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51-4640-01; Carlsbad Skateboard Park Geotechnical Exploration; Carlsbad Skateboard Park Geotechnical Exploration; 1997-12-01
KLEINFELDER A report prepared for: The City of Carlsbad Attn.: Mr. Mark Steyaert Park Development Coordinator 1166 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 LIMITED GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION FOR CARLSBAD SKATEBOARD PARK ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Kleinfelder Job No. 51-4640-01 Prepared by: KLEINFELDER, INC. George M. Binger III Staff Engineer KLEINFELDER, INC. 9555 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 101 San Diego, California 92123 December 1, 1997 Rick Larson, GE 2027 Senior Engineer 51 -4640-01/517RG641 .DOC Copyright 1997 Kleinfelder, Inc. Page ii of iii December 1, 1997 KLEINFELDER TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 1.2 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK 1 1.3 AUTHORIZATION 1 2.0 METHODS OF INVESTIGATION 3 2.1 FIELD EXPLORATION 3 2.2 LABORATORY TESTING 3 3.0 DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4 3.1 DISCUSSION 4 3.1.1 Site Conditions 4 3.1.2 Subsurface Conditions 4 3.2 CONCLUSIONS 5 3.3 RECOMMENDATIONS 5 3.3.1 Site Preparation and Earthwork 5 3.3.2 Excavation Conditions 6 3.3.3 Trench Excavations and Backfill 6 3.3.4 Concrete Slab-on-Grade 7 3.3.5 Expansive Soils 7 3.3.6 Foundations for Free-Standing Posts 8 4.0 LIMITATIONS AND ADDITIONAL SERVICES 9 4.1 LIMITATIONS 9 4.2 ADDITIONAL SERVICES 9 FIGURES Figure 1 Vicinity Map Figure 2 Test Pit Location Plan Figures 3-8 Test Pit Logs Figure 9 Laboratory Tests APPENDICES Appendix A Suggested Guidelines for Earthwork Construction Appendix B ASFE Report Insert 51-4640-01/517RG641.DOC Pageiiiofiii December 1, 1997 Copyright 1997 Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEI N FELDER 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION This report presents the results of our limited geotechnical exploration for the proposed Carlsbad M Skateboard Park located along Orion Way in Carlsbad, California. The project consists of grading the undeveloped property and constructing concrete paved areas for skateboarding. The concrete slabs are anticipated to be approximately four inches thick. Although no structures are planned for the property, pole-mounted lighting and several small jumps or ramps up to four feet in height will be part of the park. Grading preparation for the park is expected to contain cuts and fills on the order of 4 to 8 feet. 1.2 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK The purpose of this investigation is to explore and evaluate the proposed development with M respect to surface and subsurface conditions and to provide our recommendations and opinions concerning the following: • Discussion of site surface and subsurface conditions encountered; • Guidelines for earthwork construction, including recommendations for site preparation, fill placement, and compaction; • A review of the anticipated excavation conditions; • Recommendations for slab-on-grade subgrade preparation; • Foundation design parameters for pole-mounted lighting; • Recommendations for underground utility trench backfill; and • OSHA classification of soils for stability during temporary excavations. The scope of the work consisted of field exploration, laboratory soils testing, engineering analysis, and preparation of this report. 51-4640-01/517RG641.DOC Page 1 of 10 December 1,1997 Copyright 1997 Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER 1.3 AUTHORIZATION Authorization to proceed with our work on this project was given by the City of Carlsbad in the form of Purchase Order No. PI 03 807 received in our office on November 5, 1997. 51-4640-017517RG641.DOC Page 2 of 10 December 1, 1997 Copyright 1997 Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER 2.0 METHODS OF INVESTIGATION 2.1 FIELD EXPLORATION The subsurface exploration consisted of excavating six test pits in the proposed construction area. The test pits were excavated using a John Deere 410E backhoe equipped with a 24-inch wide bucket. Test pits were excavated to depths of three to twelve feet. Approximate test pit locations U are shown on the Exploration Location Plan, Figure 1. David Evans and Associates, Inc. provided Kleinfelder with a preliminary map showing the proposed skateboard pavement areas. Our test pits were situated around these proposed pavement areas. Locations