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k4 KLEI N FELDER An employee owned company December 9, 1999 Project No. 51-410002-011 Ms. Sheri Howard City of Carlsbad Engineering Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 Subject: As-Graded Report Project: Faraday Avenue Grading and Drainage Improvements Carlsbad, California City Project No. 3593 Reference: Faraday Avenue Grading and Drainage Plans City of Carlsbad Engineering Department Dated 6-10-1999 (revised) Dear Ms. Howard: 01999 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT In accordance with our agreed scope of work, Kleinfelder, Inc. (Kleinfelder) provided in-place density testing services for the Faraday Avenue grading and drainage improvements. The scope of our services consisted of in-place density testing of roadway and buttress fill, storm drain backfill, laboratory testing for moisture-density relationships of the fill soils, laboratory testing for expansion index, R-value, and soluble sulfate contents on the fill soils, and preparation of these summaries of compaction test results. Please note that our scope of services only pertained.to observation of the placement and testing of fill soils for this project. Kleinfelder did not approve the bottoms of excavations for clean- outs, map any of the site geology, monitor the fill settlement, and provide any geotechnical engineering or geological services on this project; these services were provided by the geotechnical engineer of record for the project, Leighton and Associates. This report covers grading and fill placement activities between June 15, 1999 and October 6, 1999. A Kleinfelder technician observed the placement of fill soils on a full-time basis between these dates. The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of the fill soils were evaluated in our laboratory in general accordance with ASTM test procedure D1557. The results of the tests are presented in Table 1 entitled "Maximum Density Test Results. Expansion index, R-value, and soluble sulfate test results can be found in Appendix A. In-place density tests were performed in substantial conformance with ASTM test procedures D2922 and D3017 (Standard Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil Aggregate In-Place by Nuclear Method (shallow depth) and Water Content of Soil and Rock In-Place by Nuclear 51-410002-011/51 I9L486.doc Page I of December 9, 1999 Copyright 1999 Kleinfelder, Inc. K L E I N F E L D E R 5015 Shoreham Place, San Diego, CA 92122 (858) 320-2000 (858) 320-2001 fax Methods (shallow depth), respectively). Results of these tests, at the specific locations tested, are presented on Table 2 entitled "In-Place Density Test Summary." The results of our tests and observations indicate that the compacted fill soil placed on Faraday Avenue are in substantial conformance with the approved plans, specifications, and applicable workmanship provisions. Fill materials were tested to a minimum compaction of at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density obtained in accordance with ASTM D1557 with the exception of the upper one foot of roadway subgrade which was compacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction. In areas where the initial field density tests were below the specification minimums, the areas were reworked and retested until the compaction values were at or above the specification minimums. All fill requiring re-testing is shown in Table 5. Expansion index tests on the fill soils indicate the soils have a low to very low potential for expansion. R-Value tests performed on fill soils indicate values ranging from 9 to 43 with an average value of 27. Soluble sulfate test results indicate a low concentration of soluble sulfates in the fill soils. Our services have been performed in accordance with the generally accepted testing practices in the Carlsbad area at this time. No warranty, express or implied, is made. We appreciate. the opportunity to be of service. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, KLEINFELDER, INC. ----7 Robe Gibbens> Senior Staff Engineer OFESSj C59479 (n m Exp._aLLjjjj 11 Rick E. Larson, GE 2027 Senior Engineer RMG:REL :mws Attachments: Table 1 - Maximum Density Test Results Table 2 through 4 - Laboratory Test Results Table 5 - In-Place Density Test Summary 5 1-410002-01 1/51 19L486.doc Page 2 of 2 December 9, 1999 Copyright 1999 Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEIN F ELDER 5015 Shoreham Place, San Diego, CA 92122 (858) 320-2000 (858) 320-2001 fax 'I I )iLIiii1ui si lilt I )-..-i liii lull !iliiil. ul Dr N,\ukt Olive brown, clayey sand (SC) 12.7 \1 iinun 1)i I I. flS!ty IpLfI 120.4 2 Dark olive brown, clayey sand (SC) 10.4 . 123.7 3 Olive, sandy clay (CL) 11 .8 :. 122.1 4 light gray. clayey sand (SM) . 11 .5 123.8 - 5 Olive gray, clayey sand (SC) . . . 12.1 . 122.0 6 Yellowish - olive, clayey silt (ML) . - 17.5 109.2 T. Yellowish - olive, sandy clay (CL) . . 13.9 118.0 8 Olive, silt (ML) . . 19.8 106.2 9 Olive, silt (ML) . . . 15.0 108.5 10 Light brown, sandy silt - ilty sand (ML-SM) . 14.8 112.8 II Dark brown, sandy silt - silty sand (ML-SM) 11 .5 122.3 12 Yellow olive, clayey sand (SC) . . . 10.5 122.2 13 White to light brown, silty sand (SM) . 11 .9 11 7.9 14 Light brown, silty sand (SM) . . 11.7 120.3 IS Class 11 base :. . . ' -• . 6.2 140.2 16 Gray/brown silty clay (CL) . 19.0 105.5 17 Gray/brown silty clay (CL) , . . . 15.0 113.5 18 Gray/brown silty clay (CL) . , . 18.0 108.0 19 Gray/olive brown silty sand (SM) . 9.8 120.2 20 Red/white clay to silty sand with gravel (SM-SC) . 16.3 109 "i (iii I It' trnplt iliiti intl itiii, liAlic ipui 1 STA 16+58-45 170 STA lb + 42 -,43 130 STA IÔ+58-47 • . 