HomeMy WebLinkAbout3667-5; PAVEMENT OVERLAY OF PAR, ECR & PASEO DEL NORTE; COMPACTION TESTS 2004; 2004-07-017 8#2 6
• _________
Project Name
Poject Number
, Testing Enginee; 'J.S. Labs 0 Testing Engineers - inland E e 0 Testing Engineers - Palm Pprings
7895 Convoy Coti. uite 18 41146 Elm Street, Suite A 820 Research Drive, Suite 2
San Diego, California 92111 Murrieta, California 92562 Palm Springs, California 92262
Phone: (858) 715-5800 Phone: (951) 677-0366 Phone: (760) 325-8378
Fax: (858) 715-5810 Fax: (951) 677-5761 Fax: (760) 325-7480
C c
O C, I Test Date ) 1 Page I of
QAt. of 0-CAt lie 31'
Test S Material Structure Test Location and Elevation or Depth relative to...
i9 1i- P at_ oj ,t OiJo4 /Jtin PLt d ,Jc+b
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43 e ± 813 ,
Material: S = Soil, AC = Asphalt COncrete, ATB -aphalt T,aëd Base, AB' Arec CTS = Cement Treated Soil
LTS = Lime Treated Soil 0 =Other
., Structure. P = Pavement Structural Section, F - - General Fill, N - Native Soil, WL - W SS = Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer,
U = Other Utilities, W = Wall Backfill, SC Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
Test #.................1.
Probe Depth (inches)
1"S'51 135
± L
- ,
i ...
Wet Density (pci)
n.ity (pcf) . .
. .
I32..O 13? L L-P L2.2 (. ui i'JZ / 2 '
Moisture (%) .
MD Curve Number . l:.
Maxirnum Density (pci)
Optimum Moisture (%) . . . _____ _____ ••. _____
i-JIA- Relative Moisture, AM (%) ,.J/4- AJ/4 /J4
Relative Compaction, RC
g4 A1/4— .'iln- ,kJ/f ,'J /n- ttI/-
Specified AC
Specified RM%)
Conformance(YesfNo) pj 44 /VO L, /E f
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number:
This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for perrformance in accordance with the plans, specifications and applicable
codes. The contractor is responsible for scheduling retesting of reworked areas that have previously failed to meet specifications.
See accompanying Daily Report for description of work and observations.
TESD's Testing Technician: Name: R. 6' Signature: (s'?
Client's or Côntractor's Acknowledgement: Name: Signature:. -
White- Office Yellow- Contractor - .. Pink- Field Technician
Test # f Material Structure 'Test Location and Elevation or Depth relative to... 1
I. IA ? (4,v1t /1E74-c -Court ciet' L4e-,J ,3 k i189' '5.4 / (OtJ
2 ±/b2.'5,
15-6 /Z.,i- p.. I fy. 3 €ZAf- t-(ottQ -2
3 .4-c
O Testing Engineei I.I.S. Labs 0 Testing Engineers - inland Er '-e 0 Testing Engineers - Palm Springs
7895 Convoy Coii. suite 18 41146 Elm Street, Suite A 820 Research Drive, Suite 2
San Diego, California 92111 Murrieta, California 92562 Palm Springs, California 92262
Phone: (858) 715-5800 Phone: (951) 677-0366 ,..- Phone: (760) 325-8378
Fax: (858) 715-5810 Fax: (951) 677-5761 (j,) Fax: (760) 325-7480
Project Name
Project Number :34 I ' Test Date - 0 L( Page ...2. of
Client c21,t 7 I
Material: S = Soil, AC = Asphalt Concrete. ATB - phall Treje4 Base, B Agg gate Bae, CTS = Cement Treated Soil
LTS = Lime Treated Soil, 0 = Other 1-\' - ILJO-(Le I
Structure: P = Pavement Structural Section, F = General Fill, N = Native Soil, WL = Waterline, SS = Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer,
U = Other Utilities, W = Wall Backfill, SC = Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
Test# cT-i Jts-3-'/s6'
Probe Depth (inches)
Wet Density (pcf)/•21-Ie-
Dry Density (pci)
MD Curve Number l-
3ç3 Maximum Density (pci) j,3f3
Optimum. Moisture (%) 1J/ J (0 i-JIfl
Relative Compaction, AC (%)
/J 4. Relative Moisture, AM (%)
Specified AM
Specified RC
Conformance (Yes/No)
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number: ..S SJ 3 b 33 U
This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for performance in accordance with the plans, specifications and applicable
codes. The contractor is responsible for scheduling retesting of reworked areas that have previously failed to meet specifications.
See accompanying Daily Report for description of work and observations.
TESD's Testing Technician: Name: Q SignaiUre: --op
Client's or Contractor's Acknowledgemen: Name: Signature:
White- Office Yel(ow- Co.fj-actor Pink- Field Technician
Test 41 Material Structure Test Location and Elevation or Depth relative to...
I3c 1/- P R_ russ_p_
ft3 /fJ. P El t4e _%efl(c(
laq * jD (4hi1 _ 6i(i
re;w t? P .(o16jt 94
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Kfl.PIf S 1Uov"t4Mi _1C_cF(ct(ej_Q(44
P-1 _E P __ "_bc,u-'_t&,'4 "&si'C(3\uL
Teng Engineers-San Diego ..ic. Established 1946
7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18, San Diego, CA. 92 11
[858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810 ) 13 ipc ,tec. ,mt -tc -
Project Name d Cce/jhc4. e11
Project Number Test Date O&' 3C Page_L of I
Client &/ d
Material: S = Soil, AC = Asphalt Concrete, ATB Aphalt Treated ase, B = Aggreg
LTS = Lime Treated Soil, 0 = Other f_4thqekJ'fr
Structure: P = Pavement Structural Section, F = General Fill, N = Native Soil, WL = Wal
U Other Utilities, W = Wall Backfill, SC.= Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
CTS Cement Treated Soil
SS = Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer,
Test #)3L
' / !qô filL /z- t
Probe Depth (inches)
Wet Density(pcf) /31g IJLL L30 fi) j.LLf /24 (YOS DryDensity(pcf)
MD Curve Number L9 •.
