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ROMTEC SCOPE OF SUPPLY, DESIGN AND INSTALLATION SUBMITTAL FOR: RSMTEC 1.01 PLAN SET Current plan set to follow. RSMTEC j1.02 CALCULATIONS --7 If included in the proposal, structural calculations to follow once plans are sealed. RSMTEC 0 1.03 PRODUCT DATA SHEETS Product Data Sheet Section This section corresponds with the plan set, describing each component supplied by Romtec in the building kit. The data sheets may be submitted for approval by the reviewing authority and are for use in construction of the building. Note: Romtec's proposal and quote were based on the configuration of components that is reflected in the following data sheets. Any request for changes to the proposed components may result in a price increase. This includes requests for options that are shown on the manufacturer data sheets, as well as any color or finish requests. The product data sheets are organized as follows: 1.03.1 STRUCTURE 1.03.2 EXTERIOR 1.03.3 FIXTURES 1.03.4 ACCESSORIES Rev: 12-17-14 RSMTEC 1.03.1 STRUCTURE Data sheets to follow. Stretcher unit Corner return unit Single corner uiiit Concrete brick Double corner or plain end unit Figure 2—Typical Concrete Masonry Units MORTAR JOINT Split Face Block Color Padre Mortar S203 Mauve A\J\LVULc LI L_S National Concrete Masonry Association an infonnation series from the iiational authority on concrete masonry technology TEK 21A Unit Properties (2002) (cwtiuh m : architectural units, bond beams, concrete brick, dimensions, equivalent thickness, hinlcls, screen block, sizes and shapes I NI'ROD U CEION Concrete masonry is one of the most versatile building products available because of the wide vaticty of appearances that can be achieved using concrete masonry units: Concrete masonry units am manufactured in different sizes, shapes, colors, and textures to achieve a number of finishes and functions. In addition, because of its modular nature, (kiferent concrete masonry units can be combined within the same wall to achieve variations in texture, pattern, and color. Certain concrete masonry sizes and shapes air considered standard, while others are popukw only in certain legions. Local manufacturers can provide detailed infonnation on specific products, or the feasibility of producing custom units. A more complete guide to concrete masonry units is the Shapes and Sizes Directory (ref. 2). (203 nun) (203 k Nominal Unit Dimensions (194 inni) Actual Unit Di IlICIlSIODS Figiiic l---Noininal atid ,tcliial tJnit l)iineiisions TV K 7. 2 t\ © 2002Natjojia1 Coiicrele ?Iasonr' Assoi.iatioii UN F! S1ZIS Typically, concrete masonry units have nominal face dimensions of 8 in. (203 nilir) by 16 in. (406 trim), available in nominal thicknesses of 4 , 6, 8, 10, and 12 in. (102, 152, 203, 254, and 305 turn). Nominal dimensions refer to the module size for planning bond patterns and modular layout with respect to door and window open- ings. Actual dimensions of concrete masonry units are typically Vs in (9 5 mm) less than nominal dimensions, so that the 4 or 8 in. (102 or 203 nun) module is maintained with 3/s in. (9.5 nun) mortar joints. Figure 1 illustrates nominal and actual dimensions for a nominal 8 x 8 x 16 in. (203 x 203 x 406 mm) concrete masonry unit. In addition to these standard sizes, otherwiit heights, lengths, and thicknesses may be available from local concrete masomuy producers. Standard 5vecificalion for Load-Bearing Concrete Masonry Units, ASTM C 90 (ref. 5) is the most frequently referenced standard for concrete masonry units. ASTM C 90 includes niinimuumu face shell and web thicknesses for the different sizes of concrete masomi' units as listed in Table 1. Overall unit diniensions (height, width, or length) are pennitted to vaty by ±/8 in. (3.2 nun) from the dimensions specified by the manufacturer. \Vhem requimd, units may be manufactured to closer tolerances than those pennitted inASTM C 90 ASTM C 90 also defines the diffeience between hollow and solid concmtc .niasomy units. The net cross-sectional ama of a solid unit is at least 75% of the gmss cross-sectional ,area. Ili addition to the "staiiclaid" sizes listed above, concrete brick is available in typical lengths of 8 and 16 in, (203 and 406 mm), nominal 4 in. (102 nun) width, and a wide range of heights. They may, be 100% solid, or may have two or time cows. Like ASTM C 90, Standard Specification for Cwicrc'le l3ii:Iding Brick, ASTM C 55 (ml'. 4), permits overall unit dimensions to vary ±/s in. (3.2 mm) from the dimensions specified by the manufacturer. Nominal dimensions of modular concrete brick equal the actual dimensions plus /8 in. (9.5 tHin), the thickness of one standard moilar joint. However, nominal dimensions of nomunodular sized concrete brick usually exceed the standard dimensions by 1/g to 1/4 in. (3.2 to 6.4 nun). - Table l—Miniiuuni Thickness of Face Shells and Webs(ref. 5) \Vcb thickness Equivalent Face shell web thickness, Nominal width lhickness, Wcbs, n./linear foot" of unit, in. (mum) in. (nun) ill. (turn) (nun/in) 3 (76) and4 (102) 3/4 (19,) /i (19) 15/8 (136) 6 (152) I (25) 1(25) 21/4 (188) 8(203) 1 I (32) 1(25) 21/4 (188) 10 (254) 1/8 (35t 1'/s (29) 21/2 (209) 11/4 (32Ve 12 (305) 11/2 (38) 1'/s (29) 21I2 (209) 11/3 (32)" aA,erage of measurements on 3 units taken at Ike thinnest point when measured as described in ASTM C 140 (ref. 3). When this standard is used for split Thee units, a maximum of 10% of split face shell area is permitted to have thicknesses less than those shown, but not less than % in. (19.1 ni in).. Wlieii the units are solid grouted, the 10% limit does not apply. "Average of measurements on 3 units taken at the thinnest poilit when measured as described in ASTM C 140. The minimum web thickness for units with webs closer than I in. (25.4 nun) apart shalt be 3/4 in. (19.1 mm). CSu,fl of the measured thickness of all 'ebs in the unit, multiplied by 12 and divided by. the length of the unit. Equivalent web thickness does not apply to the portion of the .uiiit to be filled with grout. The length ofthat portion shall be deduetedfro,n the overall length of tile unit for the calculation. 'For solid grouted masonry construction, mininitull ilice shell thickness not less than /s in. (16 mm). eTllis face shell thickness is applicable where allowable design load is reduced in proportion to the reduction ill thickness from basic face shell thicknesses shown, except that allowable design loads on solid grouted units shall not be reduced. U Nil SI IA PEi Concrete masonry unit shapes have been developed for a wide variety of applications. The most common shapes are shown in Figuie 2. Typically, the face shells and webs are tapered on concrete nmasomny units. Depending on the core molds used in the manufacture of the units, face shells amithvebs may be tapered with a flare at one end, or may have a straight taperfromlop to bottom. The taperpiovides a widersurface for mortar and easier handling for the mason. The shapes illustrated in Figure 3 have been developed specifically toaccommoclateicinfomement. Open-ended units allow-the units to be tineaclecl around reinforcing bars. This eliminates the need to lift units over the top of the reinforcing bar, or to thread the ieinfomement through the masonry comes Open end, or Double open end unit "A° shaped unit Lintel unit Bond beam iits Pilaster units Figure 3—Shapes to Accwmnodate Reinforcement after the wall is constricted. Boitcl beams in concrete masonry walls can be accommodated either by saw-cutting out of a standard unit, orby using bond beaniunits. Bond beam units are eitliOrmaiuthmctuiedwith reclucedwebs orwith"knock-out" webs, which are removed prior to placement in the wall. Homizomital bond beani reinforcement is easily accommodated in these units. Lintel units are similar to time U shaped bond beam units. Lintel units are available in various depths to cany appropriate lintel loads over door, and window openings. The solid bottom conlines gmut to the lintel. Pilaster amid column units are used to easily accommodate a wall-column or wall- pilaster interface, allowing space for vertical reinforcement in Sash unit All purpose or kerf unit Control joint unit Bull-nosed unit Bevelled unit Screen units Figure 4—Special Shapes Figure 5—Exainplc.s of Concrete Mason!)' Units Designed For Energy Efficiency z > Figure 6—Examples of Acoustical Concrete Masonry Units the hollow center. Figure 4 shows units developed for specific wall applica- tions Sash block have a veitical groove molded into one end to accommodate a window sash. Sash block can be Jaithvith the grooves adjacent to one another to accommodate a prefornied control joint gasket Control joint units are manufactured with one male and one female end to pmsde latemi load tmnsfer across control joints. An all-purpose or kerf unit contains two closely spaced webs in the center, rather than the typical.single web. This allows the unit to be easily split on the jobsite, producing two 8 in. (203 111111) long units, which are typically used adjacent to openings oral the endsorcoiiierofa.wall. Bull- nosed unitsamavailablewitheithera singleordouble bull nose, to sOften corners. Screen units are available in many sizes and patterns. Typical applications iiic!ude exterior fences, interior partitions, and openings within interior concrete masonry walls. Bevelled-end units, fonning a 45 angle with the face of the unit, are used to form walls intersecting at 135° angles. Units ina4jacentcouies.overlap to fonna running bond pattern at the corner. A variety of concrete ivasoniy units are designed to in- crease energy efficiency. These units, examples of which are shown in Figure 5, may have reduced web areas to reduce heat loss through the webs. Web areas canbe icduccdby reducing the web height or thickness, reducing the number of webs, or both. Inaddition, the interiorface shell of the unit can be made thicker than a typical face shell for increased thermal storage, and hence further increase energy efficiency. Insulating insemis call also be incorporated into standard concrete masonry units to increase energy efficiency. Acoustical LII! its (Figure 6) dampen sound, thus improv- jag the noise reduction attilbutes ofanintetiorspace. Acoustical units ate ofien used in schools, industiial plants, and churches, and to improve internal acoustics. The hushed appearance of a concrete inasomuty wall can be varied with the size of units, shape of units, color of units and mortal; bond pattern, and surface finish of the units. The various shapes a nd sizes of concrete in units described above are oficu available inn choice of surface finishes. Some of the surfaces ate molded into the units during the manufacturing process, while others are applied separately. Figure shows some of the more common surface textures available. Ribs, flutes, striations, offsets, and scores are accom- plished by using a unit mold. with the desired characteristics. Split-faced units are molded with two units face-to-face and then the units aie mechanically split apart. Glazed units are manufactured by bonding a pemianent colored facing to a concrete masoni)' unit, providing a smooth impeivious surface. Glazed units arc often used for brightly- colored accent bands, and in gymnasiums, rest moms, and indoor swimming pools where the stain and moisture resistant finish reduces maintenance. Glazed units comply to Standard Specification for Prefaced concrete and Calciwn Silicate A'fasonri' (lulls, ASTM C 744 (ref. 6). Ground-face units are ground to achieve a smooth finish which reveals the natural colors of the aggregates. Often, specific aggregates will be used to enhance the appearance. For more information on surface finishes, see TEK 2-3A Architectural Concrete AIaso,,ry Units (ref..1). ; ! Figure 7—E xamples of Siithcc Finishes Available For Concrete Masonry Units clockwise fi-oni bottom left: split face with hlmice scores: single score ground lace: glazed coiner 111111: ground (lice: ground lace: single score glazed; split Face: ground face: split face: center: eight-ribbed split face) RiREN('ES Architectural Concrete Ma- sonry Units, TEK 2-3A, Na-. lional Concrete Masonry Asso- ciation, 2001. Shapes and Sizes Directory, Na- tional Concrete Masoniy Asso- ciatioi4 1995. Standard 11ell:ods ofSainpling and Thsling c'ôncreie Masonry Units and Related Units, ASTM C 140-01a". American Society for Testing and Materials, 2001. Standard Spec ffIcaiion for Con- crete Building Brick, ASTM C 55-01a. American Society for Testing and Materials, 2001. Sta,ulard Specification for Load- Bearing Concrete 'fason,y Units, ASTM C 90-0 Ia. Ameri- can Society for Testing and Ma- terials, 2001. Standard Speq/icalion.for Pref- aced Concrete and Calcium Silicate Masonry Units, ASTM C 744-99. American Society for Testing and Materials, 1999. Provided by: Disclaimer: Although care has been taken to ensure the enclosed information is as accurate and complete as possible, NCIA does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions resulting from the use of this TEK. NATIONAL CONCRETE MASONRY ASSOCIATION To order a complete TEK Manual or TEK Index, 13750 Sunrise Valley Drive, Hemdon, Virginia 20171 contact NCM.A Publications (703)713-1900 www.ncnla.org I Precision Block: Precision Block: Available Colors BACK TO PRECISION BLOCK Standard concrete block colors are available at a usual lead time of 4 to 6 weeks. Custom concrete block colors will require special order and may be subject to: Minimum Order Quantity, Extended Wait Times, Mold Fees, and Agreement to purchase all units from the production run. Please call for more information. COLOR NOTE: Colors may vary depending on your monitor or printer. Contact RCP Block & Brick for sample color chips. Also, higher unit compressive strengths may affect standard color ranges due to changes in aggregates and increased cement ratio. Natural Buff Yellow Gold L. tie Gray 71 Aliti ,,. ,... t ,. Eu ii Charcoal Onyx ILII Light Bro,%n Sand El Rancho Mission Otay Ranch Brown Chestnut Terra Cotta Red Ruby Green Mist HOME I ABOUT US I PRODUCTS I GALLERY I SUPPORT I LOCATIONS I CONTACT I SITE MAP Copyright © 2015 RCP Block & Brick, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ) I / Romtec has proposed ti components (doors, frar guarantee that the foIIo other manufacturer. S k ) T - -J (' \j • .w. / PAL 3014 49/31080 RAL4004 49/31020 38/30024 PAL 1004 49/22570 38/20004 RAL 1005 49/22560 38/20005 PAL 1006 49/22550 38/20006 PAL 1007 49/22540 PAL 1011 49/15180 38/15011 P.411012 49/22530 38/20012 RAL 1013 49/11280. 38/10013 RAL 1019 49/13660 38/15019 RAL 1020 49/22500 38/20020 RAL 1021 49/22280 38/20021 RAL 1023 49/22490 38/20023 RAL 1024 49/22480 38/20024 RAL 1027 49/22470 38/20027 1c PAL 1028 49/22460 RAL2001 49/24560 38/23170 PAL 2002 49/24550 38/25002 RAL 2004 49/24530 PAL 2008 49/24340 RAL 2009 49/24360 RAL 2010 49/245201 PAL 2012 49/24690. RAL 3000 49/33120 38/30000 RAL 3001 49/31120 38/30001 RAL 3002 49/31110 38/30002 RAL 3.003 49/31100 38/30003 RAL 3004 49/33900 38/30004 I . RAL 3015 49/33670 RAL 3016 49/31980 38/30016 RAL 3017 49/31060 PAL 3018 49/31050 RAL 3020 49/31040 38/30021 RAL 4005 49/42780 PAL 4006 49/32090 RAL 4007 49/32540 38/30025 RAL4008 49/32280 RA14009 49/34740 RAL 1000 49/15200 PAL 1015 49/15320 PAL 1033 49/22240 38/1.5000 38/15015 RAL 1001 49/15190 PAL 1016 49/22520 RAL1034 49/23910 38/15001 38/20016 L.H RAL 1002 49/22590 RAL 1017 49/22510 RAL 1037 49/20096 38/20002 38/20017 P PH RAL 1003 49/22580 RAL-1018 49/21830 RAI2000 49/24570 38/20018 PAL 2003 49/24540 PAL 3005 49/31900 RAL 3022 49/33700 P414010 49/40490 38/30005 RAL 3007 49/31910 RAL 3027 49/33660 PAL 5000 49/42200 38/30007 . 38/40000 PAL 3009 49/31920 RAL 3031 49/34730 RAL 5001 49/42210 38/30009 38/30031 38/40001 RAL3011 49/31090 RAL4001• 49/43160 RAL 5002 49/42220 30,30&11 38/40002 RAL.3012 49/31940 :RAL 4002 49/31030 RAL 5003 49/42230 38/30012 38/30008 38/40003 j1 j RAL 1014 49/15170 RAL 1032 49/22450 RAL 2011 49/24580 RAL 3013 49/31950 PAL4003 49/32270 RAL 5004 49/42240 38/15014 38/20032 38/30013 38/40004 F-SERIES FLUSH FRAMES ABOUT THE PRODUCT: F Ser es 3 Sided Flush Frames ate designec to meet requirements for light to maximum duty aplicatiEons in' both commercial and institjtional buildings. They are nstalled Fri boti interior and exterior locations, and in virtually allitypes of build ngs and well constructions. These frames are to be instaled as part of :he wall framing sequence. They.cai be specified and scpplied as KO knock-don) for field assenbli prior to installatior or .aielded for installation as a compete unit. INSTALLATION: Instal atbn shall conform :o tie published Steelcraft installatioi iristrutitns, ANSI A250.1 1-2001 (formerly SJI 105) Recoinmeded Erection Instructions for Eteel Frames and Fire sated Assemblies mut be in accord.ince with NFPA Pamphlet 80 The Authority Hevi-ig Jurisdistlifralauthoriyin issue rel.iteJ to the installation 3nd use of installed Fire Rated Doors. STE E LCRAFT FEATURES AND BENEFITS: Steelcraft F Series Flush Frames offer the following unique features, which enhance long term functionality and durability: Die-mitered corner connections Die-mitered corner connection at the head and jamb insure an attractive, tight and closed mitered connection. The miter includes 4 corner tabs designed with concealed connection eliminating the need for continuous profile welding. Patented universal hinge preparations allow for easy field conversion from standard weight .134" (3.3mm) thick hinges to heavy weight .180" (4.7mm) hinges. Adjustable base anchors allow for installation adjustment when the floor is not level. Factory prepared for field installed silencers. Factory applied baked on rust inhibiting primer in accordance with ANSI A250.10-1998 (R2004). SPECIFICATION COMPLIANCE: Overall frame construction for the Steelcraft F-Series Flush Frames meets the requirements of ANSI A250.8-2003 (commonly referred to as SDI-100). Hardware preparations and reinforcements are in accordance with ANSI A250.6-2003. Locations are in accordance with ANSI/DHI A115 FIRE RATINGS: The F-Series Flush Frames meet the broadest fire rating requirements. They are listed for installations requiring compliance to both neutral pressure testing (ASTM El 52 and UL lOB) and positive pressure standards (UBC 7-2 and UL bC). Refer to the Fire Rated Section of this manual for particular listings. F-Series Frames are typically installed in wall construction types as defined in the chart below: HN1A 84APPLICATIONS: FRAME APPLICATIONS Profile Steel Tiickness 2 Wall Construction Typical Wall Anchors Wood or Steel Stud Lock-in Stud Anchor (M Existing Masonry Bolted Through Soffit F14 14 Gage [0.C7" (1.7mm)] Wood or Steel Stud Lock-in Stud Anchor Masonry Wire Masonry Existing Masonry Bolted Through Soffit FU 12 Gage [O.3 2.3mm)] Wood or Steel Stud Welded Stud Anchors Masonry Wire Masonry Existing Masonry Bolted Through Soffit (i)ARV f1gersollRanc.J Technical Data Manual Rev. 4/09 2.2.1 Security Technologies Standard Double Rabbet Frame *1/2(13 mm) f 4 1-9/1w I I (40 mm) I Throat ' Jamb Opening Depth H I t 1-15/16 (49 mm) *1/2"(l3 mm) 1 5/8(16 mm) 3/4"(19mm)forF12 Opening Width (50 mm) Single Rabbet Frame *1/2' (13 mm) I Throat Opening L *1/2"(13 mm) t I Varies Jamb Depth 1-15/16" (49 mm) -•' I--- 5/8"(16mm) 2" Opening Width (50 mm) 3/4(19mm) for F12 * 7/16- (11mm) on 5-3/4" frame depth STEELCRAFT FLUSH FRAMES F—SERIES Fl 0 Elevation Z' (50 mm) (50 r(50 Finished Opening Width mm) H 9-3/4" Optional 14 gage closer reinforcement (248 mm) -- HINGE Equal ashed ening eight HINGE STRIKE - - Equal (1024n 40-5/1 HINGE 10-3/8"(264 mm) 1 FRAME SIZING OPTIONS m) SERIES MAXIMUM OPENING SIZE JAMB DEPTH AVAILABILITY STANDARD PROFILE DIMENSIONS CORNERS (profile) I (Variations Available) Single Pair SINGLE RABBET DOUBLE RABBET FACE STOP RETURNS STANDARD Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum DIE MITERED 5'-O"xlY-O" (1524mm x 3353mm) 10"-0"x11 --0" (2439mm x 3353mm) 3" (76mm) 20" (508mm) 4-3/4" (121 mm) 20" (508mm) 2" (50mm) 5/8" (1 6m 1/2"* (13mm) withfour (4) concealed tabs F14 interlocking head and jambs F12 4'-0" x 8'-0" 8-0" x 8-0" N/A N/A 4-3/4" 14-3/4" 2" 3/4" 1/2" Square cut for (1524mm x 3353mm) (2439mm x 3353mm) (76mm) (508mm) (121mm) (375mm) (50mm) (19mm) (13mm) welded corners *except 5-3/4" (146mm) depth, which is 7/16" (11 mm) N/A - Not Available 2.2.1 a Technical Data Manual Rev, 4/09 (,,,)IngersoII Rand Security Technologies F—SERIES FLUSH FRAMES STEELCRAFT Universal Mortise Hinge Prep 4/8" Strike Prep (ASA) KD Corner Detail 4-1/2" Standard (114 mm) 5" Optional (127 mm) 7 Gage Hinge Reinforcement GENERAL NOTES: Variations in jamb depths available in 1/8" (3mm) increments. All F Series frames are supplied standard with masonry wire or lock-in jamb anchors and adjustable base anchors. Anchors are designed for maximum wall/frame engagement and installation flexibility. F Series Frames are to be installed as part of the wall framing sequence. Depending on environmental and usage conditions the steel can be either cold rolled or galvanneated. Galvannealed steel is recommended for all exterior applications. FRAME OPTIONS Optional 4 " (1 02mm) Face Head Detail CORNER CONNECTIONS SERIES FRAME PROFILE KD SUA (Knock-Down) (Set-Up & Weld) 4" (102mm) HEADS SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE I DOUBLE RABBET RABBET RABBET RABBET RABBET RABBET Typically for walls F16 less than 3-3/4" 3 interlocking 4 interlocking Die-mitered for use with 2" (51 mm) (95mm) thick. Minimum walls Typically for walls 3-3/4" corner tabs per factory die-miter, corner tabs per factory die-miter, Available when specified, and in accordance with ANSI A250.8-2003 face double rabbet jambs. Available when specified for KD F14 thickness (95mm) "KD See the See the "KD (5 100). or SUA applications. 2' (51 mm) thickness Corner Detail Corner Detail or greater F12 N/A N/A N/A Standard Saw Cut and welded, and in accordance with For use with 2' (51 mm) ANSI A250.8-2003_ (SDI _100) face double rabbet jambs. N/A = Not Available (,,$)Ingersoii Rand Technical Data Manual, Rev, 4/09 2.2.1 b Security Technologies STEELCRAFT Existing Wall Anchor Anchor for Wood Stud Partition Anchoring and Installation Notes: FLUSH FRAMES F—SERIES Adjustable Base Anchor Attached with S.M. screws furnished Maximum adjustment 1-3/8" (35 mm) below frame F16 and F14-Series Commercial and Institutional Frames are supplied standard with masonry wire or lock-in jamb anchors and adjustable base anchors. Anchors are designed for maximum wall/frame engagement and installation flexibility. For anchoring applications, refer to section 2.4 of this manual. Installation Caution Notice - Grouted Frames: When temperature conditions necessitate an additive to be used in the mortar to prevent freezing, the contractor installing the frames must coat the inside of frames in the field with a corrosion resistant coating per SDI 105. When frames are to be grouted full, silencers must be field installed prior to grouting. Steel frames, including fire rated frames, do not require grouting. Grouting is not recommended for frames in drywall. 4. All fire rated frames must be installed in accordance with NFPA Pamphlet 80 and the Authority Having Jurisdiction FRAMING APPLICATIONS SERIES Steel Type Building Type Opening Usage Frequency' K134 Corner SUA5 Corner Applications Non- Galvannealed? Institutional and Interior Heavy to Typical Building Conditions Extra Heavy / nnealj High Humidity and/or Weather Exposure Commercial Duty F14 Non- Galvannealed2 Institutional and Interior Extra Heavy to Typical Building Conditions Commercial Maximum Duty / / Galvannealed3 Mainly Exterior [High Humidity and/or Weather Exposure F12 F Institutional Galvannealed and Interior and Exterior Maximum Duty N/A Maximum Traffic Building Conditions High Humidity and/or Weather Exposure Commercial Usage frequency is based on ANSI A2508-2003 'Commercial quality cold rolled steel Reinforcements for galvanriealed frames are also galvannealed 'Knock-Down for field assembly prior to installation Set-up and Welded for installation as a pre-welded unit 2.2.1 c Technical Data Manual Rev. 4/09 Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies M P0 Box 297, Drain, OR 97435 (541) 836-2191 HANDLING AND STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FiRP® GLULAM BEAMS TRANSIT DAMAGE TRUCK - When material is delivered by truck, damages should be acknowledged in writing to the driver. RAIL - If material has been damaged on transit, do not unload until the inspector for the delivering carrier has been contacted and acknowledges the damage and presents you, the consignee, with a written inspectors report. It is the responsibility of the consignee to file damage claims against the carriers. ERECTION AND INSTALLATION A competent erector shall erect the timber systems with appropriate resources for the erection of this system. The erector shall properly brace system and maintain member alignments until all necessary components are in place. Bracing system design and implementation are the responsibility of the erector. Minor installation corrections: trimming, moderate reaming or drilling, and use of drift pins shall be considered a usual expense of erection. American Laminators / Duco-Lam shall be notified immediately at the discovery of any error in materials, workmanship, or shop drawings. No correction shall be attempted without approval from American Laminators / Duco-Lam. Limiting exposure to moisture during jobsite storage and erection can minimize seasoning checks. Avoiding rapid changes in wood moisture levels during construction and building operation can further minimize checking. Temperature and humidity should be regulated to provide gradual seasoning of members during the first year of operation. Longer if timbers are of large volume, or have been exposed to unusual wetting during construction. - - over - N VALUES FOR STRUCTURAL GLUED-LAMINATED SOFTWOOD TIMBER STRESSED PRIMARILY IN BENDINGt.3) - Bending About X-X Axis - (Loaded Perpendicular to Wide Faces of Laminations) Compression Shear Parallel Extreme Fiber Perpendicular to Grain Modulus of in Bending to Grain (Horizontal)m EIastictty Tension Zone Compression Stressed Zone Stressed Tension Compression in Tension in Tension Face Face Combination Species(4) Balanced/ F F F F E Symbol QutOr/Core - Unbalanced(l) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (10psiY 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 Western Species EWS 24F.V4 DF/DF Ii 2400 - 1850 650 - 650 265 1.8 EWS 24F-V8 DF/DF 8 2400 2400 650 650 265 1.8 Sending About V-V Axis (Loaded Parallel to Wide Faces of Laminations) Axially Loaded Fasteners Extreme Compression Shear Tension Compression Specific Gravity Fiber in Perpendicular Parallel to Grain Modulus of Parallel to Parallel to Modulus of for Dowel-Type Bendinge) to Grain (HorizonLaF)°•1' Elasticity( Grain Grain Elasticity(0) Fastener Design Top or Bottom Side - Face Face (psi) F (pst (psi) E, (106 psi) F (pat) F (psi) E (10 psi) SG Combination Symbol 10 - 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 1450 560 230 16 1100 1650 1.7 0.50 0.50 EWS24F-V4 T iu 1450 560 230 1.6 1100 1650 1.7 050 0.50 EWS24F-v8 - Glulam Design Specification We have field representatives in many major U.S. cities arid in Canodo who con help answer questions involving APA trademarked products. For additional assistance in specifying engineered wood products, contact us. APA HEADQUARTERS 7011 So. 19th St. Tacoma, Washington 98466 (253) 565-6600 • Fax (253) 565-7265 PRODUCT SUPPORT HELP DESK (253) 620-7400 • E-mail Address: help@apowood.org DISCLAIMER The information contained herein is based on APA - The Engineered Wood Association's continuing programs of laboratory testing, product research and comprehensive field experience. Neither .APA, nor its members make any warranty, expressed or implied, or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the use, application of, and/or reference to opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations included in this publication. Consult your local jurisdiction or design professional to assure compliance with code, construction and performance requirements. Because APA has no control over quality of workmanship or the conditions under which engineered wood products are used it cannot accept responsibility for product performance or designs as odufly constructed. Form No. YI 17E/Revised August 2008 REPRESENTING THE ENGINEERED WOOD INDUSTRY r IPOWDER COAT COLOR: RAL 3012 BILL OF MATERIALS ITEM RE alp PART NO. ES.RIPTION 1 1 S/S MS PLATE S x 5-3/16 2 2 1/5 MS PLATE S X 5-1/2 3 2 #5 REAR x 12 LONE 4 2 1/5 MS PLATE 1 x 1 ---------------------------- 2 1/5 MS PLATE 5" x 5 1/2 NOTE: INSTALL PLATES SO THAT BOLT HOLES PG NOT LINE UP IP Il' 1/4dx2 1/2 ' LAG 0 0 511ro"O HOLES 1 1/4 / - ---------------- 2 s"•l f 2 1/5 MS PLATE S x S 1/2 S/S MS PLATE S x S /i5 5/5 1 1/5 - - \it' *5 RESAR - - - (CENTERED ON PLATE) ITEM - - - 5CALE3=1-0 - 1/4 V "N\ - - -4 1/5 MS PLATE 1 x 1 1/2 2 1/2 (I) 5 1/S" ~LIJLAM HOLcOY4N BRACKET SGALE 3 =1 _1 SSS2 L)AMTiTY_S AS SHOY'1N QUANTiTY:_-- OPPOSITE PiA AT1'(' 18 D ROSEBURG, OR 97470 KA A NJ I I A t" Ti I NJ ,._ L~,,~2,01a)=, ROMTEG ING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVEP. THESE PLANS ANP PRAJNINGS MA( NOT BE REFR0PUCEP, AAPTEP OR FURTHER DATE 0/0/205 I%.91 VI I J4\ (541)-496-3541 FkX(541)-496.08D3 I IT% I 'SI I f'*I ! I I AND NO BUILDINGS MAY BE CONSTRUGTED FROM THESE PLANS, k1ITHOUT THE r4RITTEN PERMISSION OF ROMTEC., DRAWN BY ()=REFERENCE DIMENSION REV DESCRIPTION PATE BY MASS9O# TOLERANCES (UNLESS LULAM HOLPPOYS4N BRACKET OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) SHEE OF FRACTIONS *1/16 5 1/5" GLULAM BEAM ________________________________________ _______ O. XXX *.005 I BT-000-1302 ANGLES ±1/2 POWDER COAT COLOR: RAL 3012 SILL OF MATERIALS ITEM REG'P PART NO. ESGRIPTION 1 1 L S X S X 1/2 X 1 3/4 2 2 1/4 MS FB 4 x S 5/15 kN/ (2) HOLES 3 1 1/4 MS FB 4 x 5 1/15 ol lo BOLT F i "4' 1/4k 4 ol 53/16 ITEM SCALE 5" =1-0 _____ 15/1S --71 70, a ITEM #3 CP13/15 T'(P (1) SCALE 3 1-0 S FOR 3/4 BOLT ®5 1/5' OLULAM SEAM BRACKET ASSEMBLY SCALE 11/2 = 1-0 .jos ___ 1SS2 UANTIT( 4 AS SHOPMN QUANTITY -- OPPOSITE R'' TEC (5411 18240 NORTH BANK ROAD © 2O1 RQMTEG, ING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THESE PLANS AND RArIN&S MAY NOT BE REPROu.EP, ADAPTED OR FURTHER DATE O/14/201 ROSEBURG, OR 97470 I VI -496-3541 FAX (541)-496-0803 DISTRIBUTED,AND NO BUILDINGS MAY UG BE GONSTRTEP FROM THESE PLANS, VITHOUT THE kNRITTEN PERMISSION OF ROMTEC., INC.. DRAWN BY ()=REFERENCE DIMENSION 'I A REV PESCRIFTION PATE BY SS9C# TOLERANCES (UNLESS 5 1/5 LLJLAM mM OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) - __________ ______ SHEET OF FRACTIONS ±1/16 BRACKET ASSEMBL Y DWG. NO. .XX ±.010 - .XXX ±.005 ANGLES ±1/2 - - POWDER COAT COLOR: RAL 3012 SILL OF MATERIALS ITEM REaV FART NO. PESCRIPTION 1 1 L S X S X 1/2 X 1 3/4 2 1 8T-000-3006 5 1/5 LU LAM &' X 5 1/2 SAPLE NELDMENT FOR 1/2 SOLT JL±_0,5 3/iS 1 5/15 I Ln 13/1S (1) 2 FOR 3/4 BOLT 1/8" 6LULAM SEAM BRACKET ASSEMBLY ®5 SC.ALE 11/2 = 1-0 15662 QUANTITY_4 AS SHO'NN L)ANTITY_-- OPPOSITE R'' ATEC 18240 NORTH BANK ROAD MANUFACTURIN ROSEBURG, OR 97470 VIV1 © 201 ROMTE, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THESE PLANS AND DRAkNINS MA'r NOT BE REPRODUCED, ADAPTED OR FURTHER DISTRIBUTED, AND NO BUILDINGS BE CONSTRUCTED FROM THESE PLANS, V1THOUT THE V'IRITTEN PERMISSION OF ROMTEC, MAY' DATE O/14/201 DRAWN BY: (541)-496-3541 FAX (541)496-0803 JS ()=REFERENCE DIMENSION TOLERANCES (UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) LU LAM BEAM BRACKET REV PESGRIPTIONI ATE By 1 SHEEr OF FRACTIONS ±1/16 - OWG NO XXX ±05 - _________________________ ____ - ANGLES ±1/2' IPOWDER COAT COLOR: RAIL 3012 J SILL OF MATERIALS ITEM REGV FART NO. DE5rRIPTION 1 1 1/4 MS FL iS 1/2 X 15 q/16 ri 13/15 HOLES ROMTEC POWDER COAT COLOR: WHITE SILL OF MATERIALS ITEM REG'P PART NO. PESGRIPTION 1 1 iS ga MS SHEET 12 x 12 2 4 #10 x 1 RIBBED ANCHORS ViTH #S x 1 FH 0 0 12" - FLUMBIN& AGGESS PANEL I SCALE: 3" = .ios # 15662 QUANTITY_1 AS SHOfrMN QUANTITY OPPOSITE PA AT1(' 1824O NORTH BANK ROAD ROSEBURG, OR 97470 KA AK] I I Af' TI I K] f ' U U /' U I U Id S¼..l © 201 ROMTEC INC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THESE PLANS AND DSAkNNGS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED ADAPTED OR FURTHER DISTRIBUTED, AND NO BUILDINGS MAY BE CONSTRUCTED FROM THESE PLANS, kA4ITHOUT THE r4RITTEN PERMISSION OF ROMTEC, INC. DATE:O/27/201 DRAWN I%.'1 VI I L...i\. (541)-4963541 FAX 541)-496-0803 I U I TH - ()=REFERENCE DIMENSION TOLERANCES (UNLESS PLUMBIN& ACCESS PANEL REV DESCRIPTION DATE BY MASS90# _______________________________________________________ __________ - SHEET I OF OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) FRACTIONS ±1/16 1 2" X 12" - __________________________________________________________ ___________ - DWG- NO. XX ±010 .XXX ±.005 PL-000-1044 - - ANGLES ±1/2 Quality,, commitment and innovation Glasteel, with more than 50 years of experience, is one of the largest manufacturers of Fiberglass Reinforced Panels in the North American Market supported by three state-of-the-art manufacturing plants (all ISO 9001:2008 Certified) and three strategically located distribution centers. Our mission is to offer added value products with the highest quality standards, competitive pricing and best customer service of the industry. Glasliner FRP meets many of today's demanding applications that require high sanitation needs. These applications range from restaurants and supermarkets to restrooms and storage areas. Glasteel's process uses a special type of high strength polyester resin combined with fiberglass reinforcement to produce liner panels offering superior quality and durability. The result is a panel with a resin rich surface that is tough, strong and easy to clean. The Best Products, Service, Price & Selection ALL Under One Brand @fflEaIP WaI.1,Ceil.ing & Laminated Liner Panet.s 800-238-5546 www.glasteeLcom IinerFRP IiIIiavrnieis Resin rich surfaces that are tough, strong and easy to clean. Maximum Sanitation Protection Excellent Quality Meets USDA Standards Years of dependable performance Maximum sanitation protection • Resin rich surface that is tough & easy to clean Significant cost savings over other materials Meets today's high sanitation standards Moisture Resistant Does not support mold or mildew Will not rust or corrode Highly Impact Resistant Extremely high strength to weight ratio Tough surface that resists shattering, scratches and abrasions Outstanding CLeanability Cleans with regular detergents and Water =,MW5(tTPXn—eUSW9C-i1fi Glasliner FRP is available in the following sizes: Series Nominal Thickness 1600 .125" 11200 .090" 180 160 .060" .045" 150 .035" Width Standard 4 Feet Length 8, 9, 10 and 12 Feet 800-238-5546 www.glasteel.com IinerFRP Low Cost Installation o Easy to handle and install in any type of construction, and over any type of existing wall surface No special tools needed More economical than stainless steel or ceramic tile Improved Chemical. Resistance Resists stains Rust proof - will not corrode Minimum maintenance and never needs painting Superior Flexibility Panels are flexible enough to lay flat, allowing a better fit into areas with close tolerance seams Custom Designed Liner Panels Available in 5 different standard panel thicknesses Shipped in standard 4 foot width and in 8P 9, 10 and 12 foot lengths 800-238-5546 www.glasteel.com Approvals & Certifications ISO 9001:2008: All Glasteet plants are ISO 9001:2008 Certified ° Meets USDA/FSIS requirements Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) accepted ASTM: All Glasliner FRP liner panels are manufactured according to industry standard ASTM D-5319-2008 Fire Ratings: Glasliner products are available on multiple fire ratings, such as Class C (general purpose) and Class A (fire retardant). Please contact your Glasteel representative for test results. 1 Test Glasteel Class C Glasteet Class A Property M th0 d e eneraL Unit G Purpose Fire Retardant Result Result Flexural Strength ASTM PSI 17,000 10,000 ASTIVI Flexural. Modulus PSI 6.0x 10 3.1 x105 - Tensile Strength 1 D -638 PSI 8,000 7,000 Tensile Modulus ASTIVI PSI 943 x 10' 3.1 x 10' % Elongation ASTIVI % 1.20 1.80 Water Absorption AS 638 TM fl 17 i ulalzhrs. U-DIU izod Impact ASTM ft-lbs. Strength 0-256 /in. 7.0 7.16 Coef. of Linear ASTM Thermal Expansion 0-696 in/in. /'F 2.22 x 10 5 2.39 X 10 ASTM Barcol Hardness 0-2583 Avg. 30 35 Specific Gravity ASTIVI N/A 1.6138 1.5743 Abrasion Resistance TABER Loss 0.293 0.391 Flash Ignition Temp. S9 129 c 430 400 430 ASTIVI Self ignition Temp.1929 C 450 Flame Spread AS1M N/A :5200 25 Smoke Generation N/A <450 <450 Storage Recommendations 0 Store panels indoors in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area Panels should be stacked on skids not more than 5 skids high Do not allow moisture to collect on or in-between panels www.gLasteeL.com 1A1m) - v5 . - Ivory Installation Instructions Safety: Use eye protection. Wear filter mask to cover nose and mouth, especially when cutting. Use manufacturer's recommended sealants and adhesives. Toots Needed: $ Power or hand saw (fine tooth or carbide blade) Power or hand drill (carbide tip recommended) Carpenter's square Hammer, tape measure and level Adhesive and notched trowel Silicone sealant and caulking gun Vinyl moldings and 3/4" nylon fasteners H Two SurfacIFinishes ITraditionalL = Premium (ebbled finish) Gel. Coat Highlighted op-.ions are available at no ladditional cjst. :3OO-238- Preparation: It is important to store Glasliner FRP flat, on a clean, dry surface for 24 hours before installation. It is preferable to store them inside the actual area of installation or, at least, under similar climate conditions. Walls must be clean and free of all substances. Level any high or low spots on walls. Concrete block walls may require a leveling coat of plaster or other similar material. Installation of FRP Laminated Panels, in any application, should be approved by local building code officials before panels are ordered. Glasteel cannot ensure local code compliance in any or all situations. NOTICE Panels and components made of fiberglass(FRP), wood, vinyl or fours may be combustible. DISCLAIMER and LIMITATION of Liability The information contained in this literature is presented in good faith, and is believed lobe accurate and reliable at time of publication. No representation, guarantee or warranty is made as to the completeness, reliability or accuracy of this information. This also includes NO IMPLIED WARRANTY OR MERCHANTABILITY OR FUNCTIONAL USE FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION. www.glasteel.com The Best Products, Service, Price & Selection ALL Under One Brand Independent Laboratory Test Results REASON FOR ANALYSIS: Evaluation of the White Gtasteel FRP Panel from the viewpoint of overall stain resistance properties as well, as resistance to chemical cleaners and high intensity UV light. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The White GLasteel FRP Panel demonstrates good overall stain resistance properties both before and after surface abrasion tests. In addition the White Glasteel FRP Panel demonstrates good resistance to high intensity UV light and general household cleaning chemicals such as bleach, ammonia, alcohol and acetone with no material degradation noted after exposure tests.. EVALUATION OF FINDINGS: Stain Resistance Properties: The White GLasteeL FRP Panel demonstrates good overall stain resistance properties on the original surface with all stains being removed after cleaning tests. The abraded surface demonstrates generally good stain resistance with only the ink stain remaining visible after cleaning tests. The stain resistance test consists of applying generous amounts of a variety of stains, including red fruit drink, ketchup, mustard and barbecue sauce as well as some very aggressive stains such as blue ink and permanent marker. These stains were applied to the original as received surface and to a surface which was abraded with sandpaper to remove any surface coatings. The stains were then allowed to set for a period of 48 hours. The stained areas were then cleaned with a variety of cleaning chemicals to determine overall cleanability. The ketchup, fruit drink and barbecue sauce were all easily removed with a typical household cleaner on both the abraded and original surfaces. The mustard and permanent marker did require use of a stronger chemical such as alcohol and acetone to fully remove the stains. It should be noted the blue ink stain was not completely removed on the abraded test surface when using all the listed cleaning chemicals. UV Resistance: The White GLasteel FRP Panel exhibits no discoloration or other surface degradation after 60-hours of exposure to high intensity UV light. Chemical Resistance: The White GlasteeL FRP Panel surface showed no evidence of material degradation after exposure to household cleaner, ammonia cleaner, bleach (1% solution), alcohol (70% isopropyl) and acetone. Before Stain Cleaning Test After Stain Cleaning Test 800-238-5546 www.gLasteeL.com H Glasteel,- "I RWO rr Headquarters & Distribution Centers 285 Industrial Drive 2495 N.E. 36th St. 1279 Corporate Center Dr. Graham IStabilit Canada, Inc. Moscow, TN 38057 Ft. Worth, TX 76111 Eagan, MN 55121 104 Maple Ave 800-238-5546 817-831-0505 651-452-0150 Inglewood, ON LON1LO Fax: 901-877-1388 Fax: 817-831-2001 Fax: 651-452-0376 905-838-2944 www.glasteel.com Fax: 905-838-3386 www.grahamfrp.com 03/12 D-SA-01 Rev.:00 ROD MTEC H ROMTEC GABLE VENT The following is an example of the Romtec gable vent included in the design of this building. Specifications Wire weave mesh Plain steel, cold rolled 1" square opening 0.135 wire diameter Inter crimp 1-3 Weave 78% open area 1.04 pounds per square foot Angle iron frame Insect screen on interior face Color is charcoal Mesh has 18 openings across x 16 openings down, per square inch Diameter 0.011" IP0WDER COAT COLOR: RAL30I2 See plans for dimensions IPOWDER COAT COLOR: RAL 3012 SILL OF MATERIALS ITEM REV PART NO. PESGRIPTION 1 2 L 2 x 2 x 1/S MS ANGLE x 62 3/4 LONG 2 2 L 2 x 2 x 1/S MS ANGLE x 31 5/5 LONG 3 2 L 2 x 2 x 1/S MSANGLE x 51 3/16 LONG 4 2,1 L2x2x 1/S MSANGLEx 51/S LONG L 553/15 L 3/4 X 3/4 5f=0.120 PBL INT CRIMP -MILD STEEL 55 3/16x2ci 1/1Sx4 1/4 MESH INSERT SCALE: 1/2 = V-0" FLOOR FLAN VIEVM -J (NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION) C`1/52"(P FOR #12 5CREkN5 AND #4 ANGLE FACES + i rIS FOR OIbONEEiA in :ffl L+LL H FOR 4 EXTERIOR FRAME 1/2 kPANCHORS SCALE: 1 = 1-0 I 18240 NORTH BANK ROAD ROSEBURG, OR 97470 1 MAN U FACTU RI N G (541)-496.3541 FAX (541)-496-0803 ()=REFERENCE DIMENSION TOLERANCES (UNLESS SABLE i'MIRE kNEAVE MESH VENT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) FRACTIONS ±1/16 51 3/16" X 31 5/5' X 5 1/&' .XX ±.O1O .XXX ±.005 ANGLES ±1/2 JOS # 15662 &UANTITY:1 AS SHOV'4N QUANTITY: 1 OPPOSITE - DATE: 2O1' ROMTEG., INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THESE PLANS AND DRAKN65 MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, ADAPTED OR FURTHER 05/11/201(o DISTRIBUTED, AND NO BUILDINGS MAY BE CONSTRUCTED FROM THESE PLANS, V4ITHOUT THE Y4RITTEN PERMISSION OF ROMTEC, INC.DRAWN BY: REV DESCRIPTION PATE BY MASSBS# SHEET 1 OF 1 DWG. NO. XV-054-1014 wil 12 15" 51 3/1S" INTERIOR FRAME SCALE: 1" = 1-0 EDM . + (F) VS, VSE, GGL, GPL A&~, 1 140-850 1 I IIIII I I I II El Il VAS 452232-0909 .VELOLVELUO O9I$I0dt,0O Deck mounted skylight wdes FS C06 2 0 04 we '- r* • Deck mounted rollerblinds — )•• 7-1 Deck mounted blackout blinds • - 1. '-' , '. 'h D. Deck mounted vemtlan blinds The I MD Leak Promise No Worrie --i!1 - . • - "---. '-' --. s ..-. '0• m Deck mounted skylight size dsart (Rough openings) no rm &vr hoe . i.onu Small figures In chart are the old model sizes d.,Ik,htfbda,,, Li $ wnovthnodezhskylightoom Models VSE and VS K' 140 -850 40 -850 3:12 - 137:12 Outside frame in. 211/2x273/n 2lY2x383/o 211/ox46'/n 21'/2X54'5/16 304/iax383/n 309/isx46'/a 309/16x54W16 443/4X273/8 443/4X46'/4 Rough opening - in. 21x267/o 21x377/o 21X453/4 21x547/eo 30'/16X37 7/o 301/16X453/4 1 301/tox547/m 441/aX267/e 44'/4X453/4 Daylight Area in. 16 x 20.44 16 x 31.5 16x 39.38 16 x 48 25 x 31.5 25 x 39.38 25 x 48 30.25 x 20.44 39.25 x 39.38 Ventilation Area sq.ft. 2.60 3.56 4.14 4.71 4.17 4.75 5.32 4.31 5.84 (Model FS) 140 -850 3:12 . 137:12 o tsidf u ram in 4X 211/a x 21Y2x 21Y2X 211/2X54 21'/2x 231/nx23 231/4x 309/16X 309/16x 309/aoX 309/16x54 443/4X 44Y4x . (461/ 27/e 38 3/e 461/ 1 /16 703/ /16 461/4 301/2 383/8 461/ /o 27/8 46Y n— -. )Roighopenmg) - . ' 14Vx 21x - 21x 21x 21x - 21x 22Y2x22 221/2x 30/16X30 301/,6x 30'/16X 301/tx 44°/4x 441/4x 453/ 26/9 377/s 453/4 54/l6 70Y4 15/ - 453/4 377/s 453/4 54716 26/n 453/4 ll'/T4 183/iox 183/i6X 183/1ex 183/16X 183/a6x 19/l6X 9/16x42 271/nX 271/4x 271/4 x 271/4X 417/a6x 417/16x in. 24 '/16 35 As 42'3/16 51/ 677/16 20 Ye 's/is 273/16 351/16 42 /ie 51/s 241/1 42 "A6 Model FS sizes D26 and D06 fit perfectly between roof trusses. Model GDL CABRIOTM K' 3525°- 53° 8.5:12 - 15:12 Model GPL K' 1850-550 4:12-17:12 Outside frame in. 37'/16X 99/4 Rough opening in. 393iex101 Daylight area (uppersection) in. 30X53°/4 Daylight area (lower section) in. 30x28 3/4 Ventilation area (upper section) sq.ft. 22.5 Ventilation area( flap) sq. in. 36.7 Netwt(w/Lamglass) lbs. 160 Outside frame in. 305/ox55 443/4X463/n Roughopening In 311/4x551/2 451/4 X467/8 Daylight area (gls) in. 23~ x 45½ 37 /i6 x 36 /e Ventilation area (opening) sq. ft 11.34 1164 Ventlaltion area (flap) sq.in. 30.00 47.81 Netwt.(w/Larn.glass) lbs. 111 123 RSMTEC ROMTEC TONGUE & GROOVE DECKING The following is an example of the Romtec tongue & groove decking included in the design of this buildings SDecifications 2x6 decking . Kiln dried select deck Douglas fir Finish seal or paint is installer supplied OWENS Ii- Aw / '•'- i A I 14 - - I - !l z- P - - L. :i JTJIJ COLORS AVAILABLE iN ALL AREAS Supreme® Shingles Supreme three-tab shingles—the smart choice when you need to balance curb appeal, weather resistance and value. Supreme shingles come with a 25-Year Limited Warranty; 60-MPH Wind Resistance Limited Warranty, and Class A UL Fire Rating—the industry's highest. Algae Resistance is also available on a regional basis. Visit roofing. owenscorning. corn to learn more. ENERGY STAR® is for roofs too Similar to the energy-efficient appliances in your home, roofing products can prdvide energy-saving qualities. Owens Corning" ENERGY STAR Supreme roofing shingles in Shasta White can help reduce your energy bills when installed prOperly. These shingles reflect solar energy, decreasing the amount of heat transferred to a home's interior—and the amount of air conditioning needed to keep it comfortable. Actual savings will vary based on geographic location and individual building characteristics. Call 1-800-GET-PINK Of 1-888-STAR-YES for more information. Product Attributes Warranty Length 25-Year Limited Wind Resistance Limited Warranty' 60 MPH Algae Resistance Limited Warranty 10 Years Tru PROtectionS Non-Prorated Limited Warranty Period 5 Years Supreme' Shingles Product Specifications Nominal Size 12" x 36" Exposure 5" Shingles per Square 80 Bundles per Square 3 Coverage per Square 100 sq. ft. Applicable Standards and Codes ASTM E 108, Class A ASTM D 228 ASTM D 3161, Class FWind UL 790, Class A ASTM D 7158, Class HWind ICC ESR 1372 ASTM.D 3018, Type 1 Miami-Dade County Approved ASTM D 3462 Florida Building Code' ENER5I'S!\R RMTEC 1.03.2 EXTERIOR Data sheets to follow. No chemical cleaning. No abrasives. No repainting. Graffiti r•émoval.just got easier. No other anti-graffiti coating can compare. Simple pressure washing Or hand-wiping with water removes graffiti - no solvents or abrasives needed. A permanent solution - allowing graffiti to be removed countless times without reapplication. Cost savings of 30-50% compared to.existing methods of abrasive cleaning and repainting, Total Cost Per Sq. Ft. To Remediate Graffiti Innovative Anti-Graffiti Coating: Ideal for transit stations, bridges, overpasses, rail cars, retaining, walls, municipal buildings, fences, schools, shopping plazas and restrooms. Ready to brush, roll or spray. This single component, semi-gloss product requires no mixing, applies in one coat and dries quickly. Apply directly to bare brick and concrete, as well as p rev ousIy painted surfaces including steel or wood. Extremely resistant to weather, chalking, fading and peeling; excellent adhesion. Complies with stringent VOC regulations (except SCAQMD). A A $0.00 $0.50 $1.00 59 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 $350 Pro Industrial Anti-Graffiti Coating is brought to you by a name you know and trust. For more than 145 years, Sherwin-Williams h,c nrrn,rarl rr,nfyrftr,re I,, ,flAaa.,- Plus with more than 3,500 stores and 1,800 sates SL-SERIES (SQUARE EDGES) FLUSH DOORS STEELCRAFT ABOUT THE PRODUCT: Theand 5L18 Series Square Edge Flush Doors are designed to meet the architectural requirements for full flush doors. Refer to Section 11 (Architectural) for specifications and the selection and usage guide of the appropriate door constructions. This door construction combines the strength and dimensional stability of steel with the structural integrity of the laminate core. The continuous bonding of core to steel face sheets provides an attractive, flat door, free of face welding marks. Tests have proven that the construction employed has integral high resistance to impact damage, low thermal conductivity and high STC ratings. To meet application, specification and performance requirements, the SL Series Door offers options including sizes, glass light designs and hardware preparations. SL-Series Doors are 1-3/4" (45mm) thick, with Square Edges. INSTALLATION: Installation shall conform to the published Steelcraft installation instructions, ANSI A250.11-2001 (formerly SDI 105) Recommended Erection Instructions for Steel Frames and HMMA 840. Fire Rated Assemblies must be in accordance with NFPA Pamphlet 80. The Authority Having Jurisdiction is the final authority on issues related to the installation and use of installed Fire Rated Doors. FEATURES AND BENEFITS: Steelcraft's SL Series Doors offer the following standard features, which enhance performance and durability: 1. Core Systems that enhance the structural integrity of the door: iiiyiiib (ilid) - 1" (25mm) cell kraft honeycomb configuration that increases structural integrity while reducing overall weight Polystyrene (optional) - enhanced thermal performance Full Height, Epoxy Filled Mechanical Interlock Edges provide structural support and stability the full height of the door edges. Standard Hinge Preparations for 4-1/2" (114mm) x .134" (3.3mm) standard weight or .180" (4.7mm) heavy weight hinges. 