80 STA 36 + 00 • - • 200 S., sallll)IC' I tiIll,II and Depth, UB( F tusioii Inile STA 15 +.25 East 25 STA 15 +.25 West 40 STA 19±50 West - 6 STA 25 + 00 East 37 STA 34 + 50 East •. 0 .STA 36 + 75 East 3 STA 44 + 50 West 34 STA 45 + 00 East . 30 , STA 55 + 60 West - 36 C : TABLE 3. R-VALUE TEST RESULTS ' TtlIt I i9II4'IL.II'I 1)&I)III IC \ LulL STA IS+25 9 STA 2S+00 ;• 28 STA 36±75 43 STA 4S+00 26 STA SS-i-60 27 S. k9 K1 E IN F E I D E R Project Nb. 51-410002-011 Deáember 9, 1999 )tI(t - ON .-Toc,tiom (Vt 29 lit II\ut lot ( it ( n 90 I IIS \ l( 'ii nks 7/6 I STA 18 + 00 104.7 16.6 Pass 7/6 2 STA 19+10 . 30 111.7 14.0 90 2 Pass 7/6 3 STA 17 +70 - ' 33 109.8 16.6 90 3 Pass 7/6 4 STA 16+30 29 114.5 14.9 92 4 Pass 7/6 5 STA 19 +20 .32: 111.6 15.7 90 4 Pass 7/6 6 STA 16+60: . 34 111.2 16.9 91 5 Pass 7/6 7 STA 17 +80 35 110.4 16.5 91 5 - Pass 7/6 8 . STA 18+60 . ' 34 110.0 17.1 - 90 5 - Pass 7/6 9 STA 16+90 . 38 115.4, 11.7 93 4 Pass 7/6 10 . STA 18+ 50 37 112.5 15.4 92 5 Pass 7/6 II STA 15 +70 , 43 109.1 . 16.0 91 I Pass 7/6 12 STA 17+20 '42 109.1 16.1 91 I - Pass 7/6 13 STA 18+75 '37 110.7 12.0 92 I Pass 7/7 14 STA 19 +30 ' , 26 110.3 13.5 92 1 Pass 7/7 15 . STA 18+80 . 32 112.3 10.4 91 4 Pass 7/7 16 STA 16+90 . .32 108.7 14.7 90 I ' Pass 7/7 17 , STA 18+20 . . 33 . 108.8 9.2 88 4 . 20 Fail 7/7 18 STA 17+ 30 34,, 107.2 13.2 89 I 21 Fail 7/7 19 STA 16+25 33 103.1 6.3 83 2 22 . Fail 7/7 20 17 STA 18+20 33 111.7 10.9 92 5 Pass 7/7 21 . 18 STA 17+30 , 34. 109.6 11.0 90 5 Pass 7/7 22 , 19 STA 16+25 33 111.3 11.5 91 5 Pass 7/7 23 STA 19 +05 34 111.0 9.5 90 2 ,Pass 7/7 24 STA 17 + 30 ' . 34 . 111.7 13.0 90 2 ' . Pass 7/7 25 -' STA 15+50 35 112.0 12.1 91 2 Pass 7/8 26 STA 18 +75 . 37 100.5 20.0 92 6 Pass 7/8 27 ' ' STA 15+70 37 110.3 15.0 92 ' I Pass 7/8 28 STA 17+70 ' 37 111.6 14.8 91 5 - - Pass 7/8 29 STA 15 +75 . 42 . l 12.4 15.5 92 5 - Pass 7/8 30 STA 17+ 80 39 111.0 15.8: 92 I Pass 7/8 31 STA 19+35 - . 41 110.7 13.5. 91 5 - Pass 7/8 32 STA 17 +90 . - 43 . 105.7 16.4 90 7 Pass 7/8 33 . STA 2O+00 44 .115.5 15.1 95 6 Pass 7/9 34 STA 15+60 ' 45 110.1 18.6 93 7 Pass 7/9 35 STA 17+50 - 43 114.8 13.2 93 4 'Pass 7/9 36 STA 18 +40 - , '.41 107.7 13.6 91 7 Pass • 7/9 \n. UI 1 &t - Vocation - . - . • STA 15 + 40 ::.IiHI)k It.) I)i_rIst( . I ct) 4 Ont.( P 1k"TOK e d II', "U . Remarks , 37 50 106.6j 18.9 90 1 7 Pass - 7/9 38 STA 17+10 - 46 109.2 17.0 91 1 ' Pass 7/9 39 STA 18 + 05 . .44 106.0 20.4 90 7 Pass 7/9 40 STA 16 + 00 49 109.9 18.51 1 93 7 . ' Pass 7/9 41 STA 17+60' ,46- 108.3 A8.8 92 7 .. Pass .7/9 42 STA 19 + 50 , 44 107.1 18.8 91 7 , Pass 7/9 43 . STA 19 + 40 . . 30 107.9 9.2 87 2 Fail * 7l9 , STA 19+20 ' - '. .28 111.5 14.5 .190 2 - Pass 7/9 45 / STA-19 + 55 98.9 15.9 80 4 48 Fail 46 ' STA 16 +90 . 29 105.0 14.3 86 5 . Fail * 7/9 47 STA 16 +00 J -: 28 107.7 17.9 87 4 - . Fail * 7/9 48 45 STA 19+55 . - 31. 111.6 16.2 90 4 '. Pass 7/12 49 . STA 18 +10 46 109.0 17.7 92 7 . . Pass 7/12 . 50 -. STA 16+00. ' . '32 112.8 14.4 91 2 . Pass 7/12 51 - . STA 17 + 40 . . .31- 105.5 12.7 86 Within 4' of bottom base 7/12 52' . STA 19+00 - . , . . 33 97.8 ' 21.1. 90 6 '- Pass 7/12 53 . STA 17+ 50 33 98.1 -'22.2 90 6 Pass 7/12 54 STA 18 + 20 . •'- .38 . 100.4 17.5 85 7 Fail * 7/12- 55 . STA 19+10 37 107.2 9.5 87 2 56 Fail 7/12 56 55 STA 19+10 - , . 37. 112.1 10.0 91 2 . Pass 7/12 57 STA 2O+00 . .41 98.6 21.2 90 6 ' Pass 7/12 58 . STA I9+05 38 99.5 20.7 91 6 Pass 7/12 59 STA 16+75 .34.'100.7 16.4 92 . 6 Pass 7/12 60 . STA 19+40 . . 43 98.5 19.5 90 6 . Pass 7/12 61. STA I8+35 . . 39' 110.2 16.1 90 5 . Pass 7/12 62 STA 16+40 • . . . • 36 98.2 20.1 90 6 - . ' Pass 7/13 . 63 . STA-21 + 10 , , . 35 - 107.8 13.7 87 ' 4 64 Fail 7/13 64 63 STA2I +,lO . - . " 35 106.6 15.5 86 . 4 66 Fail 7/13 65 .STA 19+35 44 110.2 18.2 90 3 Pass 7/13 66 64 STA 2I+10 - ' 35 106.5 13.0 87 4 68 Fail 7/13 67 \ STA 18 + 60 - - 100.0 22.1 92 6 Pass .7/13 68 66 STA 2I+10 35 106.5 18.2 90 7 Pass 7/13 69 STA 21 + 15 , , 37 101.0 18.4 92 6 i Pass 7/13 70 STA 21 +35 , - 41 110.5 16.6 91 5 Pass Note: * = material removed • -. - . - December 9, 1999 - I1L't it, . I ,&.ti.ii ri. I t. i l).'II.TE Hil. - ( imp cni1Ie, -'P4. . IIRd - . ..SrKs 7/13 71 STA 21 + 05 '43 106.8 17.3 90 7 ' Pass 7/13 72 STA 2I+25 , . 44 103.3 20.3 88 7 Fail* 7/13 73 STA 19+ 50 -. 46 103.6 19.1 . 88 7 Fail * 7/13 74 STA 17+ 35 . , •. 44 . 111.8 16.0 92 '5 Pass 7/13 75 STA 21 +25 44 107.0 19.3 ' 91 7 Pass 7/13 76 STA 19 + 50 46 107.6 19.6 91 7 Pass 7/13 77 . . STA 21 .4- 10 : 47 .108.0 16.5 92 ' 7 Pass 7/13 78 . STA 21 + 00 \. ' 50" 106.8 164 91 7 , Pass 7/14 79 STA 19 + 00 . 44 108.4 17.4 92 7 Pass 7/14 80 STA 16+60 . 39 105.9 19.1 90 7 . ' Pass 7/14 81 , STA 2O+55 :- '. 52 106.5 17.1 90 , 7 Pass 7/14 82 STA 20 + 10 •. •- . 54' 97.9 19.6 92 8 Pass 7/14 83 . STA 21 +35 61 98.4 23.0 93 8 Pass 7/14 84 . STA 21 +75 . - ' 64 . 95.9 21.7 90 8 Pass 7/14 85 STA 22+50 63 ' 98.0 21.1 90 ' 9 . Pass 7/14 86 STA 20 + 30' . 58 97.9 19.7 90 9 , ' Pass 7/14 87 STA 36 + 00 . . . 43 1 00. 7 15.8 . 85 7 88 Fail 7/14 88 87 STA 36 + 00 . •, 43 109.6 15.9 93 7 - Pass 7/15 89 STA 3S+30 . . ' 45 109.8 15.9, 93 7 . Pass 7/15 90 STA 36+40 - -. ' 51 107.1 15.1 91 7 - Pass 7/15 91 STA 35+70 . : 50 ' 100.8 21.4 92 6 ' Pass 7/15 92 STA 15+70 , 44 106.8 18.3 91 7 Pass 7/15 93 ' STA I6+80 '. , 45 1107 14.1 91 5 Pass 7/15 94. " STA I 6+19 ,48 111.3 . 14.1 91 5, Pa'ss 7/15 95 STA 36 + 05 45 98.1 21.1 90 ' 6 Pass 7/15 96 STA 35 + 80 46 99.6 22.0 91 6 Pass 7/15 97 STA 36+35 , . 47 '99.8 21.6 91 . 6 Pass 7/15 98 ' STA 35 + 50 - - 48 98.6 19.9 . 90 6 Pass 7/15 99 STA 36+25 ..49 99.4 20.4 91 6 Pass 7/16 100 , . . ' STA 3S+90 . 