Maximum Density Density (pcf)- ' — - / YO'S'
Optimum Mdisture (%)
-.-- — fr"t/k f- /"JIfF jiU/f.
Relative Compaction, RC(%)
Relative Moisture, RM
Specified RC
Specified RM (%)Ad 11
Conformance (Yes/No) 4tj 1 (S IiH'(ClI
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number: 3_3_o ___)_'L
This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for performance in accordance with the plans, specifications and applicable
codes. The contractor,ls responsible for scheduling retesting of reworked areas that have previously failed to meet specifications.
See accompanyingaiIy Report for description of work and Arvations.A 1)1 • / p TESD's Testing Technician :. S Name: - ___( Signature:
Client's or Contractor's Acknowledgement: Name: -. Siriature:
White- Office S Yellow- Contractor
S Pink- Field Technician
U 1u .-_.l Testing Engineer" •i.S. Labs 0 Testing Engineers - Inland Err'-e 0 Testing Engineers - Palm Springs
th 7895 Convoy Co jite 18 41146 Elm Street, Suite A 820 Research Drive, Suite 2
San Diego, California 92111 Murrieta, California 92562 Palm Springs, California 92262
Phone: (858) 715-5800 Phone: (951) 677-0366 Phone: (760) 325-8378
1828 Fax: (858) 715-5810 Fax: (951) 677-5761 Fax: (760) 325-7480
- (o Project Name C'UU Of Cç2ASB) zcock -w€t- ovc
_7100 1 Test Date Co 0(4- Page of Project Number _..
Client Ck"tt_( OF CS}2
Test S Material 'Structure Test Location and Elevation or Depth relative to...
_iJ2. Y 1CA..i t &êt. M '- O -uE
I 4ü0' 5
tic 15 oCoLQe1 -
A1'1E i - ôt
Material S = Soil, AC = Asphalt Concrete, ATB = Asphalt Treated Base, AB = Aggregate Base, CTS = Cement Treated Soil
LTS = Lime Treated Soil, 0 = Other
Structure P = Pavement Structural Section, F = General Fill, N = Native Soil, WL = Waterline, SS = Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer,
U = Other Utilities, W = Wall Backfill, SC = Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
Probe Depth (inches)
I.L.. JL.. Jt 1IB J.h9 Ito . --------L.L
V-P -Day (pct)
L (
i'z,., !I . 7 1i. 4
. '
i- s
132. 134,1
MD Curve Number . 403 7
Maximum Density (pcf)
Optimum Moisture
Relative Compaction, RC
Relative Moisture, RM
Specified RC (%) 9- -
Specified RM
Conformance (Yes/No) ('iT-) YES KO
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number: 43O I'-i _F?1 _
This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for performance in accordance with the plans, spectficaions and applicable
codes. The contractor is responsible for scheduling retesting of reworked areas that have previously latleo meet spe'tfication5.
See accompanying Daily Report for description of work and observations. \
TESD's Testing Technician:
Client's or Contractor's Acknowledgement:
Name: C42L::3 E-1-e'eQ Signature:
Name: Signature:
White-Office Yellow- Contractor Pink- Field Technician
Testing Engineer U.S. Labs
7895 Convoy CoL .3u1te 18
San Diego, California 92111
Phone: (858) 715-5800
Fax: (858) 715-5810
Testing Engineers - Inland
41146 Elm Street, Suite A'
Murrieta, California 92562
Phone: (951) 677-0366
Fax: (951) 677-5761
tre 0 Testing Engineers - Palm Springs
820 Research Drive, Suite 2
Palm Springs, California 92262
Phone: (760) 325-8378
Fax: (760) 325-7480
Project Name CA-t4 O CA3 - ZOO o'W4 ?o(a7 - Co
Project Number 17,00 t Test Date Page 3 of
Client LILk OF d1&L5 E,AD
Test # Material Structure Test Location and Elevation or Depth relative to...
172 AE4i1 40'ii Ols CøCLCtE e1LVf..
I2.3 - - fL CAi,p r2A1- 3)$Jkfl)1 40 O' COL.LjE $L4Yb.
- (, )l 5 OF COUZ - - -
j5Qt 4Cf. 3IJJ
15d1.3 OF-Cou,6GE 3L-V)
ri '5 0A Cou'ra-cia 8UJb
14 t3 Q-V CØL4.A I3L-Vt)
2COt ,&j 0 s Co j -
— couJe<-t PX)j) - -
4-00'Q o cot.jjj ti1D
S = Soil, AC = Asphalt Concrete, ATB = Asphalt Treated Base, AB = Aggregate Base. CTS = Cement Treated Soil
LTS = Lime Treated Soil, 0 = Other
P = Pavement Structural Section, F = General Fill, N = Native Soil, WL Waterline, SS Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer,
U = Other Utilities, W = Wall Backfill, SC = Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
Probe Depth (inches) i -..
Test 11-110
ii .t IN 1,31
440ot Density (pct) (4) 13 I'2 ¶9
'40 .
1-* -0
i3O( 133,4
. .......
fbT Density (PcO(.i) 1-34 134.
MD Curve Number
Maximum Density (pcf)
Optimum Moisture (%)
Relative Compaction, RC (%) 3 ç _I ?
Relative Moisture, RM
Specified RC _ -
Specified RM
Conformance (Yes/No) /JO & &)ô /'io YE..c AJO AJ
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number: 710t.E}Z42'.O _61/j 3kt
This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for performance in accordance with theans, speciticions and applicable
codes. The contractor is responsible for scheduling retesting of reworked areas that have previously fail \to meet\peicationS.
