HomeMy WebLinkAbout3622; FARADAY ROAD EXTENSION; FLOOD PLAIN ANAYSIS; 2000-06-14Faraday Roadway Extension! Agua Hedionda Creek Prepared for: The City of Carlsbad -AI -IN -.-- -: . •—i - - K \ - . - --- - .- --- - - !---, - ---- -- - : ---- - - - - . - ---------- - - -._ - - / - - ---.- --p. - ;I • - . ( i - L ... - - - - - - - --.- - -• . LJ - J'. --1ç: - 7\T - - - - __•[ - '- - IL J -Y : - - - -_v - ---- - ,•- - - - - 1 - =-_ -•• -,.' - - -• \ :-_ -'< - - TT N - 1 - - u--- /\.- - - ----- L/N~ j . I—Ai -- -- .- - -- t-- -• - ----•_ -• / - © Kim1ey-Hoi and Associates, Inc. 2000 I 1 IF/N .Kimley-Horn EM N and;Associates,Inc. Kimley-Horn .. 517 Fourth Avenue and Associates. Inc. Suite 301 San Diego, CA 92101 - . TEL 6192349411 Transmittal . . FAX 619 234 9433 Date: June 14, 2000 Job: No: - 095272002 To: Marshall Plantz City of Carlsbad . . 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: FARADAY PROJECT We are sending you . .Z Attached Z Transmitted via: Hand Delivery the following items: fl Shop Drawings fl Prints/Plans fl Samples fl Specifications fl Change Orders Other: . . . . Copies Date No. Description 1 06.14.00 Flood Plain Analysis for Faraday Roadway Extension/Agua These are transmitted as checked below: - fl For your use fl Approved as submitted fl Resubmit. fl Copies for approval fl As requested fl Approved as noted fi Submit fl Copies for distribution For review and comment fl Returned for corrections fl Return fl Corrected prints Remarks Copy to: - , Charles R. Spinks, P.E. * I I I Flood Plain Analysts I . . 4 . I 4 • Faraday Roadway Extension/ Agua Hedionda Creek I I i June 14, 2000 Prepared for The City of Carlsbad I 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 I Prepared by - Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 517 Fourth Avenue, Suite 301 San Diego, CA 92101 -Project No 095272002 I Kimley Horn and Associates Inc 2000 I I I I I Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc I TABLE OF CONTENTS I INTRODUCTION 3 I II METHODOLOGY & ASSUMPTIONS 3 III. CONCLUSIONS .............................................. ..............................................................................................4 I IV REFERENCES 4 I U I I L I I I I I I I I Faraday Roadway Extension/A gua Hedionda Creek Flood Plain Analysis, June 13, 2000' I I I I Kimley-Horn corl . and Associates, Inc. . LIST OF EXHIBITS I 1 HEC-RAS Plan Table I Exhibit Exhibit 2 Agua Hedionda Creek Profile with Water Surface Elevation and I Energy Grade Line Exhibit 3 Agua Hedionda Creek 3-Dimensional Profile with Water Surface Elevation I Exhibit 4 HEC-RAS Cross-Sectional Geometry and Data Exhibit 5 Faraday Avenue Project-Agua Hedionda Creek Hydraulic Study Map LIST OF APPENDICES I Appendix A Rick Engineering Data Appendix B Tables Used for Manmng's 'n' Value and Coefficients I I Appendix C Pictures of Study Area 1 I 1, I Faraday Roadway Extension/A gua Hedionda Creek * Flood Plain Analysis, June 13, 2000 I I I. H U Kimley-Horn V and Associates, Inc. V V . . . V I. INTRODUCTION I . The Agua Hedionda Creek is located in Carlsbad, California. The City of Carlsbad and Kimley-Horn V and Associates have begun designing the extension of Faraday Avenue across the Agua Hedionda Creek (the "Creek") between Orion Street to Melrose Drive (the "Project"). The Project will I .eliminate the need for the Raceway Lift Station for the South Agua Hedionda Sewer and allow gravity flow for the discharges from Vista City and within Carlsbad. The engineering design of the Faraday Avenue extension and the South Aguá Hedionda Sewer are impacted by the water-surface V profile for the Creek. The purpose of this report is to determine the water-surface profile for the I - Creek assisting in the design of the Faraday Avenue extension and the South Agua Hedionda Sewer. ,. ... V.: V V V V - . V V II. METHODOLOGY & ASSUMPTIONS I V V V V • V The water-surface profile results for the Creek are based on two; 100-year, 24-hour peak flow I discharges provided in the Rancho Carlsbad Channel and Basin project (the "Study"). The purpose of the study was to provide recommendations for minimizing the 100-year flooding in the Rancho V . Carlsbad Mobile Home Park. The study recommended the construction of four detention facilities, in I V addition to the existing facilities. The Study provided two discharges, for the existing facilities and V proposed facilities. Both discharges are provided below and are evaluated in the profile study. The Study also provided a downstream water-surface elevation of 55 feet. I.. V.VV V H VH VV,V .VVV V. Creek Peak Discharge from the Peak Discharge with Peak Discharge with Federal Emergency V Existing Detention Existing and Proposed Management