49 107.7 .18.9' 91 7 Pass 7/16 101 . STA 35 + 65 , • 50 109.0 16.7 92 7 Pass 7/16, 102 STA 36 + 70 - ' 58 98.0 17.9'.90 9 Pass 7/16 103 STA 35 +30 - - 96.7 22.3 91 8 , • Pass 7/16 ' 104 STA 36+20 •, , 60 106.3 13.0 90 7 - Pass 7/16 105 STA 36+50 " , -61 - 112.6 13.5 92 3 - - Pass Note:,* = material removed I * FF7 .. I Mion C I n t, 2 lt 7116 106 STA36+00 764 113.6 13.8 92 Pass 7/16 107 - STA 35+75 67-1 114.2 13.2 92 2 Pass 7/19 108 STA 35+75 • 45 113.4 14.5 92 2 Pass 7/19 109 STA 35+80 50 98.5 18.9 90 6 Pass 7/19 110 STA 36+65 53 98.9 19.4 91 6 Pass 7/19 III STA 37+00 . 58 106.7, 17.6. 90 7' Pass 7/19 112 STA 3S+20 53 110.2 16.6 90 5 Pass 7/19 113 STA36+90 ' . - . . 60 111.1* 1.0 91 5.1 .. . Pass 7/19 114 STA 35+30 ,. 54 100.0 20.0 92 9 Pass 7/19 11.5 STA 3S+40 . . 61 112.6 16.1 91 2 Pass 7/20 116 STA 35 + 60 . 60 106.6 16.61 90 7 . Pass 7/20 117 STA 34+50 , 64 95.3 15.0 87 6 119 Fail 7/20 118 STA 3S+70 " 62 105.8 - 17.8 90 7 * Pass 7/20 119 117 STA 34+50 , 64 . 99.5 15.2 91 6 Pass 7/20 120 ' STA 35 + 70 , -'63 96.2 , 19.1 . 91 8 . ' Pass 7/20 121 STA 37+20 * 66 110.8 15.0 91 5 . Pass 7/20 122 STA 36+20 . * . . . '66 108.9 17.3 90 5 Pass 7/20 123 STA 37+50 69 113.4 15.1 93 . Il Pass 7/20 , 124 l STA 36 + 40 ' 64 , 112.0 14.9 92 II ' Pass 7/20 125 STA 3S+60 ' . , 67 112.7 15.8 92 II Pass 7/20 126 STA 35 +,70 ,' - - 48 102.8 17.6 84 II 127 Fail 7/20 127 126 STA 3S+70 ' 48.. 106.4 16.9 87 II 128 Fail 7/20 128 . 127 'STA 3S+70 '48' 110.5 16.0 90 II - - Pass 7/20 * 129 STA 35 + 90 51 110.6 15.6 90 II * ' Pass 7/21 130 STA 3S+75 54 109.5 13.8 90 11 Pass 7/21 131 . STA 3S+15 268 109.8 13.2 90 .11 Pass 7/21 132 STA 34+25 ' 75 110.4 12.1, 90 II Pass 7/21 133 STA 34+70 •. ,' 77 . 110.0 15.4 90 II Pass 7/21 134 STA 3S+75. - 57 110.3 13.3, 90 12 ,' Pass 7/21 135 STA 35+35 ' 60 110.2 13.9 90 12 ' Pass 7/21 136 STA 36+70 63 113.0 13.2 92 -12 - Pass 7/21 137 'STA 35+75 ' 63 112.5 - 13.8 92 12 . . Pass 7/21 138 STA 34+80 :' ' 75 112.0 14.0 92 II Pass 7/21 139 STA 3S+60 64 110.6 13.9 90 12 Pass 7/22 140 '- STA 36+25 '' '66 111.4 13.2 91 5 - Pass 7/22 141 STA 35+70 68 . 110.8 ' 14.0 91 5 Pass it . MIII t Itl . - . I i..itint) lkrisii tint. ( nip 'tn. it lt.t - iIl.i No. ~2~, ;n tSTA 35 + 40 68, 7/22 142 112.6 14.2 92 5 Pass 7/22 143 STA 36+60 -71 109.7. 15.9 90 5 Pass 7/22 144 STA 37+65 . 74 109.6 16.8 90 II . Pass 7/22 .145 STA 35+30 - 73', 108.4 8.6 92 13 149 Fail, moisture 7/22 146 STA 36+40 . - 73 111.4 8.8 94 13 149 moisture 7/22 147 STA 36 + 00 73 108:6 9.7 92 13 150 Fail, moisture 7/22 148 STA 34+50 - 76' 110.0 8.2 93 13 151 Fail, • . . moisture 7/22 149 145/146 STA 36+40 • .'. 73 106.6 12.9 90 13 Pass 7/22 A50 147 STA 36+00 - 10.9 95 13 Pass 7/22' 151 . 148 STA 34+50 76 1.1 11.0 94 13 Pass 7/22 152 STA 3S+85 •-. . .. . 73rl2.1 498.8 8.5 92 13 . 153 Fail, - . . . moisture 7/22 153 152 STA 3S+50 47 0.1 14.3 90 II Pass .7/22 154 STA 35+05 ' 81 111.4 8.6 94 13 160 Fail, moisture 7/22 155 STA 37+10 80 110.6 9.0 .94 13 161 . Fad, moisture 7/22 156 STA 36+05 47 ' 108.1 9.0 92 13 157 Fail, - . moisture 7/23 157 156 STA 36+05 . 47 108.9 11.7 92 13. Pass 7/23 158 . STA 36+30 . - 52 109.2 11.8 93 13 . * Pass 7/23 159 STA 35 + 80 . . . . 51 109.0 10.9 92 13 Pass 7/23 160 154 STA 3S±05 - 78 109.2 12.6 93 13 . Pass 7/23 161 155 . STA 37 + 10 . . 80 108.9 13.0 92 13 Pass 7/23 162 STA 35 + 40. . * 57 107.6 9.9 91 13 163 moisture 7/23 163 162 STA 3S+40 57 108.2 11.0 92 13 Pass 7/23 164 STA 35 + 30 58 107.6 9.8 91 13 165 Fail, ------------- moisture 7/23 165 164 STA 3S+30 58' 110.7 * 14.5 94 13 - Pass 7/23 166 STA 3S+80 ' 58 111.3 .13.7 91 5 Pass 7/23 167 STA 36+00 .. 61 110.6 11.4 91 5 . ' Pass 7/23 . 168 STA 36+90 - . 74 114.4 14.4 95 14 :' Pass 7/23 169 STA 36 + 00 . 60 110.2 14.0 92 14 . Pass 7/23 170 STA3S+80 , . - 62. 106.6 17.0 90 7 Pass 7/26 171 STA 36+00 - 67 100.9 11.3 86 13 172 Fail 7/26 172 171 STA 36+00 .. 67 109.9 14.2 93 13 Pass 51-410002-011/5 1191,486 dcc - PageS of20 '1 Copyright 1999 Kletnielder, Inc December 9, 1999 'Page 6of20 * 51-410002-01 I/5119L486.doc Copyright 1999 K1einfeIder, Inc. 7/26 173 STA 35 + 70 68 109.4 16.1 90 12 Pass 7/26 174 STA 36+ 15 69 1087 114 92 13 Pass 7/26 175 STA 35+ 10 69 1065 115 90 13 Pass 7/26 176 STA 36+25 72 1078 119 91 13 Pass 7/26 177 STA 35 + 10 73 106.9 11 .6 91 13 Pass 7/26 178 9TA35+30 75 1078 133 91 13 Pass 7/26 179 Ped Xing STA 36 + 00 77,,f, 132.0 8.5 94 15 Pass 7/26 180 STA 35+60 76 1073 142 91 13 Pass 7/27 181 STA 3S+00 74 1069 152 90 13 Pass 7/27 182 STA 3S+ 10 76 1077 119 91 13 Pass 7/27 183 STA 20 + 00 52 -97.3 20.3 92 8 Pass 7/27 A84 STA 19 +00 50 109.8 12.2 93 13 Pass 7/27 185 STA 18+45 51 1008 156 93 9 Pass 7/27 186 STA 17+85 51 1074 121 91 13 Pass 7/27 187 STA 17+50 51 106.5 11.7 91 13 Pass 7/28 188 STA 18+50 53 1059 115 91 13 Pass 7/28 189 STA 21 +00 65 113.4 .'13.4 96 13 Pass 7/28 190 STA 16+80 - -• 52 113:1 11.8 96 13 Pass 7/28 191 STAI7+85 53 1040 76 89 13 192 Fail 7/28 192 191 STA 17+85 53 108.1 12.0 92 13 Pass 7/28 193 STA 16+15 54 1063 161 90 13 Pass 7/28 194 STA 2I+90 66 1123 122 96 13 Pass 7/28 195 STA 18+25 55 1117 115 95 13 Pass 7/28 SC 196 Surcharge STA 17+25 56 1004 16:0 92 9 Pass 7/28 SC 197 - Surcharge STA 16 +50 58 112.9 12.0 92 11 Pass 7/28 sc 198 Surcharge STA 18 +'00 59 113.8 11 .7 93 II Pass 7/29 sc 199 Surcharge STA 17 + 00 60 107.3 111 91 13 Pass 7/29 SC 200 Surcharge STA 19 + 75 62 108.1 111.4 90 14 Pass 7/29 sc 201 Surcharge STA 21 + 00 64 109.0 11.7 93 13 Pass 7/29 5C202 Surcharge STA 16+50 61 1081 109 92 13 Pass 7/29 SC 203 Surcharge STA 17 +00 63 99 .9, 20.:3 94 8 Pass 7/29 SC 204 Surcharge STA 17 + 00 64 108 2 11 4 93 13 Pass 7/29 sc 205 Surcharge STA 18 +00 66 105.3 12.0 93 10 Pass 7/30 206 51A34+80 78 1017 194 / 93 6 Pass 7/30 207 STA 34 + 90 80 100 7 191.9 92 6 Pass 7/30 208 STA 34+95 81 1005 218 95 16 Pass I 41 i Iu'.L - I.i.,i,'in . - l I) I)t:IIll \f cist ( fill. .Rel I . , - ••\O. I t EC ti. 1 - I IF\ No xm - I(ernirk 7/30 209 STA 36+75 76 105.6 11.9 90 13 Pass 7/30 210 STA 36 + 80 , 81 99.3 22.2 94 16 . Pass 7/30 211 STA 36 + 20 .78 98.3 23.0 93 16 Pass 7/30 212 STA 36 + 60 . - 82 99.2 23.4 93 8 Pass 7/30 213 STA 36+25 - ' 81 98.0 22.5 92 8 Pass 7/30 214 Pedestrian Tunnel STA 36 10 18 - 99.8 23.1 93 8 Pass 7/30 215 STA 36+30 . 