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3557; Carlsbad Blvd Overhead Bridge Retrofit; Carlsbad Blvd Overhead Bridge Retrofit; 1997-01-24
LOCAL AGENCY SEISMIC RETROFIT PROGRAM CITY OF CARLSBAD CARLSBAD BOULEVARD OVERHEAD BR. NO. 57C-0134 FIELD REVIEW REPORT JANUARY 24,1997 PREPARED FOR: STATE OF CALIFORNIA BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY PREPARED BY: MOFFATT & NICHOL ENGINEERS SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA A^ JN 3807 ^ TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 LOCATION 1 30 BRIDGE DESCRIPTION 2 4.0 PRELIMINARY SEISMIC AND GEOLOGIC INFORMATION 3 5.0 REVIEW COMMENTS 3 6.0 TRAFFIC CONTROL 4 7.0 GENERAL PLAN AND PHOTOS 5 8.0 PERSONNEL PRESENT DURING REVIEW 5 FIGURES FIGURE 1 LOCATION AND VICINITY MAPS FIGURE 2 AS-BUILT GENERAL PLAN (ORIGINAL STRUCTURE) FIGURE 3 AS-BUILT GENERAL PLAN (WIDENING) FIGURE 4 SITE PHOTOS FIGURE 5 SITE PHOTOS FIGURE 6 SITE PHOTOS APPENDICES A. FIELD REVIEW CHECKLIST B. FIELD REVIEW SUMMARY C. PHOTO LOG & PHOTOS D. FIELD REVIEW ITINERARY AND CONTACTS E. BRIDGE MAINTENANCE REPORTS F. AS-BUILT PLANS G. FIELD REVIEW NOTES AND SKETCHES H. PRELIMINARY GEOLOGICAL INFORMATION I. SEISMIC REVIEW DATA SHEETS J. LOCAL AGENCY SITE DATA SUBMITTAL 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead is to be retrofitted by the City of Carlsbad in cooperation with Caltrans under the Local Agency Seismic Retrofit Program (See Figure 1). The County owns and maintains the bridge and is the lead agency for advertising and constructing the retrofit measures. Caltrans is providing seismic design and funding oversight for the project. A field review was conducted on January 2, 1997. The purpose of the field review was to visually inspect and establish the existing bridge conditions and to note deviations from the as-built plans. This field review report supplies a detailed description of the bridge based on the as-built plans and field review. Detailed data and forms regarding the bridge and site visit are included in the appendices. This field review report is intended only to serve as a guide to the retrofit design. A detailed analysis such as dynamic response spectrum analysis based on the available as-built Information will be performed prior to determining the final retrofit strategy. The geotechnical assessment for this bridge site will be performed by Group Delta Consultants, Inc. no boring logs are available. A utility map for this bridge will be provided by the City of Cartsbad. 2.0 LOCATION The Cartsbad Boulevard Overhead is located on Carlsbad Boulevard at the former Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Right-of-Way, approximately 0.50 miles north of Cartsbad Village Dnve in the City of Cartsbad (see Figure 1). 30 BRIDGE DESCRIPTION Onginal Construction Widening Year Built 1925 1934 Width 37'-8" 18'-6" (13'-8" net) Length 165' Same Spans 5 - simply supported Same Alignment On tangent Same Skew 45° right Same Type Cast-ln-place concrete tee beam Same Superstructure Diaphragms Concrete diaphragms at all bents and intermediate diaphragms in east bay All diaphragms extended Hinges None Same Abutments Abutment Foundation Bent Caps Type Wingwalls Beanngs Shear Keys R.C. Frame: Bent cap on three columns R.C. Frame: Bent cap on two columns Type Wingwalls Beanngs Shear Keys Cantilever wingwall at both ends of each abutment Same Type Wingwalls Beanngs Shear Keys End diaphragm sits on bent cap Same Type Wingwalls Beanngs Shear Keys None None Type Spread footing - 3 each Spread footing -2 each Type Beanngs R.C. Bent cap 2'-3" wide by 3'-3" deep Same Type Beanngs Fixed/Expansion bearing at Bents 3 and 4, Construction joint at Bents 2 and 5. Same Columns Three columns per bent Two columns per bent with Configuration with collision wall between columns collision wall between columns Top and bottom fixed in Fixity transverse direction. Top pinned and bottom fixed in longitudinal direction. Same Size 2' by 2' Same Reinf. 4-1" square bar #3 ties @ 12" Same Infill Wall r thick R.C. Same Collision Wall Size r thick R.C. wall between columns Same Reinf. #4 @ 18" horiz. and vert, both face Same Bent Foundation Type Size Combined footing Same Type Size 4' wide continuous Same #5 @ 9" in transverse direction Reinf. 2 -#5 in longitudinal Same direction No top mat 4.0 PRELIMINARY SEISMIC AND GEOLOGIC INFORMATION Not available at this time. 5.0 REVIEW COMMENTS Much of the as-built drawings available for the widening are illegible. It is assumed that the reinforcement in the widening is similar to that in the onginal construction. The deck has an overtay that is approximately eight inches thick. The superstructure is offset approximately V2 inch at the expansion joints. An active railroad track is located between Bents 3 and 4 and a deactivated track is located between Bents 4 and 5. Collision walls are located at each of these bents. Vertical cracks were observed in some of the bent caps and collision walls. Some longitudinal reinforcement and ties are exposed at the base of the west column of Bent 5. Erosion has exposed the cap beam and the top of some of the columns in the abutment frames. The ground level drops vertically approximately 12 feet near Bent 2. The structure is highly skewed. The seat width for the end diaphragms is small and there are no shear keys at the bents and abutments. Full or partial unseating of the superstructure is possible dunng an earthquake. The columns are poorly confined and may be weak in shear in the region above the collision walls. The footings have no top steel or shear reinforcement and may be damaged dunng seismic excitation. A possible retrofit strategy is to provide bolsters to the sides of the bent caps to increase the seat widths to prevent loss of superstructure support. Longitudinal cable restrainer and pipe restrainer units as well as end diaphragm bolsters may be required to limit the relative displacement across the joints. The columns may require steel casing to enhance their shear and ductility capacities or alternatively infill walls may be placed. Footing overtays may be required to prevent partial footing failure. CIDH piles may be required at the abutments to limit displacements. An approximate cost for these retrofit measures is $850,000. This estimate is based on the site visit and preliminary review of the as-built plans only and may change as detailed analyses and design are conducted. A AVi inch wrapped pipe, possibly a high pressure gas pipeline, is supported on hangers mounted to the west end of the bent caps. 6.0 TRAFFIC CONTROL There is no vehicular access below the bndge and there appears to be insufficient nght-of-way under the bndge to construct access roads and storage areas. It is possible that the region over the deactivated track between Bents 4 and 5 may be used for storage area. Any work on the substructure will probably encroach on railroad right- of-way. Work at the roadway and deck level, if required, would require lane closures restncted to one lane per direction at a time due to the high traffic volume at Carlsbad Boulevard. 