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CT 94-09; Carlsbad Ranch; Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation; 1994-07-05
LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC Geotechnicol and Environmental Engineering Consultants PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION FOR TENTATIVE MAP PURPOSES, CARLSBAD RANCH, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA July 5, 1994 Project No. 4930489-05 JUL 0 5 1994 CITY OF CARLS..., PLANNING DEFT. Prepared For: CARLTAS COMPANY 5600 Avenida Encinas, Suite 100 Carlsbad, California 92008-4452 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B205, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123 (619) 292-8030 • (800) 447-2626 FAX (619) 292-0771 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering Consultants July 5, 1994 Project No. 4930489-05 To: Carltas Company 5600 Avenida Encinas, Suite 100 Carlsbad, California 92008-4452 Attention: Mr. Chris Calkins Subject: Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation for Tentative Map Purposes, Carlsbad Ranch, Carlsbad, California In accordance with your request, we have performed a geotechnical evaluation for tentative map purposes for the proposed Carlsbad Ranch located northeast of the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Paseo del Norte in Carlsbad, California. Based on the new design of the tentative tract map, we have re-evaluated the previous geotechnical investigations performed for the Carlsbad Ranch project, updated our findings and conclusions, and revised our recommendations were appropriate. In addition, we have evaluated our geotechnical reports of adjacent tracts that are pertinent to the recently acquired parcels that have been annexed to the Carlsbad Ranch tract. The accompanying report presents a summary of our evaluation and provides revised conclusions and recommendations relative to the proposed site development of the entire tract We understand that the proposed development of the Carlsbad Ranch project will include the Lego Family Park, Pointe Carlsbad Resort, two golf courses, the Gemological Institute of America Museum, agricultural preserve (flower fields), Research and Development/Commercial Park, hotel and retail centers, open space, and associated improvements (eg. streets, parking, landscape, utilities etc.). ' Based of the results of our evaluation and our understanding of the site improvements, the proposed development is considered feasible from a geotechnical standpoint provided the recommendations outlined in this report are implemented during site grading and construction. 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B205, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123 (619) 292-8030 • (800) 447-2626 FAX (619) 292-0771 4930489-05 If you have any questions regarding our report, opportunity to be of service. CERTIFIED ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST please contact this office. We appreciate this Respectfully submitted, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC RKW/JGF/MRS/kr Distribution: (3) Addressee (4) O'Day Consultants Attention: Mr. Jerry O'Connell Randall K. Wagner, CEG 1612 Project Geologist iph G. Franzone, RCE Director of Engineering vt£«^ Michael R. Stewart, CEG 1349 (Exp. 6/30/96) Director of Geology UIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC 4930489-05 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Purpose and Scope 1 1.2 Site Description 1 1.3 Proposed Development 3 1.4 Previous Site Investigations 4 2.0 SUMMARY OF GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS 6 2.1 Regional Geology 6 2.2 Site Geology 6 2.2.1 Santiago Formation (Map Symbol - Ts) 6 2.2.2 Terrace Deposits (Map Symbol - Qt) 7 2.2.3 Alluvium (Map Symbol - Qal) 7 2.2.4 Colluvium (Map Symbol - Qcol) 7 2.2.5 Lagoonal Deposits (Map Symbol - Ql) 7 2.2.6 Topsoil (Unmapped) 7 2.2.7 Undocumented Fill (Map Symbol - Afu) 8 2.3 Geologic Structure 8 2.4 Ground Water 8 2.5 Faulting and Seismicity 9 2.6 Seismic Considerations 9 2.6.1 Ground Shaking 10 2.6.2 Liquefaction/Dynamic Settlement 10 2.7 Mass Movement 10 2.8 Existing Slope Conditions 10 2.9 Expansion Potential 11 2.10 Sutfate Content, Minimum Resistivity and pH 11 3.0 CONCLUSIONS 12 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 14 4.1 Earthwork 14 4.1.1 Site Preparation 14 4.1.2 Removal and Recompaction of Potentially Compressible Soils 14 4.1.3 Excavations 15 -1 - UIGHTON AND ASSOCIATK, INC. 4930489-05 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) 4.1.4 Fill Placement and Compaction 16 4.1.5 Transition Lots 16 4.1.6 Earthwork Shrinkage/Bulking 16 4.2 Control of Ground Water and Surface Waters 17 4.3 Slope Stability 18 4.3.1 Graded Slopes 18 4.3.2 Natural Slopes 18 4.4 Preliminary Foundation Design Considerations 19 4.5 Special Design and Grading Considerations for Fill Settlement 19 4.6 Proposed Development in Undocumented Fill Areas 20 4.7 Foundation Setbacks 21 4.8 Expansive Soils 21 4.9 Retaining Wall Design Considerations 21 4.10 Type of Cement for Construction 22 4.11 Corrosion Resistance 23 4.11.1 Structural Plate Arch Underpass 23 4.12 Pavement Design 23 5.0 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS 25 Figure Figure 1 - Site Location Map 2 Plate Plates 1 and 2 - Geotechnical Map In Pocket Appendices Appendix A - References Appendix B - Boring and Trench Logs Appendix C - Laboratory Test Results and Test Procedures Appendix D - General Earthwork and Grading Specifications -11 - ItlGHWNANDASSOCIATK, INC. 4930489-05 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and Scope This report provides a summary of our findings, conclusions and preliminary recommendations regarding the onsite soil and geologic conditions at the site for tentative map purposes. The recommendations provided herein are based on our review of the undated 300-scale site plan and the 200-scale preliminary tentative map (dated July 1994) prepared by O'Day Consultants, and the previously issued geotechnical reports relative to the revised Carlsbad Ranch project. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the geotechnical conditions at the site and to provide conclusions and recommendations relative to site development based on the revised tentative tract map. The scope of our services during the evaluation included the following: • Review of geotechnical literature and aerial photographs pertaining to the general vicinity of the site and geotechnical reports pertaining specifically to the site. A list of the items reviewed is included in Appendix A. • Field reconnaissance of the site and general vicinity. • Geotechnical analysis of the data obtained. • Preparation of this report presenting our findings, conclusions and recommendations with respect to the proposed development. Our report included the results of the previous subsurface exploration studies and laboratory data applicable to the Carlsbad Ranch project (including recently acquired parcels). No additional subsurface investigations or laboratory testing was performed as part of this evaluation relative to the revised tentative tract map. 1.2 Site Description The site is located northeast of the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Paseo del Norte in Carlsbad, California (Figure 1). The project, called Carlsbad Ranch, is an irregular-shaped parcel encompassing approximately 548 acres. Carlsbad Ranch is bounded by Palomar Airport Road on the south, Car Country Carlsbad and the proposed realignment of Paseo del Norte on the west, Agua Hedionda Lagoon on the north and Hidden Valley road and agricultural land on the east -1 - iflGHTONANDASSOCIAUS, INC. -N- Base Map: Aerial Foto-Map Book, San Diego County, 1986-87, Aerial Graphics, Page 7D and 86 2000 4000 feet Approximate Scate CARLSBAD RANCH CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SITE LOCATION MAP Project No. 4930489-05 Data 7/5/94 FIGURE 1 4930489-05 Topographically, the site is characterized by northwest-southeast trending ridges and intervening valleys. Elevations of Carlsbad Ranch range from approximately 60 feet mean sea level (m.s.l.) on the west side of the property to approximately 260 feet m.s.l. on the ridgeline along the northeastern side of the property. Natural slopes on the site are relatively gentle, however, man-made cut and fill slopes (with slope inclinations up to 1:1 [horizontal to vertical]) are present in places around the perimeter of the tract and in developed areas within the tract. Existing improvements on site are generally related to past and present agricultural activities on the site. Improvements associated with the agricultural fields include underground irrigation lines and valves, maintenance and storage yards, city water lines supplying the water reservoir on the east side of the site, and minor fills. Improvements associated with the agricultural packing/distribution plant located in the south-central portion of the site include a relatively large fill area creating the building pad, parking and storage areas, approximately four to six buildings and covered areas, underground utility lines, above-ground fuel tanks and man-made cut and fill slopes. In the southeastern portion of the site, one of the north-south trending canyons had been infilled with undocumented fill soils placed during the grading of Car Country Carlsbad in the middle 1980's. As encountered during our Phase II environmental study performed in 1989, a moderate amount of trash (including vegetation, plastic sheeting and tubing, paper, etc.) was encountered in the undocumented fill soils in this vicinity (Leighton, 1989b). 1.3 Proposed Development Our review of the preliminary tentative tract map (O'Day, 1994), grading plans for Units 1 through 3 of Carlsbad Ranch (O'Day, 1993 and undated), and our understanding of the project, future use of the site will include the construction of the Lego Family Park, Gemological Institute of America Museum, Pointe Carlsbad Resort complex, two golf courses, agricultural preserve (flower fields), Research and Development/Commercial Park, hotel and retail centers, open space and associated improvements (eg. streets, parking, landscape, utilities, etc.). Development of Carlsbad Ranch will include the grading of 23 lots. Proposed grading is anticipated to consist of cuts and fills creating sheet-graded for the building pads, streets and other improvements within the tract Cut and fill slopes are anticipated to be constructed at slope inclinations of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) or flatter. Grading in the agricultural preserve is expected to be minimal. -3- LIIGHTON AND ASSOCIATtS, INC. 4930489-05 1.4 Previous Site Investigations A number of previous site investigations have been performed for the Carlsbad Ranch project and the adjacent parcels (which have been annexed to Carlsbad Ranch). The geotechnical investigations which were reviewed and their findings, conclusions and recommendations incorporated into this report include the following: • Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation for Rancho Agua Hedionda (1987 through 1989) by Leighton and Associates. This report evaluated the parcel of land north of Car Country Carlsbad between the proposed Cannon Road extension and Agua Hedionda Lagoon to the north. • Results of Near-Surface Soil Sampling for Hazardous Materials at Carlsbad Ranch (1989) by Leighton and Associates. This Phase n environmental report mainly evaluated potential sources of hazardous materials on the site as the result of the past agricultural activities. However, as part of this investigation, the undocumented fill area in the southeastern portion of the site was partially evaluated. • Preliminary and Supplemental Geotechnical Evaluation of the Proposed College Business Park (1984 through 1991) by Leighton and Associates. These evaluations covered the property east of Carlsbad Ranch (of which an approximate 22-acre parcel was annexed to Carlsbad Ranch). • Phase I Geotechnical Investigation of Carlsbad Ranch (1992) by Geotechnics Inc. This limited investigation provided a preliminary evaluation of the Carlsbad Ranch project. As part of this study, the previous investigations performed by Woodward-Clyde Consultants in 1987 and by San Diego Geotechnical Consultants in 1988 were reviewed. • Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation for Units I and n (Phase I) of Carlsbad Ranch (1993) by Leighton and Associates. This investigation specifically evaluated the geotechnical conditions of Units I and n of Carlsbad Ranch (including a portion of the proposed Research and Development/Commercial Park, the Gemological Institute of America Museum site and the specialty retail complex). • Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation for Unit IP (Phase II) of Carlsbad Ranch (1994) by Leighton and Associates. This study covered Unit in of Carlsbad Ranch (including a portion of the Research and Development/Commercial Park, a portion of the Lego Family Park complex and the hotel and retail site). Previous investigations included the excavation of large- and small-diameter borings, exploratory backhoe trenches and test pits. The boring trench and test pit logs applicable to the revised Carlsbad Ranch tentative tract map are presented in Appendix B. The approximate locations of the borings, trench and test pits are shown on the Geotechnical Maps (Plates 1 and 2). -4- LCICHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC 4930489-05 In addition, the site investigations included appropriate laboratory testing of representative soil samples collected during the subsurface investigations. Laboratory test results relative to the Carlsbad Ranch project are included in Appendix C. The laboratory testing included Atterberg limits, direct shear, expansion index, moisture/density determinations, maximum dry density, soluble sulfate content, and minimum resistivity and pH tests. Brief descriptions of the laboratory test procedures and the laboratory test results are presented in Appendix C. The test results of the moisture/density determinations are presented in the boring logs included in Appendix B. -5- LUGHJON AND ASSOCIATtS, IMC. 4930489-05 2.0 SUMMARY OF GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS 2.1 Regional Geology The subject site is located within the coastal subprovidence of the Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Providence, near the western edge of the southern California batholith. The topography at the edge of the batholith changes from rugged landforms developed on the batholith to the more subdued landforms which typify the softer sedimentary formations of the coastal plain. The subject site is underlain by terrace deposits formed by sea level changes during late Quaternary time. These soils were deposited on platforms cut into the underlying Santiago Formation. 2.2 Site Geology As encountered during previous site investigations and our review of geotechnical reports applicable to the tract (Appendix A), Carlsbad Ranch is underlain by bedrock units consisting of the Santiago Formation and Terrace Deposits and surficial units comprised of alluvium, colluvium, lagoonal deposits, topsoil, and undocumented fill soils. The areal distributions of the units are shown on the Geotechnical Maps (Plates 1 and 2). Brief descriptions of these units are presented below. 2.2.1 Santiago Formation (Map Symbol - Ts) The bedrock unit underlying the entire site is the Tertiary-aged Santiago Formation. In general, the unit consists of massive to poorly bedded sandstone with interbedded clayey siltstone and silty claystone. The sandstone encountered consisted primarily of light gray, light brown, and light yellow-brown, moist, dense, silty, fine- to occasionally medium-grained sandstone. The sandstone was generally friable, slightly micaceous and massive. The siltstone consisted of medium brown and olive-brown, moist, stiff, clayey siltstones that were fissile to indistinctly bedded and contained calcium carbonate, manganese-oxide and iron-oxide staining. The claystone typically was gray to brown, moist, stiff to hard, fine-grained, sandy to silty claystone that was moderately sheared. Occasional remolded clayseams/claybeds were encountered in the Santiago Formation and consisted of less than 1-inch thick soft to medium stiff, moist to very moist clay (Leighton, 1989a). Where encountered, the upper 6 to 12 inches of the Santiago Formation appears to be moderately weathered, porous and potentially compressible. -6- LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 4930489-05 2.2.2 Terrace Deposits (Map Symbol - Qt) Quaternary-aged Terrace Deposits locally overlie the Santiago Formation in most areas of the site (especially along the ridgelines). As encountered during the investigations, these deposits generally consist of orange to red brown, damp to moist, medium dense, silty fine- to medium-grained sand. The upper portion of the Terrace Deposits (generally the upper ±2 feet) appeared to be disturbed by the agricultural activities of the site and are anticipated to be slightly porous and potentially compressible. In general, the Terrace Deposits have a very low expansion potential. 2.2.3 Alluvium (Map Symbol - Qal) Alluvium was encountered during our investigation of the proposed College Business Park (Leighton, 1991) in the low-tying area adjacent to Palomar Airport Road and Hidden Valley Road. As encountered the alluvium generally consisted of potentially compressible, moist to saturated, loose to medium dense silty sands with some sandy silts and sandy clays. 2.2.4 Colluvium (Map Symbol - Qcol) Colluvium was encountered in the low-lying areas within and adjacent to the tract, on the lower hillsides north of Palomar Airport Road and in the tributary canyons along the south side of Agua Hedonida Lagoon. As encountered, the colluvium typically consisted of dark red-brown, damp to moist, medium dense, silty to slightly clayey sand that was generally 1 to 4 feet in thickness. The colluvium was typically porous and anticipated to be potentially compressible under the load of existing fills or improvements. In places, it was somewhat difficult to distinguish the sandier colluvial soils from the underlying terrace deposits. 2.2.5 Lagoonal Deposits (Map Symbol - Ql) Recent Lagoonal Deposits are present along the shoreline of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. These soils were observed to consist of soft and poorly consolidated fine sands, silts, and lagoon muds. 2.2.6 Topsoil (Unmapped) Topsoil was encountered essentially covering the entire site but was not mapped. The topsoil was found to be generally dark red-brown, damp, loose to medium dense, silty sands with minor amounts of clay. The topsoil was generally less than 2 feet in thickness, contained minor amounts of decomposed organics, and has been disturbed by the past and present agricultural activities on the site. This unit was evaluated to be potentially compressible under the loading of fill soils or improvements. -7- UIGHTON AND ASSOCIATE, INC. 4930489-05 2.2.7 Undocumented Fill (Map Symbol - Afu) Undocumented fill was encountered in the vicinity of the existing agricultural packing and distribution plant, in the north-south trending canyon in the southeast portion of the site, and in limited places throughout the site. As encountered, the undocumented fill consisted of numerous soil types but typically the fill soils were orange-brown, medium brown and gray, moist to very moist, loose, silty sands and clayey sands. In the vicinity of the agricultural packing and distribution plant, starting at a depth of between 8 and 10 feet, and in the fill area at the southeast portion of the site in the lower portion of the fill, the undocumented fill contained a moderate to abundant amount of partially decomposed organics, pieces of wood and brush, trash, plastic and construction-type debris (eg. concrete, asphalt, rebar, bricks, etc.). In a number of borings located south of the existing agricultural packing and distribution plant, refusal (due to abundant chunks of concrete and asphalt) occurred at depths ranging from 15 to 17 feet below existing grade. Borings to the east and north of the packing plant encountered some trash and debris, but generally the fill soils consisted of relatively clean silty sands. Minor localized areas of undocumented fill were also encountered throughout the farmed portion of the site, but not mapped. Additional minor undocumented fill areas are assumed to be present on the site based on its past agricultural use. 2.3 Geologic Structure The bedrock units encountered on the site were generally massive with no apparent bedding. However, based on our professional experience in the area, bedding of the Santiago Formation is anticipated to be relatively gently dipping (ie. 5 to 10 degrees) to the west. 2.4 Ground Water Perched ground water conditions were encountered during previous subsurface investigations beneath the undocumented fill soils between Palomar Airport Road and the agricultural packing and distribution plant, in the low-lying area adjacent to the Paseo del Norte, in the alluvium present in the vicinity of Hidden Valley Road, and in the northwestern portion of the tract south of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The perched ground water conditions appear to be the result of porous or permeable soils overlying a less permeable unit. These perched ground water conditions were encountered at an approximate elevation of 75 feet m.s.l. in the vicinity of the packing plant, at an elevation of 53 to 55 feet m.s.l. adjacent to Paseo del Norte, around an elevation of 60 feet m.s.l. next to Hidden Valley Road and at an elevations ranging from 12 to 50 feet m.s.l. in the northwest portion of the tract. -8- LflGHJON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 4930489-05 2.5 Faulting and Seismicitv Our discussion of the faults on the site is prefaced with a discussion of California legislation and state policies concerning the classification and land-use criteria associated with faults. By definition of the California Mining and Geology Board, an active fault is a fault which has had surface displacement within Holocene time (about the last 11,000 years). The State Geologist has defined a potentially active fault as any fault considered to have been active during Quaternary time (last 1,600,000 years). This definition is used in delineating Earthquake Fault Zones as mandated by the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Faulting Zone Act of 1972 and as subsequently revised in 1974,1975,1976,1979,1990,1991,1992 and 1993. The intent of this act is to assure that unwise urban development does not occur across the traces of active faults. The subject site is not located within any earthquake fault zones as created by the Alquist-Priolo Act (Hart, 1992). Our review of available geologic literature indicated that there are no known active or potentially active faults that transect Carlsbad Ranch. However, inactive fault zones were encountered in a number of places within and adjacent to Carlsbad Ranch during previous investigations. Inactive fault zones were encountered in the cut slope along the north side of Palomar Airport Road during previous geotechnical work performed at the site (Geotechnics, 1992) and in the eastern portion of the site (Weber, 1982 and Leighton, 1991 and 1992). The location of the proposed development can be considered to lie within a seismically active region, as can all of southern California. The Rose Canyon Fault Zone which is located approximately 3.5 miles to the west of the site is considered to have the most significant seismic effect at the site from a design standpoint A maximum credible earthquake of moment magnitude 6.9 on the fault could produce a peak horizontal bedrock acceleration of approximately 0.46g at the site. For design purposes, an effective ground acceleration of 0.40g based on the Uniform Building Code criteria (ICBO, 1991) may be assumed for the anticipated duration of ground shaking. 2.6 Seismic Considerations The principal seismic considerations for most structures in southern California are surface rupturing of fault traces, damage caused by ground shaking and/or seismically induced liquefaction or dynamic settlement The probability of damage due to ground rupture is considered minimal since active faults are not known to cross the site. Ground lurching due to shaking from distant seismic events is not considered a significant hazard, although it is a possibility throughout the southern California region. -9- LIIGHTON AND ASSOCIATK, INC. 4930489-05 2.6.1 Ground Shaking The seismic hazard most likely to impact the site is ground shaking resulting from an earthquake on one of the major regional faults. As discussed above, a maximum credible event on the Rose Canyon Fault Zone (considered the design earthquake for this site) could produce a peak horizontal bedrock acceleration at the site of 0.46g and an effective ground acceleration of 0.40g. 2.6.2 Liquefaction/Dynamic Settlement Liquefaction of cohesionless soils can be caused by strong vibratory motion due to earthquakes. Research and historical data indicate that loose granular soils underlain by a near-surface ground water table are most susceptible to liquefaction, while the stability of most silty clays and clays is not adversely affected by vibratory motion. Due to the dense nature of the onsite Terrace Deposits and Santiago Formation and the absence of a near surface ground water table, the potential for liquefaction on the site due to the design earthquake is anticipated to be very low. However, due to the presence of perched ground water conditions within the loose and potentially compressible alluvium, coUuvium and undocumented fill soils, liquefaction and dynamic settlement of these soils may occur as a result of the design earthquake. As a result, remedial measure are recommended to mitigate this liquefaction potential. 2.7 Mass Movement Based on our review of the previous geotechnical reports, available geologic literature and maps, and aerial photographs, no indication of mass movements (such as landslides, surficial slumps, etc.) were observed within the Carlsbad Ranch tract. 2.8 Existing Slope Conditions A number of existing graded slopes have been constructed along Palomar Airport Road, along the eastern side of Car Country Carlsbad and in the vicinity of the agricultural packing and distribution plant within south-central portion of Carlsbad Ranch. These slopes have inclinations ranging from 1:1 to 1:3 (horizontal to vertical) or flatter. In general, the 1:1 cut slopes are present around the packing and distribution plant Fill slopes associated with the undocumented fill slopes are also present on the site at slope inclinations of approximately 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) or flatter. Slopes having inclinations steeper than 2:1 should be considered temporary slopes and should be regraded at maximum slope inclinations of 2:1 (unless properly designed with a retaining wall structure). Our geotechnical investigation of the Rancho Agua Hedionda parcel indicated that the existing natural bluff or slope on the south side of Agua Hedionda lagoon is composed primarily of the Santiago Formation sandstone with minor interbedded siltstone and claystone. In addition, a remolded clayseam was encountered in the slope and geotechnical analysis -10- LEICHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC 4930489-05 indicated the slope may have a safety factor of less than the typically recommended values (Leighton, 1989b). 