2B threads are available in diameters ranging from 1/4 in. to 2 in. -H- -A 1 Hex Nuts, washer-faced and double-chamfered Protective Coatings for Fasteners Hot-Dip Metallic All standard fasteners included in this booklet may be ordered with protective coatings for resistance to corrosion. Zinc Coatings Zinc applied by hot-dip methods is the most widely Used coating for protection against atmos- pheric corrosion. Fasteners so coated are referred to as 'galvanized" or "hot-dip galvanized." A galvanized coating is the heaviest or thickest that can be obtained by any conventional process. For most applications exposed to normal atmos- pheric corrosion, a coating of pure zinc offers the best and most economical protection for steel fasteners. Its protection is twofold. First, it offers excellent resist- ance to corrosive attack by acting as a shield between the steel surface and the atmosphere. Second, it is a galvanic protector which sacrifices itself slowly while protecting adjacent bare spots of moderate size. Since the life of a zinc coating is directly propor- tional to its thickness, it is possible to conclude that equal coating weights of zinc applied either by hot- dipping or by electroplating will exhibit approximately I e same service life. However, these types of zinc tings are rarely applied in the same thickness, and POINTS TO REMEMBER 1. In buying hot-dip galvanized fasteners, the weight of the coating is much more important than its color or sheen. Providing maximum pro- tection against corrosion is the major considera- tion. 2, Roughness of surface may be evident in a heavy coating but is no detriment unless it seriously interferes with the mating of parts. A smooth coating with a perfect thread lit may be thinner and offer less protection than a rough coating. The process of centrifuging to obtain clean threads reduces the amount of coating obtained in normal practice. However, somewhat heavier coatings can be furnished on threaded products by using special coating practices, requiring a premium price. The fact that an overlapped nut on a coated bolt may shake or rattle is not necessarily cause for rejection. Most likely it will be found to be within normal overlap tolerances and capable of developingthe full strength of the bolt. it is for this reason that hot-dip coatings have proven superior to the much lighter electroplated coatings. Fastener galvanizing is governed by ASTM specifica- tionA 153. Bethalume Aluminum-Coated Bethlehem also applies an aluminum coating to fasteners by hot-dipping. Known as Bethalume, this coating offers the best available resistance to corro- sion in severe industrial or chemically polluted atmos- pheres. Refer to page 34 of this booklet for further details regarding this superior coating as used to protect alloy steel heat treated studs, bolts and nuts. Electroplated We are also equipped to electroplate standard fasteners. Our blue-bright, electro - zinc- plate coating is decorative, offers short-term resistance to corro- sion, and can be produced with standard classes of thread fit. We also cadmium-plate fasteners and can apply bright, iridescent chemical conversion coatings to improve corrosion resistance and enhance appear- ance. ASTM Specifications A 16 for elect rodeposited zinc coatings recognizes three coating thicknesses: "GS"=O.00lO in.; "LS"=0.0005 in.: and "PS" 0.00015 in., corresponding to coaling weights of 0.59. 