HomeMy WebLinkAbout3607; FARADAY AVENUE AND EL CAMINO REAL; AS-GRADED COMPACTION REPORT; 2007-02-21City of Carlsbad February 21, 2007 5950 El Camino Real Contract No.: 148015 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: Mr. Bill Lopez Subject: As-Graded Compaction Report Project: Faraday Avenue Improvements Faraday Avenue and El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA Dear Mr. Lopez: In accordance with your request, Testing Engineers—San Diego, Inc. (TESD) has conducted grading observations and compaction testing during the street improvements at the above referenced project site. Services described herein were provided by TESD from October 13, 2006 to January 25, 2007. Street improvements were carried out on the intersection of Faraday Avenue and El Camino Real. The extent of the improvements on Faraday Avenue extended from 600 feet west of El Camino Real to Palmer Way; and on El Camino Real from Faraday Avenue to Station No. 103+54. A representative of this office observed the street improvements in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. The subgrade was scarified 8 inches moisture conditioned and recompacted. Reconstruction of the typical pavement sections consisted of 4 inches of asphalt concrete over 6 inches of aggregate base on Faraday Avenue and 6 inches thick asphalt concrete and aggregate base layers respectively on El Camino Real. Summaries of laboratory and field compaction test results are provided in Appendix A, Tables 1 and 2, respectively. On site and import materials were used for the roadway grading operations. The fill was placed, compacted, and tested for compliance with a minimum 95% relative compaction requirement. It should be noted that the precision of the field and laboratory maximum dry density test results are subject to variation inherent with testing procedures and heterogeneous material characteristics. Quantitative values of testing precision have been documented by the American Society of Testing and Materials. For example, results indicate the accuracy of the ASTM D-1557 test to be plus or minus 4 percent of the mean density. Based on this information, relative compaction results should be interpreted as approximate values subject to variations in lateral and vertical directions. Survey lines and elevations relative to grade modifications, final design grades, locations of various elements, etc., were established by others. Field Monitoring services provided by this office, consisting of visual observation of compaction operations and random in-place density tests, are intended as assistance to the owner/client in monitoring Testing Engineers San Diego, Inc. A Bureau Veritas Company Main: (858) 715-5800 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 Fax (858 715-5810 San Diego, CA 92111 www.us.bureauveritas.com Faraday Avenue Improvements Contract No.: 148015 City of Carlsbad apparent reasonable compliance with the project earthwork specifications. The presence of our field representative during the work progress did not involve any direct supervision of the contractor/subcontractor. Technical advice and suggestions were provided upon request based upon the results of the tests and observations. In any case, no warranty or responsibility for the contractor's performance is intended or