83 101.4 23.0 96 16 . Pass 7/30 216 STA 38+58 85 92.4 22.3 92 16 -. Pass 7/30 217 STA 37+25 - .86 108.3 16.2 96 10 .. . Pass 7/30 218 STA 37 87 95.6 . 24.9 91 16 Pass 8/2 219 L STA 35 + 50 . . ' 78 96.0 - 24.3 91 16 Pass 8/2 220 STA 3S+40 80 95.7 20.7 91. 16 Pass 8/2 221 Type "F" Box STA 20+73 55 107.9 15.0 92 13 Pass 8/2 222 - '. STA 35 + 65 - "83 100.0 18.9 94 8 - Pass 8/2 223 STA 35 + 45 . .' 84 99.7 - 19.4 94 8 - Pass 8/2 224 Type "F" Box STA 20 + 73 58- 106.8 15.6 91 13 Pass 8/2 225 - STA 35 + 90 . 85 98.4 20.4 93 8 '. Pass 8/2 226 . Pedestrian STA 35 + 90 79 - 101.4 21.7 95 8 Pass 8/2 227 STA 35 + 00 - .. .85 101.3 21.0 95 8 Pass 8/2 228 - Pedestrian STA 36+ 10 . 82 99.1 21.9 93 8 Pass 8/2 229 Pedestrian STA 35 + 90 82 99.2 22.4 93 8 . Pass 8/2 230 STA 36 + 20 - . - 84 95.1 19.1 90 8 Pass 8/2 8/2 231 STA 35+80 . 84 113.9 13.7 92 2 Pass 8/2 -232 STA 34+90 86 103.6 19.6 91 17 Pass 8/2 233 . STA 34 + 50 - 83 102.3 20.0 90 17 Pass 8/2 234 Pedestrian STA 36 + 10 - 85 101.8 20.4 90 17 . Pass 8/3 235 STA 35 + 75 - 87 105.6 21.4 93 17 Pass 8/3 236 STA 34 + 40 - .. - 86 89.6 24.1 85 16 - 238 Fail 8/3 237 ' STA 36+35 - 87 107.9 16.5 95 17 Pass 8/3 238 236 STA 34+40 . - '86 107.4 21.0 91 16 . Pass 8/3 239 - -. STA 37 + 90 - 85 109.0 11.5 93 13 - . Pass 8/3 240 STA 33 + 90 87 108.4 12.1 92 . - 13 . Pass 8/3 241 STA 3S+00 - 89 103.4 18.9 . 91 17..- Pass 8/3 242 STA 35 + 75 .. 91 104.8 17.9 ' 92 17 - Pass 8/3 243 STA 35 + 50 92 106.5 18.4 94 17 - Pass 8/3 244 STA 34+ IS - 93 106.1 1 19.0 L 94 17 Pass 51410002 011/5119L486doc Page 7of20 ..December9 1999 Copyright 1999 Kleinfelder, Inc r * F - IIKIEINFELDE.R Project No. 51-410002-011 8/3 It 15 Itct -.Date J.c.itijn _ STA 36+25 I lt. I)i l)iiii 'ini s ( flI• leI ( '.mflhtI4 ICtCSfl(i . l<itiik 245 89 108.4 17.3 96 17 Pass 8/4 246 STA 34 + 50 92 100.9 19.4 96 16 Pass 8/4 247 STA 36+40 90 98.7 19.0 94 16 : Pass 8/4 248 STA 37 + 75 89 99.4 18.8 94. 16 Pass 8/4 STA 37+50 91. 112.4 16.5 ,95 7 Pass 8/4 V25,1 STA 37+25 . 92 112.2 13.3 95 13 Pass 8/4 STA 36 + 50 94 .. 109.1 14.2 93 13 Pass 8/4 STA 38+ IS' 89.',107.8 19.2 95 17 . Pass 8/4 253 I STA 36+25 .. 93 108.7 13.4 92 13 Pass 8/4 254 STA 35 + 75 - - 95 100.9 19.8 96 16 Pass 8/4 255 STA 37+50 - 94 108.3 12.0 92 13 Pass 8/4 256 STA 35 +50 . .. .95 . 106.0 11.4 90 . 13 . Pass 8/4 257 . STA 36+75 . 96 108.5 12.8 92 33 Pass 8/5 258 STA 44 + 25 71 99.8 39.8 95 16 . . . Pass 8/5 259 STA 44 + 25 73 . 97.3 22.9 92 36 ' Pass 8/5 260 ' STA 44 + 25 . -75 98.6 . 21.0 94 16 Pass 8/5 261 STA 44+25 . . 77. 99.2 23.2 . 94 16 Pass 8/5 . 262 STA 44+25 . 80 r 101.7 19.8 96 16 Pass 8/5 263 STA 44 + 15 83 105.7 17.1 .93 17 Pass 8/6 264 STA 37 + 75 . 82 99.7 18.8 95 36 Pass 8/6 265 STA 37+25 . 84 101.9 15.0 90 37 Pass 8/6 266 STA 37 + 25 85 103.4 16.7 91 17 Pass 8/6 267 STA 37 + 25 .. ' .., 87 d04.9 16.1 92 17 Pass 8/6 268 STA 37 + 25 89 99.7 35.5 88 17 269 Fail 816 269 268 STA 38+35 ' . - 89 306.3 16.1 94 17 Pass 8/6 270 STA 38 + 00 J00.9 16.9 93 9 Pass 8/6 271 STA 38 + 00 ' . 95 103.9 16.1 92 17 Pass 8/6 272 STA 38 + 00 - 96 106.1 15.9 94 37 Pass 8/6 273 Subdrain STA 25 + 00 , 38 . 108.4 13.4 92 13 Pass 8/6 274 - Subdrain STA 25 + 00 43 106.0 14.6 90 13 - Pass 8/6 275 STA 28+73 53 109.9 11.4 33 Pass 8/6 276 - Subdrain STA 25 +00 43 102.2 15.4 90 17 Pass 8/9 277 - Subdrain STA 25 + 00 . . 47 105.0 36.3 93 17 Pass 8/9 - 278 STA 25 + 20 61 . 105.9 7.2 90 13 283 moisture 8/9 279 STA 25 + 20 . - 51 98.9' 20.3 94. 16 -, Pass 'Y ,. 11.1(1 'A "0. 'tt.: I Itst -4 ' . I , ititi Itt I) rii( SL')l1. ( iii. rii - Rd, '•fl. I I) N. . _ Ieiiiarks' 8/9 280 STA 25 + 30 53 108.0 12.4 90 13 Pass 8/9 281 278 STA25+20 61 106.7 10.9 91 13 Pass 8/9 282 STA 25+10 . 54 107.8 11.4 91 13 Pass .8/9 283 STA 24 + 80 '63 106.1 11.3 90 13 Pass 8/9 284 STA 25 + 00 . 67 . 109.9 12.4 93 13 - Pass 8/10 285 STA 23+80 - ' 62 111.1 10.9 92 14 . Pass 8/10 286 - - STA 25+ 10 64 110.2 11.1 92 14 Pass 8/10 287 STA 24+90 -. - 61 108.5 14.3 92 13 Pass 8/10 288 STA 2S+ 10 . . 63 .- 108.7 11.6 92 13 Pass 8/10 289 STA 2S+15 71 107.7 11.0 91 13 Pass 8/10 290 - STA 24+25 - 69. 110.1 8.0 93 13 291 . Fail, moisture 8/10 291 290 STA 24 + 75 - . 69 109.5 10.9 93 13 Pass 8/10 292 . . STA 2S+00 - 66' 113.1 .11.5 96 13 - Pass 8/10 293 STA 25 + 25 . 72 . 109.7 11.0 93 13 ' Pass 8/10 294 , STA 44 + 20 78 96.6 22.2 92 16 Pass 8/10 295 'STA 44+20 . ' 80 95.7 21.0 91 16 . Pass 8/10. 296 .: STA 24+75 ' . 74 . 113.7 13.0 97 13 Pass 8/10 297 STA 44 + 50 ' -83,',. 96.4 19.3 91 16 ; . Pass 8/11 298 STA 44 + 25 ' . 84 ' 96.9 17.0 92 '- 16 . moisture 8/11 299 STA 44 +25 r . 84 96:4 18.9 91 16 ' Pass 8/11 300 STA 25 + 00 ' . 72 106.7 1.1.0 91 13 Pass 8/11 301 4 STA 23+25 '. . ' 73 113.7 11.2 97 13 Pass 8/I1 302 .. ' STA 26+25 85 106.7 11.2 91 13 Pass 8/I1 303 STA 44 + 25 .86 98.4 20.4 93 16 Pass 8/I1 304 STA 2S+80 '- 83 108.5 17.4 96 . - 17 Pass 8/11 305 STA 24+00 , : 76 107.1 17.9 94 17 ' Pass 8/11 306 STA 23+50 " ' . - 74 107.7 18.1 95 17 Pass 8/11 307 , STA 25 + 00 - - 80 106.0 18.3 . 93 17 Pass 8/11 308.' STA 44 + 25 - , 84 96.0 24.3 . 90 8 Pass 8/I1 309 STA 44 + 00 ' 86 100.6 2019 95 . 8 Pass 8/11 31013 STA (31 +75) 13+75 86' III.! 13.7 95 13 . Pass 8/I1 31 I STA (33 + 00) 15 +00 94 99.4 20.4 91 6 , Pass 8/I1 312 STA 44+75 . 88 106.3 15.4 90 7 . Pass 8/1I 313 STA 44+50 92 108.4 16.0 92 7 Pass 8/1I 314 STA 44+25 . . .93 109.1 1 15.7 93 7 Pass I- I 51 4(0002 011/5119L486doc Page9ot20 December 91 1999 Copyright 1999 Kleinfelder, Inc ., ... 