4.14 Gage [0.067" (1.7mm)] Inverted Top and Bottom Channels provide stability and protection for the top and bottom edges from abuse. Square Hinge and Lock Edges allow for non-handed inventory control for local distribution. Recessed Dezignertm Glass Trim provides a clean, neat and flush finish with the door surface. Factory Applied Baked-On Rust Inhibiting Primer paint in accordance with ANSI A250.10-1998 (R2004). SPECIFICATION COMPLIANCE: Door construction for Steelcraft SL Series doors meets the requirements of ANSI A250.8-2003 (SDI 100). Hardware preparations and reinforcements are in accordance with ANSI A250.6-2003. Locations are in accordance with ANSI/DHI Al 15 unless otherwise stated. FIRE RATINGS: SL Series Doors meet the broadest fire rating requirements. They are listed for installations requiring compliance to both neutral pressure testing (ASTM E152 and UL-1 013) and positive pressure standards (UBC 7-2 and UL-10C). <~ ®R Ingersoll Rand Technical Data Manual Rev. 4/08 3.2.2 Security Technologies STE E LCRAFT Rigid Honeycomb (Standard 13minated Honeycombii) 1" (25mm) cell, 99 pound Kraft honeycomb Honeycomb surfaces sanded for maximum adhesion Impregnated with phenolic resin (resists mildew and vermin) Laminated to both face sheets with contact adhesive Assembled door is run through high pressure pinch rollers, achieving ultimate bond FLUSH DOORS (SQUARE EDGES) SL-SERIES Optional Polystyrene Core 1 pound (453.6g) per ft' density slab Laminated to both face sheets with contact adhesive Labeled applications Standard Premium Edge Construction Standard Rigid 14 Gage End Channel Construction Beveled hinge & lock edges • 14 gage inverted galvannealed top & bottom channels Full height mechanical interlock with epoxy adhesive • Projection welded to both face sheets Visible edge seam standard • Optional 24 gage galvannealed top caps DOOR APPLICATION AND USAGE Series Steel Thickness Opening Usage Frequency 5120 20 Ga (0.8mm) Interior - Cold Rolled Steel Standard Duty Light Commercial applications with minimal use and abuse S 5L18 18 Ga (1.0mm) Interior - Cold Rolled Steel Heavy Duty Heavy Commercial & Institutional applications with high use SL18 18 Ga (1.0mm) Exterior - Galvannealled Steel 3.2.2a Technical Data Manual Rev. 4/08 ##)Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies SL—SERIES (SQUARE EDGES) FLUSH DOORS STEELCRAFT STANDARD HARDWARE PREPARATIONS Typical hardware applications shown. Refer to section 8 for more details. (oiise Hinge 161 Lock 7 Gage hinge reinforcement, reversible 61 L Available hinge fillers supplied Inactive Leaf ASA Optional 14 Gage Strike Prep with Closer Reinforcement Astragal attached Standard: mortised and reinforced for Template hinge preparations for 4-1/2" x .134" standard weight hinges or for 4-1/2" x .180" heavy weight hinges. Butt hinge preparations are cut through for non-handed function; spacer plates are furnished for field installation and handing. The cylindrical 161, 61 L and mortise 86 lock preps are the most commonly used active leaf preparations. The 4 7/8 (124mm) strike prep is the most commonly used inactive leaf preparation. Optional reinforcements for surface Closers are available. Limited hardware applications are available. Door Sizes and ANSI A250.8 Conversions Steelcraft product selection for SL Series Doors has been matched to ANSI/SDI Level and Model designations. In accordance with ANSI A250.8, core material is not specific to the level or model designations. Core material selection is specified based on preference and application. Recommended minimum frame gage also applies to the frequency of operation of the opening. ANSI A250.8 - SDI 100 Edge Construction Maximum Sizes Series Level Model Description Options Single Pair Recommended Gage of Frame Level 1 Light Commercial { 1 1 Full Flush Visible T1829,om am 914mrnx2438rnm x 2438mm 16 Gage [0.053 (1.3mm)] Level 2 Heavy Duty Commercial & Institutional 5L18 [ 2 1 Full Flush Visible 16 Gage [0.053 (1.3mm)] 1219mm x 2438mm 2438mm AnDlIngersoll Rand Technical Data Manual Rev. 4/08 3.2.2b Security Technologies STE E LCRAFT FLUSH DOORS (SQUARE EDGES) SL-SERIES DOOR EDGE CONSTRUCTION: Optional Edge Seams available in the SL Series doors: SL - Standard feature includes visible edge seams with full height interlocked edges. Standard Visible Seam SL Series Visible Seam Features Full height mechanical interlock, Interlock filled with epoxy adhesive Visible edge seam 3.2.2c Technical Data Manual Rev. 4/08 (I Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies ECBBI 101 NRP Product Information Description: - ANSI A2112 (Brass) - ANSI A5112 (Stainless steel) - Two ball bearings - Non-removable pin with button tip and plug - Only available in 4 -1/2 x 4-1/2" (114 mm 1144mm) - Fasteners are AMS x 1/2 WS - For use on medium weight doors or doors requiring medium frequency service Five Knuckle Ball Bearing Standard Weight Product Specifications Fasteners: - All machine and half wood Material: - Brass w/ Stainless Steel pin ANSI A2112 -(Stainless Steel with Stainless Steel pin ANSI A5112) Finishes: - US15, U526, US26DIUS32D I Product Information NFPA - NFPA 80 Standards - 6.4.5 Protection Plates - Notes: Factory installed protection plates shall be installed in accordance with the listing of the door. - Field installed protection plates shall be labeled and installed in accordance with their listing. - Labeling shall not be required where the top of the protection plate is not more than 16" (406mm) above the bottom of the door. Door Protection Plate 0.038" gauge stainless steel Product Specifications Gauge: - 0.038 (1 mm) Materials: - Stainless Steel Finishes: - US32D Order: - Plates are sized on even inches. Odd size available and priced to next larger size. Options: - UL listed for U532 and US32D* *Must specify UL stamp - Self -adhesive tape available on all plates - Spanner head screws - Torx head screws - Round Corners - Wrap around side and bottom return -0.125' material Certification: - Meets ANSI A156.6 for J101 Metal Armor Plate, J102 Metal Kickplate, and J103 Metal Mop Plate The 4110 SMOOTHE& is LCN's best performing heavy duty closer designed specifically for institutional and other rugged high traffic applications. LCN 4110 SERIES *PARALLEL ARM (PUSH SIDE) MOUNT *4110 HCUSH mount shown Standard 4110 series closer shipped with EXTRA DUTY arm, standard plastic cover, 4110-201 FIFTH SCREW SPACER and self reaming and tapping screws. See 4110 Series pages 47 & 48 for options. Sized cylinders adjustable for interior doors to 5'0" and exterior doors to 4'0". Non-sized cylinder adjustable for interior doors to 46" and exterior doors to 3'6". Closer mounts parallel arm, specify right or left swinging door. 4111 cylinder meets ADA requirements. See 4110 Series page 49. Standard or optional custom powder coat finish. Optional plated finish on cover, arm and fasteners. Optional SRI primer for installations in corrosive conditions. The 4110 Series is UL and ULC listed for self-closing doors without hold- open. Tested and certified under ANSI Standard Al 56.4, grade one. Ten Million Cycles ' Cast Iron Extra Duty Forged Steel Arm Standard Double Heat Treated Steel Pinion ' All Weather Fluid LCN® FastTM Power Adjust Fast & Accurate Installation UL&ULC Listed 'Q+ The 4111 includes the LCN.FASTI Power Adjust, a revolutionary visual indicator for Spring Power Adjustment. MOUNTING FINISH COVER CYLINDER *ARM FUNCTION 10101OL-010 i: 019101 0 101010 1180-1180-111C Available iS. Closer available with less than 5.0 lbs. opening force on 36" door. o Not available **Maximum opening/hold-open point with standard template. Advanced Variable Backcheck LCN CLOSERS PHONE 800-526-2400 121 W. RAILROAD AVE. FAX 800-248-1460 L.CI1 A P.O. Box 100 www.Icnclosers.com PRINCETON, IL, USA 61356-0100 3/04 LCN 4110 SERIES —U PARALLEL ARM (PUSH SIDE) — MOUNTING U.. = MAXIMUM OPENING - EDA or Fusible Link arm can be templated for I 100°, ®=515/16" (151 mm) 9=71/4"(184mm) 140°, 7/16" (113 mm) 3/4" (146 mm) or 180°. 15/16" (75 mm) 1/4" (108 mm) Hold-open points up to maximum opening with HEDA or Fusible Link arm. CUSH arm can be templated for maximum opening at 85°, ®=85/16" (211 mm) 5/8" (244 mm) 90°, 11/16" (195 mm) ®= 9" (229 mm) 1000, 1Ai=6 7/16" (164 mm) 3/4" (197 mm) or 110°. ®=5 9/16" (141 mm) 7/8" (175 mm) Hold-open point at maximum opening with HCUSH arm. Spring Cush hold-open points are approximately 5' less than templated stop point. Options Sized or non-sized cylinder. Delayed Action and/or Advanced Variable Backcheck cylinder. HEDA, CUSH, HCUSH, SPRING CUSH, SPRING HCUSH or Fusible Link arm.. Metal or lead lined cover. Special Templates Customized installation templates or products may be available to solve unusual applications Contact LCN for assistance. LCN. ::H ~~ 14 16 2 357mm 140 MM Is 1-33- to mm 311 mm r1-'--_130 mm 4110-18 *5 11116"(144 mm) For Fusible Link Arm applications Butt Hinges should not exceed 5" (127 mm) in width. ' Auxiliary Stop is recommended at hold-open point, where a door cannot swing 180°, or where CUSH-N-STOP arm is not used. Clearance for EDA, or CUSH shoe is 5 1/2" (140 mm) from door face. Top Rail less than 5 1/8" (130 mm) measured from stop requires PLATE, 4110-18. Plate requires 2" (51 mm) minimum measured from the stop. ' Stop Width minimum 1" (25 mm). Head Frame flush or rabetted requires 4110-145 arm or PA SHOE ADAPTER, 4110-418, Use CUSH FLUSH PANEL ADAPTER, 4110-419 with CUSH arms. ' Reveal less than 2 3/4" (70 mm), use CUSH SHOE SUPPORT, 4110-30 with CUSH arms. Blade Stop Spacer, 4110-61 required to clear 1/2" (13 mm) blade stop. - Cush Arm requires CUSH SHOE SUPPORT, 4110-30 for fifth screw anchorage with CUSH arms. Delayed Action Add suffix "DEL" to selected cylinder (eg. 4115 DEL). Not available with 4115 or 4116 cylinder. Delays closing from maximum opening to approximately 70°. Delay time adjustable up to approximately 1 minute. ' Advanced Variable Backcheck cylinder starts backcheck at approximately 450 instead of the normal 75°. Add suffix "AVB" to selected cylinder. When combined with Delayed Action consult factory for special template. LCN CLOSERS PHONE 800-526-2400 121 W. RAILROAD AVE. FAX 800-248-1460 4 6 P.O. BOX 100 www.Icnclosers.com PRINCETON, IL, USA 61356-0100 3/04 ~0 62k:~ % LCN 4110 SERIES CYLINDERS CYLINDER, 4110-3071 Standard, handed cast iron cylinder assembly. For various applications see "Table of Sizes" on 4110 Series page 49. COVERS COVER, 4110-72 Standard, non-handed plastic cover. LEAD LINED COVER, 4110-72LL Optional, non-handed cover. METAL COVER, 4110-72MC Optional, handed cover. Required for plated finishes and custom powder coat finishes. ARMS EXTRA DUTY ARM, 4110-3077EDA Non-handed parallel arm features forged, solid steel main and forearm for potentially abusive installations. Optional 4110-62G thick hub shoe for blade stop clearance. Optional 4110-145 flush transom shoe for single rabetted installations. Optional shoes require special templating. HOLD-OPEN ARM 4110-3049EDA Optional handed arm provides hold-open function, adjustable at shoe. FUSIBLE LINK ARM, .4110-3049FL Optional, handed arm releases hold-open function adjustable at shoe when exposed to temperatures above 165° F. Optional link release at 1350 E 3077 62G 145 3017c CUSH-N-STOP ARM, 4110-3071CNS Optional, handed parallel arm features solid forged steel main arm and forearm with built-in stop in soffit shoe. LCN CLOSERS PHONE 800-526-2400 121W. RAILROAD AVE. FAX 800-248-1460 LCN P.O. BOX 100 PRINCETON, IL, USA 61355-0100 3/04 LCN 4110 SERIES coo ___ H-CUSH ARM 4110-3049CNS In' Optional handed arm provides hold-open function with = coo templated stop/hold-open points. 02 ____ Handle controls hold-open function. C.3 = SPRING CUSH ARM, 4110-3071SCNS Optional, non-handed parallel arm for abusive applications features solid forged steel main arm and forearm with spring loaded stop in the soffit shoe. SPRING H-CUSH ARM, 4110-3049SCNS Optional, non-handed parallel arm for abusive applications features solid forged steel main arm and forearm with spring loaded stop in the soffit shoe. Handle controls hold-open function. INSTALLATION ACCESSORIES PLATE, 4110-18, 4110-18CUSH Required for push side mount where top rail is less than 5 1/8" (130 mm), measured from the stop. Plate requires minimum 2" (51 mm) minimum top rail. Plate also used with CUSH Arm installations. 18 8CUS CUSH SHOE SUPPORT, 4110-30 Provides anchorage for fifth screw used with CUSH arm, where reveal is less than 3 1/16" (78 mm). BLADE STOP SPACER, 4110-61 Lowers parallel arm shoe to clear 1/2" (13 mm) blade stop PA SHOE ADAPTER, 4110-418 Provides horizontal mounting surface for parallel arm shoe on single rabetted or flush frame. 418 CUSH FLUSH PANEL ADAPTER, 4110-419 Provides horizontal mounting surface for GUSH shoe on single rabetted or flush frame. 419 LCN CLOSERS PHONE 800-526-2400 121 W. RAILROAD AVE. FAX 800-2481480 LCN 18 P.O. BOX 100 PRINCETON, IL, USA 61356-0100 3/04 HOW-TO-ORDER 4110 SERIES CLOSERS i. fcTGYuNn.WAS 0 4111 (adjustable from size 1 t 5) I 04112 04113 04114 0 4115 (DEL not available) 0 4116 (DEL or H- CUSH arm not available) SPECIFY HAND 0 RH 0 L SELECT FINISH Standard Powder Coat Aluminum, Dark Bronze , Tan, Statuary, Light Bronze, Black, Brass. Closer will be shipped with: - STANDARD COVER, - FIFTH SCREW SPACER -EDAARM, - SELF-REAMING and TAPPING SCREWS, unless options listed below are selected. 4110 CLOSER OPTIONS CYLINDER Delayed Action ((DEL), not available with 4115 or 4116) El Advanced Variable Backcheck (AVB) COVER Lead Lined )LL) 0 Metal (MC) FINISH Custom Powder Coat (RAL) (handed metal cover required) Plated Finish, US (handed metal cover required) SRI primer SPECIFY ARM 0 Hold-Open Extra Duty )HEDA) Fusible Link,165° F* (FL) * Optional link releases at 135° F. Cush-N-Stop (CUSH) H-Cush-N-Stop (n/a with 4116 cylinder) (HCUSH) Spring Cush (SCUSH) Spring H-Cush (n/a with 4116 cylinder) (SHCUSH) SCREW PACK TB*, Self-Reaming & Tapping (TBSRT) Wood & Machine Screw (WMS) TB*, Wood & Machine Screw )TBWMS) TORX Machine Screw (TORX) TB* & TORX Machine Screw )TBTRX) * Specify door thickness if other than 13/4". INSTALLATION ACCESSORIES Plate, 4110-18 CUSH Shoe Support, 4110-30 Blade Stop Spacer, 4110-61 PA Shoe Adapter, 4110-418 0 CUSH Flush Panel Adapter, 4110-419 SPECIAL TEMPLATE ST- LCN 4110 SERIES TABLE OF SIZES Select closer based on width of door. The spring power of non-sized 4111 cylinder is adjustable from size 1 through size 5 and is shipped set to size 3. Sized 4110 series cylinders available in size 2.3,4, 5, or 6. Closing power of all 4110 Series closers can be increased 50%. Specify next higher size closer where strong drafts exist. Delayed action not available with 4115 or 4116 cylinder H - CUSH and SPRING H-CUSH arm not available with 4116 cylinder. Indicates recommended range of door width for closer size EXTERIOR (and VESTIBULE) DOOR WIDTH size 3 size 4 size 5 size 6 *4111 i T:T:::$::::::::::---------------____ Minimum * Adjustable Size 1 thru 5 Door Width INTERIOR DOOR WIDTH size 2 size 3 size 4 size 5 size 6 *4111 4112 4113 --------------------- — 4114 ---------------------------------- 4115 --------------------- ------- 4116 ----------------------------------- - ------------------------------------- Minimum * Adjustable Size thru 5 Door Width REDUCED OPENING FORCE 4110 CLOSERS CAUTION! Any manual door closer, including those certified by BHMA to conform to ANSI Standard Al 56.4, that is selected, installed and adjusted based on ADA or other reduced opening force requirements may not provide sufficient power to reliably close and latch a door. Refer to POWER OPERATORS section for information on systems that meet reduced opening force requirements without effecting closing power. DOOR WIDTH 36" 4Z',48" 851bs 4111 4111 4111 50*lbs 4111 4111 4111 Maximum opening force LCN. 49 3796 Grade 2 Interconnected Lock with Indicator kS C n1h ali PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS CERTIFICATIONS STRIKES - BHMA Certified ANSI A15612 Grade 2 - 3933 Square Corner T-Strike with plastic dust box, 14'8 x 2-3/4" (29 mm x70 ADA Compliant ANSI A117.1 Accessibility Code mm) Standard UL'cUL Listed for all functions up to 3 hours for A label single doors 3930 Square Corner Strike Plate with dust box 11/8 x 2-3/4" (29 mm x 70 mm) - UL10C Positive Pressure Rated Standard - UL10B Neutral Pressure Rated - OPTIONS: EXPOSED TRIM Split finish Wrought brass or bronze cast zinc lever Split lever design LOCK CHASSIS FINISHES Heavy gauge steel, zincdichromated US3 US4 US10 US1OB US26US26D Thru bolt mounting - STANDARD DOOR PREP: POSE DIAMETER: - at (102 mm) center of deadbolt to center of lock chassis 2-1/2" (63 mm) 2-1/8" (64 mm) diameter (cross bore) Latch hole 1 (25 mm) diameter (edge bore) INSIDE ESCUTCHEON 3-1/16" x 7-15/16" x 3/8 (78 mm x 202 mm x 10 mm) LEVER OPTIONS - Archer August Withnell I OUTSIDE ESCUTCHEON - 3-5/16"x 7-15/16' x 3/8"(94 mm x 202 mm x 10 mm) APPLICATIONS: Heavy Duty Residential DOOR THICKNESS: - Medium Duty Commercial 3/4 (45 mm) Standard - Lifetime warranty Non handed BACK SETS - 2-3/4(70 mm) - Standard - 2-3/8"(60 mm) - Optional CTC DIMENSION: -4(102 mm) LATCHBOLTS: 1/2 113 mm) Throw Stainless steel - 3947 Single Locking Entry - 2-3/4' (70 mm) Backset - Standard - 1-1/8" x 2-1/4" (29 mm -57mm) Faceplate for 2-3/4"(70 mm) Backset x 2-1/4(25mm x 57 mm) Faceplate for 2-3/8' (60 mm) Backset - - Square corner faceplate standard, round corner available DEADBOLT - Thumbturn x indicator -1" (25 mm) Throw - brass with concealed steel roller to prevent sawing or cutting - 1-1/8" x 2-1/4" (29 mm x 57 mm) faceplate for 2-3/4" (70 mm) Backset 1 x 2-1/4" (25 mm x 57 mm) faceplate for 2-3/8" (60 mm) Backset RSMTEC H 1.03.3 FIXTURES Data sheets to foIIow. HET TOILET FIXTURE I&I IHET 4658 :I!-i: TOP SUPPLY Floor Mounted, Floor Outlet These Toilet Fixtures are designed for public use areas without an accessible pipe chase. The fixtures are fabricated using 14-gauge type 304 stainless steel, seamlessly welded to form a one piece, vandal resistant unit. Internal piping is stainless steel. Exposed surfaces are polished to a satin finish, except for the integral seat which is polished to a bright mirror finish. I PERFORMANCE Metcraft bowls and assemblies are designed to withstand 5000 lb. (22kN) loading without permanent deflection and damage. They meet or exceed ASME 112.19.6M for hydraulic performance and ASME 112.19.2M for physical dimensions. The trap will pass a 2-1/8 (54mm) dia. ball. A minimum 1 (25mm) supply of 35psi flushing pressure is required. Water Consumption: 1.28 GPF using appropriate flush valve. INSTALLATION These fixtures are secured to a closet flange installed on the floor. Access to mounting bolts is provided through an access panel secured in place with tamper resistant screws. The closet floor flange must be provided by the installer. The installer must provide wall openings for piping per rough-in drawings provided by Metcraft. Fixture meets A.D.A. requirements when installed per A.D.A. guidelines. SUGGESTED FLUSH VALVES Sloan Model HET 111-1.28 Zurn Model Z6000AV-HET (1.28 GPF) STANDARD FEATURES Frort mounted, 1ocr cutlet wte. HET 4 E58 top supply onnecion 11/2.1' (38mm) MIPT. Inter1 elongated set. Self &31ning flushing rim. ! Blow.) it flushing ati.n. 2-313 00 toilet .w2ste tube v'i:h 51/2' (140mm) dia. recessed gaskei: fIance. Fully closed tap. OPflNS & ACCEESOPES I (Submitted seoaratel 301 SE. Thompson Drive - Lee's Summit. MO 64082 - 816-554-0300- FAX: 816-554-017 - vww.me:criftindust1.s.com 7-21 2 I75 5 I I 2.75 12 29.31 HET-4658 I 301 S E. Thompson Drive, I 1.28 GPF COMFORT HEIGHT - CH 1 METcFFINC.L555 Summit MO. 64082 I ITEM DESCRIPTION NEAL 9.16.11 SECSUB\COMFORT HEIGHT - CH1 JOB NAME I APPROVED FOR MANUF41C1UR1N0 DEALER .1 SHEEr I - ThEE OF i - I 4"NET' HIGH-EFFICIENCY TOILET 6EPA e POWER GREEN PARTNER Made with atOoaoao Pak lbv~ laol Renewable Energy - wOn lost wtlw%0lth aO0sad Ma Royal® Model J cJ J J Flushometer Description Exposed Water Closet Flushometer, for floor mounted or wall hung top spud bowls. Rush Cycle Model 111-1.28 High Efficiency (1.28 gpfl4.8 Lpfl lllo SpecificatIons Quiet, Exposed, Diaphragm Type, Chrome Plated Closet Flushometer for left or right hand supply with the following features: PERMEXTM Synthetic Rubber Diaphragm with Dual Filtered Fixed Bypass ADA Compliant Metal Oscillating Non-Hold-Open Handle with Triple Seal Handle Packing 1' I.P.S. Screwdriver Bak-Chektm Angle Stop Free Spinning Vandal Resistant Stop Cap Adjustable Tailpiece High Back Pressure Vacuum Breaker Flush Connection with One-piece Bottom Hex Coupling Nut Spud Coupling and Flange for 11/2 ' Top Spud Sweat Solder Adapter w/Cover Tube & Cast Wall Flange w/Set Screw High Copper, Low Zinc Brass Castings for Dezincification Resistance Non-Hold-Open Handle, Fixed Metering Bypass and No External Volume Adjustment to Ensure Water Conservation Flush Accuracy Controlled by CIDTM Technology Diaphragm, Handle Packing, Stop Seat and Vacuum Breaker molded from PERMEXrM Rubber Compound for Chloramine Resistance Valve Body, Cover, Tailpiece and Control Stop shall be in conformance with ASTM Alloy Classification for Semi-Red Brass. Valve shall be in compliance to the applicable sections of ASSE 1037. Variations XW Valve Less Vacuum Breaker SG SaniGuar& Antimicrobial Handle and Socket Accessories - See Accessories Section of the Sloan catalog for details on these and other Flushometer variations. Fbtures Consult Sloan for Sloan brand matching fixture options. -H r 21/4" MIN. (57mm) 111/20 (292mm) =340 SUPPLY 3/4"4 (DN 25mm) 1mm) CENTERLINE OF FIXTURE Made In The cradletocradle U SA CENTERLINE OF WASTE FLOOR WALL \ Royal lll-1.28 S.S.— Rev. 1 (11/10) Copyright ©2010 SLOAN VALVE COMPANY This space for Architect/Engineer approval Job Name Date Model Specified Quantity Variations Specified Customer/Wholesaler Contractor Architect the information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. SLOA. SLOAN VALVE COMPANY • 10500 SEYMOUR AVE. • FRANKLIN PARK, IL 60131 Ph: 1-800-982-5839 or 1-847-671-4300 • Fax: 1-800-447-8329 or 1-847-671-4380 www.sloanvalve.com Unit may be pictured with some optional features. OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES B5 Deck mounted filler spout A270 11/4" (32mm) 00 grid drain A306 Chrome plated faucet w/ gooseneck and wrist blades A307 Chrome plated faucet A311 Single temperature, pneumatic valve A312 Hot Er cold, pneumatic valve A775 Stainless steel angle braces A780 Wall mounted waste enclosure HANDICAP LAVATORY FIXTURE 5683 561313 Public Use Lavatory for Deck Mounted Faucet This Lavatory is designed for public areas requiring a durable and vandal resistant fixturd. The lavatory is fabricated using 14-gauge type 304 stainless steel seamlessly welded to form a one piece, vandal resistant unit. The lavatory is furnished with an integral ribbed soap dish and a 4" (102mm) high backsplash. Exposed surfaces are polished to a bright satin finish. Valves and other trim must be specified separately. INSTALLATION The lavatory is designed for installation on a finished wall using a hanger bracket and bolt holes on back of the fixture. Wall anchors and anchor bolts are not furnished. Piping must be roughed out of wall for connection to lavatory waste and lavatory valve supplies. PERFORMANCE Fixture meets A.D.A. requirements when installed per A.D.A. guidelines. STANDARD FEATURES Rectangular lavatory basin. 1 5/8" (41 mm) dia. die formed drain opening. Integral ribbed soap tray. 4" (102mm) high backsplash. Deck punched for faucets as required. MIET~ ------- - ----------- - I N D U S T P I E S I N C 301 S.E. Thompson Drive - Lee's Summit. MO 64082 - 816-554-0300 - FAX: 816-554-0307 - www.metcraftindustries.com 5683 6j HANDICAP LAVATORY FIXTURE 18' (457) r-. FINISHED FLOOR ROUGH-IN INFORMATION 1 %-- (41mm) dia. die-formed drain ( Optional faucet or customer provided Wall bracket holes, /16 (8mm) opening faucet dia. (3) Soap dish ® Lavatory rim location Optional plumbing components ( Lavatory faucet punchings Anchor locations, /16 (8mm) dia. through Optional angled wall brackets holes (4) NOTE: To mount lavatory in accordance with A.D.A. Due to continuous product improvement Metcraft reserves the right to make changes in design and specifications without prior requirements the rim height must be mounted notice. All dimensions should be verified with the factory for current information, at 34 (864mm) above finished floor. 2004 M ETC RAFT 2 301 S.E. Thompson Drive - Lee's Summit. MO 64082 - 816-554-0300 - FAX: 816-554-0307 - www.metcraftindustries.com Since 1990, we atTRUEBRO, INC. have concentrated our efforts on "Making America Accessible" by creating products that address ADA-mandated undersink wheelchair accessibility. Specifying TRUEBRO is your assurance of protecting people with disabilities while providing quality, durability, and improved aesthetics. 3 1 1 'I [ i New LAy GUARD® 2 E-Z series provides the durable, attractive protection LAy GUARD® is famous for Now, built-in E Z Grip fasteners and internal E Z Tear-To-Fit trimming feature eliminate the need for tools and provide for a clean, tamper-resistant, éuper-fast professional installation. 111TRUE RO_ MAKING AMERICA ACCESSIBLE IPS CORPORATION An IRM B r and [d LAVGUARD2 FAST FIT UNDERSINK PIPING COVERS Features and Benefits: New, improved E-Z series makes installation super-fast New E-Z Tear-To-Fit feature makes trimming super-fast and contractor-friendly--no tools required. New E-Z Grip built-in fasteners are quick, strong, and reusable. New universal design fits more P-traps and thumb wings on plastic compression nuts. LAy GUARD 2 E-Z series installs in just 2 easy steps: Tear-To-Fit on internal, dimensioned tear lines for quick, clean, accurate trimming to fit virtually any piping configuration. Cover flex to install over pipes. Press seams together a. finger recesses to engage E-Z Grip internal fasteners for a secure, safe, tamper-resistant installation. To remove cover, firmly pull seam apart using a strong grip. To reinstall, press seams back together. Strict code compliance minimizes risk. LAV GUARD 2 complies with: ADA article 4.19.4, CABO/ANSI 4.20.4, UFAS 4.19.4, Calif. Title 24, UBC, IBC, ICC, Canada Barrier-Free Code Suggested Specification: ADA-conforming, wheelchair accessible lavatory P-trap and angle valve assemblies shall be covered with white, molded, antimicrobial TRUEBRO, INC. Lv GUARD 2 undersink pipe covers. Cover shall have internal, E-Z Tear-To-Fit trim feature for square, clean trimming— internal ribs— and built-in, concealed E-Z Grip fasteners (no cable-tie fasteners allowed). Model Accessory FIX 1'RUEBP.O Manufactured MAKING AMERICAACCESSIBLE under one or moreofthefollowing U.S. An 1B rand or Canadian patents. IPS Corporation Other patents pending. 202 Industrial Park Lane 5,303730 5,360,031 Collierville, TN 38017 5,524,669 5,564,463 (901) 853-5001 (800) 340-5969 5,678,598 5,699,828 FAX: (901) 853-5008 51915,412 5,915,413 5,901,739 e-mail: info@truebro.com 5,960,820 2,075,324 2,119,427 Internet: http://www.truebro.com 2,136,027 2,158,083 ~§(10 2105 Specifications: FE]BuyL!ne 9143 10800/TRU 1. Material Soft, resilient molded vinyl Nominal Wall 1/8' constant with internal ribs L Durometer 70-80 —Shore A UV Protection Will not fade or discolor Durability. Virtually indestructible Trirnming(E-Z Series) Internal E-Z Tear-To-Fit trim feature Fasteners (E-Z Series) Internal E-Z Grip fasteners, reusable. Color China white [ Compatibility #100 E-Z Series Fits all 1-1/4' or 1-1/2 cast brass or tubular P-trap assemblies and 3/811 or 1/2" angle stop assemblies Compatibility #400W Series Fits all 1-1/2 schedule 40 plastic P-traps Paintability - Apply latex paint Burning Characteristics Self extinguished 0 sec (ATB) mm (AEB) ASTM D-635 Bateria/Fungus Resistance - ASTM G21 and G22 - Result: 0 growth Maintenance' Wipe clean using common detergents - nnrlrlelS Available • 0100 E-Z series for tubular P-traps VIUU_I IV II IJ • #400W* series for schedule 40 plastic P-traps Lfft-. one angle valve and supply cover j #10t EZ&it4OOW one P-trap cover #101 E-Z & MOM* one P-trap cover, one angle valve and supply cover f #102 E-Z & #402W* one P-trap cover, two angle valves and supply covers #103 E-Z one P-trap cover, two angle valves and supply covers, one 5" offset tailpiece wheelchair strainer cover #105 E-Z one 5" offset tailpiece wheelchair strainer assembly #105-K Kohlitr 6" offset - -- - #105 KW one 6' offset tailpiece wheelchair strainer assembly - #106 E-j one basket strainer cover and offset waste cover (adjustable to 18) #107 E-Z two basket strainer covers and center or end outlet waste cover (adjustable) #EX99 E-Z one 16" extension for water supply - - #EX100 E-Z one 16" extension for drain waste arm or tailpiece *M #400 series items and #105 KW are the "originar LAy GUARD5 design and construction. Specifications may change without notice. Accessory Accessory 107 E-Z - ---. 105 E-Z (Configuration Options Shown) L . J ) Accessory Center Outlet End Outlet L &106EZ I ;J Shown with Accessory #105 E-Z (fits all standard 5' offset wheelchair strainers). Accessories105 E-Z,106 E-Z, and 107 E-Z can be purchased separately, NOTE: Accessory #105 E-Z is included in #103 E-Z kits. 9" supply —b- tube cover with internal =CO E — E-Z Grip E-Z Tear- To-Fit internal trim grooves fasteners Vent slots keep valve dry &M E-Z Grip r P11 internal Internal ribs add cushioning fasteners and thermal resistance J-Bend covers all tubular and cast brass configurations 1 10" waste arm cover with internal E-Z Tear-To-Fit trim grooves E-Z Series Shown Vent hole keeps P-trap dry 10" tailpiece cover Internal E-Z Tear-To-Fit trim grooves VIVI' I-RUL.Il 333-665PSHABCP Manual and Metering Faucets 'roduct Type )eck Mounted Single Hole Single Supply Metering Sink aucet :eatures & Specifications Single Hole 2.2 GPM (8.3 L/min) Aerator 1 3/4" Vandal Proof MVP Metering Push Handle MVP Metering Adjustable Cycle Time Closure Cartridge 1/2" NPSM Supply Inlet with Coupling Nut for 3/8" or 1/2" :lexible Riser 3 3/8" Center to Center Integral Cast Brass Spout ECAST® design provides durable brass construction with otal lead content equal to or less than 0.25% by weighted average CFNow! Item Ships in 5 Days 'erformance Specification Rated Operating Pressure: 20-125 PSI Rated OperatingTemperature: 40-140°F Varranty Lifetime Limited Faucet Warranty 5-Year Limited Cartridge Warranty 1-Year Limited Finish Warranty odes & Standards ASME Al 12.18.1/CSA 6125.1 Certified to NSF/ANSI 61, Section 9 by CSA California Health and Safety Code 116875 (AB1953-2006) Vermont Bill S.152 NSF/ANSI 372 Low Lead Content ADA ANSI/ICC Al 17.1 cHIUAGq FAUCETS abr1toFa Job Name Item Number Section/Tag Model Specified Architect Engineer Contractor Submitted as Shown [ ] Submitted with Variations Date n where state laws and local codes mandate lead content levels or in any location where lead content is a concern. 2100 South Clearwater Driv Des Plaines, II P: 8471503-500i F: 847/803-545. 1-7/8 DIA. [48mm) 3/4" [19mm) MAX WARE THICKNESS NG NUT FOR 3/8"OR 1/2" FLEXIBLE RISER. (86mm) p1I \Aanual and Metering Faucets auberitcomp %rchitectlEngineer Specification hicago Faucets No. 333-665PSHABCP, Deck Mounted Single Hole Single Supply Metering Sink Faucet, Chrome Plated solid brass onstruction. 3 3/8" Center to Center Integral Cast Brass Spdut. 2.2 GPM (8.3 LJmin) Pressure Compensating Softflo Aerator. 1 3/4" Metal fandal Proof MVP Metering Push handle(s) with Blue or Red Button. MVPTM self-closing, auto-timed metering cartridge, adjustable run time frorr to 15 seconds, opens with push, 0.20 max gallon/cycle. 1/2" NPSM Supply Inlet with Coupling Nut for 3/8" or 1/2" Flexible Riser. ECAST® onstruction with less than 0.25% lead content by weighted average. Secondary Control Valve: 3 3/8" Center to Center Integral Cast Brass 'pout. This product meets ADA ANSI/ICC Al 17.1 requirements and is tested and certified to industry standards: ASME Al 12.18.1/CSA 3125.1, Certified to NSF/ANSI 61, Section 9 by CSA, California Health and Safety Code 116875 (AB1953-2006), Vermont Bill S.152, and SF/ANSI 372 Low Lead Content. )peration and Maintenance nstallation should be in accordance with local plumbing codes. Flush all pipes thoroughly before installation. After installation, emove spout outlet or flow control and flush faucet thoroughly to clear any debris. Care should be taken when cleaning the roduct. Do not use abrasive cleaners, chemicals or solvents as they can result in surface damage. Use mild soap and warm vater for cleaning and protecting the life of Chicago Faucet products. For specific operation and maintenance refer to the nstallation instructions and repair parts documents that are located at www.chicaqofaucets.com. Thicago Faucets, member of the Geberit Group, is the leading brand of commercial faucets and fittings in the United States, ffering a complete range of products for schools, laboratories, hospitals, office buildings, food service, airports and sport facilities. all 1.800.TECTRUE or 1.847.803.5000 Option 1 for installation or other technical assistance. 2100 South Clearwater Drivi Des Plaines, II P: 847/803-500 F: 847/803-545 IPOWDER COAT COLOR: WHITE SILL. OF MATERIALS ITEM REP PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 1 iS ga MS SHEET 13 1/2 x (LENGTH PER DRAINING) 2 1' #10 x 1 RIBBED ANCHORS v'LITH #8 x 1 FH SCREfrMS SCALE 11/2 = 1-0 CUT TOP EDGE TO 15 GA SHEET METAL MATCH ROOF SLOPE 15 4 #10 x 1" RIBBED ANCHORS ell T'(P J'NITH #8 x 1 FH SCREj'1S 5/16 HOLES (15) PLACES lool 105 PLUMSIN STEEL CHASE I - SCALE 3/4 =1-0 JOE' # 18S62 &UANTIT': 1 AS SHOJ'*4 &UANTITY:-- OPPOSITE RIv'ITEC (54 18 240 NORTH BANK 0 MANUFACTURIN © 2015 ROMTEC., INC.. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THESE PLANS AN PR.t4INS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, ADAPTED OR FURTHER DATE: 05/24/2015 -496-3541 FAX(541).496.0803 DISTRIBUTED, AND NO BUILPINS MAY BE CONSTRUCTED FROM THESE PLANS, kNJTHOUT THE ^KITTEN PERMISSION OF ROMTEC INC.. DRAWN BY: CR ()=REFERENCE DIMENSION TOLERANCES (UNLESS . J , I I A CORNER L...L.1I"I I'4( L.rTfr REV DESCRIPTION DATE BY MASSSO# OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) FRACTIONS ±1/16 S" X I1 - ______________________________________________________ _________ __________ - SHEET 1 OF 1 .XXX ±.005 .XX ±.010 - _________________________ ____ - PL-000-1004 ANGLES ±1/T 5/1 HOLES (1) PLACES MIN. BEND RAP. - FORMEVIEfrM The Model 67, B67 & RB67 are automatic draining, freezeless wall hydrants with hose connection Backflow Protection. Hydrants drain as handle is shut off, even if hose is attached. All models are intended for irrigation purposes and blend in with modern architecture for installation on restaurants, schools, office buildings, churches, apartments, motels, stores, shopping centers and industrial buildings. SPECIFICATIONS: PATENTED HIGH FLOW DOUBLE CHECK BACKFLOW PREVENTER NIDEL® Model 50HA with 3/4 inch male hose thread ASSE Standard 1052 approved Field Testable 0 Two Independent Check Valves No spray back FEATURES: Permanent type brass valve body with hemispherical seating surface. One piece valve plunger accurately controls both flow and drainage with a minimum number of turns and without need for adjustments. Drains under nozzle away from hands of operator and with a lip to divert water away from building. Copper casing tubes. No Lead Solder on all solder joints. Hardened stainless steel stem resists damage. Loose key operates hydrant. 3/8" solid brass operating rod. Four inlet options (See below) Wall clamp furnished on all 60 series except close coupled. Max Pressure: 125 psi. Max Temperature: 120° F Inlet Options 1 318 H 13/8 43/8 — P1 Inlet 1" Male Pipe Thread F . W000FORD Freeze less Wall Hydrants 1". With Patented Mode! 50 High Flow Double Check Back flow Preventer Model 67/B67/RB67 MODEL 67 E)~ Exterior Finish Standard - Chrome (CH) Optional - Brass (BR) Polished Brass (PB) Fits one standard modular brick course 1' MODEL B67 Exterior Finish: Box & Door Standard - Chrome (CH) Optional - Brass (BR) Polished Brass (PB) Anodized Aluminum Box (AL) Fits two std. modular brick course or one course of facing tile. 43I8 8 3/8 1/2 3/8 C Inlet EP Inlet 3/4" Copper Water Tube Union Elbow with 3/4" Male Pipe Thread MODEL RB67 Exterior Finish: Box & Door - Chrome (CH) Only Designed especially for tilt-up wall construction. 777 - • • . .. • Install through 6" diameter hole. • Two 3/8-16 tapped holes for all-thread anchors in back of box. Lift and latch door stays open when hydrant is in use. When ordering, specify model, inlet and wall thickness ©2013 WOODFORD Mfg. 0397 Rev. 03/13 Form No. 67.109 Specify as follows: Wall hydrant shall be Woodford Model 67 (exposed type), B67 or RB67 (concealed box type), automatic draining with ASSE 1052 approved NIDEL® Model 50HA double check backflow preventer. 3/4' inlet and outlet (specify type of inlet). Hardened stainless steel operating stem and one-piece valve plunger to control both flow and drain functions. Exterior finish to be Chrome Plated (options: Polished Brass or Rough Brass). Loose tee key to be furnished with each hydrant. Wall thickness to be inches. —1 WALLThICKNESS - 73A Mill OVERALL LENGTH (CLOSE COUPLED) MODEL RB67 Rough-In Dimensions 21/4 _T H i-irL___ I I-2518• 71/2 H— WALL THICKNESS 73/8 MIN. OVERALL LENGTH 23/4 (CLOSE COUPLED) MODEL B67 Rough-In Dimensions 43/8 21/8 W000FORD \y Woodford Excellence i Since 1929 Proudly Made In The U.S.A. MODEL 671B671RB67 PARTS LIST [ITEM PART # DESCRIPTION 1 50009 Tee Key 2 50010 50264 Long lee Key (Box Models) Head Nut - chrome 5 Head Nut — brass . 3 r_4 50584 5-0 H2 I.D. RING —Stem Washe—r 5 55062 Stem Screw 6 50251 .6 "washer 7 51014 Yoke Nut ng Rod s Item 10 Only) 9 50250 Plunger (Select required assembled length from table below) A-CHNIDEL®50HABacowPreventer—chrome E 6 50HA-BR NIDEL® 50HA Backflow Preventer - brass Wall Assemb__ 13 67BX Box/Door Assembly - Chrome ox/DoorAslyBmss 67BX-PB Box/Door Assembly - Polished Brass 14 J X-AL Box/Door Assembly - Aluminum RB67BX Round Box/Door Assembly - Chrome Chrome Repair Kit (Includes Items &9. 15 51117 Door Lock Screw - Chrome Door Lock Screw - Brass 16 51120 E-Ring Manufactured "A" under one or more of the following patents: U.S. Patents: 3,414,001 4,178956 4,316,481 4,532,954 _________ 8,042,565 B2 _________ D216,790 _______ D216,791 D277,365 D277,366 Canada Patents: 852,529 865,995 1,146,438 Ejilltem 10-Operating Rod Assy. Wall Thickness Length 3Y0" Part F'dO. 55401 IIT67iiii 7/Rg CC CC LN/A 55402=1 4 6 6%" 55404 L6_ 8 8Y0' 54 8 10 10%" 55408 LJO_ 12 ____ _12% 55410=] 12 14 14%" 55412 Eji4 16 16%" 55414J 16 18 18%" 55416 1LE18 20 20W 554 20 22 22 %" 55420 j j24 24/ 24 N/A 26 %" 55424 Wall Thickness (Inch) CC 4 1 6 8 10 12 1 14 1 16 1 18 [ö1 22 I 24 1 OveraflLength - Hydrant 1 5 8 I 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 i28 I Overall Lenth - Box Models 73/8 83/8 103/8 1 12 3/8 143/8 163/81 183/8 1203/81 223/8 243/8 263/8 283/8 ShippnigWt(Lbs) 38 L4J 48 5J 56 64 j] 72 LJJ 8 LJ ""Add 8.3 Lbs. for brass box models. NOTE: Close Coupled Models are not recommended for use in freezing climates and cannot use wall clamp. ""Add 2.5 Lbs. for aluminum box models. For more information contact... WOODFORD MANUFACTURING COMPANY 2121 Waynoka Road, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80915 • Phone: (800) 621-6032 • Fax: (800) 765-4115 To view our complete product line visit: www.woodfordmfg.com or email: sales©woodfordmfg.com A Division Of WCM Industries, Inc. OLVTCM OLVTWM VAPORTIGHT fA L IT) VOA /A LIGHTING® Catalog Number Notes FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE Provides years of maintenance-free illumination for indoor or outdoor use in residential & commercial applications. CONSTRUCTION Cast-aluminum housing with corrosion-resistant paint in an industrial grey finish. Sealed gasket protects against moisture and dust OPTICS 4000K CCT LEDs. Frosted glass diffuser provides even light distribution. LUMEN MAINTENANCE The LED will deliver 70% of its initial lumens at 50,000 hour average LED life. See Lighting Facts label on page 2 for performance details. ELECTRICAL MVOLT driver operates on any line voltage from 120-277V Operating temperature -30°C to 40°C. 4kV surge protection standard. INSTALLATION Mounts to ceiling or wall with recessed junction box (by others) or surface mount junction box (included). LISTINGS UL Listed to U.S. and Canadian safety standards for wet locations. Tested in accordance with IESNA LM-79 and LM-80 standards. WARRANTY Five-year limited warranty. Full warranty terms located at www.AcuityBrands.com/CustomerResources/Terms_and_Conditions.aspx Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice. Actual performance may differ as a result of end-user environment and application. Type For shortest lead times, configure products using bolded options. Example: OLVTCM Series Color temperature Voltage Finish OLVTCM Ceiling MT (oLvTwM) (blank) 4000K (blank) MVOLT(120V-277V) (blank) Grey DECORATIVE INDOOR & OUTDOOR OLVT Polar Candela Distribution 120 - 180°170° 160 150°140° 100 - - . - -I- 120° V.IV. V 40'- 20 V_VV - -- •V V V100° zo~;Soo 40 60 -1600 100 ]Soo 120 VA:0° 100 200 300 40- N -01H -900H OLVTWM lighting facts - A Potren AU AS. 00! LLnht 0 ty t )L mane) 600 Lwas 15 umens per Watt (Efficacy) - 39 Color Accuracy 4- 74 coIreRende4tgIVieefcRI) • lLig88.t)V.-V.--.-V.---O -tW1tY White) 270011 - 3000)0 05000 V 0505)0 Visit www.IIghtingtaets.com for the Label Rel000t,ce Guide. Rs4reunu,A.-.NjS01-WEBrW(l!1LA0t} 100 OLVTCM & OLVTWM LED Vaportight PHOTOMETRICS To see complete photometric reports or download Jes files for this product,visit Lithonia Lighting's Outdoor LED homepage Tested in accordance with IESNA LM-79 and LM-80 standards. OLVTCM- Polar Candela Distribution 110 - - 180170° 160° 1501 140° 92 - - . 130- 73 120° 55 -- ----- I V.-.' 37 - .--V 110° 18: 80 921- so- 110 - —. - - - VA: 0° 10° 200 30° 400 -OOH - 90° H WID 3.0 iii'iig factv T Light Output (Lumens) — 600 ft ( 15 Loreens per Watt (Efiay 74 V 3OK ViOK 4-- flu.-.-uVoeeiweLM-fl?4s Areueefl,e4ru,*fle4u.4 pe -eresyssree-uusLit,-.ue fleUS. Deee,,-eeeE,n,,00e,,eeee VIsit www.IIghtIngfacts.com for the Label Reference Guide. (A £ITNøVIA h/WiriNGth OLVT An4cuityBrands Company DECORATIVE INDOOR & OUTDOOR: One Lithonia Way Conyers, CA 30012 Phone: 1-800-279-8041 Fax: 770-860-3903 www.ifthania.com © 2012 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Rev, 11/21/12 JOB NAME: RAB LIGHTING TYPE: SMS500 DESCRIPTION Controls up to 500 watts Incandescent or 250 watts Fluorescent outdoor lighting. Full 1800 coverage with universal swivel. Color matched vandal resistant lens. LED "On Guard indicator. Fits single gang cast boxes like RAB's B3 series. SPECIFICATIONS "No Hands Auto Testing: Ambient Light Sensing: Auto mode starts after 4 minutes of testing. Adjustable No adjustment needed. Detection: LED Detection Indicator: 1800 detection pattern LED glows red day & night for "on guard Fluorescent Watts Switched: deterrence. 250 watts @ 120 volts Manual Override: Incandescent Watts Switched: Double flip wall switch logic prevents 500 watts @ 120 volts activation by brief power outages. Resets Manual Switch: after 8 hours. No extra wiring needed. None Photoelectric Control: Patents: Deactivates lights during daylight. Fully RAB sensor and fixture designs are adjustable for 24 hour operation or custom protected under U.S. and International applications. Intellectual Property laws. Quick Test Time: Power Consumption: 5 second test time for fast installation. Works Negligible day or night. Ratings: RF Immunity: 5 amps Circuits fully shielded for maximum radio Switching Capacity: frequency immunity. Relay On/Off Model: Switches 240 watts Surge Protection: when lights are mounted to sensor. 500 Withstands up to 3000 volts watts Incandescent or 240 watts Fluorescent Time Adjustment: of remotely mounted lighting @ 120 volts 5 seconds to 15 minutes Time Delay: UL Listing: 5 seconds to 15 minutes Suitable for wet locations. Color: Voltage: Bronze 120 volts AC 60 Hz. Weight: Adjustments: 0.5 Time, ambient light & sensitivity 3" 7.6 cm T 1 518' 4.1 cm Note: Specifications may change without notice RAB Lighting, Inc. • 170 Ludlow Ave- Northvale, NJ 07647 • Tel: 888 RAB-1000 • Fax: 888 RAB-1232 • www.rabweb.com ©2008 All-Pro I Model # MSS11315LES ( Internet # 203303743 Store SKJJ # 621787 110 Degree Outdoor Motion Activated Bronze LED Security Floodlight ***** (5) 1 Write a Review I Questions & Answers (5) PRODUCT OVERVIEW Model # MSS11315LES Internet #203303743 Store SKU #621787 Enhance your exterior lighting with dependable home security from All-Pro. Ideal for doors and walkways, this unit protects in a 1100 range using long lasting LED light. This energy efficient fixture is Energy Star rated. Maintenance free LEDs with 35,000 hours of life 1350 Lumens, 5000K, 70 CR1 Bronze finish Mounts easily using existing junction box; cover plate included Integral dusk to dawn sensor ensures lights only come on after dark Hooded design protects fixture from rain and directs light outward Motion sensor has selectable motion timer and detects motion up to 70 ft. Energy Star qualified SPECIFICATIONS DIMENSIONS . Product Depth (in.) 7.6 Product Length (in.) 5 Feedback 1/2 5/11/2016 AJIPro 110 Degree Outdoor Motion Activated Bronze LED Security Floodlight-MSSII3I5LES - The Home Depot Product Height (in.) 9.0 Product Wdth (in.) 5 DETAILS Actual Color Temperature (K) 5000 Light Output (lumens) 1350 Adjustable Detection Sensitivity No Light Source LED Adjustable Lamp Head Yes Motion Sensing Yes Bulb Type LED Numberof Bulbs Required 1 Bulb(s) Included Yes Outdoor Lighting Features Adjustable Detection Sensitivity,Adjustable Lamp Resistant Color Rendering Index 70 Power Type Hardwired Color Temperature Daylight Product Weight (lb.) 3.5 lb Detection Range (ft.) 70 Range of Motion 110 Dusk to Dawn No Returnable 90-Day Exterior Lighting Product Type Flood and Spot Lights Timer Included Yes Fixture Color/Finish Bronze UL Listing 1-UL Listed Glass/Lens Type Clear Weather Resistant Yes Light Bulb Base Code Other 2/2 III Cutler-Hammer January 2001 Vol. 1, Ref. No. [0056] Type BR Features, Benefits and Functions Extra 1-1/2-inch (38.1 mm) Tangential knockout for bundling of wires main knockout Drywall marking on enclosure Twin neutral design for easier wiring and balancing of the load, located in wireway, away from circuit breakers Maximum wiring gutter space for ease of wiring in compliance with NEC requirements One piece roll formed metal backpan with circuit breaker alignment notches assures accurately aligned breaker and bus stabs Six mounting holes (three top, three bottom) for ease of installation Standard 14-3/8 inches (365.1 mm) wide / enclosures fit snugly between wall studs v Same size Allen wrench can be used for phase and neutral lugs Commercial grade main breaker - designed for straight-in wiring that allows for top or bottom feed J_ Factory pre-attached neutral bonding strap 1 Predrilled mounting holes for ease of installing ground bar kits _- Maximum variety of concentric - knockouts, at rear and sides Combination trim has sliding latch and adjustable deadfront for neat, clean appearance IBR1224B100RI Product Selection Table 3-64. BR Loadcenter Selection Chart Service Single-phase, three-wire, 120/240V AC Three-phase, four-wire, 208Y/120V AC U Three-phase, three-wire, 240V AC delta Short Circuit Current 10.000 AIC: All single- and three-phase loadcenters 70 I 25,000 AIC: All convertible and factory installed Rating through 225 amperes, 8 to 42 circuits, single-phase loadcenters rated 150 and 200 amperes 22,000 AIC: All convertible loadcenters using 125 amperes using Type BWH main breakers. rated Type BRH main breakers or selected factory installed 125 ampere rated Type BRH main breaker. Main Breaker/Main Lug Single-Phase Three-Phase Loadcenters Main Breaker: 100, 125, 150, 200, 225, 400,600 amperes. Main Breaker: 100, 125, 150, 200,225, 400, 600 amperes. Main Lugs: 70,125, 150, 200, 225, 400, 600 amperes. Main Lugs: 100, 125, 150,200,225,400,600 amperes. Convertible Loadcenters Main Breaker: Single-phase up to 200 amperes and three-phase up to 225 amperes Main Lugs: Single-phase up to 200 amperes and three-phase up to 150 amperes Branch Breakers Types BR, BRH, and BRH: 10 to 125 amperes. One-, two-, and U Type BQ and BQC Multibreaker: 15 to 30 amperes. three-pole. Selected amperages available in switching duty, Two of two-pole or one two-pole and two one-pole. HACR, shunt trip, and high magnetic setting. Takes two 1-inch (25.4 mm) spaces. Type GFCB: 15 to 50 amperes. Type BRW: 15 to 30 amperes. One- and two-pole ground fault breakers. Two-pole water heater breakers. Types BJ, and BJH: 125 to 225 amperes Type BRSN: 15 to 30 amperes. Two- and three-pole. Two-pole switching neutral breakers. Type BD Twin: 10 to 50 amperes Type BR 15 to 100 amperes. Two of one-pole. Take one 1-inch (25.4 mm) space. Two-pole, 240V AC delta breakers. BR-AFCI arc fault circuit interrupter. Enclosures U NEMA Type 1 indoor. U Meets or exceeds UL requirements for indoor or NEMA Type 3R outdoor. outdoor applications Loadcenter and Breaker U Branch Circuit Breaker U Surge Protection Accessories Auxiliary components. Single-phase plug-on surge protector. Hold Down Kits. Single-phase bottle type surge protector. Handle ties. Three-phase bottle type surge protector. Lockoffs. Single-phase whole home surge protector. Lockdogs. U Universal Rainproof Conduit Hubs Complete Line of Ground Bar Kits 5, 10, 14, and 21 Circuit, Group One: 3/4, 1, 1-1/4, 1-1/2,2 inches some with additional #2/0 lugs. Each terminal will (19.1, 25.4, 31.8, 38.1, accommodate: (3) #14 -#10 Cu/Al or (1) #14 - #4 Cu/Al 50.8 mm) Main and Sub-feed Lugs 125, 150, 225 amperes— Group Two: 2,2-1/2,3 inches - two- and three-pole. (50.8, 63.5, 76.2 mm) U Shunt Trips Adapter plate. Bussing U Tin-plated aluminum as standard. Some copper bus panels available. For more information contact Cutler-Hammer at: www.ch.cutler-hammer.com/catalog CAT.200.013.E January 2008 Loadcenter Product Selection - Single-Phase - Main Circuit Breaker Loadcenters 10,000/25,000 Amperes Interrupting Capacity Table 3-70. Single-Phase, 3-Wire - 120/240 Vac - Factory Bonded Split Neutral Main Main Maximum Number Enclosure Box Wiring Diagram Wire Size Range Loadcenter Catalog Number with Price Breaker Ampere 1-Inch (25.4 mm) Type Size Figure Number Cu/Al Combination Cover® S.$ Type Rating 60°C or 75°C Space Circuits for Main Breaker BR 100 20 20 Indoor C2 68 #4-1/0 BR202OB100 10 kAIC 100 16 24 Indoor Cl 69 BR16248100 BWH 150 30 30 Indoor Gi 70 #2-300kcmil BR3030B150 25 kAIC 200 20 40 Indoor Dl 71 #2-300 kcmil BR2040B200 200 30 40 Indoor Gi 72 BR3040B200 200 40 40 Indoor Li 70 BR4040B200 (t) Combination style covers may be used in surface or flush applications. Note: All main circuit breaker loadcenters are listed for use as service entrance equipment. Loadcenters are factory bonded for service entrance applications. Remove bonding strap for separate neutral and ground bars for sub-feed applications Table 3-71. Single-Phase 3-Wire - 120/240 Vac - Insulated/Bondable Neutral Main Main Maximum Number Enclosure Box Wiring Diagram Wire Size Range Loadcenter Catalog Number with Price Breaker Ampere 1-Inch (25.4 mm) Type Size Figure Number Cu/Al Combination® or NEMA Type 3R Cover U.S. $ Type Rating 60°C or 75°C for Main Breaker Spaces p Circuits BR 100 8 16 Indoor Bi 17 #4-1/0® BR816B100 10 kAIC 10 20 Indoor Al 65 BR102OB100S11 10 20 Indoor Al 65 BR102OB100F11 10 20 Outdoor 13213 59 BR1O20B1O0RFXt 12 12 12 n Indoor In,l.-,,-,, B2 5 10 ______________ BR1212B100 PP1flP1flA I: BR1224B100R® I 12 24 Outdoor 1321117 lb lb Indoor 77 b H1616BT0U 16 20 Indoor Cl 60 BR162OB100 16 24 Outdoor C1R 24 BR1624113100R® 20 24 Outdoor C3R 10 BR2O24B100R® 30 30 Indoor ®® ® © 125 16 24 Indoor Cl 24 #4-2/0 BR1624B125 20 24 Indoor Cl 10 BR2024B125 20 24 Outdoor C3R 10 BR2024B125R® BRH® 100 20 24 Indoor C2 10 #2/0-300kcmi1 BR2024H100® 22 kAIC BWH® 150 8 16 Outdoor C3R 18 #2-300kcmil BR816B150RF€® 25 kAIC 16 30 Indoor C4 25 BR1630B150 20 30 Indoor C4 26 BR2030B150 20 30 Outdoor DiR 26 BR20301315OR® 20 40 Indoor Dl 29 BR2040B150 20 40 Outdoor DiR 29 BR204OB15OR® 24 30 Indoor Gi 27 BR2430B150 30 30 Outdoor G1R 28 BR3O3OB1SOR© 30 40 Indoor Gi 30 BR3040B150 200 4 8 Outdoor SR 46 #2-300kcmil BR48B200RF0Y# 8 16 Outdoor C3R 18 BR816113200RF® 16 32 Indoor C4 29 BR1632B200 20 40 Outdoor DiR 29 BR204OB200R® 24 40 Indoor Gi 61 BR2440B200 30 40 Outdoor G1R 30 BR304OB200R® 40 40 Outdoor L1R 28 BR404OB200R® 225 42 42 Indoor L2 131 31 #1 -250 kcmil BR42428225 42 42 Outdoor I L2R BR4242B225R® ® Combination style covers may be used in surface or flush applications. ® Wire range size for BR1020B100SP is #6 - #1 Cu/Al. ® Includes through-feed lugs for both phase and neutral conductors. © Rainproof panels are furnished with hub closure plates. For rainproof hubs, refer to Page 3-63. © See Copper Bus Offering, Page 3-55. ® 22 kAIC series combination rating is obtained when Types BD, BR, 80, BOC and GFCB 10 kAIC branch breakers are used in series with Type BRH main breaker. ® 25 kAIC series combination rating is obtained when Types BD, BR, BO, BQC and GFCB 10 kAIC branch circuit breakers are used in series with Type BWH main breaker. ® Supplied with adapter plate to use DS Groupi hubs on Page 3-63. If 2.50-inch (63.5 mm) hub is needed, remove adapter and use ARP00007CH25 hub. © Neutral is bonded - suitable for service entrance only - cannot be converted for sub-feed application. Note: All main circuit breaker Ioadcenters are listed for use as service entrance equipment and are shipped with neutral bonding strap preattached. The maximum rating of the panel is the main circuit breaker rating when used as service entrance equipment. Ground bar kits priced separately. See Page 3-64. Box Sizes .............Pages 3-77 through 3-79 Discount Symbol .......22C CA08101001E For more information visit: www.eaton.com RSMTEC f1.03.4 ACCESSORIES Data sheets to follow. Stainless Steel Mirror Unbreakable stainless steel mirror with No. 8 architectural bright finish: 0 Model 748-XXXX (Specify width and height) Product Materials MIRROR: 20 gauge stainless steel, polished to No. 8 architectural bright finish. Stretcher leveled for uniformity. Very bright -excellent reflectivity, very slight polish grain. 1/4" return conceals backing. BACKING: tempered Masonite bonded to mirror with adhesive. Stainless steel mirrors will differ in optic quality from glass mirrors. Installation Verify all rough-in dimensions prior to installation. Secure to wall with tamper-resistant mounting screws (included) at holes provided. Provide in-wall backing at mounting screw locations. Guide Specification Mirror shall be fabricated of 20 gauge stainless steel with No. 8 architectural finish. Unit shall have 1/4" return to conceal 1/4" tempered Masonite backing bonded to mirror with adhesive. Stainless Steel Mirror shall be Bradley Model 818 "Wx 36'1 (specify width and height). Model 748 series stainless steel mirrors can be fabricated to a maximum size of 471/2"W x 72"H. In larger sizes, these units are subject to distortion and/or "oil canning" for which Bradley Corporation cannot accept responsibility. C& ADA Compliant Consult local and national accessibility codes for proper installation guidelines. Conformity and compliance to local and national codes is the responsibility of the installer. Dim. "A" Key Surface: For Dim. "A" Bottom of Unit Mirror's bottom edge of the reflecting surface to finished floor 40U (1016mm) 40" (1016mm) 37" (940mm) 37" (940mm) 34" (864mm) 34" (864mm) Rough wall opening: Surface Mount: No rough wall opening, see overall dimensions Z4 N1 (4) Mounting Holes 1w, (19m{ TO- ff Dim. "A" to finished floor Washroom Accessories Document No. 8740 This information is subject to change without notice. 