of the test pits were obtained by pacing and terrain orientation. Distances were scaled from the topographic map for the City of Carlsbad Skateboard Park prepared by Melchior Land Surveying Inc. dated October 2, 1997. These locations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. A field engineer logged the sidewalls of the test pits within five feet of the surface. Below that depth, soils were logged from the cuttings in the bucket as the material was brought to the surface. We obtained representative samples of the materials for visual classification and laboratory testing. . Figures 3 through 8 show the logs of the test pits completed within the proposed improvement area on November 11, 1997. The logs show subsurface conditions prior to development. 2.2 LABORATORY TESTING Our laboratory program consisted of tests for gradation, soil classification, and expansion potential in accordance with U.B.C. Test 18-2. Laboratory test results can be found on Figure 9. 51-4640-01/517RG641.DOC Page 3 of 10 December 1,1997 Copyright 1997 Kleinfelder, Inc. D KLEIN FELDER 3.0 DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 DISCUSSION 3.1.1 Site Conditions The site is located on an undeveloped, L-shaped piece of land on Orion Way. The parcel is east of the fire station on Orion Way and west of the parking lot for the Carlsbad Safety Center. The southeasterly portion of the property is covered with about six to eight feet of fill that extends farther outward as a narrow ridge along the southwest property line. These fill soils appear to be disposal stockpiles that were created during earthwork construction performed for developing the adjacent properties. The rest of the property is relatively flat with a gentle slope to the west and south boundaries. The west and south boundaries are located at the crest of a relatively steep canyon. The remainder of the site is covered by natural vegetation and occasional granitic boulders and cobbles. 3.1.2 Subsurface Conditions Based on our test pits, the near surface soils generally consist of one to five feet of artificial soils within the proposed skating area. The fill in the landscape areas (Test Pits 5 and 6) was at least 7.5 to 12 feet thick, which was the maximum depth of those test pits. Fill soils generally consisted of fine-grained clayey sands. Laboratory tests indicate the fill soils have a very low expansion potential (Uniform Building Code expansion value of 10). The fill soils were underlain by a one to two foot layer of residual soil. Weathered granitic bedrock was encountered in Test Pits 1 through 4 starting at a depths of about one foot below existing ground surface in Test Pit 3 to eight feet in Test Pit 1. The natural groundwater level is below a depth of 10 feet and should not be within the zone of influence for these improvements. Although a water table was not encountered during our site exploration, it is possible that a "perched" water level could develop at the interface between fill and natural soil or between natural soil and bedrock during periods of heavy rain. 51-4640-017517RG641.DOC Page 4 of 10 December 1, 1997 Copyright 1997 Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER 3.2 CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of our investigation, it is our opinion that the site can be developed for the intended use from a soils engineering standpoint. Since the upper surficial soils are either undocumented fill soils or are loose to medium dense, native soils, we recommend that non- landscaped areas or landscaped areas which may likely contain future pavements/structures be overexcavated and recompacted to 90% of ASTM D1577 maximum dry density. The depth of overexcavation should be at least two feet below existing or finished grade, whichever is the lower elevation, within the footprint of paved areas, plus an additional two feet beyond the lateral extent of areas to be paved. Conventional concrete slab-on-grade construction may be used for support of the concrete skating areas. 