HomeMy WebLinkAbout58-9911063J.00; Carlsbad Research Center Lot 12; Carlsbad Research Center Lot 12; 1999-08-02E
LOT 12
Prepared for
Mr. Frank Sciacca
DSK Carlsbad Partners, L.L.C.
c/o Sciacca Development Company
P.O. Box 2156
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
URSGWC Project No. 58-9911063J.OO-UD001
August 2, 1999
US 6roilier woodward Clyde
1615 Murray Canyon Road, Suite 1000
San Diego, CA 92108-4314
619-294-9400 Fax: 619-293-7920
LOT 12
Prepared for
Mr. Frank Sciacca
DSK Carlsbad Partners, L.L.C.
c/o Sciacca Development Company
P.O. Box 2156
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
URSGWC Project No. 58-9911063J.OO-UD001
August 2, 1999
1/ffS Greiner Wo a a war a Clyde
1615 Murray Canyon Road, Suite 1000
San Diego, CA 92108-4314
619-294-9400 Fax: 619-293-7920
URS Greiner Woodward Clyde
A Division of URS Corporation
August!, 1999
1615 Murray Canyon Road, Suite 1000
San Diego, CA 92108
Tel: 619.294.9400
Fax: 619.293.7920
Offices Worldwide
Mr. Frank Sciacca
DSK Carlsbad Partners, L.L.C.
c/o Sciacca Development Company
P.O. Box 2156
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
Subject: Update Geotechnical Investigation
Carlsbad Research Center - Lot 12
Carlsbad, California
URSGWC Project No, 58-9911063J.OO-UD001
Dear Mr. Sciacca:
URS Greiner Woodward Clyde (URSGWC) is pleased to present the accompanying update
report, which presents the results of our geotechnical investigation for the subject project. This
study was performed in accordance with our proposal, dated July 7, 1999, and your authorization
of July 11, 1999.
This report presents our conclusions and recommendations pertaining to the geotechnical aspects
of the proposed project. The results of our investigation indicate that the site is generally suitable
for the proposed construction. If you have any questions or if we can be of further service, please
give us a call.
Very truly yours,
Ronald S. Johnson, G.$. $356
Project Manager
Jteven M. Fitzwilliam, R.C.
Project Engineer
Section 1 Introduction 1-1
1.1 Purpose and Scope of Investigation 1-1
Section 2 Site Reconnaissance 2-1
2.1 Site Reconnaissance 2-1
Sections Site Conditions 3-1
3.1 Geologic and Seismic Setting 3-1
3.2 Site Development History 3-1
3.3 Surface Conditions 3-2
3.4 Subsurface Conditions 3-2
3.5 Groundwater 3-2
Section 4 Discussions, Conclusions and Recommendations 4-1
4.1 Geologic and Seismic Hazards 4-1
4.2 Site Earthwork 4-1
4.2.1 Soil Characteristics 4-1
4.2.2 Site Preparation 4-1
4.3 Surface Drainage 4-3
4.4 Subsurface Drainage 4-3
4.5 Foundations 4-3
4.6 Seismic Coefficient 4-4
4.7 Subterranean Walls 4-4
4.8 Slabs-on-Grade 4-5
4.9 Pavements 4-5
4.10 Corrosion Potential 4-6
Section 5 Uncertainty and Limitations 5-1
Figure 1
Figure 2
Vicinity Map
Site Plan
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SECTIONONE Introduction
This report presents the results of URS Greiner Woodward Clyde's (URSGWC) update
geotechnical investigation for the Carlsbad Research Center. The project is located east of El
Camino Real and north of Palomar Airport Road in Carlsbad, California. The location of the
project is shown on the Vicinity Map (Figure 1).
For our study we have discussed the project with you and with Mr. Mike Woomer of Smith
Consulting Architects, the project architects. We have also review the following reports and
plans prepared by our firm and others pertaining to Lot 12 of the Carlsbad Research Center
• "Preliminary Soil and Geologic Investigation, Carlsbad Research Center, Carlsbad,
California," prepared by Woodward-Clyde Consultants, dated April 27, 1981.