Agency Facilities, PF 1 V Detention Facilities, PF2 (cfs) (cfs) . (cfs) Aqua Hedionda V V (upstream of confluence To Be Studied ., 8,050 7,600 with Calaveras Creek) V V (Reference 1) The HEC-RAS computer simulation model was .used to determine the water-surface profile for the Agua Hedionda Creek. Manning's 'n", boundary conditions and engineering values were obtained I from field inspection. Channel geometry, channel cross sections and channel depths were developed from a topographic aerial survey and field checked. Specific bridge and culvert structure geometry was measure in the field. V V I V V Faraday Roadway ExtensionlAgua Hedionda Creek V Flood Plain Analysis, June 13, 2000 I V V V • • V I . V V • V V • V • V V • V V I I J Kimley-Horn .. * and Inc. Associates, I III. CONCLUSIONS • HEC-RAS Table 1 provides the water-surface profile for the Agua Hedionda Creek. The attached map labeled, "Faraday Avenue Project-Agua Hedionda Creek Hydrauliá Study" provides a plan view of the water- surface elevation for a 100-year, 24-hour peak flow. Profile 1 was the only water-surface profile mapped since it was the worst case scenario.. Information in this study can be used during the design of the Faraday Avenue extension and the South Aqua Hedionda Sewer. I FEMA Comparison of the watèrsrface profile from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (the I study "FEMA") against the water-surface profile from the HEC-RAS model is provided on the hydraulic Map. Additional analysis will be completed against the FEMA peak discharge rates. I • .;,. . - - IV. REFERENCES Rick Engineering Company, June 30, 1998, Rancho Carlsbad Channel and Basin Project. Prepared for City of Carlsbad. • . . •. HEC-RAS Computer Program, Hydrologic Engineering Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. H:\P-DRJVE\PROJECFS'095250.s'095272002\Word\7200rp01.doc I I Faraday Roadway Extension/A gua Hedionda Creek . 4 Flood Plain Analysis, June 13, 2000 . • ,.-.•-. I ,. ' - • - -.-- - --.-- - -.- - - -.-..-- - .- 4,4 -4 - .-- -- - I - -. 4,_' ' & - I, -, - -. C., - . R$ cf in IEI ft tk cfitW jp E GE ft ft s qft E GSke4' VI CPit ToW1dth Fiot# . 04 'to 805000 10300 11800 12011 0004027 1360 101597 12400 064 4 I1 . , 760000 10300 11793 11984 0003668 1294 100674 12340 061 iA&SOf 805000 10200 11891 11936 0000954 701 181919 28085 031 760000 10200 11873 11915 0000920 683 176787 278.471 031 805000 10050 11898 11926 0000536 ' 539 215918 27078 024 760000 10050 11879 11906 0000510 522 210935 26912 023 O 805000 10000 11908 11919 0000148 293 325254 29171 013 760000 10000 11889 11899 0000139 281 319728 29000 012 805000 ' 10000 11903 - 11917 0000190 330 307167 32771 014 2 .760000 10000 11884 11897 0000178 317 301089 32342 014 805000 9980 11907 - 11914 0000078 - 221 477586 .-48109 009 i4$ta 760000 9980 t 11888 11894 0000072 211 468534 47522 , 009 4 805000 9950 11890 11911 0000536 615 354646 38653 - 025 PP2- 760000 9950 11872 11892 0000498 589 347865 38034 024 805000 9900 11794 11163 11892 0001671 8.68. 172990 42165 039 ''M 760000 9900 11783 11127 11874 0001551 832 168453 037 Im WIM loom 41755 lz Bridge 805000 9850 11185 11185 11676 0013296 1778 45735 7910 099 760000 9850 11146 11146 . 11620 0013565 1748 43756 7396 099 $dI 805000 9800 10847 10847 11137 0010716 1709 88851 16082 098 760000 9800 10820 10820 11105 0010766 1681 84654 15752 098 'd R, MINE MOM 3Z 805000 9850 10777 -10777 11006 0009387 1497 108065 26618 090 760000 9850 10753 10753 10980 0009494 1478 101899 25627 091 NOW 805000 9850 V.10806 10846 0001203 549 201769 33650 033 760000 9850 10792 10830 0001136 528 197239 33312 032 ,e 4, - 4, -- -p.- . p .- -4 . •. - - '- - 4, -'-- - -. to 66 8-midi"a-Ift Lfti fft) 66 fVft) S9 frt() sft) Ad 805000 9800 10803 10833 0000926 490 234890 36841 029 760000 9800 10789 ________ 10817 0000874 471 229949 36626 028 4c Fjt 805000 9700 10796 *10825 0000883 493 248183 38547 028 7600.00:9700 s 10782 108 10 0000831 4 74 . 2431.53 38390 027 NO 805000 9300 10793 10815 0000785 599 324290 41723 028 760000 9300 10780 10800 0000734 576 ., 318885 41581 027 gg gv 805000 89.50. i0758 10501 10804 0001322 1919 274990 42295 038 760000 8950 10748 10501 10790 0001232 884 270452 42130 037 Bridge Rel 805000 8900 10091 10091 10502 0012021 ? 1628 49443 25629 - 100 1,43 1104 1 760000 89.00T 10060 *10060 ' 10456 0012170 1597 - 47590 24393 100 QNIW ( • ______ _____ _____ ______ - 805000 _____ 8800 _____ 9770 9944 0005462 1160 102201 18869 069 760000 8800 9745 99.13, 0005448 11.36. 