Issue date: 3-19-13
Visit/Date: Long-term Monitoring Visit, 3-15-13
Project: Calavera Dam Mitigation Monitoring
Present: City of Carlsbad: Sherri Howard
HRS: Kyle Mathews
Planning Systems: Greg Evans
Distribution: Sherri Howard, Pete Trotta, Kyle Mathews
Summary of Site Visit and Revegetation Performance
L. The original revegetation installation is now 3 years, 10 months old. The remedial work done in Plots
1-4 is two years, five months old. Plots 1 through liwere visited to observe establishment success.
2. Cover
a. Plot 1-3 wetland revegetation
Plots 1-3 have some areas of good establishment and some areas that continue to be weakly
established. Areas with weakly established cover must be improved to satisfy final project
performance standards. Plots 1-3 have fifth year cover requirements that need tobe'considered
now so that the project has time to produce. acceptable growth. Table ibelow compares 5th year
tree, shrub, and herbaceous cover standards to cover measurements taken in October 2012.
Table 1 _5th Year Reauired versus Current Percent Cover
Cover type Required 5th year % cover October 2012 % cover
Tree cover 55% mm. 20%
Shrub cover 15% mm. 14%
Perennial cover 15% mm. 49%
Total native cover 1 83%
Willow cover continues slow establishment, with better growth occurring in the channel bottoms
of Plots 1 and 2, and on the south and west side of plot 3. This project needs a significant increase
in canopy cover in Plotsl-3 to comply with performance standards. The project requirement for
shrub cover is 15%, and the project is very close to meeting this requirement already. The project
requirement for perennial cover has been met.
Remedial Work Recommended in Plots 1-3
Conditions are suitable for growing now, so installation is recommended as soon as possible. Do
not wait to install cuttings if potted material authorization takes time. Recommended species
and suggested quantities are listed below.
i. Install (100) arroyo willow (Salix lasiolepis) and (50) black willow (Salix gooddingii)
cuttings in Plots 1. 2, and 3. Locate where saplings are successfully establishing nearby.
Don't waste cuttings by installing in locations where repeated failures have occurred.
Harvest cuttings from stock next to revegetation plots. Do not harvest cuttings from
revegetation willows. Install 12" deep minimum. V
Install (50) 1 gallon narrow-leaf willow (Salix exigua) in Plots 1 and 3 on channel sides or
in the channel bottoms.
Install up to (200) southwestern spiny rush (Juncus acutus 'Leopoldii') from 4" pots on
the weakest establishing bare soil areas of Plots 1,2,.and 3.
Install up to (200) deerweed (Muhlenbergia rigens) from 2-1/4" liners on weakest
establishing bare soil areas of Plots 1, 2, and 3.
Plot 4-6 wetland revegetation
This revegetation continues to be outstanding. Native cover is above 90%. Few to no weeds are
present. Good natural recruitment is infilling the small areas not supporting cover. These plots
are completely hardened-off of irrigation.
Plot 7 wetland restoration (non-irrigated)
Performance standards are fully met; emergent native cover continues to be 95% plus, with few
to no weeds.
Plot 8 upland Restoration (non-irrigated)
Performance standards are fully met at this time. Continue to provide weed maintenance. Spot
spray non-native grasses and clover prior to flowering.
Plots 9-11 upland revegetation (non-irrigated)
This non-irrigated revegetation has been damaged by the very dry, hot summer of 2012 and weak
natural rainfall occurring during the past winter. Many young plants of shrub species that were
successfully establishing have died back. Some of these young plants are crown sprouting but it
appears that at least a year's growth has been lost. Many small seedlings that previously
appeared to be establishing were not observed. Growth of annuals from seed is weak and
seedlings are small than in past years, at this time of year. An infestation of non-native grasses,
particularly brome grass (Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens) is close to bearing mature seed and
needs immediate control. Spot herbiciding at least twice this spring will be necessary.
3. Irrigation - Wetland revegetation in Plots 1-3 will require irrigation during the entire dry season of
2013. Schedule irrigation as needed to re-establish cuttings and other remedial. plantings. Do not
irrigate the slope areas of Plots 1-31 or Plots 4-6. Plots 7-11 are non-irrigated.
Maintenance Work Requested
Plots 1-3
Install remedial plantings in wetland areas as soon as possible.
Provide regular irrigation liberally to establish new plantings.
