HomeMy WebLinkAbout5503-11; PIPELINE CIPP REHABILITATION PHASE I; SUBMITTALS; 2017-05-18Submittal No.: 003 From: southwest Pipeline & Trenchless Corp. Page:. 22118 S.Vermont Avenue Submittal Date: May 18, 2017 Torrance, CA 90502 KIJ Job No.: 5503-11 Project Name: CIPP PHASE I Specification Section:'-- Prior Submittal: Submittal A. Certification of Completeness and Accuracy We certify that we have reviewed this submittal in detail and that the submittal is: 1. Complete and accurate and in complete compliance with the Contract Documents. 2.. Compliant with the requirements of "Material and Equipment" in Section 01040, especially the subparagraph titled "Compatibility of Equipment and Material". Compliant with the paragraph titled "Performance Specifications and Contractor Designed Items" in Section 01040. . Without any deviations from the Contract Drawings, except the following (describe deviation) which have the following advantages and disadvantages: . Signed by Subcontractor: Title: . Date: Signed by Contractor: Title: Project Manager Date: ID Task Name Duration Start Finish Pr '17 May17 Jun '17 Jul17 Au 17 Sep 11 2 I 9 1 16 I 23 30 1 7 F I 21 j_28 I 4 I ii I 18 I 25 2 I 9Jj I 23 301 6 I 13 I 20 I 27 13 1 PIPELINE CIPP REHABILITATION PHASE I Pre-Construction Meeting 100 days? 0 days Mon 4/17/171 Mon 4117117 Mon 4/17/17 Fri 9/1/17 4/17 2 4 3Notice To Proceed Submittals/Approval 0 days V513 days: Tue 4/18/17 Mon 5/8/17: Wed 5/24/17 Tue 4/18/17 5 Mobilization 1 day? Thu 5/25/17 Thu 5/25/17 7 Sewer Main Inspection/Preparation [ 3T days, Fri 5/26/17, 6 Tue 7/11/17 8 iReview CCTV and Cleaning of Sewer Mains ofCCTV Procurement of Liner pM 8 days Fri 5/26/17 Tue 6/6/17 10 days: Wed 6/14/17 T6e6/27/17 9 10 11 [ Public Notification . 10 days Wed 6/28/17 Tue 7/11/17 - 12 -----1---------. -------- ----------- _____ 22 days Wed 7/12/17 Thu 8/10117 13 Mainline Rehabilitation 14 Rehabilitation of 8 inch Sewer Mains 10"'d" ays Wed 7/12/17 Tue 7/25/17 _-- 15 Rehabilitation of _61i -n—c—h Sewer Mains 8 days Wed 7/26/17; Fri 8/4/17 16 Rehabilitation of 10 inch Sewer Mains 4 days;-ays Mon 8/7/17 Thu 8/10/17 17 18 Installation of Top Hats -. 20 days Fri 7/21/17 Thu 8/17/17 r i1 19 B5 Top Hats 6 days Fri 7/21/17: Fri 7/28/17 kL 20 C1 21 Full Wrap Top Hats Punch List Project Close-Out 9 s 10 days 1 day Mon 8/7/17 Fri 8/18/17 Fri 9/1/17 Thu 8/17/17 Thu 8/31/17 Fri 9/1/17 22 23 Project: Carsbad Phase I Project Sche Task Progress ------------------ Summary 'ilIJL External Tasks 1 ::.;:j Deadline Date: Thu 5/18/17 Split Milestone Project Summary External Milestone 4 Page 1 Submittal No.: 003A From: Southwest Pipeline & Trenchiess Corp. Page: 22118 S.VerrnontAvenue Submittal Date: June 14, 2017 Torrance, CA 90502 K/J Job No.: 5503-11 Project Name: CIPP PHASE I Specification Section: Prior Submittal: 003 Submittal A. Certification of Completeness and Accuracy We certify that we have reviewed this submittal in detail and that the submittal is: 1. Complete and accurate and incomplete compliance with the Contract Documents Section 01300. Signed by Subcontractor: Title: Date: Signed by Contractor: Title: Project Manager Date: 6/14/2017 d ID Task Name Duration Stan Finish pr17 JMay17 Jun17 - 5ul17 Aug 77E Sep17 - - OJ 2 I 9 16 I 23 L30 I 7 Jr I 14 I 21 2 I 9 16 I 23 I 10 6 13 20 2' 3 10 I- .'IPELINECIPP REHABILITATION PHASE I lo2days?j Mon4lll/I7 F,19/9/17 Pra-Constonction Meeting Odaysl Mon 4/17/171 Mon 4/17/17 ()4/I7 .Notice .fooeeri .OdaysToe4138?17........Tuo4/18/17 S bnnittals/App I 35d paT Tue 5/9/17j Too 6/27/I/ - U e IMatonlals lCd y°I Tue 5/9/17 Mon 5/22117 Confined Space 10 days1 Wed 6/14/171 Toe 6/27/1/ 1 10duys F 5726/Ill P6/9/17 8 Wastewoter Flow Management /SewerByp tOdays1 Wed8/14/171 Toe6l27/1/ 9 3 Emergency Response Plan 10daysi Wed 6/14/171 Toe 6/27/17 10 K11iiiti :.. 