111 KLEINFELDER Project No. 51-410002-011 1 RUtL.t - - iii ii ••1•V liii .itIi)fl STA (32+50)14+50 hig I le . 91 I)iiii( 111.1 ( nit - - ( iir, ":1 UI . Rete'ed - - L1llemarks 8/11 315B 15.6 94 13 Pass 8/11 316B .. STA (32+65)14+65 V , 93 109.4 18.9 93 13 Pass 8/11 317 STA 4S+0O . 96 109.9 16.9 93 13 Pass 8/I1 318 STA 43+50 103 99.8 19.3 92 18 V Pass 8/I1 319 STA 44+50 .. . 102-.'99.6 19.2 .92 18 ' Pass 8/1I 320 STA 44+50 V - V V 92V 101.2, 8.8 86 326 Fail 8/12 321 STA 14+75 V - . 95 107.3 9.2 91 13 '325' Fail, moisture 8/12 322 STA 13+75 V 90' .110.5 13.5 V94 13 '. Pass 8/12 323 STA 3O+40 V . . 63 101.1 20.7 . 90 . tO ' Pass 8/12 324 STA 3O+40 . ., . 60 103.5 19.3 95 10 Pass 8/12 325 321 STA 14+ 75 . 95- 107.8 12.4 92 13 V Pass 8/12 . 326 320 STA 44+50 92 , 106.2 11.7 90 13 . Pass 8/12 327 STA 44+00 97 102.8 22.4 94 18 ' Pass 8/12 328 . STA 13 +25 . * / '104 103.4 21.4 95 18 Pass 8/13 329 . STA 43+50 V 105 99.7 19.7 91 18 Pass 8/13 330, V STA 44+25 V 107 102.1 19.0 94 18 , Pass 8/13 331 . STA (32+25)14+25 93 108.4 . 11.8 92 13 Pass 8/13 332 STA (31+50)13+50 21 102.4 21.0 94 18 * . Pass 8/13 333 STA 3O+40 V . 65 101.7 19.9 93 18 , Pass 8/13 334 STA 24+00 V 80 106.8 11.8 91 13 Pass 8/13 335 STA 15+00 •, .. 96 102.3 20.4 94 18 Pass 8/13 336 STA (31 ± 50) 13 +50 . 92 105.8 ' 18.0 92 18 Pass 8/13 337 STA30+40 80 109.6 15.8 93 13 r Pass 8/13 338 STA 14 + 50 .98: 111.4 13.5 94 13 Pass 8/13 339 , STA (31:1-00) 13+00 V 95 107.0 12.2 91 13 Pass 8/13 340 STA 14+75 . - 100. 112.1 14.3 95 13 Pass 8/13 341 .. STA (31 +25)13+25 V VV' 107.0 12.0 91 13 . Pass 8/13 342 . STA 3O+40 ' 82 112.7 13.9 94 I Pass 8/13 343 STA 3O+40 V , 87 110.5 13.4 92 V 1 V Pass 8/13 344 STA 3O+40 ' 90: 109.4 13.7 91 1 Pass 8/13 345 STA 3O+40 . 85 109.8 12.6 91 I Pass 8/13 346 .STA (32+25)14+25 V10 109.0 14.4 91 I - Pass 8/13 347 STA 11+25 43 . 111.2 12.8 90 4 , Pass 8/13 348 STA II + 90 46 11,3.6 10.9 92 4 Pass 8/13 . 349 STA 12+80 V 46 116.3 1 13.1 94 4 V Pass IIKLEINFELDER Project No. 51-410002-011 ht - ' .- Rvtst V ''I Iit - - IV1HIn V - - - I k - (II W;;VV; l)r l)cuiI 1) Mohi ( unt. V V V Rd ( iij ;Si rupI V•jV I&evid I)'. •\. V VVV:.V..• .. V Ii.trks;'; . .- Pass 8/13 350 STA 11 + 25 48 106.8 12.5 '- 91 7 8/13 351 V STA (31 +00)13+00 48 109.1 13.1 92 7 Pass 8/16 352 . STA 3O+40 V 88, 106.3 15.1 97 18 Pass 8/16 353 STA (33 + 00) 15+00 . 104 115.4 13.0 94, 12 V Pass 8/16 354 STA 3O+40 V 91 112.1 11.0 92 12 Pass 8/16 355 V STA (32+75)14+75 V 106 110.7 17.2 94 13 V Pass 8/16 356 STA 3O+40 96 101.3 20.0 93 18 Pass 8/16 357 STA30+75 V 95, V 102.5 21.2 94 18 Pass 8/16 358 STA (32+00)14+00 - 105 99.0 V 20.2 91 18 V Pass V 8/16 359 V STA (31 + 15) 13+ 15 V V 105 . 98.8 23.3 91 18 Pass' 8/16 360 V STA 44+7Y . 90 103.6 15.2 95 18 Pass V 8/16 361 STA 44+00 V V 93 108.7 11.0 92 13 Pass 8/16 362 STA 44+25 V :96 103.4 16.2 92 10 . Pass 8/16 363 STA 44 + 35 . 98 V 98.1 20.4 90 18 Pass 8/16 364 STA 43+85 V 101 104.6 15.1 93 10 Pass 8/17 365 STA 44+50 . 103 108.5 12.3 92 13 Pass 8/17 366 STA 44 + 00 . . 105 103.5 V 8.9 88 13 367 V Fail, moisture 8/17 367 366 STA 44 + 00 V 105 4086 11.0 92 13 Pass 8/17 368 STA 44+75 V V 107 107.1 11.7 91 13 Pass 8/17 369 . STA 44 + 50 V 113.9 8.4 97 13 370 Fail, moisture 8/17 370 369 STA 44 + 50 95 105.9 19.9 97 18 Pass 8/17 371 STA 45+00 V 109 103.6 18.8 95 18 V Pass 8/17 372 STA 44+50 V 98 106.5 14.4 90 13 Pass 8/17 373 STA 44+65 V V 100 107.8 12.2 92 13 Pass V 8/17 374 '.- STA 44+75 . 103, 105.9 13.7 90 V 13 - Pass 8/17 375 STA 45+00 V . 112 108.9 . 13.0 93 13 Pass 8/17 376 STA 42+25 V , 97 103.4 19.1 95 V 18 Pass 8/17 377 STA 41 +00 •V 88 104.2 20.0 92 17 . Pass 8/17 V 378 V STA 42+50. V 91 101.8 19.7 94V 18 . Pass 8/17 379 STA 45+ 10 ' . V 107 106.1 15.5 90 13 V V Pass 8/18 380 STA 4I+30 97 110.1 11.9 90 Il Pass 8/18 381 STA 44+15 . 109 99.5 18.2 92 18 V V Pass 8/18 382, STA 44+85 V 115 112.2 98 .93 19 Pass V 8/18 383 STA 44+00 V V 111 103.8 15 92 10 Pass 8/17 384 STA (44+60)8+ 50 114 110.9 9.6 91 12 VVVV Pass I- 51 410002 011/51I9L486doc Page 11 of 20 December 9 1999 Copyright 1999 Kleinfelder, Inc I I * - • '.1f --*..' KLEIN FE 1 0 E R TABLE 5 (continued) CO, SUMMARY Project: Faraday Avenue Grading and Drainage Improvements Project No. 51-410002-Oil R Date I ____JNo St ofFt t I oi tiin STA (43 +25)7+25 Ft) JEF. Dnsit PCO Cotit 9.1 r ( ow (/) No 13 I 386B bNoJ R in irL 8/17 385 100 108.3 92 Fail, moisture 8/17 386 385 STA (434:25)7+25 '-- 100 106.1 11.9 90 13 Pass 8/17 387 STA(43+25)7+25 ., '103 - 107.0 13.3 ,92 13 -- Pass 8/17 388 STA (43 + 25)7 + 25 - 105 107.8 13.0 92 13 ' Pass 8/17 389 STA (39+50)3+50 101 109.9 10.2. 91 19 Pass 8/17 390 STA (41+00)5+50 - 108 • 114.2 11.0 95 19 ' Pass 8/19 391 STA (39+50)3+50 105 107.7 10.8 90 19 Pass 8/19 392 STA (42+00)6+80. 110 107.3 12.7 91 13 - Pass 8/19 393. STA (45 + 25)9 +.25 . .- 120 108.4 13.8 92 13 Pass 8/19 394 - STA (40+00)4+00 . ;. 108 111.4 11.7 93 19 Pass 8/19 395 STA (43+00)7+00 . .118 101.8 . 14.0 90 10 'Pass 8fl9 396 STA (40,+ 50) 4 +'50 . -111 103.8 20.3 91 17 Pass 8/19 397 STA 9 + 40 (45 + 50) 121 104.5 14.6 92 17 Pass 8/19 398 STA (43+00)7+00 122 110.1 12.3 92 19 Pass 8/19 399 STA (40+00)4+00 .' .110 104.1 15.0 92 17. Pass 8/19 400 STA (32 + 00) 14 + 00 109 102.1 15.4 90 17 . Pass- 8/19 401 STA (43 + 00) 7+00 . 126 109.0 11.7 93 13 . Pass 8/19 .402 . STA (39+85)3 +85 . -- 113: 99.5., 14.1 92 9 . Pass 8/19 403 STA 50 + 00 - - •. 83 109.4 12.0 93 13 - Pass 8/20 . 404 - STA 50+25 -. . 86' - 107.1 15.1 91 - 13 '- Pass 8/20 405 STA (32+00)14+00 . - iii 103.4 14.9 92 10 Pass 8/20 406 . STA 49+70 . 87, . 106.9 11.1 91 13 Pass 8/20 407 -. STA 50 + 25 89. .102:3 180 - 90 17 - Pass 8/20 408 STA 50 + 40 . 91 107.3 12.9 91 . . 