• "Additional Studies, Carlsbad Research Center, Phase I, Carlsbad, California," prepared by
Woodward-Clyde Consultants, dated August 27, 1981.
• "Addendum to Additional Studies, Carlsbad Research Center, Phase I, Carlsbad, California,"
prepared by Woodward-Clyde Consultants, dated September 3, 1981.
• "As-graded Geotechnical Report, Rough Grading Completed, Carlsbad Research Center,
Phase I, Carlsbad Tract No. 81-10, Carlsbad, California," prepared by San Diego Soils
Engineering, Inc., dated April 21, 1982.
• "Geotechnical Investigation, Callaway Golf Distribution Building, Carlsbad Research Center
- Lot 12, Carlsbad, California," prepared by Woodward-Clyde Consultants, dated August 8,
We understand that the proposed project will include five one-story buildings, four two-story
buildings, asphalt parking, and landscaping. We understand the proposed buildings will be of
concrete tilt-up construction supported on shallow foundations. We anticipate that the project
will entail minor site earthwork and grading.
This report presents our conclusions and recommendations pertaining to the project and has been
prepared exclusively for DSK Carlsbad Partners, L.L.C. and their consultants in planning and
design. Some of the recommendations included in this report have been previously transmitted
to the project architect and structural engineer.
The purpose of the geotechnical investigation is to evaluate the surface and subsurface conditions
at the site and to provide geotechnical recommendations to assist the design team in project
design. The scope of the investigation included a review of previous geotechnical investigations,
a site reconnaissance, engineering evaluations and analyses, and preparation of this report
suitable for submittal to the City of San Diego for permitting purposes. The geotechnical
investigation was designed to develop conclusions and recommendations regarding the
• Geologic and seismic setting of the site.
• General site surface and subsurface conditions.
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SECTIONONE Introduction
Recommendations for site earthwork, including subgrade preparation.
Appropriate foundation systems for the planned structures, given the subsurface conditions,
seismic hazards, and anticipated loading conditions.
Allowable bearing pressures and available lateral resistance (passive and frictional resistance)
for shallow foundations.
Estimated total and differential foundation settlements.
Recommendations for design of slab-on-grade floors and asphalt pavements.
Recommendations for seismic site coefficients based on the 1997 Unified Building Code.
URSGrelner Woodward CWe W:\9911063J\UD001-B.R.DOC\30-Jul-99\SDG 1-2
SECTIONTWO Site Reconnaissance
An engineer from our firm performed a site reconnaissance on July 15, 1999. The existing
conditions and site access were evaluated and noted. The site reconnaissance was performed to
verify that the field conditions were similar to those at the time of our last geotechnical
investigation at the site in terms of site conditions, elevation, and surface characteristics.
Photographs depicting the general site conditions were collected during the reconnaissance.
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SECTIONTHREE Site Conditions
Our knowledge of the site conditions has been developed from a review of the area geology,
historical information, previous investigations, and our site reconnaissance.
The site lies within the coastal margins along the western flanks of the Peninsular Range
Province of southern California. The Peninsular Range Province is a well defined geologic and
physiographic province southeastward from southern California to the tip of Baja California.
The coastal subprovince consists of gently westward sloping Cetaceous through Quaternary age
sedimentary formations that abut Jurassic age metamorphic and Cretaceous age crystalline rock
to the east. The site is approximately 1A mile north of McClellan Palomar Airport and four miles
east of the Pacific Ocean shoreline. The site is underlain by fill soil and formational soil of the
Santiago and Point Loma Formations. The fill soil is generally derived from the on-site
formational soil.