7.0 GENERAL PLANS AND PHOTOS The general plans for the onginal construction and the subsequent widening are shown in Figures 2 and 3 respectively. Representative photographs are shown in Figures 4, 5 and 6. Additional photographs and the set of available as-built plans are included in Appendices C and F respectively. 8.0 PERSONNEL PRESENT DURING REVIEW A detailed attendance roster is included in Appendix A. PACIFIC OCEAN CARLSBAD BRIDGE LOCATION BR. NO. 57C-0134 VICINITY MAP LOCATION & VICINITY MAP FIGURE 1 K>. tiSSr- ATCH/SW TVPEM B SANTA FT NOR cvtLSBAO-sr*. *7a'3aes GEAf£RAL PLAN CARLSBAD OVERHEAD AS BUILT FIGURE 2 .y ly: • !- • • • • . 4- . - !r.Ct • .* .X. "1 ,< / ' -.y iP P^0f^^^^^^^^^^ -py&^^^'-'PPfy P^. • /y' y^F/ yy y Ay-y..^ y . - 5rv. . 'VI .V f . ' i-r AS BUILT PLANS Conlract No. • Dote Compleled Documenl No. << - Dt^lsig.\- -f H. titn-^itt /A'.'^f.vj/fj.r .-•».-• V' ••* AM SUilUfl-TiLU.' "S! wn or ni iwn »rc«rxn tm* \<nm IT Tl' HmTM r» run;: >t»a. CARLSBAD OVERHEAD (WIDENING) AS BUILT FIGURE 3 PHOTO NO. 1 WEST FACE OF BRIDGE PHOTO NO. 2 LOOKING SOUTH ACROSS BRIDGE SITE PHOTOS FIGURE 4 PHOTO NO. 3 WIDENING AND ORIGINAL STRUCTURE COLUMNS PHOTO NO. 4 WEST SIDE OF BRIDGE LOOKING NORTH SITE PHOTOS FIGURES PHOTO NO. 5 NORTH END OF BRIDGE PHOTO NO. 6 SOUTH END OF BRIDGE SITE PHOTOS FIGURES pPf ^ f'f-f'yyP'. '•^••-y-Pf'^''''Apy--. 'i-^ 'AI'^--- ^ P''^\ 'vl- A • - • i V, ' >-' • - " .. ' -. , \ A'-".' -^1 / ' A- ~ -A . I I \ A ,., I. r,A .Al' . - - ' •A- -- • - • 1- • ' '. A' c 'I ' i. A'.^ -^A " 'A^ ' - .-. ' -V ••'^•••--^ -:ll :r\-./^r:,..-,A--- -•A: ::^A:-:\ X rll^: ^A,^. ' ' >'..? 'y-: ' -. , . "--A 'S '. ''Ar .'' • I " • 1 \' '[ •'' ; 1-.-^ A \'\. - .r . . . , A . !A ^^-^---^ . A''-]: •A I A '. , '':,f . .A A- 1: ' •":. •-,-:>'J. 1 -^'1^'yy : • .'.'i".- \' - '1 ^ •''.• ••• ^ '' "A y-A.r -ill' - ' .l\,.:l'\l:yif K' '' ':-;IV'r.. \' > A .-l-'-'--:\ .-Al/' ^A::A ,A . - --A ••- ^Ay-A' '•-^ 'I., '•-^ 'I., 1 > • . ' • • r • - > ;v' " I'-<'>' /- •\I' • . ' • • r • - > ;v' " I'-<'>' /- •\I' -1 ' ^. , J -/.^^ ^•-V l^^^'-'l 'l • •-A^A..-A-^ A^:-:A :A'.^-' . Af'^'^A ly.'A^y'-'l '^^ 'V ', )^ i'-.^A "-if''-'''•'•' yyy^' • 'y'-y-. " ^'' A r y-.'^ • -A'' - - • 'V. , . ' \ A^. ^' •' .A -A' 'i^'y'> A'- S ^•A''A' AA,:..AA':-:: FIELD REVIEW CHECKLiST FIELD REVIEW REPORT CONTRACT No. 59Y025 LOCAL AGENCY RETROFIT PROJECT Bridge No.: S7C-0134 Name: Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead Dist.: Jl Co.; Citv of Carlsbad Road: Carlsbad Boulevard Agency: Citv Field Review Date: Januarv 2,1997 EA: N/A . Field Review Strategy Summary : Possible retrofit measures include but are not limited to the following: 1. Provide bolsters on each side of existing bent caps. 2. Provide longitudinal cable restrainer and pipe restrainer units and end diaphragm bolsters at joints. 3. Provide steel jackets around columns. 4. Provide overlay on top of bent footings. 5. Provide infill walls between columns. 6. Provide CIDH piles at both abutments. Attendees: Name Anthony Tomera Luis Medina Walter Brown Tim Kashuba Larry Dodd Yi-Jong Shangkuan Company Title Caltrans - Local Assistance Caltrans - Local Assistance City of Carlsbad Moffatt & Nichol Engineers Moffatt & Nichol Engineers Moffatt & Nichol Engineers Liaison Engineer Liaison Engineer Civil Engineer Civil Engineer Bridge Engineer Bridge Engineer Phone (619) 688-6779 (619) 688-3690 (619) 438-1161 (714) 979-2055 (714) 979-2055 (714) 979-2055 Consultant: Moffatt & Nichol Engineers Report By: QA/QC By: FIELD REVIEW CHECKLIST No of Spans 5 Bents 6 No. of Col./ Bent 5 Length 165 Width 51.5 Year Built 1925. 1934 Widening 'Verify Structure Components Type/Comments Superstructure 'T' beam Abutments: Struct Temp. Ambient Temp. Joint Gap (in) Shear Key Seat Widths R.C. Frame _50_"F Abut-1 None Abut-6 None None 13 1/2 inches Bent Caps Joint Gap (in) Cast-in-place concrete bent caps Expansion joint of in at Bents 3 and 4 Column Vertical Clearance (O.G. to bot. of superstruc.) Horizontal Clearance (Col. to nearest obstruction) Cast-in-place R.C. columns 2' x 2' with collision walls. 23 ft ± 8 Vl ft to center of railroad Hinges Joint Gaps (in) Interior Shear Key— Seat Widths None Restrainers/Soffit opening locations None Median Barrier (type) Painted Striped Median Footings Spread footings at abutments, combined footing at bents Railings (type etc.) Concrete baluster Bridge Deck Overlays Additional 8 in min asphalt paving over entire bridge deck Approach Slabs None Approaches: Railing No railing at west side of both abutments No railing at east side of abutment 1 and pedestrian railing at east side of abutment 6 4' bike lanes at both sides of bridge Slope Paving None Adjacent Structures None FIELD REVIEW CHECKLIST CONT. Verify existing facilities around structure (buildings, pumping plants, RR etc. One active railroad track between bents 3 and 4 One inactive railroad track between bents 4 and 5 Damage Vertical cracks at bent caps and collision walls. Superstructure is offset '/z in ± at expansion joints. Corroded and exposed column reinf. above ground level at west column of Bent 5. Visible Utilities On Structure Under Structure None A 4/4 " ^ pipe supported on bent caps located on west side of bridge. Embankment erosion Erosion at both abutments and exposed abutment columns. Construction access to structural components Access road is not available Changes to As-Builts None 'Verify Roadway Conditions: Fair Traflfic lanes (No. And widths) 2 lanes at 12' with 4' bike lane at east and west side of bridge with 12' painted stripe median in behveen 12' lanes. Drainage Deck drains Overlays etc. No Manholes Gas line Potential R/W Problems Temporary construction easement may be required Raih-oad Two railroad tracks Water crossings None Critical Areas to be surveyed Vertical & Horizontal clearances at railroad tracks. Check List Right of Way Maps Utility Maps Traffic Information Leased air space or area Railroad conflicts Environmental/Historical concems (Hazardous Material) y''y • ' ',^ • 'y: ^ - ^ ^: • •'' i '^v. '.,;^'' -• - • • A:'-,1 \ -' A--' ' • A''-.<r^ -'A'., - A...- -l--.'! -'r^ '""-' ' " ' ;-.-.r, y^'iyi'- .