13 '. - Pass 8/20 409 . . STA SO±40 * . -93 107.9 12.2 92 13 Pass 8/20 410 STA SO+25 . - 95 109.0 12.2 93 13 - - - Pass 8/20 411 STA 5O+25 96 115.6 .12.9 - 96 19 - Pass 8/20 412 STA 51+00 - 100 114.4 10.5 95 19 - - Pass 8/20 . 413 STA SO+40 99 112.1 13.1 95 13 . Pass 8/23 414 STA 51 +10 . - 102 112.3 10.4 93 19 Pass 8/23 415 -• STA SI+50 '105 103.7 15.6 92 10 Pass 8/23' - 416 STA 51 +20 - -- 104- 106.0 11.7.- 90 13 Pass 8/23 417. STA S6+00 88. 111.8 11:4 93 19 . . Pass 8/23 - 418 - STA S1+25 . -- 106' 110.7-. 13.2 94 13 Pass 8/23 419=STA 51+50 . 108. 107.2 12.2 91 13 . Pass 51-410002-011/5119L486.doc Copyright 1999 Kleinfelder, Inc. IE1 K I E I N F E I D E R - Project No. 51-410002-011 S -- S•.S_ . . S I.U(atlut! Ak, RtICSl I)r' IU\it - - Of Moist ( ti(. Ilti ( (liii 5 No. _ 20 VVV Rcti,ted IR ",u. '5 It mar I,-. 11 Pass 8/23 420 STA 56+00 90 l01.2 18.2 93 8/23 421 STA 5I+00 V V 109 101.9 18.3 , 90 10 Pass 8/23 422 STA 49+50 - 110 107.7 11.7 91 13 V Pass 8/23 423 - STA 49+ 50 - .: 112 109.2 11.4 91 13 Pass 8/23 424 V STA 56 + 00 V 92 - 106.9 16.6 V 91 13 ' Pass 8/23 -425 STA 53+50 V V 108 105.3 17.7 93 10 Pass 8/23 426 STA 5I+00 113 103.4 16.1 92 10 - Pass 8/24 427 STA 56+50 V V 94 1063. 12.7 90 13 . Pass 8/24 428 STA 49+00 . 116 111.7 12.0 93 19 Pass 8/24 429 V STA 53+50 110 107.3 12.4 91 13 . Pass 8/24 430 STA SO+90 115 110.9 14.3 94 13 V Pass - 8/24 431 STA S6+00 - 98 109.6 11.9 93 13 Pass 8/24 432 STA 54 + 00 . . . 5 III V 107.9 12.4 92 13 - Pass 8/24 433 STA 5O+50 V V 118 108.8 13.1 92 13 - V Pass 8/24 434. STA 53+50 V 114 106.0 11.2 90 V 13 Pass - 8/24 V 435 STA S5+00 V 105 110.9 11.8 94 13 V V Pass 8/25 436 STA 49 + 50 - 106 99.7 17.8 92 20 V Pass 8/25 437 STA S5+50 V . 121 109.1- 12.4 93 13 Pass 8/25 438 STA 55+50 V V 123 107.6 13.3 91 13 Pass 8/25 439 STA 50 + 90 - - -. - 120 109.8 12.9 90 12 Pass 8/25 440 STA 53+75 . - - ,117 105.8 18.1 97 9 Pass 8/25 441 STA S9+25 - 91 108.9 11.2 92 13 Pass '8/25 442 STA 58 + 50 - 92 110.3 12.9 94 13 V Pass 8/25 443 STA 58 + 50 VV S . 94 104.4 16.7 96 17 - Pass 8/25 444 STA 13+06(31+ 10) _116. - 110.4 11.4 92 1 - Pass 8/25 445 '. STA 14 + 00 (32 + 00) - - 119 120.0 V 11.2 97 4 Pass 8/25 446 - STA 13 + 50 (31 + 50) - 122 120.2 11.7 97 4 Pass 8/25 447 STA 13+06 (31 + 10) 123 V 116.5 12.2 95 4 V Pass 8/25 448 STA 14 + 75 (32 + 75) V 120 119.7 11.6 97 - 4 . -. - Pass 8/25 449 STA 10 + 40 (28 + 00) -- . 100 118.9 12.3 96 4 Pass V 8/26 450. i STA 59+25 . . - 95 .108.2 13.1 90 19 Pass 8/26 451 STA 57+25 , -. 96- 112.7 11.9 94 19 Pass 8/26 452 STA 58 + 80 - V 98 98.4 19.2 91 18 - - Pass 8/26 453 V STA 10 + 00 (28 + 00) V 96 - 110.8 14.5.. 91 3 . Pass 8/26 454 STA 13 + 60 (31 + 60) . - 130 110.2 - 16.5 - 91 3 'Pass 8/26 455 - STA 8 + 50 (26 + 50) 80 112.1 15.0 92 3 Pass 51-410002-011/5119L486.doc Copyright 1999 Kleinfeldei-, Inc. December 9, 1999 k9 KLEI:N F ELDER 4? Project No 51-410002-011 I s'-'t _____ Ret'.t '1 lest - - - - Loei.tiun. . '- ." I .Ii. It.i F), y l)criiR . . . ( 'it. \liiist . ( I "o. am- ..0 S.unple . - -. ..\o. . Rt.ist-d . . 'r ''Remarks At' ) ,- 8/26 456 STA 8 + 60 (26 + 60) 82 110.8 13.3 91 3 Pass 8/26 457 STA 7 + 00 (25 + 00) . 80 111.7 14.7 92 3 Pass 8/26 458 " STA 13+50(31+50) - 133 112.8 .13.0 92 3 . Pass 8/26 459 STA 58 + 00 99 107.0 11.4 91 13 Pass 8/26 460 STA S9+75 •.. '102 105.6, 15.9 93 17 Pass 8/26 461 . STA 57 + 75 ' . 103. 104.2 16.2 92 17 Pass 8/26 462 STA 6O+00 .106 105.1 18.7 93 17 Pass 8/27 463. STA 59+85 . 07 111.8 14.0 93 19 Pass 8/27 464 . STA S8+25 104 103.9 16.4 91 17 Pass 8/27 465 STA 57 + 75 ' . 107 100.2 19.4 95 16 . . ' Pass 8/27 466 STA 60 + 25 .c. 109 108.5 13.2 92 13 VV . Pass 8/27 467 STA S7+50 . 108 110.3 13.8 94 13 . Pass 8/27 468 STA 58+00 . 110 109.3 14.2 93 13 Pass 8/27 469 STA 59 + 75 V V 112-104.0-.-21.4 92 17 . Pass 8/27 470 . STA 59 + 25 114 109.4 "14.2 ' 93 13 Pass 8/27 471 'V STA S7+75 .113 109.7 13.3 93 . 13 Pass 8/27 472 STA 60 + 00 115 113.4 13.5 96 13 Pass 8/30 473 B STA 8 + 50 (26 + 60) . ' 84 110.9 15.5 90 11 Pass 8/30 474 ' B STA 8 + 65 (26 + 75) - 86 110.1 15.1 - 90 . 11 Pass 8/30 475 B STA 11+00(29+15) 101, 114.1 16.0 93 II ' Pass 8/30 - 476 B STA 7 + 50 (25 + 60) - 84 112.4 13.8 92 II Pass 8/30 477 STA 9 + 50(27 -f60) .. - . 98' - 106.4 16.4 94 JO Pass 8/30 478 STA 6 + 50 (24 + 60) 105.6 . 12.1 94 --1-0.,• Pass 8/30 479 STA 9 + 40 (27 + 50) . 901 . 107.7 - 16.5 95 10 Pass 8/30 480 STA 7 + 50 (25 + 60) 93 106.3 17.1 94 10 ' Pass 8/30 481 STA 8 + 50 (26 + 60) - .98 107.7 '13.9 95 10 Pass 8/30 482 . STA 11+00(29+10) ' 104 . 114.1 12.5 97 13 ' Pass 8/30 483 STA 8 + 00 (26 + 00) ' . . - 98 110.8 12.1 94 13 Pass 8/31 484 .." STA 9 + 00 (27 + 00) ' 104 110.4 14.7 94 13 " ' Pass 8/31 485 STA 7 + 50 (25 + 60) 98 111.7 13.2 90 4 . Pass 8/31 486 -. STA 9+00(27+00)' . 106 111.6 13.8 90 4 ' -. Pass 8/31 487 STA 8 +00 (26 + 00) . 103 113.1 16.0 91 4 , Pass 8/31 488 STA 10 + 00(28+00) ' 109 109.9 , 15.1. 92 7 - Pass 8/31 489 STA 24+60 86 111.8 , 15.6 95 7 -Pass 8/31 - 490 STA 8 + 50 (26 + 60) ' . ' 108 '110.1 17.0 93 7 Pass 8/31 491 STA7+00(25+ 10) 100 113.1 14.9 91 4 . Pass - 'S Ifi K LE IN F ELDER Project No. 51-410002-011 V - rest V 'Nfl. -E RctlV cE ('1 1tt . V• . I.outtin . . .c I k I t.) . Ut', 1)&'riil PjMoist '- ( out. EtI ( ' f'so. - by 'No . kcm.i I,s - Pass 8/31 492 STA24+50 88 110.0 13.7 93 13 , . 8/31 493 STA IO+00(28+00) 115 V 112.2 15.9 95 13 Pass 8/31 494 STA 25 + 40 . V 91 109.0 12.0 92 13 Pas 8/31 495 STA 8 + 00(26+00) 111 107.9 16.0 92 131 . Pass 9/I 496 STA 11 + 50 (29 +50) 120 111.2 10.9 94 13 Pass 9/1 497 STA 2 + 50 (25 + 60),-:114 106.5 15.1 90 13 Pass 9/1 498 STA 9 + 75 (27+ 75) 125 106.7 13.9 90 13 Pass 9/1 499 STA 8 + 00 (26 + 00) ' 118 109.8 14.0 93 13 Pass 9/1 500 STA 10+50(28+50) . 