implied. Based on the observations and testing made during construction by TESD representatives, it is our opinion that the roadway improvements were constructed in general conformance with the approved project plans and specifications and is considered suitable for the intended use. If you should have any questions after reviewing this report, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (858) 715-5800. Sincerely, Testing Engineers—San Diego, Inc. A Bureau Veritas Company ;J'. *06 Nick Tracy, EIT Staff Engineer No 4W NO. GE-25M Van W. Olin, GE 25 cAu1 Principal Geotechnical Engiir NT/VO: mm Attachments: Appendix A: Table 1 and Table 2 Distribution: (4) Addressee *Includes copies for bldg. dept. submitted. fr *¼ 41 ppendix A A SIN I.. TABLE 1 RESULTS OF MAXIMUM DENSITY TESTS (ASTM-D-1557) SAMPLE # DESCRIPTION MAXIMUM DRY OPTIMUM MOISTURE DENSITY (PCF) CONTENT (%) On-site: Tan Silty SAND 106.0 18.5 2 Import: Rock Base 143.0 7.0 3 Import: Asphaltic Concrete 144.1 4 Import: Gray Rock Base 145.0 6.0 -. . TABLE.2 REPORT OFFlELD"DENSiTY TESTS Contract Number: 148015 . Project Name: ECRlFarady Ave Improvements Location: Carslbad, California Test' Test Moisture Dry Density (pcf) ' Relative Comp. . Conform Sample Test Location . Elev. (ft) . . Date Field Opt. Field Max. Obt. Req. "Non-Conform I I iU,ij/2UUb Ta:4+u on i-araaay west or truarnino on bu 1.11/0 1'Yo I U4.6 lub.0 1/0'. 'Vo eontorm the Eastbound 2 1 10/13/2006 Sta. 5+65 on Faraday west of El Camino on SG 18.5% 18.5% 104.0 106.0 98% 95% Conform the Eastbound 3 1 10/13/2006 Sta. 6+30 on Faraday west of El Camino on SG 18.9% 18.5% 100.9 106.0 95% 95% Conform the EastbOund 4 1 ' 10/13/2006 Sta. 6+95 an Faraday west of El Camino on SG 18.7% 18.5% 105.0 106.0 99% 95% Conform the Eastbound . .. 5 1 10/13/2006 S,ta.7+55on Faraday west of.El Camino on SG 22.9% 18.5% 98.8 106.0 93% 95% Nonconform the Eastbound 6' 1 10/13/2006 Sta. 7+55:on Faraday west of El Camino on SG 15.9% 18.5% 103.4 106.0 98% '95% Conform the Eastbound . 7 2 10/17/2006 Faraday Ave Curb Grade Curb 6.7% 7.0% 137.3 143.0 96% 95% Conform grade 8 • 2 10/17/2006 Faraday Ave Curb Grade • Curb 7.2% 7.0% 136.0 143.0. 95% 95% Conform grade 9 1 10/18/2006 Fire hydrant Trench Sta. 7+50 2' blw FG 17.6% 19.0% 102.6 106.0 97% 95% Conform 10 1 10/18/2006 Fire hydrant..Trench Sta. 7+50 FG. 18.7% 18.5% 100.7 106.0 95% 95% 'Conform 11 1 10/18/2006 Subgrade8+40 • SG '18.2% 18.5% 101.3 106.0 9% • .95% • Conform 12 1 10/18/2006 Subgrade 9+00 SG 19.6% 18.5% 100.9 1060 95% 95% Conform 13 1 10/18/2006. Subg'rade9+20 SG 19.3% 18.5% 102.5 106.0 .97% 95% Conform 14 2 10/24/2006 Faraday Ave Curb & Gutter Sta.4+75 BG 7.1% 7.0% '139.4 143.0 97% 95% Conform 15 2 10/24/2006 Faraday Ave Curb & Gutter Sta. 5+75 BG 68% 7.06/6 137.8 143.0 96% 95% • Conform 16 2 10/24/2006 Faraday Ave Curb & Gutter Stà.6+75 BG 8.3% 7.0% 137.1 1430, 96% 95% Conform 17 2 10/24/2006 Faraday Ave Curb & Gutter Sta. 7+75 BG 7.3% 7.0% 136.5 143.0 '95% 95% Conform 18 2 10/24/2006 Faraday Ave Curb & Gutter'Sta. 9+00 BG 7.0% 7.0% •' 136.3 143.0 956/6 95% Conform 19 2 10/24/2006 Faraday Ave Curb & Gutter Sta. 9+20 BG 7.6% 7.0% 135.7 143.0 95% 95% Conform, 20 2 11/2/2006 Faraday Ave Class 11 Base 4+75 . BG 7.3% .7.0% 137.6 143.0 96% 95% Conform' TABLE 2 REPORT OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Contract