Control weeds by careful spot spraying.
Plots 4-6
Do not irrigate.
Leave dead Baccharis branches in place to decompose
. Plots 7 and 8
a) In plot 8,.
. Plots 941
a) Spot spraying maturing weeds as soon as possible and then at least once more and probably•
twice during the spring growing season. Be careful not to damage emerging native seedlings
if possible.
Issue date: 6-18-12
Visit/Date: Long-term Monitoring Visit 15, 6-8-12
Project: Calavera Dam Mitigation Monitoring
Present: City of Carlsbad: Sherri Howard
FIRS: Kyle Matthews
Planning Systems: Greg Evans
Distribution: Sherri Howard, Pete Trotta
Summary of Site Visit and Revegetation Performance
Plots 1 through liwere visited.
Irrigation —The project is now in its third year. This is the last dry season of the five year monitoring
period that irrigation is scheduled. Wetland Plots 1-3 are probably the only plots that will require
supplemental irrigation dining 2012. All other plots are either non-irrigated or are already hardened-
off of irrigation. The object of irrigation this dry season is to encourage healthier, more vigorous
growth, particularly ground cover such as Western ragweed, Deerweed, and Poverty weed. Based
on the growth observed we recommend applying irrigation at least one time per week during this
dry season, and to cycle the irrigation program two to three times to achieve deep penetration of
moisture. It may be necessary to cycle irrigation twice a week during hot periods. In plot areas
where no canopy or mid-story shrubs are establishing it is imperative that the ground cover species
become dense enough to measure 90% cover.
It is unlikely that Plots 1-3 slope revegetation (erosion control plantings) will require supplemental
irrigation this dry season. DO not irrigate Plots 4-6 again unless severe desiccation is observed. Plots
7-11 are non-irrigated.
Wetland plant cover in Plots 1-3 is generally satisfactory but clearly not lush. The way that
individuals of the various species have established, and the general appearance of the wetland cover
indicates relatively dry site conditions. It is very important to encourage vegetative growth this dry
season by providing irrigation as needed, and also byapplying fertilizer to boost growth. This is the
last good chance to install willow cuttings in areas where willows are likely to persist after irrigation
has been discontinued.
Wetland cover in Plots 4-6 continues to be excellent. Good freshwater marsh and salt marsh
recruitment is occurring. The few remaining bare areas are infilling nicely. Baccharis pilularis
branches that have died should be left in place to decompose.
Wetland restoration Plot 7 is fully restored; native cover is 95% +; weeds are few to none.
Upland Restoration Plot.8 cover is very good and needs no remedial assistance.
Upland Revegetation Plots 9-11 continue to support good cover though time will be necessary for
these non-irrigated plots to produce dense, uniform cover. Increased weediness was observed which
will require herbicide application in early stages of growth during the next rainy season.
1530 FARADAY AVENUE • SUITE 100. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • (760) 931-0780 • FAX (760)931-5744. info@planningsystems,uct
Maintenance Work Requested
Plots 1-3
Irrigate wetland areas liberally this year to force wetland vegetation growth.
Install Black and Arroyo willow cuttings at elevations of the channel and near-channel bench to
encourage canopy growth; the more the better.
Fertilize to encourage strong growth.
Do not water sage scrub on slopes during 2012 unless severe plant damage is likely to occur.
Plots 4-6
Do not irrigate in 2012 unless plants are very desiccated.
Leave dead Baccharis branches in place to decompose.
Plots 7 and 8
No work in Plot 7.
Weed Bristly ox-tongue and Sweetclover in one small area of Plot 8.
Plots 9-il
a) Remove weeds in fall including: Sowthistle, Prickly lettuce, Italian thistle, Scarlet pimpernel,
Red brome, and Rabbitfoot grass.
Plot Photos - June 8, 2012
A. Plot 1 —Better channel bottom growth desirable B. Plot 3 - Pacific pickleweed seedling recruits
C. Plot 3—Willow seedling recruits D. Plot 5 - Good cover of freshwater & saltmarsh
Plot Photos - June 8, 2012
E. Plots 7 & 8- Hard to tell where work occurred F. Plot 8 - A few weed and young Coyote brush
G. Plot 10- Typical non-irrigated CSS H. Plot 9- Canchalagua (Centauriuni venustum)
Volunteers, notice white flowering form
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H. Plot 10- California quail and young (hard to see) G. Plot 10 seedlings- Sawtooth golcienbush,
California everlasting, Black sage, Needlegrasses
Issue date: 3-28-12
Visit/Date: Long-term Monitoring Visit 14,3-15-12
Project: Calavera Darn Mitigation Monitoring
Present: City of Carlsbad; SherriHoward
FIRS: Pete Trotta, Jon Stafford
Planning Systems: Greg Evans
Distribution: Sherri Howard, Pete Trotta
Summary of Site Visit and Revegetation Performance
Plots 1-6 and Plots 9 -11 were visited. Plots 7 and 8 were observed from a distance.