See accompanying Daily Report for description of work and observations. 'f\ )\ ,
TESD's Testing Technician: Name: CA12LsD3E2€E%' Signature:
Client's or Contractor's Acknowledgement: Name: Signature:
White- Office Yellow- Contractor Pink- Field Technician
Project Name
Project Number
1Testlng Engineer,' J.S. Labs
7895 Convoy Cou .jite 18
San Diego, California 92111
Phone: (858) 715-5800
Fax: (858) 715-5810
Testing Engineers - Inland En- -e
41146 Elm Street, Suite A
Murrieta, California 92562
Phone: (951) 677-0366
Fax: (951) 677-5761
Testing Engineers - Palm Springs
820 Research Drive, Suite 2
Palm Springs, California 92262
Phone: (760) 325-8378
Fax: (760) 325-7480
-1 &O() I Test Date 64-' Page of
Test # Material Structure Test Location and Elevation or Depth relative to...
( AL-1 P ELCt&xt j4z, co of(2OLUEC 1LL/O..
3)r& EaMD, L31ED' luTh _Ots _ouE-
l- (JkA triO t64, Ofl4 i32o4 Lt )MIS 0P itC
Material S = Soil, AC = Asphalt Concrete, ATB = Asphalt Treated Base, AB = Aggregate Base, CTS = Cement Treated Soil
LTS = Lime Treated Soil, 0 = Other
Structure P = Pavement Structural Section, F = General Fill, N = Native Soil, WL = Waterline, SS = Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer,
U = Other Utilities, W = Wall Backfill, SC = Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
Probe Depth (inches) (33 ___-.--- -
-Wee Density (pct) (L)
. Density (Pct)(3
MeiTD7' JE 1/3'3
132-1 13-0
MD Curve Number 33
Maximum Density (pcf)
Optimum Moisture (%)
Relative Compaction, RC (%)
Relative Moisture, RM (%)
4. '7 , ? 2
Specified RC(%)
Specified RM --
Conformance (Yes/No) Jt,jp itjc, IAJO
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial C 51'-J 334 1
This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for performance in accordance with the p1 and applicable
codes. The contractor is responsible for scheduling retesting of reworked areas that have previously tailed
See accompanying Daily Report for description of work and observations.
TESD's Testing Technician: Name: 41f-LQ. L1,e)L'0 Signature:
Client's or Contractor's Acknowledgement: Name: Signature:
White- Office Yellow- Contractor . Pink- Field Technician
Test a Material IStructure' Test Location and Elevation or Depth relative to...
/ R / A)IZFIe aeon ,. I-/-/ 3
10 L /li P j.. // // .' " A-:
id3 ia p
F./ I? ' I I
/'...... /•
i' ?6t .c
tq'I- /Pr P ." . /1 t( ,
it7 iUI- P 1' ,4e 1913 1,414 evcJo C
(C 10G"7#4' '2 i?IO' il-1. tftci
o Testing Enginee; U.S. Labs 0 Testing Engineers - Inland F 're 0 Testing Engineers. Palm Springs
7895 Convoy Cot. .uite 18. 41146 Elm Street, Suite At 820 Research Drive, Suite 2
San Diego, California 92111 Murrieta, California 92562 Palm Springs, California 92262
Phone: (858) 715-5800 Phone: (951) 677-0366 Phone: (760) 325-8378
Fax: (858) 715-5810 Fax: (951) 677-5761 Fax: (760) 325-7480
Project Name
Project Number
7? 1f() I Test Date 0 Page .J. of
Material: S = Soil, AC = Asphalt Concrete, ATB = Aht Treat d §a e, AB = AQgrç
LTS = Lime Treated Soil, 0 = Other /'( F# Mob e e'd- -i 2.
Structure: P.= Pavement StrUçtdral Section, F =Gerteral Fill; N= Native Soil, WL = Wa
U = Other Utilities, W = W?Il'Backfill. SC = Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
te,TS1=rnent Treated Soil
SS = Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer,
-A s.
Wet Density (pcf)
ii j35
gf f
--tat (
Probe Depth (inches)
Dry Density (pcf) .
Moisture (%)
MD Curve Number
ft fl/ft
wim. a-:i
'31ô Maximum Density (pct)
'Relative Compaction, RC J4i iif ;4/Ø f, WIt eJI# Relative Moisture, RM (%) P114
Specified RM (%) Al/ii t4 r..
'v/ N/Iv
,tl 14
Confbrmance (Yes/No)
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number:
This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for performance in accordance with the plans, specifications and applicable
codes. The contractor is responsible for scheduling retesting of reworked areas that have previously failed to meet specifications.
See accompanying Daily Report for descripliori of work and observations.
TESD's Testing Technician: - Name: /IIk c- Signature: il,
Client's or Contractor's Acknowledgement: Name: Signature:
White- Office Yell6w- Contractor Pink-- Field Technician
Testing Engineej U.S. Labs
7895 Convoy Coll, ,uite 18
San Diego, California 92111
Phone: (858) 715-5800
Fax: (858) 715-5810
Testing Engineers - Inland El e
41146 Elm Street,. Suite At
Murrieta, California 92562
Phone: (951) 677-0366
Fax: (951) 677-5761 a R rjtec. I4t(
01,L et
1 26
Project Name
Project Number
O Testing Engineers - Palm Springs
820 Research Drive, Suite 2
Palm Springs, California 92262
Phone: (760) 325-8378
Fax: (760) 325-7480
1X60 I Test Date - - 1/ Page 2 of
C411 cf(cI
Test # [Material Structure Test Location and Elevation or Depth relative to...
/1/ '?ft • a
Material: S = Soil, AC = Asphalt Concrete, ATB = Asphalt Treated Base, AB = Aggregate Base, CTS = Cement Treated Soil
LTS = Lime Treated Soil, 0 = Other
Structure: P = Pavement Structural Section, F = General Fill, N = Native Soil, WL = Waterline, SS = Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer,
U = Other Utilities, W = Wall Backfill, SC = Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
Probe Depth (inches)
Wet Density (pcf).