0.29, and 0.09 ounces per sq It respectively. Often these elect rod eposited coatings are given supple- mental phosphate or chromate coatings to develop a specific color and to enhance corrosion resistance to a minor extent. Remember that the corrosion life of a zinc coating is proportional to the amount of zinc pres- ent, so even the heaviest electrodeposited "GS" coating would have only about half the life of a hot-dip galvanized coating. The coating structure of an electroplated product differs considerably from the coating structure of a hot-dipped product. There is no alloy layer, although the coating is atomically bonded to the base metal. Thickness of the coating is normally only one-tenth to one-halt that achieved by the hot-dip coating method. Because there is no alloy layer, the electroplated coating is soft and ductile. As a result, an electroplated product can be bent or deformed without spatling or flaking, providing the coating has been properly applied. Electroplated coatings are uniform and smooth, and when compared with hot-dip coatings, are usually quite thin. Electroplated cadmium coatings can be obtained but are less in demand and are not available from standard bolt stocks. - ROSENBERG FASTENERS 4021 WEST CHANDLER AVE. SANTA ANA, CA 92704. (714) 556-0870 FAX (714) 556-3714 BuxoGARD Compressed Gasketing The BLUE-GARD compressed non-asbestos gasketing family eliminates asbestos, and is designed specifically to out-perform and seal more effectively than virtually any other non-metallic gasketing material. BLUE-GARD gasketing provides superior sealability and excellent torque retention. BLUE-GARD gasketing provides superior results because of our unique blends of synthetic fibers, fillers and elastomeric binders developed specifically for this non-asbestos gasketing family. Again. GARLOCK provides non-asbestos gasketing that meets or exceeds the severest of service conditions inherent in the processing industries. When the order is to seal, look to Garlock BLUE-GARD gasketing to take command. Features A dvantages Sealability M Prve superior sealability over asbestos gasketing Offers virtually the lowest amount of leakage over any competitive non-metallic gasketing Creep- U Provides improved torque retention resulting relaxation in lower leakage than the majority of competi- tive fibrous type non-metallic gasketing: both asbestos and non-asbestos Wide choice I Handles a wider range of fluids than virtually of elastomers any other manufacturer of any competitive fibrous type of non-metallic, non-asbestos gasketing Benefits The overall benefits of Garlock BLUE-GARD gasketing over that of the competition are found in the areas of environmental improvement and overall cost savings. Cost reductions, a critically important factor, are found in many areas. including: Waste removal/disposal • Fluid loss • Energy consumption • Maintenance • Stocked inventory • BLUE-GARD gasketing from GARLOCK! Cost effective, safe, time reducing and environmentally protective. Your natural choice in gasketing for today's industries. BLUE-GARD gasketing in command Garlock BLUE-GARD non-asbestos gasketing is monitored and tested from start to finish using the most modern of procedures and equipment. This high level of quality assurance continues to produce a full range of compressed, non-asbestos gasketing that consistently shows a much better SEALABILITY level and lower level of CREEP- RELAXATION than that of our competitors. This combination of improved SEALABILITY and reduced level of CREEP-RELAXATION means an ultimate savings in time and money and a cleaner environment. Sealability SEALABILITY is a measure of fluid leakage through and across both faces of a gasket. Practical application research has shown that most leakage is through the gasket. The effective minimization of that loss of fluid experienced when fluids pass through fibrous type non- metallic gaskets under compression loads has now been provided by the Garlock BLUE-GARD family of non-asbestos gasketing. C reép-Relaxatio n Fluid leakage is often traced to CREEP-RELAXATION, or loss of tightness on a gasket. This loss is measured by torque loss on bolts. The Garlock BLUE-GARD family of gasketing greatly reduces leakage loss from CREEP-RELAXATION, thus providing a tighter, more efficient fluid transportation system. - ..:. .•. ......