97530 - 18418 069 _____ _____ ____ ____ _____ ____ 805000 8800 9820 9885 0001801 692 166555 33979 040 760000 8800 9791 -* 98.55.0001814 680 157168 32568 040 1-1 -, rw IN ON NOMA NMI 805000 8700 9833 9871 0000925 518 212863 37840 029 760000 8700 9805 9841 0000923 508 202281 36531 029 till, 805000 8600 9566 9566 9830 0010010 1434 '881.12 22539 - 091 760000 8600 ' 9531 9531 9800 0010673 1436 80654 20675 094 'iP 805000 8550 9328 - 9328 9585 0012559 1299 66192 14279 097 760000 8550 9308 9308 9556 0012718 1275 63334 14077 , 097 A 805000 8500 9391 9463 0003001 701 134894 30287 049 PP* 760000 8500 93.73 9442 0002959 6.83 1295.791 296.84 048 - 805000 8520 9369 9431 0002753 649 142442 32400 ' 046 760000 8520 9351 9411 0002727 633 136741 31778 046 ---- I -- •--•. -- - - '-j - -. - ------ S -. - -- -- - ------ --b -- - *••. • • C .1 - I - I - - - - C • -- ---C C - - C -- - -; C - - - C - - '- - - -- - r ta h ie),2 ioW iidt - 8050.00 '- 85.00 93.23 . 93.99 0.003591 7.12 1282.00 309.55 0.52 2 . 7600.00 .85.00. -. 93.06 . 93.79 0.003559 6.95 1230.31 .. 303.30 0.52 8050.00 . 85.00 92.82 - 93.61 0.004267 7.39 1302.84 327.62 .... 0.56 Ow Xi . 7600.00 '-85.00 92.64 . . 93.40 0.004308 . . 7.25 124-4.05 323.29 ..: 0.56 PF14 805000 8500 9096 9096 9286 0010447 11.23 84640 30427 087 760000 8500 9078 9078 9264 0010690 1109 79131 30063 088 805000 8400 9002 8964 9142 0013680 1356 122585 34515 .'- 102 F41J 760000 8400 8987 '- 8952 9123 0013669 1331 117476 33985 101 805000 8300 8889 9018 0011590 1151 118172 31616 092 760000 8300 8872 8998 0011866 1137 ' 112669 ' 31319 092 ________ _________ ________ IMM 805000 8000 8718 8718 8902 0011338 1151 91336 27705 091 760000 8000 8704 8704 88.82 , 0011302 11.27. 87393 27462 090 1 4k 805000 7900 .. 8577 8577 8767 0008448 1326 112926 29343 093 3bs 760000 7900 8560 8560 8745 0008439 1302 108120 29163 093 805000 7600 8595 8667 0002110 772 175205 36519 048 . 760000 7600 8577 8646 0002068 753 168665 36232 048 ply 805000 7400 8572 8651 0001286 890 217598 42230 047 PP$ 760000 7400 8556 8631 0001228 861 210832 41956 ' 046 805000 7300 8436 8436 8611 0004738 1599 157854 43409 088 3 760000 7300 84.16 8416 8591 000451 1581 149365 41977 087 805000 7200 8156 8156 * 8385 0005858 1348 101640 29474 091 aØ 760000 7200 8131 8131 8359 0006057 1337 94525 27810 092 OWN Culvert 805000 71.00 8118 81.18183.75 0006209 1446 98527 263.70 095 a?7 760000 7100 8078 8078 8345 0006863 1464 88568 23536 099 Mell-Irm WIN t)J eçi cj,(ftIft s4'ft. 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Legend EGPFi ---A--- EG OF A WS OF A- - - - Crit OF WSPFI 1- - - - - Cnt PFI Ground )O Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 Main Channel Distance (ft) • a - - .- - - - - - - - ,- - .- - - - - -. - - : - - '-... - - - - - _i -- - • - -. •- -- . - -- - -_ - __, - ..- c •i - - -, 1 .-. ;• - - - - - - ••i •t -. - - - ,• - - ._•,-c- -. - • , - - - - - -i.: - - - - - - - - _ - - _ - - - - - - - - - - .3 - - . - - ..- - /. - - Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow - , 5.0 RS = 5.0 Plan 07 06/13/2000 6.0 RS = 6.0 ioo .08 100 _______ .08 . . ' Legend T Legend / -EG PF 1--- . EG PF 1 WSPF1 90 i 90 L EG PF 2 \ . . EG PF 2 .85 WSPF2 '.WSPF2 ca 80 Ground t— . 80 L Ground . 75 Bank SW ID ' A Bank SW .- 70 .- .. . - - : .. -. . - • 65 r -0 100 200' -300 400 500 -600 700 .60 u.'.'.. . 0 . 100 200 300 400 500 600 .700 Station (ft) . . .• Station (ft) . -. -Agüa Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow*.Plãn 07 06/13/2000 . . Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000' 0 4.0 RS = 4.0 . K—.08 - * 3.0 RS = 3.0 . . k .08 ________ .080 . 1: .08 - . 0 Legend 0 , Legend EGPF1 . EG PF 1 _ . . . . - - . EG PF . EGPF2 A . • I WSPF2 . , ../ WSPF2 *,__J 80 ••\ . Ground , Bank SW Ground A/ - 70 Bank Sta ___ 70 'I 1 601 ......'.•................_I 0 - 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Station (ft) 0 , 200 400 600 800 Station (ft) - - - • • ' . , - .4 •0* - * A .4 -- ' ' - • ' ' -. - Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 RS = 8.5 . 8.0 RS = 8.0 110' .k .08 .08 .08 0 _______ Legend 0 Legend - 4 - ...A . - 4 ------A - . .. . . - EGPF2 . - . • . EGPF2 00I ./• - EGPFI 100. A ., - - - I . EGPFI I WSPF2' . - •, .- I ' -' WSPF2 ' 90' • / • WS WSPFI . ' go- U . . . I . 80 L WSPFI - 1J , Ground Ground 80 Bank Sta _____________ Bank Sta I 0.200 400 .600-- 800 60 ,- 1000- . ' 0,' 20 .400 600-f'. 800" '.1000.. -. ' ' •. - e . . Station (ft) . H' -• . . - Station (ft). Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 - -' . Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 - 7.5 RS = 7.5 .• 7.0 RS = 7.0 07 ' .08 )0 .08 . .08 . . .08110- . 110-47- no- _________ - . Legend - . ' -. 0 Legend 100 J EGpF1 '100- I . I WSPF2 • . WSPF1 - • . ' . WS PF1 go- . - ' WS F2 80. Bank Sta W -80 nd :% Sta ITT TTI _I _I 60 QI'IA ______________ A IAn ')AA AA AAA Cnn vInn 7flA -. - - - - MM -. - - - - ,.- - - - MI *M - U CUV UU ç)UU OVU . - U WV CV'.' OV'. fl1V .JVV .,w WV 'J'JV . Station (if)- - - Station (if) - .