HomeMy WebLinkAbout3622; FARADAY ROAD EXTENSION; WATER QUALITY MONITORING PLAN; 2004-12-20I S -S 477 RECEIVED -. - JjL II ' FEB 112005 'HL1L1YAr 'S14 ENGINE€RIrG 'iii'ii.iitiinrtiIiIiii.iiii ". DEPARTMENT . NOTICE OF TRANSMITTAL .. date February 9, 2005 to Christopher Means, Environmental Scientist organization San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board from Jasmine Watts, Biologist subject Carlsbad Oaks North Water Quality. Monitoring Plan Job number:CON-01 message Chris -,'Enclosed is the final Water Quality Monitoring Plan with the changes requested by the Regional Board Please call me or Barry if you have any questions (619-462-1515) Jasmine Cc Ted Tchang-Techbilt Mike McCollum 8100 La Mesa Blvd, Suite 150 La Mesa, CA 91941-6476 e-mail GaryR @ helzxe/n corn phone (619) 462-1515 fax (619) 462-0552 web www helixepi corn I V : , Carlsbad Oaks North Project . V V Water Quality Monitoring Plan I .TABLE OF CONTENTS . V V V Section Title - - . - . Page V 1.I , INTRODUCTION...'...... V• 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 I II V . A; Project Location .......... ....................................................................... ............. ................. 1 Project Description .......... ....................................................................................... I V Goal of Water Quality Monitoring ...........................................................................1 V I . III. V V V V METHODS .......... .......................................................................................................... 2 A diment1Siltation Monitoring Program..................................................................2 1. Sampling Location ...............................................................................................2 V 2. Sampling Protocol ......................................... ......................................................2 V 3. iSarnpling Schedule ..... . ........................................ V•2 . . I . V B. Reeiving Waters Monitoring Program ..................................... ....... .2 V V .1.. Water Quality Assessment ................................. . ............................................... 3 V I .2. Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Analysis .................................................. 4 IV. .THRESHOLD CRITERIA ...... .................................................................................. V ....... 4 V -L I . V . V VV V V V REFERENCES.................................:...............................................................................6 I 4 LIST OF FIGURES Follows- Number`Title V - V - Page I - - 1 Regional Location Map ...................................................................................................2 - 2- Project Location Map ..... ................................................................................................... 2 V 3 - Sampling Locations ...... ....................................................................................................2 I I V V V V V V :,..V V:V:.VV .V V V I.. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this water quality monitoring plan is to -provide a protocol for evaluating potential project impacts to the Agua Hedionda Creek watershed. The water quality monitoring is required per the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board) Section 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) No. 02C-093 for-the Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park project site. The goal is to monitor effectively the sediment discharge and presence of pollutants to Agua Hedionda Creek or its south fork tributary L.a Mirada Creek. The protocol addresses the measurement of sediment loads above and below the project site and the assessment of changes in nutrients, pesticides, and benthic community.• Design of this plan is based on procedures specified in the WQC and includes the California Stream Bioassessment Procedure (California Department of Fish and .Game 2003) and the Quality Assurance Management Plan for the State of California's Surface Water Ambient Monitoring. Program (2002). - . - II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. PROJECT LOCATION - The Carlsbad Oaks North project site is located to the northeast of El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road in the east-central - portion of Carlsbad (Figures -1 and 2) and is within the Agua Hedionda Creek watershed. The site is bounded by the 235-acre-Dawson Los Manos Preserve to the north. Thesite is bisected by La Mirada Creek, which traverses the site from the east to the west, and drains into Agua Hedionda Creek. Elevation on site ranges from approximately 163 to 548 feet above mean sea level.. - - - - - - B. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project includes the development of 24 industrial and commercial lots and the extension of 1.3 miles of Faraday Avenue and El Fuerte Street. The on-site mitigation for habitat impacts within the Carlsbad Oaks North project site involves the creation of 3.5 acres of wetland habitat, and 12 acres- of enhancement of wetland and wetland buffer habitat within the La Mirada Creek watershed (Merkel - 2004). Mitigation will also include the restoration of 20.6 acres of coastal sage scrub (HELIX -2004). - C. GOAL OF WATER QUALITY MONITORING - - - - - - The main goal of -water quality monitoring within theAgua Hedionda Creek watershed is to'ensure that the. project does not cause a net increase in sediment discharge and in the quantity of poll utants/stressors as described in Conditions B1-4 and E1-4 of the WQC. The water quality monitoring protocols in this plan will also help determine whether the -habitat value of the Agua - - Hedionda Creek watershed post-construction meets the habitat value of the watershed prior to the - implementation of the project. Pre-construction values will be assessed at reference locations 1 - upstream and downstream- of the project site. - - I - The water quality monitoring protocols presented in this plan are pursuant to the Sediment/Siltation Monitoring Program and Receiving Waters Monitoring Program required in the WQC. - - I ---/ - - HELIX - - - I - Water Qtiality Monitoring Plan for the Carlsbad Oaks North Project/ CON-01 1December20, 2004 - AI III. METHODS A. SEDIMENT/SILTATION MONITORING PROGRAM I - - - The Sedithent/Siltation Monitoring Program describçd below will asses the effectiveness of Best Management Practices (BMPs) implemented at the project site by measuring the sediment loads above and below the-project site, as required in the WQC (ConditionB.1.b). .Sainpleswill be analyzed for Settleable SOlids (mL/L using EPA Method 160.5) and. Total Suspended Solids' (mg/L using EPA Method 160.2) by a California state certified laboratory., In addition to collecting samples for analysis of Settleable- Solids and Total Suspended Solids, sediment deposition and scout will be measured using poles constructed frm rebar and installed at 20 randomly selected locatins within 500 feet downstream of the project site and at 20 locations within 500-feet upstream of the project site. Sampling Location Sampling will be conducted at a control station located upstream of the project site and at an assessment station located immediately downstream of the last point of discharge from the Buinéss Park (Figure 3). Sampling locations will be photographed facing dowhstream and depicting both creek banks. -- , Sampling Protocol •, - -. Two 1-liter samples will be collected at each station by-placing. the polypropylene collection bottles directly into the water within close proximity to the point of discharge until the bottles are filled completely. The location from which each sample is collected will be recorded using a GPS unit, as well as the placement of a marker so that the sample area can be accurately mapped and located in subsequent years Visual observations of water turbidity and other site characteristics will be recorded in a field notebook. All water samples collected will be immediately stored and preserved in an ice chest to maintain a4 degree Celsius - temperature until delivered-io a lab. Care will be taken to prevent contamination of the samples (including contamination from additional rain) Each of the samples will be carefully labeled with the location, sample id, analysis type, date and time, and collector's name I Sampling Schedule . Sampling will be conducted after very significant rainfall where storm water runoff discharges from the Business Park into La Mirada creek but will not exceed collection for more than 3 rain events per-month. At the end of each assessment, a Chain of Custody Form will be filled out and kept with the samples. All collected samples will be submitted to a qualified laboratory within 24 hours from the time of collection B. RECEWING.WATERS MONITORING PROGRAM The Receiving Waters Monitoring Program described below involves a water quality -assessment protocol to monitor, changes in nutrients and pesticides and a benthic macroinvertebrate community analysis to 'monitor the quality of habitat, as required in the WQC (Conditions E. La and E.1.b, respetively). HELIX - - - Water Quality Monitoring Plan for the Carlsba'J Oaks North Project I CON-01 I December 20, 2004 sP* __•Water Quality Assessment and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Analysis - - Iq- Community Analysi~ —' . • i 31 ( 'o rj' JIfr :'j•/ - 711 wv Ir kgAt- Upstream— WE AN 000 0 300 Feet JobN6:CON-01 -Date: 02/03/05-JP 4i ' - I 1. Water Quality Assessment I The following sampling protocol is based on the procedures for the Field Collection of Water Samples described in the Quality Assurance Management Plan for the State of California's Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP; Puckett 2002). Water samples will be collected for the I analysis of the following parameters: nitrogen and phosphorous nutrients (NH3, NO3-N, NO2-N, TKN, 0PO4, TP04), the synthetic organic compound diazinon can organophosphate pesticide), and physiochemical constituents (pH, temperature, electrical conductance, dissolved oxygen). Appropriate I data sheets specified in the SWAMP will be used to record and submit data. I Sampling Locations Sampling will be conducted at a control station located upstream of the project site and at an assessment station located