•.. •• -. .. These ASTM values clearly show why the BLUE-GARD family of compressed non-asbestos gasketing seals better Typical Physical Properties BLUE-GARD STYLES ASTM Test Physical 3200/ Method Properties 3000 3100 3400 3300 3700 F37 Sealability Milliliters/Hour Leakage - ASTM Fuel A (isooctane) "ii' 02 02 0 1 02 0.1 Gasket load 500 psi Internal pressure 9.8 psi Nitrogen 06 06 04 10 07 Gasket load 3000 psi Internal pressure, 30 psi F36 Recovery Minimum Percent: 50 40 50 50 40 F36 Compressibility Percent Range: 7-17 7-17 7-17 717 7-17 -:..F38, Creep Relaxation Percent Relaxation: :':: 20.5 23.9 18.4 18.2 24.5 F146 Fluid Resistance After Five Hour Immersions ASTM #1 Oil @ +300°F. Thickness Increase Range: 0-5% 010% 010% 0-5% 20-35% Weight Increase. Maximum: 8% 20% 20°h 15% - ASTM #3 Oil @ +300°F. Thickness Increase Range: 0-15% 10-25% 15-30% 15-30% 60-90°h Tensile Loss, Maximum: 35% 70% 70% 50% - ASTM Fuel A © 70-85'F. Thickness Increase Range: 0-5% 0-15% 0-15% 0-10% 10-40% Weight Increase. Maximum: 8% 25% 25% 20% - ASTM Fuel B © 70-85°F, Thickness Increase Range: 0-10% 10-25°/o 5-20% 5-20% 20-50°f° Weight Increase. Maximum: 15% 30% 30% 20% - F152 Tensile Strength . 2500 2200 2800 2800 2500 Across Grain psi: (17.3 MPa) (15.2 MPa) (19.3 MPa) (19.3 MPa) (17:3 MPa) Density grams/cm3: 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 (lbs./ft.3): (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) NOTE: Test results in accordance with ASTM F-104; properties based on 0.8 mm (1/32") sheet thickness. All BLUE-GARD compressed non-asbestos gasketing styles are available in sheet sizes of 60" x 60",- 60" x 120", and 60" x 180" and in six thicknesses, 1/64". 1/32", 3/64", 1/16", 3/32", and 1/8". In addition, Styles 3000, 3200, 3400, and 3700 are available in sheet sizes 75"x75", 75" x 150", and 150" x 150" in 1/32", 1/16", 3/32". and 1/8" thicknesses. All BLUE-GARD styles are furnished with an anti-stick parting agent as standard, 'Improved Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing, customer field reports and/or in-house testing. Properties/applications shown throughout this brochure are typical. Your specific application should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitability. While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no responsibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without natice. This edition cancels all previous issues. Subject to change Without notice. GAALOCI( is a registered trademark for packings, seals, gaskets, and other products at Cassock. Copyright 1989. GARLOcK, All Rights Reserved. L] THE NORTHTOWN COMPANY P. 0. BOX 2064 . (714) 840-8333 • HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647 TUBULAR POLYETHYLENE FILM AS PROTECTION FOR CAST IRON AND STEEL PIPE Certain natural soils and artificial environments have been shown to be corrosive to cast iron pipe, and in severe environments the life of the pipe has been significantly shortened. Extensive tests and field installations over the past 25 years have shown that loose polyethylene encasement of the nioe is an effective and economical means of corrosion protection. Installation The polyethylene film prevents contact between the pipe and the surrounding soil but is not expected to be an airtight encasement. The 8 mil polyethylene tube can be cut to lengths that provide a one foot overlap beyond each end of the pipe section. Slip the tubing over the pipe and hunch it back to clear both ends. Lower the pipe into position and make up the joint. A shallow bell hole should be made to facilitate installation of the polyethylene. Pull the tubing over the hell of the pipe and fold it around the adjoining soicot. Tape or tie it into olace. Pull the tubing on the adjacent pipe to overlap the joint along the oipe barrel by folding the tubing over the top and occassionally ta?ing or tieing it into place to make a snug, but not tight, fit. Repair any tears, holes, or other damage with tape or small sections of poly- ethylene taped into place. Specifications The 8 mil flat tube virgin polyethylene film provided meets or exceeds the requirements of ANSI A21.5-1972, AWWA C105-72, :Federal Specification LP-378d. Required Average Tensile Strength (psi) 1200 2200 Elongation . 