12 13 Sewer Ma/n leopeatien/Preparatios 30 daysl Mon 615/17 Mon 7/17/17 ...±... 44ay5j Mon 8/5/Ill Thu 6/8/il - 15 RevIew of CCIV 6 days FrI 6/9/171 Fri 6/16/17 16 Procurement of Uner 10 days Mon 6/19/17? Fri 6/30/17 17 Public Notification lOdays Mon 7/3/171 Mon7/17/17 18 72 Hours No/fraU 3d ys Thu 7113/17j U 7/17/17 ............CClVandCleaningotSewerMains 20 MaInline Rehabllltatlee 32 days? Toe 7/18/171 Wed 8/30/17 . 21 Rohabilltatlon 018 Inch Sewer MaIns 10 days Toe 7/18/171 Mon 7/31/1/ 22 Rehabilla/on 016 inch Sewer Mains 8 days Tue 8/1/17- Thu 8/10/11 Rehabilitation .......... mains ......Wfifi.....Wed . 24 . RevIew of Post hideos 10 days Thu Wed 8/30/17 25 26 InstallatIon of Top Hats 1 25 days? Thu 7I27/I7 Wed 8136117 27 95 lop Hots 6 days Thu 7/27/171 Thu 8/3/11 28 Cl Full Wrap Top Hots 9 daysi Fri 8/11/I7j Wed8/23/17 29 Rauiew of Post Videos S doys Thu 012d/171 Wed 8/30/11 30 31 ............................ .................. ...................... ............ ..... ..............................ik7i -., 32 Project Close-Cal - 1 day1 Fri 9/8/17j Fri 9/0/I, . Project: Curshad Phase I Project SchE Task ------.-- Progress Summary 'e .' External Tasks T2 Deadline - Date. Wed 6/14/17 Split Milestone • Project Summary Q External Milestone . Pagel - - Submittal Number 004 Date June 5, 2017 To: Southwest Pipeline & Trenchiess Corp Project Owner; City of Carlsbad 22118 S. Vermont Ave. Torrance, CA 90502 Project Name; Pipeline CIPP Rehab Phase 1 Contract No. 5503-11 Specification Section and Subsection Drawing Number Traffic Control 7-10.3 Description of Equipment or Material Submittal No. Make Amend No. Subject of Shop Drawing or Data No. of Exception Corrections And Rejected Copies Taken Noted Resubmit Resubmit 004 Traffic Control 2 X COMMENTS: ' Provide traffic control plans in conformance to Section 7-10.3.6 Make it clear which traffic control template will be used at specific street and intersection. Suggest that contractor utilize a spread- sheet with street name,' intersection, limits, Manhole number, and Traffic control template reference. Traffic Control must be approved by City Traffic Engineer. .' Note 72-hour prior notice required to affected residents or business if traffic or parking disruption in the right-of- way. Corrections or comments made relative to submittals during this ' review do not relieve the contractor from compliance with the Submittal Transmittal by; ' requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for Richard Brady & Associates ' confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; , ' selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating its work with that of other trades, and performing its ' work in a safe and satisfactory manner. / spector Submittal No.: 004 From: Southwest Pipeline & Trenchless Corp. 22118 S.Verrnont Avenue Torrance, CA 90502 Specification Section: Page: Submittal Date: May 26, 2017 KIJ Job No.: 5503-11 Project Name: CIPP PHASE I Prior Submittal: 001 Submittal A. Certification of Completeness and Accuracy We certify that we have reviewed this submittal in detail and that the submittal is: 1. Complete and accurate and incomplete compliance with the Contract Documents Section 01300. Signed by Subcontractor: Title: Date: Signed by Contractor: Title: Project Manager Date: 5/26/17 TRAFFIC CONTROL NOTES: I. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO RESIDENTS AT ALL. TIMES. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ALL AFFECTED RESIDENTS PRIOR TO START OF WORK W20-I AND 020-2 SHALL BE PLACED ON ANY AFFECTED CROSS STREETS AT TOO' CONTRACTOR TO PLACE TEMPORARY NO PARKING 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE "P\ v GKTLANE <#> /\ CLOSEDAHEAD 1 ROAD AHEAD W20-1 W20-5RT W4-2R C30(CA) TO STOP <e> Fd' <f> fPREAPHRED /\ C12(CA) R4-7A C9A(CA) W3-4 R3-1 8408081053300 OT / 108(0 ES TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION SIGNS om LEGEND: 0510 SIIOR}. 7080 I80k 1742710 01680504$ 0642000 43006 TILt =w@ rum r74054050 II 171200801007110005 -TSP-.- ITRAFFIC CONTROL 16600 05160216 ISOUTHVF PIPELINE 1648800578120 IW(S SUiCEDO HI/SOON SAFE-TI 16992 MISSION GORGE RD 011 80050 4041 ""33ISAN DIEGO, CA 92120 acA.ORL 00 02020 ..-,..619.265.5202 01105 618-441-3045 008001 20001 I 03-16-171 NO SC TABLE RO&0lOfl5 500 OF001IO FOR ADVANCE 100504505100 000545 AND 11550AUII TAPER 5014033 0071860044 10448051 115541116 Dl FRET 051044101 TAPER 05401045 (LI IFRE0 OF000 01400) 0(15054 SOS AND FROM 1.1ST F 10 T0 IDI FOR 12400T USE I 1150. 1131. 23 III 023 63 45 30 35 250 25D III 00 60 240 ITS 85 40 250 233 ISO 110 45 50 554 505 500 505 540 500'80 600 201 200 600 320 250 I II II 020-2 R3-7 R11-2(MOD) TABLE 2 - REIOR TAPEEN5111150 AND 440451401 OWOIOJflFII/OROJE ORA0010 MOIRE 8O'RIODI MAO 054E 50A0041 (C) 515000 (5) 0511114 10005 FORI05.F 140004) (8) TAPER 132100NT OR511JCT I.) L S 10 FOR 111155 80(0050 THAN 4 1104. 25 155 23 50 II L . -10,5' FOR 11055 OF 30 245 20 60 15 50 40 MPH 00 LOS. R3-2 35 230 23 75 15 45 205 40 80 20 45 300 45 80 20 0041611. L - 0201001 1011018 11 10050 (1110) 50 433 58 100 23 5. A000 11010 (I8'I4) - 505 485 50 105 23 PRETOD 1105 04811 OR OFT-RAPS 0510 0571010 ('1 TOSS 1A0(E Dl 7168 2012 5011105404 518001316 PRIOR 10 %1 OR TDPATOO 80004200 M1 (") FARES 807180040 1040015 ADJACENT 10 0500 480(45 00 SSIFUETOII 8810 0510005105310 81050 10- 11005 81050 OF 80010T(FOEI) I. 0040 81016 TAPIR 1/2L FOR SOFT 01050 0/31. FOR SHMADER TAPER r0—tQD-j ill. $2Or2 12 D—j ri TMCAL CONSTRUCTION M TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN <8:> <€> <8> __ L lulls sMesoo }j1JDSON$APE.T-LITE RENTALS 6992 MIRGION GORGE RD in vsv - ni lis H m pmm --- m DIEGO. CA '° I- S . EN DENS ENS 03-16-171 SEE FLAN I SEE PUN SEE PLANI SEE 03-16—Ill NO SCAI,1 7 (IF P I L.. iz ..1Z IN.-.. 2 I21. 12 WIN I.il IL ROM NW: 1 ' YPICALCONSTRUCON SIGNS TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN V <> e 50 n Dim £DmlIL liii Di LiUDiD a aba IT. T.abW Ti bab0T.i TWIt aTI0TfiWEET PIPEUNE DiTZIt Di-T ba-I TT IUflS SAIGEDO HUDSON sAFE-T•LrrE NTMS / 6992 MIEDION GORGE RD msm.ew.tv LEGEND: mm.WW4 Iba L2U 721171 1272! 7272 WIlDS® PUW71 rbaWIDS H ISOWIT ID 117121 -TSP--SAN DIEGO, O3-16-17 CA 120 .172172 lab SEE 91172 ballS ballS WI 03-16-171 PLAN SEE PUN SEE PLANI SEE PL0JEI ao SWIDWII71 I NO SCALEr 4 OF 5 I I r -Qj ______ YPICAL CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN I00OO ISOUTHT PIPElINE HAS 40000000 ITO! OMO!MTTWTO NOITNOO 000k NOW 0000000000 T iOTO TOTTOOS TOO TO 0005 005000 000TO 0000k 0! / ILUIS SAWEDO 6992 LIIION GORGE RD SAN CA 92120 HOJDSONSA$'E•T•L!TE RENTAlS DPA!0 -TNP <9> LEGEND: mm S ma I. so TRAFFIC CONTROL P twit &&N titOlit Pit It Aitcy & P ii it ICC 010(0 E P000C 101 0(0010110NO(0C0010C0010 00001000100000(000001010010101 55 TI LUIS SALC000 SONSAFETUTE AL 6992 MISSION GORGE RD nn soy ALA 0(0! 