2.9 Expansion Potential The expansion potential of the soils encountered within Carlsbad Ranch are described as follows: • Undocumented Fill: Low expansion potential for the majority of the soils. Minor amounts of silty sand/clayey sand soils may have a moderate expansion potential. • Alluvium and Colluvium: Low expansion potential for sandy soils to high for clayey soils. • Topsoil: Low expansion potential for sandy soils to high for clayey soils. • Terrace Deposits: Very low to low expansion potential. • Santiago Formation: Low expansion potential for silty sandstone, medium to high for sandy to clayey siltstones and high to very high for the silty claystones. Expansion testing of representative finish grade soils on each of the lots should be performed upon completion of rough grading to better assess the expansion potential of the finish grade soils so that final foundation recommendations can be provided. 2.10 Sulfate Content. Minimum Resistivity and pH The test results from the previous investigations performed for the Carlsbad Ranch project and adjacent tracts indicate the onsite soils possess a negligible to minor soluble sulfate content and a very mild to high potential for corrosion. Laboratory testing of finish grade soils at grade or in contact with concrete and/or buried metal conduits should be performed once site-specific plans are developed and/or construction is planned. -11- LIIGHWN AND ASSOCIATK, INC. 4930489-05 3.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on the preliminary tentative tract map and the results of our geotechnical evaluation, it is our opinion that the proposed development of Carlsbad Ranch is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint provided the following conclusions and recommendations are incorporated into the design and construction of the tract. The following is a summary of the geotechnical factors which may affect development of the site. • Based on the previous subsurface investigations, the site is underlain by the Santiago Formation, Terrace Deposits, alluvium, colluvium, lagoonal deposits, topsoil and undocumented fill soils. • The topsoil, lagoonal deposits, colluvium, alluvium, weathered formational material and undocumented fill soils are porous and/or potentially compressible in their present state and will require removal and recompaction in areas of proposed development or future fill and document. If complete removals are not made, some settlement should be anticipated. • Based on the previous subsurface investigations of the formational soils and surficial soils present on the site, we anticipate that these materials will be rippable with heavy-duty construction equipment. However, localized concretions and cemented layers within the Santiago Formation if encountered, may require heavy ripping during excavation. • Abundant organics, trash and construction debris were encountered in the existing undocumented fill soils between Palomar Airport road and the agricultural packing and distribution plant and in the north-south trending canyon in the southeast portion of the tract. Removal of these deleterious materials will be required in order to utilize the undocumented fill soils during site grading. • Laboratory testing results and our previous experience in the area indicate the soils present on the site have the following soil engineering characteristics: - very low to high expansion potential - negligible to minor sulfate content - adequate shear strength in both existing formational soils or as properly compacted fill soils - mild to high potential for corrosion to buried metal conduits • The existing onsite soils appear to be suitable for use as fill material provided they are free of organic material, debris, and rock fragments larger than 6 inches in maximum dimension. • Perched ground water conditions were encountered within the tract in a number of places. These perched ground water conditions were encountered in, 1) the undocumented fill soils between Palomar Airport Road and the agricultural packing and distribution plant; 2) adjacent to Paseo del Norte on the west side of the tract; 3) within the alluvium located in the southeast corner of the site; and 4) in the northwest portion of the tract Ground water is not considered a constraint to development, however, ground water seepage or shallow ground water conditions may occur in areas where ground water did not previously exist This is especially true where a relatively -12- LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC 4930489-05 impermeable material such as a claystone or cemented layer underlies a relatively permeable material such as sandstone or sandy fill soils. Remedial recommendations may be provided on an individual case-by-case basis if these situations occur. Since the investigation of the Rancho Agua Hedionda project (Leighton, 1989a) indicated numerous locations of subsurface perched ground water, it should be anticipate that seepage conditions will be encountered within the Carlsbad Ranch. Active or potentially active faults are not known to exist on the Carlsbad Ranch project. However, inactive faults have been mapped and/or observed transecting the tract. The maximum peak horizontal ground acceleration on the site due to the design earthquake on the Rose Canyon Fault Zone of moment magnitude 6.9 is estimated to be 0.46g with an effective ground acceleration of approximately 0.40g. Based on our evaluation, the potential for liquefaction of the site soils is considered very low. However, due to the perched ground water conditions and presence of potentially compressible alluvium, colluvium and undocumented fill soils in some areas of the tract, the potential for liquefaction is considered significant unless remedial measures are undertaken to remove and recompact the saturated and potentially compressible soils. Mass movements such as landslides, surficial slumps, mud flows, etc. were not observed onsite. The existing 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) or flatter cut slopes present on the south and west sides of the tract are considered surficially and grossly stable from a geotechnical standpoint. However, due to the coarse and somewhat friable nature of the onsite soils, ruling and gullying of the slopes is anticipated to be significant. Our previous geotechnical investigation indicated the steeper portions of the existing slope above the Agua Hedionda Lagoon may not be stable due to the presence of a remolded clayseam (Leighton, 1989a). While this clayseam has an orientation which generally dips into slope which is a favorable condition, our analysis indicates that because of the steep nature of the existing natural slope, a structural setback may be warranted if structures or settlement sensitive improvements are proposed near the top of the slope. However, based on the site plans, the currently proposed development indicates a golf course in this area. We further understand that cuts in this area on the order of 40 to 50 feet are proposed which should reduce the height of the slope overlooking the lagoon. -13- LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 4930489-05 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Earthwork We anticipate that earthwork at the site will consist of site preparation, excavation, removal and recompaction of potentially compressible soils, fill placement, and backfill. We recommend that earthwork on the site be performed in accordance with the following recommendations, the City of Carlsbad grading requirements, and the General Earthwork and Grading Specifications included in Appendix D. In case of conflict, the following recommendations shall supersede those in Appendix D. 4.1.1 Site Preparation Prior to grading, all areas to receive structural fill or engineered structures should be cleared of surface and subsurface obstructions, including any existing debris, potentially compressible material (such as topsoil, lagoonal deposits, colluvium, alluvium, weathered formation materials, and undocumented fill soils), and stripped of vegetation. Based on the previous subsurface investigations, the undocumented fill soils contain a significant amount of partially decomposed organics, trash and construction debris. Vegetation and debris should be removed from the existing fill soils and property disposed. Holes resulting from removal of buried obstructions which extend below finish site grades should be replaced with suitable compacted fill material. All areas to receive fill and/or other surface improvements should be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches, brought to near optimum moisture condition, and recompacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557-91). 4.1.2 Removal and Recompaction of Potentially Compressible Soils In general, all alluvium, colluvium, topsoil, lagoonal deposits, weathered fonnational soils, and undocumented fill soils not removed by the planned grading, should be excavated, moisture conditioned or dried back to obtain a near optimum moisture content, and then compacted prior to placing any additional fill. Typically, these soils including near-surface soils in areas that have been farmed in the past are anticipated to be porous and potentially compressible in their present state, and may settle appreciably under the surcharge of fills or foundation loadings. In areas that will receive fill or other surface improvements, these potentially compressible soils should be removed down to competent fonnational materials and recompacted. In the southeast corner of the tract, our investigation of the College Business Park project (Leighton, 1985) indicated approximately 23 feet of alluvium with the ground water table at approximately 16 feet below the ground surface. Since the investigation was performed in 1984, ground water conditions may have greatly changed. However, we recommend that the alluvium be either completely removed to competent - 14- UIGHTONANDASSOCIATtS, INC. 4930489-05 formational material or to within ±2 feet of the static ground water table. If saturated alluvium is left-in-place, some settlement in the area should be anticipated. If needed, a geotechnical evaluation to assess the settlement potential or the placement and monitoring of settlement monuments may be undertaken during a future geotechnical investigation or during site grading. In general, we estimate that the alluvial removals in the southeast portion of the site will range from 2 to 15+ feet, the colluvial removals will range from 2 to 6 feet, while removals of topsoil and near-surface soil disturbed by farming will be on the order of 2 feet. It should be noted that deeper removals may be required in areas due to localized thicker zones of compressible soils. In addition, the undocumented fill soils were found to contain a moderate amount of organics, trash, and construction debris that is not considered suitable for use as MIL Due to the abundance of concrete chunks within the undocumented fill located south of the agricultural packing and distribution plant, the drill rig was unable to penetrate the undocumented fill. As a result, our investigation was not able to determine the undocumented fill thickness. However, based on pregraded topography, the fill soils are estimated to be a minimum of approximately 35 to 40 feet in thickness. The limited geotechnical evaluation of the undocumented fill soils in the southeast portion of the site (Leighton, 1989b and Geotechnics, 1992) indicated the fill soils were up to approximately 30 feet thick. However, based on pregraded the undocumented fill is anticipated to have a maximum thickness of approximately 40 feet 4.1.3 Excavations Excavations of the onsite materials may generally be accomplished with conventional heavy-duty earthwork equipment It is not anticipated that blasting will be required or that significant quantities of oversized rock (i.e. rock with maximum dimensions greater than 6 inches) will be generated during grading. However, if oversized rock is encountered, it should be placed as fill in accordance with the details presented in Appendix D. Due to the relatively high density characteristics and coarse nature of the onsite soils, temporary excavations such as utility trenches with vertical sides in the onsite soils should remain stable for the period required to construct the utility, provided they are free of adverse geologic conditions. However, in accordance with OSHA requirements, excavations between 5 and 15 feet in depth should be shored or laid back to inclinations of 1:1 (horizontal to vertical) if workers are to enter such excavations. For excavations deeper than 15 feet, specific recommendations can be made on a case by case basis. -15- IflGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 4930489-05 4.1.4 Fill Placement and Compaction The onsite soils are generally suitable for use as compacted fill provided they are free of organic material, debris, and rock fragments larger than 6 inches in maximum dimension. All fill soils should be brought to near-optimum moisture conditions and compacted in uniform lifts to at least 90 percent relative compaction based on laboratory standard ASTM Test Method D1557-91. The optimum lift thickness required to produce a uniformly compacted fill will depend on the type and size of compaction equipment used. In general, fill should be placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in thickness. Placement and compaction of fill should be performed in general accordance with the current City of Carlsbad grading ordinances, sound construction practice, and the General Earthwork and Grading Specifications presented in Appendix D. 4.1.5 Transition Lots We recommend the proposed structures be planned such that they are entirely underlain by competent formational soils or underlain by a uniform thickness of properly compacted fill. If this is not possible, in order to help minimize the potential for differential settlements, the entire cut portion of the area planned for structures in daylight areas should be overexcavated to a minimum depth of 2 feet below the bottoms of proposed foundations and replaced with properly compacted fill. The overexcavations should laterally extend at least 10 feet beyond the building pad. Depth of overexcavation should be deepened when necessary to provide a uniform thickness of fill beneath the structure(s). Please refer to Section 4.5 for recommendations should structures be planned in areas of the site where relatively large differential fill thickness exists and extensive overexcavation is not considered feasible. 4.1.6 Earthwork Shrinkage/Bulking The volume change of excavated onsite materials upon recompaction as fill is expected to vary with materials and location. Typically, the surficial soils and bedrock material vary significantly in natural and compacted density, and therefore, accurate earthwork shrinkage/bulking estimates cannot be determined. However, the following factors based on the results of our geotechnical analysis are provided as guideline estimates. -16- LflGHWNANDASSOCIAJK, INC. 4930489-05 If possible, we suggest an area where site grades can be adjusted be provided to utilize as a balance area • Topsoil/Upper 2 feet of site where fanning has occurred: 5 to 10 percent shrinkage • Undocumented fill: 5 to 15 percent shrinkage • Colluvium: 0 to 2 percent shrinkage • Terrace Deposits: 2 to 5 percent bulking • Santiago Formation: 4 to 7 percent bulking (assuming the majority of the Santiago Formation is sandstone, bulking may be greater in areas of siltstone or claystone). 4.2 Control of Ground Water and Surface Waters Based on previous preliminary investigations, it is our opinion that except for the perched ground water conditions encountered in various placed within the tract, a permanent shallow ground water table does not currently exist at the site. The control of ground water in a hillside development is essential to reduce the potential for undesirable surface flow or seepage, hydrostatic pressure and the adverse effects of ground water on slope stability. We recommend that measures be taken to properly finish grade each sheet-graded area, such that drainage water is directed away from top-of-slopes. No ponding of water should be permitted. Drainage design is within the purview of the design civil engineer. Even with these provisions, our experience indicates that shallow ground water conditions can develop in areas where no such ground water conditions existed prior to site development, especially in areas where a substantial increase in surface water infiltration results from landscape irrigation. We recommend that an engineering geologist be present during grading operations to observe and record possible future seepage. If appropriate, canyon subdrains should be installed in the canyon bottoms that will be infilled and in the removal bottom of the undocumented fill removal areas in order to collect subsurface water and minimize the saturation of the fill soils. If seepage conditions occur in cut slopes or other areas of the tract, shallow subdrains may be installed to collect the ground water and minimize problems associated with saturated soil. The subdrains should be installed in accordance with the details presented in Appendix D. -17- LIIGHWN AND ASSOCIATK, INC. 49:^0489-05 4.3 Slope Stability 4.3.1 Graded Slopes Based on our professional experience in the area and knowledge of similar soils, it is our opinion that the existing 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) or flatter manufactured slopes should have an adequate factor-of-safety against surficial deep-seated or gross stability, provided the recommendations presented herein are incorporated into the design and construction of the site. Site-specific grading plans were not available for review at the time this report was prepared. As a result, the height of proposed cut and fill slopes is presently unknown. However, where free of adverse geologic structures, cut and fill slopes to maximum heights of approximately 50 feet should be grossly and surficially stable at inclinations of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) or flatter. It should be noted that manufactured slopes on site may be subject to rilling and erosion due to a granular nature of the onsite soils. We recommend that all excavations and cut slopes be observed and mapped by an engineering geologist during grading operations to verify that the soil and geologic conditions encountered do not differ significantly from those assumed in our analysis. Oversteepening of existing slopes should be avoided during fine grading and construction unless supported by appropriately designed retaining structures. Cut and fill slopes should be provided with appropriate surface drainage features and landscaped with drought-tolerant vegetation as soon as possible after grading to minimize potential erosion. In slopes where seepage is present, drainage should be provided as shown in Appendix D. Slopes which require special drainage features can be evaluated and recommendations provided by the geotechnical consultant during grading. 4.3.2 Natural Slopes During our geotechnical investigation for the proposed Rancho Aqua Hedionda Regional Shopping Center (Leighton, 1989a), the results of our subsurface investigation and geotechnical analysis were utilized to evaluate the stability of the steep natural slope on the south side of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Based on the results of our stability analyses, we have calculated a factor-of-safety against deep-seated failure for the existing steep natural slope adjacent to the lagoon of at least 1.2 (typical safety factor is a minimum of 1.5). As a result, it is our recommendation that no structures or major utilities be planned within 40 feet of the existing top-of-slope. Since the proposed development of the site is a golf course, and cuts up to 40 to 50 feet are planned in this area, we do not anticipate the placement of significant structures near the top of slope nor do we anticipate significant slope -18- LIIGHTON AND ASSOCIATE, INC 4930489-05 stability concerns. However, the final design plans should be reviewed by the geotechnical consultant and final recommendations should be evaluated at that time. 4.4 Preliminary Foundation Design Considerations No building or foundation plans were available nor anticipated at the time of our evaluation. Final foundation design recommendations and bearing capacities can be provided on a lot by lot basis once the site is graded and the type of buildings are known. 4.5 Special Design and Grading Considerations for Fill Settlement Due to their inherent characteristics, fill soils tend to settle due to their own weight and increase in moisture content. The amount of settlement is proportional to the depth of fill and its relative compaction. Based on laboratory testing of the materials anticipated to be used as fill (Appendix C) and our experience with similar materials, we estimate these soils may settle on the order of 0.2 percent of the total fill thickness. In terms of differential settlement, 1/2 inch of settlement should be anticipated for each 20 feet of differential fill thickness. Relatively deep fill areas, placed on steep existing topography, are most likely to be impacted by the affects of differential settlement. In areas where the proposed structures cannot tolerate the amount of anticipated differential settlement mentioned above, special design and grading considerations may be required. These considerations may include: • The proposed structures may be planned such that they are entirely founded into competent formational material. This may be accomplished by constructing the structure on the cut portion of the lot or by deepening foundation into the formational soils by the use of a pier and grade beam system or deepened footings. Geotechnical recommendations for these foundation systems may be provided based upon the proposed location and design of the structures. • The proposed structures may be located in areas of uniform fill thickness such that the anticipated differential settlement is within tolerate limits. In daylight areas, the cut portions should be overexcavated and replaced with properly compacted MIL The depth of the overexcavation will be based upon the amount of differential fill thickness and structural requirements. • The potential differential settlements may be decreased by compacting the fill to a higher relative compaction (i.e., greater than 90 percent). Additional laboratory studies should be performed to determine the settlement characteristics of this fill. Tentatively, if this alternative is chosen, the fill should be compacted to 95 percent relative compaction (ASTM Test Method D1557-91) in areas where the differential fill thickness is greater than 10 feet. -19- LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC 4930489-05 Additional structural consideration such as post-tensioned foundation and slab systems and additional concrete slab-on-grade/foundation depth and reinforcement may be required to mitigate the affects of differential settlement We recommend the structural engineer consider the affects of differential settlement on the design of the proposed structures. 4.6 Proposed Development in Undocumented Fill Areas Two major undocumented fill areas exist on the site. The westerly most area is adjacent to Palomar Airport Road in the south-central portion of the site. This is the area currently utilized partially for the existing packing facility. Our investigation of this fill area indicated that it contains an extensive amount of debris derived from a variety of sources and was likely filled in over a long period of time. Our experience indicates that on other sites with similar histories, canyon areas such as this were utilized as a dump site for excess dirt and debris. The compaction of the materials encountered in our borings varied from loose to medium dense. The material is considered to be potentially compressible and not suitable for the support of structural loads. As a result, the area may be prone to differential settlement particularly if water is introduced into the fill soils. Because of the nonuniform nature of these fill soils and the presence of organic material, the amount of future settlement is difficult to predict and may be in excess of several inches. Development along the westerly portion of this fill area includes the proposed alignment of Armada Drive. In this area, complete removal of the undocumented fill soils are recommended. The remainder of the fill area is proposed as open space and possibly parking associated with the Lego Family Park. In order to minimize the potential for differential settlement of parking areas, we recommend that complete removals of undocumented fills be made. An alternative to complete removals would be the removal and recompaction of a minimum of the upper 5 feet of soil below existing grade. Additional fills could then be placed and the parking lots constructed. It should be understood that even with the partial 5-foot removal, significant amounts of settlement should still be anticipated and there will likely be increased maintenance costs for the parking areas. In addition, because of the potential for settlement, no settlement-sensitive utilities such as water, sewer, storm drain, etc. should be constructed in this area without special design to tolerate these potentially significant differential settlement We also recommend that landscaping/irrigation be severely restricted or eliminated in areas of partial removals so that consolidation triggered by the infiltration of water is kept at a minimum. If future development of settlement-sensitive improvements are proposed, complete removal and recompaction, special design considerations or use of deep foundations will be required. The undocumented fill area in the southeastern portion of the tract has not yet been thoroughly investigated by Leighton and Associates. The fill area is again undocumented and as a result may also be considered potentially compressible. Therefore, the previous recommendations will also be applicable for this area. However, the majority of the fill in this area was placed in one continuous operation by conventional grading practices. The canyon fill is also believed to contain much less debris. Because of the sandy nature of the fill and the method of placement, we anticipate the fill to be relatively uniform. Therefore, -20- UIGHJON AND ASSOCIATE, INC 4930489-05 although some settlement can be anticipated, the settlement is likely to be less and be more uniform than in the westerly undocumented fill area. 4.7 Foundation Setbacks We recommend a minimum horizontal setback distance from the face of slopes for all structural footings (retaining walls, building footings, etc.). This distance is measured from the outside edge of the footing, horizontally to the slope face (or to the face of a retaining wall) and should be a minimum of H/2, where H is the slope height (in feet). The setback should not be less than 10 feet However, for the north-facing slope adjacent to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon on the north side of the tract, we recommend a minimum horizontal setback from the top-of-slope of at least 40 feet for all structures and utilities. Please note that the soils within the structural setback area possess poor lateral stability, and improvements (such as retaining walls, sidewalks, fences, pavements, etc.) constructed within this setback area may be subject to lateral movement and/or differential settlement. Potential distress to such improvements may be mitigated by providing a deepened footing to support the improvement The deepened footing should meet the setback as described above. 