Dry Density (pct)
MD Curve Number
Maximum Density (pct)
Optimum Moisture
Relative Compaction, AC
Relative Moisture, AM
Specified AC
Specified AM
Conformance (Yes/No) AJV
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number: /
This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for performance in accordance with the plans, specifications and applicable
codes. The contractor is responsible for scheduling retesting of reworked areas that have previously tailed to meet specifications.
See accompanying Daily Report for description of work and observations.
TESD's Testing Technician: Name: rA4 Signature O L
Client's or Contractor's Acknowledgement: Name: Signature:
White- Office Yellow- Contractor Pink- Field Technician
U vet, 0 Testing Engine, U.S. Labs 0 Testing Engineers - Inland I ire 0 Testing Engineers - Palm Springs
7895 Convoy C6. Suite 18 41146 Elm Street, Suite A 820 Research Drive, Suite 2
San Diego, California 92111 Murrieta, California 92562 Palm Springs, California 92262
Phone: (858) 715-5800 Phone: (951) 677-0366 Phone: (760) 325-8378
Fax: (858) 715-5810 Fax: (951) 677-5761 Fax: (760) 325-7480
Project Name eity CcpLShcJ Pe -1-16,C ;
Project Number ___ Test Date c )- Lc - Page ._L.± of
Client Q19 Co-ib-f.
Test a I Material Structu(e Test Location and Elevation or Depth relative to...
'! --
')0 lPelfto01po4 t*AYO - rn, .9' fck.' /24 'd-
1 2. 4 p /
?t ( 4 0 i .
91 tin ii /. , /
__ at 2 . .. . -.-' .. ell 1:' a
g f) , L. Is 0 1 j
. (,, ii -
1' Ai iVO
6 &r(2 J f4-i,o '( " I- '
L Wu 1 t If
Material: . .S = Soil, AC = Asphalt Concrete, ATB = Asphalt Treated Base, AB Aggregate Base, CTS = Cement Treated Soil
LTS = Lime Treated Soil, 0 = Other
Structure: P = Pavement Structural Section, F = General Fill, N = Native Soil, WL = Waterline, SS = Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer,
U = Other Utilities, W = Wall Backfill, SC = Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
Probe Depth (inches)
.... ,. I1 i .-.
Wet Density (pcI) Ikt '4
Dry Density (pct)
-127 /I22
MD Curve Number
Maximum Density (pcf)313
Optimun:Moisture (%) to tw
Relative Compaction, RC _q—
Relative Moisture, AM (%)
Specified AM (%) .. . __ _-_ __ _____ ______
Conformance (Yes/No) JO' fJD Nta ,J4
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number: -
This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for performance in accordance with the plans, specifications and applicable
codes. The contractor is responsible for scheduling retesting of reworked areas that have previously failed to meet specifications.
See accompanying Daily Report for description of work and observations.
TESD's Testing Technician: Nane: 14 L _L k- Signature (w ( L
Client's or Contractor's Acknowledgement: Name: Signature:
White- Office Yellow- Contractor Pink- Field Technician
u Ve J' Testing Engines U.S. Labs 0 Testing Engineers - Inland IF 're
7895 Convoy Cot ,uite 18. 41146 Elm Street, Suite A'
San Diego, California 92111 Murrieta, California 92562
Phone: (858) 715-5800 Phone: (951) 677-0366
26 Fax: (858) 715-5810 Fax: (951) 677-5761
'S • ,_' * I
o Testing Engineers - Palm Springs
820 Research Drive, Suite 2
Palm Springs, California 92262
Phone: (760) 325-8378
Fax: (760) 325-7480
Project Name Q'\- d'
Project Number I Test Date £ø (p12 t
Client C\rLf d CAstoL
Test # Materiat Structure Test Location and Elevation or Depth relative to:..
M P' Lp ae .cc rn
Jo 2.
100 R (r P I ' i,. , /( CC 2- 30
Material: S = Soil, AC = Asphalt Concrete, ATB =,Asphalt lLeated Base, AB = AQreg
LTS = Lime Treated Soil, O,= Other ( Pj- L4e,/ t&.p
Structure: P = Pavement Structural Section, F = General Fill, N = Native Soil, WL = Wa
U = Other Utilities,- W = Walt Backlill, SC = Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
CTS = Cement Treated Soil
me, SS = Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer,
Test# [toO-
2' Probe Depth (inches)
Wet Density (pcI)
Dry Density(pcf.)
Moisture (%)
MD Curve Number .
134 /V' (( 'Maximum Density (pd)
Optimum Moisture
Relative Compaction, AC (%) .
f' Lj
Relative Moisture, AM (%) ______ _______
Specified AC
Specified AM Mi TOY
Conformance (Yes/No) Lf&i /&1 /c)
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number: cS'1O
This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for performance in accordance with the plans, specifications and applicable
codes. The contractor is responsible for scheduling retesting of reworked areas that have previously tailed to meet specifications.
See accompanying Daily Report for description of work and observations.
TESD's Testing Technician: Name: L-) Sign ' ature: ~Va
Client's or Contractor's Acknowledgement: Name: ' Signature:
White- Office Yellow- Contractor Pink- Field Technician
TeL ng Engineers-San Diego, c.
7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18, San Diego, CA. 92111
[858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810
Test Date
Established 1946
Project Name
Project Number
Page of
Test # Material Structure Test Location and Elevation or Depth relative to..