3.3 RECOMMENDATIONS M 3.3.1 Site Preparation and Earthwork Site preparation and grading should conform to the recommendations contained in this section and in the suggested specifications included in Appendix A of this report. We anticipate that site grading can be performed with conventional earth moving equipment. All surface organics should be excavated and disposed offsite. We anticipate the thickness of topsoil will be on the order of two to four inches. After removing the material to be disposed offsite, the existing soil across the site within the footprint areas to receive concrete paving and flatwork should be excavated to a depth of two feet below existing ground surface. The lateral extent of removal and recompaction should extend at least two feet beyond the perimeter of improvements. The bottom of the excavation should then be scarified an additional six inches in depth, moisture conditioned to 1% to 3% above optimum moisture, and compacted to at least 90% of ASTM D1557. The excavated material can be replaced in eight-inch thick loose layers. Each layer should be moisture conditioned to 1% to 3% above optimum moisture and compacted to 90% relative compaction. 51-4640-017517RG641.DOC Page 5 of 10 December 1,1997 Copyright 1997 Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER Where fill is necessary, materials should meet the requirements listed for "structural fill" in Appendix A. Existing site materials should meet these requirements, except for some oversized cobbles and boulders observed at the site. Provisions should be made for handling large cobbles and boulders greater than six inches. Before placing fill or recompacting soils, material greater than six inches in maximum particle diameter should be removed from the site. As an alternative, oversized materials can be reduced to less than six inches by breaking, crushing, blasting, or other methods approved by the City. Material greater than six inches in maximum particle diameter should not be placed within the upper two feet below finished subgrade. Fill placement and compaction requirements presented in Appendix A should be followed. 3.3.2 Excavation Conditions Artificial fill and residual soils were encountered in all of our test pits. Excavation in these deposits can generally be performed with medium to heavy excavation equipment. Soils excavated from these deposits should range from fine grained silts and clays through sand sizes to cobbles and boulders. Most of the material can be used as backfill, although special handling will be needed should large rock be encountered. Highly weathered granitics were encountered in Test Pits 2, 3, and 4. Excavation in weathered n granitics can generally be accomplished with heavy equipment. Most of the soil resulting from excavation is expected to consist of fine grained sands, silts, and clays with minor amounts of gravel and cobbles. Most of the excavated material can be reused as trench backfill. Due to the variable mineral composition of granitic deposits, granite does not always weather uniformly. Weathered granitics historically contain hard, cobble-and-boulder-sized granite particles that have not weathered. Occasional boulders or cobbles requiring special handling should be anticipated. 3.3.3 Trench Excavations and B ackfill All utility trench excavation work should comply with current requirements of OSHA. Most of the soils resulting from excavation is expected to consist of fine grained sands, silts, and clays with 51-4640-017517RG641.DOC Page 6 of 10 December 1, 1997 Copyright 1997 Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEIN FELDER adequate setback of stockpiled materials and construction equipment for a stable condition. It is recommended that the setback distance be one-half the excavation depth. Some minor sloughing may occur as the moisture content of the soils in the trench walls dry out. Shoring and/or bracing of trenches may be required where construction personnel are working within excavations. Applicable governmental safety codes should be applied for safety of personnel. The soils should be classified as a Type C soil for the purposes of OSHA classification of soils exposed in temporary excavations. All utility trenches should be properly backfilled and compacted. Backfill material should be placed in loose horizontal lifts not exceeding 8 inches in thickness, moisture conditioned to within one percent below to three percent above optimum and compacted with a mechanical tamper to at least 90 percent relative compaction per ASTM D1557. Ponding or jetting should not be relied upon to provide satisfactory compaction. 