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jVED AUG I 9 1999 RISBAD..rflADTPAc LAWCrandall FIEHY? MIt4ky ASTM D2950 PROJECT NAME: Carlsbad Blvd., Bike Lane DATE TESTED: 07/28/99 GAGE USED: PROJECT NO.: 70341.50396.30 TECHNICIAN: S. Skelton CLIENT: City of Carlsbad REPORT DATE: 08/10/99 WET % MAX. % % TEST # TEST LOCATION DENSITY MOIST. DENSITY COMP. COMP. (in place) REQ'D 6 **Bike lane @ sta. O+50 151.6 N/A 158.5 96 95 7 **Be1ane@ sta. 1+25 151.5 N/A 158.5 96 95 8 **B e lane @ sta. 2+25 149.8 N/A 158.5 95 95 9 **Bike lane © sta. 2+90 150.7 N/A 158.5 95 95 10 **Bike lane @ sta. 1+00 (reference only) 146.7 N/A 157.5* 93 95 11 '"Bike lane @ sta. 2+00 (reference only) 145.8 N/A 157.5* 93 95 *NOTE: a sample of the Y2" mix was not obtained, another City of Carlsbad project did receive this mix on 7/27. Those lab test results were used for approximating the density for the 4" mix that was placed on this project. **300' of bike lane on Carlsbad Blvd., sta. 0+00 starts @ the south end of the project. Comments: ref. lab #9900(3/4" mix) for hveem/stabilometer results. The hveem density was 158.5 pcf. Ref. lab #9898 (1/2" mix placed on Palomar Airport Rd.) for hveem/stabilometer results. The hveem density was 157.5 pcf. DISTRIBUTION: City of Carlsbad/ D. Soileau REVIEWED BY: - David C. Wilson. RCE #54734 A Division of Law Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. 9177 Sky Park Court, Suite A San Diego, CA 92123 619-278-3600 • Fax 619-278-5300 95 LAW Crandall I JG I PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ASPHALT CONCRETE PROJECT: Carlsbad Blvd. Bike Lane PROJECT NO: 70341-5-0396.30 LAB NO: 9900 CLIENT: City of Carlsbad SAMPLED BY: S. Skelton DATE SAMPLED: July 28, 1999 TYPE: 3/4" max. med. DATE RECEIVED: July 28, 1999 DATE TESTED: July 30, 1999 SOURCE: Calmat/Indutrial Asphalt/Vista FIELD NO.: DATE REPORTED: Aug. 2, 1999 SAMPLE LOCATION: City of Carlsbad, bike lane SIEVE ANALYSIS (Cal Test 202) ADDITIONAL TESTS SIEVE SIZE %PASSING SPECIFICATION TEST RESULT TEST STD SSPWC B3 1' 100 100 BITUMEN CONTENT, % (Cal 4.7 _Test _382) 4.6-6.0 3/4" 96 90-100 1/2' 77.. BULK SPECIFIC GRAVITY (Cal 2.540 _Test _308) 3/8" 65 60-84 No.4 47 40-60 UNIT WEIGHT, PCF (Cal 158.5 _Test _308) 8 35 24-50 16 28 ** STABILOMETER (Cal 46 _Test _366) 35 mm. 30 22 11-29 50 15 ** SWELL (Cal d.n.r. _Test _305) ** 100 9 ** 200 5.5 1-9 MOISTURE CONTENT, % (Cal Test 370) d.n.r. iia.'.iiiiuiii I iicuiciiai OP. J[.1U'..), itir VWUS..07o .Th Distribution: City of Carlsbad/i. Wisenhunt . - / •. 7 Submitted By: .----• ----- - -. David C. Wilson, RCE# 54734 A Division of Law Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. 9177 Sky Park Court, Suite A San Diego, CA 92123 619-278-3600 • Fax 619-278-5300 i RECEIVED -AM LAW/CRANDALL AUG 2 ionn 9177 Sky Park Ct.,Ste A San Diego,CA 92123 619-278-3600 REPORT OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS CLIENT: City of Carlsbad JOB NO.: 41.50396.30 PROJECT: Carlsbad Blvd. Bike Lane Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad TEST NUMBER MOISTURE CONTENT (%) DRY DENSITY (PCF) PROCTOR NUMBER COMPACTION (%) SPECIFIED COMPACTION (%) TEST METHOD ELEVATION OR DEPTH Tests Performed on 07/16/)9 1 3.5 104.3 1 95 95 3 -1.5' 2 5.3 105.5 1 96 95 3 TES.T LC CATIONS 1 50' from south end 2 150' fom south end TEST COMPARED TO: PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY NUMBER DENSITY (PCF) 1 109.5 REMARKS OPTIMUM Performed In General Accordance With: MOISTURE 3 - ASTM D2922 (%) 12 .5 DISTRIBUTION:. City of tar1sbad (1C,1B,1D,1ALL) RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ,a ~14 David C. Wilson, RCE #54734 PT, - :(r, E Tw r,- I D I LA1Ik • a • --• • • ••• • - • - -. -. - •. -. - a - we UIIIUIIU1 ••U•IUIII 1I ••P•4••••Uk ..ia.iu.L1I ••.iiui.