4.8 Expansive Soils Based on laboratory testing of representative soils during the previous investigations, the majority of the soils on site (with the exception of the Santiago Formation claystone and clayey or silty colluvium and alluvium), have a low to very low expansion potential (Appendix C). Expansion testing of the actual soils placed at finish grade and recommendations concerning potential expansive soils should be made after site grading has been completed. 4.9 Retaining Wall Design Considerations Embedded structural walls should be designed for lateral earth pressures exerted on them. The magnitude of these pressures depends on the amount of deformation that the wall an yield under load. If the wall can yield enough to mobilize the full shear strength of the soil, it can be designed for "active" pressure. If the wall cannot yield under the applied load, the shear strength of the soil cannot be mobilized and the earth pressure will be higher. Such walls should be designed for "at rest" conditions. If a structure moves toward the soil, the resulting resistance developed by the soil is the "passive" resistance. For design purposes, the recommended equivalent fluid pressure for each case for walls founded above the static ground water table and backfilled with soils of very low expansion potential is provided below. -21- ICIGHWN AND ASSOCIATES, INC 4930489-05 Equivalent Fluid Weight (pcf) Condition Active At-Rest Passive Level 35 55 350 3:1 Slope 50 60 2:1 Slope 55 65 The above values assume free-draining conditions. If conditions other than those assumed above are anticipated, the equivalent fluid pressure values should be provided on an individual-case basis by the geotechnical engineer. All retaining wall structures should be provided with appropriate drainage. The outlet pipe should be sloped to drain to a suitable outlet. Typical drainage design is illustrated in Appendix D. Wall back cut excavations less than 5 feet in height can be made near vertical. For back cuts greater than 5 feet in height, but less than 15 feet in height, the back cut should be flattened to a gradient of not steeper than 1:1 (horizontal to vertical) slope inclination. For back cuts in excess of 15 feet in height, specific recommendations should be requested from the geotechnical consultant. As previously mentioned, the walls should be backfilled with granular material. The granular material backfill (which may consist of the sandy Santiago Formation or Terrace Deposits) should be brought up to a height approximately 2 feet below the top of the walls and capped with compacted fill consisting of native soils. The granular and native backfill soils should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557-91). The granular fill should extend horizontally to a minimum distance equal to one- half the wall height behind the walls. The walls should be constructed and backfilled as soon as possible after back cut excavation. Prolonged exposure of back cut slopes may result in some localized slope instability. Soil resistance developed against lateral structural movement can be obtained from the passive pressure values in the previous table. Further, for sliding resistance, a friction coefficient of 0.35 may be used at the concrete and soU interface. These values may be increased by one- third when considering loads of short duration including wind or seismic loads. The total resistance may be taken as the sum of the frictional and passive resistances provided the passive portion does not exceed two-thirds of the total resistance. 4.10 Type of Cement for Construction Representative samples of the soils anticipated to be near finish grade should be obtained and tested for soluble sulfate content upon completion of rough grading in order to determine the type of cement for construction. However, the preliminary tests performed during the previous investigations indicated the soil possess a negligible soluble sulfate content (Appendix C). As a result, concrete in contact with the onsite soils can most likely be constructed with normal Type n cement (or equivalent) -22- LCICHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC 4930489-05 4.11 Corrosion Resistance Samples of the representative onsite soils were tested for minimum resistivity and pH by California Test Method 643 during the previous investigations at the subject site. The results of this testing (Appendix C) indicate that the soils have a very mild to heavy potential for corrosion to buried uncoated metal conduits. A corrosion engineer should be consulted for further evaluation of this potential. 4.11.1 Structural Plate Arch Underpass Based on laboratory minimum resistivity and pH test results performed during the preliminary geotechnical investigation of Carlsbad Ranch Phase I (Leighton, 1993), the soils at the site are considered to have a moderate to heavy potential for corrosion for uncoated metal conduits. According to the Phase I grading plans prepared by O'Day Consultants (O'Day, 1993), a structural plate arch underpass is proposed beneath Armada Drive connecting Lots 8 and 10. The cross-section diagram of the underpass (shown on Sheet 5 of the grading plans) indicates the metal plate will be 0.150 inches thick. According to the California Highway Design Manual (Test No. 643), and based on the minimum resistivity and pH test results of onsite soils, the estimated years to perforation of the 0.150 inch thick uncoated metal plate will be approximately 65 years. Additional culvert life can be realized by consulting a corrosion engineer to provide a thicker conduit, protective coating, special backfill soils, or by utilizing other corrosion protection systems. 4.12 Pavement Design Final pavement recommendations should be provided based on R-value testing of roadway subgrade soils as final grades are achieved. For planning purposes, we have assumed the sandy onsite soils will have an R-value of 45. Utilizing assumed traffic indices of T.I. = 5.O., T.I. = 7.0, T.I. = 8.0, and T.I. = 10.0, the following structural pavement sections can be assumed for planning purposes. -23- LCIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. til* 4930489-05 Traffic Index T.I. = 5.0 T.I. = 7.0 T.I. = 8.0 T.I. = 10.0 R-Value R = 45 R = 45 R = 45 R = 45 Structural Pavement Design 3 inches of asphalt concrete over 6 inches of Caltrans Class 2 base 4 inches of asphalt concrete over 6 inches of Caltrans Class 2 base 5 inches of asphalt concrete over 6.5 inches of Caltrans Class 2 base 6 inches of asphalt concrete over 9.5 inches of Caltrans Gass 2 base The upper 12 inches of subgrade soils should be scarified, moisture conditioned and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction based on ASTM Test Method D1557-91. If fill is required to reach subgrade design grade, fill placement should be performed in accordance with the recommendations presented in Section 4.1. The aggregate base material should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction. -24- LCICHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 4930489-05 5.0 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS The conclusions and recommendations provided in this report are based on subsurface conditions disclosed by widely spaced borings and trenches and geotechnical analysis performed during a number of different geotechnical investigations over an approximately 10-year period. The interpolated subsurface conditions should be checked in the field during construction by a representative of Leighton and Associates. We recommend that all cut areas and cut slopes be geologically mapped for the presence of potentially adverse geologic conditions and potential ground water seepage zones by an engineering geologist from Leighton and Associates during grading. All grading operations should be observed by a representative of this firm so that construction is performed in accordance with the recommendations of this report. Grading plans and final project drawings should be reviewed by this office prior to construction. Additional geotechnical investigations/evaluations may be warranted based on proposed grading and construction plans for different parcels or phases of development for the Carlsbad Ranch project. -25- UIGHWN AMD ASSOCMfS, INC. APPENDIX A 4930489-05 APPENDIX A REFERENCES Eisenberg, L.I., 1985, Pleistocene Faults and Marine Terraces, Northern San Diego County in Abbott, P.L., Editor, On the Manner of Deposition of the Eocene Strata in Northern San Diego County, San Diego Association of Geologists, Field Trip Guidebook, pp. 86-91. Geotechnics, 1992, Phase 1 Geotechnical Investigation, Carlsbad Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 0054-0001-00, dated September 25, 1992. Hannan, D.L., 1975, Faulting in the Oceanside, Carlsbad, and Vista Areas, Northern San Diego County, California in Ross, A. and Dowlen, R.J., eds., Studies on the Geology of Camp Pendleton and Western San Diego County, California, San Diego Association of Geologists Field Trip Guidebook, pp. 56-60. Hart, E.W., 1992, Fault-Rupture Hazard Zones in California, Alquist-Priolo Special studies Zones Act of 1972 with Index to Special Study Zones Maps: Department of Conversation, Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 42. International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), 1991, Uniform Building Code. Jennings, C.W., 1975, Fault Map of California: California Division of Mines and Geology, Geologic Map No. 1, Scale 1:750,000. , 1992, Preliminary Fault Activity Map of California: California Division of Mines and Geology, Open File Report 92-03, Scale 1:750,000. Leighton and Associates, Inc., 1985, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Huntington Palomar Business Park, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 4841363-02, dated April 5, 1985. , 1987, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Portion of Lot H of Rancho Agua Hedionda, Partition Map No. 823, Northeast Corner of Interstate 5 and Cannon Road, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 8870059-01, dated February 17, 1987. , 1988, Geotechnical Investigation, Lot 7 of Carlsbad Tract 87-3, Car Country Carlsbad, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 8881329-01, dated September 26,1988. , 1989a, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Carltas Rancho Agua Hedionda Regional Shopping Center, Northeast of Interstate 5 and Cannon Road, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 8891551-01, dated September 29,1989. — , 1989b, Results of Near-Surface Soil Sampling and Analysis for the Presence of Volatile Organic Compounds, Herbicides, Pesticides, Organic Pesticides, and Total Petroleum at the Carlsbad Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 8891800-01, dated November 28, 1989. A-l 4930489-05 APPENDIX A (continued) -, 1991, Supplemental Geotechnical Evaluation, Proposed College Business Park, Carlsbad Tract 85-17, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 8841363-04, dated January 16, 1991 revised September 24,1991. -, 1992, City of Carlsbad Geotechnical Hazards Analysis and Mapping Study, 84 Sheets, dated November, 1992. -, 1993, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Units I and n (Lots 1 through 7), Carlsbad Ranch, Phase 1, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 4930489-01, dated July 22,1993. -, 1994, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Carlsbad Ranch Phase n, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 4930489-03, dated March 23,1994. -, In-house unpublished data. Lindvall, S.C., Rockwell, T.K., and Lindvall, C.E., 1990, The Seismic Hazard of San Diego Revised: New Evidence for Magnitude 6+ Holocene Earthquake on the Rose Canyon Fault Zone: Proceedings of Fourth U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Volume 1, pp. 679-688. O'Day Consultants, 1993, Grading Plans for Carlsbad Ranch, Phase I, 9 Sheets, Scale 1"=100', dated May 27, 1993. , 1994, Master Tentative Tract Map for Carlsbad Ranch, Scale 1"=200', Job No. 89-104, undated (received July 5,1994). , undated, Revised Grading Plans for Carlsbad Ranch, Unit IJJ, 3 Sheets, 1"=100', undated (received March 9,1994). , undated, Site Plan, Carlsbad Ranch, Scale 1"=300', undated (received June 20, 1994). Reichle, M.S., and Kahle, J.E., 1990, Planning Scenario for a Major Earthquake, San Diego-Tijuana Metropolitan Area: California Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 100. Seed, H.B., and Idriss, I.M., 1982, Ground Motions and Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes, Monogram Series, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Berkeley, California. Weber, F.H., Jr., 1963, Geology and Mineral Resources of San Diego County, California: California Division of Mines and Geology, County Report 3, 309p. -, 1982, Recent Slope failures, Ancient Landslides and Related Geology of the North-Central Coastal Area, San Diego County, California, California Division of Mines and Geology, Open File Report 82-12, LA. A-2 4930489-05 APPENDIX A (continued) Wilson, K.L., 1972, Eocene and Related Geology of a Portion of the San Luis Rey and Encinitas Quadrangles, San Diego, California. Ziony, J.I., and Yerkes, R.F., 1985, Evaluating Earthquake and Surface-Faulting Potential in Ziony, ed., 1985, Evaluating Earthquake Hazards in the Los Angeles Region - An Earth - Science Perspective: U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1360, pp. 43-91. Date 1978 4-11-53 4-11-53 1928 Source San Diego County USDA USDA San Diego County Right No. 210-15B AXN-14M AXN-8M 30 Photo No. 30 and 31 17, 18 and 19 99,100,101 and 102 D1,D2,E1 and E2 Scale 1"=1000' r=20oo' r=200o' r=noo' A-3 APPENDIX B 4930489-05 APPENDIX B LOGS BY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES OF LARGE-DIAMETER BORINGS EXCAVATED DURING THE CARLSBAD RANCH PHASE II INVESTIGATION (Leighton, 1994) B-6 TD33* (6 borings) B-l GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-1 Date 2-24-94 Project Drilling Co. _ Hole Diameter Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Phase II San Diego Drilling Sheet 1 of 1_ Project No. Type of Rig 4930489-03 30 in.Drive Weight 0-27' 2 .290#. 24-42' 1.445# Bucket Aguer _ Drop 12 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 109 ft. Ref. or Datum See Geotechnical Map §^ +-«>,y—^ LJ 105- 100- 95- 90- 85- 80 ^£+•ft JKQI «yQ^ o — - - 5 — in —1U - — 15 — - 20 — - 25 — U !cu>O.O c. -*:'>7/- jjj, j§ jj? /ss/ <u+>oz • 0 01W ft £fllCO Bag-1 1 2 Bag-2 3 4- U» °3 0Ji.o1*- ^ / CQ Al f\u. >ush/12 3ush/12 1 ^iti c«?01 Ua a.jf h 89^ '109.0 100.9 ^«5 3-H |A ^..L *yo"^E ou 25.7 13.9 14.7 IA ^^ J5 . CJ__(/) co^ SM SM/SC sc GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Loseed By RKW Sampled Bv RKW UNDOCUMENTED FILL @ 0': Orange to medium brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained SAND; scattered pieces of plastic sheeting, asphalt, and cemented sandstone chunks ~ @ 4': Contains fill lifts of dark brown olive-green clayey SAND and sandy CLAY @ 8': Contains medium to dark gray slightly silty to clayey SAND fill lifts with noticable organic odor @ 10': Medium to dark gray, moist, medium dense, clayey SAND; scattered chunks of asphalt, decomposed pieces of wood and angular gravel and cobbles - - @ 16 S: Abundant chunks of concrete? Refusal at 17 feet Total Depth = 17 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Geologically Logged to 16 Feet Backfilled on 2/24/94 - - . - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-2 Date 2-24-94 Project Drilling Co. __ Hole Diameter Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Phase II Sheet 1 of 1 Project No. 4930489-03 San Diego Drilling 30 in.Drive Weight 0-27' 2.290#. 24-42' 1.445# Type of Rig Bucket Aguer Elevation Top of Hole +/- 109 ft. Ref. or Datum See Geotechnical Map Drop 12 in. c "•»-58afciii 105- 100- 95- 90- 85- 80 ^ &<"a£ 0 — : - 5 — - 10 — - - 15— - - 20 — - — — 25 — ~ 0 1 & $i y fy i 3 %//./•j /^/ in01 o o 01 fti </) 1 2 w|!"•<n oi 5 13 .? C **•01 OQ a a 119.3 122.6 I|| O 13.1 12.0 W~ "*» 0^— "i (/>w SM SC SC/SM _SM_ _ SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Loeeed Bv RKW Sampled By RKW UNDOCUMENTED FILL @ 0' Medium brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine SAND; abundant asphalt chunks; scattered concrete, brick and other construction debris (no evidence ~ of wood or plastic); appears to have 4 to 6 inch thick fill lifts - - @ 6': Fill lifts are 2 to 4 inches thick and near horizontal . - @ 10.5': Medium and dark gray, moist to very moist, medium dense, clayey SAND; scattered organics; moderate organic odor @ 12': Dark gray moist, to very moist, medium stiff clayey SAND; scattered chunks of asphalt; rather homogeneous - - @ 16': Contains lifts of soft to very soft very moist, plastic clay and medium-dense silty SAND; scattered organics (not decomposed) - @ 20': Gray-brown, moist, medium dense, slightly clayey SAND; homogeneous, ' scattered rootlets possibly topsoil layer; about 6 to 8 inches thick; r ^ jradational upper and lower contacts h SANTIAGO FORMATION @ 20': Light brown to off-white, moist, dense, silty, fine- to medium-grainedSANDSTONE; massive; light brown randomly oriented infilled joints, decreasing with depth; gradational upper contact dipping approximately 25 ~ degrees to the west - - Total Depth = 26 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Geologically Logged to 24 Feet Backfilled on 2/24/94 " 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-3 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 2-24-94 Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Phase II San Diego Drilling Sheet 1 of 1 Project No. 4930489-03 Type of Rig Bucket Aguer 30 in.Drive Weight 0-27' 2.290#. 24-42' 1.445# •» Elevation Top of Hole +/-_J09_ ft. Ref. or Datum See Geotechnical Map Drop 12 in. 0^ ~4- —^U 105- 100- 95- 90- 85 80 .C~ &|Q^ 0 — - — 5 — - 10 — - o — _ - 20 — - 25 — - V) u aIB u> -• '••' 0)o ^ 01-t- i 01 (^ fOV) 1 2 «>§-fGO Q) 0- 6 4 3, •*- c?01 Ua a 3)~ ^ N/A N/A ^2-1?°"c u 5.5 N/A • Sw "^~ • <S^ SM SM/SC SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged Bv RKW Sampled Bv RKW UNDOCUMENTED FILL @ 0': Orange-brown and medium gray-brown, medium dense, silty fine- to medium-grained SAND @ 2': Contains off-white silty SAND and orange-brown clayey SAND lifts; scattered asphalt chunks @ 5': Contains abundant concrete chunks @ 8': Contains abundant pieces of wood, asphalt and partially decomposed pieces of brush in black silty SAND; strong organic odor - @ 11': Material in sampler is loose and most likely highly disturbed @ 14': Abundant concrete debris \,@ 15': Refusal on concrete chunks? 1 Total Depth = 15 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Not Geologically Logged Due to the Strong Organic Odor and Loose Nature of the Fill Soils Backfilled on 2/24/94 - - - . - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-4 Date 2-24-94 *• Project Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Phase II Drilling Co. _ Hole Diameter San Diego Drilling Sheet 1 of 1 Project No. 4930489-03 Type of Rig Bucket Aguer 30 in.Drive Weight 0-27' 2.290#. 24-42 1.445#Drop 12 in. «• Elevation Top of Hole +/- 118 ft. Ref. or Datum See Geotechnical Map c £•*- >J —^111 115- 110- 105- 100- 95- 90 ^~ « ft 01 O^, 0 — - - — 5 — — - in —i\j - 15 — — — — — 20 — - 25 — - V) 0 ^ (0 GJ I- '• p • 0)o -. •: -• <fl01 -Koz o Alw fL flj i 2 3 4 +• 3 1£^to <„ IL 2 iush/12 3 10 •H cC01 O°£ 31 ^ 116.8 110.7 102.3 119.2 0.3 » ^ wg °"c=0 9.8 13.7 9.0 12.7 • I/I ^^ "™"f ^ °«).~ • O ^^CO SM sw SM SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Loeeed Bv RKW Sampled By RKW UNDOCUMENTED FILL @ 0': Orange-brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine- to medium-grained SAND; scattered rounded gravel and asphalt pieces @ 3': Contains lifts of off-white silty fine- to coarse-grained SAND @ 4': Contains cloth rags, plastic sheets and styrofoam pieces - ~ - @ 9': Light brown to light gray, very moist, loose silty to clayey fine- to coarse-grained SAND - @ 13': Dark brown to very dark gray, moist, medium dense clayey fine- to coarse-grained SAND; scattered decomposed organics; occasional lifts of light gray fine sand and off-white clay fine- to coarse-grained sand; free water in silty sand lifts between 13 and 15 feet @ 16.2': Medium brown, moist, loose, silty fine-grained SAND; near horizontal bedding; very friable; sharp lower contact - SANTIAGO FORMATION @ 19': Light brown, slightly moist to moist, dense, silty fine- to coarse-grained SANDSTONE; massive; abundant quartz grains Total Depth = 21 Feet No Ground Water Encountered, Free Water Encountered at 13 to 15 FeetGeologically Logged to 19 Feet Backfilled on 2/24/94 - - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-5 Date *» Projectct ngCo. Diameti ition Toi 2-24-94 Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Phase II San Diego Drilling ZT 30 in. Drive Weight p of Hole +/- 125 ft. Ref. or Datum Sheet 1 of Project No. Type of Rig 0-27' 2 J90#. 24-42' 1.445# See Geotechnical Map 1 4930489-03 Bucket Aguer Drop 12 in. g^ ••-"SiJO™ *^LU 125- 115- no- 105- 100 -c2:»3 0 — _ _ 10 — 15 — 20 — 25 — in — u Icnao CD to01 o I 01 a CO i , CO OJ 3 Ifls-iCM- 3» h 117.2 0)3 l.w || (J 11.2 •s« 53 SM sw GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Loeeed Bv RKW Sampled Bv RKW UNDOCUMENTED FILL @ 0': Orange-brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine- to medium-grained SAND; @ 1": Contains lifts of light brown silty fine- to coarse-grained SAND _ SANTIAGO FORMATION @ 3.5': Light gray to light brown, slightly moist, dense silty fine- to coarse-grained SANDSTONE; massive; sharp horizontal upper contact Total Depth = 5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Geologically Logged to 5 Feet Backfilled on 2/24/94 - - - - - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-6 Date 2-24-94 Project Drilling Co. _ Hole Diameter Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Phase II San Diego Drilling Sheet 1 of 2 Project No. 4930489-03 Type of Rig Bucket Aguer 30 in.Drive Weight 0-27' 2.290#. 24-42' 1.445#Drop 12 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 107 ft. Ref. or Datum See Geotechnical Map §^ •I-"1"|Q JJ^c2!<"^ LJ 105- 100- 95- on 85- 80 """"oiflj.9;°\^ 0 — - - - 5 — 10 — 15— 20 — - 25 — - "VI u rn«L. '-'• 0)O 1 %4- z o to Bag-1 1 4- rn O 3°O "~ * 1 31 ^CM-01 Ua a 3» a 104.3 ^ t,^1 tn ^01 °"cE ou 10.4 • "*(/) — *u frt • CO SM SM/SC SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By RKW Sampled By RKW UNDOCUMENTED FILL @ 0': Orange-brown, moist, medium dense silty fine- to medium-grained SAND - @ 4': Contains light brown and medium gray silty to clayey SAND; scattered rounded cobbles @ 11': Light to medium gray, moist, medium dense silty to slightly clayey fine SAND; relatively homogeneous @ 17: Medium gray-brown, moist, loose to medium dense silty fine- tomedium-grained SAND - @ 22': Dark gray to black mottled light gray, moist to very moist, loose, clayey SAND and silty SAND; scattered organics, plastic sheeting, concrete chunks, and pieces of wood; strong organic odor - - - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-6 Date Project Drilling Co. _ Hole Diameter 2-24-94 Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Phase II San Diego Drilling Sheet 2 of 2_ Project No. Type of Rig 4930489-03 30 in.Drive Weight 0-27' 2.290#. 24-42' 1.445# Bucket Aguer _ Drop 12 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 107 ft. Ref. or Datum See Geotechnical Map c 11 01^ LU 75- 70- 65- 60- 55- 50 -C2H 30 — - 35 — — 40 — - 45 — - 50 — - 55 — - U 15 CO in0) "oz •o 01 CO 2 "88-2 3 £ CH-OI UQ Q. jf 8 N/A ll °"cC<j V7 N/A" tn^ oH ^™ ^ co^ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By RKW Sampled By RKW FILL (Continued) - @ 32': Contains slightly silty fine- to coarse-grained SAND; moderate seepage no ~ sample recovered ~\ @ 33': Becomes loose saturated running sands; boring keeps filling in with 7 \ saturated sands unable to drill any deeper due to hole caving Total Depth = 33 Feet Ground Water Seepage/Perched Ground Water at 32/33 Feet Not Geologically Logged Due to the Strong Organic Odor, Loose Nature of the Fill Soils, and Caving of the Boring at 32/33 Feet Backfilled on 2/24/94 _ - - - - - - - - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES 4930489-05 APPENDIX B (continued) LOGS BY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES OF SMALL-DIAMETER BORINGS EXCAVATED DURING THE COLLEGE BUSINESS PARK INVESTIGATION (Leighton, 1991) B-8 0 TD30' (1 boring) B-2 Date 1P/12/S4. Project Drilling Co. Morrison GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Drill Hole No. B-8 Sheet 1 of 1 Job No, 4841363-02 Hole Diameter 6"Drive Weight Jype of RigB-53 Hollow Stem Auger Drop140 Ibs. Elevation Top of Hole 73'±Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level 30 in. JS 0. 4> 4> 4)a u. o- - ™ 5- - 10- . • 15 ~ — 20- - - - ™ 25- • ^30 o '& 00 ?3 1 """"• • . — ^~ t- ' ' \ — - — ;•" — — T —. — , '— ~ ~~ T ~'.~ — ' — ' 5 ~o' ° o.°.o~ , . • ./7~ • . — • T— .' ' ; — / . i • ', . . t — • - —• ~" • — . ' • ' — -' ~ • . • • '. r • t • • i Attitudes.*'J3 4) • • in O ea h4)0. y1 I 14 n 2 I 32 HHy3 I 19n 4 I 9nfl Hy 5 |70 U • • X •HMC (^j 4) Ua a, 108.E Dist Dist ^ 106.7 •"•" — 110.E Moisture(Content, %19.1 irbed irbed 18.5 . —m- . 