^'' ' :.-yi/^ -'A'-^.^y '''Aif'-'' '^;fii'iA---^A- :.'V-V.- -K. ' ' .I'- - --I'-'r lA^yf '-A -1\. .-. 11'I- 'f^i-ii' y' ^'y''p 1 • A-^'i 1 . AJ • yM A- ^v^i^ > yi- 1 i-A ' •' 1' f. " AV , i:?iy ^, -^i-:y, c \ - ^ f'i' r , • • , ^-^; ' '^1. 'A .'- 'y .-IK. ^ ; • • • , N - . •'•= '' Z:^ ' • ' • '• y • ^ ' \ ', "^ : , ^ , \ y ^ • .A - . -v .-^^ '• • y 1 :-A.- Af'c -y ,,^.A'y-' ^'^[ ^ f-ll '!'':^'I\A lr y^'^y^P^! ''f^ y^ A • 1' 1 "A- ,'''''\"' . f •'•(/•"'-- • -' d .vl' '•i- A.. '^;,;':,V--.'-'>:''y"V-' -l^-''v:-;-;'= 'p-yPpyyy^yP^^'^^^^ 1 ^ -^^"^PpPp. fP'^^'^''-Pp-''^'-^•"Pf:\pyfffy':-V yi.':-^- y PP-'i :' ^'i^...,.H: iPi.-' ^ \ -"•y-l- '\A:- • • „ '.'''.•, ;;A.-,,.V " ' "A l''\''' ^ - ' ' " 1'' '''''•^ A} V • _'y 1:. - ' 1 yyPf\f>iyi'A-^.r • y-^-l.,.i:-:- 1 y----^ Al • ;A..: y-^--A,. .. - > -) . .-A:- -v..--, , v-sj w:-- v.^ ;-Ai...A.> ^ - ^ , Vi V • ... - - f^i^'r -iyi-yy 'fi--'y.-yi"~ >'A'-. '^. i--A'. --'^ :i'-I'lr' •'A-^-11'',-l-\.l' 1~: A• ---.y-'y'^ Ay,l'-A 1-" -^.^ A r'^'^ •v--'. . ;-r. -^ -y^''-' 'AA'"^ S.: •• ./ '' yiy.:-)ly 1 '•I'll'- < --T.^ ' "V ^. .1,- r - AA .Iv-?, , ^, APPENDIX B FIELD REVIEW S y M MARY 5 \^ If, • 1 FIELD REVIEW SUMMARY Please discuss and document issues, including those requiring fxulher investigation. Provide date required for each ofthe action items below. CONSULTANT: To comment Signature_ Title Date LOCAL AGENCY: To comment Signature_ Title Date CALTRANS: See Attachment Signature_ Title Date OTHER Signature, Title Date : 1-^- . ^ A.A :v .V. A ^ , J-'-'-'. „ I--' \' , A '/.V--, '.A ^ - A <'.•--•'• '-fi-y":'' ^ 'f^-'-A.- '\ I .-7 A^yA- A 'f\if ffy^'i.'^:-':'')-yy^i..yf:- 'f-fiyyp-' '••-" • yy'^.-^ii :)A--. ; • \-. \, ^ -I /• '11^' ^yy I •- ~ '-AA - c, .IS' -' 1 ! ' N • t\ • - 1 -f f '•/ ' 1 f • / *v . A ^' •-r-y-~-^y ,1 ^- i-'xy-y-i-y."'':'"^ A.:.; "•''' PyfyPfy'''--P'^ py''P''fiff^y' '--^ff'-fyf •'P-'-^P , : .1 •''•'1/ -I •'. jA ' .'1 \ ' ' ''' "• A A c/:' 'J , . ; •• .1 -/^ 'A' /• y ' -•• _ y'.'- 1 ' yf X,.' ,. ,1. .,1. > ^A---A-'y-^y--^A-'''^'^"' -'v.: y:'^yr^n^,'^ yyy..yyyi / I '-A .AA ' "' A' -'• fy, A\-.' ' ' 'AA- -i. A_' ' •f,,\ --..'I • •v ' , ... - - . • • • :.- /• A ^1 y''"'"'• T-^A-f'' • ^'-V.'/i,""^i•-^''•/-,,-'i'-^'-' .7 '^v-7..;-^ •••vv/ • '^y fy^j-'yi '^?v ' 7 A. .7'A-*' f.-r-'i.- 'v '-'~v: ;v,>A ^.IA[. y,y'y • . , ^- '-.A ':> ..\ y y K • yiA'y.Ay. y I'-f'y 1 -1 -1 < ^ y r-f.l .'\'.l A y.---yr '1 .X'1 r.. , " Arl- H-. I '-, \ --^ • • • .. .- , . ' : • • I, -I K ^; ' y/ A - y'-y • -> v--' - " - ^ , • • A- • - r .-1 ,1 y-.'A' - . .,7-. ' > • . - • . - ^> . -•A A .' f '-'^ ' y • - "./'. \ ^RPENDIXC PHOTO LOG & PHOTOS '.- •• - A' ' - '' '\A y' '• PHOTO LOG No. DATE DESCRIPTION 1 Jan.2,1997 West face of bridge 2 Jan.2,1997 Looking south across bridge 3 Jan.2,1997 Widening and original structure columns 4 Jan.2,1997 West side of bridge, looking north 5 Jan.2,1997 North end of bridge 6 Jan.2,1997 South end of bridge 7 Jan.2,1997 Bent 1 8 Jan. 2,1997 Original structure and widening at Bent 6 9 Jan.2,1997 Deck joint from below 10 Jan. 2,1997 Exposed column reinforcement PHOTO NO. 7 PHOTO NO. 8 PHOTO NO. 10 I y y.I'^'ii-y-:- ' y-^yA^i,. -y.. ^'A-y'^y i.. Ayi-- - A- ,-yf "^^:l-'f^:'ff^-fy \A- yyi-l -:y"r ^'-yP'^ yl:', ^ •••VV. ..^r;^. •y • y " • . '7 '''A.'-- A- 7--";." y^ 1 A , -Ay- . :• lA'. \^\'-r'-. 7 ' y . ^ ' \ A- 'f • " '7 '- ; r . .'A. .].. '.-. y \y '• 7^.71-' „. : V 7.V V' • ''•.7--J ''Jo 'j- •\'-'.r-. r ~ •''.'. " ..'^ " • - ''• A^'f^' ' 1:'^ ' '' ' S. .L \ • ; J. ••-''••'• • .r'i-\ ^ ' " , ''•\-' •- ./• - " .. ^ ' ;. f • . -'.'Iv i - V 77 ' -y .' r--A' "A- ...... ^'-''f "^ .-v' . •' ; ' 'A ' """"•'.,'-''','•'- . • • .. ' 7 7,».V • ^-^-.v:-':\ f":iyy:-^iy'^. v •' A^'^-VI- ^'V-^: Vv^7.•.-^- i - -y - '-i '--A -.cAA"'-^. - ' -'•• " ^••••'••,:7 ' - " -v^ " ^ '' - '--'y-' -A'- • -A. X' • 1,1' y'-^.A'''yAA -II' Vv •l;>V/; I-,A\X- -y^Vi- !A •y---fii:---y-'Ay -y lA- VVv/"''^7 v. -Vv ;.-V ': rl^Af. ' '^ : 'vV.'^-A I ""'-••77 ^-I^^ -.'--i Ilv 1 . , ^i.--.^^ -V; I • • ' \ V V' v;:^-\"^;v\-^V:7 vy ..fy';^y ; :^:;'v'-^''-'. - /..i'''^^'u"'-V'.o;':'"'.^yf •: '^'v,f / :V'-.^: V'/"? f ^ ••I.; ' P-i f'Ppf f y Py'pAf fy f .t .' ' • r - 7' - .7 • '• • V • "< y.f. y^- ^A' •• • A 7 ^ . ' * , • - , ' > ' •> ~x r' .• '(•-..-• li •. • ^\ •V.'' A'-'i'''-'. 'V- . - \' -- 7 - ..r'- "-.:;<•- v. ^. /;. - '' \ 7.-- ^ - ••'..', 'A^ .' . -r 1''- . i'y - r.' . '\"r. - • : ^-v^^^-.r'-li.^ I>^I-VA 'i--ii''.'' - ''.'f 'fyify-- 'v'•I;^'^ "V 7 -^V\:-'V-v- ^ "iv -' - .. ^... 77 • .7 ; 7 ' -7 ..^ 'V y i • .- .. ^. \ ^ .... -i.' • ,11 ,A' iy...-fA :y. ^ 'N-. 7, •'7-7-, •^'V'-- ^^.^'V-,,v„ /' :l ;-i ; [ V- ( 7-1. 77 7 ''7,^. /-"•^-'l'^ -••'A:"i-V''\>^,i:V,' f- \iri-y^'-7 y -A ...y-i.'- ..I A 'il. .A- ' ^ - A A . .... • >„j;:-- " ' 'V ., ,\ V • - ^ '' 1 7 "• 'I . ^ -I •' / ,'/ / ••' '' .r- 1/ '•I • '. ^ - •>.-.• . • T * ... . ^ ^1 . .-1 " ^ ' • / .r (' 1'i.''-,y'. -'7 ' >-7'''7''''--••.'' ' '^'-A'"'' /i/c .A'^y I •'^ '-Vv_V..'>.7 7V7- i''.''-'^' ll Af • I 1 A - ly.: 7. A; \ > 7"- ' ^' I . \ . 7' ' 'V 7- . • ' .'_w_. -.-^(Jl: Aff'i\y..y. • I'^-. 7". ,. V :r^<\'II-'" ^I-il y M '-—f^l .-1.',: — — '.c- : 7,V V-n/.^'i'-^2 APPENDIX D >. FIELD REyiEVy iTlNER/flvRY AN^ 'A:-- -. . 7V. V. 'V:- :..^^'=-I- .''I,-. 'A- • -7 "7 - V.-':.- . . 'V ':'^/' Consultant: Moffatt Nichol Dep. Contract Manger: Jack Ezekiel Field Reviews for Contract 59Y025 Date Time District Br. No. Bridge Name County Agency Jan. 02, 1997 10:00 AM 11 57C-134 Carlsbad Blvd. San Diego City of Carlsbad Jan.02, 1997 12:30 PM 11 57C-322 Hill St. San Diego City of Oceanside Jan.02, 1997 3:00 PM 11 57C-10 Douglas Dr. San Diego City of Oceanside Jan.03, 1997 11:00 AM 6 50C-174 Mt. Vernon Ave Sep & OH Kern Kern County Page 1 V 7 - f n. \ ' ! \ ': I , . APPENDIX E BRIDGE MAINTENANCE REPORTS STATE Of CAUFO«NIA OEPARTMENT Of TBAMSPOBTATION OtVISION OF STRUCTURES SUPPLEMENTARY BRIDGE REPORT 0S.M19(nEV.«9!l TYPE OF INVESTIGATION/REPORT BIENNIAL _x_ DAMAGE CATEGORY A OTHER UNDERWATER OFFICE §Hdge Number S7C-134 Location 11 - SD - FAU SlOl-Cfcd Oist.-Co.-Rte.-City Data of Investigation May 24, 1994 Name QARLSBAD OVERHEAD (Carlabad Boulevard - 0.6 mile northwesterly of Kim Avenue, PAD S3 52) CONDITION RATINGS: Condition ratings of all bridge elements are shovm on the PONTIS DATA FORM <Attachment A). Channel & Channel Protection N CONDITION OF STRUCTURE: The structure is in good condition. WORK RECOMMENDED: None. Frank J. Walliser FJW:cd cc: CDHarris City of Carlsbad R2(^ I.Y6J(l9518.briclgel7) bridge(a)bridgel7. Mon Dec 9 15:44:13 PST 1996 Ai 1^ I DWARTMOff OP TKAWSPWTATION BRIDGE REPORT Di.u3tmtv.im) REVISED ORIGINAL REPORT Bridge No. .57.C ... 134 -i..Xl...-...