'R6 cu\ f cà'5 . //t .L\
'(L flJ'c 0 L i
:;fl (LP iç' tY-
r4r r. ' " "
/4 Ji
t fl
H (
'' rfr 1 j( I' :S \tJEr I\C(Li'
Rn- P 1' N wwy\ po j Li-'J
Material: S = Soil, AC = Asphalt Concrete, ATB = Asphalt Treated Base, AB = Aggregate Base, CTS = Cement Treated Soil
LTS = Lime Treated Soil, 0 = Other
Structure: P = Pavement Structural Section, F = General Fill, N = Native Soil, WL = Waterline, SS = Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer,
U = Other Utilities, W = Wall Backfill, SC = Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
Test # -c_ ?- --
/4 -1140
Probe Depth (inches) j' ,f 5 s 5 3 i IM
Wet Density (pcf)
(CJ. fJSJ 1° flip t'((t f3?5 6 _IU L
Moisture (%) -
MD Curve Number
Maximum Density (pcf) -_ - P-4FO. -1Icj /j - -
Optimum Moisture
Relative Compaction, AC Vt
Relative Moisture, RM (%)Ilk
Specified RC(%)
Specified AM
Conformance (Yes/No) IS E5-1 4 40 1t2' WE Lit;? L/cj -/05 Al VelL
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number: ) t4l5
This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for performance in accordance with the plans, specifications and applicable
codes. The contractor is responsible for scheduling retesting of reworked areas that have previously failed to meet specifications.
See accompanying Daily Report for description of work and observations.
TESD's Testing Technician: Name: V Signature:
Clients or Contractor's Acknowledgement: Name: Signature:,
White- Office Yellow- Contractor Pink- Field Technician
o Testing Engineer' U.S. Labs 0 Testing Engineers - Inland Ef 're 0 Testing Engineers - Palm Springs
7895 Convoy Coi juite 18 41146 Elm Street, Suite Ai 820 Research Drive, Suite 2
San Diego, California 92111 Murrieta, California 92562 Palm Springs, California 92262
Phone: (858) 715-5800 Phone: (951) 677-0366 Phone: (760) 325-8378
Fax: (858) 715-5810 Fax: (951) 677-5761 Fax: (760) 325-7480
0 QJLil, kJAI
Project Name
Project Number Test Date(9124 (Di'2-.IT Page of')—.
Client Ck{ ci— (1A31Q4).
Test # [Material Structure 'fest Location and Elevation or Depth relative to...
A5 i Ra ? P6 DOI i\!ôrL .pajtr-~Joc—~d (&)& t.ie 2
(-7 RP ( /1 re lee '.. ,
Material S = Soil, AC = Asphalt Concrete, ATB = Asphalt Treated Base, AB = Aggregate Base, CTS = Cement Treated Soil
LTS = Lime Treated Soil, 0 = Other
Structure P = Pavement Structural Section, F = General Fill, N = Native Soil, WL = Waterline, SS = Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer,
U = Other Utilities, W = Wall Backfill, SC = Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
Tesl# jL
Probe Depth (inches)
Wet Density (pct)
Dry Density (pcf)
Moisture (%).
MD Curve Number
Maximum Density (pcf)
Optimum Moisture (%) N/- - -fl--99.
Relative Compaction, RC (%) 9C,
Relative Moisture, RM
Specified RC
Specified RM
Conformance (Yes/No)
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number: 43 CD 21' I
This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for performance in accordance with the plans, specifications and applicable
codes. The contractor is responsible for scheduling retesting of reworked areas that have previously tailed to meet specifications.
See accompanying Daily Report for description of work and observations.
TESD's Testing Technician: Name: (t-t: ii:::;._ SignaturG?t, (A.):1 C L i/-.
Client's or Contractor's Acknowledgement Name: Signature:
White- Office Yellow- Contractor Pink- Field Technician
Test # Material Structure Test Location and Elevation or Depth relative to...
L (cM
c( AJc. , . . .7
?'s ,,J 9 -q, 5.g. 6c;y,4t kJV bJ/- el
IZ P1 #Lt-( /%)crk Wjpe 2
T1A.1A 114t,hJ 70 4u /6-0 "41.CF
P€L d
J Atc.,// 4 c4-L
Te 4ng Engineers-San Diego; _ib. Established 1946
7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18, San Diego, CA. 92111
[858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810
Project Name
Project Number
I I. Client
:i., twii ui,&
12cc Test Date - Page iL of
. I
S = Soil, AC = Asphalt Concrete, ATB = Asphalt Treated Base, AB = Aggregate Base, CTS = Cement Treated Soil ''( ¼
LTS = Lime Treated Soil, 0 = Other .
P = Pavement Structural Section, F = General Fill, N = Native Soil, WL = Waterline, SS = Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer, -
U = Other Utilities, W = Wall Backf ill, SC = Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
Probe Depth Depth (inches) 13 c S R 5 c• 13$
Wet De nsity (pcf) 31.3 Jj F 2 i3L 1L2 t3)i
Dry Density (pcf)
Moisture (%)
MD CurveNumber ____
Optiniiim Moisture (%) Nfir
Maximum Density (pcf)-.---
Rive Compaction RC g c.
iative Moisture AM
SpèàiflèdRC(%) r 7r So- FJ
Specified AM
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number: 3 43 0
This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for performance in accordance with the plans, specifications and applicable
codes. The contractor is responsible for scheduling retesting of reworked areas that have previously failed to meet specificans.
See accompanying Daily Report for description of work and observations.
TESD's Testing Technician: Name: 2 Lt I') f 4C 1" Signaturec
Client's or Contractor's Acknowledgement: Name: Signature:
White- Office Yellow- Contractor Pink- Field Technician
O TeLng Engineers-San Diego, .dc. Established 1946
7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18, San Diego, CA. 92111
[858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810
Project Name c( ?cu (c7
Project Number Test Date (_ Page 2.. of
Client Cd 5L,cF 2c1' L. L
Test # Material Structure Test Location and Elevation or Depth relative to...