1-25-2011 © 2011 Bradley Corporation P.O. Box 309, Menomonee Falls, WI 53052-0309 Phone: 800.BRADLEY (800.272.3539) Fax: 262.253.4161 bradleycorp.com #2424401 Black 02385240 Black 02385236 Black 02424404 Gray 112385239 Gray #242441U Brown 02385241 Brown 412385237 Brown 02424403 Blue 02385238 Blue #2385243 Gray 02385242 Blue KROY 0) 1I32' raised letters, 5/8t high uppercase Sans Serif typestyle. Grade H Braille matches background color and is positioned directly below text. /1 AP 1/32' raised-tactile graphic with 6 minimum height Ipiiq1rEinish - Text and symbol colors contrast with background colors. UV-resistant, matte, eggshell, and non-glare finish. .IBI. x All MEN'S RESTROOM MEN/ISA WOMEN'S RESTROOM WOMEN/ISA RESTROOM 92385201 Black 92385207 Black 92385228 Gray 62385231 Gray 112385202 Brown 92385208 Brown 92385219 Blue 92385222 Blue STAIRS NO SMOKING #2385203 Black #2385220 Gray 92385204 Brown 92385220 Blue INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY 92385209 Black 112385232 Gray 92385210 Brown 02385223 Blue EIsi*1.1;l ) [ CASEOFFIRE .1 USE STAIRS .UNIS UNISEX 112385217 Black 112385215 Black 02424801 Black .92385235 Gray #2385234 Gray #2424804 Gray 112385218 Brown 112385216 Brown 92424802 Brown 82385227 Blue 02385226 Blue #2424803 Blue flSn1aItq,Signs CAIJEORNIA CODE CALIFORNIA CODE MEN'S RESTROOM WOMEN'S RESTROOM RESTROOM, uw _ADABlue - .0901753 02392701 Black (02392705WG) 02392702 Gray (shown) 02392706 While 12392703 BeIge 02392707 Blue 112392704 Brown RSMTEC 1.04 INSTALL MANUALS The following installation manuals are referenced in the plans and are included for use by the installing contractor. Rev: 2-9-15 rN~CORING Installation Instructions For Owens Corning Standard and Metric Size iirtIs INNOVATIONS FOR LIVING' Instrucciones Para la Instalacion de Tejas Estandard y Metricas de Owens Corning" 3 r" TiB SHINGLES Tq4s DE 34-aaus w !:; i• : j SUPREME® CtAsslc® i Uk;I Owens Cornin'three-tab shingles are designed for new or reroofing work over properly built and supported wood roof decks having adequate nail holding capacity and a smooth surface. UL Class A Fire Resistance and Wind Resistance Ratings When applied in accordance with these instructions, these shingles carry the Underwriters Laboratories Class A fire resistance rating, the top rating fqr residential shingles.They will resist exposure to fire in accordance with UL Standard 790. When applied properly, these shingles also meet UL wind resistance Standard 997. All three-tab shingles have a factory-applied strip of special thermoplastic adhesive on each shingle. After direct exposure to the sun's heat, each course bonds securely to the course below (a matter of days in spring through fall seasons, in winter it varies depending on geographical location, roof slope and orientation of the house on the site, in relation to the sun). Other Roofing Materials You May Need Metal Drip Edges are recommended along rake and eaves edges of all decks. Underlayment is recommended for roofing over any bare deck, and is required for a UL Class A fire rating in most cases. Use only "breather type" material such as Asphalt Saturated Felt or Shingle Underlayment classified by UL as a Prepared Roofing Accessory to assure Class A fire performance and watertight performance from wind-driven rain. Nails must be galvanized, 11- or 12-gauge, with heads at least 3/8° in diameter. Staples must be 16-gauge minimum,15/16° minimum crown width and corrosion protected. All Fasteners must be driven flush with the shingle surface and penetrate at least 3/4' into the wood deck. Where the deck is less than 3/4° thick, the fastener should be long enough to penetrate fully and extend at least 1/8 through the roof deck. Note: Owens Corning recommends the use of nails as the preferred method of attaching shingles to wood decking or other nailable surfaces. Plastic Cement where required must meet ASTM D-4586Type II (Asbestos Free). Las tejas de tres tablillas de Owens Corning'"estan diseñadas para trabajos nuevos o de retechado sobre cubiertas de madera apropiadamente construidas con el soporte adecuado, que tenga la capacidad para sostener los clavos y tenga una superficie lisa. Clasificación de Resistencia all Fuego UL Clase A y Resistencia at Viento Cuando son aplicadas de acuerdo a estas instrucciones, estas tejas tienen una clasificaciOn de resistencia al fuego de Underwriters Laboratories Clase A, la mas alta clasificación para tejas residenciales. Resistirán la exposiciOn al fuego de acuerdo al Estándard UL 790. Cuando son aplicadas apropiadamente, estas tejas también se ajustan al Estãndard UL 997 de resistencia al viento.Todas las tejas de tres tablillas tienen una tira de adhesivo termoplástico especial aplicado en la fábrica en cada teja. Después de la exposición directa al calor del sol, cada linea de tejas se pega con seguridad a la lInea de abajo (en unos cuantos dias en las estaciones de Primavera a Otoño, variando en Invierno de acuerdo a la localizaciOn geografica, inclinaciOn del techo y orientaciOn de la casa en el lugar, en relaciOn al sol). Otros Materiales de Techado que Listed Pueda Necesitar Las Molduras Metálicas para Orillas son recomendados en todas las orillas de los remates y aleros de los techos. El Bajop,so es recomendado para techados sobre cubiertas desnudas, y es requerido para una ClasificaciOn de Resistencia al fuego UL Clase A. Use solamente materiales "breather type" tales como Fieltro saturado de asfalto o bajopiso para tejas clasificado por UL como Accesorio Preparado paraTechado para asegurar su actuaciOn como resistente al fuego UL Clase A e impermeable contra la Iluvia dirigida por el viento. Los Clavos deben ser galvanizados, 11- o 12-gauge, con cabezas de cuando menos 3/8° (10 mm) de diámetro. Las Grapas deben ser minimo 16-gauge, con cuando menos 15/16" (24 mm) de ancho de corona. Las grapas deben estar protegidas contra corrosion. Todos los fijadores deben penetrar cuando menos 3/4" (19 mm).en la cubierta de madera o completamente a través de los paneles de plywood. Nota: Owens Corning recomienda el uso de clavos como el método preferido para sujetar las tejas a la cubierta de madera o a cualquier otra superficie donde pueda clavarse. El Cemento Plástico, donde se requiera, debe ajustarse al ASTM D-4586Tipo II (Libre de Asbestos). I Deck Preparation a For Standard Slope Decks - 4" in 12" or more Application of underlayment, metal drip edges, and eaves flashing: Apply one layer of underlayment over metal drip edge at eaves. Use only enough fasteners to hold in place. Overlap successive courses 2°. Overlap course ends 4". Side laps are to be staggered 6 apart. Apply metal drip edge over underlayment at rake. Note: Where ice-damming may cause leaks, apply Owens CorninWeatherLock underlayment or equivalent eaves flashing at least 24 beyond the inside wall line. When using a coated smooth roll or mineral surfaced roll roofing, apply over the underlayment. When using a specialty eaves flashing product, follow the manufacturer's instructions. Preparaciãn de la Cubierta a Para Cubiertas de lnclinación Normal - 4 en 12" o más (100 mm en 300 mm o más) AplicaciOn de bajopisos, molduras metélicas para orillas y sellador de escurrimiento: (A) Aplique una Ilnea de bajopiso sobre las molduras metálicas para orillas en los aleros. Use solamente los sujetadores necesarios para mantenerlo en su lugar. (B)Traslape las lineas sucesivas 2' (50 mm).Traslape las puntas de cada Ilnea 4" (100 mm). Los traslapes de los lados deben alternarse cada 6" 0.90 m). (C)Aplique las molduras metálicas para orillas sobre el bajopiso en los remates. Nota: Donde la acumulaciOn de hielo pueda causar goteras, aplique bajopisoWeatherLock de Owens Corning"o protector de escurrimiento equivalente cuando menos 24" (600 mm) más allá de la Ilnea de la pared interior. Cuando use rollos recubiertos lisos o rollos de superficie mineral para techado, aplIquelos sobre el bajopiso. Cuando use un producto especial para escurrimiento de aleros, siga las instrucciones del fabricante. 2 Shingle Application Apply shingles over properly prepared roof deck, starting at bottom of roof and working across and up. This will blend shingles from one bundle into the next and minimize any normal shade variation. Three-tab shingles are applied with a 6" offset (6 9/16" offset with metric size shingles). 2 Aplicacion de lasTejas AplIque las tejas sobre una cubierta para techo preparada apropiadamente, comienze en Ia parte mas baja del techo y trabaje hacia los lados y hacia arriba. Esto mezclará las tejas de un paquete con el siguiente minimizará cualquier variaciOn normal de tonalidad. Las tejas de tres tabillas son aplicadas While a6 offset (6 9/16" con un escalonamiento de 6' metric) is recommended, application with offsets of 4" or 5" are also acceptable. Caution must be exercised to assure that end joints are no closer than 2" from a fastener in the shingle below and that side laps are no less than 4" in succeeding courses. Refer to course applications steps for specific instructions. If racking application methods Offset Measurement Madides pars escalonamiento Exposici - 5 5/8" Exposure -I— Offset Measurement Medidas pare escalonamiento Exposici S. Exposure (150 mm) [69/16" (165 mm) métrico]. Mn cuando el escalonamiento de 6" es el recomendado, tamblén es aceptado el escalonamiento de 4" (100 mm) ó 5" (125 mm). Debe ejercerse precaución para asegurar que las uniones eritre cada teja no esten mas cerca de 2" (50 mm) de cualquier sujetador de lateja inferior y + _I._,_._ _. I lb For Low Slope Decks - 2' in 12 to less than 4" in 12' Application of underlayment, metal drip edges, and eaves flashing: Apply 19' starter strip of underlayment over metal drip edge at eaves. Use only enough fasteners to hold in place. Use 36' strip of underlayment for remaining courses, overlapping each course 19". Side laps are to be stag- gered 6'apart. Apply metal drip edge over underlayment at rake. Note: Where eaves flashing is required, apply Owens Corning" WeatherLock underlayment or equivalent specialty eaves flashing product or apply a continuous layer of asphalt plastic cement between the plies of underlayment at least 24" beyond the inside wall line. I b Para Cubiertas de Poca lnclinación - 2" en 12" a menos de 4' en 12" (50 mm en 300 mm a 100 mm en 300 mm) Aplicación de bajopisos, molduras metálicas para orillas y protector de escurrimiento: (A) Aplique la primera lInea de bajopiso de 19' sobre las molduras metálicas para orillas en los aleros. Use solamente los sujetadores necesarios para mantenerlo en su lugar. Use bajopiso de 36" (900 mm) para las siguientes lineas, traslapando cada lmnea 19" (480 mm). Los traslapes de los lados deben alternarse cada 6(1.90 m). Aplique las molduras metálicas para orillas sobre el bajopiso en los remates. Nota: Donde se requiera protector de escurrimiento, aplique bajopiso WeatherLockde Owens Corning"o un producto es- pecial para escurrimiento de aleros equivalente o aplIque una capa continua de cemento plástico entre las lineas de bajopiso cuando menos 24" mas allá de la linea de la pared interior. are used, the applicator must ensure that the proper 4uv u,jn oiopu IU IdUUb no queden a menos de 4" (100 mm) de las lIneas siguientes. number of fasteners is used, and use shingles from Refiérase a los pasos para la aplicaciOn de lIneas para several different bundles to reduce potential for color instrucciones especificas. Si se utilizan en la aplicacion variation. métodos de escalonamiento, el aplicador debe asegurarse de utilizar el nümero apropiado de sujetadores y usar tejas de diferentes paquetes para reducir la potencialidad de variacIon en color. Valley Liner 6" Min. Minima, Baiapiso do le canalera _ TLI_- L4,.tjja Nail Clavo extra — UnderIeyment,._- - . )( Asphal--.. .t Plastic Cement "-i Cemento - -. --plástico safaltado ..Clip Corner Recorter esquina :enterline Linea central of 6" away from center la linea central de la canalera Sujete ambos lados cuando linea central de la canalera. 4 Valley Construction A closed-cut valley is recommended and is applied as follows: Lay a 36° wide valley liner of smooth surface roll roofing or Owens Corning" WeatherLock underlayment or equivalent product. Fasten on outer edges only. Lay all shingles on one side of valley and across center line of valley a mini- mum of 12. Fasten a minimum line on each side of valley. 4 Construcción de Canaleras Es recomendable una canalera bien recortada y se aplica de la siguiente manera: Tienda un bajopiso de 36° (900 mm) de ancho de material liso de techado para canalera o bajopiso WeatherLock de Owens Corning°o producto equivalente. Sujételo solamente de las orillas. Coloque todas las tejas an un lado de la canalera, cruzando un minimo de 12° (300 mm). menos 6" (150 mm) retirado de la 3 Shingle Application Starter Course (A)Trim tabs off all starter course shingles so sealant can seal along the eave's edge. Trim 6 (6 9/16" metric) off rake end of first shingle. Extend 3/8° beyond rake and eaves, and fasten. Complete rest of starter course. Use 5 fasteners for each shingle, placed 2° to'3° up from the eaves edge. First Course Apply first course starting with a full shingle, even with the starter course. Fasten securely according to instructions. Note: Complete course with full shingles. Second Course Begin second course by positioning first shingle 6" (6 9/16° metric) from the end of the underlying shingle, with the butt edge aligned with the top of the cutouts in the course below. Leave 5° (5 5/8 metric) exposure, fasten securely, and trim excess overhang at rake. Note: Complete course with full shingles. Third Course through Sixth Course Begin each subsequent course by positioning the first shingle 6" (6 9/16° metric) from the end of the underlying shingle, with the butt edge aligned with the top of the cutouts in the course below. Complete by repeating step (F). Note: Complete each course with full shingles. eventn Lrourse Apply seventh course starting with a full shingle. Leave 5' (5 5/8" metric) exposure and fasten securely. Complete by repeating step (F). Note: Complete course with full shingles. For succeeding courses, repeat step for second through seventh courses. 3 Aplicaciãn de lasTejas Linea de Arranque Recorte todas las tablillas de las tejas de la linea de arranque para que el sellador pueda sellar a lo largo del borde del alero. Recorte 6° (6 9/16" métrico) [150 mm (165 mm métrico)] de la primera teja junto al remate. Déjela sobresalir 3/8° (10 mm) del remate y del alero y sUjétela. Complete el resto de la linea de arranque. Use 5 sujetadores por cada teja, colocados de 2° (50 mm) a 3° (75 mm) arriba del borde del alero. Primera Linea AplIque la primera linea comenzando con una teja entera, emparejándola con la linea de arranque. Sujete con seguridad de acuerdo a las instrucciones. Nota: Complete la linea con tejas enteras. Segunda Linea Comienze la segunda Ilnea colocando la primera teja a 6° (6 9/16 métrico) [150 mm (165 mm métrico)] hacia un lado del principio de la teja de abajo, con la orilla alineada con Ia parte superior de los cortes de Ia linea de abajo. Deje 5° (5 5/8" métrico) [125 mm (143 mm métrico)] expuestos, sujete con seguridad y recorte el exceso que cuelgue en el remate. Nota: Complete la Ilnea con tejas enteras. Tercera a Sexta LIneas Comienze cada una de las lIneas subsecuentes colocando la primera teja a 6° (6 9/16 métrico) [150 mm (165 mm métrico)] hacia un lado del principio de la teja de abajo, con la orilla alineada con la parte superior de los cortes de la Ilnea de abajo. Complete repitiendo el paso (F). Nota: Complete la linea con tejas enteras. Séptima Linea AplIque la séptima Imnea comenzando con una teja entera, deje 5° (5 5/8 métrico) [125 mm (143 mm métrico)] expuestos y sujete con seguridad. Complete repitiendo el paso (F). Nota: Complete la linea con tejas enteras. Para Imneas subsecuentes, repita los pasos para las lineas segunda a séptima. 5 Fastening Instructions Place fasteners 5/8" above the tab cut-out and below the sealant strip. Fastening into the sealant strip interferes with sealing and contributes to blow-offs. Use four fasteners in normal wind areas. Use six fasteners per shingle for mansard construction. Use of six fasteners per shingle is recommended in high wind areas. Note: Do not drive fasteners into or above the adhesive strip. Normal Mansard or Area pars Wind Areas High Wind desvanes y Area para -vientos normalea Areas vientos fuertes S Instrucciones para Fijar ColOque los fijadores a 5/8" (16mm) por encima del recorte de la tablilla y abajo de la tira de sellador. El fijar sobre la tira de sellador interfiere con el sellado y contribuye a los desprendimientos. Use cuatro fijadores en areas de vientos normales. Use seis fijadores por teja para la construcción de desvanes. El uso de seis fijadores por teja es recomendado en areas de vientos fuertes. Nota: No coloque los fijadores en, o arriba de la linea de adhesivo. 5" Exposure Exposición Normal Mansard or Area pars Wind Areas High Wind dasvanes y Area pars vientos nonnales Areas vientos fuertes -12 12 1(B) I. iii I .11. •• .1 55/8" Exposure Exposicidn 6 Hip and Ridge Application Owens CorningTM Hip & Ridge Available by region. If cutting 3-tabs for hip & ridge, adhere to the following instructions. Cut full three-tab shingles into three 12" x 12" (13 1/4"x 13 1/8" metric) hip and ridge shingles. Start hips at the eave and work up to ridge. Apply ridge only after hips have been applied, beginning on end of ridge opposite prevailing wind direction. Leave 5" (5 5/8" metric) exposure per shingle for hip and ridge application. Bend over the ridge; fasten on each side 5 5/8" (6 1/4" metric) from exposed end, 1" up from the edge. Cover exposed nails with asphalt plastic cement. Prevailing Wind Direction Prevailing Wind Direction For more information on hip and ridge application refer to Owens Coming's' "How To Apply Hips & Ridges" (Pub. No. 18491). Strike a chalk line 2" from the center line of the (C) Tire una Ilnea de yeso a 2" (50 mm) de la Ilnea central de unshingled side. Apply shingles on the unshingled side up canalera en el lado sin tejas. Coloque las tejas en el [ado sin to the chalk line and trim, taking care not to cut the tejas hasta Ilegar a la Ilnea de yeso y recOrtelas, teniendo underlying shingles. Clip upper corners of these shingles, cuidado de no cortar las tejas de abajo. Corte las puntas de cement and fasten. arriba de estas tejas, enceméntelas y sujételas. Both woven and metal valleys are acceptable (D) Las canaleras entretejidas o de metal son alternatives alternatives. aceptables. 6 Aplicación an Caballetes y Cumbreras Los Caballetes y Cumbreras de Owens Corning1M, están disponibles en regiones diferentes. Si corta tres tejas para el caballete y la cumbrera, siga las instrucciones que se incluyen a continuación. Corte tejas de tres tabillas en tres piezas para caballetes y cumbreras de 12" x 12" (13 1/4" x 13 1/8" métrico) [300 mm x 300 mm (337 mm x 333 mm métrico)]. Comienze los caballetes por el alero y trabaje hacia arriba hasta la cumbrera. Aplique la .cumbrera solo hasta que los caballetes hayan sido aplicados, empezando en la punta de la cumbrera opuesta a la direcciOn predominante del viento. Deje 5" to 5/8 métrico) [125 mm (143 mm métrico)] de exposiciOn por teja en la aplicaciOn de caballetes y cumbreras. DOblelas sobre la cumbrera; fIjelas en cada lado a 5 5/8" (6 1/4" métrico) [143 mm (160 mm metrico)] de la orilla expuesta, a 1" (25 mm) de la orilla. Cubra los clavos expuestos con cemento plástico asfaltado. Para más información acerca de la aplicación en caballetes y cumbreras, refiérase a "How To Apply Hips & Ridges" (Pub. No. 5-RR-18491) (solamente en Ingles). Hip and ridge cut from metric 3-tab shingles. Hip and ridge cut from metric 3-tab shingles. 7 Notas de Precaución El fabricante no será responsable por problemas resultantes derivados de cualquier desviación de las instrucciones de aplicación recomendadas y de las precauciones siguientes. (A) Cubierta ParaTecho: Las cubiertas para techo recomendadas son de revestimiento de niadera de 6" (150 mm) de ancho máximo y 25/32" (20 mm) de espesor mInimo, o revestimiento de contrachapa de 3/8" (10 mm) de espesor mInimo. Use la contrachapa para cubierta recomendado por la American Plywood Association, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., o por los cOdigos locales de construcciOn. Estas tejas Fiberglas de Owens Corninjhan sido probadas y calificadas como Clase A por Underwriters Laboratories cuando estas tejas son aplicadas sobre cubiertas recomendadas. Si otras cubiertas son usadas, la construcción resultante puede no calificar como Clase A. 7 Precautionary Notes The manufacturer will not be responsible for problems resulting from any deviation from the recommended application instructions and the following precautions: Roof Deck: Recommended roof decks are 6" maximum width, 25/32" minimum thickness wood sheathing, or 318" minimum thickness plywood sheathing. Use plywood decking recommended by the American Plywood Association, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., or local building codes. These Owens Coming"shingles have been tested and rated as Class A by Underwriters Laboratories when these shingles are applied over recommended decks. If other decks are used, the resulting construction may not qualify as Class A. Regardless of deck type used, the roofing installer must ensure that the attic ventilation meets or exceeds FHA Minimum Property Standards. Note: All roof structures, especially Mansard style construction, must have complete through ventilation from bottom to top to prevent heat build- up or entrapment of moisture-laden air that can cause premature shingle failure. Handling: Use extra care in handling shingles when the temperature is below 40°F. Shingles can be broken easily in cold weather or their edges damaged in hot weather. Fastening: Owens Corning recommends nails as the preferred method of attaching shingles to wood decking or other nailable surface. Drive all fasteners until they are flush with the surface of the shingle. Special care must be taken when using pneumatic staples or nail guns. An improperly adjusted pneumatic gun can result in raised fasteners causing sealing failure, raised tabs, leaks, or blow-off. Guidelines on fastener size, number and location must be followed. Owens Corning will not be responsible for any wind damage that occurs with shingles which have not been applied in accordance with these instructions. Mansard or Steep Slopes: For slopes exceeding 60 degrees or 21 inches per foot, use six fasteners and two spots of asphalt plastic cement per tab. All six fasteners must be spaced equally. Place two spots of asphalt plastic cement, 1" in diameter, under each shingle tab immediately upon installation. Storage: Store in a covered ventilated area at a maximum temperature of 110°F Protect shingles from weather when stored at the job site. Do not store near steam pipes, radiators, etc. Hip and Ridge Shingles: These shingles should be cut from the back (smooth) side. All exposed material must be rated Class A by Underwriters Laboratories to maintain a Class A system. Aün sin tomar en cuenta el tipo de cubierta usado, el instalador del techado debe asegurarse de que la ventilación .del ático alcanza o excede los Estándares MInimos de Propiedades de FHA. Nota:Todas las estructuras para techos, especialmente los construIdos tipo desván, deben tener una ventilación completa, desde abajo hasta arriba para prevenir la acumulaciOn o el atrapamiento de aire cargado de humedad que pueda causar daños prematuros a las tejas. Manejo:Tenga cuidado extra al manejar las tejas cuando la temperatura esté abajo de 4°C. Las tejas pueden romperse fácilmente en temperaturas frIas o sus bordes maltratados en temperaturas calientes. Fijación: Owens Corning recomienda el uso de clavos como el método preferido para sujetar las tejas a la cubierta de madera o a cualquier otra superficie donde pueda clavarse. Meta todos los fijadores hasta que estén at ras con a superficie de la teja. Debe tomarse especial cuidado con e uso de engrapadoras neumáticas o pistolas de clavos. Una pistola neumática ajustada incorrectamente puede dar como resultado que los fijadores queden levantados causando un mal sellado, tablillas levantadas, goteras, o tejas voladas. Deben seguirse las recomendaciones para el tamaño, cantidad y posición de los fijadores. Owens Coming no será responsable de ningUn daño por el viento, que ocurra con tejas que no hayan sido aplicadas de acuerdo a estas instrucciones. Desvanes o lnclinaciónes Empinadas: Para inclinaciones excediendo los 60 grados, o 21 pulgadas por pie, use seis fijadores y dos aplicaciónes de cemento plãstico asfaltado por tablilla. Los seis fijadores deben espaciarse con igualdad y colocarse en la linea de fijaciOn. Coloque dos aplicaciOnes de cemento plástico asfaltado, de 1" de diámetro, abajo de cada una de las tablillas inmediatamente después de su instalación. Almacenaje: Almacene en un area cubierta y ventilada a una temperatura maxima de 43°C. Proteja las tejas del mal tiempo cuando estén almacenadas en el sitio del trabajo. No las almacene cerca de tuberlas de vapor, radiadores, etc. (F)Tejas para Caballetes y Cumbreras: Estas tejas deben cortarse por Ia parte posterior (lisa). (G)Todo el material expuesto debe estar clasificado Clase A por Underwriters Laboratories para mantener un sistema Clase A. 8 Retechados Si hay que dejar tejas asfálticas viejas, asegurarse de que estén bien clavadas y remuévanse las que estén dañadas, torcidas o levantadas. Barrer bien la superficie dejándola libre de escombros antes de iristalar el nuevo tejado. Asegurarse de que los clavos o grapas son del calibre adecuado. Cuando se recubra sobre tejuelas de madera, recortar todas las de los bordes del tejado y poner listones de madera para facilitar (a instalaciOn nueva. Codigos locales de construcciOn pueden requerir que se use membrana asfaltada No 30 sobre la madera vieja antes del retechaje. Consciltese con las autoridades locales pertinentes. Antes de la instalación de las tejas nuevas (a superficie debe ser alisada, libre de tejas levantadas, clavos sobresalientes, etc. Si es necesario instálense listones viselados para emparejar la cubierta. Cuando coloque techado sobre tejas ya existentes con exposiciOn de 5" (125mm) [5 5/8" (143mm) métrico], el sigu- iente procedimiento debe ser usado para una apariencia de acabado mas pareja y facilidad en el alineamiento: Linea de Arranque Prepare las tejas de arranque cortándoles las tablillas de 5" (125mm) [5 5/8" (143mm) métrico], y una tira de 2" (50mm) de la cabecera de las tejas. ColOque las tejas de arranque de tal manera que la orilla superior tope contra la orilla inferior de la segunda Ilnea del techo existentè. Coloque el adhesivo sellador térmico hacia la orilla del alero. Asegure con cinco sujetadores espaciados equitativamente por cada teja de arranque colocados de 2" a 3" (50mm a 75mm) de la orilla del alero. Complete la lInea. Primera Linea Recorte 2" (50mm) de la cabecera de todas las tejas de la primera Ilnea. Coloquelas con la orilla superior topando contra la orilla inferior de la tercera linea del techo existente. Continue como se instruye arriba. Segunda y Otras LIneas Use tejas completas y colOquelas de tal manera que Ia orilla superior tope contra la orilla inferior de Ia siguiente liriea de tejas existentes. ContinCje como se instruye arriba. 8 If old asphalt shingles are to remain in place, nail down or cut away all loose, curled or lifted shingles. Sweep the surface clean of all loose debris just prior to applying the new roofing. Ensure proper size and. length of fasteners. If roofing over old wood shingles, cut back the old shingles at eaves and rakes and apply wood edging strips. Some local building codes may require the use of a No. 30 asphalt saturated felt over the old wood shingles prior to reroofing. Consult local building code authorities. Surface must be smooth before shingles are installed. Make deck smooth by nailing down all loose and curled shingles, protruding nails, etc. Install beveled wood feathering strips, if necessary. When roofing over existing shingles with a 5" (5 5/8 metric) tab exposure, the following procedure should be used for smoothest finished appearance and ease of alignment: Starter Course Make starter shingles by removing the 5" (5 5/8" metric) tabs and cutting a 2" strip off the top of the shingles. Lay starter shingles so the top edge butts against the lower edge of the second course of the existing roof. Place the thermal sealing adhesive toward the eave edge. Secure with five fasteners evenly spaced per starter shingle placed 2" to 3" from the eaves edge. Complete the course. First Course Trim 2" (3 1/8" metric) off the tops of all first course shingles. Lay them with their top edge butted against the bottom of the third course of the existing roof. Continue as instructed above. Second Course and Others Use full-sized shingles and place them so their top edge is butted against the bottom edge of the next course of existing shingles. Continue as instructed above. rn~lonz~l OVENS CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT, LLC ONE OWENS CORNII4G PARKWAY TC*LEDO, OHIO, US 43659 -BOO-GET-PINK® aeovorite FOR OO) www.owenscornjna.com Pub. No, 20475-H, Printed in U 9.A., October 2010, THE PINK PANTHER 19€4-2010 Matro-Golcwyn-elayer Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved. The cobr PINK is a registered tademark of Owens Corning. ©2010 Owens Corking. FS ENGLISH: FS Deck Mounted Skylight Installation Instructions ESPAtIOL: Instrucciones de instalaciôn para tragaluz FS montado sobre tablero FRANçAIS: Instructions d'installation du puits de Iumière FS a cadre integre monte directement sur la toiture 140- 850 I I I IIII II IH II I 10 VAS 452197-2010-06 CARE AND CLEANING OF STAINLESS STEEL FIXTURES Routine cleaning to remove residue from stainless steel fixtures should be performed as follows: Clean frequently, on a fixed schedule if possible. Clean with ordinary soap or detergent and water. Applied with a sponge, fiber brush, or cloth. Additives such as Borax, baking soda, or non-abrasive cleaning agents may be included if desired. Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry. For tougher deposits, use a ScotchBriteTM scouring pad to remove residue. DO NOT use common steel wool or wire brushes as they will cause surface stains. Never use chlorine based cleaning compounds as these agents will cause pitting of stainless steel and rusting. If these compounds must be used to sanitize the plumbing system, then keep exposure to a minimum. Flush system thoroughly after exposure. Special notes for construction sites - Muriatic or builder's acid are aggressive substances which can etch stainless steel and cause rust. If contamination of the stainless steel surface occurs, then flush immediately with fresh water. Seepage from masonry surfaces may provide sufficient acid to etch or discolor the surface.. After installation, clean, dry and cover fixtures to protect from soiling by work of other trades. Uncover when work is completed. Avoid contact of mild steel and cuttings on stainless steel surfaces. Contact may cause rusting and discoloration. — —Metcran . 301 SE Thompson Drive, Lee's Summit, MO 64082 MM Phone: 816.554300 Fax: 816.554.0307 HAGER CO NA I ,4 NJ I EE S 5200 Series Door Closer Installation Instructions Grade 1 Meets ANSI A156.4 Regular Arm z An incorrectly installed or Regular Arm Installation I o improperly adjusted door closer Installation See — can cause property damage or C I See Page 2 P 2 I personal injury. These installation - I instructions should be followed — r Page L to avoid the possibility of 0 I misapplication or misadjustment. zj Left Hand Door - LH Right Hand Door - RH ghtHandReverse - RHR NOTE: For special applications, a separate door LeftHandReverse - LHR geParallel rm and frame preparation template is packed with these instructions. Use this instruction sheet for installation sequence and closer adjustmenth only. Parallel Arm on • Dimensions are based on standard doors and Installation See Pages frames with 1/8' clearance, 5/8' stops, and See Pages 3&4 3&4 LeftHandDoor - LH square edge doors. Right Hand Door - RH ghtHandReverse - RHR • Door and frame must be properly reinforced. LeftHandReverse - LHR Non-Handed Door Closers. NOTE: For Top JambTop Jamb Top Jamb See Page 5 A longer connecting See Page 5 Installation Application Installation rod is required for Right Hand Door - Left Hand Door LII reveals greater Reveal Right Hand Reverse - RHR than 4(102mm) Left Hand Reverse - LHR These door closers should NOT be installed on the exposed side (weather side) of exterior doors. TOOLS REQUIRED METAL WOOD Self Drilling Screws Sleeve Nut and Bolt Wood and Metal For wood, drill 3I16 hole Drill 9/32 thru from Closer Side 3/8 Drill other Side Machine Screws #7 3/16 04 Check building and fire codes to F- —i--i #7 Drill, 1/4'- 20 Tap see if your application requires 1/4"- 20 the use of sleeve nuts and bolts. COMPONENT PARTS ACKCHECKVAI POWER ADJUSTMENT SHAFT REGULAR ARM/TOP INSERT CUTOUTS JAMB SHOE COVER INSERT LATCH VALVE MAIN ARM / CLOSER ;4FOR EARM CONNECTING ROD CLOSER COVE BODY SCREW PARALLEL CLOSER ARM SWEEP VALVE ARM BRACKET SCREW PACK HAGER COMPANIES 139 Victor Street, St Louis, MO 63104 • (800) 325-9995 • Fax (800) 782-0149 HAGER CO I\1 ., NJ I E S 5200 Series Door Closer - Regular Arm Installation Instructions Meets ANSI A156.4 1. PARTS I 2. MARK AND DRILL HOLES (Right Hand Shown) I A •. a- 11L (140mm) Door Opening Dimension "A" To 100 7-1/2' (191mm) 6' 101 to 130 (152mm) Select hand of door and degree of door opening. Fold template on the corresponding line for desired degree of door opening and hand. Match this line with the hinge edge of door and attach template to door. Be sure frame line on template lines up with the bottom edge of frame face. Mark, prep and drill/tap 1/4-20 holes for closer body and jamb shoe mounting screws. I l l. (25mm) (305mm) Speed regulating valves toward hinge edge. (114mm) *Door,rWaII/Hardwa re/Jam b conditions permitting 131t0 *180 3. INSTALL CLOSER 4. INSTALL MAIN ARM 5. INSTALL MAIN ARM AND CONNECTING ROD FRAME II RIGHT HAND DOOR I ..- MINIONFLAT INION FLAT POSITION OF MAIN ARM U WHEN ASSEMBLING TO SPINDLE Remove template and use mounting screws to install the closer body to the door and the jamb shoe to the frame. Closer body should be oriented so that the speed regulating valves are toward the hinge stile of door. Orient main arm so that the "H", located on the main arm, lines up with the flat on the spindle. Press arm down on spindle and secure with spindle bolt. Slide connecting rod into forearm of main arm. Rot n down forearm screw. I 6. OPTIONAL HOLD-OPEN ARM I 7. ADJUSTMENTS I 8. INSTALL COVER I Identify direction of hold-open nut according to hand of door and mount arm. Adjust by loosening hold-open nut, then open door to desired position and tighten hold-open nut securely. Slide cover over closer body and secure by tightening screws. See Adjustments on Page 6 for setting Spring Power, Sweep Speed, Latch Speed, and Backcheck. NOTE: Do not fully unscrew valves or hydraulic fluid will leak and closer will no longer be functional. COVER HAGER COMPANIES 139 Victor Street, St. Louis, MO 63104 • (800) 325-9995 • Fax (800) 782-0149 —2— 5200 Series Door Closer - Parallel Arm 1. PARTS HAGER CO r,,1 R A NJ I E S Installation Instructions Meets ANSI A156.4 I 2. MARK AND DRILL HOLES (Right Hand Shown) I r on Hinge) B— Top of Frame (19mm) Select hand of door and the degree of door opening. Fold template on the corresponding line for desired degree and hand. Fold or cut upper corner illustrated on template and align template with the hinge edge of door. At the "Frame Stop Line" fold toward you and attach template to door. Mark, prep and drill/tap 1/4-20 holes for closer body and parallel arm bracket mounting screws. Door Opening AE1* B4 To 120 9-1/2" 3-3/4 (241mm) (95mm) *121 to 180 7" 1-1/4 (178mm) (32mm) * 000riWall/Hardware/Jamb conditions permitting r4 12" flu '5mm) (Center on Hinge) Speed regulating valves toward lock stile. I 3. INSTALL CLOSER I 4. INSTALL CONNECTING ROD I Remove template and use mounting screws to install the closer body to the door and the parallel arm bracket to the frame soffit. Closer body should be oriented so that the speed regulating valves are toward the lock stile of door. 5. INSTALL MAIN ARM / CONNECTING ROD For parallel arm application only, remove regular arm / top jamb shoe. Attach connecting rod to the parallel arm plate. Use adjustable wrench to rotate spindle 45 counterclockwise for Right Hand Door or clockwise for Left Hand Door. Place main arm on spindle so that the "R" (Right Hand Door) or "L" (Left Hand Door) lines up with the spindle flat. Secure main arm and spindle by tightening spindle bolt. Right Hand 4> Door or 'q Flat Left Hand Door 1 \Flat <' HAGER COMPANIES 139 Victor Street, St. Louis, MO 63104 e (800) 325-9995 • Fax (800) 782-0149 —3— HAGER c 0 I,1 I .6. NJ I 5200 Series Door Closer - Parallel Arm Installation Instructions Meets ANSI A156.4 6. INSTALL MAIN ARM AND CONNECTING ROD Slide connecting rod into forearm of main arm. C) CP 0 r 0 ¶1 r f 00 J 1-1/2" V Rotate main arm until the pivot point is 1-1/2 from door surface. While holding arm in this position, tighten down forearm screw. 7. OPTIONAL HOLD-OPEN ARM 8. ADJUSTMENTS 9. INSTALL COVER Identify direction of hold-open nut according to hand of door and mount arm. See Adjustments on Page 6 for setting Spring Power, Sweep and Backcheck. Speed, Latch Speed, / t!Jjil=i rri II NOTE: Do not fully unscrew valves or hydraulic fluid will leak and closer LH RH _ • will na longer befunctional. COVER Adjust by loosening hold-open nut, then open door to desired position and tighten hold-open nut securely. Slide cover over closer body and secure by tightening screws. HAGER COMPANIES 139 Victor Street, St. Louis, MO 63104 • (800) 325-9995 • Fax (800) 782-0149 —4— '. 5200 Series Door Closer - Top Jamb Arm HAGER Installation Instructions Meets ANSI A156.4 COI'A r-, iEsc 1. PARTS I 2. MARK AND DRILL HOLES (Right Hand Shown) I Top of Frame A (48mm) \i/2' \(l3mm) 1-3/4 5-1/2" (44mm) (140mm) Speed regulating. valves toward hinge edge. Door Opening Dimension A" To 100 7-1/2 (191mm) 6 101 to 130 (152mm) 4-1/2' 131 to 180 (114mm) 'Door/Wall/Hardware/Jamb conditions permitting A longer connecting rod is required for reveals greater Reveal than 4(102mm) Select hand of door and the degree of door opening. Separate template sections "A" and "B". Fold template on the corresponding line for desired degree and hand. Match this line with the hinge edge of door and attach template to door. Be sure "Frame" line on template lines up with the top edge of door. Using a square, project "Closer Projection Line" on section "A" of template onto frame and use to align and attach section "B". Be sure to align bottom edge of section "B" with edge of frame. Mark, prep and drill/tap 1/4'-20 holes for connecting rod shoe and closer body mounting screws. 3. INSTALL CLOSER Remove template and use mounting screws to install the closer body to the top jamb and the connecting rod shoe to the door. Closer body should be oriented so that the speed regulating valves are toward the hinge stile of door. 4. INSTALL MAIN ARM MAIN ARM Orient main arm SO that the "H", located on the main arm, lines up with the flat on the spindle. Press arm down on spindle and secure with spindle bolt. 5. INSTALL MAIN ARM AND CONNECTING ROD RIGHT HAND DOOR I AME RIGHT~ CONNECTING ROD PINION FLAT POSITION OF MAIN ARM WHEN ASSEMBLING TO SPINDLE Slide connecting rod into forearm of main arm. Rotate main arm until connecting rod is at a 907 angle to frame. While holding arm in this position, tighten down forearm screw. vi I 6. OPTIONAL HOLD-OPEN ARM I 7. ADJUSTMENTS I 8. INSTALL COVER I Identify direction of hold-open nut according to hand of door and mount arm. See Adjustments on Page 6 for setting Spring Power, Sweep Speed, Latch Speed, and Backcheck. NOTE: Do not fully unscrew valves or hydraulic fluid will leak and closer will no longer be functional. COVER Slide cover over closer body and secure by tightening screws. Adjust by loosening hold-open nut, then open door to desired position and tighten hold-open nut securely. HAGER COMPANIES 139 Victor Street, St. Louis, MO 63104 • (800) 325-9995 • Fax (800) 782-0149 —5- 111 for this adjustment) HAGER0 c 0 NA PA NJ I E 5200 Series Door Closer - Adjustments Installation Instructions Meets ANSI A156.4 I ADJUSTMENTS (USE 5/32' HEX WRENCH FOR THESE ADJUSTMENTS) I SWEEP SPEED I LATCH SPEED BACKCHECK OPTIONAL DELAY ACTION Note: Adjust closing time speed to between 3 and 7 seconds from 90° to 0°. Greater closing times may be required for elderly or handicapped. Adjust latch speed so door completely closes and latches. Adjust backcheck accordingly to prevent excessive opening speed. Adjust delay action accordingly to obtain desired delay time. SPRING POWER ADJUST (Sizing in accordance to BHMA/ANSI 156.4) 0 I TABLE OF SIZES Closer is shipped set to size 3. To change the closer size, use a hex wrench to rotate the spring power adjust. Follow the chart to make the correct numbers of 3600 turns to set the closer size appropriately for the door application. The number of turns is an approximation and does not account for environmental or door hardware affects. Approx. 5 turns to increase / decrease one size. cw = clockwise ccw = counterclockwise Exterior (and Vestibule) Door Width Minimum Door Width (24( 24" 30" 36° - 42" (610mm) (762mm) (914mm) (1067mm) Size 3 Size 4 Size 5 (0) (5cw) (locw) Size 3 Size 4 (5cw) (lOcw) Interior Door Width Minimum Door Width (24") 24° 30" 34° - 38°- 48" 54° (610mm) (762mm) (865mm) (965mm) (1219mm) (1372mm) I I I I I I Size 1 Size 2 Size 3 Size 4 Size 5 (lOccw) (5ccw) (0) (5cw) (lOcw) Size 1 Size 2 Size 3 Size 4 (5ccw) (0) (5cw) (10cw) Regular Arm & Top Jamb Parallel Arm Regular Arm & Top Jamb Parallel Arm I ADJUSTMENT DIAGRAM I ARM PLACEMENT IN SHOE I 7-1/2% Stronger or or 71/2% Weaker HAGER COMPANIES 139 Victor Street, St. Louis, MO 63104 • (800) 325-9995 • Fax (800) 782-0149 —6— KHAGER 3500 Series ANSI Grade 2 Lever Set Installation Instructions Meets ANSI 156.2 I-LS00768 For use on doors 1-3/8" to 2" (35 mm -51 mm) thick TOOLS REQUIRED FOR FOR REMODELING OR NEW INSIDE LEVER NEW INSTALLATION: CONSTRUCTION: (1) Phillips Head -Follow all steps Screwdriver INSIDE ROSE LINER (1)2-1/8" (54 mm) Hole FOR REPLACEMENT OF Saw . EXISTING LOCK: INSIDE MOUNTING PLATE (1)1" (25.4 mm) Drill Bit -Follow steps 3C, 4C, 5 (1) 5/16" (8 mm) Drill Bit through 9 after removal of LOCK BODY ASSEMBLY (1) Chisel old lock REMOVABLE SCREW POST INSIDE ROSE (1) Catch-Release Tool (Provided) FOR CYLINDER OUTSIDE MOUNTING PLATE —ASA STRIKE REPLACEMENT: TOOLS REQUIRED FOR -Follow Step 10 OUTSIDE ROSE REPLACEMENT INSTALLATION: NOTE: LATCH (1) Phillips Head Failure to install thru-bolts LU Screwdriver and removable screw posts _ voids BHMA certification, UL rating, and warranty. (ILLUSTRATION: ENTRANCE FUNCTION) OUTSIDE LEVER 1. MARK DOOR 2. DRILL HOLES MARK FOR 1" CENTER (25.4 mm) Measure center line of lock; height as 5/16" (8 mm) HOLE FOR SCREW Drill 2-1/8" (54 mm) hole through LINE HOLE IN desired from finished floor. Select 2-3/4" POST door face as marked for lockset. DOOR EDGE or optional 2-3/8" backset, fold and apply (It is recommended that holes be template to high side of door bevel and ]8 drilled from both sides on wood mark center of door edge as indicated on doors to prevent splitting.) Drill template. Mark center hole and screw- MARK 2-1/8" (54 mm) 254 5/16" (8 mm) holes for screw- (54 mm) HOLE ON post holes on door face through guide on HOLE FOR mm) HOLE posts. Drill 1" (25.4 mm) hole in DOOR FACE template. FOR LATCH center of door edge for latch. LOCKSET 3. INSTALL LATCH A. Insert latch in hole keeping B. Chisel 5/32" (4 C. Insert latch and tighten it parallel to face of door. Mark mm) deep or until latch door using #8 screws. outline of latch face plate and face plate is flush with Latchbolt bevel must remove latch. oredge. JNOTE: o closing direction. 4. INSTALL STRIKE A. Close door until B Drill two (2) 1" (25.4 C. Cut out jamb latchbolt touches jamb. mm) holes 3/4" (19 mm) mortise for strike LATCH JAMB Locate strike in jamb and deep in door jambs 5/16" (8 center line of strike. Open 5/16" mm) above and 5/16" (8 CL stop. Measure one half of 06 3/32" (2.4 mm) STRIKE -V deep or until strike door and extend line to door . mm) below horizontal Center 5/16" .. is flush with jamb. line. CAUTION: To ensure Tighten screws. Z~' door thickness plus 1/8" CENTER proper lockset function, hole Latch stops against from door stop. Vertically LINE in jamb must be drilled a full strike, as illustrated. mark center line for strike. 3/4" (19 mm) deep. - REV Page lof2 N~ e HAGER riuiv i'irj 11 3500 Series ANSI Grade 2 Lever Set Installation Instructions Meets ANSI 156.2 I-LS00768 REMOVE INSIDE TRIM Use catch release tool to depress lever catch INSIDE ROSE LINER INSIDE MOUNTING OUTSIDE LEVER visible under hole of inside lever shank and slide INSIDE ROSE PLATE ASSEMBLY off inside lever, rose, rose liner, and mounting plate. PL INSIDE LEVER CATCH RELEASE TOOL ADJUST DOOR THICKNESS A. Outside mounting plate is pre-set for 1-3/4" door thickness. To fit different door o B. Install removable screw post into slots OUTSIDE .j\ on outside mounting MOUNTING thicknesses, remove outside plate. Install rose liner PLATE lever, rose, and rose liner. Now adjust the outside mounting : by rotating until tip of 0 and align rose liner arrow in the direction R OUTSIDE ROSE of the lock stile. Install REMOVABLE SCREW POST plate plate L 3,4. catch release tool lines up with 3 CATCH RELEASE lever LOCATION outside rose and desired door thickness indicated onto lock body on lock body assembly. OUTSIDE ._J MOUNTING PLATE CATCH RELEASE TOOL assembly. ROSE LINER ARROW INSTALL OUTSIDE LEVER ASSEMBLY LATCH / OUTSIDE LEVER ASSEMBLY Install outside lever assembly on the door. Make sure tail of latch engages with retractor correctly as 441 6k~~ [~' illustrated. 0 LOCK BODY ASSEMBLY INSTALL INSIDE MOUNTING PLATE AND ROSE LINER A. Install mounting plate tight B. Install inside rose liner and align rose to door face and tighten screws liner arrow in the direction of the lock stile. ROSE LINER securely to the Iockbody using Tighten rose liner to the thru posts using ARROW interior mounting holes INSIDE MOUNTING mounting screws. INSIDE ROSE LINE : OUNTING MOUNTING SCREWS INSIDE MOUNTING PLATE SCREWS INSTALL INSIDE ROSE AND LEVER REPLACE CYLINDER (SKIP THIS STEP IF INSTALLING 3510 OR 3540) A. Align indent on inside rose B. Push lever all the way in A. Turn key clockwise 1/4 turn. B. Using catch release tool, with groove on inside rose liner, until it clicks into catch hole. press the lever catch and pull Press inside rose onto inside rose the lever off. liner and rotate clockwise to fully LEVER CATCH seat inside rose. INSIDE 11.9I GROOVE INDENT I NSIDE ROSE INSIDE ROSE INSIDE ROSE LINER REV Page 2of2 ENGLISH: Index ESPAOL: Indice FRANcAIS: Index Page 2 Installation check list Página 2 Lista de verificación de Page 2 Liste de verification préinstal-. Pages 3-4 Important installation instalación lation requirements Páginas 3-4 Requisitos importantes de Pages 3-4 Specifications d'installation Pages 5-6 Planning instalación importantes Pages 7-9 Preparing roof and mounting Paginas 5-6 Planificación Pages 5-6 Planification skylight Páginas 7-9 Preparación del techo y Pages 7-9 Preparation de la toiture et Pages 10-13 Installing underlayment montaje del tragaluz montage du puits de Iumière Pages 14-15 Flashing Páginas 10-13 Instalación de la lámina de Pages 10-13 Installation de la membrane soporte de toiture Páginas14-15 Tapajuntas Pages 14-15 Solin ENGLISH: Installation check list Installer should verify: Deck mounted skylights FS are installed in roof pitches from 14° to 85°. Rough opening is dimensioned correctly ac- cording to these installation instructions. Skylight is properly wrapped in VELUX adhesive skylight underlayment according to installation instructions supplied with the underlayment. Proper VELUX flashing for the actual roofing material is installed according to installation instructions supplied with the flashing. Skylight cladding is properly secured and counter-flashed over all flashing on the skylight frame. Bottom frame rubber gasket extends over the bottom sill flashing section and can be seen below the bottom frame cladding. - • Skylight and accessories operate properly. Customer is informed of the required main- tenance of the product as found at www.velux.com. Customer is informed of the warranty claim procedure. For full VELUX warranty, go to www.velux.com. IMPORTANT: Failure to install the skylight, flashing and blinds in strict accordance with these VELUX instructions shall void the VELUX warranty. ESPAtlOL: Lista de verificación de instalación FRANcAIS: Liste de verification préinstal- El instalador debe verificar que: lation - Los tragaluces FS montados sobre tablero L'installateur devrait verifier que: estén instalados en techos con inclinación Le puits de lumière FS a cadre intégré de 14° a 85°. monte directement sur Ia toiture est installé Las dimensiones del hueco sean las correc- sur une pente de toit de 14° a 85°. tas segün estas instrucciones de instala- Louverture brute soit correctement dimen- don. sionnée selon ces instructions d'installation. El tragaluz esté correctamente envuelto Le puits de lumiOre soit adéquatement con lámina de soporte autoadhesiva para enveloppe avec la membrane de toiture tragaluz VELUX segén las instrucciones autocollante pour puits de lumière VELUX de instalación provistas con la lámina de selon les instructions dinstallation fournies soporte. avec ce materiel. El tapajuntas VELUX indicado para el Le bon type de solin VELUX choisi en material de cubierta correspondiente se ins- fonction du type de materiel de toiture soit tale segtin las instrucciones de instalaciOn installé selon les instructions d'installation provistas con el tapajuntas. fournies avec le solin. El recubrimiento del tragaluz esté correc- Le revêtement du puits de lumière soit tamente colocado y reforzado alrededor proprement fixé et que du contre-solin soit de todo el tapajuntas sobre el marco del pose par-dessus tous les solins du cadrage tragaluz. • du puits de lumière. La empaquetadura de goma del marco infè- Le joint de caoutchouc du cadre inférieur nor cubra la secciOn inferior del tapajuntas dépasse le rebord inférieur du solin d'appui del alféizar y se pueda ver por debajo del et est visible sous le revétement du cadre recubrimiento del marco inferior. inférieur. El tragaluz y los accesorios funcionen Le puits de lumière et ses accessoires fonc- correctamente. tionnent correctement. El cliente esté informado del mantenimien- Le client est informé de lentretien du pro- to que requiere el producto tal como se duit requis tel que décrit sur le site internet describe en www.velux.com. www.velux.com. El cliente esté informado del procedimiento Le client est informé de la procedure de r6- de uso de la garantia. Para obtener-informa- clamation sous la garantie. Pour la garantie don completa sobre la garantIa VELUX, complete VELUX, visiter le www.velux.com. visitar www.velux.com. IMPORTANT: L'omission dinstaller le puits de IMPORTANTE: De no instalarse el tragaluz, el Iumière, le solin et les stores en stricte confor- tapajuntas y las persianas en estricto cumpli- mite avec les instructions VELUX annulera la miento con las instrucciones VELUX, la garantia garantie VELUX. VELUX seráanulada. 