^D :..FA«....S.1Q.1-Cbcl.. Name D.t. of Investlg.tloii May 22, 1S9Q CARLSBAD OVERHEAD (Carlsbad Blvd. - 0.6 mile northwesterly of S.Ira ..Aye.nye.., ..FAU.....S3.5J21 Lat. 33° . 09.8'N Long.,117° . 21.2:W City...gf... Carlsbad o^„,, City...of ...Carlsbad. STRUCTURAL DATA AND HISTORY ~ Year Built ...1525. By Div,...pf...Struct^^ Contract No. M-111 1935-Wid. Div. of Structures •^"'8"*** D.ivi.giftn ..af._5t.ru?:t7urgs_ p,„. Description: 4VC10 Avail, @ ..DQS. ltTPaiTilPP/ii\7\r^T ^t"^^" ^P^"^ °" =i°3ed four R?loli^ f^fl .^^"^ ^^'^^ abutments and on ^°^f._- *=°^""« (5) bents, all supported on RC spread footings Spans iSW) 1 q 32'; 1 @ 31'; 1 @ 27 - 1 g 31-; 1 @ 45. (^E) c/c ' NBIS Bridge Length Yes sic.w ...4.5!....Ri.ght Number Of Intermediate Jointe: @Hlnges N #Bents 4 Maximum Column/Pler Height: (Less than 20') Z'(JO-^i^, x ( 30' Over) Design Live Load H-15 n 1 . tt 1 . - Design Method Unknown DESCRIPTION - ON STRUCTURE '• ~ ' ' i ^'fc^^ niB^ 15....5.'.;.,..V3w; I'br (N) Net width _ 45. Lanes _ 2 Trac.s None ^?y^i^...douMe ...lines Rail Type Concrete....Ba.lu^ _ Vert. Clearance over deck Unimpaired Appr. Rdwy. Width..:." 45.' Deck Type I 1 [wearing Surface/Prot. Sys. Alignment Tangent bet ween cur ve s DESCRIPTION - UNDER STRUCTURE OOOO 600 Roadway Section Npne Clearances: Road: Tracks Vtrt. 22'-02" Horli.Lt. Rt. 8.2 Lanes )q Tracks 2 Facilities Crossed A. T. & S . F . Ry uni IM 1—r R26 I.Y6J(19518.bndgel7) bridge(ffibridgeI7. Mon Dec 9 15:44:22 PST 1996 ilT) Bridge No. 57C . 134 May Zl, 1990 DESCRIPTION • HYDRAULICS Channel None Navigable: Yes | | No [ X | Clearances: Vert. Pter/Abutmcnt Protection (For Navigation) N Horiz. N N TRAFnC INFORMATION . ^^^^ YEAR UNDER Average Dally Traffic & Year : 2.Q/.P.Q.Q J.St .1.9.90 .N Average Dally Traffic (Future) : 2.8.,...800. .N Average Dally Trucks ( % OF ADT ) .: 1..^ ^ Bypass Detour Length .3..Jlliles _N_..^ Shell Route: .No .._N Functional Classification : YEAR .N N 14 N LOAD RATINGS: HS 2 9 Inventory 1.2 Operating Permit PPPPP__ Computation Method .LF. CONDITION RATINGS: Deck Superstructure Substructure Channel & Channel Protection APPRAISAL RATINGS: N Culvert N Widenable Yes Waterway Adequacy N Approach Roadway Alignment Date of Revisions .SEISMIC RETROFIT: This structure should be considered for seismic retrofitting. CONDITION OF STRUCTURE: ^ There are few minor concrete spalls in the edges of deck. The concrete baluster bridge railings are cracking and spalling. All of the concrete spalls are due to the corrosion of the bar reinforcing steel. Otherwise, the structure is in good condition, WORK DONE: 1. The erosion at the northerly abutment slope has been repaired. 2. The damaged sections of the concrete baluster railings have been repaired. R26 i.Y(xl(195l8.bridgel7) bridge@bridge17. Mon Dec 9 15:44:22 PST 1996 Bridge No. S7C - 13 4 May 22, 1990 WORK RF.COMMF.NDED : None. ENCROACHMENT: A 4" diameter pipe attached to the westerly side of the structure, Frank J. Walliser FJW:ms cc: INagai 12) City of Carlsbad (3) R26 I.Y6J(19518.bridgel7) bridge(®bridgel7. Mon Dec 9 15:44:22 PST 1996 STATE or CALIfORNIA DE^ARTMeMT OF THAHSrORTA TIOM SUPPLEMENTARY BRIDGE REPORT OS-atQ (MV. 2/13) Bfi49« No }JS.ZLl^. Location i-ir.?.P..~.?.Ay..-?.i-'?i".'5i.^-4- D.t. of ^n^^i^^io. .^.<^3jlS.Af..im NMM CARLSBAD OVERHEAD (Carlsbad B_lvd_.-_J]i_._6 _m^^ CONDITION RATING: Deck. Suporatrwctm* Chaimol & ChamMl Protoction N . Sitbstr. 4 Pipo*. .Rataininfl Walla . Eltn Ave.) N APPRAISAL RAT1NQ: . Ovarall. WldMiabi*? Yoa G9 No • Conditional • Action RM|uiro4 by miitt: Yas Q No Q REVISION: Average daily traffic - 20,000 (estimated 1988). WORK NOT DONE: 1. The erosion at the northeasterly abutment slope has not been repaired. 2, The concrete baluster railings have not been repaired or replaced. CONDITION OF STRUCTURE: Except for the conditions noted above, the structure is in fairly good condition. WORK RECOMMENDED: 1. Repair the erosion at the northeasterly abutment slope. 2. Repair the concrete baluster bridge railings MSCL MSCL RECOMMENDED POSTING: None. Frank J. Walliser FJW/cd cc: INagai (2) City of Carlsbad (2) (1) R26 I.Y6J( I95l8.bridger7) bridge(a)bridgel7. Mon Dec 9 15:44:39 PST 1996 R26 I.Y6J(195l8.bridge17) bridge@bndgel7. Mon Dec 9 15:45:29 PST 1996 OUT ROUTE COUNTY ITRU, NO POSTMlLE RATIN5 HlOTMi-FT 8TRUTYPC VR0RIG C0N8T 11 FAU $7 C 0134 . 03J.0 C6,T-8EAM 3S OCT. 11, 1978 INrLUgNCE LINE FOR CRITICAL INVENTORY RATING POINT SPAN 4 lOTM POINT 5 ,5 *fe tT .8 ,9 RIGHT 0«0 0(0 0*0 OfO OtO 0*0 0,0 0.0 OtO 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.250 9.000 b.TSO 4.S00 2.290 0.0 THE CrtlTlCAL PURPLE RATIN6 POINT 18 TMC SAME Ag THE CRITICAt INVENTORY RATlNC POINT 4 SP ia32PT SP, SP 2«J0,*PT SP» SP 3»a*,S^T SP, ._5 S?_4.«45PT SP, I IN AC 4/7S MEM _WE^"I .1 .2 .3 ,4 NO 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 0,0 0,0 0,0 a 0.0 2.2S0 4.SOO *.750 9.000 THE CRlTICAt OPERATlNfi RATlNa POINT IS THC SAME 26 l.Y6J(19518.bridgel7) bridge@bridgel7. Mon Dec 9 15:47:11 PST 1996 i I i I I i DIST ROUTE 11 FAU COUNTY STRU. NO 57 C 0134 POSTMltE • RATING HI0TH>FT STRU 033,0 C6.T TYPE YR -BEAM ORIG CONST 25 OCT. U, 1978 RATING FACTOR PT ULT MOM CAP SPAN TOP IN COM ULT MOM CAP BOT IN COM POS H820 MOMENT NEC H920 MOMENT POS PUflP MOMEN T NEC PURP MOMENT DEAD LOtD MOMENT 3ECUN0AF MOMENT INV 1.03 5 4 7S7k«0 0,0 20S7.6 0,0 2939.1 0.0 2541.} 0.0 OPER 1.71 5 4 TSr6,0 0.0 2057.6 0.0 2939,1 0.0 2541.1 0.0 PURP 1.20 9 4 7S7*,0 0,0 2057.4 0.0 2939,1 0.0 2541.3 0.0 THE NUMBER OP AXUES ON THC TRUCK THAT CAUSES THE PURPLE RATINB FACTOR IS 13. FC • 1,00 FV « 30. IP THE REPORTED ULTIMATC MOMfNT CAPACITY IS 0, IT KAS OETCRMINEP NOT TO BC CRITICAL 2 CARLiaAO QH tORfltNAL IRIDBg loail 3 RATE ORGINAL SR ONLYi SIMPtC SPANS 4 IP iaS2FT SP. SP ««SO.