- . -. . . - - •. •- ..• ,. ,i - -• 0 0 - - -. - - - a - - - - - a a a•• a. Agua Hedionda Creek z Mixed Elow Plan 07 06/13/2000 Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 12.0 RS = 12.0 11.0 RS = 11.0 120 --.08 )f( .03 )f( .08 E-----08 )j( .03 )(_ Legend Legend GPF ° EGpFi . EGPF1 a 100 .. .. WSPF2 100 :• WSPF2 .1 ,.WSPF1 ' WSPF1. > Ground m Ground bank Sta 70- 70- 0 ,100 I .200 300 400 500 600 ..- .......100 200 300 400 500 600 700 .. Station (ft). . . . . Station (It) ,. Agua Hedionda Creek Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 . Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 10.0 RS= 10.0 9.0 RS=9.0 .08 . , .08 -.08 >I .04_)3( .08 0 - Legend . 30- 0 Legend - - - 4 . - EG PF 2. 120 0• 4 • EG PF 2 10- WSPF2 WSPF2 90- WSPFI 100 WSPFI Ground .. .- . ..Ground - - - 80-Bank Sta Lu Bank Sta 0 100 200 300 400 500- 600 . 700 0 200 400 600 800 - 1000 Station (ft) . - Station (ffl - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Agua Hediondà Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 Culvert at Station 15 RS 15 Section located downstream from Culvert RS = 14.5 ioO .08 LI .06 - 100 .08 .k .06 0 Legend 0 Legend EGPF1 95 EGPFI EGPF2 EGPF2 90 WS OF 1 90 Grit PF 1 WSPF2 WSPF1 85 ItiE1i 85 SF2 Lii CntPF2 . CntPF2 80 0 . . _________ 80 Ground A . Ground A m . . Ineff . . . lneff Bank Sta Bank Sta 70 70 0 200 400 ' 600 800 1000 0 200 . 400 600 800 1000 Station (ft) , - Station (ft) Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06113/2000 Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 . 06/13/2000 14.0 RS = 14.0 0 13.0 RS = 13.0 100 .08 of .08 '1 . 130 : .08 0 Legend 0 - Legend WSPF2 80- . Ground 70- Bank Sta 60-.....' '.''I''''I''''•.'•'' I 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (ft) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Station (ft) Agua HediOndá Creek- Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 . Agua Hedidnda Creek - Mixed Flow plan 01 06/13/2000 17.0 RS = 17.0 * 16.0 RS = 16.0 ioo 08 *O4( 08 100 08 F 06 - - Legend 0 Legend 95- EGPFI - EGPFI ---a- EGPF2 EGPF2 - -I. - 96- 0 _____________ WSPFI 90 . CntPF1 = WS PF 2 -4.-------- WS PF 1 o 85 - . - Ground o 85 A WS PF 2 * S e- S * Ui Bank Sta W CntPF2 80 V'- 80-1 * ,1 .. Ground • 75 75 BankSta 70 I I 70 I I I 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Station (ft) Station (ft) Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 Section located upstream from Culvert RS = 15.5 Culvert at Station 15 RS = 15 08 *03* 06 too 08 *03* 06 100 Legend Legend - V - V - • EGPF1 -A----- '. . - V * • r - EGPF1 -A-----. EGPF2 EGPF2 - ..4._ - -. • * 90 . • CntPF1 . 90 . • • WSPFI WSPFI WSPF2 === === LU . . CntPF2 D CntPF2 80 . ____ 80 - , • ____ Ground A - . Ground A • V ineff • . - ineff . S Bank Sta • - Bank Ste .7011 70 V. 0 200 , 400 600 800 0 200 400 - 600 800 V *, • *• *V V - V Station (It) * - • .r. : . * . - ' • Station (ft) * •• • • •.• V V -, *V V - - -- V - -• . .V •% % • V* • V - • - - • - 4 - . - ••, , - V • • - S V * • . -. • - - . *1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Agua Hedionda Creek -Mixed, Flow Plan07 06/13/2000 Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 25.0 RS = 25 24.0 RS = 24.0 E-.08 0 .04 08 >1 —.08 * .04 .o 130 Legend 130 Legend EGi'Fl . EGPF1 120- 120- 110- WSPF2 110\ , WSPF2 I round 100- Ground Bank Sta 90- 90- 0 100 2 80- 80 00 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (ft) Station (ft) Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06113/2000 Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 23.0 RS = 23.0 22.0 RS 22.0 08 * 04 .08 08H . .08 130 Legend io . 0 Legend 4 110, 110- Ground Ground 90 Bank Sta .90- Bank Sta 80 80 0 100 200 300 400 500 . 600 . u 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Station (ft) Station (ft) Agua HediOnda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 Aua Hediondà Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 29.0 RS = 29.0 28.0 RS = 28.0 -ii( *04* -.08 .08 .64) - - -.08 010 .04. 'K .08 Legend 130 Legend EG PP _1 120- 120- 116- 110- Ground Ground 90- Bank Sta 90- Bank Sta 80 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 00 200 300 400 100 - .500 600 700 Station (ft) :- . . Station (ft) - Agua Hedionda Creek Mixed Flow Plan 01 06/13/2000 Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 27.0 RS = 27.0 . - . 26.0 RS .= 26.0 130-E-'08 fC .04 * . .08 ' -.08 * .04 Legend Legend. 120- 120- Ground Ground Ei 100- Bank Sta ,100- Bank Sta 80- 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 - O 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (ft) - .