Irrigation —Plots 1-3 wetland areas are presently being irrigated to support the establishment of newly
installed willow cuttings. Going forward, irrigation should be applied to wetland areas of Plots 1-3
throughout the summer as needed to establish cuttings and other riparian scrub plantings. Irrigation
should be withheld from Plot 1-3 slope vegetation during the spring and summer unless vegetation
losses are eminent. Plots 4-6 may not need supplemental irrigation at all this summer. Water only if
necessary. Plots 7-11 are non-irrigated.
Cover -Wetland plant cover in Plots 1-6 is approximately the same as observed during our last site
visit in November 2011; the wetland species being grown typically grow little if at all during the cool
months. The average wetland native cover for irrigated plots appears to be 70% or more, well above
project standards for this period. Plot 4-7 wetland vegetative cover is establishing very successfully
to date, upwards of 80%. Plots 8-11 support excellent cover of upland revegetation to date. Plot 8,
the coastal sage scrub restoration plot, is successfully re-established with only minor weed issues to
address. Vegetation cover in Plot 8 is above 80% native. Coastal sage scrub creation plots 9-11
continue to support excellent establishment. The average native cover for Plots 9-11 is greater than
65%, well above project standards for revegetation of this age.
Issues by Plot
Plots 1-3 - Most originally installed areas support quality-ground cover and mid-level shrub growth.
However, channel growth and other remedial graded areas are less well established and are
maturing slowly. Canopy cOver across all areas of Plots 13 is not a strong as desirable. Installing
additional willow cuttings lost during the winter of 2010 is urgent now. Harvest cutting only from
Arroyo willow and Black willow located outside of the Plot. Plot fertility may be an issue. The few
weeds observed were mostly annual grass.
Plots 4-6 - These plots appear to have no substantive issues. Very few weeds were observed. Coyote
brush (Baccharis pilularis) die-out continues, however recruitment of desirable species to replace the
Coyote brush appears to be adequate at this time. The channel of Plot 4 is re-establishing well an
does not appear to need remedial assistance. Vegetation establishing on the upper bench on the
eastern side of Plot 4 is much improved.
1530 FARADAY AVENUE • SUITE .100, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • (760) 931-0780 • FAX (760) 9315744 • info@plaimiiigsysterns.net
Plot 7 - Freshwater marsh is fully restored on this plot. No weeds observed.
Plot 8 —Coastal sage scrub has almost fully restored on this plot. Annual weeds persist and should be
managed carefully so to not damage natives.
Plots 9-11 - Native plant diversity is very high with 26 species establishing on the plots via the seed
mix or natural recruitment. Modest weed growth occurs, but maintenance appears to be adequate to
address weed issues to date. Line-trimming of last year's desiccated vegetative growth of fascicled
tarweed appears to have encouraged better growth of developing seedlings. No recent public
encroachment of the plots was observed. Erosion ruts have been partially re-filled with sediment
transported during this year's rainy season. Erosion damage is no longer a substantive issue to
Maintenance Work Requested
Plots 1-3
Irrigate wetland areas liberally this year to force wetland vegetation growth.
Install Black and Arroyo willow cuttings at all elevations of the channel and bench area to
encourage canopy growth; the more the better.
Fertilize to encourage strong growth.
Do not water sage scrub on slopes during 2012 unless severe plant damage is likely to occur.
Weed as needed.
Plots 4-6
Do not irrigate in 2012 unless plant damage is likely.
Educate herbicide applicator regarding identification of Alkali heath (Frankenia saliiia), a salt
marsh native installed by this project. Do not spray.
Plots 7 and 8
a) Weed carefully in Plot 8 sage scrub so that damage to natives is avoided.
Plots 9-11
a) Weed as needed.