*PT SP. SP *«t*,SrT SP, 5 SP 4a45FT SP, 1 IN AC 4/73 [26 l.Y6J(19518.bridgel7) bridge@bridgel7. Mon Dec 9 15:47:11 PST 1996 I t DIST ROUTE COUNTY STRU, NQ POSTMILC RATING PIDTH-FT STRU TVPE YR ORIC CONST ~11 FAU 57 C 0134 , 014,1 CC,TBeAM 34 OCT. 10, 1976 INFLUENCE LINE FOR CHltlCAL INVENTORY RATING POINT «>AN 4 lOTM POINT 5 t I MEM NO' 2 3 LEFT ,1 .2 .3 -5 .4 .7 _ .8 _ . RIGHT MEM NO' 2 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 u.o 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 <i 0.0 2.250 4.500 6.750 9.000 11,250 9.000 6.790 4.900 2,250 0.0 THE CRITICAL OPERATING RATING POINT IS THE SAME AS THE CRITICAL INVENTORY RATING POINT THE"CRITICAL PURPLE RATING POINT IS THE SAME AS THE CRITICAL INVENTORY RATINS POTNT I i ; PARLgBAD OU f>.TnFNrNB lOlfll 3 RATE MIOENING FULL MiOTH \a tt SIMPLE SPANS, SP 1«32PT, SP 2i26.SPT. SP 3a30.6FT, |9 SP 4a45PT. 1 IN AC 4/73 ^26 l.Y6J(19518.bridgel7) bridge@bridgel7. Mon Dec 9 15:47:22 PST 1996 I I I I I I I I I I I i i DIST ROUTE 11 FAU COUNTY 57 C STRU, NO "0j3« POSTMILE RATING WIDTH-PT 014,1 STRU TYPE CG.TBEAM YR ORIG CONST 34 OCT. 10, 1978 RATING ULT MOM CAP FACTOR PT SPAN TOP IN COM ULT MOM CAP aOT IN COM FOS H820 MOMENT NEG HS20 MOMENT POS PURP MOMENT NEG PURP MOMENT DEAD LOAD MOMENT SECONDARY MOMENT 0.87 5 A 3264,3 0.0 879,3 0,0 1254,2 0.0 1254.3 0.0 1.45 5 4 3284.3 0.0 879,3 0*0 1254.2 0*0 1254.3 0.0 1.01 5 4 3284,3 0,0 ST9.3 0.0 1254.2 0.0 1254.3 0.0 INV OPER IPURP THE NUMBER OF AXLES ON THE TRUCK THAT CAUSES THE PURPLE RATING FACTOR IS 13, FC a 1,00 FY m 33. IF THE REPORTED ULTIMATE MOMENT CAPACITY IS 0, IT NAS OETCRMINCO NOT TO BE CRITICAL CARLSaAO QH (wlPgNlNG 1934? RATE HjOENINd P&CL kiDTH 4 SIMPLE SPANS, SP ta32FT, SP 2«26.SFT, SP 3«30,6FT, SP aaasl^t. 1 IN AC'4/73 P,y>,9yy 26 .l.Y6J(195l8.bridgel7) bridge@bridgel7. Mon Dec 9 15:47:22 PST 1996 Sheet 1 ot .3. STATE OF CALIFORNIA Bridge No 57.C.-J,.34. BRIDGE REPdST . 'PP'^"~' ORIGiuAL i<:!--OfJT Date of Investigation .^.T!.1:^.T.1.A.... Location .^.^.Z?.P-?..P^y.^.9.9.±-29..-7° J :5I»T - CO.-H TE - CITV . W.K Location ....9.?....?.'^?.•k?•^.^!^...?.ly.4.^„.P..^7...??^ Latitude .•?.?....r.P.?..'..?.! Longitude .^.^.7.?~?.-!-..''.^..'. DOD Rd Br .KCT'ON LETTEI* Custodian .....C.Q.U.nty. Owner .COUnty. CL.ASSI FIGATION Federal Aid System .._J_4 Administrative „.4 — Functional 3 STRUCTURAL DATA AND HISTORY Widened 1934 614VC10 Year Built .19.25 .3y....S.t.st.tft Cont. No. ...Mr.lJJ FAP No Designed by S.tafce _ Plans Avail .yfia.... at .S.tatS;....{.B.Dl _ Spans l®31.2M@29.8M@26.0M@29.8M(i44.2' Length 165.'. skev^ 45_.RT Description ?^?...?.r!^?.?.??..(.?.L..?.f>...M....(.5.)... c.ol^^ bents all on sp re ad .f oo t ing s. _ _ On structure Roadway Section .P..?.?.'.w.,.0 .7.;.cu, 2.@11 .50_'-l.g:: Conc. Rail Type Lt. .window Rt Conc.rete...window Median....op.en.„ Lanes ....3 Tracks Q_.... NO. NO. Clearances: Vert .y.n.im^aired Horiz. ...4.8 !.r.8Il -„ _.. PUC No.. „~~.r:.-r....- Design LL.....State....H-15 Capacity Rating „...?.-i..3. Under Structure Roadway Section Lanos ...Q. Tracks ..2 ' NO. NO - Cloacances: Vert. ..2.2..'..-2.'.'. Horiz T.r. PUC Mo. ...2'-2.2.8...9.<\ HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE Repori? Yes CD No. Q Nav. Control Yes • No.[3 Clear. Diag. Yes n ND (3 Relief Structures .....f?/A „ „ _ APPRAISAL OF NON-STRUCTURAL FACTORS Deck Geometry 7...... Approach AligA/A7snt .6 Waterway Adequacy H/A_ Clearances: Vert 9. Horiz .7. cc: Ccuniy f2i HBO.MTO (11/"/n :26 l.Y6J(19518.bridgel7) bndge(a)bridgel7. Mon Dec 9 15:47:33 PST 1996 STATE OP CALiPORNIA BRIDGE REPORT Sheet ....?. of Bridge No 57.9.T.1.?.4 Date of Investigation .f^.~^.?.~7.?. ADT ..1.4.f.9.PP... Year .....4-.?.73. RATING OF CONDITION: Deck L Superstructure. Substructure . Overall 1^ HISTORY This structure was formerly on a state route and was assigned No. 57-10. The original structure consisted of 5 girders with a left and right deck cantilever on 3 column bents. In 1934 the right cantilever was removed and 3 additional girders emd a sidewalk cjmtilever were constructed; the bents were extended by adding 2 columns. Girder 6 wass constructed adjacent to Girder 5. CONDITION OF STRUCTURE " The concrete window rails are cracked and spalled with reinforcement exposed. There is approximately 1 inch of Ac on the deck; the AC is cracked trems- versely at the deck joints emd longitudinally at the widening joint. The superstructure is offset about 1/2 inch laterally at the expansion joints. There are vertical hairline cracks at 1 foot centers in the girder stems. Girders 7 and 8 Bent 6 are shimmed under the bearings. Girder 8 has a small spall caused by the shimming. The caps have vertical, cracks between the columns. The crash walls are also cracked vertically between the columns. Coluinn 1 Bent 5 has a corner spall near ground line with the reinforcement exposed and badly corroded. It is recommended theit this condition be repaired. ENCROACHMENT 1 - 4^" OD wrapped pipe supported on the caps under the left cantilever. rout* Nao-M70A R26 I.Y6J(19518.bridgel7) bridge@bridgel7. Mon Dec 9 15:47:33 PST 1996 BBIDCE NC _.57.C-134 ... Smsrr .3...qf _3 DATE l-.12-7.3..„.. CAPACITY This structure is considered safe for legal loads and it will carry a P-13 overload vehicle. W. R. Schott CE Lie. No. 13592 I I WRS/gs KO.HH H BO M 13 C&T. 4TCT. 334>S.SOO 9.«a lU 0«P R26 I.Y6J( 19518.bridge 17) bridge@bridgel7. Mon Dec 9 15:47:33 PST 1996 I 'i-.Tfm SIT''"-- ~ ..Il»»»"rfl|»^ppp|pi;ii. '"HilMIWII—'•1^—Wa.^f*'*^'' BaiDOB No.^__££=lIL Shut 1 BRIDGE REPORT D4te of tmvntigttkm .TTlly P.5,1958. General Dccription ^UPEK^EP M>»,^ naRT..qT^AT^ nVT?T?TrRflT^ : XI=aD--=22a: Okb-C..-fti.-ta. Dcscription Rainfnro..-»f| /^onr^^f-^ ^'^^ glT^riwT' spflTi.q nn ppilnfnrcftd conereta f.S) noluTnn hftnt.t. . -Approdmate «kew 4?°t,,.Pt. «;r^n. 1 & 32.Q« , 1 @ .-^O.S' , 1 Q 26.9t . 1 Q. 30.6' . 1 @ 45' o/c N. , Total lengtli—'*^'^V- . Roadway w^Hth 44.0' tv>tw>^ Concrete Curbs, Sidevalk»l ©_!' E. Alignment. Fair. Long rfld1u.<< hnri.7.or\tal curves near each end of bridge. Bridge on tangent and vert, curve. Width Good. Slightly wider than ad.1 acent Final. 4 lane highway pavement. Standard of State Hl5. '_ ; : Waterway Not a factor. gja^? geparatlpn. •Vertical clearance . under (See diagram) History mutt- OIL WP.t ' Datebuilt__^925 By—J>Av^-af Highway?. .ContractNo ^llll Widened 1934 Div. of Highways. 614VC10 Designed hy Div. of highways - Bridge DeT)t. - A. J.M. & B.M.3. Plan.1 Complete aa built In Bridge Dept. files. S^^yh Plan.1 Complete e.a ouiJ-t m oriagff pevz. ^^^^ ^< Pr^J^H/^ -Pa^iQid^ REMARKS /^-/j-'^C^ \ cc: District XI (2). Maintenance Dent. JUL 18 ^941 • arz. - R26 I.Y6J(195l8.bridgel7) bridge@bridgel7. Mon Dec 9 15:47:55 PST 1996 I I 3 (,) Bridge laspoctioa Report BMDOE NO -STTTTr- "^^^yfj^ R. R. COMMISSION No—2-ggfl,q-ft DATE Jilly..2a^_19Za* 3.6 Grade Separation Structures at Railroadt or Crow Roads Name of railroad or cross road._AtflhlaQn^opAlfo^ or^H ^rntg go, Type of structure OOLeEliftad.. ,o ^ (See Sec. 4) m of track8.__2,(i)iie_maln-J,l^A i1 rii nfl) Alignment of railroad TangftTit;,, Minimum vertical clearance Minimum horizontal clearance_1.7J..TjQi!_aach_jtrack^ Angle of intersection__4Sf!.- Visibility of crossing_.^e^tr±cte^.on_hishwa5...iue_to. Safety devices ^tandart JL.JJ.ght._claarance_niaEker^. JUL 18 mu •O". >.I7 IH. ,.T. u». TO p.o iTATi FitNTiii, arnei R26 l.Y6J(19518.bridgel7) bndge@bridgel7. Mon Dec 9 15:47:55 PST 1996 ir^c-'/J9 BRIDGE No. fflZ-LOT. SHEET 2. DATE.JiUy..