010 1000k ® !IACT(0 0000100 P0010I -mi-- 01010000101 onit, olssoC son 1SILN DIEGO, Ct. 92120 ,01, so nozo ALOI-IS04 (L . Submittal No.: 006 From: Southwest Pipeline & Trenchless Corp. Page: 22118 S.Verrnont Avenue Submittal Date: June 14, 2017 Torrance, CA 90502 K/J Job No.: 5503-11 Project Name: ClPP PHASE I Specification Section: Prior Submittal: Submittal A. Certification of Completeness and Accuracy We certify that we have reviewed this submittal in detail and that the submittal is: 1. Complete and accurate and incomplete compliance with the Contract Documents Section 01300. BYPASS PLAN AND FLOW PLUGS Signed by Subcontractor: Title: Date: Signed by Contractor: Title: Project Manager Date: 6/14/2017 I_I-I-—I -U- I - • I I•..I E S'% -1 1 - Subject Rehabilitation Pipeline CIPP Rehabilitation Phase I The installation of a sewer-mainline liner will be performed from manhole to manhole. Flow will be bypassed from the upstream manhole to the parallel manhole per the following: All Bypassing will be done per current Greenbook Specifications and per the contract general provisions. Pumping equipment will be placed at the next upstream manhole. Discharge hoses will be run to a downstream manhole. This system will be watertight and will be monitored while in operation. We will use hard hoses for the suction and discharge hoses that enter the manholes. The discharge hoses will be the lay fiat type. The lay-flat hose does not extend into the manhole. Since the sewer pipe diameter is 8 inches, we will be using the flow-thru plugs 0937610 and 093-812. All sewer plugs are secured to any sturdy surface available on site. If none are available, the plugs are secured to the frame of one of the available support trucks. The pumps used will be 2", 4" and/or 6" (if needed) pumps capable of handling the expected CFS. On site we will have a back-up pump system of equal size to the main pump to ensure 100% backup capability, set up and ready to run if needed. Each bypass set-up (including the back-up) will have its own suction and discharge piping. The suction side will have a "manifold" so in case of failure the backup pump can be started and valves switched in seconds. All hoses have "Cam-Lock" fittings on them. In case of a hose failure they too can be switched in seconds. The backup flow diversion system shall be operated for a minimum of 25% of the total diversion time on a weekly basis. Each pump (active and standy) can run for approximately 4-5 hours without refueling. However, each pump is constantly being monitored and checked to unsure it has enough fuel and that it is operating efficiently. Each bypass operator carries a 5 gallon fuel container (one for each pump) to refill each pump as needed. The pressure gauges (at street level) on the pumps are continuously monitored by a trained employee (assigned by the on- site foreman) and inspected every 5-10 minutes until the bypass is no longer needed. The foreman is responsible for keeping track of each bypass pump inspection using the attached Monitoring Log. Residence and Businesses will be