Plot Photos - March 16, 2012
A. Plot 10 - Erosion no longer an issue B. Plot 10 - Erosion no longer an issue
Plot Photos - Mach 16, 2012
C. Plot 4- Good natural recruitment in channel D. Plot 7 & 8- Water discharge from lake;
excellent restoration of Plots 7 and 8
41 -
E. Plot 6- Young Alkali heath (Frankenia salina)
Herbicided as evidenced by blue dye.
F. Plots 6- Mature Alkali heath (left foreground)
Issue date: 11-10-11
Visit/Date: Long-term Monitoring Visit 13, 11-10-11
Project: Calavera Dam Mitigation Monitoring
Present: City of Carlsbad: Sherri Howard, Mike Grimm, Liz Ketabian, Steve Jantz, Mike Bliss
CNLM: Markus Spiegelburg
ESA: Rosanne Hunipfrey
HRS: Pete Trotta
Planning Systems: Greg Evans
Distribution: Sherri Howard, Pete Trotta
Summary of Site Visit and Revegetation Performance
Plots 1-11 were visited.
Irrigation —Plots 1-3 and the tipper part of plot 4 plants have been irrigated once per week during the
dry season of 2011. Irrigation was discontinued on or about November 1, 2011. No dry season
irrigation has been applied to Plots 5, 6, and the lower elevations of plot 4. Going forward1 irrigation
during the 2012 rainy season should occur only if art extended dry period occurs and significant
drought stress is observed.
Cover - Since our last site visit on June 10, 2011, significant improvement in native composition and
percent native cover was observed for irrigated Plots 1-6. The average native cover for irrigated plots
appears to be greater than 75%, well above project standards. Non-irrigated Plots 7-11 also support
excellent cover which does not appear to have been checked by lack of water availability during the
dry season. The average native cover for non- irrigated plots appears to be greater than 65%, also
well above project standards for revegetation of this age. Few weeds were observed on any plots and
weeds are clearly not an establishment issue at this time.
Plots 1-3 - Native plant establishment is considerably improved. Most areas support quality ground
cover and mid-level shrub growth. Channel growth is less well established because the channels
were re-contoured last fall and need additoOlnal time to establish better cover. Canopy growth is
good to fair. Replacing willow cuttings lost during the high water inundation of plots 1-3 last rainy
season may improve canopy development. Side slope upland plantings are thriving. Few weeds
were observed indicating excellent maintenance.
Plots 4-6 - Plot 4-6 wetland establishment continues to be very good to outstanding. Weeds are not
an issue in wetland vegetated areas. The eastern edge of Plot 4 the upland planting is considerably
improved since last June. The plant identified in the field as willow herb (Epilobiuni cilia tuin) has been
reclassified a native plant in Checklist of the Vascular Plants of San Diego County and can be left in
Plot 7— Continued outstanding freshwater marsh re-emergence. No weeds oberved.
1530 FARADAY AVENUE • SUITE 100. CARLSIIAI), CA 92008. (760) 931-0780 FAX (760)931-5744. info@pIanningsystcnis.net
Plot 8 - The south side of the creek was visited supports excellent cover. Only minor annual weed
residue was observed.
Plots 9-11 - Very good cover of multiple species is occurring; Fascicled tarweed overwhelmingly
dominates the plots at this time, and in some instances is likely too dense for the-health of other
species trying to establish. Various other seeded and volunteer species are also represented. At this
time the average native cover is in the range of 80%. No recent public encroachment of the plots was
Maintenance Work Requested
Calavera Dam Mitigation
Irrigation should be suspended for all plots until late spring unless significant drought stress is
Re-stick Arroyo and Black willow cuttings from on-site stock in Plots 1-3 where moisture is likely to
support willows. Sticking willow cuttings directly onto the channel bottom is not recommended.
In Plots 9-11 where tarweed is especially dense and may be limiting the germination or development
of other species, weed whip at 12" from ground, or remove dried stems entirely, until adequate light
reached the soil.
PlotPhOtos — NOveniber 10; 20111
B. Plot•3, Generally good'mid level and ground
ground cOver growth cover growth, hettercaiop.y preferred
- MCI R till .17,
",*0 1 2,
C Plots 4 & 6, Vely good cover continues to D Plots 9 11, Reduce tat weed wheie dense to
establish w/o recent irrigation encoui age other seedling gi owth
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E Plot 9, Successful quail nest site on Plot 9