Number: 148015 Project Name: ECRlFarady Ave Improvements Location: Carsibad, California I Test I Sample Test I I Test Location I I Elev. (ft) I Moisture I I Dry Density (pcf)I I Relative Comp. I I Conform I I I Date I Field Opt. Field Max. Obt. Req. Non-Conform 21 z 11/21200b i-aradayAve Class II base 5+75 BG 7.5% 70% 135.b 143.0 95% 95% Conform 22 2 11/2/2006 Faraday Ave Class II Base 6+25 BG 7.0% 7.0% 136.4 143.0 95% 95% Conform 23 2 11/3/2006 Faraday Ave Class II Base 6+75 BG 8.5% 7.0% 135.8 143.0 95% 95% Conform 24 2 11/3/2006 Faraday Ave Class II Base 8+00 BG 6.9% 7.0% 136.3 143.0 95% 95% Conform 25 2 11/6/2006 Faraday Ave Class II Base 9+00 FG 8.0% 7.0% 135.5 143.0 95% 95% Conform 26 2 11/6/2006 Faraday Ave Class II Base 9+40 FG 7.5% 7.0% 135.3 143.0 95% 95% Conform 27 2 11/7/2006 Faraday Ave Final Grading Class II Base 4+75 FG 6.7% 7.0% 136.2 143.0 95% 95% Conform 28 2 11/7/2006 Faraday Ave Final Grading Class II Base 6+00 FG 7.1% 7.0% 135.3 143.0 95% 95% Conform 29 2 11/7/2006 Faraday Ave Final Grading Class II Base 8+00 FG 7.0% 7.0% 136.2 143.0 95% 95% Conform 30 3/4" AC 11/8/2006 3/4" AC Faraday Ave 4+75 2.5" Thick 142.3 144.1 99% 95% Conform 31 3/4" AC 11/8/2006 3/4" AC Faraday Ave 5+50 2.5" Thick 144.6 144.1 100% 95% Conform 32 3/4" AC 11/8/2006 3/4" AC Faraday Ave 6+25 2.5" Thick 143.5 144.1 100% 95% Conform 33 3/4" AC 11/8/2006 3/4" AC Faraday Ave 7+00 2.5" Thick 143.7 144.1 100% 95% Conform 34 3/4" AC 11/8/2006 3/4" AC Faraday Ave 7+75 2.5" Thick 143.0 - 144.1 99% 95% Conform 35 3/4" AC 11/8/2006 3/4" AC Faraday Ave 8+25 2.5" Thick 142.8 144.1 99% 95% Conform 36 3/4" AC 11/8/2006 Faraday Ave 9+00 2.5" Thick 142.6 144.1 99% 95% Conform 37 3/4" AC 11/8/2006 Faraday Ave 9+20 2.5" Thick 141.5 144.1 98% 95% Conform TABLE 2 REPORT OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Contract Number: 148015 Project Name: ECRlFarady Ave Improvements Location: Carsibad, California . Test Sample - Test . .Test Location Elev. (ft) Moisture Dry Density (pcf) Relative Comp. Conform .. . -. Date . . Field Opt. Field . Max. Obt. Req. Non-Conform 38 3/4 AC 11/8/2006 Faraday.Ave 9+45 25 Thick 142.0 144.1 99% 95% Conform 39 1 11/17/2006 Faraday Ave Sidewalk Grade4+40-5+40 FG 16.5% 18.5% 102:6 106.0 97% 95% Conform 40 1 11/17/2006 Faraday Ave Sidewalk Grade 6+20-6+50 FG 16.7% 18.5% 103.3 106.0 97% 95% Conform 41 1 11/17/2006 Faraday Ave Sidewalk Grade6+75-6+90 FG 17.0% 18.5% 101.0 106.0 95% 95% Conform. 42 1 11/17/2006 Faraday.Ave Sidewalk Grade 7+30 FG 16.5% 18.5% 101.3 106.0 96% 95% Conform 43 1 11/17/2006 FaradáyAveSidewalk Grade 8+4O FG 18.7% 18.5% 100.7 106.0 95% 95% Conform 44 1 11/17/2006 Faraday Ave Side walk Grade 9+25 - FG 18.5% 18:5% . 101.7 106.0 95% 95% Conform 45 1 11/20/2006. ECR Subgradé 103+00 SG 18.2% 18.5%. 102.5 106.0 97% 95% Conform 46 1 11/20/2006 ECR Subgrade 102+25 SG 17.6% 18.5% 101.6 106.0 96% 95% Conform 47 1 11/20/2006 ECR Subgrade 101+50 SG 17.9% .18.5% 102.0 106.0 96% 95% Conform 48 1 11/20/2006 ECR Subgrade 101+20 SG 17.5% 18.5% 102.1 106,0 96% 95% Conform 49 1 11/21/2006 ECR Subgrade 100+80 SG 17.2% 18-5% 101.8 106.0 96% 95% Conform 50 1 11/2-1/2006 ECR Subgrade 100+40 . SG 17.1% 18.5% 100.8 106.0 95% 95% Conform 51 2 11/29/2006 ECR Curb Grade (Base) 103-125-101+20 BG 7.2% 7.0%. 138.5 .. 143.0 97% 95% Conform. 