300% 495% Fungus Resistance - Federal. Specification LS-137 and LS-125 Mildew Resistance - ASTM D-2020, Method A Distribution .Iatural (clear) or black polyethylene tubing is available in several widths suitable for all sizes of pipe. Availability, pricing, and other information can be secured by contacting our sales office. (SUPPLIED IN PURPLE FOR RECLAIMED LINES) H4k ... ..-- . [] S CHRISTY UNDERGROUND I.D. TAPES , Identify -. Locate - Protect - Detect Christy Super-Tough Underground I.D. Tapes, Type Ill-Detectable, are caution-stripped1M providing maximum color contrast and visibility in all types and colors of foils. TYPE I-Non-Detectable has permanent printing. Christy Underground I.D. Tapes comply with the A.P.W.A. Uniform Color Code. DETECTABLE - Type ROLL MIL ROLLS WT. LIST SIZE TYPE LENGTH THICKNESS CRTN RLJCRT PRICE 2" DT Ill 2" x 1000 4.85 9 5/45 42.75 3" OT !II 3" x 1000 4.85 6 7/42 62.50 6" DT III 6" x 1000 4.85 3 14/42 126.00 NON-DETECTABLE - Type I PRINTS AVAILABLE 8W, GS, YG, RE, OT, BFM, YCP. CATV, F0 SW. GS, BFM, YG, RE, OT, YCP. CAN, F0 o 3" NO I 3" x 1000 4.00 6 5/30 6" ND F 6" x 1000 4.00 3 10/30 12" ND I 12" x 1000 4.00 1 20/20 3" Barricade 3" x 1000 4.00 6 5/30 AVAILABLE LEGENDS: 26.50 RRW, SW, GS, YG, RE 54.00 BW, GS, YG, RE', OT, FO 8850 RRW 26.50 All Below ( INDICATES NON-STOCK SPECIAL ORDER) (Custom Legends Are Available - 100 Roll Minimum Order) "BW" BLUE WATER (Potable) "RRW" RED (3") WHITE (12") RECLAIMED WATER "GS" GREEN SEWER "BFM" BROWN FORCED MAIN "YG" YELLOW GAS "RE" RED ELECTRIC "OT" ORANGE TELEPHONE S.... "YCP" YELLOW CATHODIC PROTECTION "CATV" ORANGE CABLE VISION "FO" ORANGE FIBER OPTIC TELEPHONE BARRICADE Caution: Do Not Enter Caution: Police Line - Do Not Enter. Caution: Construction Area - Do Not Enter Caution: Open Trench - Do Not Enter Caution: Fire Department - Do Not Enter TERMS: F.O.B. Orange, CA. N/30 O.A.C.: Contact Office For Quantity Pricing. T. CHRISTY ENTERPRISES, INC. 1207 W. STRUCK AyE, "E" • ORANGE, CA 92667 9/1/87 Telephone (714) 771-4142 • Outside California 1-800-BLU-GLUE • FAX (714) 771-3029 :.:.... . ...... GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Lineguard, Inc. Type Ill SUPER TUFF, CAUTION STRIPED T" DETECTABLE UNDER-' GROUND UTILITY LINE MARKING TAPE, As stated and taught under U.S. Patent 4,623,282, invented by Gordon H. Allen, owner of Lineguard, Inc., who is the sole inventor of all marking tapes, both detectable and non-detectable, in the world, sets the specifications as follows: The tape is approximately 5 mils thick, with an aluminum foil encased in an impervious Mylar plastic coating on both sides. The marking tape is reverse printed as stated under United States patents by Gordon H. Allen, i.e., the printing, as well as the foil and color are underthe impervious clear plastic and not subject to color fade, foil deterioration or printing disappearance. All other marking tapes, both detectable and non-detectable are surface printed. The minimum tensile strength determined in accordance with ASTM 0882, is 16,005 per square inch, with sufficient metal mass to provide detectability at depths up to 3 feet, with most inexpensive radio type metal locators. More expensive and sophisticated instruments will, of course, pick up a signal at greater depths, with greater intensity. Lineguard, Inc. as inventors and developers of all detectable marking tapes patented in the United States, strongly recommends that the marking tape never be put 3 feet below the surface; the object of the tape is to bury it 4 to 6 inches below the top soil so that it will be picked up with the first shovel full of earth by the