- Station (ft) - - - - - - - - - - - - -' - - - - - - - - 0 I. • • -.. V 1 EGPE2 1 WS PF 1 WSPF2 ;;- 0 1 Ground c° • Bank Sta W 1 MM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Agua Hedionda Creek z Mixed Plow Plan 07 06/13/2000 Agüa Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 33.0 RS = 3.0 Section Up Stream from Bridge at 5855 RS = 32.8 125k .08 k .08 ), Legend 0 1- EG PF I EGPF 2 WS PF I A WSPF2 — — — —4.— — - - Cnt PF I - - - -A— — —. Cnt PF 2 -U - Ground A InOff • Bank Sta 0, Station (ft) Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 Bridge at 5855 Sunny Creek Drive RS = 32.5 Station (ft) Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 Bridge at 5855 Sunny Creek Drive RS = 3.5 C 0 Legend EGPF1 EGPF2 CntPF1 WSPF1 A 0 WSPF2 — ---A— — — - CntPF2 Ground A neff Bank Sta 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (ft) - EG PF 1 EG PF 2 Cnt PF I WS PF I A WS PF 2 — — — -A— - -. Cnt PF 2 Ground A neff • Bank Sta 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (ft) -- - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 - Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 37.0 RS = 37.0 36.0 RS = 36.0 - 08 *04*—.o8 - - - ' .08_- " * .04 '" * .08 Legend, 125' - - Legend 120 ' - - . EGPF'i --A---. 2fo- . - -- EGE1 - EGPF2 - . . '•• - EG PIP 2 115' • - - - - - - - - Cnt PF 1 115' - - WS PF 1 W8PF1 ' - - '- - WSPF2 110 WSPF2 co-°, .. - ' Ground - - - ' ----A---. " ' - W , . ' -' - -. ' - Cnt PF 2 w Bank St __________ - 105- Ground Ground - - - 100- - * - Bank Sta 100 - - ' , i -' - -95-. . 'I ,.:.. 0 . 100 200 -, 300. , 400 500 - -- - 0 100 - , 200 - 300 400 Station (ft) Station (ft) • Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 - - Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 - • - 35.0 RS = 35.0 - - ' 34.0 RS = 34.0 - .08 .04 -, •'- .08 1251 .08 )( .04_)( .08' 125 Legend - - ' '-' . - Legend 120 - ' ' 120- - . , EG PF1 EGPF2 . . - EGPF2 115- ' - . WS PF 1 - 115- . - -- - - . - WS PF 1 WSPF2 ,- . . WSPF2 : 110 - Ground 110- - - - Ground W - .' - - - Bank Sta - , - Bank Sta 105 - - - - - 105- 100-- " - . ' - - 100 - - - - •- - - - - - .J . 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (ft) - . ,' - Station (ft) EG PF I EG PF 2 - —F— - - - WS PF 2 - -A— - Cnt PF 2 Ground Bank Sta 10 Station - - - - - - - -- - - - - -. - - - - Agua Hedionda Creek Mixed Flow Plan 07 0/13/2000 Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 Bridge at 5850 Sunny Creek Drive RS = 39.5 Bridge at 5850 Sunny Creek Drive RS 39.5 125 08 c04— 08 125 r 08 Legend Legend 120 EG PF I EG PF 1 —A---- —a---- EGPF2 EGPF2 115 -- WSPF1 115 CntPF1 WSPF2 WSPFI o cc -110 - -----F---- CntPF1 0 110-1 A WSPF2 a) ----A----- ----A---- Cnt PF 2 UI Cnt PF 2 105- 105 Ground A Ground A 100- Ineff 100 - . Bank Sta Bank Sta 961 I 95- -• .• •• • I 0 -100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500. - 600 Station (ft) Station (if) Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 . Agua Hedionda Creek-- Mixed Flow Plan 07 06113/2000 Section Just Downstream of Bridge RS = 39 38.0 RS = 38.0 125- - -08 *0'*—.08----3 [ 125-' 11 08 0 Legend Legend - 120- EG PF 1 EG PF 2 PF 1 TTTTTY WS i 105 1 A. Bank Sta 0 100 200 300 400 Station (ft) Agua HediOnda Creek = Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 42.0 RS = 42.0 41.0 RS = 41.0 - ;04 .08 .035 - 'k. .04 *.08 .08 125- ---- Legend 125-4 . - Legend - EG PF I 120 . - ,EG F I 120- ' . .. - - WSPFI - WSPF1 • EGPF2 115- . EGPF2 WSPF2 ' . WSPF2 o '40 Ground 110- .. Ground .? '4i?. 0 . 0 W Bank Sta W . BànkSta - 105- 106 100- ,lob] ...,..:...-.. ... -._.I _ . _I 95..._i -_____I__-,I_''''i'--u'''''_I -- 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 - , 0 • 100 200 300 .400 500 600 700 - . Station (ft) - . . - Station.( ft) - - Agua HediOnda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 -. 06/13/2000 • . : Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow -Plan 07 06/13/2000 - 40.0 RS = 40.0 Section Just Lip Stream of Bridge RS = 39.7 125 - .08 - - 0 .08 - --- Legend 125-1 .08 - Legend 120 -. EG PF 1 EG PF I A EGPF2 EGPF2 115 . WSPFI 115- -WSPFI WSPF2 VO4>1--,08 , - WSPF2 110 - • Ground 110 CritPF I 0 W -Bank Sta D . - Cnt PF 2 105 105 Ground 100 100- Ineff - - - BankSta 95 ..,.I ,,,,-I.,,,I ,,.-,I -,,,.I.,,,I 0 100 200 300 400 500 - 600 95 0 100 - 200 300 400 500 600 - Station (ft) . - - Station (It) ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Agua Hedionda Creek Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 Agua 1-ledionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 46.0 RS 46.0 45.0 RS = 45.0 130 - 08—ef(04* 08 130 08— I 035 Legend 0 Legend 125- EG OF 1 125. . EG PF I EGPF2 EGPF2 120 = WS OF 1 120 = WS OF I A WSPF2 . WSPF2 o -- 115 - Ground 0 115 -- Ground 0 0 LU Bank Sta Bank Sta 110 110- 105. . 