given written advance notice if their service is going to be affected. The notice will be a '72 Hour Notice of Sewer Work'. They will be asked to reduce their water usage during the rehabilitation period. All environmentally-sensitive areas and entrances will be identified as liner/installation procedure is identified. Respectfully Submitted, Luis Salcedo Southwest Pipeline & Trenchless Corp. '221l8 S. Vermont Ave Torrance, CA 90502 Phone (310)329-8717 Fax (310)329-0981 6/14/20171 Southwest Pipeline & Trenchiess Corp Stid-by pump shII be oquPped whh Its own pthg for lrnmedate use if necessary. SEWER BYPASSED FROM MIITOMH [FLOW-THRU PLUG I I PUMP#2 By-Pass Plan LtwomAP 101mnROG"' n .. 0 - .- 0 - 0 h i' •- C) UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM BYPASS BYPASS I I r Descnpbon ' - Metnc mperiaI Operating weight 3 i 43 k '16 lb Shipping weight (inckidtng packaging) - - _. 49 l'g 109 lb Shioping size ç - 565 x480 ç 540 mm 223 x 169 x 213 ir Max head - - '.. L 32 mi .4 106 ft Max dtscj-irge I I , 795 I/mm 210 US gi Max suct1ci lift - III 76 m 25 .-..'. Solid size c4pac1y 1 i• . '- 5 mm . .,.. . ................... I in Engine T,ps - air coojLd 4-cycle sirgk I cylinder W.lcker Niuson :..-.I-. 1 . . .•. 1 :.i gasQine1ergirie.. :.*. Displacement I 169 %cm3 103 In3 Max RatePpwer at Rated Speed m 42 A. kW t 4Q00 pm 5 ip at 4000 rpm Operatiri sjeed 3 SOQ tZrrmLn 3500 rpm Power Rat -g pacrficatioo SAE J1349 SAE Fuel capacil 3 I 3 a us qt Max fue' consmpbo I & i/h & US ql/h Suction &isch sme diameter 50 mm 2 Length x 51dIFc helgh 55Oj 465 x 50& nm 23'2 x 1 ,ç1t9 & _____ : 0; ..i::.-:.: . - L boye package: i ncl udes strai _______ not, t amp, operator man . L _ paft _ 1~ook. .. Gene sled a W dreed y Hoyonibei 3 2010 I II I I I I (\ NE USO N www ackerneuson corn Description Z~g t.Metrtc Impertal Suction &discharge diameter 100 mm 4 u Leagthx wtdji~thx height 'L. - 915 x 875 x 875 mm 36 x 35 In Operating weight - - - - - i 163 g ii 3601 l Shiping'weight (including packagIng) I 150 kg 1 330 lb .:i_.''.- J1p.r..:i.i..1 :9 .-2-•l1r .i Shipping sjze - - 945 x 650 x 81.50 mm I 1.iu .0-..° 37 25 x I Max head -,-. - I 32 rn it'= )06 f ili •u ,i f :-.•,-.:...,. . . f4.'- di cha .. ...... :1,1-.............................. .. 16& i/mm '05 US I .1 gpm riax ge itn W. 111. Max disctyirge . 2 687 1/mm 705 US 1: I gprr I - I MaX SLiCtlQplIft 1 7 25 ft Solid size capacity - 7 mill..1 I 2 j Engine Tie air-cooled 4 cyc-le tin1 cylinder gasoline engine Rriggs &Stratton Vmgiard with elecinc stan Ipp- Displacement . . . . ..........................- ... 460 .rn 3 -.'•..- 293 mit Max Rated Power at Pated peed 11 9 )cW it 3600 rpm 161-p at 3b00 rpm Operating speed 3 o00 1/mimi 3600 rpm Power Rating Specmfcation SAE J1995 SAE Fueltanmccapacity 17 I 45 USgal Max fuel consuptmon 4 8 I/h 1 3 US qtik NTnTnrIJ! ________ .11t1rr.I !Battery. it, r : ~.' .. . Please refer ~ to, our PriCe List and Ordbrih§ "! . :..: .:. . .:: : .: -.:, S ricatiafts may chang e due to cb nii nuous product devellopm : ,se Guide for comp % acde$sbir inforrhat' ent U sers tird advise d to c4 nsult Wa.cke r N 6 u son's Ope ratoes fWa i ,:. - . 