excavator, or dug up first by the locator operator. The tape will be visible in all types and colors of soil, the Caution Stripes make it HIGHLY visible, therefore, pre- venting damage to the line below. A STOP SIGN effect is provided by the tape, so no one will go beyond this and cut the line below. This is a widely required product, and it is a very valuable protection and maintenance system used with metallic and non-metallic lines. Color coding is as per the American Public Works Association, and the Utility Location Coordination Council. BLUE: is for water and associated lines, such as irrigation lines. YELLOW: is for Gas and associated lines, such as Cathodic Protection lines. GREEN: is for Sewer and associated lines. ORANGE: is for Telephone and associated lines, such as CATV. BROWN: is for Force Main and associated lines. RED: is for Electric and associated lines. Lineguard Type III tape is acid, alkali and corrosion resistant. THIS SHEET IS PROVIDED FOR USE AS CERTIFICATION FOR JOB SPECIFICATIONS 'H ':'"'. . . •' .:: ...- . . ' - '.: fl 'I F Bare Co1c and Wea proof Wfrc 4o ir I'.I JJ JLfl '.SJ'J1J1Je.I LII e vviit Construction: Solid ot stranç1td c0pp6r conductor (soft. medium-or MrO drawn), covcre. with an extruded wall of blik high mc~ecuiar weight (HMW, tough, 5011101c and weather resistant polyochylerte. Features: Easiy isIaid in long lengths. Exooltont resistance to yeotheiirtg and jl- vio1c1 aiOht. Polythylcrin outer coating resists fumes, adds anq alkalis. Superior I - --•• GcpPO re14StaflC0 to onvironmental resr..;'ackir.g during exposure to flip etem':nts. Totafly j Y)dJCtC,r rocyc.lrihlo with luyh scrap VuhJC. T?:$ catalog numoe(s shown below ha' the first two digits missing. Those two digits designaw lt,.o tamper. The temper required is specifio as tolloc: Soft 65 Modiurn 66 Hard 67. Number Strand Covering Outside Calolo.g Size of Size Thickness Dlqmeter Number AWG Strands (Inches) (Inches) (inches) LbsiM.t 1 -- 010 10 1 .1019 . 36-6 -••0O 9 .1144 .033 .17 45.3 -.008 C' 1 •12 e1r, .030 .20 54.3 -. - -0C _&- .2_ .6 _697 I-u Mion -Qot •6 •__1_• 620_.02Q .22 87.0_ .006 - 7 .0612 .050 .24 89.8 • 004 4 1 .2043 .03 .28 135. Rh --OU4 4 7 .0/72 .050 .29 142.? :1 1 .2?94 .C5 .32 75.7 . Q .2576 •0115 - .35 2!9.0 -002 2 7 Taoi .38 229.9 001 1 7 .1093 •Q45 .42 2872 110 1/0 7 .1228 .060 .49 367.5 - 110 1/0 19 .0745 .060 49 365.4 -.71() 2/0 7 .!379 .060 .53 -210 2)0 19 .0837 310 a'o 7 •iifl •30 .58 . 572.0 310 TO It) 0940 .090 .58 568.3 -410 4/0 7 .1739 .060 .04 •_ 715.1 .. 410 4/0 W .1055 .00 .64 710.6 250 250 19 .1147 .060 p9 836.5 - 300 300 19 .1257 .060 .75 996.3 350 350 19 .1357 .060 .80 1158.0 -. '1(X) 400 19 .1451 .080 .89 1340.0 -- SOc) 500 37 .1162 .080 .96 1656.0 -750 750 61 .1109 .080 1:16 2451.0 --000 100I_ 61 - .1200 .09b 1.J4 32?a.0 r)inwr'sions anø wo9lUS 8wfl are flxnha1, sutNocl to standard lnclustzy tOteran3. let fls can be suppod On reds or cons. 7as8AWG7/w and 6 AWG 7M are avaJtaI)k,in soft tampe'only. Engineering Specifications Standards ICEA 5.70-541, ANSI CA. 15- Ordering Information: When oi'donrig. be Example. .600 It.; cta1og number 67110, sure to L'cfude quant14f, catalog number, weatrs>'c-:! line wuo: 1/0 AWG 71w product name. size, said or slrandad, 1Qrr.r herd drwr. copper; )I1VW-PE overall, on and paCtaQin9. NA Genera tAQ GUARDIAN PRODUCTS CertainTeedB S PVC High Deflection (HD) Stop Couplings & Closure/Repair Couplings f'or Cast iron p]pe (Vinyl-iron Municipal Water Pipe AWWA 0900) 14. Insertion I i"— Depth — I I Repair (Closure) Coupling L F131 HO (High Deflection) Coupling Dimensions L Cplg. PVC (HD) High Deflection Stop Couplings & Closure/Repair Couplings for Cast Iron O.D. pipe. (Viny1.rofl Municipal Water Pipe AWA CPOO) CertainTeed offers a quick and simple solution to those unwanted, but necessary, repair jobs or changes to an existing municipal water piping system, and for easy connection of short lengths or cut