-2i,.ia38. CONDITION OP STRUCTURE:- There are cracks In the asphaltic surfacing over each expansion joint. However, these cracks are small and the surfacing la smooth. All concrete appears to be of good quality. A lateral Movement of the superstructure of about 1/2" has taken place over the moat northerly interior bent, because of the ske* at the expansion joint. This is of no consequence. The ganeral condition of the structure la good throughout. STRESS ANALYSIS:- The structure Is safe for legal loads by Inspection. SUMMARY:- Structure is safe for legal loads. RemAlning economic service life, about 50 years. RECOMMENDATIONS:- Seal, the cracks In the surfacing with hot 90-95 asphalt. Finance: General Maintenance. Next Inspection, July 1941. R. A. Wagner, by (Z^^^i JUL 18 194) „„_., — 'FOU.OWINa •rr SUPPLBMENTARY REPORT or^ • ••"•-^ 126 I.Y6J(l9518.bridgel7) bridge@bridgel7. Mon Dec 9 15:47:55 PST 1996 I I I I I I t. OKPARTMrnHi UP I HAf* j^on r A noN BRIDGS RBPOBT Brldfl* No 52Cr.l*ML RBVISgP Location r . OI«t - Co - R»» - PW - City I r.y'.--,f--^ \ ' ' " ' '"^ "'" Date bf lnv«ati«Btioii _„Qctobag..JB > laBQ _ _ Elm Avenue) Lat._Jl3JLr-_Qa^ Loofl. _Jfll7°s-.2J-JlJL- STRUCTURAL OATA ANO HISTORY Y«ar H..IH 1925 Sy _.._JDjuVi.«4on_p„g JLiajbjayiL Contract No. >,JlrJJ.i. . Data 01 Revlalona - J!idftn«l $A4MCi.Q Oaaignad by: 8.0. [Xj Plana Avail. • B.»IU. OMcription: R«inforc«d concrct* T*b«aai girder (7) spans on rainforced concrata coluan (5) bents. Langth JL65.?. Skaw A5®Jtk*. Oealsn LL Atata...a«l5. Ratlnga: Invantory V8i.lL7jtUf. Oparating —HS-Jiat/LE. Ptnnit PPPgP/Lg DESCRIPTION - ON STRUCTURE Bridgt Width .l«l_.lr.5.Lbrt_lfe*.5.:j..A3.!jil_^^^ Total Width _....4§..! Lan««._ 2 Tracks..MQHJX.. Median .y..^....(.I*JkiP^?i.•?^i:.9•i•l Rail Typa rnnrrfftff-Bnn ua.tar. (OOOO) Van. Claaranca ovar dack ..._UJliBttMiLiXJ»<S . Appr. Rdwy. Width Waarlng Surface A.C._.(fi.*?i> - D«:k Saal llcn& — Allgmnant ._ .T.ft.QgAnt.- « DESCRIPTION - UNDER STRUCTURE Roadway Saction ..lf.Of»« „_ _. „_ „ — _ _ Claarancaa: M^n....12.^.^2* Hortx.; -. Lt SI..Z* Rt. Lana«..|[Sn«. Tracks„ Z Pumpplant: Nona Saa Br. No. _ _ Facllltlaa Crosswl ....A«T*.*...ft*f.«_.lly. - -y JfJ . (I)CON-T. R26 l.Y6J(19518.bridgel7) bridge@bridgel7. Mon Dec 9 15:48:19 PST 1996 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f f) I lz6 I VI » r r BRIDGE REPORT Bridga No. ....^TF^f ?^ OMt 10-8-80 DESCRIPTION - HYDRAULICS Channel llpn* Navigable: y., • No [S Claw««,: Vert. MAINTENANCE Cuttodian City. .©£ Ca*la ORIGINAL CONDITION RATING Deck 7 Superstructure 7 Substructure & Pip«s 7 Channel ft Channel Protaetian M Retaining Walls Approach Rdwy. Alignment Estimated Remaining Life M«J«, H.. Oanar „S.ana 8 40 City ORIGINAL APPRAiSAL Ovafall Deck Qaometry — Undareiaarancaa — Seta Load Capacity •— Waterway Adaquaey — Approach Rdwy. Wi<.enab..7 v., ^ No Q Conditional Q Action R«,uired by AVERAOB BKILT TWriC - 20,000 (Batl«tad 1980) BYPASS WSTOUR LSMQSH - 4 ailaa. fSS^JST" • ^ to tha waatarly .Ida of tha 5^"J2\SL5S!'^/.;2: l^^l^y approach p.v«-.„t i. cracking. P«vea«nt haa bSLt .lS;tIJ^nSfr2?Jl»**"i:''^^ wingwall. and the AC' haa aany concrata apali. JiS 5^2!?:, concrata bridge railing i« eroaion at tha !SIt«l? SuSSnJ "Jfi •^•^^ batwaan tha 2nd andSrd bLJTSlS •libanJa.ant T.mra i, a concra?. aSalwIh^ T*^*'^^ tha atructura. north colu^i of thl 5S banWr^^J!^"'*'!''^?' '^•^ «cpoaad at tha T:ne ^na t»ant froa tha aaatarly and of tha atructura. (LP) Mthod of^SHiir prog™ tiaing tha load factor Ml ill It -(91. Yes ICj Ho ^ (2) I.Y6J(l95l8.bridgel7) bridge@bridge17. Mon Dec 9 15:48:19 PST 1996 I BHIDGE MO 37C-134 Sfltrr 3 of 3 HAT. RBCOMOnilTZOM t 1. Rapalr tha aroaion and tha AC yawwat at the anda of the aaatarly wingvalla. 2. Rapiaca tha bridga rallinga. 3. Rapalr tha aroaIon, of tha aaatarly abutment alope and tha aroaion batwaan the 2nd and 3rd banta from tha westerly and of tha atrxioture. 4. Repair tha concrata spall at tha north column of the 2nd bent froai tha easterly and of tha structure. RECOMMEHDSD POSTZHQ •> Nona. Original signed bj; FSMK J. MALLZSER *• C 019767 FJWtil CC I ixtBigglas Dist. 11 Loaai Aaaiatanca City of carlabad (2) FORM OH.OS MIS UT. ti.T. tim.m a-T« SM O.F 26 l.Y6J(i95l8.bridgel7) bridge@bridgel7. Mon Dec 9 15:48:19 PST 1996 SIATE OF CALIFORNIA - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PONTIS DATA FORM-PIA (ikTTACHHENT A) BRIDGE NUMBER FRAME INSPECTION OATE 0 1 0 5 2 4 9 4 5 r C 0 1 3 4 1 1 r 1 1 L. 0 1 ,1,1, I a 9 It 16 INFORMATION ONLY - NOT FOR UPDATE SCOUR CRITICAL NO CATEGORY A NO FRACTURE CRITICAL NO ELIGIBLE FOR RAIL UPGRADE NO UNDERWATER INSPECTION NO DISTRICT COUNTY ROUTE POSTMILE NAME SD 0 E ELE L # ELEMENT DESCRIPTION E QUANT QUANT QUANT QUANT QUANT N TOTAL CONDITION CONDITION CONDITION CONDITION CONDITION V QUANTITY UNITS STATE I STATE 2 STATE 3 STATE 4 STATE 5 T 1 o! REINFORCED CONCRETE OPEN I GIRDER I I 3 5 2 4 1 4 7 REINFORCED CONCRETE CAP 14! I I REINFORCED CONCRETE COLUMN OR PILE EXTENSION :4I I I 1 I CONCRETE ABUTMENT 821 M : 2 Oi EA 4 41 M : I I S 2 2 0 4 4 J 1_ I I I I ' I : J L_l I t_ J L. I 0 2i CONCRETE BRIDGE RAILING 14! I I •31 M j 1 1 31 CONCRETE DECK - UNPROTECTED W/ 4 I AC OVERLAY • I I 0 11 1 I I 2i I J \ L i " i J L I J L j i J I 1_J L I J L I ' i III L I I I I i i _J I L I I I I L. I 1 J I I—U I > I I I 'I'll -L.i_i_ 1,1,1 '13 19 22 23 28 33 38 43 46 QS/31/94 BY: R2(i _I.Y6J(l9518.bridgeI7) bridge@bridgel7. Mon Dec 9 15:43:59 PST 1996 •v.-'. .A,' • •I'..- -A '1 > . •, , ' ( .• • , • ^ •.,- •• • 'I- - . ' f V " ' 1^: 'y ^^.^-f ^'.^ 'f.Pfy- ' t ' ... ^-1, -. - 1 ' - --- ^ 'i '" •1 • • k I'- V ' V \-- 1 J ' ' / •( 1 •) • ^ ' -, A 'y^. .^V^ .'^•T '*' • '1.'.- ]if ^1. - 'y~.. '" f[ f'-'-'^' : "1 --• V • }- "•'.''-''{ .- ., I.' i • \ - ^ . .)'- ':i A-fli-: . - y \ . - - :y y y ^•V;,^ >-f^A. y ^'fy'-ii '''-^^'•' y . ^. v.- • ' -'I '^\ y^ ' . : / *" '' ' "> ' ••' .- A'- •' A'' y '' A.y APPENDIX F AS-BUILT PLANS i o- 1 ,f • .i-.i.-) STATE or CALIftmU ATCff/SOf/ TDP£J<A S SANTA F£ fiY fOAR CAKLSBAD-STA. .tyerJOSS SAf/OIBOO COOt/TY G£N£fiAL PLAN 3CAi.£.-^n-jai-e- f- CL o < Q c o s t < D c o © < CL. Q c o < Q PA^T n^n asIlT i<fi , filer PiA^/^Nai Rapr P: RFNT Nia. 7 1 ^ TYPICAL Bfwr pram OMf r or ft^giwft C£UMn> Mf WhefOBtfiw^ Olm jrfX «an OMn itrttjtani' (B krfbt K-Xj JIWMX acarbi wi .il>i ir a»f to'MAam' \ * i 'BRIDQE- Vi^SKTVK PAPT tiTVATioH Bern a-nSmt. /)n>l/i5 Or^UBSTBUCTUBE H CO CL. O 2 © 'in a. o ® < 3i-;^,y,,ij;^A^- -^-^-^^^-^..^z^^^y--^^ . .. ., .. ... -. ... * r.,ii\ * i4- ...i..A.. WIA _-'ilI,.>. L£vArnN / / '.^ f . Sclent P^- ..... . .j:.,. T . t- • . ;m . .* - -'- • . 4W . .