17.4 U) -—>I/) •i« M U U• -^ CO•H • SM a/sc sw/ SM SM SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged by RLW Sampled by RLW ALLUVIUM: i ' s; i Light brown, moist, medium dense, silty sand. Very dark brown, very moist, stiff, fine sandy clay to loose, clayey fine sand. . • @ 9' Becomes clayey sand. @ 9'-10' Lense of gravel-size clasts to 1" in diameter. . Light brown, damp, medium dense, slightly silty sand. -@ 16' Becomes wet. _. Brown, wet, loose, silty sand. . - . r \NnAGO FORMATION: ~" Light brown to brown, wet to saturated, " dense, silty sand. Total Depth = 30' Ground water measured 12/13/84 7:30 a.m. at a depth of 18' No caving f Backfilled 12/12/84 500A (2/77)Leighton & Associates 4930489-05 APPENDIX B (continued) LOGS BY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES OF LARGE-DIAMETER BORINGS EXCAVATED DURING THE RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA INVESTIGATION (Leighton, 1987 and 1989a) B-6 TD12' (6 borings) B-3 2a- 1987 pRO (FrT phase One/Carlsbad GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No, B-I DRILLING CO.. Gallagher Drilling SHEET _L_oF_l_ PROJECT No, 8370059-01 TYPE OF RIG—Bucket Auger HOLE DIAMETER-22! DRIVE WEIGHT 3.0971 tp 26',-g.pwf to 45- ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE t57' REF, OR DATUM see ceotechnicai Man DROP 12 I ^ — 1 ^ 0 — •1 15 — 20 — 25 — 30 — uy<xco C3 o ' -^ /- o o o • ff ' 0 k<&>: • f-:: r~ — ~T"~ITITUDES«* 5C: N36°E 9°NE CS: N18° 3'SW and N56° 6°SM o UJ H- 0- & M *• •1 •1 •.1 • f • I4 h- OQO: UJQ_ Ipush/ 1 10' • i- • J • • J6/9' • 8/6" CO ^C ^tUJOCao- (X 109.5 108.7 101.3 120.8 118.9 UJ BC » U) UJ <s 8.2 6.2 3.3 f 11.9 15.4 • to • «_xJ _K<O SM SN SM/SW SW MH/CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION nGfiFf) RY RKW/RLW <SAMPI pp pv RKW TOPSOIL; Dark brown, moist, loose, sllty, fine to mediun grained sand; slightly clayey; occasional pieces of plastic and shell fragments; roots and rootlets; sharp, Irregular, lower contact TERRACE DEPOSITS: Oranglsh medium to dark brown, moist to very moist, dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; few subrounded, coarse sand to gravel;friable; iron oxide staining; pockets of topsoil to 2 feet; homogeneous below 2 feet 9 5.5' Gradatlonal change to less oxidized terrace deposits; grayish medium brown, damp to moist,medium dense, sllty, fine to medium grained sand; slight iron oxide staining; slightly micaceous; abundant dark mineral sand grains; very friable; near vertical veins of light brown, sllty sand9 7.4* Contins pockets of orange-brown, sllty sand (up to 6 inches) 9 9.5' Equal mixing of orange-brown and grayish brown,silty sand pockets and near vertical veins (up to 6 Inches in width) of orange-brown, sllty sand 9 13' Light to medium brown, moist, dense,slightly sllty, fine to coarse grained sand; very friable; micaceous; scattered, subrounded gravel; contains discontinuous layers of very coarse sand (up to 2 - 4 Inches In thickness); becomes coarserwith depth; slightly bedded (possible cross beds with beds dipping to the west approximately10 to 20 degrees); abundant Iron oxide staining; siltstone rip-up clasts; sharp lower contact SANTIAGO FORMATION: Light gray, moist, dense, sllty.fine to coarse grained sandstone; massive; micaceous;slightly friable; minor seepage above lower contact. Iron oxidation along contact, very sharp lower contact 9 19.2' Greenish light gray, moist, dense, very sllty,fine grained sandstone; massive; Iron oxide staining along upper contact (1/8 to 1/4 inchthick)9 20.5' Color changes to light brown-gray; discontinuous Iron oxide staining along contact on west side(1/2 to 1 inch thick); slightly micaceous; layers of less friable, sllty sand (2 to 6 Inches thick 9 23.3' Light to medium gray, moist, dense to very dense, sllty, fine to medium grained sandstone; mica- ceous; appears to be denser and1 less permeablethan sand layer above; minor seepage at upper contact9 ze. 7 ' olive-brown, moist, medium stiff, very sllty clay- stone to very clayey siltstone; randomly orientedshears/parting surfaces (with no preferred direc- tion); micaceous; approximately 6 inches thick . ' • • 30SA(U/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES 28. 1987 Phase One/Carlsbad GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No, B-I DRILLING Co— HOLE DIAMETER- ELEVATION TOP OF Gallagher DrillIno 30"DRIVE WEIGHT 3,0871 to 26'. 2.0001 to 45* REP, OR DATUM See Geotechnlcal Map SHEET __J_OF 2 PROJECT No, 8870059-01 TYPE OF RIG - Bucket Augpr DROP 12 IN, ? fc—£ g 30 _ • — _ 35 — — M 40 — - 45 - 50 — • •i 55 — 60 — o xoa. o<-Jat& E . • • (.* * ~ • ~— • . —____ • • . • • . , * • • — • — . — '• — • • • ' . • UJa »- »- '^ o UJ §tjh-O. ^£«/> H-V) Oz o.gu- eoo: UJQ_ g COzu. >.Ko UJQC • <S> UJ s^ 5k* ^? ff 3^<-X-J ^1 i^r^J00^ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OGGED BY RKW/RLW SAMPLED BY RKW , SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued): 0 27.3' Light brownish gray, moist, dense to very dense, sllty, fine grained sandstone; micaceous; massive upper contact Is well cemented and Iron oxidestained 0 31.5' Gradatlonal change to sllty, fine to coarsegrained sandstone 0 32' Moisture changes to very moist 0 34* Minor seepage on east side of boring 0 35.2' Greenish gray, moist, very dense, sllty, fine grained sandstone; gradatlonal upper contact;Iron oxidation on lower contact (1/4 to 1/2 Inch thick); lower contact appears to be undulating eroslonal surface 0 35.4' Light brownish gray, moist, very dense, sllty, fine grained sandstone; massive 0 41* Gradatlonal change to sllty, fine to medium grained sandstone; Iron oxidation along contact (approximately 1 Inch thick) Total Depth • 51 feet Geologically logged to 49 feet Minor seepage at 19, 23, and 34 feet Backfilled 1/28/87 •••i n . • 50SA(ll/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES 1987 btUlECHNICAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No, B-2 Frr Phase One/Carlsbad LING CO GaUaaher Drllllna DIAMETER 30" DRIVE WEIGHT 3-087* to W- 2.000* to 45' ATION TOP OF H"1 F *52' Rp(r- np n4TIIM ^ee Geotechnlcal Map Wl 11.1.1 Ul- »• PROJECT No. 8870059-01 TYPF OF Rlfi —fiUCl^et Auaer EC££ - 5 — 10 — 15 - 20- 25- 30 — u xoS35 E '^-.'_1 — :—'• "I"- ^ .—«&r: I 1 y*- • * *••• #•<• -.^ •"«>•.••' • ca'v5W «£ . • *i ^\ ." '"^ >* » • •I 1'• • ••*ATTITUDES: N36"E 79°NW CS: N82°E 7°SE and N69°E 4°SE J: N48°E 62°NH J: N56°E 87°NW B: N7TW 14°SW J: N84°E 83°SE d UJCO UJ3 -JH-0. oo ..; • .1 D . M •1 • • • t- 4OO SOOU_ cast UJa. • • i- i- • • • tm H g COzu.oiuQO. a:ca 98.4 122.1 116.6 1 MOISTURE. 11 CONTENT, 1 \16.5 7.2 15.4 </v»V) '<co l_X_> -XO o=eo^-" SN SM CL SM SM MH SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION nsfiFn RY RKW/RLW SAMPI Fp pv RKW TOPSOIL: Dark brown, moist, loose, sllty, fine to medium grained sand; scattered, subrounded, coarse sand to gravel; roots and rootlets; sharp, Irregular lower con- tact TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orangish medium to dark brown, moist. sllty, fine to medium grained sand; friable; micaceous; scattered, subrounded, coarse sand to gravel;oblong clast of sandstone in west side of boring 9 1.4' Grades to highly weathered claystone; olive- green, very moist, medium stiff, silty claystone; roots (up to 1/4 Inch in diameter) and rootlets;calcium carbonate blebs and near vertical string- ers; occasional subrounded gravel 9 2.3' Gradatlonal change to less weathered claystone; blocky appearance; calcium carbonate alongfractures; contains Dockets of sllty sand @ 3.2' Mottled light brownish gray and light gray, damp, dense, silty, fine grained sand; massive; slight- ly friable; discontinuous, randomly oriented, steeply dipping joints; minor calcium carbonate along joints @ 4' Discontinuous (6 to 8 inch diameter) pocket of very friable, slightly sllty sand @ 6' Discontinuous (4 inch thick) layer of very friable, sllty sand 0 7.3' Light brownish gray, moist, dense, silty, fine to coarse sand; discontinuous layers of very coarsesand (2 to 4 Inches thick); Interbedded with sand above in upper 6 Inches; slight layering of subrounded gravel; friable § 9.2' Grades to an orange-brown, damp, dense, fine tocoarse sand; with subrounded gravel to cobble and siltstone clasts (up to 5 inches In diameter); friable 0 10. 1' Very undulating, 4 to 10 Inch thick zone of abun- dant gravel, cobble, and chunks of weathered, olive-green claystone 0 11 ' Interbedded zones of coarse grained sand and fine to medium grained sand 9 13' 4-inch layer of abundant cobble and claystone chunks; oblong chunk of sandstone (possible rip- up clast); sharp, very irregular erosionallower contact SANTIAGO FORMATION: Light brownish gray, moist, dense, sllty, fine to medium graines sandstone; massive; slight- ly micaceous; iron oxidation along upper contact; vertical fractures to 15 feet Infilled with orange-brown sand fromoverlying unit; sand grain sizes Increase with depth; sharp, undulating contact 9 15' Mottled orange-brown and light brownish gray,moist, dense, very sllty. fine arained sandstont y lb.41 4-inch thick layer of olive-brown, moist, stiff, clayey siltstone; massive; blocky 0 15.8' Clay seam; paper thin; undulating but dipping to the southeast 50SA(ll/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES *s OO 1 QO7I/ATF Japuarv ^o, i»o/ GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DRILL Hoi F No. B-2 PROJECT phase One/Carlsbad Thrni i Mr Co Gallaqher Drill Hm r DIAMETER 30" ELEVATION TOP OF HoLE-£5£_ Ina DRIVE WEIGHT 3-0871 to 26'- 2-000* to 45' RFC. no DATUM See Geotechnlcal Mao SHPFT 2 OP 2 PROJECT No. 8870059-01 TYPE OF RlG Bucket Auqer DoriD 12 iw •MMI^BMB I ,_ «^ ) — 15 — - 40 — • 45 — •• 50 — 55 — 60 — m**f^^ O 10 ce. E * '— :•—. * • • • . • . * • • — . ' / JE CO LLJ Q•31- H <C O UJ t—0. 00 CO O 20ou. paceLUa. i- cozu. LUOaa. Ofa LUae -31-HZ 4S CO - -1 - VJCJ -ICO SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION nr,RFP BY RKW/RLW SAMPLED BY RKW i SANTIAGO FORMATION (Continued): @ 15.9' Light brownish gray to light gray, moist, very dense, silty, fine to medium grained sandstone; massive; Iron oxide stained, near horizontal layers and Iron staining along upper contact @ 22.5' Gradatlonal change to brownish gray, very silty, fine grained sandstone to fine, sandy siltstone; black, manganese, oxide staining along joint, fairly well Jointed 9 29' Gradatlonal change to silty, fine grained sand- stone Total Depth = 41 feet Geologically logged to 38 feet No ground water encountered Minor caving from 9 to 13 feet Backfilled 1/28/87 505A(ll/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No, giDATF September 13. 1989 PRQJFCT Carltas-Rancho Aqua Hedionda-Regional Shopping Center DRILLING Co. San Die"0 onnino company HOLE DIAMETER ELEVATION TOP OF 3Q DRIVE WEIGHT 4.113* to 25- ; 298i* to SHEET _!__OF 2 PROJECT No. £391551-01 TYPE OF Rift Bucket Auaer/E-lOf DROP 12 REP, OR DATUM See Geotechnlcal Man ^_ 1— Q. ~* ca "- o — ^ - 5 — — — — - 10 — - ~ 15 - - 20 — - 25- - 30 — u X O0. O^* 1cc. ;'_-:_ -' '•^L^f-^"- * «> '*"'•*' 'a' . . •' • ' !;.:.--'?-:'.' '•' • • ' '0V 5££C??-^v? '. '. 1 • • ' ' • "' .' '"'.''. ^BS ^^^^•?^>• !-•. '•"-*•• * • * • '_ - •--' — ; f. .^ ;':'.-'•; ,w^'. <-i-'l* "'^'..'y!'. . •-* ' "> **.* ' —•^V' \T- •'•""* inUJa ^ >- c : undul atinci c:erosional gen: N42E/ 4-6NW .c : erosi onal — cz UJ 03 U 3 _I— c «If si/i 2 (D 3 i jj. £i — ^ " • 1 ": ~ m 1 • - : L! o£ LUQ. CO3: 3CO 2 2 4 ^ CO ZU. UJ O 1— 1 ^ J. C=) .ost R( Icohes 91.6 103.3 UJ ^3 ^™HZCOLU •^ o""" covery onless 7.4 10.2 . CO •<oo tZx_J• — JOO J t 1G— JCV}*-* SM SP GW SU soil) SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Lnr,ftPn RV RLW SAMPI pn py RLW AGRICULTURAL SOIL/ROAD: Light to medium red-brown dry to damp loose to medium dense, silty, fine- to medium- grained sand; moderately disturbed TERRACE DEPOSITS: 13 1' Light to medium red-orange-brown, moist, dense, slightly silty, fine- to medium-grained sand; relatively homogeneous with very scattered, rounded pebbles @ 5.5' 2- to 3-inch thick, continuous, well-rounded gravel and cobble layer @ 5.8' Orange-brown-red, moist to very moist, dense, fine- to coarse-grained sand; cohesionless; very friable; micaceous; relatively massive; no apparent structure noted @ 12.5' Medium yellow-brown, moist, medium dense, silty, fine-grained sand @ 14' 6- to 10- inch thick, continuous, well rounded, sandy, gravel and cobble conglomerate layer SANTIAGO FORMATION: @ 14.5' Tan to yellow, moist, medium dense to dense, silty, fine-grained sand; slightly micaceous; moderately friable; locally stained red-brown by iron oxide; relatively massive @ 25' Slight increase in moisture content noted with increasing depth ~ ^ - — _ - - - 50SA(ll/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG HAJP Seotember 13, 1989 PRIM Hoi F No. B-3 PRO iprr Carltas-Rancho Aqua Hedionda-Reqional Shopping Center DRILLING f"o. San Dieao Orilllna Company HOLE DIAMETER 30 in- DRIVE WFK-HT 4>113# to 25'' 298i# to 47' ELEVATION T«P "F H»l F ±61' RFF, "R PATUM See Geotechnical Map SHFFT 2 np 2 PROJECT No. 8891551-01 TYRF OF RlG Bucket Auqer/E-100 X !_ *"" UJ °- UJ C3 10 - -- -« : 40 " - 45 — 50 — 55 — 60 — u f C! O.C«£—a:f_OV«/ •''"'' .'-'"^ •r^ ."~v • '>';':"'— .ir -:- •:::.. : ^TD=4 UJa,»^_t-^c .; ^r o UJoauj I — a. CO oou. IllwUa. T;0 03 4 • 5n ®5 ___— — i "— - • H z u.UJ Ocaa. >. Q£ 0 93.8 76.9 6-e UJa: - ZJ t—|— 2 CO UJM H- ^ ~t3 7.9 2.~ 45.3 CO*-.to > ."T. . ^ **— Jwv OZ3 SM CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1 nnncp BY RLW SAMPI pp BY RLW SANTIAGO FORMATION (CONTINUED) Tan to yellow, moist to very moist, medium dense to dense, silty, fine-grained sand; slightly micaceous; moderately friable; locally stained red-brown by iron oxide; relatively massive; increase in moisture content with depth @ 33' Heavy caving; possibly at zone of free water/ ground water table; boring considered unsafe to continue down-hole logging 1? 35' Evidence of free water noted in cuttings @ 39' Medium to dark gray, very moist, firm, silty clay layer noted in cuttings and drive sample; relatively plastic and potentially compressible; possible perching water above @ 40' Cuttings were noted as similar to those above the clay layer Boring Terminated at 41 Feet Due to Caving Ground Water Encountered at 33 Feet Caving Noted Below 33 Feet Backfilled 9/13/89 _ _ — - - "• _ - - - S05A(U/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No, !hl_DATE September 13, 1989 PROJECT Carltas-Rancho Aqua Hedionda-Regional Shopping Center DRILLING CO. San DT^O Drilling Company HOLE DIAMETER— ELEVATION TOP OF so in. DRIVE WEIGHT 4.1131 to 25'; 298i# to 4?1 SHEET _J__OF __JL__ PROJECT No. _889i55i-oi TYPE OF BK Jucket Auaer/E-lQQ 12 ±68-5'no n*TIIM S(?(J Geotechnical Mao IN. jE »-Q. ~~1 1| t*J C3 "- o — — _ - 5 — _ ^ 10 — - - 15 — 20 — - • — 25 — 30 — u X O±0 <t— JOL IS-S;^JF?::Jvv^i i-fpe^S £te &-^ 'T ; i • .' '• '-• ,~: .*T'':"5: ^•44~ •'.'•'. '••:!'.' •* i • ' •- V •4:^ ' - ' .••*• -"" •"-^"•'.'-TV' feS? ^ffff TD=21' toUJa h- t- c:undulating crundulating c:erosional - ^9^nm^E^ESS5S5SS " 2= UJ ^^ JJ^r~* ^ ^CO ©, — — - _ : , oou_ a:UJo_ CO 1CO 2Lh0 2I5nHHi_jH ^[3nH ^_r_ c/)zu. (J^ rt* >. « 108.3 102.8 93.2 B*^UJ 3 H t-SECO UJ £0•*-<3 8.7 23.1 ^^V 26.7 •</y***x <oo t_xJ -Jc/> O'. i< GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION LofifiFn nv RLW SAMPI Fn nv RLW AGRICULTURAL SOIL: Medium red-brown, moist to very moist, silty, fine- to medium-grained sand; scattered, well-rounded gravel and cobbles; scattered roots and rootlets; fill debris in- cluding concrete chunks to 6 inches TERRACE DEPOSITS: & 5' Medium red-brown, very moist, dense, silty, fine- to medium-grained sand; moderately friable; slightly micaceous; massive @ 10' Medium orange-red-brown, very moist, dense, fine- to coarse-grained sand; friable; slightly silty; micaceous; massive SANTIAGO FORMATION: @ 15' Tan to yellow, very moist to saturated, moderately dense to dense, silty, fine-grained sand; moder- ately friable @ 18' Heavy caving noted @ 19' Flowing ground water Boring Terminated at 21 Feet Due to Heavy Caving Caving Noted at 18 Feet Standing Ground Water at 19 Feet Geologically Logged to 18 Feet Backfilled 9/13/89 •~ - - - - - _ - - — 505A(U/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No, IDATF September 13. 1989 Ppn.iFfT Carltas-Rancho Aqua Hedionda-Regional Shopping Center DRILLING Ct?. San Dlego Dr1111no Company HOLE DIAMETER. SH E E T _L__o F PROJECT No, 30 in. DRIVE WEIGHT 4.1131 to 25'; 298i# to 47' ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE t76' REF, OR DATUM see Geotechnicai Hap TYPE OF RlG Bucket Auger/E-10( - DROP — 12 _ IN. £ H-£ a-£ o — - • ~ 5 — 10 — — - - 15- 20 — ?5 30 — 0 £ 0«*— Jcc. ^2- ••.•'£-'.'•'• ' °' '.'••':. i: -'••;H .- -—."' •'^'.'X' §it£S HI HI :';^ :-:./ - '-:.~~. ~r*' ' • ' tX.*1^4M •''. •-r-'-^" ';.W.V >-T^ '•—-• -_!^. •'•;•:' ;—• ^ --'i: TD=27' GOUJa3 1— t- c:undulating c:erosional i : erosional — gb:N69E/4NW C3z:UJ => _i>— a. CXJ — — • — - — - oo a:UJQ_ 23 03 i(T) U f 2H5 " t zu. cao. o 95.9 102.2 UJcc •>Z) h- UM ^?r™ ^ ^H ^3 6.5 28.3 2. . <oo— J •(_><_j -JOO 0^3 SM cuin GM SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1 nfiftfn RV RLW SAMPI FH RY RLW AGRICULTURAL SOIL: Medium to dark red-brown, moist, medium dense, silty, fine- to medium-grained sand; scattered gravel TERRACE DEPOSITS: 0-2 Medium red-brown, moist, dense, silty, fine- to medium-grained sand; moderately friable; relatively massive; no apparent structure; homogeneous @ 9.5' Medium red-brown, moist to very moist, dense, silty, sandy gravel and cobble conglomerate layer; approximately 25 feet thick; continuous; clasts are well rounded SANTIAGO FORMATION: @ 12' Tan to yellow, moist to very moist, medium dense to dense, fine- to medium-grained sand; slightly silty; very friable; locally stained red-brown by iron oxide @ 15' Faint bedding noted dipping approximately 4 degrees northwest @ 19' Slightly more indurated/less friable layer; approx- imately 12 inches thick @ 25' Heavy caving above standing ground water; boring terminated due to caving 0 26' Standing ground water Total Depth = 27 Feet Geologically Logged to 25 Feet Caving Noted at 25 Feet Standing Water Noted at 26 Feet Backfilled 9/13/89 - _ - - - - - — - ™ •" S05A(U/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES September 13. 1989 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No. !LL.DATE. Ppn irrr Carltas-Rancho Aqua Hedionda-Reqional Shopping Center DRILLING CO. San pieqo Drilling Company HOLE DIAMETER. SHEET __L__OF PROJECT No. TYPE OF RtG Bucket Auoer/E-lOC 30 in. DRIV£ WEIGHT 4.113* to 25': 29811 to 47'DROP 12 ELEVATION TOP OF REP, OR DATUM See Geotechnlcal Mao IN. LOGGED BY SAMPLED BY GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION RLW _RLW_ Medium brown-red, dry to damp, very loose to medium dense, silty, fine-grained sand; numerous roots and rootlets; scattered gravel SANTIAGO FORMATION: Mottled yellow and red-brown, moist, medium dense, silty, fine- to medium-grained sand; stained by iron oxide; slightly friable; calcium carbonate stringers 7.5' Light gray, very moist to saturated, medium dense, clayey, fine-grained sand; locally stained dark gray by manganese oxide Standing water and heavy caving noted; boring terminated at 12 feet due to caving Total Depth = 12 Feet Heavy Caving at 12 Feet Standing Water at 10 Feet Geologically Logged to 10 Feet Backfilled 9/13/89 50SA(ll/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES 4930489-05 APPENDIX B (continued) LOGS BY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES OF SMALL-DIAMETER BORINGS EXCAVATED DURING THE PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF CARLSBAD RANCH (Leighton, 1989b) B-5 TD10' (5 borings) B-4 Date ID //0/J39 Project Q.A. Drilling Co. GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG _Drill Hole No. E>- \ Sheet 1 of j - Job No. gsq / ftr>g> - pi Hole Diameter ft1' Drive Weight Ho Ibs Elevation Top of Hole Type of Rig fi,iit*\\ F-lO Drop 30 in . Ref. or Datum Tomato Co*Vt*+r 6el4- 0) <U3 U. _C 00 O, O I ITJ •!-> 0) -r-S- C ai—i Ca. •«- o 3 -iH Q. to i/l O2 OO U. -Hca u4>a. IO 4) <ja o. v(-. • 3 «->4-> e cQ C/) (j (j • -* tO GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged by Sj< Sampled by_ SIA , loose. sc. ^S • **> 25- Si iK -fCwt, -fo S4..i.wA 4o 4-o 500A (2/77)Leighton & Associates GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Date Proj< Dril Hole Elev js*-> *ja. a>D O 3 U. o- . - -• 6~ - • /o — If- - zo- - 25"- • 30 /O//o/gq Drill Hole No. set £L,a,<-ls,4a* ling C( Diame ation A 00o. qTO ^J a I • .. 1 fc • * • . * j. • , ^ - . ^ ^ * ^^> ^^^ .^^ -=»^ £- Z Sheet i of z- Job No. 869 / 800-01 3. f}. p. "brilli^ Type of Rig FAili^F-lb rf/.^-) ter B" Drive Weight IHO ) bs, Drop 3C> in. Top of Hole C7>C •o <s> <U -r- l. C 0 a. -i- ' _c 0) 3 -H a, Ec C/3 ^1 ** #1 45 4-1 1/1 O j£ aj u<ua. 32 " JO 56 S6 • H C <*H U Oa a. X (4a Ref. or Datum vi^s>4 sict*- of -?i\.V dYti MoistureContent, %</> /—» ctt CO U U •H . O 3CO ^-^ «^^\ Ctj^ a« GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged by &K Sampled by &k_ £dl ' O^onO'*^ oi&vxvP loo^S. Si 1 ti| T^>Aft TO it\eo ™ HA.W\ S&vx^ \ /^O odo^* Gl' Colo^ cU^aes 4* U^ be,ae, ai ' aJbeve. , no od o*~ / "" Sili, Sa^A, no o«U-r y J V^fcO i^xv%^ SAj*^ « lf\ 0 ^JcLo^"*> • Q l£f BlitX- WVOli^" | lOOSC,, (1,12^.6.1-) SiWA- octo-r ^B^^^U^.^u-.*^ O<"^2xM-c.^ ^uaooA cAe,lo<^-S>^ . Afr>»vv9. f Vii e^^^^'^^tu " wool^ter^ili 'stltfarecl' plltt- it ! dcWiS, n«^t^. ^%—c. oio^ ' SOOA (2/77) Leiahton & Associates GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Hate IO/10/BM I Proj Dril Hole Elev r* *J 4-1o. <u<u o 2 U. 50-n * • 35- •i • Ho- HS~- 50 — 55- 60 SCt (L^v-lS-f-^S ling C< Diame ation ' 0•H.c ooQ. 003 -JUa I •^TT: t )rill Hole No. l*>- «i. Sheet E of Z- Job No. 869 /Boo - o I D. 14. F. "D<MU^ TypeofRigfe.li** F-fo CH- S, /O' O ' "' •-> ter ^>" Drive Weight /^o Its Drop 2>O in. Fop of Hole o>c •a <^<a 4-><U -r-t. c3ai-, Ca. -F- • 0 4)J3 4) 3 -Ht- a Crt wi/> O2 Oo u. -HCfl 14 Va. ^•^0" • • • m H ^ • •1 >s*J• H 1^ C <*<1) (jQ a. XMa Ref. or Datum uie*t Side o$ -fill A<rta MoistureContent, %.m /^V) .<U V)'H •U U~« (A• H .O =)V) ^ s\*»- Si^\ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged by St< Sampled by SK S«V\4l^O FoiTl^i+lO^V (?3o' Li^k-V bev-se^v^ots*-, <de*AS,e, u«.U i<rr4-eA, •fv^e, -fo »v\e<^n*m Sa^xk t^vVK S<yw\e. Sill Tota.V de^-*-^ ~ "S.I ' /4o grouw^ u^e<* e,wc,oM.^4tx-e.ck a-^^,, loa-cK-PvUe,^. *o Su.r^ace.S5^v.«pu.acfc^w*f»r^ • ov\ lo/iolft0! SOOA (2/77)Leigh ton & Associates Hate )P jffO Pro j ect GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Drill Hole No. S-.S Sheet (_of^|_^ , Job No. 86^t800- O I Drilling Co. ff F. Hole Diameter Drive Weight^ Type of Rig FA i lint F- Ift Ibs. <j Drop in. Elevation Top of Hole Ref. or Datum s>cje of -pill a. 4> a u. JS 00a. o(9 -3 I o>c "O </> t- c3o>-• ca. -T- <u oz ur CO W O 3 OO U. ca t-> t) ua a. u 3 *-»**j eul 0) (9 V) U CJ -H c/j •H • O 3 Logged by GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION SK Sampled by SK sw SP 5*- /o — ^.jd* coa-vse, uic-U s&Y~4eci A* s? 2o- oo lo/io 500A (2111}Leighton & Associates GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Date Proj Dril Hole Elev Q* Oaj iua a. 0 — • MI ir\ — 15- - ™ EO- 35"- 50- I f"x / I ^^ / 15 nl ect Ca.vls4as ling C Diame ation ff 1 * , • — ' * • Drill Hole No. Q-^ Sheet 1 of 1 - Job No. 86*1 1600-01 o. t-J F. Drtld^-i Type of Rig F^Jms p.fo ftf.S. ft.] ter g" Drive Weight y4o /b^ Drop 30 in. Top of Hole c •O I/I rtl *f>BS_ C a>-• c Q. •>- O 4)ai 4-1vi O3 0o u.i-4 CO M<ua ^n ° ^5|lZ [ - • • - X •H(A Q a. X Q \\ Ref. or Datum *pies»e.\ ^e.^ Ta^Vc (Oo. 2.1MoistureContent, 1\ . (/> .(0 V) u u •H <O 300 ^-' SP &VJ- SP sc. GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged by ^}<^ Sampled by SK Sfc-A.A , slvgk-V i-o wvoclex-^ie- Hy^o- Cftwbem C^O odt&<~ €&' U5VxV br<n^A 4o be^, wvci*^ loo^e . §e^\d , no odo<~ QS |'V\fi,ci'>-l^*vN O^d^S.t b'"01^"^) l^VOlSt"j i » loob%- |fvxc.cli-'A*%/v i^xvo > ir^o tfC- ode*"1 j Te-rra^jfe. Oef oScf^ (>t' A^ ftjDO^t.) Soil bt<L0*AC-S W^£QU4W\ di^wst. . . i c | / >NVCVM; r^edx-*^^ <iev\se.j »i irvj TO CJI&A4&IJ ^4-wdL » no H(L oCLoC To4-a,l cltfH^ = '° frr^ b^tK*a\tA 4o auf^w* u>^ ' CwVl"ropllA.ft C O€t^\-W*^vVt ^^^ tA-T ) OV\ . £J • SOOA (2/77) L eiahton & Associates GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Date r>/0 6°t Drill Hole No. g>- 5~Sheet / of ) - Job No. e>6qi&00- 01 Drilling Co. • Hole Diameter tf F. ft" 7>r. IIACJ Drive Weight Type of Rigjc IHb Ibs Aili** F- Drop 0 (ti 30 •r^-ft'' in. Elevation Top of Hole Ref. or Datum Fuel Ta^k. No. 5 JS a. a> 3 u. I enc -o w(O +J —. ea. •»- 4) H M O3 OO U. 4)0. •^ ^^4) Ua a a +>w e</> 4) trt *-<t/) •fl) CO U U OCO >-/ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged by Sampled by SK 15- ZO — .ll sn sc. s? sn -hs St ll% 54-Aci, no odcrr 500A (2/77)Leighton & Associates 4930489-05 APPENDIX B (continued) LOGS BY WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS OF SMALL-DIAMETER BORINGS EXCAVATED DURING THEIR CARLSBAD RANCH INVESTIGATION (Geotechnics, 1992) B-6 € TD 11.5 (6 borings) B-5 DATE1 OBSERVE LOGGED BY:_J > DEPTH (FEET) 18- 10- 26- 30- 36- 40-CLASSIFICATIONSM SC sc SM SC SM 'BLOWS/FOOT6 5 10 12 11 9 13 42 27 43 n. 1-6-88 UETMOO OF ORILI iun. ATV o" Hollow Stem Auaer >R GROUND ELEVATION: i01l± LOCATION: sce Geotecnnical Map UNDISTURBED 1SAMPLE 11r X X 1 X BULK SAMPLEMOISTURECONTENT <WNR 16.6 00,BORING NO._L_ DESCRIPTION FILL (FILL) s Light yellowish brown . to 'medium brown, silty fine to medium- grained SAND, moist, loose @ 1* damp, some trash, plastic Light olive gray clayey fine to medium SAND, moist, loose, some plastic ALLUVIUM (Qal) : Brownish gray clayey fine to medium SAND, moist, medium dense Olive-green gray silty fine SAND, moist, loose, some rootlets @ 21' small intraclasts of Clayev siltstone Bluish olive green-gray, clayey fine \ SAND, with silt, moist, medium dense SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsb) : Olive-green gray, silty fine grained SANDSTONE with clay, moist, dense, some intraclasts of clayey siltstone TOTAL DEPTH: 31.5* No water JOB NO-OS-7379-002-00-00 SOIL TEST Consolidation Moisture/Density LOG OF BORING FIOURB B_p DATE OBSERVED:.1-6.-88 uETuon of DRILLINO- *.tf 8" Hollow Stem Auoer LOCOED BY' DR GROUND ELEVATION: 134 '± LOCATION: See Geotechnical Mao > DEPTH (FEET) 16- 10- 16- 20- • 26- 30- 36- 40-CLASSIFICATIONISM- SP SM SM BLOWS/FOOT8 11 15 60 86Iff UNDISTURBED |SAMPLE |1 A X ui a, €9 X a 1MOISTURECONTENT (%)11.0 IIN PLACE DRYDENSITY (PCF)122.4 BORING NO — 2__ DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM (Qal) : Orangish brown. slightly silty fine to medium SAND, moist to wet, loose Dark brown silty fine to medium SAND with clay, moist, loose Orangish gray silty, fine to medium SAND with some clay, moist, medium dense SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsb) t Light olive gray, silty fine to medium grained SANDSTONE, damp, dense, moderately V friable TOTAL DEPTH: 23.0' No water 1-12-88 water 9 16.0' JWB NO-05-7379-oo2-oo-oo LOG OF BORING SOIL TEST Consolidation Moisture/Densitv FIGURE: g_3 DATE OBSERVED:1-6-6 — _ _ UPTHOO OF OBiLiiun. «PV 8" Hollow Stem Atu». LOGGED BY:_QB GROUND ELEVATION: ^21 LOCATION: 5** r-oterhn^.i M»B 0 DEPTH (FEET)til 16- _ • 10- 15- 20- 26- 30- 35- 40-CLASSIFICATIONSC SM •BLOWS/FOOTUNDISTURBED| SAMPLE•BULK SAMPLE1MOISTURECONTENT (%)IN PLACE DRYDENSITY (PCF)• BORING Nn 3 DESCRIPTION FILL (FILL) : Light brown gray, and EFicfc, clayey well-graded SAND with trace of gravel, rootlets, some cemented sandstone clasts SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsb) : Light olive gray silty fine to medium-grained SANDSTONE, moist, very dense TOTAL DEPTH: 7.0' No water • • • JOB "0-05-7379-002-00-00 LOG OF BORING SOIL TEST FIGURE: g_4 DATE OBSERVED:.1-&-8-- UPTMOH OF DRILLING- ».*V 8" HollOW Stem Ano.,- LOGGED BY' °R GROUND ELEVATION: i:'U * LOCATION: See Geotechnical Mao > DEPTH (FEET) 16- . - - 10- 16- • 20- 25- 30- 36- 40-CLASSIFICATIONSM SM BLOWS/FOOT I50 UNDISTURBED ISAMPLE IT BULK SAMPLEMOISTURECONTENT (%)IN PLACE DRYDENSITY (PCF)BORING MO 4 DESCRIPTION FILL (TILL): Hrays/ black and browns. silty well-graded SAND, moist, loose,, trash, wood, oroanic odors refusal @ 7.0', move south 5' @ 8.0' blue gray silty well-graded SAND with clay, moist, medium dense, no trash, organic odors SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsb) : Light yellowish gray, silty fine to medium- grained SANDSTONE, damp, dense, \ friable, organic odors TOTAL DEPTH: 13.5' No water • . SOIL TEST JOBNO-05-7379-002-00-00 I LOG OF BORING P'OUWE: B-s DATF OP8F«?WPD? 1-6-88 UETMOO OF DRILI mn- ATV 8" Hollow Stem Auo*,- LOGGED BY: D* ,. OBOUNn ELEVATION? 14* '* i OCATIOM. «;** r««t:eehn<r.»i ^p P UlUlu,^^ X a.Ul0 6- 15- 20- - 25- 30- 35- 40-JNOI1VOIJIS8V_l .0 SM SM LOWS/FOOT ja 59 NDISTURBEDSAMPLEa ULK SAMPLEa MOISTUREONTENT (%)u °& ~Q \ BORING NO. 5 DESCRIPTION FILL (FILL): Grays and browns, Siltv well-graded SAWD, moist, loose @ 2' trash, plastic pipe* wood @ 3' fill soils dry, loose @ 5' dark brown in color, some clay 6 7' rope SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsb) t Light olive gray, silty fine to medium-grained V SANDSTONE, damp, dense, organic odors TOTAL DEPTH: 11. 