73 1& to S( (
Or (1 /- .d ht 4jW4 jc Z £e
Material: S = Soil, AC = Asphalt Concrete, ATB = Asphalt Treated Base, AB = Aggregate Base, CTS = Cement Treated Soil
LIS = LimeTreated Soil, 0 = Other
Structure P = Pavement Structural Section, F = General Fill. N = Native Soil, WL = Waterline, SS = Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer,
U = Other Utilities. W Wall Backfill, SC = Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
Test # 3
Probe Depth (inches) J3f i5
Wet Density (pcf)
Dry pcf) M4
Moisture (%)
MD Curve Number
Maximum Density (pcf)
Optimum Moisture (%)
Relative Compaction, AC
Relative Moisture, AM (%) J/1i.. tJ/p_
Specified AC (%) Ic
Specified AM
Conformance (Yes/No)
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number:
This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for performance in accordance with the plans, specifications and applicable
'codes. The contractor is responsible for scheduling retesting of reworked areas that have previously failed to meet specifications.
'See accompanying Daily Report for description of work and observations. S
TESD's Testing Technician: Name: Signature: (2
Client's or Contractor's Acknowledgement: Name: Signature:
White- Office Yellow- Contractor Pink- Field Technician
TeLng Engineers-San Diego, .ic. Established 1946
7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18, San Diego, CA. 92111
[858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810
Project Name c &i' Is Pc
Project Number 72C f Test Date 6(2l— 443 Page of
Test # Material Structure' Test Location and Elevation or Depth relative to... 5 5L( ,O f4 p4 t p -
416 3
5(- hA— .tc .'16•3 P. ' 13
pr S5 (W(5 CC L U
5 AA 4 -" 3 L Sew- 2a'o
5? iJl— ft IVo 3 e eyL 40 /a Yô
c j2i- p
/A P. ii t ft 31 6A.,e 4pina k Jy7 A CC 11
O2L fZ.4- k CE 3 /c-
Material: S = Soil. AC = Asphalt Concrete, ATB = Asphalt Treat d Ba e, AB = Aggreg te Bas , CTS = C m nt Treated Soil
LTS = Lime Treated Soil, 0 = Other /c'#4 kpi't1 Atrpkc ? 1
Structure: P = Pavement Structural Section, F = General Fill, N = Native Soil, WL = Waterline, SS = Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer,
U = Other Utilities, W = Wall Backfill SC = Sidewalk Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
__ ic- ' 5
Probe Depth (inches) (3,) •
/? fl?,S
Wet Density (pcf) I5:'1 LZ bI3 f
Density (pcf)
Dry /254 4'5 125`3 jS I iA.' I19,tf /2J j24.?
MD Curve Number
Maximum Density (pcf)
Optimum Moisture (%)
Aelative.,Crnpaction,RC(%) ?° L % 22- ?4
RelativeMbiture, AM
Specified AM (%) -
Specified RC(%)çc--
/J ffl
Conformance (Yes/No) . (.JO AID )J() /JO
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number: 0 7& i
This report does not relieve-the contractor of their responsibility for performance in accordance' with the plans, specifications and applicable
codes The contractor is responsible for scheduling retesting of reworked areas that have previously failed to meet specifications
See accompanying Daily Report for description of work and observations.
TESD s Testing Technician Name Signature Cd4
Clieri\'s or Contractor's Acknowledgement: Name: Signature:
White- Office - Yellow-. Contractor - . - Pink- Field Technician
Te ng Engineers-San Diego, .ac. Established 1946
7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18, San Diego, CA. 92111 /24&erc4 4rpI1L//-
[858]715-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810 Oc.Xj/ci j' /Jcfa..w." 4i
Project Name
Project Number
Test Date (p -21 io22- Page 4off'
Test # Material Structure Test Location and Elevation or Depth relative to...
jc !L'f P Plô,'rer_A'?c 49L , t.100 "&c,,M'C?—L
( it!'1.- p ,S'e p k49 J#Qt
/L 1
If I bt C.' p... 1á/ ,
pu-p . . Of A.M/ Lw.- Ar,vJ I Z4
iu'4 p. p• _ / -buc(IUc//9'0 )_W 1.41
rIe-c,L e( f.
IL.il- P If ' ' o1 pee -tS / (
5L 114 Pee
I re
3 /L13- /f ,&. .p 3 / - 1ô ' U
Material: S = Soil, AC = Asphalt Concrete, ATB = Asphalt Tre ted Base, AS = Aggrgaje Bse, 9TS,=,Cement Treated Soil
LTS = Lime Treated Soil, 0 = Other / 7et4_IiC.(/
Structure: P = Pavement Structural Section, F = General Fill, = Native Soil, WL = Waterline, S = Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer,
U = Other Utilities, W = Wall Backfill, SC = Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
Test #
1f ç 4 t ( 't '—/ f2 53
ProbeDepth(inches) (3, (3 ç ç 1a T ,ç- (ç /3'9 40 /3j
Wet Density (pcf) W.- Q-J ,a QC 01Af /5i 125 jéS3
Dry Density (pcf) /1i 'tf- ii1.•; ..ii 13 (../.2 flOi /21.2.. /f..b
MD Curve Number
Maximum Density (pcf)
Optimum Moisture
Relative Compaction, RC
Relative Mo,sture,RM (%)
Specified RC .......
SpecifiedRM (%)
Conformance (Yes/No) 1((.J /'JC f.je iijô
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number: 3'i _S0 _.5Lf5
This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for performance in accordance with the plans, specifications and applicable
codes. The contractor is responsible for scheduling retesting of reworked area's that have previously failed to meet specifications.
See accompanying Daily Report for description of work and observations.
TESD's Testing Technician: Name: L LNIX:( ll~c L&_ Signature:
Client's or Contractor's Acknowledgement: Name: Signature:
White- Office Yellow- Contractor Pink- Field Technician
Test # Material Structure Test Location and Elevation or Depth relative.to...
I t Pc P we
(L f. ti 301 /c
-/O ia- a p i ee 'I
PCUt d 21
,.1 JIVe
'(3 lJ J4or ik'p au tCr /
Project Name
Project Number
Testing Engineers-San Diego, i.
7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18, San Diego, CA. 92111 of
[858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810
f' (1,- (ç 4. IL Pt ui i'c i
Established 1946
RIOLJ4( 041)
cI4+ (R [6dW.
ftt( /L q
c / Test Date b/f2 Page ..± of
Material: S = Soil, AC Asphalt Concrete, ATB = Asphalt Treated Base, AB = Aggregate Base, CTS = Cement Treated Soil
LTS = Lime Treated Soil, 0 = Other
Structure: P = Pavement Structural Section, F = General Fill, N = Native Soil, WL = Waterline, SS = Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer,
U = Other Utilities, W.= Wall Backfill, SC = Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
Test#.' ;34. t(o iLL_ 1'— 93
Probe Depth (inches) 35 c (3j
Wei Density (pcf)
- (flt- /t (31] 04"q A 73
Dry Density (pcf) — i' /W U4_ _i.112N i224
Moisture (%)
MD Curve Number ç
Maximum Density (pcf) ( If4 i. U /3 1LJ J-
Optimum Moisture (%)
Relative Compaction, RC (%) 8 7'X ?t 7?S I''IL 03'
Relative Moisture, RM (%)
Specified RC
Specified RM (%) #qt k4/#) Aib AJ1f AII(pi )A 4J.
COnformance (Yes/No)
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number:
This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for performance in accordance with the plans, specifications and applicable
codes. The contractor is responsible for scheduling retesting of reworked areas that have previously failed to meet specifications.
See accompanying Daily Report for description of work and observations.
TESD's Tstirg Technician: - Name: 2 I'd Signature: Signature:
Clients or Contractor's Acknowledgement: Name: Signature:
White- Office Yellow- Contractor Pink- Field Technician
TeLng Engineers-San Diego, c.
7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18, San Diego, CA. 92111
[858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810 "(?)tbo 1-4
Established 1946
qvb6ri 4 4pIc I 4
C6-/sbj. ('d
I . •Test Date I Page _J. of
Test # I Material Structure Test Location and Elevation or Depth relative to...
, t4- R 'I— b5b &I 61c _4,_1L(.. Itok
,t,4- P
3L iz4 fJ 1•- i -c e ek ket4 . j
33, flfr j2 ô'\c _F I_L-.P4_L.',t,l('_pi8L I ,-j,ctI_4f'
2t( p P.I id._31J'.C Ch _4c-i''Lejo
__k'(2i'c--f-f'ci€!,4t,icL .3& R4 tLJ .
___ /2i.f'_
1L4 p t 'il'-1e.A&Q Io(
Material: S = Soil, AC = Asphalt Concrete, ATB = Asphalt Treated Base, AB =Aggregate Base, CTS =Cement Treated Soil
LTS = Lime Treated Soil, 0 = Other
Structure: P = Pavement Structural Section, F = General Fill, N = Native Soil, WL = Waterline, SS = Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer,
U = Other Utilities, W = Wall Backfill, SC = Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
test 9, 31 " 3 St
Probe Depth (inches) f$
We Density (pcf)
- -
/2 /3/_(.12 13 ( _( LS_ P.=(_i t3 _3 2 _ 47 'J
Dry Density (pcI) '/_ 4 jj /22j
Moisture (°(o)
MD Curve Number
Maximum Density (pcf)'
Optimum Moisture (%)
Relative Moisture, RM (%)
Relative Compaction, RC
Specified RC (%) f fr fj- 9( j5' 9 ' ( 9r
,-- tjo VU /'J 0 "id /v) 0 )*
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number g 30'— 3 2)-2
- This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for perfcirmance in accordance with the plans, specifications and applicable
codes. The contractor is responsible for scheduling retesting of reworked areas that have previously failed to meet specifications.
See accompanying Daily Report for description of work and observation.
TESD's Testing Technician: Name: Signature:
Clients or Contractor's Acknowledgement: Name: '- Signature:
White- Office Yellow- Contractor Pink- Field Technician
Page of
Te_dng Engineers-San Diego, .s ic.
7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18, San Diego, CA. 92111
[858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810
Established 1946
ó, bcJ LAfr
tr—pb ltil
Project Name
Project Number
Test U Material Structure Test Location and Elevation or Depth relative to.. Q,,
ItA& Vd(1
2-4 4- 7
2c- 4 p a tt 'i'
c' r ( I So I frtuIcL& tjcUy
Material: S = Soil, AC = Asphalt Concrete, ATB = Asphalt Treated Base, AB = Aggregate Base, CTS = Cement Treated Soil
LTS = Lime Treated Soil, 0 = Other
Structure: P = Pavement Structural Section, F = General Fill, N = Native Soil, WL = Waterline, SS = Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer,
U = Other Utilities, W = Wall Backfill, SC = Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
Probe Depth (inches)
Wet Density (pcf)
Dry Density (pcf) 37 L3 f3 12 /33
Moisture (%)
MD Curve Number
Maximum Density (pcf)
Optimum Moisture (%)
1371 Idg
Relative Compaction, PC (%) ,19
Relative Moisture, RM (%)
Specified AC
Specified RM
Conformance (Yes/No)
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number: 31'S t 3
This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for performance in accordance with the plans, specifications and applicable
codes. The contractor is responsible for scheduling retesting of reworked areas that have previously failed to meet specifications.
See accompanying Daily Report for description of work and observations.
TESD's Testing Technician: Name: 1LilC.(/L. Signature:
Client's or Contractor's, Acknowledgement: Name: Signature
White- Office Yellow- Contractor , . Pink- Field Technician
Established 1946
obcj1I2e (1s pc(-.
PL-t'v'M Cp-i
I'_ tF
Testing Engineers-San Diego, inc.