lengths required in most installations of pipe. Certainleed provides both HO Stop Couplings and Closure Couplings to facilitate repairs and tie-ins to existing municipal water piping systems. These two type fittings enable the installation/repair crew to remedy virtually all problems encountered in making repairs or tie-in connections. It allows them to do it quickly so the system can be restored with minimal service disruption. HO Stop and Closure couplings supplied by Certainleed are manufactured of extruded PVC coupling stock and are precision machined to exacting standards. They are available in 4", 6", 8", 10" and 12" sizes in 200 psi working pressure rating and meet the requirements of AWWA Standard C900 Municipal Water pipe, and comply with National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Standard No. 61 for potable water service. Each coupling is hydrostatically tested to 800 psi, 4 times its rated working pressure of 200 psi. All sizes and classes are listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (U/L) and are Factory Mutual (FM) approved for underground fire lines. Each HO Stop and Closure coupling is supplied complete with gaskets. Repair (Closure) HD (High Deflection) C-90 0 Coupling Coupling Sealing Pipe Cplg. Weight Weight L" Insertion Size 0.D.* Class O.D. Part # LbsJPc. Part # LbsJPc. Length P" Depth D" 4" 4.800 200 (DR14) 5.964 74071 4.0 74281 3.5 7.250 % 36/6" 1.150 6" 6.900 200 (DR14) 8.366 74022 8.2 74282 7.2 8.250 9As 41/9" 1.150 8" 9.050 200 (DR14) 10.947 74073 15.6 74283 13.7 9.250 3/4 45/s" 1.350 is 101, 11.100 200 (0R14) 13.361 74074 27.5 74284 22.3 11.125 /8 5/ie" 1.460 12" 13.200 200 (0R14) 15.836 74075 41.0 74285 36.1 12.000 7/ 6" 1.650 0.D. (Outside Diameter) of pipe to be repaired. 'fl coo Assembly of HD (High Deflection) Coupling and Closure (Repair) Couplings. O.D. Verification Verify O.D. (Outside Diameter) of pipe being jointed to be compatible. (See Table #1). Cutting When cutting pipe to be used with couplings, square cuts are essential. When making field cuts, it is best to use a PVC pipe cutter to ensure square ends. A hand or power conventional saw may be used if pipe cutter is not available. Field Beveling A bevel is required on the spigot end of the pipe being installed in the coupling. The preferred method of beveling is using a PVC pipe beveling tool that is especially made for PVC Municipal Water pipe. Hand tools like a course file or rasp can also be used to create bevel, refer to Table #1 for bevel dimensions. L! Clean Gasket and Pipe Spigot Gaskets are shipped pre-assembled in the couplings. Using a rag, wipe interior of coupling and spigot end of pipe free of all foreign materials. Note: if interior of coupling gasket groove is dirty or contains debris, carefully remove gasket and thoroughly clean gasket groove in coupling and reinstall the gasket. Make sure the flat surface of the gasket faces inside the coupling and the rounded edge faces the coupling entrance. Make sure the gasket is evenly seated in the groove by running your finger all the way around the inner face of the gasket. E. Full Insertion Mark Spigot end of pipe to be installed must have a full insertion mark (refer to Table #1) put on the pipe. This mark indicates when the pipe is fully inserted into the coupling. F Apply Lubricant Apply lubricant to the gasket surface that is exposed (never to the gasket groove) and to the pipe spigot from the end of the pipe to the full insertion mark, especially the rounded edge of the gasket and the taper on the spigot. In the case of repair coupling use, lubricate pipe entire distance coupling will have to travel on pipe. Use only approved lubricants supplied by CertainTeed. WARNING: substances not specifically formulated for this purpose may deteriorate pipe and/or gaskets. CertainTeedEl G-1 Assembly of HO (High Deflection) Coupling Push the spigot end into the coupling until it hits