5 • No water SOIL TEST • •- JOBNO- 05-7379-002-OQ-oo LOG OF BORING FIQURB B-e DATE OBSERVED:.1-6-88 uPTwnn OF noil u^n- *** 8" Hollow St»m Aimer LOGGED BY' DP GROUND ELEVATION: 127'1, LOCATION:_£Mi rao*.,-^ 4,.., M.p ' DEPTH (FEET)5- 16- - 20- « 26- 30- 36- 40-CLASSIFICATIONSM SM BLOWS/FOOT 124 UNDISTURBED 1SAMPLE jBULK SAMPLE(MOISTURECONTENT (%)IN PLACE DRYDENSITY (PCF)BORING NO._S__ DESCRIPTION FILL (FILL) i Brown to dark brown and oranqe, siltv well-graded SAND, moist, loose, trash, wood, clastic @ 7' abundant wood SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsb) i Light Olive L gray, silty fine to medium-grained \SANDSTONE, damp, dense, friable TOTAL DEPTH t 11.5' No water SOIL TEST JOBNO-os-7379-oo2-oo-oo 1 LOG OF BORING p'ouR* B_7 4930489-05 APPENDIX B (continued) LOGS BY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES OF EXPLORATORY TRENCHES EXCAVATED DURING THE CARLSBAD RANCH PHASE I AND PHASE H INVESTIGATIONS (Leighton, 1993 and 1994) T-36 TD101 (36 trenches) B-6 t * t * t J fc * I onO H- • 1 1 Ul N / <D H- OQ§ fin in OO P (/i Project Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Project Number:4930489-01 Equipment : JD 410 Extend-a-hoe GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES 1 1 Logged By: RKW Elevation: 106 feet TRENCH NO.T-l Locat ion : see Geotechnical Map DATE: July 12, 1993 DESCRIPTION: TERRACE DEPOSITS A] Dark red-brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine- to medium-grained sand; massive; slightly porous @ 1.5': Becomes orange-red brown @ 5': Becomes mottled orange-brown and light brown, slightly silty fine- to medium- grained sand; occasional coarse grained sand SANTIAGO FORMATIONrLight gray-brown, moist, medium dense, slightly silty fine- to medium-grained sandstone; micaceous; massive; friable; sharp irregular contact Total Depth = 8 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on July 12, 1993 GEOLOGIC UNIT Qt Ts ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c n SM ( SM o> [)@ 0-1'Moisture(%)10.0 8.4 6.0 /-^ o O 3l-t) VI X 112.6 109.8 112.6 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION South Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 5°-^ TREND: N70W-*- - Mil- - 1 1 1 1 i i IVK-:aav- '•'•'•'•'•'•* • '• -A '.'.<.. tvi. Y •••••"• ••••"• ••• V: — •— *-Y v-s K^~ ' ' '[BJ »' .' i 'i •. . i. . .1. . i . . ^v. •/ •7 ••:/:.-:/ •:•••:••/ - // — 1 — 1——— 1 — 1— 1 1 i i i1 i i _ i o•n H tn n o 11— l/i0 i i (DH- OQ rt O an toto On*->•furt0>to Project Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Project Number:4930489-01 Equipment : JD 410 Extend-a-hoe GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES [ 1 Logged By: RKW Elevation: 180 feet TRENCH NO.T-2 Lo cation: see Geotechnical Map DATE: July 12, 1993 DESCRIPTION: TOPSOIL Aj Dark red-brown, slightly moist, medium dense, silty fine- to medium-grained sand; scattered broken shell fragments; slightly porous; approximately 12 inches thick TERRACE DEPOSITS BJ Orange-brown, moist, medium dense, slightly silty fine- to medium grained sand; massive; slightly porous Total Depth = 6 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on July 12, 1993 GEOLOGIC UNIT Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c C/J n in SM SM in • t— •o> &@0'D@2> ®2' g4'Moisture(%)2.2 10.0 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION South Wall SCALE: 1"= 5> SURFACE SLOPE: 5" "- TREND: E'w (i i i— 1 — 1 — 1 — - »i i i— h- 1 \•ill 1 V~l * •_-••• \_". .". .T.'TT". . <& V '••t^-4 • 1 J- .1" 1 1 It. . /H *v — •- 1 i i 1. .1 . t. . '. . 1. . %'•:©/: X^. . . ^*' i. — ^7 .. .: .. / '/r' ' ' / \ \' 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1• i i i 1 — t — 1 1 n 3MI tn* — / H' r-f X 121.2 114.1 113.3 " - — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 —i i i i t - i • _ •• j t 3 •« * i in O I 1 04 f 0)H-00 r* § On tn Oo tu fD Ul Pro j ect Name : Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Project Number:4930489-01 Equipment : JD 410 Extend-a-hoe GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES 1 I 1 Logged By: RKW Elevation: 141 feet TRENCH NO.T-3 Locat ion : see Geotechnical Map DATE: July 12, 1993 DESCRIPTION: rrOPSOIL/FILL A] Dark red-brown, mottled orange-red brown, moist, loose, silty fine- to medium-grained sand; approximately 12 to 18 inches thick COLLUVIUM 3J Orange-red brown, moist, medium dense, silty slightly clayey fine- to medium-grained sand; massive; moderately porous TERRACE DEPOSITS !T| Orange-red-brown, moist, medium dense to dense, silty fine- to medium-grained sand; massive; slightly micaceous; very slightly porous Total Depth = 7 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on July 12, 1993 GEOLOGIC UNIT Qcol Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c Crt n C/5 SM ( I SM SM C/5 . h— '0) p@°' 5j) @2' a 5'Moisture(%)12.6 1ZO 10.9 / — > o*^ fD 0 3t-h (/) X 117.1 119.9 124.7 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION West WaU SCALE: 1" = 5> SURFACE SLOPE: 5°— TREND: N10W — 1 1 1 1i 1 i 1 - 1 +— K — 1 —._ i 4 — i — 1__i i i i « >U^ .>— -^ ,@|\ •..-..-.. A .-.. — 1 — < I • 1- ffi) \^- • • ^ '^"•r~r~-7- l i j > •' .- • B. . ir ii ,i .... C.--.^v> , . ., . ._"/ H —— 1 — 1 — 1 —— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — _ • — 1 — 1 — 1 — h- f - i i - & * *, ,3 % ** 4 ** , 8 i t , , i * l, * i i i. i fet t i f Pro j ect Name : Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Project Number: 4930489-01 Equipment: JD 410 Extend-a-hoe Logged By: Elevation: Location: RKW 161 feet see Geotechnical Map TRENCH NO. T-4 GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: July 12, 1993 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES n en §=•Moisturer~^ O T) 0)0 3i-h to X TOPSOIL A] Dark red-brown, moist, loose, silty fine-grained sand; massive; disturbed; approximately 18 inches thick TERRACE DEPOSITS BJ Orange-red-brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine- to medium-grained sand; slightly clayey, massive; slightly porous Total Depth = 5.5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on July 12, 1993 Qt SM SM 12.9 12.0 120.7 116.3 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION West Wall SCALE: 1" = 5>SURFACE SLOPE: °° TREND: N15W— Project Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Project Number: 4930489-01 Equipment: JD 410 Extend-a-hoe Logged By: Elevation: Location: RKW 151 feet see Geotechnical Map TRENCH NO.T-5 GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: July 12, 1993 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c: en n CO zO ' o I/) rtc ^ OT) nO D TOPSOIL A] Dark red-brown, moist, loose to medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; massive; disturbed; approximately 18 to 24 inches thick WEATHERED TERRACE DEPOSITS Bj Dark orange-red brown, moist, medium dense to dense, slightly clayey silty fine-grained sand; massive; scattered block carbonized organic blebs; slightly porous TERRACE DEPOSITS C] Orange-red-brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine- to medium-grained sand; massive Total Depth = 7 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on July 12, 1993 Qt Qt SM SM SM i 2' | 4' 12.1 13.9 125.1 116.7 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION West Wall SCALE: 1" = 5'SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N70E-*- o T) 33m I § i01 Cn O > I Proj ect Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Project Number: 4930489-01 Equipment: JD 410 Extend-a-hoe Logged By: Elevation: Location: RKW 145 feet see Geotechnical Map TRENCH NO.T-6 GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: July 12, 1993 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES in C/3 zO ' o C-1ft O 3 H} (/) reH- 00 rt O inl/iOO ft) TOPSOIL |A] Dark brown, slightly moist to moist, loose to medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; slightly clayey; disturbed; porous COLLUVIUM BJ Medium-brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; very porous; slightly clayey; massive WEATHERED TERRACE DEPOSITS C| Red-brown, moist, medium dense, slightly silty fine- to medium-grained sand; massive; blocky; black manganese oxide staining; moderately porous TERRACE DEPOSITS D] Dark orange-red brown, moist, medium dense to dense, silty fine- to medium-grained sand; massive Total Depth = 12 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on July 12, 1993 Qcol Qt Qt SM SM SM SM 1@ 1' 2@3' 12.4 16.7 117.6 113.9 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION West Wall SCALE: 1" = 5'SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N25W-^ Project Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Project Number:4930489-01 Equipment : JD 410 Extend-a-hoe GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES Logged By: RKW Elevation: 156 feet TRENCH NO.T-7 Locat ion : see Geotechnical Map DATE: July 12, 1993 DESCRIPTION: TOPSOIL A] Medium brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; disturbed; approximately 18 inches thick TERRACE DEPOSITS B| Orange-red brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; massive Total Depth = 6.5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on July 12, 1993 GEOLOGIC UNIT Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c in n to SM SM toW ?•!. >— • 0> 1 @ 0.5' DJ) @4.5'Moisture(%)8.2 1X7 - — . o TJ 0>0 DHi </> *-~S (_l. rt X 118.4 117.7 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION South Wall SCALE: 1"= 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 5'-*- TREND : N85E-»- — 1 — 1 — 1 — - «i i iT" | 1 1 1 1 1 \ — ' — ..' ..•\^.;-..;-.-;-.v.-. Pi 1IV \ ..' ..' ..' .. A .. ^Hrt--..— ••[••t- 1--+^- ".".• '~^.—. 1 -rf.-777r.-Y -^.'l. .'l . '.L ' kJ .'.'. I' 11 ' '/ ^•v * i > . F — 1 — 1 — 1—-• —— 1 — 1 — 1—-1 —— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 —— 1 — 1 — 1 — r— - 5n oTl H70m n g -H •vj Project Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Project Number: 4930489-01 Equipment: JD 410 Extend-a-hoe Logged By: Elevation: Location: RKW 61 Feet see Geotechnical Map TRENCH NO.T-8 GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: July 12, 1993 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES r>O ' n o H- I/)rtC>-irt> i—> OT3 CDO 3i-t) in UNDOCUMENTED FILL A] Orange-brown, damp to slightly moist, loose, silty fine-grained sand; horizontal layering 3LLUVIUM BJ @ 0.5' becomes moist; dark brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; massive; micaceous; slightly to moderately porous WEATHERED SANTIAGO FORMATION C] Olive-green moist, medium dense to dense, silty fine- to medium-grained sand; iron oxide stained; massive SANTIAGO FORMATION D\ Green-gray, wet, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; massive, homogeneous friable; abundant quartz grains @ 8' moderate seepage ] @ 11': Off-white to pale green-gray, moist, medium dense to dense, silty fine- to coarse- grained sand; massive; occasional rounded fine gravel; moderately cemented Total Depth = 12 Feet Seepage Encountered at 8 Feet Standing Water at 8 Feet Backfilled on July 12, 1993 Afu Qcol Ts Ts SM SM SM SM SW 3' 2@ 4'-5' 3@ T-8' GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION West Wall SCALE: 1" = 5'SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N5W— o•n yatn noc o oo Project Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Project Number: 4930489-01 Equipment: JD 410 Extend-a-hoe Logged By: Elevation: Location: RKW 60 feet see Gcotechnical Map TRENCH NO.T-9 GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: July 12, 1993 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES in n o H"inrt C•-Jft O 3 l-tl W JNDOCUMENTED FILL Medium red-brown, damp to moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; blocky; porous; moderate rootlets JJVIUM Dark brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; slightly clayey; massive; iron oxide staining; calcium carbonate stringers VEATHERED SANTIAGO FORMATION "Olive-green, moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; slightly clayey; abundant calcium carbonate throughout; massive; approximately 24 inches thick SANTIAGO FORMATION )] Olive-green, moist to saturated; medium dense silty fine-grained sand; massive; homogeneous; abundant quartz grains; friable @ 5.5': Minor seepage @9': Moderate seepage @12': Off-white to pale green-gray, damp dense, silty fine to coarse grained sandstone; massive; abundant quartz grains; moderately cemented Total Depth = 13 Feet Seepage Encountered at 5.5 Feet Standing Water at 8.5 Feet Backfilled on July 12, 1993 Afu Qcol Ts Ts SM SM SM SM SW GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION West Wall SCALE: 1" = 5'SURFACE SLOPE: °° TREND: N5E-^ o Tl H70m Proj ect Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Project Number: 4930489-01 Equipment: JD 410 Extend-a-hoe Logged By: Elevation: Location: RKW 64 feet see Geotechnical Map TRENCH NO. T-10 GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: July 12, 1993 DESCRIPTION:GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES in n C/5 zO ' O /—\ H- 0\° in'—< rt C-iO> /—> OT3 tt>O 3i-h (/> ITOPSOIL Pale red-brown, damp, loose, silty fine-grained sand; scattered roots; disturbed @ 0.5': Becomes slightly moist to moist WEATHERED SANTIAGO FORMATION B] Pale olive-green, slightly moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; blocky; abundant calcium carbonate blebs and stringers SANTIAGO FORMATION Olive-green, moist, medium dense to dense silty fine- to medium-grained sand; iron oxide stained zones; relatively homogeneous; massive Total Depth = 12 Feet Seepage Encountered at 9 Feet Standing Water at 10.5 Feet Backfilled on July 12, 1993 Ts Ts SM SM SM 1 @ 0.5' GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION South Wall SCALE: 1" = 5'SURFACE SLOPE: °° TREND: N85E-^ o Tl HTOm n o ii—'o Project Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Project Number: 4930489-01 Equipment :JD 410 Extend-a-hoe Logged By: ^ RKW Elevation: 63 feet TRENCH NO.T-ll Locat ion : see Geotechnical Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: July 12, 1993 DESCRIPTION: JTOPSOIL [A] Pale red-brown, slightly moist, loose, silty fine-grained sand; slightly clayey, massive, disturbed JWEATHERED SANTIAGO FORMATION PI Olive-green, moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; slightly clayey; iron oxide staining, T~^ massive [SANTIAGO FORMATION K\ Olive-green, moist, stiff, silty claystone; slightly weathered massive, polished parting surfaces, r~ approximately 12 inches thick flJ51 @ 4.5': Olive-green, moist to wet, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; massive; iron 1 oxided stained stringers, relatively homogeneous Total Depth = 12 Feet Seepage Encountered at 10 Feet Standing Water at 11 Feet Backfilled on July 12, 1993 GEOLOGIC UNIT Ts Ts ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c C/5 n Crt SM SM CL SM c/iCo §-§t— • 0)Moisture(%)GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION West WaU SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: °° TREND: N-S - 1 1 1 1 — - — 1 — I— 1 — r—— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 —— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — ^--i.^- ' \ *_J ' •..-..fa -'••'- ). .^ — * * i" *•.<..•..!.. \_L_^t£^^.'r~^0U^^ \ -rr • rr"~: . . . \ ' \ . '„'. _^, i ° i -, I,..!..•!. 'M - a*d c," •••) ^ -..-.. . / :••:••• H — 5] - — 1 — 1 — 1 —— 1 — 1 — 1 — >—* oTl 0)0 3Hh (ft rt X *i i1 1 - i o•n H30m 1 § i—i- Proj ect Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Project Number: 4930489-01 Equipment: JD 410 Extend-a-hoe Logged By: Elevation: Location: RKW 61 feet see Geotechnical Map TRENCH NO.T-12 GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: July 12, 1993 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES n en 0> o cl-ift) T3 ftO D )PSOIL Red-brown, damp, loose, silty fine-grained sand; slightly porous; scattered rootlets, disturbed 3LLUVIUM Dark red-brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; massive; blocky; irregular lower contact iTHERED SANTIAGO FORMATION Olive-green, moist, medium dense, slightly clayey, silty fine-grained sand; massive; minor iron oxide staining; gradational lower contact iANTIAGO FORMATION Olive-green, moist to wet, medium dense, silty fine- to medium-grained sand; massive; minor iron oxide staining; homogeneous @ 8': Moderate seepage @ 12': Pale green-gray mottled yellow-orange, damp, dense, silty fine to coarse grained sandstone; occasional rounded cobble and gravel; massive Total Depth = 12.5 Feet Seepage Encountered at 8 Feet Standing Water at 8 Feet Backfilled on July 12, 1993 Qcol Ts Ts SM SM SM SM SW GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION South Wall SCALE: 1" = 5>SURFACE SLOPE: °° TREND: N80E-^ o•n 73m n o FN3 * i t •;* i fc * Project Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Project Number: 4930489-01 Logged By: RKW Elevation: 175 feet TRENCH NO. T-M Equipment: JD 410 Extend-a-hoe Location: see Geotechnical Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: Ju^ 12) 1993 DESCRIPTION: hx)PSOIL E] Dark red-brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; disturbed; slightly porous; [ massive; 18 to 24 inches thick[TERRACE DEPOSITS PI Orange-red brown, moist, medium dense to dense, silty fine- to medium-grained sand; 1 massive; slightly micaceous Total Depth = 3 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on Jury 12, 1993 GEOLOGIC UNIT Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES w n P5 SM SM fu ^— ' I @ 1' 0 *• ' ("*"c n *"C) (\>n 3i-h t/i r-f X GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION West Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: °° TREND: N20W-*. »i i i— 1 — 1 — 1 — - i i • i- J 1 1 1 i i i itill \-, — — •- • <i i >' —-----I 1 1 S . . -.-"r- . "1 iv^E7 1 1 1 1Jill I i i Ii i i i i i i iI 1 I i 1 I i II i I i 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 - i o 73m n o -H I — » CO Project Name: Project Number. Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch 4930489-01 Logged BX: RKW Elevation: 177 feet TRENCH NO. T.u Equipment: JD 410 Extend-a-hoe Location: see Geotechnical Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: July 12, 1993 DESCRIPTION: TOPSOIL ffj Dark red-brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; disturbed; slightly porous; approximately 12 inches thick TERRACE DEPOSITS B] Orange-red brown, moist, medium dense to dense, silty fine- to medium-grained sand; massive; very slightly porous; slightly micaceous Total Depth = 3 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on July 12, 1993 GEOLOGIC UNIT Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c CO n CO SM SM o o > — ' itc 0) *X3 fD0 3 it X GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION West Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N20W-*- i i i i— i — 1 — I — r~ " - i i i iI i 1 I i i i •1 1 1 1 H-v i i i ii'1 i I 1 ^ V -.V-^-'y !_• VT->'.-rJ>* 1 1 1 1lilt I i I Ii i i i i i i iill)I I i 1i i i i 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 - 5 O•n 73m n3C o -Hii— > Project Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Project Number:4930489-01 Equipment : JD 410 Extend-a-hoe GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES i Logged By: RKW Elevation: 150 feet TRENCH NO.T-15 Locat ion : see Geotechnical Map DATE: July 12, 1993 DESCRIPTION: TOPSOIL £] Dark red-brown, slightly moist to moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; scattered rootlets; iron oxide blebs; approximately 18 inches thick TERRACE DEPOSITS 3] Orange- red brown, moist, medium dense to dense, silty fine- to medium-grained sand; massive; slightly porous Total Depth = 5.5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on July 12, 1993 GEOLOGIC UNIT Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c en n to SM SM i to 0> 8>@u'Moisture(%)6.5 7.5 Density(pcf)106.7 115.3 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION West Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: °° TREND: N20W— — 1 — M — - -4— 1 — r—— 1 — 1 — 1 — ^.-77-:— -..-. — 1 — 1 j .w.~.g..-. /••ew.-v 4\^fe 7T:.TT'..-.^y •i • y \1 1 •1 1 I 1 _ 5 0•rt 73mznX g — i tn * * » j • i i i 41 t * *.«i I C/l0 i i / — s 3 r-nH- y oy an Ul Uloo H- P Ul Project Name:Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Project Number: 4930489-01 Equipment : JD 410 Extend-a-hoe GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: July 12, 1993 TOPSOIL Logged By: . RKW Elevation: 157 feet TRENCH NO. T.I* Location: see Geotechnical Map DESCRIPTION: A] Dark red-brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; massive; disturbed; approximately 24 inches thick TERRACE DEPOSITS !T[ Orange-red brown moist, medium dense, silty fine- to medium-grained sand; massive; slightly porous GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION South Wall . »i i i— r— 1 — | — - (I i 1 * 1 1 i. 1 • i i i1 1 1 1 • • Total Depth = 5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on July 12, 1993 GEOLOGIC UNIT Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES to n to SM SM z| ' « 5^@ y && 5' o cN° tO > — ' r+ C1n 9.7 11.8 T) 0)0 D*-h t/> rt 117.7 114.1 SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 5°— TREND: N70E — L-. -.•-•• i ... • i • • • • i • • V '•'••• -fir'\. JLJ ••Vrr.r7 ./ ..- ..© •1 A}"-"-"-"-" . . l . •i.^'i' 'T^*** -•••^yT fl5^) ' 1 I 1 1i i i i 1 i 1 — 1 —— 1 — 1 — I — 1 —— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — < — 1 — 1 — 1 — h- 1E- i i _ Project Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Project Number: Equipment : GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES 4930489-03 Case 450B Backhoe Logged By: RKW Elevation: ±128'TRENCH NO.T-17 Location: See Geotechnical Map DATE: 2/25/94 DESCRIPTION: A UNDOCUMENTED FILL: Red-brown, orange-brown and medium brown, moist, medium dense, silty to clayey fine-grained sand; scattered pieces of plastic sheeting; 2 to 6 inch thick fill lifts; numerous rootlets B SANTIAGO FORMATION: Light gray to off-white, slightly moist, dense, silty fine- to coarse-grained sandstone; massive; slightly cemented Total Depth = 5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/25/94 GEOLOGIC UNIT Afu Ts ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c n C/3 SM/SC SW CO fK Moisture(%)/—^ oTJ n0 3 rt X GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION w Wa" SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: °° TREND: N25<>w 1 i i i— ' — r i 1 - 1 1 i 1I'll 1 1 IIi 1 I I X ' , '-1V4 — L — i IL-i. 1 1 ^ • >- • -x•-••— ". .V." S^:-fF| ~r: A — '• -r-'.. . '~-J^ 1 • -H-^- i-/ • ~A \ — 1 — 1 —/" • • •— 1 — 1 — 1—— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 —-H — 1 — 1 — r— 5 o 73m n o •H *t*fcjt*l«ti4i*>k*tit. ; .i. ;, 4 i *»«**•* Project Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Project Number:4930489-03 Equipment : Case 450B Backhoe GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES Logged Elevat Locati By: RKW ion: +1.}2' on : See Geotechnical Map TRENCH NO. DATE: 2/25/94 DESCRIPTION: A TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orange-brown, slightly moist to moist, dense, silty fine-grained sand; massive, homogeneous; upper 6 inches is disturbed and contains scattered chunks of asphalt, concrete and pieces of trash (plastic, paper, etc.) B SANTIAGO FORMATION: Light olive-green, moist, dense, silty fine- to coarse-grained sandstone; massive; contains abundant quartz grains Total Depth = 8.5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/25/94 T-18 GEOLOGIC UNIT Qt Ts ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c n SM SW cn . »— • 0>Moisture(%)/— * o'xd fD0 3 ' — / M* rf X GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION w Wa" SCALE: 1" = 5> SURFACE SLOPE: °° TREND: N40°w - - - — r 1 1 1 1 1 t i i i i1 i i 1 \i 'i II\ • • . ' • \P"» f*r Vst ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 1' ' ' • ' • 3-y • ^u1* fgy ""^^ B . I /\ — i — i —— i — i — 1_— 1 1 1 h—— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — _ 1 oT) H70m 1 § -i 00 Project Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Project Number:4930489-03 Equipment : Case 450B Backhoe GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES Logged By: Elevation: RKW 136'TP.ENC'H NO.T-19 Locat ion : See Geotechnical Map DATE: 2/25/94 DESCRIPTION: A COLLUVIUM: Orange-brown mottled dark brown, moist to very moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; scattered roots; slightly porous @ 2': Dark brown, very moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; homogeneous; slightly porous B TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orange to red-brown, very moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; massive @ 9': Contains rounded gravel and fine cobbles C SANTIAGO FORMATION: Light olive-green, moist, dense, silty fine- to coarse-grained sandstone; massive Total Depth = 10 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/25/94 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION w Wa" SCALE: 1" = »i i i— H— 1 — | — - i i i i1 1 I 1 i i i i1 1 1 1 •* . \ "^i^r \.~~r : 5'SURFACE '1 1 '11 ' 1 1.1 — • - A • • \^^^.'-K \2~::' ^^^J^^^^T i t r ' i • :_:_ ': / >o^ •>'. / B -/ • • ' ^^^p^^ • i .-- GEOLOGIC UNIT Qcol Qt Ts ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c Crt n SM SM SW in(u O *O • H- 1en 1 @5'Moisture(%)*—* O 0 3 X SLOPE: 0° TREND: N58°w •. "tf C _i —-i —— i-. i i —j —— 1— H — 1 — 1 —— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — _ O•n H70m n § -t UD Pl*r\ -i A/-»-f- Xlotno •J c^- ** iodine • f*flrlf5i<i/f!arl<ih3d Project Number: Equipment : GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES 4910489-m Case 450B Backhoe Logged By: nirw Elevation: +]w TRENCH NO. Location: see frentenhniral Map DATE: 2/25/94 DESCRIPTION: A TERRACE DEPOSITS: Medium brown, mottled orange- and red-brown, very moist, medium dense; silty fine-grained sand; scattered roots; slightly porous, upper; 12 to 18 inches is disturbed @ 3'-5': Becomes medium brown in color Total Depth = 10.5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/25/94 T ?n GEOLOGIC UNIT Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c CO n co SM P> (B 1 @0'Moisture(%)- — > o 0 3 X GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION W Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N50°W i i i i— 1 — l—t — | — - i i i i1 1 1 1 i i i i1 1 1 1 \ — -f-. ' V 'i '• ^s^ '•r. • -.'__• ;. ' r i ' i ' i 'i.i .1 . i . __. __ . . . m \^. .'• . . \~ ~~ ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 '.1.1.1 I . — - '/ •_ • '^S '/Ill' : I 1 i i ,iii', i — i — i — i —— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — — 5Cl oTl 70m na: o — i roo Project Name:Carltas/Carlsbad Logged By: RKW Project Number: 4930489-03 Elevation: ±156' TRENCH NO. T-21 Equipment : Case 450B Backhoe Location: See Geotechnical Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 2/25/94 DESCRIPTION: \ TOPSOIL: Dark brown, very moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; massive; porous; scattered roots 3 TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orange-red brown, moist to very moist, medium dense, silty fine- grained sand; massive; slightly porous in upper 12 inches : SANTIAGO FORMATION: Light to medium olive-green, moist, dense, silty fine- to medium-grained sandstone; massive; slightly micaceous Total Depth = 6.5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/25/94 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qf Ts ENGINEERING PROPERTIES C/5 n en SM SM SM §1 t— ' 0 ^— * <~fc tt> n 3 Hi V>_ M - GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION W Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: °° TREND: N5°w i i i i— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — - i i i i1 1 I 1 i I i i1 1 1 1 1 1 X-l7"* [ ^ *N 4-.V~.-r; '• ,X Sr- B >: '.-.'