7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18, San Diego, CA. 92111
[858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810
do/ Test Date c/I (o// Page _L of
Test # Material Structure Test Location and Elevation or Depth relative to...
/ 4 ,,€2 ,2,. ,t., £i 'Uf &',c /j' .(or co fte
/ R1 P " iI-e- /øo1 e"
P b /-roI (&i O / U Co
ie � i &Ite (oe'
20 114. P ,€ '
( A)O / it#z- wo" E
e•( i4WL4, .J(
23 R4 t ' / (e 2&W LL Cr JiU
2 Y ma , r iust
,ç p ,. e n LJo I li?'%L fr L) t 1(JL Ud
Material: S = Soil, AC = Asphalt Concrete, ATB tAgg *haltT ted Base, , = Cement Treated Soil
LTS = Lime Treated Soil, 0 = Other _____________________________________________
Structure: P = Pavement Structural Section, F = General Fill, N = Native Soil, WL = Waterline, SS = Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer,
U = Other -Utilities, W = Wall Backfill, SC = Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
Test# /( /?-f? 19 20P-( &22?2 ZT
Probe Depth (inches)
Wet Density (pci)
Dry Density (pcf) /35 (fff3tf.5' 1370 63./37. 2 /.3?.2 /3.?. /312
Moisture (%)
MD Curve Number 2
Maximum Density (pci) 37f 67.3 /375 ,37 .3 ,'7.1 (32.f (57f (3f í37 6_S
Optimum Moisture (%)
Relative Compaction, RC (%) T -P-7 40 .
Relative Moisture, RM (%)
Specified RC (%) 9f 5
Specified RM
Conformance (Yes/No) 1/( 1/ /j çeJ yti V - I ./6J /J VtJ Viti
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number: - I
This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for performance in accordance with the plans, specifications and applicable
codes. The contractor is responsible for scheduling retesting of reworked areas that have previously failed to meet specifications.
See accompanying Daily Report for description of work and observations.
TESD's Testing Technician: Name: R M4t, Signature: LJ1 k &
Client's or Contractor's Acknowledgement: Name: Signature:
White- Office Yellow- Contractor Pink- Field Technician
Test# .: T.
Probe Depth (ines) gç __r <P,
Wet Density (pcf)
Dry Density (pcf)
MD Curve Number
_ c?—.
Maximum Density (pcf) /\ /3.f61 (375 I37J /3S h37- - (3:74 (35
Optimum Moisture (%)
Relative Compaction, RC
Relative Moisture, RM (%)
SpeiifiedRC(%) 95 $ 2iS 9 S
Specified RM
Conformance (Yes/No) . ]_/t)0 ,.-ib /U ) NO /t.!O /", /JO
TeLdng Engineers-San Diego: .ac. Established 1946
7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18, San Diego, CA. 92111
-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810 [858] 715
-, r Project Name efr'V/ft'. 1'
Project Number j 0/ Test Date Page of
Client (1,1L1/ C /C-CC
Material: S = Soil, AC = Asphalt Concrete, ATB = Asphalt Treated Base, AB = Aggregate Base, CTS = Cement Treated Soil
LTS = Lime Treated Soil, 0 = Other __________________________________________________________________________
Structure: P = Pavement Structural Sectiàn, F = General Fill, N =Native Soil, WL = Waterline, SS = Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer; ..
U = Other Utilities, W = Wall Backfill, SC = Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
Test # Material Structure Test Location and Elevation or Depth relative to...
-nock y5p't Cf ImA
L f)
p - fIo 1 (( cc er
/'. (r
_____/oc .
( ( (r e ('Cc
4 (
/ P //<?o"eF
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number: 3 tj' 3 1 'L -
This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for performance in accordance with the plans, specifications and applicable
codes. The contractor is responsible for scheduling retesting of 'reworked areas that have previously, failed to meet specifications.
See accompanying Daily Report for description of work and observations.
TESD's Testing Technician: Name: v C Signature: - -.
Client's or Contractor's Acknowledgemertt; Name: ,.,. . . - " Signature:
White- Office ' Yellow- Contractor Pink- Field Technician
TeL ..ng Engineers—San Diego, ..ic. Established 1946
7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18, San Diego, CA. 92111 R eheJ 4phci-/
[858] 715-5800 Fax [858] 715-5810
Project Name C tC Crk
Project Number 7-2. I Test Date Page of 2
Client CL - Cvd
Test # Material Structure TestLocationandElevationorDepthrelativeto...
U I -'? ,-J.
2 -:&,' - C
4. Jfl
Material:: S = Soil, AC = Asphalt Concrete, ATB = Asphalt Treated Base, AB = Aggregate Base, CTS = Cement Treated Soil
LTS = Lime Treated Soil,. 0 = Other
Structure: P = Pavement Structural Section, F = General Fill, N = Native Soil, WL = Waterline, SS Sanitary Sewer, ST = Storm Sewer,
U = Other Utilities, W = Wall Backfill, SC = Sidewalk; Curb/Gutter, 0 = Other
Test #. . ... . 12-
robe.D e'pth (inches) J Jbai' 6~ 'S 2,5
Wet Density (pcf)
Dry Density (pcf)
_._ Fo.* t2..9- 122?_L2!
Moisture (%) . .
MD Curve Number
Maximum Density (pcf)
Optimum Moisture (%) . . . . .
Relative Compaction, RC
Relative Moisture, AM
Specified RC
Specified RM
Conformance(Yes/No) ._ ,4j•
Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number: 313 C
This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for performance in accordance with the plans, specifications and applicable
codes. The contractoris responsible for scheduling retesting of reworked areas that have previously failed to meet specifications.
See accompanying Daily Report for description of work and observations. . .
TESD's Testing Technician: . Name: Signatur-
Client's or Contractor's Acknowledgement: Name: . Signature:
White- Office Yellow- Contractor Pink- Field Technician