3.3.4 Concrete Slab-on-Grade A modulus of subgrade reaction, k, of 150 pounds per cubic inch (pci) can be used to design concrete slabs on the compacted subgrade. Anticipated traffic for the concrete pavements will be mostly pedestrian. The concrete slabs should be constructed of plain (non-reinforced) concrete constructed directly on prepared subgrade. The Greenbook recommends pavement Class 520-A-2500 for pedestrian walkways. We recommend Class 560-B-3250 concrete with a minimum modulus of rupture (MOR) of 600 psi for concrete slabs. Construction of the concrete slabs should follow Greenbook Standard Specifications for sidewalk construction. 3.3.5 Expansive Soils The materials which underlie the site generally consist of granular soils with some fine-grained materials. A representative sample of the near-surface soil was tested in accordance with U.B.C. Test Method 18-2, "Expansion Potential". The test result indicates that the soils have a very low expansion potential with an Expansion Index of 10. 51-4640-01/517RG641.DOC Page 7 of 10 December 1, 1997 Copyright 1997 Kleinfelder, Inc. KLE1 NFELDER 3.3.6 Foundations for Free-Standing Posts Construction employing posts or poles as columns embedded in earth or embedded in concrete footings in the earth to resist both axial and lateral loads (such as for light standards) can be designed in general accordance with Section 1806.7 of the Uniform Building Code. However, we recommend that a lateral soil-bearing pressure of 200 psf per foot of depth below natural grade be used for parameter Sj and S3 rather than one of the values given in Table No. 18-1- A. An allowable soil- bearing pressure of 2,000 psf may be used to support vertical loads. 51-4640-01/517RG641.DOC Page 8 of 10 December 1, 1997 Copyright 1997 Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELDER 4.0 LIMITATIONS AND ADDITIONAL SERVICES 4.1 LIMITATIONS Recommendations contained in this report are based on our field observations, six backhoe test pits, laboratory tests, and our present knowledge of the proposed construction. It is possible that soil conditions could vary between or beyond the points explored. If soil conditions are encountered during construction which differ from those described herein, our firm should be notified immediately in order that a review may be made and any supplemental recommendations provided. If the scope of the proposed construction, including the proposed loads or structural locations change from that described in this report, or recommendations should also be reviewed. Our firm has prepared this report for your exclusive use on this project in substantial accordance with the generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice as it exists in the site area at the time of our study. No warranty is expressed or implied. The recommendations provided in this report are based on the assumption that an adequate program of tests and observations will be conducted by our firm during the construction phase in order to evaluate compliance with our recommendations. 4.2 ADDITIONAL SERVICES We recommend our firm conduct a general review of final plans and specifications to evaluate that our earthwork grading and foundation recommendations have been properly interpreted and implemented during design. If our firm is not accorded the privilege of this recommended review, we can assume no responsibility for misinterpretation of our recommendations. Further, we recommend that all earthwork during construction be monitored by a representative from our office including: • Site preparation - site stripping, grading, and compaction of near-surface soils; • Placement of all engineered fill and trench backfill; and • Construction of slab and pavement subgrades. 51-4640-017517RG641.DOC Page 9 of 10 December 1,1997 Copyright 1997 Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELOER Our representative should be present to observe the soil conditions encountered during construction, and to evaluate the applicability of the recommendations presented in this report to the actual soils conditions differ should they differ from those described herein. 51-4640-01/517RG641.DOC Page 10 of 10 December 1,1997 Copyright 1997 Kleinfelder, Inc. SOURCE: THE THOMAS BROS. GUIDE. SAN DIEGO COUNTY, 1995 EDITION. REPRODUCED WITH PERMISSION GRANTED BY THOMAS BROS. MAPS. THIS MAP IS COPYRIGHTED BY THOMAS BROS. MAPS. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COPY OR REPRODUCE ALL OR ANY PART THEREOF. WHETHER FOR PERSONAL USE OR RESALE, WITHOUT PERMISSION. APPROXIMATE GRAPHIC SCALE (FEET) VICINITY MAPKLEINFELDER CARLSBAD SKATEBOARD PARK CITY OF CARLSBAD ORION WAY CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 9555 CHESAPEAKE DRIVE, SUITE 101 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123 CHECKED BY: DATE: 11/26/97PROJECT NO. 51-4640-01 D £777' OF CARLSBAD SKATEBOARD PARK LEGEND* ASPHALT BACK FLOV PREVENTER CURB INLET CATCH BASIN CONCRETE CENTCRLINE ELECTRIC FIRE HYDRANT CAS IRRIGATION IRR1GHT1DH VALVE LIGHT HAN HOLE PCDASTAL PROPERTY LINE = POVEK POLE = SEVER CLEANDUT = SAN C1EOO 6AS t, ELECTRIC CO = STORM SRAIN = SEVER = TRANSFORMER = TELEPHONE = TYPICAL - UNKRCROUNC POVER/SAS - VATCR = VATCR METER = VATEP VALVE • APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF TEST PIT 40s? APPROXIMATE GRAPHIC SCALE (FEET) 80 SOURCE: MELCHOR LAND SURVEYING, INC. - OCTOBER 2, 1997 KLEIN FELDE 9555 CHESAPEAKE DRIVE. SUITE 101 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123 CHECKED BY:CnV PROJECT NO. 51-4640-01 FN: SITEPLAN DATE: 12/1/97 SITE PLAN CARLSBAD SKATEBOARD PARK CITY OF CARLSBAD ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2 PROJECT NO. 51-4640-01 XCAVATION DMt; 11-11-97 """'"* GMB LOG OF TEST PIT NO. 1 PROJECT NAME CARLSBAD SKATEBOARD PARK CHEOOK RL OCP^g FT.EL£VA1^;544 FT. MSL SHEET 1 or 1 LOCATION SEE SITE PLAN Profile looking West 355' NORTH -\^_ 0 5 enCT LJLUU. 2 10 0.LdD 15 20 C <A^\ • !^>>5r __j Pi& NS£\ 1'x*\ -^l sVAxAV?\ (3) 3) .^fX iN^yxijffi/iL<Y&>;x>fO r^Sy ' ill I I i 1 ! 5 ^.Vsy/ I i-ir-mm 1i intblUUAA _|_l A k^^&vSKN Vv^v^r" i ' i i r\xKii. .'OVa/ILI S j i ! i / / /x ^>J&& ^ .^WK^ f ^^^y^^^ ^ 3N y* TflSv I *f ^ i _l_!^C6X^<< X L^/1 /TO-^ *k^JQ>' y ^ szyy^s \ ^ o/V9/JNVO//XV/ON J^ y/^pS^X/^x - /sX/'i^<AX'^X-/SX^/^Yy^/^^-Y/W; > 5 10 15 20 25 30 DISTANCE ALONG PROFILE IN FEET DEPTH IN FEET 0-0.5' 0.5-1' 1-3' 3-5' 5-8' MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Residual Soil © Brown Clayey Sand(SC); moist, with roots, fine— grained © Light brown Silty Sand (SM); fine— grained, slightly moist © Red-gray Clayey Sand (SC); fine— grained, moist ® Red-gray Sandy Clay (CL); moist, hard Cobbles and boulders at 4. ft. to 8 ft. ® Red-gray Clayey Sand (SC); very fine-grained, moist Bulk sample obtained from 0 to 3 ft. Effective refusal at 8 ft. on boulders Test pit backfilled with soils GUQI „ • c 1 k.1 c C I r»rn 9555 CHESAPEAKE DRIVE. SUITE 101FN: HV.B M-tllNrtLUtK SAN DIEGO. CAUFORNIA 92123 FlttlJRF NO- 3 _ PROJECT NO. 51-4640-01 XCAVATtON EOU.PWENT JQHN DEE.RE: 410E DMD 11-11-97 LOCCEDBY:GMB ' LOG OF TEST PIT NO. 2 PROJECT NAUE CARLSBAD SKATEBOARD PARK JHECKEO BY: 0 5 n01 bjUJ iL. 2 10 0.UlQ 15 20 C <{s$VX^xV^W N&\v/wv V^i V\ t^>\j'^>,>\ I >v^Qj? « \Ayy5v'S VV T \ &> ! bn irILliJ ii i '1> DCCIPM lAHbblUUfl k^fJf'iRA X^-yT?*^! my/^7^w1 iiii 1 > 5 DEPTH IN FEET 0-5' 5-6' F (D I3' i iiNr vW'/& ^-8 FT. SHEET LOCATION SEE SITE PLAN El£v^348 FT. MSL UR£CTON: Profile looking North 70' EAST --^ y c/"vObU""-rn^IC*SI *&F&^5%^ / \ ~Af fa A jtr.v\v ^ / / /> V *V ^V |(<W/^SNkV<^X';Ifs/by/ !&3>K<i-'Miw ^^ ^ •?/)r cxr^5x<<\<<'\vv^<^''C<<S2*x/)?y! I 1 >jX7X>C^>y -/sXf^K-f\>C/^X'/SXk';' /p1'f^r/>yA^f/f/^ | ! 1 t 10 15 20 25 30 DISTANCE ALONG PROFILE IN FEET MATERIAL DESCRIPTION El © Light brown Clayey Sand (SC); slightly moist, fine-grained, with cobbles and boulders, trace debris (loose) Residual Soil © Dark brown Clayey Sand (SC); fine-grained, moist Highly Weathered Granitics (D Yellow-brown to red— brown medium— grained, moist Silty Sand (SM); fine to Bulk sample obtained from 0 to 5 ft. Effective refusal at 8 ft. Test pit backfilled with soils •KB VI riklcci r»cn 9555 CHESAPEAKE DRIVE. SUITE 101 ,_,_., ,.-.,- ..- AFN: Rail KLEINFELDER SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 971 7.-* 1 FIGURE NO.: "t _ PROJECT HO. 51-4640-01 XCAVATKW °ATC: 11-11-97 "•"""GMB LOG OF TEST PIT NO. 3 PROJECT HAUE CARLSBAD SKATEBOARD PARK CHECKED BY:RL ^-3.5 FT.B£V*1^353 FT. MSL SHEET 1 or 1 LOCATION SEE SITE PLAN (XRECTICN: _,.,,,. _ ,Profile looking East 0' NORTH \^ 0 5 n0>.0 LJLJU- 2 10 0.LJO 15 20 C \<f^& '•ys>y%L "^v^_vo-*i_-xxs. i fi\V"i1 G '^v : NJ^^^IJ ; yTsiXx'/Q^ I I P^Fi Tr s.^ ac&iuuiAI i fiDAH-^aw^r j< X^xv-fCvS??-ysfyy*I - I i Yf > DEPTH IN FEET 0 C.£ 0.5' >— r 1 ' 2-3 I' 5' TlIII ^W/> I T iii . . {$&& 5 xn ^ VV>.^ •< § I I I ^ ^ 7£3£'-&&"*/>' 1 1 jLV^t *Ji*&*<*%$>. OKvQ^S JsScfvv* )Kr$• Y, ^&&&Q?*j£^£^&?