6uht and . ;1- . ..::: I Gonerated Wedrlotday Novomber 2010 - I -I I III WCKER I corn www wackerneuson P4 EU SO N STEMAR EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY COG INCO Serving Underground Construction Since 1922 The multi-size flow-thrus are built with the same patented designs as our multi and single-size domehead plugs. The flow-thru plug goes one step further by offering a large by-pass within the plug. The bypasses are ideal for doing a water test or sewer bypass. Flow- thru plugs are available with standard bypasses up to 8" NPT. 12" threaded connections and larger flanged connections can be special ordered. The multi-size flow-thru's can be manufactured with nitrile or neoprene rubber and stainless steel components for use in chemical and petroleum applications. u1r MAXIMUM MIN. MAX REQUIRED BACK/ BY- PIPE PIPE PIPE INFLATION TEST PASS PRODUCT DIMENSIONS PART# SIZE DIA, DIA. PRESSURE PRESSURE SIZE LTH. mA. WT. ' 092" 9. 6'25 3PS[ 15 PSI 2" 140, . 3.5" 6.51b 093610 6" 10 5'l. 1025 0PS1 1.5 PSI 3 200 50 IlOIbs 094 812 8'-12' 70 - 122)' 1OPSI - 15 PSI 4 200" 60 iSOibs 094-1016 10"-16 9.5" 16.25 25 PSI 15 PSI 4" 24.0 9.0' 37.01bs 096.1016 10"-16" 9.5" 16.25" 25PSI PSI 6" 28.0" 9.0" 40.01bs F 094 1218 12" 18 110' 1825' 25 PSI 1 PSI 4 280" 10 " 45 Olbs 096 1218 12 18 110 1825 25 PSI -15 b PSI 6 280" 105 48.0lbs 098 1218 12' 18' 11 0 1825" 25 PSI b PSI 8 32 0 10 5 50 0lbs 094-1224 12-24 11.5" 24.25" 25 PSI 15 PSI 4" 41.0" 11.0" 65.01bs 096-1224 12"-24" 11.5" 24.25" 25 PSI 15 PSI 6" 41.0" 11.0" 70.01bs 098-1224 12-24" 11.5" 24.25" 25 PSI 15 PSI 8" 41.0" 11.0" 75.01hs 094-1521 15 21' 140' 21 25 20 PSI 10 PSI 4 28 0 13 5 75 olbs 096 1521 l5 21' 140 21 25 20 1SI 10 PSI 6 280 13.5" 87 01bs 098 b21 1-5-1 21' I4'O' 21 251 20 PSI lOPS! 8" 28 0' 13.5" 89 Olbs - 094-1530 15-30" 14.3' 30.25" 20 PSI 8 PSI 4" 56.0 14.0" 58.01bs 096-1530 15-30" 14.3" 30.25" 20 PSI 8PS1 6" 52.0" 14.0" 115.01bs 098-1530 15-30" 14.3" 30.25" 20 PS! 8 PSI 8" 52.0" 14.0" 120.01bs 094-1824 18 24 170" 242) 20PS1 lOPS! 4 F 280 160 910'bs 096 1824 1S"-24'.170" 24 2 20 PSI 10 PSI 6 280 16 0 93 Olbs 098 1824 18" 24 170" 2425' 20 PSI 10 PSI 8 28 0 16.0"bs 094-2036 20"-36" 19.0" 36.25 20 PSI S PSI 4" 64.0 18.5" 102.0lbs 096-2036 20"-36" 19.0" 36.25" 20 PSI 8 PSI 6" 56.0" 18.5" 160.01bs 098-2036 20"-36" 19.0" 36.25" 20 PSI 8 PSI 8" 56.0" 18.5" 163.01bs 094-2448 24'-48" 220 44425 1.5 P91"S PSI 4 940 21.5" 112.0 Ibs 096 2448 24" 48' 22 48 25 115.PSI 8 PSI 6 940 21.5" 159 0lbs M 098 2448 24"-48' 220 48 25', 15 PSI - 8 PSI 8' 940 215 174 Olbs 'I. 094-3660 096-3660 098-3660 36-60" 36-60" 36"-60" 34.5" 34.5' 34.5" 60.25" 60.25" 60.25" 10 PSI 10 PSI 10 PSI 6 PSI 6 PSI 6 PSI 4" 6" 8" 98.0' 98.0" 98.0" 29.5" 29.5" 29.5" 165.0lbs 190.0lbs 210.0lbs 094427& 42"78" 37.0' 78.25" to PSI'. S1 4" 1 108.0" 35.0" 300.0lbs 096-4278. 42°-78" 37..0' 78.25" 10 PSI 6 PSI 6" 108.0" 35.0" 320.01bs 098-4278, 4'-78" 37.Q.1 78.25" 10 PSI 6 PS .? 10.8.0" 35.0' 3Q.0s 094-4872 48-72 2.25" lOPS! 6PSI 4 110.0' 43.5" 360.01bs 096-4872 48-72" 46.0"F72.25". 46.0"2,25" 10 PSI 6 PSI. 6" 110.0" 43.5" 380.01bs 098-4872 48"-72" 46.0" 10 PSI 6 PSI 8" 110.0" 43.5" 410.0ibs 094-6096 60"-96 8 0' 96 25 10 PSI 6 PSI 4" 585 Olbs 096-6096 60-96 580" 9625' to, 6PM 6' 1200F 56J)13 1200 605 0tbs 09"g-'604."'.60" 96' 58 0 96.25 10 PSI 6 PSI 8 1200 62D Oibs 36'x 48"wf1h Ava --------------------- MANUFACTURING AND WHOLESALE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT -.--------------------- SALE e RENTAL a SERVICE 353 SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CA 90013-1784 (213) 625-0185 (800) 992-0100 24 HR. FAX (213) 625-0826 www.stemarinc.com Submittal No.: 007 From: Southwest Pipeline & Trenchless Corp. Page: 22118 S.VerrnontAvenue Submittal Date: June 14, 2017 Torrance, CA 90502 K/J Job No.: 5503-11 Project Name: ClPP PHASE I Specification Section: Prior Submittal: Submittal A. Certification of Completeness and Accuracy We certify that we have reviewed this submittal in detail and that the submittal is: 1. Complete and accurate and incomplete compliance with the Contract Documents Section 01300. WASTEWATER FLOW MANAGEMENT PLAN & EMERGENCY RESPONSE Signed by Subcontractor: Title: pate: Signed by Contractor: Title: Project Manager Date: 6/14/2017 Southwest Pipeline & Trenchiess Corp. 22118 S. VERMONT AVE TORRANCE, CA 90502 - Ph: (310)329-8717 Fax (310) 329-0981 Wastewater Flow Management & Wastewater Emergency Response Project: PIPELINE CIPP REHAB PHASE I Owner City of Carlsbad This plan has been prepared to address the issues of sewer bypass pump and piping installation, spill prevention and control, and remediation of sewage spills for the project titled: Pipeline CIPP Rehabilitation Phase I. The pump bypass will be operated on a continuous basis around the clock for the time required to perform various tasks during the pipeline rehabilitation. The project is in various locations as listed in the contract documents in the City of Carlsbad. During any leak or spill the City of Carlsbad will be immediately notified. Crews shall immediately call the Sewage Spill Hotline hours). Installation and Removal Procedures Following is a detailed description of the installation and operation of the system in a sequential order: A Traffic Control will be set in place per the approved traffic control plan or the Watch Handbook, whichever prevails. The bypass equipment will be delivered to the site and off loaded, either within the traffic control or at a storage area. Sandbags and polyethylene sheeting will be ready at the site to install within drains to prevent flooding and work will cease until clear weather prevails. Spill Control Measures Measures taken to control the amount of sewage spilled from an accidental discharge caused by damage to, or failure of, equipment are outlined below. These measures will make every attempt to keep sewage from spreading or reaching surface waters and keep ground contact to a minimum. A. Bypass Discharge Hose Leaks and Breaks: 1. Each pump, including the backup pump, is a complete unit with its own suction and discharge piping. 2 Should a primary bypass discharge hose develop a leak, the primary system will be shut down and the standby system (back-up Vacuum trucks) will be activated. The backup bypass will be operated for a minimum of 25% of the total diversion time on a weekly basis. The backup flow diversion system will be fully installed, operational, and ready for immediate use in case of an emergency. No major spill should occur and the primary system will be repaired. a Should the main bypass discharge pipe develop a leak, the system will be shut down and the line will be repaired with spare repair couphpgs and pipe which will be kept on the jobsite in the vicinity of the bypass. A standby pump and 500 feet of 4 discharge hose will be on site and can be quickly installed and started should it be required to control a spill or leak. The upstream and downstream manholes will be monitored constantly during any shut down for repairs. 