129 111.2 12.4 94 13 Pass 9/1 501 STA 9 + 00 (27 + 00) V 1271, 109.8 14.1 93 7 Pass 9/1 502 STA 7 + 00 (25 + 10) V 11131 112.4 14.7 95 7 Pass 9/1 503 STA 10+00(28+00) 133 115.1 12.1 93 4 V Pass 9/1 504 . V STA 8 + 50 (26 + 50) . V.129 116.6 12.4 94 4 Pass 9/1 505 V STA 10 + 50 (28 + 00) V 136 114.9 14.1 93 4 Pass 9/I 506 V' STA 11 + 50 (29 + 50) 126 109.7 14.0 93 3 V Pass 9/I 507 STA II + 00 (29 + 00) 137 108.7 15.6 92 7 Pass 9/1 508 STA 9 + 50 (27 + 50) . 140 108.0 16.1 92 7 Pass 9/1; 509 STA I2+28(48±45) .. .132' 94.7 21.9 * 90 . 10 Pass 9/1 510 STA 11+31(47+45) V 133 102.7 13.4 91 10 Pass 9/I 511 STA 12+80(49+00) 134 99.4' 16.7 88 tO 512 Fail 9/1 512 V 511 STA I2+80(49+00) . 134' 101.9 16.3 90 10 Pass 9/I 513 STA 10 + 90 (47 + 00) '134 101.6 14.0 90 10 - ' ,Pass 9/2 514 STA7+00(25+I0) V' ' 126- 111.5 14.1 95 7 . Pass 9/2 515 STA SO+50 -123 104.1 17.9 92 17 Pass 9/2 516 STA SO+50 • 125 108.2 13.0 92 7 V Pass 9/7 517 STA 6 + 75 (42 + 75) 114 97.1 - 22.4 92 16 V Pass 9/7 518 STA 7 + 50 (43 + 50) 116 95.7 23.6 91 16 Pass 9/8 519 - STA 11+50(47+60) 137 104.6. 16.5 93 10 V Pass 9/8 V 520 . STA 3.+ 25 (39 + 00) - 119 103.4 15.7 92 10 Pass 9/8 521 STA 11+50(47+60) 139 101.7 16.9 90 10 . Pass 9/8 522 STA 12 + 00(48+10) . 142 . 973 22.4: 92 16 Pass 9/8 523 . STA S8+00. 115 98.7 l9.I 87 17 524 Fail 9/8 524 523 STA S8+00 V 115 103.4 18.9 91 17 Pass 9/8 525 . STA I2 + 75 (48 + 85) 148 100.0 20.5 95 16 Pass 9/8 526 STA S4+50 117 104.0 18.9 92 17 Pass 9/8 1 527 STA S7+00 118 V 97.9 21,2 93 16 . Pass 51-410002-0II/5119L486.doc Copyright 1999 Kleinfelder, Inc. V December. 9, 1999 V. I).itt - :a_,• _h. ltt - - I .tlirt - -' jVV= - - - - 11.1 ::-:. I)iiiI . - - 'ioistJLiJ ( ii. V - 'I'd ) ( V 1I V VV -- !' ', i. Vj1VLV - 9/8 528 STA 59 + 00 116 101.9 22.0 96 16 Pass 9/8 529 V ' STA 13 +10 (49+20) 152 96.1 21.4 91 16 Pass 9/8 530 STA 6O+50 120 106.3 19.1 94 10 V Pass 9/9 531 STA 59 + 50 V V 122 99.4 22.3 94 16 Pass 9/9 532. STA S7+00 V 119 100.1 21.3 95 16 Pass .9/9 533 V STA S3+75 V• V V 116 105.2 19.3 93 17 V V Pass 9/9 534 V STA 12 +'65 (48 + 75) . 158 101.4 19.8 90 10 . Pass 9/9 535 - STAS3+75 V 118 106.2 14.7 94 10 Pass 9/9 536 STA 54 + 00 . ' V 120 V Y108.21. 14.0 92 13 V Pass V 9/9 537 V STA 12 + 85 (48 + 95) V 155 102.4 A0.9 90 12 V Pass 9/9 538 STA S3+75 - •... '122 106.7 . 18.5 94 17 Pass 9/9 539 STA SS+75 ' V 117 108.4 13.9 92 13 Pass 9/9 V 540 STA 5S+75 ' V 119 109.4 ,14.7 97 10 . Pass 9/9 541 STA-60+75 .. •.. 122 105.5 20.4 .93 17 Pass 9/9 542 STA 52 + 50 V ', .123 100.8 21.4 95 16 Pass 9/9 543 STA 53 +,615., V . 125 V 110.4 12.0 ' 94 7 . Pass 91'9 544 STA 13 + 25 (49 + 156 V 109.0 1 1 1 1.5 92 13 V ,, Pass 9/9 545 V STA 56+00 ' '121' 97.7 22.8 93 16 . Pass 9/9 546 STA S3+50 1127. 101.4 19.6 96 16 . . Pass 9/9 547 STA 58+00 120 104.0 18.2 92 17 V Pass 9/9 548 . STA 61 +00 . 120 107.2 13.1 91 V 13 V Pass 9/9 549 V V STA SS+00 V V120 101.4 20.3 96 16 V Pass 550 STA S4+00 . 130 108.4 V 16.1. 96 10 Pass 9/9 551 STA 13+20(41+30) . 159 108.9 12.4 92 13 Pass 9/9 552 STA 56 + 50 . . 125 .:99.5 '23.2 94 16 Pass 9/9 553 STA 13 + 50 (49 + 60) 162 110.4 13.8 V 94 13 V Pass 9/9 554 STAS4+00 - 132 109.1 12.6 93 V 13 Pass 9/9 555 STA S6+20 V 'V 129 103.5 17.7 91 17 ' Pass 9/9 556 STA 53 + 75 . : . 1134 18.1 94 16 . Pass 9/9 557 STA I3+25(49+35) - 164, 103.4 19.1 91 17 - Pass 9/9V 558 STA S6+00 ' 133 108.2 12.0 92 13 ' , Pass 9/9 559 STA 53 + V V, 139 104.6 19.7 93 10 V Pass 9/9 560 V STA S9+50 V V 122 110.1 13.5 93 13 - Pass 9/9 561 STA S3+50 147 106.8 173 95 10 Pass 9/9 562 V STA55+85 V• 139 104.1, 19.7 93 10 V Pass 9/9 - 563 STA 53+75 V 151 103.1 18.0 91 10 j Pass (Itf)= 100.9 \1vk71 ( 20.8 io 10 It&ct&f - 9/9 564 STA 56 +25 147 90 Pass 9/9 565 STA 5S+75 • 150 103.2 18.1 92 10 Pass 9/10 566 STA 58+50 choker 124 107.0 16.5 95 10 Pass 9/13 567 STA 53 + 50 choker 123 103.0 12.1 91 17 - Pass 9/13 568 STA S6+00choker . 121 104.9 12.8 92 17 Pass 9/13 569 STA 60+00 choker 126 104.1 19.6 92 17 Pass 9/13 570 STA 55 + 75 choker 124 108.2 11.6 92 13 - Pass 9/14 571 ' STA 37+50w/schoker . FG 108.8 11.0 92 13 Pass 9/14 572 STA 34 + 50w/s choker - FG 113.1 9.7 96 13 Pass 9/14 573 * STA 36 + 00 e/s choker FG 113.3 10.3 96 13 Pass 9/23 574 STA 60 + 50 . FG 113.8 12.4 96 7 Pass 9/23 575 STA 59 + SOn/s choker. FG 113.3 12.5 96 7 Pass 9/23 576 ' STA 58+00 . FG 115.8 13.2 96 7 Pass 9/23 577 STA 23 + 50 c/d slope FG 106.7 12.8 90 13 . Pass 9/23 578 . STA 25 + 00 c/d slope FG 102.8 13.0 91 10 . Pass 9/23 579 STA 30 + 00 c/d slope • FG 105.6 11.8 93 10 . Pass 9/24 580 STA 41 + 50 c/d slope ' FG . 97.5 15.8 90 18 Pass 9/24 581 . STA 41 +00 c/d slope FG 1001 98.2 ' 16.0 90 18 Pass 9/24 582 - STA 3 + 50 (39 + 50).c/d slope FG 107.7 ,9.0 90 19 . ,Pass 9/24 583 STA 6 + 00 (42 + 00) c/d slope ' 100.3 15.4 93 Pass12 f 18 9/24 584 . STA 7+80(43 + 80) c/d slope FG 103.8 16.8 92 10 Pass 9/24 585 STA 44 + 00 c/d slope 99.9 17.3 93 18 ' Pass 9/24 586 STA 45 + 00 c/d slope 100' 109.3 12.0 93 7 " . .. Pass 9/24 587 . STA 19 + 00 c/d slope 50 110.4 9.8 94 13 Pass' 9/24 588 STA 21+OO c/d slope '60 106.1 19.0 90 7 . Pass 9/27 589 . STA 6 + 00 (24 + 00) slope 95 118.2 9.8 ' 95 4 Pass 9/27 590 STA 6 + 80 (24 ± 80) slope . 105 110.9 8.5 90 4 Pass 9/27 591 STA 6 + 50 (24 + 50) choker 90 109.5 12.2 93 13 Pass 9/27 592 STA 8 + 00 (26 + 00) slope 120 112.4 . 8.9 91 4 Pass 9/27 593 STA 8 + 50 (26 +.50) slope ' 110 106.2 11.6 90 7 Pass 9/27 594 STA IO+50 140 111.5 12.3 90 4 Pass 9/27 595 STA 10+50 slope . 115 107.8 12.7 91 13 . Pass 9/27 596 STA 11'+'75 slope . 125 106.6 9.7 90 13 Pass 9/27 597 STA 12 + 00 choker - 103 107.1 9.8 91 . 7 Pass December'9, 1999 - Ji.i1 I c't - Rctet - . HI I - - - - -. - I oi.itnn 5 .. . gg L_.. - - -5-- STA 13 + 50 slope - - - 130 kFt.) r 1),', .I)tiisit 1_ .i1 105.8 n ',1cit I - ( nt. 10.4 - Rd. 111*: \O. S••"- . 