<>y/)i> ffiyy>ys&\ i iii iI '/SvQ/'v^s\^svK'^s^'^^'/i^Y^>y>>K^xX^SX^iI ii I ! I I j 10 DISTANCE ALONG PROFILE IN FEET MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 15 Residual Soil (3) Dark brown Clayey Sand (SC); fine-grained, moist (D Yellow-brown, gravelly Highly Weathered Gronitics (D Brown Silty Sand (SM); fine— grained, dry Moderately Weathered Bulk sample obtained from 0 to 1 ft. Effective refusal at 3.5 ft. Test pit backfilled with soils FN iO KLEINFELDER 9555 CHESAPEAKE DRIVE. SUITE 101 _ ,__ SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92123 | h I CURE NO.: 5 PROJECT MO. 51-4640-01 XCAVATIONEOUIPMENT JOHN DEERE 41 OE DMC 11-11-97 """"OMB LOG OF PROJECT NAME TEST PIT NO. 4 CARLSBAD SKATEBOARD PARK CHECKED BY:KL DEPTH: ~7 FT. 360' NOR 0 5 010>JD Ul 2 10 £ Q_Ulo 15 20 C <A^\ %$\4 ^ sA_/A^ss^/^c>/\ \Np9X v^^•'A.VV V^SX />V'y<SSk OxOvN ''*(sf/ r !> J<,fcjSf ^» ~1* V 1 I 1^1Ftrjiu 1 =S-p>n 1 i 3f\anA &&Z$w^? ) DEPTH IN FEET 0-0.5' 0.5-1.5' 1.5-3' 3- 5 I3' 7' 'X I/r TH •""2*50 FT. MSL ^ "• L I CiM. y ! I I IT | ! XTV/v T" 5 XX I DIL, KM P <&^y i _ijjI_i^) 'sik- ii ^ < •*$&' '/K •*> StCET LOCATION SEE SITE PLAN DIRECTION: 0 ...... r ,Profile looking East V J^S^ ^ptf/jy ^Kr^/' X / / 7?X}>>- ^KS "C^'' X" ^ | j/vN^vX^i L/Vi y^K./yfey ofef^^JX\% j£*iVN yW^x)-ClCs0^s?svf\>('CSX'C'v>4 'X ^s$y/)y/t>y/'^ A /j 10 15 DISTANCE ALONG PROFILE IN FEET MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Fill <1) Brown Sandy Clay (CL); wet moist, with coarse sand (2) Brown Silty Sand (SM); trace clay, moist, some gravel and cobble Residual Soil (3) Dark brown Clayey Sand (SC); fine-grained, moist Highly Weathered Granitics (4) Yellow-brown Silty Sand (SM); fine-grained, moist Bulk sample obtained from 0 to 1.5 ft. Effective refusal at 7 ft. Test pit backfilled with soils FN: 1M KLEINFELDER 9555 CHESAPEAKE DRIVE. SUITE 101 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123 FimRF NO.: 6 PROJECT NO. 51-4640-01 ISS^?<JOHN DEERE 41 OE OMfc 11-11-97 """"GMB LOG OF TEST PIT NO. 5 PROJECT NAUE CARLSBAD SKATEBOARD PARK CHECKED BY: 0 5 men t-^Ul Z 10 Q.UJQ 15 20 C v<sA>v^\v$tY&n\\SjffJ^ 7y/A^vvl >^L "C^' v^^V*y r\v ^y w V>v* >T^( ^ t k ^ \ i ~1 <ph "^-IZ FT.El£VAT^356 FT. MSL 40' NORTHEAST \^ rn ir1t± S>^k/1 /4 MX /> ^ SfiVVV if$</ s ^^•X ^\j^v '{ /V ^^ / J •» f')l(\ \ /t * l^Y SHEET LOCATION SEE SITE PLAN DIRECTION:Profile looking Northwest i /{ A f(y faNTs Ssxsi /V^Nvv' Xv£Xr\ */\r/ / / "• ^ AN;<SN:<\K^X^^ /$&™A4^/%o~NX ^ ?{$/>£ j j | ^x^WXAX^NO I sX j /\ >j > 5 10 15 DISTANCE ALONG PROFILE IN FEET DEPTH IN FEET 0-12 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Fill Brown Clayey Sand (SC); fine-grained, moist, with gravel and cobbles Bulk sample obtained from 1-3 ft. Excavation stopped at 12 ft. Test pit backflled with soils ru Hilfl tf 1 FIMPFI nFD 9555 CHESAPEAKE DRIVE. SUITE 101FN: H^B KLtllNI-tLUtK SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123 FiniJRF NO.: 1 PROJECT NO. 51-4640-01 XCAVAHONEOU1PUENT JOHN DEERE 41 OE OM6 11-11-97 ^^GMB LOG OF TEST PIT NO. 6 PROJECT NAME CARLSBAD SKATEBOARD PARK CteCKED BY: RL DEPTH:~7.5 FT.^^357 FT. MSL SHEET LOCATION SEE SITE PLAN DIRECTION: ,Profile looking Northeast 145' SOUTHEAST \^ 0 tfl -Q LJ f z 5 I 0-LUQ 10 C <A^\ ! i ^ vA i &/\ ' | N$\i i*^kwTi l>^/3\ >$&r&A'^I fvv& ) yyy\ '^J^r sys vl L YKv>< <A iVv<sXi y* i i y> ^>tf?^4 i j \ W^\ i ~T i! 9^!sv^>Vs^ t rid*--S^y ty ^rV r^ ^ \ rrtC' L~^V, I I l^l (,:S >« 4"" M ) MKjS^Js^Jl Y '•V XkV,/, ^ / sS^vt/' I I .^oX^~l^Ki J\Vx/5^y/x> ^T< ^\ £ /y >\ yy iX / ••- I/ ~^[ffis ^A^xfyk•V^ •• A •— /?; KXX/K-i — &y$y/ ^I f&/ $$ J*V-y{J \v>^vK^ '^y*/XxX / \ i I \/SX*^vf^<^'^s^'N y)•yfiyfiy/sy/ty/'. I 5 10 15 DISTANCE ALONG PROFILE IN FEET DEPTH IN FEET 0-0.5' 0.5-2' 2-3' 3-7.5' MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Eili © Brown Clayey Sand (SC); fine-grained, moist to wet (f) Yellow-brown, fine to medium— grained, with fine gravel, moist © Red-gray, fine-grained, moist 0 Yellow-brown mottled with olive, cobbly, moist Bulk sample obtained from 0 to 2 ft. Effective refusal at 7.5 ft. Test pit backfilled with soils FN: TP-6 mjf H KLEINFELDER 95c5^?HnESAPEAKE DRIVE. SUITE 101 _, ^, ,r-M- ..^ Rrrn rtiirnDMii. o->i->i 1 Pl^l 1 P C MO • O SIEVE ANA LYSIS HYDROMETER J U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES 3" 1.5" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #16 #30 #60 #100 #200 ~l mn - ' ' ' ' I..1UU ~"l on6(J QTn ° CDZ I CO 60 U £ Kz I o 50 ceLJ ujQ. n « 40J £ n 30 *«•^^,.