the stop in the coupling. The full insertion mark on the pipe should be about flush with the end of the coupling. Use a bar and block if needed. A "come-along" or puller may also be used, but be sure that the pipe and coupling are protected from the chains typically used with these types of devices. G-2 Assembly of Repair (Closure) Couplings Push the spigot end into the coupling until the spigot is up against the backside of the far gasket. Align the other length of pipe, and slide the coupling back until the full insertion mark on the pipe is flush with the end of the coupling or not exposed. Use a bar and block if needed. A "come-along" or puller may also be used, but be sure that the pipe and coupling are protected from the chains typically used with these types of devises. Table #1 C,' Size O.D. Insertion Depth* 4 4.80 3% ¼" 6 6.90 4V8 9A6 8 9.05 4% ¼" 10 11.10 5/l6 12 13.20 6 . 7/811 *Minimum when using closure repair coupling. Note: Use of HD (High-Deflection) Couplings if installed properly can yield up to 5 Degrees deflection (2'/2 Degree per side) per, coupling. Insertion I j- Depth - win I4A HD Stop Couplings enable the use of plain end by plain end pipes. Each coupling is capable of deflecting 5 degrees and can be used in place of small bends or where it is not desirable or possible to bend the barrel of the pipe. Bend Radius Chart (4"-12") Mm. Radius with 50 Per Coupling Offset Pipe Length Deflection (No Pipe Bending) Per 20' Length 20' 229' 21" 10' 115' 10½" 7.5' 86' 8" 5' 57' 5W Installation Average field conditions are assumed, and therefore, the engineer is the sole authority regarding actual installation specifications and procedures. To Repair Damaged Pipe—two closure couplings required. Simply cut out and remove damaged area. Make sure pipe ends are cut square and tapered. Clean pipe ends and lubricate well for a distance equal to one half the length of the closure coupling being used. Make a mark on both pipe ends equal to ½ the length of the closure coupling. Measure and cut a pup joint approximately 21/2 to 3V2 inches shorter than the distance between the two pipe ends being repaired. Both ends of the pup must be square cut and tapered, cleaned and well lubricated at least a distance equal to the length of the closure coupling being used. Make sure closure coupling is clean, and lubricate the closure coupling's exposed ring surfaces Install both repair/closure couplings on the pup by pushing each one onto the pup until the spigot reaches the back of the far gasket. Position the pipe with the closure couplings installed and push the repair/closure couplings back over the existing pipe line up to the marks that indicates 1/2 the length of the closure coupling. Your repair is complete, except for backfilling. Example of tie-in to repair existing system. 21 DAMAGED PIPE IIIIIIIIE .. CUT OUT DAMAGED AREA PUP JOINT & TWO REPAIR COUPLINGS I L SLIDE REPAIR COUPLINGS I fft ON TO PUP -JOINT UNTIL SPIGOT L 1 [ REACHES BACKSIDE OF FAR GASKET SLIDE BACK REPAIR COUPLINGS HD Stop Coupling Installation Similar to that of the repair/closure coupling except coupling will not ride over the pipe end. Stop couplings have a built in center stop and can only be installed as in line coupling. Applications are for in line coupling joint in areas where sufficient space allows coupling to be used, when shorter than standard length of pipe is required or when connecting to fittings, hydrants etc., and especially when a small bend is needed to change line or grade. : ... . .. . .... S.. .. .:. .. ......... NO. 66 BODY wT.-I6C \\ 6 G WELDED WIRE FRt.JE NO. 66R CAST IR004 READING LID W1.- 7 I'/Z _:: 7'/2 D: A. • h DIAMOND PLATE NO. 661R STEEL 34% 1-11 _-• - TRAFFIC COVER WT.- 83 = O. 66 5-BODY W/ CONCETE COVER & LID tD. BB CIJ- BODY B CCRETE C0.'ER Wi C.i LID (NOT SHOWN) NO.GBT -BODY B STEEL COVER W/OUT LID (NOT SHOWN) BODY S STEEL COVER Wi C.I. L;3 I7x 3O METER BOX (O 2"15 3" WATER .kETERS) ,-.