2 Retésttf- l) - -, -- ____ 9/27 598 90 13 - Pass 9/27 599 STA 13+75slope, 115 106.1 10.0 90 13 - Pass 9/27 600 STA 15+25 slope - 110 101.7 12.5 90 - 10 - Pass 9/29 601 STA 16 + 58 pedestrian . 42 109.9 13.8 90 5 . Pass 9/29 602 STA 16+42 pedestrian - 45 110.4 13.1 . 90 5 - Pass 9/29 603 STA 16 + 58 pedestrian 47 107.8 12.0 91 7 - . Pass 9/29 604 STA 16 + 42 pedestrian 49 109.2 12.8 93 7 Pass 9/29 605 . STA II+15(47+25) 137 - 99.0 11.0 91 9 Pass 9/29 606 STA 11 + 70 (47 -f:70) . 146 98.6 14.4 91 9 Pass 9/29 607 STA II + 75 (47 +35 159 102.9 12.4 91 10 Pass 9/29 608 STA 12 + 35 (48+ 40) - 161 104.4 14.4 93 10 - Pass 9/29 609 - - STA 12 + 40 (48 + 42) 141 - . 106.1 12.2 94 10 - Pass 9/29 610 STA 12+95(49+ 50) .161 110.8 . 11.7 94 13 Pass 9/29 611 STA 13+15(49+70) . 148 7 104.6 8.1 93 Pass 9/29 612 STA I3+45(50+ 10) - 139 111.6 13.7 95 13 Pass 9/29 613 - STAS2+65 . - - - 139 106.3 11.0 90 13 Pass 9/29 614 STA S3+60 - 150 105.3 10.2 93 10 - Pass 9/29 615 STA 54 + IS . 130 107.5 10.2 95 10 Pass 9/29 - 616 STA 5S+65 - 140 107.1 8.1 95- 10 -Pass. 9/30 617 - STA S6+25 - 145 105.7 9.0 94 10 Pass 9/30 618 STA 6O+00RTside - 116 95.5 17.2 91 16 - Pass 9/30 619 STA S9+50RTside, - 117 95.0 15.1 90 16 - Pass 9/30 620 - STA 59+00 RI side 113 101.5 - 15.8 94 9 . Pass 9/30 621 STA 58 + SORT side 112 96.6 17.2 92 16 . - Pass 9/30 622 STA 58 + 00 RI side - - . 115 106.7 16.5 - 98 6 . Pass 9/30 623 STA 57 +,50 RI side • 116 101.0 - 13.8 93 9 - Pass .9/30 624 . STA 57 + 00 RI side - 114 96.8 16.4 92 - 9 - Pass 9/30 625 - STA 56 + 50 RT side 111 99.0 16.5 - 94 9 Pass 9/30 .626 STA 56 + 00 RI side . 112 96.4 12.3 91 9 - Pass 9/30 627 STA 55 + 50 RI side - - 116 . 95.8 16.5 91 9 Pass 9/30 628 - STA 54 + 50 RT side 113 99.0 15.1 94 9 . Pass 9/30 629 - STA 53 + 50 RI side - 119 96.2 12.8 91 9 . Pass 9/30 630 STA SI + 50 RT side = 120 96.3 14.4 91 91 Pass 9/30 -. 631 STA 50 + 00 RI side - 115 - 97.2 14.7 - 92 9 Pass 9/30 6321 - STA 12+50. - - FG 114.8 10.0 97 13 . Pass 9/30 03 STA 14 + 50 -.. FG 113.9 9.8 97 13 Pass III KLEINFELDER Project No. 51-410002-011 Id J).iic 4 ' I t.t - ',u. L. '-E' IIt'.t V of Itt I R:itiiti V I Ii.' I Li I ii I I)criut - - \lni t ( wit. - (01111) V I(I. '. ii pit - "' 13 Rt\ted t) ' Rem L Pass 9/30 634 STA 23 +50 FG 113.1 9.1 96 9/30 635 STA 25 + 50 ' FG 112.4 9.9 95 13 Pass 9/30 636 STA 30 + 50 FG,113.9 8.7 95 19 Pass 9/30 637 STA 32+00 - FG 116.7 A.4 98 13 Pass 9/30 638 STA 3 + 50 (21 + 50) .. FO 119.7 10.7 97 4 . Pass 9/30 639 STA 5 + 50 (23 + 50) FG 110.2 14.3 98 10 V Pass 9/30 640 -' STA 8 + 50(26 + 50) FO V V 110.4 13.9 98 10 V Pass 9/30 641 STA II+50(29+50) V FG 113.1- 8.8 96 13 Pass 10/1 642 STA 34+00 V FG 110.6 8.8 98 10 Pass 10/1 643 STA 32+50 FG 113.6 V 9.1 96 13 Pass 10/I 644 STA 40 + 25 FG V 102.9 .9.9 92 10 Pass 10/1 645 * STA 44+00 FG 119.0 8.4 96 4 V Pass V AREAS TO BE REWORKED STA 12+70 TO 12+905' WIDE 10/I 646 STA 5O+00 V FG V 111.9 12.7 99 10 Pass 10/I 647 STA 52+50 FG, 115.7 V 11.0 96 19 Pass 10/I 648 STA 5S+00 . FG 116.8 .10.1 97 19 V V Pass 10/4 649 STA 18+50 ' - FG 116.9 9.1 99 13 V Pass' 10/4 650 STA 36+00 FO 111.5 10.2 . 95 13 Pass 8/2 SDI Type "F" Box STA 20 + 73 55 107.9 15.0 92 13 V V - Pass 8/2 SD2 Type "F" Box STA 20 + 73 . 58; 106.8 15.6 91 13 Pass 8/30 SD3 MH STA 11+ 00 . .. -2' 111.4 11.0 90 4 , Pass 9/1 SD4 . MH PIPE STA 11 + 00 -2' 114.2 10.8 92 4 Pass V -9/1 SD5 STA 10+ 50 V : . V FSG 105.8 12.0 90 13 V V Pass 9/1 SD6 STA 10+25 .' FSG 107.9 12.9 92 13 - Pass 9/2 SD7 STA 53 + 00 V - -15' 104.2 16.3 92 10 Pass 9/2 SD8 '' STA 00 ' -13' V 105.0 f5.8 93 10 Pass 9/2 SD9 - STA 53+00 V -10'.. 104.8 16.0 93 10 Pass 9/2 SDIO V STA S8+00 l6' 103.7 15.3 91 17 V Pass 9/2 SDI STA 6O+00 -10' 107.4 17.1 94 17 Pass V 9/7 SDI2 V STA S3+ 10 -8' 107.1 14.7 94 17 Pass 9/7 SDI3 Box Culvert STA 53 + tO V 10, 105.0 15.1 93 17 Pass 9/7 SDI4 STA 50 + 70 -5' ' 107.9 12.4 92 ' 13 Pass 9/7 SDIS - STA 49+ 10 - -4' 109.0 12.6 921 13 Pass 9/7 SDI6 STA 53 + 10 - V V -1O 99.4. 28.3 - 94 16 V Pass 9/7 SDI7 STA 55 + 10 V 3', 104.7 15.2 17 V Pass 9/7 SDI8 STA 4I+00__ - V V 105.6 17.8 V 10 V Pass December 9, 1999 .1 1 - - -. •, 1, •, TABLE 5 (continued) COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY Project: Faraday Avenue Grading and Drainage Improvements ' IIKI.EINFELDER Project No. 51410002-011 te 1 .1etRetet I N SDI9 [ Pt ?[ 0 ti fl Box Culvert STA 41 + 00. !ry D ISIt nst ( ont 14 RL Co [ p 94, Ri rnrk Pass 9/8 106.4 17 9/8 SD20 Box Culvert STA 24 + 25 +4': 107.6 13,3 91 13 Pass 9/8 SD21 - Box Culvert STA 3 + 25 . +4' 109 12.2 92 13 Pass 9/8 ' SD22 Box Culvert Far West STA 15 + 00 •111 13.4 94 13 Pass 9/8 SD23 Box Culvert STA 11+00 East +4 105.8 11.2 90 13 Pass 9/8 SD24 Box Culvert STA 11+00 East +6 109.1 '13.6 93 13 Pass 9/8 SD25 - Box Culvert STA 11+00 West - +4 111.6 14.1.. 95 13 Pass 9/8 SD26 Box Culvert STA 11 + 00 West +6 . 107.7 13.7 91 - .13 , . Pass 9/21 SD27 . . STA 10+ 45 , ' 52 106.7 15.3 95 10 . Pass 9/21 SD28 STA IO+28 - , ., 52 108.0 13.8 96 . 10 : Pass 9/23 SD29 - STA SS+25 . , ' ,-3' 112.1 12.9 95 13 ., Pass 9/23 SD30 STA SS+50 . - - 1 107.5 11.1 91 13 Pass 9/28 SD3I STA 53+08 Box Culvert . - :3' 107.2 - 14.0 91 13 - - Pass 9/28 SD32 ' .' STA 53 + 08 Box Culvert - i 106.4 . 13.5 90 - 13 Pass 9/29 SD33 STA 16 + 85 Box Culvert - -2 ' 106.8 14.0 91 13 . Pass 9/30 SD34 ' ' STA 36+57Bo,RTSide ' 92 109.4 .12.3 93 13 Pass 9/30 SD35 STA 36 + 57 Box LT Side . '. , '92 106.0 .13.3_- . 90 13 . -. Pass - 10/4 SD36 STA 36 + 57 Box LT Side -' 110.6 . 12.5 94 13 ' . Pass 10/4 SD37. - STA 36 + 57 Box RI Side, ' '. 1 i - 108.9 13.8 92 . 13 . . Pass 9/13 1 . STA 11 + 00 . - - FSG 109.1 :12.7 92 13 - -• Pass 9/13 2 , STA 11+75 FSG 112.4 13.7 . 95 13 . 'Pass 9/13 3 STA I2+50 '. FSG 106.2 11.9 91 13 - Pass 9/13. 4 STA 13+25.'' - . FSG 114.0 13.2- -.96 13 ' Pass 9/13 5 -. ' STA 14+00 '. . FSG 109.8 . 12.0 93 -13 . , Pass I