«. .X V \ \ \ \ L I 10 GRAVEL coarse fine s s ^\ \\ \s• 0 10 20 30 Q40 ^ H<E LU 50 OL LUCJ 60 ffiQ- <L 70 S 80 90 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE (mm) SAND coarse medium Symbol Test Pit N • 2 D. Depth (ft) OtoS fine SILT CLAY Description Light brown clayey SAND Classification SC J UBC Expansion Index = 10 (per UBC Test Method 18-2) 1 H9 KLEINFELDER ~'} PROJECT NO. 51-4640-01 ( ( ( Carlsbad Skateboard Park FIGURE Carlsbad, California ^RAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION 9 KLEI NFELDER APPENDIX A SUGGESTED GUIDELINES FOR EARTHWORK CONSTRUCTION CARLSBAD SKATEBOARD PARK ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Scope - The work done under these specifications shall include clearing, stripping, removal of unsuitable material, excavation, installation of subsurface drainage, preparation of natural soils, placement and compaction of on-site and imported fill material, and placement and compaction of pavement materials. 1.2 Contractor's Responsibility - A geotechnical investigation was performed for the project by Kleinfelder and presented in a report dated December 1, 1997. The Contractor shall attentively examine the site in such a manner that he can correlate existing surface conditions with those presented in the geotechnical investigation report. He shall satisfy himself that the quality and quantity of exposed materials and subsurface soil or rock deposits have been satisfactorily represented by the Geotechnical Engineer's report and project drawings. Any discrepancy of prior knowledge to the Contractor or that is revealed through his investigations shall be made known to the Owner. It is the Contractor's responsibility to review the report prior to construction. The selection of equipment for use on the project and the order of work shall similarly be the Contractor's responsibility. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing equipment capable of completing the requirements included in following sections. 1.3 Geotechnical Engineer - The work covered by these specifications shall be observed and tested by Kleinfelder, the Geotechnical Engineer, who shall be hired by the Owner. The Geotechnical Engineer will be present during the site preparation and grading to observe the work and to perform the tests necessary to evaluate material quality and compaction. The Geotechnical Engineer shall submit a report to the Owner, including a tabulation of tests performed. The costs of n retesting unsuitable work installed by the Contractor shall be deducted by the Owner U from the payments to the Contractor. 1.4 Standard Specifications - Where referred to in these specifications, "Standard Specifications" shall mean the current State of California Standard Specifications 51 -4640-01 /517RG641 .DOC A 1 December 1, 1997 Copyright 1997 Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEI NFELDER for Public Works Construction, with San Diego County Regional Supplement Amendments, current Edition. 1.5 Compaction Test Method - Where referred to herein, relative compaction shall mean the in-place dry density of soil expressed as a percentage of the maximum dry density of the same material, as determined by the ASTM D1557 Compaction Test Procedure. Optimum moisture content shall mean the moisture content at the maximum dry density determined above. 2.0 SITE PREPARATION 2.1 Clearing - Areas to be graded shall be cleared and grubbed of all vegetation and debris. These materials shall be removed from the site by the Contractor. 2.2 Stripping - Surface soils containing roots and organic matter shall be stripped from areas to be graded and stockpiled or discarded as directed by the Owner. In general, the depth of stripping of the topsoil will be approximately nine to four inches. Deeper stripping, where required to remove weak soils or accumulations of organic matter, shall be performed when determined necessary by the Geotechnical Engineer. Stripped material shall be removed from the site or stockpiled at a location designated by the Owner. 2.3 Removal of Debris - Trash, and debris which are encountered in the areas to be graded shall be removed prior to the placing of any compacted fill. Portions of any existing fills that are suitable for use in new compacted fill may be stockpiled for future use. All organic materials, topsoil, expansive soils, oversized rock or other unsuitable material shall be removed from the site by the Contractor or disposed of at a location on-site, if so designated by the Owner. 3.0 EXCAVATION 3.1 General - Excavations shall be made to the lines and grades indicated on the plans. The data presented in the Geotechnical Engineer's report is for information only and the Contractor shall make his own interpretation with regard to the methods and equipment necessary to perform the excavation and to obtain material suitable for fill. 3.2 Materials - Soils which are removed and are unsuitable for fill shall be placed in nonstructural areas of the project, or in deeper fills at locations designated by the Geotechnical Engineer. 