105- 100 I 100 I I 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 100 200 300 400 500 Station (if) - Station Agua Hedionda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 Agua Hediónda Creek - Mixed Flow Plan 07 06/13/2000 44.0 RS = 44.0 43.0 RS = 43.0 130-4H —.08---.I .035 - 125 * .04_* .035 - 0 Legend Legend 125 -- 120. EGPF2 WSPF1 120 - WSPF1 EGPF2 WS PF 2 a 115- WSPF2 o 115 -. Ground 0 =cu - Ground LU - 0 Bank Sta D 110 0 Bank Sta 110. .. . - 105 105 100 ........i....,........ 100..,: 0 100 .200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 Station (if) Station (if) RS=15.- Unstram (Culverfl' 4 • - !4 - '4 4 - 0 200 400 600 800 Station (ft) I I - U - - - * - - - ,-1 - -. - ,--. - - 4.. 4 -. I .1, - --. . -. . . - - - RS=39.5 Upstream (Bridge) 125 Legend Ground A Ineuf. 120 Bank Sta 115 110- ca . - - 105- 100- 95-- 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 RS=39.5 Downstream (Bridge) 125 120 115 ... co 110 - LU 105 100 95 0 II ,II.. 1 00 ~00 300 4 600 I 00 500 . Station.(ft) FATAtA'( AVENUE PRCCT AGUA l4Eb1oNA CREEK 4'(bRAUUC -ii'( /167.7! 2 .4 tit; w-, Icon S 5 Table! S Comparison of 100-year,-24-hour Peak Flow Disëharges with Existing Detention Facilities and with Both Existing and Proposed Detention Facilities Ultimate Development Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park Chapter 3 Basic Data Requirements Table 3.1 Manning's 'n' Values Type of Channel and Description Minimum Normal Maximum A. Natural Streams 1. Main Channels Clean, straight, full, no rifts or deep pools 0.025 0.030 0.033 Same as above, but more stones and weeds 0.030 0.035 0.040 - Clean, winding, some pools and shoals 0.033 0.040 0.045 Same as above, but some weeds and stones 0.035 0.045 0.050 Same as above, lower stages, more ineffective 0.040 0.048 0.955 slopes and sections Same as "d" but more stones 0.045 0.050 0.060 Sluggish reaches, weedy. deep pools 0.050 0.070 0.080 Very weedy reaches, deep pools, or floodways 0.070 0.100 0.150 with heavy stands of timber and brush 2. Flood Plains . -.i. a. Pasture no brush Short grass . 0.025 0.030 0.035 High grass . 0.030 0.035 0.050 b. Cultivated areas No crop 0.020 0.030 0.040 Mature row crops -. 0.025 0.035 0.045 Mature field crops 0.030 0.040 0.050 c. Brush Scattered brush, heavy weeds, 0.035 0.050 0.070 Light brush and trees, in winter 0.035 0.050 0.060 Light brush and trees, in summer 0.040 0:060 . 0.080 Medium to dense brush, in winter 0.045 0.070 0.110 Medium to dense brush, in summer 0.070 0.100 0.160 d. Trees Cleared land with tree stumps: no sprouts 0.030 0.040 0.050 Same as above, but heavy sprouts 0.050 0.060 0.080 Heavy stand of timber, few down trees, 0.080 0.100 . 0.120 little undergrowth, flow below branches Same as above, but with flow into 0.100 .0.120 0.160 branches Dense willows, summer, straight 0.110 0.150 0.200 3. Mountain Streams, no vegetation in channel, banks usually steep, with trees and brush on banks submerged - Bottom: gravels, cobbles, and few boulders 0.030 0.040 0.050 Bottom: cobbles with large boulders 0.040 0.050 0.070 3-13 Chapter 3 Basic Data Requirements 1 . . . . Table 3.1 (Continued). Manning's 'n' Values Type of Channel and Description ._Minimum Normal Maximum B Lined or Built Up Channels 1. Concrete a Trowel finish - 0.011 0.013 0.015 b Float Finish 0013 0.015 0.016 c. Finished, with gravel bottom 0.015 0.017 0.020 d Unfinished 0.014 0.017 0.020 e Gunite good section 0.016 0.019, 0 023 f. Gunite, wavy section . . a ... 0.018 0.022 0.025 g: On good excavated rok . . "0.017 . 0.020 h On irregular excavated rock • 0 022 0.027 2 Concrete bottom float finished with sides of Dressed stone in mortar . 0015 .. 0.017 0.020 Random stone in mortar .. 0.017 0.020 . 0.024 Cement rubble masonry, plastered 0.016 0.020 0.024 Cement rubble masonry' . 0.020. 0.025 0.030 e Dry rubble on riprap 0.020 0.030 0.035 3 Gravel bottom with sides of a Formed concrete 0.017 0.020 0.025 Random stone in mortar .,, . 0.020 0.023 0.026 Dry rubble or riprap . 0.023 0.033 0.036 4 Brick - a Glazed 0011 0013 0.015 b In cement mortar 0.012 0.015 0.018 5. Metal .. . a Smooth steel surfaces - 0 011 0.012 0.014 b Corrugated metal 0021 0.025 0.030 6. Asphalt a Smooth 0013 0.013 b Rough 0.016 0.016 7. Vegetal lining . 0.030 . 0.500 Chapter 3 Basic Data Requirements Table 3.1 (Continued) Manning's 'n' Values Type of Channel and Description Minimum Normal Maximum C. Excavated or Dredged Channels 1 Earth, straight and uniform Clean, recently completed -, . 0.016, 0.018 0.020 Clean, after weathering . , . 0.018 - 0.022 0.025 Gravel, uniform section, clean . 0.022 ' 0.025 0.030 With short grass, few weeds 0.022 0.027 0.033 2 Earth, winding and sluggish a. No vegetation . . ' . . 