- ^V- • • • iLnfr' l ' • 1 •/[ — 1 1 1 —-I — •'/~: jf ^ C — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 —— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 —— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — . _ sen o•n H73tn nac § -H1ro H- » Project Name:Carltas/Carlsbad Logged By: Project Number: 4930489-03 Elevation: RKW ±115' TRFNCH NO. T.7? Equipment: Case 450B Backhoe Location: See Geotechnical Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 2/25/94 DESCRIPTION: A TOPSOIL: Dark red-brown, very moist, loose to medium dense silty fine-grained sand; homogeneous; abundant roots B COLLUVIUM: Light gray to off-white, moist, medium dense, silty to slightly clayey fine sand and light olive-brown, moist, stiff, silty clay layers; clay appears to be discontinuous, plastic and sheared C SANTIAGO FORMATION: Light gray to off-white, moist, grained sandstone; massive; abundant quartz grains Total Depth = dense, silty fine- to coarse- 6 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/25/94 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION w Wal1 SCALE: 1" = 5' »i i i— 1 — 1 — 1 — - i i • i— h 1 I 1 i i i i1 1 1 1 « GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qcol Ts ENGINEERING PROPERTIES n C/5 SM SM/CL SW O *€ 1@ 2'-4' 0 > — ' r+ C"i (B 13 <T>0 Di-h w rtX SURFACE SLOPE: °° TREND: N15°W T^" JLi.. :_• 1-T i i i l\ I'M I/ S1 I I IV^i^1 Vijr •. • • ^^•~ — - B "". ™? -. • J c— i 'h'ty '. 1 Al '- f • . • -f ' — J ^C |,.,l 1 1 -I L, 1 , , 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 —1 1 1 T— _ i oTl 70tnzn3C zo — 1 Project Name:Carltas/Carlsbad Logged By: RKW Project Number: 4930489-03 Elevation: ±139'TRENCH NO. T-23 Equipment: Case 450B Backhoe Location: See Geotechnical Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 2/25/94 DESCRIPTION: A TOPSOIL: Dark red-brown, very moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; scattered roots; slightly porous B TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orange-brown, moist to very moist, medium dense, silty fine- grained sand; massive @ 6': Becomes medium brown mottled orange-brown in color Total Depth = 10 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/25/94 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION W Wai! SCALE: 1" = 5' i i i i— r— 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 i 1 i i1 1 1 1 i i i VL'i i i 11 1 _V- •/.•• ^.7 * 1 '1*1 'i '- - -r B V-: -•'/ ^v • • GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c C/J n ^ SM SM C/) O T3• *— • O , — > M- • — ' rt C Jo T) 010 3Hi in rtX SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N75°E — r. t 1 " — ' • f :*LiJJ 1— 1— ? f"4 7 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 —— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 —— 1 1 1 r— _ sn o•n H73m nac o CO Project Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Project Number:4930489-03 Equipment : Case 450B Backhoe GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES Logged By: Elevation: Location: RKW ±142'TRENCH NO.T-24 See Geotechnical Map DATE: 2/25/94 DESCRIPTION: A TOPSOIL: Dark red-brown, very moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; scattered roots; slightly to moderately porous B COLLUVIUM: Medium brown and orange-brown, mottled dark brown, very moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; occasional zones of slightly clayey sand; slightly porous C TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orange-brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; massive; very gradational upper contact Total Depth = 10 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/25/94 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION W Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' — 1 — 1 — 1 — - — H — | — 1 —— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — \ A i ^ f ^ GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qcol Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c C/J n C/5 SM SM SM en Z 3O X) H- 'Moisture(%)*— > oT> n0 Di-h (/>N 1 |_l. X SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N35°w .>•"--••. ^FMMMBB . . B ^•^•H^^•M* ".v til':- '•^.J.:57.' Y • . "—^- — , . • • " •'/ ~~ i • — •'— / /. • ~~ — r" ./ - i o•n H33m nac g H Project Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Project Number:4930489-03 Equipment : Case 450B Backhoe GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES Logged By: Elevation: RKW «'TRENCH NO.T-25 Locat ion : See Geotechnical Map DATE: 2/25/94 DESCRIPTION: A TOPSOIL: Dark red-brown, very moist to wet, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; porous; scattered roots B COLLUVIUM: Dark orange-brown, mottled dark brown, moist to very moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; slightly clayey; slightly porous; gradational lower contact C TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orange-brown and medium brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; massive Total Depth = 10 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/25/94 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION W Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' i i i i— 1 — | — 1 — h1 - - i i i iI'll ilii1 1 1 1 « V V\ ~ — ' . . \ '~~' ~ GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qcol Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c n SM SM SM cn(a Z 3O T3 . H-*n 1@0' 2@5'Moisture(%)*— > oTJ n0 D rt SURFACE SLOPE: °° TREND: N15°w N* / • * |A•A . ~r' —• ' '• ^\. . •, ^^^^^* i^fH/i : 1 ^ •* . ^\ * * -~_ • — . — B :••..;- — •• — ^ : . '• • . '. ' • ' ' ' • :_..; C ;;•^- •• . • . ^ "•? 'l I/•J. •! -/' i rf 41 1 i .1 1 H 1 —— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — M i o•n H m n § — iroin Project Name:Carltas/Carlsbad Logged By: RKW rroject iMumoer . JKOIHW-IU cicvatj-un: -^isr TRENCH NO. T-26 Equipment: Case 450B Backhoe Location: See Geotechnical Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 2/25/94 DESCRIPTION: A TOPSOIL: Dark red-brown, very moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; massive; scattered roots; very gradational lower contact over 8-12 inches; slightly porous B TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orange-brown, moist, medium dense, siltv fine-erained sand: massive Total Depth = 8 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/25/94 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION N Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' H 1 1 - I'll 1 1 1 1 V / v "PP . ' ' ' \-*--' A \ ' ~ — • V . ' •'. • GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES <yj n ^ SM SM • h— • CD 0 c n 13 On 3t-h </> V J |-l> X SURFACE SLOPE: 5° TREND: N85°w • — B V T" V 7, V-:-- -/ / -i — : — 1 — 1 — I — 1 —— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 —— 1 1 1 1 — _ O•n H tn nI O -iiro Pro j ect Name :Carltas/Carlsbad Logged By: RKW Project Number: 4930489-03 Elevation: ±170' TRENCH NO. T-27 Equipment : Case 450B Backhoe Location : See Geotechnical Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 2/25/94 DESCRIPTION: A TOPSOIL: Dark red-brown, very moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand: scattered roots, slightly porous B TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orange-brown and medium brown, very moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; massive, upper 12 to 18 inches is disturbed Total Depth = 5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/25/94 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES in n CO SM SM wZ 3o -3 h-1 <D 2o o\° in1 — < <-t C"-J tD GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION W Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: °° TREND: N15°W 1 I I II 1 i 1 - 1 1 I 1I'll 1 1 1 I A ^ — 1 — i — i i^ \ B —— 1 — 1 — 1 — I —— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 —— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — TJ ft>0 3 i-h w <-t X 1 1 1 1 - i oTl 70m n o H 3 Project Name: Project Number: Carltas/Carlsbad 4930489-03 Logged By: Elevation: Equipment : Case 450B Backhoe Locat ion : GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES RKW + 165'TRFNfH NO TOO See Geotechnical Map DATE: 2/25/94 DESCRIPTION: A TOPSOIL: Dark red-brown, very moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; scattered roots, massive; slightly porous B TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orange-brown, very massive; upper 12 inches is disturbed moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; @ 4': Medium brown, moist medium dense, silty fine sand; massive; micaceous; very friable Total Depth =5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/25/94 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION W Wall SCALE: 1" = — 1 — I — 1 — t™ - - 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 V 5' A GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c Crt n Crt SM SM Crt O TJt— •n 1 @ 0.5' o < — ' rt C•-i(J> ,—. 013 ft>n 3 r-tX SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N5°W >s,: — - .'— * V / . ^^ • V \ ~ . . B '• — : . ~~- *_ . 7^ * . * — '.'~~ •~ "/ •~"~ • . / ^ \fX ' ' - - i o•n H73m nX o H 00 Project Name: Project Number: Carltas/Carlsbad 4930489-03 Logged By: RKW Elevation: ±141'TRENCH NO. T-29 Equipment: Case 450B Backhoe Location: See Geotechnical Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 2/25/94 DESCRIPTION: A TOPSOIL: Dark red-brown, very moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; scattered roots; appears disturbed B TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orange-brown and medium brown, moist, medium dense silty fine-grained sand; massive; upper 6 to 12 inches is disturbed Total Depth = 5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/25/94 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c" , co n ™ SM SM co Z 3O "O n 2:0 c fD n 3 rtX GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION W Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 10° TREND: N70°E i i i iI > I 1 - i I i iI'll i f ' '1 1 1 1 i i i i1 i i 1 s^ «4rr£s V B ^^.^^_-.._ II 1 -J iff 1 1 1 1"iii i i i ii i i i 1 1 II 1 1 11 1 1 - § O 73m n O roID Project Name:Carltas/Carlsbad Logged By: RKW 1 Project Number. ^y^iHov-uj CJ.CVCILJ.UII: -"-i/ir IKEINLH NU. T-30 | Equipment : Case 450B Backhoe Location: See Geotechnical Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 2/25/94 DESCRIPTION: A TOPSOIL: Dark brown mottled, orange-brown, very moist, medium dense silty fine-grained sand; scattered roots B TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orange-brown, moist, medium dense, siltv fine-grained sand: massive; upper 12 inches is disturbed Total Depth = 5.5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/25/94 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c co n co SM SM Z 3O "Q (t 0 ' — ' rt C <D O D Ht) C/> X GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION W Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: °° TREND: N20°w 1 1 i i— 1 — 1 — I — - i i • i1 T | 1 i i i i1 1 1 1 1 • • < i i i i1 1 1 I i i i i f -.v-v ""-[¥]. "1 1 i i iii1 A ^r'-:-f\ ~_T_/• . . . . / I 1 i 1iii>1 — L. -I 1 -1 1 1 1 — 5O 0•n H73m n 0 H 0 Project Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Project Number: Equipment : < GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES 4930489-03 ^ase 450B Backhoe Logged B/: RKW Elevation: ±79' Location: See Geotechnical Map TRENCH NO. DATE: 2/25/94 DESCRIPTION: \ UNDOCUMENTED FII grained sand; scattered ro 3 TOPSOIL: Dark red-bro grained sand; massive; slig C SANTIAGO FORMATK fine- to medium-grained s @ 8': Becomes moist, mi X: Orange and dark red-brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine- ots; disturbed throughout wn and dark brown, moist to wet, loose to medium dense silty fine- htly porous; increasing moisture with depth DN: Medium olive-gray, saturated, medium dense, slightly silty andstone; very friable; perched ground water between 7 and 8 feet xierately cemented sandstone Total Depth = 9 Feet Perched Ground Water at 7 to 8 Feet Backfilled on 2/25/94 T ii GEOLOGIC UNIT Afu Topsoil Ts ENGINEERING c n SM SM SM [U 1@8' PROPERTIES 0 o\° in C"i CD ' — > OT) nr> 3 I-H (S> r-t X GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION NW Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N30°E iiii1 1 T | - llllI'll iiiillll 4 i i i \r •1 i ' V • VT _•>-. A - llll'• 1 ' I' 1 • . — - . " " X-?:- * ^. ™ -~~— • ^^^ ""T^ " B ~7 -r;—. . -rjr . I 1 i i i *iiii 1 — h H 1 i . . i ._ i - s O 33m n p -i U) i Project Name:Carltas/Carlsbad Logged By: RKW Project Number: 4930489-03 Elevation: ±146' TRFNCH NO. T-32 Equipment : Case 450B Backhoe Location : See Geotechnical Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 2/25/94 DESCRIPTION: A UNDOCUMENTED FILL: Orange/red-brown, very moist, loose to medium.dense.silty fine-grained sand; disturbed; scattered roots B TOPSOIL: Dark red-brown, very moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; massive; moderately porous; relatively sharp irregular upper contact; gradational lower contact C TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orange-brown, moist to very moist, medium dense, silty fine- to medium-grained sand; massive; friable Total Depth = 10 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/24/94 GEOLOGIC UNIT Afu Topsoil Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES C/5 n C/1 SM SM SM c/itu o *3 • t— ' 1@ l'-2' o / — v H-Q\O (y) *— J r"fC •-J ft) GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION W Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: °° TREND: N's i i i i— i — 1 r— 1 - - I 1 I 11 1 1 1 i i i i1 1 1 1 « V-'t^r^' •1 ' ' 'XTJLd -r-o"V \— ___• . • ^^^zr '**. '• £ -/^ . ;/ T^i ™T"^i^fjr 1 i l '^'•~':^~iy -"-:--7[ -i — 0 / .— "/ _. i — i — j — i —— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 0 3 Hf, (/) <-t X 1 1 1 1 - _ so o•n H70m 1 § COro Project Name:Carltas/Carlsbad Logged By: RKW Project Number: 4930489-03 Elevation: ±149' TRENCH NO. T-33 Equipment: Case 450B Backhoe Location: See Geotechnical Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 2/25/94 DESCRIPTION: \ TOPSOIL: Dark red-brown, very moist, medium dense, silty fine- to medium-grained sand; scattered roots; gradational lower contact 3 TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orange-brown and medium brown, moist to very moist, medium dense, silty fine- to medium-grained sand; massive; friable; upper 12 inches appear to be disturbed Total Depth = 10.5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/25/94 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES CO n ? SM SM en • ~ o v — ' rf C-io> >—\ oT! fDn 3 rtX GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION N Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 5° TREND: N55°E i i i i— 1 f— H — 1 — - Ilil1 1 1 1 11111 1 1 1 <• 3W A - i i i i IV " i • i* • i1 l l 1 v: V • j y^p pTjr | | | IT] '. v •/ — — " ' • • / i • 's l 1 i li i i i 1 1 1 1 1 II1 1 1 - i oTl H m n o u> Project Name:Carltas/Carlsbad Logged B/: . RKW Project Number: 4930489-03 Elevation: +171' TRENCH NO. T-34 Equipment : Case 450B Backhoe Location: See Geotechnical Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 2/25/94 DESCRIPTION: \ TOPSOIL: Medium to dark red-brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; scattered roots; slightly porous; gradational lower contact 3 TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orange-brown, moist to very moist, medium dense, silty fine- grained sand; massive; friable; upper 12 inches disturbed @ 3': Contains zones of medium brown, silty fine sand Total Depth = 5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/25/94 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES en n Y* SM SM w (B 0 1 — ' r+c n 13 fDn 3i-h t/>^ — ' M- r-t ^ GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION W Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N20°W «i i i— 1 — 1 — 1 — - i i i it 1 1 1 i i i iIII!i i i i1 1 1 1 t'f'V i*il : \ '-'•", II \x^ vrv-Y/• • • -^j B f /-,_£/ 1 I 1 1i i i i i I i 1i | i i 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1i i i - so o•n H70m 1 M Project Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Project Number:4930489-03 Equ ipment : Case 450B Backhoe GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES Logged B/: . RKW Elevation: ±167' TRENCH NO. Locat ion : See Geotechnical Map DATE: 2/25/94 DESCRIPTION: \ TOPSOIL: Dark brown, scattered roots J TERRACE DEPOSITS: massive; friable; upper 6 t moist to very moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; Orange-brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; o 12 inches appears disturbed Total Depth = 5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/25/94 T-35 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c Cn n en SM SM en i — > 0)Moisture(%)GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION W Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N15°W i i i i— i — 1 — 1 — 1 - i I i iI'll • i i i1 1 1 1 i i i I1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1I'll Vj-^'-r- V • •v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - ' •' .- •/ B - /. .— -~y III'i i i 1 1 I 1 /-^ CJid n>n 3H) </iv j i_i.t-tX 1 1 -f - 5 o•n H70m nX o -H cotn 1 Project Name:Carltas/Carlsbad Logged By: RKW Project Number: 4930489-03 Elevation: ±144' TRENCH NO. T-36 Equipment : Case 450B Backhoe Location : See Geotechnical Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 2/25/94 DESCRIPTION: A TOPSOIL: Medium to dark red-brown, moist to very moist medium dense silty fine-grained sand; scattered roots J TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orange-brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; massive; micaceous @ 6': Contains zones of medium brown very friable, silty fine-grained sand @ 8': Material becomes dense Total Depth = 10 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/25/94 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES n K1 SM SM ' » 1@ 4'-5' o * — ' rtc ft 0 3 l-t) CO rt X GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION W Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N10°W i i i i1 1 — I — h" • - i i i i1 i 1 l i i i i1 1 1 1 %' " M^ • •:V| 1 I I |\1 ' ' 'N TV— T-^;~ iii i ::V.'- A ;-.•^"."~r"_" - • • • . i B '• ± -:'••'•/Fij —— 4.. i _i — i —• i i i — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 —— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — _ 5n 0•n H73m n g 4930489-05 APPENDIX B (continued) LOGS BY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES OF EXPLORATORY TRENCHES EXCAVATED DURING THE COLLEGE BUSINESS PARK INVESTIGATION (Leighton, 1991) T-2 TD7' (2 trenches) B-7 o 1 1 t — \ Ul^» *~s fn> H- rt § w W O 0 H- R<D Project Name: Huntington/Palomar Project Number: Equipment : GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES C: Undulating 4841363-02 JD-310 Backhoe Logged By: RLW Elevation: ±89'TRENCH NO.T-l Location: Sep Gpotprhniral Map DATE: 1/15/85 DESCRIPTION: ALLUVIUM 0 Medium to dark brown, moist, loose, silty sand; slightly clayey, abundant rootlets in top 2' SANTIAGO FORMATION CD Very light brown to light golden brown, moist, medium dense to dense, silty fine to medium sand; @5' discon- tinuous lense of fine sandy silt Total Depth =7' No ground water encountered No caving Backfilled 1/15/85 GEOLOGIC UNIT Qal Ts ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c U) n (n SM SM GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION North Wall SCALE: 1" = 4* SURFACE SLOPE: Horiz.TREND: N i i i i— r— I 1 | - I 1 l II'll i i i •1 1 1 1 \ •^r-. " ^T1-" -" — " v ' i r i• -i i . i • i . - "v*<^ ' i r — i i. • i - 1 - j . .'• ••'• —.•••- -..- :; -"-'v-.-^ pr: - . - / Wj , • "" ' ~~ 7 1 \ i ii i i i C/Jw t— ' 0>Moisture(%)-—x O13 fl>0 3l-h «/>« — > (-••rt 47°W i i i i i <i 1 1 —1 l _ - r-8 oT) 3tT) X § — 11 1 — ^ Ulo > I § O O (Vin Project Name: Huntinqton/Palomar Logged By: RLW Project Number: 4841363-02 Elevation: ±90' TRENCH NO. J-? Equipment: JD-310 Backhoe Location: See Geotechnical Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES C:Undu1ating J:N78°W;65°NE B:N71°M,2°SW DATE: 1/15/85 DESCRIPTION: ALLUVIUM (1) Medium brown, moist to very moist, medium dense, silty fine to medium sand; brush covered, abundant rootlets in top 1.5' SANTIAGO FORMATION 0 Light to medium golden brown, mottled medium brown, moist, dense, silty fine to medium grained sand; jointed, bedded surface is finely developed and generally dips to the SW 2*-3° Total Depth =5.1' No ground water encountered No caving Backfilled 1/15/85 GEOLOGIC UNIT Qal Ts ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c Crt n " SM SM in§=!o\° I/I c 0) I V O*r3 fl>0 3i-h o • — • M-rt X GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION South Wall SCALE: 1" = 4' SURFACE SLOPE: 10:1 TREND: N42°E - «i i i— 1 — 1 — 1 — . - - i i i i— i — i | 1 • i i ililt .Xo"^ :.'-.•'•.^\ • i i • \.i1 1 1 TX-, v wf-rFT;-- ;• • ' /• " • Xlj ' • • ":-'^.r^.'~ •-^-^s. •_•' -\ "^SM r~TUj~T~7" *^f ,--. .+^^Y! ;-i— : .- -r \~~-f 1 1 1 1 I i i ii 1 I i i i t — I —-1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — - - § O Tl H73mzn -Hi 4930489-05 APPENDIX B (continued) LOGS BY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES OF EXPLORATORY TRENCHES EXCAVATED DURING THE RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA INVESTIGATION (Leighton, 1987 and 1989a) T-15 Kl TD6' (15 trenches) B-8 enO i 1 X \(.1 AH- OQ r» g fin WI/I OO to <pw Project Name: Project Number: Equipment : GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES Phase One/Carlsbad 8870059-01 JD-410 Logged By: RKW Elevation: ±46'TRENCH NO.T-l Location: See Geotechm'cal Map DATE: 1/26/87 DESCRIPTION: Q TOPSOIL: Dark brown, moist to wet, loose to medium dense, slightly silty, fine to medium grained sand; occasional subrounded gravel to fine cobbles; sharp, irregular lower contact |) COLLUVIUM Medium brown, moist, stiff, sandy clay; gradational lower contact; calcium carbonate in gradational zone; pockets of light gray sand; friable T) Terrace Deposits: Orangish medium brown, moist, dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; slightly clayey; scattered pockets of light gray-brown, silty sand; abundant Iron oxide staining; massive; homogeneous Total Depth - 9 Feet No Caving; No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled 1/26/87 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Col Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c: o CO SM CL SM GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION West Wall SCALE: 1" * 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 5° TREND: • — 1 — 1 — 1 — • *Number i — 1 — 1 — 1 — i parenthese — 1 — \ — i — | — « s Indicates w VTvr V ' N m sercent reli • * » r^-2^. • * * . *. * " • \i-:-/ tive compac _"J- J- -fc :£^•/C/ ion. '.Q'.-VO — __r- ^ ~ — '. • —.-—•-' J ^J LU. --^-^J ylT^7 p (U 2@ 3 Moisture(*)18.2 8.6 ii ~ktl M •o nr> 3i-h (/>w-^ »-*• rt 114.1 (98)* 116.4 (96) !•> o•n X o* • -H 501 -A - (3/77) Leighton 5 AssociatesProject Name: Project Number: Equipment : GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES Phase One/Carlsbad 8870059-01 JD-410 Logged By: RKU/BJM Elevation: ±46'TRENCH NO.T-2 Locat ion : J>ee Geo technical Map DATE: 1/26/87 DESCRIPTION: (1s, TOPSOIL: Dark brown, moist, loose to medium dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; scattered organlcs and plastic; sharp, Irregular lower contact (2) COLLUVIUM: Grayish dark brown, moist, stiff, sandy clay; occasional rootlets; appears disturbed; gradatlonal lower contact (D & 1.5' grayish medium brown, moist, medium stiff, sandy clay; calcium carbonate blebs (up to 1/4 Inch In diameter) to 3 feet; dessi cation cracks up to 1/8 Inch wide to 3 feet In depth; gradatlonal lower contact ft) TERRACE DEPOSITS: Oranglsh medium brown, moist, dense, clayey to silty, fine to medium grained sand; less clayey below 8 feet; Iron oxide staining; subrounded gravel and pockets of light gray, clean sand; slightly porous; friable; massive; homogeneous GEOLOGIC UNIT Tbpsoil Col Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES co 0 co SM CL CL SM/SC GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION East Wall SCALE: 1" = 51 SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N . Total Deptjh = 9 Feet No Ground Water Encour " No Caving • Backf111e( 1/26/87 III! till— i 1 1 1 1 1—1 1" - *Number in parentheses _ Indicates percent rel compaction tered %itlve V. ""«"-• — . T -=i-L* ± L \CV1£ ^^^^^^, "N •J. "3 ^l 1 - ~^/ P • — • -i "^J 1 T 1- 7-f LI] "— / -i —— 1 — 1 — 1 — •» B» ?in -Moisture(*)17.8 T? nn 3 t-h W r»X 90.2 73W~^ 1 1 1 •• — 1 — 1 — 1— . • § o•n Q § INJ l/iO i > I y — \ Ol ->l^4 r-«M- £r»O On 2rM OOM*Prt 0M Project Name: Project Number: Equipment : GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES Phase One/Carlsbad 8870059-01 JD-410 Logged By: RKW/BJM Elevation: ±41'TRENCH NO. Locat ion : $ee Geotechnjcaj Map DATE: 1/26/87 DESCRIPTION: (D CQLLUVIUM: Medium brown, moist, stiff to very stiff, sandy clay; roots and rootlets to 2 feet; scattered blebs of decomposed organ- ics; scattered calcium carbonate blebs and stringers to 3 feet (predominantly in upper 1 foot); gradational lower contact f2) TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orangish medium brown, moist, dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; occasional subrounded gravel to cobble (up to 5 Inches In diameter); Iron oxide staining; friable; homogeneous; massive * Number in parentheses indicates percent relative compaction. Total Depth = 6 Feet No Ground Water Encountered No Caving Backfilled 1/26/87 T-3 GEOLOGIC UNIT Col Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c•co o• CO• CL SM u>o> £-1* I—*c» T]@ 3' J]@ 4.5'Moisture(%)7.7 8.1 ^ o•S322. r» »< 113.6 (97)* 113.1 (93) GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION South Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N72W ^ 1 I i ii t • 1 - l 1 i ii i 1 l i i i ii 1 i I • Mfi:,* ;^ » 'J-'^K--ii iiJ. J_ ' L - •x^m - • Ss."• r r iQ - . -_ • - ]7 ^ -"-W—i -T i /i-? J J/1 /nr : • * i i i •» l 1 i i • i <m » i 4 o•n i CO tnO i i /— N01 -4 fA H-•s-r» § VI W)0O pr» A Project Name: Project Number: Equipment : GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES Phase One/Carlsbad 8870059-01 JD-410 Logged By: RKW/BJM Elevation: ±50'TRENCH NO.T-4 Locat ion : See Gegtechnicaj Map DATE: 1/26/87 DESCRIPTION: (D TOPSOIL: Dark brown, moist, loose to medium dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; scattered subrounded gravel; sharp, Irregular lower contact (2) TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orangish medium brown, moist to very moist, dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; abundant subrounded, coarse gravel to cobble (up to 5 inches in diameter) in upper 2 feet; abundant iron oxide staining; slightly porous; friable; massive (D @ 6.5' Changes to light orangish brown, silty, fine grained sand *N umber in parentheses indicates percent relative compaction Total Depth = 8 Feet No Ground Water Encountered No Caving Backfilled 1/26/87 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES cr oo 0 CO SM SM SM GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION South Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 5° TREND: N 1 i i i•i ••! i | - l 1 i i1 i i J 1 i i i ii I i I • v • • _ ._ V . *. . .V^ • • » » » '• • '. • . * ' 1 i i • i• .0.- ' • Hi^v • i ' i • i " 'i '• I. i • i i. • ^^•^>"^- '..•.<=>• • '. '0 .' .-.'/ • «l .\ ..