51 -4640-01 /517RG641 .DOC A 2 December 1, 1997 Copyright 1997 Kleinfelder, Inc. KF| KLEI NFELDER All oversize rocks and boulders that cannot be incorporated in the work by placing in embankments or used as rip-rap or for other purposes shall be removed from the site by the Contractor. 3.3 Treatment of Exposed Surface - The ground surface exposed by excavation shall be scarified to a depth of six inches, moisture conditioned to the proper moisture content for compaction, and compacted as required for compacted fill. Compaction shall be approved by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to placing fill. 3.4 Rock Excavation - Where solid rock is encountered in areas to be excavated, it shall be loosened and broken up so that no solid ribs, projections, or large fragments will be within six inches of the surface of the final subgrade. 4.0 COMPACTED FILL 4.1 Materials - Fill material shall consist of suitable on-site or imported soil. All materials used for structural fill shall be reasonably free of organic material, have a liquid limit less than 30, a plasticity index less than 15, 100% passing the three-inch sieve and less than 30% passing the #200 sieve. 4.2 Placement - All fill materials shall be placed in layers of eight inches or less in loose thickness and uniformly moisture conditioned. Each lift should then be compacted with a sheepsfoot roller or other approved compaction equipment to at least 90% relative compaction in areas under structures, utilities, roadways and parking areas, and to at least 85% in undeveloped areas. No fill material shall be placed, spread or rolled while it is frozen or thawing, or during unfavorable weather conditions. 4.3 Benching - Fill placed on slopes steeper than 5 horizontal to 1 vertical shall be keyed into firm, native soils or rock by a series of benches. Benching can be conducted simultaneously with placement of fill. However, the method and extend of benching shall be checked by the Geotechnical Engineer. 4.4 Compaction Equipment - The Contractor shall provide and use sufficient equipment of a type and weight suitable for the conditions encountered in the field. The equipment shall be capable of obtaining the required compaction in all areas. 4.5 Recompaction - When, in the judgment of the Geotechnical Engineer, sufficient compactive effort has not been used; or where the field density tests indicate that the required compaction or moisture content has not been obtained, or if pumping or other indications of instability are noted, the fill shall be reworked and recompacted as needed to obtain a stable fill at-the required density and moisture content before additional fill is placed. 51-4640-01/517RG641.DOC A3 December 1, 1997 Copyright 1997 Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEIN FELDER 4.6 Responsibility - The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance and protection of all embankments and fills made during the contract period and shall bear the expense of replacing any portion which has become displaced due to carelessness, negligent work, or failure to take proper precautions. 5.0 UTILITY TRENCH BEDDING AND BACKFILL 5.1 Material - Pipe bedding shall be defined as all material within 4 inches of the perimeter and 12 inches over the top of the pipe. Material for use as bedding shall be clean sand, gravel, crushed aggregate or native free-draining material, having a Sand Equivalent of not less than 30. Backfill should be classified as all material within the remainder of the trench. Backfill shall meet the requirements set forth in Section 4.1 for compacted fill. 5.2 Placement and Compaction - Pipe bedding shall be placed in layers not exceeding eight inches in loose thickness, conditioned to the proper moisture content for compaction, and compacted to at least 90% relative compaction. All other trench backfill shall be placed and compacted in accordance with Section 306- 1.3.2 of the Standard Specifications for Mechanically Compacted Backfill. Backfill shall be compacted as required for adjacent fill. If not specified, backfill shall be compacted to at least 90% relative compaction in areas under structures, utilities, roadways, parking areas and concrete flatwork. 51 -4640-01 /517RG641 .DOC A 4 December 1, 1997 Copyright 1997 Kleinfelder, Inc.