0.023 0.025 0:030 b Grass, some weeds 0.025 0 030 .0 .033 . Dense weeds or aquatic plants in deep' 0.030 0.035. 0.040 channels' . d. Earth bottom and rubble side . 0.028 0.030 0.035 Stony bottom and weedy banks, .. 0.025 0.035 0.040 Cobble bottom and clean sides 0.030 0.040 0.050 3. Dragline-excavated or dredged. No vegetation ' 0.025 ', 0.028 0.033 Light brush on banks . 0.035 0.050 0.060 4: Rock'cuts 'Smooth a. and uniform 0.025 0.035 0.040 b Jagged and irregular 0.035 0.040 0.050 5. Channels not maintained, weeds and brush Clean bottom, brush on sides 0.040 0.050 0.080 Same as above, highest stage of flow 0.045 0.070 0.110 Dense weeds, high as flow depth 0.050 0.080 0.120 Dense brush, high stage. 0.080 0.100 0.140 Other sources that include pictures of selected streams as a guide to n value determination are available (Fasken, 1963; Barnes, 1967; and Hicks and Mason, 1991). In general, these references provide color photos with tables of calibrated n values for a range of flows.. .. Although there are many factors that affect the selection of the n value for the channel, some of the most important factors are the type and size of materials that compose the bed and banks of a channel, and the shape of the channel. Cowan (195 6) de'veloped a procedure for estimating the effects of these 3-15 Type of Channel and fleccrpflon Minimum Notinal Maximum Ria'. siiiuiiili: 0.66) - ).010 0.013 steel: 10 Locki ir IIId c! c . 0.012 ii I I :.I ItIl d ,I ii 0.013 I 0.017 Cast Iron: Coated 0.010 0. iJ 0.014 Uncoated 0 flu 1 0.014 0.016 \\ Fought lroii: Black HHI_ 00I4 0.015 Galvanized ( Hi (Wil Ii HI 0.017 (.orriig:it&d &lu(aI : - Sulir iii . 0.017 0.019 0.021 Storm I iii 0.021 0.024 0.030 I ncitc: ().()S 0.0I() ( 0.009 0.010 0.013 Cement: Neat, urfa OHiH 0.011 0.013 Mortar, . . 0011 0.013 0.015 - (_uncrt-It-: - Culvert, straight and free of debris 0.010 0.011 0.013 Culvert with bends, connections, and some debris . . 0.011 0.013 0.014 0.011 0.012 0.014 Sewer with manholes, inlet, etc., straight . 0.013 0.015 Unfinished, steel form - . .. .: 0.012 0.013 0.014 Unfinished smooth wood form . 0.0121, 0.014 0.016 Unfinished, rough wood form 0.015 0.017 0.020 Stave 0.010 0.012 • . 0.014 Laminated, treated ((Hi 0.017 0.020 ( Ii Common drainage tik • 0.011 0.013 0.017 Vitrified sewer • . 0.011 1 0.014 0.017 Vitrified sewer with manholes, inlet, etc. 0.013 0.015 0.017 Vitrified Subdrain with opcn joint 0.014 0.016 0:018 Brickwork: (dazed 0.011 0.013 0015 Lined with cement mortar . 0.012 0.015 0.017 , Sanitary sew&s coated with sewage slime with bends and connections- . 0.012 0.013 0.016 Paved invert, sewer, smooth bottom • • "0.0161 . 0.019 0.020 Rubble masonry, cemented • 0.018 0.025 0.030 Chapter 6 Modeling Culverts ,,,r . .:k •' 4 . , . ..' The velocity head is multiplied by theitrance loss coefficient to estimate the amount ,of energy lost as flow enters the culvert A higher value for the oefficient gives a higher head loss Entrance loss coefficients are shown m Tables 6.3 and kA. These coefficientswere taken from the Federal Highway 4 Admuustration's "Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts" manual (FHWA, 1985) Table '63 indicates that values of the entrance loss coefficient range ' from 0 2 to about 0 9 for pipe-arch and pipe culverts As shown inTable 6 4, entrance losses can vary from about 0 2 to about-0.7 times the velocity head for box culverts For a sharp-edged culvrt entrance with no roundmg, 0 5 is recommended For a well-rounded entrance, 0.2 is appropriate 1 * S . .' .+'... .. . " - -. •. : •4.-. ., 4_ , _-... . Table 6 3 'Entrance Loss'Coeffictent for Pipe Culverts .'-:: •- c.-- - 4. I : Type-of Structure and Désign'of Entrance "-, Coefflcient,. ken ' (.oVcrete Pipe n!jctLng l-on! FiII..no hc.adwall): Sockètendofppe ' /:.- . .' " ' , . .. 0.2 -Squre cut end of. pipe, Concrete Pipe with HeadaII or 1leadw'alland W'ingwalls: Socket end of pipe (grooved end) - 012 Square cut end of pipe Rounded entrance, with, rounding radius' 1/12 of diamôter'4 ' ' 0.2 Mitered to conform to fill slope '4 -0.7 S. ,.• 44 '' •,4 '"- End section conformed to fill slope ' , -' L . ' - 0 5 Beveled edges, 33.7 or 45 degree 1els -' '- 0.2-7 Side'slopetaperedinlet . ,• , ' . . __0.2 r Cj Metal cqrfipe-Aach: Projected from fill (no headwall) Headwall or headwall and wm1wall square edge,4 05 Mitered to confoirn to if! slope +-'63 End section conformed to fill slope '0.5 . Beveled edges, 33 7 or 45-dig re"evels 0.2' Side slope tapered iiaev. 0.2 — - — . 44 . 'l' 4 4... ' '4 S - ft '4 44 S 6-22 4. - 1 - 4.' - - ,' ',. -' - . ,-..