2 VELUX ENGLISW Important installation requirements ESPAOL: Requisitos importantes de insta- FRANçAlS: Specifications dinstallation Roof pitch Iación importantes ES is designed for roof pitches 14° - 85° (3:12 - lnclinación del techo Pente de toit 137:12). In case of roof pitches below 14° (3:12), ES está diseñado para techos con inclinación de ESest concu pour les pentes de toit de 14° - 85° please contact your VELUX sales company for 14- 85° (3:12 - 137:12). Para techos con inclina- (3:12 - 137:12). En cas d'installation sur pente installation guidelines. don de menos de 14° (3:12), póngase en contacto de toit inférieure a 14° (3:12), contactez s'il vous Importance of proper installation con su distribuidor VELUX para solicitar las plait votre société de vente VELUX pour des Satisfactory product performance depends on pautas de instalaciOn. instructions d'installation spécifiques. proper installation. Importancia de una instalación correcta L'importance d'une bonne installation Seller accepts no responsibility whatsoever for El rendimiento sätisfactorio del producto depen- La qualite de 'installation influence le rendement failure of an installer to install VELUX5 roof de de su correcta instalaciOn. du produit et, pour cette raison, lentreprise. windows and skylights in accordance with Las ventanas de tejado y los tragaluces VELUX® Le vendeur desire vous informer qu'il naccepte these installation instructions. Although VELUX deben instalarse siguiendo estas instrucciones. El aucune responsabilité, quelle qu'elle soit, dans roof windows and skylights are designed and proveedor no acepta responsabilidad alguna por le cas oü un installateur ne se conforme pas aux - manufactured to the highest standards, severe errores del instalador. Aunque las ventanas de instructions recommandées dans ce feuillet pour climatic exposure as well as adverse indoor tejado y los tragaluces VELUX se han diseñado y ]'installation dun puits de lumière ou d'une fend- conditions (le high humidity) may produce fabricado para lograr los niveles de calidad más tre detoit VELUX®. Veuillez aussi remarquer que temperature conditions which exceed product altos, la exposición a condiciones climáticas seve- mOme si les fenétres de toit et puits de lumière performance standards. In these cases, special ras e incluso unas condiciones interiores pueden VELUX répondent Odes normes de fabrication preventive measures may be necessary. producir niveles de temperatura que exceden las élevées, il se peut que certaines conditions Seller reserves the right to implement product condiciones de desempeño del producto. En estos climatiques particulièremerit Sévères, a l'intérieur changes for improvement without prior notifica- casos puede ser necesario establecer medidas (ex. humidité) comme a I'extérieur, affectent la tion. preventivas. performance duproduit. Dans ceS cas, des mesu- Sunscreening accessories El proveedor se reserva el derecho a hacer modi- res preventives s'avèrent nécessaires. Refer to instructions for accessory type in ques- ficaciones a los productos sin notificación previa D'autre part, le vendeur se reserve le droit tion or contact your VELUX sales company for con elfin de mejorarlos. d'apporter, sans préavis, des changements a ses further information. Accesorios de protección solar produits dans le but de les améliorer. Vapor barrier Consulte las instrucciones por tipo de accesorio Accessoires pare-soleil Where a vapor barrier is part of the roof con- a comunIquese con su distribuidor VELUX para Voir les instructions pour le type d'accessoires struction, this barrier must be extended and obtener más información. en question ou contacter votre société de vente connected to the skylight finish groove. Barrera de vapor VELUX pour de plus amp les informations. Treatment of wooden frame Cuando una barrera de vapor forma parte de Coüpe-vapeur Most VELUX skylights are pre-painted white but Ia construcción de un techo, debe extenderse y Lorsque la toiture comprend un coupe-vapeur, ce the option exists to order stain grade skylights. conectarse ala ranura de remate del tragaluz. matériau doit être étendu et joint a la rainure du These stain grade skylights received a temporary Tratamiento del marco de madera surface du puits de lumière. treatment against mold and mildew. Further La mayoria de los tragaluces VELUX vienen Entretien du cadrage de bois treatment with wood stain, paint etc is neces- prepintados en blanco pero se pueden pedir La plupart des puits de lumière VELUX sont sary and can be done prior to installation or tragaluces barnizables. Los tragaluces barniza- prépeints en blanc, mais l'option de commander shortly after installation. Care should be taken bles han recibido un tratamientotemporario que une teinture particuliere est egalement offerte. to ensure wood stain, paint etc is not applied to los protege del moho y los hongos. Es necesario Les puits de lumière teints sont traités tempo- gaskets. tratarlós con barniz, pintura, etc. antes de su rairement contre la moisissure. Un traitement Seller assumes no obligation whatsoever for instalación a inmediatamente después. Debe additionnel a base de teinture, peinture, etc. est failure of an architect, installer or building tenerse cuidado de no aplicar barniz, pintura, etc. nécessaire et peut être appliqué avant l'instal- owner to comply with all applicable laws, a las empaquetaduras. lation ou peu après 'installation. Une attention ordinances, building codes and safety require- El proveedor no asume responsabilidad alguna particulière doit être portée afin de ne pas appli- merits. por el incumplimiento de leyes, ordenanzas, quer de teinture, peinture, etc., sur les joints. nnynl,c do rnnc#yain.ihn a vanideGae ala can.. I a ..a..,Ia.... assume Uw.,.sac9..-cVcIUucuI UI 033UUIIC aubUuic UtapullbauulllC, ridad por parte del arquitecto, instalador o quelle qu'elle soit, dans le cas oU un archi- propietario del edificio. tecte, un installateur ou un propriétaire n'ahcar,a n.e Inc ,A I.—..+ tin 1. In n..i ca..G NOTICE In rare circumstances, all glass may be subject to unexpected and spontaneous breakage due to imperfections in the glass that are undetectable during the manufacturing and inspection process by the manufacturer of the glass and VELUX factory. Your VELUX sales company offers the choice of laminated or tempered glass skylights. Lami- nated glass is a combination of two or more glass sheets with one or more interlayers of plastic (PVB) or resin. In case of breakage, the interlayer is designed to hold the fragments together. Tempered glass does not contain an interlayer to hold the fragments together. Instead, tempered glass is designed to break into small, pebble-like pieces. When tempered glass breaks, pieces of glass come loose and may strike an individual. Consult local regulations and/or building material consultants to determine which type of glass is right for you or if laminated glass is required in your application. AVISO Baja ciertas circunstancias, todo cristal estO sujeto a romperse de manera inesperada a espon- tOnea debido a imperfecciones en el cristal no de- tectadas durante su manufacturaciOn a durante el proceso de inspecciOn par el manufacturador del cristal y de la fábrica VELUX. Su distribuidor VELUX ofrece la opciOn detraga- luces de cristal laminado a templado: El cristal laminado es una combiración de dos o mOs hojas de cristal con una a más capas intercaladas de plOstico (pvb) a resina. En caso de rotura, Ia capa esta diseñada para sastener unidos los fragmen- tos de cristal. El cristal templado no contiene capa iritercalada para sostener unidos los frag- mentos de cristal. En su lugar, el cristal templado estO disefiado para que se rompa en pedazos bien pequenos. Cuando el cristal templado se rompe, pedazos de cristal peden soltarse y golpear a un individuo. Consulte con los reglamentos locales y/o asesores de material de construcciôn para determinar cual tipo de cristal es el más adecuado para usted 0 SI se requiere cristal laminado en su aplicación. La UC Ia IUI (jUl OUIIL applicables, les normes du code du bâtiment et de securite. ATTENTION Tout thermo/verre pourrait éclater d'une facon brusque et inattendue dans de rares dircons- tances dues Odes imperfections du thermo/verre qui ne sont pas detectable lors de la fabrication et de l'inspection suivant la fabrication par le manufacturier du thermo/verre eta l'usine de VELUX. Votre société de vente VELUX offre une selection de thermo/verre lamin6 ou trempé pour ses puits de lumière. Le thermo/verre laminé représente une combinaison de deux ou plus d'unité de verre incluant une ou plusieurs couches intérieures de plastique (pvb) ou résine. Dans le cas de bris instantané, cette/ces couches intérieures auront la propriété de retenir les fragments du thermo/verre ensemble. Par contre, le thermo/ verre trempé n'inclus pas cette/ces couches intérieures pour retenir les fragments du thermal verre ensemble. Le thermo/verre trempé est concu pour s'émietter en de petits fragments de verre. Lorsque le thermo/verre trempe se casse, les petites pièces de verre éclatées pourraient dans certaines occasions causées des dommages physiques ou de Iégères blessures aux individus - se trouvantà proximité. Consulter votre code du bâtiment et/ou un professionnel-consultant afin de bien deter- mine le thermo/verre recommande pour votre application ou si un thermo/verre lamine est nécessaire dans votre cas. VELUX 3 ENGLISH: Important installation requirements for the USA VELUX® series A21 skylights are designed and engineered to be installed with VELUX flashing systems. VELUX flashing systems include VELUX adhesive skylight underlayment in a quantity suf- ficient to install one skylight of the size for which the flashing system was designed. The VELUX 'No Leak warranty is based upon installation strictly in accordance with VELUX deck mounted skylight and related deck mounted flashing installation instructions, which specify the use and proper installation of the VELUX adhesive skylight underlayment packaged with the flashing system. If VELUX adhesive skylight underlayment is not used or is not properly installed and a service issue occurs related to underlayment omission, failure, or its proper installation as detailed in the VELUX deck mounted skylight and deck mounted flashing installation instructions, the VELUX "No Leak" installation warranty is void. VELUX America Inc. understands that there are other types of adhesive underlayment that are of equal or higher quality than what is provided by VELUX America Inc. However, VELUX America Inc. cannot approve or validate that any specific type of adhesive underlayment is better or worse. Thus, VELUX America Inc. places the risk of using an alternative adhesive underlayment onto the specifier by stating that if the alternative under- layment becomes a failure point for the skylight or flashing system even if installed according to our instructions, then the VELUX "No Leak" war- ranty cannot be honored. Further, the alternative underlayment must not in any way obstruct, alter or prevent the proper functioning of the complete skylight and flashing installation, such as increas- ing the overall flashing system thickness beyond prescribed dimensions. VELUX America Inc. affirms that if a high quality alternative adhesive underlayment, installed per our instructions, does not fail but a leak occurs in some other VELUX skylight or flashing component due to no cause from the alternative underlayment, then such a leak would be covered under the terms of the "No Leak" warranty. ESPAfOL: Requisitos importantes de instala- ción para los Estados Unidos La serie A21 de tragaluces VELUX® montados sobre tablero está diseñada para instalarse con los sistemas de tapajuntas VELUX. Los sistemas de tapajuntas VELUX incluyen cantidad suficiente de lámina de soporte autoadhesiva para tragaluz VELUX para instalar un tragaluz del tamaño para el cual se disefió el sistema de tapajuntas. La garantla VELUX de "filtración cero" sebasa sobre la instalación realizada en estricto cum- plimiento con las instrucciones de instalación del tragaluz VELUX montado sobre tablero y el tapajuntas VELUX montado sobre tablero cor- respondiente, que especifica el uso y la correcta instalación de la lámina de soporte autoadhesiva para tragaluz VELUX, incluida con el sistema de tapajuntas. La garantla de iristalación VELUX de "filtración cero" queda anulada si la lámina de soporte auto- adhesiva para tragaluz VELUX no se utiliza o nose instala correctamente y se produce un problema técnico a raIz de la falta o falla de la lámina, ode su correcta instalación, como se describe en las instrucciones de instalación del tragaluz VELUX montado sobre tablero y del tapajuntas VELUX montado sobre tablero. VELUX America Inc. entiende que existen otros tipos de láminas de soporte autoadhesivas que son de igual o mayor calidad que la provista VELUX America Inc. Sin embargo, VELUX America Inc. no puede aprobar o validar que ningün tipoespecifico de lámina autoadhesiva sea mejor o peor. Por lo tanto, VELUX America Inc. responsabiliza al especificador por el uso de una lámina de soporte autoadhesiva alternativa, al enunciar que si Ia Iámina de soporte alternativa es motivo de falla del tragaluz o del sistema de tapajuntas, incluso si se ha instalado de acuerdo con nuestras instrucciones, la garantla VELUX de "filtración cero" no será válida. Asimismo, la Iámina de soporte alternativa de ninguna manera debe obstruir, modificar o evitar el funcionamien- to correcto de la instalación completa del tragaluz y tapajuntas, por ejemplo, aumentando el grosor total del sistema de tapajuntas por encima de las dimensiones indicadas. VELUX America Inc. afirma que si una lámina de soporte autoadhesiva alternativa, de alta calidad, instalada de acuerdo con nuestras instrucciones, funciona correctamente, pero ocurre una filtra- ción en otro componente del tragaluz o tapajun- tas VELUX que no fue causada por la Iãmina de soporte alternativa, la filtración estarla cubierta de acuerdo con las condidones de Ia garantla de "filtración cero". FRANcAIS: Specifications dinstallation importantes pour les Etats-Unis La série A21 de puits de lumière VELUX® a cadre intégré est concue pour We installée avec les trousses de solins VELUX. Les trousses de solins VELUX comprennent Ia membrane de toiture autocollante pour puits de lumière VELUX en quantité suffisante pour l'installation Sun puits de lumière du format pour lequella trousse de solins a été concue. La garantie VELUX contre les fuites s'applique strictement aux installations conformes aux instructions d'installation des puits de Iumière VELUX a cadre integre monte directemnt sur la toiture et des solins VELUX relies, lesquelles spécifient l'utilisation et I'installation adequate de la membrane de toiture autocollante pour puits de Iumière VELUX fournie avec la trousse de solin. Advenant le cas oi la membrane de toiture auto- collante pour puits de Iumière VELUX nest pas utilisée ou West pas proprement installée selon les instructions fourriies pour le puits de Iumière VELUX a cadre integre monte directement sur la toiture et pour solins VELUX relies et qu'un problème relié a I'omission ou l'installation ina- dequate de cette membrane survient, la garantie VELUX contre les fuites serait annulée. VELUX America-Inc. est conscient qu'il existe d'autres types de membranes de toiture autocol- lantes de méme qualite ou de qualite supérieure que celle fournie par VELUX America Inc. Toute- fois, VELUX America Inc. ne peut approuver ou valider qu'un type particulier de membrane de toi- ture autocollante est de meilleure ou moindre qua- lité. A cet effet, en stipulant qu'advenant le cas ou une membrane alternative cause une défaillance du puits de Iumière ou du solin, même si celle-ci est installée conformément aux instructions d'ins- tallation, VELUX America Inc. se reserve le droit de refuser la responsabilité, qui incombera alors au spécificateur. Dans ce cas, VELUX America Inc. pourra donc refuser d'honorer Ia garantie VELUX contre lesfuites. De plus, cette membrane alternative ne doit en aucune facon nuire, altérer ou empêcher le bon fonctionnement de I'entière installation du puits de Iumière et système de solin, p. ex. augmenter l'épaisseur du solin au-delà des dimensions prescrites. VELUX America Inc. affirme par contre quad- venant une fuite d'une composante du puits de lumière ou des solins en presence dune membrane de toiture autocollante alternative de qualite supérieure installée selon nos instructions, mais non reliée a ladite fuite, alors celle-ci pourrait être couverte selon les termes de Ia garantie VELUX contre les fuites. 4 VELUX ENGLISH: Clearance around installations ESPAOL: Espaclo libre airededor de las FRANçAIS: Degagement requis autour instalaciones de l'installation ENGLISH: Maintain illustrated clearances between skylight frame and critical areas such as - valleys, ridges, slope changes and roof-to-wall- intersections. When installing skylights side by side within the span 21/2' (65 mm) -12" (300 mm), please refer to VELUX combi-flashing instructions. ESPAfOL: Respete los espacios libres ilustrados 18" entre el marco del tragaluz y areas crIticas como limahoyas, cumbreras, cambios de inclinación e 450 mm intersecciones de techo y pared. - Cuando instale tragaluces contiguos a una distan- cia de 21/2 ' (65 mm) a 12" (300 mm) entre ellos, consulte las instrucciones de tapajuntas adosados 12" 12" de VELUX. 300 mm 300 mm entre FRANCAIS: Respecter le dégagement illustré entre le cadre du puits de lumière et les en- droits critiques tels que noue, faItage, variation d'inclinaison et intersection de toiture et mur. Lors d'installation de puits de lumière VELUX côte A côte avec espacement de 21h' (65 mm) -12" (300 mm), veuillez vous référer aux instructions portant sur les solins combines VELUX. 18" 450 mm VELUX 5 ENGLISH: Light shaft application ESPAOL: Aplicaciôn del hueco de Iuz FRANçAlS: Ouverture du puits de lumière Vigas del techo Chevron Drywall Tablarroca Finition 1 Roof rafter Framing \ \ \ Renforcement \\ \\ f Vapor barrier \ Barrera de vapor \ \ Coupé-vapeur LS Insulation Aislamiento Isolation 6 VELUX Skylight size Tamaño del tragaluz Taille du puits de Iumière Rough opening Medida del hueco Dimensions de louverture brute ENGLISH: Cut rough opening according to the ESPAiOL: Corte el hueco de acuerdo a las medi- FRANCAIS: Couper louverture brute selon les measurements in the chart. das en la tabla. dimensions du tableau. Roof with battens: Techo con rastreles: Toiture avec voliges: Clear away battens from rough opening to allow Quite los rastreles del hueco para permitir la cor- Retirer les lattes de toit de louverture brute for proper installation of underlayment. recta instalación de la lámina de soporte. pour permettre une installation adequate de la membrane. 7in in12" 300 mm / M06 301/16" x 453/4" 763 mm x 1162 mm min 12" M08 30'/io x 54746" 763 mm x 1382 mm in SO1 44'/. x 2/' 1123 mm x682mm i:m m 300 mm S06 441 x 453/4" R 1123 mm x 1162 mm min 00 VELUX 7 A06 14'/2" x 453/4" 368 mm x 1162 mm 21" x 26/8 Col 533 mm x 682 mm C04 21' x 3T/8" 533 mm x 962 mm C06 21" x 453/4 533 mm x 1162 mm C08 21 x 54/io 533 mm x1382mm C12 21" x 701/4" 533 mm x1784mm rn= D26 22'/2' x 221/16" 572mmx582mm / D06 221/2" x 453/4" 572 mm x 1162 mm p M02 301/16" x 30 763 mm x762mm M04 301/16" x 3T/8" 763mmx962mm ENGLISH: Remove existing roofing underlayment around the rough opening as shown. ESPAOL: Retire la lámina de soporte existente de la zona alrededor del hueco tal como se indica. FRANcAIS: Retirer la membrane de toiture ex- istante autour de louverture brute, tel quillustre. 41/211 m113 m ENGLISH: Mark corners of the rough opening. / ESPAfiOL: Marque las esquinas airededor del hueco. FRANcAIS: Marquer les coins de louverture brute. ENGLISH: Roof with battens: Place 11h (38 mm) wide battens around rough opening. Batten thickness around rough opening should j be equal to thickness of battens used for roofing material. / / ESPAOL: Techo con rastreles: Coloque rastreles de 1½" (38 mm) de ancho airededor / del hueco. Los rastreles a colocar sobre el hueco deben tener el mismo grosor que los usados para ,i ..i 4. ,. 1'/2" 38 mm Cl IIICLCI IOU UC ..UUICI La. FRANCAIS: Toiture avec voliges : Placer 1 des lattes de largeur 1'/2 (38 mm) autour de / louverture brute. Lépaisseur des lattes utili- // sees autour de louverture devrait être egale a If lépaisseur des lattes utilisées pour le materiel de toiture. 8 VELUX H ENGLISH: Center skylight over properly cut and as illustrated. Anchor skylight using 1'A (30 mm) nails provided with skylight (one nail is required ~ / 1"/30 mm at all pre-punched holes in mounting flange). Nails 3/8"/'o mm framed rough opening using alignment notches are double hot dipped zinc coated carbon steel. ESPAOL: Coloque la tragaluz encima el hueco 3/ "/4 mm preparado y use las muescas como mostrado en el 16 dibujo. Sujete la tragaluz con 1'A' (30mm) clavos sumistrado en la caja. Asegurase que cada rincon Skylight size Nails de la metal reborde alrededor la tragaluz tiene a menos uno clavo. Los clavos son sumerido dos Tamaño del veces en zinc acero de carbono. tragaluz Clavos FRANCAIS : Centrer le puits de lumiere au-des- Taille du puits sus de l'ouverture brUte en utilisant les encoches de Iumière Clous d'alignements, tel quillustre. Attacher le puits de A06 2 Iumière en utilisant les clous fournis de 1'/ LI (30 mm) (un clou est requis a chaque trous pré- Coi l 0 perforé clans la moulure du puits de lumière). Les clous sont plongé a chaud deux fois, clans un acier C04 20 de carbonate revetu de zinc C06 22 C08 24 C12 24 D26 16 D06 22 M02 20 M04 T 22 M06 24 M08 26 SO1 22 S06 26 ENGLISH: To properly install VELUX adhesive skylight underlayment, remove cladding as shown. ESPAOL: Para la correcta instalación de la lámi- na de soporte autoadhesiva para tragaluz VELUX, debe retirar el recubrimiento como se indica. FRANCAIS: Pour une installation adequate de la membrane de toiture autocollante pour puits de Iumière VELUX, retirer le revêtement, tel quillustre. VELUX 9 ENGLISH: To ensure waterproofing, skylight frames should be completely wrapped in VELUX adhesive skylight underlayment supplied with the flashing. This underlayment must be applied before installing the flashing. Note: If snow accumulation on the roof is likely, waterproofing is achieved by installing a continu- ous self-adhesive waterproof membrane beneath the roofing material and flashing material. VELUX adhesive skylight underlayment around the skylight frame must be properly integrated with waterproof membrane on roof decking. Peel off backing from VELUX adhesive skylight underlayment prior to applying it to roof decking and skylight frame. Ensure that surfaces are clean, dry and free of debris. Wrap the bottom frame and corners of the skylight with the underlayment and create water- shedding laps over roofing underlayment. Note: Lift up the rubber gasket while wrapping the bottom frame. Note: Observe the measurements stated. ESPAOL: Para garantizar la impermeabilidad, los marcos del tragaluz deben estar completamente envueltos con la lámina de soporte autoadhesiva VELUX que viene con el tapajuntas. La lámina debe aplicarse antes de instalar el tapajuntas. Nota: Si se acumula nieve sobre el techo, se logra la impermeabilidad instalando una membrana im- permeable autoadhesiva continua par debajo del material de cubierta y del material del tapajuntas. La Iámina de soporte autoadhesiva VELUX colocada alrededor del marco del tragaluz debe integrarse correctamente con la membrana imper- meable del tablero. Despegue Ia protección del reverso de la Iámina de soporte autoadhesiva VELUX antes de aplicarla al tablero del techo y el marco del tragaluz. Verifique que las superficies estén limpias, secas y sin resi- duos. Envuelva las esquinas y marco inferior del tragaluz con la lámina de soporte para crear solapas imper- meabilizantes sobre la lámina de soporte del techo. Nota: Levante la empaquetadura de goma mien- tras envuelve el marco inferior. Nota: Respete las medidas especificadas. FRANCAIS: Pour en assurer son étanchéité, les cadres du puits de lumière devraient être com- plètement enveloppés a l'aide de la membrane de toiture autocollante pour puits de lumière VELUX fournie avec le solin. Cette membrane doit être appliquee avant linstallation du solin. Note : Si des accumulations de neige sont probables, l'étanchéité sera assurée en instal- lant unë membrane autocollante a lépreuve des intempéries en continu sous le materiel de toiture et sous les solins. La membrane de toiture autocol- lante pour puits de lumière VELUX autour du cadre du puits de lumlére doit être proprement intégrée A la membrane étanche du tablier de toiture. Retirer le papier protecteur de la membrane de toiture autocollante pour puits de Iumière VELUX avant de lappliquer a la toiture et au cadre du puits de lumiére. Assurez-vous que les surfaces sont propres, sèches et sans debris. Envelopper le cadre inférieur et les coins du puits de Iumière a laide de la membrane autocollante et replier de facon a former des rebords pour lévacuation de l'eau par-dessus la membrane de a toiture. Note : Soulever le joint de caoutchouc pour envel- opper le cadre inférieure. Note: Respecter les dimensions illustrées. 10 VELUX n ENGLISH: Wrap the side frames and corners of the skylight with VELUX adhesive skylight underlayment and create water-shedding laps over roofing underlayment. Note: Observe the measurements stated. ESPANOL: Envuelva las esquinas y lados del mar- co del tragaluz con la lámina de soporte autoadhe- siva VELUX para crear solapas impermeabilizantes sobre la lámina de soporte del techo. Nota: Respete las medidas especificadas. FRANcAIS: Envelopper les côtés du cadre et les coins du puits de lumière avec la membrane de toiture autocollante pour puits de lumière VELUX et former des rebords pour lévacuation de leau par-dessus la membrane de toiture. Note: Respecter les dimensions illustrées. ENGLISH: Wrap the top frame and corners of the skylight with VELUX adhesive skylight underlay- ment and create proper water-shedding lap. ESPAOL: Envuelva las esquinas y marco superior del tragaluz con la lámina de soporte autoadhesiva VELUX para crear solapas impermeabilizantes apropiadas. FRANcAIS: Envelopper la partie supérleure et les coins du puits de lumière avec la membrane de toiture autocollante pour puits de lumière VELUX et former des rebords pour lévacuation de I'eau. VELUX 11 ENGLISH: To allow for proper drainage, inter- weave roofing underlayment as shown in for new construction applications. For retrofit applications interweave roofing underlayment as shown in ESPANOL: Para lograr un drenaje adecuado, intercale la lámina de soporte para techo coma se indica en M para construcciones nuevas. Para aplicaciones mejoradas, intercale la lámina de soporte para techos coma se indica en FRANcAIS: Pour assurer un drainage adéquat, entrecroisez avec la membrane de toiture tel quillustre a Ia figure M dans le cas dune instal- lation sur une nouvelle construction. Pour une installation sur une toiture existante, entrecroiser avec la membrane de toiture, tel quillustre a la figure . H 12 VELUX - ENGLISH: Installing VELUX adhesive skylight underlayment on roof with battens: Refer to With VELUX adhesive - .. ESPANOL: Instalacion de la lamina de soporte autoadhesiva para tragaluz VELUX en techos con rastreles: uonsuite as instrucciones de instalacion incluiclas con la lámina de soporte autoadhesiva VELUX. FRANcAIS: Installation de la membrane de toiture autocollante pour puits de Iumière VELUX sur toiture avec voliges: Veuillez vous référer aux instructions d'installation fournies avec la membrane de toiture autocollante pour puits de Iumière VELUX. I$-j$Ijp VELUX 13 ENGLISH: You are now ready to install the flash- ing. If the flashing is not to be installed immedi- ately, reinstall cladding. - uede instalar el tapajuntas. Si no apajuntas inmediatamente, vuelva ibrimiento. us Res maintenant prêt a installer solins ne sont pas installés immé- taller le revêtement. 1oi ENGLISH: For flashing information, see instruc- tions supplied with the relevant flashing. ESPAtOL: Para obtener información sobre el tapajuntas, consulte las instrucciones provistas con el tapajuntas pertinente. FRANcAIS: Pour des informations stir les solins, veuillez vous référer aux instructions fournies selon les différents types de solins. VELUX 15 ENGLISH: Home owner information Please complete and give to home owner. Date Productnumber ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Quantity ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Flashing: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Accessories installed Model ................Size ...............Variant code .......................... Roofingmaterial: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Installationcontractor ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Dealer purchased from ESPA&OL: lnformaciôn del propietario Completar y entregar al propietario Fecha................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Nümerode producto .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Cantida& .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Tapajuntas Accesoriosinstalados .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Modelo ...............Tamaño ..............Código de variante .......................... Materialde cubierta................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Instalador Distribuidor al que se compro el producto FRANcAIs: Information pour le proprietaire occupant Veuillez completer etremettre au propriétaire occupant. Date................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Numérode produit ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Quantite ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Solin................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Accessoiresinstallés ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Modèle ................Dimension ...............Code.......................... Materiel de toiture Entrepreneuren installation .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Détaillant. ....................................... ....... ................ .. ... ....................................................... USA: VELUX America Inc. 1-800-88-VELUX CDN: VELUX Canada Inc. 1 800 88-VELUX (888-3589) www.velux.com Glasteel,. Installation Instructions and Guidelines for Glasliner FRP Panels Inspection, Storage, and Preparation Tools Adhesives & Fasteners Follow the adhesive manufacturer's instructions carefully. Many adhesives are flammable and some may screws, etc.). Follow the fastener manufacturer's instructions carefully. Moldings Cap Divider Bar Outside Corner Inside Corner Preparation of Substrate . .......................................................................................... ..................................................................................... to installation instructions. An alternative to this are Glasteel's Laminated FRP Panels.) S.. ........................................................................................... Environmental Considerations .......................................................................................... ............................................................................................... FRP Panel Installation Steps Expansion Joint Recommendations installation of panels over 12' long is not recommended PANEL SIZE 4X8 4X9 4XIO 4X12 Space around rivets 1/8" 1/8" 3/16" 3/16- 48" ,11 I 16" —ii.- 15 -*I k I 15" P 0. 0 g s q 8"t .. S. a s h. 811 1611 0 or 4 b s is es 5 96" 0 44 c . is Fasteners should be used 16" on center ot 5 4 d . k. on panel edges should be at least 1" to 1112 " from the panel edge when using 0 S moldings, put perimeter holes 1112 " to s e is Is 2" away from the panel edge. 0 V SW 4 f is m. . ExpansionriJoint ryiRecommendations PANEL SIZE 4X8 4X9 4X10 4X12 Space between panels and wall fixtures 1/8" 1/8" 3/16" 3/16" Start at an inside corner of the room. Mark a plumb line 48" + expansion distance (see Step 5 chart) Apply FRP adhesive to the back side of the panel using the adhesive manufacturer's Expansion Joint1Recommendations installation of panels over 1 2' long is not recommended PANEL SIZE 4X8 4X9 4X10 4X12 Gap at ceiling 1/4" 1/4" 3/8" 3/8" Gap at floor 1/4" 1/4" 3/8" 3/8" Gap between panel and center of 1 piece molding 1/8" 1/8" 3/16- 3/16- Gap between panel and center of 2 piece molding 1/4" 1/4" 3/8" 3/8" Gap between panel not using molding 1/4" 1/4" 3/8" 3/8" Incorrect Correct Divider Bar Clean excess adhesive residue from surface of panels following adhesive manufacturer's E % F~E] %*'a Glasteel. DISCLAIMER and LIMITATION of Liability: The information contained in this literature is presented in good faith, and is believed to be accurate and reliable at time of publication. No representation, guarantee or warranty is made as to the completeness, reliability or accuracy of this information. This also includes NO IMPLIED WARRANTY OR MERCHANTABILITY OR FUNCTIONAL USE FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION. 285 Industrial Drive Moscow, TN 38057 Phone: (901) 877-3010 Fax: (901) 877-1388 www.glasteel.com 12/11 M0411 Installation instructions for Type CH and BR loadcenters Instrucciones para la instalación de centros de carga tipos CH y BR H Congratulations! You have purchased an Eaton loadcenter, which includes 41.Lli[ - many features recommended by electrical contractors, resulting in a product that is easier to mount and wire. --a A WARNING TURN OFF OR DISCONNECT THE POWER SUPPLYING THIS EQUIPMENT BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. THIS MAY REQUIRE THAT YOU CONTACT YOUR ELECTRIC UTILITY TO DISCONNECT POWER TO AN EXISTING LOADCENTER. THE LINE SIDE OF THE MAIN BREAKER IS ENERGIZED UNLESS POWER IS DISCONNECTED UPSTREAM. EATON WILL NOT ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE OR PERSONAL INJURY RESULTING FROM MISUSE OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS PUBLICATION. WARNING EATON STRONGLY RECOMMENDS THAT THESE PRODUCTS BE INSTALLED BY A QUALIFIED ELECTRICAL PROFESSIONAL IMPORTANT INSTALL EQUIPMENT IN CONFORMANCE WITH CODES. This product must be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC) or the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) and any applicable local codes. Before installing equipment, check with your local electrical inspector for requirements and information. If you have questions or need assistance, contact a qualified electrical contractor. FM,T*N Powering Business Worldwide 1FeIicidades! S1I[1l Usted ha comprado un centro de carga Eaton qua incluyen varias caracteristicas recomendadas por contratistas eléctricos y que resultan an un producto fécil de montar y cablear. --In- A ADVERTENCIA! ANTES,DE INICIAR UN TRABAJO, APAGUE 0 DESCONECTE EL SUMINISTRO DE ENERGIA QUE ALIMENTA ESTE EQUIPO. ESTO PODRIA REQUERIR QUE USTED CONTACTARA A SU EMPRESA ELECTRICA PARA DESCONECTAR LA ENERGIA ELECTRICA QUE ALIMENTA A UN CENTRO DE CARGA EXISTENTE. EL LADO DE LA LINEA DE LOS INTERRUPTORES PRINCIPALES ESTA ENERGIZADO, A MENOS, QUE LA ENERGIA ELECTRICA SE DESCONECTE DE ARRIRA. EATON NO ASUMIRA RESPONSABILIDAD ALGUNA POR LOS DANOS MATERIALES CAUSADOS NI POR LAS LESIONES PERSONALES QUE RESULTEN COMO CONSECUENCIA DEL MAL USO DE LA INFORMACION QUE CONTIENE ESTE PUBLICACION. A ADVERTENCIA! EATON RECOMIENDA QUE LA INSTALACION DE ESTOS PRODUCTOS SEA REALIZADA POR UN ELECTRICISTA PROFESIONAL CALIFICADO. IMPORTANTE INSTALE EL EQUIPO DE ACUERDO CON LOS CODIGOS APLICABLES. Este producto debe instalarse de acuerdo con el Codigo Eléctrico Estadounidense (NEC) o el Codigo Eléctrico Canadiense (CEC) y todos los codigos locales aplicables. Antes de instalarlo, solicite a un inspector eléctrico local los requisitos e informaciOn necesarics para realizar dicha nstalaciOn. Si tierie preguntas o necesita ayuda, contacte a un contratista eléctrico calificado. Instructional Leaflet IL00300001Y Installation instructions forlype CH and BR Ioadcenters Effective February 2014 Instrucciones para la instalación de centros de carga tipos CH y BR Remove backpan (optional) Remove backpan if desired for wiring or pulling cables by (1) removing top mounting screw and (2) loosening bottom mounting screw. Backpan can then be lifted out. Replace after pulling conductors into enclosure. Retire la placa de montaje (opcional) Si 10 desea, retire la placa de montaje para realizer el cableado o para acomadar los cables. Hagalo de la siguiente manera: (1) quite el tornillo de montaje superior y (2( afloje el tornillo de montaje inferior. La placa de montaje estará lista pare sacarse. ColOquelo nuevamente en su lugar después de pasar los conductores y colocarlos dentro del receptaculo. Remove enclosure knockouts Remove only those knockouts required for installation of cable clamps or conduit. Remove center knockout (top or bottom) by (1) driving inward, (2) prying up or driving in the rings one at a time, and (3) using pliers to bend rings back and forth until detached. Knockouts are used to pull cable into enclosure. To prevent damage to insulation, use only approved clamps, conduit, and fittings. Retire los orificios ciegos del receptáculo Retire solamente aquellos orificios ciegos que se necesitan para la instalaciOn de los conectores o conductos para cables. Retire el orificio ciego central (superior inferior( mediante )1) Un movimiento hacia adentro, (2) palanqueando hacia arriba empujando hacia adentro los anillos de a uno por vez, y (3) utilizando unas pinzas para doblar los anillos de un lado a otro haste que se desprendan. Los orificios ciegos se usan pare pasar los cables hacia adentro del receptáculo. Pare evitar qua el aislamiento se dane, use solamente abrazaderas, conductos y accesorios eprobados pare tales fines. 1 Fit I knA— I I lr~~Ilh I 0 Figure 1. Step 2 I Figura 1. Paso 2 Surface mounting Align and level enclosure by means of removable nails or screws inserted through centered keyholes at top and bottom. Fasten enclosure to wall, using four surface mounting holes (two each at top and bottom)-and appropriate user-furnished fasteners. After fastening, remove nails or screws from keyholes. Note: Keyholes are for alignment only using temporary nails or screws Montaje exterior Ajuste y nivele el receptáculo por medio de los clavos o tornillos extraibles qua se encuentran insertados a través de las bocallaves centradas en la parte superior e inferior. Fije el receptéculo a la pared utilizando los cuatro orificios de montaje exterior (dos en (a parte superior y dos en la parte inferior) y los fijadores correspondientes provistos por el usuerio. Después de fijar el receptáculo, quite los clavos o tornillos de las bocallaves. Nota: Las bocallaves pueden ser alineedas Inicamente por medio de clavos 0 tornillos provisioneles. Indoor flush mounting Install enclosure between studs. Locate front edge of enclosure flush with finished wall. (Both sides of enclosure are provided with 3/8-inch (171 mm) and 1/2-inch (12.7mm) dry wall scribe markings to aid when flush mounting). Oval knockouts are provided on side of enclosure for mounting. Remove knockout and nail or screw through oval opening. Montaje a ras en interiores lnstale el receptAculo entre los pernos. Coloque el borde frontal del receptáculo aIres de la pared termineda. (Ambos laterales del receptéculo estén provistos de marcas pare pared seca de 9.5 mm (3/8 pulg.) y 12.7 (1/2 pulg.), que ayudaran el montaje a res). Los orificios ciegos oveledos de los latereles del receptéculo estén destinados al montaje. Retire el orificio ciego e inserte el clevo o tornillo a trevés de la abertura ovalada. Figure 2. U.S. Design Shown I Figura 2. E'emplo de diseño estadounidense EATON www.eaton.com Installation instructions forType CH and BR Ioadcenters Instructional Leaflet 1L00300001Y Instrucciones para la instalación de centros de carga tipos CH y BR Effective February 2014 DGrounding and bonding Refer to the NEC or CEO and applicable local codes for proper grounding methods. . For service entrance applications, attach bonding strap to neutral bar. Torque ° o 0 0 neutral wire screws to 35 lb-in. 0 For second tier panels fed from the service entrance panel, DO NOT attach 0 bonding strap. Conexión a tierra y enlace a tierra Consulte los cOdigos NEC o CEC y los codigos locales correspondientes para obtener los metodos de conexiOn a tierra pertinentes. Para las aplicaciones de acceso a servicio, conecte la tira de enlace a tierra a la barra neutra. Aplique un par de apriete de 4 Nm (35 lb.-pulg.) a los tornillos del cable neutro. Para centros de carga de segundo nivel alimentados desde el panel de acceso a servicio, NO conecte la tira de enlace a tierra. Figure 3. Step 5 / Figura 3. Paso 5 UWire mains and neutral Install main and neutral wires. Torque wire pressure screws to value shown on main label located on inside of door. Conecte los cables principales y los cables neutros Instale los cables principales y neutros. Aplique un par de apriete a los tornillos de presiOn de los cables hasta lograr el valor que se indica en la etiqueta principal en la parte interior de la puerta. J Installing branch circuit breakers Install OH branch circuit breakers by hooking the foot of the breaker on the rail of the backpan and pressing the breaker onto the bus stabs. Install BR branch circuit breakers by sliding the foot of the breaker under the rail of the beckpan and pushing the breaker onto the bus stab. INSTALL EATON CIRCUIT BREAKERS ONLY. Important Do not allow any sprays, chemicals, solvents, or any paint to contact interior components, and inspect for any other debris (such as drywall compounds and dirt). Always check the condition of the bus before installing breakers. Do not install breakers if there is any evidence of damaged plating, signs of oxidation, residual carbon, or other visible damage to the bus. Any of these conditions may cause degradation of electrical insulating materials. If the electrical joint is compromised in any way, the bussing should be replaced. lnstalación de interruptores de circuito de derivación Instale los interruptores de circuito de derivacion OH enganchando las patas del interruptor al riel de la barra de montaje y presionéndolo hacia las cuchillas de Ia barra colectora. Instale los interruptores de circuito de derivaciOn BR deslizando las pates del interruptor por debajo del riel de la barra de montaje y presionándolo hacia la cuchilla de la barra colectora. INSTALE SOLO INTERRUPTORES EATON. Importante No permita que ningUn producto pulverizado, producto quimico, solvente ni pinture esté en contecto con los componentes interiores e inspeccione para detectar cualquier otro residuo (como suciedad y compuestos secos). Siempre controle el estado de la barra colectora antes de instalar los interruptores. No instale los interruptores si hay alguna evidencia de revestimientos danados, signos de oxideciOn, carbono residual u otro dano visible en la barra colectora. oualquiera de estes condiciones puede producir la degradacion de los materiales de aislemiento eléctrico. Si a conexiOn electrica está comprometida de cualquier manera, se debe reemplazar la barra colectora. Figure 4. Step 7—Install CH Figure 5. Step 7—Install BR Branch Circuit Breakers / Branch Circuit Breakers I Figure 4. Paso 7 - InstaIación Figure 5. Paso 7 - Instalación de interruptores de circuito de de interruptores de circuito de derivación tipo CH derivación tipo BR C] Connect branch circuit wires Connect branch circuit wire to load end of circuit breaker. Tighten wire pressure screw to torque value specified on loadcenter enclosure. Conecte los cables del circuito de derivación Conecte el cable del circuito de derivaciOn.al extremo de carga del interruptor de circuito. Apriete el tonillo de presion del alambre hasta lograr el valor de par de apriete que se especif ice en el receptáculo del centro de carga. C] Remove twistouts Remove only those twistouts that match corresponding breaker positions. Remove twistouts by striking with a screwdriver and twisting back and forth with pliers. Any twistouts accidentally removed can be closed with filler plates ordered from your merchant. Retire las placas de cubierta de interruptores Retire solamente aquellas places de cubierta de interruptores que coinciden en las posiciones de los interruptores correspondientes. Retire las mismas golpeandolas con un destornillador y torciéndolas de un lado a otro con una pinza. La posiciOn de cualquier place que se retire accidentalmente puede cerrarse utilizando placas de relleno solicitadas a su distribuidor. Figure 6. Step 9 / Figure 6. Paso 9 Level trim For flush mounting, inner cover can be adjusted to fit snugly against breakers. To adjust cover inward, turn the two adjusting screws counter clockwise. Adjust each screw alternately until desired fit is achieved. Ajuste para nivelar Pare el montaje aras, la cubierta interior puede ajustarse pare que entre bien apretada contra los interruptores. Para ajustar la cubierta hacia adentro, gire los dos tornillos de ajuste en sentido contrario a las manecilles del reloj. Ajuste cada tornillo alternadamente hasta que se logre Ia posiciOn deseada. Figure 7. Step 10 I Figure 7. Paso 10 EATON www.eaton.com Installation instructions forlype CH and BR Ioadcenters Instructional Leaflet IL00300001Y Instrucciones para la instalación de centros de carga tipos CH y BR Effective February 2014 Identify loadcenter use and circuits Apply Service Disconnect' label near main breaker handle if loadcenter is used as main service panel. Apply "Main" label near main breaker handle if loadcenter is used as a subfeed panel. Apply circuit directory labels on inner cover along outside edges of twistouts. Identifique el usa y los circuitos del centro de carga Coloque la etiqueta "Desconexión de servicio" cerca de la palanca del interruptor principal si el centro de carga será utilizado como el panel de servicio principal. Coloque la etiqueta "Principal" cerca de la palanca del interruptor principal si el centro de carga sera utilizado como el panel de subalimentaciOn. Coloque las etiquetas del directorio de circuitos en la cubierta interior, a lo largo de los bordes exteriores de las placas de cubierta de los interruptores. Figure B. Step 11 I Figure 8. Paso 11 IMPORTANT BEFORE ENERGIZING LOADCENTER, RE-CHECK ALL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS AFTER ALL WIRING HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND BREAKERS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED IN THE LOADCENTER. - - IMPORTANT BEFORE ENERGIZING LOADCENTER, CONFIRM THAT NO PAINT OR OTHER COVER-SPRAY' MATERIALS ARE ON BUS OR BREAKER STABS. USE CUT OUT FROM SHIPPING CARTON OR OTHER PAINT SHIELD DURING PAINTING. Recommended installations instructions for aluminum wire termination When using connectors marked for Al use, the following is a guide to prevent overheating: Carefully strip insulation, taking care not to nick or ring wires. Thoroughly clean stripped portion with a wire brush. Do not abrade surfaces of connectors. Only coat cleaned wire with corrosion-inhibiting joint Compound when noted to do so by manufacturer or affixed publication on product. Insert wire into connector, making certain all strands are included, and securely tighten connector clamping screws. Refer to wiring diagram inside loadcenter door for proper torque. Wipe excess compound from connection area. Note: Some compounds are contact aiding with conductive particles, which can reduce the dielectric strength of equipment insulation system. Torque wire pressure screws for all conductors. For proper torque values, refer to the specifications label on circuit breakers and inside of loadcenter door. IMPORTANTE UNA VEZ DUE SE HAVA COMPLEIADO T000 EL CABLEADO V DUE SE HAYAN INSTALADO LOS INTERRUPTORES EN EL CENTRO DE CARGA, REVISE NUEVAMENTE TODAS LAS CONEXIONES ELECTRICAS ANTES DE ENERGIZARLO. IMPORTANTE ANTES DE ENERGIZAR EL CENTRO DE CARGA, CONFIRME DUE NO HAVA PINTURA NI OTROS MATERIALES PULVERIZADOS SOBRE LA BARRA 0 LAS CONEXIONES DEL INTERRUPTOR. CUANDO PINTE, USE RECORTES DE UNA CAJA DE CARTON PARA ENViOS U OTRA PROTECCION CONTRA PINTURA. Instrucciones recomendadas para la instalación de terminaciones de alambres de aluminio Cuando use conectores marcados pare uso Al, guIese segiin lo siguiente pare prevenir el sobrecalentamiento: Quite el aislamiento cuidadosamente pare evitar hacer muescas a los alambres ni cortarlos circularmente. Limpie a fondo la porcion desnuda con un cepillo de metal. No raspe la superficie de los conectores, Solo cubra los cables limpios con un compuesto para juntas inhibidor de corrosion cuando 10 indique el fabricante o se indique en la publicacion pegada en el producto. Inserte el cable en el conector asegurandose de que todos los hilos estén incluidos y apriete bien los tornillos de fijaciOn del conector. Consulte el diagrama electrico que se encuentra en la parte interior de la puerta del centro de carga pare obtener el par de apriete correspondiente. Limpie el exceso de compuesto del area de conexiOn. Note: Algunos compuestos tienen particulas conductoras y constituyen una ayuda pare el contacto, que puede reducir Is resistencia dielectrics del sistema de aislamiento del equipo. Apriete todos los tornillos de presiOn de todos los conductores. Para obtener los valores de par de apriete correspondientes, consulte la etiqueta de especificaciones que se encuentra en los interruptores y en la pate interior de la puerta del centro de carga. Indoor main breaker and main lug loadcenters are reversible Single-phase main breaker and main lug loadcenters may be installed with the main device in either the top or bottom position. No modification is required. Outdoor NEMA® 3R loadcenters are not reversible. El interruptor principal de interior y los centros de carga con disyuntor principal son reversibles El interruptor principal monofasico y los centros de carga con disyuntor principal pueden instalarse ubicando el dispositivo principal en la parte superior o inferior. No es necesario modificarlos. Los centros de carga NEMA 313 de exterior no son reversibles. Figure 9. U.S. Design Shown / Figura9. Ejemplo de diseño estadounidense EATON www.eaton.com Installation instructions forlype CH and BR loadcenters Instructional Leaflet IL00300001Y Instrucciones para la instalación de centros de carga tipos CH y BR Effective February 2014 Eaton limited warranty for purchases in the U.S. Garantia limitada de Eaton para compras en los and Canada EE. UU. y Canada CH branch circuit breakers Eaton warrants its type CH branch circuit breaker to be free from failure due to defects in material and workmanship under normal care and proper usage in a residential installation made in accordance with the National Electrical Code for the life of the loadcenter in which it is installed. Type CH loadcenters, Type CH surge panels and Type CH meterbreaker (MB) panels Eaton warrants its type CH factory-installed main breaker loadcenter, Type CH integrated surge panel, Type CH main lug loadcenter, and Type CH meterbreaker combination panel to be free from failure due to defects in material and workmanship under normal care and proper usage in a residential installation that fully complies with all National Electrical Code requirements for the life of the product. Ill. BR branch circuit breakers Eaton warrants its type BR branch circuit breaker to be free from failure due to defects in material and workmanship under normal care and proper usage in a residential installation that fully complies with all National Electrical Code requirements for a period of 10 years from the date of installation. Type BR loadcenters and Type BR meterbreaker (MB) panels Eaton warrants its type BR factory-installed main breaker loadcenter, Type BR main lug loadcenter, and Type BR meterbreaker combination panel to be free from failure due to defects in material and workmanship under normal care and proper usage in a residential installation that fully complies with all National Electrical Code requirements for a period of 10 years from the date of installation. Additional information In the event the Circuit breaker or the loadcenter fails to comply with this warranty, Eaton will, at its option, either repair or replace the product without charge. To obtain warranty service, the purchaser should return the product to the place of purchase or deliver the product prepaid to Eaton at the address set forth below. Proof of purchase in the form of a receipt or invoice, which is evidence that the unit is within the warranty period, must be presented to obtain warranty service. These warranties do not cover failure or damage due to improper storage, installation, operation, maintenance, accident, misuse, abuse, or negligence. These warranties do not cover reimbursement for labor, transportation, gaining access, removal, installation, temporary power, or any other expenses that may be incurred in connection with repair or replacement of the Eaton products. These warranties cover residential use of the type CH products and type BR products, and exclude any commercial applications. The remedies as provided under these warranties are the exclusive remedy of the purchaser and the limit of the liability of Eaton with respect to these products, whether in contract, in tort (including negligence or strict liability) or otherwise. Eaton disclaims all other warranties, including without limitation any implied warranty of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, and shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages. With respect to products purchased by consumers of the U.S. for personal use, the implied warranties, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for a particular purpose, are not excluded but are limited to the duration of the warranty period. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages or implied warranties, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary from state to state. All type CH and type BR product warranties are rendered null and void if a breaker other than those specifically listed by UL11 for use in them is installed. EATON WARRANTY DEPARTMENT, 1725 1200TH AVENUE LINCOLN, IL 62656 I. Interruptores de circuito derivado tipo CH Eaton garantiza que durante toda la vida ütil del centro de carga en que se 10 instale, su interruptor de circuito derivado tipo CH está libre de defectos de material y de mano de obra bajo condiciones normales de mantenimiento y de uso adecuado en instalaciones residenciales, de acuerdo con el Codigo Eléctrico Nacional. Centrosde carga tipo CH, paneles de subida de tension tipo CH y paneles medidor/interruptor tipo CH. Eaton garantiza qua durante toda la vida ütil del producto, su centro de carga de interruptor principal tipo CH ensamblado de fébrica, su panel de subida de tensiOn tipo CH integrado, su centro de carga con disyuntor principal tipo CH y su panel combinado medidor[interruptor tipo CH están libres de defectos de material y de mano de obra bajo condiciones normales de mantenimiento y de uso adecuado en instalaciones residenciales qua cumplan con todos los requisitos del COdigo Eléctrico Nacional. Ill. Interruptores de circuito derivado tipo BR Eaton garantiza, durante un plazo de 10 años a partir de la fecha de instalacion, que su interruptor de circuito derivado tipo BR está libre de defectos de material y de mano de obra bajo condiciones normales de mantenimiento y de uso adecuado en instalaciones residenciales qua cumplan con todos los requisitos del COdigo Eléctrico Nacional. Centros de carga tipo BR y paneles medidor/interruptor tipo BR Eaton garantiza, durante un plazo de 10 años a partir de la fecha de instalaciOn, que su centro de carga con interruptor principal tipo BR ensamblado de fábrica, su centro de carga con disyuntor principal tipo BR y su panel combinado medidor/nterruptor tipo BR están libres de defectos de material y de mano de obra bajo condicio.nes normales de mantenimiento y de uso adecuado en instalaciones residenciales que cumplan con todos los requisitos del COdigo Eléctrico Nacional. Información adicional En el caso de que un interruptor o el centro de carga no cumplan con esta garantia, Eaton repararã o reemplazará el producto sin costo, a su discreciOn. Para hacer uso de la garantia, el comprador deberá devolver el producto al lugar de compra o enviarlo por correo con franqueo pagado a Eaton, a la direcciOn que figure abajo. Deberé presentarse también un recibo o factura qua sirva pare demostrar qua el producto fue comprado dentro del periodo de la garantia. Estas garantias no cubren fallas ni danos causados por almacenamiento, instalaciOri, operaciOn o mantenimiento indebidos, accidentes, mal uso, abuso o negligencia. Témpoco cubren el reembolso de los gastos generados por mano de obra, transporte, acceso, remociOn, instalaciOn, uso de energia temporal ni cualquier otro gasto relacionado con la reparaciOn o el reemplazo de productos Eaton. Las garantias cubren el uso residencial de los productos de tipo CH y BR pero excluyen todo tipo de uso comercial. Las soluciones que se establecen dentro de las presentes garantias son exclusivas del comprador y representan el limite de la responsabilidad de Eaton respecto de estos productos, ya sea bajo contrato, extracontractualmente (incluida negligencia o responsabilidad civil objetiva) o de cualquier otra manera. Eaton Electrical Inc. desconoce cualquier otra garantia, incluida, a titulo enunciativo, cualquier garantia implicita de comercializaciOn y adecuaciOn para un uso o proposito especifico. La compania no seré responsable de los danos secundarios o indirectos que pudieren resultar. Con respecto a los productos adquiridos por consumidores de los Estados Unidos pare uso personal, las garantias implicitas, incluidas, a titulo enunciativo, las garantias implicitas de come rcializaciOn y adecuaciOn pare un uso o propOsito especifico, no estén excluidas pero si limitadas a la duraciOri de Ia garantia pertinente. Algunos estados no permiten la exclusiOn o limitaciOn de los danos secundarios o indirectos o de las garantias implicitas, por 10 que las Iimitaciones o exclusiones antes mencionadas podrian no aplicarse en su caso. Esta garantia le otorga derechos legales especificos, y al mismo tiempo, usted puede gozar de otros derechos que varian segOn el estado. Las garantias de productos tipo CH y BR quedaran anuladas Si se instala un interruptor distinto de los especificamente autorizados por UL pare ser utilizados con dichos productos. EATON DEPARTAMENTO DE GARANTIA 1725 1200TH AVENUE LINCOLN, IL 62656 EATON www.eaton.com Instructional Leaflet IL00300001Y Installation instructions forType CH and BR Ioadcenters Effective February 2014 Instrucciones para,Ia instalación de centros de carga tipos CH y BR A CAUTION IMMEDIATE TRIPPING WHEN RESETTING THE BREAKER = PRESENCE OF A FAULT. Arc fault circuit breaker To obtain the trip code Remove black (hot) load wire from breaker. Remove white (neutral) load wire from breaker. Leave white pigtail wire connected to neutral bar. Reset breaker handle to the ON position. Trip code displayed for 30 patterns, immediately after the breaker reset. To access trip code after 30 patterns Turn breaker handle to OFF position. Depress and hold TEST button Turn the breaker handle to ON position. Release TEST button. Diagnostic trip codes Pattern Description Resolution 0 Mechanical Disconnect—The breaker has detected an Remove excessive loads from overload, short Circuit, or was manually turned off the circuit / identify short circuit 1 Low Current Series Arc—Low current arcs are typically Identify the equipment causing found in worn or degraded cords, past electrical connections, tripping and repair or replace or in contacts within equipment 2 High Current "Parallel- Arc—High current arcs are usually Locate fault location and found in installed wiring where the wire has been compromised replace wire 3 Short Delay—Electronic backup to the mechanical short-circuit Identify the short circuit mechanism and repair 4 Overvoltage—The breaker has experienced voltage of 160V Investigate utility for imbalance RMS or greater or loss of neutral 5 Ground Fault SD —Current has found an alternate path to Determine location of leakage ground, which could cause harm to people or property current and repair Test Button I Self-Test Failure—Test button has been pushed Replace the breaker if there is or the breaker has failed a self-diagnostics check a self-test failure SD 30 mA of ground fault protection available on the CH type combination AFCls it, PRECALJCION DESCONEXION INMEDIATA AL RESTABLECER EL INTERRUPTOR = PRESENCIA DE UNA FALLA. Interruptor de potencia por falla de arco Para obtener el código de desconexión Retire el cable negro (de carga activa) del interruptor. Retire el cable blanco (de carga neutral del interruptor. Deje el cable flexible de conexiOn blanco conectado a la barra neutra. Restablezca la palanca del interruptor a la posiciOn ON (ENCENDIDO). El codigo de desconexiOn Se mostrará pare 30 patrones inmediatamente despues de que se restablezca el interruptor. Para acceder all código de desconexión después de 30 patrones Mueva la palanca del interruptor a la posiciOn OFF (APAGADO). Oprima el botón TEST y mantengalo presionado. Mueva la palanca del interruptor a la posiciOn ON (ENCENDIDO). Suelte el botOn TEST Codigos de diagnóstico de desconexión Patron DescripciOn Resolución 0 Desconexiôn mecãnica: El interruptor he detoctedo usa Retire lot cargos eacesivas del sobrecarga, csrtscircuits o so apagd manualmente circuito 0 identifique el cortocircuitu 1 Arco de haja corriente "on serie": Los arcos de baia Identifiqae el equips quo provoca la corriente se encuentran tipicamente on cables desgastados 5 desconeside y repdrelo a reemplacelo degradados, coneviones eléctricas duficientes o an contactos incorporados a los eqaipoo 2 Arco de alto corriente "en paralelo": Per Is general, Ubique el lugar dx la falla as arcos de are corriente se encuentran en cableado an reemplace el cable dunde his cables estdn deterisrados - 3 Retardo brave: Respaldo electrdnico del mecanismo de Identifique el cortocircuiss y repOrelo cortocircuito mecfnice 4 Sobrevoltae: El interruptor he eoporimentads voltaje de Investigue la utilidad an busca de its V RMS o superior desequilibrio o pérdida de neutro 5 Folio do aterrizajo SD: La corriente he encontrado usa rata Determine to ubicaciOn de la fuga alternative a tierra, la cool podria provocar daHos a las personas de corriente y reparela o a la propiedad 6 Falls del hotôn do prueba ode Is prueba outomitica Reemplace el interrupter si nuiste Se he preoionado el baton do prueba o el interruptor no he usa falla en Ia prueba de pneba pasado usa revisidn de diagnostics automatics aatemdtica SD Los interrupoores de circuits pot falla de arcu (AFCI, par out siglas en inglds( de combinacidn tips CH incorporan pretecciOn contra fallas de aterrivaje de 30 mA. Eaton 1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122 United States Eaton .com © 2014 Eaton E A•FI All Rights Reserved Printed in USA Publication No. lL00300001Y-70-8399 / Z14055 Powering Easiness Worldwide February 2014 Eaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. wOodio3AajpeJqMMM LO/9IL I L89-9 (9z) :XB iuvIo•ooe- :auoqd • A3DJg 6051-90 NB O AaH OSO-05d uofl0J0dio3 Aappei LOO © I 6000-S005 PM 'SIIB aauowouaIij 605 X09 0d I8155H (ua6uniaIBH PiP) a!J9 (uoz 051-96) W3 soe-ssuw pa6apdS awspsj (uo6uni8181-1 !aMZ) apaig (ppoz 96-09) W3 g- LS i. Mw pa6apd (6Ufli5UBH QU!5) 5!'B (uoz 6S-90 wa 0S1-ssi pw pa6apd paq (6uniaUeH auqo) (ipoz e) wo xsw qw pa6apd (oso-Lstj) (sapiodos San) oqous ap (051 SAO WO SOC B SPZ 8P so(adsj ia6u5H-H" 6UniapeH (sapodos sop) 043110 81) (so B 09) wo is B 1.91. ap !adsB u us suB6Io3 apodo (eao6uai (apodos un) OIIOUB ap (os B ,8) WO 051v 5 ap so(ads] apodo (uaqaiqosa6unz p.ioddn (apodos ups) oqou ap (,,ft) w3 eissq ap SO(ads] H US P3Oi3 app iaqn UajUfl ia5u5q-u tioeu) aZuBipa6apdS (spioddns sp04) a6iBl ap (051 .96) W3 SOC 55 P 5titiIB ° aiqos eiaojpsap) (oddns un) abisp ap ( 6s ..90 wo os 1. c i ep poip OfadSa POP ezuel (spoddns xnap) a6iBI ap (so e .09) WO 15 191 Op SiPOiM BI 0L-96 Oiip 6BpIInaA 5p 5U5d (poddns sues) WflW!XBW a6iBp 5 (9,) W3 SZI 5P P°'llN (sued Bi SflSSOP -is So seq all 5JOA assqb as) (saoejq s0-41) Opple (sla,poaiq o) app,. ç-09 sioiippj (iapq QUO) OPpM 65—V SJOiJ5j ppis) asUBi io.U!LB (apeiq ei OU) OPIM .j, o dn SJOJJ!W (qe JQAO UMOp 113!paPiOlia AGIPBJO uo* (vo-ocs) 6naZ,piOMpe,ZadS Uj5 jai pUBMJOp uo,t spa6apdS sap uauiauuj pun a6unzs6unIa6auiaA isp uapoipupj WflZ UaUaPiaM Wudjaqg azipiqos iapo uabunZ aiñppcqosaq 11W aliasXoUU app ssnw UUB,I uapiale us6oza6 PUeM isp UOA laBoldS isp uua 'UaqalZflZbaM PUBM isp UOA 6flq3p5IOA iabapdS uap luaqonSJOA UO!WIJBPUI isp 439 upa u0q1s0d56un1a6a!llaA isp up (ieqigq) s6unZs6unla6aptiaA sppospjsA Guts JSJSBJ 'pitM bpisajaq PUBM isp us laBaIdS iap UU5M pups papuoup sod 6Uflia4Bt1pUBM isp u56unz N311V Jaq slaBoldS sap allwmiallU lap UB aziupqos app soup uiaqopsia w14q0p5p5 nz uOp4BppB2Sup alp wn uassei laBaidS wap jacig wneipai (iioz s'i) Wo O's suaisapuj UaU1iOjIaA Mzq Ua3130J134385 tpopu szpflqos ispO ua6un a! -U8486ioA 61140pSioA isiagne spabapds sap aMes)IoLiki isp uo* 6uruapeqpueM isp uawajuj wpapp u51105idziva uapupptlouia6ewoBj pun -neg usqoufli9 uap uopicpieisup app soup uaanJdiaqan uo!WIIB2SuI iap iOA uUe,p Ua6Bji spa6audS sap 543IM9 Sep i543p5M pp UPUBIIiOA zgnd wap iaUifl ia6aeij iapuatppaisne ula SSBP uaiSpaplqgleab ssnw inawpieSup is OIIHOIM V paied el ap o(odsa is ieipiai elBd peppinbas op elap)6u51 el ieuopsaid BaSIl (ooss) pepoadsa Aappeig ewapweaaatp BUfl aiainbai a Sepeuep seinuei o sujaLiBual ABq PS asuAoi paied el ap Oadso Is ewe*ap as Is paied el op olodsa is ieipai alUawp luoloeletsul BI au!WJO1 snb ZOA Bun (ie6np ns us a(Boua eiap6uap el opusno oppo un Weqonosa) epeanbopq uçpopsod us quefe3ue eunoo peppin6as ap Bp06Uap Bun 'paied B B sfpj as oodsa is OPUfl3 paied op apodos pap seia0buai sep svaoj.siqos uaoppsap as o(adsa pop Jopialsod aped el us ue.nuonoua as anb seinuei sep onb ap osaii6as paied ci us o(adsa is aiqos aiqpp opoedsa ap (.5/I-I) Wa 9'c ielap op osain6ase 'uçpoeleiSu! BI iB41I138 Bled sawio1op opuepsnb uapqop 0 uauBpde as seanuei 0 sepp)6uap Sep anb eijuwad ON oladsa pap iouialsod aped ep op pajed ap apodos Is iBipOJ Is OpeppflD Owpxw B6Ua.L u9p3epeIsUp BI aP SaWB SaieOOi SezUeUapiO Sep A so6pp o soi sqanidwoo aidwapS peppun el ap osad is opoi iauassoS eied paiBd el us SOPBfl3OPB sapodos ieuopoiodwd aqap Jopepeasup u V 1NVièIOdVJI V slaBoldS sap auain oadso pap otpuy 031d!j ipoliw ap inaOiei onbpdAj iOiiUN 40 'IlPIM ieopdAj. I F— —(wwsos).,g In OP to 01 I slpa.I9 (ppoz Os) WO 519L iscPo tiw pa6apd wneiiaii (iioz S 1) WO8S OI1OUB Op (os) tuo I aiqpp opoedsa ap (5/I-I) W395 p sjqpi Jfl5UIBt15P (2/11) WO 95 s6iep op (os) wo I oaedS iB8I3 (wwes) SF1-Li wn-laj=l (iioZ 5'1) Wa 9'5 S9L e sinsppdns SJpOipiJ 1 aaqpp opaedss sp (5/1-1) Wa 8'C aP!M 05 lOGO SiO.Ii!49 I aiqpp inaineq op (2/1-I) Wa SIC w- -ads jeap (wwgs) 2/I-I susia (ipoz 00 W5 Z,9/. WW 4pW ia6apdS souaw 0 oqoue op (Os) wa 'g ap so(0d53 I wnwpxew a6iep ap (,Q) wa Z9L Op Si!OJM ssap io OPiM .05 saoipvl (D mw np apoipw op iaapiai ap U14B abepppnoiiaA op sued el ins aaAndde mod aipessaa9u pa '(t,o-oss) AsipeiS sp saidne apqpuodspp 'pepadS ppino un -sae6ewwopua iuos saluej sop no sawed sai is iauji.iw. 'mw np aGaiflos as i!oipw ap PS iflW np mpo..pw sp isipiam ap ishessa '5UuWi54 uoulSppelSup,i SpO4 sun (aoeid us aqauspauss aipanbsjop uos un Iowa abeppunomisA ap sued el) a6epppnousa op uoqpsod us eiaqauopaua,S sepflWpsSp a6eplunojisA op sued sun 'nw no aqaeple ipoipw ap 5iO4 sun p5mw iaoddns np sailed sap s3.LncLL ins luasSp16 ipoiuw np Sop al ins Sa4ua4 sap onb iajnsses mw ap ins mpoapw np snssop-ne (5/1-1) Wa 85 op aiqpp anaineq sun .ipoapmd op J5mflSSBS 'uop,eplelsup.p i041pp054 mod iawiopp as no ipppde,s sszua sai no sailed sap masspei sod s.j mloipw np sop np iemnw poddns np ljoilai np smop aauapnmd aw.qxa.p sanaid ampe uop4eppe4Sup anoi 4UBAB xnedpopunw spiae 40 xneaOi Sapoa sai-aapiaA Sino(no.Lagun,p ap sppod si w5Wslaplua ipuamos mod inaleppeisupp med luinoj sip qop mw si suep ienbpe poddns un ViNviHodi/IlY IBM, GIg W014 ioIipw atfl saowaa ol qea 6upp301 54 UMOP ssaid ol psipnbaa Sp (ltLo-055) Aappej W0i4 apqeppeAe pool pepaads y slOps io SqB1 p56ewep iO4 )jaatpa 'heM 5114 440 sull iOimpw Gyj Ji IPSM atp w0i4 moiipW 54 o*owaa oj An apidwoo Si u0p45ppe45up mapy '(weld opip deus clel 6uppaoi oyj msq ppm noA) uoppisod OupIaol ogip deus pp!M qea 6uppaop papeoouoa e 'IpeM 54 04 pamnoas Si moumpw 0114 UOM qe4 45)paemq hem 5144 TiV maO sips momipw 814410 ,paeq 0q4 uo stops 54 sins a,iei -ppeM 0q4 uo io.upw 5144 saoqe aaeds iBOPO 40 2/1-1 Mohle 04 sans a,pew 'uop4BppBisup 40 55B0 iO -adeqs 40 ino luaq io 4014 awoaoq 04 ziops mo 5qe4 aqj moppe Lou 00 mOmmpW 0q4 4o paeq sql w014 LaMaejq IIM 0114 6uuowoa uaqm eieo awaqxa ssfl uopeppelsup 04 iopmd SO3UBUpP.IO PUB sapoa Ieaoh 3loaLlo sAempy ijun 014440 4146paM 0144 pOddnS Apn4 04 i0IIB45U! Aq PappAOJd aq psnw 6uppaeq iem-u! spnbopy V 1NViLJOdINIV / REVISED - CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTALS TO: COMPANY: Kasia Trojanowska City of Carlsbad PROJECT: DATE: Lake Calavera 10/17/16 SENDER: REFERENCE NUMBER: Mike Williams 002 RE: Concrete and Grout Submittal 0 URGENT DFOR REVIEW DPLEASE COMMENT DPLEASE REPLY NOTES/COMMENTS: Please review and approve. JJLMT J LJ1L n*trtL. jUiIWf .LL - - - CIty Of Carlsbad fOP PRMNG REVIEW Thank you, dIW (OVof any drewig of the eoVe plaM quipmen shaft not In anyway Mike Williams be d.eesdteieI.evthsContraCtor from toll responsibility for Romtec Project Manger WOdI OJd5flC5 With the acRraMns *d shaft i i A fl , r.i i t I V.'•t I Co Sped!Icetions. Neither such ftcorbww any pICd upon hitfl bflofOflfred EJEC1EDIRESU8MWS9 U *IIIW.AMENDANDRESUBME? U MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED —or.( pcçpi TAKEN cJ.ori:; Si a nature CIT' OF CARLSBAD NOV 2 2 2016 CM&I DIVISION 18240 North Bank Rd. Roseburg, OR 97470 I Message: Please check with the sales artment for ROBERTSON'S ROCK * SAND * BASE MATERIALS READY MIX CONCRETE QUALITY CONTROL - TECHNICAL SERVICES FACSIMILE MESSAGE Telephone: (951) 685-2200 ext 6360 FAX #: (951) 493-6446 To: Gem Construction From: ROBERTSON'S READY MIX Attn: ashley From: Denise Moreno L - Fax: '. Fax: ILfl M004inc" tyam- 02, 4 'ji&Qm y m dOtdtmg Date: 10/10/2016 TOw"42USBA a1AG43M4. IJ i bject Mix * Wfl *4 280-1430 es )VER PAGE) -Carlsbad S ROBERTSON'S ROCK * SAND * BASE MATERIALS READY MIX CONCRETE 12/31/16 Date: 10/10/2016 I Concrete Mix Design #: 42191 I Project: 18662 Lake Calavera Park - Carlsbad Contractor: GEM Construction Description: 3000 psi 1" Mix 22ED T'1'P C' Strength (Pc): 3000 psi WIC ratio: 0.61 Slump: 4 " Sack Content: 5.20 sk. Max. Size of Agg.: 1 " Gal/sk.: 6.92 Pump Type: Boom pump . Un. Wt.: 147.2 ALL CONCRETE IS MIXED AND DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C-94 I Aggregate Weights are SSD; Moisture in Aggregates Must be Considered When Determining Total Mix Water MIX DESIGN PROPORTION Contents: Batch Wt. %used Sp. Gr. 7 Volume Cement (ASTM C-150) 489 100 3.15 2.49 0 0 2.33 0.00 Sand 1425 45 2.62 8.72 1-1/2"x3/4" 0 0 2.67 0.00 1" x #4 . " CL.Uk1 r 1281 40 2.65 7.75 3/8"x#8 480 15 2.65 2.91 Water 36.-O—g&. 299.9 4.81 Entrapped Air 0.34 Wt.= 3975 Vol. = 27.00 ADMIXTURES: 14.7 oz. 'fLA-O25 (A&M-e=494) 3.0 Remark: The nrniect enninPAr shniild rviw thie mix- tn anQiira e-nmnhi2n,-a tn fh rr1iQ,'+ a ar-ifii nfi^na Size % AGGREGATE GRADATIONS 2" 1 1/2" 1" 3/4" .1/2" 3/8" No 4 No 8 No 16 No 30 No 50 No 100 Jo 200 1 1/2" 0 100 95 33 7 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1" 40 100 100 95 70 38 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/8" 15 100 100 100 100 100 96 18 2 1 1 0 0 0 WCS 45 100 100 100 100 100 100 98 80 60 39 18 6 2 Combined 100 100 100 98 88 75 64 1 47 1 36 1 27 18 8 1 3 1 1 Sand Source: Robertson's Cabazon Rock Source: Robertson's Cabazon Cement: Portland Cement Type I/N Fly Ash: Class F (951) 685-2200 ext 6381 P.O. Box I Aggregates meet ASTM C-33 I Fax (951) 280-1429 Compressive Strength Results Mix #42191 Project 18662 Lake Calavera Park - Carlsbad Date: 10/10/2016 Subject Mix design submittal MSA, in.: 1 Source of Aggregate: Robertson's Cabazon EqSack: 5.2 Cement: Mitsubishi Mineral Admixture: None Chemical Admixture: ZYLA-625 I 28 day 128 day l 28 Day I j CumuiativeI Cumulative I Cumulative Moving Three Set# Cast Date test I Test 2 Average i Range Average i Standard Coefficient (3) i Deviation Variance 1 6/24/2015 3800 3940 3870 140 3870 2 8/27/2015 4650 4800 4725 150 4298 3 8/27/2015 4110 3940 4025 170 4207 4 8/27/2015 4010 3900 3955 110 4144 5 8/27/2015 3820 3920 3870 100 4089 6 8/27/2015 3830 3830 3830 0 4046 7 9/24/2015 3600 3730 3665 130 3991 8 9/24/2015 3940 3880 3910 60 3981 9 9/25/2015 3620 3670 3645 50 3944 10 9/25/2015 3940 3830 3885 110 3938 11 10/22/2015 4430 4510 4470 80 3986 12 10/26/2015 4340 4300 4320 40 4014 13 12/10/2015 4170 4270: 4220 100 4030 14 12/23/2015 4560 4530 4545 30 4067 15 1/2/2016 4010 4070 4040 60 4065 16 1/19/2016 3920 4110 4015 190 4062 17 1/20/2016 4340 4350 4345 10 4079 18 1/22/2016 4770 4940 4855 170 4122 19 1/27/2016 4410 4500 4455 90 4139 20 1/29/2016 4170 4091 4131 79 4139 21 3/24/2016 4690 4650 4670 40 4164 22 4/14/2016 3830 3860 3845 30 4150 23 4/14/2016 3630 3660 3645 30 4128 24 4/15/2016 4410 4500 4455 90 4141 25 4/15/2016 3810 3830 3820 20 4128 26 4/15/2016 .4480 4350 4415 130 4139 27 4/19/2016 4120 4150 4135 30 4139 28 4/19/2016 3720 3750 3735 30 4125 29 4/20/2016 3990 4010 4000 20 4121 30 4/20/2016 3910 3950 3930 40 4114 Spec'd f'c = 3000 psi @ 28 days Reg'd fcr = 3453 psi, the larger of [1] or[2] Below 604.6 14.1 455.5 10.8 4207 392.6 9.5 4235 361.4 8.8 3950 340.1 8.4 3885 342.2 8.6 3788 318.1 8.0 3802 318.0 8.1 3740 300.4 '7.6 3813 327.0 8.2 4000 326.3 8.1 4225 317.6 7.9 4337 334.8 . 8.2 4362 322.7 7.9 4268 312.0 7.7 4200 309.8. 7.6 4133 351.9 8.5 4405 356.4 8.5 4552 341.1 8.2 4480 352.1 8.5 4419 3502 8.4 4215 358.0 8.7 4053 356.4 8.6 3982 354.8 8.6 3973 352.2 8.5 4230 345.3 8.3 4123 347.4 8.4 4095 341.9 8.3 3957 337.7 8.2 3888 Number of tests 30 Modification Factor (K) 1 Maximum 4855 Minimum 3645 Average. 4114 1 Standard Deviation (s) 337.7 Coefficient of variation 8.2 f'cr= Pc +1.34k5 = 3000 + (1.34 * 1 * 3377 ) 3453 f'cr= Pc +2.33ks -500 = 3000 + (2.33 * 1 * 3377 ) -500 3287 O . ROBERTSON'S ROCK * SAND * BASE MATERIALS 61 READY MIX CONCRETE EX. 12/31/16 Date: 10/10/2016 I Concrete Mix Design #: RS250G42 I Project: 18662 Lake Calavera Park - Carlsbad Contractor: GEM Construction Description: 2500 psi Grout Mix Strength ft): 2500 psi W/C ratio: 0.66 Slump: 8 (+/- V) Sack Content: 6.50 sk. Max. Size of Agg.: 3/8 " Gal/sk.: 7.46 Pump Type: 2" line pump Un. Wt.: 138.4 ALL CONCRETE IS MIXED AND DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM (-194 Aggregate Weights are SSD; Moisture in Aggregates Must be Considered When Determining Total Mix Water MIX DESIGN PROPORTION Contents: Batch Wt. %used Sp. Gr. Volume 100 3.15 3.11 Cement (ASTM C-150)611 Fly Ash-Class F (ASTM C-618) 0 0 2.33 0.00 Sand 1900 70 2.62 11.62 1-1/2"x3/4" 0 0 267 000 1" x #4 0 0 2.65 0.00 3/8"x #8 823 30 2.65 4.98 Water 48.5 gal. 404.0 6.47 Entrapped Air 3.% 0.81 Wt.= 3738 Vol. = 27.00 ADMIXTURES: ZYLA-625 (ASTM C-494) 3.0 ozlcwt 18.3 oz. rsemaric: I ne project engineer snouia review mis mix to ensure compliance to tne project specitications PLEASE FORWARD STRENGTH DATA TO ROBERTSON'S TECHNICAL SERVICES FOR STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Size - % AGGREGATE GRADATIONS 2" 1112"1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" No 4 No 8 No 16 No 30 No 50 No 100 No 200 1 1/2" 0 100 95 33 7 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1" 0 100 100 95 70 38 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/8" 30 100 100 100 100 100 96 18 2 1 1 0 0 0 WCS 70 100 100 100 100 100 100 98 80 60 39 18 6 2 Combined 1 100 1 100 100 100 1 100 100 1 99 74 1 57 42 1 28 1 13 1 4 1 Sand Source: Robertson's Cabazon Rock Source: Robertson's Cabazon I Aggregates meet ASTM C-33. I Cement: Portland Cement Type I/N Fly Ash Class (951) 685-2200 ext 6381 P.O. Box 3600 Corona, CA 92878 Fax (951) 280-1429 Compressive Strength Results Mix # R8250G42 Project 18662 Lake Calavera Park - Carlsbad Date: 10/10/2016 Subject Mix Design Submittal MSA, in.: 3/8 Source of Aggregate: Robertson's Cabazon EqSack: 6.5 Cement: Mitsubishi Mineral Admixture: None Chemical Admixture: ZYLA-625 Set # Cast Date I 28 day I 28 day l 28 Day I Range Cumulative I Cumulative Standard Cumulative Coefficient M oving Three test I Test 2 Average Average i i (3) Deviation Variance 1 5/11/2015 5050 5110 5080 60 5080 2 5/20/2015 5070 5170 5120 100 5100 3 5/28/2015 5340 5640 5490 300 5230 4 6/10/2015 6540 6540 6540 0 5558 5 6/11/2015 4660 4640 4650 20 5376 6 6/12/2015 6710 7820 '7265 1110 5691 7 6/15/2015 5270 5160 5215 110 5623 8 6/16/2015 6070 6120 6095 50 5682 9 7/14/2015 5450 5530 5490 80 5661 10 7/20/2015 2980 3090 3035 110 5398 11 7/30/2015 4020 4020 4020 0 5273 12 8/3/2015 4840 4800 4820 40 5235 13 8/4/2015 5460 5560 5510 100 5256 14 8/13/2015 3980 3380 3680 600 5144 15 10/7/2015 5080 5170 5125 90 5142 16 10/13/2015 4320 4730 4525 410 5104 17 10/16/2015 3700 3710 3705 10 5021 18 . 10/21/2015 3940 3960 3950 20 4962 19 11/5/2015 4000 4320 4160 320 4920 20 11/5/2015 4980 5000 4990 20 4923 21 11/6/2015 3710 3720 3715 10 4866 22 11/9/2015 5090 5150 5120 60 4877 23 11/10/2015 5470 5480 5475 10 4903 24 11/13/2015 5050 5100 5075 50 4910 25 11/16/2015 4800 . 4820 4810 20 4906 26 11/19/2015 4890 4950 4920 60 4907 27 12/1/2015 5340 5500 5420 160 4926 28 29 30 Specd f'c = 2500 psi © 28 days Reg'd f'cr = 4204 psi, the larger of [1] or[2] Below 28.3 0.6 226.1 4.3 5230 680:5 . 12.2 5717 715.6 13.3 5560 1002.2 17.6 6152 932.4 16.6 5710 879.2 15.5 6192 824.9 14.6 5600 1137.6 21.1 4873 1156.5 21.9 4182 1110.4 21.2 3958 1065.8 20.3 '4783 1107.3 21.5 4670 1067.0 20.7 4772 1042.3 20.4 4443 1064.7 21.2 4452 1063.3 21.4 4060. 1049.6 21.3 .3938 1021.8 . 20.8 P4367 1030.2 21.2 4288 1006.8 20.6 4608 991.5 20.2 4770 970.4 19.8 5223 950.2 19.4 5120 931.0 19.0 4935 918.2 18.6 . 5050 Number of tests 27 Modification Factor (K) 1.03 Maximum 7265 Minimum 3035 Average 4926 Standard Deviation (s) 918.2 Coefficient of variation 18.6 f'cr=f'c +1.34ks= 2500 +(1.34* 1.03 * 918.2 ) 3767 f'cr=f'c+2.33ks-500= 2500 +(2.33* 1.03 * 918.2 )-500 4204 260/--- 260/430 260/--- Mm/Max 385 98.4 0.80 0.80 0.80 Max. 0.02 45 / 375 45 / 375 45 / 375 Mm / Max 124 12 12 12 Max. 6.8 [a] 330 50 50 50 Mm. 91 56 .t MITSUBISHI CEMENT CORPORATION CERTIFICATE OF TEST Portland Cement - Type I, II, II (MH) & V Date: 10/10/2016 Source: Cushenbury Plant, 5808 State Highway 18, Lucerne Valley, CA 92356 ASTM designation: C 150 - 16 for Type I, II, II (MR) & V low alkali Cement Production Period CALTRANS Specification: Section 90- 2.01 for Type 11. modified and V (2006) From: 9/1/2016 Specification: Section 90- 1.02B(2) (2010) NDOT Specification: Section 701 - 3.01 for Type II and V To: 9/30/2016 AZDOTSpecifications Subsection 1006-2.01 for Type II and V ASTM C-150 Limits Test Type I Type II Type V Results 20.0 ---- Min. 21.1 6.0 ---- Max. 4.2 6.0 ---- Max. 3.7 63.2 6.0 6.0 6.0 Max. 2.3 3.0 3.0 2.3 Max. 2.2 3.5 3.5 3.5 Max. 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 Max. 0.54 0.60 0.60 0.60 Max. 0.53 54 8 5 Max. 5 25 Max. 20 100 ---- Max. 75 1.3 5.0 5.0 5.0 Max. 3.5 70 70 70 Mm. 85 Chemical Composition: Silicon Dioxide (SiO2), % Aluminum Oxide (A1203), % Ferric Oxide (Fe2O3), % Calcium Oxide (CaO), % Magnesium Oxide (MgO), % Sulfur Trioxide (S03), % Loss on Ignition (LOI), % Insoluble Residue Total Alkali (%Na20 + 0.658 * %K20) Tricalcium Silicate (C3S), [b] % Tricalcium Aluminate (GA), [b] % C4AF + 2*C3A [b] C35 +4.75*C3A Lb1 CO2, % Limestone, % CaCO3 Limestone Purity, % PHYSICAL RESULTS: Blame Fineness (M2 /kg) 325 Mesh (% Passing) Autoclave Expansion (%) Time of Set Initial Vicat (minutes) Air Entrainment (% Volume) Heat of Hydration at 7 Days (kJ/kg) False Set, % Color, (L value) compressive Strengtfl lest: Type I Type II Type V MPA PSI MPA psi MPA psi MPA psi 1 Day 14.0 2037 3 Day 12.0 1740 10.0 1450 8.0 1160 Mm. 23.9 3465 7 Day 19.0 2760 17.0 2470 15.0 2180 Mm. 31.3 4540 28 Day August 2016 ---- ---- ---- ---- 21.0 3050 Mm. 40.9 5937 This cement has been sampled and tested in accordance with ASTM standard methods and procedures. All tests results are certified to comply with the type specification designated above. No other warranty is made or implied. We are not responsible for improper use or workmanship. lal For information only. FbI Adjusted per ASTM C150 A1.6 MITSUBISHI CEMENT CORPORATION ZIA j Tom (epford Quality Control Manager . . .+' MITSUBISHI CEMENT CORPORATION CERTIFICATE OF TEST Source Cushenbury Plant Portland Cement - Type I, II, II (MH) & V Date 10/10/2016 Additional Data Limestone Addition % Addition: 3.5 Si02(%) 7.8 A1203 (%) 2.1 Fe2O3 (%) 0.8 CaO (%) 47.7 S03 (%) 0.9 Base Cement Phase Composition c3S 55 C2S 19 C3A 5 C4AF 12 We certify that the above described data represents the material used in the cement manufactured during the production period indicated. MITSUBISHI CEMENT CORPORATION Cushenbury plant Tom Gepford Quality Control Manager ZYLA® 625 Water-reducing admixture ASTM C494 Type A and D Product Description ZYLA® 625 water-reducing admixture is a proprietary formulation incorporating polycarboxylate and ZYLA highly purified specialty organic chemicals. It promotes more complete hydration of Portland cement and has minimal effect on concrete air entrainment. The ZYLA product line of water reducers is specially formulated to have a synergistic effect with polycarboxylate-based mid-range and high-range water reducers that improve flat-work finishability. This product contains no intentionally added chloride and as such is essentially chloride free. It is manufactured under rigid controls that provide uniform, predictable performance. ZYLA 625 water reducer is supplied as a light brown, low viscosity liquid, and is ready-to-use as received. One gallon weighs approximately 9.1 lbs (1.09 kg/L). This product meets the requirements of Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete, ASTM Designation C494 as a Type A and D admixture. Please consult your Grace representative for guidance on the ZYLA product line. Product Advantages Minimal impact on concrete air content .• Better control of water reduction and selling times as compared to traditional lignin-based water reducers Synergistic performance of polycarboxylate-based mid-range and high, range water reducers which include water reduction concrete strength and air control ,. In the hardened state, improves the compressive and flexural strengths at all ages of concrete versus traditional lignin-based water reducers Uses ZYLA® 625 water reducer is used to produce concrete mixes with lower water content (typically 3% to 10% reduction), greater plasticity and higher compressive strengths. It is suitable for normal weight and light weight concrete in ready-mix, precast and prestressed applications. Fin is ha b ii ity The unique chemistry of ZYLA® 625 product positively impacts the finishability of concrete by providing a creamier and more homogenous texture, with more uniform and increased bleed rate relative to traditional lignin-based water reducers, although less than ZYLA 610. The influence of ZYLA 625 product on the finishability of lean mixes has been particularly noticeable. Floating and troweling, by machine or hand, imparts a smooth, close tolerance surface. Addition Rates The addition rate range of 3 to 5 fl oz/100 lbs (195 to 325 mL/100 kg) of cement or cementitious is typical for most applications. However addition rates of 2 to 10 fl ozl100 lbs (130 to 652 niL/100 kg) of cement or cementitious may be used if local testing shows acceptable performance. Pretesting is required to determine the appropriate addition rate for desired performance. The optimum addition rate depends on the other concrete mixture components, job conditions, and desired performance characteristics. Compatibility with Other Admixtures and Batch Sequencing ZYLA® 625 water reducer is compatible with most Grace admixtures as long as they are added separately to the concrete mix, usually through the water holding tank discharge line. However, it is not recommended for use in concrete containing naphthalene-based and melamine-based admixtures. In general, it is recommended that ZYLA 625 admixture be added to the concrete mix near the end of the batch sequence for optimum performance. Different sequencing may be used if local testing shows better performance. Please see Grace Technical Bulletin TB-0 110, Admixture Dispenser Discharge Line Location and Sequencing for Concrete Batching Operations for further recommendations. ZYLA 625 water reducer should not come in contact with any other admixture before or during the batching process, even if diluted in mix water. Pretesting of the concrete mix should be performed before use, and as conditions and materials change in order to assure compatibility, and to optimize dosage rates, addition times in the batch sequencing and concrete performance. For concrete that requires air entrainment, the use of an ASTM C260 air-entraining agent (such as Daravair® or Darex® product lines) is recommended to provide suitable air void parameters for freeze-thaw resistance. Please consult your Grace representative for guidance. Packaging & Handling ZYLA® 625 water reducing admixture is available in bulk, delivered by metered tank trucks, in 275 gal (1,040 L) totes, and in 55 gal (210 L) drums. It will freeze at about 28°F (-2°C), but will be completely uniform after thawing and thorough agitation. Dispensing Equipment A complete line of accurate, automatic dispensing equipment is available. ZYLA® 6.2.5 product may be introduced to the mix through the water holding tank discharge line. The ZYLA product line is formulated to be free of sediment. Specifications Concrete shall be designed in accordance with Standard Recommended Practice for Selecting Proportions for Concrete, ACI 211. The water-reducing admixture shall be ZYLA® 625, as manufactured by Grace Construction Products, or equal. The admixture shall not contain calcium chloride as a functional ingredient. ZYLA 625 admixture will not promote corrosion of reinforcing: steel embedded in concrete. It shall be used in strict accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. The admixture shall comply with ASTM Designation C494, Type A and D water-reducing admixtures. Certification of compliance shall be made available on. request. The admixture shall be delivered as a ready-to-use liquid produdt and shall require no mixing at the batching plant or job site. wwwgraceconstruction.com North American Customer Service: 1-877-4AD-MIXI (1-877-423-6491) ZYLA, Daracem, Daravair and Darex are trademarks, registered in the United States and/or other countries, of W. R. Grace & Co.-Conn. This trademark list has been compiled using available published information as of the publication date of this brochure and may not accurately reflect current trademark ownership or status. Grace Construction Products is a business segment of W. R. Grace & Co.-Conn. © Copyright 2015W. R. Grace& Co.-Conn. All rights reserved.We hope the information here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users' consideration, investigation and verification, but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is intended for any use which would infringe any patent or. copyright. W. R. Grace & Co.—Conn., 62 Whittemore Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140. In Canada, Grace Canada, Inc., 294 Clements Road, West,.Ajàx,.Ontario, Canada OS 3C6. This product may be covered by patents or patents pending. ZYLA-625 Printed in U.S.A. 03/15 GCS/PDF 0 Corporate I-Ieacquarters Z R ci 6280 Piverdale Street San Diego, CA 92120 LLJ P 619.280.4321 Z T 877.215.4321 Nui H 61 9.280.4717 Z w www.scst.com SDV0SB.DVB.SB Job Name: Robertson's Ready Mix Sample ID.: WCS Job Number 160003L Source Cabazon Date: March 1, 2016 Tested By: D. Bartlett ASTM C136 Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate C33 Specification Metric Stand. % Pass % Pass 95mm 3/8" 100 100 4.75mm #4 98 95-100 2.36mm #8 81 80-100 1.18mm # 16 58 50-85 600um #30 40 25-60 300um #50 21 5-30 150um #100 9 0-10 75um #200 4.5 - Fineness Modulus 2.9 2.3-3.1 ASTM C88 Soundness of Aoareaetes-SodiLlm Siilfte Sieve Size Individual % Retained Individual % Loss % Loss By Weight #8 17 7.5 1.28 #16 23 4.3 0.99 #30 18 3.6 0.65 #50 19 2.7 0.51 Total % Loss by Weight (C33 Spec. 10% Max) 3.43 ASTM TEST RESULT C33 Specification C40 Oganic Impurities 1 3 Maximum D2419 Sand Equivalent 78 - C123 Lightweight Particles 0.0% 1% Maximum C142 ______ Clay Lumps & Friable Particles 0.0% 1% Maximum ASTM C128 Specific Gravity & Absorption of Fine Aggregate Bulk Specific Gravity Oven Dry 2.633 Bulk Specific Gravity SSD 2.664 Percent Absorption 1.2 REVIEWED BY <1ii-j 3/1/16 Darren Hicks Date Laboratory Manager _ .. Ci ( Corporate I-leaclquarters , Z 6280 Piverdale Street San Diego, CA 92120 Iw w P 619.280.4321 .- Z T 877.215.4321 619.280.4717 W www.scst.com LU SDVOSB. DVBE. SB[ Job Name: Robertson's Ready Mix Sample ID.: 3/8' Job Number: 160003L Source: Cabazon Date: March 1, 2016 Tested By: Dale Bartlett ASTM C136 Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate C33 #8 Specification Metric Stand. % Pass % Pass 38.1 mm i 25mm 1" 19mm 3/4' 12.5mm 1/2" 100 90100 mm 3/8" 96 85-100 5mm #4 19 10-30 2.36mm #8 5 0-10 1.18mm #16 2 0-5 600um #30 - 300um #50 - 150um #100 - 75um #200 0.8 1% Max ASTM C88 Soundness of Aaoreaates-Sodium Siilfte Sieve Size I Individual Individual I I % Retained % Loss . % Loss By Weight I I I -3/8", +#4 177 5.9 4.5 Total % Loss by Weight (C33 Spec. 12% Max.) 4.5 ASTM TEST RESULT C33Specification C131 L.A. Abrasion 40.6% 50% Maximum C123 Lightweight Particles 0.0% 0.5% Maximum C142 Clay Lumps & Friable Particles 0.0% 5% Maximum ASTM D4791 Flat & Elongated Particles Total % Flat 0.8 Total % Elongated 0.1 Total %F&E 2.1 ASTM C127 Specific Gravity & Absorption of Coarse Aggregate Bulk Specific Gravity Oven Dry 2.574 Bulk Specific Gravity SSD 2.627 Apparent Specific Gravity 2.717 Percent Absorption 2.04 RE VIE WEDBY 3/1/16 Darren Hicks Date Laboratory Manager Corporate Headquarters Z 6280 Piverdate Street San Diego, CA 92120 P 619.280.A321 H Z T 877.215.4321 c 619.280.4717 Z w www.scst.com w SDVOSB. DVB . SBL Job Name: Robertson's Ready Mix Sample ID.: 1" Job Number: 160003L Source: Cabazon Date: March 1 2016 Tested By: Dale Bartlett ASTM C136 Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate C33 #57 Specification Metric Stand. % Pass % Pass 38.1 mm i' 100 25mm 1" 98 95100 1 9M 3/4" 63 - 12.5mm 1/2" 27 2560 9.5mm 3/8" 3 - 4.75mm #4 2 0-10 2.36mm #8 2 0-5 1.18mm #16 - 600um #30 - 300um #50 - 1 50u #100 - 75um # 200 0.9 1% Max ASTM C88 Soundness of Aaareaates-Sodium Sulfate Sieve Size Individual Individual % Retained % Loss % Loss By Weight -3/4", +3/8" 1 60 7.8 4.7 Total % Loss by Weight (C33 Spec. 12% Max.) 4.7 ASTM TEST RESULT C33 Specification C131 L.A. Abrasion 44.5% 50% Maximum C123 Lightweight Particles 0.0% 0.5% Maximum C142 Clay Lumps & Friable Particles 0.0% 5% Maximum ASTM D4791 Flat & Elongated Particles Total % Flat 0.4 . Total % Elongated 0.0 Total %F&E 1.8 ASTM C127 Specific Gravity & Absorption of Coarse Aggregate Bulk Specific Gravity Oven Dry 2.612 Bulk Specific Gravity SSD 2.652 Apparent Specific Gravity 2.720 Percent Absorption 1.52 REVIEWED BY 3/1/16 Darren Hicks Date Laboratory Manager R%aMTEC REVISED -CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTALS TO: COMPANY: Kasia Trojanowska City of Carlsbad PROJECT: DATE: Lake Calavera 10/17/16 SENDER: REFERENCE NUMBER: Mike Williams 004 RE: Mortar Submittal o URGENT OFOR REVIEW OPLEASE COMMENT DPLEASE REPLY NOTES/COMMENTS: City Of Carlsbad . Please review and approve. SHOP DRAWING REVIEW The approval by the Engineer of any shop or work drawing (or of any Thank drawing you, of the Contractors plant or equipment) shall not in any way be deemed to release the Contractor from full responsibility for complete and accurate performance of the Work in accordance with Mike Williams the Contract Drawings and Specifications. Neither shall such R omtec Project Manger approval release the Contractor form any liability placed upon him an wisim In the Form of Contra& 541496-3541 REJECTED/RESUBMIT ... - I.) AMEND AND RESUBMIT 0 ....MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN 8y kL/L7 /1] Signature: Date: CITY OF CARLSBAD NOV 22 2016 18240 North Bank Rd. Roseburg, OR 97470 LETTER OF CERTIFICATION - SPEC MIX® Type S M; -alsonry Mortar GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Romtec MASONRY CONTRACTOR: Romtec PROJECT: Lake Calavera 3825 Tamarack Ave., Carlsbad, Ca SPEC MIXType $ MasonTy Mortar is manufactured by E Z Mx Inc in accordance with the current version of ASTM C270 Standard Specification for Mortar for Unit Masonry, ASIM C1714 Standard Specification for Preblendad Dry Mortar Mx for Unit Masonry, 2012 IBC Section 21039, land 2013 CSC Section(s) 21039 and 2103A 9 SPEC MX Te S Masonry Mortar is blended with Te uN Cement conng with current ASTM C150 Hydrated Type 'S. Lime coltIy1ng with current ASIM 0207, and Washed PlasterSand oon,plylng with current ASTM C144 proportioned as foI PoiandC.msnt-ASTMC150 1 pal Hydrated Lime -ASTM C207 % b Kpaft WI Plaster Said - ASTM C144 2 'I. to 3 pails y cMne of cenenthots metens) SPEC MIX"Additional C*dftalii 1: State o(Cfo - i4tza.,oSt.I 2 CityofLosAn A SPEC MX owçt cw, ison of the State sc?ic'OSlPD (DSMR A-5 Corrpant) Research Report #M-24%0 ___'1 rIinie colored oxides under project specdicatronsre a certified to contain only Concrete Colors. Prebiended colored mortars are 11314 t%rda Scavdey CA91352 FXBi16B3124 pj1.I 1MOIJSThY LEiCHG EoZ MIX INC. October 19, 2016 L ei w Fhis tetterjs stjectjo and incorporates bys,rçferencethe terms and Conditions of Sale applicle to all E-Z Mx produts, rndudIrigthekimuted Wana below'jNo s*pors nor other E Z Mx persormel has the authority to vary Sale Ir r cr _J Yours billy t3c03O mo'l wif eg rii L CAL?ORTLAND DavidA Adanis Technical Sernoes Manager , &Z Mix Inc.':-" C3TC 4t)3 1)3 1C3 . fl $OT 3X CV Riverside c:t E-ZMIX, INC ("E 2 MIX") • UMITEDWARRANTY -:;. 'y; £ Z MX iarraits to each Pwchaser t Is Products that the Proicts conform to the phical and mecharacal properties prod.d the Letter of Certification or Specilicaton Sheet issued by -ZMLX for or applicable to the Products at the lime of sale E.Z MX does not prode engineering or other professional adsory senaces regarding the use or installabon of the Products It is the responsibilFty, • otibeptchaser to ob frcesfrom lcersedprofes:siónats • • • THIS WARRANTY IS THE ONLY WARRANTY APPLICABLE: TO THE PRODUCTS AND IS MADE IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY '1, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ALL OF WHICH ME HEREBY DISCLAIMED i I ___ The sole remedy of Purchaser , and the sole obgauion of S Z MX,,for breach of the forego.ng warranty shall be to replace noncOnfonNngProduclsix attheopuonofEZMlX torelundttiepvrthasepnce tnnoemnlshallE Z MIX babiefo any otherov future damages v4ie4t,er special incidental or consequential inc&idin dhaut Iirntaon delay personal injury property dan'iage work stoppage loss of profits, Foss of use of equipment loss of or damage to vrk ('.Work') into which. the Product is incorporated or Labor or other axpanes associated with remong the Product from or replacing the Product in the Work Er%-#Z MIX INC. 11450 Tuxford Street Sun Valley, California 91352 818.768.0568 5 Manufacturer of PRE-MIX PRODUCTS October 19, 2016 LETTER OF CERTIFICATION GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Romtec MASONRY CONTRACTOR: Romtec PROJECT: Lake Calavera 3825 Tamarack Ave., Carlsbad, Ca This letter shall serve to certify that the SPEC-MIX Masonry Mortar, Type S and/or M, designated as color # 203 Mauve furnished to the above project are manufactured in accordance with and meet the requirements of the current specifications outlined in ASTM C-270, "Mortar for Unit Masonry." SPEC-MIX Masonry Mortars are proportioned in accordance with and meet the requirements of ASTM C-270 as well as current applicable IBC and CBC Standards. Mortars which are preblended with colored oxides under project specifications are certified to contain oxides manufactured by Davis True Tone Colors which comply with ASTM C- 979 S "Standards for Integral Concrete Colors." Preblended colored mortars are certified to be proportioned with a color content that does not exceed 10% of the cement /lime content of the mixture in accordance with ASTM recommendations. Yours truly, Willlia!mj. F zel Prcsidcn do October 27, 2015 Exam No CHI5-252 Project No;. 402030Q8 Page 1 of 2 Jesse Jara, E-Z MIX INC. 3355 South Industrial Drive Rialto, CA:92316 Subject E-Z Mix Spec Mix Type S Mortar Evaluation Final Report Dear Mr Jesse Jara A ch At your request Twining,.Inc has performed testing on E-Z Mix s pre-blended/pre-packaged T W I NJ I N G product indentified as Spec Mix Type S Mortar to evaluate the product plastic aracteristics (air content and water retention) and compressive strength for comparison to those of Type S cement-lime mortar of Table 2 ASTM C270 Standard Specification for Mortar for Unit Masonry. 362,4163,35., The following pages detail the testing methods results and findings as applicable The product was received on September 4 2015 and testing was started on the same day Product Identification ftII The SPEC MIX TYPE S MORTAR product is a pre-blended mortar mix consisting of Portland cement hydrated lime sand and water repellent admixture reportedly conforming to ASTM C150, C207 and C144 respectively, and proportioned per the manufacturer to meet ASTM C270 material component requirements. Test Methods jK46ahced in ASTM C270) 1 ASTM C109 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in or [50-mm] Cube Specimens) 2 ASTM Cl 506 Standard Test Method for Water Retention of Hydraulic Cement- Based Mortars and Plasters 3 ASTM Cl 65 Standard Test Method for Air Content of Hydraulic Cement Mortar 4 ASTM C1403 Standard Test Method for Rate of Water Absorption of Masonry Mortars Reference Specifications 1 ASTM C270712 Standard Specification for Mortar for Unit Masonry Table .2 - Property Specification Requirements 2 ASTM C1714-10 Standard Specification for Preblended Dry Mortar Mix for Unit Masonry 3 ASTM C1384-12a Standard Specification for Admixtures for Masonry Mortars 4 Method for Testing Soils and Waters for Chloride content for Spec Mix Mortar Type S in accordance with CALTRANS 422 5 Method for Testing Soils and Waters for Sulfate content for Spec Mix Mortar Type S in accordance with CALTRANS 417 6 2012 International Building Code (IBC) Section 2103.8 7 2013 California Building Code (CBC) Sections 2103 8 and 2103A.8 S ( ,t,ri$ --_ Ke;h. \ )l- October 27, 2015 Exam No.: CHI5-252 Project No.: 40203008 Page 2 of 3 KI Mortar MiXiflu Procedure: For testing purpose and since the mixing instructions of ASTM C305, Standard Practice for Mechanical Mixing of Hydraulic Cement Pastes and Mortars of Plastic Consistency, as specified in C270 is not applicable to this pre-blended product the product was mixed in accordance with ASTM C387, Standard Specification for Packaged, Dry, Combined Materials for Mortar and Concrete, Section 14 (Mixing and Testing Mortar) and ASTM C1714 Sec tion9.1.2. The amount of water required to obtain mortar flow of 110±5% as specified by ASTM C270 was determined to be 17% by weight of the dry components. Test Results: The following Table 1 summarizes the plastic and strength properties of the SPEC MIX TYPE "5" MORTAR product. Table I - Test Results T ASTM C-270 Cement-Lime Type S Property Test Results Mortar Requirements Compressive Strength 7 Days, psi (MPa)* 4,320 (298) Not Specified 28 Days, psi (MPa)* 6,530 (45.0) 1.800 (12.4) minimum Water Retention, % 82 75 - minimum Air Content, % 3.3 12— maximum Soluble Chlorides 10 ppm N/A Soluble Sulfates 839 ppm N/A Cube samples were cast on September 4, 201 b. I tie result snown is average ot J cute samples. Statement of Limitations: Any findings presented in this report were prepared based on our understanding of the scope of work requested; general accepted and applied engineering principles and practices. No other warranty, either expressed or implied, is made. This report was prepared for the above named client to be used at its entirety for investigative and/or design purpose. The use of this report other than noted and portions there of shall be at the user's own discretion based on their own interpretation of the results contained within. S. October 27, 2015 Exam No CHI5-252 Project No 40203008 Page 3 of 3 We are pleased to be of service to you on this project Please contact us should you have any questions at 562-4263355 or the undersigned below via email Sgädkar©twininginccom. Respectfully. submitted TWINING, INC. Prepared by, Reviewed by, S ShUbhadaGadkar, PhD Linas Vitkus, PE Matériàls ReSearOhEñgineer Sr. VP of Operations EZ MIX INC. Telephone: (818) 767-8576 11450 Mixford St. \j%\ 352 Emergency (818) 767-8576 (818) 768-0568 Preparer Fernando Benitez SDS#M001 Prepared.,' 05/2015 SAFETY DATA SHEET Revioh: Read the entire Safety Data Sheets for thorough evaluation ISECTION I Identification Material name Type (s) S - M - N -,Mortar Wall Mud Exterior Plaster Dry Pack Smooth Coat ISECTION 2 Hazard Identification Signal Word: Danger Hazard Harmful if swallowed. Causes skin irritation. Can cause serious eye damage. May cause Statements: allergic skin reaction. May cause respiratory irratation. Can cause damage to lungs through prolonged or repeated exposure. Precautionary Wash hands throughly after handling.. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this Statements: product. Do not handle until safety precautions have been read and understood. Wear protective gloves, protective clothing, eye protection. Use in well ventiladet area. Do not breathe dust. If exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/attention. ISECTION 3 Ingredients Ingredient: CAS # % TLV-TWA Quartz 65997-15-1 10 mg/m3 Lime 39445-23-3 10 mg/m3 Crystalline Silica 14808-60-7 30 mg/m3 Sodium Gluconate 527-07-01 . N/A ISECTION 4 First-Aid Measures Eye Contact: Rinse eyes thoroughly with water for at least 15 minutes, including under lids, to remove all particles. Seek medical attention for abrasion and burns. Skin Contact: Wash with cool water and a pH neutral soap or mild skin detergent. Seek medical medical attention for rash, irritation, dermatitis. Inhalation Move person to fresh air. Seek medical attention for discomfort or if coughing or other symptoms do not subside. Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. If conscious, have person drink plenty of water. Seek medical attention or contact poison control immediately. ISECT1ON 5 Fire-Fighting Measures Flashpoiflt & Method: Non-combustible General Hazard: Avoid breathing dust. Wet cement is caustic. Extinguishing Media: Use extinguishing media appropriate for surrounding fire. I General: Place spilled mãtèriál'intoa.container Avoid actions that asethé dust to become airborne. Avoid inhalation of concrete dust Wear appropriate protective equipment. Waste Disposal Method: Dispose of products according to Federal, State and Local regulations. ISECTION 7 Handling and Storage Avo,acontactwltfl skin al eyes. AvoiO generating anaDreatfling dust. Lo not swallow. Good housekeeping is important to prevent accumulation of dust The use of compressed air for ôléáning clothing, equipment, ètc, is not recommended. Use only in well-ventilated areas. Storage Temperature: Unlimited Storage Pressure: Unlimited Clothing: Promptly remove clothing that is dusty. Throughly wash skin after exposure to dust. Engineering Controls: Use local exhaust or general dilution ventilation or othérsüppresiOn methods to maintain dust levels low. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Respiratory Under ordinary conditions no respiratory protection is required Wear a NIOSH approved Protection: respirator that is properly fitted and is in good conditiOn when exposed to dust. Eye Protection: Wear ANSI approved glasses or safety goggéls when handling concrete products and when involved with activities that generate dust, to prevent.contact with eyes. Wearing Skin Protection: Wear gloves when handling concrete products. Remove clothing and protective equip- mentthat becomes dusty and launderbefore reusing. Foot Protection: Wear ANSI approved hard-toed safety boots when handling concrete products. S Appearflace: Powder Odor: NOne. Vapor PreSsure: N.A. Vapor Density:. NA. SnAcific ravitv 2 0 PH (in water): NA Boiling Point: None, solid. Freezing Point: None, solid. ViScosity: None, solid. nI,,hiIih, in Water: <10/n ISECTIONlO Stability and Reactivity Stability: Considered to be stable. ..... ................ Hazardous Decomposition Products Decompostion products are unknown and not suspected Hazardous Polymerization: Hazardous polymerization not know to occur. Reactivity Material is considered inert Avoid contact with strong acids reducing iagents, and oxidizres Conditions to avoid: None ISECTION:13 Disposal Information Dispose of waste and containers incompliance with applicable Federal, State, and Local regulations. ISECTlON:14 •TranspOt Infromation This product is not classified as a Hazardous Material under U.S. DOT. ISECTION :15 Regulatory Information OSHNMSHA HAZARD This product is considered by OSHNMSHA to be a hazardous chemical and COMMUNICATION: should be included in the employer's hazard communication program. CERLA/SUPERFUND: This product is not listed as CERCLA hazardous substance. EPCRA This product has been reviewed according to the EPA Hazard Categories SARA Title Ill: promulgated under section 311 and 312 of the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and is considered a hazardous chemical and a delayed health hazard. EPCRCA This product contains none of the substances subject to the reporting requierments of SARA SECTION 313: Sectin 313 of Title Ill of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372. California Crystalline silica (airborne particulates of respirable size) is a substance know by the Proposition 65: State of California to cause cancer. ISECTION :16 Other Information This SDS was prepared on May 1, 2015. The information herein is given in good faith, no warranty is expressed or implied. 10 lie R(OR MTEC REVISED - CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTALS TO: COMPANY: Kasia Trojanowska City of Carlsbad PROJECT: DATE: Lake Calavera 11/22/16 SENDER: REFERENCE NUMBER: Mike Williams 002 RE: Concrete and Grout Submittal 0 URGENT DFOR REVIEW DPLEASE COMMENT DPLEASE REPLY NOTES/COMMENTS: 41 City Of Catisbad SHOP DRAWING REVIEW The approvatby the Engineer of any shop orwor* drawing (øt of any drawing of the Contractors plant or equipment) shall not in any way be deemed to release the Contractor from fun responsibility for complete and accurate performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Drawings and Specifications. Neither shall such approval release the Contractor form any liability placed upon him by anyprovialon lathe Form of Contract. o on. REJECTED/RESUBMIT O ....AMEND AND RESUBMIT O MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN Please review and approve. Thank you, Mike Williams Romtec Project Manger 541 496-3541 sow Signature: __________________ Date: 18240 North Bank Rd. Roseburg, OR 97470 ROBERTSON'S ROCK * SAND * BASE MATERIALS READY MIX CONCRETE QUALITY CONTROL - TECHNICAL SERVICES FACSIMILE MESSAGE Telephone: (951) 685-2200 ext 6360 FAX #: (951) 493-6446 To: Gem Construction From: ROBERTSON'S READY MIX Attn: From: Denise Moreno vs wiä ri miu o rq la Fax: (951) 2801430 t, fJ Aij'! orb , sorisprobeq e, s b 1mo '- ayi--wrila WA Eil' à$dThl âer3cIãtt E- ail QC&RRMCA COM # TU O Ø D Date 11Z18/2 OW'39 GAA CV19MA 60".1 Of Pages -TAW V Wirt Ti.jbj .FfrUW4 _i 11 (I . IGLUDING COVER PAGE) MaW vM1,131=3 014 1,10 Park - Carlsbad Message: Please check with the sales department for any possible price changes. ROBERTSON'S ROCK * SAND * BASE MATERIALS READY MIX CONCRETE EXP. 12/31/16 Date: 11/18/2016 '(jcJi IConcrete Mix Design #: SD650P41 I Project: 18662 Lake Calavera Park - Carlsbad Contractor: GEM Construction Description: 650-E-3250P Strength (t'c): 3250 psi WIC ratio: 0.59 Slump: 4 "(+1- 1") Sack Content: 6.91 sk. Max. Size of Agg.: 3/8 " Gal/sk.: 6.65 Pump Type: 2" line pump Un. Wt.: 140.0 ALL CONCRETE IS MIXED AND DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ATM (..QA I Aggregate Weights are SSD; Moisture in Aggregates Must be Considered When Determining Total Mix Water MIX DESIGN PROPORTION Contents: Batch Wt. %used Sp. Gr. Volume 100 3.15 3.31 Cement (ASTM C-150)650 Fly Ash-Class F (ASTM C-618) 0 0 2.33 0.00 Sand 1916 70 2.62 11.72 1-1/2"x3/4" 0 0 2.67 0.00 1"X #4 0 0 2.65 0.00 3/8" x #8 831 30 2.65 5.02 Water 46.0 gal. 383.2 6.14 Entrapped Air 3 % 0.81 Wt.