immediately downstream of the last point of discharge from the Business Park (Figure 3) I Sampling locations will be photographed facing downstream and depicting both creek banks — Sampling Protocol Water samples will be collected prior to any other sampling, including the collection of sediment and benthic macroinvertebrates',.In order to obtain representative' samples for water chemistry. Care will be taken not to disturb sediment collection sites when taking water samples.' Samples will be collected from the' midpoint of the stream' width where there is 50 percent of total flow; 'however, sampling locations may need to be adjusted depending on depth and flow. The location from which each I ' sample is collected will be recorded using a GPS unit and marker so that the sample area can be accurately mapped and located in subsequent years. 'Samples collected for the analysis of nitrogen and ' phosphorous nutrients at each sampling station will be combined in' two 1-11ter polyethylene bottles. The, I ' polyethylene bottles-will be rinsed first in ambient water prior to collecting samples by opening and recapping the bottle 0.1 m below the water surface. Samples collec:ted for the analysis of diaziion at each sampling station will be collected in one new 1-liter'amber glass jar with a Teflon lid liner. The I amber glass jars will not be rinsed prior to collection -from Q. 1 m below the water surface, and 'air 'space between the jar and lid, will be minimized. Measurement ofphysiochemical constituents will be recorded in the field' at each sampling station using the appropriate instruments. Confirmation that calibrations I are current' for each instrument used will occur prior to each sampling event. All water samples collected will be immediately stored and preserved man ice chest to. maintain a 4 degree Celsius temperature until delivered to a lab.' Care will be taken to prevent exposure of the samples to direct I sunlight.' Each of the samples will be carefully labeled with the location, sanipleid, analysis type, date and time, and collector's name. I Sampling Schedule Sampling will be con,ducted monthly during the first year, and quarterly, in subsequent years. I ' Quarterly sampling will correspond 2 'months with the 'schedule for collecting benthic macroinvertebrates (once in October and once in April). •' ' At the end of each assessment, a Chain of Custody Form will be filled out and kept with the samples All collected samples will be submitted to a qualified laboratory within 24 hours from the time of collection I HELIX Water Quality Moii;':oring Plan for the Carlsbad Oaks Noith Project I CON-01 / December 20, 2004 3 ' 2. Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Analysis The following sampling protocol is based on the Point Source Method described in the California Stream* Bioassessment Procedure (CSBP) combined with the overall program goal of comparing habitat quality (for invertebrates) within La Mirada Creek downstream of the project site with that present upstream of the project site. All applicable worksheets specified in the CSBP will be used to record data (California I Bioassessment Worksheet and Physical Habitat Quality form), track samples (Chain of Custody Record), and'analyze the samples (Macroinvertebrate Laboratory Benchsheet) for this sampling protocol. Sampling Locations Sampling will be conducted at two assessment stations and one control station (Figure 3). The first assessmentstation will be located upstream of the Faraday Avenue flood retention berm, and the second will be located below the structure. 'The control station will be located upstream of the project site; Sampling locations will be photographed facing downstream and depicting both creek banks. I Sampling Protocol . Each sampling block (station) will consist of three transects placed ,.within randomly selected riffle I (shallow water flowing over a rocky area, frequently found a bends in creek meanders) habitats. A California.Bioassessment Worksheet will befilled out for each block and a photograph will be taken. of each transect to document the appearance of the'area.. The location of each transect will be recorded using a GPS unit and marker so that the sample area can be accurately mapped and located in subsequent years. One sample will be collected from each transect for a total of 9 samples, with each sample consisting of 3 replicate samples. Each replicate will consist of a netted sample collected.