- r'ric' O BROOKS PRODUCTS INC. P40.4•TT CAST IRON TRAFFIC COVER WT.— 13 NO.4TT CAST IRON RISER RINGS WT.— 12 - - - — 12 3 /4 -- - L 2 NO.4•TT EXTENSION WT.-24 ANCHOR PIN NO.4'TT BODY WT.-57 = j33/4 C.I. FRAME WITH LIFT SOCKETS NO. 41T —BODY a C.I. COVER 1/4 & 2* RISER RINGS ARE AVAILABLE 6" & 12" EXTENSIONS ARE AVAILABLE COVER MAY BE MARKED "cc: "WATER "GAS' 'MONUMENT sEwER': SURVE'r' OR AS REQ. I0/4 DIA. TRAFFIC BOX. Ivislo bL&w,p. NU.3[ I 65 1 4-TT SERIES hOOKS PODUCTS INC. SBF 1243 SET WEIGHT Frame 67 Lbs Lid 33 Lbs Total 100 Lbs SEWER CLEANOUT - Smith I3y Fauncir!J. OR VALVE BOX P.O. Box 1256 • Notional City, CA 92050 • Telephone: 474-8481 S6 --------- APPROVED 14W 141/a 13/( 12W 17W By: Title: Agency: Dote: COMMENTS General Information All materials used in MFG. shall conform to ASTM 48-30. Frame & cover bearing surfaces machined to assure close, quiet fit. Castings shall be dipped in black bituminous point. Standard cover markings available: "SANITARY SEWER," "STORM SEWER," 0 or as per required letter designation. Size Code Nominal Size Qty. Ctn. Approx. Net WI Dim. A Dim. B Dim. C Dim. D Dim. E Dim. F 08601 4 4 20.44 10 7% 1%6 / 1/16 8 F:NO BOLTS- -8 —A-----1 SECTION II Threaded Flanges . . 0 In addition to various specialty flanges, LEE manufactures a complete line of standard flanges as listed below: 150# and 300# threaded flange dimensions (including blind flanges) conform to ANSI B16.24. Consult factory for. quotations on all other flanges. t32-342 STANDARD BRONZE COMPANION FLANGES STEAM 150 LBS./SQ. IN., NON-SHOCK COLD WOG 225-FLANGE DIMENSIONS CONFORM TO A.N.S.I. B16.24 t32-345 EXTRA HEAVY BRONZE COMPANION FLANGES STEAM 300 LBS./SQ. IN., NON-SHOCK COLD WOG 500 FLANGE DIMENSIONS CONFORM TO A.N.S.I. B16.24 -: F'NO BOLTS- .. Size Code Nominal Size Qty. Cm. Approx. Net Wt. Dim. A Dim. B Dim. C Dim. I D Dim. E Dim. F *0050 80 1.10 3"/2 /8 2' ' ' /32 ' /8 ' 1,6 4 - 0100 5/ 1.13 3% 2% , 5/ /8 1 /321/ 4 0150 1 25 1.89 4'/4 3y8 11/ /16 5/ /8 3 4 4 0215 1: 28 2.38 4/8 3y2 13/ /16 5/ /8 13/ /32 4 0295 1. 20 3.25 5 3'! 8 ' /8 ' /8 ' /16 4 0390 2 10 5.50 6 4% 1 3/ 4 / /2 4 0520 2, 10 6.55 7 sy, 1 3/ 4 /16 4 0650 3 5 9.76 7 6 1%. % % 4 0860 4 5 13.42 9 7X '' /l6 ' '4 /16 8 1100 6 5 20.23 11 9 1/ 19/ /I6 7/ Y. 13/ /16 8 1300 10 4 43.30 16 14 1'% 6 1 .1 12 *Consult factory for minimum ordering quantities. S tAvailable in reducing sizes-upon request. 7 Lee Brass P0. Box 1229, Anniston, Alabama 36202 Phone 205-831-2501 FAX 205-831-8380 Class 150 Flanges or Flanged Ends Dim. C Dim. F Dim. W Nominal Thickness Flange Bolt Dia. Bolt Dia. No. Bolt Size of Flange O.D. Circle Hole Bolt Holes 1/2 /16 31/2 2% %• 1/ 4 3/4 11/32 3/e 23/4 % 1/ 4 1 % 41/4 31/e % ½ 4 11/4 l%2 4% 31/2 % 1/2 4 11/2 /16 5 37/s % 1/2 4 2 ½ 6 43/4 3/4 % 4 21/2 9M 7 51/2 3/4 % 4 3 % 71/2 6 3/4 % 4 4 11/16 9 71/2 3/4 % 8 5 3/4 10 81/2 % 3/4 8 6 13/16 11 91/2 3/4 8 8 15A6 131/2 113/4 /8 3/4 8 701-12 - FLANGED REDUCER :t t;i Nominal Approx. Dim. Dim.'Dim. Size Net Wt. A B C t21/2 x 2 .............12.00 51/2 7 6 f21/2 x 11/2 ...........11.50 51/2 7 5 t4x21/2 ............23.20 7 9 7 t4x2 ..............19.00 7 9 6 t5x3 ..............32.30 8 10 71/2 t6x4 ..............43.00 9 11 9 Nominal Approx. Dim. Dim. Size Net WI. A F t2 ....................10.30 21/2 6 15.31 3 7 t3 ....................19.65 31/2 81/2 t4 ....................32.60 4 9 Nominal Approx. Dim. Dim. Size Net Wt. A F V ....................11.00 41/2 6 16.30 5 7 21.00 51/2 71/2 t4 ....................35.00 61/2 9 t5 .....................46.00 71/2 10 t6 ....................54.25 8 11 n) 707-12 - 90° FLANGED ELL Cast Flanges Class 150 Flang'es- DIMENSIONS MEET ANSI STANDARD 1316.24 2~N W F See page 77 for solder - cup dimensions. DIMENSIONS 706-12 - 45° FLANGED ELL tFactory option—Consult factory for minimum order quantities. NIBCO INC./ELKHART, INDIANA, U.S.A. 43 Z-S 2.- Dizo dAAjDLz-S —/y fop /2 4 4oLeS 3A