4 As soon as a break is discovered, replacement pumps, hoses and equipment will be mobilized to the site from our main facility as needed. Should a bypass hose develop a major leak or should spill occur, the driveways on the down gradient of the spill will be blocked with a row of sand bags. Concurrently, portable pumps and hoses will be ordered to assist in the rerouting of the spill back to the sewer. 1Page r L4J Bypass Pump Failure: If a primary pump on the main bypass system fails, the backup pump will be started. Upon starting the backup pump, the failed pump will be repaired or replaced immediately with a pump of the same or greater capacity. The pumps can be isolated from one another and the discharge line with gate valves in addition to the check valve in each pump. Line Plug Failure: Should an inflatable line plug fails, it will be replaced. No spill will occur. Remediation Measures Within 3 days of a spill the contractor shall prepare a written report of the incident per specifications and shall include the following: Adrawing of the incident. Estimated volume. Date, time and duration. Remedial and clean up measures. Equipment used. Limits of affected areas. (Environmentally sensitive, etc.) Preventative actions to avoid additional spills. A list of persons notified. Remediation measures will begin concurrently with the spill control measures and with the help of subcontractors as required. Vacuum pumping trucks will be called to assist in the cleanup if required. Portable pumps and hoses will be called in to assist in the cleanup if required. All sewage coming in contact with the ground will be pumped to the nearest available open manhole and the ground will be flushed with potable water and that will also be pumped to the sewer. Chlorine will not be used to clean gutters, catch basins or drainage routs and will not get into the storm drains. Emergency Materials and Equipment Onsite The equipment and material listed below will be onsite and ready for use at all times for cleanup. The materials will be staged near the work site for immediate use. Safety glasses, goggles, face shield, rubber boots, and rubber gloves. Sand Bags in a quantity required to construct beams to divert surface flow. 4" diesel engine driven pump. Suction hoses for diesel engine driven pump. Discharge hoses for diesel engine driven pump. Shovels, hand tools and broom. Polyethylene sheeting for containment dikes or dump pits. Spare hoses, pipe and fittings. Disinfectant hand cleaner. 2IPage City of Carlsbad Emergency Contact Numbers Sewage Spill Hotline: f€24 /O17 *XJ Inspector: Luis Duenes: (619) 836-2561 Scott Fisher: (760) 814-7226 Responsible Person for monitoring Bypass/Diversion for Lining Southwest Pipeline and Trenchless Corporation Dan McCoy Jr. Project Foreman Cell: (310)261-1752. Eric Huang Project Foreman Cell: (310)505-0173 Eddie Manriquez . Project Foreman Cell: (310)261-0761 Octavio Castaneda Project Foreman Cell: (310)261-1301 Reginald Loterina Project Foreman Cell: (310)505-3997 Emergency Phone Numbers Office (310)329-8717 Prime Contractor -Southwest Pipeline and Trenchless Corporation Justin Duchaineau President . Cell: (31.0)261-1668 Luis Salcedo Project Manager Cell: (310)261-0808 Spill Cleanup Service Industrial: United Pumping Service, Inc. (626)961-9326 14016 E. Valley Blvd. City of Industry, CA 91746 Residential: Emergency Service Restoration (800)540-5532 P.O. Box 1774 Redondo Beach, CA 90278 Thuro Dry Flood Services: o 5663 Balboa Av #102, San Diego, CA 92111 (858) 270-5600 3lPage