52 2 11/29/2006 ECR Curb Grade (Base) 103+25-101+20 BG 7.8% 7.0% 135.7 143.0 95% 95% Conform 53 2 11/29/2006 ECR Curb Grade (Base)103+25-101+20 BG 7.1% 7.0% 137.3 143.0 96% 95% . Conforin 54 2 11/30/2006 ECR Base 103+00 . . . BG .8.0% 7.0% 135.0 143.0 94% 95% Nonconform TABLE 2 REPORT OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Contract Number: 148015 Project Name: ECR/Farady Ave Improvements Location: Carslbad, California Test Moisture Dry Density (pcf) Relative Comp. Conform Test Same Test Location Elev. (ft) Date Field Opt. Field Max. Obt. Req. Non-Conform 55 2 11(jUIZUUb ECR Base iu+uu BG 7.67o 7.07o 136.3 14.0 'Yo Conform 56 2 11/30/2006 ECR Base 101+00 BG 6.5% 7.0% 136.6 143.0 96% 95% Conform 57 2 12/1/2006 ECR Final Grading Base 100+75 FG 7.5% 7.0% 136.7 143.0 96% 95% Conform 58 2 12/1/2006 ECR Final Grading Base 101+75 FG 7.2% 7.0% 135.5 143.0 95% 95% Conform 59 2 12/1/2006 ECR Final Grading Base 102+75 FG 8.6% 7.0% 135.3 143.0 95% 95% Conform 60 3 12/15/2006 Right Turn Lane So.bound on ECR 452 So. of 2" AC 136.9 144.1 95% 95% Conform Faraday 61 3 12/15/2006 Right Turn Lane So.bound on ECR 380 So. of 2' AC 137.0 144.1 95% 95% Conform Faraday 62 3 12/15/2006 Right Turn Lane So.bound on ECR 250 So. of 2' AC 137.9 144.1 96% 95% Conform Faraday 63 3 12/15/2006 Right Turn Lane So.bound on ECR 180' So. of 2" AC 138.1 144.1 96% 95% Conform Faraday 64 3 12/15/2006 Right Turn Lane So.bound on ECR 50' So. of 2" AC 137.7 144.1 96% 95% Conform Faraday 65 3 12/15/2006 So.bound on ECR adjacent Faraday 2" AC 139.7 144.1 97% 95% Conform 66 3 12/15/2006 SEC of ECR So. and Faraday 2" AC 138.0 144.1 96% 95% Conform 67 3 12/15/2006 Westbound Faraday shoulder 2" AC 136.8 144.1 95% 95% Conform 68 3 12/15/2006 Entrance to 2351 Faraday & 5815 ECR office 2" AC 137.2 144.1 95% 95% Conform bldgs TABLE 2 REPORT OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Contract Number: 148015 Project Name: ECRlFarady Ave Improvements Location: Carsibad, California I Test I Sample # Test I I I Test Location I I Elev. (ft) I Moisture Dry Density (pc ConformI ___________________________________________ I Relative Comp. I Date Field Opt. Field Max. Obt. Req. Non-Conform bV i 12F1I2UUb Klgnt lurn Lane eastoouna on I-araaay lU 2 A I Jb.9 144.1 b"/o 967o eontorm West of ECR 70 3 12/15/2006 Right Turn Lane eastbound on Faraday 55' 2" AC 138.3 144.1 96% 95% Conform West of ECR 71 3 12/15/2006 Right Turn Lane eastbound on Faraday 120' 2" AC 140.5 144.1 98% 95% Conform West of ECR 72 3 12/15/2006 Right Turn Lane eastbound on Faraday 225' 2" AC 139.4 144.1 97% 95% Conform West of ECR 73 3 12/15/2006 Right Turn Lane eastbound on Faraday 330' 2" AC 138.5 144.1 96% 95% Conform West of ECR 74 3 12/15/2006 Right Turn Lane eastbound on Faraday 390' 2" AC 136.9 144.1 95% 95% Conform West of ECR 75 3 12/15/2006 Right Turn Lane eastbound on Faraday 470 2" AC 138.3 144.1 96% 95% Conform West of ECR 76 3 12/15/2006 Right Turn Lane eastbound on Faraday 550' 2' AC 140.2 144.1 97% 95% Conform West of ECR 77 3 12/15/2006 Right Turn Lane eastbound on Faraday 650' 2' AC 137.0 144.1 95% 95% Conform West of ECR 78 1 1/25/2007 Faraday Ave Eastbound outside Lane @ STA SG 21.0% 18.5% 101.8 106.0 96% 95% Conform 11+50 79 1 1/25/2007 Faraday Ave Eastbound outside Lane © STA SG 20.2% 18.5% 100.7 106.0 95% 95% Conform 13+36