The Rose Canyon-Offshore Zone of Deformation-Newport Inglewood fault zone contains the
nearest active faults to the site. This zone of faults is located west of the site at a distance of
approximately 7 miles (11 kilometers). Other active faults in Southern California include the
Elsinore fault zone approximately 25 miles (40 kilometers)to the east and the Coronado Banks
fault zones approximately 26 miles (42 kilometers) to the west. The "City of San Diego, Seismic
Safety Study, Geologic Hazards and Faults," dated 1995 does not indicate the presence of any
faults at the building site.
The original geotechnical investigation at the site was performed by Woodward-Clyde
Consultants for the entire Carlsbad Research Center and is discussed in our April 27, 1981
report. At the time of that investigation, the undisturbed terrain was part of a natural terrace
surface that was part of an agricultural area. Several exploratory test pits were performed in the
site vicinity during our 1981 study.
Based on our review of our project files, we understand that the site was initially mass graded in
1981 as part of Phase I grading for the Carlsbad Research Center. Testing and observation
services during this grading period were provided by San Diego Soils Engineering, Inc. and are
summarized in their April 21, 1982 report. According to this repot, grading within the current
site vicinity included removal of loose topsoil and residual soil, placement and compaction of fill
soil to design grades, and performance of field and laboratory tests to determine the relative
compaction and moisture content of compacted fill. Up to about 16 feet of compacted fill was
place on Lot 12 during grading. At the completion of this phase of grading, the surface elevation
of the graded portion of Lot 12 ranged from approximately +309 to +322 feet Mean Sea Level
In 1994 URSGWC (formerly Woodward-Clyde Consultants) performed a geotechnical of the
subject site. The results of that investigation are presented in our report dated August 8, 1994.
Six exploratory borings were performed for at the project site during our 1994 site investigation.
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SECT10KTHREE Site Conditions
*" The entire 8.2-acre project site is located within a previously graded roughly triangular lot. The
_ lot is bounded by Priestly Drive to the southwest, the developed Lot 13 to the southeast, El
Camino Real to the northeast, and the developed Lots 4 and 5 to the northwest (Figure 2). Fill
slopes up to about 8 feet in height and inclined a 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) ascend from a
— portion of the northwestern side of the lot and descend from the southeast side of the existing
pad. In addition, a cut and fill slope up to about 8 feet in height and inclined at about 5:1
descends to El Camino Real. The graded pad portion of Lot 12 gently slopes from the east to the
— west. A concrete driveway entrance is currently located at the northwest corner of the site.
** Vegetation on the graded pad generally consist of a moderate growth of grasses and weeds. The
w slopes and landscaped parkways separating the property from the bordering roadways and lots
have been planted with grass and trees and are irrigated. There are several piles of
""* undocumented fill and debris along the southwestern side of the graded pad.
_ The site is underlain by fill soil, the Eocene Santiago Formation, and the Cretateous Point Loma
Formation. Fill soil was encountered up to 16 feet during our 1994 investigation. The typical
*"" depth of fill appears to be about 10 feet across the pad. The fill is generally composed of highly
_ to very highly expansive lean and fat clay. A cut area is indicated along the extreme southern
portion of the site. The approximate location of the cut/fill boundary as reported in the 1982 San
Diego Soils report is shown on Figure 2. Variations in the actual cut/fill boundary line should be
~* expected.
— Our review indicates that the Santiago Formation exists at depth at the extreme southern edge of
the site. This formational material is composed of medium dense to dense, poorly graded sand
with silt. The Santiago Formation may be exposed at the surface in the extreme southern portion
*• of the site.
The results of our review indicate that the Point Loma Formation underlies the fill soil over a
_ majority of the site. In addition, the Point Loma Formation may be exposed in a cut area in the
southwestern portion of the site. This formational material is primarily composed of hard and
very hard claystone. These materials are classified as lean and fat clays when excavated and are
*• considered highly to very highly expansive.
No groundwater, surface seeps, springs, or unusually wet areas were observed during our field
*" studies nor indicated in the review geologic and geotechnical investigation reports. Groundwater
«•> is not expected within the depths of excavation. Perched or shallow groundwater conditions may
develop after construction within the clayey soil.
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SECTIONFOUR Discussions. Conclusions and Becommendations
The discussions, conclusions, and recommendations presented in this report are based on
information provided to us, a review of available information, results of our site reconnaissance,
empirical correlations, engineering evaluations and analyses, and professional judgment. The
conclusions and recommendations presented in our August 8, 1994 report are still applicable
with the following changes and additions.
The primary geologic and seismic hazard potentially affecting the site is moderate to severe
ground shaking in response to either a local moderate or more distant large magnitude earthquake
during the life of the planned facility. No known active faults cross the site, and the area is not
within a Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zone for fault rupture hazard. The existing surface and
subsurface conditions indicate that the probability of hazards such as slope instability,
subsidence, soil liquefaction, and flooding affecting the site would be considered very low.
We anticipate that earthwork for the project will generally consist of minor regrading of the
relatively level site, excavation of existing soil within building and pavement areas, compaction
of a select fill cap, and the excavation and backfilling of utility trenches. We recommend that fat
clays or deleterious materials be removed from the site. We recommend that the building
foundations be founded entirely on compacted fill soil to provide uniform support for the
foundations and floor slabs. We recommend that a pre-grading conference be held at the site
with the owner, contractor, civil engineer, and geotechnical engineer in attendance.
4.2.1 Soil Characteristics
The fill and near-surface formational soil present at the site consists primarily of lean to fat clay
with some silty sand to poorly graded sand with silt at the extreme southern end of the site. The
grading and design recommendations presented in this report are based on the assumption that
soil similar to the soil observed at the surface during our site reconnaissance and described in our
previous reports currently exist near the proposed finish grade elevations.
It is our opinion that the formational soil within the anticipated excavation depths can be
excavated with moderate to heavy effort with conventional excavating equipment; fill soil can be
excavated with moderate effort. Because of the highly expansive nature of the onsite soil, We
recommend that the near surface soil be excavated and properly disposed of offsite, or be used in
landscape areas.
4.2.2 Site Preparation
A majority of the near surface soil is unsuitable for building foundation loading and pavement
subgrades. We recommend that subgrade soil within four feet of finish grade in the building and
exterior hardscape areas and within two feet of subgrade in the pavement areas consist of
nonexpansive to low expansive select soil. Select soil shall consist of material that contains no
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SECTIONFOUR Discussions, Conclusions and Recommendations
rocks or hard lumps greater than 6 inches in maximum dimension, have at least 40 percent
material less than V* inch in size, have an Expansion Index of 30 or less when tested in
accordance with UBC Standard 29-2, and does not have any perishable, spongy, deleterious, or
otherwise unsuitable material. Building areas are defined as the building limits plus a horizontal
distance of five feet outside of the building limits. Based on the available information, we do not
anticipate that the existing soil at the site will be classified as select material. Our firm should
test all planned borrow soil prior to import to the jobsite to verify compliance with the
requirements for select material.
Lime treatment of soil beneath pavement areas could improve the subgrade support without
removing two feet of subgrade. Lime treatment is discussed further in Section 4.9 of this report.
Loose and organic topsoil from the landscaped areas should also be removed and disposed of
offsite or in landscape areas. In addition, we recommend that prior to the start of earthwork
operations, stockpiles of soil, and other debris be removed and disposed offsite. Abandoned
underground utilities should either be excavated and the trenches properly backfilled, or the lines
completely filled with sand-cement slurry. We recommend that the tree roots be excavated from
trees that are to be removed in the building area.
We recommend that select fill soil at the site be placed and compacted at a moisture content at or
above the optimum moisture content. Fill soil consisting of excavated fill or formational
materials should be place and compacted at a moisture content of at least three percent above the
optimum moisture content.
We recommend that the proposed grading be performed in accordance with Section 300 of the
most recent approved editions of the "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction"
and "Regional Supplement Amendments" for earthwork and other related site activities. In
general, all fill and backfill should be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90
percent when tested in accordance with ASTM D1557; moisture contents during placement
should be in excess of the optimum moisture content. We recommend that URSGWC observe
the grading operations and test the compacted fill.
We understand that at this time no subterranean structures are planned for this project site.
However, minor temporary slopes may be required during grading operations. All temporary
excavations should comply with local safety ordinances. The safety of all excavations is the
responsibility of the contractor. Generally, temporary excavations through the fill could be
sloped at 1:1 up to a maximum depth of 10 feet. For higher cuts, slopes should be inclined at
IVi: 1 (horizontal to vertical). It is not anticipated that groundwater dewatering would be required
for the excavations.
We recommend that positive measures be taken to properly finish grade the site so that drainage
waters are directed off the site and away from foundations and floor slabs. Even when these
measures have been taken, experience has shown that a shallow groundwater or surface water
conditions can and may develop in areas where no such water condition existed prior to site
development; this is particularly true where a substantial increase in surface water infiltration
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SECTIONFOUR Discussions, Conclusions and Recommendations
results from landscaping irrigation. It is particularly critical at this project site to control surface
drainage in order to reduce heaving of the highly expansive subsurface soil.
To further reduce soil expansion and moisture related problems, we recommend that landscaping
and irrigation be kept as far away from the building perimeter as possible. Irrigation water,
especially close to the building, should be kept to the minimum required level. We recommend
that the ground surface in all areas be graded to slope away from the building foundations and
floor slabs and that all runoff water be directed to proper drainage areas and not be allowed to
pond. A minimum ground slope of two percent is suggested for unpaved areas and one percent
for paved areas.
The proposed grading scheme will result in placement of a cop of select material over the entire
site area. The select soil is typically much more permeable than the underlying clayey fill or
formational soil. Thus, the select cap can act as a collection zone for infiltrated water and aid in
buildup and horizontal migration of water.
In our opinion, the most efficient method of controlling subsurface water in the more permeable
select fill cap and preventing ponding on the less permeable and highly expansive clay fill is to
install a perimeter subdrain system around the entire building and to install a subdrain system in
the landscaped areas. The subdrain should collect the subsurface water in the select fill and
direct the water offsite.
The perimeter subdrain should be a minimum of 18 inches wide and consist of 1-inch maximum
crushed rock wrapped in filter fabric and a 4-inch diameter perforated PVC or ABS drain pipe
conforming to the ASTM Designations 1785 and 1751, respectively. The perimeter drain should
be a minimum of 4l/2 feet deep (or a minimum of 6-inches below bottom of the select fill) and be
located a minimum of 2 feet away from building foundations. The perforated pipe should slope a
minimum of 0.2 percent towards the outlet. A 4-inch diameter solid pipe should slope from the
subdrain to the drainage outlet location. Landscaping drains should be a minimum of 2l/2 feet
deep (or a minimum of 6-inches below the select fill) within the landscape areas. The perforated
pipe should slope a minimum of 0.2 percent. A 2- to 4-inch diameter solid pipe should slope
from the subdrains to the drainage outlet location. At locations where the subdrain intersects
existing utility trenches, we recommend that an impermeable liner be used to prevent water in the
subdrain from infiltrating the more permeable trench backfill beneath the building.
We have recommended that the proposed building pad areas be directly underlain by properly
compacted select fill. It is our opinion that the building structures may be supported on
conventional spread or continuous footings. We recommend that these shallow footings be
designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,000 pounds per square foot (psf) and be at
least 24 inches deep and 24 inches wide. All continuous footings should be reinforced top and
bottom with steel bars. Footings should be designed for approximately one inch of heave over a
distance of 50 feet. The project structural engineer should design the footings to accommodate
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SICTIOHFOUR Discussions, Conclusions and Recommendations
these deflections. The bearing capacity may be increased by one-third for loads that include wind
or seismic forces.
We recommend that foundation excavations be cleaned of loose material and that the excavations
be observed by a qualified engineer or geologist prior to placing steel or concrete to verify soil
conditions exposed at the bottoms of the excavations.
Resistance to lateral loads on the shallow foundations will be provided by passive resistance
along the edge of the footings and frictional resistance along the bottom of the footings. For
passive resistance, we recommend that an equivalent fluid weight of 300 pounds per cubic foot
(pcf) be used for footings or grade beams poured neat against the excavation or properly
backfilled. This value assumes a horizontal surface for the soil mass extending at least 10 feet
from the face of the footing, or three times the height of the surface generating passive resistance,
whichever is greater. The upper 12 inches of material in areas not protected by floor slabs or
pavement should not be included in design for passive resistance. If friction is to be used to
resist lateral loads, we recommend using a coefficient of friction of 0.4 between the soil and
foundation concrete. If it is desired to combine frictional and passive resistance in design, we
recommend using a friction coefficient of 0.3.
We estimate that the total foundation settlements may vary from !/2 to 1 inch with differential
settlements about half of that amount. We anticipate that a majority of the foundation settlement
will occur during construction. Following construction and site development, foundation
heaving is likely to be the predominate mode of ground movement. The magnitude of ground
movement can be reduced by using select fill materials, reducing water infiltration into the highly
expansive soil, and by other recommendations presented in this report.
We understand that the 1997 Unified Building Code (UBC) will be used for design of the
proposed buildings and parking structure. We recommend that the values listed below be used
for design:
Soil Profile
Seismic Zone
Zone Factor, Z
Seismic Source Type
1 997 UBC Reference
Table 16-J
Figure 16-2
Table 16-1
Table 16-U
The project site is approximately 11 kilometers from the Rose Canyon Fault (to be used in
Table 16-T).
Subterranean walls, if any, should be designed to resist the pressure exerted by retained soil plus
any additional lateral forces due to loads placed adjacent to or near the wall. For drained
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SECTIONFOUR Discussions, Conclusions and Recommendations*•
conditions, we recommend that site retaining walls be designed for an equivalent fluid weight of
M 45 pcf. If surcharge or floor loads are planned adjacent to the walls, the walls should be designed
to resist a uniform horizontal pressure equal to 30 percent of the floor or surcharge load.
These pressures are based on horizontal backfill surface conditions, the use of on-site select soil
** for backfilling the walls, and adequate drainage to prevent buildup of hydrostatic pressure in the
.„* backfill. If other loading conditions are to be considered in the vicinity of the walls, we should
be advised so that additional recommendations can be provided.
*" We recommend that the slab-on-grade concrete floors for light office loading be designed for a
— minimum thickness of four inches. Concrete slabs should be provided with control joints at
regular intervals of approximately 15 feet, each way. We recommend that the slab-on-grade
concrete floors be designed for a minimum thickness of five inches. Concrete slabs should be
"*•* reinforced with at least No. 4 steel reinforcing bars placed at 18 inches on-center each way. The
^ steel reinforcement should not extend through the control joints. Concrete and control joints
should be placed in accordance with the practices recommended by the American Concrete
~* Institute.
"" We recommend that concrete slabs-on-grade be underlain by a minimum four inches underlay of
^ clean, coarse sand. A vapor barrier (e.g., 10-mil visqueen) with a two inch protective sand cover
should be placed beneath areas that will have moisture-sensitive floor coverings (such as
J^u carpeting or linoleum). The two inch cover can be part of the four inch underlay.
To further reduce the likelihood of moisture intrusion through the concrete slab-on-grade floors,
— we suggest that the vapor barrier be extended below interior and exterior footing excavations.
Our experience indicates that many post-construction slab moisture issues originate near the
~" interior and exterior footings. Moisture flow in these areas is most pronounced because there is
™ generally no vapor barrier, and the concrete footings tend to upwick moisture from the soil. The
coefficient of friction between the footing concrete and soil should be reduced to 0.2 if the vapor'•<**barrier extends beneath the foundations.
*" We recommend that the top six inches of subgrade be compacted to at least 95 percent of the
maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Test Method D1557. We recommend that
subgrade suitability tests be performed for the near surface soils at the time of grading to evaluate
the required pavement thicknesses.
"" We recommend that aggregate base should conform to the current Standard Specifications for
« Public Works Construction (Green Book) 200-2.2.2. The aggregate base materials should be
placed at a minimum relative compaction of 95 percent. Asphalt concrete should conform to the
"* Green Book, Section 203-6.2.1 for the asphalt and Section for the aggregate. PCC
*"• should conform to Section 201 of the Green Book. The paving operations should be inspected by
a qualified testing laboratory. We recommend that a qualified engineer observe and test the
compaction of subgrade and base materials.
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SECTIONFOUR Discussions, Conclusions and Recommendations
Lime treatment of the subgrade beneath pavement areas should be considered as an alternative to
removing the two feet of subgrade and replacing it with select fill. Lime stabilization of
subgrade involves adding lime and water to expansive soil, which decreases the swell potential
and improves the load-deformation performance. Lime treatment is a common procedure and
routinely performed for roadway and parking applications. Some additional field and laboratory
work would be necessary to evaluate whether the onsite soil is chemically suitable for lime
We recommend that adequate surface drainage be provided to reduce ponding and possible
infiltration of water into the base and subgrade materials. We suggest that paved areas have a
minimum gradient of one percent. It is important to provide adequate drainage to reduce
possible future ponding and possible distress of the pavement section. As much as possible,
planter areas next to pavements should be avoided; otherwise, subdrains should be used to drain
the planter to appropriate outlets, and the planters should be lined to reduce moisture infiltration
beneath pavements.
We also recommend that concrete curbs bordering landscape areas have a deepened edge to
provide a cutoff for moisture flow beneath the pavement. Generally, the edge of the curb can be
extended an additional 12 inches below the base of the curb. The deepened edge should have a
thickness of approximately six inches.
If requested, URSGWC can perform subgrade suitability tests for the on site soils, and provide
pavement thickness recommendations.
We recommend that corrosion potential tests be performed on the near-surface soil, and that
proper engineering solutions be performed to mitigate the effects of corrosive soil present onsite,
if any. If desired, a corrosion engineer should be consulted for additional design information.
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SECTIONFIVE Uncertainty and Limitations
The recommendations made herein are based on the assumption that soil conditions do not
deviate appreciably from those found during our site reconnaissance and reported in previous
studies. We recommend that URSGWC review the foundation and grading plans to verify that
the intent of the recommendations presented herein has been properly interpreted and
incorporated into the contract documents. We further recommend that the site grading and
earthwork, subgrade preparation under concrete slabs and paved areas, utility trench backfill, and
foundation excavations be observed by a qualified engineer or geologist to verify that site
conditions are as anticipated, or to provide revised recommendations, if necessary.
This report is intended for design purposes only and may not be sufficient to prepare an accurate
Geotechnical engineering and the geologic sciences are characterized by uncertainty.
Professional judgments presented herein are based partly on our understanding of the proposed
construction, and partly on our general experience. Our engineering work and judgments
rendered meet current professional standards; we do not guarantee the performance of the project
in any respect.
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f i I I i I i I a I i I I i i I i i i i t I i f
FN: LOT12 PM: RJ CHECKED BY:DATE: 7-27-99 PROJECT NO: 58-9911063J.OO-UD001 FIG. NO: 1
URS Qnlner Woodward Clyde
PROJECT NO: 58-9911063J.OO-UD001
DATE: 7-27-99
URS Grelner Woodward Clyde