= 3780 Vol. = 27.00 ADMIXTURES: None Remark: The project enqineer should review this mix to ensure comnliance to the nroiAct snptifirtinnq Size % AGGREGATE GRADATIONS 2" 1 1/2" 1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" No 4 No 8 No 16 No 30 No 50 No 100 'Vo200 1 1/2" 0 100 95 33 7 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1" 0 100 100 95 70 38 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 3/8" 30 100 100 100 100 100 96 18 2 1 1 0 0 0 WCS 70 100 100 100 100 100 100 98 80 60 39 18 6 2 Combined 100 1100 100 100 1 100 1 100 99 1 74 1 57 1 42 1 28 1 13 4 1 CA 92878 Sand Source: Robertson's Cabazon Rock Source: Robertson's Cabazon Cement: Portland Cement Type I/N Fly Ash: Class F (951) 685-2200 ext 6381 P.O. Box I Aggregates meet ASTM C-33 I Fax ( 429 WA S. Compressive Strength Results Mix # SD650P41 Project 18662 Lake Calavera Park - Carlsbad Date: 11/18/2016 Subject Mix Design Submittal MSA, in.: 3/8 Source of Aggregate: Robertson's Cabazon EqSack: 6.91 Cement: Mitsubishi Mineral Admixture: None Chemical Admixture: None Updated 06/01/2016 Set # Cast Date I 28 day 28 day I I 28 Day Range Cumulative I Cumulative Standard Cumulative Coefficient I Moving Three I test I Test 2 Average 1 Average (3) Deviation Variance 1 05/15/2003 5450 4440 4945 1010 4945 2 03/23/2005 4560 4600 4580 40 4763 258.1 5.4 3 03/23/2005 4600 4510 4555 90 4693 218.3 4.7 4693 4 03/01/2006 3310 3330 3320 20 4350 709.4 16.3 4152 5 09/13/2006 4670 4440 4555 230 4391 621.2 14.1 4143 6 03/08/2011 480 4670 4775 210 4455 577.3 13.0 4217 7 03/11/2011 4190 4420 4305 230 4434 530.0 12.0 4545 8 05/06/2011 4460 4390 4425 70 4433 490.7 11.1 4502 9 07/01/2011 5200 4950 5075 250 4504 506.5 11.2 4602 10 11/21/2012 5430 5200 5315 230 4585 542.1 11.8 4938 11 11/23/2012 4.220 4130 4175. 90 4548 528.9 11.6 4855 12 11/26/2012 3810 4000 3905 190 4494 537.4 12.0 4465 13 12/04/2012 4900 4.960 4930 60 4528 528.5 11.7 4337 14 12/05/2012 4380 4490 4435 110 4521 508.4 11.2 4423 15 06/19/2014 4780 4650 4715 130 4534 492.4 10.9 4693 16 05/13/2015 4800 4890 4845 90 4553 482.0 10.6 4665 17 01/20/2016 5000 5200 5100 200 4586 485.2 10.6 4887 18 05/09/2016 4440 4280 4360 160 4573 473.7 10.4 4768 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Spec'd f'c = 3250 psi @ 28 days Reg'd t'cr = 4030 psi, the larger of [1] or[2] Below Number of tests 18 Modification Factor (K) 1.16 Maximum 5315 Minimum 3320 I Average 4573 Standard Deviation (s) 473.7 Coefficient of variation 10.4 f'cr=f'c+1.34ks= 3250 +(1.34* 1.16 * 473.7 ) 3986 f'cr= t'c +2.33ks -500 = 3250 + (2.33 * 1.16 * 4737 ) -500 4030 ROBERTSON'S ROCK * SAND * BASE MATERIALS READY MIX CONCRETE EXP. 2/31/I6 Date: 1011012016 Concrete Mix Design #: RS250G42 Project: 18662 Lake Calavera Park - Carlsbad Contractor: GEM Construction Description: 2500 psi Grout Mix Strength (l'c): 2500 psi WIC ratio: Slump: 8 "(+/- 1 ') Sack Content: Max. Size of Agg.: 3/8 " Gal/sk.: Pump Type: 2" line pump Un. Wt.: Al I (flN(RPTF IR MlYPfl AMfl flPl ltIPPfl MI drrnPnA iurF WITU AQTM ('.OA 0.66 6.50 sk. 7.46 138.4 I Aggregate Weights are SSD; Moisture in Aggregates Must be Considered When Determining Total Mix Water MIX DESIGN PROPORTION Contents: Batch Wt. %used Sp. Gr. Volume 611 100 3.15 3.11 Cement (ASTMC-150) Fly Ash-Class F (ASTM C-618) 0 0 2.33 0.00 Sand 1900 70 2.62 11.62 1-1/2"x3/4" 0 0 267 000 1"x#4 0 0 2.65 0.00 3/8"x#8 823 30 2.65 4.98 Water 48.5 gal. 404.0 6.47 Entrapped Air 3 % 0.81 Wt.= 3738 Vol. = 27.00 ADMIXTURES: ZYLA-625 (ASTM C-494) 3.0 oz/cwt 18.3 oz. IsemarK: I ne project engineer snouia review tnis mix to ensure compliance to the project spectications PLEASE FORWARD STRENGTH DATA TO ROBERTSON'S TECHNICAL SERVICES FflR STATISTICAl ANAl VSIS Size - % AGGREGATE GRADATIONS 1 2" 1112- 1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" No 4 No 8 No 16 No 30 No 50 No 100 No 200 1 1/2" 0 100 95 33 7 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1" 0 100 100 95 70 38 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/8" 30 100 100 100 100 100 96 18 2 1 1 0 0 0 WCS 70 100 100 100 100 100 100 98 80 60 39 18 6 2 Combined 100 1 100 F 100 1 100 1 100 1 100 1 99 1 74 1 57 1 42 1 28 13 1 4 1 1 Sand Source: Robertson's Cabazon Rock Source: Robertson's Cabazon Cement: Portland Cement Type I/N Fly Ash: Class F (951) 685-2200 ext 6381 P.O. Box 3600 Corona, CA 928 I Aggregates meet ASTM C-33 I 1429 Compressive Strength Results Mix # RS250G42 Project 18662 Lake Calavera Park - Carlsbad Date-'10/10/2016 Subject Mix Design Submittal MSA, in.: 3/8 Source of Aggregate: Robertson's Cabazon EqSack: 6.5 Cement: Mitsubishi Mineral Admixture: None Chemical Admixture: ZYLA-625 Set # I Cast Date 28 day I 28 dayl 28 Day Range Cumulative Cumulative Standard I Cumulative Coefficient Moving Three I I es tt I Test 2 Average I Average (3) Deviation Variance I 1 5/11/2015 5050 5110 5080 60 5080 2 5/20/2015 5070 5170 5120 100 5100 28.3 0.6 3 5/28/2015 5340 5640 5490 .300 5230 226.1 4.3 5230 4 6/10/2015 6540 6540 6540 0 5558 680.5 12.2 5717 5 6/11/2015 4660 4640 4650 20 5376 715.6 13.3 5560 6 6/12/2015 6710 7820 7265 1110 5691 1002.2 17.6 6152- 7 6/15/2015 5270 5160 5215 110 5623 932.4 16.6 5710 8 6/16/2015 6070 6120 6095 50 5682 879.2 15.5 6,192 9 7/14/2015 5450 5530 5490 80. 5661 824.9 14.6 5600 10 7/20/2015 2980 3090 3035 110 5398 1137.6 21.1 4873 11 7/30/2015 4020 4020 4020 0 5273 1156.5 21.9 4182 12 8/3/2015 4840 4800 4820 40 5235 1110.4 21.2 3958 13 8/4/2015 5460 5560 5510 100 5256 1065.8 20.3 4783 14 8/13/2015 3980 3380 3680 600 5144 1107.3 21.5 4670: 15 10/7/2015 5080 5170 5125 90 5142 1067.0 20.7 4772 16 10/13/2015 4320 4730 4525 410 5104 1042 20.4 4443 17 10/16/2015 3700 3710 3705 10 5021 1064.7 21.2 4452 18 10/21/2015 3940 3960 3950 20 4962 1063.3 21.4 4060 19 11/5/2015 4000 4320 4160 320 4920 1049.6 21.3 3938 20 11/5/2015 4980 5000 4990 20 4923 1021.8 20.8 4367 21 11/6/2015 3710 3720 3715 10 4866 1030.2 21.2 4288 22 11/9/2015 5090 5150 5120 60 4877 1006.8 20.6 4608 23 11/10/2015 5470 5480 5475 10 4903 991.5 20.2 4770 24 11/13/2015 5050 5100 5075 50 4910 970.4 19.8 5223 25 11/16/2015 '4800 4820 4810 20 4906 950.2 19.4 5120 26 11/19/2015 4890 4950 4920 60 4907 931.0 19.0 4935 27 .12/1/2015 5340 5500 5420 160 4926 918.2 18.6 5050 28 29 30 Spec'd f'c = 2500 psi © 28 days . Number of tests 27 Regd f'cr = 4204 psi, the larger of [1] or[2] Below Modification Factor (K) 1.03 Maximum 7265 Minimum 3035 Average 4926 Standard Deviation (s) 918.2 Coefficient of variation 18.6 f'cr=f'c +1.34ks= 2500 +(1.34* 1.03 * 918.2 ) 3767 i"cr = Pc +2.33 ks - 500 = 2500 + (2.33 * 1.03 * 918.2 ) - 500 4204 Ak MITSUBISHI CEMENT CORPORATION CERTIFICATE OF TEST Portland Cement - Type I, II, II (MH) & V Date: 10/10/2016 Source: Cushenbury Plant, 5808 State Highway 18, Lucerne Valley, CA 92356 ASTM designation: C 150 - 16 for Type I, II, II (MH) & V low alkali Cement Production Period CALTRANS Specification: Section 90 - 2.01 for Type II modified and V (2006) From: 9/1/2016 Specification: Section 90 - 1.02B(2) (2010) NDOT Specification: Section 701 - 3.01 for Type II and V To: 9/30/2016 AZDOT Specifications Subsection 1006-2.01 for Type II and V Chemical Composition: Silicon Dioxide (SiO2), % Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3), % Ferric Oxide (Fe2O3), % Calcium Oxide (CaO), % Magnesium Oxide (MgO), % Sulfur Trioxide (S03), % Loss on Ignition (LOI), % Insoluble Residue Total Alkali (%Na20 + 0.658 * %K20) Tricalcium Silicate (C3S), [b] % Tricalcium Aluminate (C3A), [b] % GAF + 2*C3A [b] C3S + 4.75*C3A [b] CO2, % Limestone, % CaCO3 Limestone Purity, % PHYSICAL RESULTS: Blame Fineness (m2/kg) 325 Mesh (% Passing) Autoclave Expansion (%) Time of Set Initial Vicat (minutes) Air Entrainment (% Volume) Heat of Hydration at 7 Days (kJ/kg) False Set, % Color, (L value) Compressive Strength Test: 1 Day 3 Day 7 Day 28 Day August 2016 ASTM C-iSO Limits Test Type I Type II Type V Results 20.0 ---- Mm. 21.1 6.0 ---- Max 4.2 6.0 ---- Max. 3.7 63.2 6.0 6.0 6.0 Max. 2.3 3.0 3.0 2.3 Max. 2.2 3.5 3.5 3.5 Max. 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 Max. 0.54 0.60 060 0.60 Max. 0.53 54 8 5 Max. 5 25 Max. 20 100 ---- Max. 75 1.3 5.0 5.0 5.0 Max. 3.5 70 70 70 Mm. 85 260/--- 260/430 260/--- Min Max 385 98.4 0.80 0.80 0.80 Max. 0.02 45/375 45/375 45/375 Mm/Max 124 12 12 12 Max. 6.8 [a] 330 50 50 50 Mm. 91 56 Type I Type II Type V MPA PSI MPA psi MPA psi MPA psi 14.0 2037 12.0 1740 10.0 1450 8.0 1160 Mm. 23.9 3465 19.0 2760 17.0 2470 15.0 2180 Mm. 31.3 4540 21.0 3050 Mm. 40.9 5937 This cement has been sampled and tested in accordance with ASTM standard methods and procedures. All tests results are certified to comply with the type specification designated above. No other warranty is made or implied. We are not responsible for improper use or workmanship. ml For information only. [b] Adjusted per ASTM C150 A1.6 MITSUBISHI CEMENT CORPORATION c5i4i Tom Gepford Quality Control Manager .tl MITSUBISHI CEMENT CORPORATION CERTIFICATE OF TEST Source: Cushenbury Plant Portland Cement - Type I, II, II (MH) & V Date: 10/10/2016 ASTM designation: C 150 - 16 for Type I, II, II (MH) & V low alkali Cement Production Period CALTRANS Specification: Section 90-2.01 for Type II modified and V From: 9/1/2016 Specification: Section 90 - 1.02B(2) (2010) NDOT Specification: Section 701 —3.01 for Type II and V To: 9/30/2016 AZDOTSpecifications Subsection 1006-2.01 for Type II and V - Additional Data Limestone Addition % Addition: 3.5 SiO2 (%) 7.8 A1203 (%) 2.1 Fe2O3 (%) 0.8 CaO (%) 47.7 S03 (%) 0.9 Base Cement Phase Composition C3S 55 C2S 19 C3A 5 C4AF 12 We certify that the above described data represents the material used in the cement manufactured during the production period indicated. MITSUBISHI CEMENT CORPORATION Cushenbury plant Tom Gepford Quality Control Manager Corporate Headquarters 6280 Riverdale Street San Diego, CA 92120 P 619.280.4321 T 877.215.4321 r 619.280.4717 W www.scst.com SDVOSB. DVB . SB Job Name: Robertson's Ready Mix Sample ID.: WCS Job Number: 160003L Source: Cabazon Date: March 1, 2016 Tested By: D. Bartlett ASTM C136 Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate C33 Specification Metric Stand. % Pass % Pass 95mm 3/8" 100 100 475mm #4 98 95-100 2.36mm #8 81 80-100 1.18mm #16 58 50-85 600um #30 40 25-60 300um # 50 21 5-30 150um #100 9 0-10 75um #200 4.5 Fineness Modulus 2.9 2.3-3.1 ASTM C88 Soundness of Aaareotes-Sodiiim Siilftc Sieve Size Individual - % Retained Individual % Loss % Loss By Weight #8 17 7.5 1.28 #16 23 4.3 0.99 #30 18 3.6 0.65 #50 19 2.7 0.51 Total % Loss by Weight (C33 Spec. 10% Max)j 3.43 ASTM TEST RESULT C33 Specification C40 Oganic Impurities 1 3 Maximum D2419 Sand Equivalent 78 - C123 Lightweight Particles 0.0% 1% Maximum C142 Clay Lumps & Friable Particles 0.0% 1% Maximum ASTM C128 Specific Gravity & Absorption of Fine Aggregate Bulk Specific Gravity Oven Dry 2.633 Bulk Specific Gravity SSD 2.664 Percent Absorption 1.2 REVIEWED BY 3/1/16 Darren Hicks Date Laboratory Manager 1 Corporate Headquarters Z . 6280 Piverdale Street Sari Diego, CA 92120 LU - P 619.280.4321 .4717 I :S iw LLJ T 877.215.4321 r 619.280 Z w www.scst.com SDVOSB. DVB . SB[ Job Name: Robertsons Ready Mix Sample ID.: 3/8 Job Number: 160003L Source: Cabazon Date: March 1, 2016 Tested By: Dale Bartlett ASTM C136 Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate ., C33 #8 Specification Metric Stand. % Pass % Pass 38.1 mm 11/2 25mm 1" 19mm 314 12.5mm 1/2" 100 90100 9.5mm 3/8" 96 85-100 #4 19 10-30 2.36mm #8 5 0-10 1.18mm #16 2 0-5 6006m # 30 - 300um # 50 - 150um #100 - 75um #200 0.8 1% Max ASTM C88 Soundness of Aaareaates-Sodium Sulfate Sieve Size Individual Individual % Retained % Loss % Loss By Weight -3/8, i-#4 77 5.9 . 4.5 Total % Loss by Weight (C33 Spec. 12% Max.) . 4.5 ASTM TEST RESULT C33 Specification C131 L.A. Abrasion 40.6% 50% Maximum C123 Lightweight Particles 0.00/. 0.5% Maximum C142 Clay Lumps & Friable . Particles 0.0% 5%,Maximum ASTM D4791 Flat & Elongated Particles Total ,% Flat 0.8 Total % Elongated 0.1- Total % F&E 2.1 ASTM C127 Specific Gravity & Absorption of Coarse Aggregate Bulk Specific Gravity Oven Dry 2.574 Bulk Specific Gravity SSD 2.627 Apparent Specific Gravity 2.717 Percent Absorption 2.04 RE VIE WED BY 3/1/16 Darren Hicks Date Laboratory Manager Corporate I-leadquarlers Z 6280 Piverdale Street San Diego, CA 92120 LU LU P 619.280.4321 Z T 877.215.4321 c 619.280.4717 Z w www.scst.com w SDV0SB.DVB.SB[ Job Name: Robertson's Ready Mix Sample ID.: 1' Job Number: 160003L Source: Cabazon Date: March 1, 2016 Tested By: Dale Bartlett ASTM C136 Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate C33 #57 Specification Metric Stand. % Pass % Pass 38.1mm 1112' 100 25mm 1" 98 95-100 19mm 3/4" 63 - 12.5mm 1/2" 27 25-60 95mm 3/8" 3 - 475mm #4 2 0-10 2.36 mm #8 2 0-5 1.18mm #16 - 600um #30 - 300um # 50 - 150um #100 - 5um #200 0.9 1% Max ASTM CRR Sciindnss rf Annrnt-Srw1iiim SIIlf2t Sieve Size I Individual Individual I % Retained % Loss % Loss By Weight -3/4", +3/8" 60 7.8 4.7 I Total % Loss by Weight (C33 Spec. 12% Max.) 4.7 I ASTM TEST RESULT C33 Specification C131 L.A. Abrasion 44.5% 50% Maximum C123 Lightweight Particles 0.0% 0.5% Maximum C142 Clay Lumps & Friable Particles 0.0% 5% Maximum ASTM D4791 Flat & Elongated Particles Total % Flat 0.4 Total % Elongated 0.0 Total %F&E 1.8 ASTM C127 Specific Gravity & Absorption of Coarse Aggregate Bulk Specific Gravity Oven Dry 2.612 Bulk Specific Gravity SSD 2.652 Apparent Specific Gravity 2.720 Percent Absorption 1.52 REVIEWED BY 3/1/16 Darren Hicks Date Laboratory Manager I ZYLA® 625 Water-reducing admixture ASTM 0494 Type Aand D Product Description ZYLA® 625 water-reducing admixture is a proprietary formulation incorporating polycarboxylate and ZYLA highly purified specialty organic chemicals. It promotes more complete hydration of Portland cement and has minimal effect on concrete air entrainment. The ZYLA product line of water reducers is specially formulated to have a synergistic effect with polycarboxylate-based mid-range and high-range water reducers that improve flat-work finishability. This product contains no intentionally added chloride and as such is essentially chloride free. It is manufactured under rigid controls that provide uniform, predictable performance. ZYLA 625 water reducer is supplied as a light brown, low viscosity liquid, and is ready-to-use as received. One gallon weighs approximately 9.1 lbs (1.09 kglL). This product meets the requirements of Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete, ASTM Designation C494 as a Type A and D admixture. Please consult your Grace representative for guidance on the ZYLA product line. Product Advantages Minimal impact on concrete air content Better control of water reduction and setting times as compared to traditional lignin-based water reducers Synergistic performance of polycarboxylate-based mid-range and high-range water reducers, which include water reduction, concrete strength and air control In the hardened state, improves the compressive and flexural strengths at all ages of concrete Versus traditional lignin-based water reducers Uses ZYLA® 625 water reducer is used to produce concrete mixes with lower water content (typically 3% to 10% reduction), greater plasticity and higher compressive strengths. It is suitable for normal weight and light weight concrete in ready-mix, precast and prestressed applications. Fin is ha b ii ity The unique chemistry of ZYLA® 625 product positively impacts the finishability of concrete by providing a creamier and more homogenous texture, with more uniform and increased bleed rate relative to traditional lignin-based water reducers, although less than ZYLA 610. The influence of ZYLA 625 product on the finishability of lean mixes has been particularly noticeable. Floating and troweling, by machine or hand, imparts a smooth, close tolerance surface. Addition Rates The addition rate range of 3 to S fl oz/100 lbs (195 to 325 mL/100 kg) of cement or cementitious is typical for most applications. However addition rates of 2 to 10 fl oz/100 lbs (130 to 652 mL/100 kg) of cement or cementitious may be used if local testing shows acceptable performance. Pretesting is required to determine the appropriate addition rate for desired performance. The optimum addition rate depends on the other concrete mixture components, job conditions, and desired performance characteristics. Compatibility with Other Admixtures and Batch Sequencing ZYLA® 625 water reducer is compatible with most Grace admixtures as long as they are added separately to the concrete mix, usually through the water holding tank discharge line. However, it is not recommended for use in concrete containing naphthalene-based and melamine-based admixtures. In general, it is recommended that ZYLA 625 admixture be added to the concrete mix near the end of the batch sequence for optimum performance. Different sequencing may be used if local testing shows better performance. Please see Grace Technical Bulletin TB-0 110, Admixture Dispenser Discharge Line Location and Sequencing for Concrete Batching Operations for further recommendations.ZYLA 625 water reducer should not come in contact with any other admixture before or during the batching process, even if diluted in mix water. Pretesting of the concrete mix should be performed before use, and as conditions and materials change in order to assure compatibility, and to optimize dosage rates, addition times in the batch sequencing and concrete performance. For concrete that requires air entrainment, the use of an ASTM C260 air-entraining agent (such as DaravairO or Darex® product lines) is recommended to provide suitable air void parameters for freeze-thaw resistance. Please consult your Grace representative for guidance. Packaging & Handling ZYLA® 625 water reducing admixture is available in bulk, delivered by metered tank trucks, in 275 gal (1,040 L) totes, and in 55 gal (210 L) drums. It will freeze at about 28°F (-2°C), but will be completely uniform after thawing and thorough agitation. Dispensing Equipment A complete line Of accurate, automatic dispensing equipment is available. ZYLA® 625 product may be introduced to the mix through the water holding tank discharge line. The ZYLA product line is formulated to be free of sediment. Specifications Concrete shall be designed in accordance with Standard Recommended Practice for Selecting Proportions for Concrete, ACT 211. The water-reducing admixture shall be ZYLA® 625, as manufactured by Grace Construction Products, or equal.. The admixture shall not contain calcium chloride as a functional ingredient. ZYLA 625 admixture will not promote corrosion of reinforcing, Steel embedded in concrete. It shall be used in strict accordance with the manufacturers', recommendations. The admixture shall comply with ASTM Designation C494, Type A and D water-reducing admixtures. Certification of compliance shall be made available on request. The admixture shall be delivered as a ready-to-use liquid product and shall require no mixing at the batching plant or job site. www.graceconstruction.com North American Customer Service: 1-877-4AD-MIXI (1-877-423-6491) ZYLA, Daracem, Daravair and Darex are trademarks, registered in the United States and/or other countries, of W. R. Grace & Co.-Conn. This trademark list has been compiled using available published information as of the publication date of this brochure and may not accurately reflect current trademark ownership, or status. Grace Construction Products is a business segment of W. R. Grace & Co.-Conn. © Copyright 2015W. R. Grace& Co.-Conn. All rights reservéd.We hope the infomation here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users' consideration, investigation and verification, but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations or suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale, which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is intended for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright. W. R. Grace & Co.—Conn., 62 Whittemore Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140. In Canada, Grace Canada, Inc., 294 Clements Road, West, Ajax, Ontario, Canada L1S 3C6. This product may be covered by patents or patents pending. ZYLA-625 Printed in U.S.A.03/15 GCS/PDF NLJV 1 NUCOR CORPO' ATION NUCOR STEEL FrAlf Sold To: HARRIS E IPPLY SOLUTIONS-FONTAN 315ARvIr AVE STONEY' REEK ON L8 2M2 CANADA MIII Certification 8/2912016 Ship To: HARRIS SUPPLY SOLUTIONS (R) C/O KOT CUSTOMER PICK-UP ZTS32.130 SOUTH FONTANA, CA 92335 (561) 877-3999 Fax (661) 259-3616 MTR# UI-353973 P0 Box 100 7285 West 21200 North PLYMOUTH UT 84330 (435 458-2300 Fax; 435) 458-2309 Product Group Grade SIz Product Description Customer Spec &6e4rda,r 2i32.3 Rebar Part Number 900000124D4202 A61M A6151A615M-15 OR 5O[420] AASHTO M31-07 - Lot# PL1620597151 '6/#5 Rebar - ,-it # PL1 6205971 ;5/#5 Rebar 2K20'A615MGR420(Gr6O) - -- B.L. Number UI-545031 A61M GR 420 (G060) -- Load Number UI-353973 tustomer van: t'wDouLutJ I hereby cerIly that the mated decrIIad haialn ha bean manufactumd In scordw,e with the eeIIIcaLIona and standards hated above end thei it nntinflea these reuhements. - Roll Date: 8128/2010 I1elt Date: 8122/2016 Qty Shipped LAS: 98,144 Qty Shipped Pcs: 4.608 -. C Mn P S Si Cu Ni Cr Mo V Cb 0.42% 1.14% 0013% 0.038% 018% 0.25% 0.08% 0.11% 0,0180/0 0.0023% 0.000% Yield 1; 67.048psi Tensile I I07,454ps1 Elongation: 13% in 8'(0/6 in 203.3mm) Rend OK Weight Variation -003,511/0 Specification Comment Comments: NUCOR - I YMOUTH IS AN l.S.09001 AND AN A.B.S CERTIFIED MILL CMTR COMPLIES WIT 1 DIN EN 10204- 3,1 1. ALL MANUFACTUR; 10 PROCESSES OF THE STEEL MATERIALS IN THIS PRODUCT INCLUDING MELTING, CASTING AND HOT ROLLING HAVE OCCL RED WITHIN THE UNITED STATES. ALL PRODUCTS PRODUCEb ARE WELD FREE. MERCURY, N ANY FORM, HAS NOT BEEN USEE IN THE PRODUCTION OR TESTING OF THIS MATERIAL. 2, PROPOSITION 65 ' 1VNING: THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS A CHEMICAL KNOWN TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO CAUSE CANCER AND/OR BIRTH DEFEI TS OR OTHER REPRODUCTIVE HARM FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL 1-435-458-2300. City Of Carlsbad SHOP DRAWING REVIEW The 9150royal by the Engineer of any shop or work drawing (or of any drawing of the ContraCtO'S plant or equipment) shall not in any way be deemed to release the Contractor from full responsibility for complete and accurate performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract raWiflgS and SpecificationS. Neither shall such approval release the Contractor form any liability placed upon him by any provision In the Form of Contract. O .,.... REJECTED!RESUBMIT O ..,.,.. AMEND-AND RESUBMIT O ....... MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN T L• 60— 40-7e5p Ryan Pennington IJIv,I,.,Ir 1Vj%1L41j1Urq151 N0M6-10Jenuay I 2Iii ooEJ S1VIiLVilI asiuXas iLT 92. 09L XVd 080 9TO/L0/OT RSMTEC REVISED - CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTALS TO: COMPANY: Kasia Trojanowska City of Carlsbad PROJECT: DATE: Lake Calavera 10/17/16 SENDER: REFERENCE NUMBER: Mike Williams 003 RE: Rebar Submittal 0 URGENT DFOR REVIEW DPLEASE COMMENT OPLEASE REPLY NOTES/COMMENTS: Please review a and approve. City Of Carlsbad SHOP DRAVWNG Thank YOU, The REVIEW app1 by the Engineer Of ally Shop or work (Or of any drawing of the Contractor's plant or equipment) be deemed to Mike Williams shall not in any Way release the Contractor from H for complete and accurate performance of the the Contra Drawings Romtec Project Manger 541 496-3541 Work in accordance with and Spacations.Neither shall approval release the Contractor form any liability bYaflyof h In iabiIj l e Forr" Of Contract Placed Upon him / .I... REJECTED/SUBM 0 IT AMEND AND RESUBMIT MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTE 0 EXCEPTIONS TAKEN I t Signature: Date: 18240 North Bank Rd. Roseburg, OR 97470 :— .;J NLICIIuIR NUCOR COR ORATION NUCORSTEIL UTAH vij Tu r4'.rr rI.IrVLY 6ULU I It)NS#ONTANI 318 AF f:N AVE SrONI YCREEKONL8E2M2 CANAl A Mill Certification 812612016 Ship To: HARRIS SUPPLY SOLUTIONS (R) C/O KOT CUSTOMER PICK-UP ZTS3Z-130 SOUTH FONTANA, CA 92335 (p61) 8774999 Fax: (881)259.3616 MTR #: U 1453970 P0 Box 100 7285 West 21200 North PLYMOUTH UT 84230 (435 458-2300 Fax: (435) 458-2309 Customer P 1). Product Grc Grai o Sl: Produi P141132 - Sales Order 2645.3 Rebar - Part Number 9000001 240SQO2 ASIM A615/A615M-14 tiR 40[280] AASHTO M31-07 Lot# PL1620585451 - I3rW4 Rebar - Ht# PL16205854 131#4 Rebar 2K 20'A615M 0R280(Gr4U) B.L. Number UI-544896 Descrlpthi A615MGR280(Gr40) Load Number U1-353970 Customer Spi CuatomerPart# R044020 0 hgrhy cefllfy th!I the mi prI111 49scribed herein has been maniJroturd In emordance wItM the specIltatIons and niendarGe listed above and that It sWislies theise reuJrmni - Roll Date: 812512011 Melt Date: 8118/2016 Qty Shipped LBS: 4968 Qty Shipped Pcs: 3,96 Mr P S Si 0.83 Ii 0.010% 0.048% 0.19% Cu Ni Cr 0.23% 0.09% 0.11% Mo V Gb 0.055% 0.0309% 0.000% Yield 1: 57165p3i . Tensile 1: 74840psi Elongation. 22% In 8(% In 203.3mm) Send OK - Weight VariatIon -004.8% -. Spec9ction Comm its: Commerits: NUCOR PLYMOUTH IS AN I.S.O. 9001 AND,.AWA-B~871MRTIRED MILL CMTR COMPLIES V IN DIN EN 10204-31--l . r C) J iO3 INCLUDING MELTING, rtr%I_ YVELD FREE sE AND HOT R - OFCALIFORNIA I CANCER Y 1 ' N, PLEASE CALL 1-435-458-2300. 4. V4t0te ucIi trt1 n . *• tJ 0y)MA vO [1 NOMa-lo January 1 201 /~ - zo-w- 9 .00 Ryan Pennington N Division Metallurgist Page of 4 TOO EJ sqvivalvw 351HN11S 91L1 9L 092. XYd o:80 9101/2.0/01 NO SCALE 305' 60' 1 -- - 40' CONE SPACING PHASE I NOTES: CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ALL EFFECTED BUSINESSES PRIOR TO START OF WORK. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO RESIDENTS AT ALL TIMES. TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION SIGNS: ALL PLANS MUST BE CHECKED AND APPROVED BY THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, OR A(EDlQES HAVING .JJRISDICTTON OVER THE ROADWAYS SIIOAN ON THIS PLAN PRIOR TO THE PLAN BEING PUT INTO EFFECT. ALL PLANS ARE INTENDED TO CONFORM TO THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TIlE ASCERTAINING TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN <9>,e _ ADDI1TONAL ACKJTCY REQUNDAENIS FOR WORK HOURS AlLOWED, NOISE ABATEMENT. AND OTHER RULES AND REGULATiONS. CLOSED ( LAIE THE TEMPORARY TRAFFiC CONTROLS MUST BE INSTALLED PER THE AERTCY APPROVED PLAN TO BE EFFECTIAt flW) CHANGES PLAN APPROVED BY:CITY OF CARLSBAI) SAS /Y AJISAD __________ OTHER THEN MINOR ADJJSTVIENT. MUST BE AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. OR AGENCIES HAVING JJRI&IIC11ON OVER THE ROADWAY. 'O?fFRACFORI_____________________________________________________ W20-5(BK) CSOCA(BK) Wll-1 W16-1 PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND DEVICE PLACEMENT SHOULD BE PERFORMED BY EXPERIENCED / TRAINED PERSONNEL BURTECH PIPELINE HUDSON SAFE-T-LITE RENTALS CONTRACTOR- W20-1 C12(CA) 020-2 102 SECOND STREET 777 GABLE WAY TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROLS MUST BE MONITORED AND MAINTAINED BY THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR TO REMAIN EFFECTIVE. LEGEND: CONE: • SIGN: WORK AREA TRAFFIC DIRECTION: 4 f FLASHING ARROW SIGN: SIGNAL © FlAGGER: BARRICADE: H TEMPORARY NO PARKING: —TNP--- MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY IS DICTATED BY FIELD CONOITTONS. BUT NOT LESS THAN DAILY. ENCINITAS, CA 92024 CAJON, CA 92020 [-DRAWN-BY: REV DATE: POSTED SPEED ME:ER LENGTIL SIGN SPACING: CONE SPACING: HUDSONSAFET'IJTE HAS NO CONTROL OVER, OR RESPONSIBLY FOR, TRAFFiC CONTROL PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND INSPECTIONS 760.634.2822 Office: 619-441-3644 RODOLFO RAM= PERFORMED BY OTHERS. USERS AGREE TO INDEMNIFY HUDSON SAFE'T'tIlE FOR CLAIMS MADE REGARDING FAILURE TO INSTAU.. DATE DRAWN: SCALE: DRAWING NUMBER: 04-13-151 SEE PLAN ITO SEE PLAN I SEE PLAN I SEE PLAN MAINTAIN OR REMOVE CONTROLS PER APPROVED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS. 04-13-15 NO SCALE 1 OF 4 /7 NO SCALE 04 TO NOTIFY ALL EFFECTED PRIOR TO START OF WORK. 2. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO PHASE II RESIDENTS AT ALL TIMES. TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION SIGNS: ALL PLANS MUST BE CHECKED AND APPROVED BY THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, OR AGENCIES, HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THE ROADWAYS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN PRIOR TO THE PLAN BEING PUT INTO EFFECT. ALL PLANS ARE INTENDED TO CONFORM TO THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL. DEVICES. THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ASCERTAINING TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN <> W THE TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROLS MUST BE INSTALLED PER THE AGENCY APPROVED PLAN TO BE EFFECTIVE FIELD CHANGES PLAN APPROVED BY: CITY OF CARLSBAD ADDITIONAL AGENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR WORN HOURS ALLOWED, NOISE ABATEMENT, AND OTHER RULES AND REGULATIONS WORK AHEAD LANE OTHER THEN MINOR ADJUSTMENT, MUST BE AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, OR AGENCIES, HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THE ROADWAY. CONTRACTOR:I____________________________________________________________ W201 c12(cA) G20-2 PLAN INPLflIENTA11ON AND DEVICE PLACEMENT SHOULDBE PERFORMED BY EXPERIENCED / TRAINED PERSONNEL BURTECH PIPELINE I HUDSON SAFE-T-LITE RENTALS 102 SECOND STREET 1777 GABLE WAY TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROLS MUST BE MONITORED AND MAINTAINED BY THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR TO REMAIN EFVECTR,E. ENCINITAS, CA 92024 EL CAJON, CA 92020 DRAWN BY: LEGEND: CONE: • SIGN: YORK AREA TRAFFIC DIRE(rION:4,tFLAZHING ARROW SIGN: SIGNAL © FlAGGER: BARRICADE: k TEMPORARY NO PARKING: ---TNP— MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY IS DICTATED BY FIELD CONDITIONS, BUT NOT LESS THAN DAILY. HUDSON SAFETUTE HAS NO CONTROL OVER, OR RESPONSIBLY FOR, TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND INSPECTiONS 760.634.2822 Office: 619-441-3644 RODOLFO RAMlll REV DATE: POSTED SPEED lIMIT: LENGTW SIGN SPACING: CONE SPACING: PERFORMED BY OTHERS. USERS AGREE TO INDEMNIFY HUDSON SAFET9JTE FOR CLAMS MADE REGARDING FAILURE TO INSTALL. DATE DRAWN: ISCAL: DRAWING NUMBER: 04-13-15! SEE PLAN ITAP'R SEE PLAN SEE PLAN I SEE PLAN MAINTAIN OR REMOVE CONTROLS PER APPROVED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS. 04-13-151 NO SCALEI 2 OF 4 -L 250'-1 NO SCALE b I. PHASE NOTES: CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ALL EFFECTED BUSINESSES PRIOR TO START OF WORK. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO RESIDENTS AT ALL TIMES. TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION SIGNS: ALL PUNS MUST BE CHECKED AND APPROVED BY THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, OR AGENCIES, HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THE ROADWAYS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN PRIOR TO THE PLAN BEING PUT INTO EFFECT. ALL PLANS ARE INTENDED TO CONFORM TO THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROl. DEVICES. THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ASCERTAINING TRAFFIC CO NTROL PLAN ADDITIONAL AGENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR WORK HOURS ALLOWED, NOISE ABATEMENT, AND OTHER RULES AND REGULATIONS. TO STOP THE TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROLS MUST BE INSTALLED PER THE AGENCY APPROVED PLAN 10 BE EFFECTIVE. FIELD CHANGES PLAN APPROVED BY. OTHER THEN MINOR ADAJSTMENT, MUST BE AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, OR CITY OF CARLSBAD <9> AGENCIES. HAVING JJRIIC1ION OVER THE ROADWAY. r.ONTRACTORI_____________________________________________________ W20-I cgA(cA) W3-4 R4-7A 020-2 PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND DEVICE PLACEMENT SHOULD BE PERFORMED BY EXPERIENCED / TRAINED PERSONNEL BURTECH PIPELINE I HUDSON SAFE-T-LITE RENTALS 102 SECOND STREET 777 GABLE WAY TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROLS MUST BE MONITORED AND MAINTAINED BY THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR 10 REMAIN EFFECTI EL CAJON, CA 92020 DRAWN BY: VE. ______________ LEGEND: CONE: • SIGN: WORK AREA THAFFIC DIRECTION: 4 FLAZHIN& ARROW SIGN: SIGNAL ® FLAGGER: BARRICADE: TEMPORARY NO PARKING: —TNP--- MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY IS DICTATED BY FIELD CONDITiONS. BUT NOT LESS THAN DAILY. ENCINITAS, CA 92024 I HUDSON SAFETqJTE HAS NO CONTROL OVER, OR RESPONSIBLY FOR, TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND INSPECT1ONF 760.634.2822 Office: 619-441-3644 RODOLFO RAMM REV DATE: POSTED SPEED LiMiT: TAPER LENGTH: SIGN SPACING: ICONS SPACING: PERFORMED BY OTHERS. USERS AGREE TO INDEMNIFY HUDSON SAFET'UTE FOR CLAIMS MADE REGARDING FAILURE TO INSTALL. DATE DRAWN: ISC: IDJATJIG NUMBER: 04-13-151 SEE PLAN I SEE PLAN SEE PLAN SEE PLAN MAiNTAIN OR REMOVE CONTROLS PER APPROVED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS. 04-13-151 NO SCALEI 3 OF 4 PHASE NOTES: CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ALL EFFECTED BUSINESSES PRIOR TO START OF WORK. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO RESIDENTS AT ALL TIMES. b NO SCALE TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION SIGNS: - ALL PLANS MUST BE CHECKED AND APPROVED BY THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. OR AGENCIES, HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THE ROADWAYS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN PRIOR TO THE PLAN BEING PUT INTO EFFECT. ALL PLANS ARE INTENDED TO CONFORM TO THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ASCERTAINING TRAF FI C CONTROL PLAN I1N <9> 0 ThE TEMPORARY TRAFFiC CONTROLS MUST BE INSTALlED PER THE AGENCY APPROVED PLAN TO BE EFFECTM. P1W) C*1AN0E5 PLAN APPROVED BY: CITY OF CARLSBAI) ADDITiONAL AGENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR WORK HOURS ALLOWED, NOI ABATEMENT. AND OTHER RULES AND REDIJLA11ONS. __ LANE OTHER THEN MINOR ADJJSTMENT, MUST BE AUTHORIZED RI WRITING BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, OR AGENCIES, HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THE ROADWAY. CONTRACTOR.I________________________________________________________ W20-1 C12(CA) G7.0-2 PLAN PIPELINE HUDSON SAFE-T-LITE RENTALS PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND DEVICE PLACEMENT SHOULD BE PERFORMED BY EXPERIENCED / TRAINED PERSONNEL 102 SECOND STREET 777 GABLE WAY DAPCRARY TRAFFiC CONTRC*.S MUST BE MONITORED AND MAINTAINED BY THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR TO REMAIN EFFECTiVE. LEGEND: CONE: • SIGN: WORK AREk TRAFFIC DIRECTION: 4r t FLASHING ARROW SIGN: SIGNAL ® FLAGGER: BARRICADE: TEMPORARY NO PARKING: —TNP-"- MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY IS DICTATED BY FIELD CONDITIONS, BUT NOT LESS THAN DAILY. ENCINITAS, CA 92024 EL CAJON, CA 92020 DRAIN BY: REV DATE: IPOSTED SPEED 111111: TAPER LENGTH: SPACING: SPACING: HUDSON SAFET'IJ1E HAS NO CONTROL OVER, OR RESPONSIBLY FOR, TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND INSPEC11ONS 760.634.2822 Office: 619-441-3644 RODOLFO RAMIREZ PERFORMED BY OTHERS. USERS AGREE TO INDEMNIFY HUDSON SAFET'IJTE FOR CLAIMS MADE REGARDING FAILURE TO INSTALL DATE DRAWN: SCALE: DRAWING NUMBER: 04-13-15 SEE PLAN I SEE PLAN 131"N SEE PLAN I CONE SEE PLAN MAINTAIN OR REMOVE CONTROLS PER APPROVED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS. 04-13-15 NO SCALE 4 OF 4 NO SCALE \\. \ 305' BUFFER 160' TAPER - 250' 250' 125' o0V - 1 2(CA / ' ' / ''- 250' - 40' CONE SPACING NOTES: CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ALL EFFECTED BUSINESSES PRIOR TO START OF WORK. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO PHASE I RESIDENTS AT ALL TIMES. TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION SIGNS: ALL PUNS MUST BE CHECKED AND APPROVED BY THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, OR AGENCIES. HAVING AJRISDICTTON OVER THE ROADWAYS SHOMA ON THIS PLAN PRIOR TO THE PLAN BEING PUT INTO EFFECT. ALL PLANS ARE INTENDED TO CONFORM TO THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ASCERTAINING TRAFFIC CONTROL P LAN IN ,%]/E ADDITIONAL AGENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR WORK HOURS ALLOWED, NOISE ABATEMENT, AND OTHER RULES AND REGULATIONS. CLOSED <*> PLAN <9> HE7 <8> [] APPROVED BY THE T EMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROLS MUST BE INSTALLED PER THE AGENCY APPROVED PLAN TO BE EFFECTIVE. FTS.D CHANGES _________ CITY OF CARLSBAD OTHER THEN MINOR ADJUSTMENT. MUST BE AUTHORIZED IN WilliNG BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. OR AGENCIES. HAVING .JJRISOICT1ON OVER THE ROADWAY. CONTRACTOR:I________________________________________________________ W20-1 C112(CA) 020-2 BURTECH PIPELINE I HUDSON SAFE-T-LITE RENTALS W20-5(Bk) C3OcA(DK) Wil—1 W116-11 PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND DEVICE PLACEMENT SHOULD BE PERFORMED BY EXPERIENCED / TRAINED PERSONNEL 102 SECOND STREET 1777 GABLE WAY TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROLS MUST BE MONITORED AND MAINTAINED BY THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR TO REMAIN EFVEC11Vt ______________ MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY IS DICTATE BY FIW) CONDITiONS. BUT NOT LESS THAN DAILY. ENCINITAS, CA 92024 EL CAJON, CA 92020 DRAWN BY: 'LEGEND: CONE: • SIGN: YORK AREA TRAFFIC DIRECTION: Ir f FLASHING ARROW SIGN: SIGNAL ® FlAGGER: BARRICADE: TEMPORARY NO PARKING: —TNP---- WDSON SAFE'T'UTE HAS NO CONTROL OVER, OR RESPONSIBLY FOR, TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND INSPECTiONS 760.634.2822 Office: 619-441-3644 R000LFO RAMIREZ REV DATE: IPOSTED SPEED LIMiT: ITIPO LENGTH: : ICONE SPACING: PERFORMED BY OTHERS. US AGREE TO INDEMNIFY HUDSON SAFET'UIE FOR CLAIMS MADE REGARDING FAILURE TO INSTALL DATE DRAWN: DRAWING NUMBER: 04-13-15 I SEE PLAN SEE PLAN ls'GNSP'C'NG SEE PLAN SEE PLAN MAINTAIN OR REMOVE CONTROLS PER APPROVED TRAFFiC CONTROL PLANS. 04-13-15I NO SCALEI 1 OF 4 vlo 1 4 Sr NO SCALE 35' CONE SPACING 250' - \\\ \ \\\ \ \ \\\\ \ \ \ \ \. U, 04 rn- AY - LME p - C - 35 0 /5 U, 3 c.i 5 / 5 J / < ril -o U, N : NOTES: CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ALL EFFECTED BUSINESSES PRIOR TO START OF WORK. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO PHASE 11 RESIDENTS AT ALL TIMES. TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION SIGNS: ALL PUNS MUST BE CHECKED AND APPROVED BY THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, OR AGENCIES, HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THE ROADWAYS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN PRIOR TO THE PLAN BEING PUT INTO EFFECT. ALL PLANS ARE INTENDED TO CONFORM TO THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR NE ASCERTAINING TRAFFIC CONT ROL PLAN K> W THE TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROLS MUST BE INSTALLED PER THE AGENCY APPROVED PLAN TO BE EFFECTTVS. FIELD lANCES PLANAPPROVEDBY: CITY OF CARLSBAI) ADDITIONAL AGENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR WORK HOURS ALLOWED, NOISEABATEMENT, AND OTHER RULES AND REGULATIONS. WORK AHEAD LWE OTHER THEN MINOR ADJJSTMENT, MUST BE AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, OR AGENCIES, HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THE ROADWAY. CONTRAC'WR:I__________________________________________________ W20-1 C12(CA) G20-2 BURTECH PIPELINE IHuI)soN SAFE-T-LITE RENTALS PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND DEVICE PLACEMENT SHOULD BE PERFORMED BY EXPERIENCED / TRAINED PERSONNEL 102 SECOND STREET 777 GABLE WAY ITiMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROLS MUST BE MONITORED AND MAINTAINED BY THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR TO REMAIN EFFECTIVE. ______________ LEGEND: CONE: • SIGN: WORK AREA TRAFFIC DIRECTION: FLASHING ARROW SIGN: SIGNAL ® FLAGGER: BARRICADE: TEMPORARY NO PARKING: —TNP---- MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY IS DICTATED BY FIELD CONDITIONS. BUT NOT LESS THAN DAILY. ENCINITAS, CA 92024 EL CAJON, CA 92020 DRAWN BY: HUDSON SAFET'tJIE HAS NO CONTROL OVER, OR RESPONSIBLY FOR, TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND INSPECTIONS 760.634.2822 Office: 619-441--3644 _RODOLFORAMIREZ REVDATE: _POSTED SPEED LIMLT: ITAPER LENGTIL _SIGN SPACING: IC0NESPACING: PERFORMED BY OTHERS. USERS AGREE TO INDEMNIFY HUDSON SAFE'PIJIE FOR CLAIMS MADE REGARDING FAILURE TO INSTALL DATE DRAWN: SCALE: DRAWING NUMBER: 04-13-15 SEE PLAN SEE PLAN _SEE PLAN I_SEE PLAN MAINTAIN OR REMOVE CONTROLS PER APPROVED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS. 04-13-151_NOSCALEI_2OF4 NO SCALE IZIIIIIII \\\ \ \ \\ \\\?< 4 till I.- 1 PHASE NOTES: CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ALL EFFECTED BUSINESSES PRIOR TO START OF WORK. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO RESIDENTS AT ALL TIMES. TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION SIGNS: - - ALL PLANS MUST BE CHECKED AND APPROVED BY THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, OR AGENCIES, HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THE REAPARED ROADWAYS SHORN ON THIS PLAN PRIOR TO THE PLAN BEING PUT INTO EFFECT. ALL PLANS ARE INTENDED TO CONFORM TO <9> THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ASCERTAINING TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN ADDITIONAL AGENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR WORK HOURS ALLOWED, NOISE ABATEMENT, AND OTHER RULES AND REGULATIONS TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROLS MUST BE INSTALLED PER THE AGENCY APPROVED PLAN TO BE EFFECTIVE. FIELD CHANGES PLAN APPROVED BY: CITY OF CARLSBAD <9> OTHER THEN MINOR ADJS1MENT. MUST BE AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. OR AGENCIES, HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THE ROADWAY. IONTRACTOR:I________________________________________________________ W20-1 C9A(CA) W3-4 R4-7A 020-2 BURTECH PIPELINE HUDSON SAFE-T-LITE RENTALS PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND DEVICE PLACEMENT SHOULD BE PERFORMED BY EXPERIENCED / TRAINED PERSONNO.. 102 SECOND STREET 777 GABLE WAY TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROLS MUST BE MONITORED AND MAINTAINED BY THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR 10 REMAIN EFFECTIVE- ____ LEGEND: CONE: • SIGN: WORK AREA TRAFFIC DIRECTION: 4,f FLASHING ARROW SIGN: SIGNAL © FlAGGER: BARRICADE: k TEMPORARY NO PARKING: TNP MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY IS DICTATED BY FIELD CONDITIONS, BUT NOT LESS THAN DAILY. ENCINITAS, CA 92024 EL CAJON, CA 92020 DRAWN BY: REV DATE: POSTED SPEED UM1Y: TAPER IZNGTH ISIGN SPACING CONE SPACING: HUDSON SAFETIJTE HAS NO CONTROL OVER, OR RESPONSIBLY FOR, TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND INSPECTIONS 760.634.2822 Office: 619-441-3644 PORMED BY OTHERS. USERS AGREE TO INDEMNIFY HUDSON SAFEI'IJTE FOR CLAIMS MADE REGARDING FAILURE TO INSTALL. DATE DRAWN: SCALE: DRAWING NUMBER: 04-13-15 SEE PLAN I SEE PLAN I SEE PLAN I SEE PLAN MAINTAIN OR REMOVE CONTROLS PER APPROVED TRAFFIC CONTROL 04-13-15 NO SCALE 3 OF 4 NO SCALE 7 ICv p.) U' PHASE IV NOTES: CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ALL EFFECTED BUSINESSES PRIOR TO START OF WORK. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO RESIDENTS AT ALL TIMES. TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION SIGNS: - ALL PLANS MUST BE CHECKED AND APPROVED BY THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. OR AGENCIES, HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THE ROADWAYS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN PRIOR TO THE PLAN BEING PUT INTO EFFECT. ALL PLANS ARE INTENDED TO CONFORM TO THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ASCERTAINING TRAFFIC CONTROL P LAN uN <9> THE TEMPORARY IRAFFTC CONTROLS MUST BE INSTALLED PER THE AGENCY APPROVED PLAN TO BE EFFECTiVE. naD QIANGES PLAN APPROVED BY: CITY OF CARLSBAD ADDI1TONAL AGENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR WORK HOURS ALLOWED. NOISE ABATEMENT, AND OTHER RULES AND REGJLAT1ONS. LANE OTHER THEN MINOR ADJJSTMENT, MUST BE AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY A REPRESENTATiVE OF THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, OR AGENCIES, HAVING JJRISDICTION OVER THE ROADWAY. 'ONTRACFOR:I__________________________________________________ C12(CA) G20-2 PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND DEVICE PLACEMENT SHOULD BE PERFORMED BY EXPERIENCED / TRAINED PERSONNEL. BURTECH PIPELINE I HUDSON SAFE-T-LITE RENTALS 102 SECOND STREET 777 GABLE WAY TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROLS MUST BE MONITORED AND MAINTAINED BY THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR TO REMAIN EFFECN,E. ENCINITAS, CA 92024 EL CAJON, CA 92020 DRAWN BY: LEGEND: CONE: • SIGN: WORK AREA: TRAFFIC DIRECTION: FLASHING ARROW SIGN: SIGNAL ® FlAGGER: BARRICADE: H TEMPORARY NO PARKING: —TNP--.-- MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY IS DICTATED BY FIELD CONOITTONS, BUT NOT LESS THAN DAILY. - HUDSON SAFE'T'IJlE HAS NO CONTROL OVER, OR RESPONSIBLY FOR, TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND INSPECTIONS 760.634.2822 Office: 619-441-3644 I R000LFO RAJLIREZ REV DATE: POSTED SPEED LIMiT: 7LOGTIL SIGN SPACING: SPACING: PERI'ORMED BY OTHERS. USERS AGREE TO INDEMNIFY HUDSON SAFET*IJTE FOR CLAIMS MADE REGARDING FAIWRE TO INSTALL, DATE DRAWN: I3C/dR: IDRAW1J4G NUMBER: -- 04-13-15 SEE PLAN SEE PLAN I SEE PLAN ICONE SEE PLAN MAINTAIN OR REMOVE CONTROLS PER APPROVED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS. 04-13-151 NO SCALEI 4 OF 4 305' BU IL 4( AYA I 60' 250' NO SCALE 40' CONE SPACING NOTES: 2. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO PHASE I RESIDENTS AT ALL TIMES. TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION SIGNS: ALL PLANS MUST BE CHECKED AND APPROVED BY THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, OR AGENCIES, HAVING JJRISDICITON OVER THE ROADWAYS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN PRIOR TO THE PLAN BEING PUT INTO EFFECT. AU. PLANS ARE INTENDED TO CONFORM TO THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ASCERTAINING 'I' R A F F I C CONTROL PLAN <9> /W ADDITiONAL AGENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR WORK HOURS ALLOWED, NOSE ABATEMENT. AND OTHER RULES AND REQULAT1ONS. THE TEMPORARY IRAFFTC CONTROLS MUST BE INSTALLED PER THE AGENCY APPROVED PLAN TO BE EFFECTiVE. FIEI.D CHANGES PLAN APPROVED BY:crr OF CARLSBAI)CLOSED LADE NE/f AHEAD '%....t3f' __________ OTHER THEN MINOR ADJUSTMENT. MUST BE AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE GOVERNMENTAL ACY, OR AGENCIES, HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THE ROADWAY. VOfFRACFOR:I________________________________________________________ <8> W20-1 C12(CA) 020-2 W20-5(BK) c300A(Bl() W11-11 W16-1 PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND DEVICE PLACEMENT SHOULD BE PERFORMED BY EXPERIENCED / TRAINED PERSONNEL. BURTECH PIPELINE HUDSON SAFE-T-LITE RENTALS 102 SECOND STREET GABLE WAY .D4PORARY TRAFFIC CONTROLS MUST BE MONITORED AND MAINTAINED BY THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR TO REMAIN EFFECTIVE. LEGEND: CONE: S SIGN: WORK ARKA TRAFFIC DIRECTION: $ f FLASLI]NG ARROW SIGN: SIGNAL ® FLAGGER: BARRICADE: TEMPORARY NO PARKING: -—TNP MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY IS DICTATED BY REtS CONDITIONS. BUT NOT LESS THAN DAILY. ENCINITAS, CA 92024 CAJON, CA 92020 DRAWN BY: LIMIT: TAPER LRNGTIL SPACING: CONE SPACING: HUDSON SAFET'UTE HAS NO CONTROL OVER. OR RESPONSIBLY FOR. TRAFFiC CONTROL PLAN IMPLEMENTATiON AND INSPECTIONS 760.634.2822 Office: 619-441-3644 RODOLFO RAMRAM= PERFORMED BY OTHERS. US AGREE TO INDEMNIFY HUDSON SAFET'UTE FOR CLAIMS MADE REGARDING FAILURE TO INSTALL. DATE DRAWN: ISCAIR: REV DATE: JPOSND SPEED 04-13-15 SEE PLAN SEE PLAN ISIGN SEE PLAN SEE PLAN MAINTAIN OR REMOVE CONTROLS PER APPROVED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS. 04-13-15 NO SCALE DRAWING NUMBER: 1 OF 4 <9> <e> W20-I Cl2(CA) LEGEND: CONE: • SIGN: WORK AREA TRAFFIC DIRECTION: TIff FLASHING ARROW SIGN: R SIGNAL ® FLAGGER: r BARRICADE: TEMPORARY NO PARKING: -TNP--- 13-15 I SEE PLAN I - SEE PLAN I SEE PLANI SEE EEI GZO-2 El NO SCALE CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ALL EFFECTED BUSINESSES PRIOR TO START OF WORK. PHASE II 2. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO RESIDENTS AT ALL TIMES. U. PLANS MUST BE CHECKED AND APPROVED BY THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, OR AGENCIES, HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THE ROAD WAYS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN PRIOR TO THE PLAN SONG PUT NIT) EFFECT. ALL PLANS ARE INTENDED TO CONFORM TO THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROLDEViCES. THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ASCERTAINING TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN ADDITIONAL AGENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR WORK HOURS AILONED, NOSE ABATEMENT, AND OTHER RULED AND REGULATIONS. THE TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROLS MUST BE INSTAU.ED PER THE AGENCY APPROVED PLAN TO BE EFFECTIVE. R PUN APPROVED BY: CITY OF CARLSBAD )THER THEN MINOR ADJS1MENT, MUST BE AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, OR AGENCIES, HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THE ROADWAY. CONTRACFORI________________________________________________________ PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND DEVICE PLACEMENT SHOULD BE PERFORMED BY EXPERIENCED / TRAINED PERSONNEL BURTECH PIPELINE HUDSON SAFE-T-LITE RENTALS 102 SECOND STREET 777 GABLE WAY TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROLS MUST BE MONITORED AND MAINTAINED BY THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR TO REMAIN EPFECTTVE. ________ MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY IS DICTATED BY FIELD CONDITiONS, BUT NOT LESS THAN DAILY. ENCINITAS, CA 92024 EL CAJON, CA 92020 DRAWN BY: HUDSON SAFE'TTJIE HAS NO CONTROL OVER, OR REONBLY FOR, TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND INSPECTIONS 760.634.2822 Office: 619-441-3644 _RODOLFO RAMIREZ P0RMED BY OTHERS. USERS AGREE TO INDEMNIFY HUDSON SAFE'PIJTE FOR CLAIMS MADE REGARDING FAILURE TO INSTALL DATE DRAWN: SCAlE: DRAWING NUMBER: MAINTAIN OR REMOVE CONTROLS PER APPROVED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS. 04-13-151 NO SCALEI 2 OF 4 250 -L 250'1 NO SCALE PHASE NOTES: CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ALL EFFECTED BUSINESSES PRIOR TO START OF WORK. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO RESIDENTS AT ALL TIMES. TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION SIGNS: - ALL PLANS MUST BE CHECKED AND APPROVED BY THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. OR AGENCIES, HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THE ROADWAYS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN PRIOR TO THE PLAN BEING PUT INTO EFFECT. ALL PLANS ARE INTENDED TO CONFORM TO ADDITIONAL AGENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR WORK HOURS ALLOWED, NOISE ABATEMENT. AND OTHER RULES AND REGULATIONS. <9> BE THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ASCERTAINING TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN _____ THE TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROLS MUST BE INSTALLED PER THE AGENCY APPROVED PLAN TO BE EFFECTIVE FIELD CHANGES PLAN APPROVED BY: crry o CARLSBAD <9> OTHER THEN MINOR ADJJSTMENT, MUST BE AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, OR AGENCiES, HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THE ROADWAY. cONTRACFoR.I________________________________________________________ W20-I C9A(CA) W3-4 R4-7A 020-2 BURTECH PIPELINE HUDSON SAFETLITE RENTALS PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND DEVICE PLACEMENT SHOULD BE PERFORMED BY EXPERIENCED / 1RPJNED PERSONNEL 102 SECOND STREET 777 GABLE WAY EMPORARY TRAffiC CONTROLS MUST BE MONITORED AND MAINTAINED BY THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR TO REMAIN EFFECTiVE. ________ LEGEND:CONE:• SIGN: _YORK AREA TRAFFICDIRECTION: 4ff FLASHINGARROW SIGN: _SIGNAL ©FLAGGER: _BARRICADE:N TEMPORARY NO PARKING:—TNP--- MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY IS DICTATED BY FIELD CONDITiONS, BUT NOT LESS THAN DAILY. ENCINITAS, CA 92024 EL CAJON, CA 92020 DRAWN BY: REV DATE: 1po STEDSPEEDLIMrr: ITAPER LENGTH: _SIGN SPACING:ICONE SPACING: UDSON SAFET'UIE HAS NO CONTROL OVER, OR REONSIBLY FOR, TRAFFiC CONTROL PLAN MPtEMENTA11ON AND INSPECTiONS 760.634.2822 _Office:619-441-3644 _RODOLFO RAMUM PERFORMED BY OTHERS. USERS AGAEE TO INDEMNIFY HUDSON SAFE'T'UTE FOR CLAIMS MADE REGARDING FAIWRE TO INSTALL. DATE DRAWN: SCALE:DRAWING NUMBER: 04-13-15 _SEE PLAN _SEE PLAN I_SEE PLAN I_SEE PLAN MAINTAIN OR REMOVE CONTROLSPER APPROVED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS. 04-13-15_NO SCALE_3OF 4 S NO SCALE 7 I PHASE IV NOTES: CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ALL EFFECTED BUSINESSES PRIOR TO START OF WORK. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO RESIDENTS AT ALL TIMES. TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION SIGNS: ALL PUNS MUST BE CHECKED AND APPROVED BY THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, OR AGENCIES. HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THE ROADWAYS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN PRIOR TO THE PLAN BEING PUT INTO EFFECT. ALL PLANS ARE INTENDED TO CONFORM TO THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ASCERTAINING TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN <> W THE TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROLS MUST BE INSTALLED PER THE AGENCY APPROVED PLAN TO BE EFFECTIVE. FIELD CHANGES PLAN APPROVED BY. CITY OF CARLSBAD ADDITIONAL AGENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR WORK HOURS ALLOWED, NO ABATEMENT. AND OTHER RULES AND REDJI.ATTQNS. WORK AHEAD LAWE OTHER THEN MINOR ADJUSTMENT. MUST BE AUTHORIZED IN WRITiNG BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. OR AGENCIES, HAVING JJRISDIC11ON OVER THE ROADWAY. 'ONTRACFOR:I____________________________________________________________ W20-I C12(CA) 020-2 PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND DEVICE PLACEMENT SHOULD BE PERFORMED BY EXPERIENCED / TRAINED PERSONNEL BIJRTECH PIPELINE I HUDSON SAFE-T-LITE RENTALS 102 SECOND STREET 777 GABLE WAY TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROLS MUST BE MONITORED AND MAINTAINED BY THE CUSTOMER / CONTRACTOR TO REMAIN EFFECTIVE. ENCINITAS, CA 92024 EL CA.JON, CA 92020 LEGEND: CONE: • SIGN: YORK AREA TRAFFIC DIRECTION: FLASHING ARROW SIGN: SIGNAL © FlAGGER: BARRICADE: TEMPORARY NO PARKING: ---TNP--- MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY IS DICTATED BY FIELD CONDITIONS, BUT NOT LESS THAN DAILY. HUDSON SAFETUTE HAS NO CONTROL OVER. OR RESPONSIBLY FOR. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND INSPECTiONS 760.634.2822 Office: 619-441-3644 DRAWN BY: it R011090 iwz REV DATE: PoSTED SPEED IiMlT: TAPER LKNGTW Ist"N SPACING: ICONE SPACING: PERFORMED BY OTHERS. US AGREE TO INDEMNIFY HUDSON SAFET'UIE FOR CLAIMS MADE REGARDING FAILURE TO INSTALL. DATE DRAWN: I0IWING NUMBER: 04-13-15 I SEE PLAN I SEE PLAN SEE PLAN SEE PLAN MAINTAIN OR REMOVE CONTROLS PER APPROVED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS. 04-13-151 NO SCALEI 4 OF 4 Rol W1 ME U h 9. 1' 9- lsais, an r-as ma, PL 0Z Ri ci CS I : Fi- an no an a' -, •an h j an ci• £1 • . • - • r -C r •55 'a -.8 - s• 8B 2. 88 2- 2-I 8 • I .1' 8 -• Preservotlas of Eolstlng Vegetation Idydroseeding Geoteutles & Mats FE Wood Mulching Earth Dikes and CI) rn Drainage Swales Slope Drains Slit Fence Sediment Trap ITt 'n 5 SE-4 Check Dam 00 Fiber Rails SE-6 lGrovel Bag Bean - Street SE-7 Sweepingand acuuniln, - SE-8 Sandbag Banter SE—to Storm Drain Inlet Protection Cl) an an 12:—I Whd Erosion Castro! — an an 12—I — Stabilized Construction Ingress/Egress ., 12-2 Stabilized Construction 5. r) rn — Roadway P45-1 Water Conservation Practices — C•) P43 Paving and Grinding • • S — Operations an NS-7 Potable Woter/In-igotion NS-8 Vehicle and Equipment 5 Cleaning lT-I an 194—I Material Delivery and Storage Os 414-2 Material Use 5 1114-3 Stockpile Management • on - an gv—g Spill Prevention andntrol 9 an 1111-5 Solid Waste - — Management 5o. Hazardous Waste • - - — Management Concrete Waste - - - — Management 19.4-9 Sanitation Contra! - a n an - , . • 41ià -C] / Di Nth - I 'ap Al an an a' an Ca an so— 0:90 TIER 2 STORM WATER POLL UTION PRE VENTION PLAN (SWPPP) RESIDENT! I (TO SKY HAVEN LN.) VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT TRACKOLIT CrR-1) AT ENTRANCE TO WILLOW CUTTING k, STRUCTURES TO BE INSTALLED ALONG REFUELING INS-9) AND BATHROOM ACCESS ROAD TKY HAVEN W. L DRAINAGE CHANNELS, 2 OLOGICAL EROSION 0 11! jw *400 /y - :----_ * / y -Emma • X/U S DISTURBAN / Y / 7 ) / q -__ / ( * ECT WORK AREAS ACCESS ROUTE (FROM TRAJL) EROSION CONTROL PLAN SHT EC -2 (1SE1) N Y E nrnntAseas :rLr s r c(No Soil Dstiiri,an) Js'w - - AVL Access/Haul Route SHT EC - rSaw: 2 - SITE REFERENCE MAP NOT TO SCALE - K 20 10 11 00 cONTROLPLANSHic-) , \P SCALflN FEET rr r -c h pp Ono ;l JQ;l 'n At I 31H ki -c ION IM~ 51 IR 9 h RIP n IN :: ;:a jig tj ai 14Z' h r ZN t - Q:F In r F1 _ Pik a 10 VZ leg iv - Fq Li Li u g CD H 53. \ o -t ?Z~11 O w CT) 21 -rn gI :RK,!I C) r;n ci < I) CD C) ir- D){ iL. 1 — :- CL w Cr r. Ci I:a CO Si RIP HAI 12 q . -.• "x. P. phi to pc P. 15 I : : - hq I en lt1 mm A~ 296Z ptR 10 V5 Ot p - '2 cons Sir 9 Si 05 U Will 1 '1 Preservation of — Existing Vegetation Os EC-4 Illydroseeding EC-7 Geotextiles & Mats EC-8 Wand Mulching - EC-9 Earth Dikes and B Drainage Swains ru EC-It Slope Drains Slit Fence SE-S Sediment Trap OS SE-4 Check Dam so SE-5 fiber Rails ° Gravel Bog Berm - SE7 Street Sweeping and - Vacuuming no C) SE-8 Sandbag Bonier Storm Drain inlet - Protection so 45-I Word Erosion Control - 05 so Stabilized Construction I - Ingress/Egress Stabilized Construction Roadway I-ri iVS-1 Water C onserva tion Practices C) NS-3 - Paving and Grinding Operations 0 Os NS- i Potable Water/irrigation NS-8 Vehicle and Equipment - Cleaning i-ri Os l jW-Material Delivery and - Storage 05 11111-2 Material use IIM-3 Stockpile Management Os W-4 Spill Prevention and B Control aild Waste onogement tM-B 000rdoun Waste - anagement —want. - Management tIM-B Sanitation Control o 0 n m a ..1 F TIER 2 STORM WA TER POLLUTION PRE VENTION PLAN (S WPPP) LIMITS 0 Ut IUt 7 ACCESS ROUTE , (TO SKY HAVEN LN.) RERJEIJNG(NS-9) AND BATHROOM Z~IACCESS ROAD KY I • WILLOW CU6NG TR RES To BE ISNSTQED ALONG DRAINAGE CHANNELS, OJECI OLOG~LCAL EROSION PR _,WOReAREAS F-ROSIONCONMOL PLAN SHF EC-2 oo e , -7, 'I-. \ I - • 7:- • - - ,---z: -- s-s _ /s sic --,,,,,----- s_• \ - - ) ~CT WORK AREAS . iSHT EC /-••\ // $ -"7 * -- /____ _7 ( • • SITE REFERENCE MAP NOT TO SCALE 77 ( ----' • • FFH~EET CA L' BAD STORM WATER POLLUTION PRE ENTION PLAN (SWPPP) TIER 2 CALAVERAJDAM J • • ________ '• • pRoJE:N: PALM GROVE REMOVAL M ND a 2m EROSION CONTROL PLAN 1ROION CONTROL PLANS C-2 SCALE IN FEET • 1ORVIND0 :IJ PROJECT NO. JIDRAWNGNO.I ________________________________ THE FOLLOJIINO GENERAL N/IS MANAGEMENT REOLI/REWENIS 5)/ALL BE AOl/OIlED TEl TYIROUESIOUT THE DLI&fI7ON OR THE CONSTRUCITOII IRTHIF 'TEAR RO'JND.L Hal/tqt ReI/o,nhl,rl S. I. IN LADE ILNOENCY ROPE IS REQUIRLIT CO//TACT P1e Tr,IL, INI BE 4T(TELNO.) (760) 419-6506 5/ 2. DEIACES ST/OHM ON CITY APPROVED PLANS SHALL NOT BE MOSFD OR WEB/FlED MiT/OUT THE APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEERING INSPECTOR S THE CONTRACTOR S//ALL RESTORE ALL EROSION OSNIRTE BERETS 70 WEWTLINO ORDER TO THE 5.4 OLFACTION OR THE CITY ENGINEER AFTER EACH RUN-OFF PRODUCING RAINFAW THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADO/TICS/AL EROSION CONTROl. MEASURES AS MAYBE STILTEd/RED BY THE CITY END/REEl? BIlE TO UNCOUPLE/ED SHADING OPERATIONS OR UNFORSLEN CIRCUMSTANCES Hf/ICR MAY ARiSE N THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE AND 9/ALE TARE NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS 70 PREVENT PUBLIC TRESPASS ONTO AREAS WILlIE IMPOUNDED WATERS CREATE A HAZARDOUS CORD/LION B ORBiTING AREAS AROUND THE PROJECT PER/ME/ER MI/ST DRAIN AWAY FROM THE FACE OR SLOPE AT 11/IL CCWCLUSION OF EACH HORSING BA C A ALL REMOVABLE PROTECTIVEDY/ICES SHALL BE Ill PLACE AT THE END OR EACH PALRII7NQ OAT BlISS IIRE (5) DA RAW pRoISARLIrr FORECAST EEC/SOS FORTY PERCENT (40%). SILT AND OTHER 0(8515 SHALL BE REMOVED BY/ER EACH RAINFALL & ALL GRAVEL BAGS SHALL CONTAIN 3/4 RICO Al//MI/I? AGGREGATE 9. ALL EIIPOSLO DISTURBED AREAS MI/ST HARE EROSION PROTECTION 816°, PROPERLY INSTALLS). THIS INCLUDES ALL BUILDING PADS U//FINISHED ROADS AND SLOPES - 70 ADO/SlATS PERIMETER PRDIEC1TCHV BMP, MUST BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED AND 14111 BE LI°GRADLTE IF NLCESSARE TO PRO//DE SI/EREJENT PRO TOG lION FROM RUNOFF EL/JR/NIl RAW FRET/IS IT. ADEQUATE .REJJIMLT,'T CONTROL RAIN, MI/ST BE INSTALLED AND MAIl/TA/NED 12. ADEQUATE B//Ps TO CONTROL 0/T3/IS DOT/MD/fT lIlAC/OilS MUST ME WSTALLED AND MAINTAINED. 15 A MINIMUM OF 125% OF THE MATERIAL NEEDED 700 INSTALL STANDBY HAl'S 70 PROTECT THE EAPOSED AREAS FROM EROSION AND PREIENr SEDIMENT 0/SC//ANDES MUST BE STORED OHS IS AREAS ALREADY PROTECTED FIlIAl JROSOCSJ I/SINS PIIISICA.L STABIIJZA lION OR ESTABLISHED IEGETA lION STAWJJZATTAV RN/P., ARE NOT CONSIDERED TO BE YXPOBLO FOR PURPOSES OF THIS REQUIREML7IE 14, THE ORESH/DEWLL/IER/CCH'/TRACTCIR MI/ST FOLLOW 4$B4THER 1RIGF4INSD ACTION PLAN AND BE ABLE 751 DEPLOY STANDBY BMPs TO PROTECT THE EXPOSED PORTIONS OF THE TOTE WAN 48 HOURS OR A PREDICTED STORM El/GET (A PREDICTED STORM (N/NT IS BE//NED AS A 40X CHANCE IT RAW 6TH/N A 5-DAY NATIONAL lEATHER SEN//BE FORECAST). OR REQUEST THE QMIILR/DEN/LOPER/CO/I 71/ACTOR MUST PRO HIDE PROOF0/ THIS CAPABILITY. 15 DEPLOSITIONT OR P//TN/CAL ON REF/AL/OR EROSION CONTROL Blip., MUST CIA/MET/CE AS SOON AS SLOPES ARE COMPLETED THE 01441ER/CIE?ELOPER/COH1TRACTOR MAY NOT NO ON TIlE ABILITY TO DEPLOY STANDBY BliP MATERIALS TO PSEIJENT EROSION OF SLOP-/IS 11/AT I/S/F BEETS COMPLETED TI. THE AREA THAT CAN RE ECEAROTE SHADED. AND LEFT (SPORED AT ONE TIME IS LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT OF ASHEABE THAT 11/IL CO//TRACTOR CAN ADELYJ,HTELT PROTECT PRIOR 751 A PREDICTED RAIN E1EWL FOR LANDER .97E5 01140/NO SHOULD BE P/lAW. IT MAYBE NECESSARY TO DEPLOY EROSION AND SEDiMENT CO//IN/S 8BPs IN AREAS THAT ARE NOT COMPLETED!, BUT ARE NOT ACTI MET DEWS HORNED BEFORE ADDITIONAL SHADING DI ALLOWED 10 PROCEED, AT THE 0/NCR//TON OR THE CITY INSPECTOR. IF. ALL DISTURBED AREAS THAT ARE NOT COMPLETED AND/tM NOT DEWS AC/ONLY SHADED MI/ST HE FULLY PRITIEC/ED FROM SHOWS IF LEFT FOR 14 ON MORE (TAGS THE ABILITY TO INSTALL MAP MATERIALS /At A PROMPT MANNER /5110! SUFFICIENT BMPs NEED TO RE INSTALLED IN THESE AREAS TB BliPs MUST BE STOCKPILED AT VARIOUS LOCATION iT/ROT/SHOUT THE PROJECT SITE THRC/JGI/TJJT THE )EAR. WILT/EVER THETIS 15 40% CHANCE OR SHEA/ER OR A RAIN WIT/IN A THREE (3) DAY FORECAST TIlE INSPECTOR MEL PETS/FT IT/AT MAP, ARE ADEIRIAIELY STOCKPiLED. MAPs MUST BE STOCKPILED AND READY FOR DEPLOSMENT Hf/I/S THERE /550% CHANCE OR RAIN WITHIN A 48 HOUR FORECAST FAILURE TO COMPLY 4111/ TN/S REQUIREMENT COULD RESIJLT IN )HE ISSUANCE OR A STOP .WORK JEQTECE OR OTT/El? ENFORCEMENT ACTION IL/OEM 4O1/TIE ///y5 &INDIX AND agI&ilEWN ALL, *'ITRV.AlIZ/FT AND 7COPOR4N/YE/TOSIDN CONTROL PLANTINO AND IRRIGATION SHALL INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED AS SEWN/LOIN SECTION- 212 OR THE STANDARD 'EDITCA lIONS AND THE FOLLOWND/ A RPVRDSEFEINO SHALL BE APPLIED TO, I ALL SLOPES THAT ARE GRADED ST (HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL) OR STEEPER WHEN THEY ARE s THREE FEET OR MORE IN MEl/BIT AND ADJACENT TO PUBLIC WALL ORSTREET. -- . & ALL SLOPES 4 FEET OR MORE W HE/OIL 2 AREAS GRADED FLATTER THAN 5-1144/ET? ANY OF WE FGLLOMWG CONDITIONS ES/SI) s NOT SCHEDULED FOR IMPROVEMENTS (CONSTRUCTION OR GET/ORAL LANDSCAPING) WTTS1I/ BOOMS OF fF011671 SHADING S. IDE//TIlTED BY 11/F PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR AS HIGHLY lESSEE TO THE PUBLIC s HAW ANY SPECIAL CONDITION IDENTIFIED BY THE CITY ER/SNEER THAT WARRANTS IMMEDIATE TREA TA/ENS B fIYDROSEELIING AREAS SHALL BE IRE/DATED IN ACCORDANCE MW THE FOLIO WHO CRITERIA.- ALL SLOPES THAT ARE SHADED ST ON STEEPER AND THAT ARE. s. THREE TI) LTD/-IT FEET ON RET/BIT SHALL BE IRRIGATED BY HAND WATER/NO FROM 01//CIT COUPLERS/HOSE B/OS ON A CONVENTIONAL 515/EM OF LOW PNECIPITATICRV SPRINKLER HEADS PRO/ID/NE TaOS COVERAGE N. GREATER DIANA FEET IN HEIDI/TN//ALL BE WATERED BY CON/EN/TONAL Sf5/EM OF DEW PRECIPITATION 9'RINIELLR HEADS PRO//DING FOOt COVERAGE 2 AREAS SLOPED LESS THAN N. I SI/ALL SE IRRIGATED AS APPRO/ED BY THE CITY EN/SNEER, PRIOR TO HSDROSSEE/NO THE DY/ELOPER N//ALL SI/BA/IT A PROPOSED SCHEME TO PRO//OIL ERR/GA TIC/I ID WE CITY - ENGINEER. THE PROPOSAL SHALL BE SPECIFIC REGARD/NC THE - NUMBERS TE'5 AND COSTS OR WE (JEWElRED OR THE PROPOSED SYSTEM. 3 IRRIGATION El/ALL MAINTAIN THE 14(5511/NE LENS OR THE SCSL AT THE OPTIMUM LILIES FOR WE GRADING OR THE HTVRDSGSOED GROSHITE - C HTDROS/EDING MIX SHALL COHN/ST OF SPECIES SPECIFIED IN AND S//AU BE APPLIED IN CORFORMAT/CE 411/I WE PROJECT CONSTRUCTION DOSE/MENLO, CAL//ERA PRESERVE PALM SHOES REMOVAL AND NA IT/S PLANT RESTORATION FOR CARLSBAD MUNICiPAL 14141017 DISTRICT (01/DElL 2016) THE OWIER/APPLICABIT £1/AU ENSURE THAT ALL CONTRACTORS N//ALL COORDINATE THE HARK OF THIS CONSTRUCTION SlIP-PP 9/0515 ON ANY GRADING PLANS LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLAtES AND IMPRDE60IT PLANS AS RED//I/EEL FOR THIS PROJECT ILTRK. ALL IREATMENT AND EROSION CONTROLBlIP, MUST RE INSPECTED BEET/ST AND PISTON 70 A FORECASTED RAW EN/NT OR (TREATER THAN 50% AND AFTER A RAIN IL/ENS IN ADDITION. 11754 TAlENT CONTROL Blip, MUST BE SIR REED AS NEEDED TIIROLJDIO/JT THE YEAR. IF N/TESTED MAP FAILS DURING A RAIN EWT/5 IT MUST BE REPAIRED OR IMPROVED Cl? IS/PLACED NTH AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATE AS S/OS? AS IrIS SAFE TO DO SO THE FAILURE OR A MAP INDICATES IT WAS NOT ADEO'JATF FOR THE CIREUM.RTANSTY IN MSIIJ C/ESCR/PS/UPS SE-5. FIBER (INSTALLED, - SE-6. GRAVEL The apprc-vas by the Enpc0! of i'ty 5IRO or working drnwing (or of any or 'fnT9/CIS the ConiraCto(s piant C.-C!ia - .5aii ?70tn any way ie deerrod to release the Contreetor from fall C:)n;ete a -acz-urate erfcrrnnce YEN/OLE Work in accordance wfl tile 'iraI DIa-,n-M Scecfi'caons Neither shaiJ such approval retease the Contractor (coin any i/abtv ptoce upon him by any prow-Lion in the Form of Contract. - .. . . . 0 . .....REJECTEDIRES-U.4T - o .AMENDAND RESUBMIT MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED O .-.-.. NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN : IT WAS I/N/El REPAIRS AND ,HEPL.ACEAAEYIT MUST THEREFORE PUT A MORE NCR/I/ST MAP ' --- ----.--.,,,- - - MEASURE IN PLACE N - 21 ALL CONSTRUCTION EMPLOYEES MUST BE 11/A/NE!) ON THE IMPORTANCE OR STTAFM I ( tjt- (AR L Sa4O WATER POLLUTION PRERENTION AND SM' MAINTENANCE • ShOr üRAWI-NG REVIEW LEGEND WEATHER TRIGGERED ACTION FLAX THE DEVELOPER SHALL DEPLOY STANDBY REST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE MEASURES TO COMPLETELY PROTECT THE EXPOSED PORTIONS OF THE SITE Hf THIN 48 HOURS OF A PREDICTED STORM EVENT (A PREDICTED STORM EN/lIT IS DEPTH/ED AS A FORECASTED, 40% CHANCE ITRAIN By THE NATIONAL HEATHER RERWLSI) IN ADO/TIC/S TO BLIP., /MPLEMITJLED PEAR-ROUND INCLUDING PERIMETER COW17?04. HI/ID EROS/ON CONTROL, TRACKING. NON-STORM WATER C01111RIZ. WASTE MANASEMENE AND MATERIALS POLLUTION CONTROl. THE NATIONAL HEATHER SE/S//CE FORECAST SHALL BE MONITORED AND USED BY 11/IL DE/ETCPER OR A DAILY BA S/S IF PRECIPITATION IS PREDICTED (40% CHANCE OR RAIN). THE/I THE NECESSARY WAIL/N POLLUTION. COVIRCE PRACSCES 10/AU BE DLP-LOTED flIT//N 48 HOURS AND PRIOR TO THE ONSET OR THE PRECIFITA RON. THE DEPLO/MENT OR THE BlIPS SHALL INCLUDE BUT NOT HE LIMITED TO DNA IfS BAGS AND F/BET? ROLLS A MINIMUM IT (25% OR If/F A/ATE/S/AL NEEDED TO INSTALL STANDBY BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES MEASURES Ti) PROTECT THE EXPOSED AREAS FORM EROSION AND PRE RENT SEDIMENT DISC//ANDES MUST BE STORED OF/-SIFT. AREAS THAT HARE ALREADY BEEN PROTECTED 111011 EROSION UN/f/C P//IS/CAL STABILIZATION OR ESTABLISHED VEGETATION STABILIZATION BLIPS AS DEIERMTNEII BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ARE NIT CONSIDERED TO BE EXPOSED FOR THE PURPOSES OR IFIFATHER TRIGGERED ACTION PLAN'. AN ADILOUAIF 50/ISLE OF EQLIIPMGTIT AND JHARKERS SHALL BE A VAILANIE FOR DSSLOIIIENT OF "WEATHER ER/WI/ED MAPS.- SSOL EXPOSED) - NOT 9/OWl (LOCATED AT IS/HAVEN I.N. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND L//TRAW)% TO ACCESS ROAD) 0 EQUIPMENT FUELING OWNER'S CERTIFICATION: -- S UFADLRST'IISD AND AtOpwam T/IAr:ASIIST)-(1) 944. lIT RI/SI MAF/ACEMIJIT PRACTICES NW's) IZWHO-Cr,557//UCTICSI 401/IIDES TO 111€ SLSF/4,WV5'X1Thff4'/4094IBL( TO A/NED 1VE MORSIEZA1ION OF PESLUTANIS SI/C/I AS SEDIMENT AND TO AUDIO TIlE EXPOSURE OF STCNAA WATER TO CONSIRUCTI0N-RISA1SIF POLLUTANTS/ AND (2) ADHERE TO, AND AT ALL TIMES, COMPLY MW THIS CITY APPROVED TIERS CONSTRUCTION SIHPPP THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF 11/IL CONSTRUCTION ACTIIITIES UNTIL 11/IL CONSTRUCTION HARK IS COMPLETE AND STOOGE OFT BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Carlsbad 4ImILbW 41,/IN DI,IrIsl ONTIEO(S)/OY,TJER'S AGENT NAME (PRINT) BATE EIHNLR(S)/ OW/ER'S AGENT NAME (S/cARAT//NE) DATE STORM WATER. POLLUTION PREVENTIONNOTES TIER 2 CITY STORM WATER POLL UTION PRE VENTION PLAN (TIER 2 SWPPP) SW____ Best Management Pfactice' (EIMP) Description ui.81 soon 8 -. nmmmmmmmmm Clack the box Is the IslE of all spplicsble csr/slroclloe scIMly (Trsl column) sspfed to occur dsr/Sg collsl,uctlsn, 2. Located a1ang I/So Isp of lIre BlIP Table Ia I/St F BLIP', el/h it's correspondIng Cofl(ueniu Etonnwster Quality AososIaI/on (CASQA) leoigoolso numbs,'. Choose 000 or rim,, SlIps uu lot mid t durIng conokuctloo 5-so, the IlsL. C/blab the Ps, sNore the oOsse,, ocL/Iy roe i,rlcroetlo wI/I, MrS BMP cs/sm,. Refor to the CASOA conobuclkm bors/Guok Pu,- L'il'cemotLm, and do/sba of the choose BMPo and how to ripply (Sm, Is the projecL - PACIFIC OCEAN CITY OF LNCUJITAS " VICINITY MAP 1 SITE CITY EW OT SI L14 I -' •9's, CITY DY VISTA CITY OF SAN MARCOS SHEETINDEX.- SI/SET I, fl/Il SHEET SHEET 2 EROSION CONTROL PLANS APN:c- oo-o'-oof SITE COORDINATES: 33.175061 deg. Latitude -117.275608 APR Lssglfsde AREA OF DISTURBANCE AREA OF DISIURHANCE 29.38/ S.F. (THIS AREA INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED 151 OFF-N/IF BRINK INCLUDING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND 1SF/PC/RAllY DISTURBANCE SUCH AS VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT STAG/NC AREAS CONSTRUCTION WORKER FOOT TRAIN/C, SOIL/;RAVEL PILES. UTILITY IRE/IC//ES, BACKFILL CUED AND SLOPE KEYWA FE) CONSTRUCTION THREAT: CONSTRUCTION IT/NEAT TO STORM WATER DUALITY (C/?ESK 80KV SE 1/IN/I 81 MEDIUM OWNER/APPLICANT: NAME.' CITY IT CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER 0/5101ST ADDRGSSL SAW 11 CAM/NO REAL CARLEFAD, CA TELEPHONE AID: - EMERGENCY CONTACT: NAB?) PETE TROTTA, HABITAT RESTORATION SCIENCES ADDRESS- 1277 O/SIRBUIICW WAS 015Y4 CA 92081 1011/F/IN/F N0. (750) 419-6506 - ACCESS ROUTE (FROM TRAIL) EROSION CONTROL PLAN SET EC-2 (1NS TIER 2 STORM WATER POLL UTION PRE VENTION PLAN (SWPPP) - RESIDENTIAL - - - - - COMMUNITY ----- -----*-- -- _S____ --"-.------. 5-55- 5- .- --- --55 -5-- ACCESS ROUTE To S VEHiCLEANDEQUIPMENT REFUELING (NS-9)ANDBATHRODM TENTRANCETO -- -- -- _1IRA -WILLOW mmG STswcTm To BE ILL INS~I - 'S'S •..: ON DRN CIW4NELS. (9JOcccL EROSION - — / 1 555 ,i / S.. -! 1' . s-".-- -S., S S --:' T— - ) :\-55L.5 - 5* op W6ECT WORK AREAS i' V.; 1SHTEC-2I: - - \ .- 55 1 •'S I t . .''-._4 ..s' '-• -,SSSS \ \ \;S .55 / .(' • / m o 20 40 odo UROS10N CONTROLPTANSHT EC-2).SCALE IN FEET SITE REFERENCE MAP NOT TO SCALE CALAVERA PRESERVE PALM GROVE REMOVAL I N- 0 I AND NATIVE PLANT RESTORATION: — 100% PLAN SUBMITTAL:- CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT A SUBSIDIARY OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 5950 EL CAMINO REAL, CARLSBAD CA 92008 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE SITE OF MARCOS KEY MAP NOT TO SCALE (Invasive Treatment and S ing) Riparian Enhanoement Areas .r-\..-(Invasrve Treatment/Removal L tbng installation and Seeding) ri~n on (Invasive Removal and Planbng) aul Route GENERAL NOTES PLAN SHEET INDEX REVEGETA1TON OF THE MITIGATION SITE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONCEPTUAL MITIGATION PLAN FOR THE CALAVERA DAM SHEET NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DESCRIPTION ROUTINE MAINTENANCE PROJECT, PREPARED BY LSA ASSOCIATES INC. .(LSA) AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF CARLSBAD SHEET 1 C-i COVER SHEET HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLAN (HMP). PRIOR TO REVEGETAT1ON AND/OR PLANT INSTALLATION. THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST SHALL PROVIDE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE SHEET 2 -1 EXOTIC REMOVAL PLAN LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR AS TO THE TOPSOIL RELOCATION. RE—COMPACTION (E.G. MAX 85 PERCENT WITHIN THE TOP 8 INCHES), SHEET 3 I-i IRRIGATION PLAN AND/OR PREPARATION FOR REVEGETA11ON PURPOSES TO BE DONE BY THE CONTRACTOR. SHEET 4 1-2 IRRIGATION LEGEND & DETAILS REVEGETATTON OF MANUFACTURED SLOPES AND OTHER DISTURBED AREAS ADJACENT TO AREAS OF NATIVE VEGETATION SHALL BE SHEET - 1 PLANTING PLAN ACCOMPLISHED IN A MANNER SO AS TO PROVIDE VISUAL AND HORTICULTURAL COMPATIBILITY WITH THE INDIGENOUS NATIVE PLANT MATERIALS. SHEET 6 P-2 SEEDING PLAN INVASIVE PLANT SPECIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE USTED IN THE CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT COUNCILS (CAL—IPC) SHEET 7 P-3 PLANTING LEGEND & DETAILS INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY, ARE PROHIBITED FROM BEING PLANTED AND SHALL BE ERADICATED AND REMOVED BY THE CONTRACTOR. NATIVE PLANT SPECIES SHALL BE USED IN NATURALIZED AREAS. REVEGETA1TON AND EROSION CONTROL TIMING - ALL REQUIRED REVEGETA1TON AND EROSION CONTROL SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN 30 CALENDAR DAYS OF THE COMPLETION OF GRADING OR DISTURBANCE IN ORDER TO START THE 120—DAY WARRANTY PERIOD. OR AS RECOMMENDED THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST. ALL SLOPES 2.5:1 OR GREATER SHALL BE GRADED TO PREVENT FUTURE EROSION. ADDmONALLY, THE USE OF BIOTECHNICAL TREATMENTS AND FABRIC ENCAPSULATED SOIL (FES) BLANKETS WILL BE INCORPORATED TO STABILIZE THE STREAMBED AND BANKS. ALL MULCH GROUNDCOVER USED SHALL BE CLEAN, FREE FROM WEEDS. SEEDS, AND DEBRIS AS CERTIFIED BY THE SUPPLIER. AS APPLICABLE. CONTRACTOR SHALL CORRECT ALL SOIL EROSION, AND SHALL REPAIR AND/OR REPLACE ALL ABOVE GROUND EROSION CONTROL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP) IMPLEMENTS DAMAGED DURING THE 120—DAY WARRANTY PERIOD AND THROUGHOUT THE 5—YEAR MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING PERIOD. ANY ABOVE—GROUND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SUCH AS, BUT NOT LIMITED TO. SILT FENCING. GRAVEL BAGS, FIBER ROLLS AND/OR HAY BALES SHALL BE REMOVED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOLLOWING ACCEPTANCE OF THE 5—YEAR MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING PERIOD BY THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST. ALL HAY/STRAW PRODUCTS SHALL BE UN— DECAYING . CLEAN AND FREE OF WEEDS, SEEDS, AND DEBRIS. ROPE OR WIRE STRUNG ON METAL T—POSTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AROUND THE THREE MITIGATION AREAS AND MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT THE INSTALLATION OF ALL REVEGETATION PLANT MATERIALS THROUGH THE 120—DAY WARRANTY PERIOD. AND UNTIL THE END OF THE 5 YEAR MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING PERIOD. AT THE DISCRETION OF CMWO AND THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST. AND FOLLOWING ACCEPTANCE OF THE 5—YEAR MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING PERIOD BY THE RESOURCE AGENCIES. THE CONTRACTOR MAY BE ASKED TO REMOVE ALL ROPE/WIRE AND T—POSTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL TRASH AND/OR DEBRIS FROM THE REVECETA11ON SITE PRIOR TO AND FOLLOWING THE REVEGETA11ON INSTALLATION, AND UNTIL THE END OF THE 5—YEAR MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING PERIOD. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY IRRIGATION LINES AND APPURTENANCES FOLLOWING ACCEPTANCE OF REVEGETA11ON BY THE RESOURCES AGENCIES. ALL PLANTINGS SHALL BE MONITORED FOR A MINIMUM OF AVE YEARS FOLLOWING ACCEPTANCE OF INSTALLATION. ALL MITIGATION PLANTING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 100 PERCENT SURVIVAL THE FIRST YEAR AND 80 PERCENT SURVIVAL THEREAFTER AND/OR SHALL ATTAIN 60 PERCENT COVER OF NATIVE WETLAND SPECIES AFTER THREE YEARS AND 80 PERCENT COVER OF NATIVE SPECIES AFTER AVE YEARS. IF THE SURVIVAL AND COVER REQUIREMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN MET. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPLACEMENT PLANTING TO ACHIEVE THESE REQUIREMENTS. ALL MATERIALS REMOVED FROM THIS SITE BY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN A LEGAL MANNER. DURING REMOVAL OF LARGE TREES AND SHRUBS CARE WILL BE TAKEN TO PRESERVE ADJACENT NATIVE VEGETATION TO THE.GREATEST EXTENT FEASIBLE. ACCESS ROUTE THROUGH EXISTING VEGETATION SHALL SHALL BE PRE—APPROVED BY THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST PRIOR TO WORK. ROUTES SHALL BE TEMPORARILY FENCED TO PROTECT EXISTING NATIVE VEGETATION. TREES SHALL BE CUT AT OR NEAR SOIL SURFACE AND STUMPS WILL BE IMMEDIATELY TREATED WITH HERBICIDE. ONLY SYSTEMIC HERBICIDES THAT HAVE BEEN APPROVED BY THE U.S. EPA FOR AQUATIC SITUATIONS WILL BE USED. DURING CONSTRUCTION SIGNAGE INDICATING WORK IN PROGRESS AND CLOSED AREAS WILL BE UTILIZED FOR PUBLIC SAFETY. ALL CONSTRUCTION ACCESS SHALL STAY WITHIN PROJECT WORK AREAS AND ALONG ROUTES PRE—APPROVED BY THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST AND CMWD. WATER TRUCK SHALL BE MAINTAINED ON SITE (EXCEPT DURING REFILL) FOR FIRE PREVENTION, DUST CONTROL AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. ALL VEHICLES SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. ANY CONCRETE DAMAGE DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REPLACED IN KIND BY THE CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING AN OCEANSIDE HAUL ROUTE PERMIT AND RIGHT—OF—WAY PERMIT (IF REQUIRED). and Seeding) I- 0 0 RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY STAGING AREA: LIMITED TO EXISTING CLEARED AREA. (SEE NOTES) MINOR GRADING ALONG ACCESS ROUTE 7'-'ACCESS ROUTE .1 / _J (TO SKY HAVEN LN ESA J.7 / ESA OVA Qv ~/ ,PEM PROJECT BIOLOGIST AND CMWD TOAPPROVE PALM TREE OVAL ROUTE AND MONITOR RE-WORK NATIVE BRUSH CLEARING AND TREE TRIMMING --c-- EXISTING DRAIN 7.. CULVERT OUTLET (PROTECT-IN-PLACE) FOLLOWING TREE REMOVAL THE DRAINAGE COURSE SHALL E GRADED WITH BRAIDED AND MEANDERING MICROCHANNELS TO PROMOTE DEVELOPMENT OF TOPOGRAPHIC COMPLEXITY -c STALL PROJECT FENCING ALONG THE PROJECT WORK LIMITS AND PER THE GENERAL NOTES (SHT. C-i) -- - - -.-- -- 4 EXOTIC REMOVAL PLAN LEGEND LJ PROJECT WORK AREAS (AREAS 1, 2 & 3) RIPARIAN ENHANCEMENT AREAS EXOTIC TREATMENT/REMOVAL AND WETLAND GRADING (E SIlTS I-i, P-i & P-2 FOR IRRIGAnOR R)NTTNG &SEEDING) cz' RIPARIAN ENHANCEMENT AREA EXOTIC TREATMENT/REMOVAL OF MYOPORUM TREES (NO GRADING OR REMOVAL OF PALMS) (E SI-if P-i & P-2 FEFI RfiNiTh3 & NG) BT RIPARIAN ENI-IA'TCEMENT AREAS EXOTIC TREATMENT (No REMOVAL OR GRADING) ( SI-fr P-2 FOR SE NG) p- WETLAND CREATION (ESTABLISHMENT) AREA 3Ij UPLAND WEED INLATMENI/REMOVAL AND WETLAND GRADINQ (E SI-ITS I-i, P-i & P-2 'FOR IWGAiial, PLANTiNG & ELiNG) * SEE SHEET C-i FOR GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND RESTRICTION NOTES ACCESS ROUTE THROUGH EXISTING VEGETATION (SHOWN DIAGRAMMATICALLY) (SEE NOTES SRI C-i). ESA ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA (PROTECT-IN-PLACE/ACCESS RESTRICTED) - EXISTING NATIVE SURFACE ACCESS ROAD/TRAiL C) EXISTING NATIVE RIPARIAN CANOPY (PROTECT IN RfiCE, LOCAliON ESTiMATED) ESA 11111 IN FEET)7,Y EXOTIC REMOVAL AND SITE PREPARATION NOTES - - CONTRACTOR WILL USE SDGE ACCESS ROAD OFF OF SKY HAVEN AS THE INGRESS AND EGRESS POINT FOR TRUCKING. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE EROSION CONTROL BERMS AND REESTABLISH PRE-PROJECT GRADES AFTER LARGE VEHICLE ACCESS IS NO LONGER REQUIRED. THE STAGING AREA SHALL BE ESTABLISHED IN AN EXISTING CLEARED AREA PRE-APPROVED BY THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST. LIMITS SHALL BE FENCED WITH ORANGE CONSTRUCTION FENCING FOR THE DURATION OF THE L/L.Y INSTALLATION PHASE. UPON COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION, FENCING SHALL BE COMPLETELY REMOVED AND A BONDED FIBER MATRIX (BMF) SOIL STABILIZER CONTAINING THE SLURRY MIX SPECIFIED IN SEEDING NOTE' #5, SHT P-3 SHALL BE APPLIED. - CONTRACTOR WILL DRILL AND TREAT WITH HERBICIDE ALL NON-NATIVE (EXOTIC) TREES WITHIN THE DESIGNATED PROJECT LIMITS. TREES SLATED FOR REMOVAL WILL BE ALLOWED TO DESSICATE PRIOR TO REMOVAL AND OFF-SITE HAULING. ALL NON-NATIVE VEGETATION WITHIN AREA 1 AND MYOPORUM TREES INDENTIED IN AREA 2 WILL BE CUT TO GRADE, AS PRACTICABLE. TREE STUMPS WILL BE TREATED WITH APPROPRIATE HERBICIDE TO PREVENT REGROWTH, BUT WILL BE LEFT IN PLACE TO PROVIDE SOIL STABILITY. ALL CUT MATERIALS (LEAVES, BRANCHES, LOGS) WILL BE HAULED OFF-SITE AND DISPOSED AT A GREEN WASTE FACILITY. CONTRACTOR WILL PERFORM MINOR GRADING THROUGHOUT RIPARIAN ENHANCEMENT AREA AND WETLAND CREATION AREA TO PREVENT COMPACTION TO THE SOIL AND HELP CONVEY DRAINAGE FROM THE EXISTING STORM 7 ....-' DRAIN OUTFALL AND UPLAND SOURCES. ( 7. GRADING WILL INCLUDE SOIL CONTOURING TO CREATE MEANDERING PRIMARY AND SECONDARY CHANNELS. GRADING WILL BE CONDUCTED TO SPREAD DRAINAGE, PROVIDE A DIVERSITY OF MICROHABITATS, PROMOTE THE / ) / DEVELOPMENT OF MICROTOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES AND TO AID IN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE NATIVE WETLAND PLANT SPECIES. ALL SLOPES GREATER THAN 2.5:1 WILL BE LAID BACK TO PREVENT FUTURE EROSION. ADDITIONALLY, CONTRACTOR WILL USE BIOTECHNICAL TREATMENTS SUCH AS WILLOW WATTLES, SMALL LOG STRUCTURES, AND FABRIC ENCAPSULATED SOIL (FES) BLANKETS TO STABILIZE STREAMBED AND BANKS. - - PRIOR TO FINISH GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL COLLECT FOUR SOIL SAMPLES WITHIN THE RIPARIAN ENHANCEMENT AREA. SAMPLES SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR AGRICULTURAL SUITABILITY ANALYSIS. / Jj 10, CONTRACTOR WILL INCORPORATE THE PRESCRIBED AMENDMENTS INTO THE TOP 8" OF SOIL THROUGH CROSS RIPPING TO CREATE THE PROPER SOIL AGRONOMY FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF NATIVE PLANT SPECIES. I [] N/A - N/A WATER TRUCK COUPLING STATION WILKINS MODEL 500 2 SINGLE UNION PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE ® KBI BLOCKED TRUE UNION PVC 501 60 BALL VALVE BALL VALVE (UNE SIZE) 33-RC WITH RAINBIRD 33DK VALVE KEY QUICK COUPLING WITH RUBBER CAP AND VALVE KEY LATERAL LINE SCH 40 PVC (ON GRADE) PVC LATERAL LINE N.A. CLASS 315 PVC OR PRESSURE 2 SDR 17 CERTA-LOK ON-GRADE IRRIGATION MAINLINE N.A. MAINLINE YELOMINE PVC (ON GRADE) SLEEVING 501 40 PVC 501 40 Ri/C LATERAL PIPE PROTECTION SLEEVING TYPICAL VALVE CALL-OUT & VALVE REFERENCE: COMMUNITY - -LOCATION WATER ----- APPROXIMATE. --- LOCATION SHALL BE PRE-APPROVED - - / BY THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST AND -.. - - - - - ( CMWD PRIOR TO INSTALLATION -AREAS TEMPORARILY IMPACTED - - - -- ( j ( ------ ---------------- FROM PALM TREE REMOVAL SHALL RD AND PLANTED 2 (ADD ADDITIONAL HEADS TO THE 4 . --- M AS NEEDED TO OBTAIN L-.--- :---.,\ ' 7 - - - - (PV ITI HEAD TO HEAD COVER) ESA 4 2 ACCES ROUTE -- ,,,I_;/ • /_ 6 (TO SKY HAVEN LN) 2 INSTALLATION OF ON-GRADE IRRIGATION MAINLINE THROUGH EXISTING NATIVE VEGETATION SHALL BE PRE-APPROVED BY THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST (TYP.) 2' 26 11 If E ...', 4 1 •i 2 - - .. :' • . 4 -- -- -- - * 4 00000 oop~ .alum a • 2 4 10 / 2 . 1 4000, 4' / 4 ESA \j 1.0 /1 "4 ( A \ 1.5 PLAN LEGEND 1.5 / - . - PROJECT WORK AREAS RIPARIAN ENHANCEMENT AREA \ •'. ES WETLAND CREATION AREA ACCESS ROUTE THROUGH EXISTING VEGETATION (DIAGRAMATIC) ROUTES SHALL SHALL BE PRE-APPROVED 400$ Y THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST PRIOR TO WORK, SEE NOTES) 4_ / ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA 4 ESA (PROTECT-IN-PLACE/ACCESS RESTRICTED) N EXISTING NATIVE SURFACE ACCESS ROAD/TRAIL 25 IS 0 20 120 CD EXISTING NATIVE RIPARIAN CANOPY / I (PROTECT IN PLACE. LOCATION ESTIMATED) AS IN FEET * F1NERAL CONSTRUCTION TEMPORARY IRRIGATION SYSTEM NOTES: CONTRACTOR SHALL ESTABLISH WATER TRUCK/TEMPORARY HOSE CONNECTION AT WATER COUPLING STATION AND MANUALLY OPERATE VALVE DURING EACH WATERING EVENT. IRRIGATION SHALL BE APPLIED PER THE IRRIGATION REQUIREMENTS DESCRIBED IN THE THESE NOTES. CONTRACTOR TO ESTABLISH WATER SOURCE/TRUCK ALL-UP STATION AT OFF SITE LOCATION IN COORDINATION WITH CMWD. WATER TRUCK SHALL ACCESS SITE FROM SOG&E ACCESS ROAD ON SKY HAVEN LANE. WATER TRUCK SHALL REMAIN ON ESTABLISHED ACCESS ROADS AND APPROVED TRAILS AT ALL TIMES. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST, TEMPORARY IRRIGATION WILL BE APPLIED AS FOLLOWS: INSTALL TEMPORARY IRRIGATION FOR CONNECTION TO A WATER TRUCK, AS INDICATED ON THE IRRIGATION PLANS. CONTRACTOR SHALL TEMPORARILY IRRIGATE ALL REVEGETATTON AREAS AlA WATER TRUCK ON A REGULAR BASIS AS INDICATED ON THE IRRIGATION PLANS, AND AS DIRECTED BY THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST, TO SUPPLEMENT NATURAL PRECIPITATION AND TO - HELP ASSURE SEED GERMINATION AND CONTAINER PLANT SURVIVAL UNTIL ADEQUATELY ESTABLISHED, AS DETERMINED BY THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST. KYDROSEED AND/OR CONTAINER PLANTS SHALL BE PLANTED BETWEEN OCTOBER 1 AND MARCH 1. DURING THE RAINY SEASON. PROJECT BIOLOGIST SHALL RECOMMEND ALL ADDITIONAL TEMPORARY IRRIGATION MEASURES, NOT SHOWN ON THE IRRIGATION PLANS, AS NEEDED. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROPOSE ANY SUPPLEMENTAL METHODS OF IRRIGATION TO AUGMENT THOSE SHOWN ON THE IRRIGATION PLANS. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROViDE ALL IRRIGATION LINES AND APPURTENANCES TO FUNCTION AS SPECIFIED. TEMPORARY IRRIGATION VIA IRRIGATION LINES AND APPURTENANCES, AS SHOWN ON THE IRRIGATION PLANS (OR ALTERNATE METHOD APPROVED BY THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST), SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR A PERIOD SUFFICIENT TO ESTABLISH PLANT MATERIAL AND TO PROVIDE VEGETATIVE COVER TO PREVENT SOIL EROSION. THE AMOUNT OF IRRIGATION MUST BE ADJUSTED WHEN WARRANTED BY SITE coNomoNS AND NATURAL PRECIPITATION. PROJECT BIOLOGIST AND LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL MONITOR SITE CONDITIONS TO DETERMINE SUCCESS AND ADDED REQUIREMENTS FOR TEMPORARY IRRIGATION. S IRRIGATION SHALL BE PERFORMED IN A MANNER THAT AVOIDS RUNOFF, SEEPAGE. AND DVERSPRAY ONTO ADJACENT PROPERTIES, NON-IRRIGATED AREAS, WALLS, ROADWAYS, AND/OR STRUCTURES. THE WATER DELIVERY RATE SHALL BE MATCHED TO THE PERCOLATION RATE OF THE SOIL - 6. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL DEI.NER WATER SUFFICIENTLY AND UNIFORMLY AND SHALL BE APPROPRIATE TO THE NEEDS OF THE PLANT MATERIALS. 9. OVERWATERING (DURING DRY CONDITIONS) AS EVIDENCED BY SOGGY SOILS, STANDING WATER, RUNOFF IN NATURAL DRAINAGES AND OTHER SIMILAR CONDITIONS SHALL BE MANAGED AND PREVENTED. TO. WATERING SHALL NOT OCCUR BEYOND THE REVEGETATION BOUNDARIES, BUT AREAS TEMPORARILY IMPACTED FOR INITIAL INVASIVE TREE REMOVALS SHALL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE RESTORATION AREA PLANTED AND IRRIGATED. SUPPLEMENTAL WATERING VIA DRIP IRRIGATION, OR HOSE (VIA INSTALLED QUICK COUPLER) MAY BE REQUIRED TO SUPPLY SUFFICIENT DEEP WATERING TO ROOT ZONES OF THE LARGER TREE SPECIES OR FOR STRESSED CONTAINER PLANTS DURING UNSEASONABLY WARM CONDITIONS. AT THE COMPLETION OF THE MONITORING PERIOD, THE MITIGATION SITE SHALL HAVE RECIEVED NO SUPPLEMENTAL IRRIGATION FOR A PERIOD OF TWO ¼.Ufl3Ci.UIIY ICflW. I I I IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LEGEND (SEE SHT 1-2 FOR IRRIGATION HEAD LEGEND) I SYMBOL MANUF. MODEL NO DESCRIPTION DETAIL REMARKS INSTALL BELOW GRADE IN LOCKING VALVE I IB BOX. UD SHUT AND LOCKED UPON INSTALLATION. STAMP 'CS ON TOP OF VALVE BOX. INSTALL THRUST BLOCKS AT DOWNSTREAM SIDE OF VALVE BOX, OR STAKE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. INSTALL BELOW GRADE IN LOCKING VALVE BOX. UD SHUT AND LOCKED UPON INSTALLATION. STAMP 'P\( ON TOP OF VALVE BOX. INSTALL THRUST BLOCKS AT UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM SIDE OF VALVE BOX, OR STAKE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. SET TO MAX. 6OPSI. INSTALL BELOW GRADE IN LOCKING VALVE BOX. UD SHUT AND LOCKED UPON W I' INSTALLATION. STAMP 'By' ON TOP OF VALVE BOX. INSTALL THRUST BLOCKS AT UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM SIDE OF VALVE BOXORSTAKETOTIIEBOITOMOFTHE TRENCH. LINE SIZE. NORMALLY CLOSED. INSTALL IN LOCKING ROUND VALVE BOX. UD SHUT AND LOCKED UPON INSTALLATION. USE 1 SCH 40 PVC TO CONNECT TO MAJNUNE. ..J INSTALL THRUST BLOCKS AT UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM SIDE OF VALVE BOX, OR < w STAKE TO GRADE CL CX) STAKE ON GRADE AT TO' O.C. AND AT ALL 0 0 CORNERS. STAKES SNAIL EXTEND 12" (MIN) INTO SUBGRADE. PLACE IN PVC SLEEVE 24 Z BELOW GRADE AT TRAIL CROSSINGS. SIZE D (I) >< PER LATERAL PIPE SIZING TABLE. cu 0-0 INSTALL ER GRACE INSTALL I)JTTIEE IF EXISTING ACCESS ROADMAILS. OWAIECT WITH TERrA-LEE r1f (u cu IX1FlJNGS, TWIT MAMJFACTUIER'S IEI)JIIE}.ENTS iI_ • STAINGRECEATMIIL IO'OC. Cl) AND ATALL (MN) ENDS. STAKES SHALL EXTEND 16 INTO SIJODTAC/C INSTALL THRUST ELOQC AT ALL WRTTCES 1110 0 CHANGES OF (SECTION (PER NOTES). SIZE PER PLAN. < 0 SLEEVING AT CREEK CROSSINGS. LINE TO BE 2X PIPE SIZE IT WILL CARRY. STAKE AT EVERY TX'O/C pli TOTAL GALLONS PER MINUTE FOR VALVE - 025~~ VALVE STATION NUMBER VALVE SIZE (SEE PLANS) LATERAL LINE PIPE SIZING CHART THRUST BLOCKS: IRRIGATION GPM MIN. PIPE SIZE PIPE TYPE T. IHAUST a SHALL BE INSTALLED AIlING 11€ LENGTH OF THE MAIMINE AT ALL OIINTES OF (IJECITOTA (IEEE 03)45), - AT STOPS (91 EPICS, 1110 AT EQUIPMENT CEFICTED IN 1W ERBETA1LS. 0 - 8.5 3/4" UV-PVC SCH 40 8.5 - 12.5 1" UV-PVC SCH 40 2. BRED IPIRISI COOlS 94AJj BE ((SISTRETED AT THE WTSLE E CF AN ELBOW (91 (ITWlSTIEIM OF A TEE AND ER-CRAETISFaWlS91AILCE*RETaYEPIC4SERF I ALL IZ6A1WTE 119111SF BLCO< BEARNG FACES SHALL BE 12.5 - 22.5 1 1/4" UV-PVC SCH 40 POURED XANST UNDISIUFBED SOIL OR 90% OMPAM 22.5 - 34.5 1 1/2' UV-PVC SCH 40 DNQRTIL (SI-ORatE THEIST COOlS SHALL BE POURED INTO A TEMPORARY ffiIJT1J FERII FOR ALL EXPOSED BOTNO FP 4. A POMM1JM i/PAN Q.ASS 215X1 PORTLAND CEMENT OOIX)ETE 34.5 - 54.5 2" UV-PVC SCI-4 40 STAN.L BE 1150 CII AL 1166.1S7 CLX) S. FTTTTPISuWLBE ENCASED INAN6MLAlNIT. WRAP R)STTC 54.5 - 74.5 2 1/2" UV-PVC SCH 40 X. iPIfItIST B.IXI<S SHALL BE A MNWU,I OF 1.5 OJCC FEET, UNLESS OTIIEP#& TEFICTEE. 74.5 - 110.0 3" PVC CLASS 315 7. 1TET THE END FF FI6.IJECT.COOlSSTIALL BE PBAIWEDINPLACCAT -100% FINAL PLAN SFT NOT FflR ('.ONSTRI IC.TIflN - A ITEM DESCRIPTION _j.: 'EçTANGULAR PLASTIC VALVE BOX WITH LOCKING LID, SEE NOTES 18 FROM EDGE OF PAVEMENT, TRAIL, ETC FINISH GRADE - RUBBER COVER CHAINED TO CAMLOCK - - 2" ALUMINUM CAMLOCK MALE TO FEMALE THREADS - - CHAIN OR WIRE TO CONNECT COVER TO CAMLOCK (KEEP CAPPED) - - 1 CU. FT. (mm) PEA GRAVEL SUMP ... ICK OR CONC. BLOCK SUPPORTS ON COMPACTED SOIL 9 COMPACT SUBGRADE TO 90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE 10 8"x8" CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK ON 90% COMPACTED NATIVE GRADE OR ANCHOR TO MAINLINE TO BOTTOM OF TRENCH WITH i-HOOKS 11 2" RED BRASS NIPPLE (length as required) 12 2 RED BRASS THREADED ELL 13 2" PVC MAINLINE PIPE, SEE LEGEND 14 PVC SCH 80 MALE ADAPTER (slip x thread) 15 IMIN. DEPTH 18" (SEE MAINLINE TRENCH DETAIL) A P.O.C. TRUCK/HOSE COUPLING STATION NOT TO SCALE II SPRINKLER HEAD LEGEND SYMBOL MANUF. MODEL NO. DESCRIPTION DETAIL ARC RADIUS PSI GPM NOTES 9 -HUNTER PGJ-O0-V-1.0 GEAR DRIVEN ROTOR (SHRUB HEAD) © 90 19' 40 1.0 INUNE DRAIN CHECK VALVE ON RISER 9 -HUNTER PGJ-00-V-1.5 GEAR DRIVEN ROTOR (SHRUB HEAD) 180 22' 40 1.5 1N-UNE DRAIN CHECK VALVE ON RSER () HUNTER PGP-00-CV-2.0 GEAR DRIVEN ROTOR (SHRUB HEAD) 90 34' 45 2.0 'IN-UNE DRAIN CHECK VALVE ON RISER HUNTER PGP-00-CV-4.0 GEAR DRIVEN ROTOR (SHRUB HEAD) 180 40' 45 4.0 *IN-UNE DRAIN CHECK VALVE ON RISER © -HUNTER PGP-00-CV-6.0 GEAR DRIVEN ROTOR (SHRUB HEAD) 240 45 6.0 1N-UNE DRAIN CHECK VALVE ON RISER © HUNTER PGP-00-CV-8.0 GEAR DRIVEN ROTOR (SHRUB HEAD) © 360 45 8.0 1N-LINE DRAIN CHECK VALVE ON RISER * INSTALL DRAIN CHECK VALVE ON RISER IF IRRIGATION HEAD IS GREATER THAN 8' BELOW VALVE (SEE SPECIFICATIONS) NOTE: ACTUAL ARCS MAY VARY SLIGHTLY BASED ON SITE CONFIGURATION. ADJUST RADII TO OBTAIN HEAD TO HEAD COVERAGE H ITEM DESCRIPTION T i& (MIN.) FROM EDGE OF TRAILS. ROADS, ETC. (where applicable) GEAR DRIVEN ROTOR HEAD (SEE LE(;ElID) 3 24 SCH. 80 PVC RISER i IN-LINE DRAIN CHECK VALVE (SEE LEGEND FOR REQ.) - RUBBER TWIST TIE TO SECURE I-EAb AND RISER to STAKE -MIN. 3 - PVC LATERAL LINE ON GRADE 1 SWING JOINT ASSEMBLY ATTACHED TO PVC PIPE FITTING (2" marlex st. dlx) 8 1 2" #3 EBAR STAKE (mm 18" into grade) NO. 3 REBAR J-STAKE Al 10' O.C. (MAX.) AND Al PIPE ENDS. (stakes to extend mm. 12" into subgrade) 10 EXISTING GRADE J] 30" MIN ABOVE FINISH GRADE C ON-GRADE ROTOR SPRINKLER HEAD DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 PVC SCH 80 BALL VALVE W/INTEGRAL UNION, SEE LEGEND PVC MAINLINE PIPE FROM P.O.C. 3 PLASTIC VALVE BOX WITH LOCKING LID. (SEE NOTE- ST-4 FINISH GRADE 5 2" ABOVE FINISH GRADE 6" DEEP (MIN.) PEA GRAVEL SUMP 7 COMPACTED SUBGRADE TO 90% 8 BRICK OR CONC. BLOCK SUPPORTS ON COMPACTED SOIL .- 9 18" DEPTH FOR MAINLINE 10 PVC LATERAL PIPE TO SPRINKLER HEADS 11 PVC SCH 40 SXS ELL 12 REBAR i-STAKE. EXTEND 16" INTO SUBGRADE (MIN.) (SEE NOTES) .13 UNION (PVC) 14 SHORT NIPPLES PVC, SCH 80 (typ) 15 PVC SCH 80 FEMALE ADAPTER (typ) .iL ANCHOR MAJNUNE/LATERAL TO BOT1(R OF TRENCH WITH I-HOOKS 17 MIN. 18" FROM EDGE OF PAVEMENT. TRAIL. ETC D MANUAL CONTROL BALL VALVE SECTION. NOI TU SCALE B PRESSURE REGULATING VALVE SECTION. NUT TO SCALE ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 QUICK COUPLER KEY W/SWIVEL HOSE ELL ...L PLASTIC VALVE BOX WITH LOCKING UD. SEE SPECS 3 MIN. 18" FROM EDGE OF PAVEMENT, TRAIL. ETC 4 FINISH GRADE _5 RUBBER COVER 6 QUICK COUPLER VALVE, SEE LEGEND 2 1 CU. FT. (mm) PEA GRAVEL SUMP _8.. BRICK OR CONC. BLOCK SUPPORTS ON COMPACTED SOIL _9 COMPACT SUBGRADE TO 907 COMPACTED SUBGRADE .3.2. 8"x 8"x8" CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK ON 90% COMPACTED NATIVE GRADE OR ANCHOR MAINLINE TO BOTTOM OF TRENCH WITH I-HOOKS 11 RED BRASS NIPPLE (length as required) 12 RED BRASS THREADED ELL 13 PVC MAINLINE PIPE, SEE LEGEND "IT PVC SCH 80 MALE ADAPTER (slip x thread) 15 INUNE PRESSURE REGULATOR (AS NEEDED. SEE IRR. EQ. LEGEND) E QUICK COUPLER VALVE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ACCESS ROUTE ~. 1 1 (FROM TRAiL) ,VV VVVV /VVVVVVVV , 7VVV VVV jVVVVVVV V. vvv vvvv \v V V V V V S RIPARIAN ENHANCEMENTAREA 1 V V V v v v PLANTING AREAS O.OIOAC. WDROSEED MX 'A: CUTTINGS 1VVVV V VVVVVVV •Z.7.A VVVVVVV OJT11NGS V V V V V 15 -BAW-AARS SAUOFcUA V V V V V V 5 -SAUX E)OWA 10 -SAUX GOODDINGII !... ,v V V V V V 5 -SAlix .AEAGTA 5 -SAUX LASCtERS iVVV VV' IVVV VV. VVV/ ? VVVV VVVVVV, - VVV VSV "vv V7 "' V 7 --- - 20 10 0 20 120 SCALE INFEET . ' PLANTING PLAN SHT P-i (INSET) CONTAINER PLANT LEGEND RIPARIAN SCRUB PLANT PALETTE (0.573 ACRES) SYMBOL BOTAL CQMN COWER GROUPING SP5LG plqTNS DETAIL ANEMOPSIS CAUFORNICA YERBA MANSA 1 GAL 061? (4) 1-3' 100 © PLATANUS RACEMOSA WESTERN SYCAMORE DEEP 15 GAL SIMIE 20' 10 RRU.S FWM3OI ER'. FI6M)AU WESTERN COTTONWOOD DEEP 15 GAL ¶GE 12' 10 \OR COAST LIVE 011< DEEP 15 GAL STGE 20' 10 RIJOUS URSINUS CHUFORNIA BLAO(OEIBLY 1 GAL GROUP (3) 34 75* S*i,BflS NG1A ER'. CAEIUEA MEIRCAN ELDERBERRY DEEP 1 GAL SMIE -12-16 25 SEE PLANTiNG AND CUTTING NOTES SHEET P-3 TOTAL 230 * TOTAL PLANTS RE'.ISED FROM QIWATII1ES SI'EORQ IN THE CONCEPTUAL MITIGATION PLAN (LSA INC. 2015) CUTTINGS PLANT LEGEND RIPARIAN SCRUB PLANT PALETTE SYMBOL BOTANFAL CQM)N CJJER GROUPINC SPJG L9+S DETAIL - - - BACCHARIS SAIJCIFGLIA MULE FAT CUTTINGS SINGLE 4-6' 190 ® SAUX EXIGUA NARROW-LEAVED WILLOW CUTTINGS SINGLE 4-6' 55 ;r -• SAIJX G000DINGII G000ING'S BLACK WILLOW CUTTINGS SINGLE 4-6' 110 rr SAUX LAaqGATA RED WILLOW CUI1TNGS SINGLE 4-6' 30 SAUX LHSIOLEPIS ARROYO WILLOW CUTTINGS SINGLE 14 155 ® ED PLANTING NOTES SHT P-3 TOTAL * TOTAL PLANTS REVISED FROM QUANTITIES E0AWIN THE CONCEPT1' MITiGATiON PLAN (ISA INC. 2015) 540 POLE CUTTING FENCE STRUCTURE LEGEND RIPARIAN SCRUB PLANT PALETTE SYMBOL BOTAL COMN CONJER GROUPING SP(J(3 T10I DETAIL BACCHARIS SALICIFOLIA MULE FAT ' CIJT11NCS SINGLE 3 TOD © SAUX EXIGUA SAUX COODDINGII NARROW-LEAVED HALLOW GOODINC'S BLACK WILLOW CUTTiNGS CUTTINGS SINGLE SINGLE 3' 3 TBD TOO SAUX LAE',ICATA RED WILLOW CIJr1TNCS SINGLE 3. TOO SAUX LASIOLEPIS ARROYO WILLOW CUTTINGS SINGLE 3' TOO © SEE PLANTING AND CUTITNG NOTES SHE P-3 TOTAL 500 QUANTifiES (Br SPECIES) SHALL BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD IN CONSULTATION WITH THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST BASED 1 ON INSTALLATION LOCATION AND AVAJLASLE DONOR FLINTS TES o ZZ .2 Zc1 < < in 2 —Ioo ILL a LL, Cu z< —0_JE z 7 0< o o CO 0 1 4è _____ #.•'; JL1J ,IIuI t 11111 1hiiIiWii1i • p - •••##••a i_• I w w w w w I / o••• ••••.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.*.•.•.•• I - ' . -_ - - ..•.•.•.•...! .#.•.S.• — — -M I •.iWaii. 4• •• • — — I ' ________ ___•' — pity 41i1I11IIIIIc!S: A I'' - I III III 1111111 ••p• I- .. -:- gjiJ- F v - — .;• •.1 - •.•.•*•.• d-. . .... '. - 44 I ••" '' A Ll LA BLVD. 0,0 HABITAT RESTORATION IN PROGRESS (BY OTHE ESA ESA \) \ WPARLAN ENCEMEPrAREA PLANI1NGPREASO.01OAC. - - WEflDENHN10EMENTAREAS I - PLAN11NGARFAS 0.192AC. (COMBINED) 0 D 1.6X 'A' & OJiliNGS - ---:.-- — - ED 16X 'A' RIPARIAN PARK uj of U) O~CITY OF - d 3 RESIDENT AL 0 COMMUNITY SERE STA, LIMITED TO EXISTING CLEARED AREA. ----- ---BIOLOGIST TO PRE- APPROVE WETLAND CREATION AREA PLAN 11Na AREA O.O15AC. M qYDROSEED MX 'A' OJflNGS ACCESS ROUTE (TO SKY HAVEN LN.) ESA RIPARIAN ENRANCEMENTARFA Al SEEDING LEGEND WETLAND SEED MIX 'A SEEDING AREA 0.776 ACRE SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME LBSJACRE TOTALLBS. BACCHARIS SAUCIFOUA MULE FAT . 1.00 0.78 HWOTROPIUM CURASSAMCUM ALKALI HELIOTROPE 1.00 0.78 ayMus CONOENSA11JS GIANT 191.0-RYE 1.50 1.16 ELYMUS TRR1000ES . BEARDLESS WS: 7.00 5.43 PLUCHEA 0D0RTA MARSH FLEABANE 0.25 0.19 SCHOENOPLECTIJS ACIJTUS BULi1JLE 2.00 1.55 BOLBOSCHOENUS ROBUSIUS COMMON BULRUSH 2.00 1.55 14.75 11.44 ESA I // SEEDING PLAN LEGEND . . PROJECT WORK AREAS (AREAS 1, 2 & 3) R(PARIAN ENHANCEMENT AREAS CONTA9NEI PLAN11NO, CUniNGS AND SEEDING (E -{T P-i FOR CONTAINER PLANI1NG & CUTTINGINSTALLATION) AREAS ;EE SIlT P-i FOR CUlliNG ISLAu.AliOR) WE11.AND CR CONTAINER J1TING1TINGS AND SEEDING (E SIlT P-i FOR CONTAINER RfiNhiNG & CUlliNG INSTALLATION) RIPARIAN ENHANCEMENT AREAS SEEDING ONLY SEE SHEET C-i FOR GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND RESTRICTION NOTES ACCESS ROUTE THROUGH EXISTING VEGETATION (SHOWN DIAGRAMMATICALLY) (SEE NOTES SHT C-i). ESA ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA (PROTECT-IN-PLACE/ACCESS RESTRICTED) EXISTING NATIVE SURFACE ACCESS ROAD/TRAIL Q XISllNG NATIVE RIPARIAN CANOPY (PROTECT IN RACIE, LCXAiiOR ESTIMATED) -100% FINAL PLAN SET - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION - TABLE 1: SUCCESS CRITERIA ULTIMATE VEGETATIVE COVER PERFORMANCE STANDARDS NATIVE COVER: NONNATIVE COVER: ARE GROUND: AT LEAST 80 PERCENT NO MORE THAN 5 PERCENT NO MORE THAN 25 PERCENT -CONTAINER PLANTS NOT MEETING PLANT SURVIVAL SUCCESS CRITERIA, AS VERIFIED AND RECOMMENDED BY THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST, SHALL BE REPLACED AND MAINTAINED AT CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE UNTIL THE SUCCESS CRITERIA HAS BEEN MET. UPON COMPLETION OF THE MONITORING PERIOD. VEGETATION WITHIN THE SITE SHOULD BE ADEQUATELY ESTABLISHED AND WILL BE CAPABLE OF SURVIVING WITHOUT SUPPLEMENTAL WATERING FOR THE FINAL TWO YEARS. PRIOR TO COMPLETION. "THE MITIGATION SITE MAY BE CONSIDERED SUCCESSFUL IF QUALITATIVE OBSERVATIONS ARE MADE THAT INDICATE WILDLIFE ARE THRMNC. - CONTAINER PLANT AND CUTTING NOTES TABLE 2: SUMMARY AND SCHEDULE FOR MAINTENANCE, MONITORING, AND REPORTING FOR PROJECT PERIOD ACTIVITY FOR PROJECT BIOLOGIST SITE SUBMITTALS/ REPORTING BIOLOGIST/CONTRACTOR VISIT FREQUENCY CHECKLIST FREQUENCY REVEGETA11ON PROJECT BIOLOGIST WILL BE MEMOS PREPARED BY AT SUCCESSFUL INSTALLATION RESPONSIBLE FOR MONITORING! AS NEEDED OR AT THE BIOLOGIST (BASED INSTALLATiON (AS LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR WILL BE LEAST ONCE EVERY TWO WEEKS ON THE REVEGETA1TON DETERMINED BY THE RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLAilON PLAN CRITERIA) PROJECT BIOLOGIST) AND MAINTENANCE 120 DAY WARRANTY PROJECT BIOLOGIST WILL BE MEMOS PREPARED BY AT THE END OF PERIOD RESPONSIBLE FOR MONITORING! - MONTHLY THE BIOLOGIST (BASED WARRANTY PERIOD LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR WILL BE ON THE REVEGETATION RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE PLAN CRITERIA) 5-YEAR MAINTENANCE PROJECT BIOLOGIST WILL BE 81-MONTHLY DURING MEMOS PREPARED BY MONITORING MEMOS WILL AND MONITORING RESPONSIBLE FOR MONITORING! YEARS I AND 2. THEN THE BIOLOGIST (BASED BE SUBMITTED NI-MONTHLY PERIOD LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR WILL BE QUARTERLY FOR YE 3 ON THE REVEGETAT1ON DURING YEARS lAND 2. THEN RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE THROUGH 5 - PLAN CRITERIA) QUARTERYL FOR YEARS 3 THROUGH 5. ANNUAL REPORTS EACH YEAR Ce) I N. N. ci- I f-. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND PLANT THE CONTAINER PLANTS AND CUTTINGS AS SPECIFIED IN THE PLANT PALETTES AND CONTAINER PLANT DETAILS AND UNDER DIRECTION OF THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST. 2. CONTAINER PLANTS SHALL BE PROCURED FROM A NURSERY QUALIFIED TO PROPAGATE AND CARE FOR PLANT SPECIES. SOURCE FOR ANY NATIVE CONTAINER PLANT MATERIALS SHALL ORIGINATE WITHIN 25-MILES FROM THE VICINITY WITHIN SAN DIEGO COUNTY TO THE EXTENT PRACTICAL (E.G. WITHIN A 25 MILE RADIUS), OR AS APPROVED BY THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST. ,3. CONTAINER PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE DELIVERED TO THE PROJECT SITE AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME, IN A HEALTHY AND VIGOROUS CONDITION AND LABELED CLEARLY. THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST WILL REJECT PLANT MATERIAL DELIVERED PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED PLANTING DATE. SPECIMENS SHOWING EVIDENCE OF DISEASE, MISHANDLING, DEFECTS OR -DAMAGE. OVER OR UNDER-WATERING, OR OTHER DEFICIENCY AT THE TIME OF DELIVERY WILL BE REJECTED. CONTAINER PLANTS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED THROUGHOUT THE AREAS TO BE REVEGETATED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST. THE SUGGESTED CONTAINER PLANT INSTALLATION PROCEDURE SHALL BE PERFORMED AS DIRECTED BY THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST. MULE FAT AND WILLOW CUTTINGS SHALL BE COLLECTED FROM LOCAL SOURCES APPROVED BY THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST. PRIOR TO HARVESTING WILLOW CUTTINGS, A BIOLOGIST WITH EXPERIENCE RECOGNIZING POLYPHAGOUS SHOT HOLE BORER (PSHB) AND FUSARIUM DIEBACK (FD) SYMPTOMS SHALL SURVEY THE HARVEST LOCATIONS AND MARK ANY TREES WITH POTENTIAL INDICATORS OF INFESTATION. TREES WITH POTENTIAL INDICATORS SHALL NOT BE USED AS DONOR MATERIAL IF INDICATORS OF PSHB INFESTATION OR FD ARE PRESENT, SAMPLES FROM INDICATING TREES SHALL BE COLLECTED AND SENT TO THE APPROPRIATE LABORATORY AT UC RIVERSIDE FOR IDENTIFICATION. IF EVIDENCE OF PSHB OR ITO IS OBSERVED AND CONFIRMED THROUGH LABORATORY TESTING, NO HARVESTING OF ANY KNOWN HOST TREE SPECIES SHALL OCCUR AND CMWD SHALL BE RECOMMENDED TO IMPLEMENT ALTERNATIVE- MITIGATION METHODS THAT WILL NOT PROMOTE THE SPREAD OF PSHB/FD OR PROPAGATE ADDITIONAL POTENTIAL HOST TREE SPECIES ON SITE. IF EVIDENCE OF PSHB IS NOT OBSERVED ON SITE AND HARVESTING PROCEEDS, BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES TO PREVENT THE POTENTIAL SPREAD OF FUSARIUM FUNGUS SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED PRIOR TO AND FOLLOWING CONTACT INCLUDING; STERILIZATION OF EQUIPMENT WITH LYSOL SPRAY, 5% BLEACH SOLUTION OR 70% ETHYL ALCHOHOL CUTTINGS SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM STEMS BETWEEN 0.5 INCH TO 1 INCH IN DIAMETER AND CUT TO BETWEEN 36 TO 72 INCHES IN LENGTH, AS INDICATED IN THE DETAILS. THE CUTTINGS SHALL BE PLANTED WITHIN 48 HOURS OR BEING HARVESTED AND SHALL BE KEPT MOIST. CUTTINGS NOT PLANTED WITHIN 48 HOURS AFTER CUTTING OR ALLOWED TO DRY OUT SHALL NOT BE USED. NO MORE THAN 20 PERCENT OF ANY DONOR PLANT MAY BE HARVESTED. AT THE TIME OF COLLECTION, THE BASAL ENDS SHALL BE CUT AT APPROXIMATELY A 45-DEGREE ANGLE. AND IF TERMINAL ENDS ARE CUT, THEY WILL BE CUT PERPENDICULAR TO THE LENGTH OF THE CUTTING TO MAINTAIN THE PROPER ORIENTATION DURING INSTALLATION. PRIOR TO INSTALLAilON, THE BASAL ENDS OF THE MOIST CUTTINGS WILL BE TREATED WITH ROOTING HORMONE AND ALLOWED TO DRY IN OPEN AIR AND OUT OF DIRECT SUNLIGHT FOR 30 TO 45 MINUTES. THE CUTTINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN AUGERED HOLES TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 24 INCHES. CUTTINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED AS EITHER INDIVIDUAL CUTTINGS OR COMBINED TOGETHER AS A POLE CUTTING FENCE. LOCATIONS FOR INDIVIDUAL CUTTING OR POLE CUTTING FENCE INSTALLATION SHALL BE PRE-APPROVED BY THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST. TRENCHING FOR POLE CUTTING FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED DIAGONALLY AND DIRECTING FLOW DOWNSTREAM ALONG THE EXISTING AND GRADED DRAINAGE CHANNEL, BUT NOT CROSSING THE LOW-FLOW THALWEG. MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI INOCULUM SHALL BE USED IN A FORM SUITABLE FOR CUTTING AND CONTAINER PLANT INSTALLATiON, AT THE CONTRACTORS CHOICE. SO LONG AS IT MEETS THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS. THE- CHOSEN PRODUCT USED MUST CONTAIN ONLY MYCORRHIZAE. ROOTS, AND GROWING MEDIUM. MYCORRHIZAL INOCULUM THAT CONTAINS HIGH CONCENTRATIONS OF HUMUS AND HUMIC ACIDS, KNOWN TO REDUCE THE POTENCY OF THE INOCULUM. ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO FURNISH MYCORRHIZAL INOCULUM THAT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THESE SPECIFICATIONS. ONCE A SOURCE IS CHOSEN, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT DOCUMENTATION OF ORDER ALONG WITH PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS TO THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST FOR ACCEPTANCE AT A MINIMUM OF TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO USE. MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI INOCULUM SHALL CONSIST OF ENDOMYCORRHIZAL AND ECTOMYCORRHIZAL PROPAGULES. SEEDING NOTES THE SPECIFIED SEED MIX SHALL BE APPLIED TO THE AREAS TO BE REVEGETATED. MANUAL BROADCAST SEEDING AND RAKING IS THE PREFERRED METHOD FOR DISTRIBUTING SEED ON THE MITIGATION AREAS. HOWEVER. HYDROSEEDING IS ALSO ACCEPTABLE. REGARDLESS OF THE APPLICATION METHOD, SEEDED AREAS WILL BE THOROUGHLY WATERED WITH A FINE SPRAY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER APPLICATION (I.E.. SAME DAY OR NEXT DAY). A PROTECTIVE LAYER OF CERTIFIED WEED-FREE STRAW OR OTHER CARBON BASED MULCH (E.G.. BARK. WOOD CHIPS) WILL THEN BE SPREAD OVER SEEDED AREAS. THE SEEDED AREA WILL THEN BE THOROUGHLY WATERED AGAIN FOLLOWING MULCH APPLICATION. SEEDING SHALL OCCUR ONLY AFTER THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST HAS OBSERVED AND APPROVED THAT THE SITE HAS BEEN PROPERLY PREPARED. SEED SHALL BE APPLIED BETWEEN OCTOBER 1 AND MARCH 1 DURING THE RAINY SEASON. - 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL RETAIN AND SUBMIT ALL SEED TAGS FOR SEED PRODUCTS TO BE USED TO THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST PRIOR TO APPLICATION. 5. IF THE CONTRACTOR CHOOSES TO DISTRIBUTE SEED VIA HYDROSEED, THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS SHALL BE FOLLOWED: BONDED FIBER MATRIX (BFM) SHALL BE APPLIED AT THE MINIMUM RATE OF 1,500 POUNDS PER ACRE; HYDROPOST PREMIUM COMPOST, OR EQUAL, SHALL BE APPLIED AT THE MINIMUM RATE OF 1.000 POUNDS PER ACRE; BFM AND HYDROPOST COMPOST SHALL BE UNIFORMLY SPREAD AND "TACKED" WITH TYPE 10 MULCH (STABILIZING EMULSION) BINDER AT A MINIMUM RATE OF 150 POUNDS PER ACRE. THE BINDER SHALL BE AN ORGANIC DERIVATIVE OR PROCESSED ORGANIC ADHESIVE, OR AS DIRECTED BY THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST. A WETTING AGENT CONSISTING OF ONE TON PER ACRE AGRICULTURAL GYPSUM (95% ALKYL POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL ETHER OR AS APPROVED BY THE BIOLOGIST) SHALL BE APPLIED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, OR AS RECOMMENDED BY THE BIOLOGIST. EQUIPMENT USED FOR THE APPLICATION OF SLURRY SHALL HAVE A BUILT-IN AGITATION SYSTEM TO SUSPEND AND HOMOGENOUSLY MIX THE SLURRY, THE SLURRY MIX SHALL BE DYED GREEN. THE EQUIPMENT MUST HAVE A PUMP CAPABLE OF - APPLYING SLURRY UNIFORMLY. - A WILLOW CUTTING - NO SCALE B 1 GAL NATIVE CONTAINER PLANT NOT TO SCALE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. THE MITIGATION AREAS SHALL BE MAINTAINED FOR A PERIOD OF NOT LESS THAN 5 YEARS OR AS DETERMINED BY THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST. ALL REVEGETATED AREAS SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR UNTIL FINAL APPROVAL BY THE NATURAL RESOURCE AGENCIES. THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD BEGINS ON THE FIRST DAY FOLLOWING THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE INSTALLATION (AT THE END OF 120-DAY WARRANTY PERIOD) AND MAY BE EXTENDED AT THE DETERMINATION OF THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST AND CMWD IF THE SITE HAS NOT MET THE SUCCESS CRITERIA. - 2. PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL, CMWD MAY REQUIRE CORRECTIVE ACTION INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WEED ERADICATION AND REMOVAL, REPLANTING. THE PROVISION OR MODIFICATION OR IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, AND THE REPAIR OF ANY SOIL EROSION OR SLOPE SLIPPAGE. IN CONSULTATION WITH THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST. WEEDING, HERBICIDE. AND/OR PESTICIDE APPLICATION SHALL BE DONE REGULARLY BY THE CONTRACTOR. WEEDING SHALL BE DONE AT A MINIMUM FREQUENCY OF BI-WEEKLY UNTIL THE END OF THE 120-DAY WARRANTY PERIOD, BI-MONTHLY DURING YEARS 1 AND 2 OF THE 5-YEAR MAINTENANCE PERIOD, AND THEN QUARTERLY FOR THE REMAINING 3 YEARS OF THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD, UNLESS A GREATER FREQUENCY IS WARRANTED. WEEDS SHALL BE PROPERLY DISPOSED AT A GREEN WASTE FACILITY. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN APPROVAL FROM THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST PRIOR TO HERBICIDE/PESTICIDE APPLICATION. AND SHALL APPLY HERBICIDE/PESTICIDE PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION AND ANY STATE OR FEDERAL GUIDELINES. CONTRACTOR MUST POSSESS A VALID STATE PESTICIDE AND/OR HERBICIDE LICENSE AT ALL TIMES. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTROL WEEDS AS IDENTIFIED BY THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST SUCH THAT NO WEED COVER EXCEEDS 5% OF THE PROJECT SITE, BEFORE THEY EXCEED TWELVE INCHES (12") IN HEIGHT, AND BEFORE THEY SET SEED. AREAS WHERE WEEDING CREATES IN EXCESS OF 25 SQUARE FEET OF BARE SOIL SHALL BE REPLANTED AND MAINTAINED BY CONTRACTOR. 48-60" POLE CUTTING TAPERED: THINNER AT TOP, THICKER AT BOTTOM PROVIDE 2" CROWN ENSURE BUDS ARE FACING UPWARD PROVIDE SOIL SLURRY TO FILL VOIDS FINISHED GRADE - 47 '•'i "—SUBGRADE - * BACKFILL WITH TOPSOIL/COBBLE MIX EXCAVATE TRENCH. ROUGHEN SIDES NOTE: INSTALL 8 POLE CUTTINGS PER LINEAR FOOT, ALTERNATING SIDES EACH CUTTING. tl C POLE CUTTING FENCE NO SCALE CBD Cassandra Ruport CBD 63772 * Nft& * J2ic.I].A[rIj' i2 xPIiI1/31/:o; o-z 0. bOO LU PLAN SET NO CL _ 1SSS2 06 2003—SIERRA I SINGLE RESTROOM Y'V COVERED ENTRY rN —ui0 PROJECT DIRECTORY: 0 LU OVMNER CITY OF CARLSBAD PARK PLANNING MANAGER: LIZ KETABIAN LAKE GALAVERA : I iu- CITY PROJECT MANAGER: KASIA TROJANOYSKA B ROMTEC PROJECT MANAGER: MIKE VMI LL IAMS GAR LSSA CALIFORNIA PLAN SET# PROJECT ENGINEER: STACEY BURROY15, MICHAEL BAKER 1562 INTERNATIONAL CITY OF CARLSSAP PROJECT NO. 3SSS REVISIONS GENERAL CONTRACTOR: TOM BAIRP, NISSHO ARESS: 3525 TAMARACK AVE. CARLSSAP, CA c12010 ev. DATE: BY CALIFORNIA, 1sO-.721-qllq IGALERT: 500-422-4133 ! IDRAWN ©\ Js SHEET NO. &ENRAL MOThS: THIS PROJECT SHALL COMPLY P11TH ALL 2013 CALIFORNIA SUILDING CODES AND STANDARDS IDENTIFIED ON SHEET GO. ALL F4ORI( SHALL MEET OR EXCEED INDUSTRY STANDARDS FOR MATERIALS. Y4ORKMANSMIP, ETC.. INSTALLER SHALL REVIEP4THE DRAMINGS THOROUGHL'r.SEPORE PROCEEDING FIlTH ANY FIORK, ANY PISCREPANC.IES FOUND PIITHIN THESE -DOCUMENTS SHALL BE, BROUGHT TO THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF ROMTEC. INSTALLER SHALL NOT PROCEED FIlTH ANY FIORK HE KNOVIS TO BE IN CONFLICT FIlTH OTHER FlClRIç OR IS NOT APPROVED SY CODE, UNTIL RESOLVED BY ROMTEC. OR THE ENGINEER/ARCHITECT. 18240 NORTH BANK ROAD - ROSEBURG, OR 97470 Ec. (541)-496-3541 FAX (541)-496-0803 ol - / CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN GENERAL LIASILITY INSURANCE AND NORKER5 COMP. INSURANCE AS PER SPECIFIC STATE MINIMUM • RECIUIREMENTS. FOOTINGS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL OR ENGINEER APPROVED FILL. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ASSUMED SOIL BEARING CAPACITY NOTED ON SHEET 62. SHOULD SOIL NOT MEET OR EXCEED THE ASSUMED SOIL BEARING CAPACITY, CONTRACTOR TO MODIFY SOIL CONDITIONS TO SATISFY CRITERIA OR NOTIFY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER TO RISE DESIGN PER CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. BACKFILL AROUND BUILDING TO PROVIDE SLOPE APIlAY FROM BUILDING NOT LESS THAN A 3% SLOPE FOR A MINIMUM DISTANCEOF 10' FROM THE BUILDING, PER -2O13CSC 1304.3. CUSTOMER: CITY. OF CARLSBAD - CONTACT 1<ASIA TROJANOVSKA LOCATION: LAKE. CALAVERA LOCATION: 3525 TAMARACK AVE LOCATION: CARLSBAD, CA q2010 : 5YtV1BOL ;LGENP SHEET SGHEULE CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE: 3000 PSIIMII'IIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AT 23 DAYS 4"-/- 1" SLUMP, V4rrH MAX -i" AGGREGATE, AND ALL MATERIALS TESTED IN ACCORDANCE FIlTH ACI 313 STANDARD. ROUGH BROOM FINISH INTERIOR SURFACES AND EXTERIOR SLABS. JOINTS ________ ___________ OF SHEET CONTENTS REWIRED IN FLAT r40RIS SEE SHEET A5.1 FOR REQUIREMENTS. CMU BLOCKS ARE MANUFACTURED TO A5TMCqO-02 STANDARDS P11TH A MIN COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Fm = 1500 PSI. ALL CMU BLOCKS MUST BE FULLY GROUTED AND NOT BE NETTED. THE MORTAR TO BE USED SHALL TYPE S 1300 PSI MORTAR CONFORMING TO ASTM G20 . COVER SHEET &ENERAL NOTES 4 SHEET SCHEDULE MASONRY (CONCRETE) GROUT: 2300 PSI MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AT 23. DAYS q' .1- 1" SLUMP. FIlTH l"IAX 1/2" AGGREGATE, AND TESTED 114 ACCORDANCE TO MEET ACI 318. FINE OR COURSE GROUT MAY Be USED IN ACCORDANCE FIlTH 2013 CBC. . DOOR NUMBER-SEE- DESIGN CRITERIA AND COPE SUMMARY. -' APPLICABLE SCHEDULE IU z ANCHOR AND MACHINE BOLTS SHALL BE ASTM AB01. UNS NOTED OT I HERN15E. SCREMS AND MACHINE BOLT CALLS ARE MINIMUM SIZE . A2.1 FLOOR PLAN .. E RA SIZE ALLOFIED, ACTUAL SIZE MAY VARY. TS STEEL BEAMS SHALL BE A5T111 ASOO GRADE B, Fy =46 ksl. PIlDE FLANGE BEAMS SHALL BE ASThI A'1'12, - Fy = 50 ksl. STEEL PLATES 4 SHAPES SHALL BE ASTM ASS. Fy = 36 kI. CONCRETE REINFORCING STEEL (RESAR): 60 ksI.-(GRADE 601 FlOOD A2.2 - APA CLEARANCES 4 FIXTURE MOUNTING PL - FRAMING SHALL BE '$24 BTR DOUGLAS FIR. UNO. GLUM BEAMS SHALL BE GRADE 24F-V4. A23 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS I bO ctl -LA CI 0. 7. OJESI1ONS CONCERNING MATERIALS OR CONSTRUCTION CONTACT ROMTEC TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AT: 541-416-3541 A5.1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - . 0 . '/ENTNUMBEROS .: -. -. ?o 8. ROMTEC SCOPE SUPPLY AND DESIGN EUBMrVTAL (SSDS) IDENTIFY SPECIFIC MODEL, MANUFACTURER 11 BRAND OF ALL PLUMBING AND - \ \ \\\ \ \'\ .j- . V'111.lt'OF4 NUP4BER - AS.2 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - ee ELECTRICAL FIXTURES AND ACCESSORIES. REFER TO THE SSDS FOR SPECIFIC. LIST OF ITEMS SUPPLIED BY RONTEC, ANY ITEMS NOT LISTED IN THE SEC'S IS ASSUMED SUPPLIED BY THE INSTALLER. - APPLICABLE SCHEDULE A4.1 BUILDING' SECTIONS - -- -13 1. THE O4ER / CONTRACTOR MAY EXERCISE DISCRETION IN SELECTING THE. FINAL LOCAON FOR NON-DIMENSIONED ACCESSORIES AND - - A5.1 FOUNDATION PLAN U FIXTURES (E.G.. LIGHTS. COMFORT HEATERS. ETC.) . . FlOOD FILLER VIALL - SEE APPLICABLE SCHEDULE A5.2 FOUNDATION DETAILS 10. INSTALLER IS RE5PON5IB FOR SECURING 114 ALL NECESSARY HAULING G PERMITS R TO BRING THE ES THE TO E . . u A5.4 CMUV4ALL DETAILS . . . L E - . . I:Z 4-.. y 0 INSTALLER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR UNLOADING MATERIALS TO OFINER PROVIDED SECURED, FENCED STORAGE AREA. CAI 0 at • . . - . . . .. - A.1 DOOR SCHEDULE 4 DETAILS . o_- o 4 12. 48 HOURS NOTICE IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO DELIVERY OF MATERIALS TO THE . - . . - A.2 . VENT SCHEDULE 4 DETAILS . at p PTAIL NO j . INTERIOR ELEVATION - 13. NO REV1SIONS FILL BE MADE TO THESE PLANS FIITHOUT THE FIRrITEN APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER-OR PARK PLANNER. NOTED FIITHIN . REFERENCE AS.1 ROOF PLAN . . THE REVISION BLOCK, ON THE APPROPRIATE SHEET OF THE PLANS AND TITLE SHEET. . SHEET NO A2.s 14. ACCESS FOR FIRE AND OTHER EMERGENCY VEHICLES SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO THE PROJECT SrrE AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. - .• A5.2 ROOF FRAMING' PLAN THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFORM TO LABOR CODE SECTION 8105 BY SUBMI1'llN6 A DETAIL PLAN TO. THE CITY -ENGINEER AND/OR A - . . . '- - A53 ROOF 4 ROOFING' DETAILS . . - z Lu CONCERNED AGENCY SHOFONG THE DESIS O IN N F SHORING. BRACING SLOPG OR OTHER PROVISIONS TO BE MADE OF FIORKER PROTECTION FROM THE HAZARD OF CAVING GROUND DURING THE EXCAVATION.OF SUCH TRENCH OR TRENCHES OR DURING THE PIPE INSTALLATION THEREIN. THIS PLAN - . - . BUILDING SECTION - A5.4 - . ROOFING' DETAILS __1 MUST BE PREPARED FOR ALL TRENCHES FIVE FEET (5') OR MORE IN DEPTH AND APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER AND/OR CONCERNED AGENCY - . A5.5 SKYLIG'HT DETAILS . . PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. IF THE FLAN VARIES FROM THE SHORING SYSTEM STANDARDS ESTABLISHED BY THE CONSTRUCTION SAFETY ORDERS. TITLE & CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODED. THE PLAN SHALL BE PREPARED BY A REGISTERED ENGINEER AT THECON'IRACTORS EXPENSE. A COPY OF THE OSHA EXCAVATION PERMIT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE INSPECTOR PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. ___________ 0 Aq•1 . INTERIOR k1ALL SCHEDULE - I ___________ Aq.2 - INTERIOR V4ALL DETAILS °- ALL.OPERATIONS CONDUCTED ON THE SITE OR ADJACENT THERETO, INCLUDING FIARMING UP, REPAIR, ARRIVAL. DEPARTURE OR OPERATION _______________ ______________________________________________________ Uliu OF TRUCKS, EARTHMOV1N6 EGIJIPMENT, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AND ANY OTHER ASSOCIATED GRADING EQUIPMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE V5 .41 LAS; j P1 ____ PLUMBING' SCHEDULE C ff1 - ti PERIOD BETYIEEN 3O . AM AND 5:00 PM EAC OV H DAY. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY AND NO EARTHMING OR GRADING. OPERATIONS SHALL Be - - ________ CONDUCTED ON FIEEKENDS OR HOLIDAYS UNLESS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. (A LIST OF CITY HOLIDAYS IS AVAILABLE AT THE ENGINEER - DETAIL REFER UiENCE - - P2 PLUMBING' PLAN . z DEPARTMENT COUNTER) - . -Lu 11. ALL OFF-SITE HAUL ROUTES SHALL BE SUBMITTED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO THE CITY ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL TFIO FULL FORKING DAYS _______________ ______________________________________________________ P3 - PLUMBING' RISER DIAGRAM o z PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF FIORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEBRIS OR DAMAGE OCCURRING ALONG THE HAUL El ELECTRICAL SCHEDULE - - - ROUTE OR ADJACENT STREETS AS A RESULT OF THE GRADING OR CONSTRUCTION OPERATION. _______________ ______________________________________________________ IL E2 - ELECTRICAL PLAN 0 18. THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF UTILITY STRUCTURES AND FACILITIES SHOFIN ON THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS VIERE OBTAINED BY A SEARCH OF THE AVAILABLE RECORDS. ATTENTION. IS CALLED TO THE POSSIBLE EXISTENCE OF OTHER UTILITY FACILITIES OR STRUCTURES NOT SHOPIN OR IN ES ELECTRICAL RISER DETAILS - ( ) REFERENCE , ( - ENLAR.ED DETAIL ________________ A LOCATION DIFFERENT FROM THAT SHOPG4 ON THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE DUE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO PROTECT _______________ E4 - - - - ELECTRICAL PANEL SCHEDULE - -' ci z - THE UTILITIES SHOFIN ON-THE PLANS AND ANY OTHER. EXISTING FACILmES-OR STRUCTURES NOT SHORN. - B1-B4 BLOCK PLAN - . 0 LU 11 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL. EXISTING FACILITIES (ABOVEGROUND AND UNDERGROUND) FIITHIN THE PROJECT SITE ARE IN CONFLICT P11TH THE PROPOSED FORK. SUFFICIENTLY AHEAD OF THE CONSTRUCTION TO PERMIT THE REVISIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS IF IT IS FOUND THAT THE ACTUAL LOCATIONS > > Ui - 20. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY AFFECTED UTILITY COMPANIES (SEE BELO?) AT LEAST TFO FULL FORKING. PAYS PRIOR TO STARTING - 1REG'i'CLE - - : - - - - - - . - - - Mu 7- C-01,15TRUCTION NEAR THEIR FACILITIES AND SHALL COORDINATE FORK FIlTH A COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE. ALL SUCH CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE - - - - - NOTE: U) INCLUDED IN CONTRACT BID. - RECYCLE ALL- USED- SHIPPING' - - - LINDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT - - - - (800)422-4133 - - - ARCHITECT/ENGINEER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR - LI SDG4E - - . (300)660-7343 . - MATERIALS AND- LEFT- OVER - - - - n i _ I -J I-. TIME PLARNERCABLE - (160)438-T741 - BUILDING MATERIALS - ANY SITEDESIG'N OR ENG'INEERING' AND I'NILL.NOT - AT4T - (800)812-0123 COX COMMUNICATIONS (3O)8Ob-qSOl BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY z w LU I- LU CITY OF CARLSBAD (STREETS) (160)434-2180 - - ISSUES RELATED TO THIS SITE. IT IS THE ONER'S - - .J 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD (SEALER. PLATER, ('16))438-2722 .( Q. 0) - PLAN SET# - STORM DRAIN 4 RECLAIMED PLATER) RESPONSIBILITY TO ACCURATELY LOCATE THIS REVISION SGHEPUL BUILDING', SET FLOOR AND ADJACENT Z 15662 USE OF EXISTING PRESERVE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A PLAN - FOR STAGING AREA TO BE APPROVED BY CITY PARK PLANNER THAT PREVENTS IMPACTS TO CURRENT USE OF PRESERVE. I G2 AS.1 A 2-A5 1 A5 2 A5 4 B1-84 ELEVATIONS, DETERMINE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR ' f DATE: 1 CV2Oi2O1. OR ' ACCESS TO THE FORK SI SHALL BE FROM STIN6 ACCESS ONLY UNLESS APPROVED BY THE CITY PARK PLANNER. i I I CONSTRUCTION, VERIFY ALL UTILITIES, ETC. - O/12/2O1 - REV. I Pi'$TE I -"l' ESC.RIPTIOM I I REVISIONS ABRVU'TIQN I AS ANCHOR BOLT DO DIAPER DECK GB GRAB BAR L STRUCTURAL STEEL ANGLE MS MILD STEEL PSF POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT SD SOAP DISPENSER T&G TONGUE 11 GROOVE -- -- I AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR DIA DIAMETER GLB GLUE LAMINATED BEAM LAy LAVATORY ND NAPKIN DISPOSAL PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH SIP STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANEL TLT TOILET -_- ATS AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SFIITCH DISC DISCONNECT HB HOSE BIBS LF LIGHT FIXTURE NTS NOT TO SCALE PT PRESSURE TREATED Si SAYI JOINT - TP TOILET PAPER DISPENSER - WH PLATER HEATER I SOT BOTTOM EM ELECTRIC METER HO HAND DRYER MBP MAIN BREAKER PANEL OC ON CENTER PlO PAPER TOFIEL DISPENSER SM SHEET METAL TS TIMER SNITCH WWM FIOVEN FIRE MESH DRAWN IlY: - I BP BREAKER PANEL EW EACH FlAY HM HOLLOFI METAL (DOOR) MD MAIN DISCONNECT OCEW ON CENTER EACH PLAY PV PHOTO VOLTAIC S4S SURFACED FOUR SIDES TSCD TOILET SEAT COVER DISPENSER WI P11TH C) CONTROL JOINT FO FLOOR DRAIN HTR HEATER. MIN MINIMUM OSB ORIENTED STRAND BOARD R4S ROUGH POUR SIDES SS STAINLESS STEEL TYP TYPICAL f" SHEET NO. CO GLEAN OUT FF FINISHED FLOOR HYP HYPOTENUSE MIR MIRROR P PHOTO EYE REOD REQUIRED SST STRUCTURAL STEEL TUBE UNO UNLESS NOTED OTHESPIlSE I CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT FG FINISHED GRADE I.S. INSTALLER SUPPLIED MO MASONRY OPENING PCC PORTLAND CEMENT COMPANY RO ROUGH OPENING TBD TO BE DETERMINED VS VAPOR BARRIER NOMINAL BAR DIAMETER. FRP FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PANEL KSI KIPS PER SQUARE INCH MR METAL ROOFING PL PLATE SCH SCHEDULE T&B TOP 4 BOTTOM VTR VENT THROUGH ROOF - - SPECIAL INSPECTIONS CONVD CODES AND STANDARDS 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING COPE (CBC.). TITLE 24 PART 2 (BASED ON 2012 IBC) 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL COPE. TiTLE 24 PART 3 (BASED ON 2011 NEC) 2013 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL COPE, TITLE 24 PART 4 (BASED ON 2012 UMC) 2013 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING COPE, TITLE 24 PART 5 (BASED ON 2012 UPC) 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING ENERGY COPE, TITLE 24 PART& 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE COPE, TITLE 24 PART '1, (BASED ON 2012 IFC) 2013 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS COPE C.ARLSBAD MUNICIPAL COPE ACI. AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE, ACI 318, 'BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR-STRUCTURAL CONCRETE' ACI AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE, ACI.530, 'BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR MASONRY STRUCTURES' AISC AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION 'STEEL CONSTRUCTION MANUAL, 13TH EDITION' COPE SUMMARY: OCCUPANCY TYPE: U C.ONSTRUC.TION: VB AREA: 11 50 FT AREA ALLOASLE: 5500 SC? FT HEIGHT: 1 STORY HEIGHT ALLOA8LF: 1 STORY OCC.UFANT LOAD: 1 DESIGN LOADS ROOF: LIVE LOAD 20 PSF ROOF: DEAD LOAD 10 PSF HALL DEAD LOAD Si FSF IBC. SEISMIC PESIGN CATEGORY P * DESIGN V(IND SPEED (ULTIMATE) 110 MPH, EXPOSURE C. ALLO}{A5LE SOIL BEARING 1500 PSF SEISMIC DESIGN DATA: WIND DESIGN: RISK CATEGORY: II RISK CATEGORY: II IMPORTANCE FACTOR: 1.0 WIND SPEED 110 MPH SS: 1.061 EXPOSURE C Si: 0.411 INTERNAL PRESSURE COEFE = ±0J8 SITE CLASS: D SMS: 1.141 SM1: 0.653 SDS: 0.761 SD1: 0.435 SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY: D R=5 BASE SHEAR: V= 0.152W BEARING WALL SYSTEM: SPECIAL REINFORCED MASONRY SHEAR WALL ANALYSIS METHOD: EQUIVALENT STATIC FORCE METHOD SPECIAL INSPECTIONS CONCRETE SPECIAL INSPECTION NOT REQUIRED PER IBC 1704.4 EXCEPTION 2.3 [FOOTINGS] EXCEPTION 3 (SLAB] MASONRY CONSTRUCTION: LEVEL B QUALITY ASSURANCE (PER TABLE 1.19.2 IN TM5402/11) INSPECTION TASK FREQUENCY OF INSPECTION. REFERENCE CRITERIA INSPECTION LOCATION - . TMS 402/ TMS 6021 CONTINUOUS PERIODIC - ACI 5301 ACI 630.1/ INHOUSE FIELD ASCES ASCEB 1. VERIFY COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED SUBMITTALS - X - ART 1.5 - X 2. AS MASONRY CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. VERIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING ARE IN COMPLIANCE: . . -. PROPORTION OF SITE-PREPARED MORTAR . - - X - ART. 2.1. 2.6A - X CONSTRUCTION OF MORTAR JOINTS . - . . - . - ART: 3.3 B - . X D. LOCATION OF REINFORCEMENT, CONNECTORS, AND. PRESTRESSING TENDONS AND ANCHORAGES . , X - ART. 3.4/ 3.6A - X 3. PRIOR TO GROUTING, VERIFY THAT THE-FOLLOWING ARE IN.-- COMPLIANCE: GROUT SPACE . . -, ,• . . - . X - . - .. - ART. 3.2D. .3.2 F - - - X GRADE, TYPE, AND SIZE OF REINFORCEMENT AND ANCHOR BOLTS, AND PRESTRESSING TENDONS AND ANCHORAGES - X SEC I 16 . . ART. 2.4, 3.4 . . - - . X PLACEMENT OF REINFORCEMENT, CONNECTORS AND -. PRESTRESSING TENDONS AND ANCHORAGES .- X SEC. 1.16 ART. 3.2E,.3.4, 3.6A .-- X PROPORTIONS OF SITE-PREPARED GROUT AND PRESTRESSING - GROUT FOR BONDED TENDONS . , - . X - - ART. 2.6B, 2.46.1.b - X CONSTRUCTION OF MORTAR JOINTS - - - - X - ART 3.313 - X 4. VERIFY DURING CONSTRUCTION: SIZE AND LOCATION OF STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS X ART. 3.3F - X - TYPE, SIZE AND LOCATION OF ANCHORS, INCLUDING OTHER DETAILS OF ANCHORAGE OF MASONRY TO STRUCTURAL - x SEC.,1.17.1 - - x MEMBERS, FRAMES OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION. - D. PREPARATION, CONSTRUCTION, AND PROTECTION OF MASONRY DURING COLD WEATHER (TEMPERATURE BELOW 40'F(4.4'C)) OR - X - ART. 1.8C, 1.8D - X HOT WEATHER (TEMPERATURE ABOVE 90'F(32.2'C)) - 5. OBSERVE PREPARATION OF GROUT SPECIMENS, MORTAR SPECIMENS, AND/OR PRISMS . - - 1 4T . - X . i.48.3,1.4B.4 STEEL CONSTRUCTION (PER TABLE 1705.2.2 IN 2013 CRC) - VERIFICATION AND INSPECTION .. . . FREQUENCY OF INSPECTION REFERENCE CRITERIA - INSPECTION LOCATION - CONTINUOUS PERIODIC REFERENCED STANDARD CBC REFERENCE INHOUSE FIELD IDENTIFICATION MARKINGS TO CONFORM TO ASTM STANDARDS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS - X AISC 360 SECTION A3.3 - X - MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFIED MILL TEST REPORTS - X - - X - :Ljj I 1uz L0 - S ct tLo 0 5. ?,b lo •E 5E 0z 411 a LU a. z 'U B- ul Iu< tn z V o LL 9 4. —I 4< J.) - (0- PLAN SET# 13 15662 DATE: O/12/2O1 REVISIONS 0 ] REV.I DATE: BY 1 oq-20-2016 OR — DRAWN BY: -is SHEET NO. Ce2- NOTE: FIXTURES ANP ACCESSORIES ARE CBD \% PIMENSIONE ON SHEETS A2.2 - A2.3 - Cassandra Ruport CBD I13#1063772 / NTICRA t.. EXPIRES: 12/31/201S LL I I Cl LL 12 O.H.10-S 12 O.H.o.z 10 0 I '43/4• j 2 CORNER OF ROOF LINE / GMU,T'P. Lu U) = - ___ 1 APPL-rANTI-GRAFFITICOATINGON 4 S'XS CORNER PLL)MSING - - II __-_J 44k" ALL EXTERIOR k4ALL5 PER CHASE ROMTEC PL-000-1004, 11If]F UNISEX J MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS A FIXED SKYLIG'HT;T'rP.l z OffliHP Fij 4"\ REFER TO DETAIL SHEET AS.5 11 "*4J 1tIA3. 1) H L I JSN_( kNIRE kNEAVE MESH GABLE VENTS, ThF.(2) ku IGE REFER TO DETAIL SHEET A.2 CL ~NAL A3.2 Lu (,, 4 5TAE31LIZED EN OF DECOMPOSED lIE PORCH 54 CMUTP 0 DATE: BY I I I I II UJ t5 LLZ l'-3 '7/51, I_s-.__I_3-41/4__I 15,-4,1 I_I 1-S7/5' :i -_l ( I 'Ii.L a 12-5__I. __4, I fl 0 I (S)O tfl Jik fu uJ j 0 \UJ c. A4.1 AS PLAN SET# 1S2 A DATE: 0/12/201S FLOORFLAN REVISIONS ii) DRAWN BY: Li IS JS C SHEET NO. A2.1 ROOF LINE I BF NKM I 1Jfl1 L1 'EXPIRES: 12/31/201S Wx51 FTP L_ i_LIN J IL z LD X Ell lu Lu CL Lu A AA_ FIXTURE _GLEAR_FLOOR__AREA 1 S.ALE: 1/4 = 1-0 z IL ILI * c0 ~u_1<I zIoo u1 uO 40" / BOTTOM OF <i M(R REFLECTIVE r_] REAR z LLI SURFACE [_J I I APA frLL li_i ,) o OFENJN N TF TLT -', - I HB I QQI! 3842 LU * KNEE CLEARANCE TOE CLEARANCE*I FRONT : 5.1 MIN. . MAX. 7- LOF TLT 11.0 PLAN 11" MIN. Z Z 15662 _ DATE: Oz 0/12/201 BY @) AA FIXTURE MOUNTING' HEIG'HT SGHEULE REVISIONS SCALE: 1/4 = 1-0 DRAWN BY Js SHEET NO. A2.2 P . - ~o .•••••..o\ 6q( CBD \\ Cassandra Ruport CBD / - ID #1063772 / • j- I/MALLS AND PARTITIONS I/NITHIN 2 FEET OF SERVICE SINKS, AND / i/MATER CLOSETS SHALL HAVE SMOOTH, HARD, NONABSORBENT *NKBA* / SURFACE, TO A HEIG'HT OF NOT LESS THAN 4 FEET ABOVE THE t / FLOOR PER CBC 2013 1210.2.2 / FLOORS AND i/MALL BASES SHALL HAVE A SMOOTH, HARD, EXPIRES: 12/31/201S ,! NONABSORBENT VERTICAL BASE THAT EXTENDS UPi/MARD ONTO I THE I/MALLS NOT LESS THAN 4 INCHES PER CBC 2013 1210.2.1 I . / ALL INTERIOR RESTROOM I/MALLS TO BE FINISHED frMITH PRIMER I S' V4OOP FRAMED I/MALL - / (BY INSTALLER) AND TI/MO COATS OF EPDXY PAINT (BY INSTALLER) 0 FINISHED V'4/ CLASS A FIRE / SLAB TO CEILING' TO SATISFY CODE REQUIREMENT 13 E E -06 RESISTANT FRP I REFER TO SHEET A'l.l "III ILI Jill 777, JF7 = -- / PTDHD /i / LJ MIR Ln _ LU TP ) TLT zi VIEI/M P / VIEI/M A I I I I I L VIEI'M B • ' VIEI/M C It LAV G'UARD ,, _]10 F 12"x12" ACCESS PANEL FOR , 0 lu LL L L 13 1/5 TRAP PRIMER (ROMTEC 0 ADA INSULATION '1 '1 PL-000-1 044) - Z FIXTURE ~GLEAR FLOOR AREA : 0 O AA 1 4: SCALE: 1/4" -1-0 . in z lu PLAN SET# 2 15662 DATE: 0/i2/20iS REVISIONS 0 REV. DATE: BY (N LD DRAWN BY: ©c JS SHEET NO. COMP ROOF #4 BARS asn&:Ruport CBD ID BOND BEAM ^ITH (2) 10 I I EXPIRES: 12/S1/2O1'in , m BF I I Li I I EXTERIOR MOTION SENSOR LIGHT, I I I VANDAL RESISTANT, GAGE (BY CITY)ci RA lu 0. I I I I S x 1 CML) SPLIT FACE - APPLY ANTI-GRAFFITI COATING ON. CONCRETEBLOCKI'NALL I ALLEXTERI0R1ALLSPER 0 EE FULLY REINFORCED RUNNING MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS . BOND PATTERN FG U I I ... ... IL Lu 1 -r ELEVATION VIE4 SCALE: 1/4 = 1-0 VTR I— ZO ,- COME ROOF 11/ 1<>- 12 'NIRE MESH GABLE VENT 5.41 BOND BEAM PNITH (2) #4 BARS. - . SEE DETAIL 4/A5.4 °- lu - GLULAM SEAMS C FASCIA ~ LU4 I 12 O.H. 10 3-4 APPLY ANTI-GRAFFITI COATING i ' ON ALL EXTERIOR kNALLS PER IL MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS - DI z 3 o Lu- • 5" x iS" CML) SPLIT FACE . ul lu CONCRETE BLOCK !'NALL Ld . Lu FULLY REINFORCED RUNNING I Lu FS BONPGPATTERN PLAN SET# 15662 DATE: ELEVATION VIE1 REV REVISIONS DATE SCALE: 1/4 = 10 - 1 O2O2O1 R DRAWN BY. SHEET NO. A3.1 11 '4111 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 00 COMP ROOF BOND BEAM TH(2) #4 BARS CBD SEE DETAIL 4/A5.4 CassandraRuport EXTERIOR MOTION SENSOR CBD LIGHT, VANDAL RESISTANT t-.5t II 1 if I 12" O.H. I13#1063772 / CAGE (BY CITY) I UNISEX PICTORIAL APASIGN : UNISEX ISA YTTH BRAILLE SIGN PER CBC 2013 111B-703.7.2.6 NICRA PER AA 4 CBC 2013 115-103 I EXPIRES. 12/31/201S 5" X 16" CMU SPLIT FACE © CONCRETE BLOCK frMALL APPLY ANTI-GRAFFITI COATING ON lu FULLY REINFORCED RUNNING I / ALL EXTERIOR frNALLS PER BOND PATTERN MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS FG I I I FG CL z 3 a- .. Lu ELEVATION VIEY4 0 Z SCALE: 1/4 1-0 . r < U-IUl VTR CL —\ COMP ROOF - ul frMIRE MESH GABLE VENT 12 lj BOND BEAM P4ITH (2) #4 5.4 > -j BARS. SEE DETAIL 4/A5.4 C) fy GLULAM BEAMS CL o 2 B IL FASCIAO.H. I . ciz I !s! S -1 APPLY ANTI-GRAFFITI COATING 3'_41' çn fl - ON ALL EXTERIOR Y4ALL5 PER 8 'fl MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS jj -J -I S X iS" CMU SPLIT FACE 4: 4: j 0 CONCRETE BLOCK J'MALL 5 -10 LLI FULL'( REINFORCED RUNNING PLAN SET# BOND PATTERN Z z 15662 FG - F DATE: -. REV REVISIONS EONS DV 1 O-2O-2O1b R O ELEVATION VIEVM LD DRAWN BY: SCALE: 1/4" = 1 r SHEET NO. A3.2 ,- OO4 Ii 51, 00 CBD \ Cassandra Ruport CBD 772 NEM - EXPIRES: 12/S1/201 u_Iz - . 9 AS.4. NA U ! Q &•-' 12 ' <0 , EE GS oo 13 Lu ) U Hal 1 Lu A&4 CL o H 1 1 •• ... _ wD APPLY ANTI—GRAFFITI COATING I UNISEX . . ON ALL EXTERIOR J'NALLS PER - 54 3/4A - I MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS S' X 1" CMU SPLIT FACE CL CONCRETE BLOCK 1'MALL •.• . FULLY REINFORCED RUNNING . BON PATTERN / ~ iii <C i LL In Lu 1J-I3z JU nIo (i')JJ c UILINSEGTION .)~E • • 5r ALE- 0 A ui PLAN SET# 2 1SSS2 DATE: 0I/12/201S - REVISIONS 0 REV. DATE. ST I) DRAWN BY - Ills— JS SHEET NO. A4.1 FES CAAL OF.Cø-7 6 CONC SLAB Vt1 #5 'REBAR @ 14" OC EV1 OVER .10 4 3/4" _< 6' ENGINEER ED FILL I lu ci v o V tL BE 8E (L z ji 24 EE FD A 1 r INTERIOR FINISH SLAB kNITH A VATER BASED J:•i•:I T I CONCRETE SEALER V'V ROUGH BROOM FINISH REC%(CLE fn I3.I 4-0 RECYCLE ALL USED SHIPPING 2 1 MO fj MATERIALS AND LEFT OVER 4 BUILDING MATERIALS ± A6.1 (A.lh NOTES: .lu FINISH FLOOR SLOPE LS 2% (1/4" PER Fl) MAX 4 1% (1/5" PER FT) MIN U.1< VERIFY 5IDEV4ALK5 V'V ONNER I cJ Z z - 3. PROVIDE SLOCKOUTS FOR PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, 4 • ELECTRICAL AS RE&D. CO-ORDINATE Vt' SUBS m OLo. 4. CONSOLIDATE GROUT AT THE TIME OF PLACEMENT. Lu LL uj z CONSOLIDATE FOURS EXCEEDING 12 IN. IN HEIGHT BY A MECHANICAL VIBRATION, AND RECONSOLIDATE BY z LU MECHANICAL VIBRATION AFTER INITIAL Y4ATER LOSS AND > 2 > - O FOUNDATION FLAN SETTLEMENT HAS OCCURRED. CONSOLIDATION AND p 8 RECONSOLIPATION ARE NORMALLY ACHIEVED V'ITH A SCALE: 1/4' MECHANICAL VIBRATOR. A L0Y' VELOCITY VIBRATOR ITH '...) A 3/4 IN HEAD IS USED. ' LU C 5. GROUT SLUMP IS TO BE SEkITEEN &' AND 11". Lu 6. REBAR MIN. BEND SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 6d b INSIDE -' B PIA. AS PER TMS 402-11/ACISSO-11/ASCES-11 TABLE 1.16.6 a. 7. 5AY4 JOINTS BY CONTRACTOR. SLAB APPEARANCE IS A 2 2 PRIORITY. LOCATE JOINTS AT 10' O.C. MAX. SEE 3/A5.3. DATE: S. MAXIMUM SLOPE OF EXCAVATION MAY BE LIMITED BY 01/12/2016 LOCAL SOIL CONDITIONS. INCREASE DEPTH OF FORMED i REVISIONS CONCRETE AS RE&D. C) REV 1. CONCRETE SLAB BENEATH FLOOR MOUNTED FIXTURES IS TO BE GROUTED LEVEL AND SMOOTH. 10. UNDER FOOTINGS: UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL OR 12" FILL © COMPACTED TO 10% ASTM D 1557 TO MEET OR EXCEED , SHEET NO. ALLOV'ABLE BEAR PRESSURE ON SHEET 62. I A CMU REDAR SCHEDULE REBAR MIN. LAP SEND RAP. *4 24" 3" MIN. *5 30' 3-3/4" HIM. VERTICAL #4 REBAR @ 24"oc - HORIZONTAL *4 REBAR @ 24'oc. - - - #4 REBAR ALL SIDES OF OPENINGS - - - (2) #4 REBAR ABOVE 4 5ELOM - Pr.1¼. I S. I L..I 'II i'.' - '.S' I1.' (2) *4 REBAR @ TOP COURSE CMU CORNER A5j) I'MALL DETAIL NOTE: HORIZONTAL REBAR TO GO- AROUND VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT Y4ITH STANDARD SEND AT ALL CORNERS, AND HORZ REBAR TO SEND DOPR4N AND LAP VERTICAL REBAR AT ALL OPENING I - I (7<TyF REBAR PLACEMENT DETAIL 3 CMI.' END .4 V&ALL DETAIL .- 1st COURSE HORZ. REBAR SEND UP, I F.F. I I I II I I I i't IT 1 /4 • • • 1 /4" I / / F VM1. NOTE: REBAR INSTALLED AS PER TMS CAL 402/ACI 530/A5CE S SECTION 1.15 cTh RESAR FLACEMENT SCALE: 1" = 1-0" 00 01 IL LOCATIONS AS FER.DETAILS THIS PAGE. I r ) I'Th CJMU LAY MT DETAIL : r, - - - • -' -. - p TYPICAL (2) VERTICAL REBAR ——p . r" SPLICE :. Y41TH :,. BEND 4AJ z iu LL IL MORTAR JOINT .Ul (\ CMU CORNER DETAIL . . . i • ,.-,-,- 1k I BLOCK SCALE: 1" = T-0"-,- NOTCH CUT I'L..' I L.'I II'$ ..L.'L,r.. . . ).- - .4: cj,, -) (2) VERTICAL #4 AS NEEDED FOR REBAR . EMBEDMENT . RESARc..QNT lw . IIf 1SS'2 PNSET# DATE 0/12/201 TYPICAL HORIZ REBAR REVISIONS 4ITH qOo BEND DOV4N 0 REV. I ORTE BY U PER DETAIL 1/A5.4 fL 5 1 oq-20-2016 CR MORTAR JOINT 7T\ MU V4ALL END DETAIL f SHEET NO. SCALE: 1" = 1-0" AS.4 POOR SGHEL)LE 19 L BOND SEAM EA SIPE OF POOR O.\' c °k NO. SIZE (xc-1xT) POOR POOR SV'ING FRAME HARP#NARE REMARKS ADDITIONAL (1) &—O" #5 RESAR GROUP \ \ ( EXTEND 24" BEYOND POOR 'i CBD RIGHT HAND \ \ 24 MIN EA SIPE Cassandra Ruport I. Q 3S" x S4" x 1 3/4" SZ1S REVERSE F1S PO-1 \ I CBD (5^N& OUT) LEFT RAMP ALL POOR ARE FACTORY RESAR IN BOND SEAM . . ID#1063772 / PRIMED (INSTALLER TO -- - - - - AS PER DETAIL 1/A5.4 PAINT ONSITE) - r— 2 HEAP I "VF —JAMS POOR 116 HARVARE SGHEULE (TYS PER POOR) r— 0 \ASPERPTLVA5.4 XPIRE.12/31/2O GROUP O- H S EACH HINGE 4.5" x 4." S.S. (NRP) . . . POOR CLIP, EaE 1 POOR CLOSER. (USE THRL) BOLT ANCHORING OPTION) . TYPE A - THRESHOLD . . SINGLE (FLUSH) - 1 LEVER LOCKSET frM/ OCCUPANCY SENSOR (CORRIDOR) . LEFT HAND SHOV4N 1 KICK PLATE, 10' X (j POOR PETAL . c • ro 'MIRE POOR CLIPS . I NOTE. THE MAXIMUM EFFORT TO OPERATE DOORS SHALL NOT EXCEED 5 POUNDS, 1.11TH SUCH PULL OR PUSH EFFORT BEING APPLIED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO HINGED DOORS AND AT THE CENTER PLANE OF SLIPING OR FOLPING DOORS. ?4HEN FIRE DOORS ARE UTILIZED, THE MAXIMUM EFFORT . . TO OPERATE THE POOR MAY BE INCREASED TO NOT EXCEED 15 POUNDS. SECTION 11S-404.2.q. Lu CL lu Lu ...... .A........... . i ' . •• .( .. -. HM POOR YV CHANNEL RESARINBONPBEAM .:AS PER DETAIL 1/A5.4 _• : OOR I1MSS . 1:2 SLOPE flLLEROT iL EXTEND FULL YqALL LENOTH 13 o AVPNTERFERENCEIJNI AS PER DTL 1/A5.4 SLOPE i/4:12\1LFI H: ... H H tu Tj ui P. LU CAULK \\\\ r i N 4 . . .4 . . > ________ 4 4 . 4 . . . . 0 L POOR CLIP IN - \. :. . . ____ ' . . . . h' - < o Ea ORTAR JOINT Lo EXTEND 24" BEYOND DOOR A PLAN SET# AS PER 5LAB PLAN STEEL POOR CAULK—I' 'GROUT SOUP () THRESHOLPDETAIL ILI REVONS 115/iS______•_4,. y53/4__x 4"4 BY 115/15" 1' HEAPERDETAIL JAMSPETAIL SCALE: 3fl = 1-0" ( SHEET NO. 1 ___ • VENT SGHEULE ANCHORS INSIDE S'(M SIZE INSERT SLOPE SILL 51 3/16 x 31 5/5 x 5 1/5 V'IIRE HEAVE MESH 5.4:12 4 51 3/15 x 31 5/5 x 57/5" frMIRE frMEAVE MESH 5.4:12 4 0 CBD RO MTEC XV054 1014 ROMTEG GLUM HOLD PON . Cassandra Ruport ROMTEC XV-054-1014 . \ \ CBD I J - ID #1063772 NICRA METAL VENT FRAME t I I I I I I I •ANCHOR BOLT . HARfrMARE 8E E T1 PER 4INO Lu • • . . :1/2 x33/4 EXPANSN ANCHOR BOLTS LD MORTAR JOINT CMU_P wD CL % ENT CORNER 17)ETAIL 513/iS )~e,!LE:1 1/2 1-O" H 5/5 053 SHEATHING / OVER 2x5 T46 PECKING 5/5 053 SHEATHING • -' c #12 X 1 1/2 V'100P SCREV4S LU OVER 2x5 TG PECKING @ Soc IN HOLES PROVIDED • tu PREASSEMBLEP METAL FRAME LU 4: ii (2) L 2 x 2 x 1/S YV PREASSEMBLEP 3/4 kNIRE kNEAVE MESH INSERT 1/2 x 3 3/4 EXPANSION ANCHORS #12 x 1 1/2 kNOOP SCREEN uj @1S°oclN HOLES PROVIDED .. UJ t J ... . 3/4 i'MIRE V4EAVE MESH INSERT PREASSEMBLEP STEEL 4:LU - . -- -- (2)L2x2x1/5 2 - - VENT FRAME Lu EAVE.OLULAM BEAM APPLY APPROX 1/4" BEAD OF SEALANT L) L.: ANCHOR BOLTS ______ Ll 11 INTO CMU 2 1562 DATE REBAR IN TOP COURSE 0/12/201S 4 16..PER DETAIL 1/A5.4 REVISIONS ... ... REV. DATE: S MORTAR JOINT CMU VENT DETAIL VENT SECTION DRAWN BY: SCALE: 3/4 - 1 -0 SCALE: 1 1/2 = V-0"CEETNO.SH CBD Cassandra Ruport CBD NKBA 12-5 ROOFING ol . EXPIRES: 12/31/2O1S I t) 12" O.H. /\ L 12 O.H 'U (Abl.4 ) - FIXED SKYLIGHT, TYP.1 REFER TO DETAIL SHEET AA55 11/2"VTRPIFE L ____ __ __ - : 0 U- SOOT TYP (1) \\IKi z CL I ll E" _____ 2 I iii Il _ LU ii II I k]K I AN FY IN\] III AS.5 I'\\I I —3 VTR PIPE SOOT TYP (1) —WMP R000FING A5.4 / AS4 . lu c i A4.1J 00 AS.4 th LL lu LU tu o N Io uI A ROOFING' ~FLAN ~ . SCALE: 1/4' 2 PLAN SET# 1562 DATE. 0/12/201 REVISIONS 0 REV. DATE BY DRAWN DY SHEET NO. NOTE: ALL Y400D TO BE SEALED FES 11TH INSTALLER SUPPLIED CLEAR GOAT FINISH APPLIED ONSITE BY INSTALLER c 12-8" R.00FINC7 12" O.H. 0 EA - (N IL CEr _o • ,12j, 2S 3 j,12 < Ln cc T-1 (AS.S •. Li I1t—/ E- I i GLULAM HOLDDOV'4N - 12-5 GLLJLAM BEAM - BRACKET ROMTEC S1-18662 /2 \ ON TOP OF ROMTEC S8-18662 0 XH CASS 2x4 FURLINS SPACED 12" O.G. Z 72 2x6 EAVE FASGIA, TYP. *A4.1 2x V-EDGE TONGUE 4 GROOVE , - t7EGKIN9 NAIL DECK BOARD TO GLULAM SEAMS V'V lod x 3(MIN) .4U, L 3 NAILS (BY OTHERS) (2) FER 2xS DEC-r, BOARD lu j 0 A I flXc iS).. JU 1'm ROOFING' PLAN • ( 1 ) B 0 w m SC-ALE: 1/4 = 1-0 Z Z PLAN SET# C. 1S>2 DATE: 0I/12/201' - - REVISIONS • 0 REV. DATE: I BY DRAWN BY: JS ( SHEET NO. AS.2 12" O.H. EAVE BEAM 5 1/8" x " GLULAM SEAM HOLD POkNN BRACKET ROMTEC BT-000-1.302 © 48'"oc.. MAX. JMITH (8) 1/4") x 2 1/2 LAS' SGREVS, Th'F.(4) GABLE kNALL, T'r'F (2) *14 &ALV V'10W SC.SEV45 FROM EA .VINPOV'1 INTO THE T 46 DECKIN& - - RIDGE BEAM 5 1/8" x GLULAM BEAM - HOLD POkNN BRACKET ROMTEC BT-000-1302 @ 48oc. MAX. 'MITH (8) 1/4C) x 2 1/2 LAG S.RES, TYP.(4) 5/8 OSS SHEATHING ATTAC.H 055 TO I2EKING' w/ 6d (2x 0.113") NAILS OR MIN 1/1" x 1 1/4' STAPLES @ 'oc E6'E 4 12'oc. FIELD 2X& GABLE EAVE FASGIA, TYP. 1(4" . . .. . . 5/8" OSS SHEATHING FASTEN DECKING 4 SHEATHING 2" ( OVER 2x6 T4(5 PECKING PER FRAMING PLAN I > / 2x' GABLE FASCIA OFE ATTACH Vt' iOd x 3" NAILS .5/8" 055 SHEATHING OVER 2x6 T4G DECKING @ 12"o ALTERNATING .- AND • 4j 'pfr FASTEN DECKING TO GLULAM PER FRAMING PLAN 5ETEEN DNSUB-FGASCIA .2xro EAVE FASCIA ATTACH . (5LU LAM SEAMS . . . .. * V4/ lOd x 3" NAILS @ 12"oG . NOTCH END OF 2X SUB-FASCIA ATTACH TO CA 5 1/8 GLL) LAM ALTERNATING SETEEN BEAM AS SHOI'NN PECKING Vt' lOd x 3" NAILS @ 12"06 EAVE SEAMS . PECKING AND ., . CENTERED sUS-FASCIA SILL-SEALOVER . GABLE EAVE DETAIL, TYP T46 DECKING yu 30* FELT UNDER GLULAM / . . '\) SCALE: 11(2 1-0" hi I I .. . — / 215 LL EMBEDDED .; s: ,' / . . . . . . [ . / ] . . .. . . GLU LAM SEAM BRACKET, . . II _/_ .02 .ROMTEC BT-000-1302 V'ITH • . / \ . . . . . . . .•. . . . . . • . .. _ jj_. ... o . (8) 1/4'V, 2 1/2" LAG . . . .• ' . . . . .. 1. -t5FJ. t —WNGRETE SCREV'4 SCREV'S / 'I1 ANCHORS 1/4 x 25/4 (J RE-BAR PER SCHEDULE 3 13(1 OVERHANG 2x8 PT TOP PLATE ' (TYP 2) @ 12 'oc j PER PLAN 9 SEE SHEET A5.4 OZ . ..: . . . . . . . . .? . . 2x SUS-FASCIA ATTACH TO DECKING . . . . . . . . . V'1/10dX3" NAILS @12"0C . . . .. .. . : ts"_ EAVE CONNECTION _DETAIL FASTEN PECKING TO GLULAM ws 1 .. ... PER FRAMING PLAN . ~NALL SCALE: 1 1/2= 1-0" . . ... . . . . . . . . 5 1/8" GLU LAM SCALE: 1 1(2" = 1'-O" EAVE BEAMS . . . . CENTERED ON V4ALL . . . I III AI . 5(8" OSS SHEATHING OVER 2x' T4G DECKING . OVER - . . uj ATTACH PLJRLINS TO GLULAM N/ 2 1/2" V00D SCREY4S Ct ,) ATTACH T4G TO PI)RLINS 'N/ 2 1/2" V'100P SCREV'LS k t.0 4 5/8" 055 SHEATHING / @ 12" or- o OVER 2x T46 PECKING . I'.': . . . ATTACH TOP CHORD GLULAM TO BOTTOM 13 v 5 1/8" GLU LAM FASTEN PECKING TO 1 0 GLULAM Vt' q" x 3/4" BOLT IL EAVE SEAMS • GLULAM PER FRAMING PLAN EMBEDDED - { . • 4 j CENTERED ON VALL • • Lu GLU LAM SEAM BRACKET 'I • TRUSS PLATE ROMTEC S9-18662 < < OVER SILL-SEAL '. . • ROMTEC Si-18662 V4ITH (2) '.' .. . . .. - ¼) ul 3/4' x 1" BOLTS . I • •. . - . . . . •' ': • . . . LU 5/5" X 10" J-BOLT — '-: • . . . . . • . '-i rn 1 0 30* FELT UNDER GLULAM 1/4 o EMBEDDED - . . o -' 4 4 GLU LAM SEAM BRACKET . . I [7/71 . :.;.•. _ . -j j ROMTEC BT-000-1 302 V4ITH • \_\_"\ • : ..., Q 0 0 / • PLAN SET# (8) 1/4" x 2 1/2" LAG z 1S'2 EMBEDDED . . DATE: SCREV4S _j GLU LAM SEAM BRACKET '1 . . . OCV12/2016 REBAR PER SCHEDULE I '1_'1 ROMTEC S8-18662 V4ITH (2) vs' x " GLULAM SEAMS 2x CEDAR FASCIA REVISIONS SEE SHEET A5.4 I 3/4" X 1" BOLTS . • . ATTACH Vt' 10d x 3" NAILS REV. _DET _BY ,. . 1" x 3/4" BOLTS @ i"oc, INTO DECKING EDGE __ T I ~ON~r_ ~ET A ~L @ N ~NE ~Cw 5/8 .x 10 J-BOLT SCALE: 1 1/2" 1'-O" 5 A53 ROOFIN& OVER 30# FELT INSTALLED AS PER MANU. EXTEND OVER 5M FLASHIN& INSTRUCTIONS CBD PER fROOF PITCH ROOFIN(5 OVER 30# FELT D#1 CBD 3772 G'RiPSGREVS@ 12"oc, 51b" 055 SHEATHIN6 OVER 2xro T$(5 DECKIN65 EXPIRES: 12/31/201 METAL FLASHING' frp ROOFING' EAVE TRIM NOTE: G'ABLE FLASHING' MUST BE INSTALLED U-1 Z PAPER OVER END BEFORE RIPG'E GAP I'm EAVE ROOFING DETAIL : H! SCALE: 1 1/2 = 1-0 RIE ROOFING DETAIL CL z 13 \J SCALE: 11/2 =1-0 J) iu CL I—START FIRST SHING'LE EITHER TRIM OR OVER-LAP —v I FINAL PANEL / 1/2 / 30# SUILING' PAPER / I frMRAP OVER E176E 1 MIN. I i . I ZO - •1 I. .-..- / •. 4RAP ROOFING' PAPER --I OVER ENDS —T:] 377 &/b" G'ABLETRIM GRIPSGRE?4 @ 12oc. I ft OSS SHEATHING' [[ I Lo GABLE TRIM OVER 2xS T4G' PECKINC7 L GASLE_ROOFING_DETAIL u LL SCALE: 1 1/2 = 1-0,, 1 1/4" ROOFING' NAIL OR STAPLE, I I \ TYP (4) PER SHINGLE \LU I I ARCHITECTURAL SHINGLE \ - § 0 '>7 - - - LU GABLE TRIM • • • - I • / \ / / -, 0 LU • I I I /l ___ _--_// • 13 EV. DATE: BY PNSET# DRAJNBY ç7', ROOFING DETAIL SHEETNO. SCALE: 1 1/2 = 1-0" 1~4 IL: INSTALLER SHALL LOCATE f o . 4 FOLLOV4 DIRECTIONS . 0 PROVIDED FROM VELUX o E E z - c_) 4-' z SKYLIGHT V4IDTH I STEP FLASHING TYP - SKYLIGHT FLASHING VELUX FC.M 144ro SKYLIGHT I I MIN 15 ga. ROLL-FORMED VELUX F505ro SKYLIGHT ___10, ALUMINUM FRAME kNITH lu \ > I COMPOSITION ROOFING SKYLIGHT AND CURB -- 2xSV0ODCURB *12 x 3 HOOP 5rREY4 @ 12 OC 5/50 056' SHEATHING INSIDE CURB: 14 1/2 X 46 1/2 OVER 2xS T4G DECKING 'I'lu ATLAS *14 x 1" PNOOPTITE SCREJ.1 CAULKING SETVNEEN 1.1/ NEOPRENE GASKET @ Soc. ROOFING AND FLASHING 5 PN SET# 1562 SKYLIGHT SEGTION 0q/12/201 ro SCALE: 3" = 1-0" - REVISIONS 0 1141 DATE: I BY SKYLIG'HT kN/ INTEGRAL _____ D~IWN BY: CURS FLASHING' TAIL SHEET NO. SCALE 3/41= 1-0 AS .5 ___ ___ A _______ ___ ___ 0 5/5 055 SHEATHING 11R00 rko -- .\ OVER 2xflGECKING Cassandra Ruport 055 CBD ID #1063772 — FISERGLASSREINFORCEP — I I NIMA — PANELS (FRP) SECURE TO 055— 0 ' . kN/ ADHESIVE AND FRP 0FASTENERS PER SPECIFICATIONS. EXPIRES: 12/31/201S LU APPLY V'4ATERPROOF COATING - FULL ALLHEIGHTONALL - L U EXTERNAL kNALLS. FRP ci LL I •• z . • FRP OUTSIDE CORNER CD I o ______ _______ , >< #12 x 31, Y400' SCREkMS, TYP.(2) u / DIVIDER BAR —' 4 1 5/5" I PER STUD Lu ELEVATION / L 2"X6' PT BOTTOM PLATE I ________ FRP FRAME Lu I I •• •• O FINISH frMALLL DETAIL V'HITE SILICON CAULK • •• lu I o 5CALE:1 1/2 = 1-0 __________ Z 0 • •••.•. FRP PANEL INSTALL DIAGRAM - NOT TO SCALE • I 48" NOTES: FRP PANEL INSTALL •• z oe 1 1/2" Ii 14 1/2" k iS" 14 1/2" * TO AVOID BUBBLING IN THE FRP _________________ DURING INSTALL, ALkNAYS FOLLOfrM V 2x5 PT STUDS BOTTOM PLA P 00 ON THE ALPHABETIC SEQUENCE FROM STUDS @ 15 oc _ ~ iu -00 THE MANUFACTURER (SEE • • •: Ii:. DIAGRAM) 1/2 x 4 1/2 EXPANSION o_A - * LAMINATE ROLLER kMILL HELP S CMU BLOCK frMALL i hi ANCHOR BOLTS © 15' O.C. i - H LL REMOVE ANY AIR POCKETS. • • IIU- ______ , = * DRILLED HOLES IN THE FRP MUST :1 .1:. ...-11I " COVE BASE OR BE 1/S LARGER IN DIAMETER • THAN THE FASTENER. :.. 15Th: liL 0 0 1 0 * APPLY SILICONE SEALANT PRIOR TO v 4 4 iii INSERTING FASTENERS. I I I BOTTOM PLATE . ALLO FOR EXPANSION. A 1/4 GAP i OVER SILL SEALER • • IS TO BE LEFT INSIDE THE DIVISION • :4 77 Ui 0 o Jo BARS. . I" :F S H • • • * REFER TO DETAILED INSTALLATION .. • I • • w INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE • • .( 0) 0T PLAN SET# ___ __ * MANUFACTURER ,'Th2XS Y4OOt7 FRAt4E V4ALL SECTION D 15662 ATE: 0- 0 KO RIVETS PER LAYOUT SHONN 2 0/12/201S ROMTEC PROVIDES 32 RIVETS SGALE: 1 1/2" = 1-0" 1 REVISIONS 0U PER FRP SHEET • REV. DA- BY - • • * I'NHEN ADHESIVE IS APPLIED Y'LITH A • in ___________ I E 0 LO V-NOTCHED TROV'LEL (3/16" kNIPE X I 1/4 PEEP, SPACED 1/2 C.C.) 2/3 . DRAWN BY I ov '- OF GALLON Y4ILL BE NEEDED PER SHEET NO. I % F SHEET ROMTEC SUPPLIES ONE - _______ o4 0_Mo GALLON PER FRP SHEET FLUMSIN SGHEULE __ CBD \\ SYM FIXTURE 55 V CkN HkN or MY'1 V'4C-1 ADA TOILET 511 2 1" -- LV-i HAND SINK 11/21, 1 1/2 1/2" -- FP-1 FLOOR DRAIN 3..1 1/2 -- -- HB-i frMALL HYDRANT -- *REFER TO THE FIXTURE CUT SHEET CassanclraRuport CBD FOR ROUGH-IN MEASUREMENTS ID#1063772 *N1ft(* t EXPIRES: 12/31/201& gT NOTE: PROVIDE GLEAN-OUT BENEATH ALL SINKS AND LAVE, AS REOUIREP BY COPE 0 .. CALIFORNIA NOTE: NON-GRIP FAUCET CONTROLS COMPLY k1ITH CBC CHAPTER'4 IL 7- NOTE ROMTEC BUILDING'S ARE DESIGNED TO HAVE 40-60 PSI HATER PRESSURE FOR THE PLUMBING' FIXTURES. IF THE SITE HAS A PSI OTHER THAN THIS, IT IS THE OfrMNERS - RESPbNSIBILITY TO PROVIDE THE PRESSURE REDUCER OR BOOSTER PUMP NECESSARY ju GENERAL PLUM6JN NOTES Au y ALL PIPE ( V'4ATER, SEkNER, VENT), JOINTS, AND V'ORK SHALL CONFORM TO 2013 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING' COPE AND LOCAL COPES. . . CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM LOCATIONS OF SEY4ER AND Y(ATER TIE-INS - CONTRACTOR TO SOLIDLY BRACE ALL PIPING' TIG'HT AGAINST 'NALLS. FOR LONG' OR COMPLICATED RUNS, SECURELY MOUNT USING' UNISTRUT, IN STRAIG'HT AND UNIFORM MANNER FOR FINISHED Ul APPEARANCE. PIPING' SHOrLN IS DIAG'RAMMATIC ONLY AND ACTUAL DESIG'N BY CONTRACTOR. tp . CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR PIPE SIZING' AND SHALL PROVIDE APEUATE kNATER PRESSURE TO ALL PLUMBING' FIXTURES. ILl < ui CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE AND PROVIDE MEANS FOR DRAINING' INTERIOR 'NATER AND SANITARY 0 \j ( SEI'MER SYSTEMS, AS V'1ELL AS SHUTOFF OF ALL FIXTURES c, 0 ul . IF THE SITE REQUIRES AN ACCESSIBLE BACK FLOYI PREVENTER AND/OR PRESSURE REDUCER OR BOOSTER PUMP IT IS THE O4NERS RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE. .7 czLU3 z - 7. PLUMBING' TO BE DRAINED BY GRAVITY TO SHUTOFF VALVE BOX. lu I ] '-' S. J'NHEN INCLUDED HOT Y4ATER HEATERS ARE TO BE INSTALLED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE kNITH MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS AND ALL STATE, COUNTY, AND LOCAL CODES AND ORDINANCES. I- N LU - .. PLUMBING' FIXTURES SHALL BE CERTIFIED BY THE CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION, SHALL COMPLY uj 'NITH 2013 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING' CODE (CPC) SECTIONS 403 AND 408, AND SHALL COMPLY .kNITH 2013 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING' CODE (CG'BC) SECTIONS 5.303.2 THRU 5.303.6. FLUSHOMETERS PLAN SET# 00 ASSOCIATED kNITH TOILETS USE NO MORE THAN 1.28 GALLONS PER FLUSH. FLUSHOMETERS z Z 15662 ASSOCIATED frNITH URINALS USE NO MORE THAN 0.5 GALLONS PER FLUSH. BOTH FLUSHOMETERS DATE. ABOVE SHALL MEET PERFORMANCE STANDARDS BY ANSI A112.1q.2 H45 CODE, SECTION r121.3(B). - REVISIONS SINK FAUCET Y'1ILL USE NO MORE THAN 1.3 G'PM MEASURED AT 60 PSI. DATE DV 10. 'NHEN FIXTURES REQUIRE 'NALL CARRIERS THE VMALL CARRIER SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR. DRAWN BY J Js SHEET NO. FLUMSIN LE6P pO EN 00 GOLD 'ATER (f Cassandra Ru port -rr,) GLEANOUT ADAPTER frM/ L-L) : SS SANITARY SENER 113 #1063772 / J 4 7 ___v VENT LINE GLEANOUT TEE LI LI ¶ EXIIRS 12/31/2Oi< 4SEYER - ç TfrMO J'MAi' GLEANOUT •. H CL Z .2 SGALE: 1 = 1-0 : 'ô .• - u_I0 . • ..• 17•- g c. ROOF LINE '• : I-b 'TY10 'NA'( GLEANOL)T lDBf TO SEFTIG OR SANITARY SEE DETAIL 2/F2 SEfrNER SYSTEM AS -- \ r-r-1 JJ REUIREP S( OV'INER 4 SE'NER I1i!]1 _SS _________ lu FIJ S__j[_1_C iu z I- I''.,uII III.\1 'no I MATERSERVIGE t'N IlFYl Z 0 0 INTO8UWIN& Z u_I ill IL y 'no LL TOTAL: 43 1/2 V45FU H -1 u_I j PIPE SIZING 2013 GF. lu ca << - • CD PLAN SET# 22 15662 DATE: A 0/12/201 r PLUMB IN PLAN REVISIONS ( 1 ) _______ SCALE: 1/4 = 1-0 • G DRAWN BY: JS NO (,__ 7EET F2 -NV PLUMBING LEEN IfliRoo CBD \'\ GOLD J'MATER Cassandra Ruport 1 UNIT I CBD LV-1 40 UNITS TRAP PRIMING VALVE SS SANITARY SEV'(ER / BY CONTRACTOR PING TO ALL V VENT LINE FLOOR DRAINS *NKRA* COLD Y9ATER 1/2 1 EXPIRES 12/31/201S 3 ,- M 1 3/4 NOTE: uj z kNATER SERVICE - I FIXTURES ARE SYMBOLIC ONLY I- o I •• INTO BUILDING REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS AND LL 2 1/2 UNITS PRODUCT LITERATURE FOR TOTAL 43 1/2 Y4SFU HB INSTALLATION DETAILS 0 PIPE SIZING: 2013 CPC .22 'MAT Lu E~RS UPPLY RISER IAG'RAM / I .• - CL Cz SCALE: Lu I S ft4La •• • •• u1 1 1/2 VTR ( > 3 VTR ul lu .. 1 UNIT 1 1/2 1 1/2 2"" NOTES: 0 LV-1 4 UNITS . 1. YLATER PIPE SIZE AND PRESSURE Lu TV4O kNAY CLEANOUT - frMC-1 REQUIREMENTS MUST BE DETERMINED BY tu INSTALLER SUPPLIED \ PLUMBING CONTRACTOR BASED ON LOCAL uj m Lu 4: j I TO SEPTIC OR SANITARY FD-1 P 2. FIXTURE FIXTURE CONNECTIONS ARE ILl 0 5E?4ER SYSTEM AS \ T 1'n'I SYMBOLIC IN NATURE ONLY. S RE&UIRED BY OVNNER \ - REFER TO MANUFACTURER LITERATURE flul 4 SEY'ERC.O.2° 2° 3° -CO FOR EXACT FIXTURE SPECIFICATIONS. tu 4: S S SS SS 3. ALL SANITARY AND DRAIN LINES SCHEDULE § .) . . 40 PVC OR ABS. ' LII - TOTAL: 5 DFU 4. ALL kNATER LINES SHALL BE COPPER OR PER - LOCAL CODE. NO JOINTS BENEATH THE SLAB. B 5. J'NATER PIPE SIZING IS A MINIMUM SUGGESTION. < PLUMBING CONTRACTOR V'ILL MAKE THE PLAN SET# 3 0 15662 FINAL DETERMINATION. z z SEY4ER ~PRAINAG~E RISER ~PlAG'RAM . ALL kNATER AND SANITARY LINES SHALL HAVE ks Z oq/12/201 I • FLEXIBLE JOINTS AT EXIT POINTS FROM <- REVISIONS SCALE: NTS • THE BUILDING. 1. ALL FLOOR SINKS AND DRAINS SHALL HAVE TRAP PRIMERS AS NOTED IN PLANS, PER CPC 1007.0 DRAWN BY: JS SHEET NO. F3 El El ul o 'C r—" dr" 7 (I 11 I I I - t) cj 43 >1 ci c( 2:1 c< Z> C'70 rn Z /U>3 Jo r i IJu rl 'J >I' >13 ,r -i 0 z rn i -4 -,r -tfl uj U3 cj b F F I H -i ni z u fl "c z (5. -L o - 0 -i rn C' -4 %11 f REGIS (4 m m ,.. 2O1 ROMThG, INC. ALL RIGHTS RE5ERVE. THESE PLANS AN INS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCE , APP OR FURTHER >< P ISTRI5UTE, ANI NO SUILINS MAY BE CONSTRUCTED FROM THESE PLANS, V4ITHOUT THE kNRI1TEN PERMISSION OF ROMTEC, INC. ni - - 0> PROJECT: 2003-SIER I SIN&LE RESOOM / VERE 7J -fl z LAKE CALAVERA PROJECT 52 - .31 CARLSSAP, CALIFORNIA ulil z Jc\ 0 SHEET TITLE: ELECTRICAL SCHEL)LE 18240 NORTH BANK ROAD R01'v1TEC ROSEBURG, OR 97470 (541H96-3541 FAX(541)-4960803 TITLE 24 COMPLIANCE - INPOOR LIG'HTING : ,ØSsi BUILDIN& LIGHTING SHUT-OFF OVERRIDE FOR SUILING LIGHTING SHUT-OFF - ( ( A E. 19431 (1J L;zlL. AUTOMATIC CONTROL DEVICES CERTIFIED - ALL AUTOMATIC. CONTROL DEVICES SPECIFIEP OF cPL' ARE CERTIFIED; ALL ALTERNATE EUIMENT EXPIRES 3/31/2017 - SHALL BE CERTIFIED AND INSTALLED AS DIRECTED BY THE MANUFACTURER. 's-- UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL FLUORESCENT BALLAST AND LUMINAIRES CERTIFIED / SERVICE, TIE INTO EXISTING 0 ALL FLUORESCENT FIXTURES SUBJECT TO VERIFY REOUIREMENTS CERTIFICATION AND SECIFIEP FOR THE PROJECT AE CERTIFIED.. 0 LL / 0 INDIVIDUAL ROOM/AREA CONTROLS 2 ,ft / z N/A ROOF LINE ( UNIFORM REDUCTION FOR INDIVIDUAL ROOMS LF- 1 BF O Z E PA"(LIGHT AREA CONTROL oJ - N/A cE) fl FTP 051 _____ IPGE LJNF LF1 J CL N _HS-1 Lu tu lu 0 Lil lu lu LU id 4: (Nuj_l uJ 7Th !LA TIGAL FLAN • °L 1SG2 p 5 PLAN SET# LE: 1/4" = 1-0' DATE 0/12/201 C. REVISIONS 0 LU REV. DATE. By Li) DRAWN BY ©C\ JS SHEET NO. C E2 _j -'- EXPIRES 3/31/2017 LUZ I- S u_i.-. V CL (0 - U H Lu tu z tj 4: I— Lu ~ LU< 'no I rk Lu LL Q 6 0 z UJ) >'3 1<6 1 Ld iS).. 'flo ln Lu I- Cl) PLAN SET# 15662 DATE: -: 0/12/201S REVISIONS • REV. DATES BY 0 DRAWN BY: JS ©c\ SHEET NO. E.9 Y'4ALL MAIN BREAKER PANEL V"LALL MOUNTED APPROVED CONDUIT CONCRETE ENCASED ELECTRODE \ NOTE: NEC 250 OR LOCAL SEE DETAIL s \ COPES MAY REQUIRE OR \ •" ALLOY4 ADDITIONAL GROUNDING FOOTING FF FG . 4. UNPERGROUNP FROM V_•. ..: / POER SOURCE ()RISERIAG'RAM SCALE: NONE KEYED NOTES #4 CU MAIN BONDING JUMPER AND EQUIPMENT BONDING JUMPER PER NEC 250.25(P) AND 250.102(C) #4 CU GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM JUMPER PER NEC 250.52(A)(1,2 AND 4). SIZE GROUND RING CONNECTIONS PER 250.66( C) #6 CU TO ROD, -PIPE, OR PLATE ELECTRODES PER NEC 250.S(A) #4 CU TO CONCRETE ENCASED ELECTRODE PER NEC 250.52(A)(3) AND 250.6(5) k4HERE REQUIRED, SONP PIPING SYSTEMS AND EXPOSED STRUCTURAL STEEL PER NEC 250.104 ROUNIN/SONING'DETAIL SCALE: NONE # 4 AG, SOLID, CL) CONPI)CTOR CONNECT TO 20 LONG ELECTRODE frMITH APPROVED (LISTED) NEC CLAMP MAIN APPROVED (LISTED) TIE INTO EXISTING BREAKER CLAMP ENCASED - SERVICE METER -- \ PANEL IN CONCRETE OPTIONAL (BY Or4NER) \ 100 A F0 1OKAIC 120/240 VOLT A SEE DETAIL- PETAIL 4/E3 TO UTILITY - TRANSFORMER (Th ONE-LINE DIAGRAM i) SCALE NONE GONGRETE ENCASE SERVICE GROUN SCALE: NONE NON-METALLIC PROTECTIVE SLEEVE - 20 OF BARE OR ZINC GALVANIZED \.. ELECTRODE OR TIE TO 20 OF ELECTRICALLY CONPUCTIVE COATED STEEL REINFORCING BAR (REBAR). ELECTROPE/REBAR SHALL BE NO LESS THAN 1/2 IN PIAMETER, LOCATED NEAR THE BOTTOM OF THE CONCRETE FOUNDATION AND ENCASED Y4ITH A MINIMUM OF 2 CONCRETE. INSTALL PER NEC 250-52('A)(3). CONCRETE FOUNDATION IN ; DIRECT CONTACT Y4ITH EARTH RECYCLE RECYCLE ALL USED SHIPPING MATERIALS AND LEFT OVER SUILPING MATERIALS PO NOT STAMP BLOCK SUMMARY Count NO Name iq 21 21 Sx& Split En (is) 104 22 22 SxiS Split Bond (is) 12 23 23 bxlro Split (is) 56 25 25 SxiS Split Corner (15,1E) ADDITIONAL 5'#5 RESAR CENTERED —k VERT. RE6AR PER IN POOR HEADER, SEE DETAIL 2/A.1 \ DETAIL 1/A5.4 FILL CHANNELS AND POOR —k \ FRAMES kNITH MORTAR \ \ I \ FIT STEEL MASONRY FRAME ANCHOR CLIPS INTO COURSES 2, S. 4 10 \ I I '\i-iflhIi I I I I\AIIUIi'I I I I I i I HORZ. RESAR AND HORZ. LAP PER DETAIL 1/A4 LI IIII I CENTER VENT IN ?4ALL POOR FRAME TO SUPPORT (IF CALLED OUT PER JOB) NOTE DURING CONSTRUCTION SEE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 60TH HAYS FOR POOR AND VENT LOCATIONS SHONN HERE FOR REF ONLY ( BLOCK INSTALLATION DETAIL - SCALE: 1/4 1-0 Y cLL o UI i i;si ilI c) E 9 Il LL CL 2— CL LLI 0 IV 1 M < >- 2: Z U-i CL UI lu Lil 1) z c LL lu 0 1\ >-c - Ui LU LU LL, ,) °4c —'< ' :L?; Io u.i —1 LU iw <- -I") PLAN SET# 15662 -: DATE: 01/12/201S r' 0 REVISIONS Iii REV. 1 DATE: 011-20-201 I BY R ©c DRAWN BY: JS SHEET NO. Si - "I"