•.iii I•••lI•IiU•L1tL ••UUU•••U••UkL IIRRRUIIl••ER•k5k MENENNNNNEMMENEENNEW EMMMENNNNOMEMENESEEN LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION imiRecycled I I -- -- I I I I LAW/CRANDALL Ficlure No. lob #9854- r'UCJ J URVES I MOISTURE-DENSITY TEST DATA DATA FILE: 338 PROJECT DATA Date: Project no.: Project: Location 1: 2: Remarks 1: Material 1: description 2: Elevation or depth: Fig no: 7-20-1999 70341.50396.30 City of Carlsbad, Carlsbad bike lane City of Carlsbad, Carlsbad bike lane lab #9854 Recycled agg. base w/ac lab #9854 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIMEN DATA USCS classification: AASHTO classification: Natural moisture: Specific gravity: Percent retained on 3/4 in sieve: Percent passing No. 200 sieve: Liquid limit: Plastic limit: Plasticity index: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST DATA AND RESULTS Type of test: Modified, ASTM D 1557-91 Procedure C POINT NO. 1 2 3 4 WM + WS 7574 7532 7264 7163 WM 2709 2709 2709 2709 WW+T #1 3237.60 3981.00 3335.60 3375.90 WD+T #1 3040.10 3685.30 3185.50 3271.80 TARE #1 471.00 475.10 477.80 484.50 MOIST #17.7 9.2 5.5 3.7 MOISTURE 7.7 9.2 5.5 3.7 DRY DEN 132.8 129.8 126.9 126.2 134 132 130 128 126 124 2 6 10 14 Max dry den= 133.0 pcf, Opt moisture= 8.0 % Oversize Correction Not Applied LAW! CRANDALL LAW/CRANDALL .4 DIEGO, CA 92*23_ 7 ( - 619-278-3600 lil", AUG 5 A DIVISION OF LAW ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FAX 619-278.100 L --rC~ATIU-3AD - GEOTECHNICAL FIELD SUMMARY REPOJEERING DEPARTMENT JOB N3413'1(,s50s 7"0 PROJECIJ4W ~,"TE(Sy 7 iT7 LOCATION: C4i41Sf41\ //V1) i(S144 FIELD REPRESENTATIVE(S): 1.4. (list all Law/Crandall personnel on project) GRADING OBSERVATIONS: DATION/SHORING OBSERVATIONS: Mass Grading 0 Spread Footing Excavation Building Pad 0 Drilled Piles Cl Slopes 0 Driven Piles Paving 0 Belled Caissons Utility Backfill 0 Shoring Wall Backfill 0 Other Landscape -51 kjv4p '41ti~.L' SUMMARY OF OBSERVAT _______________________ V)L N i' < ' 5. c o$, tco s 12- -Av -b 4-t-Li k— t N -fl L me, ct&(I — 2 b3oz —ji4 — 4rdL _ (A) '-1 lf6 C t.J C e l SU4 MARY OF TESTS: 75 to zo -L' f q (0 Intl. 0 z p Q_d$l1 ?s90 f2- L' WEATHER: ___________ EQUIPMENT WORKI?!G:..0 Ic a CONTRACTORS WORKING (include Superintendent and/or Foreman):-i_pi'_._/ii _ )(A I4 LrJ lAI. BACKUP DOCUMENTATION ATTACHED: NO This repon is intended to provide preliminary geo tech nical inlormatlo all-inclusive and is subject to review or moditication / 0 r engincerin cc: By:_(_ (print name and tijitial) Verification By: JOB FILE Of- A10 /7/J - NO. OF PAGES: isible site personnel as observed hy 7-U supervisory sta It TYPE:!~Ol L4ts) .. tive.The tntornialuon provided may not he — Emp.#J7?4+ — Hours:____________ Rev. 3197 AWN LAW/CRANDALL AMIJ ow 9177 Sky Park Ct.,Ste A San Diego,CA 92123 III I 619-278-3600 REPORT OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS CLIENT: City of Carlsbad JOB NO.: 41.50396.30 PROJECT: Carlsbad Blvd. Bike Lane Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad TEST NUMBER MOISTURE CONTENT (%) 1.DRY DENSITY (PCF) PROCTOR NUMBER COMPACTION (%) SPECIFIED COMPACTION (%) TEST METHOD ELEVATION OR DEPTH Tests Performed on 07/20/ 19 3 6.9 126.1 2 95 95 3 -11 fs 4 7.4 126.7 2 95 95 3 -11 fs 5 5.9 126.1 2 95 95 3 -1fs TEST L(CATIONS: 3 Bike lane 75' from s. end 4 Bike lane 150' from s. end 5 Bike line 225' from s. end TEST COMPARED TO: REMARKS PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY OPTIMUM Performed In General Accordance With: NUMBER DENSITY MOISTURE (PCF) (%) 3 - ASTM D2922 2 133.0 8.0 DISTRIBUTION: City of Carlsbad (1C,1B,1D,1ALL) RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: David C. Wilson, RCE #54734