\.i •**™» / M • • 1 I- i - (/> A 4.5 Moisture(*)9.2 8.8 •o nn 3»-t» </>*~* M*r» X 126.3 (100+) 118.3 (98)* 77W ^- 1 1 1 '• • 1 i i - • § § -H1 g »— • > 1 01 -J~Jv_/ r-n»-•• "§•r»§ Ga >MM OO»-••e>r»nW Project Name: Project Number: Equipment : GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES Phase One/Carlsbad 8870059-01 JD-410 Logged By: RKW Elevation: ±59'TRENCH NO.T-5 Locat ion : See^ Geotechnical, Map DATE: 1/26/87 DESCRIPTION: (D TOPSOIL: Dark brown, moist, loose to medium dense, si'lty, fine to medium grained sand; scattered subrounded, coarse sand to fine gravel ; sharp, Irregular lower contact; can distinguish where ripper blades have cut through the terrace deposits (infilled with topsoil); scattered wood chunks and plastic (2) TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orangish medium to dark brown, moist to very moist, dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; scattered sub- rounded gravel; friable; scattered roots and decomposed organics; Iron oxide staining; massive; homogeneous 3) @ 7.5* Color changes to grayish light brown rounded gravel to fine cobbles Total Depth » 8 Feet No Ground Water Encountered No Caving Backfilled 1/26/87 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c=• CO O•co• SM SM SH v>(Uz ao -a• »— *» 3@ 2' 2]@ 4 Moisture(*)10.2 8.0 >-\ o•a n O 3r*t (A ^-< M-r» X 117.5 (97)* 116.2 (96) GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION North Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N68E ^ iiii— i— i i | - *Number i i i ii i i i in parenthesis indicates iiii * ^iBI i i II V percent rel •>•• .'^x^^ir.*• i 't'\ 'i *>+-•.•.}nrv.;. ative compac ?f:'^p£• r i ' i • i -.1 i .' •.0 j^. . • • • • "ASxl tion. :'-'-J '?-.f\\ I i i:¥./ ' ' . j ; • i i i (III • i <m to1 t I« Iin 1 . ino•— * ^i ^ f0 "S-r*O fin > M M O M- (U ftM Project Name: Phase One/Carlsbad Logged By: RKW Project Number: 8870059-01 Elevation: ±64' TRENCH NO. T_fi Equipment: JD-410 Location: See Geotechnical Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 1/26/87 DESCRIPTION: CD TOPSOIL: Dark brown, damp, medium dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; scattered roots and rootlets, sharp, irregular contact (2) TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orangish medium brown, damp to moist, dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; friable, scattered subrounded gravel, calcium carbonate blebs in upper 2 feet, occasional roots and rootlets, slightly micaceous, iron oxide staining; massi\ J) @ 4' gradational change to orangish light brown with pockets of grayish light brown, silty sand *Number in parentheses indicates percent relative compaction. Total Depth =7.5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered No Caving Backfilled 1/26/87 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt e Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES co o co SM SM SM GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION West Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N8E - IIII » • •» • i i i -i---— i — i — i — 1\ • • « ' i 'i * i ' i ^ $•••«:- • xn® • "I • r ( i •:.[3Jv-^ '• f_._'« — i • i • ' -!'o.V i-*f L2] ZjJ «• c '• l^rW . • 1 1 1 1 0=1* •—•n 7|<a 2 H@ 4 ~2. ""* c n 5.5 4.7 .^^ I | _• 1_ _ •a nn an> </>^_< ,_. rt x 114.4 (95)* 122.4 (100+) _ •i • 4 • o•n io\ 0*-• 1 Project Name: Phase One/Carlsbad Project Number: 8870059-01 Equipment: Logged By: Elevation: RKW ±59'TRENCH NO. T-7 JD-410 GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES Locat ion : See Geptechm'cal Map DATE: 1/26/87 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES co• 0 •co inM Moisture•a «n a *) IA fnM- M rto MM O O AM sD TOPSOIL: Dark brown, moist to very moist, medium dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; occasional rootlets; sharp, undulating lower contact D TERRACE DEPOSITS; Orangish medium brown, moist to very moist, dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; slightly clayey; friable; some iron oxide staining; subrounded gravel; homo- geneous; massive *Number in parentheses indicates percent relative compaction. Total Depth =7.5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered No Caving Backfilled 1/26/87 Topsoil Qt SM 2'10.2 SN 8.4 4.5' 123.1 116.0 (95) GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION West Wall SCALE: 1" = 5'SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N25W o•n Project Name: Project Number: Equipment : GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES Phase One/Carlsbad 8870059-01 JD-410 Logged By: RKW Elevation: ±58'TRENCH NO. Locat ion : See Geotechm'cal Map DATE: 1/26/87 DESCRIPTION: (D TOPSOIL: Dark brown, moist, loose to medium dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; roots and rootlets; occasional sub- rounded to subangular, coarse sand and fine gravel; sharp, irregular lower contact (2) TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orangish medium brown, moist, medium dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; slightly clayey; occasional calcium carbonate blebs (up to 1/8 inch in diameter); occasional subrounded gravel; friable; homogeneous; iron oxide staining; massive (f) @ 8' Mottled orangish medium brown and grayish light brown, very moist, medium dense to dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; some Iron oxide staining; massive T-8 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt Qt CNGINEERING PROPERTIES c (/> o CO SM SM SM GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION West Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: fi . Total Dep No Ground No Caving - Backfill - *Number 1r •H — H —. percent r • h = 8.5'Fee Water Encou 1/26/87 parenthese — 1— 1 — H— elative com itered indicates* — rH — fr- action. • » * » ^"^^ t t ^"» • ^ {2 * • " yji y H- : ^ — * — i. i. •S • o ' * ..-V • •v^,^ .- :l .1 — 1 .1 -i.T- * _* •• • ' V^li1i: ^ J. j }/i —-H — 1 — fr--\ — B> 0 T|@ 2 34.5' -3» O <*~f r» C n 5.1 7.3 *~*\ C3*o tn ar»> M r» 105.3 (87) 121.2 (99) 21w )»~ — \ — 1 — 1 — 1 — • <t 9 1 1 t j 1 m * • I 00 in0 i i OJ *_/ rt H- OQ rt§ OO PrtnM Project Name: Project Number: Equipment : GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES Phase One/Carlsbad 8870059-01 JD-410 Logged By: RKW Elevation: ±59'TRENCH NO.T-9 Location: gee Geotechnical Map DATE: 1/26/87 DESCRIPTION: T) TOPSOIL: Dark brown, moist, loose to medium dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; slightly clayey; scattered roots and rootlets; carbonized organic blebs (up to 1/8 inch in diameter); sharp, irregular lower contact 2) TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orangish medium brown, moist to very moist, dense silty, fine to medium grained sand; slightly clayey; occasional subrounded coarse sand and fine cobble; friable; homogeneous; few carbonized organic blebs (up to 1/16 inch in diameter); Iron oxide staining; massive @ 7' contains pockets of grayish light brown, silty sand *N umber in parentheses indicates percent relative compaction. Total Depth = 7 Feet No Ground Water Encountered No Caving Backfilled 1/26/87 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c co o to SM SM SM to o •§ n T]<a 2' T\& 4.5'Moisture(*)8.8 4.8 ^-N O•a nn a rtX 117.3 (96)* 127.0 (100+) GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION North Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N68E-^ i i I i - 1 4 - I - -4-—441 1 • Rir 'i*T i 'xr.^.M*'- t vr'r L• •_— _rJ • ~— _* 0 "iK^ . ,.'j(Di " v*— ' . ^•Q+z ~ ©- ' • .' . ' ^. '— v^-. • ' r i ''i--*1' ' • ' S ' •'.'• • .— • — . — / HV ••)y '.&S • 7, ,fill. * i i i ii I I I • . o•n § r UD in0 i> i ^~\li ~j^4 «» "§•r»O On SM0O••«• P>rt AM Project Name: Phase One/Carlsbad Logged By: RKW Project Number: 8870059-01 Elevation: ±61' TRENCH NO. '"1U Equipment: JD-410 Location: See Geotechnical Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 1/27/87 DESCRIPTION: (D TOPSOIL: Dark brown, moist to very moist, loose to medium dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; scattered roots and rootlets; few carbonized organic blebs (up to 1/16 inch in diameter); very few subrounded, coarse sand; sharp, irregular lower contact © TERRACE DEPOSITS; Orangish medium brown, moist to very moist, dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; slightly clayey to 5 feet; very few subrounded coarse sand to fine gravel; friable; iron oxide staining; massive; homogeneous *Number in parentheses indicates percent relative compaction. Total Depth = 7 Feet No Ground Mater Encountered No Caving Backfilled 1/27/87 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES f?» •</>• 0 (/) . SM SM w§^ • i—»O T]@ 2' [2]@ 4 ET^* •-«•of v> —• rtC»in 9.4 8.1 •o nn am w•— ' f- r» *< 126.2 (100+) 119.9 (98)* GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION North Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N42E ^- . 1 i iii -I • i | ™ - i i 1 I • ; • ^o: v-:- V — i— 1 -T .«\ 1 > 1 • \. * • 0-~ \ ' • . . .. V .: - V"VJ • • .v^®: *— JSf&^T^*^ '•••,.• : © •/' r •_: • • y • • J'" • i ^' • 4 * • " • * • • o * VsZ"--••yla- • • J m ;\>v~.:ro j-K4u.d/TTS3 ^.,,— 1 — 1— i — 1 —— I — i — t— i — 5 3 1 § i 0 t/1O 1 c. -vl » OQV O On MMO0 r* M Project Name: Phase One/Carl sbad Logged By: RKW Project Number: 8870059-01 Elevation: ±61'TRENCH NO. T~H Equipment: JD-410 Location: See Geotechnical Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 1/27/87 DESCRIPTION: (D TOPSOIL: Dark brown, moist to very moist, loose to medium dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; slightly clayey, occasional roots and rootlets; scattered organics and plastic; sharp, irregular lower contact CD TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orangish medium brown, moist, dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; homogeneous; friable; very few sub- rounded gravel; iron oxide staining; massive Total Depth = 6 Feet No Ground Water Encountered No Caving Backfilled 1/27/87 *Number in parentheses indicates percent relative compaction. GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES CO o v> SM SM GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION North Wall SCALE: 1" = 51 SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N70E • - 1 1 i 1 m - 1 1 1 1i • 1 i « f 1 1 1 m M i' -i •V-'-'-L: n 1 1 1 \T^""T * • » » ~ rtS ' '-i -ci'-^, • • • i * . . •• .^ •• • — — . t. . — . * "T'T ' i* "ir"**"^/ (3 1 i i I i i i iI 1 1 I int> n T]0 3' U@4.5 6s *— s «-"tif *J> v-^ rt C 1n 6.3 8.7 t iii ••^ O•a nn 3 dt M r* X 134.5 (100+ 135.4 (100+ «i 1 1 1 11 II I ' ^ • - * !I < ii.. Project Name: Project Number: Equipment : GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES Phase One/Carlsbad 8870059-01 JD-410 Logged By: RKW Elevation: ±62'TRENCH NO.T-12 Locat ion : See Geotechm'cal Map DATE: 1/27/87 DESCRIPTION: CD TOPSOIL: Medium to dark brown, moist, loose to medium dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; scattered organics ( decom- posed) and plastic; scattered roots and rootlets; sharp, irregular lower contact (?) TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orangish medium brown, moist, dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; few rootlets and roots; very few subrounded coarse sand to fine gravel; friable; homogeneous; Iron oxide staining; massive (f) @ 5' contains Interbeds of light brown, silty, fine to medium grained sand; very friable *Number in parentheses indicates percent relative compaction. Total Depth = 6 Feet No Ground Water Encountered No Caving Backfilled 1/27/87 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES SM SM SM ine> n T|@ 2 J\& 5 Moisture(%)6.2 5.0 •o nn 3t-h (A X 131.4 (100+)* 121.1 (99) GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION North Wall SCALE: 1" = 51 SURFACE SLOPE :0° TREND: N67E ^- - • » P"*^"" " ^\^ m T- >'.'- .' (p * * * • " • ..* • " •rrrr-rrirr^/ 'r~'-~".yx.- ~ ' T"~~* '/ •rt?r :.!_• •// ^^7TJLJ - • " • (i • — 1 — 1 — r~ j . i • . o•n tnO i i Cl (ftH- •5-c*O M 00»-*•p>rt M Project Name: Project Number: Equipment : GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES Phase One/Carlsbad 8870059-01 JD-410 Logged By: RKW Elevation: ±72'TRENCH NO. T-13 Locat ion : See Geotechm'cal Map DATE: 1/27/87 DESCRIPTION: (T) TOPSOIL: Dark brown, moist to very moist, loose to medium dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; scattered roots and rootlets; occasional carbonized organics; sharp, irregular lower contact (?) TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orangish medium brown, moist to very moist, dense silty, fine to medium grained sand; occasional rootlets; very few subrounded coarse sand to fine gravel; scattered carbonized organics (up to 1/8 Inch in diameter); homo- geneous; friable; iron oxide staining; massive *Number in parentheses indicates percent relative compaction. Total Depth =6.5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered No Caving Backfilled 1/27/87 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES <= co o co SM SM GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION North Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N68E » i i i i•-»— t— i | m • • i i i i' .' .1 1 »i i iill - . L--V' '^J. •_!.-: * — J • • '"TV."\ . o .t . . ^ .. • «V". . ' ,liT • ' -*-» .»— fc ' "**T*.- '•. -T I-'©' ' \£"'-°<'7 to2: ao -o n T|@ 3'Moisture(%)9.7 8.3 /-^ o•o <*n a M> </>^^ »•*• 131.2 (100+ 125.7 (100+ i i • •i i • * § o•n §*• —ti CO t/1o •— *1 1 01 3 fnK-sr»O On ff Min n r»nM Project Name: Phase One/Carl sbad Logged By: RKW Project Number: 8870059-01 Elevation: ±$8' TRENCH NO. T-14 Equipment: JD-410 Location: See GeQtechnlcal Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 1/27/87 DESCRIPTION: (T) TOPSOIL: Dark brown, moist, medium dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; rootlets and roots up to 1-1/2 inches in diameter); scattered, carbonized organics and plastic; sharp, irregular lower contact (2) TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orangish medium brown, moist, dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; contains roots (up to 1/4 inch in diameter); homogeneous; friable; occasional subrounded coarse sand to fine gravel; massive @ 6' interbeds of light brown, silty sand *Number in parentheses Indicates percent relative compaction. Total Depth = 7 Feet No Ground Water Encountered No Caving Backfilled 1/27/87 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c. o CO SM SM | SM (/> n D@3.5 U@7' cf^— > H" Of VIv— ' r*C•in 7.0 5.1 <-N O•o nn a rt ** 132.9 (100+ 111. (92) GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION West Wall SCALE: 1" » 51 SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N24W ^~ • • IIII - - 1 1 i 1• • • i i ii i iiiii « * • |T~; — • •'* Vr— r®' V^"- V * ' *x- — ft,: ••JT*| rr f ;^-..-^^ • • * ' (?) ' ' "*" •~~~- ' TC-j, ' •" '•^ — -Li^^ ° * * ' . • nr•.— • • ^JLL ' f i ' i ^ r L£S • » » iiiii I ii - * oti i §•*ii— »*>. in O i i 0. -4 A H* &r»O9 £0 2T VI 0H- Pr* Project Name: Phase One/Carlsbad Logged By: RKW Project Number: 8870059-01 Elevation: ±71' TRENCH NO. T-15 Equipment: JD-410 Location: See Geotechnical Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 1/27/87 DESCRIPTION: (D TOPSOIL: Dark brown, moist, loose to medium dense, silty, fine to medium grained sand; scattered subrounded coarse sand to gravel; broken shell fragments; roots and rootlets (up to 2-1/2 inches in diameter); sharp, irregular lower contact (2) TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orangish to reddish brown, moist to very moist, medium dense silty, fine to medium grained sand; scattered sub- rounded corase sand to gravel; roots and rootlets; decomposed organics; massive & 5' contains interbeds of light brown silty sand; 4-inch diameter root Total Depth = 6 Feet No Ground Water Encountered No Caving Backfilled 1/27/87 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES cr CO o CO SM SM SM GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION West Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND : N25W - - l i i i•— f- r i I • *Number i i i i in parenthes l i i es indicate* • l-J ""'• ' \ o -— 1 "' x .' . •\ L \- percent re v.yvh i i. i i ®* *'5i i/THl^ ative compa 0 . • • "* — ^ • • • ^II 1 1.1 1 . ' 1 •. ' 0 :tion. * —•->/^FT-Ti in i,. 1 L±J 1? 1 CO 0 T]@ 2 2]@4.5 6**—\ t->-<it> 'j> *-* rt C •1n 8.3 7.2 -^-^ n n H) I/I rt X 130.1 (100+) 128.1 (100+ l 1 1 1 • * R 0•n 2 ic9 § H1 ft 4930489-05 APPENDIX B (continued) LOGS BY GEOTECHNICS OF TEST PITS EXCAVATED DURING THEIR CARLSBAD RACNH INVESTIGATION (Geotechnics, 1992) TP-16 TD7' (16 trenches) B-9 TEST PIT NO. 1 Logged by: WLV Date: 10/16/92 Method of Excavation: Backhoe(JDSlO) Elevation: 138' DEPTH 1ft. 2ft. 3ft. 4ft. 5ft. 6ft. 7ft. 8ft. 9ft. 10ft. DESCRIPTION Fill: Silty sand (SM), medium grained, 20% non-plastic silt, dark brown, moist, very scattered plastic netting and sheets, weakly cemented 6~' of clay (CH), highly plastic, reddfsh gray, very mbisC firm, old 'C' horizon" dense Qln: Sandy clay and clayey sand (CL.SC), 20%-80% fine to medium grained sand, 20%-80% medium plastic clay, dark red sand, medium gray clay, moist, hard to dense; sand is mottled with clay Bulk Sample from 3'-6' Total Depth 6' No Water, No Caving Backfilled 9/26/92 • TEST PIT NO. 2 Logged by: WLV Date: Method of Excavation: Backhoe (JD 510) Elevation: DEPTH 1ft. 2ft. 3ft. 4ft. 5ft. 6ft. 7ft. 8ft 9ft. 10ft 10/16/92 168' DESCRIPTION Topsoll: Silty sand (SM), medium grained, 15% non-plastic silt, dark brown, moist, very dense weakly cemented Grades to Qln: Silty sand (SM), fine to medium grained, 1 5% non-plastic silt, dark reddish brown, moist, very dense, indistinct lenses and vertical zones of pale yellow, clean sand Bulk Sample 0'-6' Total Depth 6' No Water, No Caving Backfilled 9/26/92 PROJECT NO. 0054-001-00 LOG OF EXPLORATION TEST PIT FIGURE:B-1 TEST PIT NO. 3 Logged by: WLV Date: 10/16/92 Method of Excavation: Backhoe(J05iO) Elevation: 1 63' DEPTH 1ft. 2ft. 3ft. 4ft. 5ft. 6ft. 7ft. 8ft. 9ft. 10ft. DESCRIPTION Topsoil: Poorly graded sand (SP), fine to medium grained, non-plastic, dark brown, damp, very dense, weakly cemented din: Poorly graded sand (SP), fine to medium grained, trace of plastic clay, dark red brown, moist, very dense Total Depth 8' No Water, No Caving Backfilled 9/26/92 TEST PIT NO. 4 Logged by: WLV Date: Method of Excavation: Backhoe (JO 510) Elevation: DEPTH 1ft. 2ft. 3ft. 4ft. 5ft. 6ft. 7ft. 8ft. 9ft. 10ft 10/16/92 165' DESCRIPTION Topsoil: Silty sand (SM) fine grained, 15% non-plastic silt, damp, very dense, weakly cemented Qln: Poorly graded sand (SP), trace of plastic clay, medium red brown, very moist, dense; red sand is mottled with pale yellow .fine grained, clean sand, minor indistinct horizontal lamanae very Total Depth 8' No Water, No Caving Backfilled 9/26/92 PROJECT NO. 0054-001-oo LOG OF EXPLORATION TEST PIT FIGURE: B-2 TEST PIT NO. 5 Logged by: WLV Date: Method of Excavation: Backhoe (JD 510) Elevation: DEPTH 1ft. 2ft. 3ft. 4ft. 5ft. 6ft. 7ft. 8ft. 9ft. 10ft. 10/16/92 127' DESCRIPTION Topsoll: Silty sand (SM), fine grained, 20% non-plastic silt, brown, dry, very dense, weakly cemented Clay (CH), plastic, bTownfsh'gFay, moist, firm Gradational Contact Tsa: Sandy clay (CH), 20% medium grained sand, plastic, brownish gray, moist, firm At 6' grades to clayey sand (SC), medium grained, 20% plastic clay, brownish wet, dense; seepage in sand Bulk Samples at 3' and 4'-7' Total Depth 7* Seepage at 6', No Caving Backfilled 9/26/92 gray TEST PIT NO.6 Logged by: WLV Date: Method of Excavation: Backhoe (josio) Elevation: DEPTH 1ft. 2ft. 3ft. 4ft. 5ft. 6ft. 7ft. 8ft. 9ft. 10ft. 10/16/92 116' DESCRIPTION Topsoil: Clayey sand (SC), fine grained, 20% plastic clay, dark brown, dry, loose Tsa: Clayey sand (SC), medium grained, 20% plastic clay, grayish yellow, very moist, dense-very dense, massive Bulk Samples at 1 '-5' Total Depth 5' No Water, No Caving Backfilled 9/26/92 PROJECT NO. 0054-001-00 LOG OF EXPLORATION TEST PIT FIGURE:B-3 TEST PIT NO. 7 Logged by: WLV Date: Method of Excavation: Backhoe (JD 51 o) Elevation: DEPTH 1ft. 2ft. 3ft. 4ft. 5ft. 6ft. 7ft. 8ft. 9ft. 10ft. 10/16/92 109' DESCRIPTION Topsoll: Clayey sand (SC), fine grained, 20% plastic clay, dark brown, dry, loose Tsa: Clayey sandstone (SC), medium grained, 20% plastic clay, yellow gray, moist very dense, moderately cemented; discontinuous lenses of gray clay (CH) with brittle fracture at 2* spacing Total Depth 6' No Water, No Caving Backfilled 9/26/92 TEST PIT NO. 8 Logged by: WLV Date: Method of Excavation: Backhoe (JD 510) Elevation: DEPTH 1ft. 2ft. 3ft. 4ft. 5ft. 6ft. 7ft. 8ft. 9ft. 10ft. 10/16/92 143* DESCRIPTION Topsoil: Silty sand (SM), fine grained, 20% non-plastic silt, dark brown, damp, very dense weakly cemented Qal: Clayey sand (SC), fine to medium grained, 10% plastic clay, dark red brown, moist dense Total Depth 5' No Water, No Caving Backfilled 9/26/92 PROJECT NO. 0054-001-00 LOG OF EXPLORATION TEST PIT FIGURE:B-4 TEST PIT NO. 9 Logged by: WLV Method of Excavation: Backhoe (JD 510) DEPTH 1ft. 2ft. 3ft. 4ft. 5ft. 6ft. 7ft. 8ft. 9ft. 10ft. Date: 10/1 6/92 Elevation: 155* DESCRIPTION topsoll: Silty sand (SM), fine grained, 20% non-plastic silt, dark brown, weakly cemented damp, very dense Qln: Clayey sand (SC), fine to medium grained, 20% plastic clay, dark red brown, very moist, dense, friable to 5' At 6* becomes very dense Total Depth 6' No Water, No Caving Backfilled 9/26/92 TEST PIT NO. 10 Logged by: WLV Method of Excavation: Backhoe (JD 510) DEPTH 1ft. 2ft. 3ft. 4ft. 5ft. 6ft. 7ft. 8ft 9ft. 10ft. Date: 10/1 6/92 Elevation: 143' DESCRIPTION Topsoil: Silty sand (SM), fine grained, 15% non-plastic silt, dark brown, weakly cemented damp, very dense Qal: Clayey sand (SC), fine to medium grained, 5%-10% plastic clay, dark red brown, very moist, dense, scattered black manganese nodules Total Depth 6' No Water, No Caving Backfilled 9/26/92 PROJECT NO. 0054-001-00 LOG OF EXPLORATION TEST PIT FIGURE: B-5 TEST PIT NO. 11 Logged by: WLV Method of Excavation: Backhoe (JD 510) DEPTH 1ft. 2ft. 3ft. 4ft. 5ft. 6ft. 7ft. 8ft. 9ft. 10ft. Date: 10/15/92 Elevation: 176' DESCRIPTION Topsoll: Silty sand (SM), fine grained, 15% non-plastic silt, dark brown, damp, very dense weakly cemented Qln: slightly clayey sand (SC), fine-medium grained, 5% plastic clay, moist, dense to very dense dark red brown, very Total Depth 5' No Water, No Caving Backfilled 9/26/92 TEST PIT NO. 12 Logged by: WLV Method of Excavation: Backhoe (JD 51 0) DEPTH 1ft. 2ft. 3ft. 4ft. 5ft. 6ft. 7ft. 8ft. 9ft. 10ft. Date: 10/16/92 Elevation: 143' DESCRIPTION Topsoll: Silty sand (SM), fine grained 20% non-plastic silt, trace of plastic clay, dark brown dry, dense, weakly cemented Qal: Clayey sand (SC) fine-medium grained sand, 30% plastic clay, moist, very stiff, scattered black manganese nodules Bulk Sample from 3'-6* Total Depth 5' No Water, No Caving Backfilled 9/26/92 dark red brown, PROJECT NO. 0054-001-00 LOG OF EXPLORATION TEST PIT FIGURE: B-6 TESTPI1 NO. 13 Logged by: WLV Method of Excavation: Backhoe (JD 510) DEPTH 1ft. 2ft. 3ft. 4ft. 5ft. 6ft. 7ft. 8ft. 9ft. 10ft. Date: 10/16/92 Elevation: lev DESCRIPTION Topsoll: Silty sand (SM), fine grained 10% non-plastic silt, trace of dry, dense, weakly cemented at 2* becomes moist-very moist, red brown Gradational Contact Qln: clayey sand (SC), fine-medium grained, 10% plastic clay, moist, dense plastic clay, dark brown dark red brown, very, Total Depth 5' No Water, No Caving Backfilled 9/26/92 TEST PIT NO. 14 Logged by: WLV Method of Excavation: Backhoe (JO 510) DEPTH 1ft. 2ft. 3ft. 4ft. 5ft. 6ft. 7ft. 8ft. 9ft. 10ft. Date: 10/16/92 Elevation: 160' DESCRIPTION Topsoll: Silty sand (SM), fine grained 15% non-plastic silt, dark brown, dry, dense, weakly cemented Qln: Clayey sand (SC), fine-medium grained, 20% plastic clay, dark red brown, very moist, dense, friable. Total Depth 5' No Water, No Caving Backfilled 9/26/92 PROJECT NO. 0054-001-00 LOG OF EXPLORATION TESTPIT FIGURE: B-7 TEST PIT NO. 15 Logged by: WLV Date: 10/15/92 Method of Excavation: Backhoe (JD 510) Elevation: 180' DEPTH 1ft. 2ft. 3ft. 4ft. 5ft. 6ft. 7ft. 8ft. 9ft. 10ft. DESCRIPTION Topsoll: Silty sand (SM), fine grained 15% non-plastic silt, dark brown, dry, dense, weakly cemented Gin: Clayey sand (SC), fine-medium grained, 1 5% plastic clay, dark red brown, very moist, dense to very dense (with depth), caliche veins, vertical zones of clean sand Total Depth 6' No Water, No Caving Backfilled 9/26/92 TEST PIT NO. 16 Logged by: WLV Date: 10/1 6/92 Method of Excavation: Backhoe (JD 51 0) Elevation: 152' DEPTH 1ft. 2ft. 3ft. 4ft. 5ft. 6ft. 7ft. 8ft. 9ft. 10ft. DESCRIPTION Fill: Silty sand (SM) fine grained 1 0%-1 5% non-plastic silt, dark brown, moist, very dense, locally weakly cemented, scattered plastic sheet scraps Qln: Slightly clayey sand (SC) fine-medium grained, 1 5% plastic clay, dark red brown, mist-very moist, dense with very dense zones. Total Depth T No Water, No Caving Backfilled 9/26/92 PROJECT NO. 0054-001 -oo LOG OF EXPLORATION TEST PIT FIGURE: e-a APPENDIX C 4930489-05 APPENDIX C Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results Moisture and Density Determinations Tests: Moisture content and dry density determinations were performed on relatively undisturbed samples obtained from the test borings and/or trenches. The results of these tests are presented in the boring and/or trench logs. Where applicable, only moisture content was determined from "undisturbed" or disturbed samples. Classification or Grain Size Tests: Typical materials were subjected to mechanical grain-size analysis by sieving from U.S. Standard brass screens (ASTM Test Method D422). Hydrometer analyses were performed where appreciable quantities of fines were encountered. The data was evaluated in determining the classification of the materials. The grain-size distribution curves are presented in the test data and the Unified Soil Classification (USCS) is presented in both the test data and the boring and/or trench logs. Atterberg Limits: The Atterberg Limits were determined in accordance with ASTM Test Method D423 for engineering classification of the fine-grained materials and are presented in the table below.. Sample Symbol €5 Sample Location B-l #4 @ 26' Liquid Limit (%) 68.0 Plastic Limit (%) 40.9 Plastic Index (%) 27.1 USCS Soil Classification MH Direct Shear Tests: Direct shear tests were performed on selected remolded and/or undisturbed samples which were soaked for a minimum of 24 hours under a surcharge equal to the applied normal force during testing. After transfer of the sample to the shear box, and reloading the sample, pore pressures set up in the sample due to the transfer were allowed to dissipate for a period of approximately 1 hour prior to application of shearing force. The samples were tested under various normal loads with a motor-driven, strain-controlled, direct-shear testing apparatus at a strain rate of less than 0.001 to 0.5 inches per minute (depending upon the soil type). The test results are presented in the test data and summarized below: Sample Symbol « ® K Ke,<•t€*&e Sample Location B-2 #1 @ 20' B-4 #1 @ 10' T-2 #1 @ 2' T-6 #1 @ 1* B-l #2 @ 11' B-2 #3 @ 18.5' B-3 #2 @ 15' B-5 #2 @ 25' Type of Sample Undisturbed Undisturbed Remolded Remolded Undisturbed Undisturbed Undisturbed Undisturbed Friction Angle (degrees) 48 27 42 33 29 20 28 15 Apparent Cohesion (psf) 1,400 150 60 100 350 1,040 160 640 C-l 4930489-05 APPENDIX C (continued) Maximum Density Tests: The maximum diy density and optimum moisture content of typical materials were determined in accordance with ASTM D1557-91 (five layers). The results of these tests are presented in the test data. Sample Symbol 9 ^K K K (S3 IS) ISI Sample Location B-l #1 @ 13'-14' B-4 #1 @ lO'-ll' T-2 #1 @ 2' T-3 #2 @ 3' T-6 #1 @ 1' T-2 #1 @ 1.5'-3' T-5 #1 @ 2'-T T-6 #1 @ 4'-7' Sample Description Gray silty to clayey sand Dark brown clayey sand Terrace Deposits (silty sand) Colluvium (silty sand with clay) Topsoil (silty sand) Medium brown sandy clay Orange-brown silty sand Orange-brown silty sand Maximum Dry Density (pcf) 128.0 125.0 1243 127.0 133.0 117.0 121.0 122.0 Optimum Moisture Content (%) 9.0 9.5 8.5 10.0 9.0 13.0 11.0 12.0 Expansion Index Tests: The expansion potential of selected materials was evaluated by the Expansion Index Test, U.B.C. Standard No. 29-2. Specimens are molded under a given compactive energy to approximately the optimum moisture content and approximately 50 percent saturation or approximately 90 percent relative compaction. The prepared 1-inch thick by 4-inch diameter specimens are loaded to an equivalent 144 psf surcharge and are inundated with tap water until volumetric equilibrium is reached. The results of these tests are presented in the table below: Sample Symbol 0 S3 S3 S3 © © •§• • Sample Location B-4 #1 @ lO'-ll' T-3 #2 @ y T-8 #1 @ 3' T-19 #1 @ 5' T-l #1 @ 0'-3' T-2 #1 @ l-5'-3' TP-5 # 1 @ 3' TP-6 #1 @ 4' TP-12 #1 @ 2'-6' Sample Description Clayey sand Colluvium Topsoil Silty sand Slightly silty sand Sandy Clay Clay Clayey Sand Medium Sand Compacted Dry Density (pcf) 115.2 106.6 113.8 120.6 125.1 1133 N/A N/A N/A Expansion Index 35 0 0 0 0 98 127 15 12 Expansion Potential Low Very Low Very Low Very Low Very Low High High Very Low Very Low C-2 4930489-05 Consolidation Tests: Consolidation tests were performed on selected, relatively undisturbed ring samples. Samples were placed in a consolidometer and loads were applied in geometric progression. The percent consolidation for each load cycle was recorded as the ratio of the amount of vertical compression to the original 1-inch height The consolidation pressure curves are presented in the test data. Soluble Sulfates: The soluble sulfate contents of selected samples were determined by standard geochemical methods. The test results are presented in the table below: Sample Symbol K ^B K X i^ee Sample Location T-10 #\ @ 0.5' T-13 #1 @ 1' T-20 #1 @ 0' T-28 #1 @ 0.5' T-l #1 @ l'-3' T-5 #1 @ 2'-7' B-3 #1 @ 10' B-5 #1 @ 20' Sulfate Content (%) 0.024 less than 0.015 less than 0.015 less than 0.015 less than 0.015 less than 0.015 less than 0.015 less than 0.015 Potential Degree of Sulfate Attack* Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Based on the 1991 editions of the Uniform Building Code, Table No. 26-A-3, prepared by the International Conference of Buidling Officials (ICBO, 1991). Minimum Resistivity and pH Tests: Minimum resisitivity and pH tests were performed in general accordance with California Test Method 643. The results are presented in tbe table below: Sample Symbol K ^j K K] IX IX 6 $ & & Sample Location T-l #1 @ 1' T-13 #1 @ 1' T-20 #1 @ 0' T-28 #1 @ 0.5' T-l #1 @ l'-3' T-5#l@2'-7' B-3 #1 @ 10' B-5 #1 @ 20' PH 6.9 7.4 6.6 6.5 7.5 6.3 8.1 7.5 Minimum Resistivity (ohms-cm) 2,900 5,000 5,800 8,900 53,000 53,000 26,700 33,400 C-3 5000 4000 3000 CO10LU O) ui 2000 1000 0 500 1000 1500 NORMAL STRESS (psf) 2000 2500 Boring Symbol Boring No. Sample No. Type of Sample B-2 Depth (ft) Soil Type Undisturbed 20.0 SM Friction Angle (deg.) Cohesion (psf) 48 1400 DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS Project No.4930489-03 Project Name Carlsbad Ranch. Phase II Date 3/15/94 Figure No. _1 LJIJ 2500 2000 1500 U) S0) LJ 1000 W 500 500 1000 1500 NORMAL STRESS (psf) 2000 2500 Boring Symbol Boring No. Sample No. Type of Sample B-4 Depth (ft) Soil Type Remolded 10.0 SC Friction Angle (deg.) Cohesion (psf) 27 150 DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS Project NO.4930489-03 Project Name Carlsbad Ranch. Phase II Date 3/15/94 Figure No. _2 ULJ 2500 2000 1500 S3Of CO 1000 500 500 1000 1500 NORMAL STRESS Cpsf) 2000 2500 Trench Symbol Boring No. Sample No. Type of Sample T-2 Depth (ft) Soil Type Remolded 2.0 SM Friction Angle (deg.) Cohesion (psf) 42 60 DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS Project No. . Project Name. 4930489-01 Cartes/Carlsbad Date 7/21/93 Figure No. 3 _JU 2500 2000 /^ £1500 vx CO QL UJ 1000 500 0 / / * / / / / ) 500 1000 1500 2000 NORMAL STRESS (psf) Trench Sym Boring No. Sample No. Type of Samp F C t>ol S T-6 1 JP J 'riction Angle (de Cohesion (psf) DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS Depth (ft) Soil Type Remolded 1.0 SM *g) 33 97 Pr Pi D) ojectNo. 