+, . , . • I I I I I Type of Structure and Design of Entrance Coefficient, ken ea Embankment no wingwalk) Square-edged on three edges 0'.5, Three edgesroiindëdtoradkcof- 1/12 balTel dim sion \\ lng\% ills to 7S digres$orj Square-edge t crown DA, Top comer rounded to radius of 1/12 bfre1dithension 0.2 \\ Ing\% ills it 10 to 25 digrie..s to B irrcl - Squ ilL dc at CIO\\fl • 0 \Singspralle1(cxEeiisionofsicles) Square-edge at crown AT .i ) * Side or slope tapered inlet 0 2 I Exit Loss Coefficient ! Exit losses are computed as a coefficient tunes the change in velocity head I . - .-.•. - . . from just inside the culvert, at the downstream end, to the cross section just . downstream of theculvea The equation for computing exit losses is as . . - . . follows: - . ., .S .. .. V-: C& a-V1 L -. . . . •. k ( X LX .. I _______) •_ . .' . ' . (6-12) ex ex • . -. .. .. .- 2g 2g . . .. • . .... . - .- . .. I .•where: I ..... .- h . -• Energy loss due to exit - - •. I . .4 •k 'S. - . = Exit loss coefficient - ex I . ' .. • . .-' V = Velocity inside of culvert at exit . V., ;f= . Velocity outside of culvert at downstream cross section I - '• -. .. . . •. For a udden expansion of flow, such as in a typical culvert, the exit loss . - . coefficient (ku) is normally set to 1.0 (FHWA, 1985). In general, exit loss coefficients can vary between 0.3 and 1.0. The exit loss coefficient should be ' I '4 reduced as the transition becomes Jess abrupt I 623 I . . . - . : • •. - .- . . •_ : . - -. , .-•:, . I Chapter ,6 Modeling Culverts I Table 6.5 - I - FHWA Chart and Scale Numbers for Culverts -: •. •-..- .', ".4 Chart Scale Niimbe •' 2 Number ' . Description ,-. I I I Square edge entranceoitli Ii IIl (SeeFigure6.10)-. .. •-;• ' 2 Groove end entrance with hiciwall (See Figuré6.10)', •. (iroove end entrance, pipe pecoeting from fill (See Figure 6 J Ii I . '-• 2 ('rruated\1eLil-Hipc(uleri Headwall (See Figure 6 10) 3 Mitered to conform to slope (See Figure 6.11), Pipeprojectiigfromflll(SeeFigurë6.12) • 1 •, I 0.042- lIe ek4l A gFutr m I Small bevel bID — 0 042 WD = 0063 cJD = 0042 d/D = 0.083 4 (HI Large b/D-1)083 a/D=0 125 c/D=0042 d/D=0 125 -'-4 -•••--••-'. - • -"-•.- - 8 Bo\ (41,4) * I ' Wingwalls flared 30 to 75 d rc- i .1 2 Wingiallsflared90or15dr \Viuigwalls flared 0 denrcn 1 ides e,ten lid s traight) • * 4) I I 65111 wall flared 45 d LR inlet top edge bevel = 0.43 D 65 ng\vallflared 18 to 22 2 irees; ini.L toedge'1idve1 0.083D l Box Culvert; )() derce lie id3 ill Ages 6cc Eure 0,16) I ml I cd I m1eied 3/4 inch InIcic-' 6c-\nLed½-in/ftat45dêrc,lI II • - Iiik1 ccl beveled 1in/ftat337dt rc(1:L5) II or lle*ekd Inlet Edges (Ste Fig j7) —box Cuiur _J I I feadwall skewed 45 degrees inlet edges chamfered 3/4 in h I 2 Headwall skewed 30 degrees inlet edges chamfered 3/4-1 11ch 3 •-. Headwall'skewed 15 degrees: inlet edges chamfered 3/4 4 I-leadw Il-skewed 10 to 45 dcgrèes:'inlet edges bevelnd • • • - 12 llo\ Uuieri; Non-Offset flared \\ tngwlIs: 3/4-iuch (hainfer at Top of Inlet I. •' (Seeig18, •• I Wingwalls II II 2 4 5 ci r'es (1 1) inlet not skewed 1 - 2 Wingwafls flared IS 4 dees(3: 1); inlet not skewed -• - - 5. Wingwalls flared IS 4 degrees (3:1); inlet skewed 30 degrees •'- - I ,• 13 - • - Blsert; OffsetlIarding 1lese1e4Lde at Top,of Inlet (Scc Figure 6.19) I Wingwalls flared 46 dcgries(l I) inlet top edge bevel= 0.042D 2 Wingwallsflared 227 dcrjees(1.5:1);inlet top edge bevel =0083D - •• • I \Vingwallsti.ircd 164 cIegrcn(3:l);in1et too edgebeve1=0.083D •' I 1o19 Corruf'i&2l Box Culvert 1 , 90 degree headv.dl i-.ThickwallProjecting - •-• - Ic.Thinwall projecti,ig / •I. ., 1.' --..• -2, ' • ç I -v, • .'I 11orihth1;)çi'.crete I S (II icc ccl ewithheadv II (r tided end with headwall . - '"• . • I Grueved end projecting - - - • I ' • _________ \llfipse;Concrete I Square edge with headccall Grooved end with he.dce 11 • • -' • - • • - ' -- Grooved end projecting ' ' •• ' Pipe Arch; 18 Cornr Radius; Corrugated Metal • • '' - I 24 • _ , - • • • *•- • • _ - ••)'' 4• 1 90Degree headwall, 2 Miteredtoslope •• . 2-",.-. •3 * • '• I - c : — 8 ' C 41 U , C 625 I - •-. - '' - ' •r • - * • 8 *4 3 - - • • • • •-- • •• --- -:.. -- - • •-- ,- - - ••_-•i4. C ' • **, • • - • - -•-c • --• 4- OF TN 4 ) I ISI .5 -Ic Ni 5•. ;5 - - - .5.' S'. .4:-.- I -'-:- .5--- -5• - .-5• 5..- - - nk -- øLIY - - - - -.- - ?- -.- -, I - - • - • -: ••. ,- • --- - f"-• - • - --.:.;-.- :'--% t •- ;, -; •- .- •- - -:.-.c2 -- -b---- _ -•,..•:-- i// -, - '•• / r ¶--• • -•,; i,r' - -' - ••.;: -::- :-17 17 , - . : - -It•__ -s.- : 4 iIcW, - .- - Ll. W- - -. - 4L 4. .. TT - lz .. .. ",• - - - S. ,•. ' SI - / 'P:. • S.; .. -: — :' ... . I - - '-;1 J• -. S.. _;_4 •.Ale c A $ rA 44 '-5- I -. - Ld S 9 l. ç .-/ .' A - - - I A` If .-. - c .I .&:. -• .. ,- / '-.--. 3--' - ;:v'..--• — 'I. - ,-c.. •1è.if ':-- 4 ' • ..,-. ? • . I - :---- ' -! .5..