-by manually disturbing (including scrubbing rocks by hand) a 1-foot square area upstream of the net. The contents of the 3 netted samples will be placed into a white enameled tray and large twigs and debris will be removed after they are inspected for clinging organisms. The remaining contents of the tray will be placed into a jar filled with 95 percent ethanol Each of the nine samples will be carefully labeled with the date, location, sample ID, and collector's name. Sampling Schedule Sampling will be conducted twice per year each of the five years of sampling on La Miraäa Creek (as flow permits), once between May 15 and June 15 and a second timeinOctober. At the end of each assessment, a Chain of Custody Form will b1i filled out and kept with the. samples. All collected samples will be submitted to a qualified laboratory or individual belonging to the California Bioassessment Laboratories Network for counts and identification of invertebrate taxa. IV. THRESHOLD CRITERIA Results from laboratory analyses of samples collected upstream (control station) of the project site will be compared to those collected downstream (assessment stations) to determine if there is a significant change in water quality of the Aqua Hedionda Creek watershed (specifically, La Mirada Creek) as a result of the project. Significant changes indicating a decrease in water quality or habitat quality will require review of current management practices on site. HELIX 0 Water Quality Monitoring Plan for the Carlsbad Oaks North Project / CON-01 I December 20, 2004. 0 4 I. .. .. . , With regard to the sediment/siltation monitoring, the Regional Board 401 WQC specifically states I that "if results of the downstream site show an increase greater than. 5 percent above background (upstream) sediment levels, the applicants shall conduct an immediate assessment •of erosion and sediment control Best Management Practices being implemented on site." The Regional Board then requires notification within-5 working days of the actions taken to remedy the situation. - In regards to water quality assessment, the Regional Board recommends a similar threshold as stated for the siltation/sediment monitoring. If results of the water quality parameters measured show a 5 percent change indicating lower quality in the downstream site from the upstream site, the Regional I l Board then requires notification within 5 working days of the actions taken to remedy the situation Threshold criteria for analysis of the benthic macroinvertebrate community, will be based on changes in richness, composition, tolerance measures, and functional feeding groups and will include the following 7 I metrics: , . •, . . . Coleoptera Richness (total number of beetle taxa found); I . EPT richness (total number of taxa present in the sample fçom three orders which all have very low tolerance to pollution: Epherneroptera . [mayflies], Plecoptera [stoneflies], and Trichoptera [caddisflies]); . I . Percent Non-insect Ta.xa, Percent Collector (filterer) + collector (gatherer) Individuals; Predator Richness; . •.. . , I . Percent Intolerant Individuals; and . .. • - Percent Tolerant Ta.xa. I These 7 metrics will be used to determine the value of the Southern California Index of Biotic Integrity (SoCal IBI) for both upstream (control station) and downstream (assessment stations) sampling locations. The SoCal IBI values obtained for each location will be evaluated as described above for the receiving I waters monitoring. Significant changes will be determined to have occurred if there is a 20 percent change in the ratio between the control and assessment stations' SoCal IBI values obtained for pre- and 'post-construction analysis in order to account for the natural fluctuation of parameters between I sampling locations. Specifically, water quality monitoring will be conducted before construction as described in the protocols above to obtain ratios of data collected at all sampling locations to be used for later comparison to data collected for the duration of the monitoring program(s). • In addition to comparing the benthic mactoinvertebrate samples of the assessment stations ith the, upstream control station, the Regional Board recommends comparing the samples with those collected I . from a known reference sitethat is less impacted than that of the creek studied. For comparative purposes only of habitat quality, data from De Luz creek (near Fallbrook), an established benthic macroinvertebrate reference site developed in coordination with the San Diego Copermittees U Stormwater Program will be acquired from MEC-Weston Solutions, Inc. located in Carlsbad. These data will allow for comparison -of onsite changes in macroinvertebrate populations with changes of macroinvertebrate populations of the reference site but will not be used for direct comparison between I • the project site and reference site. • • • • • • • HELIX Water Quality Monitoring Plan for the Carlsbad Oaks North Project I CON-01 [December 20, 2004 . . • 5 I I V REFERENCES California Department of Fish and Game 2003 California Stream..Bioassessment Procedure Aquatic Bioassessment Laboratory, Water Pollution Control Laboratory December, revised from 1999 HELIX Environmental Planning, Inc 2004 Carlsbad Oaks North Project Coastal Sage Scrub -Restoration Plan November. -. - Merkel & Associates, Inc (Merkel) 2004 Wetland Mitigation 'Plan Faraday Avenue Extension, South Aqua Hedionda Sewer Interceptor, and Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park May. Puckett, M 2002 Quality Asstirance Management Plan for the State of California's Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program ( SWAMP") California Department of Fish and Game, Monterrey, CA Prepared for the State Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento, CA December I I HELIX - 1 Water Quality Monnoi ing Plan for the Carlsbad Oaks North Project / CON-01 December 20 2004 6 - -- -