^•tf*. *7' 'To* • , ; y /' -I •..-•1/ V- - • • • \jo - • i j \ ym^^:.^^r.myA-y.:-AAm^^^ ^ •. -4- £LAU L AS BUILT PLANS Controct Nn . Dote Completed Document No._<{.=:=_ a." oujmtmA Ta^sKA s s.^NTA re PWY ' C Q c o 2 © < v.^r, I .1 /AA' A ... —re ^ a'-.. f^ff 'y~r'-• lyy/ / A yy-- yy:y- Jt! pAivrPLAf-j AS BUILT PLANS Contract Nn Dale Completed Documenl Nn ^ ?:/^!Da£ ovE^A rcmsoN S-^iO . syi-it-^y I < ... it - - •"• >. asy ' • I" I . I^- V . *. ..- ->. • V- AS BUILT PLANS Contract Nn Dote Completed Documenl Nn - If •71 ( I S7C- /S'f iDi'tA/LS 30'-7'3PAN, Q c o < f- CL. o o ifl (U Q © < ,-.vrj'-.;t •' ; ]. I ;; i^'-'^fi; f . , • ll ^'^h-'s's-'^y' ^-•^'syi'^A-'-/S'AU- '- -Jits'- J. 1 - . //OS, — b -=2 <o o o OOQ 5CCTIOK or CAP ffn-'tMi POSTS. B£NT- Alo'S. c/rgjs SECTION A-A LOOKIHO .sour/i 1 S/C-'z.< 1 W/^^A'/A'C £3/" /"/T//! 0^0 i/f/? A- T- s.r£ /?y. O © < ny.y.Tr .1 i. i-i-k p-Af: c^e-NT f-io 't<: TYPICAL BPNT .r.i- L...-I .t'JS t: lA ' 1 SECTION g-J ^*>r CLCV.T O/V ... -\K A'yf . ..llr-4-.,rjl •••• i AS BUILT PLANS Contract 1^0. — Dote Compleled—__ Document No. A — t I . t i ••; ...... G,^...T M M ..... . f» ..i**,.*-*! \~<y'.-io£r\'i.\'S o.^ SP'fbaE . OVf.P y'-.-T-S rr P,\ OSTAILi O." •i'.'.'S''/- • <••' -'«£• Q c o 2 © X,- •o < 1 \ y - ., , - APPENDIXG FIELD REVIEW NOTES AND SKETCHES W^Wa MOFFATT & NICHOL • ••^E N G 1 N E E R S CLIENT CM^fAA^S JOB NO. ^"7 W^Wa MOFFATT & NICHOL • ••^E N G 1 N E E R S PROJECT ^^^cy fB/S/i^/c ^7^a/i7 SHEET / OF / W^Wa MOFFATT & NICHOL • ••^E N G 1 N E E R S DESIGN CAJ^LZJ^M) 3lv0 aV£r^/f^AO DESIGNER ^•j/C DATE /-/;^^7 W^Wa MOFFATT & NICHOL • ••^E N G 1 N E E R S CHECKER DATE S-1 .,-A^'i-' y - • ..A •. : ^ > .-'-Arvv: •. • Yr ' • ^.'"^ A'--" :'' '^' A ' Y;^— ' . •,, • -/.'• ^ „ 1 * ..','/ ; ', ' ''A .f.- - 'i- ' y 1-'. .y \ 'i,y ..1.."^' c' - - •-t ^ • - ' - ^.-'^•"'-A^ J' r.^ ^ r ly''''y:.-iyy ^/l • -( y -:' . .. A: • • N •. 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'' ' •.-'••-•''l''-- "'•^ ' ' ' •- ^ APPENDIX :H PRELIMINARY GE6LOGICAL'^I;NF6RM Preliminary Geological Information not available for this structure at this time. .1 " • -Ay-'-y" - ~ i<.-^ ^--.^y lA^.y .-yy A- f'^^ \AA.I: - '••"V y y ^ ^ ; y ,' ' y- .(• ..'V • >• • A^-' ' ' '"y 1A\ • y, - -• - H' - ^ ^ - -A -y ' •'. - f .y^ ' ff . . 1: 'C: . I n.'"\ ,-' -A -•- S: ,y\- '; . • / I- '•' ' . f y , ' ' • y'--^:y.^'-''if -yfyf-'-'iy'.'y '-^p-'--yf-^^y^" 1>~ --f ,- 71 • Vy -yi^yyiiA.^ y, lyy,;.. y,^iyy.; ^"'->:;v ^^•^'v-.'^^''.'--;-^' ' " '^-/'i. y/ V-^'--• • .V f-l ''''l y-y . i''"' \; \ '-'^^ ->i' fiy '-li^yi-i^-'^..-^'": A 'A_l' - y V- • y-A-"" 'i- ' ^ "'-li^'i-'-^'^ ''f/^i^- y''''yy-y-'.i'If-•!•''-.'•-A--.^-A-; ', ,! • • • N ' • •-.}^\y''i-- " 1-.'^' ' f , . ; A:-/--'' y,- •••'-'A . • -f" -^f: l-l"'-' ^i. f A. '1 '• ' y-^y ' A-yAi-AA: X .1 T ' ^ '' •• ' ''- ' ' ly '}' .V T y -'.I A/ l.-^yy ' '•'-.^'.\y < '.. 'A .A'AJ-^" '"'•' - ''^.y yil' y.l^y • AA - . yy -l''--..- ^ y-'^f A - yl' - —^ ^: •.-....•:^,.-.--.:.-.y.:.' -r--,:. ' ; S,,TV APPENDIXl - .y^ -lAi A"',-: 'A •:A-•A ••^ .'-:.-'/•• , . ''-yfl."f'A yl '•''•'' .' ^ ^ ^. y ' • i....A'. .-y ' -''1": "'-y--.'- '.'-'fA'''- y.'l 1 A. ' • -y • '}••: 'i-y- r.f • ;;• i y ' ' Seismic Review Data Sheets not available at this time. 7. y '-''A']\f"'f y- .r'-;r- fl '''f\ - I' ••^f- '[ y fy'^'.'y ' ' • y-. • • ;., • 1 / • ; , ';• ^' [ -y ' -.y-l • : ' • '. '.. ' '.'!" y'-f ' fy •' ' ' • K ' -.1 -f '' ' ' \ ' • '' A '^' I . ^ I J .y ' 'V-y f-i • . '-^•'. --• - , • s , y, ^ ''- • " , .'. - • • ' ' •, . •. • , ..v.. 'fy^^P'-^^'f.fi-' ''i}'~- • 'i-Pf - - ' /-'' -• '' y- '- . ..'A'" '.' \ff -J, V ' yy_^,' '' l- l-:y. y y, \ : .'^'.''': i "•' y 1 ' ' ' . 'A'' f -1 A I • '•N i , - V)- y 4 \ • 1 r r V . • , : / . V : r APPENDIX J LOCAL AGENCY SITE DATA SUBMITTAL STATE OF CALIFORNIA - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LOCAL AGENCY BRIDGE SITE DATA SUBMITTAL TO: • Division of Structures, CCMB, Sacramento • Local Agency NAME: FROM: Department of Transportation, District District Project Engineer, DATE COUNTY/CITY CHARGE PROJECT LIMITS ROUTE POST MILES EXPENDITURE AUTHORIZATION DESIGN ENGINEER (CCMB) CALNET PHONE NO. WORK PHONE NO. PROJECT ENGINEER (LOCAL AGENCY) CALNET PHONE NO. WORK PHONE NO. BRIDGE NAME BRIDGE NUMBER Attached are control data and reproducible of the following drawings: • Strip Map • Site Plan D Profiles and Superelevation (if needed) n Typical Sections • Copy of Field Survey Notes (including Reference Points, if any) n List of Bench Marks O Detour or Stage Construction Plans D Hydrologic and Hydraulic Data d Correspondence • Utility Information Sheet DS-P58 • Other Data Drawing Numbers All items listed for Bridge Site Data Submittal in the Drafting and Plans Manual, Section 3-3.2, are covered by the attached prints and the following comments: LOCAL AGENCY BRIDGE SITE DATA SUBMITTAL Page 2 of 9 1. SCHEDULING STIR Fiscal Year BPS&E Target Date Suggested Advertising Date D New Structure CD Replacement ^ Modification CH Seismic Retrofit 2. ACCESS • Legal access to site is available from_ • Legal access not available. Caltrans District to check with Local Agency before field work. n Access to the site is restricted by environmental consideration. Contact at phone number before any work is done at the site. 3. ALIGNMENT AND GRADE (from Local Agency) Data attached includes: Q Grade line(s) which is (are) fixed • Grade line(s) which can be adjusted. • Edge of deck grades (AC and PCC) • Superelevation Diagram • Site Data Controls 4. APPROACHES • AC • PCC 5. BENCH MARKS • Bench marks and monuments in immediate vicinity of site shown on site plan, include location, description and elevation. • Vertical control datum is: • NGVD Date of adjustment • Local Agency • As-built • Assumed LOCAL AGENCY BRIDGE SITE DATA SUBMITTAL Page 3 of 9 6. EXISTING BRIDGE CONDITIONS Are all existing unmaintained deficiencies noted on the maintenance reports? • Yes • No If no describe deficiencies below and notify OSM&I ABME to follow up with a detailed report. (Also note if deficiencies may be involved in the retrofit strategy for the bridge). 