4930489-01 oject Name Carltas/Carlsbad ite 7/21/93 Figure No. 4 2500 n1 I JL 4000 g 8HIQC tooc CO 3000 2000 1000 1000 2000 300O NORMAL STRESS (PSF) 4000 5000 Boring Symbol DESCRIPTION Jndlsturbed Undisturbed SYMBOL • • BORING NUMBER B-l B-2 SAMPLE NUMBER 2 3 DEPTH (FEET) 10.5' - 11' 18' - 18.5' COHESION (PSF) 350 1,040 FRICTION ANGLE 29 20 SOIL TYPE SM SM Proj.et No. 8870059-01 DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS Figure No 5. 3000- 5«OO. o> 3rwn_EAR STRESS.1 iS I-w iono _ 500 - < Boring S Sample SotlOescript Type of Sam Loading Ratt ^ ^^^-^ - — " ^^s^ s^ ion- Fine Sands pfc: D Remolded to 1 Relative Compact** (XJUndtoturbed : 0-005 ^^ 1 11 1 ^-*"4-^i T ^X 1 ^" T 500 10 u« Location Symbol B« g| •*• ^\ ^s' ^t t i ••J ^»^~ "•-" ^^ ^^ ^ ^^^\V ^s^ ^^^f^ r \ i X) 1500 2000 2500 3000 NORMAL STRESS. psf Average isture Contents »fore After Friction Angle Cohesion Remarks B-3 #2@ 15' • 7.4 N/A 28° B-5 #2@ 25' ej 28.3 N/A 19° DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS Project No. Project Nan leopsf 640psf 8891551-01 M Carltas/Carlsbad Figure No. 6 fi !3016 1088 0. ~ -3.0 o ~2-° z * -1.0 UJ | 1.0 u £ 2.0 UJ Q. 2 3.0 C/) u. 0 4.0 i-z UJo 5.0 UJQ. z 6.0O 5! 7.0 8 8 ao 9.0 10.0 O FIELD • SATUR — — LOADI — REBOU STRESS IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 05 O.I 0.5 0 5:0 IQ.O 50.0 ._. ._._. •- — — .... ... -— — . — ' 1 - 1 j 1 _!_.,_ - 1 . ' !' ! 1 . ji _....., " 1— t 1 f- I X.L-u• IJ.....I .I ' ! I . . ... 1... ,.M I , T * i "I :""'"1 ' ' i j j 1 __.,._ . .._;!„.. _;...._].... . ...i..... ~H— ••-• i |i " !"T~ [ i ,i i j i j | I _i .._ • •i • i . • ' 1 • ... 1 ..... . . , .. t' 1 • : v_7-p*-« 1" PT- — • 1- • • I-"1 . |.. .:.... (_. i.,_ v,/^((_^ . . . j j -4-— >tSir "t" I | ! j- ...^ .....I.J..... NUj-.i^ ^"YV. : i . _.^tK^j. ... j ..- r\jLr~•; "• ;^KS -.4-4 -i , I ~-i . . .; . t t- 4 • . Sv , X • < — . .... , " T ] i ! rr-k )---..- ,>-[-- - i i ' ' : ! ' ' N^ ' '',''• . ' J j • : L • ' . v. ; i 1 1 1 — J ' • " i 1 i ; -4 ' - 4- \ \> — ! i•• i, 1n i I ~T .:::":'1_.. — ^ \ J. . 1. ! . J i ! L . >v ! " I" I i i \L •-1 ' ' ' ' j ' A_ L ' : i \i i ! it;,. . . • ;>xr1 • • ! "•• i i -: i i i : "•'•• ' i i U. -4- ; —_ •4~ h^ --J..-H 1 1 -^ r .j" 1 i•n-i Boring S MOISTURE ATED NG NO — -f ; : 1 • ... - — -Hd K-H-- --Mti •i ' i -—ri — r ' 4-'-f— t— ' \ j | ' 1 :i rT"i ~ ~ " •' ' ' '""," *"' iI ! i.. .- 1 1 j < ( "~1~ il'"""I ±i r — l-.-i-4 -£ '1 4::.: :"i ' "cr^^t^ i 1 ' 1~ <-•-*••1 -i. L_L ;i i i" ]" "• r ~* > U ; -L ' -4\L • L ' q.". 1 T"" ~~T IZ1Z i J-- , T— ... . i.........!-!...: ji i i i 1 — r-x \ «; ! t r ~! 1 _j ! 1 — ' I| ; )- . • - . . . i.. , . .. J _ .... t ...... .... , L. J. i i J_i . 1I_4 i TT i ""•"t . 1 :-j~ .-- 1 ' ymbol | ~ i ! i -4 •• ! i : i -4-j "tj > "*" * *~ T ;. / . . i .. I | I ! ,i i . : : ,| , ; . i jI" °~t """ — *---^--j--4.-- ....{..., 1....;.. '-I ::::!:.:: :.:.:::::l;:::df f , -1 : • —T - i j... .. _i... 1 ^ +. ........ N, \ -* .. < • t 1 t 1 ....,.-. i— T~ "••i"" ....| — ••••i — , ......... ' 1 J • J* ....,..!...... 1 I ;.... p... *_.. -4--i ..-J...J I t .._.. — K-.. .— .._. .._. •--..]—• ,-_ --- ....U. 1 ...4- 1i ,:: "i ...-.- .-_- ..._- ..... ....- .....::.:": "T"" BORING NO.: B-8 SAMPLE NO.: DEPTH (FT) : SOIL TYPE : ( i 5' :L/SC LEGHTON ind ASSOCIATESI[K]MA Project No, ^j^^ CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Figure No. 7.. * * * * * * * t i • * * 4 U.S. Standard Si«»« Opening in Inch** 6 43 3 IK 1 M X34 •0 70 "• AMj tO >• • so I *°& O *t\» 30 20 to Q 1 1 MO 00 CotoblM 1 I 1 ' M 10 U.S. Standard Sl«v« NumtMri Hydrometer 3 A. * BI0 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 300 „ T M/ • "Vi , 1 1 J^ _ \ \ \\ 1 1 Sw S... t ' i as atGrain Sit* In Millimclwi C..v^ 1 Send Coart* 1 Fin* 1 Coarta 1 Medium I Fin* O.OS 0.01 • 0 0 30 c .0 f >. • M S U so i° 05•. 70 .' t «AA 0.009 0.001 Silt or Clay EXPLORATION NUMBER TP^l ELEVATION OR DEPTH 2-6* PLOT SYMBO 0 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION sc ^m SAMPLETrench Symbnl ^" DESCRIPTION Clayey sand PLASTICITY LI.PI PI GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED | PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS | PROJECT NO. Q054-001-°p FIGURE 8 __J * i * * * U.S. Sl«nd*'d S'«»« Opening in Inch** U.S. Standard Si«v« Numbers Hydrometer « 43 7 1H 1 H K 3/13^6 A1014 1fl 20 30 *° M 70 100140 300 n100 •0 70 X • *fii »o> * Mi so& 3 40k 20 0 1 ! MO 100 Cobbtat 1 1 1 T SO 10 C»<Ml Coi'M 1 fit \ r ~r W ^rh '^i. F 1 \ ^- -X- l \ v-C\ >l • • 1 0.6 0.1Coin Si<* In Millimclcrt S»od M COMM 1 Medium 1 Fine o.os aoi • 0 0 30 c 40 | >• so S: 50 5u 5 K. 10 1 AA O.OOS 0.001 Sill or CUy EXPLORATION NUMBER TP^12 ELEVATION OR DEPTH 2-6 « PLOT SYMBO O UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SC ^ jf§ SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Clavev sand GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED | PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS PLASTICITY LL PL PI PROJECT NO. 0054^001-|)0 FIGURE 9 | i, f# » i I a Hi i 4 t 4 i t i t I i t » t < too •0 70 • «n3 CO»• S sa — "**ik 3 40k 20 1A Q U.S. Slenderd S«e»e Opining in Inchei 6 43 a IX IK H3/8 1 1 1 T 1 * vn too so Cobbiet U.S. Sumtard $!•«• Number* Hydrometer 346 BI0 14 IS 20 30 40 50 70 100140 700 i w • 1QP- rr i - - \ i }1\\\/*V. 1 \\\ 1 1 V Q * 1 O.ft 0.1Grein Site In Millimeter* Gr.rtl 1 S«nd Co«'M 1 Fin* 1 CO»M 1 M.dlum 1 Pin. 0.05 0,01 •- 0 0 30 **£«0 !>. » ? o so iBO • £ <L 10 «rwt aoos 0.001 Sill o' Cl»y EXPLORATION NUMBER TP-Z ELEVATION OR DEPTH 0-61 PLOT SYMBO 0 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SC u o ^ , Hi SAMPLET rAfif*n Kvmnrkl •••• DESCRIPTION Clayey sand • PLASTICITY LL PL PI GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED [ PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS [ PROJECT NO. 0054-0oi-c|o FIGURE 10 J APPENDIX D 4930489-05 APPENDIX D General Earthwork and Grading Specifications 1.0 General Intent These specifications are presented as general procedures and recommendations for grading and earthwork to be utilized in conjunction with the approved grading plans. These general earthwork and grading specifications are a part of the recommendations contained in the geotechnical report and shall be superseded by the recommendations in the geotechnical report in the case of conflict. Evaluations performed by the consultant during the course of grading may result in new recommendations which could supersede these specifications or the recommendations of the geotechnical report. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to read and understand these specifications as weU as the geotechnical report and approved grading plans. 2.0 Earthwork Observation and Testing Prior to the commencement of grading, a qualified geotechnical consultant should be employed for the purpose of observing earthwork procedures and testing the fills for confonnance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report and these specifications. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to assist the consultant and keep him apprised of work schedules and changes, at least 24 hours in advance, so that he may schedule his personnel accordingly. No grading operations should be performed without the knowledge of the geotechnical consultant The contractor shall not assume that the geotechnical consultant is aware of all grading operations. It shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor to provide adequate equipment and methods to accomplish the work in accordance with applicable grading codes and agency ordinances, recommendations in the geotechnical report and the approved grading plans not withstanding the testing and observation of the geotechnical consultant If, in the opinion of the consultant, unsatisfactory conditions, such as unsuitable soil, poor moisture condition, inadequate compaction, adverse weather, etc., are resulting in a quality of work less than recommended in the opinion of the consultant, unsatisfactory conditions, such as unsuitable soil, poor moisture condition, inadequate compaction, adverse weather, etc., are resulting in a quality of work less than recommended in the geotechnical report and the specifications, the consultant will be empowered to reject the work and recommend that construction be stopped until the conditions are rectified. Maximum dry density tests used to evaluate the degree of compaction should be performed in general accordance with the latest version of the American Society for Testing and Materials test Method ASTM D1557. 3.0 Preparation of Areas to be Filled 3.1 Clearing and Grubbing: Sufficient brush, vegetation, roots, and all other deleterious material should be removed or properly disposed of in a method acceptable to the owner, design engineer, governing agencies, and the geotechnical consultant D-l 4930489-05 General Earthwork and Grading Specifications (Cont'd.) The geotechnical consultant should evaluate the extent of these removals depending on specific site conditions. In general, no more than 1 percent (by volume) of the fill material should consist of these materials and nesting of these materials should not be allowed. 3.2 Processing: The existing ground which has been evaluated by the geotechnical consultant to be satisfactory for support of fill, should be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches. Existing ground which is not satisfactory should be overexcavated as specified in the following section. Scarification should continue until the soils are broken down and free of large clay lumps or clods and until the working surface is reasonably uniform, flat, and free of uneven features which would inhibit uniform compaction. 3.3 Overexcavation: Soft, dry, organic-rich, spongy, highly fractured, or otherwise unsuitable ground, extending to such a depth that surface processing cannot adequately improve the condition, should be overexcavated down to competent ground, as evaluated by the geotechnical consultant For purposes of determining quantities of materials overexcavated, a licensed land surveyor/civil engineer should be utilized. 3.4 Moisture Conditioning: Overexcavated and processed soils should be watered, dried- back, blended, and/or mixed, as necessary to attain a uniform moisture content near optimum. 3.5 Recompaction: Overexcavated and processed soils which have been properly mixed, screened of deleterious material, and moisture-conditioned should be recompacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent or as otherwise recommended by the geotechnical consultant. 3.6 Benching: Where fills are to be placed on ground with slopes steeper than 5:1 (horizontal to vertical), the ground should be stepped or benched. The lowest bench should be a minimum of 15 feet wide, at least 2 feet into competent material as evaluated by the geotechnical consultant Other benches should be excavated into competent material as evaluated by the geotechnical consultant Ground sloping flatter than 5:1 should be benched or otherwise overexcavated when recommended by the geotechnical consultant 3.7 Evaluation of Fill Areas: All areas to receive fill, including processed areas, removal areas, and toe-of-fill benches, should be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant prior to fill placement 4.0 Fill Material 4.1 General: Material to be placed as fill should be sufficiently free of organic matter and other deleterious substances, and should be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant prior to placement Soils of poor gradation, expansion, or strength characteristics should be placed as recommended by the geotechnical consultant or mixed with other soils to achieve satisfactory fill material. D-2 4930489-05 General Earthwork and Grading Specifications (Cont'd.) 4.2 Oversize: Oversize material, defined as rock or other irreducible material with a maximum dimension greater than 6 inches, should not be buried or placed in fills, unless the location, materials, and disposal methods are specifically recommended by the geotechnical consultant. Oversize disposal operations should be such that nesting of oversize material does not occur, and such that the oversize material is completely surrounded by compacted or densified fill. Oversize materials should not be placed within 10 feet vertically of finish grade, within 2 feet of future utilities or underground construction, or within 15 feet horizontally of slope faces, in accordance with the attached detail. 4.3 Import: If importing of fill material is required for grading, the import material should meet the requirements of Section 4.1. Sufficient time should be given to allow the geotechnical consultant to observe (and test, if necessary) the proposed import materials. 5.0 Fill Placement and Compaction 5.1 Fill Lifts: Fill material should be placed in areas prepared and previously evaluated to receive fill, in near-horizontal layers approximately 6 inches in compacted thickness. Each layer should be spread evenly and thoroughly mixed to attain uniformity of material and moisture throughout. 5.2 Moisture Conditioning: Fill soils should be watered, dried-back, blended, and/or mixed, as necessary to attain a uniform moisture content near optimum. 5.3 Compaction of Fill: After each layer has been evenly spread, moisture-conditioned, and mixed, it should be uniformly compacted to not less than 90 percent of maximum dry density (unless otherwise specified). Compaction equipment should be adequately sized and be either specifically designed for soil compaction or of proven reliability, to efficiently achieve the specified degree and uniformity of compaction. 5.4 Fill Slopes: Compacting of slopes should be accomplished, in additional to normal compacting procedures, by backrolling of slopes with sheepsfoot rollers at increments of 3 to 4 feet in fill elevation gain, or by other methods producing satisfactory results. At the completion of grading, the relative compaction of the fill out to the slope face should be at least 90 percent 5.5 Compaction Testing: Field tests of the moisture content and degree of compaction of the fill soils should be performed by the geotechnical consultant The location and frequency of tests should be at the consultant's discretion based on field conditions encountered. In general, the tests should be taken at approximate intervals of 2 feet in vertical rise and/or 1,000 cubic yards of compacted fill soils. In addition, on slope faces, as a guideline approximately one test should be taken for each 5,000 square feet of slope face and/or each 10 feet of vertical height of the slope. D-3 4930489-05 General Earthwork and Grading Specifications (Cont'd.) 6.0 Subdrain Installation Subdrain systems, if recommended should be installed in areas previously evaluated for suitability by the geotechnical consultant, to conform to the approximate alignment and details shown on the plans or herein. The subdrain location or materials should not be changed or modified unless recommended by the geotechnical consultant. The consultant, however, may recommend changes in subdrain line or grade depending on conditions encountered. All subdrains should be surveyed by a licensed land surveyor/civil engineer for line and grade after installation. Sufficient time shall be allowed for the surveys, prior to commencement of filling over the subdrains. 7.0 Excavation Excavations and cut slopes should be evaluated by a representative of the geotechnical consultant (as necessary) during grading. If directed by the geotechnical consultant, further excavation, overexcavation, and refilling of cut areas and/or remedial grading of cut slopes (i.e., stability fills or slope buttresses) may be recommended. 8.0 Quantity Determination For purposes of determining quantities of materials excavated during grading and/or determining the limits of overexcavation, a licensed land surveyor/civil engineer should be utilized. D-4 STABILITY FILL / BUTTRESS DETAIL OUTLET PIPES 4' 0 NONPERFORATEO PIPE. 100' MAX. O.C. HORIZONTALLY. 30' MAX. O.C. VERTICALLY BACK CUT 1:1 OR FLATTER SEE SUBORAIN TRENCH DETAIL LOWEST SUBORAIN SHOULD BE SITUATED AS LOW AS POSSIBLE TO ALLOW SUITABLE OUTLET 10' MIN. EACH SIDEPERFORATED PIPE u IM ——^—ir^rirv:In I PI.irutnr^^nr^r3 NON-PERFORATED OUTLET PIPE T-CONNECTION DETAILKEY WIDTH AS NOTED ON GRADING PLANS 15' MIN. 6* MIN. OVERLA CLEAN GRAVEL <3ft.3/ft. MIN.) 4-0 NON-PERFORATED FILTER FABRIC ENVELOPE (MIRAFI 140N OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT)* SEE T-CONNECTION DETAIL 6* MIN. COVER 4'0 PERFORATED PIPE 4* MIN. BEDDING SUBDRAIN TRENCH DETAIL * IF CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL IS USED IN PLACE OF 3/4'-1-1/2' QAAVEL. FILTER FABRIC MAY BE DELETED SPECIFICATIONS FOR CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL U.S. Standard Sieve Size 1" 3/4" 3/8" No. No No. No. No. 4 8 30 50 200 % Passing 100 90-100 - 40-100 25-40 18-33 5-15 0-7 0-3 Sand Equivalent>75 NOTES: For buttress dimensions, see geotechnical report/plans. Actual dimensions of buttress and, subdraln may be changed by the geotechnical consultant based on field conditions. SUBDRAIN iNSTALLATlONTSubdraln pipe should be installed with perforations down as depleted. At locations recommended by the geotechnicahconsultant, nonperforated pipe ahouM be Installed SUBDRAIN TYPE-Subdrain type should be Acrylon trile Butadiene Styrene (A.B.3.), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) or approved equivalent. Class 12S,SDR 32.5 should be used for maximum fill depths of 35 feet Class 200, SDR 21 should be used for maximum fill depths of 100 feet. TRANSITION LOT DETAILS CUT-FILL LOT EXISTING GROUND SURFACE OVEREXCAVATE AND RECOMPACT COMPETENT BEDROCK OR MATERIAL EVALUATED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT CUT LOT EXISTING GROUND SURFACE OVEREXCAVATE AND RECOMPACT .COMPETENT BEDROCK OR MATERIAL EVALUATED. BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT *NOTE: Deeper or laterally more extensive overexcavation and recompaction may be recommended by the geotechnical, consultant based on actual field conditions encountered and locations of proposed improvements ROCK DISPOSAL DETAIL FINISH GRADE SLOPE FACE OVERSIZE WINDROW GRANULAR SOIL <S.E.> 30) TO BE DENSIFIED IN PLACE BY FLOODING DETAIL TYPICAL PROFILE ALONG WINDROW 1) Rock with maximum dimensions greater than 6 inches should not be used within jtO feet vertically of finish grade (or 2 feet below depth of lowest utility whichever is greater),and 15 feet horizontally of slope faces. 2) Rocks with maximum dimensions greater than 4 feet should not be utilized in fill** i3) Rock placement, flooding of granular soil, and fill placement should be observed by the!geotechnical consultant. 4) Maximum size and spacing of windrows should be in accordance with the above details Width of windrow should not exceed 4 feet. Windrows should be staggeredvertically (as depicted). 5) Rock should be placed in excavated trenches. Granular soli (3.E. greater than or equal to 30) should be flooded in the windrow to completely fill voids around and beneathrocks. CANYON SUBDRAIN DETAILS \ BENCHING REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SUBDRAIN TRENCH SEE BELOW 6' MIN. OVERLAP SUBDRAIN TRENCH DETAILS FILTER FABRIC ENVELOPE X(MIRAFI 140N OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT)* 6' MIN. OVERLAP 3/4'-1-1/2" CLEAN GRAVEL (9ft.3/ft. MIN.) PERFORATED PIPE 3/4'-1-1/2* CLEAN GRAVEL <9ft.3/ft. MIN.) *IF CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL IS USED IN PLACE-OF 3/4"-1-1/2" GRAVEL. FILTER FABRIC MAY BE DELETED DETAIL OF CANYON SUBDRAIN TERMINAL DESIGN FINISH GRADE SUBDRAIN TRENCH SEE ABOVE 15' MIN.5'MIN, UStKIDCDCrtD ATCI1 A* f*. MIU ( PERFORATED 6* 0 MIN. PIPE SPECIFICATIONS FOR CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL U.S. Standard Sieve Size 1" 3/4" 3/8" No. 4 No. 8 No. 30 No. 50 No. 200 % Passing 100 90-100 40-100 25-40 18-33 5-15 0-7 0-3 Sand Equ1va1ent>75 Subdrain should be constructed only on competent material as evaluated by the geotechnlcal consultant, SUBDRAIN INSTALLATION Subdrain pipe should be Installed with perforations down at depicted. At locations recommended by the geotechnlcal consultant, nonperforated pipe should be Installed. SUBDRAIN TYPE-Subdrain type should be Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (A.B.S.). Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) or approved equivalent. Class 125, SDR 32.5 should be used for maximum fill depths of 35 feet. Class 200,SDR 21 should be used for maximum fill depths of 100 feet. SIDE HILL STABILITY FILL DETAIL EXISTING GROUND SURFACE. FINISHED SLOPE FACE PROJECT 1 TO 1 LINE FROM TOP OF OUTSIDE EDGE SLOPE OF FINISHED CUT PAD COMPACTEDgp^ OVERBURDEN UNSUITABLE MATERIAL PAD OVEREXCAVATION DEPTH AND RECOMPACTION MAY BE RECOMMENDED BY THE QEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT BASED ON ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. DEPTH 15' MIN. LOWEST BENCH (KEY) -COMPETENT BEDROCK OR MATERIAL AS EVALUATED BY THE QEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT- NOTE: Subdrain details and key width recommendations to be provided based on exposed subsurface conditions KEY AND BENCHING DETAILS FILL SLOPE PROJECT 1 TO 1 LINE FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO COMPETENT MATERIAL EXISTING GROUND SURFACE H§C-3COMPACTlD -^3S3 REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL BENCH t "-'" I2' MIN.—15' MIN. 4 KEY LOWEST IKEY DEPTH LOWEST BENCH (KEY) FILL-OVER-CUT SLOPE EXISTING GROUND SURFACE I [-«— 15' MIN.— H 2' ' LOWEST ' MIN. BENCH REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL 'CUT SLOPE (TO BE EXCAVATED PRIOR TO FILL PLACEMENT) EXISTING GROUND SURFACE- CUT-OVER-FILL SLOPE PROJECT 1 TO 1 LINE FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO COMPETENT MATERIAL ill* CUT SLOPE (TO BE EXCAVATED PRIOR TO FILL PLACEMENT) REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL BENCH T l TnSKi * I h— IS* MIN.— H ' MIN1 LOWEST I2' MIN. KEY. DEPTH MIN.LOWEST BENCH NOTE: Back drain may be recommended by the geotechnical consultant based on actual field conditions encountered. Bench dimension recommendations may also be altered based on field conditions encountered. RETAINING WALL DRAINAGE DETAIL . SOIL BACKFILL. COMPACTED TO 90 PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION* RETAINING WALL ^^ WALL WATERPROOFING PER ARCHITECT'S SPECIFICATIONS FINISH GRADE — -^ s ____ ^COMPACTED FILLi^-^-j-Z-: X sszsrass-— o • °h*rr-~ro 6* MIN. o OVERLAP 0 » O / A "1' MIN. * v^••••• » o ?///^ (u! °» V_xJt •o -«»_SOBJnOBLita ±—: \2 p*~=?~ "^•— *_~-^ 3-3-3;; Z.--Z. .__-=. — -r- TYP>-I-I--" — FILTER FABRIC E (MIRAFI 140N OH EQUIVALENT)** — 3/4"-1-1/2' CLEA* __ 4* (MIN.) DIAMET PVC PIPE C3CHC EQUIVALENT) Wl ORIENTED DOWN MINIMUM 1 PERCI TO SUITABLE OU1 WALL FOOTING^ NOT TO SCALE 3' MIN. SPECIFICATIONS FOR CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL U.S. Standard Sieve Size 1" 3/4" 3/8" No. 4 No. 8 No. 30 No. 50 No. 200 % Passing 100 90-100 40-100 25-40 18-33 5-15 0-7 0-3 Sand Equivalent>75 COMPETENT BEDROCK OR MATERIAL AS EVALUATED BY THE QEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT * BASED ON ASTM 01667 **IF CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL (SEE GRADATION TO LEFT) 18 U9ED IM PLACE OP 3/4'-1-1/2* GRAVEL. FILTER FABRIC MAY BE DELETED. CALTRANS CLASS 2 PCRMEAM4 MATERIAL SHOULD BE COMPACTED TO 9O PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION* NOTECOMPOSITE DRAINAGE PRODUCTS SUCH AS MRADRAIN OR J-DRAIN MAY BE USED AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO GRAVEL OR CLASS 2. INSTALLATION SHOULD BE PERFORKGD IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS*