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ENVIRONMENTAL ENG. LAB Fax:619-298-6131 T-Nov 3 '03 8:58 P.02 C'3e11 Environmental Engineering Laboratory I I r ' 3538 Hancock Street' SanDiegoq CA 92110 (619)298-6131 . edentIta *nd Engl..ets Recipient: Orion Comtrution ORION CONSTRUCTIQN CORP. 1635 RANCHO SANTA FF. Rfl209 SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 Reference: 0320312 Source Code: 0320312.001 Sample #: rrojcce#: Comment: colform Total (2-5) Coillerl Parameter -. Result Chlorine Residual 2.07 Colifornt E. Coil, Absent Total Coliform Absent Test Parameters Parameter Result Plate Count . Recipient: Orion Construction - ORION CONSTRUCTION CORP. 1635 RANCHO SANTA FE RDI#209 SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 Reference: 0320312 Source Code: 0320312-002 Sample : Proj ect#: Comment: Co//form Total ('2-5) Colilerr Parameter . Ru1t Ch(odocResidusi 2.11 Colifomt, E. Coil. Absent Total Coliform' Absent Test Parameter's ftameter Result Plate Count Matrix: WATER . -. Sampled: 10/31/200 2:00 Received: 10/3)1200 15:00 Collection Address: Sample Location: '24" line fl Description- Date Started: 1013112003 S Date Completed: 11/03/2003 Dilution Date jjts RL MCL Factor Method Analyzed Analyst mg/L '0.1 1 SM45OOG 11/0112003 LB None 0 0 1 5M9222 11/01/2003 ER None 0 0 1 Sm 9222 1:1/0112003 ED' Dilution Date Units RL MCL 'Factor Method Analyzed Anist cfu/ml I ' I 92158 11/02/2003 ED Matrix: WATER - .... Sampled: 10/31/200 2:15 Received: 10/31/200 15:00 Collection Address: Sample Location: Source ' Description: Da Started: 10/31/2003 Date Completed: 11/03/2003 Dilution Date Units EL MCL Factor .Method Analyzed Analyst mg/L 0.1 1 SM45000 11/01/2003 ED None a 0 1 SM 9222 11/01/2003 £13 None 0 0 1 Sm 9222 11/01/2003 ED Dilution Date Units BJ MCL Factor Method Analvieji Annlvsj ofulm] I '] ' 9215B 11/02/2003 ER Approval:_._._;;;;I_t::;;:::t:f.g:;f2____ RI. = Reporting _Liatit MCL = ri4imurn Contaminant Level MDL = Method Detection Limit N/A = Not Applicable Poge loll Environmental Engineering Lab 3538 Hancock Street, San Diego, CA 92110 Ph: 619-298-6131 Sdent1a *d Result _Uo.11s UL 2.07 mg/I_ 0.1 Absent None 0 Absent None 0 Result Units RL ofu/ml 1 C'ollform Total (2-5) Cofflert Parameter Chlorine RciduaI Coliform, E. Coil, Total Coliform Teo Portrnseters Parameter Plate Count Dilution Date ML Factor Method Analyzed Analyst 1 SM450OG 11/0112003 LB 0 1 SM 9222 11/0112003 EB 0 1 Sm 9222 1101/2003 E Dilution Date MCL Factor Method Analyzed Ain!st 92153 11/02/2003 ElI ENVIRONMENTAL ENG. LAB Fax: 619-298-6131 Nov 3 '03 8:58 P.02 Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3538 Hancock Street San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 298-6131 Recipient: Orion Cons1rutkin ORION CONSTRUCIQN CORP. 1635 RANCHO SANTA FR. R1)f209 SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 Reference: 03203)2 Source Code: 0320312.001 Sample #: Frojcct#: Comment: Matrix: WATER Sampled: 10/31/200 2:00 Received: 10/311200 15:00 Collection Address: Sample Location "24k Iic Xi Description: Date Started: 1013112003 Date Completed: 11/03/2003 Recipient-,Orion Construction ORION CONSTRUCTION CORP. 1635 1t4CH.Q SANTA FE RD/#209 SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 Refereate: 0320312 Source Codes 0320312-002 Sample #: Proj ect: Comment: Matrix: WATER Sampled: 10/31/200 2:15 Received: 10/3112.00 15:00 Collection Address: Sample Location: Source Description: Date Started: 10/31/2003 Date Completed: 11/03/2003 Coilform Total (2-5) Colilerl Dilution Date Parameter Result Units RL MCL Factor .Msthod Analyzed Analyst Ci(odocRcsidua1 2.11 mg/l. 0.1 1 SM45000 11/0112003 ElI Coliform, E. Coil. Absent None 0 0 1 SM 9222 11/01/2003 ElI Total Coliform Absent None . 0 0 1 Sm 9222 11/01/2003 ED Test Parameters Dilution Date Pprameter . Result Units RL MCL F9ctor Mtthnrl AnalvsatI Ana1ys Plate Count i cfIilml 1 1 9215H 11/02/2003 EB Approval: Director RL = Reporting Limit - MCL = Maximum Contaminant Level MDL = Method Detection Limit N/A = Not Applicable Page I of I Environmental Enginee.rjng Lab 3538 Hancock Street, San Diego, CA 92110 Ph: 619-298-6131