7[Dosi]. CLEARANCES • feet minimum horizontal clearance to column or abutment from right edge of pavement and feet from left edge of pavement with respect to direction of traffic. • Vertical clearance of feet over initial and ultimate traveled ways, feet over shoulders (includes) feet additional clearance required under Pedestrian or Cyclist Overcrossings. • See "Hydraulic Data" for estimated peak High Water elevation and other information. • Match existing • Columns or pier permitted in the median. • Railroad off-track Maintenance Road and/or future track requirements shown on Site Plan. 8. COORDINATION (District and Local Agency responsibility) • District to submit Bridge General Plan to local authorities for approval. District to notify CCMB before CCMB proceeds with retrofit design. • District will request Department of Fish and Game approval upon receipt of necessary data from CCMB. D Copies of pertinent correspondence from local authorities are attached (Relocation Board, Flood Control Districts, Local Agency, etc.) LOCAL AGENCY BRIDGE SITE DATA SUBMITTAL Page 4 of 9 9. CORROSION CLASSIFICATION • Site is not considered corrosive. • Site is considered corrosive. Corrosion test sheets are attached (Local Agency to do). ^ Site is within 1,000 ft of ocean or tidal water. • Data not available at this time. Will be furnished by Local Agency by . DATE 10. DESIGN SPEED/SIGHT DISTANCE 11. DETOUR • None required. • Traffic can be detoured. • Required. Traffic to • Stage construction required. See "Additional Data". (Include proposed traffic handling and Sequence of Operations). • See "Falsework". • CCMB to review and comment. 12. DISPOSAL OF EXISTING BRIDGE OR PORTIONS OF EXISTING FACILITIES D No restrictions. • Removal can be accomplished after construction. Decision by Local agency. • Existing structure to remain in place for traffic. ^ Traffic can be: '-' detoured ^ temporarily stopped. • Disposition of salvageable material to be handled by local agency. • Protective cover over lower roadway needed. PS&E by construction contractor 13. DRAINAGE 14. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT • Attached • To be submitted by Local Agency by . DATE ^ Not applicable LOCAL AGENCY BRIDGE SITE DATA SUBMITTAL Page 5 of 9 15. FALSEWORK or TEMPORARY SHORING • No restrictions. No traffic. • Falsework not allowed over traffic. List the construction work required as detailed under "Additional Data" and attached plans. • Falsework openings to have: ^ Type K temporary railings adjacent to traffic. • Crash Cushions adjacent to end of railings. • For retrofit design. Provide opening(s) in falsework: wide by high, located . Covered pedestrians passageways to be wide by high, located . Falsework lighting is (not) required. Traffic is not to be interrupted between the hours of to and to on weekdays and not all on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. • Traffic may be interrupted at any other time only for erection work, erection or removal of falsework or removal of portions of existing structure or . It is estimated that painting could (not) be performed without excessive interruptions or hazards to traffic. • Railroad traffic will be carried: • on new alignment • on shoofly • through bridge construction area 16. FUTURE WIDENING ^ None. • Shown on Local Agency drawing. • See "Additional Data". LOCAL AGENCY BRIDGE SITE DATA SUBMITTAL Page 6 of 9 17. HYDRAULIC DATA • Available hydrologic and hydraulic data and pertinent correspondence included. See "Additional Data" D No hydrologic or hydraulic data available. Local Agency proposes channel protection as follows: • Local Agency proposes feet minimum clearance above • Q 50 • Q 100 peak high- water elevation of feet. • Proposed structure drainage design to be included with Structures General Plan for Local Agency coordination with roadway drainage. • Scour: • Interim policy memo by Eldon Davisson (OSD) will be used for this structure (attached). (Use this if scour conditions appear stable and Local Agency agrees.) • Corrective work appears necessary for seismic stability. n Special studies appear to be needed as seismic retrofit will likely be within the streambed. Studies will be performed by Local Agency ^ Caltrans when preliminary strategy verifies work to be in streambed. Other remarks 18. LOADING • structure to carry construction overloads. n No special construction loading. 19. OBSTRUCTION (Provide a sketch of known site conditions) • None existing other than those stated under Utility requirements. • Traffic • Existing bridge • Water flow n Overhead wires 1^ Buried utilities ^ • Listed below are those obstruction that are to remain in place or will be moved to locations where they could interfere with design or construction: LOCAL AGENCY BRIDGE SITE DATA SUBMITTAL Page 7 of 9 20. RETAINING WALLS (By Local Agency except for special designs) • None required D Shown on District site plan. Special design required. • PS&E by: • Office of Structure Design • District • See "Additional Data". 21. SIDEWALK ON STRUCTURE 22. STORAGE FACILITIES • No restrictions D Restricted • Due to physical restrictions and hazards to traffic in the immediate vicinity of the bridge construction site, on- site storage is not available. • Fabrication or storage of material should not be allowed within feet of edge of shoulder. 23. STRIP MAP • Attached Previously submitted with letter of . • To be submitted by Local Agency. 24. STRUCTURE RETROFIT RECOMMENDATIONS Cl CCMB to recommend. Aesthetic considerations to be consistent with neighboring structures. • Type selection to accommodate anticipated future widening. • See " Additional Data" for unusual or special aesthetic considerations. LOCAL AGENCY BRIDGE SITE DATA SUBMITTAL Page 8 of 9 25. UTILITY REQUIREMENTS ^ All existing utilities shown on Local Agency site plan. • All existing utilities that may conflict with the structure except as listed below will be removed or relocated by Local Agency ^ prior to, ^ concurrent with construction. '-' Existing utilities that are to remain are: These utilities • are • will be tied to survey construction lines, ^ will be staked by Local Agency shortly before structure foundation work (excavation, pile driving or drilling). No utilities to be carried on structure. • Information on utilities to be carried on structure. • Complete Utility Information Sheet DS-P58 • attached • will be forwarded by the Local Agency at a later date. • Highway operational utilities exist in the structure, i.e. lighting traffic signals, etc. 26. WIDTH • The roadway width of the bridge is . n Bridge roadway widths are feet between railings or sidewalks when viewed in the direction of • traffic • stationing. • See "Additional Data". LOCAL AGENCY BRIDGE SITE DATA SUBMITTAL Page 9 of 9 27. ADDITIONAL DATA SIGNATURE OF PROJECT MANAGER (DISTRICT) SIGNATURE OF PROJECT MANAGER (LOCAL AGENCY) SIGNATURE OF BRIDGE DESIGN ENGINEER (CCMB) cc: Local Agency P.E. District P.E. CCMB (BPS&E) Engineer HQ's Local Assistance Program Manager OSM&I Local Assistance Coordinator UTILITY INFORMATION SHEET WTE: . njiixv SdccUfpoixijuIneltiMi.CdirtnlA*^'^-"" nxn'bw Iw berti'toiao.